Journey Guide – March 14, 2021 Exodus 25; John 4; Proverbs 1; 2 Corinthians 13

Looking Up

None of us like tests. Tests mean that there is a possibility that we might fail what we are being tested in. That is what produces sleepless nights of study, serious study groups, and pre-test jiers. There are, however, some good aspects of tests. Tests, if administered properly, are a good gauge of determining what someone has learned or mastered.

Did you know that the Bible tells us to test ourselves? The test, however, that the Bible calls for is not math or science or even English. The test that the Bible calls us to take is far more serious. 2 Corinthians 13: 5 says that we are to

“Examine yourselves to see whether we are in the faith; Test yourselves. Do you not know that Jesus Christ lives in you? Unless of course you fail the test.”

Everyone who professes the name of Christ is called to examine his or herself. We are called to look at our lives and see if those lives really do reflect the life of Christ. He lives in all those who truly follow Him and He produces fruit in their lives that is solid evidence and that gives proof that they belong to Him. So, give yourself a test today. Does Christ really live in you?

I pray that you will not fail this test.

Pressing In

1) Take some me to encourage one another by specifically poinng to fruit in each other’s lives (see Galaans 5:22-23). In what specific ways do you see the effects of the gospel flowing out of your brothers and sisters?

Reaching Out

1) Today we receive our Annie Armstrong Easter offering for the NAMB. Pray that God would mulple our offerings and bless our efforts to see the kingdom of Christ spread across this connent. Journey Guide – March 15, 2021 Exodus 26; John 5; Proverbs 2; Galaans 1

Looking Up

Today’s devoon will build upon yesterday’s. I can imagine someone reading yesterdays devoon and the verse from 2 Corinthians about tesng ourselves, and saying something like, “OF course Christ is in me. I go to church every me are open (or at least tune in online). I read my bible at least 5 or 6 mes a week. I even give to stuff at the church from me to me.”

Is that kind of answer good enough?

In John 5 Jesus is talking to some very religious people. They thed so much that they even thed the vegetables in their garden. They had, probably, the first five books of the Bible memorized. They aended the religious worship services without fail. Yet, despite all of these things Jesus says to them in verse 39,

“You search the Scriptures for in them you think that you have eternal life. But you are not willing to come to me that you may have life.”

How sad indeed! It is possible to be in the Word and not know the Living Word. It is possible to be around God’s people and never know God personally. Test yourself! Examine yourself! Come to Jesus!!

Pressing In

1) I am sure each of us have people close to us who are like what the above paragraph describes. Menon those in your group and take some me to pray for them.

Reaching Out

1) Pray for one person close to you but far from God. Journey Guide – March 16, 2021 Exodus 27; John 6; Proverbs 3; Galaans 2

Looking Up

Galaans 2 tells us how Paul stood in the presence of many people and rebuked Peter to his face. Read the chapter for the details, but for now I want to ask, why did he do that?

The answer is simple.

Verse 14 reads, “When I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel [then I rebuked Peter]” When Peter started acng in a way that said, “In order to be saved you must do something on top of placing your faith in Jesus. “This type of behavior is what Paul could not tolerate and he had to rebuke him.

Rebuking someone is not fun. You run the risk of having them misunderstand and sever their friendship with you. Why would Paul do such a thing and take such a risk then? Quite simply, the gospel was at stake.

We, as the body of Christ, need each other. We don’t, however, just need each other to lean on in mes of trouble. We need others to rebuke us when we start acng or talking or thinking in any way that is out of step with the gospel and we need to rebuke others doing so as well.

There are many, many ways we can find ourselves out of step with the gospel. We can easily fall into a rigid legalism (like Peter) that says “unless you do it my way then you’re not a Chrisan.” Or we can fall in to a cheap grace mindset that says, “It is not big deal if I live a loose life, God is love and He will forgive me no maer how much I fail Him.”

Both extremes, and many other posions in between, need to be rebuked in love. The gospel is at stake in how we live! Let us help each other by encouraging when we need to encourage and rebuking when we need to rebuke.

Pressing In

1) IS there any brother or sister that you need to pull aside and offer a so rebuke? Any you need to rebuke publicly?

Reaching Out

1) Try to have a Gospel Conversaon today! Journey Guide – March 17, 2021 Exodus 28; John 7; Proverbs 4; Galaans 3

Looking Up

Again, this devoon will build on yesterday’s. We saw yesterday, that at mes we are to rebuke our brothers and sisters when their behavior is contrary to the clear teaching of the gospel. Today in John 7:7 we see that we are also called to rebuke unbelievers. In this verse, Jesus tells His brothers that the reason why the world hated Him was because He tesfied that it’s (the world’s) works were evil. You see, God is One. He is God over all people, even if most of those people never acknowledge His Lordship in this life. Consequently, this One Holy God has standards that He expects His creatures to meet and live up to. Because all of us are sinful rebels we hate these standards and choose to break God’s requirements in the most vile and evil ways. Jesus understood this and He rebuked the world for such evil.

We are called to do the same. We are called to tell people the “good-news”, but the first part of the “good-news” is the “bad-news” that we are evil. This must be proclaimed. No one can get saved without first realizing just how evil he or she is in his or her rebellion against God. In other words, a person has to get lost before they can get saved, and we must tesfy to their lost-ness.

Are you doing that? Are you lovingly proclaiming to others their rebellion against a holy God? Here is a good way to know if you are doing that or not. Jesus said that because He made such proclamaon that the “world hated Him.” Does the world “hate” you or do you find yourself very much at peace and good friends with the world?

I ask myself the same quesons…

Pressing In

1) Can anyone share about a current or previous situaon in which there was/is ongoing hoslity due to one’s stance for the gospel?

Reaching Out

1) Pray for our local Bapst associaon, the Marshall Bapst associaon. Ask the Lord to make us a family of churches that make much of His name in our locales. Journey Guide – March 18, 2021 Exodus 29; John 8; Proverbs 5; Galaans 4

Looking Up

A Prayer for doing life together

Father, we approach you today exulng in the fact that we can call You Father! We approach you now and in our hearts, we cry, “Abba, Father”. We celebrate the fact that we are no longer slaves, but we are sons (Gal.4:6-7). You have redeemed us by the Supreme Son, Jesus Christ!

Lord Jesus, You are indeed the great I AM (John 8:58) It is through You that TRUTH comes. We praise you for sending your Truth to liberate us from the slavery of our own fallen hearts that are bent on listening to the lies of the enemy. It is the truth, Your truth, the Only Truth, that will set us free (John 8:32)

Today we pray for liberty for those who are sll in bondage to sin. We pray for your power to open their hearts to hear and heed the truth. Give us ears to hear today. Lord, we know that “a man’s ways are before the Lord. You ponder all of our paths.” (Proverbs 5:21) There is nothing we can hide from you. Expose the secrets of our hearts today and bring us into the embrace of truth and freedom.

And then Lord, we pray that you would consecrate us for your service. Just as the priests of old, would you cover us with your blood. Cleanse our ears that we might hear You rightly. Cleanse our thumbs (hands) that we might serve you mighly. And Cleanse our toes (feet) that we might follow You with reckless abandon into the service You call us to. (Exodus 29:19-21)

Dwell among us and help us to dwell together and to know and feel that You are indeed our God. You are the Lord our God, and you have become our Abba Father – Hallelujah!

Help us to Believe the Truth of Jesus!

Pressing In

Help us to Live the Life of Jesus!

Reaching Out

Help us to Walk the Way of Jesus! Journey Guide – March 19, 2021 Exodus 30; John 9; Proverbs 6; Galaans 5

Looking Up

Do you have a tesmony? Every true follower of Christ does. What is your tesmony? A tesmony is simply a statement of what Christ has done in a person’s life. There is a man in John 9 who gives his tesmony to a bunch of religious leaders. This man was blind and Jesus opened his eyes. During his tesmony, the religious leaders became angry with him because he was too posive about Jesus. They finally said to him, “you were born in uer sin, and would you teach us?” (v.34) They said this for two reasons.

First, they thought that since this man was born blind he or his parents must have done some terrible sin (this seemed to be the mentality of that day, for even the disciples thought the same thing…see verse 2).

Second, they thought that because this man was a sinner and had not had the proper training he was not in a posion to “teach” them. Noce what the man had said to them though, “One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” (v. 26) That is what a tesmony is.

It does not maer how great a “sinner” you once were (Oh that everyone could see how great his or her sin is!). It does not maer if you have not had formal training in evangelism. Were you once blind? Has Jesus now given you sight? Then you have a tesmony…..go and tell it to someone today!

Pressing In

1) Good ‘pracce’ for sharing your story can be found within the safety of your small group (either a formal Sunday School or LIFE group that we hope to launch in the Fall or in an informal way with a group of fellow believers) Seek to share your story with another believer this week…. And hear theirs’s.

Reaching Out

1) Have you considered serving in Extended Session. This is a vital ministry for our corporate, Sunday gatherings. If interested let Dena Parker know. [email protected] Journey Guide – March 20, 2021 Exodus 31; John 10; Proverbs 7; Galaans 6

Looking Up

What should we do if a fellow brother or sister in the Lord falls into sin? Should we ignore that person? NO! We should try to restore them back to inmate fellowship with the Lord.

Galaans 6:1-4 teaches us that this is what “spiritual” people are to do. In fact, it is our duty to bear one another’s burden in this maer. This does not mean we do not rebuke them or call them out in their sin, but we do all of that from a heart of love with restoraon always being our goal.

There is a catch to this that verse 4 brings out. Before we do such restoring for believers that have been “caught” in a sin our lives must be right in our relaonship with the Lord. This is what Paul means when he says, “but let each one examine his own work…”. This is what Jesus meant when He told us to take the plank out of our eye before we get the speck out of our brother’s (see. Mahew 7:5). When the plank is out, however, we need to get our brother’s speck out. It would be unloving to do anything else!

Pressing In

1) In the above cited passage, we are told to ‘bear one another’s burdens’. Verse 5, however, of the same passage tells us that we are to ‘bear our own load.’ How do you reconcile these two statements?

Reaching Out

1) Pray for our students and teachers as they come off spring break and prepare for the final push of the school year.