42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011) 1582.pdf THE WESTERN MEDUSAE FOSSAE FORMATION, MARS: A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF DARK AEOLIAN SAND. D. M. Burr1, J. R. Zimbelman2, F. B. Qualls1, M. Chojnacki1, S. L. Murchie3, T. I. Michaels4, 1University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN (
[email protected]), 2Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 3JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, 4Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, CO. Introduction: Dark dunes have been observed on Morphology and Surface Texture. Where their mor- Mars since the Mariner and Viking missions, occurring phology is not controlled by surface depressions, these largely as polar sand seas (ergs), intracrater deposits, and deposits commonly have barchanoid, domal, or other- other topographically confined bedforms [summarized in wise aeolian dune-like forms. They often display troughs 1]. Most terrestrial sand is formed by comminution of adjacent to flow obstacles [e.g, Fig. 2], consistent with an granitic material into durable quartz grains, but Mars aeolian echo-dune morphology [1,12]. Deposits imaged apparently lacks this parent material [e.g., 2]. Previous by HiRISE show rippled surface textures, typical of Mar- work has traced polar erg sand to the sediment-rich polar tian dunes [13]. layered deposits [3], and sand dunes in Noachis Terra Location/context. The dark deposits are found in rela- have been linked to local sedimentary units [4], but the tive topographic lows, such as within impact crates, be- ultimate origin(s) of those sand-rich units are not identi- tween erosional remnants (e.g., yardangs), and in pits or fied. Thus, while sand-sized sediments may be produced other local surface depressions.