1 Curriculum Vitae Name Thomas Ehrlich Reifer Address University of San Diego, Sociology Department 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 Office: 619-260-7422 Fax: 1-619-849-2267 Email:
[email protected] Academic Career Degrees Ph.D., August 2000, Sociology, State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton. MA, 1993, Sociology, SUNY Binghamton. BA, 1989, Sociology, University of California (UC) Santa Cruz. Honors in Sociology. Honors, Senior Thesis. Professional Experience Fall 2004-present, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of San Diego. http://www.sandiego.edu/sociology/ Affiliated Faculty, Ethnic Studies Program. http://sandiego.edu/es/faculty.php Fall 2004-2006, Assistant Research Scientist, University of California, Riverside, 25%. Winter 2002-Fall 2004, Assistant Research Scientist and Associate Director, Institute for Research on World-Systems (IROWS), University of California, Riverside (UCR), and faculty member, Department of Sociology. Managing editor, Journal of World-Systems Research, now the official peer-reviewed electronic journal of the Political Economy of the World-System section of the American Sociological Association. October 2002-Fall 2004, Associate Director, Program on Global Studies (POGS), UCR Branch of the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), a multi-campus research unit of the University of California. Coordinator of speaker and colloquium seminar series on “Globalization, Inequality and Transnational Social Movements.” May 2001-June 2003, Senior Research Associate, Focus on the