Bonaparte’s first defeat Caldiero, 1796

1.0 INTRODUCTION 9.0 MOVEMENT 15.0 DISORDER, ROUT, 1.1 Game components 9.1 Movement procedure REORGANIZATION AND 1.2 Scale 9.2 Terrain and movement REINFORCEMENT 1.3 Map 9.3 Road march 15.1 Disordered units 1.4 Rounding 15.2 Routed units 10.0 TERRAIN 15.3 Reorganization 2.0 THE PLAYING PIECES 10.1 Towns 15.4 Reinforcements 2.1 Combat units 10.2 Marsh 2.2 Leaders 10.3 Canal 16.0 ELAN 2.3 Markers 10.4 Bridges 16.1 Resolution 10.5 Fortress 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 17.0 WEATHER 3.1 Game Turns 11.0 ARTILLERY 17.1 Weather Effect 3.2 First Game Turn 11.1 Retreat 17.2 Confusion 11.2 Artillery range 4.0 LEADERS 11.3 Line of Sight 18.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS 4.1 Officers 11.4 Bombardment 4.2 Army Commanders 19.0 SCENARIO RULES 4.3 Command Range 12.0 COMBAT 19.1 Attack direction 4.4 Leader losses 12.1 Procedure 19.2 What if: Better Weather 12.2 Assault declaration 20.0 OPTIONAL RULES 5.0 ORDERS 12.3 Efficiency 5.1 Types of Orders 20.1 Bonaparte’s intervention 12.4 Assault 20.2 Cavalry charge 5.2 Change Order 12.5 Combat Table 5.3 Out of command unit 20.3 Storm from the East 12.6 Retreat 20.4 Fog of war 12.7 Advance as combat result 6.0 INITIATIVE 20.5 Flank Attacks 12.8 Eliminated units 6.1 Modifiers 6.2 Activation 21.0 SET UP 13.0 MORALE 21.1 Austrian 13.1 Efficiency check 7.0 STACKING 21.2 French 13.2 Officer modifiers 7.1 Stacking limits 21.3 Austrian reinforcements 14.0 CAVALRY 21.4 French Reinforcements 8.0 ZONE OF CONTROL 14.1 Retreat before combat 8.1 Leaving EZOCs SOURCES 8.2 Engagement CREDITS Parabellum - Numero 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.2 Leaders in Manoeuvre order at this time (15.4). Caldiero 1796 is a game about the The Leaders come in two types: 2. Orders. Place a “Out of Command” battle fought during Napoleon’s Italian Commanders (Army commanders) marker on the units of the active campaign. and Officers (Division officers). The formation out of the command range It was one of the few Austrians victories different capabilities of Commanders of their formation leader, then the during this campaign and represents and Officers are explained under formation leader can try to change his the first defeat suffered by Napoleon. “Command” (see 4.0). order (5.2.2). For historical notes refer to article 2.2.1 Movement. The leaders have a 3. Movement. Units move following The Battle of Caldiero included in this Movement allowance of six. their orders. magazine. 2.2.2 The back of the leaders Artillery that moves is turned on the represents the Activated side, indicated side “Moved” and does not count for 1.1 Game components by a “A” symbol. Bombardment. Each game includes: 2.2.3 Each leader (except Alvinczy) Once the movement of all units in One game-map A2 (42x60 cm.), also has a Formation-marker (see 5.1). command is over, the units out of 108 5/8” counters, command can attempt to change the a Player Aid Cards, Order (5.3.1). this rule booklet. 4. Bombardment: The active formation Also you need a six sided dice (not can executes the artillery bombardment included in the game). (11.4). 5. Combat. Combat is resolved in a se- 1.2 Scale Front Back Formation ries of utter segments as outlined be- 1 hour per turn, low (for each combat): about 300 m. per hex, 2.3 Markers 5a. Attacks declaration: The player 1 strength point (SP): 2-300 men Markers are depicted in the rules declares his attacks and place the for infantry, 150-200 for the explaining their use. markers, “Attack” or “Attack?” cavalry and 2-3 guns. according to their orders. 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 1.3 Map 5b. Retreat before combat: Defending The game maps cover the area over 3.1 Game Turn cavalry can retreat before combat. which the battle of Caldiero was Each Game Turn is divided in 3 phases 5c. Defensive Bombardment: The fought. further divided into various impulses defensive player may bombard with Each hex has a four-digit code printed according to the Command-activation artillery units present in hexes that are on it. rules. under attack. Around the game map there are a series Each phases must be resolved in the 5d. Assault: All Efficiency checks are of boxes used for playing Caldiero exact order given. Any action taken checked and the attacks are resolved 1796. out of sequence is in violation of the on the SCT. rules. 6. End of Phase. The counter of the 1.4 Rounding A. Command phase Active leader is turned on the side If not specified by the rules, when This phase is divided in five segment: Activated (A). values are divided, fractions are always 1. Orders. In this segment the Army Return to the Segment 5 (Initiative) of rounded to the nearest whole number. commanders may change the orders the Command Phase. C. End of turn phase 2.0 THE PLAYING PIECES (5.2). 2. Weather. The Austrian Player rolls a When all the formations have There are three types of playing pieces: completed their actions, the Game-Turn Combat units, die and control the table on the map to see if changes the weather (17.0). marker is moved into the next space on Leaders, the Turn record track, all the Officers Markers. 3. Reorganization. Players can try to reorganize their Disordered or Routed counters on the side A (Activated) are 2.1 Combat units units if the order allows for it (15.3). turned and a new Game-turn begins. The color patterns follow the uniform’s 4. Replacement. The players return 3.2 First game turn colors of the period. on the map combat units previously The game starts with the Action Phase Most units have Full strength and eliminated (12.8). (skip the Command Phase). the French Reduced strength (backside) with 5. Initiative. The players roll a die to automatically has the initiative and he different color patterns. decide who goes first (6.0). must activates one of its Formations. B. Actions phase Combat unit example: A player active a formation according 4.0 LEADERS the initiative (6.2). Command Each leader represents the named Efficiency Unit I.D. Designation Each formation performs all the Action person as well as his accompanying (formation) phase segments before the turn passes staff and escort. to the next activated formation. Leaders are of two types: This Actions phase will continue until Commanders Movement Combat allowance all the formations have completed (Bonaparte and strength (MP) their actions. Alvinczy), 1. Reinforcements. Reinforcement units Officers (Division of the active formation enter the map officers). 4.1 Officers Officers are in charge of specific formations (Division). An Officer commands all combat units that share his command designation (see Sample Combat Units). 4.1.1 Officers perform several important functions: They give orders to formations and place combat units in command so that they may be moved as a formation. They facilitate the Advance after combat of the victorious combat units (12.7.3). They give a modifier in the Efficiency check (13.2). They give a modifier in combat 4.3.1 Units Out of Command when (see also 4.3.1), but the formation may (12.4.4). the their formation is activated, have be normally activated. the Order they want (no apply 5.3) if 4.1.2 Only the officer directly in 5.0 ORDERS command of a formation may they are within of command range of Every formation starts with the orders contribute a modifier. Army Commanders. issued before the battle as stated in the 4.1.3 Each Officer has his own Initiative Bonaparte can always give Orders to scenario rules. Rating (IR) which is used to determine unit with Command Designation R which are in its Command range. if he can change his Order (5.2.2). 5.1 Types of Orders 4.3.2 Battle line. A unit not actually 4.1.4 Officers can move at the end There are 4 types of Orders: within Command Range but adjacent of the Movement segment of the Advance, to a unit of its formation that is in Action Phase in which his formation is Attack, Command is considered to be in activated. Defence, Command. Manoeuvre. 4.2 Army Commanders 4.3.3 Limits. You cannot trace Officers formation markers are placed A Commanders may change the order Command range through an enemy in the Order’s box on the map to any subordinate officers in the range unit or a hex(side) impassable to indicating the current order. of command (see 4.3.1). leaders. 5.1.1 Advance - Each turn that a 4.2.1 The Commanders can move once formation is under Advance order, at per turn at the end of the Movement 4.4 Leader losses least half (do not count artillery, out of segment of the Action Phase in which Sometimes a leader must do a test to command units and units in towns or is active a friendly formation. see if it was captured/eliminated. fortress) of its in command units must 4.2.2 Limits. Bonaparte cannot move 4.4.1 If in an assault or a Bombardment move toward the enemy (they must more than two hexes from 1014, the attacker rolls an unmodified 6 and end their activation at least one hex Alvinczy cannot move beyond hex line a leader is in the attacked hex, the closer to the enemy than at the start). 24xx. leader must do a test. 4.4.2 If in an assault the attacker rolls This order allows to enter EZoC, use 4.3 Command Range an unmodified 1 and he used a leader Road March (9.3) and Assault (12.0). Each leader has a Command Range modifier (12.4.4), this has to do a test. 5.1.2 Attack – All the units (do not expressed in hexes (not counting the 4.4.3 Test. The player roll a die count artillery, out of command units leader’s hex) indicated on the counter. and must make a result higher than and units in towns or fortress)must The leader’s Command Range is initiative of its leader, otherwise this is move (if possible) at least one hex traced from the leader to all units in considered captured/eliminated. closer to the enemy units until they his formation (only). Command status For the purposes of this rule the Army come in an EZoC. This movement is determined in the Order segment of Commanders are considered to have a is toward the enemy line and is not the Actions phase and stays with the initiative of one. mandatory to reach immediately the unit throughout that Activation. Only 4.4.4 If all units in the hex with a EZoCs. the leader with the same Command leader are eliminated, this has to do a All the units in EZoC must attack. Designation of the unit can trace test automatically. This order allows to enter EZoC and command to a combat unit (exc. 4.3.1). If the leader is not captured/ Assault (12.0). Units that are beyond the Command eliminated, he must immediately move See also 12.5.4 for the Ne result on Range of his leader, are considered to the nearest friendly unit. If there is the CRT. “Out of Command”. no friendly unit within the leader’s 5.1.3 Defence – Formations under movement allowance, he may move Initiative Defence orders must attempt to hold value to any hex, free of enemy units, within specific terrain or areas. his MA. Units may not move more than 1 hex Command 4.4.5 If an officer dies, his units are out Range and may not enter EZoCs unless to of command for the rest of the game stack with other friendly units.

Parabellum - Numero 2 Units may leave EZoCs but they cannot 5.3.2 If there are two 7.1 Stacking limits move directly from EZoC to EzoC. units in the hex, rolls one The stacking limit is: This order allows to use Reorganization die for efficiency and a) Two units of the same type (15.3). apply the result to both. (infantry, cavalry) and of the 5.1.4 Manoeuvre – All the units may same Formation. move freely but may not enter EZoCs. 6.0 INITIATIVE b) One artillery unit of any Formation with this order may use Unless otherwise stated by the scenario Formation combined with one Road March (9.3). rules, the Players, during the Initiative infantry or cavalry unit. segment of each game turn, roll 1d6 c) Two artillery units of any 5.2 Change Order and adding the army initiative value. Formation(s). Officers which are within the The higher modified die roll gets the d) Markers and leaders do not Command Range of his Army initiative. In case of draws the player count towards the stacking Commander (Bonaparte and Alvinczy) with the higher army initiative value limit. may automatically change order during wins. If still tied, roll again. 7.1.1 Routed units may not stack the segment 1 of the Command phase. voluntarily with other units in good 6.1 Modifiers 5.2.1 Out of command officer. order or disordered, if it happens, the The French player has a Army initiative The effect of being outside of the units must move up to a “free” hex. value of 2 (two) for the whole game, Command Range of the Commander 7.1.2 Units in Road March (9.3) may the Austrian player has a Army initiative for any officer is that he can’t receive not stack and move through other value equal to the current number in new orders and he can only try to unit’s hex. change his orders by Initiative. the box of the Weather on the map. 5.2.2 Officer Initiative. At the 6.2 Activation 8.0 ZONE OF CONTROL moment that his formation is activated The zone of control (ZoC) represents The player that wins the initiative (not in the Orders segment of the the influence projected by a unit choose a formation not yet activated Command phase), if the beyond the hex it occupies. (friend or enemy) that becomes the Officer rolls equal to or All units exercise a ZOC into its six active formation and makes all the less than his IR on the die, adjacent hexes. phases of the Action Phase (3.1 phase he has succeeded and he All combat units exert a ZoC even if an B). can change orders. hex is occupied by an enemy unit, or is Once the active formation completed If this fails all combat units of that in an enemy unit’s ZoC (EZOC). all the Action Phase, return to the formation must maintain their original If a friendly combat unit is in an initiative segment and repeat the order. EZOC, the opposing units are equally procedure as long as there are and mutually affected by each other’s formations not yet activated, therefore 5.3 Out of command unit ZoC. The presence of a friendly unit in go to the end of turn phase. A unit out of command receives an EZOC does not negate the EZOC automatically a Defence order. 7.0 STACKING effects. ZoCs do not extend in Fortress 5.3.1 During the activation of his and across impassable hexsides. formation an out of command unit Players may stack more than one friendly combat unit in a hex at the Disordered and Routed units have not who wants to change its order must ZoC. perform an Efficiency Check (13.1): if end of the movement phase. It costs it is successful then the unit can change no movement points to stack combat orders, otherwise, the unit remains in units. You may move through a unit’s Defence order. hex at no extra cost.

8.1 Leaving EZOCs Units in an EZOC cannot exit except by a Defence Order (5.1.3) or combat results. 8.1.1 Routed units ignore EZOC.

8.2 Engagement Entering an EZOC is called “Engagement”. 8.2.1 Combat units may enter EZOCs if their Order permits it but stop moving. 8.2.2 Leaders may not enter EZOCs movement points varies depending 10.4 Bridges voluntarily unless a friendly combat on the terrain in the hex and on the Bridges are present where unit occupies the hex. hexside crossed to enter the hex. a road or minor road 8.2.3 If a hex containing a lone leader The MP costs are deducted from the crosses a Canal. is entered by an enemy combat unit, movement allowance of the unit as it 10.4.1 Bridge cancel the the leader may immediately move moves from hex to hex. All movement additional MP to pass the Canal. up to its full movement allowance to point costs are cumulative. When the 10.4.2 Treat the bridge as Canal for escape. unit has insufficient movement points the combat. If he can’t leave the hex due to left to pay the cost of the next hex, Retreat limitations, he is captured and that unit must cease moving. 10.5 Fortress eliminated from the game. 9.2.1 Austrian units never move in the In Caldiero 1796 the only row 10xx. fortress is represented by the Rocca di Caldiero (hex 9.0 MOVEMENT Historical note: the order of the During the movement phase, the 1712). In reality it was not Austrian command was to stand on active Formation may move all, some, a true fortress, but a manor entrenched the positions and not to advance or none of his units and leader in to defend the Command who was towards any direction, subject to their Order, headquartered here. 10.5.1 Units adjacent to a fortress do Command status, Initiative, terrain 9.3 Road march not extend their ZoC into fortress. restrictions, and the presence of enemy All units may use Road March, subject 10.5.2 Unit(s) in Fortress may choose units and EZOCs. to their Order. At any time during to remain stationary (i.e. not move Infantry units have three to five movement a unit on a road or trail and assault) independently from the movement points, cavalry units have may declare that it will use the road order received from its formation. six to nine movement points (except advantage and that this unit has march the French 1 Cav. of the Massena orders. Formations). 11.0 ARTILLERY There is no cost to declare Road march. Artillery units may always use a 9.1 Movement procedure 9.3.1 Each hex from road to contiguous Order of Defence or Manoeuvre The Phasing player may move units road (not trail) costs one-half (½) independently from the order received individually or as a stack. Whether movement point in Road March, and from its formation. moving individually or as a stack, there is no extra cost for bridges. Each When an artillery or horse artillery unit the move must be completed before hex from trail to contiguous trail costs moves, turn it on the side “Moved”. moving the next individual unit or one movement point less (but never This counter is turned again in the stack. Units may only move from hex less than 1) than the other hex terrain segment 6 of the Action phase Artillery to contiguous hex paying MPs for each cost, when in Road March. with a “Moved” counter may not hex along the way. 9.3.2 A unit in Road march: bombard. Unused movement points may not be a Cannot enter EZOC, saved from turn to turn. b May not stack or move as part Artillery unit example: 9.1.1 A unit may never expend more of a stack, Command c May not move through a hex Artillery movement points than its movement Unit I.D. Designation containing other friendly units. range allowance in a single movement phase, (formation) but a unit may always move at least 10.0 TERRAIN one hex per turn, even if the cost of For movement point costs see the Bombar- Movement terrain in the hex and hexside exceeds Terrain Effects Chart. dment allowance the printed movement allowance of Trees and Peak on the map have no strength (MP) the unit. influence on movement and combat. 9.1.2 A combat unit (but not a leader, see 8.2.2) must stop the moment it 10.1 Towns 11.0.1 Artillery units may participate enters an EZOC. A unit cannot enter a Unit(s) in Towns may in attacks only by bombarding the hex occupied by an opposing combat choose to remain stationary Defending unit. Artillery units are unit. (i.e. not move and assault) NOT considered for combat purposes, 9.1.3 Units not in Road March may independently from the neither for strength nor efficiency. move through other friendly units order received from its formation. Artillery is never considered for die roll without additional costs. modifications due to target density. 9.1.4 Leaders have six MP and they 10.2 Marsh may always move their full movement Units in Marsh are halved 11.1 Retreat allowance regardless of the Order of (x ½) in attack and Artillery, stacked with infantry or their formation. A leader may move defense. Artillery units cavalry that are eliminated or have from EZOC to EZOC if each of these may not Bombard. been forced to retreat as a result of hexes are occupied by friendly combat combat, is eliminated. units. 10.3 Canal Artillery is withdrawing normally if Artillery units may cross forced to retreat for Bombardment. 9.2 Terrain and movement a Canal only if it has a 11.1.1 If artillery units are themselves Each hex costs a number of movement bridge. attacked when alone in a hex, they points to enter. This number of 10.3.1 There is a -1 DRM may Bombard a hex of attacking units. if all units attack through a Canal. Parabellum - Numero 2 If, after the Bombardment, an enemy 11.4 Bombardment all his assaults, but before he rolls for unit is still able to advance into the A bombardment attack is an attack Efficiency checks if due, the defending Defending hex (12.7), the artillery by an artillery unit against an enemy player may bombard with artillery unit(s) is eliminated. occupied hex. Each artillery unit units being directly assaulted. may only attack a single enemy 11.2 Artillery range occupied hex when bombarding. A 12.0 COMBAT The maximum range of each artillery stack of artillery units may split its All combat between opposing units unit is indicated on the counter (the bombardments against different targets occurs during the formation segments number in the square shape). but a single artillery unit may not split 5 of the Action phase. Only adjacent The bombarded enemy units (called its fire among different targets. combat units may be attacked. The Targets) must be in the artillery Artillery units are never forced to attacker conducts a series of Assaults Line of Sight (11.3). Range from the attack an enemy unit merely because in any order he desires. Attacks are bombarding artillery unit to the target it is in range. resolved one at a time, and their hex is counted by including the target 11.4.1 Artillery units can combine results fully applied before proceeding hex, but not the bombarding units’ their bombardment factors in a single with the next attack. hex. Bombardment only if stacked in the All active units with an Attack order Note: In Caldiero 1796 the same hex. must attack enemy units that are in atmospheric conditions can reduce Multiple artillery units in different their ZoC, units with an Advance considerably the artillery range and hexes cannot bombard together as a order aren’t required to. If a unit effectiveness. single force but they may bombard assaults an enemy, all units in its ZoC the same target (the player rolls a die must be attacked (even if by other 11.3 Line of Sight on the Bombardment Table for each friendly units). The player may choose Units may spot enemy targets at attacking artillery unit). which attacking units will attack each a distance of four (4) hexes if the 11.4.2 Attacking artillery suffers no defending unit as long as all adjacent atmospheric conditions allow this and adverse Combat Results. friendly units participate in an attack. no blocking terrain or hexsides prevent 11.4.3 Artillery units may bombard, 12.1 Procedure the spotting. if within range of a target in LOS, Each assault is resolved in a series of Units trace a Line of Sight (LoS) tracing regardless of command status. steps which must be played through in a line from the centre of the unit hex to 11.4.4 Bombardment procedure. their exact order. The acting player is the centre of the target unit hex. Follow this sequence: designated the Attacker, the reacting 11.3.1 Blocking hexes. Fortress, Designate the Target hex player is the Defender. Towns, hex higher than either the Determine the Line of Sight. 1. Define which units will attack active unit or the target block the LoS. Determine the Bombarding which defenders (see rule 12.2), If any hex or hexside between the strength 2. Retreat before combat (14.1), active unit and the target is blocking Determine the Bombardment 3. Defensive Bombardment Step terrain, the LoS is blocked and the DRM (11.4.5), target may not be hit/observed. Refer to the Bombardment table. 4. Check for Efficiency (12.2.2), The Line of Sight is blocked if it passes Execute the Bombardment Results. 5. Determine the odds (15.5.1) and through the juncture of two or more 11.4.5 Defensive Bombardment. If the effects of terrain, blocking hexsides or the juncture of a attacked in melée, defending artillery 6. Rolls the die and applies the blocking terrain hexside and a blocking may Bombard the enemy attacking combat results. terrain hex. hex. After the attacking player declares 12.2 Assault declaration 12.4.1 Multiple Unit and Multi-hex 12.5.2 Die Roll Modifiers (DRM): The active Player is termed the Attacker; Combat. All units in a given hex must 1. Disorder: +2 DRM (15.1) the other player is the Defender, defend as a single total strength. A 2. Efficiency: DRM = difference regardless of the overall situation. single attack may involve any number (see 12.3) The active player must declare all the of attacking or defending units in 3. Leaders: add or subtract 1 (one) attacks he wants to execute. Place an different hexes. To be resolved as a to the DRM. “Assault” marker on every unit in an single combat, all the attacking units 4. Higher than maximum ratio: See EZOC with an Attack Order and an must be adjacent to all the defending 15.4.3. “Assault?” marker over every unit with units. The defender may not withhold 5. Canister: 1 or 2 DRM (see an Advance Order. a unit in a hex under attack. The 13.8.2). attacker must attack with all the units 6. Terrain: see Terrain Effects Chart. in a stack. Different units in a given hex DRM cannot be higher to +4 or -4. may not be attacked separately. 12.5.3 The result of the die roll If more than one attacking unit is in a indicates a line on the Combat Results given hex, these units must be used as a Table, which is cross indexed with the single Combat Strength. They may not column representing the combat odds. Units with other order types cannot be used in separate attacks. The intersection of line and column attack, but defend normally. 12.4.2 Diversionary Attacks. Units yields a combat result. This should be 12.2.1 You have to attack all the may make attacks at poor odds so that immediately applied to the involved enemy units which project one EZOC adjacent attacks against other defenders units, before going on to resolve any in the hex of the attacker and who are could be made at higher odds (by other combat. not attacked by other Friendly Units in allotting most of the attacking force to Separate assaults may be resolved in this segment. the major objective). These attacks are any order wished by the attacker, as 12.2.2 Pre-shock Morale Check. All known as ‘Diversionary’’ Attacks. It’s long as all combats are resolved during the units marked with an “Assault?” forbidden to declare attacks with odds that Combat Phase. marker must undergo an Efficiency worse than 1-5, but it’s possible that an 12.5.4 Explanation of Combat check before their attacks. If they pass attack with better odds could become Results. it, they receive an “Assault” marker, worse than 1-5 due to Efficiency checks. Ae / De: Attacker / Defender there’s no penalty for units that fail Attacks executed at worse than ‘1-5’ Eliminated. All attacking (A) Efficiency checks, they simply can’t are automatically AE. or defending (D) units are attack. 12.4.3 Higher than maximum odds eliminated (12.8). 12.2.3 No unit may attack more than ratio. Attacks executed at greater than Ad / Dd: All attacking / defending once per turn, and no enemy unit ‘6-1’ odds are treated as ‘6-1’, but the unit(s) are Disordered. may be attacked more than once per attacker has a +1 to die roll modifier for Ne: No effect. If the attacking units Combat segment. each further level (Ex. 8-1 is resolved as were under Attack orders, the 12.3 Efficiency a roll on the 6-1 column with +2 to player may roll a die to check At the beginning of combat, both sides die). against the efficiency that was must check their Efficiency. 12.4.4 Leaders in combat. A leader used in that combat (13.1): if 12.3.1 The players determine the most (and only one) may add (or subtract passed, treat as Ex; if not, treat widespread value of efficiency (in SP) if on the defender side) 1 to (from) as Ad. among the its units. the die roll if part of a stack during a Ex: The attacker loses a unit (of In the event of a tie between two combat. his choice) with an efficiency values the player can choose which to greater than or equal to that 12.5 Combat Table use. used for the combat and the Assaults are resolved with the Combat Example: An attacker has 2 SP with defender must loses a number Table. of units with an efficiency efficiency 2, 3 SP with efficiency 3 12.5.1 Odds. The attacker totals and 2 SP with efficiency 4, efficiency greater than or equal to that the Combat Strengths of all the units used for the combat whose value is 3 (this is the value of the attacking a given hex and compares group more numerous with the total SP is at least equal to the total to the total Combat Strengths the attacker’s losses. All other same SP). If they had 2 SPs for each of the defending units in the hex under efficiency value, the attacker he units involved in combat must attack. The comparison is expressed undergo an Efficiency check, could have chosen any one value as a ratio between attacking and from 2 to 4. any unit failing it will be defending Strength Points (attacking Disordered. 12.3.2 Efficiency difference between Strength Points divided by defending Dr: All defending combat units the attacker value and the defender Strength Points) and is simplified by must retreat 1 hex and check value becomes a die roll modifier. rounding off to one of the odds ratios Efficiency: if passed, they are on the Combat Results Table. 12.4 Assault Disordered, otherwise they An enemy controlled hex may be Example: If 13 SP attack 4, the ratio Rout (15.2.1). Attack against attacked by as many units as can be would be 3.25 to 1, rounded (always units in town or fortress brought to bear from the six adjacent in favor of the defender) 3 to 1. becomes Ex. hexes. Units may only attack when Terrain, Disorder, Elan and Weather adjacent to them defending unit. can change the combat odds.

Parabellum - Numero 2 12.6 Retreat 13.0 MORALE Cavalry units defending in Fortress When the Combat result requires a The efficiency rating measures morale, give a DRM of -1 only to the attacker . player’s units to retreat, the owning èlan, aggressiveness, leadership, trai- player must immediately withdraw ning and experience of the units. 14.1 Retreat before combat those units one hex. The retreat After an assault has been declared must end one hex away from every 13.1 Efficiency check defending cavalry unit(s) may attacking unit. When a unit must perform an Efficiency retreat one (1) hex prior to the odds Two units from the same hex may check, the player rolls one die: if calculation if the attacking side includes retreat into two different hexes. the result is equal to or less than the only infantry. The owning Player may decide the unit efficiency, the check is successful, If all unit(s) retreat before combat, the direction that each of his retreating otherwise it fails. attacking units may advance into the units moves. 13.1.1 An Efficiency check always suc- hex vacated by the retreating units. 12.6.1 A unit may retreat in EZOCs if ceeds with an unmodified die roll of 1 15.0 DISORDER, ROUT, no other path of retreat is available, and always fails with an unmodified 6. but receives one more Disorganization 13.1.2 During the Efficiency check roll REORGANIZATION AND level. a single die and apply the result to all REINFORCEMENT 12.6.2 If the only hex available to the units in the hex. Disordered or Routed units have not retreating unit (included EZOC) is one ZoC and suffer some limitations. 13.2 Officer modifiers which it could not normally move into An officer may influence the Efficiency 15.1 Disordered units because of stacking restrictions, the check. The Efficiency of the units Disordered Units cannot attack and unit must retreat an extra hex. is increased if the unit is stacked or in Defense gives a +2 DRM to the 12.6.3 If a combat unit cannot retreat adjacent to the formation leader. Add attacker. because of prohibited hexsides and/or the leader’s initiative rating to the If an already disordered unit receives enemy combat units, it is permanently Efficiency of the unit. an additional Disorder, it is routed. eliminated. Note. The Initiative rating is used 12.7 Advance as combat result only for efficiency check. For the Whenever a hex is vacated as a result combat see 12.4.4. of combat, one victorious unit adjacent to that hex, which participated in 14.0 CAVALRY that combat, may advance into Cavalry units have their Combat Disorder Route the vacated hex. This advance may strength doubled against Disordered be made regardless of EZOCs. The unit(s) in clear terrain. 15.2 Routed units option to advance must be exercised Routed Units cannot move or attack. immediately, before any other combat If an enemy unit moves adjacent to a resolution. routed unit the latter must undergo an A unit is never forced to advance. Efficiency check: if passed, the routed 12.7.1 Disordered units and Artillery unit must retreat 2 hexes, otherwise it may not advance after combat. is eliminated. 12.7.2 Only one victorious unit may advance into a vacated hex. If two hexes are vacated as a result of a single combat, the victorious player may still advance only one unit. 12.7.3 All combat units present in a hex may advance if a leader is present in the stack and advances along with.

12.8 Eliminated units Any time a full strength combat unit is eliminated, the unit is rotated on the reduced strength side and it is placed in the next Game Turn on the map if in command, two Game Turn later if out of command. Unit(s) returns on or adjacent to their formation leader, but not in EZOC. Combat units that are already at their reduced strength, that do not have a reduced strength or subject to 12.6.3 and 15.2.1 are permanently eliminated. 12.8.1 Off-map retreats. Units which are forced to retreat off map are permanently eliminated. 15.2.1 A unit routing as a result of 1d6 columns shift to the right on the 18.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS combat must immediately retreat CRT, if it is unsuccessful the unit is The Victory points (VP) are assigned 2 hexes. If it cannot retreat due to Disordered. with the control of certain hexes on enemy units and/or impassable terrain, 16.1.1 Regardless of the result deduct 1 the map: it is permanently eliminated. from the Elan table on the map. One The players receives 3 VP (for attempt only is possible for attack hex) for occupying Colognola 15.3 Reorganization (2020, 2119), During the Reorganization segment (3) 17.0 WEATHER The players receives 2 VP (for hex) of the Command phase disordered or The day of the battle was for occupying Caldiero (1612, routed units may try to reorganize, if characterized by heavy 1613, 1712), they are not in EZOC and their order rain, cloudburst, snow The players receives 2 VP (for hex) allows it. and a ice storm. for occupying Gombion (1607), 15.3.1 If they pass the morale check There are four box on the The players receives 1 VP (for hex) Routed Units become Disordered and map, numbered from zero to three, to for occupying Mt. San Mattia Disorder return to full efficiency. indicate the weather. (2013) and Mt. Zovo (2115). The game begins with the weather 15.4 Reinforcements The player with more VP subtract the marker on the Zero box (Overcast). sum of those of the opponent. The new units enter on the map in the At the beginning of every turn in the appropriate hex on the turn specified The difference of VP between the two Weather segment the Austrian player players determines the result of battle: on the set up schedule. roll a die on the Weather Table (on the Reinforcements always enter during 14 or more Decisive victory map under the Weather boxes) to see 13-8 Marginal victory the formation Movement segment of if the weather changes. the Action phase. 7-4 Tactical victory 3 or less Stalemate 15.4.1 The reinforcing units arrive 17.1 Weather Effect paying the normal terrain cost for the Weather effect movement and combat. entry hex. 17.1.1 Overcast. The units have a The owning Player may determine the movement point less, except if they do exact order of arrival when he moves all their movement on minor road or reinforcements on to the map. road. Artillery have the bombardment The reinforcing units may arrive using value halved and the range reduced to Road march. one. 15.4.2 The Reinforcement unit enters All attacks receive one column shift on 19.0 SCENARIO RULES the map in command and with a the left. The set up is in 21.0. Manoeuvre order. 17.1.2 Snow & Ice. Terrain costs are 15.4.3 French units of the Reserve doubled, except on a road or a minor 19.1 Attack direction (Command Designation R) can be road. Augereau and Massena had the order assigned to one of the two formations Artillery cannot fire. to occupy respectively Caldiero and in play. All attacks receive two columns shift Colognola. If they are in the command range of on the left. 19.1.1 The units of the formation of a Officer are considered to belong to 17.1.3 Ice Storm. All the formations Augereau cannot move or attack north that formation (also for the stacking automatically assume an order of of the road that runs from 1014 to rules), otherwise can be activated with Defense, Commanders have the range 2714 as long as a unit of this formation one of the two formations with normal of command halved and the units out has not entered in a Caldiero hex command rules (4.3.1 and 5.3.1). command cannot try to change Order (including the Rocca). If the unit is in the Command range for 5.3.1. 19.1.2 The units of the formation of of the two Officers the French player Terrain costs are doubled, except on Massena cannot move or attack south decides to which Formation assign it. the road. Artillery cannot fire and of the road that runs from 1014 to 2714 Units can only be activated once per move if not on the road or minor as long as a unit of this formation has game turn. road. All attacks receive three columns not entered in a Colognola hex. shift on the left. 16.0 ELAN Note. The top of the map is not the In the phase C (End of turn phase) the North, like as usual, but the West. One of the French weather marker is moved to box 2 advantages during the (Snow and Ice). Revolutionary Campaigns 19.2 What if: Better Weather surely was the “Morale” 17.2 Confusion This scenario assumes that the icestorm given by Revolutionary When the Weather marker is in boxes that shattered the battlefield is not motivations. The French player can use 1, 2 or 3 after to have calculated the occurred. Elan in four attacks. combat odds, the attacker roll a die: 19.2.1 Rule 17.0 does not apply, the with a result of one or two there is one weather is ever overcast. 16.1 Resolution column shift on the left on the CRT; 19.2.2 All the reinforcements enter in During the Combat Action Phase (5d) with a result of three or four there are map a Game Turn before. a French unit with a Attack marker can not changes; with a result of five or six 19.2.3 All the hexes of Colognola declare that he use the Elan. Perform receive one column shift on the right and Caldiero give a Victory Point less a moral check without any modifier: on the CRT. for the French (their value remains If pass the check, the attacker receives unchanged for the Austrian). Parabellum - Numero 2 20.0 OPTIONAL RULES During the Assault segment, the cavalry The following rules are optional. units with a Charge marker enter the Players may add them upon mutual enemy’s hex and attack the enemy agreement. unit(s). Cavalry units with a Charge marker 20.1 Bonaparte’s intervention have theirs Combat strength doubled Bonaparte may decide (not cumulative with 14.0). 20.4.1 The number of hexes of the LoS to command directly a 20.2.1 Cavalry may charge only hex in formation. In this case the is reduced by the number in the box of clear terrain. the weather on the map. Austrian player receives 20.2.2 Cavalry may charge only one three VP and all the hex and ignore other enemy ZoC. 20.5 Flank Attacks French units of the Reserve (those with 20.2.3 All the charging Cavalry at the If five of the six hexes adjacent to the Formation R) are considered to be end of the Charge become disordered the defender are either occupied by part of the Bonaparte’s formation. if they were in good order. an enemy unit or in the ZOC of an Add the Bonaparte Formation counter 20.2.4 You cannot attack the same hex attacking enemy unit and none of these to the game. in a combat segment with a cavalry five hexes are occupied by a friendly 20.1.1 Bonaparte can change Order charge and an infantry assault. unit, the defender is considered every turn automatically, he acquires “Flanked”. also the Officer’s abilities (4.1.1) and is 20.3 Storm from the East IMPORTANT: The only significant no longer subject to rule 4.2.2. The storm hit the battlefield from East making even more difficult to combat EZOCs are those projected by the 20.2 Cavalry charge to those who had it in the face. units that are actually involved in Only the Austrian units 20.3.1 When Weather marker is on attacking the unfortunate unit. The Hussars and 2 Erz. Joszef Snow & Ice (2) or Icestorm (3) all the ZOCs of units not involved in the can charge. units that attack from East to Southwest specific combat are not considered. Cavalry units with an or Northwest (eg. from 1618 to 1717 You never flank attack a unit in the Attack order and able to or 1718) have the their combat value fortress or Town. reach an enemy unit may: reduced of one. 20.5.1 Effects. If the defender is stop their move in the hex Flanked, the CRT odds column immediately preceding the 20.4 Fog of war is shifted two to the right (in the enemy unit; You may examine an enemy stack only attacker’s favour). put a Charge marker on the if you can trace a Line Of Sight (11.3) 20.5.2 Map Edge. A defender in a charging unit(s). to that stack. map-edge hex cannot be flanked. 21.0 SET UP Place the units within a (1) hex by their initial placement hex (PI).

21.1 Austrian Set up first. Formation marker Hohenzollern in the Defence box on the map. PI A (2120): Combined Banal Grenz. PI B (1916): Colloredo Line Btn - Sticker 3 pdr Foot Art . PI C (1711): Comb. Gyulai Line Btn - AvGuard Foot 3” Bty. PI D (1707): Callenberg Line Btn - Foot Art. 6” Reserve Sect. PI E (2318): Hohenzollern (Generale) - 2 Hussar Sq. Erz. Joszef - Wurmser Hussars. PI F (1614): 7 Carlstadt Combined Grenz Btn - Comb. Hungarian Btn - AvGuard 6” Horse Art. Sect. In hex 2014 or 2114: Erdödy Hussars (two units).

21.2 French The French player during his Initial placement can choose which Order assign to Augereau and Massena. Place the Formation Marker of Massena and Augereau in the corresponding box on the map. GT5: Formation marker Provera in SOURCES PI 1 (1119): Massena IV Art.Pied the Manouvre box on the map. Acerbi E., Massignani A., , la 8 Pdr - 9 Dragons Rgt. Sqn Provera (Officers) - Comb. battaglia nell’acqua, Acies edizioni, - 18 Légére Demi Brigade - Deutschmeister Line Inf. Btn - Milano, 2017. Carabiniers Btn. Comb. Line Inf. Btn 36 Ulrich Béraud, Stéphane, Bonaparte en PI 2 (1117): Massena (Officers) - 18 Kinsky - 2 Wallach Grenz Btn - Italie. Naissance d’un stratège, Line Demi Brigade - 40 Line Schubirz 3” Foot Art. Bty. Bernard Giovanangeli éditeur, Paris, Demi Brigade - Massena V GT6: IR 51 Splenyi - 4 Banater 1996. Horse (Art. Cheval). Combined Grenz Btn - Brnardic Vladimir, Seretani, Austrijske PI 3 (1115): Massena IV Art.Pied 6 Gavassini 3” Foot Art. Bty. granicarske pukovnije in Hrvatski pdr - 32 Line Demi Brigade. vojnik 70 (2001). 21.4 French Reinforcements PI 4 (1112): Augereau Schels, Johann Baptist, Das Treffen Enters with Manouvre Order from (Commander) - Augereau V bei Caldiero am 12 November 1796 hex 1014 except those indicated by the Horse (Art. Cheval) - Augereau in Oesterreichische Militärische asterisk (*), they enter from hex 1005. V Art.Pied 6 pdr - Comb. Zeitschrift, Bd. 2 (1828) pp. 145-69. GT3: 5 Dragons Rgt. Sqn – 15 Grenadiers 1st Btn - 5 Légére Smola, Karl Freiherrn von, Major im Dragons Rgt. Sqn* - Hussars Demi Brigade. kais. Österr. Generalquartiermeister- 7 Bis Rgt - 10 Rgt. Chasseurs - Stabe, dargeßtellt von, “Das Leben 21.3 Austrian reinforcements Augereau V Art. Pied 8 pdr. des Feldmarschalls Prinzen Friedrich Enter with Manouvre Order from hex GT4: 4 Line Demi Brigade - Franz Xavier z u Hohenzollern- 2714 Reserve IV Art. Pied 12 pdr - Hechingen”, Schaumburg & GT2: Mahoney Jägers - Stab Reserve V Art. Pied 12 pdr. Compagnie, Wien 1845. Dragoner. GT5: Bonaparte (Army GT3: Alvinczy (Army Commanders) – 75 Line CREDITS Commanders) - 2nd Banater Demi Brigade – 25 Line Demi Design: Enrico Acerbi Combined Btn. - Foot Art. Brigade. Development: Piergennaro Federico Reserve 12” Sect. (two units). GT6: 24 Rgt. Chasseurs* - 1 Graphics: Giulia Tinti GT4: Mészáros Uhlans - Combined Cavalry Rgt – 51 Line Demi Map Graphics: Frank Capra Line Inf. Btn Brechainville - 8 Brigade - 12 Légére Demi Playtest: Andrea Brusati, Combined Grenz Btn. Carlstadt Brigade. Fabio Ciocchi, Stefano - 6 Banater Combined Btn. – GT7: 45 Line Demi Brigade – 39 Cossettini, Piergennaro Brabeck 3” Foot Art. Bty. Line Demi Brigade. Federico, Marco Ferrari, Marco Rossi, Raffaele Iannuzzi Parabellum - Numero 2 Caldiero, 1796 Bonaparte’s first defeat

Terrain effects: MOVEMENT Terrain effects: COMBAT The basic cost to enter a Hex is one Movement Point (MP). TERRAIN EFFECT The actual cost to enter a given CHART Hex may be more or less, Bombardment Assault depending upon the terrain in the Hex, on the Hexside being crossed, and the unit type. TerrainType MPs to Enter or Cross DRM Effect on Combat

Clear / Hill 1 MP No Effect No Effect

Up level* +1 MP -1 -1 DRM

Marsh 2 MP See 10.2 See 10.2

Trees No Effect Other terrain in Hex Other terrain in Hex

Peak No Effect Other terrain in Hex Other terrain in Hex

Towns 1 MP -1 1 L, Change DR inEx

2L. Change DR in DD. Fortress 1 MP -2 See also 14.0

1/2 MP if entered through road Road Hex side in Road March. Other terrain in Hex Other terrain in Hex Otherwise other terrain in Hex

Minor Road 1 MP (See 9.3.1) Other terrain in Hex Other terrain in Hex

Bridge See 10.4.1 Other terrain in Hex Other terrain in Hex

Canal +1 MP No Effect -1 DRM

River No movement allowed No Effect Not allowed

* Move, Bombard or Attack from clear to hill