Meet the BeastBox


Ben Mirin is a sound artist, educator, and mammal with an impressive voice. Ben leads expeditions around the world recording sounds, samples their voices, and creates music that helps us understand and protect wild places. He is an Environmental Ambassador for the Cornell Lab. He lives and beatboxes in Brooklyn, NY.


African savannah elephants are sensitive communicators that can recognize the deep bass rumbles of family members kilometers away. Female-led herds use a variety of distinct calls to communicate everything from location to emotional state.


The largest animals on Earth are also the loudest—but their voices are so low-pitched that human ears can’t detect them (sped-up here). Blue whales use these strong, bass voices to keep in touch over more than 1,000 kilometers.


Male blue wildebeest rarely resort to all-out fights for territory—instead, they engage in cordial conflict rituals. They lock horns, wrestle, and bellow their signature “gee-nu.” Once the males have established their territories females will choose from among their options. BOBCAT

Bobcats are solitary carnivores that make all sorts of noises—some even sounding like . These wild cats can chirp, chortle, growl, and scream. When these sounds erupt within earshot it can be an eerie experience.


The Bornean gibbon’s magnificent howl can be heard from all levels of the rainforest. Small family groups use this call to stake out their treetop territories. Females whoop with the most strength, sending their calls as much as a kilometer through dense greenery.


Adult male Bornean orangutans make loud “long calls” that travel well through the dense forest. The subtleties of these calls are well understood by nearby orangutans. Small variations in the pattern and quality of the long calls signal the male’s identity and his state of excitement.


Bottlenose dolphins use a complex series of whistles and squeaks to maintain their vibrant social lives. To help them map the ocean floor and to find food, they can also produce echolocating clicks at a blistering pace of 1,000 per second.

BULLETHEAD PARROTFISH Crrrunch! Parrotfish use their unusual beaklike teeth to grind algae and polyps from the surface of . This comes with a distinctive scraping sound that signals a beach in the making. Much of the sand you find on tropical island beaches is thanks to the grinding action of parrotfish.


The Cactus Wren’s song sounds more like a revving engine than a melody. These birds also make buzzing calls atop shrubs to warn others of incoming predators like roadrunners and snakes. Sometimes nearby Cactus Wrens will join in the alarm calling.


This small songbird uses fluting notes and a mellow low-pitched trill to announce its presence. The male Chestnut-winged Babbler can also flash his blue throat during song in what is thought to be a courtship display.


Although katydids are hard to spot in a tree, they are impossible to miss once you know what they sound like. Katydids use their large, leaflike wings as an instrument to make bold staccato notes, but rarely to fly. On warm summer nights, males call in chorus to attract females.


Shrieking howls pierce the night—is it an entire pack of coyotes? It could be, or it could be just two. When a pair of coyotes howl to mark their territory, they often sound more numerous to nearby listeners.


Thanks to impressive camouflage, Eastern Whip-poor-wills can hide in plain sight—but once they open their they’re more like lead singers than wallflowers. At dawn and dusk, they repeat their rousing “whip-poor-will” song for minutes at a time to claim territory.


This large cicada species is one of the loudest in the world. With a wingspan of up to 17 centimeters, empress cicadas can make a deafening ruckus produced by vibrating chambers in their abdomens.


Flitting in and out of sun-speckled canopy, the Gold-whiskered Barbet speedily whistles its signature “tehoop-tehoop!” The song reverberates through the lush forest during daylight hours, becoming slurred as the performs at peak speeds.


The Gray Crowned-Crane stands out from its surroundings in more ways than one. This crane’s booming call is a fitting match to its eye-catching head . Roosting in trees, pairs may honk in unison to strengthen their pair bond.

GRAY TREEFROG, COPE’S GRAY TREEFROG, AND PICKEREL FROG When a chorus of “ribbits” erupts from the dark on a rainy spring evening, you’re hearing males trying to get the attention of nearby females. Each frog species has a unique call. Often the pace of the chorus speeds up as the outdoor temperature increases.


There’s a constant crackling noise filling much of the world’s oceans. It’s the collective din of snapping shrimp, each using its oversized claw to create a sonic punch. They’re not doing it for the noise, though: the snaps produce high velocity water jets capable of stunning and killing prey.


As dusk falls, a Hadada Ibis can be heard calling out its name during flight: “haaa-daaa-daaa!” These loud birds thrive in urban landscapes, annoying some and inspiring others to treat them as backyard pets.


During humpback whale mating season, viral songs sweep the oceans. Scientists have observed that individual males change out phrases of their complex mating songs to fit what’s popular, revealing mass cultural shifts over the years.


A small group of indris wake up in the treetops and begin their morning shout-outs. These calls are soon echoed by neighbors. Indri are relatively large for lemurs, with booming voices amplified by enlarged throat pouches. JAVELINA

Snuffles, snorts, and a strong skunklike stench can only mean one thing—javelinas! These social herbivores travel in herds and use their scent glands and vocalizations to mark their group territory and keep in touch with family members.


This fruit-eating wild parrot’s song is not very parrotlike at all. It sounds more like a songbird’s pretty notes than those squawking sounds you hear in movies.


This bird makes a barklike call that sounds almost like a large rubber duck. This is a nocturnal sound. Like many owls the world over, the Madagascar Long-eared Owl is active at night, hunting for small mammals, lizards, and insects.


Northern Mockingbirds are vocal wizards, able to mimic other birds, frogs, and squirrels—even sirens and ringtones. Males try to outdo each other during predawn performances. The best of them draw on hundreds of unique song types to win the vocal battle to attract mates.


Instead of opening its to sing, the Red-fronted Coua keeps its beak closed and puffs out its throat for a series of staccato notes. This cuckoo species is a deep forest dweller with a red head and a blaze of blue around the eye.


A Red-tailed Hawk makes a piercing “kee-ee-arrr” call when there’s an intruder in its territory. Marmots and prairie dogs sprint for cover when they hear one, and songbirds may mob the approaching raptor to distract the predator from active nests.


This tiny iridescent bird throws its head back to sing its twittery song. The Souimanga Sunbird’s long curved beak opens and closes quickly, almost in a blur. The same beak is handy for gathering nectar from deep inside flowers.


Like Morse code, the piping duets of Tropical Boubous signal information to mates and neighbors. Pairs can perform more than a dozen specific duets. Thanks to its dual-sided songbird voice box, if a partner loses its mate, it can perform duets alone.


Some fish can sing, but they don’t use vocal cords. Atlantic croakers and weakfish are just two of the many saltwater fish that vibrate internal air sacs (swim bladders) to make deep, rumbling calls that sound more like cats purring than anything you might expect from a fish.