The Spirit of Western College Continues Today from the WCAA Director
Fall 2008 The Spirit of Western College Continues Today From the WCAA Director here were you 35 years ago? W I challenge you to take yourself back to that fall, the fall of 1973. Preparing to teach happily at the Aegean Institute on the is- land of Poros in Greece, said our loyal class rep from 1929, Frances Hall King. Judy K. Waldron, Director, WCAA Finishing the last year of high school and wondering about college was the priority of those who would eventually form the first class of the Western College Program. I was running to keep up with a 3-year-old while gaining inspiration from the student group I was directing … the student YWCA on the Miami campus … But, across the street and just down Western Drive, students and faculty were living with the knowledge that their beloved college would no longer exist as a separate institution at the end of the school year. What would their last Western year be like? Where would they go next year? How would they stay in touch with each other and with those who had graduated before? How would they keep the Western spirit alive? The Alumnae Association sought many ideas, presented them to the alumnae and, in June of 1974, became a separately incorporated association, dedicated to the mission of maintaining in close association the alumnae of the Western College and raising funds for scholarships and other educational programs that continue the heritage and tradition of The Western College. Thirty-five years later your Association is still doing just that, thanks to the dedication and loyalty of alumnae, former faculty and friends of Western College.
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