Rod Kyle. Evangelist. Reaching out to the lost in the South Pacific. 184 Hendersons Line, R.D.10, Palmerston North, N.Z. 4470.+64-6-359-2825. +64 27 4382240. [email protected] South Pacific report for the 18th June, 2018. Mays trip report: I arrived back in N.Z. around 3 a.m. on Saturday 2nd June and went straight to the FHU/Porirua church Camp at a place called Kaitoke. I mention this because it is set in the foothills to the Tararua Ranges and it was cold!!! About 4oC that morning and I was coming out of 35oC days in the Solomons. Did I sleep much between 3:30 a.m. and 8 a.m.?? No prizes for the correct answer.. But I arrived home greatly encouraged from my 4 weeks in the Solomons. This is how the trip went: Thursday 3rd May - left home at 2 a.m. and N.Z. at 6 a.m. Bro. Glen Gawe dropped me off at Wellington airport and cared for my car while in the Solomons. He deserves a medal for the service he renders to the Lord. I arrived in the S.I. at 2 p.m. and went straight to the Transit House operated by the Anglican church of Melanesia. Yes. I have a study underway with one of the Managers there. Friday 4th May. Cleared the churches mail box, brought in supplies for my Santa Cruz trip and visited brethren and arranged for a rental car. I quickly discovered my Santa Cruz/ Guide was now living on the Island of Nendo and there was no c-phone coverage there. So I flew south on the 8th May in the hope of finding him somehow. That Lords day I preached and taught at the Honiara congregation, the Panatina Ridge congregation and the Papaho congregation. Supplying them all with the study materials and song books I had freighted up from N.Z. On the 8th I took the 2 hour flight to Nendo Island and touched down on a coral runway (which is now being reworked by the N.Z. Govt. to make it an all weather strip). In the town of Lata, I begun asking around for bro. Jerry Rufee and enquiring about a canoe trip to the Reef Islands. An offical in the Anglican church (Philip Mali) took me under his wing, and the next day I travelled with him on a truck to Mala village. I studied with the villagers that night and learning of my purpose they contacted Jerry Rufee by calling someone in Lata who then texted someone in Jerrys village (Nanggu) who had climbed a coconut palm tree to get reception. I studied with Philip (the islanders call him Father Philip) and he kindly dedicated land to the church upon which a mission centre can be built at Mala. After 2 days of trying, Jerry finally came in his canoe and misfiring outboard, to pick me up. So on the 10th May I arrived in the biggest village on Nendo Island and was warmly welcomed by Janet Rufee and her parents, where I stayed for the next 4 days. We conducted worship according to the N.T. pattern that Lords day, and begun meeting with the villagers that evening and on Monday evening. There were Bible questions being fired in all directions and each evening meeting was topped off with tea and Coconut buns cooked by Janet Rufees cousin - Ruth. I only lost 3 kg on this trip and I blame Ruth for the weight gain while at Nunggu. Nunggu Village is the home village of Lency and Nancy Mena and they were home for Christmas from the BVBI in Fiji and did some outreach at that time. We contacted and set several Home Bible Studies, with those students anxious for us to return, to complete their studies in the gospel. But when c-phone coverage was restored soon after my arrival, Janet Rufee learn't that her son in Australia was seriously ill, so we embarked on a mission of mercy to get her to Brisbane, Australia. So we left Nunngu on Monday 7th to attempt to return to Honiara so Janet could get an Australian visa and travel with me to Brisbane on the 29th

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May. The 15th May saw Jerry, Janet and I back in Lata and booked on the flight back to Honiara. We conducted some Bible studies that morning and because it wasn't raining, the plane was able to land and we were met at Henderson Field by bro. Jeremiah Foanaod who happens to be a pilot with Airways. So from the 16th to the 29th I remained in Honiara conducting follow- up studies with Christians, studies with non-christians (both during the day and in the evenings) and meeting with the 3 congregations in Honiara on each Lords day and during the mid-week. Plus. Doing more work on the Mission Centre idea. I also learn't the trick of reducing my "back pain thorn in the flesh" by studying with these precious people for 50 minutes followed by 10 minutes of lying on my back with a lumber roll. Wish I had time and space to tell you about the souls I studied with. Several of them have real potential in leadership in the Lords service one day. Two village outreach opportunity have opened up on too. But the really happy news is of Karen

Foanaod's baptism on the 23rd May. She became convinced that her baptism in the SDA church was not acceptable to 'heaven' so made certain of her salvation, united her family in Christ and is now on her way home to heaven. Another soul the Lord has saved through our unprofitable efforts (Luke 17:10)! There will be many more souls saved on the next mission outreach I assure you. There are about 3-4 couples awaiting my return in Sept/Oct. Not to mention the studies I have underway with denominational preachers who are now drawing close to the kingdom too.. The September/October trip: Bro. Chris Murray has committed to come with me on this planned 3 week trip. We will concentrate on the Nunngu Village work and hopefully get across to the Reef Islands to encourage the brethren there. We could not get to them on this May trip. So we plan to travel to the Solomons on the 20th September and return on the 10th October. Can you come with us? We have room for one more co-worker. And your involvement will allow us to visit 1-2 extra congregations each Lords day and conduct more studies during the day. Call, text or e-m me asa. Financial Report soon available: I have most of the receipts from this trip on file, but it will take me a morning to collate them. So if you want a financial report on the costs of this trip, send me an e-m. No request = no written up financial statement. Outboard Motor need continues: As I reported from the Solomons, bro. Jerry Rufee is our water taxi man in the and his 40HP Yamaha outboard motor needs attention. So I am receiving help from anyone or any congregation that can contribute towards meeting this need. I have sent him funds from the N.Z. Mission Fund to buy a new 15 HP Yamaha backup motor, but we need to trade-in his 40 for a new 60 HP motor to make our travels safer and to give Jerry a source of income so he can fund himself in the Lords work in Nanngu and in the Santa Cruz outreach that he and bro. Lency will soon be doing together. He also needs a GPD and flares and another life jacket. This will increase his survival chances markedly. As I mentioned in my last short report, Jerrys brother was lost at sea for 3-4 months earlier this year!!! He didn't have available what we need to supply bro. Jerry with. Thankyou's are in order: I want to thank the Bangs brethren for the song books I have started to take to the Solomons. The Justin church for the Bibles and Reading glasses sent to Honiara for this recent trip. The New Road brethren for my anti-malaria medications (which I am out out. Help. Send me more), WVBS for the CD's and World Literature Publications and House to House for their wonderful [Type text] resources. The West Huntsville brethren for considering the outboard motor need. The Westside and State College brethren for their wonderful help in getting students to the BVBI in Fiji for 2 years of tuition in God's Word. This is one of the very best developments for the Lords work in the Solomons. We need to send more Men to this School and then get them back into the Solomon Island work. There is a huge harvest of souls on offer in this nation!!! Australian Storage development: My son, Andrew, lived about 25 minutes drive away from Brisbane International airport which made it convenient for the storage of S.I. supplies. He now lives about 2 hours away, but has more land and the potential for me to use this location as a base from which to get into and out of and back into the Solomons Cutting off 16 hours travel to and from N.Z. However. That will only happen when the responsibilities I have with caring for Gaye, changes. I will talk more you about this into the future. Porirua Camp: The Hutt and Wairapapa congregations supported this effort which is now held annually in Upper Hutt at Kaitoke around the 1st June. Lance Mosher directed this effort and some 30 FHU students were in attendance. Young people attended from around the North Island. Over 150 where in attendance for the sunday a.m. worship. So keep the Men heading up this initiative in your prayers that it will continue and strengthen not only our young people, but all who attend. I travelled home on sunday afternoon. Having been away from home for over a month, it was time to get back to my

favourite bed!! The Hutt and Wairapapa work: The brethren in both locations were happy to have been back with them in their works. While in the Solomons, during the wee hours of the morning when sleep escaped me, I worked on Trust Deeds so each of these congregations could be registered with the N.Z. Govt. Charities Commision and all contributors qualify for a tax rebate on their contributions to the Lords work. But I am now back to my regular sunday trips to both congregations and attendance is holding up or growing.. Now. Back to my office/library construction project: When this report has been sent to you, I will be back to having a hammer in my hand as I try to close in my new office/library space and begin on the interior. Getting 2 fine days in a row is the challenge at present. I need at least that to tear off the old roof and install the new. The wiring is in place and once the roof is finished, I will hot up the wires and do the interior linings. It will be a useful tool in the work, but its a labour of love to get it useful. Family things: I took Gaye to see a Doctor in Whangarei last week. He is applying to the N.Z. Govt. Medical Authority for permission to place Gaye on a 9 day trial period with Iminex, a detoxing agent developed by a Medical Researcher in Ireland. The hope is this will allow Gaye's brain to fight back better against the over-production of the Huntingtons protein. So keep this possibility in your prayers. It's a long shot, but she has declined so markedly in the past few months, I'm prepared to try just about anything to see her decline arrested. We took time to visit Cape Reinga, one of the most northern points of N.Z. Something we have long wanted to do. Meanwhile, on a more positive note, we are excited about the imminent arrival of our 5th Grand baby. A little Rachel Kyle is about to enter the 'bigger' world! And keep my Andrew and Sarah Kyle in your prayers. They are moving into their new/old house at present. It is located at a place called Terragon, NSW. But the house was so run down, they have been refurnishing it before moving in. I was able to help a little with this for 1 day, before returning home to Whakarongo. When trying to locate them, I asked the GPS to find their address. After 3 hours of driving, I discovered the GPS was sending me to Sydney in NSW, not to Zara in the Tweed district of NSW. That's about 9 hours drive away from where I needed to go! Never, never trust your GPS!!! And when I got to their place, the other grand father of Bonny May Kyle would hardly let me near my grand baby! And for 3 days Geoff Lowe reminded me of who was her best grand dad!!! That brother-in-Christ is bit of a hoot! Our gratitude and prayers are with and for you.. Rod. [Type text]