ISSN 1025-7497

Secretariat of the Pacific Community TRADITIONAL Marine Resource Management and Knowledge

Number 11 — September 1999 INFORMATION BULLETIN

Group Coordinator and Bulletin Editor: Kenneth Ruddle, Matsugaoka-cho 11-20, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo-ken 662, Japan. [Tel. & fax: +81 798 71 4749; E-mail: [email protected]] Production: Information Section, Marine Resources Division, SPC, B.P. D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. [Fax: +687 263818; E-mail: [email protected]]. The bulletin is available at: (click Newsletter in the menu). Printed with financial assistance from France.

Note from the coordinator

This issue gives me particular pleasure, for which I Inside thank the authors. For the first time since launching this this issue InfoBull all contributions were unsolicited! Better yet, we were able to pick and choose among manuscripts A network of small, offered. So perhaps we are over one daunting hill that community-owned Village faces all new serials. Reserves in Samoa by M. King & U. Fa’asili p. 2 But, I will continue badgering those who have yet to contribute, especially you who have promised over the The use of village by-laws last few years, but have still to deliver! It might encour- in marine conservation age those in academic institutions to know that all arti- and management cles in this issue have been peer reviewed. This is anoth- by U. Fa’asili & I. Kelokolo p. 7 er first. I intend to continue that, so your time and efforts will not be wasted. Octopus fishing by women of Fakaofa Atoll, Tokelau Islands However, it remains a constant problem to catch rele- by A. Tiraa-Passfield p. 11 vant items of new literature. So we would be grateful if you could bring to our attention books, articles and Indigenous ecological other documents that you think should be reviewed, or knowledge and its role in at least noted. Better yet, please arrange to have a copy fisheries research design: sent to us. A case study from Roviana , Western Province, Don’t forget that this Information Bulletin as well as most other SPC fisheries-related publications can be found on by R. Hamilton & R. Walter p. 13 SPC web site at: New publications p. 26 (click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu). Course announcement p. 28 Kenneth Ruddle

MARINE RESOURCES DIVISION – INFORMATION SECTION 2 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

A network of small, community-owned Village Fish Reserves in Samoa by Michael King & Ueta Fa’asili 1


Under a community-based fisheries extension programme in Samoa, 44 coastal villages have developed their own Village Fisheries Management Plans. Each plan sets out the resource management and conser- vation undertakings of the community, and the servicing and technical support required from the gov- ernment Fisheries Division. Community undertakings ranged from enforcing laws banning destructive fishing methods to protecting critical habitats such as areas. An unexpectedly large number of villages (38) chose to establish small Village Fish Reserves in part of their traditional fishing areas. Although by social necessity many of the community-owned reserves are small, their large number, often with small separating distances, forms a network of fish refuges. Such a network may maximise linking of larval sources and suitable settlement areas and provide the means by which adjacent fishing areas are eventually replenished with marine through reproduction and migration. As the Fish Reserves are being managed by communities which have a direct interest in their continuation and success, prospects for continuing compliance and commitment appear high. Results confirm our belief that the responsible management of marine resources will be achieved only when fishing communities them- selves accept it as their responsibility.

Introduction which recognised the village fono (council) as the prime instigator of change, while still allowing In many countries in the tropics, inshore catches of ample opportunities for the wider community to fish and shellfish are declining. In Samoa, catches participate (Figure 1; also King and Fa’asili, 1999). of seafood from and inshore reefs have Full field operations began in 1996. been decreasing for over ten years (Horsman & Mulipola, 1995). Reasons for this decline include Following an indication of interest, a village fono overexploitation, the use of destructive fishing meeting was arranged to provide the community methods (including explosives, chemicals and tra- with information to allow either acceptance or ditional plant-derived poisons) and environmental refusal of the extension programme. If the fono disturbances. accepted, it was then asked to arrange for meet- ings of several village groups, including women Despite concerns over declining fish stocks, gov- and untitled men (aumaga). ernment actions and national laws to protect fish stocks are rarely successful. This is due to many Over a series of meetings, each group held sepa- factors, including poor enforcement regimes and rate meetings to discuss their marine environment particularly the lack of community involvement. and fish stocks, decide on key problems, deter- Fishing communities are often repositories of mine causes, propose solutions, and plan remedial valuable traditional knowledge concerning fish actions. Problem/solution trees were recorded on stocks, and have a high level of awareness of the a portable white board by a trained facilitator. marine environment (Johannes, 1982). In addition, Finally, a village Fisheries Management Advisory many subsistence fishers in tropical regions live in Committee was formed, with three people nomi- discrete communities that have some degree of nated from each group, to prepare a draft Village control, either legal or traditional, over adjacent Fisheries Management Plan (assisted by Extension waters. Together, these factors provide an excel- Officers) for discussion and approval by the vil- lent basis to encourage and motivate communities lage fono. One third of all village group meetings to manage their own marine resources. were for women only, and approximately one third of members of the management committees Methods were women. The proportions for untitled village men were similar. The community-based fisheries extension project began in 1995. After staff training, a culturally Each Village Fisheries Management Plan listed the acceptable extension process was developed resource management and conservation undertak-

1. Fisheries Division, MAFFM, PO Box 244, Apia, Samoa. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 3 ings of the community, and the servicing and tech- laws banning the capture of fish less than a mini- nical support required from the Fisheries Division. mum size, and some set their own (larger) mini- If the plan was accepted, the fono then appointed a mum size limits. Some villages placed controls Fisheries Management Committee to oversee the on the use of nets and on underwater torches for working of the plan. spearfishing at night. Community conservation measures included collecting crown-of-thorns Results starfish (Acanthaster planci [L]), and banning the removal of beach sand and dumping of rubbish Within almost two years of full operation, fisheries in lagoon waters. An unexpectedly large number extension staff attempted to introduce the exten- of villages (38) chose to establish their own small sion programme in 65 villages. The extension pro- Village Fish Reserves, closed to all fishing, in part cess was rejected by nine villages and discontin- of their traditional fishing area (see Figure 2, next ued in a further four villages when extension staff page). The size of reserves ranged from 5,000 to noted a lack of community commitment (King & 175,000 m2. Faasili, 1999). So far 44 of the remaining villages have produced Village Fisheries Management Fisheries Division actions to support community Plans. The time taken from initial contact to undertakings included the provision of assistance approval of the plan by each village community with the farming of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) averaged 13.4 weeks. in freshwater (in 16% of villages), facilitating the purchase of medium-sized boats to allow commu- In their plans, communities included undertak- nity members to fish outside the lagoons (39%), ings to support and enforce Government laws and restocking giant clams (Tridacna derasa) in banning the use of chemicals and explosives to Village Fish Reserves (82%). kill fish. Traditional destructive fishing methods, such as the use of plant-derived fish poisons (ava Giant clams have been heavily depleted in Samoa niukini) and smashing of to catch sheltering and ongoing attempts to breed from native species fish (fa’amo’a and tuiga), were also banned. Most (Tridacna squamosa and T. maxima) have been ham- villages made their own rules to enforce national pered by the difficulty of finding enough large

Initial Contact and Fono meeting (to accept or reject the extension process)

Village Group meetings (to identify problems and propose solutions)

Fisheries Management Advisory Committee meetings (to prepare a plan with undertakings necessary to solve problems)

Community Fisheries Division undertakings may include: VILLAGE undertakings may include: FISHERIES Imposing village by-laws Outer Reef fishing support MANAGEMENT Banning destructive fishing Rebuilding mollusc stocks PLAN Size limits on fish Aquaculture Village Fish Reserves (agreed to at fono meeting) Workshops/training Environmental Protection Technical advice/assistance

Fisheries Management Committee (to oversee the undertakings agreed to in the management plan)

Figure 1: The community-based fisheries extension process in Samoan villages 4 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999





Figure 2. Villages with community-owned Village Fish Reserves in Samoa.

in the wild. Large numbers of a related Because the Samoan Village Fish Reserves are species (T. derasa) were imported from American being managed by communities with a direct Samoa to fill the vacant ecological niche (for a interest in their success, compliance with bans on photosynthesising filter-feeder). After a quaran- fishing is high and there are not the enforcement tine period, these were placed in village reserves costs associated with national reserves. Most vil- to be monitored and cared for by communities. lages with reserves have actively enforced their These translocations were regarded as low risk, own rules, and applied often severe penalties, involving hatchery-raised clams from an adjacent including traditional fines of pigs or canned island, which is geographically, if not politically, goods, for infringements. Some villages have the same country. made their village rules into fisheries by-laws, so they can be applied to people from other villages A quantitative assessment of villages with (Faasili, 1997). Community enthusiasm and com- Fisheries Management Plans in place for over six mitment suggests that the prospects for continuity months revealed that all but eight were still active- of the reserves are high. ly pursuing undertakings and enforcing conserva- tion rules included in their plans. Villages The fisheries management benefits of marine pro- received low scores for various reasons, including tected areas are usually stated in terms of provid- holding few village Fisheries Management ing refuges in which invertebrate and fish stocks Committee meetings, not enforcing village rules, can grow and reproduce without interference. failing to care for restocked clams and poorly There is evidence that fish biomass increases, maintaining their reserve signs and markers. rapidly for some species, in areas where fishing is excluded (e.g. Roberts, 1995), and some evidence Discussion that this increase will result in higher catches in adjacent fishing areas (Roberts & Polunin, 1991; Community-owned Fish Reserves may be dis- Alcala & Russ, 1990). Fish larvae, previously cussed in terms of expected benefits to both vil- thought of as passive drifters, may be able to lages and government. The community expecta- detect the presence of, and to swim towards, reefs tion is that, by banning fishing in part of its tradi- several kilometres away (Wolanski et al., 1997). tional fishing area, fish catches in adjacent areas This suggests that refuge-derived larvae may will eventually improve. Although government actively move to and repopulate nearby reefs. authorities may share this expectation, there are Alternatively, if larvae settle in the same area in additional public benefits relating to management, which they were spawned, juvenile or adult fish compliance and sustainability. may eventually move out of refuges in response to SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 5 increased crowding and competition. Tagging In addition to the availability of people-motivating studies in suggest that excess stocks skills, the success or otherwise of community- of fish in reserves move to adjacent exploited areas based fisheries management depends on the avail- (Attwood & Bennett, 1994). ability of professional technical support for the communities involved. Scientific input is required Ideally, a reserve should be located in such a posi- to assist communities with alternative sources of tion, and be of sufficient size, to encourage a sig- seafood and to advise on and monitor community nificant increase in the numbers of sedentary actions. species (including ) and fish stocks. However, in the case of village-ownership there Whether community-based or not, most fisheries are often constraints on both position and size. conservation measures, including the prevention of destructive fishing and the imposition of fish In Samoa, when a village had proposed a reserve size limits, will cause a short-term decrease in in an unsuitable position (e.g. an area of bare sand catches. The same is so for Village Fish Reserves, or coral rubble), additional scientific information as they reduce the area available for fishing. As was provided to encourage the community to most subsistence fishers require seafood for their select a more appropriate site. Some villages ini- families on a daily basis, it is unreasonable to tially elected to have very large reserves, and a expect fishing communities to adopt conservation few wanted to ban fishing in their entire lagoon measures which will initially reduce present catch- area. In such cases, extension staff were obliged to es of seafood even further without offering alter- curb over-enthusiasm, and ask the community to natives. Accordingly, the Samoan extension pro- balance the perceived fish production advantages gramme included the promotion and develop- of a large reserve against the sociological disad- ment of alternative sources of seafood to those vantages of banning fishing in a large proportion resulting from the present heavy and destructive of the village’s fishing area. In the latter case, exploitation of near-shore reefs and lagoons. These although young men would still be able to go fish- alternatives included the introduction of medium- ing beyond the reef, women (who traditionally sized, low-cost boats (to divert fishing pressure to collect echinoderms and molluscs in subtidal areas immediately beyond the reefs), the promo- areas) and the elderly would be particularly disad- tion of village-level aquaculture and the restock- vantaged in losing access to shallow-water fishing ing of depleted species of molluscs in village areas. A large reserve may also force people to fish areas. It is doubtful that community-based fish- in the waters of neighbouring villages, thereby eries management would continue on a sustain- increasing the potential for inter-village conflict. able basis without such ongoing support.

In terms of total fisheries production, a small Scientific input is also required to advise on, and reserve is unlikely to be as effective as a large one. monitor the effects of, village actions. For the com- Larger reserves are more likely to provide suitable munity-owned Village Fish Reserves, this includ- breeding areas for small inshore pelagic fish, such ed providing advice on the placement of reserves, as mullets and scads, but studies in South Africa monitoring biological changes within the reserves, (Buxton 1996) suggest that even small reserves are and collecting data on fish catches in adjacent beneficial for non-migratory species. Indeed, it areas. An additional benefit of fisheries staff work- could be argued that for non-migratory species the ing closely with communities is that the collection combined larval production from many small of scientific data on subsistence fisheries is greatly reserves is likely to be greater than that from a facilitated by community involvement. A large smaller number of large ones. However, as the amount of information, and even estimates of sus- interconnections between larval sources and set- tainable yield by area, may be gained from such tlement areas are poorly understood, this remains extensive surveys on subsistence fisheries. Where a hypothesis, which is not easy to test. data are collected from different areas with similar ecological characteristics it may be possible to There is currently a proposal to subsume several apply a surplus yield model (over area rather than existing small, single-village Village Fish Reserves time) to estimate not only the average sustainable within two larger MPAs which would be man- catch, but also indicate villages where resources aged by districts rather than single villages are presently under pressure (King, 1995). (Kelleher, pers. com). If these larger MPAs contain some no-fishing areas, as is proposed, it is possible The Samoan model appears applicable to other that two large reserves connected via a broken countries in which fishing communities have chain of smaller Village Fish Reserves may confer either traditional, de facto or legal control over the dual benefits of linking larval sources with set- their adjacent waters. In countries where this is tlement areas and providing larger breeding areas not the case, it may be necessary to grant such for inshore migratory species. rights (Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries, or 6 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

TURFs) as proposed in the Philippines (Agbayani ATTWOOD, C.A. & B.A. BENNETT. (1994). Variation and Siar, 1994) to facilitate community manage- in dispersal of galjjoen (Coracinus capensis) ment and the establishment of Village Fish (Teleostei: Coracinidae) from a marine Reserves. Indeed, results in Samoa have confirmed reserve. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and our belief that, regardless of legislation or enforce- Aquatic Sciences, 51, 1247–1257. ment, the responsible management of marine resources will be achieved only when fishing com- BUXTON, C. (1996). The role of Marine Protected munities themselves see it as their responsibility. Areas in the management of reef fish: a South If community actions include the declaration of African example. Developing ’s even small Fish Reserves, this may contribute to Representative System of Marine Protected fisheries and biodiversity conservation. Areas, Rescue 2000 Workshop Series. 114–124. Finally, it should be noted that the small, commu- nity-owned, Village Fish Reserves in Samoa are FA’ASILI, U. (1997). The use of village by-laws in not easy to classify under existing IUCN cate- marine conservation and fisheries manage- gories for MPAs. Category IV (Habitat/Species ment. Pacific Science Association Management Area) appears to provide the best fit, Intercongress, July 1997, . although the category guidelines refer to national rather than community ownership. Given the HORSMAN, N. & A. MULIPOLA. (1995). Catch data increasing trend towards community-based man- and collection from market surveys in agement, the popularity of reserves as a fisheries Western Samoa. South Pacific Commission conservation tool and the necessarily small size of and Forum Fisheries Agency Workshop on village MPAs, there may be a need for another the management of South Pacific Inshore IUCN category for “networks of small, highly pro- Fisheries. Integrated Coastal Fisheries tected, community-owned MPAs”. Management Project Technical Document. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. Acknowledgments JOHANNES, R.E. (1982). Traditional conservation We acknowledge AusAID (the Australian Agency methods and protected marine areas in for International Development) for its support for Oceania. Ambio 11(5): 258–261. a project that resulted in community-owned Fish Reserves in Samoa. We also acknowledge valuable King, M. (1995). Fisheries biology, assessment, and contributions from Neil O’Sullivan, Marc Wilson, management. Fishing News Books/Blackwell Siamupini Iosefa, Etuati Ropeti, Apulu Fonoti, Scientific Books. Oxford, England. Nichole Horsman, Peter Matthew, Lyn Lambeth, and a team of enthusiastic young extension staff KING, M. & U. FA’ASILI. (1999).Community-based members, all of whom had considerable input into management of subsistence fisheries in the success of the fisheries extension programme. Samoa. Fisheries Ecology & Management We thank Cheri Rechia and Graeme Kelleher for 6,133–144. comments on the manuscript. ROBERTS, C.M. (1995). Rapid build-up of fish References biomass in a Caribbean marine reserve. Conservation Biology. 91(4) 815–826. AGBAYANI, R. F. & S.V. SIAR. (1994). Problems encountered in the implementation of a com- ROBERTS, C.M. & N.V.C. POLUNIN. (1991). Are munity-based resource management marine reserves effective in management of project, p 149–160. In: R.S. Pomeroy (ed.) reef fisheries? Reviews in Fish Biology and Community management and common prop- Fisheries, 1, 65–91. erty of coastal fisheries in Asia and the Pacific: concepts, methods and experiences. ICLARM WOLANSKI, E., P. DOHERTY & J. CARLETON. (1997). Conf. Proc. 45. Directional swimming of fish larvae deter- mines connectivity of fish populations on the Alcala, A.C. & G.R. Russ. (1990). A direct test of Great Barrier Reef. Naturwissenschaften 84, the effects of protective management on 262–268. abundance and yield of tropical marine resources. Journal du Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer 46: 40–47. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 7

The use of village by-laws in marine conservation and fisheries management by Ueta Fa’asili & Iuliaa Kelekolo 1

Background legal action. While the enforcement of village rules within individual communities was rela- Thirty years ago, most of the waters surrounding tively easy, problems were experienced with the islands of Samoa were untouched, and the enforcement on outside communities. beauty of the underwater world was seen as a major attraction. Corals of different forms provid- The Fisheries Division recognised that such ed a naturally arranged beauty of different struc- actions by the fono provided an excellent avenue to tures. Reef fish of many types added colour to this introduce effective management regimes for the beauty. Reefs and lagoons were rich in food inshore fisheries. However, some village rules to resources and able to sustain the demand of manage and conserve fishery resources contradict- coastal dwellers. ed existing Government laws. This has resulted in several fono not being able to pursue court action As years passed, and as the population expanded, against breaches by neighboring villages. For this the demand for fishery resources similarly reason, the Fisheries Division felt that the village increased. People were attracted to use the most fono should be given assistance; village rules that effective but often destructive ways of catching facilitated the conservation and management of fish. These include breaking corals, poisoning fish, their subsistence fisheries should be legalised. using explosives and many others. It is now Therefore, when the Fisheries Act was formulated realised that many of these methods are very in 1988, the Fisheries Division made sure that the destructive to the marine environment. The rules set by the village fono were given legal recog- Division of Fisheries through its extension pro- nition. To this end, the Fisheries Act was specifi- gramme has introduced a community-based cally designed to include provisions dealing with approach in to assist village communities to procedures wherby a village fono could declare its manage and conserve their inshore fishery own rules as by-laws. These in essence are village resources. Through this approach, by-laws become rules that have legal recognition; hence the incep- an important tool for the management of subsis- tion of village fisheries by-laws. tence fisheries. What are village by-laws? Inception of village fisheries by-laws Village Fisheries By-laws are village rules that In the mid-1980s, it was realised that the inshore have been prepared in accordance with relevant fisheries of almost all villages along the coast of provisions of national Fisheries Legislation and Samoa were experiencing serious declines in are accorded legal recognition in the courts of law. catches. The identified causes include over- exploitation, the use of destructive fishing meth- By-laws can cover any measure that assists the ods, and environmental disturbance. The situa- management and conservation of the fishery tion has caused concern not only to the resources. These may include the restriction of the Government, but also to a large number of the sizes of fish and shellfish (providing they are not village communities. As a result, village commu- smaller than those set out in the Fisheries nities through their village fono (council) began to Regulations 1996), bans on certain types of fishing use local media to advertise village rules to pre- gear and methods, allocation of fish quotas, vent further decline of their inshore fishery restriction of mesh sizes for nets and fish traps resources. Advertisements reiterated the ban on (again providing they are not smaller than those the use of explosives, chemicals and other set out in the Regulations) and closure of fishing destructive fishing techniques and expressly pro- seasons or areas to allow fish to reproduce. hibited nearby villages fishing in their respective Importantly, they must apply to all citizens equal- lagoon areas. They also indicated penalties to be ly (not just people from outside the sponsoring vil- paid to the fono for any breach of their village lage). Table 1 lists some of the common fisheries rules by their own residents. For breach by out- regulations now being taken over by communities side villages, advertisements included threats of as their own by-laws.

1. This paper was presented at the first SPC Head Of Fisheries Meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia, 9–13 August 1999. 2. Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology, Apia, Western Samoa 8 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

The by-law process Step 3: Final checking and clearance by the Office of the Attorney General Step 1: By-law formulation When the changes made in the consultation pro- In all Samoan village communities, the highest vil- cess have been agreed upon, they are then submit- lage authority is referred to as a fono (council of ted to the Office of the Attorney General for final chiefs). It is the authority that determines village checking and clearance. In this step, the by-laws rules, sets village policies and imposes traditional are also written into their legal and proper forms. punishments on village residents when they do not abide with village rules and polices. So if a vil- Step 4: Signing lage fono decides to promulgate village by-laws, the chiefs will consult among themselves first on When all by-laws have been checked and the rules they would like to introduce, bearing in finalised, they are returned to the Fisheries mind that the rules must be related to the conser- Division for the signature of the Director of the vation and management of the fishery resources. Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology. Step 2: Consultation process Step 5: Gazetting, publishing and distribution process Once the chiefs have agreed upon the rules, they then send their representatives to the Fisheries After the by-laws are signed, they are then passed Division and consult as to the appropriateness of to the Legislative Assembly to be gazetted. At the their proposed rules. This process is essential same time they are published by the Fisheries because the village fono may decide on rules that Division in the local newspaper and copies are dis- contradict some existing Government legislation. tributed to pulenu (nominated Government repre- Sometimes the fono may wish to introduce rules sentatives) of neighbouring villages. The distribu- that apply to outside villages but exempt their own tion of the by-laws to neighbouring villages is nec- residents. So this process allows the fono to have a essary because they are the people most likely to better understanding of the limitations of by-laws breach the by-laws if they are not duly informed. and why they should be applied equally to all The by-laws will then come into force on a fixed Samoan citizens. Through this process, the Fisheries date stipulated in the by-laws. The by-laws do not Division may suggest improvements, alterations, come into effect until 14 clear days after the date of and in extreme cases, recommend complete dele- publication in the Government Gazette. Until this tion of the proposed by-law. Also through this pro- time the village communities are not able to enforce cess, the Fisheries Division undertakes redrafting of them. The by-laws may be altered or revoked as the by-laws to reflect the wish of the fono. required from time to time by the village fono.

Table 1: Community Actions and Regulations in villages in Samoa (Figures in the right-hand column indicate the percentage of all villages using the particular action or Fisheries regulation as their own by-laws).

Action/Regulation Percentage

Banning the use of chemicals and dynamite to kill fish. 100% Banning the use of traditional plant-derived fish poisons. 100% Establishing small protected areas in which fishing is banned. 86% Banning other traditional destructive fishing methods (e.g. smashing coral). 80% Organising collections of crown-of-thorns starfish. 80% Enforcing (national) mesh size limits on nets. 75% Banning the dumping of rubbish in lagoon waters. 71% Banning the commercial collection of sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea). 41% Banning the capture of fish less than a minimum size. 41% Banning removal of (in villages with mangroves). 27% Restricting the use of underwater torches for spear fishing at night. 21% Banning the removal of beach sand. 14% Placing controls or limits on the number of fish fences or traps. <10% Prohibiting the collection of live corals for the overseas aquarium trade. <10% Banning the coral-damaging collection of edible anemones (Actinaria). <10% SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 9

Step 6: Monitoring and enforcement by the village fono. Quite often village fonos take existing Fisheries regulations to form major parts The last and most important process is the moni- of their by-laws. Customary fines are imposed on toring and enforcement of the by-laws by village residents of villages that own the by-laws. For out- communities. The communities normally put sign- siders, the village fono can take legal action against boards along roadsides and beaches to inform the any breach through the court of law. One very public of the areas to which their respective by- important aspect that has been noticed is, that the laws apply. Communities variously build watch communities, guided by the village fono, are more houses; and use patrol canoes and regular watch- active and committed when the rules belong to men to monitor illegal activities in their coastal them. By-laws form an important part of the vil- zones and marine protected areas. lage community management plan. The main advantage of the by-laws over the regular laws Once the by-laws come into effect, breaches by concerning fisheries is that by-laws are moni- individuals from the village sponsoring the by- tored more effectively than those of regular fish- laws can be dealt with by the village fono using eries laws. Given the limitation of resources and traditional fines such as provision of pigs, taro and personnel, many laws set by Government are hard others. Breaches by outside village communities to police and so can not be effectively monitored. are handled through the court of law. Anyone By-laws on the other hand are created by people found breaching a by-law is liable to a fine not with real interest in the management and conser- exceeding $ 100 (Samoan Tala) and not more than vation of fishery resources in question. In cases of $ 20 for each day if the breach continues. The vil- by-laws set by the fono, the fono itself is inclined to lage fono is the enforcement body and any breach ensure that the by-laws are properly monitored. of the by-laws should be reported to the police. If Within the three-and-a-half-year period since the offence involves an existing Government law Fisheries first introduced the community-based or Fisheries legislation, applicable fines under programme to manage the inshore fishery those laws will apply. resources of Samoa, 52 villages have established their own by-laws. Advantages of village by-laws over village rules and government laws Problems

While most of the rules set by the fono to govern While the by-laws are seen to work very effective- the management and conservation of their fishery ly, there have been problems identified within resources receive full support from Fisheries, these both the village communities and Government rules are only applicable to members of that com- agencies themselves. munity. In cases where people from outside a vil- lage come into local waters, the community may In some village communities, village fonos are sub- be powerless to insist that visitors obey local rules. ject to disruption due to internal differences Village rules are not legally recognised and there- amongst the chiefs themselves. When this hap- fore cannot be used to take court action. An exam- pens, the fono can no longer function properly and ple of this would be the banning of outside vil- enforcement is not effective. Two such cases have lagers from fishing another village’s Marine been reported to the Fisheries Division since the Protected Area. Under the Lands, Survey and inception of the village by-laws. Environment Act 1989, all land lying below the line of high water mark shall be public land. This From the Government side, the process involving gives the authority to any person outside the vil- other Government agencies is not prompt enough lage that owns the rules to fish in the area desig- to meet the expectation of village communities. nated as Marine Protected Area. As for When there is a delay in the process, the village Government, much legislation has been passed to fono will often go ahead and enforce its by-laws prohibit harmful fishing practices, and Fisheries before the legal procedure is completed. While the Regulations have been put in place to restrict the by-laws can be enforced amongst the residents of harvest of small fish. Such Government legislation the village that owns them, enforcement against has not proven effective in ensuring the proper the nearby villages is difficult and quite often management and conservation of Samoa’s fishery involves the use of physical force. So there is a resources. The basic reason is that Samoa, in com- potential for inter-village battles as a result of mon with many other island countries, does not delays in the process. have adequate resources (either funds or man- power) to monitor and enforce legislation. One problem Fisheries Division has realised is the cost involved in advertisement of the by-laws. If On the other hand, village Fisheries by-laws are Fisheries is targeting 17 village communities for its village rules that can be monitored and enforced annual work program, costs exceed $ 5,100 10 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

(Samoan Tala). This is quite a large amount for ment Plans created under the community based one-line item in a Divisional budget. However, it Fisheries Extension program operated in Samoa is not expensive relative to the expected long-term (King & Fa’asili, 1997). beneficial impact on the marine environment. Acknowledgements Conclusion The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance The success of village by-laws is related to com- and comments from Mike King of the AusAID munity ownership. Regardless of legislation or Samoa Fisheries Project and Barney Smith of the enforcement, the responsible management of ACIAR. marine resources will only be achieved when fish- ing communities themselves see it as their respon- References sibility. Communities of villages which set their own by-laws are more likely to respect and abide KING, M. & U. FA’ASILI (1997) Community based by these rules than those set by a government Management of Fisheries and Marine authority. Village by-laws, therefore, represent a Environment. Fisheries management and fisheries management tool, which has great poten- Ecology, 6, 133–144. tial for solving many problems involving the con- servation of the inshore marine environment. This FINGLETON, J., S. TOAILOA & H.WINSTERSTEIN. tool has not been taken advantage of by authori- (1993). Village Participation in Fisheries Law- ties in most Pacific Islands. Village by-laws have Making and Implementation. FAO Report become a key part of village Fisheries Manage- TCP/SAM/2252. 21 p.

Annex 1: By-law formulation process






MONITORING MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT STEP 6 AND ENFORCEMENT BY VILLAGE COMMUNITIES SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 11

Octopus fishing by women of Fakaofo Atoll, Tokelau Islands by Anna Tiraa-Passfield 1

Feke tu ake auta ia pusi ma mango o ka kati ki te Squid, stand up because the eel and the shark pito. will bite at your head

A song formerly sung by Tokelauan women to entice the feke from the hole (Macgregor, 1937).

Tuolo mai feke te pilipili kavei valu e tuolo, Crawl out, little squid, with eight legs, Mai tuolo mai. Crawl out, crawl out. Ko nohonoho i lo kaoa You stay in your hole Fakalongona ake pule kua, hoa, hoa, hoa. When you hear the sound, hoa, hoa, hoa, of the crab, crawling.

A song formerly sung by Tokelauan men to entice the feke from the hole (Macgregor, 1937).

Geography The method more commonly used today was described to me by Sofima Niusila, an elderly Tokelau comprises the three low-lying atolls of woman who used to actively hunt feke. I also par- Fakaofo, Nukunonu and Atafu, which stretch in a ticipated in a feke fishing excursion with Eleni northwesterly direction from 9°23'S and 171°14'W, Pereira, Sofima’s daughter. for a distance of 170 km to 8°30'S and 172°30'W. The southernmost atoll, Fakaofo, is 65 km from This method is conducted mainly during the day, Nukunono, with a further 105 km to Atafu, the at low tide on the reef. A gagie (Pemphis acidula) northernmost atoll. stick or a metal rod about one metre long is pushed into a likely kaoa (coral hole occupied by Women’s fishing octopus).

Several people on Fakaofo have commented that The stick normally works by drawing out the ani- women’s fishing is not as common today as it once mal, as its tentacles, one by one, wrap around the was. A household questionnaire conducted in stick. Once the head appears, the gatherer works 1998, revealed that women fished on average two quickly, seizing it around the head with her hand. hours per week (Passfield, 1998). Gleaning for Within seconds, the feke is killed by biting between octopus (feke) is one of the few types of fishing the eyes or turning its head inside out (see Picture activities practised by women. Others include on next page). clam and rod fishing in the lagoon area. Octopus fishing is a favoured and skilled activity undertak- If the stick or metal rod is unsuccessful in drawing en particularly by women of Fakaofo, although the feke from its hole, the body wall of the sea men and children also do it. cucumber, locally called loli (Holothuria atra), is rubbed around the mouth of the kaoa. The bitter- Octopus fishing ness of the loli draws the out.

There are several traditional methods of catching The hand is never used to move pebbles from the feke in Tokelau. One, formerly commonly prac- hole, for fear of being bitten by a moray eel. The tised by men, was described to me by an elderly collected feke are strung on a metal wire or kalava man. This method uses an octopus lure (puletak- (the outer skin of the top surface of the leaf stalk of ifeke) made from cowry shells of genera Cyparea a coconut frond), which is poked between the two and Ovulum. The shells are arranged in the shape holes located on either side of the head. of a rat. (This stems from the famous Polynesian legend about the rat and the octopus.) The lure is Sofima stated that the greater catches of feke are towed from a canoe along the reef in the lagoon. taken on fakaiva ote mahina—the ninth phase of the Small pebbles are placed in the shell which rattles moon (nine days after new moon)—though they to attract the attention of the feke. are caught throughout the year.

1. Managing Director, Fisheries and Environmental Resource Consultants Ltd. Rarotonga, Cook Islands 12 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

Identifying feke holes Another method for tenderising the meat is wrap- ping it in pawpaw (papaya) leaves, and adding it to The feke blocks the entrance to its kaoa by using its boiling water. tentacles to gather a collection of coral pebbles. An experienced hunter can identify potential feke Acknowledgments holes by the arrangement and recently disturbed appearance of the pebbles blocking the entrance. I am sincerely grateful to Sofima Niusila for her The arrangement of the pebbles is also seen as an time and patience, in particular, sitting through indicator of the direction the feke has taken if it has the translating part of the interviews. The male vacated a hole. For example, if the pebbles lie to informant is Sofima’s husband, whose name I did the left of the hole, the feke moved in the right not record—my apologies. Thank you Eleni direction and vice versa. When a feke is removed Pereira for allowing me to accompanying you to from its hole, the hole is often reoccupied by catch feke. To my old school mate, Petali (Tas) Sale another. Experienced hunters will memorise the it was good seeing you again after all these years. location of the hole for subsequent visits to inspect Suia and Mose Pelasio, thank you for hosting me for reoccupation by another feke. and my family. I especially would like to thank Peta Kearney, one of Sofima’s daughters, for all If the water is disturbed by turbulence, coconut her help in arranging interviews and field excur- meat is chewed and spat out onto the water sur- sions and translating questions and answers into face. The coconut oil smooths the water surface, English and Tokelauan. Fakafetai! enabling the woman to view clearly beneath the shallow waters for potential kaoa. References

Uses ANON. (1986). Tokelau Dictionary. Office of Tokelau Affairs, Apia, Samoa. Feke are caught for subsistence purposes and as bait for catching certain fin fish. Preparation for MACGREGOR, G. (1937). Ethnology of Tokelau consumption is done by baking in the umu (tradi- Islands. Bulletin 146, Bernice P. Bishop tional oven), boiling by mixing with other ingredi- Museum, Honolulu. ents for additional flavour (e.g. curry, coconut cream, onions, herbs) or boiling and then sun-dry- PASSFIELD, K.D. (1998). A report of a survey of the ing. Before cooking, the meat is tenderised by marine resources of Fakaofo atoll, Tokelau. beating with the gagie wood or a stone. SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia.

The feke is killed by biting between the eyes SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 13

Indigenous ecological knowledge and its role in fisheries research design: A case study from Roviana Lagoon, Western Province, Solomon Islands

by Richard Hamilton 1 and Richard Walter 2

Introduction alone in understanding reality’ (Christie & White, 1997:172). However, indigenous cultural informa- Over the last two decades the island states of tion is useful in coastal management for more than Melanesia have experienced a rapid increase in its role in providing the baseline ecological data coastal development activities. These include the required for planning purposes. Frequently, devel- large commercial tuna pole-and-line fisheries, eco- opment projects are set up within the territories of tourism, aquaculture, coastal logging and, in indigenous communities and those communities recent years, the live reef fish trade. These activi- are directly and indirectly involved on a number of ties make significant contributions to local and different levels (Alcala, 1998; Ruddle et al., 1992). In central economies but concerns have been raised these cases the successful operation of develop- about their impact on local , and their ment projects depends on a proper understanding long-term environmental sustainability of local political and subsistence economies, ideol- (Chadwick, 1999; Mathews et al., 1998; Veitayaki, ogy and social structures. In fact, the failure of 1997). In response to these concerns increasing development projects in the Pacific is probably pressure has been put on government agencies to more commonly the result of a failure to under- develop coastal management plans and on devel- stand local cultural systems than of inadequacies opers to utilise these plans in the design of sus- in ecological, technological or market research. tainable management practices (Olsen et al., 1997). Unfortunately the implementation and success of Unfortunately, indigenous knowledge is usually such policies has been limited. In part this stems either ignored or used inadequately by fisheries from the difficulties and cost of acquiring the high researchers. There are two fundamental problems. quality scientific data that most management The first is that TEK and other types of indigenous plans and monitoring programmes rely on. As knowledge exist as inseparable parts of complex Johannes et al. (1993:1) point out for coastal fish- cultural systems, and it requires anthropological eries, ‘The cost and complexities of effectively methods to describe and interpret this information monitoring and managing small, multi-species, in a meaningful manner. These skills, however, multi-method reef and lagoon fisheries along con- are usually difficult, time consuming and well ventional lines have generally proven prohibitive’. beyond the professional training of most fisheries Nevertheless, in many cases extensive ecological scientists, resource planners and project managers information on the relevant coastal environments working in island Melanesia (Christie & White, already exists within the knowledge base of the 1997; Clark & Murdoch, 1997). The second closely local communities. Further, these same communi- related problem, is that frequently, when scientists ties are often operating management and monitor- have attempted to incorporate indigenous knowl- ing programmes of sorts, within the context of edge into their baseline research, the result has customary marine tenure (CMT) systems (Foale, been a naive reporting of interview data or obser- 1998a; Foster & Poggie, 1993; Hviding, 1991; vations taken out of their cultural and historical Johannes, 1981). context. The results are often misleading and mis- representative. ‘The romantic and uncritical This cultural information, often referred to as tradi- espousal of traditional environmental knowledge tional ecological knowledge (TEK), is widely and management is an extreme almost as unfortu- recognised as potentially useful to fisheries nate as that of dismissing it’ (Ruddle et al., researchers and managers, especially when used in 1992:263). A particularly good example of this is conjunction with conventional scientific data, the common practice of interpreting CMT systems ‘Local knowledge combined with specialised as conservation strategies. Although CMT systems knowledge of the outside researcher is considered can have conservation outcomes, it has recently by advocates of the PAR [participatory action- been demonstrated that in most cases this is a side research] to be more potent than either knowledge effect of systems designed primarily for ‘gain, not

1. Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, New Zealand 2. Department of Anthropology, University of Otago, New Zealand 14 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999 restrain’ (Ruttan, 1998; Aswani, 1998; Polunin, already felt the impact of development activity in 1984). An integrated approach to coastal resource the form of forestry, and of the Solomon Taiyo planning is required, in which the specific skills of tuna and baitfish industry (Nichols & Rawlinson, anthropologists and fisheries scientists are proper- 1990). Several other small-scale coastal ventures ly utilised. In particular, cultural information have been set up over the last few years, and more needs to be gathered systematically and treated are planned for the near future. In this study, we with the same critical scrutiny that is applied by examine local knowledge of aggregating scientists to any other data set. behaviours of the in a confined part of the lagoon . Carangids, or treval- In this article we take three premises as our start- ly, are a diverse family of reef and lagoon fish ing point: which are important in the local subsistence and artisanal fishery. In this study, detailed ethno- 1. TEK contains complex ecological information graphic data on Carangidae behavior were collect- obtained through generations of observation ed from local informants using traditional anthro- and experience; pological techniques of interview and participant observation. This information served as a basis for 2. TEK is culturally structured and if it is to be designing hypotheses on the tidal movements and taken out of its original context and used in an aggregating behaviours of Carangidae within empirical western scientific framework, its Roviana Lagoon, which were then tested using sci- appropriateness to this framework should be entific field observations. The purpose was not to established through systematic testing; and test the accuracy of local ecological knowledge, but to show how it can assist in the development 3. One of the most powerful ways in which TEK of fisheries research designs. can be used in fisheries or other types of eco- logical research is in the establishment of Environmental background research designs. The Solomon Islands lie between 7° and 10°S and We present below a case study in the development extend 1400 km eastward from New Guinea of a model for testing TEK, and in establishing the (Figure 1). The islands display remarkable diver- parameters within which it can be used in a scien- sity in both terrestrial and marine environments. tific research design. The work is situated in The dominant island forms are volcanic, but Roviana Lagoon, on the island of New Georgia, examples of atolls and raised reef islands are Western Province, Solomon Islands. Roviana also present. Extensive lagoon systems occur in marine ecologies and local communities have Western Province.

.....Bismarcks Papua-New Guinea . New Britain Solomon . Is .. .. . Samoa . New . Fiji Cook Is Hebrides .. Society Is New Caledonia Tonga Austral Is Australia

° 40° 40 New

0 1000km Zealand

150° 170° 150°

Figure 1. The Solomon Islands in the Pacific (Survey and Mapping Division, Honiara) SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 15

The New Georgia Group, in Western Province, is spoken in all the villages. Elsewhere in New made up of nine main islands that extend for Georgia the 30,000 inhabitants speak at least approximately 270 km. The largest island is New seven major languages, including several non- Georgia which is fringed by Roviana Lagoon to Austronesian languages. The Roviana subsis- the south-west and Marovo Lagoon to the north- tence economy is based on shifting horticulture east (Figure 2). with an emphasis on the recently introduced sweet potato and cassava, as well as the tradi- Roviana Lagoon is a body of shallow water tional crops: taro, yam, banana and sago. The approximately 50 km long enclosed between the main protein intake is from marine sources New Georgia mainland and a series of uplifted (Aswani 1997:189) but pig and chicken hus- coral reef islands lying 2 to 3 km offshore. The bandry and small-scale hunting also takes place. lagoon supports a wide range of micro-environ- Today, these subsistence activities are often sub- ments including: , mangrove forest, river sidised by waged labour and copra production. mouths, mudflats, coral atolls, barrier reefs, marine lakes and sea-grass beds (Aswani, Carangids were selected for this case study for 1997:245). Each of these, as well as the adjacent several reasons. First, the ecology of carangids in offshore zones, provides unique opportunities for tropical settings is poorly studied (Sudekum et al., the fishing communities of Roviana Lagoon. A 1991). Second, the carangids are important in the number of major passages connect the open sea to Roviana subsistence fishery and thus the local the lagoon. These are remnants of earlier river sys- body of knowledge was expected to be detailed tems that flowed through the now-flooded coastal and accessible. Third, there are potentially impor- plains. These passages contain a relatively high tant trophic interactions between the Taiyo bait- biodiversity and are consequently of especial sig- fishery and carangids which were investigated as nificance in local fishing systems. Their rich biodi- part of the field research, but are not reported here versity occurs partly because they connect several (see Hamilton, 1999). different ecological zones and many species utilise them to move between feeding areas. The Carangidae is a family of strong swimming, open water carnivorous fishes known variously as Roviana Lagoon is occupied by a number of trevally, kingfish, queenfish, jack, scad, mackerel, closely related tribal groups occupying a dozen and rainbow runners (Gunn, 1990; Randall, 1990). or so large villages scattered along the mainland Their habitats range from brackish water estuaries and barrier islands as well as a number of small- to deep offshore reefs, with a few species being er residential clusters. Roviana is the most pelagic in the open ocean (Holland et al., 1996). At homogeneous linguistic region of New Georgia, least 17 species of carangid are present in Roviana where the Austronesian language of Roviana is Lagoon, and all are important food fishes. In this








Figure 2. The New Georgia Group (Survey and Mapping Division, Honiara) 16 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999 study we concentrate on three species, Bluefin The field work reported here is a part of a larger trevally ( melampygus), Golden trevally project on fish ecology and indigenous subsistence (Gnathanodon speciosus) and (Caranx practices carried out in 1996–1997. The full results sexfasciatus). with additional observations on other of the complete project will be reported elsewhere. members of the genera Caranx and Carangoides. The field component of this study had two parts. The first involved gathering indigenous informa- Study area tion on the behavioural ecology of Carangidae in Roviana Lagoon. This information forms the basis The research was carried out in Honiavasa pas- on which the traditional Roviana Carangidae fish- sage from a base in Nusabanga village, in the ery is structured. Using this data, a set of hypothe- western part of Roviana Lagoon (Fig 3). ses linking environmental variables with Nusabanga village is a sister village to Sasavele Carangidae behaviour was established. The sec- village, located on the western bank of Honiavasa ond part of the research involved testing these Passage. The two villages share very close ties, hypotheses using standard field survey tech- often participating in common fishing trips and niques. other economic activities. Ethnographic methods and results Honiavasa Passage is one of the main deep water passages connecting the inner lagoon to the outer The field component of the research discussed sea. It is approximately 600 m across at the sea here was carried out from early- August until late- entrance and narrows to around 150 m at its nar- October, 1997. During this period one of the rowest point. The coral walls of the passage are authors (RH) resided at Nusabanga village, where nearly vertical, and descend to a maximum depth he participated in the daily life of the village and of 42 m. The passage environment is characterised worked regularly with the local fishers, to gain as by mainly dead corals to a depth of 15 m, although wide an understanding as possible of the local the submarine coral walls support large and fishing system. This followed the viewpoint that diverse migrant vertebrate communities. empirical facts about biology or ecology can not be

Figure 3. The western part of Roviana Lagoon, showing Honiavasa Passage, Munda township and Nusabanga (Mbanga) and Sasavele village (Survey and Mapping Division, Honiara) SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 17 extracted from TEK without an understanding of Hviding (1996), and also to that Nggela the structure and ideology of the wider cultural (Foale,1998b). All these systems differ consider- and subsistence systems of which it forms a part. ably from Linnaean , in that the level of During the fieldwork period records were taken of classification reflects the value of the fish within 51 fishing trips. Information was recorded on the subsistence system, as well as basic morpholo- Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) and on the techno- gy. For example, the small Damselfishes logical, meteorological and environmental details (Pomacentridae) are not eaten in Roviana and are of each major fishing trip. Basic information on all referred to using the generic term kipa. indigenous taxonomy and fish names were Although Roviana people are well aware of the acquired through formal interviews conducted in variation within the Pomacentridae family, no Solomon Island Pidgin, the local lingua franca. further attempt is made at finer taxonomic dis- Local fish names were collected and then cross crimination. One the other hand, some members checked against standard fish guides (Allen & of the family Scaridae are very important in the Swainston, 1992; Randall et al., 1990). Local infor- subsistence economy, and this is reflected in their mants were also asked to identify species seen on taxonomic treatment where different names are underwater video footage taken in Honiavasa assigned to different size classes (Aswani, Passage. In addition, formal interviews were con- 1997:425). The actual names assigned to a fish ducted with 11 fishers from Nusabanga and three taxa often reflect behavioural characteristics from Sasavele. These persons were selected shown by that fish. according to their recognised status as fishing experts within their respective villages. All inter- At least 17 species of Carangidae are recognised as views were conducted in both Roviana and taxonomically separate within the Roviana sys- Solomon Island Pidgin, and were recorded on tem. These names are listed in Table 1 below. Mara videotape. Each fisher was asked to identify his is a generic name covering a range of Carangidae main fishing locations, fishing methods used and species, each of which is additionally named using the target species. Particular attention was paid to a more specific suffix. For example, the Orange the spatial, temporal and technological structure spotted trevally (Carangoides bajad) is named mara of Carangidae fishing practices. liu. Liu (derived from Solomon Island Pidgin) translates as ‘loiter’, thus C. bajad is named ‘the On the basis of the field participation results and trevally that loiters’, owing to its commonness in interview data we can define the basic parameters Roviana Lagoon. of indigenous fish tax- onomy and the Roviana fishing calen- Table 1. Local Carangidae taxonomy dar. For the most part, we observe only minor deviation from the Indigenousname Commonname Scientific name more detailed study recently reported in Mara Generic: Trevally Carangidae Aswani (1997). We can Balubalu Rainbow runner Elagatis bipinnulata also describe aspects Ganusu Smooth tailed trevally Selaroides leptolepis of Roviana folk ecolo- Lasilasi Double-spotted queenfish Scomberoides lysan gy of Carangidae, with (and perhaps other emphasis on tide relat- queenfish species) ed movements and Laqu belama Tille trevally Caranx tille lunar aggregations in Mara batu batu Griant trevally Caranx ignobilis Honiavasa Passage. Mara batu papaka undetermined These results are sum- Maaru hipu gele Gold-spotted trevally Carangoides fulvoguttatus marised below and Mara hobu Blue trevally Carangoides ferdau reported in more Mara labe Pennantfish Alectes ciliaris detail in Hamilton Mara lamana Bluefin trevally Caranx melampygus (1999). Mara liu Orange-spotted trevally Carangoides bajad Taxonomy Mara madali Bump-nosed trevally Carangoides hedlandensiis Mara popana Golden trevally Gnathanodon specious The structure of Mara roba Snub-nosed dart Trachinotus blochii Roviana fish taxono- Moturu Bigeye trevally Caranx sexfasciatus my is almost identical Moturu kove Black trevally Caranx lugubris to that of Marovo, Paki pakete Black-spotted dart Trachinotus bailloni well described by 18 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

The Roviana lunar cycle exposed. Thus the tides are considered to be one of the most important factors regulating the likeli- The lunar cycle plays a major role in the Roviana hood of a successful catch: fishing system since there is a well-understood correlation between lunar phase and Carangidae Before I go fishing I must watch the (and other species) behaviours which can be movement of the sea, there are two good exploited by local fishers. Many of the days of the times for fishing, pado gore when the tide lunar month are given specific names. A version starts to fall, and pado sage when the tide of the Roviana lunar calendar collected in starts to rise, close to flood or ebb tide the Nusabanga is included as Table 2. This example is fish do not eat (pers. comm., Harry based on a 30-day lunar month. A more detailed Kama, Nusabanga village, August 1997. version has been collected by Aswani (1997:238) Translated from Solomon Island Pidgin and Hviding (1996) provides a similar calendar by the authors). from Marovo Lagoon. These two tidal terms, pado gore and pado sage, Tidal movements of Carangidae refer to the first 3–4 hours after flood and ebb tide, respectively. Nine of the fourteen fishers inter- According to local informants, Carangidae move- viewed stated that the best times to catch ments within Roviana Lagoon correspond to tidal carangids are during pado gore and pado sage. flows. The following species of Carangidae are The state of the tides not only influences the tim- said to move into the inner lagoon regions ing of a fishing event, but also its precise location through Honiavasa Passage on the rising tide, and within the lagoon: then move back into the passage and outer reef areas on the falling tide: Carangoides ferdau, At high tide the baitfish move up into the Carangoides fulvoguttatus, Carangoides bajad, Caranx mangrove areas, and they are followed tille, Caranx lugubris, Caranx sexfasciatus, Caranx by the trevally. So at high tide I fish for melampygus and Gnathanodon speciosus. Informants trevally in the inner lagoon, near the sea further state that these predictable movements are grass in the deep areas close to the man- due to a predator-prey interaction. The carangids groves. At low tide the baitfish move out are following their prey species, the very small of the mangrove and go to the passage, baitfish named hinambu (members of the families so I go and fish for trevally there (pers. Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Apogonidae, and comm. Diliva Dava, Nusabanga village, Atherinidae) and the large baitfish, kutukutu August 1997. Translated from Roviana by (Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus). Gaudry Kama).

The baitfish are said to move up into the inner Eight of the fourteen fishers interviewed also lagoon to among the mangrove roots on made the observation that on the rising tide the high tide, and retreat back to sea on the falling carangids often swim near the surface in the pas- tide, when the shallow inner lagoon areas become sage, but on the falling tide they dive deeper into

Table 2. The Roviana lunar cycle

Roviana term Lunar phase Translation

Taloa Sidara New moon Taloa : No Sidara : Moon Tada Keke Day 1 Tada : refers to the first quarter, when the moon is first Tada Karua Day2 seen in the West and drops quickly below the horizon Tada Ngeta Day 3 (before midnight). Tada Made Day 4 Tada Lima Day 5 Tada Onomo Day 6 Tada Zuapa Day 7 Noma Sidara Days 8-14 Noma : Big Sidara : Moon Hobe Rimata Full moon Hobe : Change Rimata : Sun. The moon changes the sun. As soon as the sun sets it is replaced by the moon. Pae Days 16-30 Pae : "it is dark before the moon rises". The moon rises after 12 pm SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 19 the channel. Because of this, carangids are harder end there is often over 100 fish. They to catch by trolling or casting in the passage on the aggregate between Honiavasa Island low tide, and alternative techniques must either be and Nitara Island, on the right-hand side adopted, or other fishing locations selected. of the passage. They also move up the left-hand side of the passage, but they Lunar-related aggregations do not go up as far as Vonovonoto Island, instead they will move into the The subsistence fishers of Nusabanga and small passage that breaks off before Sasavele recognise two main periods of the lunar Vonovonoto Island. By the time the sun cycle as ideal times for catching carangids. The is up the schools will have gone (pers first of these ‘Carangidae seasons’ is during the comm., Simon Bae, Sasavele village, early part of the first quarter of the lunar cycle, August 1997. Translated from Roviana and the second is around the full moon: by Gaudry Kama).

Mara have seasons, so whenever we want All the persons who recognise these aggregations to catch mara we must wait for its time. If believe that they form as a result of a feeding you fish for mara when it is not the right opportunity when schools of medomedo (Siganus time, you will not have much success argenteus) and suliri (Nematalosa come) form. Jack (pers comm. Harry Kama, Nusabanga Kari and Harry Kama both said that during Tada village, August 1997. Translated from zuapa groups of C. ignobilis travel far up into the Solomon Island Pidgin by the authors). inner lagoon to feed, often travelling right up into the rivers which empty into the lagoon. This Thirteen of the fourteen fishers interviewed gave observation is consistent with reports from the very specific and consistent information relating Philippines, where C. ignobilis have been caught to passage and inner lagoon fishing in the first far up rivers (Manacop, 1952, cited in quarter of the lunar cycle. On Tada keke, Tada karua Westernhagen, 1974). and Tada ngeta, fishing for Carangidae is highly productive, with all species being readily caught. The second ‘Carangidae season’ occurs around Twelve of the fourteen fishers interviewed also full moon, a time which all the fishers inter- recognised Tada zuapa as being a good time for viewed recognised as being particularly good for catching mara batubatu (Caranx ignobilis). C. igno- carangid fishing. During this lunar stage C. sex- bilis appear within Honiavasa Passage of Roviana fasciatus and C. lugubris are said to aggregate in Lagoon several times during the first quarter of a the lagoon, often in schools. These species are lunar cycle between the months of June through to predominantly targeted at night by droplining December. using ganusu (Selaroides leptolepis) for bait, or by casting non-weighted lines with hinambu (small You can catch mara batubatu on Tada keke, baitfish) as bait. C. fulvoguttatus, the gold-spotted Tada karua and Tada ngeta. From Tada trevally, is also said to aggregate in schools dur- made till Tada onomo you will not catch ing this lunar stage. batubatu. On Tada Zuapa you will catch batubatu, and they will come in groups In addition to these two main ‘Carangidae sea- (pers comm., Simon Bae, Sasavele village, sons’ other minor periods of aggregation are August 1997. Translated from Roviana by known to local fishers, and exploited accordingly. Gaudry Kama). Six of the fishers stated that mara batu papaka (unidentified Carangidae species) aggregate with- In the early hours of the morning on Tada zuapa, C. in the lagoon in large schools after the full moon, ignobilis are said to aggregate in large schools during Pae. Simon Bae of Sasavele stated that large along the walls of Honiavasa Passage. The largest schools arrive mainly during the last quarter, and of these aggregations is reported to occur off the that during this time they travel far up into the point of Honiavasa Island, where large groups inner lagoon. It is also important to note that some gather in the shallow reef area on the eastern side of the Carangidae species that inhabit the lagoon of the channel, close to Site 3 (see below). are reported by local informants not to have a spe- cific lunar season. For example, C. bajad is said to In the early morning of Tada zuapa, before be constantly present within the lagoon, regard- the sun is up, they start to arrive in less of the lunar stage. groups. They don’t all come in at once, you will see one group arrive then 5-10 Marine survey methods and results minutes later another group will join them, then another group, and so on. I On the basis of the ethnographic survey we can have never tried to count them, but in the define three testable hypotheses relating to 20 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

Carangidae behaviour in and around Honiavasa 60-second intervals, the entire 180-degree area of Passage: the passage visible to the diver was scanned (a procedure taking 5-10 seconds) and all individu- 1. Carangidae species move in and out of the pas- als in that area were recorded by species. sage with the tides; Observations of the number of individuals of a 2. C. sexfasciatus will be at their highest densities given species, their length and their direction of within the passage around full moon; and movement (up or down the channel) were 3. C. ignobilis will aggregate in schools alongside recorded. The amount of error in the length esti- Honiavasa Island before sunrise on Tada zuapa mates was calculated throughout the field obser- vations by periodically recording the ‘estimated’ To test these hypotheses a dive survey was car- and ‘actual’ length of coral heads. A total of 120 ried out using Instantaneous Area Point Counts dives were carried out during the months of (IAPC) during flood and ebb tides at six sites in September and October 1997. These consisted of Honiavasa Passage. For the purpose of site selec- twenty dives at each site, ten on the falling tide tion, the passage was divided into three areas: and ten on the rising tide. Outer, Middle and Inner. Two sample sites were The analysis of the IPAC data looked for interac- allocated within each area, one on the left-hand tions between the following five variables: and one on the right-hand side of the passage (Fig 4). The three separate areas were chosen in 1. State of tide (rising, falling); order to determine if distance from the open sea 2. Direction of fish movement (in, out); influenced the distribution and abundance of 3. Lunar stage (new moon, first quarter, full fish. Two sites were allocated within each area in moon, second quarter); order to determine whether passage side had a 4. Area (Outer, Middle, Inner); and significant effect on the abundance or movements 5. Side of passage (left, right). of Carangidae. Presence-absence data for the three most frequent- This survey spanned two lunar cycles and was ly sighted species of Carangidae, C. melampygus, conducted using standard IAPC visual census G. speciosus and C. sexfasciatus, were analysed methods. IAPCs were recommended by Thresher and Gunn (1986), who assessed the usefulness of many under- water visual transect and point count techniques for estimating biomass and abundance of Carangidae. The IAPC method used here involved underwater visual census carried out by two divers at selected times, locations and depths using SCUBA. In addition, underwater video footage shot from a fixed station 5 was taken for identification and refer- 6 ence purposes. A total of 48 hours of video was recorded. A fibreglass canoe 4 powered by a 15 hp motor was used 3 during the field surveys.

On arriving at a site, visibility was determined in order to define differ- 2 ences in average visibility between the six study sites. At a depth of 5 m a plas- 1 tic silhouette of a fish (49 cm in length) was located on the bottom. One end of a fibreglass tape measure was attached to the silhouette, a diver then swam horizontally away from the silhouette reading the distance off the tape mea- 01km sure at which the silhouette became dif- ficult to distinguish. Both divers then stationed themselves with their backs to the reef wall and fifteen point counts Figure 4. Aerial photo of Honiavasa Passage were carried out over 15 minutes. At showing the location of the six sites SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 21 using a logistic linear model in the software pack- showed a strong tendency to move in the direction age JMP™ on a Macintosh™ computer. A model of tidal flow. Analysis of the C. melampygus log of best fit was determined for each data set, then data revealed a significant two way interaction the significant terms in the chosen model were between tidal flow and direction of fish movement examined in detail. (DF = 1, SS = 1.03, MS = 1.03, F-ratio = 11.76 and P value < 0.01) (Fig. 5). Total abundance data for C. melampygus were transformed from dive log records using the stan- Analysis of G. speciosus presence/absence data dard log 10 transformation. These abundance data also revealed that the movements of fish within were then analysed using a general linear model, Honiavasa Passage correlate strongly with tidal ANOVA, involving all main effects and interac- flows (LR Statistic = 50.56, 1 DF; P < 0.01) (Fig. 6). tions. This was carried out using DataDesk™ soft- ware on a Macintosh™ computer. Lunar aggregations of Carangidae

Carangidae movements with respect C. sexfasciatus was the third most commonly seen to tidal flows Carangid in the dive survey. Presence/absence data analysis revealed that lunar stage influences The two most commonly sighted species of their relative abundance within the passage (LR carangid, C. melampygus and G. speciosus, both Statistic = 8.33, 3 DF; P = 0.04). C. sexfasciatus were

20 18 16 14 12 Moving in 10 8 Moving out 6 4 2 Log abundance (x+1) of total seen 0 Rising Falling Tidal state

Figure 5. Log value of the total number of Caranx melampygus seen moving in and out of Honiavasa Passage on 60 rising and 60 falling tides (Error bars = ±1 SE)




30 Moving in Moving out 20 Percentage of time seen 10

0 Rising Falling Tidal state

Figure 6. The percentage of time that Gnathanodon speciosus were seen moving in and out of Honiavasa passage on 60 rising and 60 falling tides (Error bars = ±1 SE) 22 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999 seen the highest percentage of the time (15%) dur- potential relevance in coastal resource manage- ing the full moon lunar phase (Fig. 7). In the new ment and development planning. Through anthro- moon and first quarter they were seen approxi- pological field techniques we were able to acquire mately 5% of the time and during the second quar- a ready-made model of these behaviours which ter they were seen only 2% of the time. could then be quickly and easily tested using stan- dard marine science field methods. Through par- There were insufficient sightings of C. ignobilis and ticipant observation and interviews we identified mara batu papaka to warrant statistical analysis, but two specific categories of Carangidae behaviour observations made during the dive survey and well understood by Roviana fishers. These cate- during other field exercises support local predic- gories pertained to the temporal and spatial pat- tions about their aggregating behaviours. C. igno- terning of fish activity at different scales. First, bilis were seen only once out of 120 survey dives, there was the relationship between tidal change and this sighting occurred on Tada zuapa the lunar and Carangidae movement. Second, the relation- day that C ignobilis schools are reported by local ship between fish aggregating behaviour and the fishers to form within Honiavasa Passage. The lunar cycle. We were then able to create a research sighting occurred at Site 6 in the late afternoon of design that would maximise the likelihood of us 10 Sep. 1997 on a rising tide. Further, the predicted observing these predicted behaviours. In this case, aggregations in the early morning of Tada zuapa the dive survey results verified local statements on were observed the following month, on the 10th of marine ecology. Other, more complex, research October. The CPUE data also demonstrated C questions are likely to reveal a more complex rela- ignobilis aggregations around Tada zuapa. tionship between traditional and scientific knowl- edge systems. Mara batu papaka were sighted only on three occa- sions out of a total of 120 survey dives. These In summary, we review in brief a number of bene- sightings all occurred during Pae, the period fol- fits and motives for researchers to consider indige- lowing full moon. Again, this accords well with nous knowledge systems, and conclude by reiter- CPUE data and with the statements made by ating the argument for an holistic approach to informants during the ethnographic survey (see coastal research in Melanesia. above). 1. TEK contains baseline information on local Discussion ecologies including information on what is pre- sent in the local ecosystems, and its temporal As this study demonstrates, TEK systems contain and spatial patterning. knowledge that is relevant to many of the types of 2. By drawing on TEK at the early stage of question asked by fisheries research scientists. In research, scientists are able to develop testable this case we were interested in carangid move- models, and so target their research and effi- ments and aggregation patterns, a question of ciently budget their time and other resources.






5 Percentage of time seen 0 New moon 1st quarter Full moon 2nd quarter (n = 34) (n = 42) (n = 17) (n = 27)

Lunar stage

Figure 7. The percentage of time that Caranx sexfasciatus were seen in Honiavasa Passage during the four lunar stages (Error bars = ± 1 SE) SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 23

3. TEK and CMT evolved over generations of knowledge of fish behaviour will often be very direct interaction between human communities accurate, local explanations for the mechanisms and their environment and are likely to contain underlying these behaviours may not be compati- information and ideas not currently contained ble with scientific paradigms. within scientific models (Lalonde & Akhtar, 1994). In Nusabanga, local fishers believe that mara move- 4. If properly understood, there is a potential for ments through the passage relate to predator–prey resource managers to use CMT systems direct- relationships with baitfish (see above). Our ly to manage stocks in development projects research shows, however, that while the predicted (Hviding, 1996; Ruddle et al., 1992). movements of fish is accurate, the explanation probably varies amongst species (Hamilton 1999). Conclusions Ruddle et al., (1992:262) make a similar point, ‘In some places declining yields may be attributed to All knowledge systems, including scientific knowl- sorcery or a failure to propitiate the gods’. edge systems, are culturally structured and there are potential dangers in extracting information In conclusion then, indigenous knowledge is an from one system, and applying it in another. For enormously valuable resource base but one which that reason, research scientists working with TEK is often treated in a far too casual manner by should attempt to develop a holistic understanding research scientists. We advocate an holistic of those systems, so as to understand the context of approach incorporating the strengths of anthropo- the information they hold. In coastal research, this logical and marine science methods and tech- would include information on folk taxonomy and niques. In a cross-disciplinary approach, each dis- ecology, fishing technologies and the social and cipline provides the other with a degree of symbolic context of fishing activities. accountability and more accurately represents the knowledge base of the indigenous peoples of Knowledge is often stratified by gender, age and Melanesia who have been living and acting in geographical location (Hviding, 1996; Christie & these landscapes for up to 30,000 years. White, 1997). For example, in Roviana Lagoon, women fishers hold traditional knowledge on Acknowledgements mangrove clams, as it is almost exclusively women who collect these food species. It would We would like to acknowledge a number of peo- thus be difficult for male researchers to gain ple for their support during various phases of the access to that information, and potentially mis- project. In the field, the assistance of Bailey Kama, leading if they were to ask only male members of Gaudry Kama and other members of the the community about the exploitation of man- Nusabanga community is gratefully acknowl- grove clams (although they would undoubtedly edged. We would especially like to thank the get an answer). paramount chiefs, Chief Joseph Kama and Chief John Roni, for giving us permission to work in the We also note that in Roviana, knowledge pertain- area. Mariana and Dave Cooke (Solomon Sea ing to specific families of fish is sometimes restrict- Divers) provided equipment and Johnson Seeto ed to fishers who specialise in targeting those provided expert guidance with taxonomy. Finally, species. Several of the fishers in this study when we thank the New Georgia Archaeological Survey asked questions on the ecology of Carangidae who provided logistical field support. made statements similar to that of Enele Garata: ‘Oh no, I don’t know about mara, I only know References about pazara (Serranidae) and pipo (Sphyraenidae), ask the old man Simon Bae at Sasavele, he knows ALCALA, A.C. (1998). Community-based coastal about mara’ (pers comm., Enele Garata, resource management in the Philippines: a Nusabanga village, August 1997. Translated from case study. Ocean and Coastal Management Solomon Island Pidgin by the authors). 38: 179–186.

It is also important to appreciate that most ALLEN, G.R. & R. SWAINSTON. (1992). Reef Fishes of indigenous knowledge of marine ecologies is New Guinea. Kristen Press INC, Madang: ultimately directed towards identifying patterns Christensen Research Institute. which maximise capture success. Thus some details of fish behaviour which may be irrelevant ASWANI, S. (1997). Customary sea tenure and arti- to a local knowledge base (since they have no sanal fishing in the Roviana and Vonavona influence on subsistence practice) may be of Lagoons, Solomon Islands: The evolutionary immense importance to a marine biologist study- ecology of marine resource utilization. Ph.D. ing reef ecology. Further, whereas indigenous dissertation, University of Hawaii, Hawaii. 24 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

ASWANI, S. (1998). Patterns of Marine Harvest HVIDING, E. (1991). Traditional Institutions and Effort in Southwestern New Georgia, their role in the contemporary coastal Solomon Islands: Resource Management or resource management in the Pacific Islands. Optimal Foraging? Ocean & Coastal NAGA Vol. 14: 3–6. Management 40, 2–3: 207–235. HVIDING, E. (1996). Guardians of Marovo Lagoon. BLABER, S.J.M., D.A. MILTON & N.J.F. RAWLINSON. practice, place, and politics in maritime (1990). Diets of the Fishes of the Solomon Melanesia. Honolulu. University of Hawaii Islands: Predators of tuna baitfish and trophic Press. effects of baitfishing on the subsistence fish- ery. Fisheries Research 8: 263–286. JOHANNES, R.E. (1981). Words of the lagoon. Fishing and marine lore in the Palau district CHADWICK, D. (1999). Coral in peril. National of Micronesia. Berkeley: University of Geographic Magazine 195(1): 30–37. California Press.

CHRISTIE, P. & A.T. WHITE. (1997). Trends in devel- JOHANNES, R.E., K. RUDDLE. & E. HVIDING. (1993). opment in coastal area management in tropi- The value today of traditional management cal countries: from central to community ori- and knowledge of coastal marine resources in entation. Coastal Management 25: 155–181. Oceania. Workshop: People, Society, and Pacific Islands Fisheries Development and CLARK, J. & J. MURDOCH. (1997). Local knowledge Management ( Noumea, New Caledonia). 1–7. and the precarious extension of scientific net- works: a reflection on three case studies. LALONDE, A. & S. AKHTAR. (1994). Traditional Sociologia Ruralis 37(1): 39–60. knowledge research for sustainable develop- ment. Nature and Resources 30(2): 22–28. FOALE, S. (1998a). Assessment and management of the trochus fishery at West Nggela, Solomon MATTHEWS, E., J. VEITAYAKI & V.R. BIDESI. (1998). Islands: an interdisciplinary approach. Ocean Fijian villagers adapt to changes in local fish- & Coastal Management 40: 187–205. eries. Ocean and Coastal Management 38: 207–224. FOALE, S. (1998B). What’s in a name? An analysis of the West Nggela (Solomon Islands) fish tax- NICHOLS, P.V. & N.J.F. RAWLINSON. (1990). onomy. Traditional Marine Resource Development of the pole-and-line fishery in Management and Knowledge Information the Solomon Islands with reference to the Bulletin 9: 3–19. baitfishery and its management. Tuna Baitfishing In The Indo-Pacific Region, FOSTER, K. & J. POGGIE. (1993). Customary marine ACIAR Proceedings No. 30: 30–44. tenure and mariculture management in outly- ing communities of Pohnpei State, Federated Oslen, S., J. Tobey & M. Kerr. (1997). A common States of Micronesia. Ocean and Coastal framework for learning from ICM experience. Management 20: 1–21. Ocean and Coastal Management 37(2): 155–174. GUNN, J.S. (1990). A Revision of Selected Genera of the Family Carangidae (Pisces) from POLUNIN, N. (1984). Do traditional ‘reserves’ con- Australian Waters. Records of the Australian serve? A view of Indonesia and New Guinea Museum: Supplement 12. evidence. In: Ruddle, K. & T. Akimichi, eds. Maritime Institutions in the Western Pacific. HAMILTON, R. (1999). Tidal movements and lunar Senri Ethnological Studies 17. Osaka: National aggregating behaviours of Carangidae in Museum of Ethnology. Roviana Lagoon, Western Province, Solomon Islands. MSc dissertation, University of RANDALL, J.E., G.R. ALLEN & R.C. STEENE. (1990). Otago, Dunedin. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Honolulu. University of Hawaii Press. HOLLAND, K.N., LOWE, C.G. & B.M. WETHERBEE. (1996). Movements and dispersal patterns of RUDDLE, K., E. HVIDING. & R.E. JOHANNES. (1992). blue trevally (Caranx melampygus) in a fish- Marine resources management in the context eries conservation zone. Fisheries Research 25: of customary tenure. Marine Resource 279–292. Economics Vol. 7: 249–273. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 25

RUTTAN, L.M. (1998). Closing the commons: co- gidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes. Vol operation for gain or restraint? Human 17(2): 93–116. Ecology 26(1): 43–65. VEITAYAKI, J. (1997). Traditional marine resource SUDEKUM, A.E., J.D. PARRISH, R.L. RADTKE & S. management practices used in the pacific RALSTON. (1991). Life History and Ecology of Islands: an agenda for change. Ocean and Large Jacks in Undisturbed, Shallow, Oceanic Coastal management 37(1): 123–136. Communities. Fishery Bulletin, US. Vol 89: 493–513. WESTERNHAGEN, H. (1974). Observations on the natural spawning of Alectis indicus (Ruppell) THRESHER, R.E. & J.S. GUNN. (1986). Comparative and Caranx ignobilis (Forsk.) (Carangidae). analysis of visual census techniques for highly Journal of Fish Biology. Vol. 6: 513–516. mobile, reef-associated piscivores (Caran- New publications NewTraditional publications marine resource management and knowledge Traditional marine resource management and knowledge

Community-level sea use management in the Grenada beach seine net fishery: current practices and management recommendations. by J.A. Finlay, M.Sc.Thesis, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados (1996).

This study identified and characterised a commu- TURF system. These include intra-fishery conflicts nity level, self-regulating Territorial Use Rights in between beach-seine fishers and relate to non com- Fisheries (TURF) system within the Grenada pliance with TURF rules; inter fishery conflicts, beach-seine fishery. The TURF system serves as a between seine fishers and other fishers generated useful example of an alternative management sys- by competition for sea space (by anchoring boats, tem and involves 41 large beach seines and 289 motorised trolling boats, motorised fishing boats fishers, operating at 97 shallow water fishing sites landing catches ashore); and competition for the (hauls) along the coasts of the islands of Grenada target fish by ringnets operating adjacent to the and Grenadines. Although all hauls are open to all haul; extra fishery conflicts, between beach seine seine nets, nets are observed to cluster in nine fair- fishers and mainly tourist-related activities which ly discrete zones along the coast and tend not to are now being viewed as having greater economic move far from the fishers’ places of residence. importance. Beach-seine TURF fishers view these conflict situations as devaluing their traditional The beach-seine fishery targets a multi-species property rights. stock of mainly juvenile coastal pelagics. Two species of Carangidae (big eye scad, called jacks, Suggestions for solutions from both seine fishers Selar crumenopthalmus; and red tail scad called and their competitors for sea use, indicate that ‘round robins’, Decapturus tabs) account for 90 per government should initiate urgently some form of cent of catches. The remaining catch comprises localised management. Seine fishers felt strongly juvenile oceanic pelagics (6%) and other small- that legalisation of the TURF rules would serve to sized coastal pelagics (4%). Although species vary legitimise and enhance their property rights. Both in abundance seasonally, a fairly constant overall seine fishers and their competitors for sea use felt abundance of seine fish maintains a year round that a rationalisation of entitlements, expectations fishery with relatively constant fishing effort. and obligations within the context of a co-manage- ment approach was needed. Ten traditional rules are identified within the TURF system and these effectively allocate fishing Contributed by: opportunity to beach-seine nets through the recog- nition of temporary exclusive ownership at hauls. Dr. Robin Mahon, 48 Sunset Crest, St. James, A number of conflicts are presently threatening the Barbados. E-mail: [email protected] 26 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

Sacred Ecology:Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management by Fikret Berkes Professor of Natural Resources, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Published by: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia (1999); Soft cover: US$ 26.00 Order via Website:

Ecology has its roots in conventional science, with Part II: Practice an emphasis on the quantitative analysis of rela- tions between organisms and their environment. Chapter 4: Traditional Knowledge Systems in However, in recent years there has been a Practice renewed interest to encompass a more holistic - Tropical Forests: Not Amenable to vision of the earth as a system of interconnected Management? relationships. A major issue today is how humans - Semiarid Areas: Keeping the Land Productive can develop a more acceptable relationship with - Island Ecosystems-Personal Ecosystems the environment that supports them. With this - Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands comes a surge of interest in the traditional ecologi- - Conclusions cal knowledge of indigenous peoples as a source Chapter 5: Cree Worldview ‘from the Inside’ of valuable information on how to use and respect - Animals Control the Hunt our natural resources. - Obligations of Hunters to Show Respect - Importance of Continued Use for Sustainability This comprehensive, absorbing and extremely - Conclusions useful book by Fikret Berkes is a major and most Chapter 6: A Story of Caribou and Social Learning welcome contribution to focusing that interest. - ‘No One Knows the Way of the Winds and the Although not focussed directly on the Pacific Caribou’ Islands, readers of this Information Bulletin will - Aboriginal Hunters and Traditional undoubtedly find this book by Berkes a very Knowledge of Caribou rewarding investment. The contents of the book - Caribou Return to the Land of the Chisasibi are as follows: Cree - A Gathering of the Hunters Part 1: Concepts - Conclusions Chapter 7: Cree Fishing Practices as Adaptive Chapter 1: Context of Traditional Ecological Management Knowledge - The Chisasibi Cree System of Fishing - Defining Traditional Ecological Knowledge - Subarctic Ecosystems: Scientific Understanding - Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Science and Cree Practice - Differences: Philosophical or Political? - Three Cree Practices: Reading Environmental - Knowledge-Practice-Belief: A Framework for Signals for Management Analysis - A Computer Experiment on Cree Practice and - Objectives and Overview of the Volume Fish Population Resilience Chapter 2: Emergence of the Field - Traditional Knowledge Systems as Adaptive - Evolution of International Interest Management - Cultural and Political Significance for Indigenous Peoples Part III: Issues - Questions of Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights Chapter 8: How Local Knowledge Develops: Cases - Practical Significance as Common Heritage of from the West Indies Humankind - Mangrove Conservation and Charcoal Makers Chapter 3: Intellectual Roots of Traditional - Dominican Sawyers: Developing Private Ecological Knowledge Stewardship - Ethnobiology and Biosystematics: A Good Fit - Cultivating Sea Moss in St. Lucia - More on Linguistics and Methodology: How to - Rehabilitating Edible Sea Urchin Resources Get the Information Right - Conclusions: Lessons in Commons - Exaggeration and Ethnoscience: The Eskimo Management Snow Hoax? Chapter 9: Challenges to Indigenous Knowledge - Human Ecology and Territoriality - Limitations of Indigenous Knowledge and the - Integration of Social Systems and Natural Exotic Other Systems: Importance of Worldviews - Invaders and Natives: A Historical Perspective SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September 1999 27

- Indigenous Peoples as Conservationists? Chapter 10: Toward a Unity of Mind and Nature - ‘Wilderness’ and a Universal Concept of - Political Ecology of Indigenous Knowledge Conservation - Indigenous Knowledge for Empowerment - Adapting Traditional Systems to the Modern - Indigenous Knowledge as Challenge to the Context - Positivist-Reductionist Paradigm - Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Traditional - Learning from Traditional Knowledge and Knowledge Resource Management

Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: Concepts and Practices by Biliana Cicin-Sain & Robert W. Knecht Center for the Study of Marine Policy, Graduate College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, USA Published by: ISLAND PRESS, Washington, D.C. & Covelo, California (1998). Price: US$ 65.00 hardcover & US$ 32.50 soft cover.

It is the authors belief that a book on ICM is espe- attainment of fisheries management goals, manage- cially needed at this time because of the recent ment of that habitat should be within the ambit of recognition of the necessity of employing more an integrated coastal management process. integrated approaches to management of the earth’s resources. Better integrated resource man- In this publication, Cicin-Sain and Knecht present agement is a fundamental prerequisite of sustain- an account of the concept of integrated coastal able development. Mandates for the use of more and ocean management (ICM) and illustrate how integrated management approaches were promi- it can be accomplished by describing ways in nent in the recommendations in Agenda 21, an which particular nations or their sub-national action program emanating from the United Nations governments (provinces, localities) have imple- Conference on Environment and Development mented various aspects of it. The authors’ major (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June goals are to provide: 1992 (also known as the Earth Summit or the Rio Conference). Such mandates are also found in the • a synthesis and analysis of international pre- 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the scriptions for ICM; Sea, which entered into force in November 1994. In • a presentation of the major concepts and addition, measures for protecting marine biodiver- methodologies of ICM; sity are called for in the 1992 Convention on • a practical guide to the establishment, imple- Biological Diversity. To succeed, these measures mentation, and operation of ICM programmes; require integrated approaches such as those and embodied in the ICM concept. Moreover, ICM has • an analysis of different patterns of ICM followed been singled out by the Intergovernmental Panel on in different countries. Climate Change (IPCC) as a key tool for dealing with the threat of accelerating sea level rise in low- They also provide their own prescriptions for lying coastal areas. The Global Programme of approaches that seem to be most successful, based Action on Protection of the Marine Environment on their own experience, a cross-national survey from Land Based Activities, emanating from the they conducted, and the relevant scholarly literature. 1995 Washington Conference on Land Based Activities Affecting the Marine Environment, also Contents points out the importance of better integrated coastal management measures to control land Introduction based sources of marine pollution. Part I: The Need for Integrated Coastal Management and Fundamental Concepts Having said that, the authors emphasize that - Chapter 1. The Need for Integrated Coastal resources and space should be as fully integrated as and Ocean Management are the interconnected ecosystems making up the - Chapter 2. Definitions of Integrated Coastal coastal and ocean realms. But at the same time they Management and Fundamental Concepts stress that ICM does not replace traditional single Part II. Evolution of International Prescriptions in ICM sector resources management. For example, ICM is - Chapter 3. The Evolution of Global not intended to replace coastal water quality man- Prescriptions for Integrated Management of agement and fisheries management programs but to and Coasts ensure that all their activities function harmoniously - Chapter 4. Earth Summit Implementation: to achieve agreed water quality and fisheries goals. Growth in Capacity in Ocean and Coastal Obviously, if a degraded coastal habitat affects the Management 28 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #11 – September1999

Part III. A Practical Guide to Integrated Coastal - Chapter 9. Implementation, Operation, and Management Evaluation of ICM Programs - Chapter 5. Setting the Stage for Integrated Part IV. Country Case Comparisons and Lessons Coastal Management Learned - Chapter 6. Intergovernmental, Institutional, - Chapter 10. Case Comparisons of ICM Legal, and Financial Considerations Practices in Twenty-two Selected Nations - Chapter 7. Informing the ICM Process: - Chapter 11. Summary and Conclusions Building the Science and Information Base Appendix 1: ICM Practices in Twenty-two Selected - Chapter 8. Formulation and Approval of an Nations ICM Program 197

New international course announcement

New international course: Course objectives:

‘Alternative approaches to fisheries management; • To appraise the present fisheries management the relevance of co-management’. activities in the regions of the participants; Date: 17 January –10 March 2000 • To learn about, and examine the relevance of Place: Wageningen, the Netherlands international agreements such as the Code of Organiser: International Agricultural Centre, in Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; co-operation with Wageningen Agricultural • To become familiar with co-management con- University cepts, and explore their possibilities, limita- tions, as well as preconditions and conse- For details contact: quences. • To learn and practise social and biological tech- The Director, International Agricultural Centre, niques relevant to the introduction of fisheries P.O. Box 88, co-management arrangements. 6700 AB Wageningen, • To develop appropriate personal action plans the Netherlands. for the work situation of the participants. Fax: +31 317 418552; e-mail: [email protected] The course has a practical focus and joins state of Course description: the art knowledge from fisheries science with insights from social sciences such as law, anthro- The course is organised by the International pology and public administration. The manage- Agricultural Centre in co-operation with the Fish ment of fisheries in coastal waters and inland Culture & Fisheries Group and the Chair of water bodies will be highlighted; industrial fish- Agrarian Law & Rural Development of the eries and aquaculture will only play a minor role. Wageningen Agricultural University. The course consists of three blocks: It is intended for professionals of governmental and non-governmental institutions working in 1. Important issues in fisheries management fisheries management and development (policy & today; planning officers, programme or project officers 2. Experiences with various management models responsible for implementation of fisheries man- and approaches, analysis and evaluation; and agement projects and for coastal development pro- 3. Working on new scenarios, where and how to jects with a fisheries management component). practise co-management in fisheries.

PIMRIS is a joint project of 5 international the availability of information on marine organisations concerned with fisheries and resources to users in the region, so as to marine resource development in the Pacific support their rational development and Islands region. The project is executed by management. PIMRIS activities include: the the Secretariat of the Pacific Community active collection, cataloguing and archiving (SPC), the South Pacific Forum Fisheries of technical documents, especially Agency (FFA), the University of the South ephemera (‘grey literature’); evaluation, Pacific (USP), the South Pacific Applied repackaging and dissemination of informa- Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), and the tion; provision of literature searches, ques- South Pacific Regional Environment tion-and-answer services and bibliographic Programme (SPREP). This bulletin is pro- support; and assistance with the develop- duced by SPC as part of its commitment to ment of in-country reference collections Pacific Islands Marine Resources PIMRIS. The aim of PIMRIS is to improve Information System and databases on marine resources.