FROM TO ., - ..... ,-~-- "'" .- -- -~\::·===·=-- ., . _:_RA~To~~ -~- .,._.,_ --11- - .·. -~- .. . . . _"~~~~ ~· - , .., ... ··· , , -~ ~'~-f- P;i. Jan~ 4, 1943 ! Martin, Robert A. (Dec 1 d) _Cert.Tl:'ans. !I Mi}dred Duhrne,et al, Devisees ·- ;;1983! 557ii Jan. 5, 1943 ! Mathias, Ray K. & Doris L. II Joseph G. Mathias !:1983 l. 589;i jl ·11 ;; ii Miller, Edwina B.(Af'f 1 d.change of name) J Ed:Nina B.;:::satzman (!1983 597il Jan. 6, 1943 JI Montgomery, Hazel M. & Ralph M. !! Jo.seph B. Rostheide 1'1984 nl: 1 ~ !! Meyer, Olga & Herman J. 1! Arthur w. & Alma Mary Kramer t1984'. 101 · f; If uH Mitchell, Daniel Holmes (Dec 1 d) Per Tl:'. il~ Ma;y !3. Mitchell h984: 117 I • lt i p Ii Myers Y. Cooper Co. ,: Ma:r gare t Hoover il1984. 61 d ~ l; 11 Jan. :Maifeld, Raymond & Ethel S. Ida Weisenberger 7, 1943 ;, !1 jl 0 ~ Jan. 8, 1943 \i Mass, Clemons August (Dec'd) !, Af.f'' d. as to name \!1984 r p '1 1l Mor ton, Philip ll City of Cincinnati !1984 !• ij , 1 !l Miller, Elias & Mary A. :; Hattie Hettel ' 1984. 270 .. ' !I Meyer, Ella (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. ,t John H. Meyer, Devisee !'1984; 305 !l Meyer, John H: (Dec'd) Cert: Trans. il Tillie Raggerty,et al, Devisees 308 ~ d I. Mundorff, Vivian & Walter A. i! LeRoy F. Jungclas h984 ! 311 tt : ; Jan. 9, 1943 lii: Mers, William H. & Anna 'lly M. Loble 11984 : 327 i ;; f 1 1l 1 Mass, Anna (Dec d) Per A&nr. \ Sy;Lvia Muster '.1984 t 334 Ji i! Meeker, Jessie G. Lodge and Shipley lllachine Tool Co ".1984 ; 365 ",. ,.,; , lljt Jan. 9, 1943 Mayfield, ~l .lta Loan Ass . Co. h984 • 398 Monarch Bldg. & Loan Asso. Co. !I Michael & Palma Zicola !!1984 467 Jan. 12,1943 ,i I il /1984 488 !] Mentor Loan & Bldg. Co. Ii Matthew Brewer ;.; p 'I 1 fl John J. & Emily Stricker i1984: 490 i'' 1 Mohawk Place Loan & Bldg. Co. r-1 ll 'I ! I Mueller, May (Dec 1 d) Cert. Trans. ii Robert Mueller, et al, Heirs :;1984 ) .560 ;J Jan. 13,1943 H I ' •I ' 1 'I Mohring,. ;wal ter J. & Florence Ii,, Lillian Keys Andrew \984 574 IIJ! \J Jan. 14,1943 Mitchell, Robert Stewart ii May s. & Jethro Mitchell '1984 .590 ;,1 ij ; 1 !1 Kathryn Mulvaney,et al, Devisees ::1985 9 _: !I Mulvaney~ Annie (Dec d) Cert.Trans. !, : i !i (1985 26 ·l Jan. Mo:rrison, Robert Thomas Bowns 15,1943 l: '! i:1985 · Meyer, George Joseph & Esther ll!~ Andrew & Hilda Daum 45 !\ . . lj F.I ii Albert H. Streithorst J:1985 65 Jan. 16,1943 Mutual Savs. & Loan Co. il 11 '11 Morin, Robert R. & Faye i! Nina & Earl Muncey j:1985. 79 Jan. 15, 1943 \ '1 ' ; I' Ii ' . 11 W1lliam R. & Clara B. Young 1;1985 ! 120 Jan. 18, 1943 ,I Mallett, Coates il 1i I! II II II II 11 II II 11 II ,198.5: 124 I• :; . !i t h lj Mahoney, Mary . & Walter A. ,, Elizabeth E. Mahoney 1198.5; 133 l! H Ii Jc)hn L. Elder, Jr. & Margaret Ellen l'.1985 : 165 l; Jan. 19, 1943 li Montgomery, Estell Guy & Ethel L. H H JI V:lrgil W. & 3rnma V. Kranz ,.1985 ! 206 Jan. 20,1943 11 Mi trin, Elmer J. & Mary R. n Meyer, Louis L. & Catherine G. H C:lncinnati Gas & Electric Co. 208 i: ii I' Mool:'e, o.D. & M. n C;Lnc.inna ti Gas & 3lectric Co. 215 ll Jan. 5,1943 Ii" Morton, Philip (Dectd) Cert. Trans. ,,ii Emma Mort on, De vise e t.:19. 85 1 223 t: I! i! i:1;~51 276: Jan. 21, 1943 l! Merritt, Frazine Amelia L. Bowman ., ll I Ji Jan. 19,1943 I! Meyel:', Alice A. & Richard H. Edward F. & Rose Tinschert ,1985; 289 '· " • • I Jan. 21,1943 Ii Ifoloney, May Angela (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. if Jt;>seph M. r,loloney,_et al, Devisees h985 ! 288;1 l\ ), ;· \! Clara Henry :01985 30.5 [: H Mo~z, Ida '! . li ii l1985 313:' ~ Jan. 22, 1943 .\ Mt. Lookout Savs. ~ Loan Co. ft It;la :Mae Longbottom .. ti 11 I Ii )1985 l H Mergler, Alice R. }' A.rthur Bonniville 338'. 1: jl .: M. h985 385 J an. 2 3, l 943 p Marx, Joe J. II E·~elyn Marx Ii l! !. I hl· i;i985\ Jan. 25, 1943 j; Madeil:'a Industries, Inc. n W:;1 l ter . & Alma D • Meyer 437 I, 441 .I Meyer, Walter G. !! /\; D,, ?lleye;r _1985'. ii . . 'I ll Mu],.v;ihill, Edward J. (Dec'd)Cert.Trans. It M:13ry A. Mulvihill, Devisee ii1985; 447 l( . Ii I; ~ Jan. 26,1943 \[ Mitman, Harry & Bessie . I':j c~ F. Holthaus 119 8.5 1 521 •. r !I !t if Ji H li H 2 FROM TO

·-p·~:;f:;::·~:~ ~~~N:~~:~: M: .. - -. t- ··::::::~-~~~:p:::~~::~,k~· •• .. ·[t:::n: 1- ::: .:::-~::~- . J ", 1·,·,.. f. ! ii li Miller, Cecilia & Edward j[ :riome & Cecilia Huningha ke (985 j 604 !I Jan. 23, 1943 11 Michael, Bernard H. (Dec 'd) :t' Exeou. li Charles R. & Ruby MeyE1:t' :1986 ! 4 !I Jan. 28,,1943 1 :! Minges, Joseph I! Joseph H. & Elizabeth Kroeger J·1986 j 16 1 ll !1 Meyer, Erwin H. & Edith B._ .ii ArgeaneW. !!1986\ 2811

!! Mueller, Anna & Anthony J. j! Louis Gerhardt ~!;. 9861 42 l.1 '.',, l H Manley, Lloyd E. l,I' Mary Helman Manley fa.986 • 49 !l Jan. 26,1943 I " . 1.1 ij l! Morton, Ennna (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. . ii Flora Barrett,etal, De,visees f986 j 94 rJf Jan. 29,1943 H Morton, Philip (Dec'd) Per Adml:'. ;f Joseph WI. &Mabel A. Hayes 1~986 I12311 Jan. 30,1943

H E il .I Cl M '1~986 1 132 l,f, J 2 :i;! v eyer, m . a:r:a eye:ri i'" 1 , an. 9, 1943 ( it }, j 111 i! Milford Bldg. Loan & Savs. Co. H L.W. Nisbet J~986 j 169 ji Feb. 2, 1943 ,; i< II •.' i ii n It Mrusek, Carl T. & Adelaide M. :j Freda H. Gravenkempel:' j~986 I 177 1 Feb. 1, 1943 11 1 ii Mueller, Joseph J. t! Marie s. liiueller j~986 ! 195 !I '.'. Meiser, F.rances G. & John ii Audry Al~ey !~986 l 271 i! Feb. 2, 1943 /! Maish, Viola A. (Dec'd) Ce1;t.Trans. ii Donald A. & John C. Ma1ish, Devisees !~9861273 ll 1 i Ivleirose, Anna (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. il Leo Meiros~ ,et al, De,rise tl.986 t 285 :, t j! . ! n Meiser, Car:rie ,t Winifred H. Ivlorgan U.986 I 286 ii ji n t it Mili'ord Bldg. Loan & Savs. Co. ll Willie R. Burton l!J.986 I 291 i/ ~ U I rt Miller, Alice & Charles F. ii Edna H. Boos ]:J-986 I 297 l! ·, Miller ;: ; ;[ j; / 11 I 'l Meyer, Magdalene lf Vera & Ada Greiser Jr98 6 . 1316 !l

Marlin, Sylvia G. 1' Everett Padgett ji.. 9861· 325 !j i; Muntz, Guy & Luanna ii R. 'r Cora B. Newton !~986 328 )j j; Ii I l! Megerle, Irene (Dec 1d) A1!1d. I! As to heirs,etc. 1~986 l 357 !i Feb. 3, 1943 jj p J , Morgan, Ruth G. &: James W. H•; Carrie Meiss;ir 1~986 I 358 J! II 1, ! ,! Madison Bldg.Assn. !1 Silas B. & Mary Richardson l~. 986 , 384 j1 'I II 1!~ Menke, Anna & William H. George & Maud Kolman 9"986 l 415 \\ Feb • 4, 1943 Milford .Bldg. Loan & S1:1vs. Co. Sara E. EngEllage ~986 1417 il Feb. 2, 1943 Dec 1 d. Ii l ! Meyer, Lillie/(Per Connnissioner) Henry A. Meyer 0.986 j 433 l[ Feb. 4, 1943

;; 1 'l Mackelroy, Hattie (Dec d) Cert.Trans. Bud Mackelroy,etal, Devisees !9861450 ll Ii H Meyer, Elizabeth Fred Meyer, J!'. [986 ! 465 !! !Ir,I •i l!. I1tegerle, Irene (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Jean Megerle,et al, De,visees li1986 l 473 J, Feb. 5, 1943 ,; ; lf Mueller, May (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Robe;r, t Mt.1el le:ri ,et a 1, Devisees !!1986 ! 508 !1 b I p Martin, Fred W. Madeline Martin f19861521:i Feb. 6, 1943 -1 i J F , 'i fueyer, Marie E. & Carl Q. George & K&tbrine Forbes 1:1986 l 524 !: Feb. 5, 1943 !l ! - ii Moneyhon, Virginia H. & G. Eugene Ida Herrmann 11986 ! 560 /! Feb. 6, 1943 ll: ' ! ' ll Minges, Marie & Henry Magdalena C. Metzger ,~986 ! 607 jj Feb. 8, 1943 ., ;, ; 'I Mt. Lookout Savs. & Loan Co. Gel:'trude H. Nabors 1~986 I 614 l1 '.I l1 , 11 J, 'l II !I II II II II i Marie .Bolat1d 'Bell j~986 j 623 ij I: l Ii Mentor Loan & Bldg. Co. Charlie &: Georgia Mae ;Dupree j1987 ! 14 1! Feb. 9, 1943 ii t H Menz, Harry J. & Edna Clopay Corporation ir.987 19 . 1 11 Marty, Plorence & George Elmer Gr if fin i;i.987 t' 22 !! ) t; Myers, Louisa (Dec Id) Cert.Tr1;1ns. ',falter Myers,et al, Devisees !J1987 24 l! ., 1 )' Moss, Emma M. & William D. Catherine S. Kier ,~987 t 37 ii 1 F ,1 i Turoore, Carroll Marion H. F'ahlbush '1 l:.1987 5511:/ lllilfordHome Bldg. Co. Chris tine Boggs 1,.~981 I: ·..74 II'I Morr, Alice & Fred Norman Lynn ~987 I a1 l1 Feb. 10,1943 Morton, Philip (Dec Id) Per Admr. Nellie Van Skaik ~987 'I 130 11 H I 11 ll l l1

)II I Iii• 3 FROM TO -. --;;::·10:~;4; -f-:~:e ~:::"F;~~::~:~:OR •' ·•· ,. ' ==l •• ~o:: ~au;: -•G~:~~ ••• -~•--•••• ~ t;:: l:~l . ii li ll ! . i! Feb. 15,1943 l Manner, William !I Minnie Bennett ;,19871 156!, Feb. 8, 1943 ! Meyers, HarrietteA.'&FrankH. Ii MildredR. Schwegman j[;987; 167!i i 11 ii !: Feb. 11,1943 !! Murphy, Ralph Warren & Geneva Hawthorne Fed. Savs. & Loan Assn. ;;1987 178![ 11! 11 Miller, Robert Elmer & Barbara Eleanor \r Elizabeth Yautz (i1987 i 192 ::

Feb. 13,1943 11. Moskowitz, Joseph (Dec' d) Cert .Trans. !j Rebecca Moskowitz,et al, Devis.e es )\1987 j 241 l\ , Mathias, John &Sarah J. !: Ca,rl L. & Mary IL Wilkerson t1987 276l: l l! Ii I, Feb. 1_5,1943 i Mentrup, August & KatI:1erine H Victor M. & Gertrude Weiler fa987 303! p q ~ ~ f Motzer, Caroline, Earl, & Minnie 11 Ed M B 11 d •:1987 3 15 li i,', f . na ay a ar . ii !: Iii Metropolitan Estates Co. !I William & Mary Molloy !i1987 352]; l! Meyer, Harry,et, al ii Romaine Meyer li1987 j 356 ii

I! Meyer, Edward L. & Violet 11 Harold R. & Bertha B. Scott b.987: 379 j[ Feb. 13, 1943 I: Moores-Coney Oorpo_ration,Per Receiver !I Nella Drew 1;1987 403 ;: " ft h Feb. 16,1943 11! Matthews, Julia A. I! Albert R.F.X. Bien,et al i[1987 408(: . I! 1. Mariemont Builders, Inc. H Jcihn Arthur Reid \:1987 426;( 1,11 H ., Feb. 17,1943 ii Magoulias, Constance '1 George N. Demas \iio87! 486 ti ff ~; ., i Harry Meyer ,et a 1 i;i987 l 492 ;I Ii Meyer, Romaine & Bernard J. !'..:,·.·.! ... 1 ii Mulford, Cora P. .. Oren & Wava K. Standiford l:1987 \ 496 : 11 1 l[ Meyer, Romaine & Bernard J. 11, Harry Meyer,et al \987; 533 ! ii ti ~.1 ~ h !: Mueller, Robt. •i Helen Mueller Smith ,1987 539, ti j1 ll Middleton, Walter & Grover He,nry H. & Helen C. Hunteman \987 \ 551. 'l ·' Feb. 18,1943 Macbrair, Blanche Char le s E. & Grace Lillian Hillman '.:1987 '. 593' Feb. 19,1943 Miller, Stella Ca.rrie Leibieh '\988 '. 38. ''. \ J: i Feb. 20,1943 Myers, Robert F~yne & Edna Marie Clifford E. & Irene Moore '1988! 72 :. :: j Feb. 23,1943 Miller, Ollie F. Haley Hollingworth i:1988 122' Maurer, Henrietta Cbarles Ponticos fi.988 , 135 · Meyer, Bertha s. & Ralph E. Fr•a nk J. Kralll3r i:1988 1 139, Feb. 24, 1943 Mulford, James P., & Loretta W:i.lliam M. Carroll j:1988 j 158 1, " Murphy,· Eleanor J. & Thomas J. 1 Meirose, Mary,et al LEJO Meirose,et al :1988 '. 181 Feb. 18,1943 h I 1 Afl to t;ermina ti on of life estate :11988: 200; Feb. 24,1943 Maichle, Herma!!, H. (Dec 'd) (Aff d.) '. ! Mayhew, Ford B. & Lena John hi. & Marie Czimbal i'1988, 229 Moening, Frances Fl?a nk W. & Katherine Moening 235;: ' 1988 •·. 245' Maurer, Matilda (Dec'd) Per Executor Elgin Bare ! 1'1 it Feb. 25,1943 Meyer, Adelia Anna l! Albert H. & Florence R. Koch 11 Meder , kla tf Adolph li,eder is1988 : 323 \: .. \l J'. L II 1 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Per Trustees t! NEiw St. John Baptist Church,Per Tr. s. ' 1988 [ 324 i: ii C, K. Sanders, Trustee l:1988; 333 j, Feb. 2 6, 1943 Iviid-West Housing Corporation l!., . ~ 'r ii Meder, Adolph & Margaret H J1~mes Boyd Bailey &: Cleo Marion Bailey f1988,: 416; H Feb. 23, 1943 Iiietz, Isabelle H., D1~niel A. &: Elsie I\';etz 11988 ! 424

Hii A:nna Mueller 1;1988\ 47a;: Feb. 27,1943 mueller, Albert,et al I! I'lj Mar. 1, 1943 Metz, Mayme W;illiam F. Metz,et al )988. 486 I! Feb. 20,1943 Mohrhaus, Clemens A. u Clemens B. I,iohrhaus 1988 [ 536:! ii !i Vlrginia A .Hoos ':1988; 53 7' Mar. 1, 1943 Moeller, Herman F. :1 Ii Moening, William C. & Ursula g Marion Dubois Rogers i,1988' _540, F <1. Miller, George W. (Aff 1 d. of) H As to restrictions pe}i~1nlRgH!!c7est ~¥~es( 553 H (; : Uorrison, Cecilia & William li S. phen Kas teiner :,1988 •· 560 "!i i• t 111aham, Isaac & Naomi li Stella M. l>ollenmayer i'.).988 J .564 '! Miller, Tuiildred I. & Howard I, K1:1therine Rampello l 1988 · 571 ii,I ll ll II 'I. 4 FROM TO ".l:. ·--·~ ·_. .:.~ .·" ~"'.'':'°.'.: ... :..... -"" -"~-~~~ -~. ~- ·- - -" . -~RAN~Y. •. ------i1 "":~:~;.-11::: ~:.= ~- ~-- ,.... , h Martellotti, Mario & Jenn-y Lind ii Rita Ziegler i~9B8 i 576 ii Feb. 26, 1943 !i i ; I' Murtha, Delia B. ii Anna Mae Murtha 1~988 ! 611 l! 1/lar. 2, 1943 !i,, Moree, Ida & Lindsey li Beatrice Van Gorder 11989 ! 92 il Mar 3, 1943 :· ·~ I II Mussio, .01anche M. it William A. Dermody j~989 ; 20 j!

W.agusin, Stephen & Stephen, Jr. 1;11 Frank Kihm 1~989i, !, 61 Ii,, i:' l', :.. ·1·,, Mauntel, John E. & Alice T. J! Edward R. & Dorothy M. Backscheider ltl.989 i 82 I! t ~ I H May, Leoma & Frank A. J'. Amelia K. Koch !;i.989 ( 119!( Mar. 4, 1943 ll l! ii n 1 il "l\ ... Mt. Lookout Savs. & Loan Co. J Ruby Hiler l;I.989 l 138 !i t ~ ' h Mid-West Housing Corp. !; C. K. Sanders, TrusteE1 l;t.989 ! 152 !! Mar. 5, 1943

II II II n II q ! h i[ II ti II li989 l 156 :, " l F I l, H ,: i H Metzner, Theresia I! Anthony Joseph Metznei: !~989 l 181 I! 'I \. l I' Messingschlager, Joseph & Kathryn Jt Marjorie W. Frederick. IJJ-989 J 213 !I Mills, Virgil J. & Coral L. 1; Julia I. Cyrus l989 l 251 i! Mar. 2 , 19 LJ3 Morton, Emma (Dec 1d) Cert.Transfer l1 Flora Barrett,et al, Devisees !~989 ! 209 ii Mar. 8, 1943 n H i ii !! I' l ,, Mid-West Housing Corp. i' C. K.Sanders, Trustee 11989 · 284 Ji !l 1: · ~ ii ·'' u. ! ii Meyers, George E. Jr. 1; Laura E. Meyers !:1-989 358 g Mar. 9, 1943 1 1 Mid-West Housing Corporation I! C. K. Sanders , Tru.ste e 11989 j 364 ij ,! ' '1 Matt£eld, Lena & Louis Edward G .Rose ler ~989 J 383 !I II ; .l Mitchell, Blanche B. & Charles A. George Harold & Margaret M. Blacker j~989 ! 403 !I Mar. 10,1943 'I l ;1 Mid-West Rousing Corp. c. K. Sanders, Trustee ~9891411 ll l Meyer, Kate Vfilliam F. & Josephine Siemers ~989 l 417 !\ I ti t il I Mid-West Housing Corporation C. K. Sanders, Trustee 11989 l 418'1! I! j ;f '! Mathias, John & Sarah J. Mary Joyce Pieczonka !989 I 424 H ;1 I i! \I Meyer, Elizabeth H. (Dec 1 d) Per Admr. Home Owners Loan Corp. ~989 l 427 H '!l, Ii l !i ;i Minner, Emilie Globe Bldg. & Savs. Co. g.989 1 433 ![ i ii i 1i i 1 1 l Meyer, Carl (Dec d) Aff d. ~s to Kate MeyAr 1:1989 I 449 11 l lPer Shff) ff 1 1i 1 H Mailander, Jacob H. (Dec d) et al / Harry Mailender ,;i.989 l 459 if !; ' ;1 Meyer, Mamie Bernard H. Meyer j~989 j 474 l! !'. 1 1: Meyer, Leonard F. & Dorothy Ii. William G. Hollman 1 I "1989 ' 475 !i'! Mas tars, Edna M. & Herman J. Thomas & Katie Steinmetz Ji989 ! 482 !l ' ' Meyer, Catherine G. & Louis L. Gertrude A. Wir thw ine !i989 l .571 lj Mar. n .,1~3 I ! :; Montesi, Rosa (Dec'd) Efftd. of Trans. Arsenio Montesi,et al, Devisees ~989 l 595 (l Mar. 13,1943 It I i1 Montesi, Arsenio & Anna l989 I 60-:i 1: Fermina Probek,et al p . I ~ ~ Marvin, Chester ; A. (Aff 1 d. of) As to deed to Asa P. Marvin i990 I 10 l! I[ Ii Montesi, Serafine J. ,et al Arsenio Montesi ~990 31 1 :in ;i ll Morgan, Florence Z. & George M. Margaret Morgan Wise ,et; al ~990 92 :i Mar. 15.,1943 t 1 Marlow, Robert & Jean Wayne 1/'/ .Gillman fi.990 115 ;; Monce, Clara H. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. H Ulysses L. Monce, Devi:3ee &990 149 /i Mar. 16,1~3 H ii ;: Muething, Mary K. Viola Zwick ii.990 :i.52 H ~ q Markham, Georgia & John IL Anthony M. & Julia IC. l~essel ri990 173 :l Mohrhaus, Flora T. & Robert J. Viola K. Kramer lt..990 239 ;::1 Meyerratken, Bertha ,et al Liberal Savs. & Loan O,o. IJ 1990 263 !I Mar. 18.,1943 Mohr, Magdalena Alice Schoening Ii 199ol 264 ii l! Mt. Washington Loan,Bldg. & Deposit Co. i! Frieda Hecker Armacost 'i! 199oj 274 !! l! J i ;i Mashburn, Ruth A. & Wm. o. l'. Ins ti tu tum Di vi ThomaE:l;Foundation ,/ 1990( 21a :I ii \i ·. ,\ I' l\forrical, Flo & KE'ln,neth G. •I Anna ':!?hurne ck 1! 1990 ! 291 jl ;1 I! ~ I ~ Jililler Georgianne W. & E!dward A. •I 1 i, John M. Markham !! 1990! 297 i! Moormann, Anton A. (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Joseph Moorman, DeviseEi !/ 1990 j 307 1! Mar. 1 7 ~ 194.3 ~ Ii ~ li,1 if H ~t,•' ~ I ij 5 FROM TO

.,-~-..•• - .. •cc.c.· .• ·• .,,,·.• -•~.·,·,~-.~~-••~J\G~::~~~~-.:.~~M~~.,~~- c.· ..==--,:~~~:?~~-··"••=-~-~~-·~·="·~-~~-·•=•"•J~,.·.·•-~--·· ..--,~•o.,,.~.,, .. · ..~··,~-·-c .. ~~~~~~~~·-.-~-- .... -- ::~~::~~:;~~:~~:·_;:.g:~c~· . . 11r . 'i'! i''I' I •,:: Mar-. 1, 1943 ,.' Mathews, Alberta & Joseph R.. •i David Mathews p.990 i 3151, • )l ii li i 'i Tular. 18,1943 f! Mason, Charles & Dorothy !! Virginia S. Witt 1)..990 ! 322 li Mar. 19,1943 (! Motz, Rupert & Hilda I\ :E'rank H. & Bessie E. Ball \h.990 \ 390 I\ Ii Muegel, Charles & Marie l! ;roseph R. Blank J~990 400 ;: 'j.\ of Nov .18 ,1909 ;. i' ' 1 Mar. 22, 194) I,! Messner, Minnie {Ai'f d. o~) ,1 i;o correct,explain & identiliy a.ff'd.1,1990, 462 st

1: H ;; ! \! Mefford, Robert E. & Alice M. !! ~rearmette L. Trenunan !;i..990 466 i;

I! Messner, Minnie & Mar tin l: Altert I. & Jane S pivek /~990 493 I! \( 1/Ierkel, Anna Mary B. & Chester !\ ;John Backscheider /1990 453 '.) il r\ {' r Ii Merkel, Anna Ma:r;-y B. & Chester ii Gharles Backscheider (tl.990 455 i\ \i ll :; . Mar. 23, 1943 H l!untz, Edmund A. H Ji'rank & Lillie Vans tyn i).990 554 \\ !! [\ n Markham, .John M. . !I U1:'usula Lydia & Lester W. Haus mm 0 : 557 ') r' ,, :199 , -- ;! Mason, Bert §c Dol'a ij Ruth Shaw Shelton !1990 i 555 j! 1 Mar. 23, 1943 ll Madison Bl::lg. A ~sn. I\ gbert S. Thompson [i99o / 597 i/ Mar. 24, 1943 If Mueller, Elsa H. & tlichard M. il a~rab J. Freidhof '1990 \ 604 j; • I Madisoh Bldg. Assn. Cecelia Linskey i.991 i 59 h Meyer, Catherine G. & Louis L. ii William G. McGee 1991 1 83

Moorman, Bernadina Glemens A. Moorrran /1991 I 126 :, ,. Maisel, Rose 13tell a Rov.e ).991 138 \' . l ;r Moormann., Carrie {D~c I d) Cert,Trans. Otto J. Moormann, Sr. ,et al,Devisees )1991 153 :: I/ 'i ;: Menkhaus, William B. & Beatl'ice I: :Lillian A. & Albel'ta lhenkbaus !i.991 240 n ;; f r/ Merrkhaus, Edward B. :Gillian A. Menkhaus l991 '. 243 t1 i I Mueller, Loretta &_Herman :Panny Sudde nd. or .f '1991 . 255 /j Menkhaus, Adolph E. .Alberta Menkhaus :1991 256 l) Meister, He1>ber t Lillian Regina Meistel:' ;i991 : 264 ii Metz, Ella Rose,et al Raymond & Marie C. Beacom 226 " !1991 '. Ii Mar. 27, 1943 j1 Mappes, Walter T. Helen L. :Map pes !1.991 289 ;: 't !1 Moellering, Mary Louise & Louis H. Marjorie R. Schmitt ';19911 303 (; t H!l Marx, Peter & Franziska Esth,e r Hoffmann 1:1991 : 323 I' Mar. 29,1943 i! Myers, Blanche Harl'y & Thelma Neloms '1991 : 345

!i., Morgan, Minnie H. & Alb~rt G• Durward Morgan 1:1991 , 358 \ ' "Ii li " Money, Margy & Roland H. ii Daisy & Charles A • .Simpson t1991; 386 1 Miller, Charles Bud &Alpha B. John F. & Florence Spar lo 11991 388

Mar. 22, 1943 Manderschied, Lena Minnie Dellbrugga )991 404 lj l'! i !; i' i Mar. 29,1943 Mastin, Thelma & Wilton M. Cash & Oli- Badgley 1991: 407 tl 1 Mar. 25,1943 /1 Mulvihill, Mary A. Halen Mulvihill '.1991 '. 439 Marcum, Charles & Mary Ferdinand & Zetta Krebs •'1991' 444 Mar. 29,1943 i • Mar. 30.,1943 Michel, Frank E. Carolina A. Ivl ichel ( I do. do. h991 j 496 Monarch Bldg. & Loan A~sn. Co. Elbert E. Bushnell ;!1991,, i 511 Michel, F'.rank E. Oa1>01ina A. Miera l r1991 522 do. do. h991 527 William & Thomas

,! Miller, Ida,Florence, Ha:rry,Charles / Aff'd. of (as to identity) h991! 533i'. ff ,\ Ma ts on, Alice R1;1-nck & Dent E. John G. & Catrerine A. Suding f:1991 534 !! i ll Michel, Frank E. Carolina A. Michel 1'1991 1 538

1 llq do. do. ·,,[1991 543:, it do. \'1991 545!1 do. do. H1991 546\! do. dih. 1991 549/i 1: 6 FROM

Michel, Frank E.

fl II II

Mueller, Ernst & Regina

Manz, Henry & Mary

Miehe 1, Frank E. Cal:'ol ina A. Miehe 1 Miller, Ida L. ,et al Samuel J. & Sadie Friedman Marlatt, John &Elizabeth Jane Mary K. Otterbein

Martin, Carolyne P. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans Nora P. Sullivan,etal, I>evisees Mitchell, James Jeanatte Mitchell M.usekamp, Walter G. (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans Laura Musekamp, Devisee

Monarch Bldg. & Loan Assn. Co. Lyall F. 8? Edith Grace Whitmey M.etzger, Edger & Mary William H. Davis 29, 1943 3, 1943 Morton, Emma (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Flora Bal:'rett,et al, Devisees -l' Iv.allow, Harvey J11. Trinette Depperman

Mt. Healthy Sav. & Loan Co. Estelle Curley

Moore, Rebecca Viola Louis E. Gueth, Jr. l'/Ii ller, Florence L. & John w. Nell:i.e Gel:'trude Tiernan Martin, Mathias, Sr. (Dec 1 d) Per Comm. Bal:'bara Martin

Morrow, James & Maggie Joseph J. & Mathilda Ra,3k I .1 'I William S. Edgemon 1; Niathias, Joseph G. & Lillian \.I ',l Karinger, Kate & Joseph Edna Lange Meyer, Edwin A. & Emily Dolores Siefert !1992 512

Mills, Loretta & Charles William Maloney li1992 520 l! ;; '.! :t11artin, Catherine Lauretta Toothman !'1992 576 !! i' jl 1 & Joseph C. Dinsmore !;1992 613 1 Mueller, Herbert H. Genevieve A. i, I\ Ji Nodiano, Rachel (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Morris Modiano,et a 1, Devisees 1'1992 619ji Apr. 8, 1943 ;: Dorothea Marshall 'i Maxfield, Helen & Eugene 3 i! Apr. 7, 1943 :l Mize, Cha irmey & Charles Ann Harmon 16 r} ,Apr. 8, 1943 11 il I! },~osher, Betty F.lach & George Drew Olinda Voss Stl:'ietmann 67 I ,; r,Iueller, William A. & Pauline T. Mary Jane S choeny 81 "l\ !,·\ ;1 Meehan, 1iaurice M. & Mary A. Fred W. s ontag 88 ;i

Iv,ason, Eva Alfred W. & Bertha E. Nichols Mulford, Ida Wheeler (Dec 1 d) Cert.Tr. Ariel Mulford, et al, Devise es

Mooney, Mary Estalle Charles E. Campbell Marvin, Asa P. Charlotte Ann Schuholz,et al

Mµtua 1 Savs. & Loan Co. Arthur Tui. & Glae.ys M. Wagner

Mueller, Loretta Julia Sackman Madison Bldg. Assn. Andrew West Minster, L. R. Helen S. Weber " IVIoeggenberg, Bernard,et al Catherine Moeggenberg 198:i Apr. 10,1~3 ~l l' W.ossteller, Frank United States of Americ:a 204!! 1 Mitrin, Elmer & Mary iV:abel Young Shure ![1993 216 ; i ~ u Meyer, Althea & Walter J. Tw,mty-Thil:'d Ward Bldg. Assn. Co. 1!1993 2481\ l- ;1 H 'Maddux, Mildred M. Adele L. Sclmler \)1993 265!'. il t1 :M. & liiamie Lacy !11993 333 !! Apl:'. J2, 1943 Kol:'gan, Luther Ruby V. :, ii 11 h ;1 It H 7 FROM TO


- ---~~------::_ ___ •-;----_-·•- ,a,_..C.~.,. ----=------_-_ ---·~

Apr. 12,1943 Maxfield, Robert L. & Margaret R. My~tle Teal

Mohney, M1;1rjorie Fay & Ralph D. Tu1al'.'vin Garver ·I 1 1! Carl W. Schreiber Apr • 13, 1943 Mote, Ralph I. (Dec d) Per Admx. ., 1993 436 I Mulvey, Ruth Elizabeth & Robert Evans ti Anne M. Costello 'l 1993: 567 Apr. 14, 1943 !1 !I Robert T. & I,i.abe 1 Suddend a.• r '. 1993. 586 Apr. 15,1943 l\lagrish, Conrad & Josephine H. r ,: 1994. 42 Meyer, Harriet A. Lyda Kidder Morrison, George T. & Virginia Lee Edward c. Renger '1994. 53 t; (! Norma Runck ''19941 57 Apr, 17, 1943 Mahlerwein, George C. i 67 Narshall, Dorothea & Howard Stella Decatur 1994'. Olive Rinck 1 Mulford, James P. & Loretta ,, 1994 . 83 Howard Ii. Heavey ( 1994'. l 74 Aor. 16,1943 Meyer, Catherine G. & Louis L. Charles F. Ile Margaret P. Dehne ;;1994 ;244 Apr. 19, 1943 Maher, Elmer & Loretta

1 Fra:100 s hi, Morgan, Devisee ':1994 i275 t,lorgan, James K. (Dec'd) Afi' d.of Trans. J: Ii Thelma Herrl ers m 1994 :280 Myers, Karie & Ht~rvey l: ,; :, Apr. 17, 1943 Tuiarck, 1Uldred L. & William E. Mary T. Jfos ter :1994 313 Grace Scheidt Apr. 20, 1943 Meye'.r', Cath:ir ine C. '1994 ,385 Miller, Conrad W. Montgomery & Corinne 1,1. Sjmons <1994: 396. L. Martin, Hester A. i.,: William P. Tu:arvel Edwards '1994 399 Apr. 21, 1943 Morton, Emma (Dec 1d) Cert.Trans. Flora Barrett,et al, Devisees i1994 i 412

r,I rF Mo'.!:' gan, Mar ger;y & Anthony L. ~lenora Burkart 1994 423 '. j! Metz, Philip J. 8r Bernadine J. Lora in P. Burkart 1994 456" apr. 22, 1943 \:,, Meye1•, Frederick lvi, & Catherina Daniel G. Reuter 1994 480 i: !; Vlilljam a,:. & Caroline K. Browning ,, ;' Matthews, Dunham & Elizabeth P. ·, (1994 543 ti Edwin & Mary Mae Bollinger :1994 565 Apr. 23, 1943 ;: Merrill, Mary 6thel & Robert ii I: Miller, Theresa William J. & Rita Marie Killer 1995 9

Ii Meyer, Joseph H. & Dolores C. Norman E. & 1fary Luci le Senefeld ;1995 19 ' ii j;I.9:) 5 j 50 Apr. 26, 1943 " Murdock, lielen Jane & Dean Ii1artha Rose Berens ii Ii (1995 l 71 ,, Apr. 24, 1943 l! Minges, J,iarie &Henry ll Martha H. Dose ; ,, Nelle lachel ;1995 88 l· Apr. 26, 1943 I\ Ii'.ichel, Charles ,, i )1995 100 l,. r do. do. ' li :1995 ' 103 P !ilayhall, Rosalia G, Catherine Sands ,; l995 110 Ii Michel, Charles Nelle 1t,ic1:e 1 Ii i1995' 121 !: Morgan, Yibla ~.Lorenzo D. Ch~istian F. rlajnss, Jr. '1995 151 !: Ii,, Mitsch, .cielen 11. & Edward H. EU a !J, &: Elsie V:. Grinnn 1, ' '1995 159:_ t;, l\J.iche 1, Charles Helle I,dche 1 1 1i " :1995 184 1 h i1Jeyer, Car 1 F. Sr. & Ji:artha Ii r;:yl•tle S. Daniel !: " I'd ,: '1995. 191 Minor, J. Y. & George W. Elizabeth Garrett Apr. 14,1943 :: I: Amor & Wilda 1995 220 Apr. 27, 1943 t• Morgan, George D. & Haomi I: 'l & Gr t ,; Mohr, Alma & Gear A. Bex•nar d H. Gertrude E. ate !1995 224 f: ! ;: i li ,,I i! Muhlhauser, Harold G. & Imelda J. Hall C. Smith '1995 i 277 ;! !I Meiser, Frsnc es G. & John Holen M. Gibbons i;,995 i 299 \' ii N!3lle Becker & Esth3r Rutrl 1 Apr. 23, 1943 lll Ivlor gan, Anna 1.995 \ 303 I! Kta te Hue ls man !1995 307 Apr, 27, 1943 l\ Tuleyer, Henry ,:; I' Apr. 28,1943 i! Miller, 1Nalter & Mae l.iarie I. Feie h995 343 ;] : It :'1995' 404 Apr. 29,1943 11 Keis, Henry (D3c 'd) Pel:' Executors Rose Cohen Ehoodin ,, 11 ;; 406 I! Murphy, Rufus W. _& Clara B. Edwin & Eleanor Pehrenbacb • 19195

!it[ Mulford, James P. & Loretta ~tulius H. & Alma L. Strue\Ter 1995 414 421 ll !l'los ier, Ida Cleveland & Laura Shaw 1995 \! 11: ! H 8 FROM

l Page ,I , .. -~" -=~-,-~,~:R~A'~-~o~- '°=·' ,,.: ,:-~~,~,--t-,. ;~-," ., ~cc-·.-.,, ,_7; , G-~~N:~~:,cc .. ,·. ··- ,. ·-·· .· .. ,·.- 'I ~~ok .:_cc-J~ .- __~;:- Iv:eyer, John (Dec I d) Cert. Trans. Clara E. Meyer, Devist~e H l/1995 4281! Apr. 29, 1943 H J.'."atthews, Stanley (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Cecelia Prior Matthew:i, Devisee !)1995 451ii :,:1 IUller, 1". Cinti. &Westwood Raill~oad Co. !i1995 4.53j! L ll r.:a.thias, Sarah J. & John 3dna Edith Casey h995 454:i Ii ti Ifoberly, Sophia L. ~ Arthur G. Helen I. LeRoy !l1995 458'! ij Maupin, mlizabeth E. Assunta Di Ci~ro !11995 496/i Apr. 30, 1943 C I,ie.fford, William Howard & :Margery Ann Joseph E. & June Boley 111995 5osl! ,'! !i ;; Mead, Seymour G. & Lydia (Agreement) Ralph f,'.read 111995 536\1 H I:artin, Thomas A. & 1'r1ary Catherine & ~dward F. Nellie E. Hickey 1:1005H .., .., 5601j t p J,.erkl, Betty & George Anthony C. Fotos H ,.1,1995 j 594fl famning, Lillie & Thomas Carolyn B. Mead !1996!,, I,~ay 3, 1943 I 'I L~t. Airy Savs. & Loan Assn. James Pearl i:1996 37:1 F ii Moser, Cg:rolyn L. l.Iayme Keamo Del i!1996 4lil I I, d I.:oelder, CRroline Ruth N. Seitz f'.1996 431! jl ,. Ii lriathers, r:.argaret & Glen VJ. Ralph E. 'flells ,,1996/ 44:j Nay 1, 1943 •, i: ' it keador, Ward H. f: Hattie Ma 1 ver n R • & Erma V. J" ame s 1 :1996) 74)! May 3, 1943 t; ; :i lfarringer, Mary & Cliffo:r,d Harry W. Scheidt li1996; 80 1 H ~ H I' \ ,, Kurr, Annie B. City of Cincinnati jl996; :/ f1 ; ;; Enrpby, Iiiary L. Sam l!, Ennis Jim l 1996; 1111[ I,,ay 1, 1943 i, I Jfanliei', Cl<:1rence O. & Artie V. Sarah D. Braun !'1996! 11&., ulaxwe 11, I,iartha S. ( Dec I d) Cert.Trans. :, l:lary 1/'i. Maxwell, Devis,ee I : :i1996 1 163:i I;:ay 4, 1943 !: l 1' 1£.a:i?ine;er, \'lilliam G. & Elsie 3lizabeth .. Adelaide L. Cawein 11996) 11 f I,,iller, Clara Nickolos Baumgartner 1:1996: ti Larkland, Leslie c. &karie Ruth Kailholz ! 1996 i,:ay 5, 1943 ,, IUller, Regina & Ant.on .ignes Tu:. Frazer 1996, 249:j ifobrhaus, Clara Overbeck (Dec) Cert.Tr~ Clemens A. l',.ohrhaus, et; al, D:;ivis ees 1996! 260:: ! 1'.in&es, Marie & IIenr y Claire 3. illoeller 1996, 295'.: \ lf.enke, Ee len Rose 1 Aff d. of identity 1996! 297i: L:ay 4, 1943 Llarthis, John I.I. & Areal k. Jean i\.. Smittle 1996) 302,: :.:ay 5, 1943 Ii.eyer, Cathe:i?ine G. & Louis L. Frieda Hansssrd

'• .] :tundt, Sdward Elsie E. Raible,etal ' 1996; 331 :1 r,:ay 6, 1943 I r,~ulford, Loretta & James P. ;! Andrew hi:. & Dorothy r..• Beam 19S(jl 346': Tu'.und t, Edward E • Elsie 3 • Raible , et al 1 1996) 365 / ·, r;:eyers, James B. V;'alter VJ. & Frances Dewar :j 1996; 390': ( ; Ifonzebrock, ';lilliam Edward J. Kornman 1; 1996! 407;: i,:ay 7, 1943 i r I. etropolitan Life Ins. Co. I:.Srgaret R. Sherman !, 1996! 455./ j, i r.:erritt, Ifanry D. &: i·,Iargaret L. Leo & Helen Scherrer i; 1996; 4,58:i li i, ! i'. i tchell, Lucy C. W. :Martin & Adelaide B. Harris !! 1996'. 464)1 1; I: 7_ ~antach, Silliam J. Katherine I;iantach !: 1996! 469!! I i! Talford Bldg. Loan & Savs. Co. Sarah S chottens tein i: 19Q61 45di ,,., - .., t /ii Ar,r. 29, 1943 1.·ecklenbo1•g, Anna Llary (Dec) Cert. Tl:'. John Barnard L'.c=icklenborg, Devisee i'! 1006:/.,, ~ 504; Lay 7, 1St43 (1 killer, Charles C. Aff 1 d. of 512ii !11996] II Leyer, Kaud B. d James & Bsr tha Surguy 5141., r,:essemer, John H. & Lena !<'rank i.i. Kelly 51J! Tallei', Ru th (Per Shff) et al 1 Charles C. I,. iller 53J J:.iller, Ch·,rles C. :i Zdna I. Parr 543)./ 11;eyer, Freda H Betty F. Igler 5501 I.'.ay 10,1943 ii l.:ills, f,larybell Shriner & David E. _Anna IL Ludwick 5861 r.,ay 6, 1943 9 FROM TO

_- ~ ...... · . • ·. II c•or• FLOH~co du oms ·... GRANTQR ...... ·. . II . . .. . ··. ·--~;~~~~: '-~ ~~=:~:=:=~2:.::=•=~-- it·~~k--

~ .. -~ · "';--...:;..:...-~~ .. ~->-···-.-~~··o!;:':':-_- .. - ~ H ---· - -· - . . . - . - . . . - -- . r -_- . :-_~ ··.·· -- .. ·:c:--:·:--.·--·"···:::·_-r_·;: <~::.-::..·a~;C";;";;-··;:_c_~-~.-- --·"::--?:·::-:-.';.~-.-- may 8, 1943 H I11etropolitan Estates Co. ii Frank A. & Leonora Galvin :1997 li. & ~( 1: Miller, Wilford Martha F. ) ll I' · May 6, 1943 \j Miller & Brumly Co. ,Inc. ) 11 Wilber & Nellie Finke ~997 43 >'. i, Marsh, Ida D. & Stanley M. Chris tian W. Tieman \J.997 .so Michel, Carolina A. Nelle Micre 1 !~ 1997' 62 May 10, 1943 ,J ,,, Dorothy H. Maas ~: May 6, 1943 Maas, h'Iil ton C. h.997 65

j Michel, Carolina A. Nelle Michel 1997 84 May ll, 1943 ,, ' Miller, Otis Fillmore & Lillie Mae Edwar.d J. Lierman, Jr.,et al ,1997 ~ 89

Michel, Carolina A. Nelle Michel 1997 l.01 . do. do. ';l-997 : 111 ,; ) I & Earl & Corine Baker i].997 . 113 •. Meyer, Margaret c. Frank J. >, Michel, Carolina A. Nel,le Miehe 1 il997 '. 116 '.. '• do. do. :!1997 120 ••

> do. do. 11.997 : 124 do. do. :1997 127 · !'.,. J\ do. 1'1997 137 do. ' t: May 10,1943 Meserve, Edith (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Johns. Meserve, Devisee 11997 142 .i May 11,1943 Michel, Carolina A. Nelle Michel il997 149 i Ii ,1997 t !l do. do. 169" i, 1: 171 :, ,: do. do. 1997 176,: do. do. :1997 i, ~; May 11, 1943 '.\;·' Messick, Richard E. & Dorothy B. Vi1~toria L. Reiley '1997 181' "11 190' }fay 11, 1943 q Michel, Caro1ina A. NeUe Mich3 l 1997' li May 12, 1943 Mattis, Edna & Frank Gec,rge Schwarz 1997 210 ii,, ~i Morrill, Ethel Eunice & Elliott W. Ge1,rge B. Painter 1997 · 220:. lt i! Milch, Philip A. & Lillian Jo:ie!i))h P. & Dolores Iv.i. nruber '1997 '. 224 :,

!,:1 I Mellage, Annie (Dec d) Cert. Trans. Ma:rie Allen,et a 1, Devisees 1997 I 245: ,,il rI :i ,: Meyer, Irene & Harry Grtace W. Ruckstuhl 1997 · 266i Marshall, Frank William Deolde :1997 l 273 Malora, Eleanor V. & John John & Josephine 1/iiller • 1997: 307, Mefford, Theda Mae Frank & Tuiyrlemae Strubbe 1997; 310 May 13, 1943 l: Miller, John W. (Aff' d. of) As to ownership of property 1997 ' 347 Meyer or ) Meyers, Lottie & Otto ) Walter & Josephine Gaebel 1997 385 :,

Morris, Nevadi1,3 & Henry William E. & Marcella J. Davis 1997 389:

Moemke, Albert &: Anna Alberta & Mildred Moemke ''1997 , 407 :

May 14, 1943 Maxberry, Charles L. ,et a 1 (Per Shff) Li'beral Savs, & Loan Co. 1997 • 512 MurphY., Oliver B. (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Ida S. Murphy, Devise e 1997' 517

Minder, Het>man Ma:r garet Price 1997: 550. May 15, 1943 Mills, Miriam A. (Dec 1d} Cert.Trans. Emma s. Mills, Devisee : 1997 575' May 12, 1943 Milligan, He,:,bert Sarah Easton & Ellen Camp 1997 592

May 17, 1943 Mervis, Birdie w. & Chat>les D. Helen E. Wides :1998 16

Mergard, Merle & Edmund Fred J. & Margaret Hoggins :1998' 20 Monahan, John M. & Marie E. George R. & Marie Berkmyer ,1998: 26: Harriet K. Kiessling 28' Miller, Mary Manetta & J.B. ,, 1998' cl j; Mayer, Eldon & Catherine ! Florence R. Neuer L1998: 30' ;: H i: '. H,, Clyde & Beatrice McVey :1998' Miller, Glenn R. & Lorena May 33 ' Macomber, Lynward w. & Dorothy B. M. M. & Mary Whitcomb '1998 5l. ;I 'I Moe:rmond, Anna Dora 1, Glendon K. & Dorothy A, Jewett ''1998. 57 May 11, 1943 Matthews, Marianna Dequilla & Beulah Evans t1998 71. GRANTOR GRANTEE

...... L. ------·- ·--·-··· ·------···-----· -- -- 'jfff" a·; ·or··•• ....,. . '...... _,_ , I • •~- • - -~, 1r-~·-·~----MJ.~i1er·;·--Fienr··:re·t·ta~ y- --- -· - ..... - ...-- ·--~ ··-J;;aL'·;!f ·· 1,rarr1;a1943 ·· ii Ma,tthews, Marianna Clarence & Evelyn Shanm:m I' ~119981 75 lt May 11, 1943

Montanus, Lawrence Vincent Cleophas Itskin l\998i, 1 86 ,,!! w.,ay 17 , 19 43 Mawhinney, Thomas R. & Willa Jane Evelyn Maw~i~ey li 1998j 8911 May 14, 1943 F l 'i Muhlhauser, Gertrude B. & George J. William.E. & Jessie C. Gatrell ii 1998! 118 ji May 18,1943 Meyer, Herbert B. & Thelma M. George W. & Jeannette V, Wentz !i 1998! 159 ll h 1 ~ Minson, Esther (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Joseph Minson, et al, DH vise es U 1998'. 185 Jl May 19 ,1943 ' ! 11· ' l' ! ' Matthews, Marianna Edward & Gertrude Br ons tm j; 1998\ 197 1: L, t ,; Muenchen, Carolina & Frank Joseph A. & Elizabeth Gloeckner 1: 19981 201 H 1; I li Mulford, Cora P. Pauline Huber i, 1998i 213 !l ft i ~! Minson, Joseph (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Ethel_Minson,et a~, Dev;Lsees 1: 1998Jt.219 H r 1 t: Malasca, P. E. & Freda C. Cinti. Gas & Elec. Co. 1.:'. 1998;' 229 l':! I, f ;j Merenfield, Edwin J. & Bette M. Ralph 9. Bennett !: 1998! 231 H 1, ; :: Mar tin, Ivlar~ C. & James C. Fred J. & Lillian Kruse b 1998(;.279 '.i May 20,1943 ;! i ,! Muckerheide, l'furjorie Wieg~le & Arthur Lillian Mae Fritz tl 19981 326 1i f I ij Menze, Louise A. & Louis V. Irma & A+bert J. Elsen ,' 1998l 348 ii :: l !i Meyer, Joseph H •. & Dolores C. Norman E. & Mary Lucilli~ Senefeld l: 1998; 355 i! May 19,1943 1' l H Matthews, Louis H. & Margaret Elbert C. Matthews I; 19981 418 ·1 May 21, 1943 }.t t lt Ii i l: Matthews, Elbert C. & Hermina Gertrude L. Bauman !1 1998/ 421 H 11 1 :1 Matthews, Claude H. & Lauraine Elbert C. Matthews Ii 1998l 434 ;! Ii l 1! Theda Mae Mefford Mei'ford, WilJ:iam Howard & Margery Ann 1: 1998; 479 n !l ' !l Miller, Henrietta & Raymon~ Eva C. Hannon 11 1998! 486 H :; t ;1 H t {t Meyer, Romaine & Bernard ·J. Lottie "Nelz · i: 1998; 492 i!I May 24,1943 Jr. - 1· i . Memmel, John Martin & Martha Mary E.Albert/& Harriet I. Singer 111998/ 497 li May 22,1943 !; i H Mutschler, Frank & Regina Elizabeth Baumgartner h 1998! 499 ll ,. ' 1! i ;1 Moh, Katherine & William P~ H. Charles & Marie Kiefer H 1998) 501 !! i' i, Myers, Ethel D. & .1..ies lie E. Clarence G. & Flora Mae Ii 199S 513 )( May 24, 1943 ;: l ;{ Morton, Emma (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans~ Flora Barrett,et al, Tovisees l: 199Sl _526 1l May 22, 1943 H ~;., I ! ;: ,, Meis, Henry (Dec I d) Per Exe cu s. John S. 'Jljalsh Ii 199~ 544 jj May 24, 1943 I Ma bius, Bertha Edward A. Nicholas, sr.,et al !I 199$ 563 :t i'. l :j 1 Otto Meier ,et al, Devise es 1,1998: r:'66 !: Meier, Theobald (Dec d) Aff'd• of Tr. . . 1. ~ :; tt I',, \'. i::i Meier, Sophia (Dec 1d) Cert.Trans. Otto Meier ,et al, Devisees );1998 \ 587 '; I- i '! Miller, Cornelius P. & z. Letitia Elsie Phillips ~998; 624 May 22,1943 0 I J Mitchell, Bdwin W. Angela Longano i 1999j 7 ii May 24, 1943 !! 'i f; Muntz, Harold R. & Laura Ray A. & .E:ve Whitelaw Richter !: 1999 12 :! May 24, 1943 ii j Moeller, Louisa Aff 1d. as to name [1999 i 25 i) May 25,1943 \: n Mt. Lookout Savs. & Loan Co. Henrietta M. Bollman il999 11.5 :! i' 1· 1 M iche 1, Char le s E • Nelle Micl?,el l:1999 117 ! 1\ ;! •i Mende, Elizabeth (Dec 1d) Cert.Trans. Charlas 1;!• Menie, Devisee j:1999 141;: Myers, Sadie & John Joseph H. tloodin ;'.1999 157 li Ii d Moffatt, Eugene c. & Beatrice M. Castellini Company 1:1999 183 ii May 26,1943 li l' ii Malone, Emma Josephine & James C. Tom & Rosde George Hl999 205/i Ii )! Mathias, Ssrah J. & John Edward J. & Helen M. Halpin Jjl999 230/l ~t Martellotti, Mario & Jenny Lind Joseph L. &Mildred Passaure li1999 242i! 1.iay 24, 1943 ii Miller, W. Russell & Inez D. Emil Gerber !!1999 256!! May 'Zl ,1943 I' l! Meyer, Helen & Ralph Lena Roling 1!1999 313H. ii ,Ir !I Harry & Elizabeth Butle,r Mehaffey, J'ohn R. & Marie Jil999 315H:, Macke, Elizabeth Clara Schueneman b999 3431! :I Moormann, Paul K. (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. ![ Grace Moormann, Devise,e Ii 1999 368!! il ii,1 n J: H l! '! j! H IJ lt ~11 FROM TO

I ' I GRANTOR ,[ GRANTEE :I . 1) ~ook ! Page I! .. ,_._, ...... " ..... ~ ..... """ ,.. ':"'--···· - """" . ,.,..... ~ ..... ,, ·1r··' ., . ., ,., ...... --·-·· -·- .""'~··•c"'· ... ""'" ...... il t j'. Meger le, C .Roy & Jean, James & Charlottjb- Jean:nette Campbell ;,1999 J 4 07 h H Maloney, Helen,et al Joseph & Margal:'et Berling h999 j 440 i: American Legion Mount Washington Post No .48~ / · li Flori~ c. Hess · h999 '. 442

May 29,1943 Meyer, Martha Jane & Carl F. Dorothy P. & Ormond M.Baldr_idge f:1999' 450 i! May 28,1943 May Pearl Conover i1999 l 484 May 29 ,1943 Mulford Co., James P. Merritt & Marguerite McKinney \1999; 504 :I i! Ii,, Millel:', William R. (Trust Agreement) l; Lewis R. Smith ::1999 479 !; ii June 1, 1943 Molinari, Cat~rina & Joe I: Marie Cella :;1999 ; 542 , Meier, Carl L. & Margaret H. 1i Virginia Shmalo i:i.999 . 586 it

)\ < '• ! Marsh, Sargent P. & Mal:'garet Mary Leta '1999; 600 Mitchell, Anna Lillian M. Burke \999 i 603 i H Miller, Louis Cint;i. Uni on Terminal Co. '1999 624 1' lVI inge s , Mar ie & He Ill:' y "William H. & Hen:t-.iet ta J. C oo k i'2000 : 12 H,, " As t;o Katlie I1ienachofsky and Kat1-.E} . H 1 1 >! Menachofsky (Menacho:f), Efel {Afi' d.of)f MEmachof (Dec d)were one and the sane 2000 i 20 ' persons . , Montgomel'y, Anna & Ar thUl" Katherme Grubbs il999 'i 626 ,1 June 2, 1943 1: Mayer Realty Co. Central 'lrust Co. '2000: 33, H I'.: Monarch Bldg. & Lo~n Assn. Co. FrEid P. & Helen V. Clough 2000 37 j Miller, Clif:ford G. & Elvira l., Vit:>la J. Arterburn '2000 · 71: Morsche:t', Nay & William Agnes Kolde, et al 2000 108 Mehring, Regina (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Ve:ronica Beesten;et a 1 Devise es '2000 116'

Miller, Mildred (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Fred Millel', Devisee '2000 138 June 3, 1943 Masters, J. Henry Sigl'ld Masters '2000 245 ll ! Metzger, Clarence G. & Johanna Walter H. & Bertha Lorraine Davis :2000 192 r June 5, 1943 r Minges, .Marie & Henry Ca:rl C. & Elizabeth Men trup !2000 261, ,, June 4, 1943 Ii Nradelener, Joseph (D9c 1 d) Cert.Trans. !i Fr:ances Madlener ,,:&:t a 1,. Devisees 2000 263 /i ;l John & Ethel Hayden June 5, 1943 ,, Mills , Emma S. :2000: 312 !, I: June 4, 1943 p Murdock, Ethel & Albe:t>t I. Ramona Elizabeth Eberhart 2000' 315 ,: June 5, 1943 Marlow, Anadele ,et al Claude A. &Millie Clark i2QOO, Meyer, George, Jr. & Bertha Wan.-la B. WicCord ;2000. 353" ,, I June 4, 1943 H Millel:', Lee W. & Edna & Lena Kl:'etchmar 2000' 355 Meier, Wa 1 ter H. CintL & Sub, Bell Tel Co. 2000• 371 )t June 5, 194 3 ;, Metz~ Mary Ii Al•thur Pearson ; 2000 413

t!ti Miller, Charles Raymond & Angela R. '1 Onrl H. Chaplin 2000, 426 i' 1 June 7, 1943 ,! Murphy, Thorria s J. ( Dec I d) Cert. Tra as. !l Thomas J. M.urphy, Jl'.,et al, Devisees '.2000 453. Molgie, Loretta & Albert F. ) Meyer, Clarence & Theodora ) Joseph Carl & Katherine Brafford :2000' 488'

,, Mackey, Wm. H. Tw<:'lntieth Century Bldg. & Loan Co. / 2000; 517. i, June $, 1943 l! Morris, Virginia E. & Q,uincy A. Elsie May Goodell : 2000. 557 I! As to martial status o:f Elmore W.~ . Megie, Estley (~ff'd. of) )Hlson, & Thomas lJ:egie at execution of' 2000 590· ti cteed. , E,: :: Meyers, Harry J. & Katherine A.lbe rt L. Emner t 2000, 591( Miller, Harry L. & Esther Cornella Holly 2000 • 608

Momber g, Arthur C. ~e,t ~l Helen E. Billing i 2000 6n·· H Jl'iozart Loan & 0 1ag. Co. E:oy L. & Edna liI. Brigman 2000. 627;, j; June 9, 194)1; Monroe, Emma L. & G. Henley Reva E. Huber 2001 21 l! 1 E Megie, Estley & Sdna 'I1rustees of Sycamore Township ;2001 53; ll Mossman, Jam~s, Jr~ & Martha lfax,old D. & Iviargare t 1.1. l'l'ilson 200:i.: 59 Madison Bldg. Assn. Bthel M. & Percy L. Pry 2001 90L p June 10,1943;1 Malenfant, Albert J. & Pauline A. Maria M. Stronberg ;, 2001' 108 Moormann, Herbert J. & Anna Lillian A.Bates 2001: 1271· FROM iii TO . "ij-.~~~--~=·-:· ~ ;~~~-~:-~ ··-- :~-- --_ I.~.:~-~- --=~~=:~~:!~i~~:. . -__ -__ ___]!~~L~~I-. ~ ---- - Mulcahy, Loretta E. & Thomas J. I! Baron & Helen L. Orl' )\2001j 144!! June 10,1943 I: ! H Minges, Marie & Henry Alvina E. Dew, Jr. j,2001 ! 163:i ,1 I ii Mullen, Lulu Hudson & James A. Dorothy Janet Hudson boo1 l , 8o;i ;, 1 - H h { !l Marvin, Warren K. & Susanna M. Charles J. Folz :r 200 l l 218 ;1 apr. 21, 1943 Mohrhaus, Clemens A. Clemens B. Mohrhaus Ji2001 ! 291il June 11,1943 I' j ri :Moeller, Emil &· Elizabeth James D. Erven )'2001 ! 36.5/1 June 12,1943

\i i /! Muller., Peter (Dec 1 d) Per Admrx. Callista Frey !:2001' 414 :i June 14, 1943 N:uller, Peter (Dec 1 d) Per Admrx. Berna):> d J. Luken li2001! 421il 1 Minges, Marie & Henry Dor a Reyno~ds 12001 ! 444 Ii June 11,1943 i: l Mack, Mae Agnes & John Joseph Susannah G. Hendrickson !20011 .50.5 :i June 15, 1943 1 ,I Ea thers, Anna B. & lliram Rollie :M. Vance 12001 .53.5;! June 1.5, 1943 j; ' May, Daisy, Harry R. & Viola :M. Joseph H. & Ida Moorman J:2001! .536i),, June 16, 1943 i: i Jv:arx, tie Paul A. & Mary Louise Ferrara :!2001' .5.54 i! i F Morscher, May & William Herbe1•t Johns on ::2001 557'.i ,.ii ii 1isner, Elizabeth Julius & Otta W. Lynch li200L .576;: Ii t n Marcus, Gilbert E. & Jean H. Leona 1.I. Van Lui t i:20011 609': ii ,, 1i rr.erten, Adele F. & Harold A. Francis H. & Mildred C. Smith i:,, 2001 6ll!! j1 !/ It.eyers, Richard V. ,et al Dewey & Nary Whi ttingto:n •:2001i 618;1 li : ii Meyers, John F. (Dec 1 d) Aff 1 d.of Tran~. Richard V. Meyers,et al, Devisees I' 200li 62.511 jl : :j W.oore, Sophia Diers & George R. Jane Grace Cox i 2001: 628'[ I ; Meehan, Elmyra B. &Wharton Bessie R. Mayerson 1: 2002l 7 ~irick, Lilian Porter & Chester S. Angeline Giglio 2002! June 1 7, 1943 ' Nial'tin, Bdi th &A. W. Arno Dick 2002 i 74:: I lliillel', Emma Emma Alice Miller 2002, 93:: l'ilincy, Blunt & Ivlary C • Theodore 111. Berry, Trua tee . 2002 ! 102'! & ) b (l Maddux, Frieda Nelson C. 1/ merz, Uiatilda &: Albert W. ) Katharine Rehg 112002 104;( Miller, Harvey E. (Dec td} Cert.Tl!ans. Emma l\:iller, Devisee 2002 io8ii f !j h I11:ains, Archie & Edith Agnes Young L2002 1.59ij ;1 1 Mo:rshauser, .Marie & Albert L• Ressie E. Plogman l 2002 306![ June 19,1943 1 Murphy, Thomas J. Jr. & Joseph H. Sophia Polewski 12002 323:j ;) 1/Iaye:r, Christine Evon st. Vulchuff !12002 32.5/l ;, " .I Minges, M.arie & Henry Dorothea L. Umberg 1:2002 330;\. f: 1 Miltin, Ida & Peter Anthony Carl Woodrow & Lillian B. Leonal:'d !'2002 348 i Martin, Gladys C. & Earl 1! Martha E. Brumagem 342:1 June 17, 1943 Koormann, Louis H. :! Anna ihoormann 3 74 H June 21,194 3 ii Meiske, Cloy F. & Lucile A. Elmer M. & :Margaret Cb.ance 407 ;: ii Minges , Mar ie & Henry Lafe & Viola Unger 418 H I n Mikol, Ilarl:'y J. (Dec d) Gert. Trans. Frances Mikol, Devisee 4311 p Mersch, Joseph & 1''1argurite 3dwsrd F. Schneider 4.591! (-'i Miller, Robert I.I. Esther C. Haas 464 :; June 22, 1943 ·' Miller, Barbara & Samuel, Jr. Dorothy R. Hahnemann 486 :: H Meyer, Adelaide Emma Isaiah & Hattie Hilln~n 492 /: H Marion., C. EdVJard & Alice Cordia Simpson 502 ;i • H:r Killer, Gordon L. (Per Trustee) Esther C. Haas .525 !i H 11!iller, Albert F. & Emma L. Alphonso & Anna M.. Maffeo 590 :1 June 23., 1943 Moore, Jennie R. & Clarence T. Ada z. Young fooo2 607 !/ H ~ :Meier, Harry & Mathilda William & Agnes Walker :2002 611 ll j; !i Meier, D1:1isy & Walter v. George & Della Slaick . !!2002 613 !; f H !i 'i tt H H H '.i 13 FROM TO --·---·--••·•--•,-----~·------·----~-- - -CO Jt ------·-----·-·--·~------~------'--··--·-·-··~·--~·-·--••••·~--H---~-·-··-----,_,.._.______,_____ ,, ____ ,~-·-··•••«---•----··-•-•-·-·••-·,-·•--"-·-~""----•·-

" · "' - June •2 5, \~4 3~· l-~ ·lliue lle" , 'Ha zOl =~:~RF.'"· -'·- '" ·· ~' Ii- · '" lf.C"' ge · 1'. - " 1/Ja~~;"."~c1te" "' · · .~;;'t+;~~~·~ 1 .June 23, 1943 lj Mitchell, Laurence & Louise C. :\ Walter J. Glassmeyer 12003 14 ! June 21, 1943 I! Mo"ria, Hilda Anna K"aus & Ma"ion L. ii Ir.ez >'e"n Kraus !~003 30 !'

June 24, 1943 ,, Ifaesche., H. William, Jr. & Ag~es K. ll Frederick William Trinkle 12003 71 /i li j1 it H 'i\,· Ifothodist Episcopal Church, Per Trustees;! 1'/iathilde Nathan i2003 • 79 ii June 25, 1943 · Mercer, Wesley & Alma U Dciro fu y Mary Thomas :2003 ; 162 '' ll ranges, Marie & Henry jl Margaret V. Ruthemeyer /koo3 : 200 ;(

~.\, Murrer, Julius & .Maude "H Rugh R. Bates 12003" 1 207 ;i~ •· ,. 1'. j[ Morris, Luther E, l! Edna J. Morris \2003 j 210 i[

June 28, 194 3 l: Maul t, Helen L. & Paul B. j! TJ::rel ma & Luchen Bar at 1200 3 . 360 F t li u Mt. Lookout S.,vs. & Loan Go, Clarence ~!. lJcGuire, Sr., at .al

June 29~ 1943 Muse kamp, Raymond Cordelia ·E. & Pearl 1!Iusekamp · 2003 f'I06. June 29, 194 3 Mt. Lookout Savs. & Loan Go. Velma V. Yates 2003 421 Meyder, 1.linnie & Paul :i:v·elyn Hoffman i2003 . 425 Ii !l Masminster, :Margaret Kathryn Glandorf 12003 : 438 i'. Minges, John (Dec 1 d) Gert.Trans. Rose Groll Rabe, Devisee ~003 i440

Musekamp, Laura Cordelia E. & Pearl ?.1use kamp 12003 . 446 II 11 11 II 11 II II ~003 ; 448 Muse kamp, Cordelia E. & Pearl Laura Muse kamp : 2003\ 454 Miller, Anna & Harry F. Albert R. Ilhardt 2003 460 ' lfosekamp, George R, & Pauline & E'reda Ccrd elia E • & Pearl Muse kamp '2003 i 461 Musekamp, George H. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. ii Raymond Iftuse kamp ,e tal, Dev:isee s 2003 463 )j Meyer, Charles, sr. (Dec'd) Cert.Tr.ans. '1 Albert iheyar,at a 1, ileviss 21s i; 2003 • 473 June 30, 1943 t:orris, ::;:dith C. (Dec'd) Gert.Trans. Julia G • Ihorris, : t al, Dev isees 2003:.520 L 1 li lH tchell, Jean Graydon Z:l<,rancis R, Frank lt'isher ; 2003 '565 " Ii Jnly 1, 19LJ3 ;! I1ioni:a gue, Ga or gia P. ·rn.elma Swauger 1:2003; .588 ii II,: 1Ieyer , Harry F. & ~dna Louis 'Nilliam & Anna G • .i:iahn : 2004 5·

July 2, 1943 Mende 1, Charles ( Dec I d) Cer·t. Tra.ns. Goldie C. Goldberg,etal, Devisees ,2004 i 6) Massachusetts Iilutucl Life Ins. Co. Al:f'red M. J onap 12004 75:

Muders, John & Minnie Ne'.l lie Wray Sharpe 2004, 125':

Millard, Char le s S • (Dec I d) Per Admr. Elizabeth E. Millard 2004 146;

Miller, Henry . & Anna M. Oliver C. Muddiman ··2004: 149 i: 1 ,, Madison Bldg. Ass n. l Gustav A. Teddy 2004; 172, Maguire, Stella G. · ) •, Manley, Ida G. & J"obn M. ) Leandrew Gaither · 2004 , 77:: July 6, 1943 Ii·, :Meyers, Jerome E, G21 tl::eri ne Marie Meyers . 2004; 244 & ;:!i Mann, Virginia Clara H. George R. Bodley 12004 ! 307 r:

,:/: .. Moon, Bertha & Alvin fut zel G. McClain koo4 ; 311 if tl ! Fl)an k Burke, et al F Mende, Char le s H. :2004 312 i~ July 7, 1943 :,r Maisenhal ter, Charles 1iI. E1mma Maisenhal ter 2004 : 354 i\ 11 Maisenhalter, Virginia Emma Maisenhalte r J2004 '. 363 ;, I July 8, 1943 j: Mulvihill, Elsie mirbert E. Gillespie 2004 : 395 i1 i! Mueller, Hattie Ella Rees 12004 409 June 29, 1943 ji Murphy, Ida Garnett Pfau•. &:.Albert J. Abner Allphin !2004 '417 H July 7, 194 3 H, Meyer, J. A. (Dec•d) Aff'd. as to T!3l:'mination of life estate ;2004 '421 i' F t' Miglarese, John & Louise J. MHlie Huck f2004 449 {'! I! Mabius, Bertha LElna & William McClatn .fi ~004 4.56 H June 29, 1943 H Mohn, Agnes ;r. A1~es Snyder )2004 480 i' I' M:Lriam Tate maxon July 8, 1943 ~:il Maxon, Bruce E. ko01 534 1: July 9, 1943 " Momberg, Anna &Walter Fl•ed E. Winkelman 2004 590 H H GRANTEE Book 1 Page --· - __ L . . , ------·1' ·- -~. . - -· - - - - -~ l Murphy, Walter D. & Gertrude B. lie len E. Sandii'o.rd 2004/606 9, 1943 ll'lende., Ch9rles H. Clarence E. Kinman 20041615 ~'.arx, Katie ~ Mary B. McGowan 2005j 32 July 12,1943 !filler, Nettie E.rnest F. & Mary B. Ohlendorf' 2005! 53 July 10, 1943 l Moorwessel, George J.,et al (Per Shfi') Marie Moorwessel 2005j 57 July 12,1943 Murphy, Grace Kathryn E. Hanlo.n 2005! 87 r ; koorwessel, Marie William E .. Beckman jl 2005j 89 Maurer, Matilda (Dec'd) Per Executo.r 1i ! Charles D. & Fern Hamilton ::2005:146 1: Miller, Naomi Ellen & brank P. Wilbur & Iola M. §obe g !· 2005 118. 1 1: Minges, Marie & Henry Eleanor Rohl' ;: 2005 162 I! Mahsam, Michael & Helene Village of Mt. Healthy 1! 2005 164 July 9, 1943 j; ; Macke, Anna Elizabeth Howard s. & Clifford R. Wagnel'. t 2005; 167 July 12, 1943 1,: L 1 r Morton, Emma (Dec d) Ce.rt.Trans. Flora Barrett,et al, Devisees [:2005 247 July 13,1943 I• kille.r, Arthur E. & Laura M. Charles R. Paul ::2005' 254 ,· Matuska, Anthony & Gertrude Ethel L. Bedinghaus /;2005 !266 Mumaw, John R. & Blanche :, I Arleen K. Andresen j; 2005{ 290 Mille.r, Anna M. & Daniel F. Lela Mille.r Johnson,et ial !: 2oc5J 295 1/ i Mueller, Anna M. & William Pearl Anna Hebestreit 1:2005: 327 July 14, 1943 ,: ; Marois, Florence s. & Elmont J. LaVyrn Sh~ pherd !!2005(348 Meyel', Henry R. & Marie William H.. & Ruth H.. StJ?othman !12005,448 July J6, 1943 '1 ' Mitchell, Virgtnia & Dale Lovick P. & Hope G. Haridson !:2005)468 July 13, 1943 t : Meyer, Henry A. Charles Phelps !i2005!481 July 15, 1943 r , Mowatt, Elizabeth_M. Bernard c. Schoenhoofi' l,2005; 507 Mountel, George J. & Eloise H. i: i George. O. & Ethel Mae W:Llson ;: 20051524 July 16,1943 fi Merkel, Mary & John Charles & Ann Newcomb r2005 529 July 19, 1943 Mayer Realty Co. Ben Levinson r2005 535 :ir lV.eyel', Albert & Charles, Jr. ,et al Sophia Meyer ; 2005. 541 July 17,1943 l' i i' t Meyers, Katherine Schenk & Harry J. John & Lillian R. Faulkller July i',. 2005: 543 19 ,1943 Maxner, Anna Elizabeth & Herbert R. Marguerite F. Bal~man r2005;593 f. l Miller, 'Wm. H. (Dec 1 d) Per Executrix Grace Miller Todd,e t al /; 2005! 604 July 17,1943 ,;

Maas, Margaretha Louise Bainey i:_' 2oo6i ,, 1 21 July 16,194 3 Morton, Elizabeth R. George E~ Thurne.r !i 2006! 25 July 19,1943 Meyer, Eugene B. & Marie A. Edward L. & Clara .McBreim Raisbeck 1: 2006! 41 1, t !i j Mecklenburg, Lois (Per Guardian) Harry Oelerich ;: 2006: 63 July 20,1943 I· i f, i Mandell, Morris & Florene e Morris Mandell, Trustee 1: 2006[ 88 '·: i Montgomery, Jesse & Marie ~1!ildred M. Gray 112006! 101 ! i 1' ' !'. March, Jane C. & Walter S. Peggie W. Jenkins .'. 2006l 104 ;; ~inges, Marie & Hen~y 1 Hersche; H. Apwisch,et a 1 1 2006) 143 1: July 21,1943 l; ~ fJ Morton, Elizabeth R. James G. & Irene Brooks July ,1: 2006! 160 H,, 20,1943 n t; Mueller, Luise & August 1 Emmett J. & Irene Corcol?an l/ 2006i 177 ; t f if Mecklenburg, Edith Harry Oelf?rich !: 2006: 180 :i 1 f i H J:Ioeschl, William C. (Dec d) Cert.Trans. Eleanor C. Moeschl, Devlsee 1f l! 2006f 209 :ii July 22, 1943 It ' : I' l '.' lfancini, Anthony & Beulah Nick Ranieri 1: 20 06; 210:l i, 1 H ~ullarkey, Mary_E. & Jane A. Marcellus J. & Rosalyn Ireldman 1i 2006l 214 H i( I . iJ Ffotter, Helen L. & Park o. .Mae M. Iviur phy !: 28.061 218 .:; ! l!·; J: f h M11lford, Loretta & James P. Helen :M. Jacobs li 2006! 222 H ii ; il Michel, Nelle & Charles E. Robert Cutter, sr. C i ,t !1 20o6; 250 11 Muenzner, August A.,et al Roy W. Btaqforq, Sr.,et al Ii 200~ 301 11 July 23, :i.943 ti : ii 11 i ;1 l' l i;

'.i' i' ~ij \ l~ ;: 15 FROM TO ~~-:cc_- . .. . . - . . . JI a

,~:,.:;-;.;-c-;:-!:-'='=:::-. ;;;;..--,, :::;_:_~;-:' '.. ----~-::..• .,....::-;-. (~"~';;-. --:::,:--~;c=: ~"!""·;;:: ;-; _";:,.":.-.-::-= .~::_ ·.-_;.~~.:~-·~;;;:;:;--_'_"::::'!;;~-:=-," "-.:'.-':::C'.~-·. ~-"- ~.'.:-;,--c•,,c-'.C::-=~.. ~--:.-;;..C/,':"°7"\'.-;·--:-.'."-:;'.-.;.;;~~ -'~t;:;:-·__:~~--:'.~.- ::-;:;;- ,- -:.":.:t::.,-~·-··~--c_- ,---.:.__:.---:::.: :·-=·:;-::::·.::-~';:"":'"-'."-;- ~~'":",;;, - -=.--.:"".::;-~::'.:::;----:;:::';-;;--:::": - ... ':';;'~~ .. -~_,__-·•-:· - ~ --;;:,,;- _-t.:."":;;~~-· - -:;::~ ·- ~ --~--: ~"::'...ire;·-;·... ··. July 23, 1943 il Massbaum, Anna Bertha (Decfd) Cert.T:rans ij Ge•orgianna Aiken,et al, Devise es ; _go.96 303!: H h ,.. J; j! Mutual Savs. & Loan Co. 11 Alfred He:r ing I: 2006; 305!: ,1 H ;: 11 1 July 2 4, 1943 1' Mas on, Be1>t & Dora ' Cleora l~. Hooq. \' 2006; 317;\ July 2 3, 1943 :: '1ulf d, Loee t ta & Jame, P. i! Aull' ,t a Seulme iee 200 6 i 332/i i: Motter,. Park 0~ ·i Elmer E. Eberhardt . 2006/ 33/ July 24, 1943 Ii 11Iyers, Ethel D. & Leslie E. lj Lora M. Rosselott .• 2006! 342°'. i July 22, 1943 H Moellel', Charlotte C. Aff 1d •. as to martial status,etc. •• 2006: 405!1 i I·' ·' Marvin, Louise Scherl & Stephen C. George Jay &: Elsie E. Rose· 2006, 450:; ,, 11 ,, July 2 7, 1943 Moeller, John S~ &. Charlotte c. G~anncey li.Bryant '2006' 503 1: i· I' , :Il:ille:r, Elmer H. & Ethel M. John C. & Pearl :Motsch .:2006 l 526!!

Maxstadt, William & Elsa Rooert Paul & Eva L. Kay \i2006; 589!: ,; July 2 8, 1943 Melton, Anna & Hobart William & Catherine Rosenthal r2006: 600 !f ,; r 1 -! · Mangan, Belle (Dec I d} Cert. Tl'.'ans. Ed:ward T. Mangan,etal, Devisees '2006: 615:, !; Mathes, George & Georgia Ge:neva Francis 2006, 626;; 1/loormann, Otto J. Jl:'.,et al Otto J. Moormann, Sl'.'. . 2007: 18:

Mounte 1, Matilda & Henry Elsie lliul vihill 2007 1 41 • ' ,,l, June 15, 1943 Meiners, Elizabeth Burdick Harry F. Meiners :,2007 '. 63: ~; July 28, 1943 1viatrers, Richard &: Anne s. John N. Kran:er '.2007' 76' Montgomery Council #62: , or Order United American Tuiechanics/2007: s2!; Miller, Charles ,. July 2 9, 1943 ·Minges, Marie & Hen:ry Lo,uise C. Berninger •,2007: 90

1 i.fotual Savs. & Loan Co. Albert H. Streithorst 2007; 105 1 Ma tre, Philip & W~ry Louise Dorothy Frerick ·,2007 1 110' Philip G. & Virginia B. Lauch i2007' 14li Miller, William~- &Elise Marie r II II n II II Miller, i'lilliam E. & Elise Marie II 2007 152· i:,: ,: J"uly 27, 1943 !: Miller, Lottie & Earl Ids1 Barge 2007 i 179:: ",, July 30, 1943 Meyers, Charles H, & Elizabeth B Li:Llian G.Scbmerl' : 2007, 202 :: ! \< liandery, Catherine &. Oscar E. Sophia & John H. Busa m '2007 • 211 Messmer Co., Andrew Leo R. LeTang & Joseph.A. Gutting 12007; 273 Minges, :&:iar ie &: Hen:ry Edward & Geneva M.Wilde 2007: 313

July 1943 JIIangione, Shirley E. & Biagio q. Ada C:rone 2007 321 25, Amer. Jviechanics July 30, 1943 Ii,, Montgomery Council #62,Jr.Order 'Uuited / Ladell H. Ferris '2007' 4031

Ii 1 July 31, 1943 h Markley, Ogden J. Af;t' d. of .. 2007. 407 ;, Moeschl,Eleanor C. (Aff'd. as to name) El,9anor C. Reusing '.'2007, 410 1 Metzger, Peter & Elizabeth Ro,sina Scha:re ·:2007 417': 1 Aug. 2, 1~ Meye:r, Clara Al'bert A • Meyer 2oof 432\; ::' Meineke, Louis & Alta Lawrence M. & Della R. Diehl ' 2007! 36i; Male, Ann M. & William T.) 2007' 451 i Maley, Bernard ) Fl'ed Reichelt 2007; ! Mayer Realty Company BEm Comisar 457 ·~ - \I- ., ~ • ... .~ • \ ~ i Miller, William F. Flt'ank &: Emma J. Britz 2007 464 R1aymond J. Noeth, et al 2007 480 i; Mock, Louise & Henry I !',

Marshall, William G. & Louise Ralph C. & Irene Nolan r2001 ! 4a91i fj 2001 493, ti Manthey, Mae & Albert c. ~aster Launderers Inc. J! John W. Stadtmiller et al 2007 506i ,.i, Mock, Louise & Henry h 1 Aug. 3, 1943 l! Monell, Hetll'y & Margaret J;lalph & Mahala :Kraft 12007 561(

li11 Miller, Verna L. fldr;' ence C. Brockman faoo7 568 H p 11 Murphy, Harry M. :liellie Grace Bishop 2007 615 Morrison, Robert,et al pscar Kirschnel'.' ::2007 919 H L" Aug. 4, l.943 \) Marucci, Virginie & Henrietta J:,o;t,'e tta H. stenge r i2008 49 ,· 'i l1 H l: E,., 16 FROM TO "'::---=----:aco;:~ •.. Ft..CHft .. co., G434!1---~-·~w- ·---~---...- .. -~- ~- -·- r··-·-· -·-,-· ·------·-~ -··· ----· - .• r--· .___ ., ______...__..-...., ___ --~----·--·· ..... ·-•·· ~ _,.,. __ -,,. ______. _· ~~---·- -... ·--- -·--~------.. ,,.::: "---~ --- ·-. ,. -~- ". ·- ·- ~ - ~ .~.- ..::_ - - -,----:~- ![ . GRANTOR Ii GRANTEE !Book Page t -:..~~-!,.-;;~.-~".::..--;~.--··-_ ··::::-.::::::..:.-;:., .. :::·-=.~·.-· ··..:;.._";"·-~-.:·•. --:::"~---. ---··,:."'7"..:...--~----::~_7c""---,,~--:: ····-.:::-:..... ····-----·c, ..;..-· -c. .• ·'.'. 1,~.•. -.::,7:;;_-_-;:-::; .• =-'-~·;..,-----: ,.':'---··-::::~-;.-."':'- ·-- ~.-;-~~:::;::,______"-,,:-:,·_;_·'.:lr-: .. _--·~ "'· ·~- - .· ·-• .-.-::::.::;.::-::-=;-.·~.-::·--~~ ,;:-.;;..·C-"~·.,;;- __ J-;.;-_·_ -.: --::;::; :, ... ·:·.:~-- _...;!~-~- ·-· =-- .:';;..-.,:;.·.:<·. ..:.:":.";" ::::: ____ ~~,.- ~ U ~ I H " Mink, 11.ntonia Ji JOS$ph Conrad Mink '2006 i 62'1 Aug. 4, 1943 J r 11 - 1 a 1: Mikol, Frances i! Katherine Coomer !~008 l 100! ~ h ~ n 1 I ; Moormann, Lawrence & Rosemary j[ Evelyn Lavely 12001:l j 104 I! ii Madison Bldg. Assn. j[ Hobal:'t c. & .Estelle B.rowne l~ooB l 107 II 1i ii i• !I ,; · Meyer, Louis E. (per Attorney) 11 Laura Ylestermann l/2008 113 '.l Aug. 5, 1943 il Morgan, .Tames & Caroline Loraine !i Raymond & Dorothy Spctring 112008 1?8 li d lj i! Meyer, Anna M. Louise Edna Ml Maxson !1 !!2008 184 ,! ii Markley, Ogden .Tacob & Ethel ii .r., vii William Frank & Dorot,hy Evelyn Agee !j2008 192 ll H Myers, Sadie & John Anna & .Toseph Urban li2008 200 l! ii l; I! Mueller, Ruth M.& ~arl .r. Alice L. & .Tacob J. Bernhardt /:2008 21? ;{ Aug. 6, 1943 li !; Madeira Building & Loan Co. Earl Joseph & Leona :Eluergermeier E2008 295 i{ Aug. 2, 1943 H,. Minges, Marie & Henry Mary W. Voorhees ![2oosl305 "I! Aug. 7, 1943 'I ii Martin, Myrtle & Roy Marie T. Kohl lr2008 346 '!ii !1 ~j Mueller, Freda & Carl Catherine A. Fieler !1200s 348 lJ Mitchell, Miriam Aida Reed & Scott .Tohn s. & Blanche .dennett ~ 2008! 3?5 l! Aug. 9, 1943 Ji ' 11 Myers, G. Dalton (Affidavit of) as to Walnut R111s Lui;heran Church I' 2008! 405. Ji :r • 1• Minges, Marie & lienry Ruth .r. Ginley l! 2008! 445 i! it t ;1 Morbach, Peter & Maria Ruby Luella Elsaesser Ji 2008! 469 j! H I !: I Mueller, Daisy & . 1 Fred Willadean Ellman ~008 l 488 ii • I Ii I Jl i Mathews, Mary E. Garrett Harrison . 2008:~ 506 ,, Aug.10,1943 I Meyer, Valentine Ben H.:&;.-.Maggie Williams ' l . I Marcus, Gussie & George Ruth G. Morgan \ 1 t·.j Mofford, Ruth & Herbert Rose Fricl{e

\I Muccillo, Angelo & Rose Lula Willis Aug. ll,1943 \\ Males, Ada L. Norbert F. Schatz United Amer. Mechanics Montgomery Council N~.62,Jr.Order / Re:solution to Sell res1l estate

Morta.shed, William H. & Flqrence L. John R ! Reeves, .Jr. & Fay Reeves Mulford, Loretta & James P. Carl w. Frey

Mertz, Louise F. & Paul W. Goldie C. Burt

Magee, Theodore E. & Cla tie M. Ronald A. & Rubie L. Gfillis Aug. 7, 1943 ?foyer, Henry George W. Simpson Aug. 12, 1943 Middle ton, Hamer C. Bd. of County Commisstoners Middlet9n, Harry W. & Eliza B. n n II . II r i• l\liddleton, Charles (Dec 1 d}Aff 1 d.of Trani3. Anna Middleton,et al

Moesta, Ada Vonderhaar & Wa).ter G. .John Joseph & Minnie Kamman Aug. 14, 1943 Bernard Ma tbi ~s Mitchell, Mal:'y (T.t') & Bel:'nard & / ;: Donald C. & Mar .i orie n,. Ar chi able 1: t> aka Efet Menachof Menachofsky, Kathe (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. '1 Efel Menachofsky,/Dev:tsee Aug. 16, 1943 lliappes, Flora Vi. & William L. Ethe 1 D. Myers i; ' M.ersmann, John Bernard & Christina R. Inez & Leste;r Moriconi !2009 t 441 Aug. 17, 1943 "Ii Mangold, Rose & Clara Elmer P. Blasing ,,~009 456 ,.',, Marqua, Charles E. (Dec 1 d) Cert. Trans. James E. Marqua,et al,, Devisees :2009 458 ,, l, 1: Miller , M thur R. & Henrie tta Sigmund A. & Eva J. Kopp :goo9 463 ,,1i Meiners, Harry F. Elizabeth Burdick Meiners !~009 492 u 1, Ji \; Manning, Florence & Louis Lillian Thompson ii l ~009 502 Ii 1, t! I: \! I· 'i Minges, Marie & Henry Francis J. & Cha1•l ottEi A. Ries .~009 522 ,, Aug. 18, 1943 ii ii 11 H Martin, Dora IC .1, Loretta J. Wernicke i:2009 535 ~ l j; 1, Mo11nteJ., Geol:'ge J. & Eloise John & Emma Keller !!2009 622 ii Aug. 19, 1943 ;! ii !\ Meiners, Leo L. & Lucy L. Helen v. Carson !2010 21 ii l'1! ,, l; ii 11 Ii !' II 17 FROM . ,;)z TO GRANTEE

Aug. 19, 194,3 MeiMrs, Mary R.(~-milio:v)Per Guardian Helen V. Carson .2010 Merkel, Ida B., Ida or Ida B. L. (Alf'' d. re to signature) ;, 2010 [ 371;

Mumper, Alvina & John A(~a Havlin '2010; 55( Morgenroth, Howard H. & Marie T. J·ose ph H. Mueller 2010: 58':

Julie Osswald 0 Aug. 20, 1943 Mine.lla, Emil Alfred & Dorothy :2010 '. 88 · li Moberg, Alice K. & Clark L. R1:mald F. & Dorothy Mae McDonald , 2010' 103. ii ~l 1l Cinti.Gas ~lee. Co. ,-2010( !) Mueller Co., Jobn, The 129 r ,,,; H Jpsfl'ph W. & Carolyn M. Hasekamp Aug. 18, 1943 H Meyer, Robert L. & Dorothy M. 2010' 130; !i _,; '2010 143; Aug. 20, 1943 n Matthews, Marianna,et al (.Judgment entrt)., Clara Armstrong i; i( 2010· ;, Marois, Laureat J. & Mary A. Robert :M. Virgil, Jr. ,et al 193:! p ,. i ,; 2010: 195· Aug. 17, 1943 Meyer, Oscar M. & \'falter G. Thelma E.Swauge;r, ' 2010' Aug. 21, 1943 Mauthe, Hilda Daisy B. Belden 234: Mock, Louise & Henry Rosella C .Gilday · 2010, 249'

Aug. 23, 1943 Mayer, William E. & Margaret J.os eph N. Ganim :,2010: 297/ Meyer Packing Co., li. H. ,The J os ep b L. & Jes s ie Fritz '2010 305\ ·. !i :Moore, J. Harr'y & Catherine Gene vi eve .M. & Harold J. Koch 20101 318:' Myers , Fanny A. Lawrence Carter 2010'. 321

Miller, Angela & John William & Anna Poynter 2010 380\'.

Aug. 16, 1943 Mad:ison Bldg. Assn. William Earl & Agness Eldon 2010: 384· 1 '2010; Aug. 24, 1943 Motsinger, Grace D. A.ff d. of' correction 397 Mayer, Vera D. & Harry F.ra nk Hartmann, Jr • ·2010: 441: I Meyer, Romaine & Bernard J. E:ob3rt L. Meyer . 2010: 443 474:, Miltz, George, Jr. & Dolores ~robn J. & Frances Carpenter .io10 526: Aug. 25, 1943 May, Edi th Long .ci:dward J. & Tuiartba Weber .: 2010 Miner, Henry DeBus & Susan Porter Hobert H. Gray,et al 2010 595

1 MacCluer, Adelene Kissam DeBus Robert H. al 2010 602: ,. Mohlman, Edna & William H. ;rames B. & Iv.a ttie L. Matlock 2010 611' 1 Miller, Thelma & Rudolph T. Albert Greenwald 2010: 614 ; ' Aug. 26,1943 Martin, Gladys C. & Earl B. ]eyers Y. Cooper Co. .. 2010: 629! .. 1/!oloney, M ary ]Loretta Heilman • 2011 4

1 :Mullen, Ruby Ritchie Af'f' d. as to c han~ of Name 20ll 27 Moloney, Mary Loretta Heilman 2011 45

Meador, Ward H. & Hattie Henry Hel 2011! 68 t:

Mercurio, Josephine & Charles Jeannette F. Hoff'man 201): 92

Mose kops, Laura James Cur tis 201J; 93 ii Aug. 2 7, 1943 i. Minges, Frank & Jose pbine Ginti.. Gas & Elec. Co. 201]; 123 h Muller, Peter (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. / .Muller,et al, Devisees 2011, 132 l Ii ' ii Martha D. Eckert 2911: 168 ,: Muller, August & Rose ,et al I, !\ 1, II II II II II 11 Mar5e c.earroll 2011 199 204 Mayer, Albert J. & Hilma J. Beatrice Smith 201:i: r ' ·),..20:l.l Aug. 30,1943 Jvlettler, Harold & Elizabeth Cbri s ti an J. &· Cora B. Weber .... _ 248 201:C Aug. 2 8, 1943 Mathias, Joseph ~· & Lillian Sue Keel Jll George W. Kissinger, Jr.,et al 2011, 345. Aug. 30, 1943 Mulf'ord, James. P. & Loretta Milleck, Oaspal:' & Anna Beulah McCray,et al 2011 402 Maloney, Patrick. (Dec I d) Aff' 1 d. .as to termination of' life estate 2011'. 404 Martin, l!'rencb G. & Alice ,John Lewis 20JJJ 416 !Mary Louise Bereisza 20JJl Miller, William H. & Any 439 • 442 i:... Muellel:', Joseph H. & Mar;te 'Martha E. M orris .20ll 18 FROM TO -··W79IO ~AcELOHR··COv:IH·t:IUI~ ~-- ,__ ----·-·---->---·--·---~·... ·· ---~· - - ·,,__ ..... ------·----~---·------~= -·' ·-·----, ------:------:-:.··--. -"- --·--:--·-:::--:~-~-:::_::.::::::=:=.-=-:-:-·_:::::--__::-:::::. J! GRANTOR l! GRANTEE i Book ! Page !I ,.~--- ·---,,--~~ "'°. ·=--~=~--==-·=""---=··=•-•·"~·=· ...... -,.===,,,,=•·==-· ,=...... -=' --=-=- ~,;o..-.:.C'C.. --""'"" ·. --···-··""""-'""'"'"'"- =~= -=·"i·= =·· -= ... ' --"'~~-.,~-~~-) ~-----.,- '=----,.-. ;I.,.,...... , - . --· "!; Miller, Virginia Lee & Isaac ) i' · · - I: · ·. · ! ·· · 1 --- · · · · Morlidge, sa:rah & J. B. ) EIIDlla Brockman 2011 45Il Aug. 31,1943 :r l: l1 l' !! i n \' Marcum, Robert A. & Anna Mae June Ratliff Jones !; 201:U 45~ 1: 1 !I Minges, Marie & Henry Florene e .H. Plueg eman. ;: 2011! 4_(:;l:\,': it ! . Maly, Frank M.• & Bertha IL Charles H. & Marga:reti J.Dicken )! 2011 497! i' ; li JEill er , John Ha:rry Walters :: 201~ 516 11 f; ~ J! Madison Bldg. Assn. E. George Emmich i: 2014 520 :; t J il Mauntel, Louis J. & Agnes 1.1. ';Yendel c. & JuUa Wet;ternacht 201~ 526 :! :; ~ i~ Mille:r, War:r , Sr. & Luella Lew is William A be ggle n (i 2011; 551 !' Sept. 1,1943 1: t !i Ma ttman, Ka tb9rine W. & G. F. Willie H. Sebastian ,, 201~ 579 :1 !i l 11 Marshall, Stella Roy Ellis I! 2011: 622 _' i: J I1 Mis, Jean City of Cincinnati !1 201]j 503 H Aug. 31,1943 i'1 !' ii 11 Mein.shatt, Henry & Grace E. Louis J. & Margaret EiittnE!t' : 2012: 11 ,: Sept. 2, 1943

Meyer, Carrie & Henry E. Alma LeI1D11on 1~012 l 17 i[ i• ' i q l i1 Moberly, Sophia L. & Arthur G. Cyrillus H. & Mary A. Ha:re f, 2012: 74 !! H i i :Nulfo:rd, Loretta & James P. Olive J. Kerr i! 2012i 88 ll L i Miller, Warren, Sr. & Luella Lewis Ylilli am A be ggle1n !1 2012' 96 Sept. 1, 1943 i: Mt. Loo~out Savs. & Loan Co. Annabel E. Allison ( 2012 102 Sept. 2, 1943 Mohrman, Charles J. & Edna Agnes Gunter 12012 107 il j; Medler, Kathleen B. Melvin Lyle &: Gail M11deline Burg ::2012 122

Mullen, Mary E. & James C. .Alice & Leroy Le~ ar cl 152 Mohr, Gertrude & Valentine, Jr. Twelfth Ward Bldg. & Loan Co. 154 Sept_. 3 ,1943

Matthews, Prudence & Luther ·Ruth Appiarius 164 Sept. 2 ,1943

Mathias, Joseph G. & LillianR. Ruth E. Rohe 173 Sept. 2, 194 3

Meade, Dorothy & John Mary Pre is ing 188

Mulford, Loretta & James P. Doro thy s. Sch9rrer 227 Sept. 3, 1943 Mine tti, Virginia Velma Pointer 279 Sept. 4,1943

Marshall, Mary C. & Robert W. Snider Bldg. Co. 320 Sept. 7,1943 ' j[ ! Metzger, Hannah Helen Virginia Mahan 1;2012,: . 348!' Merkle, W!i:lliam T.,et al ) 1: ~\ Merkle, Anna Mary (D3c I o.) ) As to Con tract betwe,an heirs !;2012 368 1[ ;; Morr is, Earl &ID:lna Viola Alvina Ratliff 1:2012 385': L ,i Mulford, James P. & Loretta Emilie Blome !:2012 389!;

Mosher, Marion & Charles Teresa Carr i:2012 4,So'l Sept. 4,1943 /1 ;i f 1'Uller, Wm. H. {Dec I d) Cert. Trans. Ida Miller ,et a 1, Devisees ; 2012, f163!i Sept. 8,19~ 1'. ; 2012 _504'.! Sept. 8,1943 Moore, Eliza L. Aff'd. as to f.' !i :1 I'. { '1 Minten, Nellie_F. Louise J. Tschanz 1! 2012! 534: Sept. 9,1943 ' Mullin, Ann M. George H. & D?roth~· M. Chain !i 2012! .54llf !. ~ il Meyer, Theresa (Dec 1d} Cert.Trans. Henry C. r~eyer ,etal,. Devisees !: 2012' 570! I' , Miller, Clifford E. & Lilea T. Char1e s C. Lie bing !; 20121 596i j1 I ii Mosier, Alfred R. & Hallie T. S. F. & Golda Lawson !: 2012t ; l Meyer, Charles E. Jr. & Phyllis K. Louise R • Meyer .. l'20121 r; i I< ' Maier, Chris & Florence Alonzo S§!ars, Sr.1 ·E1u-::"a1 r 201,3c ,! Miller, Anthony & Charles Harriett Siebenthaler !'. 2013! 541! Sept. 10,1943 1·· ~ ,, I' i t! Marqua:rdt, Willard&: Alma E. Bradley & Sophia ~· ;Revis : 20131 130:. ti l 11 Momberg, George J. Howard W. & Ada E. J!e.niston !:2013' 16.51 Sept. 11,1943 i; l: ; 1 Leonard & Ida Kathmann 1 Madlener, Frances ,\· )'I' 2013, 214 ; Sept. 13 , 1943 l! l i; Morris, Julia G. Ruth BrC1Nn Alleman ; 1 2013i 248:i Sept. 13, 1943 I' } Miller, Louis (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Lulu Ua.uck,et al, De,risees !! 2013j 2s~! i: Meyers, Olive):' & Elizabeth o:ran & Nettie Pugh I! 2013; 283:: c. ,f l! ' ll ti !i Ii <1 19 FROM TO -.,11 . ! -·~ l' - GRANTEE ~~;_;-,;,.~.-·;-.-! Book"'--.--::.-.~~---~-. l Page ri! ·--- :: 2013: 286 ,! Se pt. 13, 1943 :M.adison BJ.dg. Lo:r•etta M. Vogt Rutih A. Ramsey J: 2Ql3'. 323 r Sept. 14,1943 Meyer Packing Co., R.H. Mollmann, Ada & Aloysius H. Cls1rence Zeinner !; 2013j 335 : 2013! 309 Sept. 13,1943 Iv1enkhaus, Henrietta Lillian A. & Alberta Menkbaus

Sept. 14,1943 Muller, Peter (Dec' d) Per A drnrx. Henry Kreimer 2013: 340 Meyers, Anna L. & William J. Evolyn Winkler 201J 388 Metzcar & Son, R.H. ) i Metzcar, R.H. & James R.,et al ) August & Edi th Sunderman 2013; 394

Miller, Veronica Flora Chl?istian J. & Ida W. Laufer -- 2013: 399

Morehouse, Lawton F. & Elizabeth " Fl,::irence hi. Kappel !• 2013: 404 Julian, T. Kelly & Betty Sue Kelly 1 Mack, Anna & John 2013 417 1: John H. & Bertha L. Wichmann 2013' 440 Sept. 15, 1943 ,: Mullen, Violet E. & Andrew V. \: Morena, Theresa (Dec 1 d} Cer t.T!;'ens. An·lionio Morena,et al, Devisees · 2013· 493 Maloney, Patrick (Dec 1d) Aff'd. Tel?mination cf life atate 201)'. 501

Muckenfuhs, Ruth & George Stanley H. & Anita L • Ries 2013·517

Matson, Pearl H. Ma:rgare t Gra thwobl . 2013: 533 Da,r:id .T. Weinreich '2013 553 Sept. 17,1943 Mayer R~alty Co~ Millard, liiary E. & Herbert J. Lo:retto Madelyn Duggan 2013! 555 Menninger, Eleanor A. Julia &: C llf .ford C • Rubber t 2013:559 -': H Marksberry, Edward & Margaret Lo.retta Monnig 2013 604 r! ,: 'I fl lj ! ~ Milner, Ida John &Eva Mu1ler 2013'.605

/J &; 2013'. 611 l Minges, Marie lielll'y Eleanor Diers i i Morelli, Annibale & Angiolina TedR. Schroeder 2014' 7 i t· Marty, Florence & George_ Ma:ry H~:rris 2014 47 l & Rose J. Schomaker 2014'. 51 Sept. 16, 1943 Menke, Bernhard Philomena ' Minning, Florence & Urban ) l Moser, Eleanor & .August ) Dcira Trapp 2014: 58 'l Sept. 17,1943 I ,l Mains, .~re hie H. & Edi th LUlian Pe P3 r 2014 74 :1 ~·~:i. - 2014! 104 Mulvey, Joseph M• .& Alice B. Ce,c ilia Elble $apt. 16, 1943 ~i 1'. 1 i Markland, Marlan & Nonna Alvin G. Baumer : 2014 168 , Sept. 17,1943 Ii Harvey & 1Zargaret Dennler i 2014 235 Sept. 18, 1943 i! Ma ttfeld, Lena & Louis 1,\ 1 l! 1 Ma;ry Meeker, Devisee ): 2014 254 Sept. 20 ,1943 I'/ieekel', Joseph (Dec d} Cert. Trans. Mackstaller, Ruth& John Carrie Goldberg ' 2014: 270 ': 2014' 290 Sept. 18,1943 Mutua 1 Sa vs. & Loan Co. Alma Rirnikel ' ii, Jc1seph D..illon '2014' 292 Sept. 20 ,1943 : Mau, Blanch 1 [l 1\1aye!', Howard S. & Martha F. Irwin Fr i:lman '. 2014' 297 f: F Mutual Savs. & Loan Co. Alma Hirnikel 2014!322 'l• Sept. 18,1943 !i Morris, Edna &E!: arl Te,ressa B. Varelmann :: 2014: 323 !' Mueller, Carl H. & Freda A. Be1rfu.a Roffman < 2014 3'Zl Sept. 20,1943 11 I Sept. 18, 1943 Miller, Stanley & Marcella Stahl H'.arry J. Eisenbarth :2014 368 l 1 Earl Josei;b & Louella Billman 2014 '. 378 Sept. 21, 1943 r Miller, Minnie & Charles I: i2014 i 402 ~ 1 Misner, Garnet & Frank W. G. Louise Peterlng ~(, r,: Manyet, Magdalena (Dec 1d) Cert.T.rans. :Michael Manyet ,et al, Devirees '2014 418 '.2014 • 434 Sept. Miller, Helen S. Robe rt G. &: Corinne A. Miller '.2014: 436 _ Sept. Metzger, Anna C. & Leo Albert Ha.rris '·2014 463 Sept. Miller, William H. Reibert Ralph Neely I Maxson, Edna~.&. Benjamin &. William Gray 2014 i 4'77

Minges, l\larie &. Henry JEtme s W. Gibson ·2014 501 2014:520 Moss, Antonette L. &. John v, He,nrietta Boyle p l ii,, H 2014°588 Minten, Nellie F. ' GJ,adys M. Christman 20 FROM

l( ;1 Meade, Charles & Bertha Allen Paul 2014,600 Bept. 22, 1943 ,, ;J Myers, Bertha H Minnie L. Johns 2014, 622

1 Moore, Carroll Marion H. Fahlbush 2014149? Sept. 23, 1943 : Metz, Charles L. & Lorena M. Metz Robert & Mary Sunderman 2014)540 I ! IV1ersmann, John Eernard & Christine R. Helen Gillespie Duerigei:i. 2014;553 Morgan, Anthony L. & Marjorie Centennial Savings §c Lo;an Company !12014/ 564 JI i Muthler, La,·,rence A. & Edna F. Helen & George M. Burli11g ;' 2.014\ 571 f; ' Madison Building Assn. .Eldon o~ & Alice W. S!)ei;i.cer ji 2014; 620 ~ '. ' p ' Mercantile Bldg.& Loan Co. Robert K. Bennie P20J.51196 Sept. 23, 1943 tr ! Mack, Wm. A. (dec'd) per executrix Ottilie lf2015!122 Sept. 24,1943 ,, i Murphy, Ida s. Willis & Doris Murphy \i2015'.160 !•. : Mui ter, Mamie Ralph L. Becker \;2015( 72 t: \ ' Mulford, Loretta & James Pl Van B. & Miriam M. Retallick 12015; 42 ti ,: Mefford, Theda Mae Koopman, Edward & Nell !2015 44 '!

Mandery, Florence Helen & Herbert hunter 112015 77 i Sept.25, 1943 Miller, Clara&. Frank Louis Boyle 1; 20151183 lt (; r l; Murray* HarryM. Edward A. & Vera A. Deit~ch 112015 ! 59 !/ Sept. 24:,1943 Li j_ •. Madi son Road Savings &. Loan Co. Benjamin Franklin & FraD,ces Boyers ji 2015/ 285 j; Sept. 25,1943 'I l Mattlack, Charles James & Elizabeth M. Bu:r'k:e ji 2015i 268 Sept. 27 ,1943 I' I Mueller, Golda Wuermli Ray & ElaieSimonson j) 20151344 Sept. 28,1943 t. ; Mussio, John K. John T. McNicholas, Trustee 112015[ 308 :; f Meckstroth, Minnie ~t-,7al Louis c. Osterbrock i: 2015! 332 Martin, C. DeLaney 8c Alma F. Florence B. Nelson ii 20151333 t· ; ' •. f t' Maas, Doretta R. Dorothy Lindemann i 2015 365 ''. Martin, Alice Lear C. DeLaney Martin J; 2015/ 367 !: i; ' Monell , Henry Lee Taylor [i 20151 368 I' . 1 Motz, Rupert & Hilda Kathe.l:'ine Thomas \f 2015 440 Sept. 29,194.3 I' ' Middendorf, Rosella & Frank J. Alvina Lacher 1:2015/442 Sept. 28,1943 C' ·I Morton, Rosemary & Richard G~ Celia Krinbill Sept. 29, 1943

Mangold, .Anna J. ~ Anthony J. Anna F •. Gilkey Maxfield, Angie L. Hilda M. Dean

Muse, Richard H. & Margaret C. Dorothy J. Bruening

Mensing, Theodore F. &: Barbara A. Joseph & ~ary E • Zil;lt Sept. 30, 1943 Marcus, Ada&: Robert Charles H. & Anna H. Long

Mason, Grace & John Cora l:rene Ferkins Morris, Hattie Matson & Alvin Cora Irene Ferkins

Matson, Edgar & Mary Lou II II II Mount, Charles &: Dorothy Mae Flora .r. Fiscmr Muckenfuaz, Geor~ (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Ca trer in~ Muckenfu:::1z, st ~11., Devise ea Oct. 1, 1943

Minges, Marie & Henry Janice J. Scheffel Miller, Byron H. (Dec'd} Cert.Trans. Janet B. Miller, Devisee

Moore, Elsie & Roge:r E. Ernest }II. &: Flora E. Balt\ley Oct. 2, lgi3

Mundt, Lester G. & Alic~ Elsie E.• Raible Miller, Marcia & lfoah A. Mildred K. Tilford Miller, Gladye & John Daniel'i'& Mae 'l'urner Meyer , Henry CJ • Z Sue Betty List Meyer, Ma:r>y Oscar M. & Waltet' G. Meyer Mason, Paul B. Lillian F. Mas on ~ 21 FROM TO Ii GRANTOR ! GRANTEE · Page i!

Oct. 4, 1943 Mefford, Theda Mae Heriry Baui e, Sr. & Mayme Bause :2016 . 186 i: Agnes M. Scbro eder · !~016 ; 191 ;. Mally-, Emma & Hannah ., r:

Mitter, Laurence, Jr., et al Edtth S • Kuwa tch :2016 . 193

Marx, Louis P. F.r~1nk C. & HeJe n D. Waite 2016 234 Macleleine Sizemore ;2016 ; 265 Oct. 5, 1943 Mt. Lookout Sava. & Loan Go. Mechley, John G •. & Florence E. Cru1rlotte Mechlay '.2016 • 267 12016' 289 Marqua, William A. & Mary G. Luc1y Solimine. ;2016 i 294 Marshall, Ann F. & Thomas A. Em:Lly L. & Nixon Lutz Matthews, Marianna WiJLliam Henry Smi th,e t al 2016 , 296 Marksberry, Lillian William Marksberry '2016 • 306 Alina L. Cahall :2016 · 308 · Malaer, G. Raymot1d · Overstreet Oct. 6, 1943 Martin, Catherine & Joseph Mru•cus G~,&: Garnard E. Steelman ~ 016 ! 3.58 i: Miller! Hattie O! (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Daniel D. Miller, Devhee 2016 : 361

Sept. 10,1943 Meyers, Oliver C. or1m & Net tie Pugh '2016 : 367 I Edward J. &Margaret B. Kornman Oct. 6, 1943 Mitchell, Carl P .• (Est. of) Per. Trustee 2016 • 409 Monahan, Mary E. Ro1bert R. & Virginia Claus 2016, 416 1 Maugle, Dallas & Ruth B. Ed:na F .. H:udiles ton 2016 1 423'

Oct. 5, 1943 Merckel, Emma Al'bert T. Winkelmann :2 016 ' 441 j Oct. 7, 1943 Mottern, Helen B. & Albert J. James R. Hardwick 2016 '.488 ii Miceli, Marie M. & James A. Charles S. & Charlotte V. Leedy '2016 j 543 fl Veirna Crooley ~016 : 565: i Oct. 8, 1943 Moore, Catharine Marckworth, Jo~n H. Co:rne lia J. Dettmer 2016 '578 :: Myers, Eliza A. Price (Dec 1 d) Per Admr. Cal~l F. & Hazel H. Russell '2016 610 2016 '625 ' :, I Misch, Anna & Charles Sarah Kafuerine Gilles pie Mastin, Lelah Walter L. & Alice Bush 2017 50 . j Mills, Virgil J. & Goral Louise Edward A.& Margaret M. Hannon :2017 76 j Oct. 9j 1943 J .; Menze, Olivia Amelia B. Rowe :2017 82

Moreland, Georg~ Raymond & Emma Marie Ruth H. Hilbert :2017 : 142 Armin & Jean B. Jenkins Oct. 11, 1943 Mathie, Della C. c. 2017 156: Maxwell, Mildred s. Nathaniel H. Maxwell :e.2.017: 194i II II II JI " II .2017 206': Mefford, Carl & Elizabeth Celena Fla ck . 2017' 212'

Mefford, Alice E. Ja·111e s V. Mefford 2017: 253:

1 Aug. 25, 1943 Morton, Emma (Dec d) Cert.Trans. Fl•ora Barrett,et al, Dev:i:I ee 2017. 258', '2017: 307 Oct. 13, 1943 Meister, Hortense Davis & Martin Charles F. & Esther llol]en ,, ., ,. 2017, Marshall, Ann F. & Thomas Alexan:ier '.f Elizabeth Rolfe DePuy 321 •• ·.·2017 ! 404'' Mo tzar, Louis & June E • Rose B. Kohl 1 Manning, Naom~Lee & Edward Sebm tian C. & Augµs ta V. Re :2017 259.:

Oct. 14, 1943 Mangan, Belle (Dec 1 d) Cert.T:rans. Edward T. Man&3n,et al, Devisees 2017 ! 469 : Myers, Harriet Nicholas a. & Estelle R. Draginof.f . 2017 474 '. Mefford, Theda W~e ME1rie McKinney ', 2017 495: Miller, Ruth & Leonard · Ida Apse1ofi' : 2017] 498 I 2017:543 Oct. 15, 1943 Meinha:rdt, Mary Friend Margaret B. Krueger :Mastic, John G. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Mayme Mastic, Devisee ', 2017! 591 :: 2017( 618 Miller, Nola & V'lilliam Jcihn B. Tucker 2018; 12 Oct. 16, 1943 Meyer, Robert (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. Jc,hn Meyer,e t al, Devisees 46 Mannix, Flore nee & George Jqsephine & Wal tB r Hablutzel .,. 201s: ' Miller, Grace M. & Charles E. WUma M. Honkamp 2018; 78 22 FROM

·-- - - '-·------··---·"- •·-,-•--··-----·---·•·•-•·-·••-n" ·------~~--· •·-·-·-·--•------,~-·~•--•·-----·· ,.,- <'" --- -•----~------~·---·-,,·--·,-· ·-••••••••••-~•, ----·-~ --·---·--~---··---•- _•-·.a-·•-···-·""""--•-·•"""""'"-• r::::910 61 FLOHR GO clM··HHI · · · · · -- · ·· · n ·· · · ··-·- ··-·- ---~-. ·-- ~------·-----· ... r--···· ~ ... ~ · --·· -· l! Book I Page !, ir· --~------·r··r -~-· "~l; ·--- .·--~ . "' -. ' . to18 1 89 H Oct. 18,1943 H li Mitchell, Annie Earl & Robert L. Melvena Paxton ~018 95 d it I~ Minnich, Frank & Mildred Harold & No.:rma Evans ~018 111 ;:

Minnich, George & Marie Frank & :Mildred Minnich ~018 113 ,1 !1 } ii 1 Mooney, Martin E. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Winifred G. Mooney,et ~11, Devisees !2018 l 152 ' l: J Moroney, Catherine John s. Walsh !~018 170 :t ii Miller, Clara B. (Dec I d) Per E:xecutrix Wilmel:' L. &: Gracie M. ~rones 201~ 177 :1 Oct. 19,1943 :i r ~ 1 Miller, Leavitt D. & Laverda & Leo Samuel:. iWilm?.r L. & G.:racie M. ;rones ~018 211 1

!! 1 [j Montjoy, James M. & Ethel Ivl. Mary C. H ellinge .:r 2018 i 235 :i Manchester Land Co. Cinde.:r Prcxiucts, Inc. ~018 Oct. 20, 1943 .. 355 ;iii II fl II D. K.Este Fisher, et al f 018 IJ57 ij j; . ll Moore, Agnes James H. Grigsby, sr.lje1t al ~018 i59 Oct. 19, 1943 Miller, Cha.:rles c. & Sadie Joseph & Gertrude Shel ton ~018 299 Oct. 20, 1943 ii Manchester Land Co. Kentucky Chemical Industries, Inc. l.2018 374 ( ; I( t Mooney, Stella Benn & Bertha A. Beckham ~018 1 382 ;; [ Mangan, Edwal:'d T. ,et al Ann Catherine Sweeney ~018 1409 . Meiser, Frances G. & John Bernadette Curran fuo18 413 !! i! ,. Myers, M1:1rie & Harvey Mellie R. & Ellis Allen. Wittenberg 2018 423 i/ I! i: Moss, Alvina & Walter B. David & Ruth Elliott 12018 430 ,, i: r; Morr, Fred J. & Alice Be.:rnard William Waldman ~018 367 ii Maddux, Alice R • Albert C. Jacobs !l 2018 438 ii Oct. 20,1943 Ii II Ivleiser, Frances G. & John Ma:.:ry M. Wood bo18 447 1! Oct. 21,19LJ3 Mead, He.:rta & Lucian Foster & Ma.:rtha Fahey 1!2 018 4 51 !l Marsh, Jennie D. (Dec 1d) Cert .Trans. Nellie Van Pelt Brown,et al, Devisees 112018 500 !l !l ii :Miehe 1, Nelle & Charles E. Margaret Eickenhorst '.' 2018 522 !i I! Mitman, Har.:ry & Bessie Nathan Mitman !12018;; 529 ii Mooney, Anna Elva M. Nash 1:. 2 018 58 o !' . !\ f) ) Ii 1 Maury, Merlin J. & Mary Lorraine Lawrence & Ivlargar et O'Brien : 2018: 582 ii Ifay, Alma K. & ph Ethel Jeanne Liebel ii 2018 585 li ,: 'i Madison Bldg. Assn. Audnie B. Ra tlif'f 1: 2018 588 ii Mille.:r, William H. Hobert G. & Tottie l'viarti:n l:20181612 Oct. 22, 1943 }! ! Murphy, John J. (Dec' d) Aff 1 d. As to heirs (Alice Tuurphy, et al) i: 20181614 IiI ;• Murphy, Charlotte (Dec'd) Ce.:rt.Trans. Alice lvlurphy, Devisee :: 20l9;; 33 :: f j Jl Kurpby, Jane Hoberts & Jack L. William & Pauline Jm es j! 2019; 52 '! Midlam, Charles A. & Dora A. Viola M. Rasch l! 2019; 55 !: ;: 1 ~ i Madison Savs. & Loan Co. William George Guenther., Jr. ,et al :! 20191 67'; j1 f ·; Morr, Fred J. & Alice Re gin a L ahrma nn r 2019! §3'f !: l Mindermann, George H. {Af'f'd. of) As to J .H. &Wilhelmina Minde.nnann 11 2019; 79'' l: t :~ 1 Mullen, Ma.:ry Ba.:rbara :Kahles ): 20191 88 1 f i ( Mathias, Ray K. & Doris L. :Mary Bauer 1: 2019 j 118) Oct • 23, 1943

Mindermann, Gear ge H. & Lily E. A Uce Id1:1 Usher j'. 2019\ 121;! lVieye.:r, Walter J. (Dec 1 d) Cert. Trans. W• J. Meye l:', J l:'. , De vis ee 156:! ]', I I! l Meyer, Alma {Dec'd) Ce.:rt.Trans. Wal te.:r J • Meyer, Sr. ,et al, Devise es )i 2019! 157!! !': l H Miller, William A. & Lorett;a Henry J. & Helen Bun tho ff 1! 2019; 190:: Oct. 2$,1943 H ' 1 Middendorf, Alvina Aff'd. as to restoration of maiden name!' 2019( 206 1 Oct. 19,1943 E/ 1 I l 1i Magly, Eal:'a Nola & Harold E. George H. & Lily E •. ~iir.rderrnan r 2019: 26i! Oct. 25,1943 i, j H Ivierkle, Edward (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans. William T. Mel:'kle,et al, Devisees !: 2019; 313:1 Oct. 2 6,1943 i; \ ! 1 11/Iaisel, Howard Charles & Anne Louise Gec:r ge Ale':xander Rasemc,nt,etal I; 2019! 3231 ji ii fl ii ii Hd 1! 23 FROM TO

Moeller, Ethe 1 C. Alton C. Durham ': 2019i 457il Maly, Laura & Ralph Mortimer, Ruth K. &.Rar Keinne th E • & Fern N;e:r,ce:t' i Oct. 28,1943 (Af:t~d;'as to crhahge of nameY Opha Cromer Mize, Opha .. ; 2019' 4S8 il Mt. Washington Loan, Bldg. & Tuposit Co.i Earl Cramer . 2019 539 ii 'i Oct. 29, 1943 ', Mattlin, Charles G. & Dorothy L. Ha:t'ry F. &Estelle McVay 2020; 2

Moroney, William A. & Edith P. Ruth G. Kemp '2020' 9

Meyer, Vincent J. & Flore nee J. William R. Whitaker,etal ·2020' 39

Oct. 30, 1943 Meyer, Ferdinand August &: Helen Beatrice Ros a Backe:t' · 202 o' 56 Oct. 29, 1943 Mount, Martha A. Dc,rothy. Mae Mount .· 2020 61

Oct. 30, 1943 Mack, William J. Grace C. Mack :2020 92 Nov. 1, 1943 Murphy, Stanley G. & Edi th L. 1''1,orence McClure .2020 130 ;: Miller, Philip c. & Ethel Melba Carroll i2020 . 142 LuHla Schmalle a.k.a. Luella 1Vl.Schmalle Nov. 2, 1943 ~' Meyer, William E. 2020 19a j. Nov. 3, 1943 Mole:t', Guy H. & Ada M. Tuisl?Y Schneider ·2020 272 Matson, Sarah A. (Dec 1 d) Est.of Moore, Emma (Dec'd) Aff' to Be;s s Stoms Stagman :2020 286 ·

Oct. 22, 1943 Mergler, :Mildred & Wilton H. Bel?tie J. Pulliam 2020 300 Nov. 4, 1943 Mast:t'ullo, Viola & .ilnthony Frs1nces Potts 2020 : 363 Mills, E:ltzabeth Hoel Bessie R • .Mayer sen 2020 367 Mohawk Place L. & B. Co. Rut;h J. Henge hold 2020 380 Ii ;, Meiners, John & Helen Cai:iper & Hazel Evans 2020 398 Miller, Geor@ Edward {Dec) Cert.Trans. Louise Miller Full, Devi.see 2020 401 N.eyers, Walter T. & Marie .Ame11ia C. Bunning 2J20 1 409 Maly, Arthur (Dec' d) Cert .Trans. Anna Maly, Devis ee ~020 4ll

Nov. 5, 1943 Methodist Home f o:t' the Aged John Favoran ,203) 441 11etz, Mayme Steil 1 a Marie Eb ding '2020 483

Mirlisena, Pauline & Sam Fl<>re nee Rose & I<1 erd:ina nd Jagger :2020 487 Tuiarkstein, Natalie L. &· Berna:' d M. Goldie Brook :2020 503 Marguet, Elmer & Trevalee Pr1mk l.larguet 2020 ; 507

Mor ton, A:t'nette A. & Amel :i.a J"ou~ph & Josephine Martinelli 2020 , 513

Nov. 6, 1943 Metzger, Vera Becker &William J. Rol:>er t C. & Luella m. Morr is 2020 '519 [: J,ieye:t' & Sons Co., George Walter G. o: Oscar }t. :Meyer 2020 545

Nov. 8, 1943 Mau:t'ath, Ruth J. v. Oscar J. Sh :Lrley E. Sch:t'oder 2020 573

i, Murray, William c. (Dec 1 d) Cert. -Trans. D3 lla 1~urr a y, Tov:is ee 2020 581

Moses, Ernel & Mildred :r.~a:r: guEr i te C. Pay 202) . 605

Nov. 9, 1943 Miller , Blanche & Joli}.n Edward Becle r ~020 612 Nov. 8, 1943 Moser, Leo & Sophia Alf:t>ed E. Fish E!t' 2021 42 Middendorf, Mary Clara & Henry F. ChEis te r G. eta pman 2021 43

Nov. 9, 1943 Mathers, Anna B. Ru1;h E. fo. i tcre ll 2021 57 i: 1 Meeker, Clare nee & Lucy Wa1•ren W. & ltiaude G. \'\eeks 2021 61

Morena, Antonio,et al PbH ip p Sabatelli ~021 98 Mefford, Leona 11,. & William F. Bex• tha Franc is 2021 : 109

!\Tog, Ella & F:rank Melven a Pax.ton 2021 83

Nov. 6, 1943 .Metzger, Ve:t'a Beck~:t' & William J. Joe & Ida Luca 2021 138 Nov. 10,1943 Mallin, Benjamin D.& George O. ,et al Jea,nnette A. I1iallin 2021 152 la 1' Mercurio, Harriet & Joseph Ralph B. & Margaret S. Yochum •2021 154··

1fov. 4, 1943 Mueller, .Valter I_I. Jr. & Evelyn Jane M.a;yme C. Langley 2021: 165< ; Nov. 10,1943 Mallin, Joseph D. III & Gladys Je~.nnet te A. r.'iallin 202l' 166

Mallin, Joseph D., Sr. (Dec 1 d) Cert.Trans Id~1 D. Baldridge 13 t al, De vise es 2021, 1C9 GRANTOR IBook Page ll .,~.'C,,C"'tC C'C,.~,r~·"c,C, "C"i[''" C,",,C., ,C ~fountel, George J. & Eloise Ange la Romeo )(2021f179 Nov. 10,1943 a : !l. Ii l l! Magnus, Julian K. & Edith M. Bessie Schneider il202ll315 l: Nov,. 13,1943 l: I ji Mills, June Virginia Alfred H. Bucholtz 1!2021 /362 ,! Nov. 15, 1943 ii fi l 1! Miller, Emily '.t Aff 1 d. of [:20211391 !! Nov. 13,1943 i' i! 1 !1 1\Ias on, Josie l.t. & John H. ,,il Grace Metz !!2021 !394 ;\ Nov. 12, 1943 i,,, ,, n ± n 11:a ish, John C, & Elizabeth B. i' Donald A. Maish !;2021 ;455 ii Nov. 1_5, 194 3 i. I: i H J:il':tnges, Narie & Henry F Herschel O. Bauman 11 1: i;2021 i4ol Nov. 15, 194 3 Meyer, Romaine & Bernard J. ii Bernard J. Meyer ,et al )12021 (4 68 ll I11inges, Marje & Henry j, I !,,,t,! Cecelia M. Engel l:2021., ll472 ., lj l i\ 1,:ulford, Loretta P. <:J., James P. 1 He le n H. Brooks ·,1 2021 !,4<1'i3' : 7 :j i, ; Ji Martz, Helen & John Jr. Ben &Ocie Davenport fi2021 !492 ,; Nov. 16, 1943 }l 1 l' Meyer, Robert L. & Dorothy M, Joseph W. & Carolyn IL Haskamp 1120211569 n 1: l !l 11:urdock, ;nes M. & George D. John A. Johnson,e t al j2021 j582 !! Nov. 17, 1943 I', ' ;1 ?,1artin, Eva V. James R. & Addie L. Stl?awder ;:2022' 23 !! Nov. 18,1943 \ ~ Morris, Edviard & Ruth Charles H. & Norma Hase~leder I_:2022 29 !!,, :1 ii Marsh, Dora K. Aff'd. of )!2022 82 :! /; i! Iv.ay, l,iarcus Parker Jr. & Flora Julia William :M. & Gladys Da;y Seitz J!2022 88 I[ ,, n H :I Muschong, Paul & Barbara John & Theresa Willweri,h !:2022 116 li Nov.19, 1943 Ii ;! Meyer, Helen Twelfth Ward B. & L. CC>. 112022 122 ii I il H Moorman, Rose & Charles T, Helen A. I<'ern H2022 !" 139 :i Ii Ifanley, Werner E. & Grace S. John D. & Dorofu y D .Darm 1811! !!2022 :r \ Masters, Herman, J. & Edna Elizabeth Uhlhorn \ 1!2022 205Hl, Nov. 18, 19'13 \ ti h Itoorhaus, Una L, Er Adolf C. Ifary G. Cryder !:2022 218 ii l'usek, Ralph ~: Frances Roberta Mrusek 1:2022 364!:,, 1 ii 1 Meade, Valentine John (Dec d) Cert .Tr. Fauline '.r. Cheafuam,et al li2022 370 1 li '.I 1 ,: Mook, Leo (Dec'd) Afi' d. as to Anna Mook, Heir !:2022 382;; Nov. 23,1943 1 H Meeker, Clarence & Lucy Albert R. & Freda M. Farrar 12022 427!! ,j ii 11 Meyer, Elmer & Maybelle Carmen & Fannie Pagano i:2022 430;! ):, ii Meyer;: lielen Elizabeth Laudt ::2022 48811 Nov. 24,1943 ii ;I Marmer, Lillian & Fanny, et al Anna Senholzi 1:2022 517!1" Nov. 20,1943 jj Mays, Fred &: Alice Mary & Dilver Thompson !: 2022 522!i Nov. 24,1943 fi Ji1e-tz, Mayme William F. & Florence Et. Metz E2022 593ll Nov. 26,1943 r !I Mueller, Amelia Albert&: Margaret j! 2022 606'! 11 ;( Meyer, Terese Faye K,. Critz I,i! 2022 623!! p H Malaer, G. fulymond Ivlarie A. Nie ha us 11 2023 1i! li ! i', Morelli, Pietro Z, & Josephine Nerone Ozetta L .Walker li 2023! 21ll Nov. Zl, 1943 Millerhaus, James (Agreement) ii Mervin Franklin & Jarnef:! Edward Guyer !l 2) 23! 36,1,, 'i ' H Molloy, Kate c. (Dec'd) Cert.Trans. Margaret Molloy,~vise e. !12023 l 47H I: Ii ! H 11 ! 11 1! 1! " ,1 25 FROM TO

·--~ - ---·--·~·--··~-~,,__..., ___ ~------~-·--·-·-·---GICOdcEL0HR-..COr:IH·,o4!:f3- - -~---·-·-···-- ____ ...__· -·------·-·· ··-----"-·"·~--~-·---·-·. - """.. -· -·~-· ~--- ._ - T~ -- - __ ·-:_":" __ :--:· ·- -··J •.=-::.:- ...--=--·_-=:.::-:..:· ::=:.-·-=.-,--~--:::·::.:. "--=·::._ ,, fl I• ' __ . . I GRANTOR !! GRANTEE !! Book l • .;;. ---·· - --- '·-· --~------~-s-·- .-C.....---·-·· ._~ ··= .. -·.:.1:I --- A'.".------·----.~ .. '"". -- -·----·"-----,-·,··---~~ _,,..., __ . - -.,s .. --··-~ '·-·... ----~ ,--: .. •"'" ··- --~-----. ·1r·- '~ -----·---~t.--- ·~---· ---~-- .. - '" ,... ':. -. ,.-.:'."0-'C".;;.~ ~ ··-~::..-s:--~·--=·--,c::---:c.:~--=---·---· ;-;c:-- ••--~--,-_~-;:--· .. .-;c._ - -· --'-- ---'-- Nov. 29, 1943 !: Meyer, Gustave H. w. (Dec 1 d} Cert.Trans.;, Fr:leda w. Meyer, Devisee 2023 '. t " Moneyhon, Jessie Louise A. Owen 12023' ;:, Nov. 22, 1943 t Meyer, Berna '!'d &: Anna M. El~Lzabeth O'Hearn '2023 ii i Nov. 29, 1943 ): Meer, August B. & Mary .Ad13laide L. Cawein 2023. 98'' Nov. 30, 1943 Ii Moran, Genevieve L. Myl? tle L • .'.Matthews ::2023 ' 174 : Muders, John & Minnie Louis & Mary Lella :, 2023 ' 190 :

Moormann, Alma R. Mal~garet J. furdick 2023 · 209 .

Dec. 1, 1943 .Ivlesser, Sarah Raymond Messer 2023 217 1 Moroney, Catherir.e Af f d. of ;:2023, 264 i: :,! 1 Dec. 2, 1943 Markus, Elizabeth s. (Dec d) Per Execu. :, Rooert W. :2023 326 Markus, Robert W. & Elizabeth L. Roy J. & Irene M. Rudolph ::2023' 328 Markus, Elizabeth s. (Dec 1d} Per Execu. < Robert W. Markus .2023 334'.

Minks, Vera O. Roy W. & Emma M. Klosterman •. 2023 1 340;

Nov. 30, 1943 Miller, Herbert A. & Katherine M. Anp.a E • Bracher ! 2023 355

Dec. 3, 1943 Mackentepe, Amelia L. John W. & Mozelle Reed 2023 374' Milam, Luella Thelma D. Hall '. 2023: 416

Dec. 5, 1943 Marcus, Mose & Selma Ruth Be1ri Levinson 2023 483 i! {; Me~e~, John & Viola Doi~o thea C. Beggs 2023, 608 •. ,, Dec. 6, 1943 Matson, Pansy Sylvia Stephens '2024. 2 Dec. 7, 1943 Murphy, Marie & Hurdus Miernel & Mary Iaciofano '2024 32 Dec. 6, 1943 i~ Meinberg, Anna May (Dec 1 d} Cert.Trans. Edward J. Meinberg, Deviree 2024 39 &: ;,; Ma:cy A. Obermeyer Murdock, Clarence. E. ess. ie . A. 2024 48 Dec. 4, 1943 Milford Bldg. Loan & Savs. Co. Pauline Florence Timmer :2024 58 ~; 2024 , 131 Dec. 8, 1943 ,, Meyers, Mary J. John & Laura Rizzo Miller, Anna (Dec 1 d) Cert. Trans. Ma'.Pgaret Mahler Easton,et al, Devisees '2024: 166 ..

Nov. 19, 1943 Murdock Construction Co. Chirence E. Murdock 2024: 186. David M.Zellman Dec .• 9, 1943 i' Moriconi, Clara (Dec 'cl} Ber '.Admr. .20Zl 194: Miller, George & Julia Lawrence J. Rasche, etal . 2024, 198 ,

Minges, Marie & H~nry Emma K. Widoo r 2024 202 · ,, Tue. 10, 1943 ,; Morehouse.., RuthH. & George H. J. Tonal d & Bi 11 ie H. Good na n .. 2024 . 262 ,.

Molloy, Ella & Joseph Lawrence Jean L. Ti,:,yung 2024 297 William G. & Alma C. dig Dec. 11, 1943 Merten, Robert Edward & Edna Mae 2024 347, Mille,:>,. Sylvia & Dolores Theda 1'ilae Mefford 2024' 399,

Dec. 10, 1943 Mueller, Louisa, et al lPer Shff) Em:ma Klein 2024 411 ':

Dec. 13, 1943 !,, Minton, Sherman J. & Clara P. James P. & Nellie Webb '2024 : 471 .. ;;,, Miller, Eli A. & Tresa Iona R. Brokaw 2024 481 Dec. 14, 1943 Morton, Emma (Dec I d) Cert.Trans. Flora Barrett,et a 1, Devirees '2024 505 ..

Mt. Lookout Savs. & Loan Co. William F. Wenker, Jr. /;k, al .20 24' 517

Minges, Marie & Henry Margaret Vlethington ,2024' 519 .• ,;,• Dec. 15, 1943 • Madison Bldg. Assn. Raymond A. & Jean M. Dugan 2024 539 ·, . 2024 ' 562 ;, Dec. 14, 1943 ii Mariemont Builders, Inc. Velma irene Baldridge Arthur E. &: Margaret Somers 2024' _566 . t: Martin, Emma Agnes & Carl G. ,: He1en E. I11111er, Dev:Ls ee Dec. 15, 1943 u Miller, William 1v1. (Dec 'd} Gert.Trans • 2024 · 621,' !: {' V:i:r ginia Reynolds ·,2024 622 ,, Marshall, Margaret & Andy !\ 1 Dec. 9, 1943 Meiners, Cora (Dec d) Per Executrix M:tr tle Tischbein '2025. 14 .. '2025: 32!'. Dec. 10,1943 Malone, Elsie & Malachy C. EJ,izabeth White Dec. 16,1943 Mehring, Alvin E. & Anna Lucille John A. & Ca tbel:' ine A • 1i1iller 2025 111' Dec. 16,1943 Meinken, Emma T. & Henry La:ura Warner 2025 126 26 FROM TO ,-··-•,r'-··-4•,-·•,-~-.-----· - -··------.--,·- ,---·------·--·- --·--·---"~" ·-· - -~---- __ , ______·--~··· -·-·------· .. ____ "'~-»·~--- _, --,.- -«---·· ---··--910 ·-AcFlOHA-CQ ·RM·:114345···-- ---·------·'- ., · ···-- '· - ·-· ·---- · ···•·· ~-- - '·------._.. ------,.__ --- -~. - ----· -·--- ·------· -·-· - . GRANTOR GRANTEE Book l Page ii' c,~~-t- ~ -· Mulligan, Mary L. & John M. Hattie Grace Evans 112025 l 156 Dec. 17 ,1943 1: l' Mackay, Hazel M. Adelaide L. Roebuck !i2025 167 Mur:t', Annie B • Ethel Briton !!2025 190 JI Marmer, Katherine D. & Morris Bessie Sta tma n 1po25 244 Dec. 20 ,1943 i! Moore, Sylvia Waldridge & John R. Da.niel W. Henrie i!2025 246 !· ll'i:elcher, Abbie Marie,et al (Per Shff) City Bldg. & Loan Assn. !!2025 252 g 1 Meinecke, Charles (Dec d) Cert.Trans. Elizabeth Meinecke, Dev·isee [2025 277 Moran, Milla!'d & Stella Peter Konrad !12025 282 Dec. 14 ,1943 !, Meyer, Clyde C. Gertrude G. Meyer 112025 JlO ,, Dec. 20, 1943 L Ii Mitchell, Nargueri te & Thomas J. ,. Rose T. Giesken !;2025 356 :1 \ ii Murray, William Arthur (Dec'd) Cert.Tr. ii -~lliam Walter Mun>ay, Deviree l'.2025 341 !I Dec. 21, 1943 Mann, Robert B. VeraG.Mann !:2025 449 ii Dec. ~, 1943 !·,, Mefford, Theda Mae Edna Thomas i'.2025,, 462 Dec. J8 ,1943 !I rt.yers Y. Cooper Co., The Mildred F. Simpson [202.5 482 Dec. 23, 1943 H do. Thomas A. Carothers [2025 489 11 do. Amelia E. Fast 112025 491 !1 do. Ruth E. Ives f025 492 do. Margaret R. & Joi;tn H. 1':oore !12025 496 ii William B. & C.:has tine S,. Hardy ) do. 112025 498 iij\ i do. Stan dish & Elea nor R. Ne acham !!2025 501 ii do. Lewis M. Webb, Jr, 502 I I!:1202.5 ! l· do. Nancy D. Hoxworth ;:202.5 _504 . lI ,, : i do. Laura d' Isay Lippincott:,et al !1202.5 506 \l 'i \-1 do. Worthington Kite Minor li202.5 .507 \j jl ~ e.0. Isaac l\'J. Pease i:202.5 511 'i i; J do. Jean N. Lockwood !!202.5 515 j I!,~ Meyer, Anna L. & Bernard H. Theres a Meyer 1:202.5 517 I' Myers Y. Cooper Co., The Eleanor H. "inke !!202.5 519 E do. Wo!' thing ton Kite Minor 1:202.5 .520 do::. Carl Bina 1 !!2025 522 ,,H dO. Marjorie S. & R. Eugene, King ;[2025, li '. Meyers, Har:t'y J. Kat re rine Ivleyers /12025 i Dec. 23,1943 q Kinges, Marie & Henry Martha A, Day 11202.5 Dec. 2 7, 1943 il M.iller, Harry E. 1::1:, Olga E. Robert E. Poysell !!2026 Assn. Inc. Ii Monfort, Mary E. Harriet Beecher Stowe Home Memorial / !12026 Marshall, William & Anna Katherine Flanagan 1!2026: ·: ! N.ueller, Charles S. & Ruby Laverna & Carl J. Andrlot I: 20261 llii !' Mueller, Walter R. & Anita M. Calvin C. & Mary Belle Hogan JJ2026i l: ' Momich, Franka Edwa!'d J. Smith H2026: 42 h ' Morris, Mary G. (Contract of Purchase)'; Mildred & Raymond Gall Ii 2026; 4.5 I, ' ii !( i \; Miller, Helen M. l· Fay iviae Snapp !!2026! 88 Dec. 28,1943 ii ! F i Moninger, Agnes L. & Walter J. Ambrose Henry Shane i! 20261 92 I' I Mills, Clal'ence A. &Eliith c. Helen C. Busemeyer Ii 20261117 ~ f ! I' l Morton, Eliza R. Clara foar ie Jungclas it 2026/ 134 Dec. 29, 1943 H i Middle ton, Ha!'ry & Eliza Bernard & Edith Murrelll li 2026\ 187 Dec. 1, 1943 ii t Jt.eyer, Robert N. Norman C. IVieyer ii 2026! 223 Dec. 30, 1943 Merkle, Joseph ., Ma!' ie Varelmann Merkle I! 20261226 H !1 l Minton, Pearl (Dec 1 d) Per Commissione~ H Finus fuinton !! 2026! 228 /1 11 1i E i[ il 1: II 27

! !! Book Page }j ,, I, Dec. 30, 1943 tf Merkle, Joseph Mat•ie Vare lmann ivierkle :2026' 235 !: ,, : J j'. John A. SyJ.'l!i.a Iuathew s '2026. 240 Dec. 31, 1943 ! Mathews, E Mullins, Edward Ellis Cle, o lvlullins 2026 271 :.
