Truphone Io3 platform v.1.0


Truphone Io3 is web platform used to operate and monitor your SIM cards. Operations, such SMS sending, rules creation, data usage monitoring, are done using Truphone Io3 platform.

SIM card states

Pre-Active - In the Pre-Active state, the network automatically activates the SIM card once it is detected inside a device.

Test - The Test state allows the devices to consume some traffic with the SIM Card (e.g. 1MB and 10 SMS) without being charged. After all the usage is spent, the Network changes the SIM card to Active state.

Active - In this state the SIM Card is active and ready to communicate. All traffic in this state is charged. The Users can use the platform actions to Suspend or Retire the SIM card.

Suspended - In this state the SIM Card is suspended and cannot communicate. The Users can Activate or Retire the SIM card.

Retired - This is the last state for the organizations users. In this state, the SIM Card is terminated and cannot go back to previous states. The Users can still view all the details and history for that SIM card. Only Operator can activate the SIM card which is in Retired state.



Below is shown main Truphone Io3 platform window and description of features.

Picture 1. Main window

Dashboard - The dashboard is a dynamically configured view that allows the customer to get an overview of the connections usage, state of the inventory of devices, latest charges, latest alerts and latest notifications.

Organization - Control the customer details, user accounts.

SIM cards - Manage full life cycle of SIM cards. Manage over-the-air SIM Card activation, Send SMS and check latest location and device. Get the history of the SIM card, short messages and locations.

Devices - Monitor and control the devices used by the SIM cards.

Rules - Create rules associated with specific SIM cards and devices based on type of call detail records, content of short message, location, device and usage (e.g., after X megabytes). Rules can be sent by email, SMS, Push API and SNMP traps.

Notifications - Be notified in real time about SIM Card and device updates (e.g., activations and deactivations and SIM card and account actions).

Reports - Create reports to deep dive to the details of the usages. Reports can be based on the inventory of SIM cards, rate plans, locations, usage, rules and notifications.

Audit Trail - Check every action performed by users, by the platform on behalf of users (e.g., rules triggered) and actions by the operator or by platform on behalf of the operator that afect your account.



This section let you configure rules to control your SIM cards, send notifications (email, SMS, push API, etc.) or perform actions (e.g. change SIM Card status), when the rule triggers.

You can configure three types of rules:

1. Event Rules - handles specific events (e.g. New Device, etc.), that happen during the life cycle of the selected SIM cards. 2. Usage Rules - handles the usage (e.g. data, SMS, etc.) of the selected SIM Cards, you can customize how the total usage is calculated.

The rules are applicable to all SIM cards, a list of selected SIM Cards or filtered by the selected tags, depending on your choice.

Data usage rule – below is shown how create rule, to get notification, when each of SIM card data usage over the billing cycle is greater then 320 MB (80%).

1) In “Menu” select “Rules”;


2) Add new “Usage Rule”

3) Lable;


4) Rules Triggers;

5) SIM cards;


6) Actions;

7) Notification;


8) Save Rule;

Outbound SMS rule - below is shown how create rule, to get notification, when SMS limit of all SIM cards over the billing cycle is greater then 1000 SMS.

1) Add new “Usage Rule”


2) Lable;

3) Rules Triggers;


4) SIM cards;

5) Actions;

6) Notification;


7) Save Rule