1 6 - EVENING HERALD. », 1060 Peqiprf-l AL sponsors delegates Land is best hedge against inflation VERNON - Dobosz-Ertel-Laboc- Richard Kopsick of Robin Circle, Tolland :adio /haeR Hansen Post 14, American Legion, will be High; Robert A Schadt, son of Mr. and survey of the market now. ‘Thirty or 60 days would be “If anything has hurt us it’s been all the bad things said Mrs. A. Schadt of Tolland, Tolland High;, Second of four stories ■Tve definitely seen a lot more interest,” Bruce Jones sponsoring five high school juniors as better.” in the media,” he declared. and John Marchessault Jr., son of Mr. and iTVil of Fireside Realty said. ‘Tve put together several deals delegates to Nutmeg Boys State and the 'Gordon said the election year might be producing whaL '"The public is responding well to the new low-cost Mrs. John Marchessault of Tolland, By KEVIN FOLEY recently.” auxiliary will be sponsoring delegates to Jones said, much of the Interest in the market followed he termed a “false bottoming out” of interest rates and mortgages,” Alfred Lesperance of Lesperance Realtors Tolland High. Herald Reporter Laurel Girls State, this week. the banks move to stimulate the lagging market locally In said one reason no overwhelming response to the low said recently. ”We have seen three to four times the Boys State is being held at the U.S. MANCHESTER-* If inflaUon Is Indeed the number May. At that time. Heritage Savings and Loan made news mortgage rates had been seen was because, “a lot of peo­ number of deposits taken for new homes throughout the Coast Guard Academy in New London and Girls State participants are: Ellen one problem facing America today, as three local by offering a 12 percent variable rate mortgage. ’The ple are sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what Hartford area over the last month than the 30 days prior Girls SUte at the Kent School in Kent. Rosenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1/ b ^ e r s indicated recently, then it follows that the best happens.” to that. I’ve taken five deposits in the last two w e^s.” During the week the students will be par­ Gerald Rosenberg of Box Mountain Drive, RE hedge against inflation — real estate — would experience Society for Savings quickly followed suit with an 11 % Gordon did say young couples w ere^owing more in­ Indeed, Lesperance’s claims are not unfounded as Paul ticipating in mock legislative sessions and Rockville High; Kathy Sunderland, a heavy influx In sales. percent variable mortgage and other institutions also daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George While bankers and labor officials say Manchester, the lowered rates; many after a morltorium of a month or terest in and Nying condominiums. ^ W. Dougan Jr., president of the Manchester Board of will conduct mock elections. “We couldn’t give them away a couple of years ago,” Realtors confirmed. Boys State participants are: Gary C. Sun&land, 2 Bancroft Road, Vernon, Immediate vicinity and Connecticut in general won’t be more. People who bought homes in February are locked in at be remarked. "A total of 84 deposits have been taken for homes Knox, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Kenne^ Rockwle High; Lisa Duguay, daughter of seriously affected by the recession now being 16 percent,” Jones added. ‘"Their mortgages are un- Echoing Gordon was Jackston-Avanti sales manager bought in Manchester over the last four weeks he said. Knox of Elm Hill Road, a junior aK Mr. an^Mrs. Peter Duguay of Crestwood experienced elsewhere In the U.S., they concede safe In­ assumable and there’s a prepayment penalty. ‘The Mike Kaprove who said condos had experienced “a surge “The fdur weeks before that, only 66 were taken, and that Rockville High; Robert A. Turkington, RbatT, Tolland, Tolland High; and Beth vestments are the way for most average wage earners to in availability in and around Manchester” and that many reflects a 21 percent increase. Manchester Is not like son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Turkington Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving go. However, while low yield investments may be safe, variable rate mortgage (which banks can increase as Foster of 27 Kozley Road, Tolland, much as two percent yearly) is increased depending on young working families and older couples were buying other areas of toe country.” of 6 Davis Avenue, Rockville High; they don’t always keep up with inflation, and land them up as fast as they become available. Tolland High. becomes an outstanding opportunity for those wishing to what the overall market is doing.” Lesperance predicts “a severe increase in toe cost of Michael Kopsick, son of Mr. and Mrs. “As of May 15, we’ve experienced a complete reversal stay ahead of devaluating dollars. Jones also said since variable mortgage down housing, and is advising those with down payments to At least that’s what area real estate agents-contend. payments are generally lower, down to 5 or 10 percent of the prior two months,” Kaprove said. “People waiting enter toe market now. Like toe others, he said con­ a u t o s o u n d & n c They say since the local banks made mortgage money from 20 or 30 percent, more people are looking at homes since last October are now ready to buy. ‘There’s been a dominium sales were excellent. School closings eyed more attractive by lowering interest rates or offering and other types of property. lot of inquiries lately.” Said Bill Rood, an agent with the Crockett Agency, ^ 3«/oUr “We’ve seen interest in the market,” Joe Gordon of Kaprove said much of his business of late has been “The mortgage rates affected us when they were high. 11% percent variable mortgages, interest in buying VERNON — Major factors to be con­ man is suggesting that the board develop a Gordon Realty pointed out. “But that doesn’t necessarily from J.C. Penney executives coming to the area to work But people are variable and you always have to hope for list of criteria to be considered for each homes, if not actual sales, has increased significantly at Uie new catalog showroom In Buckland. sidered before closing a school, will be since the beginning of the year in Manchester. correlate with sales. It’s really premature to conduct a toe best.” reviewed tonight by the Board of Educa­ school building before it determines if any pORTABlfRA^ tion at its 7:30 meeting in the school ad­ schools could>be closed. ministration building on Park Street. Some of the factors to be considered in­ The recommendations for consideration clude projected enrollment figures, the will be.presented by Dr. Bernard Sidman, physical characteristics of the school — i p r ^ w / - superintendnent of schools. Dr. Sidmau, buildings, such as age, number of rooms, and other school officials proposed a the way the rooms are used, actual enroll­ HlaurliFfitpr ■•n- schedule, several weeks ago, which was ment and rated capacity. adopted by the board and calls for a deci­ sion to be made by Nov. 25 if a school will Also to be considered are the expenses EQUIPMENT close at the end of the coming school year. for utiiities, maintenance, staffing Two years ago the board considered salaries and such. closing the Sykes School which houses The board will also be asked to decide Grade 6 students only, and to have those what type of grade grouping it wants. The students incorporated in the Middle system now has Kindergarten through School. But strong objections from Grade 5 at the eiementary sch^ls; Grade tocfto/„urrOFF students and parents and other townspeo­ 6 in Sykes School; Grades 7 and 8 at the • Since 1881 • 20$ I ple, led the board to agree to delay action. Middle School; and Grades 9-12 at the high Vol. XCIX, No. 226 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, June~24,1960 In his latest recommendation Dr. Sid­ school. Dobson Road now closed VERNON - Vernon residents and continue work in the highway reconstruc­ others who regularly use Dobson Road tion project in the area, Arthur B. Price increase moderate between Hartford Turnpike and Campbell Powers, commissioner of transportation toe Immediate months ahead, while said. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Consumer more statistical than real. Without fell, conventional mortgage rates Avenue are reminded that that section of rising food and energy prices may the road is being closed as of today and Southbound traffic on Dobson Road is prices rose 0.9 percent in May, toe seasonal adjustment, gasoline prices continued to climb. "/. rose slightly. And recent price hikes The Labor Department said that is pull toe other way. 38 same as in April, toe Labor Depart­ will be closed to traffic for about 18 being detoured east on Hartford Turnpike, The overall outlook is for months while Interstate 86 is being to Tunnel Road, to Warren Avenue, to ment said today. by toe Organization of Petroleum because recent declines in conven­ somewhat moderating inflation, Maple Street No. 1, to Phoenix Street, to It was toe second consecutive Exporting Countries is likely to raise tional mortgage rates quoted to widened. which many economists expect to A detour has been put into effect to Campbell Avenue and back onto Dobson month of somewhat moderated infla­ fuel prices farther. customers around toe country have not begun to show up in toe figures reach a 9 percent or 10 percent an­ enable the contractor to undertake the Road. Northbound traffic will use the y '\ tion. But analysts cautioned the Foixl prices also declined more nual rate by toe end of this year — construction of the Dobson Road bridge reverse routing. Signs have been installed nation’s inflation problem is far from slowly in May, with food and for toe Consumer Price Index, which e l e c t r o n Tc still very high by historical stan­ structure over Interstate 86 as well as to to direct motorists along the detour route. 50°/’ OFF solved. beverages combined rising 0.3 per­ is based on actual mortgage rate On a seasonally adjusted annual cent, compared to 0.5 percent toe figures. These lag a month or two dards. rate, prices rose 10.9 percent in May, month before. There were substan­ behind the quoted rates. May prices continued to rise faster a big improvement over the 18 per­ tial declines in beef, pork and egg The CPI stood at 244.9 in May, than wages, and the purchasing Dems will air platform K ITS M O Y S cent annual rate during toe first prices. But agricultural economists which means goods and services power of toe average worker con­ three months of toe year. expect many food prices to rise in which cost $100 in 1967 now cost tinued to slide. HARTFORD — A public hearing will be The other hearings are scheduled by the committee, in Norwich, New Haven, and For toe first time during the recent coming months. $244.90. To put it another way, one Hourly earnings of blue collar held in Hartford Thursdat by the energy crisis, gasoline prices Housing was a big disappointment 1967 dollar is now worth 40.8 cents. workers adjusted for inflation Democratic State Platform Drafting Stratford. Included among members of the com­ declin^ slightly on a seasonally in toe May figures. The cost of finan-> Labor Department analyst Patrick declined 0.2 percent from April to Committee, co-chaired by State Sen. adjusted basis, dropping 0.6 percent. cing a home rose a full 3 percent. Jackman said mortgage rates could May. The number of hours per week Audrey Beck,Mansfield, and Deputy mittee are Sen. David Barry of PA But officials said that decline was While VA and FHA mortgage rates work toward pushing toe CPI down in worked by blue collar employees also House Speaker Robert Frankel, Stratford. Manchester, Rep. Timothy J. Moynihan, ^ O F F East Hartford, Lawrence F. DelPonte, declined, presumably because of The hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in recession layoffs. Thus, toe spen­ the Hall of the House of Representatives East Hartford, George Prouty, Vernon, and Rep. Chester Morgan, Vernon. e q u ip m e n t “56%” dable earnings of these workers after at the State Capitol. Cops test victim’s bag taxes and inflation declined even more sharply, down 0.9 percent for GLASTONBURY - State police authorities Monday she found toe bag Crowley said this morning. toe month. spokesman Joseph Crowley said toe which belonged to Mrs. Hart, 29, on State and local police had put out a bag that belonged to the slain toe side of Route 316 in Hebron on description on toe white duck, boat In toe area of energy prices, toe Record— 30% ^ l e e i ' Elizabeth Hart has been turned over Saturday. and tote handbag, which two people Labor Department said natural gas Manche§ter fire calls to police and is now being examined Crowley indicated toe woman who said they had seen last seen Tuesday and electricity charges both in­ Saturday, 10:19 p.m. —Dumpster fire 150 Ludlow St. (Town) CALCULATORS at toe State Police laboratory. < found the bag was not aware of its near the power company creased during toe month (by 4.8 and p.m. —Brush fire at the significance until Monday when she maintenance road in Andover where 2.5 percent respectively). This behind the Manchester Parkade. (Town) Sunday, 3:37 “It is going to be tested at toe lab. Sunday, 12:15 a.m. —Dumpster fire Spencer Street K-Mart. (Town) “41^. discussed it with a friend who was a Mrs. Hart’s body was found. resulted in a rise in toe cost of -'r ' It is being tested for anything that p.m. —Auto accident and policeman and called authorities. “It’s hard to say what it (the bag) household fuels, even though prices behind the Manchester Parkade. (Town) Sunday, 7:10 might yield some evidence on toe Sunday, 1;30 a.m. —False alarm. Box rescue at 791 W . Middle Turnpike. (Town) State and local police conducted in­ is going to lead to until it is tested. of home fuel oil declined. Proud of mom case," Crowley said this morning. It’s significant in that it was a piece Used car prices declined 1.7 per­ 15. (Town) Sunday, 9:23 p.m. —Auto accident and terviews with players and spectators Jayson Angeli, left, and Christopher Angeli, are proud of Sunday, 12:41 p.m. —Water problem at rescue at 726 W. Middle Turnpike. (Town) Mrs. Hart died of gunshot wounds Saturday morning at Butler Field on of her property that was missing,” he cent for toe month. But new car last Wednesday following toe death what they had seen toe night of a Lit­ said. prices rose 1 percent. Automobile their mom. Maty Angeli, who is a member of the Vernon 30^ OFF of her son Thomas, who was ap­ tle League game Tuesday June 17. Mrs. Hart died of gunshot wounds finance charges also continued to Junior Women’s Club and chairman of the club’s Safety Town parently run over in the driveway of Mrs. Hart’s car had been found to the head and chest and her death rise sharply, up 4.3 percent in May. Program. And they have the shirts to prove it. They are stan­ I SPECIAL PROMOTION i the Hart household at 774 Manchester abandoned there Wednesday, the day has been ruled a homicide. Initially, The cost of public transportation— ding in front of one of the mini-buildings at Safety Town set up Road. she was murdered. the boy’s death was thought to be ac­ which includes airline, taxi and inter­ at the Center Road School. Story and related picture on Page 5. I 2 WEEKS ONLY • JUNE 23 — JULY 7 I Crowley said a Hebron woman, “We talked to a lot of people, but cidental, but now it is considered city train — fares rose 1.5 percent for I Mini Enlargemsntt for economy price from your roll I ■ fjOW*** who has not been identified, told that’s all we can say on the matter,” suspicious. toe month. (Herald photo by Richmond) : of film. C-135-12 - $3.29 C-135-24 - $6.39 I ! c-135-36 — $9.19 I omerent sale Coupon must accompany order. Stores are loaded ^urryhifor best selection. not mentioned here. Hurry m lu Board OKs referendum question on M H S \Q> By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA two, with one question planned to ad­ On this basis, toe estimates for the the committee reduced the im­ aquainting the public with the toe Novernbe'r ballot. Herald Reporter dress top priorities and the other roof repair were unchanged. Kuehl provements. Locker replacement renovations, said “I am pleased with That qiUntion will seek $5,522,281, Weatheradio<^ In a Cube slated to address items that had been was estimated at about $16,000 less, the final turn of events.' I am much while adding the officials expect a MANCHESTER - The Board of said toe state will reimburse toe By Realistic'^ evaluated at less urgent. along with tile replacement which more satisfied with this one question reimburserSent of $1,927,905, leaving Education at its meeting Monday town for toe insulation portion of the Donald K. Kuehl, secretary of the will cost $14,000 less than originally toe taxpayers with a total cost of $3,- night approved a single referendum $K5,000 it will cost to replace toe than 1 would have been with two.” R eg. question seeking $5.5 million for Building Committee, said the com­ roof, because this deals with energy. estimated. 624,376. renovations to Manchester High mittee sought to combine the But, Kuehl said toe state won’t The Board of Eiducation, by its vote 17.95 2 8 % questions into one because "one reimburse for the cost of ” School, although the total town funds The committee reviewed each of Monday, authorized Superintendent Education officials and town 12 question is a lot easier to explain and maintenance, because this is con­ these reduced items toe way it did building committeemen praised each spent is expected to be about $3.6 of Schools James Kennedy to take Pre-set the hidden controls just once, then tap the pass than two. We feel toe things left sidered a town responsibility. for toe renovation to toe track. This other for toe work each had done on Play-Bar for instant weather information, 24-hours million due to state reimbursement. toe next action on the year-long in toe renovation estimates are all On a related item, cafeteria fur­ item was reduced by $12,000. Accor­ project. Kennedy will now appear toe project that all involved termed a day. Battery extra. 12-181 The town Building Committee, FOR YOUR important.” niture was deleted, bwause toe state ding to toe committee, toe more before toe Board of Directors July 1 essential to toe education of toe meeting throughout the week, In order to cut the renovation costs expensive .method would have managed to knock toe cost of the won’t reimburse for this. But seeking a referendum question for town’s children. SPECIAL PICTURES! and come up with one question, the allowed toe track to dry faster after renovations down from $6.4 million Building Coipmittee Chairman Paul AM/FM Headphone Radio to toe current $5.5 million figure. Building Committee considered Phillips said this could be added into a rainstorm. Ctommitteenrien felt this By Tandy The committee was striving to several factors. The first was “What toe project in toe end, if there is tradeoff, and others, were worth • BIGGER PRINTS: All-Electronic SLIM-FONE® renovations does toe town consider make toe renovation Issue a single money left in toe contingency fees, making to bring costs into toe shape FULL 4x6" EA. ET-200 by Radio Shack most important?” The second, and, question to be put to voters on the which were incorporated into toe of a one-question referendum issue. Borderless . . . with rich Kuehl said, closely alligned with the total budget at an $80,000 value. matte finish November ballot. first question was, “ What At Thursday’s meeting on the On those items toe committee felt High School Principal Jacob Ludes Save 4 0 % renovations will toe state reimburse were necessary, but unlikely to III, who invested much of his own tuescla/:—___ • PREMIUM QUALITY renovation estimates, toe referen­ us for?” dum question had been broken into receive any state reimbursement. and his staff’s administrative time in Each print triple ' , suspended after six months, says Regular )5mm Prim inspected 21“ 1 n e w e a t h e r he’U appeal hU case again. Schiff was sentenced Monday (or willful • INDIVIDUALLY 59®® Reg. 29.95 Fair tonight; partly sunny and faUure to file federal Income tax PROTECTED Reg. 99.95 humid Wednesday. Detailed returns in 1974 and 1975. Page 16. Court opeMng delayed again forecast on Page 2. NEGATIVES Listen while you jog, do housework or Prevents damage from VISA yardwork. Lightweight (or comfort, and spokesman for toe Bureau of Public prosecuting attorneys, the clerks, • _ Insideitoday , Auto-Redial gives you one button redialing of last number the padded earcushions seal in the By KEVIN FOLEY , ‘IThere was a pre-final inspection , scratches and dust Works put toe "turnover date” at judge’s chambers, a large, marbled I n s p o r t s • . - called If the number was busy or didn't answer. (Not for music, seal out the noise. Battery Herald Reporter last Wednesday,” Moore said, “and parly-line or multi-line use.) July 15. foyer and a spacious holding area. CHARGE IT extra. 12-186 MANCHESTER - The a list of final touch-ups was made. I Form er pro basketball star Classified — ...... 13-14 White 43-286, Brown 43-287, Gold 43-288 “We’ll turn over toe building to toe (MOST STORES) Manchester Superior Court will not believe the final inspection is Recently lettering was placed on toe Judicial Department on July IS,” elected to Manchester sports Hall Comics ...... >1$ open until at least July 15, and toe scheduled for sometime later this building’s facade. The new court will of F am e... Red Sox sU^ Yankees Editorial ...... ■ ...... < WHEREVER YOU LIVE, WORK OR PLAY, THERE'S A RADIO SHACK STORE NEAR YOU! Barnett said. “Thpy can begin as week or early next week, though.” hear cases from geographical Area chances of a delay past that date are soon as they’re ready after that' in New.York ... Alice Brown stars .Entertainment ....— ...... U « Most iloms very good, accoidlng to the state’s Moore said bis departmnet was not 12 which includes East Hartford,. date.” in Olympic track trials "Bleep” ^Fam ily ...... 6 •lio avillable at Public Works bureau. able to pinpoint an opening day, and Marlborough Glastonbury, South passes test at WiiAbledon ... Page O bituaries...... $ Radio Shack Larry Moore, a spokesman for toe The court, which is located at toe clerks at toe East Hartford Superior Windsor and Manchester. 9. Peopletalk...... ,..,..,...2 $ 0 0 O ta la rs , ^RadM Chief 6>urt Administrator’s office in Salem nasslff camera MANCHESTER junction of Center and W. Center Court who are scheduled to move S p o ^ ...... 9-10 EAST HARTFORD Look for this Hartford which is overseeing toe - PRO 3 5 ... (ha PROfesslonal MWCfESm PMWIK sign in your /haek streets in toe old Marshall’s clothing over to toe new Manchester Court Officials hope toe new judicial shop project, said Monday he didn’t know p l a n n e d dittenoca In 35mm procasslng auRnR ow iMu naighborhood. store, was originally slated to begin said Monday morning they had yet to facility will help ease crowded con­ 639 main manchastar when toe Judicial Department would receive their marching orders. A lto evailaWe from 120 negativea hearing cases June 15. Published ditions at toe East Hartford Superior ______6 4 3 - 7 3 6 9 start operations at the three- Tax rebel Irwin Schiff, s«itenced U pdate...... 3 8 a d iv is io n o f TANDY CORPORATION reports put toe date at July 1 last Jn addition to the three cour­ PRICES MAY VARY AT ItMMVIOU/M. STORES courtroom facility, but added a July 1 Court which, is attached to that to two one-year prison term s W eather...... — * A. week, and Monday, Tom Barnett,' e trooms, toe Superior Court houses of­ town’s police station. opening day was unrealistic. fice space for public defenders. I * .» r ‘

EVENliyG MEHALU. Tues., June 24, 2980 — 3 2 - EVENING HERALD. J iim 24. IMP Teachers ask extra pay Update. for extracurricular jobs from President Carter’s views and then broke-down into Tile sixth si^i&l summit of the world’s most In- flees on the 20th floor of the 42-story building and burned resolved through negotiations between the board and the dustriallzed free nations ended with the countries out of control for almost three hours. No one was killed, MANCHESTER — ’The teachers’ union requested that Mass extinction studied what one Carter campaign aide called a "circus” over the Board of Education' increase the pay level for union, It calls for bringing in an attorney to represent agreeing to phase out oil In favor of alternative energy controversial “human n e ^ ” planks. The meeting lasted extracurricular duties the educators perform. each side, in addition to a neutral attorney. The attorneys WASHINGTON (UPI) - Scientists drUling into the until 3:22 a.m. EOT. sources - most notably coal and nuclear p|wi*.- flanks of a mountain under 14,000 feet of water Iwve inevitable: Kahn At the board’s Monday night meeting, a representative issue a ruling that must be followed on each disputed turned up new evidence chronicling the mysterious _ . „ . . from the Manchester s Education Association, Bill item. ’ evenU that wiped out most surface life forms in the seas b a r t e r IW lU g O S la V W Soviet pullout uncertain WASHINGTON (UPI) - Hie administration’s top in­ A w ards, addressed the' board during the public com­ In negotiations, Edwards said the extracurricular pay flation fighter, Alfred Kahn, says a tax cut for the ment session. issue was tied to the union making concessions on class 65 million years ago. . ___ The Scripps Institution of Oceanography said BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (UPI) — President KABUL, Afghanistan (UPI) — Hie world heaped scorn recession-weary nation Is inevitable, but he won’t say Citing the ,19 teachers who resigned from size. “Gass size was the number one issue, according to microscopic fossils obtained from a core of sediments 1,- today arrived in Yugoslavia and assured the n. on the Soviet Union’s partial withdrawal scheme to^y, when it will come or how big it will be. extracurricular positions between February and June of a poll of the staff. ’There wasn’t any way we could give up 050 feet thick suggest whatever was responsible for me leaders of America’s “friendship and support” for I------but diplomatic sources in the Afghan capital of Kabul “I don^t think anybody doubts that a tax cut is in­ this year at the town’s three secondary schools, Edwards our number one issue over this (extracurricular pay),” mass extinction happen^ relatively abruptly, probably dependence, territorial integrity and unity of the com­ said some troops and tanks did appear to be moving north evitable,” Kahn told reporters Monday. It was the first calM for a pay increase. Edwards said. time a highranking member Of the administration has in considerably less than 100,000 years. munist non-aligned state. toward the So^et Union. “We would hope an increase would stop Uie flood of The school system now has more than 100 Carter flew to Belgrade for a one-day visit following In Washington, U.S. officials Said they found no said outright there will be a tax cut. resignation and lost experience which have occurred in ixtraturricular coaching and advisory positions. the Western economic summit in Venice. He ended a evidence 10,000 Soviet troops and 108 tanks had,left the recent weeks. We would hope that this (increase) would-, Denis debate platform five-day visit to Italy earlier in the-day,v country. ' , - stop the decay in your programs which must necessarily High bait bonds urged occur with such a huge loss of experience,” Eklwards WASHINGTON (U P I)-N u clear power opponents and . said. abortion rights supporters joined forces to pull the headers leave Venice Blaze sweeps high-rise' DAINGERFIELD, Texas (U PI).- Bonds totaling 33) million have been recommended oil five counts of murder Hie union is seeking an increase based on the “point” Democratic party platform closer to their positions in a system under which extracurricular activities are paid. sometimes r^cu s meeting that dragged on well into the VENICE, Italy (UPI) - Western summit leaders left NEW YORK (UPI) — A five-alarm fire swept through filed against a man who fired Into a crowded church con­ STRAWBERRIES a Manhattan skyscraper Monday night, injuring 125 gregation and killed five persons. He later shot himself. Under the system, each job, such as advising the year­ early morning hours today. Venice today, unified in their condemnation of Russia’s book staff or coaching a sport, is assigned a certain point The platform committee, due to end its work later invasion of Afghanistan and determined to snap OPEC’s firefighters and office workers. Hie accused killer, Alvin Lee King III, was in critical PICK VOUROWN Hie blaze began in the Bank of America corporate of- condition at John Sraly Hospital in Galveston. value. today, adopted an anti-nuclear proposal that departed stranglehold on their economjes.^ Receiving award For example, the Giess Team coach at Manchester High School is paid four points and the Math Team coach is paid five points. A point is equal to 370. Peonletalk. Fred Bancroft, a Tesident of the South 29 and $250 was raised. Other residents who The points have been worth 370 since 1974. When the ZB A rejects variance; Windsor Convalescent Home, accepts a help^ or rocked in the jamboree are: first current contract ends in 1982, that 370 per point figure plaque from Suzanne Lavigne, fund raising row-Anna Loughlin, John Corrigan. Anna will have stood for eight vears without a pay increase. 2 coordinator for the Heart Association of Sheldick, Pauline Halun, Betty McCarthy and “To provide the extracurricular staff in 1982 with the J.R . lives... Isaac Perkins; second row: Recreation buying power they had in 1974 would require an increase OAKLAND RD. - RTE. 30 ' Greater Hartford for work the residents did to $140 in 1982 from the current and past 370 per point” WAPPING SECTION, SO. WINDSOR J.R. Ewing is just too mean to die — even when Willie’s overhang goes during a Rock and Roll JambDree. These Director Heidi Coleman, Ethel Chilton, Bill EM wards said. it’s reportedly costing Wheelock, Fred Bancroft and Suzanne By MARY KITZMANN the appearance of the building, which However, Edward Hachadourian residents either Vocked for pledges or helped He said instead, the MEA is requesting an increase of Open daily 8-8 or till picked out CBS-TV,.and Lorimar Lavigne^ (Herald photo by Lavallee) 310 per point in each of the next two years He asked the Free Containers Productions somewhere Herald Reporter has.an overhang around the other noted that if the variance was in other areas. The jamboree was held March requested before constructing the ad­ board to address the issue at its next meeting. in the. neighborhood of parts, the overhang facing Center A For updated picking MANCHESTER - Willie’s Steak Street was constructed. dition, it was very likely the board Mrs. Eleanore Coltman, chairman of the Board of conditions and hours call 3100,(K)0 an episode to House will be ordered to tear down iO«l«T TIM fllATM IIVj However, the owners were not would deny it. Education’s Personnel and Finance Committee, 24 hr. Information 4 mcwomjam V V keep him alive — so its overhang, following the Zoning aware the overhang was Illegal until He also said that the hardship im­ responded that her group had been aware of the concern Lariy Hagman is signed ^ a r d of Appeais deniai of a variance Town population declines Phone 644-2478. u a L c — — W n it was constructed, and they were posed by denial was minimal, and and had offered to negotiate three times, “prior to bin­ up for another season of for the constructed 1.8-foot projec­ notified to tear it down by the zoning questioned whether granting the MANCHESTER— "Unofficial” 1980 census figures The preliminary figures for Hartford show a population ding arbitration.” She added, “ But negotiations should villainy on “Dallas.” tion. take place on both sides.” Mrs. Coltman said, binding ar­ LOOK FOR MR. BERRY [ 2 3 » how« . ’ > ^ officer. variance would set a precedent show a slight decline in I^nchester’s population. decline from 158,017 in 1970 to 124,155 in 1980. Hagman, who left his The board voted 3 to 2 on the bitration took the matter out of our hands. UriWtATMIH rOTOCAIT • bullet-punctured The owners filed an appeal of others would use. Robert Weiss, town manager, said the figures, Hartford Mayor George Athanson has said he will con- variance request. Although three Binding arbitration is a state mandated method of character bleeding all O’Marra’s ruling in order to let the Harry Relnhorn, ZBA member, received last Friday put the town’s population at 47,906 sjder legal action on the head count, as the city stands to For period ending 7 a.m. EST 6/25/80. During Tuesday members favored granting the resolving contract disputes that were unable to be over the carpet at the overhang remain while a variance also said he “had reservations” compared to 47,994 residents in 1970. logg thousands of dollars in federal grants. night, rain or showers will be found in sections of the variance, according to state statute about granting the variance. end of last season, has was requested. The appeal was This 0.2 percent decline surprised several town of- north Pacific coast, the Lakes region and the Carolines. variance approval needs four out of withdrawn last night. “How can they have constructed Elsewhere, mostly fair weather is in prospect. been holding out for the five affirmative votes. . ficials who expected this year’s count to show an increase six-figure salary he The variance for the overhang is the overhang without realizing it was in Manchester’s population. Harry Reinhorn, and Edward needed as the building is a nonconfor­ not on the building plans?” he asked. feels is commensurate Hachadourian opposed granting the The Bureau of Census also counted housing units, with his considerable ming structure with a smaller front ZBA Chairman Kenneth Tedford tallying 18,645 units in Manchester. This figure also in­ Wedther forecast variance; Kenneth Tedford, Harriet yard depth than permitted. The also noted he “hated to see work value to the series. Haslett, and Edward Coltman cluded 354 vacant units. overhang further decreases the 8.2- commence without checking to see if Ten years ago the town had 15,906 housing units, with Mostly sunny and warm today wite high temperatures He apparently got it. A Lorimar spokesman in favored the variance. Hollywood says he’s back on the set, with first foot front yard. there is a violation.” But he said about 3.07 persons per unit. 85 to 90 or about 32 C. Fair tonight. Low temperatures in Willie’s Steak House, owned by because the overhang was con­ scenes being filmed in a Dallas hospital. However, the window, which is a The data released this year although not completely the 60s. Wednesday partly sunny and more humid. Con­ William and Emma Oleksinski, structed, and the bow window did Who shot J.R.? Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder has few inches shorter than the overhang analyzed, indicates there are now 2.63 persons per unit. tinued warm with highs around 90. Probability of requested the variance, after being need protection he would vote for the given odds. British bookmakers have had a field does not require a variance. The win­ The bureau stressed in releasing the figures that they precipitation 10 percent through Wednesday. notified by the Zoning Enforcement dow is part of the building’s architec­ variance. Join the cdebralion at day. September tells all. are preliminary and may change before the official telly Southwesterly winds 10 to 15 mph today 10 mph or less Officer Hiomas O’Marra its 1.6foot ture and does not need special per­ overhang facing O nter Street was that will be presented to the president. t tonight and 10 to 20 mph Wednesday. mission, while the overhang was an EMward Coltman also favored the The preliminary figures may be challenged by Itee . . . And so does Jazz not included in its previously ap­ addition, or a decoration, that does application, but with two dissenting Long Island Sound proved building plans. town, by submitting figures contrary to the census the new South VHndsor office need a variance, according to votes the variance failed. Hie popular eating establishment bureau's. However, Weiss said the town should study the Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Mon- Forget that brief, if noisy, argument between O’Marra. data before deciding upon a challenge. at 444 Center St. had received a tauk Point, N.Y.i South to southwest winds 10 knots or fans of rock and disco. It’s old-fashioned jazz that’s Rubinow cited several reasons why In other business a variance The census determined not only the number of J building permit for its remodeling less except 10 to 15 knots during afternoon and evening on the musical upsurge for the ‘80s. the variance should be granted in­ request of Courthouse-One for a legislators from the area but the amount of federal funds hours. Visibility generally 5 miles but occasionally 2 to 4 Hugh Hefner says so, and he’s got the box-office last November, according to cluding improving the area through liquor license, within 1,000 feet of ^Herit^SzM i received. books tq prove it. Hefner bet a bundle during the Laurence Rubinow, Manchester at­ miles in haze and locally below 1 mile in patchy fog. Fair placing lights in the overhang, and another outlet was withdrawn until Manchester’s population has been estimated in recent through Wednesday. Average wave heights 1 foot or less weekend on his 2nd Playboy Jazz Festival — an torney representing the Oleksinskis. that the variance was unique to the Julv meeting. years at more than 50,000. This figure pushed the town South Windsor now has a tradition of the better way in banking. And except 2 to 3 feet during afternoon and evening hours. event that starred Bill Cosby as emcee, with Benny In the course of remodeling, con­ Willie’s, which has no abutting The request of Joseph Mellow, 67 tractors were changed, Rubinow into the larger city bracket for receiving the funds you’ll find it at the new office of Heritage Savings now open at 29 Goodman, Buddy Rich, Mel Torme, Dizzy Gillespie homeowners. Deepwood Drive, to construct a addi­ available under the federal Community Development Extended outlook and Shelly Manne on the Hollywood Bowl bands­ said, and a bow window constructed. Oakland Road, near five corners in South Windsor. Hiese reasons were again men­ tion to his residence, leaving a four- Block Grant program. Come and meet manager, Don Stingel, and his friendly staff. They’ll Extended outlook for New England Thursday through tand. More than 34,000 fans jammed the place to To protect the window, which juts tioned by Harriet Haslett, ZBA foot side yard by the garage was Saturday: pour a record $400,000-plus into the till. - out not quite two feet, and to improve member in a motion for approval. granted with little discussion. show you the beautiful colonial decor of the new office and they'll Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Says a jubilant Hefner, “Jazz is back. It’s alive Group for retarded show you banking services you’ll appreciate including top interest, Warm and humid with chance of showers Thursday. lind well and living in U>s Angeles.” insured security, safe deposit boxes and a drive-up window. Gearing Friday. Fair Saturday. Highs Thursday and fetes Norman Fendell Friday well up in the 80s lowering to the 70s and low 80s Firefighters loses appeal on Saturday. Overnight lows mainly in the 60s. iVo gold rush MANCHESTER— The Manchester Association for rejected the appeal based on Vermont: Partly cloudy through the period with a Medieval alchemists were sure if they could only By KEVIN FOLEY guidelines, the agrieved employee's Retarded Citizens hosted a farewell reception for Nor­ trip to chance of afternoon or evening thunderstorms. Highs 75 immediate supervisor must hear the Beckwith’s discrimination claim. . man Fendell Sunday afternoon at Lincoln Center. find the “philosopher’s stone” they could turn base Herald Reporter to 88. Lows 55 to 65. complaint and then the department “His basis for the grievance didn’t Members gathered to bid farewell to Fendell who will metal into gold. Now it appears they were right. MANCHESTER - Peter N fajl into the purview of dis­ Maine and New Hampshire; Scattered showers or Dr. David J. Morrissey says in the July issue of head must follow up that meeting. If depart this summer for Israel to assume a position as a Beckwith, the veteran firefighter crimination,” Weiss said Monday Washington, DiC thundershowers Thursday. Chance of showers Friday. Omni magazine the long-sought philosopher’s stone the problem still remains un­ consultant to the Ministry of EMucation of that country. who filed a grievance with Chief John afternoon. That “purview” is BestRftst of all,al we've got Fair Saturday. Highs in the 80s and 90s Thursday cooling is the billion-electron-volt atom smasher at the resolved, the town manager must Fendell, who has served as director of the Regional Oc­ Rivosa and a complaint with town represented by race, color, religion, free gifts for deposi­ to the 70s and low 80s by Saturday. Lows in the 60s early University of California’s Lawrence Berkeley then schedule a hearing. cupational Training Center since its opening in 1976, is manager Robert Weiss when he did age or other claims. Beckwith is Official Heritage Tour tors, and a chance to Thursday and near 50 by early Saturday. laboratory. In the course of nuclear research, he Robert 0. Martin, president of retiring after 19 years of service in Manchester’s not receive a promotion he thought white. Weiss did say he agreed with win a Heritage tour uses it to bombard bismuth with charged atomic Firefighter Local 1579, while reluc­ educational system. Entry Blank he deserved in April, lost his appeal tant to support Beckwith’s claims of Beckwith and Martin, who accom­ of Washington, D.C. That’s right, Heritage Savings will send two people on an particles and that will produce gold. While serving as president of MARC from 1964 to 1966 Complete this coupon and bring to the South Windsor Monday when Weiss refused to listen panied the firefighter, Monday on the The Almanac But, says Morrissey, “Equipment costing more unfair treatment, backed him by Fendell established its sheltered workshop and served as Office of Heritage Savings at 29 Oakland Rd. Register expense paid Heritage Tour of Washington, D.C. where you'll spend three to his complaint during a personnel noncompliance of procedures. “Hie today. Drawing to be held June 30,1980. than 315 million would be required to produce less saying he had been denied due workshop director until 1976 when he resigned to head days/two nights al the luxurious Hyatt Regency Hotel. One of Washington’s hearing at town hall. first time around it was handled im­ By United Press International than one billionth of one cent’s worth of gold. This process. ROTC. finest. In addition, your trip includes roundlrip airfare, sightseeing, all meals Beckwith, 42, charged Rivosa with Beckwith said Rivosa’s decision properly,” he remarked. \ Today is Tuesday, June 24, the 176th day of 1980 with 190 obviously is not a cost-effective way to make gold.” Mr. t Mrs. John R. McElraevy were in charge of and a cash bonus of $100 spending money. Register today! "discrimination” after the chief Beckwith said the four reasons Name to follow. Well — back to the drawing board .... not to promote him stemmed from a arrangements for the affair and wer£,assisted by Mrs. promoted Robert Bycholskl to the “personality conflict” between the brought out during the grievance S.J. Benson, Mrs. John Kenneally, Mrs. Steven The moon is moving toward its full phase. newly created training captain posi­ The morning star is Venus. two, something Rivosa vehemently hearings by Rivosa were Beckwith’s Merovonich and Mary Maltempo. Quote of the day tion on the department. Beckwith denied. Beckwith told The Herald refusal to teach a first aid class last The evening stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and contended his first-place finish on the Saturn. May 2 Rivosa’s reason for not November during the period he Charlton Heston, in the August edition of written and oral test for the job ad­ promoting him was because the chief claims he should have been studying Phone # ______Those bom on this date are under the sign of Cancer. Penthouse magazine, on the difference in style ministered last February, plus his 14 “didn’t like my attitude,” again for the captains test. Must be 16 years or older to enter. No transaction Quality hmage- free American clergyman Henry Ward Beecher Iwas bom between himself and fellow Oscar-winner Dustin years of training experience with the June 24, 1813. something Rivosa denied. Reason two, Beckwith said, was Record necessary. Offer good only at South Windsor Office. Hoffman: “I want to make it clear that I think state’s fire school made him the best On this date in history: “I made my decision in the best in­ based on a complaint he filed with Dustin Hoffman is a brilliant, brilliant actor who’s candidate for the job. terest of the department,” Rivosa the chief. He claims an officer “ver­ Manchester public records In 1665, Thomas Willett became the first mayor of New Bycholski, a 30-year-old six-year discount. made some marvelous films. And I also want to bally abused” him. Reasons three greafdisc declared, adding he had given or Sit a York City. make it clear I think Michelangelo is a much more veteran of the department with no In 1940, more than a half-blllion dollars was Beckwith several reasons for and four had to do with Beckwith’s Wai'ranly deeda Deposit $300 or more, . . . and away you go with quality interesting man than Ratzo Rizzo.” teaching experience, finished second Arline M. Hainsworth to Douglas E. and Barbara C. transported from England to Canada in the face of a promoting Bycholski. alleged failure to follow procedure on luggage. You’ll travel in style with these rugged Grand on the test but because of- the so- However, Rivosa didn’t follow two separate occasions. Fish, property at 12 Deerfield Dr., 342,500. possible Nazi invasion of Britain (which never called “rule of three” in the town Tour bags by Airway. Just deposit the qualifying amount materialized). written procedures when he did not “There should be better reasons Kirkland Corp. to Austin J. and Marian K. Turkington, Glimpses departments, Rivosa gave the 319,238 allow Beckwith’s immediate super­ for not promoting me,” Beckwith unit 27, Millbridge Hollow Condominiums, 337,400. into any new or existing savings or NOW checking account In 1948, Russia blockaded the western zones of Berlin, a year job to Bycholski. A depart­ and take your choice from the chart below. Bob Keeshan celebrates his 53rd birthday Friday visor to hear the grievance and then complained after the Monday Kirkland Corp. to Daniel A. DelMastro, unit 4, setting the stage for the “Berlin airlift” to support the 2 ment head may choose from the top million people in the divided German city. and, at the same time, racks up his 7,000th CBS-’TV follow it up with a meeting of his own meeting. “ I can show how I’ve con­ Millbridge Hollow Condominiums, 328.900. 2 three finishers on a test. Cerlifirale of allaehment < In 1975, an Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 en route from broadcast in 25 years as “Captain Kangaroo” ... Bil­ to hear the complaint. Weiss ordered tributed to the department over the 14 beautiful bags to WHh WHh With With each Beckwith’s original complaint to deposH of depoeft of eddlllonel ly Joel, is in concert this week at New York’s the supervisor and then Rivosa to last 19 years both on duty and on my Robert G. Levine against Alice Bantly, property at 246 chooM from, at bargain depoeft of New Orleans to New York City crash^ at Kennedy Inter- Weiss centered around Rlvosa’s pitcae or FREE. $300 $1,000 $5,000 depoelt of nationl airport, killing 114 people. Madison Square Garden and scalpers are reported hear the grievance. own time. Hie number one person Scott Drive, 31,600. ISO or more failure to adhere to procedure in getting 3225 a pair for tickets priced at 325 a pair at Beckwith had hoped Monday’s should be selected unless there’s a Judgment lien hearing the firefighter’s grievance in meeting with Weiss would produce a valid reason ... his (Rivosa’s) Connecticut Bank and Trust against Alfred T. Grezel. utility Travel Kit FREE FREE FREE $ 4.95 the boxoffice ... Michael Learned and Robert Reed FREE FREE FREE $ 4.95 early May. Under town personnel compromise. Weiss however. reasons weren't valid.” Chase Manhatten Bank against James W. Nixon, Roll Tote Lottery numbers will co-star on CBS-TV next season in the new series Carry All Tola $ 3.00 FREE FREE $ 6.95 “Nurse,” which aired last season under producer property at 66 Laurel St., 31,146.62. Club Bag $ 3.00 FREE FREE $ 6.95 Robert Halml as a, two-hour film ... Jazz-blues CBT against William J. Fatcher, property at 253 Brief Bag $ 3 00 FREE FREE $ 6.95 Numbers drawn Monday: Charter Oak SL, 32,898.64. Add-A-Wl:eel Kit $ 3.00 FREE FREE $ 6 95 4 balladeer Johnny Hartman and trumpet-fluglehom New Hampshtfe Sunday 3971 Release of altaehmeni Qarment Carrier $10.00 $ 7.00 FREE $13.95 maestro Clark Terry — formerly with Duke School budget finalized 16" Tote $10.00 $ 7.00 FREE $1395 New Hampshire Monday 9825 Christopher Gerlt against Norman Hohenthal. $10.00 $ 7.00 FREE $13.95 Rhode Island 9728 Ellington’s band — are teamed for the next two Attache Case weeks at New York’s Grand Finale .... MANCHESTER - The Board of Becker. Mrs. Becker said she would Mrs. Frances Giebault. Susan Higuera against Victor Higuera. et al. Shoulder Tote $13.00 $10.00 $ 5.00 $1695 Connecticut 266 Education formally approved a 317.5 "follow my usual practice, and Hie boaid also approved the ap­ Marriage licenses 21" Carry On $18.00 $15.00 $10.00 $21.95 Maine 841 David Morrison of Orrville, Ohio and Kara S. 24" Pullman $23.00 $20.00 $15.00 $26 95 million budget for fiscal year 1980-81 abstain.” She said there is no way pointment of Dr. Thomas M. Melsner $29.95 Massachusetts 0932 McGaughyof Manchester. 26" Wardrobe $26.00 $23.00 $18.00 at its meeting Monday night. / each board member can read all the to be principal of Bennet Junior High 29" Overseas $28.00 $25.00 $2000 $31.95 Although the budget had earlier books to determine their educational School, replacing Allan Cone. The 11- Andrew Tyckiewlcz of Hartford and Rosemary Curtis Deluxe Attache Case $30.00 $27.00 $22.00 $33.95 been approved, with the board accep­ legitimacy. year educator will be paid a salary of of Manchester. * Manchester To Advartlaa ^ To Report News ting Superintendent of Schools James At an earlier meeting of the board, 327,870. He will receive an additional Hmothy W. Aubin and Emily L. Golden, both of Rocky All item! Bub)«ct to •vallabillty. Pricet shown do not include sales tax East Hartford - Glasto:ibury For a classified advertisement, call > To report a news item or story idea: Kennedy’s suggestions on how to ab­ reading experts spoke extensively on 31,000 for having earned his doc­ Hill. Evtning Herald 643-2711 and ask lor Classified. Office Manchester .... Alex Qlrelli, 643-2711 sorb the cuts mandated by the Board the criteria they use to select books torate. Elmer S. Hansen of Manchester and Carol Wldell of hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday USPS 327-500 East Hartford ... .Pat Reilly, 643-2711 of Directors, Monday’s action was for implementation in tbe school As recognition of (tone’s 30 years Etest Hartford. Hfs the better way to travel through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury.. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 still require^. system. service to the Manchester school Benedict J. Jurkowski and Patricia A. Dulac, both of Where your I’ublished daily except Sunday and cer­ closed, classified ads may be placed by tain holidays by the Manchester Andover...... Donna Holland, 6460375 Kennedy said board members are In other action, the board approved system, the board approved a resolu­ East Hartford. Heritage Is. calling 643-2718. Bolton...... Donna Holland, 6460375 Alan E. Falrcloth of Rockville and Pamela M. Publishing Co.. Herald Square. P.O. For information about display adver­ required to approve the final budget several funding maneuvers. Washout tion praising him, and named the new Box 591. Manchester. Conn. 06040 Coventry ...... Doug Bevins, 6462711 Cagianello of Manchester. IM M n M IM m\ tising. Call Tom Hooper, advertising Hebron .. Barbara BJehmond, 6462711 document, with the cuts written in. accounts were established for the H- library/media center at Bennet in his In other business, tbe board ap­ tle I and State Aid for Disadvantaged honor. Anthony G. DeLorenzo And Pamela M. Knapp, both of * 11 Office Hours: T ? • • Have a Complaint? director, at 643-27II. South Windsor Dave Lavallee,6462711 Coventry. To Subtcribo Vernon Y Barbara Richmond, 6462711 proved several textbooks. Elemen­ Children program. Another washout In other communications the board Monday - Thursday 9;00 am - 4:00 pm Maw* — ir you have a question or i MCMMN m A complaint about news courage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service tary school reading series were ap­ account was established to accept received a letter fj'oln represen­ Friday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm proved, along with individual books. funds to continue a program for tatives of the Connecttcpt Teachers’ Saturday 9:00 am • 12:00 pm Krank Burbank, managinpeditor, or at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to To report special news: Manchester fire calls &lj)on Ass(K'iati(m • Since IS9I Oq, tbe junior high school level, a visually impaired students. Centers for Humanistic Education, Steve Harry, executive editor. 643-2711. 5:30 p,m. Monday through Friday and 7 Business...... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 Driva>in open same as above Circulation — If you have a problem to to a m. Saturday. Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 book on food service career was ap­ A washout account for the major after it Bad expressed concern about Monday, 4:18 p.m. —Transformer fire at Broad and regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rates are 31.20 F am ily...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 proved. Chemistry, literature, allocation of federal funds to in- the organization's goals as expressed ' Center streets. (Town) Customer Service. 647-9946. Delivery weekly. 35.12 for one month, 315.35 for S ports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 business, and current affaii^ bocAs creaee the educational opportunities in recent articles in an area Monday, 9:46 p.m. —Odor of smoke in the Verplanck should be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday Uiree months, 330.70 for six months, and were approved on the high :hqgl^oL>the handicapped was approved. newspaper. School area. (Town) Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m, through Friday and by 7:30 a m. Satur­ 161.40 for one year. Mail rates are level. The 1980-81 Head Start budget was A representative from the’ center Tuesday, 7:02 a.m. —Woods fire off Oakland Street. available on request. Monday through Friday. day - . The textbook vote was unanimous, approved along with a memorial fund will address the board at Its next (District) • with the exception of Mrs. Carolyn for former Rratley School teacher meeting. •\

EVENINO herald. Tnes., June 24. 2990 - 5 4 - EVENING HERALD. TuM.. June 24. 1880 ^Editorial iHauf lipstpr Hrralft Peqion. Educators mull policies Manchester — A City of Village Charm By BARBARA RICHMOND Dr. Bernard Sidman, superinten­ Dr. Albert Kerkln, assistant -4 Founded Oct. 1,1881 Herald Reporter dent of schools, recommended the superintendent who worded the change to broaden the scope of the policy, said that one of the reasons What does it mean? Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, VERNON- Deviating from ite present policy so consideration could for the recommendation was that Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. present policy concerning eligibility be given to Individual cases. situations have changed over the ) to enter first grade, the Board of Board member, Robert Schwartz, ■ Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation Member, Uhlted1>reea International years. He said it is a more mobile state and local government. draft the new clear language Education Monday night, approved a said he would like to also reconsider society now and children go to “PerWaps the task of ^ Steven Harry, Executlw Editor parental request. The approval was the policy on the criteria for entering nursery schools and such before they All too often bureaucrats law contends those who con­ Customer Service 647-9046 Frank A. Burbank, Managing Editor developing proper motivation flaymoncf F. Robinson, Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkington. Editor Emeritus given in open sesision but the matter kindergarten. But Dr. Sidman dis­ come to the public school system. He is best seen, at least in think they must jifstify their, found the public with their was discussed in executive session. agreed, noting that “precociousness said, “We’re not recommending t ^ t nutshell form, as limiting the positions by writing cumber­ verbal excesses probably But the board didn’t act on a is more, easily ascertained for first age not be an important factor.” some reports filled with long don’t know what they’re proposal to change its policy which grade than for kindergarten, and said Cummings, an attorney, said if the manipulation of extrinsic fac­ was a recommendation of the talking about and want to im- he would like to look at such a policy policy is changed then the board tors to that of keeping sentences and lanfuage that General Policies committee. in more detail before recommending would be obligated to accept a child. , press thd public with an ar­ hemeestatic need and defies translation .by anyone The present policy states, it. “I’d be perfectly happy to delegate extreroceptive drive low, in but a master of government- tificially lomplexity. "Children may not enter the first Board member JoAnn Worthen the decision to the superintendent but ese. I J ' We think he’s right. If the 9 9 9 grade during a given school year un­ said she would tend to vote against I don’t think we should have a clear favor of facilitating basic in­ less they will become six years of age the proposed policy because in her cut policy,” he said. formation processing to When consultants are hired people don’t understand what five years on the b ^ rd she said she not later than Jan/ 1 of the given Dr. Sidman, noting that he could maximize accurate anticipa­ to study some particular is written it follows that they school year and have attended hadn’t been witness to people banging down doors for this. She said see some question that the policy tion of reality.” / issue they too feel if their won’t question the message. Kindergarten.” could mean an automatic situation, agencies as it will to the in­ she would rather give consideration The sentence above is report is easily understan­ . Cumbersome reports that something like this; The proposed policy would add to asked the board to withdraw the mo­ surance industry and con­ that, “ ...and/or have successfully to individual requests as they arise. being used as an example of dable they aren’t giving the defy understanding are in­ “Motivation may be best Board member Harold Cummings tion until the language of the policy sumer contracts. acheived by limiting distrac­ completed an approved kindergarten can be clarified. the need for clearclea understan- government its money’s tended to keep the public program.” agreed. If that ever happens, it will dable language worth. from understanding the tion and other unnecessary d be a giant step toward July 1, Connecticut’s clear The new clear language issues. They also are the sign elements while trying to keep of lazy researchers who helping citizens understand language takes effect. It law is a step toward making the individual calm so he dT Vehicle use policy fails t^heir government. applies, unfortunately, only more people understand the haven’t dug deep enough into In that event the sentence she will be able to concen­ the' decision concerning the use of forms used to control the travel of to consumer contracts up to intricate by cutting out their subject matter to get By BARBARA RICHMOND at the beginning of this trate.” Meanwhile we hope Herald Reporter equipment, up to the administration, employees and to provide the board $25,000 aiid to insurance excessive language and put­ clear, precise explanations was the mast satisfactory way to with data on trips taken outside the VERNON — A motion to adopt a policies. • ting matters into clear, con­ that anyone can understand. editorial, which was taken government will adopt the Lt. Emilio Pellegrini of the Vernon Police are, left to right in foreground. Jay Angeli, handle policy. Tri-Town area. We'think the state should from a book on children’s KIS (Keep It Sim*ple) style of Jason’Trask, Joy Seideman and left to right, Board of Education policy governing “I don’t think a properly worded Dr. Bernard Sidman, superinten­ It should also be extended cise language. ^.Department, “directs traffic” by the new the use of board-owned vehicles by apply the same rules to state reading problems might read writing. background, Eric Busch and Holly Carlson. policy would take anything away dent, prefacing his remarks, said, “I to include written reports of John Morris, who helped traffic signal at Safety Town set up at the private individuals, failed Monday from the administration,” D’Amato hope nothing I say is taken as a cyn- .^Center Road School in Vernon. The drivers (Herald photo by Richmond) night when the board chairman said. He said he felt that the policy cial comment,” but he said he looked abstained from voting. would be a help to the administration at the policy in a ludicrous vein The vote to approve the policy was to have a guideline to use discretion noting that no such policy exists in I - see R0HA19 REASAN \AliTH 00I?teS Letters 5-2 in favor but Robert Schwartz, in exercising authority. other area school systems. Safety Town open again chairman of the General Policies He added that the policy as Board member George Prouty, Of (S.O.? PELESATES.... Committee that proposed the change, presented could prohibit the use of who with board member JoAnn said the policy book states a new board-owned vehicles by private in­ Worthen, voted against the motion, VERNON - Marking its 10th an­ received a new full length traffic cruiser, the town’s ambulance, a fire Budget support policy n e ^ s at least six affirmative dividuals or employees of the school said he thought the incident in ques­ niversary, Vernon’s Safety Town light and students in the industrial truck and firefighters, and are also votes of the nine-member board, system when used for other than tion was tioor judgment but that he Program opened with a flourish Mon­ arts classes at Rockville High School treated to a ride on a school bus to ' before it can pass. school-related purposes. was totally against legislation “for As members of an illustrious group members and to the members of all Coventry High School day morning at the Center Road made new buildings for “the town.” learn bus safety habits. One board member was missing The committee also asked the ad­ every incident that occurs.” He said known as volunteers, we would like other town boards, commissions and Arlene Berkowtiz School with Mayor Marie Herbst cut­ The buildings have been designated and Schwartz asked Daniel ministration to provide some of the the town doesn’t have such a policy. to express our gratitude to Coven­ volunteer organizations - THANKS. Capt. Nathan Hale School, PTO ting the ribbon. as such things as the^town hall, toe The “town” has a number of big Woolwich, chairman, to vote. try’s other volunteers. We really appreciate you.! ’^e program is co-sponsored by police station, houses? a store and a wheels which the children pretend Woolwich said he would abstain and Donna H. Newton are cars and they are taught safety To all the people who freely give Our community needs us all the Vernon Junior Women’s CHub and firehouse. > Schwartz said he would bring the 336 Geraldine Dr. rules of being a driver and also of their time and enthusiam in our working together. Show your sup­ the Vernon Police Department. Jean McDermott, a certified matter up again at a meeting when Coventry, CT 06238 teacher, is teaching the classes being a pedestrian. Mary Ann Barry VFW installs officers schools, to the PTO’s, to the library port. Join us in voting yes for a fair About 280 pre-kindergarteners are the full iMard was present. registered for the program that will which are conducted with small is president of the Junior Women’s The board agreed to have the volunteers, to the school and town and responsible budget tonight. Janet Werfel Club and Mary Angeli is chairman of run for five, one-week sessions. groups, twice a day. General Policies Committee VERNON— John Pitman was in­ coaches, to the board of Education Shirl Edgerly George Hershey Robertson School During each session the children the Safety Town Program. Katie bault and Delaney, trustees. Through the National Safety Town research the matter after Archie stalled as commander of Vernon Auxiliary officers besides Ms. members, to the Town Council Parents Advisory Committee PTO Center the local program has just are visited by a police officer in a McGuire is a teachers aide. T see JINIMV CftRTeR ANITH SCAPS D’Amato of Washington Street VFW Post 10121 and Sharon Stebbins Stebbins, are: Phylis Wells, senior OF PEMOCRATIC PELEOATES-. - . registered a complaint about a was installed as president of the vice president; Joanne Tully, junior Congresiional Quarterly board-owned vehicle being used to auxiliary at recent ceremonies. vice president; Alice Heer, tow the disabled car of the Other legion officers installed for treasurer; Marion Pitman, Arrests reported in area superintendent of schools. At that the 1980-81 year were: Barry Obed- secretary; Fanny Lucas, chaplain; V ern o n warrant charging him with third- Department after investigation regar­ time D’Amato said he felt there was zinski, senior vice commander; Rudy Kevin Nichole, 29, of Woodbridge degree burglary and third-degree ding unemployment payments. a need for a jwlicy and expressed sur­ Mazzorana, junior vice conunander; Marion Marshall, patriotic instruc­ tor; Vivan Delaney, guard; Dorothy Veterans lobby for political clout St., Manchester, was charged Sunday larceny. Wojick was releas^ on a $500 sure­ prise there wasn’t one in existence. Fred Delaney, adjutant, Robert with evading responsibility, driving Police said the arrest was made in ty bond for court appearance July 1. Speaking again at last night’s Kahan, post advocate; Fred Lewis, Lewis, conductress; and MaridiT connection with a May 31 burglary at Daniel P. Cramer, 21, of Malone, meeting he said in light of what had chaplain; James Doggart, surgeon; Marshall, Sahdy Tricarico and By BILL KELLER agency except the Department of most notable are Ray Roberts, D- M. Crane, R-Ill., Trent Lott, R-Miss., while license is under suspension, and following too closely. He was in­ Grove Street Mobil in which a quanti­ N.Y., was taken to RiKkville General happened he didn’t feel that leaving and Andy Tricarico, Joseph Arcliam- Elizabeth Pavelack, trustees. WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Texas, chairman of the House and Robert E. Badham, R-Callf. Defense. volved In a two-car accident in Ver­ ty of cigarettes were taken. He was Hospital Monday night with head and Veterans’ programs traditionally Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and Foreign Wars has set up a new cam­ Congressional committees, par­ non. held at the police station in lieu of leg injuries suffered in a two-car ac­ paign arm that will give more than have been so well insulated by the his number-two man. Rep. David E. ticularly in the House, operate as un­ The driver of the other car was posting a $5,000 surety bond and was cident at East Main and West Main 6200,000 to political candidates this lobby groups, the VA and the House Satterfield III, D-Va. abashed advocates of existing Allan Nelson, 17, of Vernon. Nichole to be presented in court today. streets. The driver of the second car Group fights OSH A' changes year, breaking a long tradition of and Senate Veterans’ Affairs com­ “We’re getting more and more programs rather than as overseers or allegedly left the scene and was ap­ Douglas Wojick, 38, of 336 Merline was Jesse T. Van Oudenhove, 23, of I SEE hAVSELf WATCHIN6 THE CON­ political neutrality among the major mittees, that this alliance^ has members who are not in touch with innovators. House veterans’ bills are prehended later. He was released on Drive, Vernon, was arrested Monday 18 Bellevue Ave., Rockville. Cramer HARTFORD (UPI) - A coalition vice-president of the Connecticut and the situation has not been reeled. -.V'"’ L. veterans’ groups. acquired its own nickname—“The veterans, most of them not having almost handled qnder a special rule Ids promise to appear in court June on a warrant charging him with was issued a warning for making an of labor and public interest groups State Labor Council. VENTIONS ON T V ..jj Shea said Schweicker calls his bill ’The VFW’s foray into big-money Iron Triangle.” served in the military,” DAV that permits no amendments on the 30. second-degree larceny. Police said improper turn. Both cars were .has vowed to fight a proposal to cur­ “What we need is not cutbacks and Mark A. Strobelt, 18, of no certain the warrant was issued on complaint towed. tail federal safety inspections of restrictions on OSHA, but a an improvement for workers because politics is just one sign that But this year some important executive Norman Hartnett said of floor. strengthening of one of the major it targets “hazardous workplaces.” American veterans—long one of chinks are evident in the Triangle’s the changing Congress. “The further address, was arrested Monday on a of the Unemployment Compensation workplaces, which they called a “major tool” in protecting workers’ tools we have to protect our lives,” In fact. Shea said the measure is only Washington’s most unique and invin­ armor: , you get away from a war, the less lives and limbs. he said. an improvement for cost-conscious —Vocal groups of Vietnam era cible lobbying forces—are worried desire there is to do much about Thoughts The so-called “Schweicker bill” in The bill under fire, proposed by employers. about a loss of clout. veterans have skirted the traditional veterans.” Waste contract reviewed Sen. Richard S. Schweicker, R-Pa., “How can anyone say that exemp­ Yesterday, we discussed that the Senate, would exempt Led by the VFW (1.8 million veterans’ groups to press for special Despite these worries, veterans BOLTON — The attorneys attorney Jerome Walsh, said, “There transfer station would be constructed many workplaces from safety, but would exenlpt any workplace which ting 90 percent of the workplaces in strength is really brought out in our in town from which trash would be members), the American Legion (2.7 attention. They have demanded still occupy a hollowed position in representing towns interested in par­ were about 16 to 18 proposed not health, inspections by the federal has below a thinimum number of lost the U.S. from safety inspections im­ weaknesses. As the weight lifter is trucked to Windham where it would million) and the Disabled American counseling centers to cope with the Congress. ticipating in the new Regional changes. Windham officials are Occupational Health and Safety Ad­ time accidents based on worker’s proves the safety and health of be converted to steam for use by a Veterans (660,CKX)), the veterans’ lob­ psychological scars of Vietnam, new “I think the average member of ever increasing the amount of weight Energy Recovery F acility in reviewing the changes and drafting a ministration, coalition leaders said compensation records for the workers?” he ask^. new contract.” manufacturing plant. Shea said nine Connecticut men by protects one of the biggest pieces schooling and job programs, and Congress puts the veteran on a to strengthen his muscles, lifes trials Windham, met recently with Monday. previous year from OSHA safety in­ Windham officials to review the Bergren said, “Before a contract is spections. died last year from accidents in of the federal budget. compensation for exposure to the pedestal,” said Max Cleland, ad­ are meant to strengthen us in the At this time, local plans call for the “The health of working people is proposed contract. signed, all information about the new Under the proposal, federal inspec­ workplaces which would have been Their programs now cost more toxic Vietnam defoliant. Agent ministrator of the VA. love of Jesus Christ. transfer station to be constructed at under attack today,” said Thomas What can separate us from the love Alan Bergren, Bolton's facility and the town’s participation Shea, chairman of the advisory board tors can come to the workplace only classified as “safe’’ under than $21 billion a year. They include Orange. With at least one outpost in every will be presented to townspeople.” Freja Park. of God in Christ Jesus? Romans 8:28. administrative assistant, who of the New Directions Program and if the employer has been called first Schweicker’s bill. the nation’s largest health care -Budget-consciousness—in congressional district, veterans’ attended the meeting with Bolton’s Before using the new facility a system, with the bulk .of services Congress and the ad­ groups are well equipped to build on Paul said that nothing could separate going to veterans with no service ministration—has begun to chip this respect with grass-roots lob­ us. The barbell that we lift in our connected ailments; pensions and away at once-sacred veterans’ bying. lives each day is simply the tool disability compensation; jobs programs. For the last 17 years. “It really is not hard for us to employed to gain strength. When we Alienas pact extended are weak from lifting, then we are programs, including a lifelong Congress has voted more money for generate half-a-million to a million BOLTON — School Superintendent ballot with one abstension. preference in federal hiring; drug veterans than the White House has letters on an issue,” said Cooper T. gaining strength. How are we strong? We are strong in Christ for Raymond Allen has been granted a one- Allen’s current one-year contract with and alcohol counseling: education proposed. But the lawmakers’ newly Holt, VFW executive director. year contract extension by a 4-2 vote of the school board went into effect July 1, If vou saidldd’ in June1930... God is our refuge and strength, a stipends for veterans and their approved 1981 budget sets veterans’ Veterans’ bills commonly pass the Board of Elducation. 1979. The new contract expires June 30. very present help in trouble. Psalms families; home loans; life insurance spending at $200 million below the Congress easily. Even fiscal conser­ Joseph Haloburdo, board chairman, 1982. and burial benefits. president's request. vatives make an exception for 46:1 said, “There is a provision in Mr. Allen’s The Veterans Administration, —The number of veterans in veterans. A billlon-dollar bill to give Rev. John Penney contract to allow him to request a one- Haloburdo said, “There was no com­ gWA which will celebrate its 50th anniver­ Congress is declining, and some every World War I veteran a pension Asst, to the Minister year extension and he did.” mittment at this time as to negotiations HOtMS QZk rotrwoicro sary next month, has more perma­ longtime champions of the VA es­ has 93 co-sponsors, including such The United Pentecostal Church ^ The vote to grant the extension was by for the extension,” Hovea nent employees than any federal tablishment are retiring. Among the avowed anti-spenders as Reps. Philip Manchester Washington Merry-Go-Round Goldm AiHMvenwy Hoover wanted no part of Janies Bond stories

By JACK ANDERSON women presenting themselves to reflect that Ian Feming is a writer of STYLB-The Soviet writer M. Sturua Moscow Olympics, let the two of us dicapped know that “separate” is not dm er on us. WASHINGTON - The FBI’s deep (Bond) in scanty attire.” paperback novels concerning spy derives his pen name, I am told, from compete in a contest of truth. I will “ e q u a l,” even if i t ’s called Celebrate your golden wedding anniversary with First concern with the true-blue stories in which his fictional a composite of name's of communist publish anything Comrade Sturua “special.” , o m o This startling revelation was no Federal. It’s our way of sharing the spotlight during our Americanism of such celebrities as news to the millions who had either character, James Bond, is the star,” heroes. His writings like his name wishes to say to the American people if he will give me equal space in golden anniversary year. Select the restaurant of your Helen Keller and Humphrey Bogart read Fleming’s novels or seen a the memo states. faithlully reflect the Kremlin view. We have $tarted our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale in our Women'i Izvestia to address whatever I please choice, and we’ll pay the bill. Just bring in your marriage has been chronicled in past columns. James Bond movie. But it was im­ The G-men even checked into the The good comrade paid his Dept, only, to the Soviet people. Absolutely no Now I've obtained internal FBI portant to the nation’s top in­ mail who was adapting “Goldflnger” respects to me this month in the mor­ A floorful of valuet in Summer Clothing auHtili your Inepeetlon. certificate, or somd" official form, that states you were documents which reveal that the late vestigative agency because there for the screen, Richard Mallbaum, ning edition of Izvestia. His commen­ censorship, of course. married in June, 1930. And have a golden time, on us. 's, J. Edgar Hoover was also worried ■were three passing references to the and reported: "Bufiles (bureau files) tary might leave the impression that about a fictional celebrity—Ian FBI in ‘,‘Goldfinger,” a Fleming contain no record regarding” someone in.the Kremlin doesn't like HARASSING THE Draetet-tveretTOlotllS ...... NOW30% OFF OMor good lor residents ol East You need only be a resident Fleming’s super- thriller whose climactic scenes in­ Malibaum. « me. Harttord. Glastonbury. South Glas­ today, not when married, HANDICAPPED - Rep. James Bloutet — were $30 to $ 5 0 ...... NOW *19 to*40 tonbury. Manchester. Vernon. Rock* and we ll contribute $50 British Agent 007, volved an attack on the U.S. gold One of the “Goldflnger” memos In the best tradition of Kremlin in­ Cleveland, R-N.H., is spearheading a 2 Only — Lightweight Navy Blaten — leere $ A ^ ...... NOW*100 ville or South Windsor towards your golden anni­ James Bond. conceded that a FBI source “was un­ versary dinner hoard at Fort Knox, Ky. vective, Sturua wrote: “The well- SMrb - were $32 to $ 8 0 ...... NOW*20 lo$04 Communist sub­ “The type of book written by aware of any FBI portrayal In the known American journalist Jack cheese-paring effort to save money Top$-were$l7to$24 ...... N0W*1S to*10 version may have ^ ^ ' /■ Fleming is certainly not the type nnovie.” Nevertheless, the memo Anderson has never adhered to the by substituting “special services” SuiU -w ere $155 to $265 ...... NOW*100 lo*185 been ' threatening where we would want any mention of writer recommended that “in the principle of a moderate lie in his . for the handicapped in some cities to HONOR AMERICA the Republic in the FBI or portrayal of FBI agents, event the Bureau is contacted for writings. For him the lie is not the replace the equal accessibility to Pant Suits — were $106 to $126...... NOW*74 lo*llS the 1960s—as no matter how favorable they might permission to portray an FBI agent dressing but the main course. Summer Slacks — were $28 to $ 5 5 ...... NOW*10 10*80 Hoover assured ii look in the movie,” another confiden­ in the movie, it should be flatly “Sometimes you wonder how he public transportation t l ^ r e now en­ WORDS OF FREEDOM Congress it was every year at budget tial memo said. It explained that declined.” manages to cram such a big lie into titled to by law. Legislators who have time—but the FBI could still find We. here in America, hold in our “Fleming’s storie$ generally center Hocyer scribbled “I concur” at the such a small column ... Jack Ander­ worked long and hard to guarantee time and agents to check into the around sex and bizarre situations, bottom of the memo. son, trying his utmost to cast a hands the hope of the world, the “the eagle ^gokleii” equality for the handicapped have Odds ’n’ Ends In Winter Clothing now drastically reducedl possible effects of a James Bond and certainly are not the type with As it turned out, tiie FBI’s fear that shadow over the moral and political fate of the coming years; and shame movie on the agency’s pristine im­ which we should want to be it would be somehow involved in a unity of our people and over our compiled figures that show and disgrace will be ours if in our age. associated.” movie featuring “sex and bizarre democracy, oblviously does not know Cleveland's economy legislation eyes the light of high resoh/e is ' - All Sales Final - An internal FBI memo to Cartha Evidentally fearful that DeLoach situations” proved groundless. where to stop in his lying.” dimmed; if we trail in the dust the would actually cost states and All Sales For Cash, Check, Master Charge, or Visa llfst IMeial Saving t=J (Deke) DeLoach,-one of Hoover’s top and/or Hoover lived in a hopelessly James Bond was able to save the gold For such an eminent spokesman of localities more than they now spend goldeti hopes of men. assistants, dated Jan. 1, 1964, noted sheltered environment, the writer of at Fort Knox with the help of only the Sovet “democracy,” I offer this spor­ There will be a charge for all alieratlons. East Hartlord. Glastonbury, South Glastonbury. Manchester. Vernon. Rockville, and South Windsor that Fleming’s spv stories "are one memo felt it necessary to explain CIA and the United States Army. ting proposition. Since our athletes to comply with the law. Like other -Theodore Roosevelt generally filled'^ith beautiful the facts of Fleming’s life: “Our files OPPROBRIUM, SOVIET cannot compete this year in the minorities before them, the han­ 6 - EVENING HERALD, Tuei.. June M, 1980 EVENING HEatALD. Tue»./June 24, 2880 - 7 7 V^ddiriQs^— - College Little progress reported The following stud^s from has been named to the dean’s list at are Aina Skudra, 38 Hemlock St. a q f Papasifat-Strimaitis Manchester luveJidSiS'flimed to the Clarkson College. He is a freshman Frances Mande\dlle, 304 Porter dean's list aV^winnipiac College: majoring in mechanical industrial both of Manchester. on school smoking hahits Marcia Ann Strimaitls of Binghamton, N.Y., and Peter Judith E. Lafond. 32 Wellington en ^ eerin g . M AN CHESTER— Board of Education m ember Dr. E ^ e l Bums, who attended the board m atin g Ss a Arthur Papastrat, aiso of Binghamton, were married Road; B arbara *M; Morency, 57 John Ahem of Manchester Is a Carolym Broker criUclzed the p r o g r ^ of the ^ucaUon member of the pubUc, said one smoke-ending technique June 14 at St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Hart­ Academy St.; Lisa L. Secondo, 28 Colleen D. Wright, daughter of Mr. member of one of two teams which adndnistratlon Monday t ^ t for its failure to make |ie performs is hypnosis. He said no matter what en- ford, Otis S t.; and Rpbecca L . Timbrell, 19 and Mrs. Gilbert Wright of tied for first prize in a competition signUicant gains in cutting down the incidence of couragement is given to stop smoking, success is mostly The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Indian Drive. Manchester and Renee C. Simon, sponsored by the National Crushed sm om g. determined by the smoker’s own motivation. Strimaitis of 97 Mountain Road, Manchester. The daughter of Mrs. Theresa N. Simon Stone Association for students in the to the second annual report to the Board of The school’s poUcy calls for people to voluntarily give bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. of Manchester graduated as departihent of landscape architec­ Education, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Wilson E. up smoking on all school property. It aho establish^ Papastrat of Binghamton. BRID G EPO RT - i ll i e Dahir. of members of Phi Theta Kappa Honor ture and regional planning at the Deakin said a survey of staff smoking habits reveals no areas in each school where smoking is forbidden The Rev. James Demetriades of St. George Greek Manchester, a 1980 graduate of the Society in the Associate in Science University of Pennsylvania. appreciable change during the past year in the percen­ Orthodox Church performed the double-ring ceremony. University of Bridgeport with'an Degree at Fisher Junior College, The competition requires students tages of smokers and non-smokers. g n w o a l i a t A v l Chris Muller of Hartford was oranist. associates degree in dental hygiene, Boston, Mass. to select an operating quarry which AU the schools in town have the same number of 3 C O r6 8 11816Q Miss Gabriele Michels of Manchester was maid of has received tee Alpha Omega dental Miss Wright, graduated with is a member of the association and smokers this year as last with the exception of the fm i honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Janet Strimaitis of Med- fraternity'award from the Hartford honors and was enrolled in the develop a management plan for Regional Occupational Training Center, where the fleld. Mass., the bride’s sister-in-law; Miss Deborah alunmi chapter. fashion merchandising program. She o|3§ration8 which minimizes adverse . number of smokers has been cut in half. MANCHESTER - Top Shotliff of Parsippany, N .J.; and Mrs. Deborah DeLuccia The honor came in recognition of graduated from Manchester High social effect and culminates in a Other sckiools had minor changes, with two staff scorers in the Manchester of North Plainfield, N.J. excellence in the study , of the School. valuable social use at the conclusion members /quitting at Bentley, and three starting at Senior Citizens Pinochle Louis Papastrat of Sandy Hook, N. J., was his brother’s biological sciences and for outstan­ Miss Simon graduated with high of the quarry competition. Verplanck. Three other schools had changes with one Group game June 19 at the best man. Ushers were David Strimaitis of Medfield, ding leadership in school activities. honors and was also enrolled in the Ahem graduated from the Univer­ staff member. ' Army and Navy Club are Kit­ Mass., and Edward Strimaitis of Manchester, brothers of Fashion Merchandising Program. sity of Massachusetts at Amherst A memo from retired principal of Bennet Junior High ty Byrnes, 680; Sue the bride; and Jam es DeLuccia of North Plainfield, N.J. 1 John DeValve of Manchester, un­ She also graduated from Manchester and studied at Louisiana State School Allan Cone states, "With regard to students, most Scheinbenflug, 671; Floyd A reception was held at The Colony in Vernon, after der partial support of Me on-campus High School. University. He will graduate from staff members who deal with the total school population Post, 625; Madeline Morley, were there which the couple left for Bermuda. They are residing in chapter of Foreign Missions UofP this year! believe that student smoking habits have not changed 611; Amelia Anastosio, 600; when they Leo Fitzpatrick, son of Mr. and materially from a year ago!” This maintenance of the Dom Anastasio, 597; Edna Binghamton. Fellowship, is one of 23 Houghton were needed! Mrs, Papastrat is employed as a registered nurse at (N.y.) College students engaged in Mrs. Leo Fitzpatrick of Vernon, Miss Kathleen A. Corey, daughter status quo occurr^ despite snecial anti-smoking ac­ Farmer, 595; Bert Turner, Binghamton General Hospital. Mr. Papastrat is a com­ summer missions projects on four received bachelor’s degree in of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Corey of tivities during the 1979-80 school year. 592; Betty TuiTier, 592; Arllne pany representative for D&P Screen Printing Co. in continents. semiotics from Brown University, 181 Center St., Manchester, a student Bed race According to the report, new health units were Paquin, 576; John Klein, 575; Binghamton. (Newton photo) Providence, R.I. at St. Mary’s University, Halifax, developed in the summer and implemenjed in junior high Mike Haberem, 571; Mary DeValve, the son of Dr. and Mrs. required all vehicles to contain a mattress, R.H. DeValve of 118 Prosprct St., Nova Scotia, Canada, has been Members of a racing t^m push their science classes this year. Cardiovascular kits were Hill, 570; Betty Jesanis, 570; This woman no niore or less than four wheels, and a rider. Manchester, will prepare radio tapes Among the Manchester students named to the dean’s list in The Facul­ ■‘facing bed down a 100-yard course Sunday in received frdm the American Heart Association of John Gaily, 567; Vlv just Mrs. Peter A. Papastrat for TransWorld l^dio in Marseille, named to the dean’s list for the ty of Arts. the trendy Coconut Grove district of Miami, Some teams negotiated the course in just Greater Hartford and used at Bennet and nUng junior Laguerre, 566; and Ann spring semester at Roger Williams high schools. found the France; work with Mulim students in ,„na., during a bed race sponsored by a radio over 13 seconds. (UPI photo) Fisher, 565. Grenoble universities; and do camp (College are; Lucie M. Albert, 4 Flint Timothy T. Corey, son of Mr. and On a positive note, the report relayed that Manchester The group will sponsor a baby furniture .jstation and a medical charity. Tlie rules was host to an all-day re^onal seminar sponsored by game Thursday at 9:45 a.m. at construction work wiM missionaries Drive; Christine A. Gulbinas, 26 N. Mrs. Frederick Corey of 181 Center she will in Algeria, all under the auspices of Fairfield St.; Peter A. Heard, 281 St., Manchester, a student at the AHA. “The six district staff members who participated the Army and Navy Club. Play is open to all senior citizens. ArmentanO’Luckm an North Africa Mission. Henry S t.; Lizabet P. Leone, 16 Coun­ University of New Brunswick L g J I have reported positive results with students,” the report soon be needing t* A senior in Houghton, DeValve is try Club Drive; and Carrie L. Winter, School, Canada, has been accepted Educators fill music slot stated. VERNON - Winners in the in the V'.: Carol Ann Luckman of Manchester and Jam es Anthony majoring in mathematics and Bible 334 Parker St. the summer 1980 international legal The school system has alro applied for federal funds to Vernon Senior Citizens deserves. We, the students, comment to LaBonne’s White has admitted there fast-action Armentano were married June 22 at the A.S.K. House in with a minor in French. studies program in Salzburg, .MANCHESTER - The launch a pro^am within the curriculum whose goals will Pinochle Club tournament \ Hartford. Wendy S. Kemp, daughter of Dr. Budapest and Vienna. Z Board of Education ap­ want her to stay. All it appeal. The board had was a conflict between her be an anti-smoking campaign, and providing “healthful June 19 at the Senior Citizens Classified takes is for one board earlier received a petition ,and the school administra­ Paul Hebert, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Alan M. Kemp of proved the appointment of alternatives.” Center are Minnie Leutjen, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving member to approach her signed by 200 student tion. The administration, Ads. Jean-Louls Hebert of 11 Butternut Manchester, has been named to the Gary W. Hohenthal, son of Mr. and arl4-year teaching veteran Deakin also said the percentage of . educators who 595; Bert Edwards, 594; John Luckman of 30 Waranoke Road, Manchester. The and you’ll know how much calling upon the board to in the person of principal Road, Manchester, has been named dean’s list at Westbrook College for Mrs. Eric E . Hohenthal of San Fraw 4o flu the shoes of retiring smoke is “much lower than corresponding adult pop­ Poggie, 592; Emily Brooks, bridegroom is the son of Judge and Mrs. Anthony J. she wants to stay.” urge Miss White to recon­ Jacob. Lude& HI, has to the dean’s list for the spring 1980 the spring semester. She recently cisco, Calif., formerly 61 Music Director Martha ulations.” He reported that the establishment of non­ 588. Board members made no sider her resignation. Miss declined comment. Armentano of Hartford. semester at New Hampshire College. graduated from the college’s dental Manchester, received a bachelor’s JVbite just minutes before smoking areas in each school were being respected. they heard a last minute Judge Jay Rubinow of Manchester officiated. ’The He majored in the college’s four-year hygiene program. degree from Vassar College on Md^ plea from students on her bride was given in marriage by her father. management program. 25. behalf. Ms. Nancy M. Luckman of Manchester, the bride’s Among the area residents receiving associate degrees at Dean l.The board appointed sister, was maid of honor. Ms. Bobbie Wellington of San Barry F. Manna, son of Franks JIDss Penny M. Dalenta to Francisco, Calif., was bridesmaid. Manna Jr ., 18 Hebron Road, Bolton Junior College in Franklin, Mass., te vocal music teacher at Frank J.®Armentano of Hartford was his brother’s best Manchester High School, mafl. Ushers were Jay L. Schaefer of San Francisco, Ssplaclng Martha White. 6asdtyin8M.tfSoid7iiann^ Calif.; Bruce S. Luckman of Manchester, the bride’s Hiss Dalenta was brother; and John J, Jacobson of Hartford. Xpiployed by the Vernon You don't have to be an athlete to flip over the vyay natural gas tumble dries your clothes. Engo^ecl. «ehool system for the past With a choice of drying cycles, your clothes come out virtually wrinkle-free and ready to fol(J or hang up. A reception was held at A.S.K. House, after which the Sree years and by a And because today's new gas dryers have energy saving features like automatic pilotless ignition, they use up couple left for Europe. They will reside in Manchester. System in Massachusetts Mrs. Armentano is employed by Alexander and Dickinson-Beecher 'S t 11 years before that. to 36% less energy to operate than other dryers. But the best feature of a natural gas dryer Alexander of Connecticut. Mr. Armentano is a partner in dis8 Dalenta’s salary is that it uses efficient and dependable natural gas fuel. the law firm of Francis and Armentano, P.C. in The engagement of Miss Sandy 3^ II be $20,469, which That's a prett^om forting thought. It’s no wonder people everywhere are on the winning natural gas tumbling team. Mrs. James A. Armentano Elmwood. (Deford Dechert photo) Marie Dickinson of Manchester to Spresents no significant Call or visit your gas appliance dealer or CNG to choose the best gas dryer for your needs. Scott Frederick Beecher of Bolton JUfference from the salary has been announced by her parents, "Miss White earned'when Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickinson of 115 she resigned after 35 years Columbus St., Manchester. of service to the 6eryice& Mr. Beecher is the son of Mr. and .Manchester school system. Mrs. Frederick Beecher of 10 Art Staye Assistant Superintendent HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Former Texas. She will now go to Keesler Manchester resident, and the grand­ Laurwood Drive, Bolton. of Schools Wilson Deakin members of the 466th Bomb Group AFB, Miss., for training as an ad­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miss Dickinson graduated from Chief Warant Officer Art •aid Monday night that >tl8s White earned CX)NNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CX)RPORATION plan a Unit Rendezvous at Orlando, ministration officer. Cassells of Hebron Road, Bolton. Manchester High School in 1974 and Staye of Manchester wa^h from Manchester Community 'bbtween $20,000 and $21,000 Fla., Oct. 30 through Nov. 2. This A 1975 graduate of West Springfield awarded the Armed Forces meeting will be held in conjunction High School, Lt. Jones earned a Lance Cpl. Laurent J . Veilleux, College in 1977 with an Associate in 'When she resigned. with the large 8th AF Reunion to be bachelor’s degree in 1979 from USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hervey J. Science degree in the legal Component Achievement • "Deakin said miss Dalen- held there at the same time. William Woods College, Fulton, Mo. Veilleux, 49 Hilltop Ave., Vernon, secretarial field. She is employed in Medal for meritorious service •ta’s 14 years of experience The 466th BG was formed in Clovis, participated in the Cuban refugee the Industrial Engineering Depart­ in ceremonies held recently at tqualifl^ her for a salary N.M. in Sept. 1943, and trained at Salt Gail S. Robert, daughter of Mr. and assistance operations. ment of Pratt & Whitney Group of equivalent to Miss White’s. He is a member of the First Bat­ Camp Grasso. He is com­ Lake City, Utah, and Alamorgodo, Mrs. Henry L. Robert of 140 Lydall United Technologies Coep. in East ,He said, ”We wanted the talion, Eighth Marines, based at pleting two weeks annual N.M. In February 1944, the group St., Manchester, has been com­ Hartford. ‘best for the position and we flew to Attlebrldge Airfield, missioned a second lieutenant in the Camp Lejeune, N.C. Mr. Beecher graduated from training at the East Lyme ^ot it.” He said England. After 13 months of combat, U. S. Air Force upon graduation from His unit provided security and Bolton High School in 1976 and from Sandy M. Dickinson facility. !■' Manchester pays for the unit returned to the U.S. and was Officer Training School at Lackland assisted authorities in processing the the University of Connecticut School Staye is a full-time techni­ experienced te a se rs , even inariivated at Sioux Faiis, Mont., in AFB, Texas. refugees at the Key West, Fla., of Engineering in 1980 with a Locks. cian with the National Guard ; If that experience is not Naval Air Station. The couple is planning a Sept. 13 gained in the Manchester September 1945. She will now go to Eglin AFB, Fla., Bachelor of Science degree in com­ assiped to the fiscal office at. He is a 1978 graduate of Rockville puter science engineering. He is wedding at South United Methodist 'school system. "We are trying to make this our for duty. State Headquarters in Hart­ biggest reunion ever,” said John A 1974 graduate of Manchester High School and enlisted in the employed at Hamilton Test Systems, Church in Manchester. (DeRov ’''Superintendent of Woolnough, historian for the 466th,” High School, Lt. Robert earned a Marine Corps in August, 1978: Hamilton Standard Co. in Windsor photo) ford. ” Schools James Kennedy and we need to get the word out to ail bachelor’s degree in 1978 from said today that Miss Dalen­ Spec. 4 Leonard J. Kanehl II, U.S. our buddies.” Interested persons are Eastern Connecticut State College. ta enter^ the system on Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard . asked to write to him for reunion the same step Miss White J. Kanehl, 80 Bissell St., Manchester, detaiis. Box 4738, Hollywood, Fla., Robert S. Simmons, son of Mr. and Area graduates. TCTt. Manchester’s teacher has, been assigned as a unit supply 33023. Mrs. Robert B. Simmons of 166 Twin salary scale has 14 steps. A specialist with the 41st Infantry at Hills Drive, Coventry, has been com­ step Is usually equal to one Fort Hood, Texas. missioned a second'"lieutenant year, Kennedy uid . The U.S. Air Force has announced He is a 1974 graduate of Once a teacher reaches through the Air Force ROTC Manchester High School. the retirement of Maher Sgt. LeRoy program and earned a bachelor’s Uie top step, raises will J. Crotteau after 20 years of service. degree at Rensselaer Polytechnia Pvt. Teri A. Parks, U.S. Army, only come across the Sgt. Crotteau served as a unit Institute at Troy, N.Y. daughter of Roger H. Parks, 10 Lake board, as a percentage in­ crease. Miss White was at career advisor at McCleilan AFB, He will be assigned at Colun^us St., Vernon, has been assigned as a the top of the 14 step salary Sacramento, Caiif., prior to retiring. AFB, Miss., for pilot training. telecommunications operator with A graduate of Fort Atkinson High scale. With her 14 years of Simmons graduated from Coventry the First Cavalry Dvision at Fort School, Fort Atkinson, Wise., his experience. Miss Dalenta High School in 1976. , ' Hood, Texas. wife, Liiiian, is the daughter of Mr. e w e in on the same step. and Mrs. Fred Morse of Rockville. D. Scott Cassells received a Senior Airman John W. Freitag mmediately after the Bachelor of Science degree, in educa­ Jr ., USAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cary Compasso Cynthia J. Bither Daniel A. Socha Alice A. Belfiore board approved the ap­ Roni Jones, daughter of A. W. tion, from Northern Arizonia Univer­ W. Freitag of 24 Legion Drive, Manchester Bolton Manchester Manchester pointment, as part of a Jones of West Springfield, Mass., and sity, Flagstaff, at the May 16 com­ Rockville, has been promoted to his B.S. degree B.S. degree B.S. degree B.A. degree group of actions on its con­ M arty Jon es of 30 West Road, mencement excercises. present rank. Providence University of Northeastern College of sent calendar, three Rockville, has been commissioned a Cassells graduated with honors and He is a heating systems specialist College Vermont University Holy Cross students addressed the second lieutenant in the U.S. Air is eligible to join Phi Kappa Phi. assigned to Loring Air Force Base, board to call for Miss Force upon graduation from Officer He is the son of Clarence Cassells. Limestone, Maine. He is a 1977 White to remain. Training School at Lackland AFB, Jr., of Phoenix Arizonia, former graduate of Rockville High School. 7 " Gregory LaBonne, group ' spokesman, said "Martha White is willing to rescind her resignation If she Is Births— The great French writer Emile Zola and the great French given the respect she painter Paul Cezanne were boyhobd friendi. Dunne, Joseph Smith, Heather Marie, South Windsor. grandparents are Mr., and Robert, son of Stephen R. daughter of Roanid J. and Mrs. Joseph Pavan and CENTER and Pamela Maloney Deborah Ann Craig Smith Stetz, Jason Aldo, son Edwin Osgood. Dunne of 153 Candlewood of 172M Homestead St., of Jeffery L. and Deborah HAIR PLUS TREE Drive. South Windsor. He Manchester. She was born Pavan Stetz of 21 Norwood was born May 25 at May 27 at M anchester St., Manchester. He was PRESENTS SPRAYIHG Manchester Memorial Memorial Hospital. Her born May. 25 at Manchester DIET CENTER IS EXPIWIIINC! Hospital. 'His maternal maternal grandparents are Memorial Hospital. His grandparents are Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Craig maternal grandparents are WE’RE THE Mr. KID’S DAY Mrs. Robert Maloney of of Manchester. Her pater­ and Mrs. Aldo Pavan EXPERT Vernon. His paternal nal grandparents are Mr. of Manchester. His, pater­ We ere t —king qutlltl0d people who would nal grandparents are Mr. N K 26, 9 to S M Y grandparents are Mr. and and Mrs. Edward Smith of The U.S. A rm y adopted llko to own and managa a DIET CENTER. A WHEN IT COMES FOR KIDS 12 AND UNDER Mrs. Robert Dunne of Vernon. Her great- and Mrs. John Stetz of olive-drab for winter Manchester. His great- larvica uniformi in 1902. provan National company la axpanding In tha TO TREES Wethersfield. grandparent is M rs.^seph Qraatar Hartlord-SprIngHald araa. Wa ara lops Ahearn of Vero Beach, Fla. HAIR CUTS In weight loss and offer ramarkahia hnanclal Meadows, Jessica CALL: Lynn, daughter of Ronaid Bilodeau, Caaey Lee, returns.'A background of bualnaaa, manage- T. and Margaret Jamison daughter of Louis D. and Reg. *7 ^ 5 ® ® mant, safes, nutrition, ruining or counaallng 5 6 1-2 1 4 8 Meadows of 515 Brewster Karen Jackson Bilodeau Of 366 Main Street WITH BLOWDRY would be helpful. 23 Bank St., Manchester. St., Coventry. She was born (2 buildings up from Memorial Store) BUTLER May 26 at Manchester She was born May 27 at Reg. »12.00 For an article on DIET CENTER, see tha June Memorial Hospital. Her Manchester Memorial 8 4 9 -10 4 2 3rd Issue of Family Circle. TREE maternal grandparents are Hospital. Her maternal Ladles 8i Childrens Good Used Clothings. WITH EACH CUT. SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. H. G. grandparents are •Roberta Every Day Low P ric e s Jamison of Colonia, N.J. Jackson and Donald MAY BERRY MALL.^BURN8IDC^ For further Information and an Interview, a ll; Her paternal grandparents Jacksont both of for Quality Used Clothe$ (NEXT TO TOP NOTCH) Mrs. Lola Hawran ^ 416 Park Rd. are Stuart Meadows and Manchester. Her paternal STOP BY FOR 8AVINQ8I DIET CENTER OF EAST HARTFORD West Hartford, CT Mrs. Marguerite Meadows, grandparents are Mr. and Senior CMsen Disoounts ^g.g QgHy ^ a t s a s ^ s s 06119 Mrs. Louis Bilodeau of both of Springfield, Mass. yMAMMAAAMMMWMAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF i li.vliavu'iu MKHALD. Tues., June M. MOO - 9 S - EVENING HERALD. Tues., June 24, 18W

Friedeberg for his work in preser­ BtSriftan Diane Twachtman said make my comment.” After that be what a school principal suggested Ingallinera said the board has to in a letter. He said, “It’s what he 'keep the meetings moving, ving the records burned during the while reading the resolution. jokingly said he’d vote against ToujnToll extending the curfew. i said iminus Dear Dr. Sidman.” otherwise the board members Board of Education Building fire. Sox KO Yanks Following a two-hour presenta­ . “He has given a great amount of ef­ .The curfew for the Vernon Board Later a boa^ member asked to could stay until they fell off their NEW.YORK (UPI) - The Boston brains out at Fq^ay Park apdiilay was just like another game. You tion by parents at a recent Blast fort and he was able to secure the of Education meetings is 10:30 p.m. Discussing a policy concerning delete the last two lines saying they chairs. Red Sox have delivered the first .500 or under on the.road.-8tfiar this want to be out there and you’re In a Hartford Board of Education expertise for preservation of the with the board usually voting to ex­ notices g o i^ home with school weren’t written in policy form. Dr. meeting, board members this week Sidman then commented, “I should knockout punch in their season series season, however, t h e l ^ Sox are 21- pennant race, but I guess I haven’t The Glastonbury Board of Educa­ records. I move we express ap­ tend It. At this week’s meeting children, Dr. Bernard SIdman, suggested Jimitlng the amount of have deleted it with Dear Dr. Sid­ with the New York Yatdcees. Now the 14 on the road and only 15-16 at home. been around long enough to unders­ tion passed a special resolution preciation and gratftude for his. board member Hal Cummings school superintendent in Vernon, man." baseball world will find out If they’re Tony Perez and Carl Yastrzemski tand rivalries.” time citizens could speak at the thanking Town Clerk Edward J. work with those records,’’ Board said. “It’s only 10:29.1 have time ^ told the sdiool board the policy was meetings. Board Chainnan Jen serious contenders to the American were the .batting stars of Monday League East crown or merely a night’s victory. Perez, leading jhe bunch of palookas. AL in RBI with 53, drove in two runs Playing the Yankees for the first with an infield put and a double and Transit unit backs time this season, the Red Sox banged , also belted a triple with two out in Obituaries out 15 hits and routed Ron Guidry, 7- the fifth to trigger a four-run inning -A 2, before 50,139 and a national televi­ thaj was highlighted by n^illiam C. Mather sion audience Monday night. Yastrzemski’s two-run homer. EAST HARTFORD - William C. town rail service Although they remain seven games “Every time the Yankees and Red Mather, 82, of 25 Laurel St., died behind New York in the AL East, the Sox play it’s like playing in a World between Manchester and WilUman- Monday at a South Windsor convales­ MANCHESTER — ’Those who sup­ Red Sox considered it an important Series,” said Perez, 38, who was get­ tlc. The task force recommends cent home. He was the husband of port restored passenger rail service victory. ting his first exposure to a Boston- the study of this link proceed as rapid­ Arlene Hews Mather. between Manchester and Hartford “I think it’s a big lift for us,” said New York series. “I was expecting a Mr. Mather was bom in Hartford were given a boost by Rep. Toby ly as possible. winning pitcher Dennis Eckersley, pitching duel between Eck and Moffett’s 18-merober Mass ’Transpor­ and had lived in Brooklyn before It also says the Legislature should who allowed seven hits in winning for Guidry. I didn’t think we could get moving to Blast Hartford a year ago. tation Task force. the third straight time and raising his authorize the bonding so the track that many runs against Guidry.” He was employed by the State of ’The task force report, released this I'ecord to 4-5. ‘‘It’s especially - can be re-established promptly if Guidry, who had entered the game Connecticut Extension Service in week, urges Connecticut to spend an ' gratifying for me after the way they study results are positive. with a 6-1 lifetime record against Brooklyn for 10 years. additional $100 million for mass tran­ beat my brains out twice here last Boston, felt he had good stuff even Besides his wife he leaves two sit to revitalize the state’s rail and The report notes the interest in the year. Right now it feels good and I though he was pummeled for 10 hits sons, Qayton Mather of South Wind­ bus service. ■Manchester-Willimantic rail service think we can sweep them. We got by in 4 2-3 innings. In the fifth, the Red sor and Melvin Mather of East Hart­ The report also says highway con­ has been high. It said the Providence Guidry. We’ve got to beat them at Sox roughed him up for five con­ ford; two brothers, Fred Mather of struction plajis should be re­ and Worcester Company hsis offered least two out of three here and two secutive hits which included two Marshfield, Mass.; and Kenneth evaluated to insure they are consis­ to provide unsubsidized freight ser­ out of three in Boston.” triples, a double and Yastrzemski’s Mather of Amerherst, Ohio; and six tent with transportation needs of the vice on the link for five years. The Over the next 12 games, the Red homer. grandchildren. state. railroad also has said it is interested Sox will meet the Yankees five times “You can't continue to master a Funeral services will be The report, backing the passenger in promoting passenger service along and the defending American League club for a long period of time,” said Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Rose Hill rail link between'Manchester and the line, if it is re-established. champion Baltimore Orioles seven Guidry, who dropped to 7-4. “I had Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky '.V. Hartford cites the success of the times. Although they are crippled, good stuff. 1 can’t say anything. They Hill. Burial will be in Rose Hill Burr Comers commuter bus as the ’The report said highway constrac- with injuries having sidelined hit some pretty good pitches. I was Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Friends second most heavily used bus service tion policies often conflict with sluggers Jim Rice and Carlton Fisk, getting behind a lot and when you get may call at the funeral home today in the state. ’The report says avbrage national and state urban policy. It the Red Sox have won 11 of their last behind a club like that it’s harder and from 7 to 9 p.m. rjdership on the Burr Comers bus is says highway expansion increases 14 and seem ready to make a serious harder to pitch. It's the first time in a 6,000 per week. urban-suburban sprawl and con­ run at the Yankees. long time I had to pitch from Kermit Kroll The task force report also notes tributes to pollution. “Obviously the loss of Jim Rice behind.” MANCHESTER - Kermit Kroll, economic development activity Jn has hurt us, but if our pitching comes Eckersley was touched for a pair of 69, of 82 Cooper Hill St., died Sunday East Hartford and Manchester The task force said a combination around we can be in it,” added solo homers by rookie Joe Lefebvre night at Manchester Memorial should create more demand for inass of short range measures and a long­ Eckersley. “ At the start of the in the first and eighth innings but in Hospital. He was the husband of transit. term commitment to mass transit is season our pitching stunk, but we're between the veteran right-hander The report specifically mentions Elaine LaChapelle Kroll. the most appropriate strategy. starting to get it together.” handcuffed the Yankees and retired Mr. Kroll was bom in Manchester the J.C. Penney complex in What’s been an encouraging sign is the side in order five times. June 30,1910 and had been a lifelong Manchester as a factor requiring It said alternate modes and mixing the Red Sox' success on the road. In “It takes a lot away from it when resident. Before retiring in 1973 he Anxious moment to remember better mass transit to serve the es­ modes of public transportation may past years, the formula for the Red you don’t win,” said Lefebvre about was employed by Cheney Brothers as Oberamagau where they will see the Passion timated 2,000 employees. be more cost-effective and fuel con­ Sox has been to beat rival teams’ his performance. “To me, though, it A group of 25, scheduled to begin an The task force said the rail service a payroll supervisor. He had been Play and then it will tour the Holy Land. The serving than building new highways. overseas trip, from Emanuel Lutheran also would provide what it terms a The panel also recognized the n ^ with the firm for more than 40 years. group, with tour hosts. Rev. Ronald Fournier, He was a member of St. Mary’s Church, had a few anxious moments while reverse commuting opportunity for for better highway maintenance and Episcopal Church. one couple searched for a passport and ReV. Eric Gothberg, will return the first the state. supports efforts to turn the state’s Besides his wife he leaves a son, However, the passport was located before the week of July. (Herald photo by Pinto) It says reverse commuting, Hart­ priorities to better road maintenance ford residents going to work in out­ Sports Hall of Fame Kermit W. Kroll of Manchester and bus left at 1 p.m. 'The group will tour and away from new highway con­ Pause that refreshes lying towng, is a significant factor. struction. three sisters, Elsie H. Kroll and Mrs. Taking time out for a drink of water during members of the Express entry. Left to right, Mildred Smith, both of Manchester The task force anticipates the final and Mrs. Hazel Brownell of East report of the Capitol Regional Coun­ recent PeeWee League soccer game in the Marianne Loto, Eddie Wilson, Eric Wolfgang Hartford. cil of Government’s study of the rail Vernon man held M anchester R ecreation Departm ent and Andy Cole. (Herald photo by Pinto) includes Katkaveck Funeral services will be Moratorium ends today link between Manchester and Hart­ program at Memorial Field were these ford, to be completed later in the q h check charffeS Wednesday at 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s By EARL YOST Episcopal Church. Burial will be in year, could underestimate actual de- ^ East Cemetery. Friends may call at mand for rail service, th e report MANCHESTER - PoUce arrested Sports Editor the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main on condo conversion said the CRCOG study doesn’t in­ Richard F. Clarke, 31, of 346 KeUy Only one Manchester man made it St., today from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 clude the demand for rail transporta­ Road, Apt. c-1, Vernon, Friday and Alice Brown features all the way to the top in professional p.m. By MARY KITZMANN the state law, precluding individuai “We have an obligation to provide tion to Manchester that could be charged him with failure to appear, basketball, Leo Katkaveck with the / town regulation was passed. Memorial coniributions may be H)erald Reporter housing for people who want to live created by the connecting issuing a bad check and fourth- Washington Capitols in the Basket­ made to the American Diabetes “It’s sad that we are precluded by here,” he said. “People shouldn’t be Waterbury-Hartford passenger rail ball Association of America, MANCHESTER - It began in degree larceny after the East Hart­ Association, Connecticut Affiliate the state from doing anything to slow forced to leave town.” ^ proposal. 1 ford Superior Court Issued a warrant forerunner of the NBA. March with a great deal of public down or controi the conversions,” ^ 'T U a VAI track and field trials Inc., 17 Oakwood Ave., West Hart­ Faucher said th e ^ x t step is to lob­ liie report says there seems to be a for his re-arrest. Currently residing in Edenton, comment, but the 90-day. moratorium said Robert Faucher, co-chairman of discrepancy in cost estimates for rail ford. by for Board of Directors’ accep­ oecame even more impressive when Brown won the women’s version of N.C., the North End native is the on condominium conversion^ ends the Manchester Citizens for Social EUGENE, Ore., (UPI) - By npw tance of the mayor’s committee service. The state Department of Police said he was charged in con­ almost every track fan knows who you consider ^he accomplished it in a latest to be included in the initial quietly today. Responsibility, which first proposed the collegiate championships, also in report, which includes recommen­ Transportation estimates it would nection with an incident earlier this Stanley Floyd is, but how about Alice rainstorm and against a tough field. group of inductees in the Manchester - Mrs. Penelope McKnerney Today is the 90th day since the or­ the moratorium in February. Hayward Field, in 11.27 and took the dations to relax the controversial M cost million to put the Hartford month, but failed to appear in court Brown? About her only disappointment was Sports Hall of Fame. MANCHESTER — Mrs. Penelope dinance, banning conversions of Faucher, chosen by MCSR to repre­ national title at Walnut, Calif., in zone that regulates multi-family Manchester line back in service, to answer charges. He was held over Floyd electrified track fans Sunday that Evelyn Ashford, generally Previously announced honorees (Penny) McKnerney, 31, of 99 Vernon apartments into condominiums, was sent the group on the mayor’s com­ while an . earlier study estimates the 11.21. housing construction, and sell bonds the weekend on a $2,500 bond and has when he won the 100 meter dash at regarded as America’s top sprinter, Brown’s victory was the highlight were Joe McCluskey, Jerry Fay, St. died this morning ^ Hartford legally advertised and in effect. mittee was iater elected its chair­ cost to be |35 million. fTOM for housing rehablitiatlon. been slated to appear again in the the U.S. Olympic Track and Field did not compete, having pulled out of Monday’s program, which also Walter "Ty” Holland, Meredith Hospital. She was the wife of Roy J. Tomorrow the conversions, which man. The task force report said the $91 He said he plans to gain “visible Blast Hartford court June 30. Trials in a sparkling 10.26 despite earlier because of lingering injuries. saw Don Paige — in the men’s 800 — “Moe” Morhardt, Ulysses “Tony” McKnerney. many say displace the elderly and He says the moratorium did not million estimate for the 10-mile support” for the report. rain and cold. “If she were here,” said Brown, “I and Edwin Moses, in the men’s 400 Lupien, Matt Moriarty Sr., and Cathy She was bom in Ossining, N.Y., on force young couples to leave fulfill his expectations when MCSR Manchester Hartford link was com­ While the directors consider the Police also charged Davis R. couldn’t afford to make any mis­ Dyak. One more name will be added Aug. 15,1948, the daughter of Robert Manchester may begin again. proposed it. “I did not expect the Brown matched Floyd’s perfor­ hurdles, post world best times while proposals, there. h,ave been pared to the $14 million cost estimate Ballard, 35, of 71 Wells St. with non­ mance by winning the women’s 100 takes. The last few weeks her name to the list for the induction dinner W. and Janet H. Hollock Lake of However, the displacement of elder­ state to retain control (of conver­ scoring impressive victories. In addi­ whispering that mAre apartment for the 29-mile Waterbury-Hartford support Friday. He was processed at final Monday night in equally off con­ always has been ahead of mine in the September 19 at the Army & Navy Nap! i, Fla. She was a communicant ly persons, which concerned the sions) but I did expect it to do a little tion, Bob Coffman barely hung on to complexes owners are considering line. headquarters and r e l e a ^ on a $500 ditions. press. I tried to prove something Club in Manchester. of St. Bridget Church, graduated majority of those who spoke at the more than it did,” he said. win the decathlon and Louise Ritter, converting now that the moratorium The report also recommends non-surety bond. He is scheduled to The two also have something else here, that I could run with or without One of hundreds of Manchester from Morgan High School, Clinton, in March public hearing on the ‘‘But if the moratorium ac­ the American champion, won the is nearly complete. However.the exploring putting the track back appear in court July 7. Ashford.” youngsters who were first introduced 1966 and attended Connecticut Cen­ moratorium, is no longer a big con­ complished anything, other than the in common. Both are triple crown women’s high jump. town’s landlord who owns the most to basketball at the YMCA, since tral College in New Britain. cern. mayor’s committee proposals, it did apartments, Raymond Damato, has winners this year and not too man^ sprinters can lay claim to that dis­ rechristened the Community Y, Besides her husband and parents State legislation, passed in the in­ give tenants an additional three said he does not plan any apartment Major traffic lights fail terim, protects elderly persons from tinction. In fact, in Brown's case, she Katkaveck went on to stardom at she leaves a son, Christopher and a months to contemplate the sales. / Manchester Trade (now Cheney being forced from their home. But MANCHESTER - Police were Police said the short circuit in the is the first woman ever to win the daughter, Erin, both at home; and situation.” The moratorium was first Tech), Manchester High and North two sisters, Mrs. Patricia Wolff of. .there is no guarantee that the rent forced to direct traffic at two major signal system caused the failure collegiate, national and Trials titles Legion cops thriller Faucher says the. moratorium proposed after a rash of conversions Carolina State. Yorktown Heights, N.Y., and Mrs. may not be raised above the levels heightened awareness of intersections for about four hours all in the same season. lowered Manchester rental market while rush hour traffic had to be Katkaveck, 55, now a successful Pamela Lyman of Niagara Falls. N.Y. many fixed-income families can af­ Manchester’s housing problem, and Monday evening after traffic control Floyd, of course, also won the ’Two runs in the bottom of the fifth Andy Kolodziej’s two-run homer by about 400 apartments. The town’s moved through the two intersections top-ranking official in the Edonton Funeral services will be Thursday ford. Deputy Mayor Stephen Cassano, who signals there failed. same three titles this year, and if inning and a game-saving catch by cut it to 4-3 in the fourth for Locks. vacancy rate has been estimated at Ckitton Mills, led Manchester Trade at a time to be announced. Burial will Only elderly and families below the co-introduced the moratorium or­ A police officer on routine patrol by police officers. Police said the America was going to the Olympic leftfielder Shawn Spears lifted Post 102 got the deciding runs in less than 1 percent. to the CHass B CIAC Basketball Tour­ be in St. James Cemetery. Friends poverty level were extended protec­ dinance that the Board of Directors about 4:15 p.m. noticed wires arcing traffic was not cleared until about 8 Games in Moscow next month, the Manchester Legion baseball team the fifth. Blake and Brasa were hit by nament championship in 1940-41, may call at the John F. Tierney tion under the state law. on a utility pole near the intersection' p.m. two 19-year-olds would be the center past Windsor Locks, 6-5, in Zone pitches and Bill Herlth beat out a passed after an emotional public Transit equipment scoring a then record 291 points in 18 Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., The state legislation, which was hearing, agreed. of Center and Broad streets. The of a lot of media attention. Eight play last night at Eagle Field. bunt single. Falkowski’s sacrifice fly But the United States, and some 50 games, winning all-state honors. Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 anticipated when the moratorium Cassano says the moratorium un­ HARTFORD (DPI) — Tlie federal traffic signal at the intersection was The light at the Center and W. The win was the fifth in the last six to center produced one run and a mis- other countries, are boycotting the Katkaveck, 6-1 and 190 pounds, p.m. was imposed, disappointed several ited persons from different factions Urban Mass Transit Administration dead, and moments later the one at Center street intersection was even­ starts to peg its overall mark at 7-6. played grounder to second by Spears town directors, the group that initial­ Olympics, so about all that is left to made it 6-3. played four varsity hoop seasons in Memorial donations may be made to a common awareness of has approved $1.9 million in capital the intersection of Center and W. tually restored to blinking red. The Manchester, atop the Zone at 6-1, is to the Manchester Memorial ly proposed the 90-day ban, and the such as Floyd and Brown are a series Locks, however, went down North Carolina, captaining the squad Manchester’sjiousing probiems. assistance grants to buy new equip­ Center streets also went out. Hart­ lights at Broad and (Center street at East Hartford at Penney High Hospital Development Fund. • committee formed to study the con­ He noted that it was common ford Electric Light Co. officials were of European meets this summer im­ Wednesday night at 6 o’clock. Locks fighting. A strikeout-wild pitch, bad- in his final two years. As a senior, ment for the Hartford and New mediately before and after the Leo Katkaveck versions. knowiedge there was a statewide Haven transit districts. Gov. Ella summoned along with the state’s were restored about midnight accor­ goes to 3-2 in the Zone. Locks tallied hop single and single to right loaded State won 29 of 32 games and Moscow Games.. T They all say the state legislation on housing problem, but now there'^is an Grasso announced today. Department of Transportation. ding to police. ' in the top of the first with the bases with no out. Dave Reale Kataveck was voted the Alumni To pay respects condominium conversions did not ex­ awareness of Manchester's housing When Floyd won the men’s 100 Sun­ Manchester tying it on a lead-off greeted reliever Ken Hill with a two- Trophy as the most outstanding Manchester, he took the cooperative both Manchester High and tend protection to enough tenants, problem. day he was so excited he was unable homer by Brad Cabral over the left- run single to right with Reale thrown athlete. He was also named to the course offered and graduated from Manchester Trade. MANCHESTER - The and wonder if perhaps conversions to express how he felt about not going East team in the East-West all-star Manchester Emblem Club 251 will “A blue ribbon committee has Court raises bond field fence. Manchester went in front out at second. should be more regulated. to the Olympics. Brown was equally Jim Simonko fanned, Kolodziej game and received All-America meet at the John F. Tierney Funeral determined that we do have a with three markers in the third. Studying regulation of conversions excited but she did have something to recognition." Home, 219 W. Center St., Wednesday housing shortage,” Cassano said. in fatal crash case Cabral walked and reached third as walked and Skip Rarus’ loft was was the Mayor’s Committee on Con­ Although the moratorium is over, say. a pickoff try went wild. He scored on hauled in by Spears a steap from the After his first two years at State, Sutcliffe in form at 7:15 p.m. to pay respects to Gary “I'm disappointed we’re not going dominium’s prime task when it was Cassano, who together with Barbara MANCHESTER — The 61-year-old man charged with an RBI single by Dave Blake. Ken leftfield wall. Katkaveck enlisted in the Navy V-12 15 batters and scattered 10 hits and S. Atamian whose mother is vice misconduct with a motor vehicle in connection with the to Moscow, but there’s nothing I can NEW YORK (UPI) - When the sun formed simultaneously when the Weinberg, Democratic director, Brasa was hit by a pitch with two Skip Mreau hurled six innings to program, following 34 months of ser­ Roy Smalley belted a two-run homer president of the club. W. Middle Turnpike accident Sunday evening which do about it,” said Brown, who won rises every morning, Rick Sutcliffe moratorium was imposed. However, sponsored the ordinance, is unsure wild pitches sending Blake home. gain the win. He yielded 10 hits, vice, he returned to State for his final to lift Minnesota over Kansas City. The club’s Ways and Means Com­ killed another man, had his case continued until Friday over a top field in the 100 in the sits up in bed, glances out the win­ before the committee, composed of about the next step. But he is sure Brasa scored on a Mike Falkowski walked one and fanned seven. Ron two years. “I was tough tonight when I had to mittee, scheduled for Wednesday and his bond raised from $5,000 to $7,500 in Superior Court strong time of 11.32. The time Next stop was in the prp ranks, dow, then pulls the covers over his bankers. Realtors, property owners, that “an effort has to be made to two-out single. Clarke absorbed the loss.' be,” said Koosman, who tied a night, has been canceled. with the Capitols, coached by Red head and goes back to sleep. and group representatives in­ provide more housing in Monday. Minnesota strikeout record and tied Trent J; DiBiasi of 466 W. Middle Turnpike was Auerbach. Katkaveck was also pur­ Something about a sophomore jinx. vestigated regulation suggestions. Manchester.” his own career-high. “I had no idea I sued by the Minneapolis Bakbrs, arrested immediately after the 7 p.m. head-on collision had that many. I thought maybe 10 or near the intersection of West Middle Turnpike and Center Baltimore Bullets, St. Louis Sutcliffe, last year’s National Weep’ passes first test League Rookie of the Year, fired a 11.” Street. DiBiasi, police said, was headed east when he in­ Bombers of the BAA and the three-hitter, to earn only his second Brewers 8, A's 0 advertantly drove into the westbound lane which Is Sheboygan, Wise., Redskins of the Panel will review 911 WIMBLEDON (UPI) - Eight of on the first day’s play Monday in the judgment of “the bleep.” win of the season and contributed.a Jim Gantner belted a grand slam separated by a median. His car collided with one being National League after his star- and drove in six"runs to back Reggie driven by 25-year-old Gary S. Atamian of 14 Sunset St., a the men have tested themselves $684,(X)0 tournament — the weather While she tests the device against two-run’^ single to help the Los By KEVIN FOLEY “It would be ridiculous for us to sit troduced the amendment barring dis­ did. studded college career ended. Cleveland’s six-hitter and power the . Navy petty officer stationed in Brunswick, Me. Atamian FOR OVER 50 YEARS against “the bleep.” Now it’s the liana Kloss of South Africa in center NC State C ^ch Ev Case once said,, Angeles Dodgers to a 3-0 victory over Herald Reporter down and say ‘you’ve gotta sell it to cussion of the firehouse last April, women’s turn. Rain allowed only 20 minutes of court, second-seeded Tracy Austin of the Houston Astros in the opener of a Brewers. Gantner. capped a six-run much to the anger of some town died at 7:50 p.m. after being extricated from bis car. “Katkaveck is, without doubt, one of MANCHESTER - A review of us’ and ‘we aren’t going to sell it to “I don’t think it was made for me, play on Wimbledon’s famed center the United States, a fast-m aturing^- three-game series between the Brewers’ outburst in the sixth inning directors and all of the district board Police said DiBiasi was apparently intoxicated hence People often ask us what they the finest basketball players I ever the 911 emergency telephone number you,' ” Cassano reniarked. “But this machine,” said the hot-tempered eburt and the adjacent Court 1 — the year-old, will be facing it and Alycro National League West leaders. with his first career grand slam. members. The resolution p ass^ the the misconduct with a motor vehicle charge. He was held coached and he’s certainly the best will head up discussions tonight eventually it will be an issue. Right should say when ettending a Hie Nastase of an electronic array only'two where the electronic .Moulton of the United States in Court now a lot of other things like the 911 jown board by a 6-3 margin. overnight and arraigned in East Hartford Superior Court which, for the first time, is aiding guard 1 saw in the country this (1947- Cardinals 6, Pirates 1 between the Town and Eighth Monday morning. He was returned to the Hartford linesman is installed — and then held 1. number nied to be talked about. We “We’ll have the two fire chiefs visitation. line judges at the 94th Wimbledon up play on all 18 courts for 2>4 hours. 48) season.” George Hendrick slammed a three- Friends to fete Correctional Facility after he was unable to post bond. That’s where Andrea Jaeger, at 15 auid two^Ttoe m e^ ^ ^ ^ have to develop cooperative efforts (GrMvillp Lingard froin the district championship. But the day’s only surprise came The Manchester product played run homer and Jim Kaat scattered We tell them to relax and be years and 20 days old the youngest two years with the Caps' before^the, seven hits to help St. Louis hand the m itt^ are saying such taks may ul- e ^ e ______tllS. The device’s multiple black boxes from the skies. player ever to be seeded in a Fortin tonight ‘The firehouse has been the source hand tonight along with the police themselves. Their presence Is bleep a “ fault” warning into a Defending champion Bjorn Borg, NBA came into existance, struggling Pirates their seventh loss timately lead to dialog over the Wimbledon tournament, is to meet Younger brother of Stanley in the last eight games. Hendrick of heated debate between the town chief (Robert Lannan) to discuss and Program set for teens linesman’s ear when a serve lands showing no first-match nerves in his Britain’s Anthea Cooper later in the Friends of Wally Fortin, from Lit- status of the Buckland firehouse. enough to let the family know “Mickey” Katkaveck, who made a raised his league-leading RBI total to “It’s there, you can’t avoid that and district since it was built four review problems in the 911 number,” outside the service box. Six of the quest for a fifth consecutive men’s day. Chances are “the bleep” will be ' tie League baseball plaj^ng days to district director Willard Manrin said COVENTRY — “The Other Place” for teen-agers, name for himself in pro baseball as a 57 when he hit his 15th homer in the fact,” Deputy Mayor Stephen years ago. While it is in Ijie middle of they are not alone. men who used it Monday had no com­ singles title, breezed through a the least of Andrea’s worries. current members of the Manchester this morning. He will be joined by sponsored by the Presbyterian Church of Coventry will catcher in the St. Louis Cardinal eighth after Keith 'Hernandez and Cassano said this morning. He the Eighth District, fire , apparatus plaints. straight-set victory. Senior Citizens’ Center, will join directors Joseph ’Tripp and Samuel sUrt ’Thursday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. system, Leo was also a fine baseball Ted Simmons had singled. represents the. town on the com­ from it may not legally fight fires But Vitas Getiilaitis waved his So did the three challengers rated Monday’s rain switched two men’s tonight in a testimonial dinner at the Longest. “We want to get that ’This summer activity will be held each Thursday night hands at it in a “blind” test at one prospect, as a first l ^ m a n and Tigers 5, Indians 4 mittee along with , fellow directors there. While the district Board of most likely to trip up the invincible matches involving seeds into the Army Si Navy Club at 7 o’clock. J worked on first. When we have through Aug. 13. point. Nastase pretended to hit it Swede — John McEnroe, Jimmy later as a third bh'seman. He Tom Brookens singled home the Arnold “ Ike” ' Kleinschmidt and Directors would like to buy or lease ladles’ program. In center court, 16th Fortin was closely connected with problems like the recent fire at the Sports, guitar concert, movie, square dancing, m a ^ Connors and Gerulattis, seeded se­ received several pro baseball offers tying run and Richie Hebner scored Gloria Della Fera. Wheh asked if an the station, the town has repeatedly with his racket and spoke to it in his seeded JoseLuis Clerc of Argentina the Little League and American declined to bargain. ’The reinstitution Central Connecticut Co-op, we need of a 20-foot banana split, “rap time, scientific HO L characteristically gentle way. cond, third and fourth. and played with Goldsboro in the the winner' on an infield out by Legion baseball programs for years ^ amendment prohibiting the town’s demonstration, cookouts and more are planned. A snack 400 MAIN STIEfT ■ MANCHUTfl.CONN was meeting India’s Vijay Amritraj, of the liaison committee was seen as to be ready for catastropies, when “When it made a mistake thq first Tuesday it was Martina Coastal Plain League before settling Champ Summers in the eighth inning and since 1965 has been director of committee representatives from.dls- fihfirk will hp •adph and in No. 1, flfth -s^ ed Roscoe the first step toward reconciliation they happen. But at some later date, HOWARD L. HOLMES ARTHUR G. HOj-MES time I told it it was made in Russia,” Navratilova’s turn to defend her title on a career in textiles. to pace Detroit to its fifth straight the Senior Citizens’ Center. ' cussing the controversial firehouse The Other Place is at the comer of ’Trowbridge Road Tanner of the United States was During his schooling Jn by many observers who feel talks we’ll have to discuss the firehouse.” NORMAN M. HOLMES HOWARD M. HOLMES he said afterward. —she’s after her third consecutive victory. Tickets wit) be available at the could or would be circumvented, and Route 44. For more information call 742-5787 or 742- matched against Jiri Hrebec of may eventually lead up to a deal. The meeting will be held at 7:30 in In fact, “the bleep” had no effect Wimbledon triumph — and face the Twins 4, Royals 1 door. Cassano maintained a wait-and-see 9353. Czechoslovakia. Veteran Jerry Koosman struck out attitude. However, Mayor Stephen Penny iil- the Lincoln Center conference room. ^ EVENING HERALD, Tues., June 24, 2980 — 11 10 - EVENING HERALD. Tiles., Junt 24, IWO y 6coreboQrcl TV tonlghj. Dixieland _____eK» (fplntamationalSoccarEQ International Soccbr Europaan Chib modeling, using almpla rapraaantatlona NEW YORK (otaitathaoryorprad(ct(on:andprad(c-. B O s fb fT Eccher), boDuy Etdridge). ^OpOVNawtD C D O A N aw t 'SkmptonaWphmptonahip M BoaaBtta sa'TomJohnaton'fOoaad ab r h bl a b rh b l 7 ILovaUiey Hon, trying to fpraea the unforaaan. (60 \ TUESDAY 4 0 0 0 JMovta-tOrbrna)** "RaturnofaMan ^ptlonad) JUNE >4.1980 Burlatnu 5 11 0 Rjidlphlb Baseball Stallions 1 (Richard JJokar'aWM f C4llad Horae” IBTBRIchardHarrit.OaU mina.) (Cloaad eaptk>nad) ® Camora Three 'Shodo: Tha Path of 5110 LafeovrtU 4 2 2 2 ■ concert SUpletnIb i AuatraNan Rugby Match 7 ' Sondergaard. AgroupoMrapparaaltack Writing' 5 1 2 0 NeUlesSb 4 0 0 0 Boyle), Matadors 0. ‘ Room C D ® Taxi Goaded by a beautiful enow EVENU40 Lynncf 3 0 1 0 222 YallowHandlndlaoainananampHoga|- P e m lb 4 122 JKksonrf S i Zoom bunny. Aiaxattaokalifawtthhilariouanaw 4 0 2 0 North; Falcons I (Andy ^ t r o l of lhair landa. (PQ) (8 hra.) (SCDO0® N^a 6:00 Hobiondb 512 1 Wataondh JUNIOR LEGION I StraateOfSanFraneiaeo 0 TheWaachranturaaOf Bhertm vtngaanea by crashing down a ataap ekl W M J L ti i 5 122 Spencer lb 4 0 1 0 Marsh), Olympics 0. (til Australian Rueby Yitrnns If Manchester Junior 6:30 Whan Orfy'a moat famoua citizan, 8am jump, lumping out of an airplane and ^BannyHMBhew 7:90 4110 Browncf 4 0 1 0 climbing Mo tha ring with a boxer. planned Evans rf ^ Hogen'a Haroat 3 0 0 0 Toros 2 (David Glade 2), lor Calvin Flowara. axplraa In a •« ' “ 0 Honaymoonara (11) SporltCaniar Hof fmn 9b 4 0 3 1 Cerone c Legion dropped a pair of GD T)cX*c Dough bath at tha Hot Springa ipa, hia c ® ABC Captioned News 6:00 AUensonc 40 10 Doyless 3 0 0 0 Suns 0. gOSNBCNawa WhRa Rapw 'H Japan Can. 23 2 7 2 exhibition tilts last campaign managW trtaa to covar up hli ItiBO (t)(» Baaaball ToUU 417 15 6 ToUli O S OvarEatyOuaotrOaylofd Party. demlaa until aHar the polls are closed. Why Can't W ar An NBC Newt apaolal CD C U Lata Movla 'BARNABY JONES; MANCHESTER - Lou Joubert, of (11) Inlarnallonal Soccar Boston m ouo^j weekend, bowing 3-1 to Hoot; Hugh Downo. (Clooad captioned) fflaDaat;BOmtna.) I examining tha alow growth of AqiWlcan Bounty Hunter' While Bamaby la kivaa- Manchester, orchestra leader and 1 0:00 PEE WEE 6:55 O ® Nova 'ADaaarl Ptaca' Daaplla an I productivity and why H muat M In- ligating a murder In order to clear hia (11) PKA Full Contact Karat# Lynn. d' H ^ ’l Wallingford Babe Ruth in craaadd. Tha prograih probe# aoma poa- North: Ei^oress 4 (Eric 9 Newt almoattotallackofrainfallaachyaarand' client, ha anoovara ctuas that eovtd music contractor. Will present (1^ T#nnia u)B-Bosionii.NewYork5.9B-^^ Medden Friday and 5-2 to 7KX) tha graat axiramaa in tamparalura, aoma ^ , tibia raaaona why tha U.B.haaallppad local# a k>ng*mlaalnghaHmHHondotlara. “Dixieland Today’’ on Saturday, 11:30 Perm. „wper«. JB -Perei. ------Connors of West Hartford Wolfgang 2, Raki Barlow } CBSNawa plant andanimal Nta continuaa loflourlah from being number one In par capita (Rapaal) 'MARY HARTMAN, MARY (ID 8poi1aC#nlar (etivre I (•). YM lntm ikl 19). S - H In Tha Family in aoulham Arizona's Sonoran Daaarl. <3roaa National Product to tha number HARTMAN' Stars; Louisa Laaaar, Qrag June 29, at 1 p.m., at the Bicentennial KX) 2), Oilers 2 (Andy Cox, 12 Holfronn r e RBBSO I ABCNawa (60 mins.) (Cloaad captioned) aavan poaltton. (90 mlna.) l^navay. (ID lnt#rnatlonal Soccar Sunday a t Conard Higb^ Band Shell In Manchester. Mike Milner). \ ) Face Tha MuaFe q9 Leonard Bamalain Conduct# 1 0 :0 0 CDKoiak 1:16 Boston ^ - • • 9 9 Sean Kearns and Chris ^Faattval Of Faith Barnatain conducts the New York Phil­ '^ N a w a After Benny In the “Big Band” era, the Lou Eckenley(Wf5) 9 7 2 2 1 J Timbers 3 (Lindsey S ) ® Hart To Hart Jonathan and Jan- (M) Tannia Peterson combined on a I Under WaatarnSklaa harmonic In Tchaikovsky's Symphony D JportaCenter Joubert Dance Band played all the 2:00 Boutilier 3), Meteors 0 No. 6 at the Sydney Opera Houaa< nifarjal daap Into South America topay a 9 0I TboThe TonightTen Show 'Beat Of Car- (11) PKA Full Contact Karat# Gb)diy°L7^) »W 10 « J J 0 two-hitter Friday. Paui ^ Dtek Cavan Show Sydney. Australia. ^ million dollar ranaom, but wind up mount­ son' Quetta: David Steinberg, Marianna leading ballrooms in New England. 9:90 Davis 41-9 5 1 1 1 • (Jimmy Jackson, Jimmy I Nawtywad Gama 8:30 ing a raid againat tha private army ol a Broome, Kelly Garrett, John Bannatl. Tucker was 2-for-2 and had powarful ambazilar who haa kidnappad Working out of Boston, the unit also (fl) SportaCantar T-2:M. A-60.130. Zolora played well). 7:30 ( S M»n Oriffin Quaili: SiMlIy Wlnltn. (Repeal; 90 mina.) ) P.y.Magailna a brilliant Hart Induatriaa aclantlat. 0 ThoTonlBM BbowHoat: Johnny Car­ MINNESOTA a fine gam e. behind the Spiro T. Agnaw played college dates including Dart­ KANSAS CITY South: Chargers 4 (Mike ) ShaHaNaQuaot: Freddy Fender. GD ® LavarnaAnd Shirley Movie atar- (Rapaat;60mina.) ton . Quaat•; Bob Uockor, Nail Simon. (90 ab r h bi ab r b bi plate yesterday. Tim Radio Tonight Talaga 2, Brian Schwarz, ) Dating Gama dom comas to Lavama and SRiriay whan CD UtM New York mina.) mouth, Colby, Bowdoin, Middlebur'y 7i45 - Red Sox va. Wilson If 5 0 3 0 Wynegar c 4 1 1 1 Carmel pitched 2 1/3 in­ ) SportaCantar thty are chosen to be in an Army training ® RKA FuN Contact Karate ® ABCNawaNlghtSno Academy, Wesleyan, Harvard, Wshngtss 4000'Smalleyii 3 2 1 2 Tom Provencal), Patriots ) Sneak Pravlaw film. (Repeat) Mddlawaight Contandara Bout 11:35 Yankees, WINF, WTIC McRae dh 4 0 0 0 Jackson lb 4 0 0 0 nings of effective reiief ■ I.A.S.H. gKM ® Tannia ‘Whnbladon Highlighta' Tha GD M.A.B.H. Hebron Academy, Taft Prep School 0. Otisef 4 0 0 0 Morals dh 4 0 2 0 against Connors. MacNalF4.ahraf RapoH C D ® Thraa’a Company Whan Jack moat axtanalva on-alr covaraga of the 11:60 and the Universities of Maine. New Aikens lb 4 120 CastlDoSb 401 1 Panthers 3 (Jeff 0 T)c Tac Dough inadverfantty displays hia great passion avant with aama day action highlighta ® 8oapBuflracolvoaattoniahlntntwa Torres pr 0000 Eds^cf 4 0 0 0 Manchester is 1-5 overall. ' 8:00 for the opposite sax to aparimanl man­ and comprahanaiva aami-flnal match from hia doctor. (Repeat) Hampshire and Vermont. UCocklb 0 0 0 0 Powell rf 3 0 0 0 Magowan 2, Dwayne C D S Baaaball Boston Red Sox va New ager Ralph Furley, hia covar it Dtey covaraga. 12riX) Wathanc 4 0 2 0 WHfoflg2b 3 0 0 0 ^rfc Yankees 0 Connecticut Prime Tima Joubert is a firm believer in - ■ elrflf Goldston), Tigers 1 (Gor­ blown -lorcing him into the moat outlan­ (D Movio -(Dramb) •* •'Contempt" Hurdle rf 4 0 3 0 Soflel 9 110 COLT INTER-TOWN GD CarolBurnalt And FrIandaGuast: dish act aver. (Rapaal) ® Ban Wattanberg’a 1980 The View 1964 Brigltta Bardot, Jack Palanca.A Dixieland music and says “Like rare ChaU 3b 2000 ^ilSedaka.' from Hollywood HINa' and 'An Interview 4 0 0 0 don Hamiiton). ^oaad-Caplionad) atruggling playwright aocopla an offtr Wbite2b Manchester “A” tripped CD 99 Happy Days With tha halp ol Ri­ 0 ® Alone At Last Contemporary with Andrew Young'. from a film praducar to write a acraanplay old wine, it gets better with age.” ToUls 36 1 10 0 Touts 32 4 6 4 Mansfield, 9-5, Sunday at Supporters of Su Jude tourney chie's Uncle Joe, tha gangislranaportsd comedy about a middla-agad doctor'a 10:30 i(M)laaaa hia wKa. (2 hra.) His group is comprised of some of Kansas City 000001000-1 INTERMEDIATE back to the colorful days ol the Roaring attempt to madiata tha laud between his GD Nina On Haw JarMy (19 IntamatlonallocggyEuropaanClub MinnesoU 008 000 (Hi—4 Moriarty Field. Jack Lyon Twantiaa, where district attorney Richie wife and hia mother, and hia problems ^Movla-tComady-Drama)** ' One the Hartford area's finest exponents BASEBALL E-Hurdle. Sofietd. Chalk, WhiU. LOB Tornadoes 6 (Scott Gor­ had four RBIs and pitched Annual St. Jude Hospital Golf Tournament mittee members, (1. to r.) Fred Nassiff, Tom and hoodlum Fonzie battle over the love wiih hia taanaga muaiclan ton. Stars: Flaw Over the Cuckoo'a Neat” 1975. lan ateo tt On Habri of Dixie —Ed Frenah on trombone, —Kansas Qty 10. MinnesoU 5. 2B- man 3, Jim Siewertsen 2, glLoriBeth. (Repeal) EugM# Roche. Susan Bay. Jack Nieholaon, Louisa Flatchar. Free- 12:08 Sofleld, Morales, Aikens 2. SB—Wilson well in relief while Bob will be played Wednesday at the Manchester Matrick, Sam Nassiff, John Zocco and Dave Ct) Movie -(Drama) ***.;'Jana Eyra” 0 ® Search For Solutions'Theory. apirilad driftar taigna mental illnaaa to be GDsii in DoHerMen who played with the best in the coun­ AMERICAN LEAGUE HR-Smalley (8). SB-Wllson. S-Wa- Mark Wallace), Cosmos 1 1044 Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles A tranafarrsdfrgmsprlaonfarm. Struggling Elast Berdat and Bob LeBreux Country Club starting at 1:30. Several thou­ Modeling and Prediction' Tha aubjacta 12:20 shington. Kozlovich are looking for another banner tur­ orphan girls grows up to be a govemeos exploradareithaoriea.storiaaorhypolh- againstthaward'aoi^aaivasyatamha ly Movie Ol The Week ‘Flva try- will lead the band; Buzzy W L Pet. GB IP H R ER BB SO (Doug Mitchell). aaaansaofhopa. New York 43 23 .662 - each stroked RBI triples sand dollars worth of merdiandise has been In a atranoa household. (2 hrs.) aaea wa find and than try to explain; landa hit fallow InmaAa a i 3n p ra Black Hand Side' 1B73 Start; Loveland is featured on drums; Phil Kansas City Teamen 4 (Damien nout of players. (R)(2hra.. 16mlna.) WtHray Cambridge,Leonard Jackaon.A Milwaukee 36 29 i64 OVk G ura(L M ) 8 6 4 3 1 9 for the unbeaten locals. Boston 36 90 7 contributed for the shotgun style play. Com­ ouching comady about a black middle Roane on bass; Seymour Rosenburg. MinnesoU Purcell 2, Art Clements, d a ta family wHh problama. Tha father la Detroit 33 30 SM aVk Koosman

» - EVENING HERALD, Tnea., Jun« 24, neo EVENING HERALD, Tues., June 14, MM — I3 "

Help Waited 13 Help Wealed 13 13 Help Wented 13 Help Wented R e q i o n _ — dltc Herald Help Wented f ) Help Wented 13 Help Wented 13 Help Wented 13 Help Wented 13 Help Wented 13 Home! For Sole 23 INDEX SUMMER POSITIONS: LEGAL SECRETARY- Real RECREATION CLERK TYPIST - HI A School Summer special education Estate Experience. Salary DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT Graduate. Hartford Law Of­ LC. UEKCMQ LET N o n c i t center has openings for:- negotable. East Hartford of­ theraputic recreation I ADVERTISING PLEASE RiAD fice. Resume in Box S. c/o Multi level split w/4(i acre 'T — to s t •nd.FoMod speech pathoh^sts, special fice. Call Mrs. Brown, 528- ADVERTISING IS n director. Full time, Manchester Herald. 2 — Personals education teachers, physical 9751. S person. Must be high DEADLINE YDUR AD lot. Has flr^Iaced living 3 — Announcements Uierapy aide, waterfront Ststaff N t t T school graduqje with college |12;0D noon Iho day Horald la roaponalblo| room, family room, cen­ 4 — Entertainment KIDS- (W S t), recreational GENERAL FACTORY HELP AN EXPENSE... background preferred. Ability publication. for only ono lncorroct| tral air and is convenient to 5 — Auctions counselors. June 23 - August - Apply in person. Merrill In­ needM to work with elderly Ibotoro Keep Smiting 1-88. A^ing $89,900. RNANCIAL 20. Call 872-2465 or 8 7 3 ^ . dustry, Industrial Park and convalescent patients. Inaortlon and than only MEDICAL SECRETARY - IDoadllna for Saturday I 0 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortoeges Avenue, Vernon Industrial ADVERTISING Some Saturdays and evening lo Iho alxo of tho Part time..4 days. (Thursdays 9 Personal Loans NURSE AIDES - 3:00 p.m. to Place, Vernon, Conn. IS and Olderp work required. Apply in per­ land Monday Ig 12:00 original Inaortlon. off). 28 hours. Responsible 10 — Insurance 13 son, East Hartfora Convales­ person neeed for one physi­ 11:00 p.m. shin. um e or AN INVESTMENT INoon Friday. Errora which do not EMPLOYMCNT part time. Experience PART TIME HELP cent Home,. 745 Main Street, iMion Iho valuo of tho cian. 2 person office. Some 1 3 — Help Wanter Thank Fou, preferred. Nursing students WANTED. We're loqking for East Hartford. bookkeeping experience help­ 14 Business Opportunities Plan wiaely Iciaaalflod ada arc advortlaomont will not welcome.. These are perma­ housewives interested In ful. Good typing a must, (jail SH8WCA8E R fA in 15 ~ Situation Wisnted \ Ikon over tho phono bo corroctod by an ad-1 727-1021. Su Jude! nent Msitions If desired. making good money, for part inveit your aduer- EdrnUpTo MASSEUSE - Full or part 649-4416 E D U C A T IO N Several immediate opeiiings time, hours. Telephone tiling ddllar in time. Good atmosphere. IB a convonlonco. Tho ditlonal Inaortlon. 18 — Private Instructions available. Call Mrs. soliciting from our East Hart­ Excellent clientelle. Windham ford office. Hourly rate plus 10 — SchoolS'Classes Ferguson, at Burnside Con­ area. Telephone 4257519. SHEET WTAL 20 — Instructions Wanted valescent Home, 289-9571. commission and bonuses. MECHANICS'V BY OWNER. South Windsor. Monday-Friday. 61 or 59. TRANSCRIPTION TYPIST InduitrUI It Alrcnlt MecUMa. REAL ESTATE Help Wented 13 She Heralb Twelve room executive house. Call S6MW3. Ask for Teresa. We have an. Interesting and Wt olftr: Eicellenl wafci - 23 — Hom es for Sale *60 PER WEEK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Can be purchased on a lease- Paid vacations and sick days. challenging position in our Frlags bOKflU - ProTU Sharing • 24 LotS'Land for Sale QUALITY CONTROL purchase, low down payment 25 — Investment Property Medical Ilkxirds Dept., for a Plenty Overtime - Pleiiint plan. Tel. 528-7631. MANAGER - Must he Working CoadiUma 26 — Business Property NURSES AIDES -3:00 p.m. to Transcription Typist. 27 — Resort Property qualified on Aircraft Parts, 11:00 p.m. Laurel Manor, 91 Work 3 to 4 Hours Por Night 20 — Real Estate Wanted and all correlating paper Chestnut Street, Manchester. Good typing skills and the WAMIMANUFACTMUM work. All Company Paid DRAFT PERSONS , MI8C. SE/tVICES CARRIERS NEEDEI ability to use a transcriber a »MMtt,IM..br,eL Benefits, in an Air Con­ must. Excellent opportunity for qualified Drafting 31 >> Services Offered ditioned Plant in Manchester.' Call Ivan at 647- 60 BROAD STREET, 32 — Painting-Papering In We offer Comprehensive Professional with leading company in the field of 33 — Building-Contracting Call for an appointment at MANCHESTER. Ranch. 3 Fringe Benefits, and pleasant Liquid Filtration Systems. bedrooms, big kitchen, 34 — Rooflng-SIdlng Dynamic Metal Products WANTED "Jack of All East Hartford 35 — Heating-Plumbing Company,.646-4048. Trades." Handy person. App­ surroundings. Wiil work closely wito engineers providing Precision dinette, Florida room, rec- 36 — Rooring ly In person: Arbor Acres Call Donna INSTITUTE OF UVING Drawings for projects relating to equipment design, room, fence, patio, garage 37 — Movtng-Trucking-Storage Farm, Inc., Marlborough 400 Washington St. NURSE, EMT, LPN FOR and carpeting. Very clean. 36 — Services Wanted and plant layout. Must have mechanical background, ^ d , Glastonbury. >Equal Hartford, CT 06106 Including prior equipment and plant experience. GIRLS resident camp in Staf­ MISC. FOR SALE portunity Employer. ford SpriMs. Over 21. Cpil 685 RN or LPN -11 p.m. to 7 a.m., An EquNi Opportunity Employer Saiary commensurates vrith experience. 7821 or 677-2867. 40 — Household Goods at 647-9881 MANCHESTER 41 — Articles for Sale 1 or 2 nights weekly. Laurel She H e ra tb Compiete Benefit Package. 'SSJHW 42 — Building Supplies Manor, 91 Chestnut Street, NEED FOUR PEOPLE - Good working environment. DEMONSTRATOR: Earn 43 — P ets-B lrd s-D ^ s 6494519. Immediate Employment. For Very conveniat localiou guet $1000 or more selling name with thii lovely 7 room Ranch, that 44 — Musical Instruments W.S.I. - Experienced instruc­ interview telephone 6453936, Appiy in person, or send resume in confidence with brand toys and gifts (Fisher- 45 — Boats & Accessories offers a sunkea livliig room, 1st tor needed. Apply Fountain Monday, Tuesday and salary requirement to: Roiand ^t. Peter, Personnel Price, Playskool, Fenton.) floor family rm., large dining 46 — Sporting Goods Village, 175 Downey Drive. Manager. 47 — Garden Products Town of Manchester Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. thru 12 Treasure House ^ r t y plan. room, convenient kltdifn, 3 bed Call 5^1360. a.m. ask for Mr. Doyon. Call collect person to person raqpii8..2Vk baths, built-lns, 3 car 46 — Antiques FOOD SERVICE. Range AX AMF CUNO, DIVISION for Miss Carol 491-2101). AUo -gsriSkL s fireplaces, all equipped 49 — Wanted to Buy cook. Experience necessary. Town of Bollon BOOKKEEPER DENTAL ASSISTANT WITH P. 0. Box 47, River Road booking parties. with k energy lavi^ auxilary RENTALS Call 644-9637 between 3 and 7 Legal Notice Experienced. Part time. For EXPERIENCE and talent. Stafford Springs, Conn. 06076 wood' burning beating system, 52 — Room s for Rent p.m. retail store. In complete An fqual OpportwiN; Imployw M/F many e x tru - call us. 53 — Apartments tor Rent At a meeting on June 16,1980 the Planning and Zoning Commis­ Four handed. Full time for NEEDLECRAFTERS. Well DENTAL ASSISTANT - charge of records. Hours UURNityCi. 54 — Homes for Rent sion made the following decision: fi Public Notice qualified general practice. established stitebery com­ WELL ESTABLISHED Experienced preferred. Full flexible. Pleasant working Good working environment. pany needs instructors and M52612 55 — Business for Rent LOCAL INSURANCE time . position. Multi-girl of­ Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Zoning Board M m a MMOI BLTN 56 — Resort Property for Rent MARCH, INC. OF MANCHESTER (M-41). conditions. Please call 645 Call 6450011 days, or 6453283 demonstrators in your area. AGENCY is looking for a part fice. Salary negotiable. of Appeals of the Town of Bolton on Monday, June 16.1980, the 57 — Wanted to Rent Granted a special exception to operate a supervised group home 2401 for appointment. evenings. Training provided. Flexible time secretary. Work Monday Excellent benefits. SERVICE 58 — MIsc, lor Rent for mentally retarded citizens - 573 Woodbridge Street. application of Walter Treschuk, 29 Carter Street, Bolton, was REPRESENTATIVE hours. Call Lin Stuhiman 665 56 — Farm Land For Rent and Friday, possibly more. Immediate opening. Call 645 approved granting him a variance to build a two-car carport up ■ ADVERTISNG SALES - THREE BEDROOM Approximately 15-20 hours per 3003, ask for Marlon. A copy of this decision has been filed in the office of the Town ,60— Auto Parts for Sale to 5' within the side line of said property. The application of Town of Mancheater Telephone Outside Sales. TRAINEE COLONIAL '- Large living 81 — Autos for Sale week. Insurance background Clerk. Excellent earnings. Sell Edward Meloche of 257 Bolton Center Road, Bolton was also ap­ tiding manitftcturtr In ttM SITTER FOR SUMMER for room. Formal dinuu room 62 — Trucks for Sale not a requirement as we will PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION advertising to local word proettiing Indutiry hat • seven and ten year olds. 7:30 with bay window. Kitchen. 63 — Heavy Equipment for Sale train. Reply to: Herald c/o proved granting him a variance to construct a wood shed within Sharon A. Moran, the senior class adviser and the class marshal, businesses. Must have sales vacancy bi Ha prodiiela aarvlea a.m. .to 4:30 p.m. Buckley Den. Sunporch. Two car gar­ 64 — Motorcyclea-BIcycles • Box 00. Leo Kwash, Secretary 15' of the back line of said property. leads the South Windsor High School graduating class to its seats CUTTING TOOL Legal Notice experience. Call evenings, orgaidutlon tor a FlakI t arvtea School area. Call after 5:00 age. Lot 72 x 250. Peterman 65 — Campers-Trallers-Mobile Dated this 24th day of June, 1980. JOHN ROBERTS weekends 6451497, Rapraaantatfva for worfc In tha p.m., .6452522; Agency, 6459404,645n71,645 {Homes - Motor Hornes* MANUFACTURER has The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing during the initial portion of the ceremony Saturday night. (Herald LPN/EMT. Position available 0604)6 • CHAIRMAN Hartford m ga. naaponaHillHlaa Salary negotiable. 4844. 66 — Automotive Service opening for Experienced on Monday, July 7, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Hearing Room. will Induda tha InataHaNon A Photo by Lavallee) 67 — Autos for Rent-Lease at summer special education Machine Operator, or ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut, V rapair of a broad ranga of offleo FOR SALE BY OWNERS. 6V4 center. June 23- August 20. Machine Operator Trainees. oquipmont producta at our PART TIME TELLER - 062-06 to hear and consider the following petitions: room U&R raised ranch. Call 872-2465 or 873-8800. Call for Interview at, 6459501. TOWN OF MANCHESTER MAN FOR PART TIME cuatoitiara' facllltlaa. Wa hava a Experienced preferred, but BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO CONSTRUCTION, INC. - good bonafit program and not necessary. Apply in per­ Newly redecorated. 3 NOTICE OF maintenance work. Laurel bedrooms. 2 fireplaces. Large South Windsor grads Keep Smiling ZONING REGULA’HON AMENDMENT (B-37) Manor. 91 Chestnut Street, promota from within, providing son: Manchester State Bank. outftandlng opportunKloa tor ad- deck, out to pool. 1 acre TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Equal Opportunity Employer. Be Happy Adoption of Ordinance To amend Article II, Section 6.01.02 to permit each residence Manchester. vancamant Our training program landscaped lot. $ffi,000. 645 SMALL COMPANY EAST OF HELP WANTED NOTICE OF in a two-family house.with a common wall in a Residence C bagina wHh 3 waaka of tchooling 5873. PART TIME FOOD IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for River requires energetic, Zone to be located on an individually owned parcel or lot of A conttnuaa whon jrou advanco experienced painters. Call scholarships In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 and SERVICE DIRECTOR- with your earoor in tha corpora-' receive capable person for all around Engine Lathe Operator. land. Uon. To quaUfy. you ahould have 6459097. MaNKLOT shop work. 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption by Adoption of Ordinance RHAM High Schools only. Call SOUTH WINDSOR - Windsor Booster Club Teacher's Scholarship —Jane □ NOTICES star Turn 615. tlie Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester. Connecticut, BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO CONSTRUCTION, INC.' - ZONE 2259474 for information and civilian or military aloctronlo Lovely flat lot with ample p.m. for appointment. 289- In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 and training and/or oxportonco. For OLDER EXPERIENCED ThD 1980 scholarship Scholarships —Holly Kenyon, on June 17, 1980. application. trees in area of older Hildebrand, $250 and Renne 50 Hours, Paid Holidays. 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption by mora Information, calt: SITTER wanted. Wednesday winners from the South $250, Michael Coleman, $250 Lizotte, $500. To change the zoning classification from Residence A to historical homes., City Lotf end Found 1 Excellent Insurance ORDINANCE the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester. Connecticut, ACCEPTING MR. HAYCH at through Saturday. 512 p.m. Windsor High School and Margo-Ann Marie Duclos, South Windsor Woman's BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of Residence M for a parcel of approximately 1.04 acres - 38 S63-9336 Own transportation. Crater water and sewerage. $250; Alice N iederw erfer Benefits. on June 17, 1980. Grove Street. APPLICATIONS. We need 2 BARGAIN PRICED $27,- graduating class were an­ Club Scholarship —Monica LOST-SMALL LONG HAIR Manchester that Chapter 2 of The Code of Ordinances of the hard workers for full time Street, Bess Eaton vicinity. Memorial Scholarship —Lisa ORDINANCE 0 0 0 . nounced Saturday night Lauzier, $500; Philip Euzenas CAT. Grey stripe with white. SUMMER JOBS - working one Apply In penon: Town of Manchester as adopted December 12, 1978 and STANLEY BRAY ET AGRESUBD1VI5ION-PILGRIM LANE employment. Benefits. Call Call 6450920. ' D iCiancia $100, Cynthia Memorial Award —George Very timid. Lost near Hilliard of our outdoor flower amended to date, is hereby amended by adding the following BE IT ORDAINED by the Boanf of Directors of the Town of (B-39) 6453936. EEO. during the ceremony. Hopkins, $100, Elsie Riordan, and Adams. Reward. 640-4604 METRONICS. Inc. FAMILY MAN - We want SltueO on Wented IS Weremchuk. $50; South Wind­ locations on weekends. Car sections: Manchester that Chapter 12 of The Code of Ordinances, as To resubdivide a subdivision known as Weldon Estates to The sponsoring $200 and Ellen Rowe, $100. after 5:00 p.m. RT. a a 44A adopted December 12, 1978 and amended to date, is hereby someone who cares for his sor Jaycees Jean E. Shepard needed. SDR Enterprises. An­ ARTICLE VIII create 3 lots from 4 lots and to modify the street at the west family. Wants the finer things organizations and the South Windsor Rotary Club dover, Ct. 742-9965. BOLTON, CT. oaoae amended by adding the following sections: $353.88 W E E K L Y Jr. Scholar.ship Award LOST-LARGE REWARD! EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL end of Pilgrim Lane - Residence Zone AA. in life. Isn't content with GUARANTEE $58.90 Daily, m fTT! recipients are as follows: Organization —Kenyetta Hen­ —Susan Deskis, $500; Tht For return of black and light Sec. 2-86 Created; Membership. There is hereby established the SECTION 12-9 REMOVAL OF ANIMAL LITTER SECRETARY - CPA firm. $150/week. Can be own boss. S ta r t immediately. don, $500, Julie Leathers, $500, Rev, E.G. Rosenberger Coun­ FRECHETTE, MARTIN & ROTHMAN - SUBDIVISION - Car helpful. Call 6453936. SH6WCASEREALn tan male German Shephard. Emergency Medical Services Council consisting of fifteen (15) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, keeping, GREEN ROAD (F-26) Excellent opportunity for ef­ Homework. Free. NC, P.O. South Windsor Cultural Arts Michael Cecchini, $500, cil Knights of Coiumbus—Gail Answers to “ Buddy". ficient and amiable secretary. EEO. Box 354 Hartford, Conn. PUBLIC NOTICE members who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and walking or In control of any dog or other animal to allow or per­ —Joshua Lane. $250 and Stephanie Ranney, $500, Pen­ Lauritsen, $100; First Wearing studded collar with To subdivide a parcel of approximately 1.25 acres into 4 lots Statistical typing experience M141. Michelle Woods. $ ^ ; Larry All charitable and non-profil organlzaUona wlahing to who shall serve without compensation. There shall be three (3) mit such animal to defecate upon any private property owned by ny Dodd, $500, Jane Congregational Church of Coventry License. Call 742- at the southwest comer of Green Road and North Elm street - required. Please send resume RN - Full Time Public Health Duprey Scholarship Award have thair Public Announcamanta pubilahad traa In sectors of the populace from which members may.be drawn: another person, condominium common elements, or public Residence Zone A - lOOV Green Road. Nurse Position. BSN and.- Hildebrand, $500 and Michael South Windsor —Philip 9000, or 429-3081. to: Pue, Semel and Co, Cer­ $5.15 PER HOUR SOUND NEW FOUR BEDROdM thia apaca ara urgad to contact Joa McCavanaugh, Consumers, responders, and medicine. Of the consumers, one property Including, but not limited to parks and school grounds previous public health COLONIAL with living,, .—Elsie Riordan, f 1,000; South Coleman, $ ^ ; South Windsor Dunham, $150, M ichelle WILLIAM OLENSINSKI - CENTER STREET - REVISION OF tified Public Accountants. PO GOOD? Hurry! No experience LOST-DIAMOND PINKY Oanaral Manager of Ragal Mufflara of Manchaatar. (1) shall be the Town Director of Health or his/her deslgXeS, unless such person shall remove all feces so deposited by such Box 2250, Vernon, a . 06066. experience desired. For nqOre necessary, write for applica­ dining, kitchen, paneled fami­ Kramer, $150 and Michelle BUILDING LINE (56) RING. Vicinity of Summit Space will be allolad on a Aral coma, flrataarvad baala. one (1) shall be the chairperson or his/her designee of the HSA animal before leaving the immediate premises. informaUon, contact: Com­ tion. Carter No. l66. 25 ly room with fireplace. First Woods, $150; Friends for Street and Wadsworth. Subarea F, and three (3) shall be members of the general (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of To revise pursuant to Section 17-4 of the Charter of the Town munity Health Service of Horizon Hill, Newington, floor laundry. 2W baths. Elec­ Awards announced Music Scholarship —George Reward. 646-1536. Muffler public. Responders shall be: A representative of the major twenty-five ($25) dollars. of Manchester an established building line on the south side of Columbia, Hebron, Andover & Conn. 06111. tric radiant heat. Two car gar­ Weremchuk. $800 and Susan Hugh Greer Award, outstan­ local ambulance service (presently Manchester Ambulance Center Street to be 6.4 feet south of the southerly street line of M arlborou^. 2259426. age. Aluminum siding, storm SOUTH WINDpSR - Harris $300. Regal denter 5580 ACCOUNTS windows, doors. Landscaped ding male athlete —Co­ IMPOUNDED - Female about Service), the Chief of Police, the Chief of the Town Fire Depart­ Center Street, commencing at Henderson Road and running The following students recipients, Peter Anthony Jr. Donald Livingston 1 year old, mixed breed, black We offer conveHience along with a iuperior product. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this westerly for a distance of 50 feet - 444 Center Street. □ EDUCATION Iqt. Peterman Agency, 645 received awards from the and tan, Lydall Street. Call: ment, the chief of the Eighth Utilities District Fire Depart­ PAYABLE 9404, 6451171, 649-M44. and Ralph Giansanti Jr.; Memorial Award —Steven oeo 846-2112 ment, a member of the American Heart Association, a member publication In this newpaper provided that within ten (10) days CALVARY CHURCH - ZONE CHANGE - EAST MIDDLE various education female recipient, Holly Ke­ Anderson, $50; South Windsor Manchester Dog Warden 646- w U 9 IlHL-Ftl I UL . I Mil after this publication of this Ordinance a petition signed by not 4555. of the American Red Ooss, and the Director of The CMvIl TURNPIKE (C-26) CLERK ATTENDANT - Mature per­ Priiah Inetnietloni 13 departments at South nyon; Industrial Arts Award Committee for Exceptional MAIN ST. Nii a I pA tn « la • ] M»^ less than live (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as deter­ Eicellent opportunity for an In­ Preparedness Department. To change the zoning classification from Residence A to son for part time. 4 to 8:30 Windsor High School at —Scott Heckman; Music Children in memory of Ann E. mined from the latest offical lists of the Registrars of Voters, dividual with at least 2 years of ac­ p.m. Top pay. Battiston Residence M for a parcel of approximately 1.49 acres - 647 counts payable experience. Qualified Saturday night's gradua­ Award —Valerie Patrick and Waldron —Ann Shea, $200; Members from the medicine sector shall be: The chairperson has not been filed with the Town Clerk requesting its reference Cleaners, 832 Silver Lane, Eat MANCHESTER - Northfield Announcement! of the Manchester Memorial Hospital (MMH) Emergency and 661 East Middle Turnpike. applicant must be accurate with tion ceremony: John Burger; Science Award South iWindsor College Town of Manchester, Connecticut to a special Town election. figures, have some typing skills and Hartford. (^11 233-0051 for in­ green. Beautiful completely Department, a member of the administration of MMH terview. c e r t i f i e d TEACHER remodeled condominium. 3 -Nori Mandell; Special Scholarship Organization Notice of James R. McCavanagh At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written the ability to learn quickly. Science Award —Marian General Awards —Cynthia designated by MMH, and a registered nurse designated by the communications received . Copies of these petitions have been Apply to Personnel Department WILL tutor Ehiglish. Math, bedroom, 2W baths, family Art Department Award Secretary SEMI RETIRED MAN for History, Science, etc., at any Barrett, $400, Jane MMH Emergency Department. filed in the Town Clerk's office. {jierber Scientific Inc. room, central air. Must be —Michelle Woods; Business Dziama. PILLS ANONYMOUS - Sup­ Board of Directors night watchman duties, must ade level. Reasonable rates, seen. $60's. 6457878. Department —Stephanie Social Studies Award Hildebrand, $250, David port group for drug depen­ Adoption of Ordinance All the specifically titled persons or the designees noted Manchester, Connecticut PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 83 Gerber Rd. West be mature and stable. Sill 6452306. —Carole Marsh; Project Stewart, $500, Gail Lauritsen, In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 and above shall be entitM to council membership so long as they Ranney; South Windsor dants. Meetings: Thursdays- Datpd at Manchester, Connecticut Leo Kwash, Secretary South Windsor, CTT Weekends and holidays, (jail 259 PORTER STREET. 10 Worth Work-Study Award $400 and John Franco, $500; 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption by hold the above titles or are not replaced as designees by their 649-4523. Woman's Club Dorothy Manchester, Shop Rite, East this 'L8U day of June 1980 Dated this 24th day of June, 1980. An Elqual Opportunity room colonial. AH aluminum, Dickinson Memorial English —Deborah Drost; Student Connecticut Association of Middle Turnpike, 7:30 to 9 the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Connecticut, organizations. □ REAL ESTATE low maintenance. 3-5 05506 061-06 E m ployer Award —Nori Mandell; Representative to the Board School Business Officials p.m. Mondays: Hartford on June 17, 1980. Of the three (3) non-designated consumers, one (1) shall be RN/LPN. Manchester pediac- bedrooms-or in-law apart­ tric specialists office. Foreign Language Depart­ of E d u catio n —W illiam —Donald Mercure $500 and Trinity Episcopal Church, 8 to ORDINANCE appointed for a term expiring on the first Monday of November, Hornet F o r S e le 23 ment with separate entrance Morrissette and Advisors South Windsor Democratic 9:30 p.m. Marshall, 522-0121. Secretarial skills not needed. and full kitenen, (could be ment -Latin, Gregory BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of 1981; one (1) shall be appointed for a term expiring on the first Award —Michelle Lenkeit and Town Committee, —Sharon 6469241. 8:30-5:00. Four day week. E aSt HARTFORD SPLIT master bedroom suite). 2W Beaulieu and French, Maria Manchester that the Town of Manchester convey to Ernest J. Monday of November, 1982; and one 11) shall be appointed for a Lori Striebel. Brown, $100. Reply to Box RR c/o the LEVEL - Immediate occupan­ baths, large living room with Mainelli. Reed for the sum of $5,000 a certain parcel of land located to the term expiring on the first Monday of November, 1983. Evening Herald. fireplace and neatolator, Thereafter, all appointments of the three ($) non-designated cy. Illness in family. In- rear of Tolland Turnpike, described as follows: ground pool and other extras! dining room, family room, consumers shall be for a term of three (3) years. new Kitchen, lots of closets CLASS OF 1961. Manchester That certain piece or parcel of land in the Town of 12 noon to 7 p.m., 5251451. In the event of the death or resignation of any of the last throughout. 2 car garage. Exchange student nam ed High School. Any one in­ Manchester, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut Large lot, beautiful yard, terested in working on a Reu­ bounded and described as follows: above three council members, a successor shall be appointed by m m BRICK SPLIT LEVEL - Off the Board of Directors to serve.the unexpired term for which Porter Street. 3 Bedrooms, backyard fenced, patio, full HEBRON — Sandra Rodriquez of dent and 'Mrs. Shirley Chapman, vice nion Committee, please call attic, extra insulation, 200 Gree 872-2891 ' ‘ ------”” Commencing at a point marking a northwesterly comer of such member had been appointed. The Board of Directors may 2W Baths, Sunken Living OPERATOR amp electrical service. No Valvidia, Chile, has been chosen as a president. ' land of the grantor which point also marks a northwesterly cor- remove any member for cause except for those specifically 2nd shift opportunity for a machine Room, Formal Dining. Large HOUSEWIVES oriented person with keypunch agents, please. $89,500. Shown Hebron resident exchange student for the Other officers are; Mrs. Rose ...... ner of the within described premises and thewouthwesterly cor- titled persons and may thereafter fill such vacancy or request a kitchen with built-Tns and MeSparren, secretary; Ms. Joan Landon, □ EMPLOYMENT ner of land of the grantee, thence running easterly along the experience to work In the Gerber dinette. First floor laundry. by appointment. 646-0557. 1980-81 year. She will be living at the home replacement designee from the affected organization. Symbol Services area. of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Spica of Hali treasurer and newsletter editor; Robert ...... boundary line between land of the grantor and land of the Screened porch. Large grantee a distance of 114.67 feet to an angle point; thence by in- Sec. 2-87 Chairperson: organization. The Council shall select a Apply to Personnel Department covered patio. Private, Road. McBrair, corresonding secretary; Mrs. Help Wanted BOLTON 13 tefior angle of 207°-30'-24" in a northeasterly direction along chairperson and secretary from its members and may organize (ierber Scientific landscaped yard. Owners Bridget MeSparren, daughter of Mr. and Judy Keneally, publicity chairman; Mrs. itself in whatever manner which the members may determine Instruments Co. moving south. Price includes Convenient location with NURSES AIDES wanted for the boundary line between land of the grantor and land of the this 7 room Colonial, that Mrs. Howard MeSparren of Marlborough Jean Cafazzo, public speaking coor­ to best carry out its duties as set forth in this article. | ] Gerber Hoed West many extras! $125,000. Call full time on all shifts. Apply grantee a distance of 102.29 feet to the most northerly point of Earn Extra Money Soutb Windsor. Conn. Group I, Warren E. Howland, offers 3 bed rooms, eat-in has been selected to spend the summer as dinator; Mrs. Nancy Ayers, student director of nursing. Salmon- the within described premises; thence by interior angle of 63°- Sec. 2-88 Duties. The duties of the Council shall be as follows: An Equal Opportunity Employer Realtor, 643-1108. kitchen, living room, an exchange student to Yucutan, Mexico. liason; and Mrs. Bridget Ortiz and Mrs. ______WF______brook Convalescent Home, off 09'-33" in a southeasterly direction a distance of 247.26 feet to a 1. To study all aspects of the delivery of emergency medical dining room and den. While there she will be living on a large Cyrilla Willis, counselors. House Street, Glastonbury. point; thence by interior angle of 89°-20'-03" in a southwesterly services to the people of the Town of Manchester and to COVENTRY - Small and af­ Enjoy boating & swim­ Please call 633-5244. ranch owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro The final meeting of the adult chapter direction across land of the grantor a distaned of 208.27 feet to a promote Improvements to said service. fordable. energy efficient, ful­ ming with out having to Soberanis-L. While living with that family for this season will be on June 24 at 6:30 point in the northeasterly line of land now or formerly of An­ 2. To report the results of such study along with its advice to With Your Own HEAD CASHIER NEEDED ly insulated, 4 Room, Year travel. Only $59,900. EARN $S0.00/hundred Miss MeSparren will travel with them to a p.m. The business meeting will be tonio Oflara; thence by interior angle of 90°-00" in a the Board of Directors at such times as it deems suitable and for full time work. Some Round Cottage. Within 300 securing, stuffing Envelopes. experience in bookkeeping feet Wangumbaug Lake. UAR Realty Co. resort island in the Gulf of Mexico where followed by a pizza party at the Gran Free Details, Reply northwesterly direction along land now or formerly of said An­ necessary. tonio Oflara and along land now or formerly of St. John the Bap­ and filing helpful. Please in Clean, but needs worx. Owner they will spend several weeks. Sasso Restaurant, Hebron Center. “Homeworkers - V 15". Box 3. To study the education in emergency medical services in uire at the Anderson-Little 843-2082 tist Polish National Catholic Church of Manchester, Conn., Inc., 9r '...... financing possible, at $17,200. , The head of the host family is also a The group is making plans for a fund 94485, Schamburg, III. 60194. the Town of Manchester and promote improvements. ClCompany, 338 Broad Street. Monthly payment around $200. M irt I. Mvdicli iNttM* in part by each, in all a distance of 200.00 feet to the point or Part tim e Job! Manchester Call ^ r b McConville, 645 director of a restaurant chain in Mexico. raising event to be conducted at the an­ 4. To monitor the relationship between all elements of the LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER place of beginning, the last described line forming in an Interior The local American Field Service Adult nual Hebron Harvest Fair. It has been delivery of emergency medical services and suggest ways to 0428. Lillian Emerson, 645 for two adults. Light cooking, angle of 90°-00' with the first described line. PERSON TO WORK PART 1716. Odegard Realty, 645 Chapter, which sponsors the students, has notified that it will be able to use the pop­ own room and bath. Call 521- improve them. J . . . and mothers with young children, bring them > Said premises are bounded: TIME in small office in East 4365. recently elected officers for the coming corn machine at the fair which will run for 3007. 5. To advise the Board of Directors upon the Board's request with you end save on baby sitting costs. Hartford. Typing, filing and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Ernest J. of the Council's views on proposed contracts with the Town con­ 8% FINANCING year. Mrs. Joan Jewett was elected presi­ four days. collection work. Some AVAILABLE. Rockledge AUTO MECHANIC - Indiv- Reed; cerning the delivery of emergency medical services. experience preferred. Please dual with 3 to 4 years $2,500 D0«IN Area. 3 bedroom raised ranch. NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Town of 6. To maintain relations with agencies and organizations call 5284197. $83,900. Sid Green. Frechette, experience wanted by busy Manchester; outside the Town of Manchester in order to share ideas and New Listing, 7 room Toyota-Pontiac Dealership. Twenty-three Hours per week. Salary plus Martin and Rothman. Better methods and to help coordinate the delivery of emergency Call Now PART 'nME JANITRESS - Colonial. Extra large Homes and Gardens. 646-4144. Geissler named coach Full Benefit Package. Incen­ SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Town gas allowance. For office complex. Hours: fireplaced living room, 4 tive Program. Apply in person lof'Mancbester; medical services In the region. 646-4153 evening. VERNON — David Geissler, who has He is a member of the Vernon Coaches' 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. Monday, bedrooms, deep treed lot. at : Lynch Motors, Inc., 500 Sec. Z.-89 Meetings; rules. Meetings of the Council shall be held SOUND INTERESTING? Tuesday and Thursday. been with the Vernon school system since Association, the State and National SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Antonio Older home with charm. Lote-Lend lor Sele 24 West Center Street, Oflara and by land now or formerly of at least once a month. The Council is empowered to adopt rules You can be a Herald Area Advlier ^nd handle and supervise Telephone Mr. Whitney at 565 1969, was appointed head basketball coach Coaches' Association and the Tolland Manchester. UW% Mgt available. $58,- St. John the Baptist Polish National and regulations for putting Into effect the provisions of this arti­ 647-9946 2020 for appointment. at Rockville High School, by the Board of our carrier boys & girls. If you Ilka kids — want a little In­ Zoning Board of Appeals. cle. 900 Education Monday night. Catholic Church of Manchester, Conn., dependence and your own Income... or A former basketball player , Geissler Htrg'i tti« bt$t WAV (0 riiiA exirA CASh In i Sec. 2-90 Reports. The Council shall make a written report of Its Geissler taught world history at the 647-9947 BOLTON BIRCH MOUNTAIN said, “I am committed to sharing my for (hg| vACAtion , , , $«ll your txtrAi Containing 1.00 acres more or less and being to the rear of and activities to the Board of Directors annually and such other Middle School from 1969 to 1972 and then With A ClA5$ifit0 Adi ESTATES. Acre comer lot. 'knowledge of and enthusiasm for the adjacent to other land of Ernest J. Reed as described in Vol. reports as the Board may request from time to time. Ask for Jeanne Fromerth FEMALE TO LIVE IN 6 went to Rockville High School where he Scenic country setting. $23,- game in a total program that will involve < 670, Pg. 290 of the Manchester Land Records. Sections 2-91 - 2-95 Reserved. Room Home. Reasonable SHOWCASE REALTY 500. Exclusive area. Minimum taught world history, urban studies, U.S. RECEPTIONIST-OFFICE rent. Will accept children. not just high school players but younger 52680 house dimensions, 1st floor, history and driver education through' this children, parents, and the community as MANAGER for O rthodontist^^*™ Call 6457911. 1500 sq. ft. 6459508. 6455635. year. Offlce-Vqrnon Circle. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this w ell.” Experienced only. Send publication in this newspaper provided that within ten (10) Days publication In this newspaper provided that within ten (10) days His coaching experience included He said his teams have been fundamen­ resume to: P.O. Box 2356, coaching die Florida Whdels, a paraplegic after this publication of this Ordinance a petition signed by not after this publication of this Ordinance a petition signed by not tally sound, well-coached and well- Vernon, Conn., 06066. less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as deter­ less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as deter­ team in Tampa, Fla. before coming to organized. He also said his relationship mined from the latest official lists of the Registrars of Voters, mined from the latest official lists of the Registrars of Voters, Venion. He was jnvolved in the basketball BABYSITTER NEEDED full with the players has been excellent and time in Bowers School area, has not been filed with the Town Clerk requesting Its reference has not been filed with the Town*Clerk requesting its reference instructional lea^e of the town's Recrea­ told the board be will work with the town's to a special Town election. to a special Town election. 1 classified advertising for 2 children. Call 647-9094 tion Department, was coach of the in­ anytime. lierald Recreation Department to set up clinics. James R. McChivanagh James R. McCavanagh y tramural basketball'team at the high Candidates for the position were inter­ Secretary Secretary \ school for two years, then coach of the viewed by a selection committee and the FULL-TIM E DAY. COOK Board of Directors Board of Directors AND freshman football team, coach of the committee voted Unanimously to recom­ Manchester, Connecticut Manchester, Connecticut N IG H T OR DAY: 6 4 3 -2 7 1 8 NIGHTS 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 DAYS freshman basketball team and coach of PART-TIME NIGHT COOKS mend that Geissler be appointed. The vote and dIshwashers.AppIy in per Dated at Manchester, Connecticut Dated at Manchester, Conneotlcut the junior varsity basketball team for the of the school board was also unanimous. son, Tacorral, 246 Broad this 18th day of June 1980. this 18th day of June 1980 past three years. Street, Manchester. 05506 057-06 m SP r U - EVENING HERALD, Tueg., June ^4^ I960 Frank and Emaat Poanuta — Charlaa M. Schulz Business & Service evening maULD. Tues., June 24. 2960 - 15 J i ^ f T 5YfiP lN THBRE • Ps; N0T‘(1ET...WAIT.'T1LI V. ( 3 0 HP(',PlTCHK,U)H'('P0N'T 5CHMI/CKLE ball? JUST SORT OF 5CHJMU5H ACROSS 7 Sunflower Answer to Prevtoui Puzzle youeivEiwiseurmE VOUR KNUCKLES AROUNO GET OUT OF THE lUAK.,' state (ebbr.) 1 LT 7 51 8T T 5 = 0 a n d fiCT UNDRB^^EP^ I Crow 8 Large deer 3 THE BALL LIKE THIS 0 A N Q1 1 8 7 n E A 8a Pbby a ' SCHMUCKLE BALL? 6 Sport of ( p l .) 1 1 E 11 V M A 0 E, ANP THEN THROW It shooting clay 9 Skinny fish By ADigaii van Buren 8 HT 0 A L Sir , a n d t m e pigeons 0 s 1 AS HARP As '(OU CAN... 10 Cedar 0 1 N r LiC I I Csrd game tl □ J 1 12 Tennyson T l T u u Q w i l l b e R K k H T I N 13 Merchant 1E 1 hero IQ 1 V TltJ 0 a D E t'lLJ 14 Leave isolated 2 £ 13 Reverie lA V E a II A s 8 □ u HC j M I L I A T B ^ O U . 15 Fester 18 Pipe fitting E Q w R 1 T ■1■» 16 Optical organ E s • DEAR ABBY: 1 read you rexularly, hut I’ve never written type \T 8 A E F 1 8 T w 17 Obiervar s Jwfore because 1 haven’t had any problems. However. 1 must 20 Shnrt lance E L A T [o □ T S A 19 Compass A* E o|■■[f R T R ■comment about the letter from the woman with multiple 21 Ancient (q p *1 point 8 8 E N E [£[E A U _L_ E Hebrew riclerosis. 20 Oesth H I R 0 [T Y P T 8 She asked if she should tell her i.’l-year-old daughter about Priscilla’s Pop — Ed’’’Bullivan ascetic S«rv/CM OfftTMl 31 Palnttng-Papilng 32 22 Refreshing Stnieta Othnd 31 ScrvfM* OHtnd 31 h'er condition. 1 speak from experience as a woman who has beverage 22 Eye infection 61’ TA G S A LE S WanMd to Buy 49 Apartmanta For Rant 53 Airtoa For Bah Had MS for about 2)1 years. (The first 10 years 1 didn’t even BUT 6ROCCCXI IS STILL 25 Baste 23 Is indebted to 37 Keyboard snowman BROCCOLLANP I HATE IT.'. WE PAY TOP PRICES for know 1 had it, as 1 had no visible symptoms — just fatigue.) 26 Anklet 24 Uses shovel instrument 46 Kelp "Cl 30 Little branch 27 Director TAG SALE MONDAY, MANCHESTER - '5 room w reck^ and junk cars. A & B 2 1 have been in a wheelchair for nine years, but it hasn’t 40 Paradises 47 Very thin EXTERIOR PAINTING, 31 Baseballar Preminger 41 Church 48 Branches of 'Tuesday, Wednesday ONLY. apartment. Available July 1. Auto Salvage, used auto parts.' curtailed my ac(ivities. It’s electric, and 1 zip around available for free estimates, Musial 28 Persians, for EXTERIOR HOME GLEANING Crib, couches, 1920 radio, $27S/month, plus utilities. CaU Tony 6 4 6 -^ . everywhere. 1 drive a van with a wheelchair lift, so I’m council learning references upon re v e st, com- WISCONSIN - Used four Parking for 1 vehicle. Securi­ 32 Safecracker example dining room table, buffet, fairly mobile. 33 Diminutive suf­ 42 Tallies 50 Card spot etitive rates. Telephone cylinder V B 4 D engine. ty and references. 647-1027. 29 Part of the leg A COMPLETE SPRAY CLEANINB SERVICE server, dinette set, four First, that woman should tell all her children that she has fix 43 Inert gas 52 Day of week ohn, 633-5482. William McKinney. Telephone 35 Mixed with S MS without making a big deal out of it. When 1 was finally 34 Being (Let) 44 Abominable (ebbr) chairs, oak dresser wltt 643-5308,7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. 36 Egg drink 35 Year (Sp.) GENERAL PAINTING - bevelled edge mirror, metal or 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 n.m. diagnosed, our three hoys were ‘2, o and (i, 1 can’t recall kitchen caninet, dropleaf Homaa for Rant 54 WANTED JUNK AND LATB (ictually telling them — they just grew up knowing, 38 Nozzle Interior. Exterior. \ 3 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 table, Magnavox stereo radio, MODEL WRECKS - Cash k The easiest way to explain MS to children, and adults as 39 Self-reproach Specializing in Exterior Trim...... □‘‘rentals’* Paid. Call Parker Street Used 42 No matter References. Insured. Cali children’s oak chaird, up­ well, is to explain that the messages from the brain are t l 12 13 holstered chairs, Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391. which Rick evenings 646-0709; or 742- carried through the spinal cord to the other parts of the body 44 15 lamps,bookcases, much more, Rooma lor Rant 52 45 Tattered 5087. VERNON - 3 SUNNY CORVETTE, 1975 coupe; much like the electricity Tor a lamp is carried from the plug 46 Southern Furniture Barn, 343 Main 16 17 18 16 BEDROOMS. Restful at­ automatic, options, $6375: in the wall outlet to the switch and light bulb. The electrical 6-34 state (ebbr.) Street, Manchester. cord has insulation around it, as the spinal curd has myelin. A 1 H i INTERIOR PAINTING AND mosphere. Kids ok. Today Corvette, 1963, original coupe, 49 Grow moroA 2 0 WALLPAPERING. only $290. 236-5646. Locators, $7800. Call 649-1149. Multiple sclerosis means "many scars." The insulation on intense r Quality professional work at MATURE MALE ROOM $15. fee. an electric curd should nut be cut into at various places, or a Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrsneo 51 E lk'i horn 2 2 2 3 d a . 27 28 29 reasonable prices. Fully in­ short circuit might result. (What child has not been told not 53 Fond 1 L Female, mature $20. Non- 3 0 sured. Free estimates. G.L. 54 Chewy candy MOVING SALE - Freezer, smokers, Uve-In. References. to play with electrical plugs and,cords’.') Multiple sclerosis IT WAS 1 1 1 1 McHugh. 643-9321. washer, dryer, twin beds, simply means that there are many scars in the myelin, or 55 Slices 32 ■1 s^' , One must have license, plus 1975 FORD WINDOW VAN - ACCIDENT mattress, maple chests, TV, few errands and meals. 649- Insulation, so that the messages from the brain are unable 56 Headmaitere. 1 1 1 1 2 EAST HARTFORD - 2 Power steering, powei! 34 3 6 Building Contracting 33 desks, bar, unit-den, fur­ 5459. fp get through properly to make the b(xiy workSlA person’s ” I” niture, rugs, others. 646-8182 bedroom older home thought­ brakes, am/fm stereo. DOWN 1 fully restored. Yard for kids. Carpeted. Other extras! $2000 particular disabilities depend upon where the scars arc, 3S 41 WES ROBBINS Carpentry anytime.. 238 CHARTER OAK STREET ,'ighich is why everyone who has MS has different problems. Just $225 . 236-5646. Locators, or best offer. Call before 2:00 1 Sown (Fr.) 47 remodeling specialist. Ad­ - Room with private entrance Kids readily grasp this idea: certainly a Ll year-old will! 42 4 3 4 4 4 6 48 ditions. rec rooms, dormers, FOUR PIECE BEDROOM fee. p.m. or after 5:00 p.m., 646- 2 Wharf ■ " suitable for older working My husband said from the very onset that 1 should do 3 Measure of 49 5 0 51 6 2 built-ins, bathrooms, SET, 1150. Marble top library 7819. • j . gentleman. Parking. $30 only what 1 WANTED to do and save my energy for family land kitchens, 649-3446. table, *150. 38 X 44''^ marble 53 54 weekly. Security. 649-1746. 1974 MONTE CARLO - fun. Whatever 1 want to do. he says. "No problem, honey." 4 Whet person top with a n ^ u e frame. Air 5 Danish coin FARRAND REMODELING - Custom wheels, power and we do it. 55 56 conditioner; $75. Bureau, $100. AWAY FOR THE HUB BUB Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, steering, power brakes. Air He’s packed me up five flights in temples in Japan and 6 Withers 34 X 80” combination door, OF CITY LIVING - Room Additions, Decks, All $10. Kitchen set, $60. 4 war­ conditioning. 55,000 miles. 646- carried me on and off Mexican airplanes, without once IHiWSFARtR ENTtRRRiSf AS$N) 4 Wpes of Remodeling and 2 phish bedrooms. Older 2481, after 6 p.m., or the store hinting that being married to me was at times inconvenient. drobes, $K. each. 17 X 27' F O R M A TU R E home.Thdughtfully restored. Repairs! Free estimates. Ful­ steel safe on wheels. 643-2371 RESPONSIBLE, non-smoker, 647-9126. Our boys grew up sharing this attitude, and her children ly insured. Phone 643-6017. non-drinker. Pleasant room. Only $200. 236-5646. Locators, will. too. In.retum she’d better try to keep her weight down. fee. Doga-BIrda-Pata 43 References and security 1972 Volkswagen Bug- Stan­ She should also thank God it is she. not her husband, who MASONRY, All t types ^ ! of con- required. 646-6025. Available dard shift. Excellent running has MS, because it would he harder for HER to get HIM up Allay Oop — Dave Graue bridqe Crete work and repairs. DIAL 646-5971 and something Immediately. condition. Economical pnd down stairs. Fieldstone a sj . Free good will happen to your pet. transportation. Hardtop Suh As for it being a "heavy burden" for her l.'l year-old to estimates. Call a fte r'5. 643- Dog and cat hoarding - -dog Apartmanta For Rant 53 GLASTONBURY - 3 elegant roof. 7 tires. $1600. Call days- Lelp at home, it won’t be. By the time my eldest was 8. he VDU MEAN THESE, ...THEN TDU TWO BETTER RIDE OKAY, SNAKE! 1 WE'LL KEEP TRAILIN' 'EM! { DO WE 1870. bedroom home. Large base­ 647-3166. Nights-646-2140. Ask could go to the bank, cash a check for $100, do the grocery TRACKS JUST UP BACK AN' GET TH' REST OF TH' WHAT ABOUT VOU I M K 8 E WE CAN GET CLOSE I HAVE rooming. Canine Holiday AW START FROM BOVS! WE MIGHT NEED AU.TH ’ AN' SHORTY? fnne, 200 Sheldon Road, MANCHESTER - Nice two ment to store out of season for Ljrry. ______shopping from my list and come home with the correct ENOUGH TB E E WHAT TH' V TO? Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag __ LEON CIEZSYNSKI NOIMIN*7)p. HELP WE CAN GET TfcORRAL Manchester. bedroom duplex. Full base­ things. Yard for kids. Only 1971 PLYMOUTH. STA’nON Change. All my sons can cook, sew. do the laundry, make THIS CRITTER BUILd ER. new homes, ad­ ment. Carpeted. Stove and $425 . 236-5646, Locators, fee. - 9 passengers. beds and manage money. ditions. remodeling, rec refrigerator. No children or WAGON Aluminum and Vinyl H o m e Ownan FREE GUINEA PIG - Long Power steering and brakes. ■’ At first 1 used to lament to myself, ’Poor boys, their Dynamic defense depicted rooms, garages, kitchens hair Angora Guinea Pig. Can pets. Nice location. 646-6644. remodeled, ceilings, bath tile, Air conditioning. $400 or best mother can’t play baseball with them." but 1 soon stopped 646-1822 after 3 p.m. offer. Good running conditon. lx one of those horrible bids Don’t let harmful Let us protect your investment by dormers, roofing. Residential After seeing how much more self-sufficient they v;ere than W ARNING! 644-1266 anytime. other boys. My eldest is now in his second year of college — that Is likely to prove costly. pollutants, corrosives, dirt and mildew, pressure vi^ ? your home in a or commercial. 649-4291. SOUTH WINDSOR - Newly decorated. 3 carpeted 2000 miles from home. We all had hysterics when we read NOR’TH It seldom pays to take aggres­ profession? economical method sive action with 4-3-3-3 distri- oxidize,, fade and rob the beauty and life DESIGN KITCHENS - ENFIELD - Element 2 large bedrooms. Extra large yard. MARK IV 1972 - Good value at . his letter describing how the other boys threw their red T- 4Q98 of your siding. (WE ARF -1.Y INSURED) bedrooms, with sunny Ideal location. Cali for info. $2000. Call Sylvia at 643-9557. shirts into the washing machine along with their white V105S buUon. Cabinets, Vanities, Formica INDIAN RING NECK Eric threw in a monkey breakfast room. Kids ok. Just 236-5646, Locators, fee. pants, and they were running around with pink clothes after ♦ a k q s Check your home today for chalking Counter Tops. Display. PARROT - MALE. With cage. wrench with his weak three- Professional and proper maintenance Storage & Bookcases.Kltchen $100. Call 649-7164 anytime, or $275. 236-5646, Locators, fee. 1970 PONTIAC TEMPEST - idoing their first laundry at college — away from Mom. Not 4654 of your home will help keep and main­ and mildew and let us give you a free One owner. Excellent running WEST EAST club jump. Cabinet Fronts. Custom keep trying. ;|ny Kurt; he’d been doing the family laundry for five years! North got into the giveaway tain the beauty and value of your in­ estimate and demonstration. Woodworking. 649-9658. condition! Snow tires with Our middle son, Dirk, is a super cook and baker, and the 4 3 41076542 rims. Approximately 37,000 V 9 4 VAQ76 spirit by jumping to four vestment. MANCHESTER - Working original miles. Call 646-8629. youngest (Clark) does the home repairs — including The Flintatones — Hanna Barbara Productions hearts with 4-3-3-3 distribu­ Rooting .34 servicing my wheelchair. If I’ve made them sound like 4 JS6S 472 EAST HARTFORD - Air con­ with 2-3 bedrooms homes, 4AqJ973 4 K tion of bis own and the defend­ ditioned 1 bedroom. Heat angels, they aren’t. They’re just ordinary boys, now 19. 18 ROOFER WILL INSTALL GOOD HOMES NEEDED for from $225 on up. See them er proceeded to pick bis bones For Froo Ettimato and Domonatratlon Call adorable grey kittens. Also a paid. Lease negotiable. Don’t today! 236-5646. Locators, fee. and 15. But they’re very special to me. SOUTH down to the bare skeleton. roof, siding or gdtter for low miss seeing if today! Only MS has brought our family closer together. We tend to do 4AKJ discount price. Call Ken at “Morris” and calico kitten. The spade lead was won in 646-21G 8 $195. 236-5T ‘Locators, fee. things NOW rather than postponing them; because things VKJ82 dummy and a heart led. J Eight weeks old. Call, 342- 647-1566. 1967 CHEVY II - 6 cylinder, .may get worse, we’re having our fun while we can. If 410 9 4 0571, 633-6581 anytime. 410 8 2 Moore hopped right up with automatic. 78,000 original everyone lived that way, the world would be a happier place. his ace and led the king of FREE KITTEN for good lly miles. Asking $900. Call Dave MS is no fun, but there are worse things. 1 consider myself Vulnerable: North-South clubs. Eric failed to overtake i i d i n h X ’' r e w e a v i n g b u r n Painting-Paparing 32 landscaped. 4 bedrooms, with 647-1170. i-Lume CleaninggCo. Co. ^ HOLES. Zippers, umbrellas home. Box trained. Am ROCKVHXE - Extra large 5 very lucky. 1 am only inconvenienced — not handicapped. Dealer: North so Arthur led a spade which MIRUCKI’S ROOFING St allergic. Please help! Call 649- 2 car garage. Fireplace, BECKY ZELLER IN PORTLAND Eric ruffed. lodem Concept In t h Ql ^ repaired. Window shades, professional p a in t in g rooms,, quiet. Airy bedrooms West North Eait South HOME REPAIRS - Emergen­ 2503, mornings. carpeting. Minutes from 84. That made three tricks for irofessional cleaningling poV'pflV’ Venetian blinds. Keys. TV - Interior and exterior. for the chooseyosey family.f Kids Call for details. 236-5646, Pass Pass IV ^U nyl and aluminum siding.'^ FOR RENT. Marlow’s, 867 cy Service! 15 Years DEAR BECKY: Yours is one of the longest — but HALF HOUI2, 8 4 4 V Pass Pass the defense. Now Robinson Commercial and residential. LABRADOR/SAMOYED ok. Just $221. 236-5646.6-! Locators, fees. ^iFnUy Insured - Free. ^ Main Street. 649-5221. Experience! Free Estimates! MERCURY COUGAR. 1976. tone of the most heart-warming — letters I’ve ever LUNCH Pass took his ace and queen of Free estimates. Fully in­ PUPPIES - 8 weeks old. Call Locators, fee. .Mitimates. ------sured. 646-4879. Reasonable Rates! 649-6075. XR-7. 8 cylinder. Good condi­ printed. ’Thanks for a real “upper.” And God bless. clubs while Moore discarded ••••••••••#••••••••••••••• 646-4510, ask for Brad Farley. the seven and deuce of ••••••••••••••#••••••••••• DOWNTOWN tion. AM-FM radio. $2900.568- STOMACH H^Rtlng-Ptumblng. 35 6588. Opening lead:4 3 diamonds. So Eric gave him a J.P. LEWIS i SON- Interior Mutical Inatrumantt 44 MANCHESTER - Completely St Exterior Painting. Paper remodeled, extra large 2 SOUTH WINDSOR - lovely 3 diamond ruff for the sixth LAWNS CUT. Expert service. bedroom house. Large yard. 1968 TRIUMPH GT8. Coupe, defensive trick. Hanging. Remodeling. n s c v GOING OUT FOR Room Efficiency. Heat, Lowest rates around. Call for Recreation Rooms. Call 64^ appliances, parking, security. 721-1624. Rental Center. Fee Classic model. Metal top, They weren’t through. free estimate. 649-7773 BUSINESS. Save from 40% to p Pstf (oph The Born Loser — Art Sansom Arthur led a spade. South had W M O w s p u n o 9658. ____ M a t tm . Call 6^1642. $60. Money back guarantee. wire wheels. New brakes. 4 09 evenings. 60% on musical instruments. By Oswald Jacoby to win in his own hand and In Home GuarantM. 50 speed standard. Good engine. WNJTJWE TO ndnUNTD Chip Repair We buy, sell, trade, and swap. 643-2371.______and Alan Sontag couldn’t get to dummy to LEE PAINTING. Interior & Rivers Music, 7 Main Street, CERAMIC FIRING. Discount porcelain & OWcos-Storot tor Rant 55 Bernice Bede Qsol ^WJOVDIEFOr J 'JOTfe finesse against the queen of 12S Yaan ixpartaneal exterior. “Check My Rate New Britain. 225-1977. Open BANK REPOSSESSIONS FRIBWP.. rates. Quick service. Call 643- Before You Decorate.’’ Fiberglass. Spray i Here is a hand that helped hearts. Appliances & I till 9 p.m. CsCXX) Cal 2543. Dependable. Fully insured. EAST HARTFORD - Silver FOR SALE - Eric Robinson and Arthur Plus 400 on a hand where Cabnets. Display at: I Lane. Large 4 rooms, with 1977 Plymouth Sports Fui^, 646-1653. 8 HIGHLAND ST.. E.H. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov. 22) You ffiOmiWgUT' Moore in this year’s Grand they could make one of some­ N HOME CLEANING Boata-accaaaorlaa 45 garden. $285. Includes $2500. 1977 Chevrolet Monte- may find yoursell with those who National. thing against good defense. GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND OFFICE FOR RENT - 500 PROBLEMS CAN BE SOLVE PAINTING BY CRAIG (203) 526-8200 utilities. 721-1624. Rental Carlo $2500. 1969 AMC Anv.” , are not quite as fortunate as you. South’s third-hand opening (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I 10 H P JO H N SO N square feet. Excellent bassador. beat offer. The- • Don’t cell attention to the differ­ C iM TREE SERVICE - Free BY “SERVPRO” Carpets, OGDEN - Interior & Exterior Center. Fee $60. Money back estimates, discount senior Draperies, OUTBOARD MO’TOR - Newly guarantee location! $150. Includes: Heat, above mav be seen at thg' ences. ^ecialist! Fully Insured. SAOITTARtUS (Nov. 23-Oec. 21) citizens. Companyip a n y Walls, Windows, NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet overhauled. $250. (^11 646- janitor, parking, air condition. Savings Bank of Manchester Free Estimates. Call repairs, plugged drains, Accomplishments that normally Manchester-owned and Professional-Insured. Call 1516. after 3:00 pm. 649-5334. 923 Main Street, Manchester. Jufw2S,1M0 6494)836, or 875-6307. anytime, 649-8749. kitchen faucets replaced, come very easily to you may bo a operated. Call 646-1327. trifle dlttlcult today. Be prepared repaired, rec rooms, 47 Projects or enterprises that Qardan Product, Truck, lor Sala 6>" roQuIre new techniques, n>eth> to exert adequate ettorts to Side Glance* — GIN Fox MA MA’S KITCHEN. DAN SHEA PAINTING & bathroom remodeling, heat EAST HARTFORD,- (Near B & M TREE SERVICE. Call DECORATING. Interior and Pratt St Whitney). 5 Rooms. ods or products should prove achieve your goals. now for Free Estimate. Specialized catering from modernization, etc. Free (ortur$ate for you this coming CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19) Exterior. Also-Wallpapering. Estimate gladly given. M & M Newly painted. 3 family STORE- Manchester, good EXAMINE OUR NEW PLAN candlelight for 2 and shore Quality Craftsmanship! Call year. Keep your eyes peeled for Your Ideas are apt to be quite dinners, to elegant banquets. Plumbing & Heafing. 649-2871. house. $200. 721-1656. Fee $60. location. Includes: Heat, air the unique and different. clever today, but they could be Winthrop — Dick Cavalli TO SAVE YOU MONEY, Ful­ 646-5424, or 646-1305. conditioning, parking. 649- Call 649-6933. BERRY PATCH FARMS- Rental center. Money back 1979 CHEVROLET 15’ stej>: (June 21-Juhr 22) Be hard to Implement. Timing Is all- ly Insured. References. STRAWBERRIES, PICK 5334, ask for Mr. Grossman. Flooring 36 guarantee. van. Like new. 17,000 m iler’’ vesy careful today that you don't important. Walt lor the oppor­ T H E R E CO M ES A ■^A^E i^OINi^ TO W T O CROSS ^ DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR tune moment. ^ N O ... [JONES YOUR OWN- Free containers. Power steering, powef make promises for the sake of ' And CITIZENS! 643-7285. MANCHESTER - Retail, etlpiediency. You will be held to AOUARW8 (Jen. 20-Feb. 19) WHeiCNEHASTD ^tXJteiSOINS- WH?ee\Am? AVENUE ALL B/ PAINTING - INTERIOR AND FLOORSANDING St Open daily, 8-8 or until picked brakes. Aluminum body. Dual out. For updated hours and storage and/or manufacturing your word, and anyone you dis­ Think twice today before Involv­ STRIKE OUTCN HIS TO RUN Avwy AAVSEUF. EXTERIOR; Paperhanging. REFINISHING. Floors like wheels. Call 7 4 2 ^ . '.Z BRICK, BLOCK, STONE new. Specializing in older conditions c a ll 644-2478. space. 2,000 square feet to 50,- appoint will not readily forgive ing yoursell In a friend’s tangled OWHANPTOCAylS R O W I - m E ? Experienced, references. Ser­ you. Find out more of what lies atfalrs. This Is especially Impor­ Fireplaces, concrete. WANTED ving Willimantic, floors. Natural and stained Oakland Road, Rt. 30, South VERN(M4 - Large 5 rooms 000 square feet. Very T H E DAV. with aSic, in lovely house. reasonable. Brokers Motorcyclaa-BIcfcIa, 84 ahead for you in the year follow- tant It llnanclal probim s are Chimney repairs. No job too IIQUSECLEANING. Respon- Manchester, Bolton, Coven­ floors. No waxing any more! Windsor. rein Ing your birthday by sending for concerned. small. Save! Call 644-8356 for sible reliable. Call 646-2234 try, Columbia, Tolland areas. Also: Painting. John Vfer- $225. 721-1624. RenUI Center. protected. Call Heyman Fee $60. Money back MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE vopr copy of Astro-Graph. Mall PISCES (Fab. 20-Morch 20) estimates. after 2 p.m. J. Grillo. 423-6582. faille, 646-5750. P r ^ r tie s , 1-226-1206, s!i for each to Astro-Qr^h, Box Things done on your own today i fK!-'' ' guarantee. Speedy Telephony:; 489, Radio City Station, N.Y. are likely to turn out successfully. Wantod to Rant 57 quotations. Immediate, 10019. Be sure to specify birth Involvaments requiring associ­ STRAWBERRIES - Pick your coverage available. Call Joan, dlte. ates may not be so fortunate. own. Free Containers. Open MOTHER St DAUGHTER at Clarke Insurance. 643-112&^ U t6 (July 23>Aug. 22) Everyone ARIES (March 21-April 19) A 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., or until LOOKING for 2 Bedroom finds your generous and charita­ failure to take your duties or A rc you mu$ed Ad section Reed it under fourteen. Take Chapel Call 721-1656. Rental Center, coverage available" Call 289-4625. ' deeds with prudence. every day' Road off Tolland ’turnpike, or Fee $60. Money back Competitive rates. Call Judy regrets. if VfflQO tAug. 2»-8ept. 22) Dis­ TAURUS (April 20-May 10) This Levy’s Law — James Schumeister Pleasant Valley Road off guarantee. Crockett Agency Inc., 64J(-’, ALUMINUM Sheets used as TWO QUEEN SIZE tinguish between positive think­ Is not a good day to gamble or ANTIQUE BED - Handmade Buckland Street. Follow 1577. ing and merely being opinionat­ speculate llnanclally where you 40 printing plates, .007 thick ■Dsqz* SrLx* * Houaahold Good, Bedspreads. Antique chair, BEDSPREADS/ »gns. ed. You’re more apt to be the tael you don’t have alTthe lects. 23x2814 , 25 cents each or 5 and table. Plus much more! DRAPERIES. Conquistador DOCTOR St WIFE SEEK latter than the former. ProtM further until you do. Ybuin^have alreact/’won REFRIGERATORS for $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be Call 649-5459. 80 Church Plaque. Tiffany Lamps. STRAWBERRIES - Pick Your APARTMENT or house to U IR A (Sept 23-Oct. 23) Certain OEMIM (May 21-Jtine 20) You a- dream" v^ation ‘ nation fromfram the 2 Washers/Ranges, used, picked up before 11 a.m. Street. Sconces. Large Urn. Call w9- Own. 972 Silver Lane, East 3W ROOMS - Like private rent. Will consider all good .types could make you feel Inferl- are. a trlde too easily swayed by HESDERS’ o S aRINGHCIUSE guaranteed and clean. New ONLY. 0928, or 659-OT18. Hartford. (Between Forbes house. Working single, areas. Call Glenn, 721-1624. 1978 KAWASAKI 250. Only 3d0.' OA’< today, and you might be others lor your own good today. 3WEEPSXAKBS.. m arried couple only. No shipment damaged, G.E St GENERATOR - 2500 watt. Street and Charter Oak Mall). Rental Center. miles on it! Hardly ever usedl' tMnpted to exag^^ate your Listen to their advice and coun­ ■IP'JUF-d*' FRreiDAlRE. Low prices. SEARS STEREO - Am-fm. 8 115/230 volt. 7 HP Briggs. •#•••••••••••••••••••••••• children or pets. Lease. Call Call 742-8726 anytime. accomplishments. Boasting has sel. but also think lor yoursalt. qr HIT iiir L ! 0'8*>»TNfA toe rn •hnc u • 4ni 0» 6-.2F Building Supplla, 42 INCW SPXPEa ENTkRPraSC XSSN I B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main track with recorder, turntable Excellent condition. $350. 6i46- Andqua, 48 643-2880. a.hollow ring. .‘Wil Street, 643-2171, and two speakers. Excellent 0809. “Well, It’s about timel” condition. $200. Call after 6 USED TIMBERS, 2x8’ 118 MAIN STREET - 3 Room Short Ribt -r Frank Hill STEREO COMPONENTS, p.m., 647-1400. FOR SALE: Oversized twin tongue and groove decking. Heated Apartment. First ATTENTION LANDLORDS! Lafayette receiver, fak ers, bed. Wild cherry frame with Call 643-4139. floor. No appliances. $330 We have responsible working 1974 YAMAHA RD 250 - 5,Q|)|) Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl & StoHel Garrard turntable. Excellent DARK LOAM, DELIVERED. boxspring and mattress. Must LACE, LINENS, St LOVELY monthly. Security deposit tenants looking in your area. miles. Good condition. $600«e Five yards, $50 plus tax. Also, THINGS - Furniture, Frames, $500. Tenant insurance No fee to you. Call 721-16M. best offer. 643-0417 after 5iO| 4 sound. New $500. First $225 buy Ixith together. Excellent bujis it. 2^3145. gravel, sand, and stone. 643- condition. Call 646-8595 after and Fancy Things! Red Goose required. No pets. 646-2426 9 to Rental Center. p.m., Jeff. - • a-iy p r o p ' t h e 3 7 '^ '> '^ 'A v e ^ k i c O W u / . call anytime. 5:30 weekdays, anytime Farm Antiques, Goose Lane, 5 weekdays. poc. ) IP BEIGE BRICK - Ap­ 1978 YAMAHA XS 400. S trA G. E. REFRIGERATOR. weekends. proximately 8,000. Valued, Coventre. 7«-t1-9137. Open 10 to Good running condition. About 5 Saturday St Sunday. □ AUTOMOTIVE motorcycle. Good conditi(ffi O^r Boarding House This Runny World. $1760. Priced, $1260. Patio Red. Must sell. $850. Call mL 18 cubic feet. $45. 646^)809. TORO SNOWMASTER brick, 4”x8”x l” . Chocolate, ANTI )UES St 3144 anytime. BEDROOM SET - Mediterra­ SNOTHROWER - Full 2,000, 15 cents each. 643-9506 6 ROOM DUPLEX - 3 T W V M S O M E #na><;k . HUSH. boxspring and mattress. COLL SCTIBLES W i l l Autos For Sala 81 M(W, IF MV CHEF6 AMOS, nean. Double or queen head- or 649-5635. Purchase outright or sell on bedrooms, fireplace, wall to Campara-Trallar, Moi board, frame triple dreXaer 7’x6’ x9’x6” braided rug. w all, all appliances. No t WERE HALF AS 60m I AMP □MISC. FOR SALE Panasonic stereo am/fm. commission. Hovselot or Homa, WOULDN'T HAVE SOUP LET with double mirrors. Men’s single piece. Telephone 644- utilities. $350. More informa- dresser, nightstand. Excellent Telehone 643-4658. Uon, call 646-4288 or 565-4672. B L W AAA>NSI0NS) THE condition. $600. 643-8331. 1970 MtlSTANG V-8. MAN ArUcIa, tor Sala 41 COMMON BRICK - Some red RETIRING, LEAVING WELL LOCATED, 6 room Automatic. Power steering. LET ME KNOW IF VOU TALK CONNECTICUT - Furniture, patio brick. Split rib block and WANTED - Antique Fur­ SO LID OAK apartment, off Main Street. Power brakes. Two new tires, 1976 GMC 23 FOOT MlRl EVER WANT TiOCHAHeE I X precast concrete lintels. niture, Glass, Pewter, Oil POOL- 24’ 4’, 7 ft. deep. REFRIGERATOR 'curtains, drapes, fireplace exhaust and battery. No rust. MOTOR HOME - Rear bath. c a r e e r s ! -itTUR _ Perflex filter, 8 x 12 deck. Hoist-O-Matic scaffolding. Paintings, or Antique Items. Inquire , 48 Pearl Street. July Excellent conditon! Call 646- set, household items etc. Call 15ui.''$2W/month. Very clean. $1300. 568-1152. Top condltionl Call 647-141C $500.00 or beat offer.’568-7317. 649-5109. 643-9508 or 649-5635. R. Harrison, phone 643-8709. OOOKlNfi IS A y c N AL ^ Ti iB e I O M B fS O M P NOTOM MY LONG- . a * * * * * * * * * * * * * fr ** * * * * ft * * 41 * * * * * w . * * A * * * * < * * * * ^ * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^^ « SARBP SEA VAPMINT. r-

1 1 . L ‘ . : I ITS NO TIME TO y a*********** / .w ie r r u p t * 0 IMbk NCA. Inc TM Mas U S P« OR "All day long h e’s been acting like Valery G/s- card d ’E.stalng. You know what I mean?"

6Mirfl4-5aL; -