Consumer Health Informatics and Personal Health Records 17 Kevin Johnson , Holly Brugge Jimison , and Kenneth D. Mandl After reading this chapter, you should know the • Defi ne patient portals, personal health records, answers to these questions: patient-controlled health records, and per- • What is the central tenet of consumer health sonal health applications. informatics? • What are the issues that biomedical informat- ics research can address relating to consumer 17.1 Introduction communication, decision-making, and infor- mation access needs? Complexity and collaboration characterize • Although technology is a major focus of the health care in the early twenty-fi rst century. discussion around consumer health informat- Complexity arises from a deeper or more ics, we realize that any technology of interest sophisticated understanding of health and dis- today will be obsolete in the next 10 years. eases, wherein etiological models must take However, the issues this technology is trying to into account both molecular processes and address will continue to be prevalent. With that physical environments. Collaboration refl ects in mind, what are the larger biomedical infor- not only inter-professional collaboration, but matics topics this technology is being used to also a realization that successful attainment of address? optimal well being and effective management of disease processes necessitate active engage- ment of clinicians, lay persons, concerned fam- ily members, and society as a whole. This K. Johnson , MD, MS (*) Department of Biomedical Informatics , chapter introduces technologies forming the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine , foundation of consumer health informatics , 2209 Garland Ave , Nashville 37232 , TN , USA including personal health records (PHR), e-mail:
[email protected] patient portals , personal health applications , H.