Franklin W Dixon | 177 pages | 01 Jan 1958 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780448089379 | English | New York, United States The Ghost at Skeleton Rock PDF Book

But when Frank and Joe come face to face with the ghost at Skeleton Rock, it will be as much of a surprise to the reader as it was to the young detectives themselves. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. These were adaptations of the TV stories. This edition would be quite dated now and I believe they have updated the books. Aug 14, Book collector rated it it was amazing. If I were a writer I'd make sure not just me but everyone who I think is going to read my books can understand every part of them. Now I'm going to digress for a moment. And upon picking one up again, I remembered why I didn't particularly care for them. Jeanne DuPrau. The book was taking place in Puerto Rico and an island south of Puerto rico. Some books were brilliant, some weaker but I rarely read one that was poor. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Who knew? Apr 28, Rafaiel rated it liked it. Related Searches. The first and most well-known "Franklin W. It was the cringe-inducing voodoo-practicing-wild-natives living a few minutes boat ride north Puero Rico that made me feel very generous giving it 2 stars. The books tried to address this with casefiles. When you buy a book, we donate a book. The Ghost of Skeleton Rock was a great book. I liked the setting of this book; it was fun to have the boys visiting the Caribbean. Ok this isn't a specific review of the books. Rating details. Download as PDF Printable version. Hardy Boys . Books by Franklin W. Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull Run. Details if other :. My father read them during the fifties, they started during the forties and Ok this isn't a specific review of the books. The Hardy's travel on a boat to the gang's secret hideout on an island that the natives are scred of because of a ghost. He does mystery books like The Hardy Boys and wrote many more books over the years. The plot becomes slightly convoluted through random scenes thrown here and there but they never become a serious case since you can have track of all the incidents. Refresh and try again. No time for a vacation with so many enemies looking to take out the Hardy Boys and their pals No sooner has Chet started his new ventriloquist hobby that Frank and Joe connect his first every dummy with a smuggling operation involving diamonds, taking them all the way to Puerto Rico on the trail of a deadly gang ready to do whatever it takes to get the boys off their case! Hardy Boys the Arctic Patrol Mystery. I was expecting it to be dated, and campy, which is is. Dated, but in a nostalgic sort of way. I was expecting low-end of mediocre writing, which would have earned it 3 stars. I was much more a girl. This book is about these two bots who are on a mission to fingd these gangs that have been causing trouble and try to find out there hid out. I love a TV show called doctor who. View Product. The Ghost At Skeleton Rock is by no means the best book from the series but it still is a great book. The Green Toenails Gang. There are variations on the pattern of course and don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the familiar tropes of the series, that's what made these books fun to read. There was so much excitement and adventure that I could barely keep up. This title was badass. A cryptic message from their famous detective father and a note concealed in a ventriloquist's dummy lead Frank and Joe Hardy on a dangerous search to the tropical islands in the Caribbean. Jun 04, Jack rated it really liked it. I'd say the writing is more exciting than difficult. The Ghost at Skeleton Rock Writer

Even though I had trouble reading some parts of the book I tend to read all the other amazing books in the series. There are quite a few hardy boys books and I read them over a period of several years but that was around years ago now. About the Author Franklin W. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Hardy Boys Mystery of the Desert Giant. Feb 20, Bookish Indulgenges with b00k r3vi3ws rated it liked it. Feb 02, David Ballesteros rated it really liked it. Normally featuring an intriguing mystery. A cryptic note from their father leads the Hardy boys to the Caribbean where they must solve the mystery, but only if they can successfully evade the henchmen who are trailing them. Home 1 Kids' Books 2. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Hardy Boys The Sting of the Scorpion. Members save with free shipping everyday! The Ghost at Skeleton Rock Original edition. The Hardy's capture the crooks with their stolen drugs and free their friends. They were typical, but I thought this one rocked, I might've read it maybe 5 or 6 times. I liked the setting of this book; it was fun to have the boys visiting the Caribbean. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Jim Kjelgaard. I think the Hardy Boy books helped me with learning deductive and inductive skills. A weakness is that I say again some of the writing is to difficult and mashed together to understand. In the 's through really up until the Harry Potter phenomenon in the late 's be thankful for Rowling, as her success has paved the way for the brilliant children's book landscape we now have children's books were fairly tame. But when Frank and Joe come face to face with the ghost at Skeleton Rock, it will be as much of a surprise to the reader as it was to the young detectives themselves. Dead on Target Evil, Inc. Feb 21, Aditya rated it it was amazing. Hardcover , pages. Return to Book Page. Fairly simple, but generally well written mysteries. The stories are fast paced. Would have been good if not for the ropy plot twist. I always liked Franklin W. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I'd say the writing is more exciting than difficult. This edition would be quite dated now and I believe they have updated the books. Everyone should feel the suspense and the action in The Hardy Boys. The Ghost at Skeleton Rock Reviews

The author was a pseudonym for a plethora of writers who contributed to this series. It was a pretty intense book too. Cuban revolutions, atomic weapons Dixon is a pen name used by a variety of authors writing for the classic series, The Hardy Boys. Female characters can be a bit weak, especially in the early books but that's a sign of when they were written. There are quite a few hardy boys books and I read them over a period of several years but that was around years ago now. Frank is the older of the two and has more breakthroughs in the cases because he is the brainy one. But when the Hardy boys find an Hardy Boys . My father read them during the fifties, they started during the forties and Ok this isn't a specific review of the books. You really flew to Puerto Rico by yourselves? Also in The Hardy Boys. This started off quite promisingly with a simple diamond smuggling ring using ventriloquist dummies thanks to Chet Morton for helping with that particular plot device but then it turned into some crazy political plot that made little to no sense. Hardy Boys . Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Brothers Frank Hardy, 18, and Joe Hardy, 17, assist their father, a retired detective, and now a famous private investigator, on many of his cases. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. When thieves hijack a collection of stuffed animals from a country auction, Frank and Joe Hardy pursue the getaway car and are drawn into a thrilling mystery. Martha Freeman. Would have been good if not for the ropy plot twist. There the teenage detectives are constantly beset by vicious henchmen of a criminal mastermind. He does mystery books like The Hardy Boys and wrote many more books over the years. I was expecting it to be dated, and campy, which is is. I can see why these books would have b Just for something fun and different, I bought this book at an antique shop. I liked the brainy one over the brawny one and that sums up my first impression of Hardy Boys. Hardy Boys the Arctic Patrol Mystery. In any book Franklin W. Hardy Boys . A great classic Hardy Boys adventure that has aged well and remains plausible even today. Characters actually died there was genuine threat with those books. Hardcover , pages. I can see why these books would have been popular with preteen boys in the 's and 60's. I suppose this is a series of books that needs to remain with children. Irish Red. Hardy Boys the Mystery of the Aztec Warrior. The boys discover that the doll was packed with diamonds. No time for a vacation with so many enemies looking to take out the Hardy Boys and their pals No sooner has Chet started his new ventriloquist hobby that Frank and Joe connect his first every dummy with a smuggling operation involving diamonds, taking them all the way to Puerto Rico on the trail of a deadly gang ready to do whatever it takes to get the boys off their case! I liked how the author interrupted what a person was saying on one page, and then when I turned to the next page, the page fills with action. Nice little story. Later, they see the ghost but it is fake. Danger stalks the boys' every move, once in an isolated sugar mill, another time in a shark-infested sea. The kids books then were tame. Hidden categories: All stub articles.

The Ghost at Skeleton Rock Read Online

If I were a writer I'd make sure not just me but everyone who I think is going to read my books can understand every part of them. This article about a young adult novel of the s is a stub. They weren't very exciting. The hardy boys father would either disappear working on a case or go off to work a case, the boys would get involved in a curious but not terribly threatening mystery in which they and their friends would regularly be captured, escape, repeat as needed. The plot becomes slightly convoluted through random scenes thrown here and there but they never become a serious case since you can have track of all the incidents. Jul 09, Jayant Saket rated it really liked it. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Details if other :. A cryptic note from their father leads the Hardy boys to the Caribbean where they must solve the mystery, but only if they can successfully evade the henchmen who are trailing them. Stay in Touch Sign up. Because they were full of death. Everyone should feel the suspense and the action in The Hardy Boys. One time, I was only supposed to read 15 minutes for my homework, but when I turned to the action page, I ended up readi I liked this book because it had a lot of action and humor It all starts with a note that says, "Find Hugo purple turban. I started reading them at the age of 7. I spent many years enjoying them and have very fond memories of them. See details. I still read kids books, the hardy boys were a favourite of my father's so I happily read them. Hardy Boys . As a wee lad, I read nearly all of the HB books. The hardy boys series was the same. But when Frank and Joe come face to face with the ghost at Skeleton Rock, it will be as much of a surprise to the reader as it was to the young detectives themselves. Penguin Young Readers Group. Joe is the younger brother who more often than not is useful when things get hot and they need to fight their way out. Hardy Boys the Arctic Patrol Mystery. Nice little story. Product Details. Pass it on! Most kids literature at this period didn't do that. Yet another fun and exciting mystery in this series. Slightly more adult, with greater threat. A plot to steal a top-secret instrument vital to the United States space program poses a challenging case for Frank and Joe Hardy. But when Frank and Joe come face to face with the ghost at Skeleton Rock, it will be as much of a surprise to the reader as it was to the young detectives themselves. Members save with free shipping everyday! They would end with the boys in danger and then their father would turn up, save them and reveal they had both been working the same case. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I hadn't realized that the first books were written in the 's. Not really.