Friday, May 6, 2016 A13

Leon Lai shows Opportunities galore Leung how to handle a crisis Andrew Leung says despite the risks and uncertainties, ’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative not to double 2010 income levels by 2020, as the country works towards Albert Cheng says who only has substantial financial backing, but also offers its partners plenty of chances for mutual gain an economic transformation, from exports to services and domestic despair of the chief executive’s PR consumption, from labour and bungles, most recently over the airport o many, China’s “One energy-intensive manufacturing Belt, One Road” initia- towards innovative, higher-tech luggage saga, have found a public tive seems little more and higher value-added produc- than a buzz word. Scep- tion, and from quantity to quality figure to praise for getting it right ticism abounds. Does and ecological sustainability. TChina mainly want to export excess Based on interviews with 10,000 capacity? Is it up to the task of tra- consumers in 44 cities, a Mckinsey inger Leon Lai Ming has recently become an versing territories fraught with report found that, despite the cur- accidental hero, thanks mostly to Chief Executive political and geopolitical uncertain- rent economic downturn, Chinese SLeung Chun-ying’s unpopularity. ties? Governments aside, where is consumers remain mainly confi- Forty-nine-year-old Lai is known as one of the four the attraction for the private sector? dent inside and outside China. “heavenly kings” of Canto-pop. A Unicef Goodwill Would corporate governance and There are distinctive shifts in con- Ambassador, he is also recognised for his contributions environmental standards be com- sumer preferences from products to children’s welfare. promised? What role, if any, can to services, from mass products to Lai was due to perform six concerts at the Central ’s small and medium- premium brands, from consumer Harbourfront from April 28 to celebrate the 30th sized businesses and professionals goods to lifestyle and well-being, anniversary of his stellar career. However, the first play? from online to O2O (online to off- performance was cancelled after the Food and The maritime silk road connects line), from in-store shopping to an- Environmental Hygiene Department refused to grant a China’s east coast to ports including cillary on-site leisure experiences in temporary permit because the supposedly fireproof Colombo in Sri Lanka, Gwadar in restaurants and cinemas, and from material used for a marquee to house 4,500 fans failed Pakistan, across the Indian Ocean, individual shopping to joint family to meet fire safety standards. through the Red Sea to Greece’s activities. China is already the The way Lai handled the cancellation has been Piraeus, ending in Venice. The over- world’s largest e-tailing market- widely applauded by the press, academics, land economic belt connects Ven- place. According to Nielsen, a global commentators and fans. His crisis management skills ice to Duisburg in Germany, across market research company, there is contrasted sharply with the way the chief executive and to Moscow, through Central Asia massive untapped potential for glo- his team have dealt with the airport luggage saga and western China to end in Xian bal businesses. caused by his absent-minded daughter. (西安), the ancient capital where the All these opportunities come at a Despite his big public relations machine, Leung has historic Silk Road began. time of rapid internationalisation of been haunted by the incident for nearly a month. According to a business report, the renminbi, including currency Accusations have included abuse of power and the initiative will create six transna- swaps, trade-financing deals and bypassing airport security rules to get airport staff to tional China-centric economic cor- offshore bond issuance. The cur- take his daughter’s left luggage into the restricted zone. ridors: a new Eurasian land bridge rency has been included in the Leung has denied any wrongdoing or even oversight. of freight trains connecting the port IMF’s basket of reserve currencies. The Security Bureau, Civil Aviation Department, of Lianyungang in Jiangsu (江蘇) Many banks and financial institu- Airport Authority and Cathy Pacific have all been province to Rotterdam; a Mongolia- tions across the globe are salivating drawn into the vortex to defend Leung and his family. Russia corridor; a Central Asia-West for a greater slice of the action. Officials have published reports and attended Asia corridor; an Indochina penin- World Economic Forum calls the expected to total at least US$20 tril- environment and social safe- With a privileged relationship meetings with legislators. Yet, the issue refuses to go sula corridor; a Pakistan corridor; Fourth Industrial Revolution. China lion over the next 15 years, includ- guards”. with under “one away. and a Bangladesh-China-India- is a central hub for the world’s pro- ing US$1 trillion in Asia alone. With Besides infrastructural invest- country, two systems”, including a The crux of the matter is whether a passenger is Myanmar corridor. duction, supply, logistics and value public-private partnerships, 38 per ments in ports, high-speed rail, globally respected legal system and required to be present while his or her luggage goes “One Belt, One Road” is also chain. “One Belt, One Road” will cent of large pension funds are power generation and other utili- independent judiciary, Hong Kong, through security checks. Critics cite international invoked for China’s infrastructural deepen China’s infrastructural, showing an appetite for increased as a leading international financial guidelines and insist this should be so. Officials say it is investments in other parts of South- economic, institutional and cul- exposure to infrastructure as an centre and a regional business hub, not necessary but have failed to clarify under what east Asia, North Africa, as well as tural connectivity with key parts of asset class, according to one survey. is well endowed to capitalise on the circumstances or for whom such discretion can be various countries in Central and the globe. Not only will this enhance “One Belt, One Road” is sup- initiative. Opportunities include the exercised. The best Leung can hope for is that the issue Western Europe. While “One Belt, China’s global rapport and influ- ported by China’s Silk Road infra- ‘One Belt, One provision of financial, manage- One Road” investments follow pre- ence, it will also help counter expo- structure fund of US$40 billion, the ment, legal, arbitration and other determined routes, other associ- sure to geopolitical risks inherent in Asian Infrastructure Investment Road’ is not paved professional services. ated investments are being tagged America’s “Asia rebalancing”, and Bank (AIIB), with its registered capi- with gold. There There is a wealth of ideas in the on as a code word for China’s out- China’s own energy security chal- tal of US$100 billion, and the New chief executive’s 2016 policy The best Leung can hope bound global strategy. lenge and other imponderables in Development Bank of the BRICS is no lack of risks, address. The rationale is global connec- the South China Sea. countries, with an initial capital of Naturally, “One Belt, One Road” for is that the [baggage] tivity, which defines the 21st cen- “One Belt, One Road” doesn’t US$50 billion, which is set to pitfalls and is not paved with gold. There is no issue will soon be eclipsed tury. It is part and parcel of what the translate into offloading surplus increase to US$100 billion. uncertainties lack of risks, pitfalls and uncertain- capacity in commodities such as Worries remain as to whether ties, as in any new business realm. by a bigger blunder steel and coal; it involves exporting the China-led AIIB is likely to erode But in an era of upheavals and excess capital to invest in produc- corporate governance standards set ties, there are ancillary private- shrinking economic growth, it will soon be eclipsed by a bigger blunder. In contrast to tive infrastructure across the globe. by the World Bank, the Asian Devel- sector investment opportunities in offers enticing opportunities for Leung’s denials, Lai’s straightforward apology and Is China up to the Projected investments are esti- opment Bank and the International real estate, telecoms, e-commerce, Hong Kong entrepreneurs, profes- pledge to take immediate remedial action came as a mated to benefit 4.4 billion people Monetary Fund. The AIIB chairman financial, tourism, education, cre- sionals and a multitude of business- breath of fresh air. The concert cancellation had all the task of traversing in 65 countries. The total size, has stressed that there is vast room ative industries and green technol- es. It can also answer to the spirit of ingredients of a perfect PR disaster – high public according to some estimates, could for cooperation with the World ogies. “One Belt, One Road” is not a adventure of our younger gener- expectations, a possible cover-up of mistakes and a territories fraught be more than 12 times America’s Bank. A cooperation agreement be- one-way street of China’s outbound ation in experiencing the challenges gathering crowd. Lai responded by using Facebook to with political and Marshall Plan to aid post-second- tween the two has been signed, investments. There is also huge and opportunities of a rising China. explain what had happened and apologise to the world-war Western Europe, in com- whereby the latter will prepare and export potential for Western prod- affected concert goers and the public. geopolitical parable money-of-the-day terms. supervise joint projects “in accor- ucts, technologies and services to Andrew K. P. Leung is an Lai did a number of things right. First, he uploaded Shortfalls in infrastructure dance with its policies and proce- enter China. independent China strategist. personal videos, without resorting to others for help. uncertainties? investment in G20 countries are dures in areas like procurement, China’s 13th five-year plan aims [email protected] The setting was simple and Lai spoke sincerely ad lib. It did not come across as a contrived PR stunt. Second, he had a full grasp of the situation and was able to give details without referring to a prepared script. Third, he was prepared to shoulder full responsibility for the Indian diplomacy falls short incident. His mea culpa came with a clear message that Hong Kong is no city for dogs, government departments were not to blame. He did not use flowery language, and he was frank. Neeta Lal says the embarrassing visa U-turn for That won the hearts and sympathy not only of his fans but does it have to be that way? but also many Hong Kong people. Chinese dissidents calls into question New Delhi’s His performance wasn’t perfect, for sure. Did he China policy, and its apparent lack of courage know of the problem with the fireproof material beforehand? If not, why not? If he did, why did he not Yonden Lhatoo looks at the pitfalls of shelters, the government still has to take action earlier? His remarks that the material did euthanise thousands of unwanted ew Delhi’s very public U- would react unfavourably not meet fire safety requirements because it was keeping pets in Hong Kong, with the dogs every year in this city. turn on first issuing – and to the move? Second, why was it manufactured on the mainland also touched a raw odds stacked against dog lovers, and I‘m still horrified by pet owners Nthen rescinding – visas to ignorant of Isa’s Interpol alert ? nerve. The material met China’s own safety standards who have their dog’s vocal cords three prominent Chinese Third, if the visa decision was but local authorities insist on applying British how irresponsible owners aren’t helping surgically removed to muffle the dissidents has not only left it with deliberate, and meant to be a standards. The Chinese supplier should not be made a barking so they can be kept egg on its face, but also increased riposte to China blocking the UN scapegoat. It would seem the organiser had tried to cut clandestinely in buildings that bilateral mistrust while raising ban on Masood, does this mark a costs by opting for a Chinese source. have neither the time nor the Animals and the police – who were don’t allow pets. That’s a reflection troublesome questions about its shift in India’s China policy? The organiser eventually decided to do away with energy to look after a dog, much all pretty useless, actually – the of how unfriendly this city is to China policy. Clearly, retaliatory diplomacy the huge marquee and turn the concert into an open- Ias I’d like to keep one, in a city hassle must have driven her to man’s best friend. German-based World Uygur can be messy. By first upping the air event, thus depriving the audience of the “4D” that is not designed for people with dump the dog somewhere else There’s precious little space to Congress leader Dolkun Isa, New ante, and then backtracking, Delhi effects. Tickets cost as much as HK$1,980 for the best pets and shows little tolerance for because the barking suddenly keep or walk them and they’re York-based Lu Jinghua and Hong has shown a lack of courage, seats. man’s best friend. stopped one day. banned from nearly all public Kong activist Ray Wong Toi-yeung possibly in response to some arm- Lai has emerged unscathed. His reputation has But I do live in a dog-friendly Recently, though, the most places. It doesn’t help when dog were heading to a conference on twisting by Beijing. This is a gained a new dimension. He should count his building in Hong Kong, which annoying sound in the world has owners – or domestic helpers democracy in Dharamsala. The personal blow for Prime Minister blessings, and is indebted to his fans for their tolerance. means I get to see first-hand how resumed on my floor, and I know saddled with the dirty work – don’t region is home to Tibet’s Narendra Modi, who has been Perhaps it’s time for our uncommunicative chief people manage – and mismanage – the animal is back for another clean up when their dogs soil government-in-exile and its keen to raise India’s strategic executive to attend one of Lai’s shows to see why the pet ownership. round of neglect. I don’t blame the pavements and roadsides. spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, profile. Cancelling the visas has man is so persuasive. Some time back, one of my dog in the least – it’s the owner who It’s not completely hopeless, who China regards as an arch- revealed that India’s strategic neighbours was driving me barking should be locked in a kennel until though. I see dog lovers getting the enemy. However, no sooner were diplomacy lacks heft. Albert Cheng King-hon is a political commentator. mad by leaving her dog home she learns how to look after her pet. best out of their canine the visas granted than India’s The visa incident has brought to [email protected] alone. The animal was obviously in Dog ownership in Hong Kong is companions, against all odds. My foreign ministry cancelled them, the surface underlying tensions. a state of extreme distress at being a depressing picture, from the pet cousin and his wife keep two saying that Isa had an Interpol “red India still finds itself scarred by its locked up in a tiny flat day after day shops selling sad little animals beautiful dogs in their little flat, one corner notice” against him (Beijing border skirmish with China – when for hours on end, and amplified it dying of invisible diseases to the adopted as a puppy and the other apparently had to remind Delhi of the People’s Liberation Army for the world to hear. reprehensible puppy mills that rescued from a shelter. Their home the notice), while the other two stormed into the eastern state of I’m well aware barking is supply them and the families who may be overcrowded as a result, activists’ documents were full of Arunachal Pradesh to vanquish an something that dogs do as a matter buy them as a passing fancy to be but those animals have so much “inconsistencies”. ill-prepared Indian army. China, of fact, and I don’t really mind abandoned later. unconditional love and affection to The episode is being viewed as a for its part, regards India’s decision when they let rip on occasion. My Responsibility is for the birds, give, so much joy to share, that it major faux pax on Delhi’s part. to host the Dalai Lama, and its upstairs neighbours have a couple starting with people buying dogs doesn’t matter. Some have dubbed it a classic case growing proximity with the US, as a of dogs who wake me up late at but refusing to have them fitted Through them, I’m beginning to of tit-for-tat diplomacy gone awry. provocation. night sometimes. But, in this with microchips that would understand why some people China had recently used its clout at There’s hope that with Indian particular case, imagine an identify them as owners. What prefer dogs to human beings. the UN to block India’s attempt to President Pranab Mukherjee unrelenting onslaught of yelping they’re doing, effectively, is openly But this is Hong Kong after all. have Masood Azhar, the alleged visiting China this month, both and whining every day, throughout reserving the right to ditch the When most humans in this city are mastermind of an attack on an sides might focus on the bigger the day. It becomes the most animals when the novelty wears off. struggling to pay for a roof over Indian air force base in January, picture of improved ties following annoying sound in the world. What a rotten way to start what their heads, animal welfare tends to designated an international President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) visit to The owner was infuriatingly should be a lifelong commitment be consigned to a back seat. terrorist. India’s granting of visas India, and Modi’s subsequent nonchalant about it, but after to a loyal and loving companion. It’s a dog’s life, I suppose. was apparently a response to that. return trip to China. dozens of complaints to the Small wonder that despite the The flip-flop has also raised building manager, the Society for admirable efforts of animal welfare Yonden Lhatoo is a senior editor uncomfortable questions for the Neeta Lal is a New Delhi-based the Prevention of Cruelty to groups and volunteers who run at the Post foreign ministry. Did it not realise senior journalist

> CONTACT US: Agree or disagree with the opinions on this page? Write to us at [email protected]. If you have an idea for an opinion article, email it to [email protected] Leon Lai apologises to his fans for the concert cancellation in a video. Photo: SCMP Pictures