Draft ECCCHC Staff Report Regarding
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Agenda Item 5 Attachment A Errata CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration PG&E Transmission Pipeline L-114 Replacement Project This errata document is prepared for the PG&E Transmission Pipeline L-114 Replacement Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). It lists sections of the IS/MND that are the subject of minor revisions or modifications since the release of the document for public review. None of the modifications noted below result in a “substantial revision” requiring recirculation. Rather, these errata provide clarifying information, as specified in §15073.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, to an adequate IS/MND. Further, these minor revisions or modifications to the IS/MND do not substantially change the setting, impacts, or mitigation measures identified. In addition to the listed revisions, please note for clarification that IS/MND references to the “project proponent” or “project applicant” both refer to PG&E and that this errata document does not propose revisions with respect to these references. Chapter 1, Project Description page 1-2. The following text is added to the second paragraphs, under heading Project Location. The project site includes three work areas: the north work area, central work area, and south work area. The central work area is located adjacent to Marsh Creek State Park and the new pipeline would be drilled underneath Marsh Creek State Park. Access to the central work area is provided by an existing paved access road off Marsh Creek Road on the Contra Costa Flood Control District (CCFCD) property. Obtaining a CCFCD permit is required prior to using CCFCD property for access and/or project staging. Chapter 2, Environmental Checklist page 2-1. The following text is added to bullet 10, Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required. 10. Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required: California State Parks, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Contra Costa Flood Control District, Contra Costa Community College District, Contra Costa County, City of Brentwood. Section I. Aesthetics, page 2-7. The second sentence of Mitigation Measure AES-1 is revised to clarify the name of the Parks & Recreation Department. The project proponent shall work with the Conservancy and the Parks & Recreation Department District, to ensure that revegetation activities adequately restore disturbed areas to pre- construction conditions. Section III. Air Quality, page 2-12. The first sentence under Mitigation Measure AQ-1 is revised to clarify the construction contractor as PG&E. The Conservancy will require all construction contractors PG&E to implement the basic construction mitigation measures recommended by BAAQMD. 201 Mission Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 USA +1.415.677.7100 +1.415.677.7177 fax icf.com Agenda Item 5 Attachment A December 2020 Page 2 of 3 Section IV. Biological Resources, page 2-30. The first sentence under Mitigation Measure BIO-6 is revised to clarify the construction contractor as PG&E. PG&E will prepare an HDD Execution Plan to be implemented by construction contractors PG&E (See Appendix C of this IS/MND). Section IV. Biological Resources, page 2-31. The last sentence of the first paragraph, continuing under Mitigation Measure BIO-6 is revised to clarify the construction contractor as PG&E. In addition to the requirements in the HDD Execution Plan, the construction contractors PG&E will also be required to implement the following measures: Section V. Cultural Resources, page 2-35. The last sentence of the first paragraph under Discussion point a is revised as follows: It was placed on the National Register in 1971 and is currently part of the Marsh Creek State Park (SHP) and managed by John Marsh Historic Trust California State Parks (National Park Service 2019; California Department of Parks and Recreation 2020). Updated to include the most recent management. Section V. Cultural Resources, page 2-35. The first sentence of the second paragraph under Discussion point a is revised as follows: A concrete dam was built south north of the Stone House circa 192062 and is also adjacent to the project site. Updated to include accurate locational and build data. Section XI. Land Use, page 2-58. The following text is added to Impact b. Operation of the project would require a permanent PG&E easement for the pipeline within Marsh Creek State Park. Landscaping, as well as any future development within the areas of the easement would be governed according to the easement deed, which is included as Appendix F of the IS/MND. Because conformance with the easement restrictions would not preclude implementation of plans, policies, or regulations adopted for the purpose of mitigation an environmental effect, there would be no impact related to conflicts with plans, policies, or regulations. Section IX. Hazards and Hazardous Materials, page 2-50. The second sentence of the second paragraph following the bullet points is revised to clarify the construction contractor as PG&E. The construction contractors PG&E would be responsible for obtaining a Spill Prevention Countermeasure Control Plan, per PG&E protocol, prior to the commencement of construction. Section X. Hydrology and Water Quality, page 2-54. The third sentence of the third paragraph is revised to clarify the construction contractor as PG&E. In addition, Mitigation Measure BIO-6 requires that the construction contractors PG&E consult with CDFW, SWRCB, RWQCB, and USACE to determine if any permits are required for drilling and to notify the Conservancy if a frac-out occurs. Section X. Hydrology and Water Quality, page 2-55. A fourth bullet point under Mitigation Measure HYD-1 is added to specify stockpiling procedures. • Excavated soil stockpiled at the project site will be covered and stored a minimum 200 feet away from the edge of the CCFCD sub-drain ditch. Section XIII. Noise, page 2-61. The first full paragraph in the Affected Environment section (under the City of Burlingame heading) has been revised to clarify the text in the City of Burlingame Municipal Code. 201 Mission Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 USA +1.415.677.7100 +1.415.677.7177 fax icf.com Agenda Item 5 Attachment A December 2020 Page 3 of 3 • The City code in subsection 9.32.050 allows use of heavy earthmoving equipment that creates noise in excess of the noise level limits between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., or until 5:30 p.m. with the express written approval of the City. Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. No construction work is allowed on Sundays and City holidays. The code provides that, “Construction activities within city right-of-way, such as road work or installation of drainage facilities, may be performed outside of the specified work hours of this subsection A, including overnight work, with the express written approval of the city engineer or designee.” Section XVI. Recreation, page 2-70. Mitigation Measure REC-1 is revised as follows to indicate that the Vineyards at Marsh Creek Owners Association (VMCOA) would be notified of park closures prior to construction. • Mitigation Measure REC-1: Notification of Temporary Closure of Recreational Facility. PG&E The project proponent will consult with the City of Brentwood Parks and Recreation Department and the Vineyards at Marsh Creek Owners Association (VMCOA) to notify them of the closure of the park parks and to solicit recommendations to minimize impacts to residents. PG&E The proponent will submit documentation of this consultation to the Conservancy, including any recommendations made by the City of Brentwood Parks and Recreation Department and the VMCOA. Prior to construction, PG&E the proponent will notify nearby residents of the park’s closure and will include signage at the park to notify of the park’s closure, per the guidance of the City of Brentwood Parks and Recreation Department and the VMCOA. PG&E The project proponent will submit proof of notification and signage to the Conservancy prior to construction. 201 Mission Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 USA +1.415.677.7100 +1.415.677.7177 fax icf.com Agenda Item 5 Attachment A APPENDIX F: EASEMENT DEED FOR STATE PARKS Agenda Item 5 Attachment A 2018074 ( - - ) 05 18 1 R-965, L-114, MP 17.17-17.5 REPL STATE OF CALIFORNIA hereinafter called Grantor, in consideration of value paid by PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants to Grantee the right at any time, and from time to time, to excavate for, install, reconstruct, replace (of the initial or any other size), maintain and use such pipe lines as Grantee shall from time to time elect for conveying gas, with necessary and proper valves and other appliances and fittings, and devices for controlling electrolysis for use in connection with said pipe lines, and such underground wires, cables, conduits, and above ground appliances, fixtures and appurtenances, as Grantee shall from time to time elect for communication purposes, together with the rights to energize same and adequate protection therefor, and also a right of way, on, over, under and across the hereinafter described easement area lying within Grantor's lands which are situate in the City of Brentwood, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and are described as follows: (APN 007-380-011 and 007-380-017) The parcel of land described and designated LANDS in EXHIBIT “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof. The aforesaid easement area is described as follows: The parcel of land described and designated EASEMENT in said EXHIBIT “A” and shown upon EXHIBIT “B” attached hereto and made a part hereof. Grantor further grants to Grantee: Agenda Item 5 Attachment A (a) the right, from time to time, to trim or to cut down without Grantee paying compensation for any and all trees, roots, shrubs, brush, vines and other vegetation, and to remove any associated supporting structures now or hereafter within the easement area.