Present: Councillors: J Swift, K Manuel, S Austerfield, M Marshall, G Riby and L Wiles

In Attendance: Ward Councillor P Lisseter, PCSO Alan Roberts and R Swift (Clerk),

1. Apologies: Councillor S Brown and Ward Councillors J Evison & J Owen

2. Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests in relation to this Agenda in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. There were none.

3. Minutes of the Meetings on the 10th and 26th May 2017 were approved and signed.

4. Matters Arising 4.1 Notice Board Fraisthorpe Carried forward to the next meeting 4.2 Trees Hollycroft Green Carried forward to the autumn 4.3 Caraboat Site The site has been cleared and the buildings painted, obliterating the graffiti. The clerk has sent the parish council’s thanks to Mick Thompson of ERYC for all he did to obtain this result. 4.4. Proposed Cluster Meeting This will take place at Rickaby Hall, Ulrome on Monday, 17th July at 6.30pm. All councillors are welcome. 4.5 Telephone Box, Barmston Karen Wood has still not contacted the clerk since she promised to do so in an email of the 21st April 2017

5. Planning Applications 5.1 6 Holiday cottages to replace existing caravans at Southview Camping & Caravan Site, 70 – 72 Sands Lane, Barmston Nothing to report 5.2 Creation of a Vehicular Access to Rectory Cottage, 24 Sands Lane, Barmston After some discussion it was agreed unanimously to recommend approval of this application 5.3 Consultation on Draft Lower Derwent Valley Supplementary Planning Document The clerk reported on this document to the meeting and passed it to Councillor Riby to take any action he deems appropriate. 5.4 Adoption East Riding of Statement of Community Involvement The clerk reported that this document was adopted by ERYC on the 30th May 2017 and is now available to inspect at main libraries including , and 5.5 Breaches of Planning Permissions Discussion took place concerning breaches of planning rules concerning use of caravans and houses for holiday use. It was noted that ERYC do not enforce their own rules concerning this in relation to use of caravans in Barmston and now it would appear that we have a possible breach of rules concerning a property in Sands Lane. Residents have reported conversations to the Chairman and to Councillors Marshall and Austerfield that indicate a property with planning permission for use as a holiday home only is possibly being used as a main residence. After discussion, Councillor Manuel proposed and Councillor Riby seconded that this should be referred to ERYC Planning to investigate further. The motion was carried unanimously. 5.6 Parish Council Liaison Meeting This was attended by Councillor Brown and the clerk. Notes of the meeting have been received today and it was agreed to carry this forward to the next meeting. 5.7 Any New Applications Submitted Prior to Meeting and General Matters There were none

6. Post Office Service There had been no service again today and no communication received from Marton Road or The Post Office to either inform us in advance that this would not take place or to explain why it had not. The Chairman will contact the post master at Marton Road to ask what had happened.

7. ERNLLCA 7.1 Being a Good Councillor Course Councillor Austerfield reported that she has now attended 2 of the 3 sessions and has found them very helpful and interesting 7.2 2018/19 Pay Claim NALC (National Association of Local Councils) have put forward a claim for a 5% increase for 2018/19 together with some amendments to the current pay points system. 7.3 Good Councillor Guide 2017 This guide is now available on line or to purchase from ERNLLCA. In view of the size of the document to print ourselves, the clerk was authorised to purchase 8 copies at £3.25 each. 7.4 Resolutions for 2017 AGM The clerk asked whether any councillors wished to put forward any topics for consideration. She explained that they could not be parish specific, only general items. There were none. 7.5 Annual Meeting of East Riding (North East) District Committee The clerk asked whether any councillor wished to put forward a resolution for this meeting. There were none. 7.6 Transparency Code Grant The clerk reported that the grant had been received in respect of her additional time incurred due to the introduction of the Transparency Act and that it had duly been paid to her.

8. Npower The clerk reported that she has received the account for electricity consumed by the festive However, she has now also received a bombardment of demands for not only this amount but also for the disputed bill from the previous festive season of £179.84. She will deal with this as required.

9. Healthwatch The clerk read out an email from Chris Mills of this organisation offering to come and speak to meetings in the parish. Ward Councillor Lisseter recommended that we follow this up. It was agreed that the clerk invite him to attend our next meeting to discuss ways of following this up further. If he is able to attend, we should ask him to come at 6.30pm to talk to all residents and a separate flyer should be distributed to advertise the meeting.

10. Freedom of Information Request – Friends of the Earth The clerk reported that she had received a request for copies of all correspondence with listed bodies concerning fracking. The only items applicable to us were emails with Quadrilla and she had duly sent copies of these to them.

11. Tesco Bags of Help Fund The clerk reported on this fund and after some discussion it was agreed not to follow this up at this time.

12. Parish Transport Champion The clerk reported that she has again received communications referring to her as the Parish Transport Champion. She is not and reported that previous efforts to obtain any volunteers from residents had failed to raise any interest. No councillors wished to take on this role and the clerk will report back to ERYC accordingly.

13. Fraisthorpe Wind Farm Community Fund The Chairman reported on the main fund meetings and the clerk reported that the parish small fund has been publicised in the July edition of the Village Voice with a deadline for applications of the 31st July.

14. Lissett Community Wind Farm The clerk reported that she has received confirmation that we are to receive a small grant fund again this year of £1250. She has sent off the relevant documentation requested by ERYC to enable them to pay this to us and if the money is received in time, she will advertise it in the August edition of the Village Voice, if not, it will have to go in the September edition.

15. East Yorkshire Councils Network The clerk reported that she has received notification of the next meeting of this group and the minutes of their last meeting in October 2016. There are 168 town and parish councils in the ERYC and only 9 were represented at that meeting. It was agreed that we are already well represented by ERNLLCA and that there was no call for a further body.

16. Neighbourhood Watch Councillor Austerfield said that she had received a report about a white van reportedly trying to remove fencing at Park Resorts. She had the registration number of the van and it was apparently working at a bungalow in Hollycroft. A motorbike has been seen driving at high speed through the village and it is believed to be from Park Resorts - Councillor Austerfield will talk to the site manager about this. The manager at Park Resorts has told Councillor Austerfield that he has been in touch with ERYC concerning speeding and has asked them to look at reducing the limit from 30 to 20mph and to look at installing speed bumps – the Chairman asked Councillor Austerfield to keep us informed about this. Councillor Riby reported motorbikes going at excessive speeds on a Wednesday night along the A165 – The Chairman also reported that this was also a potential problem around mid-morning on a Sunday - PCSO Roberts will report this back to the relevant officers. The clerk reported that we are again being asked to publicise ERYC’s Safe & Sound scheme. We have only recently done so in our village newsletter and it was agreed no further action be taken on this. PCSO Roberts reported on the automatic number plate recognition system. This has been installed in Rudston and the clerk will contact Rudston PC and Graham Calvert about it.

17. Accounts and Auditing Report. The clerk reported that the accounts have been sent to the external auditors and the relevant notices displayed on the parish council noticeboards and also posted onto the parish council website. She also reported that we have received the VAT refund for the year ended 31.3.17.

18. Financial Position and Cheques The clerk reported that we have today £7485.36 in the bank after payment of cheques submitted for payment per the schedule. This includes £1500 Fraisthorpe Wind Farm Small Grant Fund. The following payments were approved:

ERNLLCA Course Fees £ 67.50 R Swift Transparency Code Grant net of PAYE £224.80 R Swift Postage and Parish Meeting costs £ 25.99 HM Rev & Customs PAYE on Fees to RS £ 56.00 R Swift 1st 4 mths fees for 2017/18 net of PAYE £424.21 HM Rev & Customs PAYE on Fees to RS £104.20 Npower Festive Lighting 2016/17 season £ 21.91

It was further agreed to authorise the clerk to pay the following:

Joan Rawlings Plants for the village £ 50.00 ERNLLCA Councillors Guide Books 2017 £ 30.10

The Chairman agreed to speak with the Fraisthorpe Wind Farm administrators to enquire whether it would be appropriate to ask them for funding for The Village Voice.

19. Correspondence that the Chairman Deems is of an Urgent Nature There was none

20. Any Other Business that the Chairman Deems is of an Urgent Nature 20.1 Councillor Riby raised the issue of fly tipping and the time it has been taking to have rubbish removed by ERYC with Ward Councillor Lisseter who agreed to look into it 20.2 Councillor Riby raised the issue of the noise he is getting from the Fraisthorpe wind farm. He will contact the operators about this.

Date and time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on WEDNESDAY, 2nd AUGUST 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL BE ON THE 1ST WEDNESDAY OF AUGUST


John H Swift – Chairman