Issued by Bank of China Limited, Bangkok Branch

All types of credit cards at the present and in the future will be called "Credit Card” herein after. The card is issued by Bank of China Limited, Bangkok Branch, which will be called the "Bank" herein after, for both main and supplementary card holders, which will be herein after called the "Card Holder."

The card holder agrees to make commitment and abide by the following terms and conditions of the credit card. 1. The card holder agrees to sign his/her signature in the determined box on the back of the credit card immediately he/she receives the credit card from the bank. 2. The bank delivers the credit card, personal identification number (PIN), and the card holder agrees to keep the credit card without losing it or giving it to others. PIN must be always kept confidential. 3. All types of credit card are of the bank's right, which the card holder is not able to transfer them to other persons. Furthermore, the bank has its right to recall, abolish, confiscate and/or temporarily suspend the credit card from the card holder as it deems appropriate. Such include abolishment of the credit card in cases that the credit card is lost or stolen or applied with fraud document or with outstanding debts in any types, or the card holder has inability for debt payment or make payment as due on the credit card statement, or the card holder is dead or ordered by the court as disappeared or incapable or alike, or the card holder is convicted in a civil or criminal case, or the card holder has behavior that may cause damage to the Bank. With these, the Bank will inform the card holder the card abolishment in advance before the credit card is cancelled. 4. The Bank will notify the card holder at least 30 days in advance before changes in the credit card's conditions, rates and fees. If the changes are urgent, the Bank will inform the card holder at least seven (7) days in advance via letters or announcement in local newspaper. If the Bank makes announcement about the change in daily newspaper, it will also notify the changes through letter. The card holder agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions the Bank makes amendment or addition. 5. The card holder can charge the credit card within the amount limit authorized by the Bank for the following transactions. 5.1 The credit card can be charged for payment of products/services at only shops/service places with signs indicating they accept the credit card the card holder has. The method shall be in line with that of the sign owner the Bank is a member or representative and/or that of the Bank. The Bank is not responsible for damages of products/services or no acceptance of the credit card at shops. 5.2 Credit card and PIN are used for cash withdrawal at Automatic Teller Machine or ATM, which will be called "ATM" herein after, or electronic machines of the Bank or financial institutions in the country and abroad, informed by the Bank. The credit card and PIN are used for complete and correct transactions without signature on any other document. The card holder agrees on his/her responsibility for all transactions occurred from the credit card and PIN. 6. Payment of products/services can be made by informing the credit card number in verbal or written document. In this case, the card holder agrees that his/her purchase orders for products/services which shops/service places prepare is that for credit card service. The card holder’s responsibility is also required for that credit card document without his/her signature.

1 Terms and conditions for credit card, Bank of China Limited Bangkok Branch

If the credit card holder objects that he/she does not purchase products or request for services from shops or service place, the Bank will hold its request for the card holder's payment for that transaction immediately. Or in the case that the Bank has already made request for payment of that transaction, the Bank will return money to the card holder immediately. This is in exception for the Bank proves that the dept burden incurs from the card holder. In this case, the Bank has its right to recall money from the card holder instantly. This is not considered as abolishment of the card holder's right in his/her request for cancellation of purchase of products or services within 45 days from the date of purchase or request for services or within 30 days from the delivery date of products/services. In the case that the delivery of products/services is fixed with written document, if the card holder proves that he/she does not receive products or services as scheduled or in complete order or damage conditions or incorrect purpose, the Bank will hold its request for payment of that transaction. However, if the Bank already requested and collected the payment for that transaction, the Bank will return money to the card holder within 30 days from the date the card holder proves as informed for local purchase of products/services. If it is overseas purchase of products/services, the Bank will return money to the card holder within 60 days from the date the card holder proves as informed for oversea purchase of products/services. 7. The card holder agrees to make payment for credit card debts to the Bank until the amount is fully paid. This can be done as specified in guidelines of the credit card in exception that the card holder can prove that the credit card debt in any transactions is not correct or does not belong to the credit card holder’s mistake or deficiency or neglect. If the card holder is not able to make one-time full payment as due in the credit card statement or agreement of monthly installment, the credit card holder agrees to pay as specified in the credit card statement at the rates announced by the Bank then. This is from the date the Bank makes payment to the shops/service places the card holder charges the credit card to the date of full payment. In the case the Bank provides a waiver, thus, allowing the card holder to charge the credit card exceeding his/her authorized amount limit regardless of the reasons, it shall be deemed that the bank and the card holder are in agreement. The card holder agrees to repay the entire payable amount. In the case that the card holder has outstanding debt, the Bank has its rights to make cancellation of the credit card immediately. The card holder agrees that the Bank can deduct his/her deposits accounts in all types for repaying the outstanding debts without any consignment from the card holder. 8. The Bank will send the credit card statement to the card holder on a monthly basis. The delivery will be done for the card holder's acknowledgement and examination at least 10 days before the payment due date. If there are mistakes or inaccurateness in any transactions, the card holder is required to express his/her objection within 10 business days from the date he/she receives the credit card statement. If the card holder does not make objection within the specified period, the card holder is considered to agree on the outstanding balance and make payment to the Bank until total amount is fully paid. This will not be considered as ridding the card holder’s right thereafter if he/she can prove that the statement is incorrect. The card holder is required to make objection within 60 days from the date the card holder receives the credit card statement from the Bank. 9. In the case that the card holder makes request to have the Bank deduct his/her for repayment of credit card debts, the card holder agrees for the deduction of his/her deposit account in the account number as specified in the agreement or in the deposit account number notified as a change thereafter immediately. 10. The card holder has rights to temporary cancel the credit card in cases like loss or any other matters as deem appropriate. The card holder can notify the Bank via phone calls or any other means of contact at the Bank's credit card center in all cases. The Bank will cease its credit card service within five (5) minutes from the moment the Bank receives notification. The card holder is not liable for debt burden after that period on due. This is in exception for the Bank can prove that the debt burden incurred belongs to the card holder.

2 Terms and conditions for credit card, Bank of China Limited Bangkok Branch

11. The card holder has rights to cancel the credit card at any time. However, such cancellation must not provide any impact to the credit card's use in the previous period without any damage to the Bank. The card holder has rights to receive the annual fee in proportion of unused service period. When the credit card is cancelled in any cases, the card holder must cut main and supplementary credit cards in two pieces and return them to the Bank immediately. If the card holder has outstanding debt with the Bank, he/she must be responsible for repayment until total debt is fully paid. 12. Charging the credit card overseas or in foreign currencies for products/services or advance cash withdrawal will be collected in the Thai baht. The baht collection amount will be converted according to the exchange rates, the Bank is collected from the credit card companies which the Bank is a member, at the date of collection with the Bank. The amount of expenses or must be converted from foreign currencies into the Thai baht for collection with the Bank. Furthermore, the card holder acknowledges and agrees that the Bank will charge at a rate of no more than 2.5% of actual expenses for currency risk. This is in exception for UnionPay dual-currency credit card that charging the credit card in RMB currency for products/services or advance cash withdrawal will be collected in RMB without any currency risk charge by the Bank. 13. The card holder agrees that the Bank contacts and questions the card holder, or reveal his/her some or all details to any persons the Bank deems appropriate. This agreement remains even after the card holder cancels the credit card. 14. In a case that the card holder changes his/her address and/or workplace and/or other information, the card holder shall inform the Bank such change in the form of letter within 15 days. All document or letters sent by the Bank to the informed address by all means are considered as already delivered to the card holder. 15. To abide by the laws on credit card business, the card holder acknowledges that the Bank submits and/or will submit the National Credit Bureau the card holder's information such as the card holder's personal information. Such include but are not limited to request and approval of and/or credit card as detailed in the credit card application form and approval results, and other complementary document the Bank delivers to the card holder. The card holder agrees that the Bank informs the card holder on this matter through a postal mail to the card holder's address or contact address as appeared in the credit card application form or written document notified later. This can be informed together with or as a part of the credit card statement or any other means the card holder acknowledges with his/her signature.

These terms and conditions are made in Chinese, English and Thai languages. The Thai language version of the terms and conditions shall prevail in respect of the construction and interpretation hereof in the event of discrepancies and inconsistencies.

3 Terms and conditions for credit card, Bank of China Limited Bangkok Branch