Dear colleges,

18 – 20.09.2012 will host Educational Forum “Altai–Asia. 2012”. The Forum topic in 2012 is “Modernization of professional education in and worldwide: new quality of development”.

The Forum is held under the aegis of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Science and Education, UNESCO Office in Moscow and the Administration of Altai region.

Forum organizer: Altai State University.

Such experts as: Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Science and Education (Rosobrnadzor), National Accreditation Agency of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Rectors’ Union, All-Russian methodical associations, representatives of first-rate employers’ and business associations, research and educational spheres are supposed to take part in the Forum.

The aim of the Forum – discussion of topical problems of professional education modernization for stable social development, search of efficient approaches to monitoring and quality assessment of professional education at the present stage of society development.

The main aspects of the Forum’s work:

1. Methodology of monitoring and quality assessment of professional education: problems, topical aspects, innovations. 2. Forming capacities of innovative educational activity within the context of urgent necessities of innovative regions’ development and regional labour-markets. 3. Topical aspects of independent audit of professional education quality. Development of social-professional accreditation. 4. Internal audit of professional education quality: the best practice and methods. 5. Credit-modular system in higher education: experience, problems, perspectives. 6. Problems of innovative academic and professional mobility. 7. Topical aspects of continuing education. 8. Institutionalization of higher vocational education and MA course: problems and solutions. 9. ICT and innovative education. 10. Innovative development of international integration of educational systems and . 11. Topical aspects of inclusive and preventive education in higher and vocational education.

In course of receiving applications subject matter of the main aspects may be changed. The programme of the forum and other information will be available on after the 1st of September 2012 and will be sent to the participants.

Within the Forum framework meeting of the experts’ dispute-club is planned.

Please forward your applications for participation in the Forum to the following e-mail address (Attachment 1) up to 1st of August 2012.

The Forum participants’ accomodation and journey payments are made by the directing party.

The contact information: Altai State University, Lenin Avenue 61, Barnaul, 656049

Tel/Fax:+7 (3852)667-626

E – Mail: [email protected]

Yours faithfully, “Altai-Asia. 2012” Forum’s organizing committee

Attachment 1

REGISTRATION APPLICATION OF THE PARTICIPANT of the Educational Forum “Altai - Asia. 2012”, Barnaul, 18-20 September, 2012

Participant’s full name City/Country Full name of the organization Position, academic status, degree Telephone, Fax, E-mail Readiness to participate in the Forum With a report (yes/no) Report subject Carrying out author’s master-class, training, project group, other interactive form of work (yes/no) Form and subject of a work (for example: master-class “ Topical problems of social-professional accreditation”) Notes

Please forward your applications to the Forum organizing committee up to 15th of August 2012:

E – Mail: [email protected]