Appleton Cross, South | Development Statement

Appleton Cross, South Warrington Development Statement AUGUST 2016

1 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement


1. Introduction...... 1 5. Suitability of the Site for New Homes...... 21 List of Figures 1.1 Purpose...... 1 5.1 Overview...... 22 Figure 1: Site Location Plan...... 7 1.2 Background to the Site: 5.2 Location and Accessibility...... 22 Figure 2: Site Boundary...... 7 The New Towns Act 1981...... 2 5.3 Site Technical Analysis...... 24 Figure 3: Visual Appraisal...... 8 1.3 Studies which have informed Figure 4: Local Facilities Plan...... 23 the Development Statement...... 3 6. Deliverability of the Site For New Homes.... 29 Figure 5: Constraints & Opportunities Plan...... 35 6.1 Definition of Deliverable Development...... 30 Figure 6: Site Concept Masterplan...... 37 2. Site Context...... 5 6.2 Availability...... 30 2.1 Site Location...... 6 6.3 Suitability...... 30 2.2 The Site...... 6 6.4 Achievability...... 30 2.3 The Surrounding Area...... 6 2.4 Visual Appraisal...... 8 7. Desgin & Form of Development...... 33 7.1 General...... 34 3. Site Vision...... 11 7.2 Key Design Considerations...... 34 7.3 Opportunities arising from Development...... 34 4. Planning Policy Context...... 15 7.4 Developing a Concept Masterplan 4.1 Introduction...... 16 for the Site...... 36 4.2 National Planning Policy...... 16 4.3 Planning Practice Guidance...... 18 8. Conclusions...... 39 4.4 Local Planning Policy...... 18 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement Appleton Cross, South Warrington Development Statement

1.1.3 Against this background, which has been informed • The development would be sensitive to the character of 1. INTRODUCTION by the findings of a number of preliminary technical and the local landscape and existing surrounding residential environmental appraisals undertaken in connection with the development in terms of scale, design and layout; and 1.1 Purpose Site, this Statement seeks to demonstrate that: • There are no technical, physical or environmental constraints to the development of the Site for housing. 1.1.1 This Development Statement (the ‘Statement’) has been • The Site benefits from approval in principle for residential prepared by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to development from the Secretary of State under S(7)1 support and explain the promotion of land at Appleton Cross, and S(7)2 of the New Towns Act 1981, and constitutes South Warrington for new residential development (the residual land that has been identified for future residential ‘Site’). These proposals by the HCA are to be the subject of development since the early 1980s; a forthcoming outline planning application for up to 370 new • The Site is a Greenfield site, located outside of the homes on the Site in autumn 2016. It is anticipated that the designated Green Belt and within the suburban area of proposed development of the Site for residential uses would South Warrington as defined in the Core Strategy, in close also include for a small local centre containing retail and physical proximity to the area of Dudlow’s Green; health uses. • The Site is in a sustainable location for new housing, being 1.1.2 The site, which totals an area of approximately 20.19ha located in proximity to key employment areas, a broad of Greenfield land forms part of a wider area of land in range of shops and services and major transport routes; South Warrington which has remained in the ownership of • The Site could provide in the region of 370 new homes with the HCA and its predecessors since the early 1980s, with a options for phased delivery and thus deliver an important view to accommodating future new homes. As part of the component of the Borough’s much needed current and remaining residual legacy land, the Site continues to benefit future housing land supply; from approval in principle for residential development under the provisions of the New Towns Act 1981. Accordingly, the • The Site could provide a mix of high quality housing types, Site has been identified in successive Warrington Strategic tenures and sizes; Housing Land Availability Assessments (SHLAA), including • The Site would make a significant contribution towards the the current 2016 SHLAA as being suitable, available, and provision of Starter Homes with 20% of all homes being achievable for housing development. provided on Site meeting this need;

1 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

1.2 Background to the Site 1.2.4 However, Planning Policy Statement 3 ‘Housing’ 1.3 Studies which have informed the – The New Towns Act. (PPG3) subsequently came into force in March 2000, which Development Statement prioritised development of ‘previously developed land’ 1.2.1 The designation of Warrington as a New Town in April (brownfield land) rather than Greenfield land. Accordingly, 1.3.1 The Suitability of the Site for residential development is 1968 set the precedent for growth across Warrington. The the development of these residual sites was voluntarily halted supported by the following suite of assessments which have Warrington Development Corporation (WDC) was established (by the then EP) to enable housing growth to be focused on also informed the development of the concept masterplan/ following the approval of the Warrington New Town previously developed land, to support regeneration. illustrative layout for the Site: (Designation) Order (1968) with the aim of providing housing 1.2.5 Most of the remaining land in the ownership of the and employment for people within the South-East Lancashire • Landscape and Visual Assessment; HCA in South Warrington lies within designated Green Belt. and North-East Conurbation. By March 1981, the However, three sites lie outside the Green Belt, which include • Tree Survey; WDC had completed approximately 3,500 rented housing units, land at Pewterspear Green, Heys and Appleton • Ecological Constraints Assessment; over 330,000m2 of industrial units, approximately 37,300m2 of Cross (the latter which forms the Site). It was envisaged that office space and around 29,000m2 of commercial units1. • Preliminary Assessment of Access and Highways; the residual phases of these locations would be developed • Flood Risk and Drainage Feasibility Study; 1.2.2 During the late 1980’s, the emphasis shifted from the at some point in the future, and accordingly, signs on the provision of rented housing to the sale of dwellings already land erected by the HCA have clearly indicated for a number • Assessment of Potential Land Contamination Issues; of years that the sites are reserved for future development. built and the stimulation of private developers. Subsequently, • Preliminary Statement of Existing Services; WDC was dissolved on 30th September 1989 and replaced These three remaining sites are to form the basis of separate by the Commission for New Towns (CNT) under the New forthcoming outline planning applications for new homes. • Preliminary Assessment of Noise; Towns Act 1981. All assets and liabilities of the Development 1.2.6 As part of the legacy of the CNT, under S 7(1) and S (7)2 • Preliminary Assessment of Air Quality; and Corporation transferred to the Commission for New Towns of the New Towns Act (1981) the Site continues to benefit • Heritage and Archaeological Constraints Assessment. (CNT). Against this background, the Site was acquired under from the Secretary of State’s approval for the principle of a residential Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) in the 1980s residential development. It is not the intention of the HCA 1.3.2 The summary findings of each of these assessments by the CNT which became English Partnerships (EP) in 1999 to invoke their powers as ‘Development Corporation’ under are presented later within this Statement. and subsequently the HCA in 2008. the New Towns Act for this Site, preferring to seek planning 1.2.3 A development strategy and masterplan was prepared by the consent under the provisions of the Town and Country Sources: Planning ( and Wales) Act 1990. However, this CNT in 1995 for the development of the Bridgewater East area 1The National Archives for new housing and community facilities, which extended extant approval in relation to the Site remains as a material across land to the south-east of Warrington and included consideration in considering future development for new the Site. The masterplan was progressed through to partial homes on the land. implementation, and a number of sites within this wider area were released by CNT/EP for the development of new homes. New infrastructure, including roads, footpaths, cycleways and green infrastructure, was also constructed at that time, not only to support the emerging housing development, but also with a view to facilitating the future development of the remainder of the housing land, including that identified at Appleton Cross which now comprises the Site.

2 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

3 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

4 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


5 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

2.2.4 The site is not covered by any statutory or non-statutory 2.3.3 A large distribution park, Stretton Green Distribution 2. SITE CONTEXT designations. The Site lies within Flood Zone 1 which Park lies to the south-east of the Site adjacent to Junction 9 represents a low (less than 1:1000 years) risk from flooding. of the M6. This commercial use is also located outside of the 2.1 Site Location The Site is located outside of the designated Green Belt. Green Belt. The Dipping Brook and Dingle and Rough’s Ford Ancient 2.1.1 The Site is located in South Warrington, approximately Woodland and Local Wildlife Site lies to the north-west of the 6km the south-east of Warrington Town Centre. The Site Site is located adjacent to existing residential development at Dudlow’s Green, separated by an area of woodland. The 2.2.5 An oil pipeline crosses the Site in an east to west location of the Site is shown on Figure 1. direction, entering the Site from the Dipping Brook Avenue/ Blackcap Road roundabout and leaving the Site at Green 2.2 The Site Lane Farm on Green Lane. 2.2.1 The Site, which covers an area of approximately 2.3 The Surrounding Area 20.19ha (20,190m2) and is broadly ‘L’ shaped, is currently let by the HCA to a tenant farmer for agricultural and grazing 2.3.1 Land to the north of the Site comprises agricultural purposes. The Site is split into two sections, separated by a land designated as Green Belt interspersed by residential narrow strip of land (Area 1 in the north-west and Area 2 in development on Lumb Brook Road and agricultural the south-east) The extent of the Site is shown on Figure 2. dwellings with the settlement of Grappenhall Heys beyond. To the east of the Site lies Green Lane Farm and further 2.2.2 There are two existing vehicular access points to agricultural land, also designated as Green Belt. Beyond this the Site, put in place when existing development in the to the east and south-east lies the settlement of Appleton surrounding area was undertaken. These are summarised Thorn, a Green Belt Inset village. Further agricultural land, below and are highlighted on Figure 2: located within the Green Belt and interspersed by individual dwellings and farm buildings lies to the south of the Site. To • Access 1: A single spur off a three arm mini-roundabout the west of the Sites lies the existing residential development at the junction of Dipping Brook Avenue and the stopped at Dudlow’s Green. Further to the south-west of the Site lies up Cann Lane South. This provides access to the south- the residential area of Pewterspear which was developed western corner of Area 1; and by the CNT and EP as part of the implementation of the • Access 2: Two spurs off a four arm mini-roundabout Bridgewater East Masterplan. This area to the south-west at the junction of Dipping Brook Avenue and Blackcap also contains the site to which the forthcoming outline Road. These provide access to the central/northern and planning application for 180 new homes at Pewterspear south-eastern sections of Area 1 and to the north-western Green. sections of Area 2. 2.3.2 The follows a north-east to south-west 2.2.3 A third access point, serving the Area 2 is located along alignment approximately 2km and 1.25km to the south-east Blackcap Road. and south of the Site respectively. The M6 motorway follows a north-west to south-east alignment approximately 3km to the east of the Site (Junctions 20 and 20A).

6 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


Byways Woodydene 6

a 58.5m Dingle

6 Bridge Pumping Station

14 s


a drille t k t w t c o w

363000 oo 363500 n o C y i t e r i W a n u n V u FB a in e b a r r r h Q n D r t G u 20 a u S o a

W t S a


P k P a o a t Ford's h o th r Rough ( B u m

s ' ) 64.3m



o Wright's Green 3 3 D Wright's Patch Cottage Lily Pit Green Cottage Wright's House Green Cottage M 3 7 E G N A T R M D O E N R 9 S E


9 2 39 Greenfields L

Issues UM

7 2 B Pond

BR 1 O 2 59.7m OK RO AD 63.7m

oach House E



L Heritage

House S

' 1

6 D

Gransden P O House a t 5 h O

S 1 e D N








1 O o 1 rd M

T 's

N R Caxton E

1 o House M

2 u g h

D oo d P 's a B th ( ro u o m k ) Brookwood



5 A

L P L o O s 1 ts W

2 F


E 6 L 6 D

2 G




E The Brackens N Woodside Farm Dell Garth 56.4m S ld Cot 1 Swallowfie Drain El Sub Sta 57.8m

GREEN LANE Drain E N A 1 L 55.5m N E E R G

9 45


2 N E



5 A 2 G L


E 2 7 Drain W T R A H L C O Dood's N G W Bridge O O 3 D 2


R k

O n

i A o

D p 30 o D

r r

p a i in


D 2

28 6



6 1 3


2 th 2 a


) 1

23 3

k roo k g B c 2 pin ra

Dip T

9 5 1


1 1




RO 5

El 0 Issues Greenlane Cottage


3 3 4 Sub Sta D

r a Jetty FB i D n ra in 384000 R MOO ROSE


4 G

2 4

3 3 Greenacre 0 2 Greenlane Farm

Pond k oo Br g in pp Di th Pa







Dipping Brook th Pa

Layfield House

Cann Lane Kanaha Farm E U N The Swallows E V A K ARD O ENS O


2 n 1 B i G ra IN D P IP Boyne D ck House a r T


3 0 Cann Lane Farm House Pond

Hawthorn Cherrywood Cottage


Oakview House Bawm House Pond

Cameron Posts Posts House





3 2 A Pond LN



Crosslands k c 73.2m a r

Pond T


8 2

383500 The Paddock Pond W A The Smithy LN UT TR The Orchard EE LA NE The Stables


Hatton Farm The Coach House Spatial and Market Cross Farm Walnut-tree 72.8m Intelligence Farm Tel: 0300 1234500 Email - [email protected] Walnut Tree Barn

Pond Issues Pond 2 Information shown is correct to the best of Spatial Intelligence Department's knowledge at date of issue. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Appleton Cross 1 Pond Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. (remains of) Cross Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Cottages Homes and Communities Agency GD 100024393Hatton Farm 73.2m TITLE Cottage Appleton Cross The Dipping BrookCottage Avenue

by Warrington y- La



n i

a r

D 6 5 ITP NO ASSET REF 3 5 B - 1740 D DRG NO DATE SCALE SIZE ef SXC19515_ACRL 03/08/2015 1:2,500 A2



Figures 1: Site Location Plan Figures 2: Site Boundary Plan

7 7

Byways Woodydene 6

a 58.5m Dingle

6 Bridge Pumping Station

14 s


a drille t k t w t c o w

363000 oo 363500 n o C y i t e r i W a n u n V u FB a in e b a r r r h Q n D r t G u 20 a u S o a

W t S a


P k P a o a t Ford's h o th r Rough ( B u m

s ' ) 64.3m



o Wright's Green 3 3 D Wright's Patch Cottage Lily Pit Green Cottage Wright's House Green Cottage M 3 7 E G N A T R M D O E N R 9 S E


9 2 39 Greenfields L

Issues UM

7 2 B Pond

BR 1 O

2 Appleton Cross, South Warrington O | Development59.7m Statement K RO AD 63.7m

oach House E



L Heritage

House S

' 1

6 D

Gransden P O House a t 5 h O

S 1 e D N








1 O o 1 rd M

T 's

N R Caxton E

1 o House M

2 u g h

D oo d P 's a B th ( ro u o m k ) Brookwood



5 A

L P L o O s 1 ts W

2 F

2.4 VisualI Appraisal

E 6 L 6 D

2 G




E The Brackens N Woodside Farm Dell Garth 56.4m S ld Cot 1 Swallowfie Drain El Sub Sta 57.8m

GREEN LANE Drain E N A 1 L 55.5m N E E R G

9 45


2 N E



5 A 2 G L


E 2 7 Drain W T R A H L C O Dood's N G W Bridge O O 3 D 2


R k

O n

i A o

D p 30 o D

r r

p a i in


D 2

28 6



6 1 3


2 th 2 a


) 1

23 3

k roo g B ck 2 pin ra

Dip T

9 5 1


1 1




RO 5

El 0 Issues Greenlane Cottage


3 3 4 Sub Sta D

r a Jetty FB i D n ra in 384000 R MOO ROSE


4 G

2 4

3 3 Greenacre 0 2 Greenlane Farm

Pond k oo View 1 Br g in pp Di th Pa







Dipping Brook th Pa 02 Layfield House 01

Cann Lane Kanaha Farm E U N The Swallows E V A View 01 K ARD O ENS O


2 n 1 B i G ra 03IN D P IP Boyne D ck House a r T


3 0 Cann Lane Farm House Pond

Hawthorn Cherrywood Cottage


Oakview House Bawm House Pond

Cameron Posts Posts House





3 2 A Pond LN



Crosslands k c 73.2m a Pond r

T View 2


8 2

383500 The Paddock Pond W ALN The Smithy UT TR The Orchard EE LA NE The Stables


Hatton Farm The Coach House Spatial and Market Cross Farm Walnut-tree 72.8m Intelligence Farm Tel: 0300 1234500 Email - [email protected] Walnut Tree Barn

Pond Issues Pond 2 Information shown is correct to the best of Spatial Intelligence Department's knowledge at date of issue. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Appleton Cross 1 Pond Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Cross Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. (remains of) Cottages Homes and Communities Agency GD 100024393Hatton Farm View 02 73.2m TITLE Cottage Appleton Cross The Dipping BrookCottage Avenue

by Warrington y- La



n i

a r

D 6 5 ITP NO ASSET REF 3 5 B - 1740 D DRG NO DATE SCALE SIZE ef SXC19515_ACRL 03/08/2015 1:2,500 A2



View 3

8 View 03 7

Byways Woodydene 6

a 58.5m Dingle

6 Bridge Pumping Station

14 s


a drille t k t w t c o w

363000 oo 363500 n o C y i t e r i W a n u n V FB u a in e b a r r r h Q n D r t G u 20 a u S o a

W t S a


P k P a o a t Ford's h o th r Rough ( B u m

s ' ) 64.3m



o Wright's Green 3 3 D Wright's Patch Cottage Lily Pit Green Cottage Wright's House Green Cottage M 3 7 E G N A T R M D O E N R 9 S E


9 2 39 Greenfields L

Issues UM

7 2 B Pond

BR 1 O 2 59.7m OK Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement RO AD 63.7m

oach House E



L Heritage

House S

' 1

6 D

Gransden P O House a t 5 h O

S 1 e D N








1 O o 1 rd M

T 's

N R Caxton E

1 o House M

2 u g h

D oo d P 's a B th ( ro u o m k ) Brookwood



5 A

L P L o O s 1 ts W

2 F


E 6 L 6 D

2 G




E The Brackens N Woodside Farm Dell Garth 56.4m S ld Cot 1 Swallowfie Drain El Sub Sta 57.8m

GREEN LANE Drain E N A 1 L 55.5m N E E R G

9 45


2 N E



5 A 2 G L


E 2 7 Drain W T R A H L C O Dood's N G W Bridge O O 3 D 2


R k

O n

i A o

D p 30 o D

r r

p a i in


D 2

28 6



6 1 3


2 th 2 a


) 1

23 3

k roo g B ck 2 pin ra

Dip T

9 5 1


1 1


RO 5

El 0 Issues Greenlane Cottage


3 3 4 Sub Sta D

r a Jetty FB i D n ra in 384000 R MOO ROSE


4 G

2 4

3 3 Greenacre 0 2 Greenlane Farm

Pond View 4 k oo Br g in pp Di th Pa





D FB 04

Dipping Brook th Pa

Layfield House

Cann Lane Kanaha Farm E U N The Swallows E V A View 04 K ARD O ENS O


2 n 1 B i G ra IN D P IP Boyne D ck House a r T


3 0 Cann Lane Farm House Pond

Hawthorn Cherrywood Cottage


Oakview House 06 Pond Bawm House

Cameron Posts Posts House





3 2 A Pond LN



Crosslands k c 73.2m a View 5 r

Pond T


8 2

383500 The Paddock Pond W ALN The Smithy UT TR The Orchard EE LA NE The Stables


Hatton Farm The Coach House Spatial and Market Cross Farm Walnut-tree 72.8m Intelligence Farm Tel: 0300 1234500 Email - [email protected] Walnut Tree Barn

Pond Issues Pond 2 Information shown is correct to the best of Spatial Intelligence Department's knowledge at date of issue. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Appleton Cross 1 Pond Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. (remains of) Cross Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Cottages Homes and Communities Agency GD 100024393Hatton Farm View 05 73.2m TITLE Cottage Appleton Cross The Dipping BrookCottage Avenue

by Warrington y- La



n i

a r

D 6 5 ITP NO ASSET REF 3 5 B - 1740 D DRG NO DATE SCALE SIZE ef SXC19515_ACRL 03/08/2015 1:2,500 A2



View 06 9 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

10 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


11 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

• Promoting ecological conservation – The development 3. SITE VISION would preserve and enhance features of biodiversity value; 3.1 The HCA suggests the following vision for the land at • Respecting and reflecting local landscape quality – The Appleton Cross: development would respect existing landscape quality and features, ensuring the assimilation of the development ‘….a phased development which integrates well with the into the existing landscape whilst maintaining and existing urban fabric, protects the character of the adjoining enhancing the key characteristics of the area including landscape through sensitive landscape design and provides important trees and hedgerows; a sustainable location for high quality housing in a natural • Supporting the community and future generations – The landscape setting which compliments and supports the wider development would serve to support the local community Appleton Cross and Dudlow’s Green area.’ by providing more places to live and sustaining the vitality 3.2 The vision for the Site is underpinned by the following and viability of existing facilities. goals: 3.3 The vision for the Site accords with the existing and • Creating a sustainable development – the development of emerging planning policy framework. the Site for residential uses would create a sustainable development on the edge of the defined urban area in South Warrington; • Providing a desirable place to live – The development would provide a safe and attractive living environment in proximity to a range of local amenities and employment opportunities within the wider South Warrington and Inner Warrington areas; • Delivering high quality homes – The development would deliver high quality homes sensitive to the character of the surrounding area; • Offering a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes – The development would offer a choice of housing to cater for the needs of the community and future generations including affordable homes and Starter Homes;

12 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

13 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

14 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


15 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

• an environmental role – contributing to protecting and 4.2.7 NPPF Part 6 ‘Delivering a Wide Choice of High Quality 4. PLANNING POLICY enhancing our natural, built and historic environment and, Homes’ (paragraph 47) requires Local Planning Authorities as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural (LPAs) to use their evidence base to ensure that their Local CONTEXT resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution and Plan meets the fully objectively assessed needs for market mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to and affordable housing in their housing market area. LPA’s 4.1 Introduction a low carbon economy’. should also:

4.1.1 The development of the Site would respond to planning 4.2.3 In terms of decision making, the Framework states that • Identify and update annually a supply of specific policy at a National and Local level as summarised below. development proposals which accord with the Development deliverable sites sufficient to provide five-years’ worth Plan should be approved without delay. In the instance where of housing against their housing requirements with an 4.2 National Planning Policy the Development Plan is absent, silent or relevant policies additional buffer of 5% to provide a realistic prospect of are out of date ‘planning permission should be granted achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and 4.2.1 The development proposals are supported in principle unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly competition in the market for land; at the National level through the National Planning Policy and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed • Identify a supply of specific, developable sites or broad Framework (NPPF). The NPPF was published in March 2012 against the policies in the NPPF as a whole, specific policies locations for growth, for years 6-10 and, where possible, and sets out the Government’s planning guidance for Local in the NPPF indicate development should be restricted or for years 11-15; and Planning Authorities and decision takers in England. material considerations indicate otherwise’. • For market and affordable housing, illustrate the expected 4.2.2 Under the heading ‘Achieving Sustainable 4.2.4 The Site is located outside of the Green Belt and adjacent rate of housing delivery through a housing trajectory for Development’, the NPPF advocates a presumption in favour to the existing residential development at Dudlow’s Green. the plan period. of sustainable development. Sustainable development The development of this Greenfield site would represent an dimensions give rise to the need for the planning system to extension to Dudlow’s Green on land within the suburban area, 4.2.8 To be considered deliverable, the NPPF states that perform the following roles: without encroaching into the Green Belt or being contrary to sites should be ‘available now, offer a suitable location for the purposes of including land within the Green Belt. development now and be achievable with a realistic prospect • ‘an economic role – contributing to building a strong, that housing will be delivered on the site within five years responsive and competitive economy by ensuring 4.2.5 The Site represents a sustainable location which and, in particular, that the development of the site is viable’. that sufficient land of the right type is available in the benefits form access to a wide range of facilities and services (Paragraph 47 footnote 11). The Policy continues by stating right places and at the right time to support growth both within Dudlow’s Green and those located on the that ‘relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be and innovation and by identifying and coordinating southern edge of central Warrington. There are also existing considered up-to-date if the LPA cannot demonstrate a five- development requirements, including the provision of public transport links alongside the potential for increased/ year supply of deliverable housing sites’. infrastructure; improved provision and easy access to the major road 4.2.9 • a social role – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy network and the M56 and M6 motorways. As the following sections within this Statement will communities by providing the supply of housing required expand upon, the Site is considered to be suitable, available 4.2.6 to meet the needs of present and future generations The analysis which follows within this Statement and and achievable and would contribute to housing supply within and by creating a high quality built environment, with the initial design concepts set out for the Site, demonstrate the Borough over the next 5 years and the longer 6-10+ years. accessible local services that reflect the community’s that the Site can be developed in a sustainable manner The development of the Site would provide the opportunity to needs and support its health, social and cultural well- to meet local housing needs. This Statement provides deliver a broad spectrum of housing types and tenures in an being; and evidence that the Site could be developed for housing without otherwise heavily constrained part of Warrington. detriment to the natural, built and historic environment whilst meeting the challenges of climate change.

16 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

4.2.10 Part 4 ‘Promoting Sustainable Transport’ recognises 4.2.12 The Government attaches great importance to good 4.2.14 Part 10 ‘Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change, the important role which transport policies have in facilitating design stating that good design should be indivisible from Flooding and Coastal Change’ states that ‘Local Plans sustainable development, whilst also contributing to wider good planning and should contribute positively to making should take account of climate change over the longer sustainability and health issues. Paragraph 32 requires all places better for people. Part 7 ‘Requiring Good Design’ term, including factors such as flood risk, coastal change, developments which would generate significant amounts of (paragraph 58) requires planning polices and decisions to water supply and changes to biodiversity and landscape…… traffic to be supported by a Transport Statement or Assessment ensure that developments: new development should be planned to avoid increased stating that decisions should take account of whether: vulnerability to the range of impacts arising from climate • ‘Will function well and add to the overall quality of the change’. Inappropriate development in areas at risk of • ‘The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the flooding should be avoided and LPA’s should ensure been taken up depending on the nature and location of the development; that flood risk is not increased elsewhere as a result of site, to reduce the need for major transport infrastructure; • Establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and development on a particular site. • Safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to 4.2.15 people; and live, work and visit; Initial investigations confirm that the Site is at a low risk from flooding (Flood Zone 1/less than 1:1000 years • Improvements can be undertaken within the transport • Optimise the potential of the site to accommodate risk of flood). Residential development on the Site would network that cost effectively limit the significant impacts of development, create and sustain an appropriate mix of therefore be appropriate and subject to the development the development. Development should only be prevented uses (including incorporation of green and other public of a robust drainage strategy is unlikely to result in any or refused on transport grounds where the residential space as part of developments) and support local facilities significant increased flood risk elsewhere. cumulative impacts of development are severe.’ and transport networks; 4.2.16 Part 11 ‘Conserving and Enhancing the Natural • Respond to local character and history, and reflect the NPPF Environment’ 4.2.11 The Site is accessible by a number of sustainable identity of local surroundings and materials, while not requires that development proposals conserve transport modes and there exists the opportunity to improve preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation; and enhance biodiversity and where possible, include for this level of provision as part of the development of the Site. the incorporation of biodiversity in an around developments. Existing access arrangements to enable safe and adequate • Create safe and accessible environments where crime and Where harm resulting from development cannot be avoided, access to the Site are already in place as a result of previous disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality appropriate mitigation through biodiversity offsetting should masterplanning and the development of Dudlow’s Green of life or community cohesion; and be provided. To prevent unacceptable risks from pollution in recent years. Initial investigations demonstrate that cost • Are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and and land instability, decisions on development proposals efficient improvements to the transport network could be appropriate landscaping.’ should ensure that new development is appropriate for undertaken to ensure that the cumulative residual traffic its location. Where a site is affected by contamination or impacts associated with the development are not severe. 4.2.13 As the indicative Site masterplan set out within this land stability issues, responsibility for securing a safe Wider highway improvements which would provide a future Statement seeks to demonstrate, the Site could be developed development rests with the developer and/or landowner. link between Dipping Brook Avenue and Witherwin Avenue to create a high quality, well-functioning, attractive and safe 4.2.17 The Site is capable of development whilst preserving would be safeguarded as part of the Site development. place to live and work. The Site could be developed to reflect and enhancing biodiversity interests on the Site. There and enhance the high quality landscape character of the exist wide ranging opportunities within the Site and the surrounding area, extending green corridors and public open surrounding area to fully offset any biodiversity loss from Site spaces and enhancing local biodiversity. A visually attractive, development whilst also incorporating additional biodiversity well designed and laid out development would contribute opportunities and improvements. Initial investigations (as positively to the sense of community and provision of amenity detailed in the next section of this Statement) confirm that space in the area for both existing and future residents. there are no significant land contamination or stability issues associated with the Site which would prevent its development for residential purposes.

17 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

4.2.18 Through Part 12 ‘Conserving and Enhancing 4.3 Planning Practice Guidance 4.4 Local Planning Policy the Historic Environment’, the NPPF requires that in determining planning applications, LPA’s should take 4.3.1 The Government’s Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Local Plan Core Strategy account of: provides guidance on a number of technical planning matters including Starter Homes. The PPG defines Starter Homes 4.4.1 The statutory development plan for the Site comprises • The desirability of sustaining and enhancing the as well designed dwellings suitable for first time buyers. A the Warrington Local Plan Core Strategy (LPCS) which significance of heritage assets and putting them to viable Starter Home is not expected to be priced after discount at was adopted in July 2014. The Plan sets out the planning uses consistent with their conservation; significantly more than the average price paid by a first time framework for guiding the location and level of development • The positive contribution that conservation of heritage buyer. This would mean the discounted price should be no in the Borough up to 2027. assets can make to sustainable communities including more than £250,000 outside London and £450,000 in London. 4.4.2 A High Court challenge was made in relation to the their economic vitality; and Starter Homes should be offered for sale at a minimum of 20% below the open market value of the property. Such properties adoption of various parts of the LPCS, the hearing into which • The desirability of new development making a positive are expected to be offered to people who have not previously was held in February 2015. The Judge, Mr Justice Stewart, contribution to local character and distinctiveness. been a home buyer and want to own and occupy a home, and ruled in favour of Warrington Borough Council (WBC) on six who are below the age of 40 at the time of purchase. of the nine issues challenged but the ruling against WBC 4.2.19 The Policy goes on to say that ‘when considering the on the other three matters has resulted in the removal of impact of a proposed development on the significance of a 4.3.2 The Site would be capable of accommodating Starter elements of the LPCS housing policies including the housing designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to Homes of a design, quality and value in line with that set out target of 10,500 new homes (500 per annum) between the asset’s conservation. The more important the asset, the within PPG. It is the intension of the HCA as land owner to 2006 and 2027 (Policies W1 and CS2) and references to the greater the weight should be’. ensure the inclusion of up to 15% Starter Homes across the provision of 1,100 new dwellings at the Omega Strategic site in addition to 15% affordable rented tenure. Proposal in West Warrington (Policy CS8). All other policies 4.2.20 Initial investigations demonstrate that there are no within the LPCS remain unaltered. significant heritage assets within the Site and that the nearest listed buildings and conservation area are located significantly 4.4.3 WBC are currently undertaking the work necessary distant from site as to ensure that the development of the to revise the housing elements of the LPCS in line with the Site would not have an impact on their setting. ruling, which will include for a review of the housing land supply to meet a revised housing land requirement.

4.4.4 The Site is located outside of the Green Belt and in close physical proximity to the existing residential development at Dudlow’s Green (identified as a suburban area). The Site has no specific definition in the LPCS Key Diagram or adopted Policies Map other than as land included within the South Warrington Suburban Area Boundary and excluded from the Green Belt.

18 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

4.4.5 Policy SN1 ‘Distribution and Nature of New Housing’ 4.4.7 The removal of the LPCS Housing target figures (10,500 Appleton Thorn Neighbourhood Plan, Emerging Draft requires the provision of 80% of new homes within the or 500 dwellings per annum over the period 2006-2017) as Borough to be on previously developed land. 60% of a result of the High Court ruling means that WBC can no The Neighbourhood Plan includes the land at Appleton Cross these new homes should be in Inner Warrington, with the longer demonstrate that they have an ongoing 5 year supply which forms the Site. Policy AT- H2 ‘Design Principles at remaining 40% of new homes primarily achieved within of deliverable housing land and a subsequent 5 year supply Appleton Cross’ states that development at the Site will only Warrington’s suburban areas and the Borough’s defined of developable housing land given that there is currently no be considered acceptable subject to: outlying settlements, including Inset Countryside Settlements CSLP housing target against which to assess deliverable and • Careful consideration and mitigation of traffic implications; such as Grappenhall Heys. The Policy states that: developable land. • Roads to prioritise pedestrian and driver safety – minimise ‘Should monitoring indicate that an ongoing deliverable and 4.4.8 The Site is considered to be suitable, available and on road parking, use pedestrian crossings where developable 10 year supply of housing land can no longer be achievable and would contribute to housing supply within appropriate and incorporate traffic calming measures; sustained from the above sources, or housing need is not the Borough over the next 5 years and the longer Local • Establish a well-connected internal street environment being met, the Council will review its housing land provision, Plan period (6-10 years). The development of the Site would including existing public right of way network; and bring on-stream additional housing sites as required, in provide the opportunity to deliver new housing across a accordance with Policy CS3.’ broad spectrum of housing types and tenures in an otherwise • Establish pedestrian and cycle links between existing and heavily constrained part of Warrington. new development; 4.4.6 The site is located adjacent to the existing suburban • Provide new footpath connections linking to public rights area of Dudlow’s Green where new built development, which Strategic Land Availability Assessment of way; complies with the principles of sustainable development, is acceptable. The development of the Site would form a logical 4.4.9 The Site has been identified in both WBC’s 2012 and 2016 • Provide adequate off-street parking in line with WBC extension to Dudlow’s Green on a Greenfield site, within the Strategic Housing Land Assessments (SHLAA) as a strategic parking standards; location which could accommodate growth in the long term suburban area bringing forward new residential development • Provide a mixture of housing tenures, types and sizes; in South Warrington. The development of this Greenfield site on a suitable, available and achievable Site. The Warrington would represent an extension to Dudlow’s Green without SHLAA forms a key part of the evidence base which will inform • Houses to be one and two storey in keeping with encroaching into the Green Belt or being contrary to the the Councils’ work to revise the housing elements of the surrounding development; purposes of including land within the Green Belt. LPCS and therefore the 2016 SHLAA represents the most • Where possible maintain existing trees and hedgerow and up to date information in terms of suitable, available and ensure boundary treatments respect the rural environment; 4.4.6 Policy CS3 ‘Overall Spatial Strategy - Maintaining a achievable housing land supply in the Borough. 10 Year Forward Supply of Housing Land’ states that should • Development proposals should provide a proper and monitoring indicate that an on-going, 5 years’ deliverable and 4.4.10 The 2016 SHLAA considers approximately 22ha detailed site appraisal and survey; a subsequent 5 years’ supply of developable housing land (14ha net developable) of land at the Site (SHLAA Reference • Any development should provide 30% affordable housing, can no longer be sustained or where it can be demonstrated 308) to be suitable, available and achievable for residential although a full range will be needed, the intermediate that housing need cannot be met within Warrington, WBC development with an estimated net housing capacity of up to provision should include for shared equity and low cost will review its housing land provision and bring on-stream 450 dwellings during the 5-15 year supply period (77 in the market housing; additional housing sites as required, with priority given to period 2018/20, 275 in the period 2020/25 and 98 in the period • Affordable homes should be integrated with market encouraging the re-use of previously developed land and 2025/27). The Assessment comments that whilst the Site housing; and avoiding sites in the Green Belt where possible. does not benefit from an existing detailed planning consent, it does benefit from New Town S(7)1 status and has no • Proposals for custom built/self-build dwellings will be significant or unresolvable development constraints. supported and encouraged. The Parish Council will work with developers and/or landowners to utilise ‘Community Right to Build’ provisions where a partnership approach between landowners, developers and the community are agreed to have mutual benefits.

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21 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

5.2.2 The stops on Longwood Road are currently served by a 5.2.6 The Site is accessible to a range of services and 5. SUITABILITY single service (10C) and run hourly between 10am and 4pm facilities, lying 6km to the south-east of Warrington Town Monday to Friday, hourly between 9am and 4pm on Saturdays Centre and less than 4.5km to the south-east of the existing OF SITE FOR with no service outside these hours or on a Sunday. hub/local service centre at . Opportunities to strengthen existing bus service provision in the area could be achieved as part of the development 5.2.7 Figure 4 illustrates the Site’s location relative to DEVELOPMENT of the Site given the likely extra demand new homes would existing services and facilities within 2km, such services and facilities are summarised below under the following themes: 5.1 Overview generate. 5.2.3 The closest railway station is Warrington Bank Quay, Education 5.1.1 As outlined in previous section, the Site is a Greenfield which is located approximately 7km north-west of the Site. 5.2.8 There are several primary and secondary schools site, located outside of the designated Green Belt and located This station is located on the West Coast Mainline and within 2km of the Site. The closest primary schools include in close physical proximity to the area of Dudlow’s Green, provides regular services to Glasgow, London, , Appleton Thorn Primary School, Stretton St Matthews within the settlement boundary area of South Warrington. The Liverpool and Birmingham as well as more localised Church of England Primary School, Grappenhall Heys Site, by virtue of its location adjacent to Dudlow’s Green, is destinations. aligned with WBC’s spatial priority for growth outside of inner Primary School, and Broomfields Junior School. The Warrington and outside of the Green Belt. 5.2.4 There are a number of cycle routes which link to the closest secondary schools include Bridgewater High Site to the surrounding area. These include a shared surface School and Appleton 6th Form College. The nearest sixth 5.1.2 The Site meets other spatial objectives in that it is pedestrian/cycle path which links the B5356 Stretton Road form and secondary education college, Priestley College accessible by a range of sustainable transport modes, has to the south of the Site with Pewterspear Green Road to is located approximately 6km to the north-west of the Site excellent links to the local highway network and access to the west of the Site following a route along Blackcap Road in Wilderspool. There is also a day nursery and pre-school employment and lies in close proximity to a number of shops and Dipping Brook Avenue adjacent to the Site’s southern within Appleton Thorn approximately 0.8km to the south-east and local services (including schools and health care). boundaries. Three non-surfaced cycle routes link Longwood of the Site. Road and Green Lane to the north west of the Site (beyond 5.1.3 The suitability of the Site for the residential development Health of up to 370 dwellings is considered in more detail below. Dingle and Ford’s Rough), Green Lane and the B5356 Stretton Road to the east of the Site and Dipping Brook 5.2.9 There are 2 GP surgeries within 2km of the Site, both 5.2 Location and Accessibility Avenue and Pewterspear Green Road/B5356 Stretton Road to of which are currently accepting new patients. These are the south-west of the Site. The extension of these cycle and located approximately 1.1km from the Site on Dudlow’s 5.2.1 The closest bus stops are located on Longwood pedestrian links into the Site would be easily achievable. Green Road to the north-west at Dudlow’s Green and Road to the north of the roundabout junction with Dipping approximately 1.6km from the Site on Hatton Lane to the 5.2.5 The M56 and M6 motorways are located approximately Brook Avenue. Bus stops on Longwood Road are located south-west of the Site. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS 2.75km (Junction 10) and 4km (Junction 20) to the south and approximately 650m walking distance via Dipping Brook Foundation Trust have indicated a need for a new health south east of the Site respectively (fastest car routes). The Avenue from the roundabout in the south-western section of centre in then locality of the Site which could be provided Site is located approximately 1.5km from the A49 (London the Site. A shorter walking distance of approximately 550m as part of the future Site development to meet existing and Road) to the west and approximately 4km from the A50 could be achieved along Cann Lane South and the Dingle future needs. ( Road) to the east of the Site which both provide Trail or by using an off road connection to Stoneacre Gardens. direct links to the motorways to the south and the town Dipping Brook Avenue is the only lit route to the bus stops 5.2.10 Warrington Hospital is located approximately 8km to centre to the north. at present. There are a number of pedestrian pathways and the north-west of the Site on the edge of Warrington Town green links within the surrounding area. Centre and comprises A&E and maternity facilities.

22 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

Key: Employment Site Boundary 5.2.11 The Sites proximity to the major road network, including the M56 and M6 means that the Site provides fast Pre-School/Primary School and convenient access to the wider employment opportunities commonly accessed by Warrington’s existing residents. Secondary School Warrington Town Centre, 6km to the north-west comprises a key employment area offering jobs in the retail, service, Hospital commercial, financial and leisure sectors. Pharmacy 5.2.12 In the general area south of Warrington Town Centre, there are a number of key employment areas; Stretton Green Dentist Distribution Park which includes major haulage, logistics and Employment Area transport companies approximately 3.2km to the south-east of the Site; Daresbury Employment Area, approximately 2.8km Shops to the south-west of the Site on the border of Warrington and and Wilderspool Business Park approximately 6km to Post Office the north-west of the Site. Sports/Leisure Facility Retail Public House 5.2.13 There are a number of local shops within 2km of the Site selling a range of goods and services to meet local needs. Community Centre These include a Co-op, pharmacy, vets practice, bakery and farm shop at Dudlow’s Green Road to the south-west. Further retail opportunities include a Co-op and Tesco Express, a post office, pharmacy, pubs, takeaways and restaurants and other retail outlets (e.g. hairdressers, electrical suppliers etc.) at Grappenhall approximately 5km to the north-east.

5.2.14 A broader retail offer is provided in the surrounding hinterland to the north on the approach to Warrington Town Centre (e.g. Stockton Heath) and within the Town Centre itself. The nearest large supermarket is Morrison’s on Greenalls Avenue, Warrington which is located approximately 6km to the north-west of the Site.

Community Figure 4: Local Facilities Plan

5.2.15 There are a number of community facilities within 2km of the Site. These include Appleton Parish Hall, Warrington Golf Club plus a number of pubs, community halls, and churches. Broomfields Leisure Centre (Appleton) is located approximately 3.5km to the north-west of the Site.

23 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

5.3 Site Technical Analysis 5.3.5 The survey identified a number of specimens which Flood Risk & Drainage have the potential to become Veteran specimens (Transition 5.3.1 The Site Assessments summarised in this Section Veteran).Veteran trees are well documented and are an integral 5.3.8 A Flood Risk and Drainage Feasibility Study has been demonstrate that there are no physical, environmental and valuable part of the British lowland landscape noted for undertaken by Atkins. The Environment Agency Flood Risk or technical constraints to the provision of residential their ability to support a diverse flora and fauna including Maps identify the Site as being in Flood Zone 1. There are no development on the Site. many red data book species. The trees at the Site have historic flood defence assets on or in the vicinity of the Site and the interest as part of the landscape, giving the surrounding Site does not fall within a Critical Drainage Area. The Site Landform landscape definition and maturity as well as enhancing the is not located within an Environment Agency Groundwater setting. Several have good connectivity with surrounding Source Protection Zone. The western extents of the Site are 5.3.2 The landform of the Site falls gently from the south to features through the hedgerow and riparian network. The situated within a groundwater vulnerability zone. north; from approximately 68m AOD at its south western end Transition Veteran species should therefore be retained and and at 69.5m AOD at south eastern end to approximately 48m incorporated into the landscape strategy for the Site. 5.3.9 The Site contains numerous ponds, ditches and field AOD at its northern end. The lower lying land is associated drains that ultimately form part of a network of tributaries of with Dipping Brook that wraps along the north western 5.3.6 In arboricultural terms, the hedgerows on Site do not the Dipping Brook watercourse just outside of the western boundary of the Site. The landform beyond the Site also is accord with the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. Site boundary. The network of ditches travel through the also strongly undulating, but generally falls northwards centre of the Site flowing in a northerly direction. Some of towards the valley of the . Public Rights of Way the ditches originate within the Site boundaries whilst others enter the Site via a culverted reach of watercourse beneath 5.3.7 A public footpath runs through the western part of Waterbodies Blackcap Road. the Site linking Cann Lane South in the south of the Site 5.3.3 There are two small ponds in the south-eastern part of with Green Lane to the north. The Site is well connected to 5.3.10 Although the entire Site is considered to be in Flood the Site. Whilst the larger one is located more centrally and other Public Rights of Way. The bridleway along Green Lane Zone 1, examination of the Environment Agency Risk of is surrounded by grassland, the other is largely surrounded adjoins the Site directly to the north. This bridleway provides Surface Water Flooding Map indicates that there are pockets by trees with shrubs. Beyond the Site boundaries lies a both pedestrian and cycle links to the Dudlow’s Green and of surface water flood risk that are categorised as High. This further fairly large pond, set within woodland between the Warrington to the west and to Appleton Thorn and Arley area if high risk is specifically located at the confluence of Site and Cann Lane South. The Dipping Brook is a prominent to the east and to the public footpath along Doods Lane to Dipping Brook and an unnamed ditch immediately upstream feature within the woodland which forms a landscape buffer the north. There is a public footpath running along eastern of Dood’s Bridge. between the Site and existing housing to the north-west. boundary of the Site between Green Lane and Blackcap Road set within relatively young woodland with occasional 5.3.11 The existence of the drainage network and pond Trees views towards the Site. To the south the Site is bordered by features will require careful consideration to ensure that an existing pedestrian route and designated cycle way along development plots are not located where they would increase 5.3.4 A tree survey has been undertaken for the Site by ACS Dipping Brook Avenue and Blackcap Road. flood risk to and from the Site. Potential flood risk from Consulting. The survey found that the Site contains a number existing watercourses/drainage ditches could be managed of hedgerows, hedgerow trees and woodlands along field through the retention of a green corridor/easement. This boundaries and water courses which convey a distinct riparian would allow for maintenance and management of these feature to the Site. A significant number of the trees have features. The presence of many ponds in the vicinity of the been affected by ploughing and/or pruning to allow farm Site suggest that the groundwater table maybe relatively vehicle access. Such agricultural activities have in a significant shallow. The presence of groundwater would need to be number of instances has caused significant root damage taken into account as part of the detailed masterplan design which in turn has resulted in the downgrading of many trees. for the Site and in particular through the use of sustainable urban drainage techniques.

24 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

5.3.12 The proposed development will increase the Highways & Access impermeable area of the Site and will result in an increase in surface water run-off. Additional surface water runoff 5.3.16 A preliminary assessment of highways and access volumes from new hardstanding will have to be limited and has been undertaken by Atkins. The Site is accessible via restricted to Greenfield runoff rates. existing connections from the publicly adopted highway. The site could be accessed via two existing roundabout junctions 5.3.13 It is anticipated that the Environment Agency and off Dipping Brook Avenue and an existing priority controlled Warrington Borough Council would require percolation side road access from Blackcap Road. The two roundabout tests to be undertaken to determine the permeability of the junctions comprise a three arm roundabout off Dipping Brook underlying strata on the Site. It is recommend that this could Road in the south-west corner of the Site and a four arm be conformed at detailed design stage. roundabout off Dipping Brook Avenue/Blackcap Road in the Ground Conditions central/southern part of the Site. An access stub off the three armed roundabout has been designed to provide access to 5.3.14 A desktop study and site walkover survey have been the Site for development and would be therefore be suitable. undertaken by Atkins to assess existing ground conditions at No modifications would be required to the roundabout the Site. A review of historical mapping indicates that the Site junction to facilitate residential development at the Site. has not been previously developed and comprises farmland with evidence of former ponds/ditches that have either silted 5.3.17 Two of the four arms of the four arm roundabout up or been infilled. could provide access to the Site. The northern arm would be suitable to serve the Site for development and has clearly 5.3.15 Geological information obtained from the British been designed for this purpose. The eastern arm could also Geological Survey indicates there is a localised area of serve the development although historic plans indicate that demolition rubble (Made Ground) located in the north- the eastern arm was intended to provide a future highway eastern corner of the site. The data review did not identify link to connect Dipping Brook Avenue with Witherwin Avenue any landfill sites or significant historical/current sources of to the north. No modifications would be needed to the contamination within 250m of the Site. The infilled ponds/ roundabout and the eastern arm could be safeguarded to ditches, Made Ground and fly-tipped materials represent provide wider highway connections if deemed necessary. discrete potential sources of contamination and/or ground gas, however these are unlikely to pose an unacceptable 5.3.18 An existing delineated footway/cycleway runs along risk to human health or the environment. Based on the Dipping Brook Avenue/Blackcap Way past the Site frontage. desk study information viewed to date, land contamination To the west the footway/cycleway connects with wider off is considered to present a very low risk to future residential street provision for pedestrians/cyclists that runs parallel development. It is recommended that such potential to Longwood Road on towards the A49 London Road. To the constraints should be explored through targeted ground south there is no existing provision for pedestrians/cyclists investigation and assessment. along the B5356 Stretton Road and the delineated footway/ cycleway on Blackcap Road effectively terminates at the junction with Stretton Road.

25 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

5.3.19 Observations of traffic conditions in peak commuter 5.3.23 There would be no requirement for any gas, electricity, 5.3.27 The potential for unknown archaeological remains periods indicate that no real congestion occurs on residential telecommunications, sewers or potable water diversions within the Site is considered to be low. There are three routes to the east of the A49 London Road to the west of the or disconnections. A new 500KVa 11KV substation would undesignated archaeological sites within 500m of the Site Site. However, long southbound delays can occur on the be required on the Site. An oil pipeline crosses the Site and (Appleton Village, the line of the North Cheshire Ridge A49 London Road on approach to the Cat and Lion signalised would be incorporated into development design through Roman road and a section of the North Cheshire Ridge junction during the morning period. Material delays can also taking into account appropriate easements. Roman Road). However, the area is not considered by WBC to occur through Stockton Heath in the morning and evening be high in archaeological interest. during peak periods. Away from the A49 London Road Heritage & Archaeology corridor, localised delays can also occur due to the close Noise 5.3.24 A desk based Archaeological and Cultural Heritage proximity of the signalised junction of the A56 Grappenhall Assessment has been undertaken for the Site by Atkins. 5.3.28 A baseline Noise Assessment has been undertaken for Road/Lumb Brook Road and the signalised single lane It confirms that there are no designated heritage assets the Site by Atkins. The noise climate is typically dominated tunnel beneath the canal. Within this context, future housing within the Site. Five Grade II Listed Buildings (Church of St by road traffic associated with either local road links or the development in the area has the potential to add to the Cross, Appleton Cross Base, Church Cottages, School Farm distant M6 and M56 motorways. When in a position setback existing delays within the A49 corridor as detailed above. Farmhouse and a War Memorial) and a Scheduled Ancient from the local road links and during gaps in local traffic Increased in traffic movement through Appleton Thorn and Monument (Section of Roman Road) are located within flows, the noise emissions associated with the motorway along Lumb Brook Road towards the A56 Grappenhall Road 400-500m of the Site. Two further Grade II Listed Buildings network was found to dominate the prevailing noise climate. could also occur. (Wrights Green House and Wrights Green Cottage) are located The prominence of motorway traffic noise is expected to be 5.3.20 Notwithstanding the above, the May 2012 Warrington within 300m of the Site and a further Grade II Listed Building influenced by meteorological conditions, specifically wind Infrastructure Delivery Plan2 notes that in respect of the (Green Lane Farmhouse) is located within 100m of the Site. speed and direction. Grappenhall Heys, Appleton Cross and Pewterspear Green 5.3.25 It is likely that any contemporary Roman remains 5.3.29 Other sources of noise which contribute to the sites, some enabling infrastructure is in place as a result of would focus on the line of the road, although this need ambient noise levels across the Site include bird song, the sites being residual phases of previous masterplanning not preclude remains of this date being present within the rustling vegetation, intermittent air craft movement, work and indicated that no strategic infrastructure concerns Site. Given its distance from the Site, any impact on the agricultural sources (e.g. ploughing and livestock), and had been identified. significance of Green Lane Farmhouse is not considered to general domestic noise associated with the existing Dudlow’s Utilities & Services be significant. The remaining seven Grade II listed buildings Green residential properties. are located between 300m and 500m away. Given this 5.3.21 A desktop Utilities search has been undertaken by distance, any impact on the significance of their setting 5.3.30 The noise climate across the Site is not expected to Atkins to determine any risks or constraints associated would be minimal. One locally listed building (Cann Lane present any significant impacts in terms of suitability for with the public utility networks within the vicinity of the Farmhouse) is situated on the opposite side of the road from the proposed residential development. The only notable Site. Information was obtained from Scottish Power Energy the proposed development, but as it is only deemed of local exceptions where elevated noise levels are expected are in Networks (SPEN), National Grid Gas (NGG), The Gas value, the impact on the significance of its setting is not areas bound by local road links and any proposed residential Transportation Company (GTC), BT Openreach (BT), United considered to have a substantial effect. Therefore, no major units at Appleton Cross which will be in the vicinity of the Utilities (UU) and Essar (Oil Pipelines) impacts on designated heritage assets are anticipated. proposed retail uses. However, a number of appropriate mitigation measures are available and could be included 5.3.22 The enquiries have confirmed that there are no 5.3.26 The Site is not located within a Conservation Area and as part of the detailed design of the Site to enable the capacity issues which would prevent the development of there are no Conservation Areas within 500m of the Site. development to achieve the necessary acoustic design criteria. the Site for up to 370 dwellings in respect of gas, electricity, potable water, combined and surface water sewers and telecommunications.

26 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

5.3.31 The development of the Site would result in increased 5.3.36 There are a number of sensitive human receptors 5.3.40 The desk study recommends that eDNA surveys for traffic flows on local highway links, which will have a (i.e. residential properties) within 350m of the Site as well Great Crested Newts, Otter and Water Vole surveys, limited corresponding increase in road traffic noise. The assessment as designated local wildlife sites, including The Dingle and bat foraging/commuting surveys and limited breeding bird concluded that the impacts on local receptors from likely Ford’s Rough. The closest ecological site of international surveys should be undertaken prior to the development of traffic noise is not considered to be significantly high. importance is located within 3km of the Site and is not the Site. The presence of these species would not prevent expected to be affected. In addition there are sensitive human the development of the Site but would require careful 5.3.32 Construction induced noise and vibration associated receptors (i.e. residential properties) within 200m that may consideration and if necessary, appropriate mitigation, in the with the proposed development has the potential to give rise to have a change in traffic due to the development of the Site. development of the Site. temporary impacts at existing receptors located in the vicinity of the Site. A number of mitigation measures can be put into 5.3.37 Overall, baseline air quality within the immediate 5.3.41 The development of the Site would not have a place during construction to minimise impacts to acceptable vicinity of the Site is considered to be below relevant AQS detrimental impact on any designated Sites of nature levels. Impacts during construction would be temporary and objectives and is not expected to pose a constraint to future conservation interest and there exist opportunities to would cease following completion of development. residential development. improve biodiversity on Site and in the surrounding area through the development of an appropriate and sympathetic Air Quality Ecology scheme for the Site. 5.3.33 A Baseline Air Quality Assessment has been undertaken 5.3.38 An ecological desk study and Site walkover has been for the Site by Atkins. The Site is not located within or adjacent undertaken by Atkins. There are no statutory designated sites Source: 2Table 9, Infrastructure Dependencies of the Local Plan Core to any declared Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The of importance for nature conservation within 2 kilometres of Strategy Key Sites nearest AQMA covers the M62, M6 and M56 and at its closet the Site. A Local Wildlife Site (Dingle and Ford’s Rough) and point is approximately 0.8km to the south of the Site. Ancient Woodland lies to the north-west of the Site. The site mainly comprises semi-improved grassland with arable land, 5.3.34 The nearest major roads to the Site are the A56 to semi-improved grassland, broadleaved trees, plantation the north, A50 and M6 to the east, M56 to the south and A49 broadleaved woodland, species poor hedgerow, dense/ (London Road) to the west. The DEFRA mapped background continuous scrub and running/standing water. concentrations indicate background air quality within the immediate vicinity of the Site are below respective AQS 5.3.39 The desk study and walkover survey identified that objectives for nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. there is potential for the following legally protected species to be present within the site: 5.3.35 Air quality sensitive receptors could potentially be affected by changes in air quality during the construction • Great crested newts; phase of development at the Site due to construction dust • Bats (roosting and commuting/foraging); where they are located within 350m of site construction works, or could potentially be affected by traffic emissions where they • Otter are within 200m of any roads affected by traffic changes due to • Water Vole the Site development (either during construction or operation). • Badger; Such impacts could be minimised to ensure that there are no significant impacts during construction through the use of • Breeding birds; and appropriate mitigation techniques. • Reptiles.

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28 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


29 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

6. DELIVERABILITY 6.3 Suitable 6.4 Achievable 6.3.1 The Site is a Greenfield site, located outside of the 6.4.1 There are no physical, environmental or technical OF SITE FOR designated Green Belt and in close physical proximity to the constraints to development at the Site which cannot be existing residential area of Dudlow’s Green. The development incorporated into Site design or mitigated against. The Site of the Site would form a logical extension to Dudlow’s Green is undeveloped and capable of delivery within the next five DEVELOPMENT on a Site which has been identified for future residential years. The development of the Site is viable and is considered 6.1 Definition of Deliverable Development development since the early 1980’s. The development of to be an attractive proposition to potential developers. this Site would bring forward much needed new residential Furthermore, the Site has been considered achievable for 6.1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) development in South Warrington. delivery in the 2016 Warrington SHLAA (and the previous requires Local Planning Authorities to identify sufficient 2012 SHLAA). 6.3.2 The Site is further considered suitable for development specific deliverable sites to deliver a five year supply of by virtue of its setting relative to existing built development, 6.4.2 The Site is therefore achievable in accordance with the housing. To be considered deliverable, the NPPF states the presence of existing infrastructure to enable Site access, NPPF definition. (Under Part 6) that sites should be ‘available now, offer a its accessibility and potential to improve such accessibility suitable location for development now and be achievable with by public transport, its proximity to major transport routes a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site and its sustainability credentials with numerous shops and within five years and, in particular, that the development of services within 2km of the Site. the site is viable’. The commentary set out below seeks to demonstrate that the Site is deliverable in NPPF terms. 6.3.3 Supporting investigations have identified no physical, environmental or technical constraints to residential 6.2 Available development at the Site. Subject to design considerations, the Site could be developed without detriment to the 6.2.1 The entire Site is in the ownership of the HCA. Land amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties and within the Site is let on a short term lease for agricultural without giving rise to significant environmental impacts. purposes. The agricultural tenant has been kept fully The development of the Site would not have any detrimental informed of the HCA’s intentions to develop the Site. impacts upon the Green Belt or the purposes of including 6.2.2 The Site could be brought forward for development land within it. for housing in accordance with an agreed masterplan 6.3.4 The Site is considered suitable for housing in the 2016 in phases within the Local Plan period. Further to this, Warrington SHLAA (and the previous 2012 SHLAA) which also extensive site investigations have demonstrated that the confirms that there are no known physical, environmental or site is largely physically unconstrained in terms of its technical constraints and that the Site is located in an area development potential and therefore there exists no reason with known demand for housing. why development could not commence on Site, subject to the grant of planning permission, in the short term. 6.3.2 The Site is therefore considered suitable in accordance with the NPPF definition. 6.2.3 The Site has already been considered consistently as available in both the 2012 and 2016 Warrington SHLAAs.

6.2.4 The Site is therefore available in accordance with the NPPF definition.

30 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

31 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

32 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


33 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

7. DESIGN & FORM 7.3 Opportunities Arising from Development 7.3.1 The HCA considers the following opportunities arising OF DEVELOPMENT from the development of land at Appleton Cross: 7.1 General • To create a thriving new development which benefits from a natural environment; 7.1.1 The HCA has developed an illustrative masterplan to • To deliver a varied and attractive residential development demonstrate how the design and form of development could at a range of scales and densities; respond sensitively to the characteristics of the Site and the • To provide a range of transport and movement opportunities wider area. including enhanced pedestrian, cycling and public transport 7.1.2 The vision for the land at the Site is based on the connections to the surrounding and wider area; delivery of high quality homes, integrating the development • To ensure an engrained activity through active and with existing residential areas to the west at Dudlow’s Green overlooking street frontages, reinforcing a sense of place and creating an attractive natural environment. A phased and local distinctiveness; development would sensitively re-inforce surrounding • To provide open spaces which vary in character, treatment communities, whilst maximising the benefits of its attractive and function to bring character to the area and facilitate location on the edge of South Warrington. the sensitive retention and integration of existing 7.2 Key Design Considerations landscape assets; • To effectively mitigate the impacts of built development on 7.2.1 The key design considerations for the Site are the natural environment; reflected in Figure 5 which illustrates the constraints and • To maximise the positive impact of open spaces and opportunities to development. characterful buildings; • To provide a sensitive and ‘softer’ boundary between the built settlement and the surrounding countryside/Green Belt

34 APPLETON CROSS - OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement KEY APPLETON CROSS - OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS KEY Application red line boundary N Application red line boundary Views looking outward into N open countryside Views looking outward into openViews countryside looking outward into woodland / vegetation buffers Views looking outward into woodlandPublic Right / vegetationof Way buffers

Public Right of Way Bridleway

Bridleway National Trail

National Trail Opportunity to create new green open space Opportunity to create new greenExisting open topography space

Existing topography Opportunity for linkage / new access route Opportunity for linkage / newOpportunity access route to create green links / green buffer zones Opportunity to create green linksKey gateways/ green buffer and existingzones thresholds Key gateways and existing thresholdsOpportunity to develop Neighbourhood Centre Opportunity to develop NeighbourhoodExisting vegetation Centre which may require to be removed Existing vegetation which may requireOpportunities to be removed to enhance existing vegetation Opportunities to enhance existingOpportunity vegetation to create new attenuation pond Opportunity to create new attenuationExisting field pond ponds

Existing field ponds Existing ditches

Existing ditches Shell ethylene pipeline and easement Shell ethylene pipeline and easement

PLAN NOT TO SCALE PLAN NOT TO SCALE Figure 5: Opportunities & Constraints Plan

35 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

7.4 Developing a Concept Masterplan • The use of recently developed access spurs into the developments for new vehicular connections to provide for the Site convenient access to the development without impacting 7.4.1 The concept masterplan for the Site has been prepared upon the rural character of the local rural context; to illustrate the development capacity which can be delivered • The careful integration of existing hedgerows, ponds and when adopting a place making specific and environmentally watercourses, and the provision for access sensitive approach to the design. and maintenance;

7.4.2 The key aspects of the conceptual masterplan, as • The creation of a re-balanced green space network that illustrated in Figure 6, are as follows: improves both accessibility and overlooking of open spaces, which are attractive and useable resources for • The retention of a strong green ‘feel’ to the Site through the community; lower density development, reflecting the rural character • The development of a Neighbourhood Centre that could of the neighbouring developments and context, whilst house a medical centre and a local convenience store; and mitigating any negative impact of the proposal; • The provision for adequate usable open space including • The development of landscape elements to reinforce areas for equipped play. key gateways and thresholds into and around the development, as well as creating buffers and linkages to protect and connect to adjacent existing properties; • The realisation of a mix of residential types and building uses integrated within a useable public realm, semi- private courtyards and private garden spaces; • The creation of a walkable network of movement corridors that tie in with the surrounding landscape and neighbouring streets, and provide easy access; • The creation of a carefully organised movement network with pedestrian friendly streets, pedestrian and cycle only links, and new and enhanced walking routes; • The development of a balanced street network that provides convenient access to all parts of the Site whilst minimising impact upon existing residents;

36 APPLETONAPPLETON CROSSCROSS -- CONCEPTCONCEPT PLANPLAN Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

KEYKEY NN ApplicationApplication red red line line boundary boundary

ViewsViews looking looking outward outward

ProposedProposed primary primary road road

ProposedProposed secondary secondary road road

ExistingExisting Public Public Right Right of of Way Way

ExistingExisting Bridleway Bridleway

ProposedProposed public public open open space space

ProposedProposed landscape landscape structure structure

BufferBuffer zone zone

RetainedRetained and and enhanced enhanced field field boundaryboundary vegetation vegetation

LocalLocal Equipped Equipped Area Area for for Play Play

KeyKey entrances entrances

ProposedProposed neighbourhood neighbourhood centrecentre

ProposedProposed housing housing parcel parcel


Figure 6: Conceptual Masterplan

37 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

38 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement


39 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

• The Site could provide in the region of 370 new homes with 8. CONCLUSIONS options for phased delivery and thus deliver an important component of the Borough’s much needed current and 8.1 The HCA encourages Warrington Borough Council to future housing land supply; consider the land at Appleton Cross as a component of its housing land supply in its emerging Local Plan. • The Site could provide a mix of high quality housing types, tenures and sizes; 8.2 This Statement has sought to demonstrate that the site is • The Site would make a significant contribution towards the available, suitable and achievable for residential development provision of Starter Homes with 20% of all homes being in the short to medium term. The Site lies outside of the provided on Site meeting this need; designated Green Belt and adjacent to the existing suburban development at Dudlow’s Green. The development of this • The development would be sensitive to the character of Greenfield Site would enable significant, much needed the local landscape and existing surrounding residential residential development within South Warrington without development in terms of scale, design and layout; and encroachment into the Green Belt. • There are no technical, physical or environmental constraints to the development of the Site for housing. 8.3 The Site is well related to existing built development and already has in place the necessary infrastructure to provide 8.5 The Site is available, suitable and achievable for safe and adequate access. The Site has good accessibility residential development in NPPF terms and accordingly and there exists potential to improve such accessibility by should be regarded as a deliverable housing site that can public transport. It is located within close proximity to major provide an important component of the Borough’s housing transport routes and there are numerous shops and services land supply during the Local Plan period. within 2km of the Site.

8.4 As set out in Section 1, this Statement demonstrates that:

• The Site benefits from approval in principle for residential development from the Secretary of State under S(7)1 and S(7) 2 of the New Towns Act 1981, and constitutes residual land that has been identified for future residential development since the early 1980s; • The Site is a Greenfield site, located outside of the designated Green Belt and within the suburban area of South Warrington as defined in the Core Strategy, in close physical proximity to the area of Dudlow’s Green; • The Site is in a sustainable location for new housing, being located in proximity to key employment areas, a broad range of shops and services and major transport routes;

40 Appleton Cross, South Warrington | Development Statement

41 Appleton Cross, South Warrington| Development Statement

Atkins Limited Warrington - Chadwick House Chadwick House Park Warrington England WA3 6AE

Lead contact: Louise Thorne T: +44 1332 22 5701 M: +44 7803 25 9395 E: [email protected]