Department of Health & CMS Manual System Human Services (DHHS) Pub 100-04 Medicare Claims Processing Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Transmittal 3591 Date: August 12, 2016 Change Request 9754

SUBJECT: October 2016 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 17.3

I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: This notification provides the Integrated OCE instructions and specifications for the Integrated OCE that will be utilized under the OPPS and Non-OPPS for hospital outpatient departments, community mental health centers, all non-OPPS providers, and for limited services when provided in a home health agency not under the Home Health Prospective Payment System or to a hospice patient for the treatment of a non-terminal illness. The attached Recurring Update Notification applies to 100-04, Chapter 4, section 40.1.

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2016 *Unless otherwise specified, the effective date is the date of service. IMPLEMENTATION DATE: October 3, 2016

Disclaimer for manual changes only: The revision date and transmittal number apply only to red italicized material. Any other material was previously published and remains unchanged. However, if this revision contains a table of contents, you will receive the new/revised information only, and not the entire table of contents.

II. CHANGES IN MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS: (N/A if manual is not updated) R=REVISED, N=NEW, D=DELETED-Only One Per Row.


III. FUNDING: For Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs): The Medicare Administrative Contractor is hereby advised that this constitutes technical direction as defined in your contract. CMS does not construe this as a change to the MAC Statement of Work. The contractor is not obligated to incur costs in excess of the amounts allotted in your contract unless and until specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer. If the contractor considers anything provided, as described above, to be outside the current scope of work, the contractor shall withhold performance on the part(s) in question and immediately notify the Contracting Officer, in writing or by e-mail, and request formal directions regarding continued performance requirements.


Recurring Update Notification

Attachment - Recurring Update Notification

Pub. 100-04 Transmittal: 3591 Date: August 12, 2016 Change Request: 9754

SUBJECT: October 2016 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 17.3

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2016 *Unless otherwise specified, the effective date is the date of service. IMPLEMENTATION DATE: October 3, 2016


A. Background: This instruction informs the A/B MACs, the HHH MACs and the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) that the I/OCE is being updated for October 1, 2016. The I/OCE routes all institutional outpatient claims (which includes non-OPPS hospital claims) through a single integrated OCE. The attached Recurring Update Notification applies to 100-04, Chapter 4, section 40.1.

B. Policy: This notification provides the Integrated OCE instructions and specifications for the Integrated OCE that will be utilized under the OPPS and Non-OPPS for hospital outpatient departments, community mental health centers, all non-OPPS providers, and for limited services when provided in a home health agency not under the Home Health Prospective Payment System or to a hospice patient for the treatment of a non-terminal illness. The I/OCE specifications will be posted to the CMS Website and can be found at


"Shall" denotes a mandatory requirement, and "should" denotes an optional requirement.

Number Requirement Responsibility A/B D Shared- Other MAC M System E Maintainers A B H F M V C H M I C M W H A S S S F C S 9754.1 The Shared System Maintainer shall install the X Integrated OCE (I/OCE) into their systems.

9754.2 Medicare contractors shall identify the I/OCE X X X specifications on the CMS Website at


Number Requirement Responsibility

A/B D C MAC M E E D A B H I H M H A C 9754.3 MLN Article: A provider education article related to this instruction will be X X available at Network-MLN/MLNMattersArticles/ shortly after the CR is released. You will receive notification of the article release via the established "MLN Matters" listserv. Contractors shall post this article, or a direct link to this article, on their Web sites and include information about it in a listserv message within 5 business days after receipt of the notification from CMS announcing the availability of the article. In addition, the provider education article shall be included in the contractor's next regularly scheduled bulletin. Contractors are free to supplement MLN Matters articles with localized information that would benefit their provider community in billing and administering the Medicare program correctly.


Section A: Recommendations and supporting information associated with listed requirements:

"Should" denotes a recommendation.

X-Ref Recommendations or other supporting information: Requirement Number

Section B: All other recommendations and supporting information: N/A


Pre-Implementation Contact(s): Yvonne Young, [email protected] , Marina Kushnirova, [email protected]

Post-Implementation Contact(s): Contact your Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).


Section A: For Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs): The Medicare Administrative Contractor is hereby advised that this constitutes technical direction as defined in your contract. CMS does not construe this as a change to the MAC Statement of Work. The contractor is not obligated to incur costs in excess of the amounts allotted in your contract unless and until specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer. If the contractor considers anything provided, as described above, to be outside the current scope of work, the contractor shall withhold performance on the part(s) in question and immediately notify the Contracting Officer, in writing or by e-mail, and request formal directions regarding continued performance requirements.


Summary1 of Quarterly Release Modifications

The modifications of the IOCE for the October 2016 v17.3 release are summarized in the table below. Readers should also read through the entire document and note the highlighted sections, which also indicate changes from the prior release of the software. Some IOCE modifications in the update may be retroactively added to prior releases. If so, the retroactive date appears in the 'Effective Date' column.

# Type Effective Edits Modification Date Affected 1 Logic 10/1/2016 24 Modify the software to maintain 28 prior quarters (7 years) of programs in each release. Remove older versions with each release. The earliest date included for this release is 1/1/2010. 2 Logic 10/1/2016 1, 2, 3, 86 Updated diagnosis code editing for validity, age, gender and manifestation based on the FY 2017 ICD-10-CM code revisions to the Medicare Code Editor (MCE). 3 Logic 10/1/2016 29 Updated the mental health diagnosis list based on the FY 2017 ICD-10-CM code revisions. 4 Logic 1/1/2016 99 Implement new edit 99: Claim with pass-through or non-pass-through drug or biological lacks OPPS payable procedure (RTP). Criteria: There is a pass-through drug or biological HCPCS code present on a claim without an associated OPPS procedure with SI = J1, J2, P, Q1, Q2, Q3, R, S, T, U, V. Note: refer to special OPPS processing logic and Appendix P. 5 Logic 1/1/2016 98 Revise the logic for edit 98 to remove the pass-through drugs and biologicals; editing for pass-through devices remains. The revised description is “Claim with pass-through device lacks required procedure (RTP)” (refer to special OPPS processing logic and Appendix P). 6 Logic 7/1/2016 95, 96, 97 Deactivate edits 95, 96 and 97 retroactive to the implementation date (refer to special OPPS processing logic and Appendix C for weekly PHP processing). 7 Logic 10/1/2013 41 Add revenue code 953 (Chemical Dependency) to the list of valid revenue codes. 8 Logic 1/1/2016 Assign payment adjustment flag 10 (Coinsurance not applicable) for pass-through drugs and biologicals when reported with an OPPS payable procedure that is not subject to payment offset (refer to Appendix G). 9 Logic 1/1/2016 Update the Payment Indicator assignment for pass-through (SI=G) and non-pass-through (SI=K) drugs to a value of 2 (Services not paid under OPPS; paid under fee schedule or other payment system); update the Payment Method Flag assignment to a value of 2 (refer to special OPPS processing logic, Table 7 and Appendix E). 10 Logic 1/1/2015 Update the conditional APC processing logic for STV-packaged (SI=Q1) and T-packaged (SI=Q2) codes to ignore already packaged codes from the selection of highest paying service for the day (refer to special OPPS processing logic). 11 Logic 1/1/2015 Correct the program logic to remove complexity-adjusted comprehensive APC values from the claim output of non-OPPS claims (OPPS flag = 2). 12 Logic 1/1/2015 Update the comprehensive APC exclusion list to correct the omission of certain laboratory and non-covered services (see quarterly data files). 13 Content 10/1/2016 Update the following lists for the release (see quarterly data files): - Deductible/coinsurance not applicable (see also Appendix O) - Comprehensive APC exclusions - FQHC preventive and FQHC qualifying visit code pairs (see also Appendix M) - Conditional bilateral list - PHP duration list - Valid revenue codes 14 Content 10/1/2016 Make all HCPCS/APC/SI changes as specified by CMS (quarterly data files). 15 Content 10/1/2016 20, 40 Implement version 22.3 of the NCCI (as modified for applicable outpatient institutional providers). 16 Documentation 10/1/2016 Update Appendix F-a to add new edit 99. 17 Documentation 10/1/2016 Updated effective versions for payment adjustment flag values, and reformatted table in Appendix G. 18 Other 10/1/2016 Create 508-compliant versions of the Specifications and Summary of Data Changes documents for publication on the CMS web site. Provide MF and PC IOCE software and supporting quarterly data file reports for publication on the CMS web site. 19 Other 10/1/2016 Deliver quarterly software update and all related documentation and files to users via electronic means.


Summary of Data Changes

Integrated OCE v 17.3

Effective October 1, 2016

Table of Contents

CPT codes, descriptions, and material only are Copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. No fee schedules, basic units, relative values, or related listings are included in CPT. The AMA assumes no liability for the data contained herein. Applicable FARS/DFARS restrictions apply to government use.

DEFINITIONS ...... 7 DIAGNOSIS CODE CHANGES ...... 8 Added Diagnosis Codes ...... 8 Deleted Diagnosis Codes ...... 40 Diagnosis Edit Changes ...... 45 APC CHANGES ...... 51 Added APCs ...... 51 Deleted APCs ...... 52 HCPCS/CPT PROCEDURE CODE CHANGES ...... 52 Added HCPCS/CPT Procedure Codes ...... 52 Deleted HCPCS/CPT Procedure Codes ...... 52 HCPCS Changes- APC, Status Indicator and/or Edit Assignments ...... 52 Comprehensive APC Procedure Exclusion Changes ...... 52 Edit Assignments ...... 53 Deductible/Coinsurance Procedure Code Changes ...... 53 FQHC PPS Procedure Changes ...... 53 REVENUE CODES ...... 53 Added Revenue Codes ...... 53


• A blank in a field indicates ‘no change’

• The “old” column describes the attribute prior to the change being made in the current update, which is indicated in the “new” column. If the effective date of the change is the same as the effective date of the new update, ‘old’ describes the attribute up to the last day of the previous quarter. If the effective date is retroactive, then ‘old’ describes the attribute for the same date in the previous release of the software.

• “Unassigned”, “Pre-defined” or “Placeholder” in APC or HCPCS descriptions indicates that the APC or HCPCS code is inactive. When the APC or HCPCS code is activated, it becomes valid for use in the OCE, and a new description appears in the “new description” column, with the appropriate effective date.

• Activation Date (ActivDate) indicates the mid-quarter date of FDA approval for a drug, or the mid-quarter date of a new or changed code resulting from a National Coverage Determination (NCD). The Activation Date is the date the code becomes valid for use in the OCE. If the Activation Date is blank, then the effective date takes precedence.

• Termination Date (TermDate) indicates the mid-quarter date when a code or change becomes inactive. A code is not valid for use in the OCE after its termination date.

• For codes with SI of “Q1, Q2, and Q3”, the APC assignment is the standard APC to which the code would be assigned if it is paid separately. DIAGNOSIS CODE CHANGES

Added Diagnosis Codes

The following new ICD-10 diagnosis codes were added to the IOCE, effective 10-01-16 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age A925 Zika virus disease 0 124 C49A0 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, unspecified site 0 124 C49A1 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of esophagus 0 124 C49A2 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of stomach 0 124 C49A3 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of small intestine 0 124 C49A4 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of large intestine 0 124 C49A5 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of rectum 0 124 C49A9 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of other sites 0 124 D47Z2 Castleman disease 0 124 D49511 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of right kidney 0 124 D49512 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of left kidney 0 124 D49519 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of unspecified kidney 0 124 D4959 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other GU organ 0 124 D7831 Postprocedural hematoma of the spleen fol proc on spleen 0 124 D7832 Postproc hematoma of the spleen following other procedure 0 124 D7833 Postprocedural seroma of the spleen fol proc on spleen 0 124 D7834 Postproc seroma of the spleen following other procedure 0 124 D8940 Mast cell activation, unspecified 0 124 D8941 Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome 0 124 D8942 Idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome 0 124 D8943 Secondary mast cell activation 0 124 D8949 Other mast cell activation disorder 0 124 E083211 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, right eye 0 124 E083212 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083213 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, bilateral 0 124 E083219 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083291 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083292 Diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083293 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E083299 Diabetes with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083311 Diabetes with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083312 Diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083313 Diabetes with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E083319 Diabetes with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083391 Diab with moderate nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083392 Diab with moderate nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E083393 Diabetes with moderate nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E083399 Diab with moderate nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083411 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083412 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083413 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E083419 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083491 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083492 Diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083493 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E083499 Diabetes with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083511 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E083512 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E083513 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E083519 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E083521 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch macula 0 124 E083522 Diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, r eye 0 124 E083523 Diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, left eye 0 124 E083529 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch macula, bi 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age E083531 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch macula, unsp 0 124 E083532 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla 0 124 E083533 Diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, r eye 0 124 E083539 Diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, left eye 0 124 E083541 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, bi 0 124 E083542 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, unsp 0 124 E083543 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with combined detachment 0 124 E083549 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, r eye 0 124 E083551 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, left eye 0 124 E083552 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with combined detach, bi 0 124 E083553 Diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, unsp 0 124 E083559 Diabetes with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy 0 124 E083591 Diabetes with stable prolif diabetic retinopathy, right eye 0 124 E083592 Diabetes with stable prolif diabetic retinopathy, left eye 0 124 E083593 Diabetes with stable prolif diabetic retinopathy, bilateral 0 124 E083599 Diabetes with stable prolif diabetic retinopathy, unsp 0 124 E0837X1 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E0837X2 Diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, left eye 0 124 E0837X3 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E0837X9 Diab with prolif diabetic rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E093211 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop with mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093212 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop with mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093213 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E093219 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E093291 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop w/o mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093292 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop w/o mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093293 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, bi 0 124 E093299 Drug/chem diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E093311 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E093312 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E093313 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E093319 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E093391 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093392 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093393 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E093399 Drug/chem diab with mod nonp rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E093411 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop with mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093412 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop with mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093413 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E093419 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop with mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E093491 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop w/o mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093492 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop w/o mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093493 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, bi 0 124 E093499 Drug/chem diab with severe nonp rtnop w/o mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E093511 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093512 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093513 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E093519 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E093521 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula,r eye 0 124 E093522 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula,l eye 0 124 E093523 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, bi 0 124 E093529 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, unsp 0 124 E093531 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla,r eye 0 124 E093532 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla,l eye 0 124 E093533 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, bi 0 124 E093539 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, unsp 0 124 E093541 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, r eye 0 124 E093542 Drug/chem diab w prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, l eye 0 124 E093543 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, bi 0 124 E093549 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, unsp 0 124 E093551 Drug/chem diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, r eye 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age E093552 Drug/chem diab with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, left eye 0 124 E093553 Drug/chem diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, bi 0 124 E093559 Drug/chem diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, unsp 0 124 E093591 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop w/o mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E093592 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop w/o mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E093593 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, bi 0 124 E093599 Drug/chem diab with prolif diab rtnop w/o mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E0937X1 Drug/chem diab w diab mclr edma, resolved fol trtmt, r eye 0 124 E0937X2 Drug/chem diab w diab mclr edma, resolved fol trtmt, l eye 0 124 E0937X3 Drug/chem diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, bi 0 124 E0937X9 Drug/chem diab with diab mclr edma, resolved fol trtmt, unsp 0 124 E103211 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E103212 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E103213 Type 1 diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E103219 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103291 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E103292 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E103293 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E103299 Type 1 diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103311 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E103312 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E103313 Type 1 diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E103319 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103391 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E103392 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E103393 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E103399 Type 1 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103411 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E103412 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E103413 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E103419 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103491 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E103492 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E103493 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E103499 Type 1 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E103511 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E103512 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E103513 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E103519 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E103521 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, r eye 0 124 E103522 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, l eye 0 124 E103523 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, bi 0 124 E103529 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, unsp 0 124 E103531 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, r eye 0 124 E103532 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, l eye 0 124 E103533 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, bi 0 124 E103539 Type 1 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, unsp 0 124 E103541 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, r eye 0 124 E103542 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, l eye 0 124 E103543 Type 1 diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, bi 0 124 E103549 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, unsp 0 124 E103551 Type 1 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, right eye 0 124 E103552 Type 1 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, left eye 0 124 E103553 Type 1 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, bilateral 0 124 E103559 Type 1 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, unsp 0 124 E103591 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E103592 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E103593 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E103599 Type 1 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E1037X1 Type 1 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, r eye 0 124 E1037X2 Type 1 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, l eye 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age E1037X3 Type 1 diab with diab macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, bi 0 124 E1037X9 Type 1 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, unsp 0 124 E113211 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E113212 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E113213 Type 2 diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E113219 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113291 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E113292 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E113293 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E113299 Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113311 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E113312 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E113313 Type 2 diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E113319 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113391 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E113392 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E113393 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E113399 Type 2 diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113411 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E113412 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E113413 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E113419 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113491 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E113492 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E113493 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E113499 Type 2 diab with severe nonp rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E113511 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E113512 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E113513 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E113519 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E113521 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, r eye 0 124 E113522 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch macula, l eye 0 124 E113523 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, bi 0 124 E113529 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, unsp 0 124 E113531 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, r eye 0 124 E113532 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop w trctn dtch n-mcla, l eye 0 124 E113533 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, bi 0 124 E113539 Type 2 diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, unsp 0 124 E113541 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, r eye 0 124 E113542 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, l eye 0 124 E113543 Type 2 diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, bi 0 124 E113549 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, unsp 0 124 E113551 Type 2 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, right eye 0 124 E113552 Type 2 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, left eye 0 124 E113553 Type 2 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, bilateral 0 124 E113559 Type 2 diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, unsp 0 124 E113591 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, r eye 0 124 E113592 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, l eye 0 124 E113593 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E113599 Type 2 diab with prolif diab rtnop without mclr edema, unsp 0 124 E1137X1 Type 2 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, r eye 0 124 E1137X2 Type 2 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, l eye 0 124 E1137X3 Type 2 diab with diab macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, bi 0 124 E1137X9 Type 2 diab with diab mclr edema, resolved fol trtmt, unsp 0 124 E133211 Oth diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133212 Oth diab with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E133213 Oth diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E133219 Oth diabetes with mild nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133291 Oth diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133292 Oth diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E133293 Oth diabetes with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age E133299 Oth diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133311 Oth diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133312 Oth diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, l eye 0 124 E133313 Oth diabetes with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E133319 Oth diab with moderate nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133391 Oth diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133392 Oth diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E133393 Oth diab with moderate nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E133399 Oth diab with mod nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133411 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133412 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E133413 Oth diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E133419 Oth diabetes with severe nonp rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133491 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133492 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E133493 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E133499 Oth diab with severe nonp rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133511 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133512 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with macular edema, left eye 0 124 E133513 Oth diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, bi 0 124 E133519 Oth diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with macular edema, unsp 0 124 E133521 Oth diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, r eye 0 124 E133522 Oth diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, l eye 0 124 E133523 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, bi 0 124 E133529 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch macula, unsp 0 124 E133531 Oth diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, r eye 0 124 E133532 Oth diab w prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, l eye 0 124 E133533 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, bi 0 124 E133539 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with trctn dtch n-mcla, unsp 0 124 E133541 Oth diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, r eye 0 124 E133542 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop with comb detach, left eye 0 124 E133543 Oth diabetes with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, bi 0 124 E133549 Oth diab with prolif diabetic rtnop with comb detach, unsp 0 124 E133551 Oth diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, right eye 0 124 E133552 Oth diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, left eye 0 124 E133553 Oth diabetes with stable prolif diabetic rtnop, bilateral 0 124 E133559 Oth diabetes with stable prolif diabetic retinopathy, unsp 0 124 E133591 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, r eye 0 124 E133592 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, l eye 0 124 E133593 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, bi 0 124 E133599 Oth diab with prolif diab rtnop without macular edema, unsp 0 124 E1337X1 Oth diab with diab macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, r eye 0 124 E1337X2 Oth diab with diab macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, l eye 0 124 E1337X3 Oth diab with diabetic macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, bi 0 124 E1337X9 Oth diab with diab macular edema, resolved fol trtmt, unsp 0 124 E7800 Pure hypercholesterolemia, unspecified 0 124 E7801 Familial hypercholesterolemia 0 124 E89820 Postproc hematoma of an endo sys org fol an endo sys proc 0 124 E89821 Postproc hematoma of an endo sys org fol other procedure 0 124 E89822 Postproc seroma of an endo sys org fol an endo sys procedure 0 124 E89823 Postproc seroma of an endo sys org following other procedure 0 124 F3281 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder 0 124 F3289 Other specified depressive episodes 0 124 F3481 Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder 0 124 F3489 Other specified persistent mood disorders 0 124 F422 Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts 0 124 F423 Hoarding disorder 0 124 F424 Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder 0 124 F428 Other obsessive compulsive disorder 0 124 F429 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified 0 124 F5081 Binge eating disorder 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age F5089 Other specified eating disorder 0 124 F640 Transsexualism 0 124 F8082 Social pragmatic communication disorder 0 124 G5603 Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5613 Other lesions of median nerve, bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5623 Lesion of ulnar nerve, bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5633 Lesion of radial nerve, bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5643 Causalgia of bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5683 Other specified mononeuropathies of bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5693 Unspecified mononeuropathy of bilateral upper limbs 0 124 G5703 Lesion of sciatic nerve, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5713 Meralgia paresthetica, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5723 Lesion of femoral nerve, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5733 Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5743 Lesion of medial popliteal nerve, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5753 Tarsal tunnel syndrome, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5763 Lesion of plantar nerve, bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5773 Causalgia of bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5783 Other specified mononeuropathies of bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G5793 Unspecified mononeuropathy of bilateral lower limbs 0 124 G6182 Multifocal motor neuropathy 0 124 G9761 Postp hematoma of a nervous sys org fol a nervous sys proc 0 124 G9762 Postproc hematoma of a nervous sys org fol other procedure 0 124 G9763 Postproc seroma of a nervous sys org fol a nervous sys proc 0 124 G9764 Postproc seroma of a nervous sys org fol other procedure 0 124 H348110 Central retinal vein occls, right eye, with macular edema 0 124 H348111 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348112 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye, stable 0 124 H348120 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema 0 124 H348121 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348122 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, stable 0 124 H348130 Central retinal vein occlusion, bi, with macular edema 0 124 H348131 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348132 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, stable 0 124 H348190 Central retinal vein occlusion, unsp, with macular edema 0 124 H348191 Central retinal vein occlusion, unsp, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348192 Central retinal vein occlusion, unspecified eye, stable 0 124 H348310 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, right eye, with macular edema 0 124 H348311 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, right eye, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348312 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye, stable 0 124 H348320 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema 0 124 H348321 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, left eye, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348322 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, stable 0 124 H348330 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, bilateral, with macular edema 0 124 H348331 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, bilateral, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348332 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, stable 0 124 H348390 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, unsp, with macular edema 0 124 H348391 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, unspecified eye, w rtnl neovas 0 124 H348392 Trib rtnl vein occlusion, unspecified eye, stable 0 124 H353110 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, right eye, stage unsp 15 124 H353111 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, right eye, early dry stage 15 124 H353112 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, right eye, intermed dry stage 15 124 H353113 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, r eye, adv atrpc w/o sbfvl involv 15 124 H353114 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, r eye, adv atrpc w sbfvl involv 15 124 H353120 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, left eye, stage unsp 15 124 H353121 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, left eye, early dry stage 15 124 H353122 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, left eye, intermed dry stage 15 124 H353123 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, l eye, adv atrpc w/o sbfvl involv 15 124 H353124 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, l eye, adv atrpc w sbfvl involv 15 124 H353130 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, bilateral, stage unsp 15 124 H353131 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, bilateral, early dry stage 15 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age H353132 Nexdtve age-related mclr degn, bilateral, intermed dry stage 15 124 H353133 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, bi, adv atrpc w/o sbfvl involv 15 124 H353134 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, bi, adv atrpc w subfoveal involv 15 124 H353190 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, stage unsp 15 124 H353191 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, early dry stage 15 124 H353192 Nonexudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, intermed dry stage 15 124 H353193 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, unsp, adv atrpc w/o sbfvl involv 15 124 H353194 Nexdtve age-rel mclr degn, unsp, adv atrpc w sbfvl involv 15 124 H353210 Exudative age-related mclr degn, right eye, stage unsp 15 124 H353211 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, right eye, w actv chrdl neovas 15 124 H353212 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, right eye, w inact chrdl neovas 15 124 H353213 Exudative age-related mclr degn, right eye, w inactive scar 15 124 H353220 Exudative age-related mclr degn, left eye, stage unsp 15 124 H353221 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, left eye, w actv chrdl neovas 15 124 H353222 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, left eye, w inact chrdl neovas 15 124 H353223 Exudative age-related mclr degn, left eye, w inactive scar 15 124 H353230 Exudative age-related mclr degn, bilateral, stage unsp 15 124 H353231 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, bilateral, w actv chrdl neovas 15 124 H353232 Exudative age-rel mclr degn, bilateral, w inact chrdl neovas 15 124 H353233 Exudative age-related mclr degn, bilateral, w inactive scar 15 124 H353290 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, unsp, stage unsp 15 124 H353291 Exudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, w actv chrdl neovas 15 124 H353292 Exudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, w inact chrdl neovas 15 124 H353293 Exudative age-related mclr degn, unsp, w inactive scar 15 124 H401110 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, stage unspecified 0 124 H401111 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, mild stage 0 124 H401112 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, moderate stage 0 124 H401113 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, severe stage 0 124 H401114 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, indeterminate stage 0 124 H401120 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, stage unspecified 0 124 H401121 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, mild stage 0 124 H401122 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, moderate stage 0 124 H401123 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, severe stage 0 124 H401124 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, indeterminate stage 0 124 H401130 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, stage unspecified 0 124 H401131 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, mild stage 0 124 H401132 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, moderate stage 0 124 H401133 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, severe stage 0 124 H401134 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, indeterminate stage 0 124 H401190 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unsp, stage unspecified 0 124 H401191 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, mild stage 0 124 H401192 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, moderate stage 0 124 H401193 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, severe stage 0 124 H401194 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unsp, indeterminate stage 0 124 H53041 Amblyopia suspect, right eye 0 124 H53042 Amblyopia suspect, left eye 0 124 H53043 Amblyopia suspect, bilateral 0 124 H53049 Amblyopia suspect, unspecified eye 0 124 H59331 Postproc hematoma of right eye and adnexa fol an opth proc 0 124 H59332 Postproc hematoma of left eye and adnexa fol an opth proc 0 124 H59333 Postproc hematoma of eye and adnexa fol an opth proc, bi 0 124 H59339 Postproc hematoma of unsp and adnexa fol an opth procedure 0 124 H59341 Postproc hematoma of right eye and adnexa fol other proc 0 124 H59342 Postproc hematoma of left eye and adnexa fol other procedure 0 124 H59343 Postproc hematoma of eye and adnexa fol other procedure, bi 0 124 H59349 Postproc hematoma of unsp and adnexa fol other procedure 0 124 H59351 Postproc seroma of right eye and adnexa fol an opth proc 0 124 H59352 Postproc seroma of left eye and adnexa fol an opth procedure 0 124 H59353 Postproc seroma of eye and adnexa fol an opth procedure, bi 0 124 H59359 Postproc seroma of unsp and adnexa fol an opth procedure 0 124 H59361 Postproc seroma of right eye and adnexa fol other procedure 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age H59362 Postproc seroma of left eye and adnexa fol other procedure 0 124 H59363 Postproc seroma of eye and adnexa fol other procedure, bi 0 124 H59369 Postproc seroma of unsp and adnexa following other procedure 0 124 H90A11 Condctv hear loss, uni, r ear with rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H90A12 Condctv hear loss, uni, left ear with rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H90A21 Snsrnrl hear loss, uni, r ear, with rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H90A22 Snsrnrl hear loss, uni, l ear, with rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H90A31 Mix cndct/snrl hear loss,uni,r ear w rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H90A32 Mix cndct/snrl hear loss,uni,l ear w rstrcd hear cntra side 0 124 H93A1 Pulsatile tinnitus, right ear 0 124 H93A2 Pulsatile tinnitus, left ear 0 124 H93A3 Pulsatile tinnitus, bilateral 0 124 H93A9 Pulsatile tinnitus, unspecified ear 0 124 H9551 Postprocedural hematoma of ear/mastd fol proc on ear/mastd 0 124 H9552 Postproc hematoma of ear/mastd following other procedure 0 124 H9553 Postprocedural seroma of ear/mastd fol proc on ear/mastd 0 124 H9554 Postprocedural seroma of ear/mastd following other procedure 0 124 I160 Hypertensive urgency 0 124 I161 Hypertensive emergency 0 124 I169 Hypertensive crisis, unspecified 0 124 I602 Ntrm subarach hemorrhage from anterior communicating artery 0 124 I63013 Cerebral infrc due to thrombosis of bilateral verteb art 0 124 I63033 Cerebral infrc due to thombos of bilateral carotid arteries 0 124 I63113 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral verteb art 0 124 I63133 Cerebral infrc due to embolism of bilateral carotid arteries 0 124 I63213 Cereb infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi verteb art 0 124 I63233 Cereb infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi carotid art 0 124 I63313 Cerebral infrc due to thombos of bi middle cerebral arteries 0 124 I63323 Cerebral infrc due to thombos of bilateral anterior arteries 0 124 I63333 Cerebral infrc to thrombosis of bilateral posterior arteries 0 124 I63343 Cerebral infrc to thrombosis of bilateral cereblr arteries 0 124 I63413 Cerebral infrc due to embolism of bi middle cerebral art 0 124 I63423 Cerebral infrc due to embolism of bi ant cerebral arteries 0 124 I63433 Cerebral infrc due to embolism of bi post cerebral arteries 0 124 I63443 Cerebral infrc due to embolism of bilateral cereblr arteries 0 124 I63513 Cereb infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi middle art 0 124 I63523 Cerebral infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi ant art 0 124 I63533 Cerebral infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi post art 0 124 I63543 Cereb infrc due to unsp occls or stenosis of bi cereblr art 0 124 I69010 Attn and concentration deficit following ntrm subarach hemor 0 124 I69011 Memory deficit following ntrm subarachnoid hemorrhage 0 124 I69012 Vis def/sptl nglct following ntrm subarachnoid hemorrhage 0 124 I69013 Psychomotor deficit following ntrm subarachnoid hemorrhage 0 124 I69014 Fntl lb and exec fcn def following ntrm subarach hemorrhage 0 124 I69015 Cognitive social or emo def following ntrm subarach hemor 0 124 I69018 Other symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol ntrm subarach hemor 0 124 I69019 Unsp symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol ntrm subarach hemor 0 124 I69110 Attn and concentration deficit following ntrm intcrbl hemor 0 124 I69111 Memory deficit following nontraumatic intcrbl hemorrhage 0 124 I69112 Vis def/sptl nglct following nontraumatic intcrbl hemorrhage 0 124 I69113 Psychomotor deficit following ntrm intcrbl hemorrhage 0 124 I69114 Fntl lb and exec fcn def following ntrm intcrbl hemorrhage 0 124 I69115 Cognitive social or emo def following ntrm intcrbl hemor 0 124 I69118 Other symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol ntrm intcrbl hemor 0 124 I69119 Unsp symptoms and signs w cogn fnctns fol ntrm intcrbl hemor 0 124 I69210 Attn and concentration deficit fol other ntrm intcrn hemor 0 124 I69211 Memory deficit following other ntrm intcrn hemorrhage 0 124 I69212 Vis def/sptl nglct following other ntrm intcrn hemorrhage 0 124 I69213 Psychomotor deficit following other ntrm intcrn hemorrhage 0 124 I69214 Fntl lb and exec fcn def following other ntrm intcrn hemor 0 124 I69215 Cognitive social or emo def fol other ntrm intcrn hemor 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age I69218 Oth symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol other ntrm intcrn hemor 0 124 I69219 Unsp symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol oth ntrm intcrn hemor 0 124 I69310 Attention and concentration deficit following cerebral infrc 0 124 I69311 Memory deficit following cerebral infarction 0 124 I69312 Vis def/sptl nglct following cerebral infarction 0 124 I69313 Psychomotor deficit following cerebral infarction 0 124 I69314 Frontal lobe and exec fcn def following cerebral infarction 0 124 I69315 Cognitive social or emo def following cerebral infarction 0 124 I69318 Other symptoms and signs w cogn fnctns fol cerebral infrc 0 124 I69319 Unsp symptoms and signs w cogn fnctns fol cerebral infrc 0 124 I69810 Attn and concentration deficit fol other cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69811 Memory deficit following other cerebrovascular disease 0 124 I69812 Vis def/sptl nglct following other cerebrovascular disease 0 124 I69813 Psychomotor deficit following other cerebrovascular disease 0 124 I69814 Fntl lb and exec fcn def following other cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69815 Cognitive social or emo def fol other cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69818 Other symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol other cerebvasc dis 0 124 I69819 Unsp symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol other cerebvasc dis 0 124 I69910 Attn and concentration deficit fol unsp cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69911 Memory deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease 0 124 I69912 Vis def/sptl nglct following unspecified cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69913 Psychomotor deficit following unspecified cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69914 Fntl lb and exec fcn def following unsp cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69915 Cognitive social or emo def following unsp cerebvasc disease 0 124 I69918 Other symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol unsp cerebvasc dis 0 124 I69919 Unsp symp and signs w cogn fnctns fol unsp cerebvasc disease 0 124 I725 Aneurysm of other precerebral arteries 0 124 I726 Aneurysm of vertebral artery 0 124 I7770 Dissection of unspecified artery 0 124 I7775 Dissection of other precerebral arteries 0 124 I7776 Dissection of artery of upper extremity 0 124 I7777 Dissection of artery of lower extremity 0 124 I97620 Postproc hemor of a circ sys org following other procedure 0 124 I97621 Postproc hematoma of a circ sys org fol other procedure 0 124 I97622 Postproc seroma of a circ sys org following other procedure 0 124 I97630 Postproc hematoma of a circ sys org following a cardiac cath 0 124 I97631 Postproc hematoma of a circ sys org following cardiac bypass 0 124 I97638 Postproc hematoma of a circ sys org fol other circ sys proc 0 124 I97640 Postproc seroma of a circ sys org following a cardiac cath 0 124 I97641 Postproc seroma of a circ sys org following cardiac bypass 0 124 I97648 Postproc seroma of a circ sys org fol other circ sys proc 0 124 J95860 Postproc hematoma of a resp sys org fol a resp sys procedure 0 124 J95861 Postproc hematoma of a resp sys org fol other procedure 0 124 J95862 Postproc seroma of a resp sys org fol a resp sys procedure 0 124 J95863 Postproc seroma of a resp sys org following other procedure 0 124 J9851 Mediastinitis 0 124 J9859 Other diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified 0 124 K0401 Reversible pulpitis 0 124 K0402 Irreversible pulpitis 0 124 K05211 Aggressive periodontitis, localized, slight 0 124 K05212 Aggressive periodontitis, localized, moderate 0 124 K05213 Aggressive periodontitis, localized, severe 0 124 K05219 Aggressive periodontitis, localized, unspecified severity 0 124 K05221 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, slight 0 124 K05222 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, moderate 0 124 K05223 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, severe 0 124 K05229 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, unspecified severity 0 124 K05311 Chronic periodontitis, localized, slight 0 124 K05312 Chronic periodontitis, localized, moderate 0 124 K05313 Chronic periodontitis, localized, severe 0 124 K05319 Chronic periodontitis, localized, unspecified severity 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age K05321 Chronic periodontitis, generalized, slight 0 124 K05322 Chronic periodontitis, generalized, moderate 0 124 K05323 Chronic periodontitis, generalized, severe 0 124 K05329 Chronic periodontitis, generalized, unspecified severity 0 124 K063 Horizontal alveolar bone loss 0 124 K0881 Primary occlusal trauma 0 124 K0882 Secondary occlusal trauma 0 124 K0889 Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures 0 124 K5221 Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome 0 124 K5222 Food protein-induced enteropathy 0 124 K5229 Other allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis 0 124 K523 Indeterminate colitis 0 124 K52831 Collagenous colitis 0 124 K52832 Lymphocytic colitis 0 124 K52838 Other microscopic colitis 0 124 K52839 Microscopic colitis, unspecified 0 124 K55011 Focal (segmental) acute ischemia of small intestine 0 124 K55012 Diffuse acute (reversible) ischemia of small intestine 0 124 K55019 Acute ischemia of small intestine, extent unspecified 0 124 K55021 Focal (segmental) acute infarction of small intestine 0 124 K55022 Diffuse acute infarction of small intestine 0 124 K55029 Acute infarction of small intestine, extent unspecified 0 124 K55031 Focal (segmental) acute ischemia of large intestine 0 124 K55032 Diffuse acute (reversible) ischemia of large intestine 0 124 K55039 Acute ischemia of large intestine, extent unspecified 0 124 K55041 Focal (segmental) acute infarction of large intestine 0 124 K55042 Diffuse acute infarction of large intestine 0 124 K55049 Acute infarction of large intestine, extent unspecified 0 124 K55051 Focal acute ischemia of intestine, part unspecified 0 124 K55052 Diffuse acute ischemia of intestine, part unspecified 0 124 K55059 Acute ischemia of intestine, part and extent unspecified 0 124 K55061 Focal acute infarction of intestine, part unspecified 0 124 K55062 Diffuse acute infarction of intestine, part unspecified 0 124 K55069 Acute infarction of intestine, part and extent unspecified 0 124 K5530 Necrotizing enterocolitis, unspecified 0 124 K5531 Stage 1 necrotizing enterocolitis 0 124 K5532 Stage 2 necrotizing enterocolitis 0 124 K5533 Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis 0 124 K581 Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation 0 124 K582 Mixed irritable bowel syndrome 0 124 K588 Other irritable bowel syndrome 0 124 K5903 Drug induced constipation 0 124 K5904 Chronic idiopathic constipation 0 124 K5931 Toxic megacolon 0 124 K5939 Other megacolon 0 124 K8500 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection 0 124 K8501 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis 0 124 K8502 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis 0 124 K8510 Biliary acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection 0 124 K8511 Biliary acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis 0 124 K8512 Biliary acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis 0 124 K8520 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infct 0 124 K8521 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis 0 124 K8522 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis 0 124 K8530 Drug induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infct 0 124 K8531 Drug induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis 0 124 K8532 Drug induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis 0 124 K8580 Other acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection 0 124 K8581 Other acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis 0 124 K8582 Other acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis 0 124 K8590 Acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection, unsp 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age K8591 Acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis, unspecified 0 124 K8592 Acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis, unspecified 0 124 K8681 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency 0 124 K8689 Other specified diseases of pancreas 0 124 K9041 Non-celiac gluten sensitivity 0 124 K9049 Malabsorption due to intolerance, not elsewhere classified 0 124 K91870 Postproc hematoma of a dgstv sys org fol a dgstv sys proc 0 124 K91871 Postproc hematoma of a dgstv sys org fol other procedure 0 124 K91872 Postproc seroma of a dgstv sys org fol a dgstv sys procedure 0 124 K91873 Postproc seroma of a dgstv sys org following other procedure 0 124 L03213 Periorbital cellulitis 0 124 L7631 Postproc hematoma of skin, subcu fol a dermatologic proc 0 124 L7632 Postproc hematoma of skin, subcu following other procedure 0 124 L7633 Postproc seroma of skin, subcu fol a dermatologic procedure 0 124 L7634 Postproc seroma of skin, subcu following other procedure 0 124 L987 Excessive and redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue 0 124 M041 Periodic fever syndromes 0 124 M042 Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes 0 124 M048 Other autoinflammatory syndromes 0 124 M049 Autoinflammatory syndrome, unspecified 0 124 M21611 Bunion of right 0 124 M21612 Bunion of left foot 0 124 M21619 Bunion of unspecified foot 0 124 M21621 Bunionette of right foot 0 124 M21622 Bunionette of left foot 0 124 M21629 Bunionette of unspecified foot 0 124 M25541 Pain in of right hand 0 124 M25542 Pain in joints of left hand 0 124 M25549 Pain in joints of unspecified hand 0 124 M26601 Right temporomandibular disorder, unspecified 0 124 M26602 Left disorder, unspecified 0 124 M26603 Bilateral temporomandibular joint disorder, unspecified 0 124 M26609 Unspecified TMJ joint disorder, unspecified side 0 124 M26611 Adhesions and ankylosis of right temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26612 Adhesions and ankylosis of left temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26613 Adhesions and ankylosis of bilateral temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26619 Adhesions and ankylosis of TMJ joint, unspecified side 0 124 M26621 Arthralgia of right temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26622 Arthralgia of left temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26623 Arthralgia of bilateral temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26629 Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint, unspecified side 0 124 M26631 Articular disc disorder of right temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26632 Articular disc disorder of left temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26633 Articular disc disorder of bilateral temporomandibular joint 0 124 M26639 Articular disc disorder of TMJ joint, unspecified side 0 124 M50020 Cerv disc disord with myelpath, mid-cervical rgn, unsp level 0 124 M50021 Cervical disc disorder at C4-C5 level with myelopathy 0 124 M50022 Cervical disc disorder at C5-C6 level with myelopathy 0 124 M50023 Cervical disc disorder at C6-C7 level with myelopathy 0 124 M50120 Mid-cervical disc disorder, unspecified 0 124 M50121 Cervical disc disorder at C4-C5 level with radiculopathy 0 124 M50122 Cervical disc disorder at C5-C6 level with radiculopathy 0 124 M50123 Cervical disc disorder at C6-C7 level with radiculopathy 0 124 M50220 Other cerv disc displacmnt, mid-cervical region, unsp level 0 124 M50221 Other cervical disc displacement at C4-C5 level 0 124 M50222 Other cervical disc displacement at C5-C6 level 0 124 M50223 Other cervical disc displacement at C6-C7 level 0 124 M50320 Other cerv disc degeneration, mid-cervical rgn, unsp level 0 124 M50321 Other cervical disc degeneration at C4-C5 level 0 124 M50322 Other cervical disc degeneration at C5-C6 level 0 124 M50323 Other cervical disc degeneration at C6-C7 level 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age M50820 Other cervical disc disord, mid-cervical region, unsp level 0 124 M50821 Other cervical disc disorders at C4-C5 level 0 124 M50822 Other cervical disc disorders at C5-C6 level 0 124 M50823 Other cervical disc disorders at C6-C7 level 0 124 M50920 Unsp cervical disc disorder, mid-cervical region, unsp level 0 124 M50921 Unspecified cervical disc disorder at C4-C5 level 0 124 M50922 Unspecified cervical disc disorder at C5-C6 level 0 124 M50923 Unspecified cervical disc disorder at C6-C7 level 0 124 M6284 Sarcopenia 0 124 M84750A Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, init 0 124 M84750D Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, 7thD 0 124 M84750G Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, 7thG 0 124 M84750K Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, 7thK 0 124 M84750P Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, 7thP 0 124 M84750S Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, sequela 0 124 M84751A Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, init 0 124 M84751D Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thD 0 124 M84751G Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thG 0 124 M84751K Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thK 0 124 M84751P Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thP 0 124 M84751S Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, sequela 0 124 M84752A Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, init 0 124 M84752D Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thD 0 124 M84752G Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thG 0 124 M84752K Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thK 0 124 M84752P Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thP 0 124 M84752S Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, sequela 0 124 M84753A Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, init 0 124 M84753D Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, 7thD 0 124 M84753G Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, 7thG 0 124 M84753K Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, 7thK 0 124 M84753P Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, 7thP 0 124 M84753S Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, sequela 0 124 M84754A Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, right leg, init 0 124 M84754D Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, right leg, 7thD 0 124 M84754G Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, right leg, 7thG 0 124 M84754K Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, right leg, 7thK 0 124 M84754P Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, right leg, 7thP 0 124 M84754S Complete transverse atyp femoral fx, right leg, sequela 0 124 M84755A Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, init 0 124 M84755D Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, 7thD 0 124 M84755G Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, 7thG 0 124 M84755K Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, 7thK 0 124 M84755P Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, 7thP 0 124 M84755S Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, left leg, sequela 0 124 M84756A Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, init 0 124 M84756D Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thD 0 124 M84756G Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thG 0 124 M84756K Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thK 0 124 M84756P Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thP 0 124 M84756S Complete transverse atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, sequela 0 124 M84757A Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, init 0 124 M84757D Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thD 0 124 M84757G Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thG 0 124 M84757K Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thK 0 124 M84757P Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, 7thP 0 124 M84757S Complete oblique atyp femoral fracture, right leg, sequela 0 124 M84758A Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, init 0 124 M84758D Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thD 0 124 M84758G Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thG 0 124 M84758K Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thK 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age M84758P Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, 7thP 0 124 M84758S Complete oblique atyp femoral fracture, left leg, sequela 0 124 M84759A Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, init 0 124 M84759D Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thD 0 124 M84759G Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thG 0 124 M84759K Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thK 0 124 M84759P Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unsp leg, 7thP 0 124 M84759S Complete oblique atyp femoral fracture, unsp leg, sequela 0 124 M96840 Postproc hematoma of a ms structure fol a ms sys procedure 0 124 M96841 Postproc hematoma of a ms structure fol other procedure 0 124 M96842 Postproc seroma of a ms structure fol a ms sys procedure 0 124 M96843 Postproc seroma of a ms structure following other procedure 0 124 M9701XA Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r jt, init 0 124 M9701XD Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r hip jt, subs 0 124 M9701XS Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r hip jt, sequela 0 124 M9702XA Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, init 0 124 M9702XD Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, subs 0 124 M9702XS Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, sequela 0 124 M9711XA Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r jt, init 0 124 M9711XD Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r knee jt, subs 0 124 M9711XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth r knee jt, sequela 0 124 M9712XA Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l knee jt, init 0 124 M9712XD Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l knee jt, subs 0 124 M9712XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth l knee jt, sequela 0 124 M9721XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth r joint, init 0 124 M9721XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth r ankle joint, subs 0 124 M9721XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth r ankle joint, sequela 0 124 M9722XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth l ankle joint, init 0 124 M9722XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth l ankle joint, subs 0 124 M9722XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth l ankle joint, sequela 0 124 M9731XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth r jt, init 0 124 M9731XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth r shoulder jt, subs 0 124 M9731XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth r shoulder jt, sequela 0 124 M9732XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth l shoulder jt, init 0 124 M9732XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth l shoulder jt, subs 0 124 M9732XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth l shoulder jt, sequela 0 124 M9741XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth r joint, init 0 124 M9741XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth r elbow joint, subs 0 124 M9741XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth r elbow joint, sequela 0 124 M9742XA Periprosth fx around internal prosth l elbow joint, init 0 124 M9742XD Periprosth fx around internal prosth l elbow joint, subs 0 124 M9742XS Periprosth fx around internal prosth l elbow joint, sequela 0 124 M978XXA Periprosth fracture around other internal prosth joint, init 0 124 M978XXD Periprosth fracture around other internal prosth joint, subs 0 124 M978XXS Periprosth fx around other internal prosth joint, sequela 0 124 M979XXA Periprosth fracture around unsp internal prosth joint, init 0 124 M979XXD Periprosth fracture around unsp internal prosth joint, subs 0 124 M979XXS Periprosth fx around unsp internal prosth joint, sequela 0 124 N130 Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction 0 124 N39491 Coital incontinence 0 124 N39492 Postural (urinary) incontinence 0 124 N4230 Unspecified dysplasia of prostate 0 124 N4231 Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia 0 124 N4232 Atypical small acinar proliferation of prostate 0 124 N4239 Other dysplasia of prostate 0 124 N50811 Right testicular pain 0 124 N50812 Left testicular pain 0 124 N50819 Testicular pain, unspecified 0 124 N5082 Scrotal pain 0 124 N5089 Other specified disorders of the male genital organs 0 124 N5235 Erectile dysfunction following radiation therapy 15 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age N5236 Erectile dysfunction following interstitial seed therapy 15 124 N5237 Erectile dysfunction following prostate ablative therapy 15 124 N610 Mastitis without abscess 0 124 N611 Abscess of the breast and nipple 0 124 N8300 Follicular cyst of ovary, unspecified side 0 124 N8301 Follicular cyst of right ovary 0 124 N8302 Follicular cyst of left ovary 0 124 N8310 Corpus luteum cyst of ovary, unspecified side 0 124 N8311 Corpus luteum cyst of right ovary 0 124 N8312 Corpus luteum cyst of left ovary 0 124 N83201 Unspecified ovarian cyst, right side 0 124 N83202 Unspecified ovarian cyst, left side 0 124 N83209 Unspecified ovarian cyst, unspecified side 0 124 N83291 Other ovarian cyst, right side 0 124 N83292 Other ovarian cyst, left side 0 124 N83299 Other ovarian cyst, unspecified side 0 124 N83311 Acquired atrophy of right ovary 0 124 N83312 Acquired atrophy of left ovary 0 124 N83319 Acquired atrophy of ovary, unspecified side 0 124 N83321 Acquired atrophy of right fallopian tube 0 124 N83322 Acquired atrophy of left fallopian tube 0 124 N83329 Acquired atrophy of fallopian tube, unspecified side 0 124 N83331 Acquired atrophy of right ovary and fallopian tube 0 124 N83332 Acquired atrophy of left ovary and fallopian tube 0 124 N83339 Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube, unspecified side 0 124 N8340 Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube, unspecified side 0 124 N8341 Prolapse and hernia of right ovary and fallopian tube 0 124 N8342 Prolapse and hernia of left ovary and fallopian tube 0 124 N83511 Torsion of right ovary and ovarian pedicle 0 124 N83512 Torsion of left ovary and ovarian pedicle 0 124 N83519 Torsion of ovary and ovarian pedicle, unspecified side 0 124 N83521 Torsion of right fallopian tube 0 124 N83522 Torsion of left fallopian tube 0 124 N83529 Torsion of fallopian tube, unspecified side 0 124 N9060 Unspecified hypertrophy of vulva 0 124 N9061 Childhood asymmetric labium majus enlargement (CALME) 0 124 N9069 Other specified hypertrophy of vulva 0 124 N931 Pre-pubertal vaginal bleeding 0 124 N9410 Unspecified dyspareunia 0 124 N9411 Superficial (introital) dyspareunia 0 124 N9412 Deep dyspareunia 0 124 N9419 Other specified dyspareunia 0 124 N99115 Postprocedural fossa navicularis urethral stricture 0 124 N99523 Herniation of incontinent stoma of urinary tract 0 124 N99524 Stenosis of incontinent stoma of urinary tract 0 124 N99533 Herniation of continent stoma of urinary tract 0 124 N99534 Stenosis of continent stoma of urinary tract 0 124 N99840 Postproc hematoma of a GU sys org fol a GU sys procedure 0 124 N99841 Postproc hematoma of a GU sys org following other procedure 0 124 N99842 Postproc seroma of a GU sys org following a GU sys procedure 0 124 N99843 Postproc seroma of a GU sys org following other procedure 0 124 O0000 Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0001 Abdominal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0010 Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0011 Tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0020 Ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0021 Ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0080 Other ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0081 Other ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0090 Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 O0091 Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy 12 55 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age O09A0 Suprvsn of preg with history of molar preg, unsp trimester 12 55 O09A1 Suprvsn of preg with history of molar preg, first trimester 12 55 O09A2 Suprvsn of preg with history of molar preg, second trimester 12 55 O09A3 Suprvsn of preg with history of molar preg, third trimester 12 55 O114 Pre-existing htn with pre-eclampsia, comp childbirth 12 55 O115 Pre-existing htn with pre-eclampsia, comp the puerperium 12 55 O1204 Gestational edema, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1205 Gestational edema, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O1214 Gestational proteinuria, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1215 Gestational proteinuria, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O1224 Gestational edema with proteinuria, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1225 Gestational edema with proteinuria, comp the puerperium 12 55 O134 Gestatnl htn without significant protein, comp childbirth 12 55 O135 Gestatnl htn without significant protein, comp the puerp 12 55 O1404 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1405 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O1414 Severe pre-eclampsia complicating childbirth 12 55 O1415 Severe pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O1424 HELLP syndrome, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1425 HELLP syndrome, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O1494 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth 12 55 O1495 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium 12 55 O164 Unspecified maternal hypertension, complicating childbirth 12 55 O165 Unspecified maternal hypertension, comp the puerperium 12 55 O24415 Gestatnl diabetes in preg, ctrl by oral hypoglycemic drugs 12 55 O24425 Gestatnl diab in chldbrth, ctrl by oral hypoglycemic drugs 12 55 O24435 Gestatnl diabetes in puerp, ctrl by oral hypoglycemic drugs 12 55 O337XX0 Maternal care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, unsp 12 55 O337XX1 Matern care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, fts1 12 55 O337XX2 Matern care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, fts2 12 55 O337XX3 Matern care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, fts3 12 55 O337XX4 Matern care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, fts4 12 55 O337XX5 Matern care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, fts5 12 55 O337XX9 Maternal care for disproprtn due to other fetal deform, oth 12 55 O34211 Matern care for low transverse scar from prev cesarean del 12 55 O34212 Maternal care for vertical scar from previous cesarean del 12 55 O34219 Maternal care for unsp type scar from previous cesarean del 12 55 O4420 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemor, unsp trimester 12 55 O4421 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemor, first tri 12 55 O4422 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemor, second tri 12 55 O4423 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemor, third tri 12 55 O4430 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, unsp trimester 12 55 O4431 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, first trimester 12 55 O4432 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, second trimester 12 55 O4433 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, third trimester 12 55 O4440 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemorrhage, unsp trimester 12 55 O4441 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemor, first trimester 12 55 O4442 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemor, second trimester 12 55 O4443 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemor, third trimester 12 55 O4450 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, unspecified trimester 12 55 O4451 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, first trimester 12 55 O4452 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, second trimester 12 55 O4453 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, third trimester 12 55 O7020 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, unsp 12 55 O7021 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIa 12 55 O7022 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIb 12 55 O7023 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIc 12 55 P0509 Newborn light for gestational age, 2500 grams and over 0 124 P0519 Newborn small for gestational age, other 0 124 Q2521 Interruption of aortic arch 0 124 Q2529 Other atresia of aorta 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age Q2540 Congenital malformation of aorta unspecified 0 124 Q2541 Absence and aplasia of aorta 0 124 Q2542 Hypoplasia of aorta 0 124 Q2543 Congenital aneurysm of aorta 0 124 Q2544 Congenital dilation of aorta 0 124 Q2545 Double aortic arch 0 124 Q2546 Tortuous aortic arch 0 124 Q2547 Right aortic arch 0 124 Q2548 Anomalous origin of subclavian artery 0 124 Q2549 Other congenital malformations of aorta 0 124 Q52120 Longitudinal vaginal septum, nonobstructing 0 124 Q52121 Longitudinal vaginal septum, obstructing, right side 0 124 Q52122 Longitudinal vaginal septum, obstructing, left side 0 124 Q52123 Longitudinal vaginal septum, microperforate, right side 0 124 Q52124 Longitudinal vaginal septum, microperforate, left side 0 124 Q52129 Longitudinal vaginal septum, unspecified 0 124 Q6621 Congenital metatarsus primus varus 0 124 Q6622 Congenital metatarsus adductus 0 124 Q826 Congenital sacral dimple 0 124 Q8782 Arterial tortuosity syndrome 0 124 R29700 NIHSS score 0 0 124 R29701 NIHSS score 1 0 124 R29702 NIHSS score 2 0 124 R29703 NIHSS score 3 0 124 R29704 NIHSS score 4 0 124 R29705 NIHSS score 5 0 124 R29706 NIHSS score 6 0 124 R29707 NIHSS score 7 0 124 R29708 NIHSS score 8 0 124 R29709 NIHSS score 9 0 124 R29710 NIHSS score 10 0 124 R29711 NIHSS score 11 0 124 R29712 NIHSS score 12 0 124 R29713 NIHSS score 13 0 124 R29714 NIHSS score 14 0 124 R29715 NIHSS score 15 0 124 R29716 NIHSS score 16 0 124 R29717 NIHSS score 17 0 124 R29718 NIHSS score 18 0 124 R29719 NIHSS score 19 0 124 R29720 NIHSS score 20 0 124 R29721 NIHSS score 21 0 124 R29722 NIHSS score 22 0 124 R29723 NIHSS score 23 0 124 R29724 NIHSS score 24 0 124 R29725 NIHSS score 25 0 124 R29726 NIHSS score 26 0 124 R29727 NIHSS score 27 0 124 R29728 NIHSS score 28 0 124 R29729 NIHSS score 29 0 124 R29730 NIHSS score 30 0 124 R29731 NIHSS score 31 0 124 R29732 NIHSS score 32 0 124 R29733 NIHSS score 33 0 124 R29734 NIHSS score 34 0 124 R29735 NIHSS score 35 0 124 R29736 NIHSS score 36 0 124 R29737 NIHSS score 37 0 124 R29738 NIHSS score 38 0 124 R29739 NIHSS score 39 0 124 R29740 NIHSS score 40 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age R29741 NIHSS score 41 0 124 R29742 NIHSS score 42 0 124 R3121 Asymptomatic microscopic hematuria 0 124 R3129 Other microscopic hematuria 0 124 R39191 Need to immediately re-void 0 124 R39192 Position dependent micturition 0 124 R39198 Other difficulties with micturition 0 124 R3982 Chronic bladder pain 0 124 R402410 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, unspecified time 0 124 R402411 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, in the field 0 124 R402412 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, EMR 0 124 R402413 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at hospital admission 0 124 R402414 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, 24+hrs 0 124 R402420 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, unspecified time 0 124 R402421 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, in the field 0 124 R402422 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, EMR 0 124 R402423 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at hospital admission 0 124 R402424 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, 24+hrs 0 124 R402430 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, unspecified time 0 124 R402431 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, in the field 0 124 R402432 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, EMR 0 124 R402433 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at hospital admission 0 124 R402434 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, 24+hrs 0 124 R402440 Other coma, without Glasgow, or w/part score, unsp time 0 124 R402441 Other coma, without Glasgow, or w/part score, in the field 0 124 R402442 Other coma, without documented Glasgow, or w/part score, EMR 0 124 R402443 Other coma, without Glasgow, or w/part score, admit 0 124 R402444 Other coma, without Glasgow, or w/part score, 24+hrs 0 124 R7303 Prediabetes 0 124 R8271 Bacteriuria 0 124 R8279 Other abnormal findings on microbiolog examination of urine 0 124 R9341 Abn radlgc find on dx imaging of renal pelv,ureter,or blddr 0 124 R93421 Abnormal radiologic findings on dx imaging of r kidney 0 124 R93422 Abnormal radiologic findings on dx imaging of left kidney 0 124 R93429 Abnormal radiologic findings on dx imaging of unsp kidney 0 124 R9349 Abn radlgc findings on dx imaging of other urinary organs 0 124 R9720 Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA] 15 124 R9721 Rising PSA following treatment for malignant neoplasm of prostate 15 124 S02101A Fracture of base of skull, right side, init 0 124 S02101B Fracture of base of skull, right side, 7thB 0 124 S02101D Fracture of base of skull, right side, 7thD 0 124 S02101G Fracture of base of skull, right side, 7thG 0 124 S02101K Fracture of base of skull, right side, 7thK 0 124 S02101S Fracture of base of skull, right side, sequela 0 124 S02102A Fracture of base of skull, left side, init 0 124 S02102B Fracture of base of skull, left side, 7thB 0 124 S02102D Fracture of base of skull, left side, 7thD 0 124 S02102G Fracture of base of skull, left side, 7thG 0 124 S02102K Fracture of base of skull, left side, 7thK 0 124 S02102S Fracture of base of skull, left side, sequela 0 124 S02109A Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02109B Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02109D Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02109G Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02109K Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02109S Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S0211AA Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0211AB Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0211AD Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0211AG Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0211AK Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S0211AS Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0211BA Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0211BB Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0211BD Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0211BG Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0211BK Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0211BS Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S0211CA Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0211CB Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0211CD Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0211CG Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0211CK Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0211CS Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0211DA Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0211DB Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0211DD Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0211DG Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0211DK Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0211DS Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S0211EA Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0211EB Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0211ED Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0211EG Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0211EK Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0211ES Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0211FA Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0211FB Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0211FD Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0211FG Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0211FK Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0211FS Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S0211GA Other fracture of occiput, right side, init 0 124 S0211GB Other fracture of occiput, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0211GD Other fracture of occiput, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0211GG Other fracture of occiput, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0211GK Other fracture of occiput, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0211GS Other fracture of occiput, right side, sequela 0 124 S0211HA Other fracture of occiput, left side, init 0 124 S0211HB Other fracture of occiput, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0211HD Other fracture of occiput, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0211HG Other fracture of occiput, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0211HK Other fracture of occiput, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0211HS Other fracture of occiput, left side, sequela 0 124 S0230XA Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, init 0 124 S0230XB Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S0230XD Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S0230XG Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S0230XK Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S0230XS Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S0231XA Fracture of orbital floor, right side, init 0 124 S0231XB Fracture of orbital floor, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0231XD Fracture of orbital floor, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0231XG Fracture of orbital floor, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0231XK Fracture of orbital floor, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0231XS Fracture of orbital floor, right side, sequela 0 124 S0232XA Fracture of orbital floor, left side, init 0 124 S0232XB Fracture of orbital floor, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0232XD Fracture of orbital floor, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0232XG Fracture of orbital floor, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0232XK Fracture of orbital floor, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0232XS Fracture of orbital floor, left side, sequela 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S0240AA Malar fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0240AB Malar fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0240AD Malar fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0240AG Malar fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0240AK Malar fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0240AS Malar fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0240BA Malar fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0240BB Malar fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0240BD Malar fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0240BG Malar fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0240BK Malar fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0240BS Malar fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S0240CA Maxillary fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0240CB Maxillary fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0240CD Maxillary fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0240CG Maxillary fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0240CK Maxillary fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0240CS Maxillary fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0240DA Maxillary fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0240DB Maxillary fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0240DD Maxillary fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0240DG Maxillary fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0240DK Maxillary fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0240DS Maxillary fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S0240EA Zygomatic fracture, right side, init 0 124 S0240EB Zygomatic fracture, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0240ED Zygomatic fracture, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0240EG Zygomatic fracture, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0240EK Zygomatic fracture, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0240ES Zygomatic fracture, right side, sequela 0 124 S0240FA Zygomatic fracture, left side, init 0 124 S0240FB Zygomatic fracture, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0240FD Zygomatic fracture, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0240FG Zygomatic fracture, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0240FK Zygomatic fracture, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0240FS Zygomatic fracture, left side, sequela 0 124 S02601A Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, init 0 124 S02601B Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02601D Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02601G Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02601K Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02601S Fx unspecified part of body of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02602A Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, init 0 124 S02602B Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02602D Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02602G Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02602K Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02602S Fx unspecified part of body of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02610A Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02610B Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02610D Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02610G Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02610K Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02610S Fx condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S02611A Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, init 0 124 S02611B Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02611D Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02611G Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02611K Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02611S Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02612A Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, init 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S02612B Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02612D Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02612G Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02612K Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02612S Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02620A Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02620B Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02620D Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02620G Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02620K Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02620S Fx subcondylar process of mandible, unsp side, sequela 0 124 S02621A Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, init 0 124 S02621B Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02621D Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02621G Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02621K Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02621S Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02622A Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, init 0 124 S02622B Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02622D Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02622G Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02622K Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02622S Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02630A Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02630B Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02630D Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02630G Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02630K Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02630S Fx coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S02631A Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, init 0 124 S02631B Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02631D Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02631G Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02631K Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02631S Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02632A Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, init 0 124 S02632B Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02632D Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02632G Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02632K Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02632S Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02640A Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02640B Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02640D Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02640G Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02640K Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02640S Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S02641A Fracture of ramus of right mandible, init 0 124 S02641B Fracture of ramus of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02641D Fracture of ramus of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02641G Fracture of ramus of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02641K Fracture of ramus of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02641S Fracture of ramus of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02642A Fracture of ramus of left mandible, init 0 124 S02642B Fracture of ramus of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02642D Fracture of ramus of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02642G Fracture of ramus of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02642K Fracture of ramus of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02642S Fracture of ramus of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02650A Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02650B Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S02650D Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02650G Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02650K Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02650S Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S02651A Fracture of angle of right mandible, init 0 124 S02651B Fracture of angle of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02651D Fracture of angle of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02651G Fracture of angle of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02651K Fracture of angle of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02651S Fracture of angle of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02652A Fracture of angle of left mandible, init 0 124 S02652B Fracture of angle of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02652D Fracture of angle of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02652G Fracture of angle of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02652K Fracture of angle of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02652S Fracture of angle of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S02670A Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, init 0 124 S02670B Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S02670D Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S02670G Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S02670K Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S02670S Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S02671A Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, init 0 124 S02671B Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02671D Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02671G Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02671K Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02671S Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, sequela 0 124 S02672A Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, init 0 124 S02672B Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, 7thB 0 124 S02672D Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, 7thD 0 124 S02672G Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, 7thG 0 124 S02672K Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, 7thK 0 124 S02672S Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, sequela 0 124 S0280XA Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, init 0 124 S0280XB Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, 7thB 0 124 S0280XD Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, 7thD 0 124 S0280XG Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, 7thG 0 124 S0280XK Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, 7thK 0 124 S0280XS Fx oth skull and facial bones, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S0281XA Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, init 0 124 S0281XB Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, 7thB 0 124 S0281XD Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, 7thD 0 124 S0281XG Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, 7thG 0 124 S0281XK Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, 7thK 0 124 S0281XS Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, right side, sequela 0 124 S0282XA Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, init 0 124 S0282XB Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, 7thB 0 124 S0282XD Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, 7thD 0 124 S0282XG Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, 7thG 0 124 S0282XK Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, 7thK 0 124 S0282XS Fracture of oth skull and facial bones, left side, sequela 0 124 S0300XA Dislocation of jaw, unspecified side, initial encounter 0 124 S0300XD Dislocation of jaw, unspecified side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0300XS Dislocation of jaw, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S0301XA Dislocation of jaw, right side, initial encounter 0 124 S0301XD Dislocation of jaw, right side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0301XS Dislocation of jaw, right side, sequela 0 124 S0302XA Dislocation of jaw, left side, initial encounter 0 124 S0302XD Dislocation of jaw, left side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0302XS Dislocation of jaw, left side, sequela 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S0303XA Dislocation of jaw, bilateral, initial encounter 0 124 S0303XD Dislocation of jaw, bilateral, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0303XS Dislocation of jaw, bilateral, sequela 0 124 S0340XA of jaw, unspecified side, initial encounter 0 124 S0340XD Sprain of jaw, unspecified side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0340XS Sprain of jaw, unspecified side, sequela 0 124 S0341XA Sprain of jaw, right side, initial encounter 0 124 S0341XD Sprain of jaw, right side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0341XS Sprain of jaw, right side, sequela 0 124 S0342XA Sprain of jaw, left side, initial encounter 0 124 S0342XD Sprain of jaw, left side, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0342XS Sprain of jaw, left side, sequela 0 124 S0343XA Sprain of jaw, bilateral, initial encounter 0 124 S0343XD Sprain of jaw, bilateral, subsequent encounter 0 124 S0343XS Sprain of jaw, bilateral, sequela 0 124 S92811A Other fracture of right foot, init 0 124 S92811B Other fracture of right foot, 7thB 0 124 S92811D Other fracture of right foot, 7thD 0 124 S92811G Other fracture of right foot, 7thG 0 124 S92811K Other fracture of right foot, 7thK 0 124 S92811P Other fracture of right foot, 7thP 0 124 S92811S Other fracture of right foot, sequela 0 124 S92812A Other fracture of left foot, init 0 124 S92812B Other fracture of left foot, 7thB 0 124 S92812D Other fracture of left foot, 7thD 0 124 S92812G Other fracture of left foot, 7thG 0 124 S92812K Other fracture of left foot, 7thK 0 124 S92812P Other fracture of left foot, 7thP 0 124 S92812S Other fracture of left foot, sequela 0 124 S92819A Other fracture of unspecified foot, init 0 124 S92819B Other fracture of unspecified foot, 7thB 0 124 S92819D Other fracture of unspecified foot, 7thD 0 124 S92819G Other fracture of unspecified foot, 7thG 0 124 S92819K Other fracture of unspecified foot, 7thK 0 124 S92819P Other fracture of unspecified foot, 7thP 0 124 S92819S Other fracture of unspecified foot, sequela 0 124 S99001A Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, init 0 124 S99001B Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99001D Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99001G Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99001K Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99001P Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99001S Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99002A Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, init 0 124 S99002B Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99002D Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99002G Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99002K Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99002P Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99002S Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99009A Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99009B Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99009D Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99009G Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99009K Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99009P Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99009S Unspecified physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99011A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, init 0 124 S99011B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99011D Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99011G Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99011K Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99011P Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99011S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of r calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99012A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, init 0 124 S99012B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99012D Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99012G Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99012K Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99012P Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99012S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of l calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99019A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99019B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99019D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99019G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99019K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99019P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99019S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99021A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, init 0 124 S99021B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99021D Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99021G Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99021K Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99021P Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99021S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of r calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99022A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, init 0 124 S99022B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99022D Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99022G Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99022K Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99022P Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99022S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of l calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99029A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99029B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99029D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99029G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99029K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99029P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99029S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99031A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, init 0 124 S99031B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99031D Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99031G Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99031K Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99031P Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99031S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fracture of r calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99032A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, init 0 124 S99032B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99032D Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99032G Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99032K Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99032P Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99032S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fracture of l calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99039A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99039B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99039D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99039G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99039K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99039P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99039S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unsp calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99041A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, init 0 124 S99041B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99041D Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99041G Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99041K Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99041P Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99041S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of r calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99042A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, init 0 124 S99042B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99042D Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99042G Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99042K Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99042P Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99042S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of l calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99049A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99049B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99049D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99049G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99049K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99049P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99049S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99091A Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, init 0 124 S99091B Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99091D Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99091G Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99091K Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99091P Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99091S Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99092A Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, init 0 124 S99092B Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99092D Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99092G Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99092K Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99092P Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99092S Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99099A Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, init 0 124 S99099B Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thB 0 124 S99099D Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thD 0 124 S99099G Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thG 0 124 S99099K Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thK 0 124 S99099P Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, 7thP 0 124 S99099S Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, sequela 0 124 S99101A Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99101B Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99101D Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99101G Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99101K Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99101P Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99101S Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99102A Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99102B Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99102D Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99102G Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99102K Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99102P Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99102S Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99109A Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99109B Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99109D Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99109G Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99109K Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99109P Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99109S Unspecified physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, sequela 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99111A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99111B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99111D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99111G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99111K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99111P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99111S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99112A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99112B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99112D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99112G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99112K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99112P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99112S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99119A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99119B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99119D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99119G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99119K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99119P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99119S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99121A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99121B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99121D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99121G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99121K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99121P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99121S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99122A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99122B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99122D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99122G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99122K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99122P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99122S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99129A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99129B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99129D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99129G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99129K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99129P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99129S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx unsp metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99131A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99131B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99131D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99131G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99131K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99131P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99131S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99132A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99132B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99132D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99132G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99132K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99132P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99132S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99139A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99139B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99139D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99139G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99139K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99139P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99139S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx unsp metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99141A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99141B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99141D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99141G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99141K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99141P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99141S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99142A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99142B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99142D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99142G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99142K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99142P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99142S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99149A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99149B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99149D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99149G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99149K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99149P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99149S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx unsp metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99191A Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, init 0 124 S99191B Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99191D Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99191G Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99191K Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99191P Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99191S Other physeal fracture of right metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99192A Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, init 0 124 S99192B Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99192D Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99192G Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99192K Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99192P Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99192S Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99199A Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, init 0 124 S99199B Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thB 0 124 S99199D Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thD 0 124 S99199G Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thG 0 124 S99199K Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thK 0 124 S99199P Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, 7thP 0 124 S99199S Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, sequela 0 124 S99201A Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99201B Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99201D Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99201G Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99201K Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99201P Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99201S Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99202A Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99202B Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99202D Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99202G Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99202K Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99202P Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99202S Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99209A Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, init 0 124 S99209B Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thB 0 124 S99209D Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thD 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99209G Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thG 0 124 S99209K Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thK 0 124 S99209P Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thP 0 124 S99209S Unspecified physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, sequela 0 124 S99211A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99211B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99211D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99211G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99211K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99211P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99211S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99212A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99212B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99212D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99212G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99212K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99212P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99212S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99219A Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, init 0 124 S99219B Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thB 0 124 S99219D Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thD 0 124 S99219G Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thG 0 124 S99219K Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thK 0 124 S99219P Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thP 0 124 S99219S Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, sequela 0 124 S99221A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99221B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99221D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99221G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99221K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99221P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99221S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99222A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99222B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99222D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99222G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99222K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99222P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99222S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99229A Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, init 0 124 S99229B Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thB 0 124 S99229D Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thD 0 124 S99229G Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thG 0 124 S99229K Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thK 0 124 S99229P Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thP 0 124 S99229S Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, sequela 0 124 S99231A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99231B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99231D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99231G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99231K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99231P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99231S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99232A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99232B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99232D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99232G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99232K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99232P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99232S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99239A Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, init 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age S99239B Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thB 0 124 S99239D Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thD 0 124 S99239G Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thG 0 124 S99239K Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thK 0 124 S99239P Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thP 0 124 S99239S Sltr-haris Type III physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, sequela 0 124 S99241A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99241B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99241D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99241G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99241K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99241P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99241S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99242A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99242B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99242D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99242G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99242K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99242P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99242S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99249A Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, init 0 124 S99249B Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thB 0 124 S99249D Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thD 0 124 S99249G Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thG 0 124 S99249K Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thK 0 124 S99249P Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, 7thP 0 124 S99249S Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx phalanx of unsp toe, sequela 0 124 S99291A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, init 0 124 S99291B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thB 0 124 S99291D Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thD 0 124 S99291G Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thG 0 124 S99291K Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thK 0 124 S99291P Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, 7thP 0 124 S99291S Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, sequela 0 124 S99292A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, init 0 124 S99292B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thB 0 124 S99292D Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thD 0 124 S99292G Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thG 0 124 S99292K Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thK 0 124 S99292P Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, 7thP 0 124 S99292S Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, sequela 0 124 S99299A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, init 0 124 S99299B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thB 0 124 S99299D Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thD 0 124 S99299G Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thG 0 124 S99299K Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thK 0 124 S99299P Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, 7thP 0 124 S99299S Other physeal fx phalanx of unspecified toe, sequela 0 124 T82855A Stenosis of coronary artery stent, initial encounter 0 124 T82855D Stenosis of coronary artery stent, subsequent encounter 0 124 T82855S Stenosis of coronary artery stent, sequela 0 124 T82856A Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, initial encounter 0 124 T82856D Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, subsequent encounter 0 124 T82856S Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, sequela 0 124 T83011A Breakdown (mechanical) of indwelling urethral catheter, init 0 124 T83011D Breakdown (mechanical) of indwelling urethral catheter, subs 0 124 T83011S Breakdown of indwelling urethral catheter, sequela 0 124 T83012A Breakdown (mechanical) of nephrostomy catheter, init 0 124 T83012D Breakdown (mechanical) of nephrostomy catheter, subs 0 124 T83012S Breakdown (mechanical) of nephrostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83021A Displacement of indwelling urethral catheter, init 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age T83021D Displacement of indwelling urethral catheter, subs 0 124 T83021S Displacement of indwelling urethral catheter, sequela 0 124 T83022A Displacement of nephrostomy catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83022D Displacement of nephrostomy catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83022S Displacement of nephrostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83031A Leakage of indwelling urethral catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83031D Leakage of indwelling urethral catheter, subs 0 124 T83031S Leakage of indwelling urethral catheter, sequela 0 124 T83032A Leakage of nephrostomy catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83032D Leakage of nephrostomy catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83032S Leakage of nephrostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83091A Mech compl of indwelling urethral catheter, init 0 124 T83091D Mech compl of indwelling urethral catheter, subs 0 124 T83091S Mech compl of indwelling urethral catheter, sequela 0 124 T83092A Mech compl of nephrostomy catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83092D Mech compl of nephrostomy catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83092S Mech compl of nephrostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83113A Breakdown (mechanical) of other urinary stents, init 0 124 T83113D Breakdown (mechanical) of other urinary stents, subs 0 124 T83113S Breakdown (mechanical) of other urinary stents, sequela 0 124 T83123A Displacement of other urinary stents, initial encounter 0 124 T83123D Displacement of other urinary stents, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83123S Displacement of other urinary stents, sequela 0 124 T83193A Mech compl of other urinary stent, initial encounter 0 124 T83193D Mech compl of other urinary stent, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83193S Mech compl of other urinary stent, sequela 0 124 T8324XA Erosion of graft of urinary organ, initial encounter 0 124 T8324XD Erosion of graft of urinary organ, subsequent encounter 0 124 T8324XS Erosion of graft of urinary organ, sequela 0 124 T8325XA Exposure of graft of urinary organ, initial encounter 0 124 T8325XD Exposure of graft of urinary organ, subsequent encounter 0 124 T8325XS Exposure of graft of urinary organ, sequela 0 124 T83411A Breakdown of implanted testicular prosthesis, init 0 124 T83411D Breakdown of implanted testicular prosthesis, subs 0 124 T83411S Breakdown of implanted testicular prosthesis, sequela 0 124 T83421A Displacement of implanted testicular prosthesis, init 0 124 T83421D Displacement of implanted testicular prosthesis, subs 0 124 T83421S Displacement of implanted testicular prosthesis, sequela 0 124 T83491A Mech compl of implanted testicular prosthesis, init 0 124 T83491D Mech compl of implanted testicular prosthesis, subs 0 124 T83491S Mech compl of implanted testicular prosthesis, sequela 0 124 T83510A I/I react d/t cystostomy catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83510D I/I react d/t cystostomy catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83510S I/I react d/t cystostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83511A I/I react d/t indwelling urethral catheter, init 0 124 T83511D I/I react d/t indwelling urethral catheter, subs 0 124 T83511S I/I react d/t indwelling urethral catheter, sequela 0 124 T83512A I/I react d/t nephrostomy catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83512D I/I react d/t nephrostomy catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83512S I/I react d/t nephrostomy catheter, sequela 0 124 T83518A I/I react d/t other urinary catheter, initial encounter 0 124 T83518D I/I react d/t other urinary catheter, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83518S I/I react d/t other urinary catheter, sequela 0 124 T83590A I/I react d/t implanted urn nstim dev, initial encounter 0 124 T83590D I/I react d/t implanted urn nstim dev, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83590S I/I react d/t implanted urn nstim dev, sequela 0 124 T83591A I/I react d/t implanted urinary sphincter, initial encounter 0 124 T83591D I/I react d/t implanted urinary sphincter, subs 0 124 T83591S I/I react d/t implanted urinary sphincter, sequela 0 124 T83592A I/I react d/t indwelling ureteral stent, initial encounter 0 124 T83592D I/I react d/t indwelling ureteral stent, subs 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age T83592S I/I react d/t indwelling ureteral stent, sequela 0 124 T83593A I/I react d/t other urinary stents, initial encounter 0 124 T83593D I/I react d/t other urinary stents, subsequent encounter 0 124 T83593S I/I react d/t other urinary stents, sequela 0 124 T83598A I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft urn sys, init 0 124 T83598D I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft in urinary system, subs 0 124 T83598S I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft urn sys, sequela 0 124 T8361XA I/I react d/t implanted penile prosthesis, initial encounter 0 124 T8361XD I/I react d/t implanted penile prosthesis, subs 0 124 T8361XS I/I react d/t implanted penile prosthesis, sequela 0 124 T8362XA I/I react d/t implanted testicular prosthesis, init 0 124 T8362XD I/I react d/t implanted testicular prosthesis, subs 0 124 T8362XS I/I react d/t implanted testicular prosthesis, sequela 0 124 T8369XA I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft in genital tract, init 0 124 T8369XD I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft in genital tract, subs 0 124 T8369XS I/I react d/t other prosth dev/grft in genitl trct, sequela 0 124 T83712A Erosn implnt urethral mesh to surrnd org/tiss, init 0 124 T83712D Erosn implnt urethral mesh to surrnd org/tiss, subs 0 124 T83712S Erosn implnt urethral mesh to surrnd org/tiss, sequela 0 124 T83713A Erosn implnt urethral bulking agent to surrnd org/tiss, init 0 124 T83713D Erosn implnt urethral bulking agent to surrnd org/tiss, subs 0 124 T83713S Erosn implnt urethral bulking agent to surrnd org/tiss, sqla 0 124 T83714A Erosn implnt urtl bulk agnt organ or tissue, init 0 124 T83714D Erosn implnt urtl bulk agnt organ or tissue, subs 0 124 T83714S Erosion of implanted urtl bulk agnt organ or tissue, sequela 0 124 T83719A Erosion of other prosth materials to surrnd org/tiss, init 0 124 T83719D Erosion of other prosth materials to surrnd org/tiss, subs 0 124 T83719S Erosion of other prosth matrl to surrnd org/tiss, sequela 0 124 T83722A Exposure of implanted urethral mesh into urethra, init 0 124 T83722D Exposure of implanted urethral mesh into urethra, subs 0 124 T83722S Exposure of implanted urethral mesh into urethra, sequela 0 124 T83723A Exposure of implnt urethral bulking agent into urethra, init 0 124 T83723D Exposure of implnt urethral bulking agent into urethra, subs 0 124 T83723S Expsr of implnt urethral bulking agent into urethra, sequela 0 124 T83724A Exposure of implnt ureteral bulking agent into ureter, init 0 124 T83724D Exposure of implnt ureteral bulking agent into ureter, subs 0 124 T83724S Expsr of implnt ureteral bulking agent into ureter, sequela 0 124 T83729A Exposure of other prosth matrl into organ or tissue, init 0 124 T83729D Exposure of other prosth matrl into organ or tissue, subs 0 124 T83729S Exposure of other prosth matrl into organ or tissue, sequela 0 124 T8379XA Oth comp due to other GU prosthetic materials, init 0 124 T8379XD Oth comp due to other GU prosthetic materials, subs 0 124 T8379XS Oth comp due to other GU prosthetic materials, sequela 0 124 T85113A Breakdown (mechanical) of implnt elec nstim, generator, init 0 124 T85113D Breakdown (mechanical) of implnt elec nstim, generator, subs 0 124 T85113S Breakdown of implnt elec nstim, generator, sequela 0 124 T85123A Displacement of implnt elec nstim, generator, init 0 124 T85123D Displacement of implnt elec nstim, generator, subs 0 124 T85123S Displacement of implnt elec nstim, generator, sequela 0 124 T85193A Mech compl of implnt elec nstim, generator, init 0 124 T85193D Mech compl of implnt elec nstim, generator, subs 0 124 T85193S Mech compl of implnt elec nstim, generator, sequela 0 124 T85615A Brkdwn other nervous sys device, implant or graft, init 0 124 T85615D Brkdwn other nervous sys device, implant or graft, subs 0 124 T85615S Brkdwn other nervous sys device, implant or graft, sequela 0 124 T85625A Displacmnt of nervous sys device, implant or graft, init 0 124 T85625D Displacmnt of nervous sys device, implant or graft, subs 0 124 T85625S Displacmnt of nervous sys device, implant or graft, sequela 0 124 T85635A Leakage of other nervous sys device, implant or graft, init 0 124 T85635D Leakage of other nervous sys device, implant or graft, subs 0 124 T85635S Leakage of nervous sys device, implant or graft, sequela 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age T85695A Mech compl of nervous sys device, implant or graft, init 0 124 T85695D Mech compl of nervous sys device, implant or graft, subs 0 124 T85695S Mech compl of nervous sys device, implant or graft, sequela 0 124 T85730A I/I react d/t ventricular intracranial shunt, init 0 124 T85730D I/I react d/t ventricular intracranial shunt, subs 0 124 T85730S I/I react d/t ventricular intracranial shunt, sequela 0 124 T85731A I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of brain, lead, init 0 124 T85731D I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of brain, lead, subs 0 124 T85731S I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of brain, lead, sequela 0 124 T85732A I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of prph nrv, lead, init 0 124 T85732D I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of prph nrv, lead, subs 0 124 T85732S I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of prph nrv, lead, sequela 0 124 T85733A I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of spinal cord, lead, init 0 124 T85733D I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of spinal cord, lead, subs 0 124 T85733S I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim of spinal cord, lead, sqla 0 124 T85734A I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim, generator, init 0 124 T85734D I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim, generator, subs 0 124 T85734S I/I react d/t implnt elec nstim, generator, sequela 0 124 T85735A I/I react d/t cranial or spinal infusion catheter, init 0 124 T85735D I/I react d/t cranial or spinal infusion catheter, subs 0 124 T85735S I/I react d/t cranial or spinal infusion catheter, sequela 0 124 T85738A I/I react d/t other nrv sys device, implnt or graft, init 0 124 T85738D I/I react d/t other nrv sys device, implnt or graft, subs 0 124 T85738S I/I react d/t other nrv sys device, implnt or graft, sequela 0 124 T85810A Embolism due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85810D Embolism due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85810S Embolism due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85818A Embolism due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85818D Embolism due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85818S Embolism due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85820A Fibrosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85820D Fibrosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85820S Fibrosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85828A Fibrosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85828D Fibrosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85828S Fibrosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85830A Hemorrhage due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85830D Hemorrhage due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85830S Hemorrhage due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85838A Hemorrhage due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85838D Hemorrhage due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85838S Hemorrhage due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85840A Pain due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85840D Pain due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85840S Pain due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85848A Pain due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85848D Pain due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85848S Pain due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85850A Stenosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85850D Stenosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85850S Stenosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85858A Stenosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85858D Stenosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85858S Stenosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85860A Thrombosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85860D Thrombosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85860S Thrombosis due to nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85868A Thrombosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85868D Thrombosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85868S Thrombosis due to other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85890A Oth complication of nervous system prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age T85890D Oth complication of nervous system prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85890S Oth complication of nervous system prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T85898A Oth complication of other internal prosth dev/grft, init 0 124 T85898D Oth complication of other internal prosth dev/grft, subs 0 124 T85898S Oth complication of other internal prosth dev/grft, sequela 0 124 T8853XA Unintended awareness under general anesth during proc, init 0 124 T8853XD Unintended awareness under general anesth during proc, subs 0 124 T8853XS Unintended awareness under general anesth during proc, sqla 0 124 V470XXA Car driver injured in clsn with statnry object nontraf, init 0 124 V470XXD Car driver injured in clsn with statnry object nontraf, subs 0 124 V470XXS Car driver inj in clsn with statnry object nontraf, sequela 0 124 V471XXA Car pasngr injured in clsn with statnry object nontraf, init 0 124 V471XXD Car pasngr injured in clsn with statnry object nontraf, subs 0 124 V471XXS Car pasngr inj in clsn with statnry object nontraf, sequela 0 124 V473XXA Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object nontraf, init 0 124 V473XXD Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object nontraf, subs 0 124 V473XXS Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object nontraf, sqla 0 124 V475XXA Car driver injured in clsn with statnry object in traf, init 0 124 V475XXD Car driver injured in clsn with statnry object in traf, subs 0 124 V475XXS Car driver inj in clsn with statnry object in traf, sequela 0 124 V476XXA Car pasngr injured in clsn with statnry object in traf, init 0 124 V476XXD Car pasngr injured in clsn with statnry object in traf, subs 0 124 V476XXS Car pasngr inj in clsn with statnry object in traf, sequela 0 124 V479XXA Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object in traf, init 0 124 V479XXD Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object in traf, subs 0 124 V479XXS Unsp car occ inj in clsn with statnry object in traf, sqla 0 124 W262XXA Contact with edge of stiff paper, initial encounter 0 124 W262XXD Contact with edge of stiff paper, subsequent encounter 0 124 W262XXS Contact with edge of stiff paper, sequela 0 124 W268XXA Contact with other sharp object(s), NEC, initial encounter 0 124 W268XXD Contact with other sharp object(s), NEC, subs 0 124 W268XXS Contact with other sharp object(s), NEC, sequela 0 124 W269XXA Contact with unspecified sharp object(s), initial encounter 0 124 W269XXD Contact with unspecified sharp object(s), subs 0 124 W269XXS Contact with unspecified sharp object(s), sequela 0 124 X500XXA Overexertion from strenuous movement or load, init 0 124 X500XXD Overexertion from strenuous movement or load, subs 0 124 X500XXS Overexertion from strenuous movement or load, sequela 0 124 X501XXA Overexertion from prolonged static or awkward postures, init 0 124 X501XXD Overexertion from prolonged static or awkward postures, subs 0 124 X501XXS Overexertion from prolonged static or awkward postures, sqla 0 124 X503XXA Overexertion from repetitive movements, initial encounter 0 124 X503XXD Overexertion from repetitive movements, subsequent encounter 0 124 X503XXS Overexertion from repetitive movements, sequela 0 124 X509XXA Other and unspecified ovrexrtn or strnous move/pstr, init 0 124 X509XXD Other and unspecified ovrexrtn or strnous move/pstr, subs 0 124 X509XXS Other and unspecified ovrexrtn or strnous move/pstr, sequela 0 124 Y9385 Activity, choking game 0 124 Z050 Obs & eval of NB for suspected cardiac condition ruled out 0 124 Z051 Obs & eval of NB for suspected infect condition ruled out 0 124 Z052 Obs & eval of NB for suspected neuro condition ruled out 0 124 Z053 Obs & eval of NB for suspected resp condition ruled out 0 124 Z0541 Obs & eval of NB for suspected genetic condition ruled out 0 124 Z0542 Obs & eval of NB for suspected metabolic condition ruled out 0 124 Z0543 Obs & eval of NB for suspected immunologic cond ruled out 0 124 Z055 Obs & eval of NB for suspected GI condition ruled out 0 124 Z056 Obs & eval of NB for suspected GU condition ruled out 0 124 Z0571 Obs & eval of NB for suspected skin, subcu cond ruled out 0 124 Z0572 Obs & eval of NB for suspected ms condition ruled out 0 124 Z0573 Obs & eval of NB for suspected conn tiss condition ruled out 0 124 Z058 Obs & eval of NB for oth suspected condition ruled out 0 124 Diagnosis CodeDesc Low Age High Age Z059 Obs & eval of NB for unsp suspected condition ruled out 0 124 Z191 Hormone sensitive malignancy status 0 124 Z192 Hormone resistant malignancy status 0 124 Z2911 Enctr for prphylc immther for resp syncytial virus (RSV) 0 124 Z2912 Encounter for prophylactic antivenin 0 124 Z2913 Encounter for prophylactic Rho(D) immune globulin 0 124 Z2914 Encounter for prophylactic rabies immune globin 0 124 Z293 Encounter for prophylactic fluoride administration 0 124 Z298 Encounter for other specified prophylactic measures 0 124 Z299 Encounter for prophylactic measures, unspecified 0 124 Z30015 Encounter for initial prescription of vagnl ring 0 124 Z30016 Enctr for init prescription of patch hormonal contracep dev 0 124 Z30017 Enctr for init prescription of implntbl subdermal contracep 0 124 Z3044 Encounter for surveillance of vagnl ring 0 124 Z3045 Enctr srvlnc transdermal patch hormonal contraceptive device 0 124 Z3046 Enctr srvlnc implantable subdermal contraceptive 0 124 Z317 Enctr for pro mgmt and counseling for gestational carrier 0 124 Z333 Pregnant state, gestational carrier 12 55 Z516 Encounter for desensitization to allergens 0 124 Z5331 Laparoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure 0 124 Z5332 Thoracoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure 0 124 Z5333 Arthroscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure 0 124 Z5339 Other specified procedure converted to open procedure 0 124 Z7984 Long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs 0 124 Z8342 Family history of familial hypercholesterolemia 0 124 Z8482 Family history of sudden infant death syndrome 0 124 Z9284 Pers hx of unintended awareness under general anesthesia 0 124 Z98890 Other specified postprocedural states 0 124 Z98891 History of uterine scar from previous surgery 0 124

Deleted Diagnosis Codes

The following deleted ICD-10 diagnosis codes were deleted from the IOCE, effective 10-01-16 Diagnosis CodeDesc D495 Neoplasm of unsp behavior of other genitourinary organs E08321 Diab d/t undrl cond w mild nonprlf diab rtnop w mclr edema E08329 Diab d/t undrl cond w mild nonprlf diab rtnop w/o mclr edema E08331 Diab due to undrl cond w mod nonprlf diab rtnop w mclr edema E08339 Diab d/t undrl cond w mod nonprlf diab rtnop w/o mclr edema E08341 Diab d/t undrl cond w severe nonprlf diab rtnop w mclr edema E08349 Diab d/t undrl cond w sev nonprlf diab rtnop w/o mclr edema E08351 Diab due to undrl cond w prolif diab rtnop w macular edema E08359 Diab due to undrl cond w prolif diab rtnop w/o macular edema E09321 Drug/chem diab w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E09329 Drug/chem diab w mild nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E09331 Drug/chem diab w moderate nonprlf diab rtnop w macular edema E09339 Drug/chem diab w mod nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E09341 Drug/chem diab w severe nonprlf diab rtnop w macular edema E09349 Drug/chem diab w severe nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E09351 Drug/chem diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w macular edema E09359 Drug/chem diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E10321 Type 1 diab w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E10329 Type 1 diab w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E10331 Type 1 diab w moderate nonprlf diab rtnop w macular edema E10339 Type 1 diab w moderate nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E10341 Type 1 diab w severe nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E10349 Type 1 diab w severe nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E10351 Type 1 diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w macular edema Diagnosis CodeDesc E10359 Type 1 diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E11321 Type 2 diab w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E11329 Type 2 diab w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E11331 Type 2 diab w moderate nonprlf diab rtnop w macular edema E11339 Type 2 diab w moderate nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E11341 Type 2 diab w severe nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E11349 Type 2 diab w severe nonprlf diab rtnop w/o macular edema E11351 Type 2 diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w macular edema E11359 Type 2 diabetes w prolif diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E13321 Oth diabetes w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E13329 Oth diabetes w mild nonprlf diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E13331 Oth diab w moderate nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E13339 Oth diab w moderate nonprlf diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E13341 Oth diabetes w severe nonprlf diabetic rtnop w macular edema E13349 Oth diab w severe nonprlf diabetic rtnop w/o macular edema E13351 Oth diabetes w prolif diabetic retinopathy w macular edema E13359 Oth diabetes w prolif diabetic retinopathy w/o macular edema E780 Pure hypercholesterolemia F328 Other depressive episodes F348 Other persistent mood [affective] disorders F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder F508 Other eating disorders H34811 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye H34812 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye H34813 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral H34819 Central retinal vein occlusion, unspecified eye H34831 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye H34832 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye H34833 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral H34839 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, unspecified eye H3531 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration H3532 Exudative age-related macular degeneration H4011X0 Primary open-angle glaucoma, stage unspecified H4011X1 Primary open-angle glaucoma, mild stage H4011X2 Primary open-angle glaucoma, moderate stage H4011X3 Primary open-angle glaucoma, severe stage H4011X4 Primary open-angle glaucoma, indeterminate stage I6020 Ntrm subarach hemor from unsp anterior communicating artery I6021 Ntrm subarach hemor from right anterior communicating artery I6022 Ntrm subarach hemor from left anterior communicating artery I6901 Cognitive deficits following ntrm subarachnoid hemorrhage I6911 Cognitive deficits following nontraumatic intcrbl hemorrhage I6921 Cognitive deficits following oth ntrm intcrn hemorrhage I6931 Cognitive deficits following cerebral infarction I6981 Cognitive deficits following other cerebrovascular disease I6991 Cognitive deficits following unsp cerebrovascular disease I9762 Postproc hemor/hemtom of a circ sys org fol oth procedure J985 Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified K040 Pulpitis K0521 Aggressive periodontitis, localized K0522 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized K0531 Chronic periodontitis, localized K0532 Chronic periodontitis, generalized K088 Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures K522 Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis K550 Acute vascular disorders of intestine K593 Megacolon, not elsewhere classified K850 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis K851 Biliary acute pancreatitis K852 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis K853 Drug induced acute pancreatitis Diagnosis CodeDesc K858 Other acute pancreatitis K859 Acute pancreatitis, unspecified K868 Other specified diseases of pancreas K904 Malabsorption due to intolerance, not elsewhere classified M2660 Temporomandibular joint disorder, unspecified M2661 Adhesions and ankylosis of temporomandibular joint M2662 Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint M2663 Articular disc disorder of temporomandibular joint M5002 Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy, mid-cervical region M5012 Cervical disc disorder w radiculopathy, mid-cervical region M5022 Other cervical disc displacement, mid-cervical region M5032 Other cervical disc degeneration, mid-cervical region M5082 Other cervical disc disorders, mid-cervical region M5092 Cervical disc disorder, unspecified, mid-cervical region N423 Dysplasia of prostate N508 Other specified disorders of male genital organs N61 Inflammatory disorders of breast N830 Follicular cyst of ovary N831 Corpus luteum cyst N8320 Unspecified ovarian cysts N8329 Other ovarian cysts N8331 Acquired atrophy of ovary N8332 Acquired atrophy of fallopian tube N8333 Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube N834 Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube N8351 Torsion of ovary and ovarian pedicle N8352 Torsion of fallopian tube N906 Hypertrophy of vulva N941 Dyspareunia O000 Abdominal pregnancy O001 Tubal pregnancy O002 Ovarian pregnancy O008 Other ectopic pregnancy O009 Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified O337 Maternal care for disproportion due to oth fetal deformities O3421 Maternal care for scar from previous cesarean delivery O702 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery Q252 Atresia of aorta Q254 Other congenital malformations of aorta Q5212 Longitudinal vaginal septum Q662 Congenital metatarsus (primus) varus R312 Other microscopic hematuria R3919 Other difficulties with micturition R40241 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15 R40242 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12 R40243 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8 R40244 Oth coma,w/o Glasgow coma scale score,or w/part score report R827 Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine R934 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs R972 Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA] S0210XA Unsp fracture of base of skull, init for clos fx S0210XB Unsp fracture of base of skull, init for opn fx S0210XD Unsp fracture of base of skull, subs for fx w routn heal S0210XG Unsp fracture of base of skull, subs for fx w delay heal S0210XK Unsp fracture of base of skull, subs for fx w nonunion S0210XS Unspecified fracture of base of skull, sequela S023XXA Fracture of orbital floor, init encntr for closed fracture S023XXB Fracture of orbital floor, init encntr for open fracture S023XXD Fracture of orbital floor, subs for fx w routn heal S023XXG Fracture of orbital floor, subs for fx w delay heal S023XXK Fracture of orbital floor, subs for fx w nonunion Diagnosis CodeDesc S023XXS Fracture of orbital floor, sequela S0261XA Fracture of condylar process of mandible, init for clos fx S0261XB Fracture of condylar process of mandible, init for opn fx S0261XD Fx condylar process of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0261XG Fx condylar process of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0261XK Fx condylar process of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0261XS Fracture of condylar process of mandible, sequela S0262XA Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, init S0262XB Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, init for opn fx S0262XD Fx subcondylar process of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0262XG Fx subcondylar process of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0262XK Fx subcondylar process of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0262XS Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, sequela S0263XA Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, init for clos fx S0263XB Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, init for opn fx S0263XD Fx coronoid process of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0263XG Fx coronoid process of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0263XK Fx coronoid process of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0263XS Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, sequela S0264XA Fracture of ramus of mandible, init for clos fx S0264XB Fracture of ramus of mandible, init encntr for open fracture S0264XD Fracture of ramus of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0264XG Fracture of ramus of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0264XK Fracture of ramus of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0264XS Fracture of ramus of mandible, sequela S0265XA Fracture of angle of mandible, init for clos fx S0265XB Fracture of angle of mandible, init encntr for open fracture S0265XD Fracture of angle of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0265XG Fracture of angle of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0265XK Fracture of angle of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0265XS Fracture of angle of mandible, sequela S0267XA Fracture of alveolus of mandible, init for clos fx S0267XB Fracture of alveolus of mandible, init for opn fx S0267XD Fracture of alveolus of mandible, subs for fx w routn heal S0267XG Fracture of alveolus of mandible, subs for fx w delay heal S0267XK Fracture of alveolus of mandible, subs for fx w nonunion S0267XS Fracture of alveolus of mandible, sequela S028XXA Fractures of oth skull and facial bones, init for clos fx S028XXB Fractures of oth skull and facial bones, init for opn fx S028XXD Fx of skull and facial bones, subs for fx w routn heal S028XXG Fx of skull and facial bones, subs for fx w delay heal S028XXK Fractures of skull and facial bones, subs for fx w nonunion S028XXS Fractures of other specified skull and facial bones, sequela S030XXA Dislocation of jaw, initial encounter S030XXD Dislocation of jaw, subsequent encounter S030XXS Dislocation of jaw, sequela S034XXA Sprain of jaw, initial encounter S034XXD Sprain of jaw, subsequent encounter S034XXS Sprain of jaw, sequela S060X2A Concussion w loss of consciousness of 31-59 min, init S060X2D Concussion w loss of consciousness of 31-59 min, subs S060X2S Concussion w loss of consciousness of 31-59 min, sequela S060X3A Concussion w loss of consciousness of 1-5 hrs 59 min, init S060X3D Concussion w loss of consciousness of 1-5 hrs 59 min, subs S060X3S Concussion w LOC of 1-5 hrs 59 min, sequela S060X4A Concussion w LOC of 6 hours to 24 hours, init S060X4D Concussion w LOC of 6 hours to 24 hours, subs S060X4S Concussion w LOC of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela S060X5A Concussion w LOC >24 hr w ret consc lev, init S060X5D Concussion w LOC >24 hr w ret consc lev, subs S060X5S Concussion w LOC >24 hr w ret consc lev, sequela Diagnosis CodeDesc S060X6A Concussion w LOC >24 hr w/o ret consc w surv, init S060X6D Concussion w LOC >24 hr w/o ret consc w surv, subs S060X6S Concussion w LOC >24 hr w/o ret consc w surv, sequela S060X7A Concussion w LOC w death due to brain injury bf consc, init S060X7D Concussion w LOC w death due to brain injury bf consc, subs S060X7S Concuss w LOC w death due to brain injury bf consc, sequela S060X8A Concussion w LOC w death due to oth cause bf consc, init S060X8D Concussion w LOC w death due to oth cause bf consc, subs S060X8S Concussion w LOC w death due to oth cause bf consc, sequela T8351XA Infect/inflm reaction due to indwell urinary catheter, init T8351XD Infect/inflm reaction due to indwell urinary catheter, subs T8351XS Infect/inflm reaction due to indwell urinary cath, sequela T8359XA Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in urinry sys, init T8359XD Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in urinry sys, subs T8359XS Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in urinry sys, sqla T836XXA Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in genitl trct, init T836XXD Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in genitl trct, subs T836XXS Infect/inflm react d/t prosth dev/grft in genitl trct, sqla T84040A Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r hip jt, init T84040D Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r hip jt, subs T84040S Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r hip jt, sequela T84041A Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, init T84041D Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, subs T84041S Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l hip jt, sequela T84042A Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r knee jt, init T84042D Periprosth fracture around internal prosth r knee jt, subs T84042S Periprosth fx around internal prosth r knee jt, sequela T84043A Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l knee jt, init T84043D Periprosth fracture around internal prosth l knee jt, subs T84043S Periprosth fx around internal prosth l knee jt, sequela T84048A Periprosth fracture around oth internal prosth joint, init T84048D Periprosth fracture around oth internal prosth joint, subs T84048S Periprosth fx around oth internal prosth joint, sequela T84049A Periprosth fracture around unsp internal prosth joint, init T84049D Periprosth fracture around unsp internal prosth joint, subs T84049S Periprosth fx around unsp internal prosth joint, sequela T8581XA Embolism due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8581XD Embolism due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8581XS Embolism due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8582XA Fibrosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8582XD Fibrosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8582XS Fibrosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8583XA Hemorrhage due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8583XD Hemorrhage due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8583XS Hemorrhage due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8584XA Pain due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8584XD Pain due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8584XS Pain due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8585XA Stenosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8585XD Stenosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8585XS Stenosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8586XA Thrombosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8586XD Thrombosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8586XS Thrombosis due to internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela T8589XA Oth complication of internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, init T8589XD Oth complication of internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, subs T8589XS Oth complication of internal prosth dev/grft, NEC, sequela V4701XA Driver of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init V4701XD Driver of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4701XS Driver of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4702XA Driver of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init Diagnosis CodeDesc V4702XD Driver of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4702XS Driver of car inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4711XA Pasngr of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init V4711XD Pasngr of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4711XS Pasngr of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4712XA Pasngr of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init V4712XD Pasngr of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4712XS Pasngr of car inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4731XA Occup of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init V4731XD Occup of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4731XS Occup of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4732XA Occup of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, init V4732XD Occup of car injured in clsn w statnry object nontraf, subs V4732XS Occup of car inj in clsn w statnry object nontraf, sequela V4751XA Driver of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4751XD Driver of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4751XS Driver of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela V4752XA Driver of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4752XD Driver of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4752XS Driver of car inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela V4761XA Pasngr of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4761XD Pasngr of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4761XS Pasngr of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela V4762XA Pasngr of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4762XD Pasngr of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4762XS Pasngr of car inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela V4791XA Occup of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4791XD Occup of SUV injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4791XS Occup of SUV inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela V4792XA Occup of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, init V4792XD Occup of car injured in clsn w statnry object in traf, subs V4792XS Occup of car inj in clsn w statnry object in traf, sequela W451XXA Paper entering through skin, initial encounter W451XXD Paper entering through skin, subsequent encounter W451XXS Paper entering through skin, sequela W452XXA Lid of can entering through skin, initial encounter W452XXD Lid of can entering through skin, subsequent encounter W452XXS Lid of can entering through skin, sequela Z2250 Carrier of unspecified viral hepatitis Z2251 Carrier of viral hepatitis B Z2252 Carrier of viral hepatitis C Z2259 Carrier of other viral hepatitis Z9889 Other specified postprocedural states

Diagnosis Edit Changes

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of pediatric diagnoses, age 0-17 years old, effective 10-01-15 Diagnosis H26001 H26002 H26003 H26009 H26011 H26012 H26013 H26019 H26031 H26032 H26033 Diagnosis H26039 H26041 H26042 H26043 H26049 H26051 H26052 H26053 H26059 H26061 H26062 H26063 H26069 H2609

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of maternity diagnoses, age 12-55 years old, effective 10-01-16 Diagnosis O0000 O0001 O0010 O0011 O0020 O0021 O0080 O0081 O0090 O0091 O09A0 O09A1 O09A2 O09A3 O114 O115 O1204 O1205 O1214 O1215 O1224 O1225 O134 O135 O1404 O1405 O1414 O1415 O1424 O1425 O1494 O1495 O164 O165 O24415 O24425 O24435 O337XX0 O337XX1 O337XX2 O337XX3 O337XX4 O337XX5 Diagnosis O337XX9 O34211 O34212 O34219 O4420 O4421 O4422 O4423 O4430 O4431 O4432 O4433 O4440 O4441 O4442 O4443 O4450 O4451 O4452 O4453 O7020 O7021 O7022 O7023 Z333

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of adult only diagnoses, age 15-124 years old, effective 10-01-16 Diagnosis H353110 H353111 H353112 H353113 H353114 H353120 H353121 H353122 H353123 H353124 H353130 H353131 H353132 H353133 H353134 H353190 H353191 H353192 H353193 H353194 H353210 H353211 H353212 H353213 H353220 H353221 H353222 H353223 H353230 H353231 H353232 H353233 Diagnosis H353290 H353291 H353292 H353293 N5235 N5236 N5237 R9720 R9721

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of manifestation diagnoses, effective 10-01-16 DIAGNOSIS E083211 E083212 E083213 E083219 E083291 E083292 E083293 E083299 E083311 E083312 E083313 E083319 E083391 E083392 E083393 E083399 E083411 E083412 E083413 E083419 E083491 E083492 E083493 E083499 E083511 E083512 E083513 E083519 E083521 E083522 E083523 E083529 E083531 E083532 E083533 E083539 E083541 E083542 E083543 E083549 E083551 E083552 E083553 E083559 E083591 E083592 E083593 E083599 DIAGNOSIS E0837X1 E0837X2 E0837X3 E0837X9

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of mental health diagnoses, effective 10-01-16 DIAGNOSIS F3281 F3289 F3481 F3489 F422 F423 F424 F428 F429 F5081 F5089 F640 F8082

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of male diagnoses, effective 10-01-16 DIAGNOSIS N4230 N4231 N4232 N4239 N50811 N50812 N50819 N5082 N5089 N5235 N5236 N5237 N99111 N99112 N99113 R9720 R9721

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of female diagnoses, effective 10-01-15 DIAGNOSIS Z640 Z641

The following ICD-10 code(s) were added to the list of female diagnoses, effective 10-01-16 DIAGNOSIS F3281 N8300 N8301 N8302 N8310 N8311 N8312 N83201 N83202 N83209 N83291 DIAGNOSIS N83292 N83299 N83311 N83312 N83319 N83321 N83322 N83329 N83331 N83332 N83339 N8340 N8341 N8342 N83511 N83512 N83519 N83521 N83522 N83529 N9060 N9061 N9069 N931 N9410 N9411 N9412 N9419 O0000 O0001 O0010 O0011 O0020 O0021 O0080 O0081 O0090 O0091 O09A0 O09A1 O09A2 O09A3 O114 O115 O1204 O1205 O1214 O1215 O1224 O1225 O134 O135 O1404 O1405 O1414 O1415 O1424 O1425 O1494 O1495 O164 DIAGNOSIS O165 O24415 O24425 O24435 O337XX0 O337XX1 O337XX2 O337XX3 O337XX4 O337XX5 O337XX9 O34211 O34212 O34219 O4420 O4421 O4422 O4423 O4430 O4431 O4432 O4433 O4440 O4441 O4442 O4443 O4450 O4451 O4452 O4453 O7020 O7021 O7022 O7023 Q52120 Q52121 Q52122 Q52123 Q52124 Q52129 Z3044 Z3045 Z3046 Z333


Added APCs

The following APC(s) were added to the IOCE, effective 10-01-16 APC APCDesc StatusIndicator 09171 Idelvion, 1 i.u. G 09481 Injection, reslizumab G 09482 Sotalol hydrochloride IV G 09483 Injection, atezolizumab G

Deleted APCs

The following APC(s) were deleted from the IOCE, effective 07-01-16 APC APCDesc 01847 Inj., infliximab biosimilar


Added HCPCS/CPT Procedure Codes

The following new HCPCS/CPT code(s) were added to the IOCE, effective 10-01-16 HCPCS CodeDesc SI APC Edit ActivDate TermDate C9139 Idelvion, 1 i.u. G 09171 55 C9481 Injection, reslizumab G 09481 55 C9482 Sotalol hydrochloride IV G 09482 55 C9483 Injection, atezolizumab G 09483 55 C9744 Abd us w/contrast S 05571 55 G0490 Home visit RN, LPN by RHC/FQ A 00000 G9679 Acute care pneumonia M 00000 72 G9680 Acute care congestive heart M 00000 72 G9681 Acute care chronic obstruct M 00000 72 G9682 Acute care skin infection M 00000 72 G9683 Acute care fluid or electrol M 00000 72 G9684 Acute care urinary tract inf M 00000 72 G9685 Acute Nursing Facility Care B 00000 62 G9686 Nursing Facility Conference B 00000 62

Deleted HCPCS/CPT Procedure Codes

The following HCPCS/CPT code(s) were deleted from the IOCE, effective 10-01-16 HCPCS CodeDesc G0436 Tobacco-use counsel 3-10 min G0437 Tobacco-use counsel>10min S8032 Low dose CT lung screening

HCPCS Changes- APC, Status Indicator and/or Edit Assignments

The following code(s) had an APC and/or SI and/or edit change, effective 07-01-16 **A blank in the field indicates no change. HCPCS CodeDesc Old APC New APC Old SI New SI Old Edit New Edit Q5102 Inj., infliximab biosimilar 01847 00000 K E N/A 9

Comprehensive APC Procedure Exclusion Changes

The following codes were added to the comprehensive APC exclusion list, effective 10-01-16 HCPCS 99406 99407

Edit Assignments

The following code(s) were added to the conditional bilateral list, effective 01-01-16 HCPCS 65855

The following code(s) were removed from the inherently bilateral list, effective 01-01-16 HCPCS 65855

Deductible/Coinsurance Procedure Code Changes

The following code(s) were added to the Deductible Coinsurance N/A list, effective 10-01-16 HCPCS 99406 99407

FQHC PPS Procedure Changes

The following FQHC PPS payment code/qualifying visit code pair requirements were added, effective 10-01-16 FQHC QualifyingVisit G0466 99304 G0466 99305 G0466 99306 G0466 99406 G0466 99407 G0466 G0490 G0467 99406 G0467 99407 G0467 G0490

The following FQHC PPS payment code/qualifying visit code pair requirements were removed, effective 10-01-16 FQHC QualifyingVisit G0466 G0436 G0466 G0437 G0467 G0436 G0467 G0437

The following preventive service procedure codes are added for FQHC PPS, effective 10-01-16 HCPCS 99406 99407


Added Revenue Codes

The following revenue code(s) were added to the list of valid revenue codes, effective 10-01-13 RevenueCode SI 0953 B