• ■ ■■ ; - • ' - ' ■ ^ " ■ ■ ' ' ’ '■ " I -rnunsiiAX, FEBRUARY 17,1947 I A tynga Dolly (}lrealatieii The Wcothar BUmSElV iHanrI)p0tPr lEitriting i^rralb Far the Meata of Jamm 1M7 of t. a- fVeather m r taalgM. wk tatm vlylag I a pond. Made by George Cox It I members. The guest speakel^ for tha aaaatiim wai I adjourned by Mra. KImore Hohenthal and chil­ "Late Hours'^ by Georga Cox 9 3 3 2 •t flaturiay Frank H. Peat. Oommlaalonar of (^inieranieii Select won first ptacc.^Thla picture of the was titled "Oraccfiil,^” , the evening, Mr. Fallot, criticised President Oisorga Oox. ! Atrlciilture of Connecticiit. will be dren of RIdgwood atrect are vlatt- ilattfhpHtrr ^urnttm B rralb tbMiealBg clio ilBiM foBowed by , these prints bringing out both good Ing relatlvea In Oardner, Maaa. Mary (,'heney Library was taken at Francis Wochna with "Bummer ■now at Bight. A bou t Town i the apeaker at the meeting of the night and was considered the best Solitude" won third place. This : and bad points for each prtnL Also I Mancheater KIwanIa club next OiitHliiiuliiig Prints : Mr. Fallot told the members bow Ing Mra. McNnnuu-a'a mother In print In the contest. ! print showed a walk and some WASHING MACHINES Manehetter^A City o f VUlage Charm I Monday noon. The meeting wlU j atone atepa. each of the prints could have been r e p a i r e d . ALL MAKES H m tcbMnMtl for th« Amaranth be held at the Mancheater Y.M.C New York City thia week. Two prints tied for second place. Improved. Mr. Fallot concluded by MlMtrvI w«l ba held ton.orrow Honorable mentions were given 18 Tearif Rxpsrteaest 1a . Hla aubject will he "Agricul­ At the regular meeting of the An appealing picture of a cat by U) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICB POUR CENTS avaniac at tha homo of Mra. M n- Edmond J. Deacy of 226 School to Warren Miner and Francis demonstrating the removal of ReasnssMo Rates! VOL. LXVL, NO. 127 MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1947 ture In CVinnectlcut " I Manchester Camera n u b Tuesday David Hawley, called "The Dream­ spots from a print with the aid of iria Schtebel. 6 « Adama^rrrt Jn- ! street, who served three years with er," was one of the second place i Wochna. A. BREWER ataad of Mra. Blanche Prentice a. the Sea Bees In the Pacific Theater , night in the Peterson Studio, the a retouching pencil. ! The Clwminaric Mu.sh al club prints. The other was a picture Also at this meeting was the of Operations, reenllated Tuesday club held Its second monthly Print of a swan swimming gracefully In critieism of portraits taken by the 1 After a short executive meeting ! will hold lU monthly meeting Mon- e the Naval Recruiting Station, 0>ntest, Former Juilge Goes on Trial Savings W ave ’ dav evening. March 3, at eight Hartford, as a machinist mate, Before Judging the contest, TAM. OCnAM o'clock In the South Methodlat Oeorge Oox gave a talk on "Night Honolulu-Gotham I church. The program will be de- third class. United States Asked Photography." This talk was Illus­ Hits Spending j voted to the life and music of I \V. I’. Slover, miperlntendenl of trated with pictures of scenes at ^ Cecllc ChHmInnde for whom the night In Manchester. cUib waa namcendlng a few days with relatives first criticized by the club and then I program. ’ In New Jersey. voted upon by the secret balloL To Take Over Pledge Orang* Hall Miaa I.j«ura C Ttamey of Bolton Eeonomic and Siicial la one of 17 ConncVfIrut atiidenta By Army Fighter Tomorrow Night at Bates tollcgc. I.< wlatou. Maine, Council Meetings Re­ on the dean’s Hat for acholaatlc LET US WASH YOUR WALLS t S RGUULAR GAMES 25r I proficiency In tl’c nrat acmeater of vised; ^Budget Limita­ To Give Greece Help With jthis 7 s m r iA L <;am ks the current academic year. tions* Exclude Many SWEEPSTAKES NEWLY INVENTED MACHINE WEEKIA PRIZE Lake Bucccss. N. Ftb. 28— Congrpnaional and Dip­ MONTHI.Y PRIZE For .year, you ha«’<> brrn cleaning your painted wall, by hand And 33 Minutes; Dls-j Supplv Ssen hy the pall-MHip-«p»nge method. Now you can have them DR- un—TIm United Nations Economic Building Trades Pact lomatic Quarters Re­ w a r HUM) TF.KORD . . . really cleaned . . . hy the newly Invented WALI. OF FiNf Uince Longest EverJ ^ m -mr and Social council, which accounta TO ME DRAWN FEB. 28 HEAT-SAVING nRTRRGKR, a marhlne develo|ied Jw«t for thIa purpoae. " Flown by Fighter; D«r-1 CotltTO l JKcy tor a large part of the U.N. spend­ port Britain Proposes yOOD^ ing, ran Into an economy wave PRESERVES PAINT SAVES REDECORATING ing Bid Successful i ____ towy. Viewed as *Disaster* Assumption o f Com­ TVS FREE! Be thrifty! Keep paint clean and It will retain Ha original beanly Aa the 18-natlon council was From The Self Serve and Health Marhet IFiaconjin Senator A$- mitments on Large for many yeara. Surfaco dirt. If not removed, worica Into the New York, Feb. 28.—(/P)— called Into )ta fourth seoaton. See- Ceeplete Service with— paint ao that a coatly reimlnt Job la neceaaary. Ilimpltala that sertt AU Ratiomn/t reUry-General Trygve Lie made Watch W'orkers Presi* Scale; Understood to waah walla regularly aa a aanllary meaaiire, have to repaint only The Army P-82 fighter Betty public a revised list of meetings in Formula Given m t mifd In 10 yeara — yet the paint on the walla la alwaya new- Jo completed a 4,978-milc Curbs Could Be Re* ths economic and social field with dent Says Agreement Be Subject o f Highly looklag aa well aa aanitary. Short Shank—Lean non-atop flight from Honolulu the eaplanatlun that many had moved If Stock Used beun excluded because of "budget Will Hurt little Secretive Conference a’s Fresh Fruit & Vegetables today in 14 hours and 33 min­ IlmlUtlons." For Continued Behrend's Cleaning Service utes, the longest distance Man Acquiring Home Smoked Shoulders i.b. 47c Washington, Feb. 2S—(S*\—Sen­ The secretary-general aleo pro­ Washington, Feb. 28.—(4>) ever ever flown by a fighter posed that the council and its sub- ELECTIIC S O C O H V V J C ^ Lester Behrend, Prop. ator McCarthy (R-Wls), said to­ — Britain, her domestic e(»n- 144 HIGH ST. TEL. 5659 blorMa plane. The ofTicial time of the day ’’gll sugar rationing controls aidlary rommiMinns hold their Washington. Feb. 28.—aflsrf> In Java," McfJarthy told a reporter an Item calling attention to a res­ cession Can Be Avoid­ commitments in Greece on a Isaats msi iMoriaiiy Bros. Land O' Lakes Butter gaa tanka. The Betty Jo landed Former Federal Judge Albert W. Johnson (right) and his son. (Japt. Truman “ one of the diaastent CRAFTSMAN I.bs. after a hearing by a Senate Bank­ Albert W. Johnson, Jr„ (left) are shown with their defense attorn^ olution of the General Assembly' ed This Year by Nation large scale. OPEN 24 HOURS Cut In Quarters. T O . — Russet Peors 2 25c oafely at 11:08.44 a. m. Sbo took which stlpulatss that no resolution of the year.” He told the Sen­ off from HIckam field. Honolulu, ing subcommittee. "At the same Charles J. Marglottl of Pittsburgh, former Pennsylvania attorney gen­ Highly Semdive Ceefeeeeee Lb. / time OPA and government wit- eral, at Harrisburg. Pa., Just before the Johnsons went on trial for Involving expenditures from U.N, ate lAtbor committee the pact TKI.EPHONE 5125 DC at 8:83 p. m. (e.'a.t.) laat night. funds should be apprm’ed until the Waohlngton, Feb. s t—(AT—Hie Although there was no White AUTO BODY SHOP Fraali Kmargoncy equipment lined the nesses say we heed only about conspiracy to obstruct Justice and defraud the United States. Other deelgned to aettle dlsputea be­ House confirmation, this was un- VMvfieU 1.200.000 to 1,700,000 tons to meet council hai before it a report from tween the Associated General avilian Production adminIstraUon, PiiMhunt Grocery runway of the big airport aa the defendants are two other oons of the elder Johnson and taro other saying that a receeslon this year deratood to have been the eubjert D U KEn BROTHERS all domeatlc demands." persoits. (AP wirephoto). ths sscrstary-gensral "on the contractors and AFL construc­ 332-334 CHARIER OAK STREET BeUy Jo aoomed in, prepared for financial Implications of the pro- caa be avoided, today offered a —at least In part—of a hlrtly 2 Lb. Box Tom atoes an emergency landing. The subcommittee Is conducting tion unions will "keep on raising secretive White House conference Cheese 99c hearings on a proposal to continue posuL" wages, keep on collusion on build­ five-potnt formula for clinching ’ITie pilot, U eut Col. Robert B. This tightening of Uie purse conUnued high leval output yesterday among President FrMh Thacker of El Ontro, Calif., and sugar rationing and price controls ing codes” and ’’put homea out ol men, hie dlplometlo advteera and Expert Painting and Color for another year and shift these strings apparently was a result the reach of the little man." To keep production In high gear, co-pUoL Lieut John M. Ard of of the tendency of the cminell to IS agency said In a report on the key leglalatora. Inglewood, Chllf., won a darlftg controls from OPA to the Agricul­ Senator Ball (R-Mtnn) brought One source eald that the United Blending. Complete Refinishing. Cream Cheese Pkg. Pullman Porter Killed, crests mors and more commlsslona up the building trades pact, refer­ 1947 "outlook," It la necessary Stage Door Restaurant Broccoli bid against 65-mile headwinds over ture departmenL atatee would Issue a etateinent H. Malcolm Baldridge, attorney and arrange for International con­ ring to It as "the so-called agree­ that: All Type* of Wrecks Completely Repaired like New! Pennsylvania and dangerously low 1. There can be no further sig­ soon on what part. If any. It would •S MORGAN ST. HARTFORD Weltfing Gold Medal for the United States Cane Sugar ferences on all kinds of questions. ment" which hrt said thua far had aeaume In helping bolster the fuel tanks to reach their New York Refiners’ association, testified yee- Restriction Move Keen not worked very well. nificant increase In prices and WREt KKR SERVICE — TELEPHONE 2 1.348 objective. 11 Injured in Crash those In an "out-of-Une poetUon" shaky Greek government. ConTMiient for Yon On Yonr Shopping Daya 2,i l.b . RaK $1.89 terdey a representative of the Duvid Owen, assistant sccre- President Edward A. O'Neal of (In London, a Foreign Office (For Night Wrecker Senriee Call 6295) Flour HEALTH MARKET "We’re going to take a ahot at "Dutch sugar trust" told him there Ury-gsneral In charge of sconomle the American Farm Bureau feder­ be reduoed. In Hartford New York," they said by radio epokceman said British and Unit­ "may be 2,000,000 tons of sugar" quesuons, told reporters there wlU ation told the House Labor com­ 3. Accumulation of tnventortee ed States dlecuosiona were under over western Penns3rlvania. In Java. Sleeper Tears Loose undoubtedly be a move from some mittee today thst farmers want of goods oonUnue at a substantial BU Blark Hour Tension Crips rate. way In Washington on tha p it^ The Food Is Excellent Crisco or Freak Orovnd lA ter Trying to Sell Stock From Train at Crest quarters to restrict the creation of new labor lawA and waa assured lem of continuing the economic and An hour later they hit their new agsnclea. by one member that the House will 8. Oonstruction activity keep on Baldridge said C. H. Varkevis- rtelng. military obllgattone In atrlfe-tom And InPrapored By *NINO~ mark. ser, repreeentlng the Dutch sugar O f Allegheny Moun­ “ Bqme delegates feel strongly vote for them. Greece now borne by Britain. 1 Lb. Can Ham burg i,b. 35c Aviation and Army officlala had Trial Opening that the time has come for some Beautora "Mere SidtUeh" 4. Busineea Investment In plant Wefl Krowr In Mancheater. Spry 44c interests In Java, recently had been (The spokesman implied ons “sweat out” the Betty Jo’s flight in Washington trying to sell this tains for Solo Run sort of Wrth control to limit the Representative Gwinn (R-NY), and equipment remain at Its pree- aspect of the talks was the con* DWYER PRODUCTS eastward from Chicago when her growing number of commissions." who made that forecast, added ent high level. ttnued provision of foreigB cur* stock. He added the clash between Owen said. crew began to worry about rapidly the Dutch and Indonesians made It United States Attor- that labor legislation faces dllB- 8. Large-scale labor dlfflculUes rency with which Oreocs couM Regular Gallitzin, Pa.. Feb. 28.—(4>); Meanwhile, ths delegates were bo avoided. CABINET MAKINC REFINISIIING draining fueL —Careening wildly down neys Insist Verbal culttea In the Senate ‘TMcauee een- purchase arnte and mlUUry equip. Walnut Meats Vz I.b. Rag 39c AIrporta along the route were (Conttaaed On Page Seven) faced with a crowded agenda which atore represent the Mg cltlee and a"«a—lea Oaa Be Avoided mcnL AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTIONS alerted and at amall alrporU mountainside tracks while Includsd prapooals for a half-doaen that makes them more skittish CPA Obmmteeloner John C. Fronkfurts Lb. 49c Outbursts Be Curbed more commissioni. subcommisaions Cwmitmeat Bttds Blarch 81 1 acroea Ohio and Pennsylvania men the remainder of the train about these bold laws for freedom. Houston, Jr., eald a "receaslon In (The dtecusalona he added, aroes 30-GAL. AUTOMATIC GAS ROUTE 85 BOLTON, CONN. gased tensely at the sky, momen­ end Intsmattonal conferences, all "Many members of this commit­ 1947 can be avoided hy IntoUlgent out of the ending March 31. of continOed on its journey, the Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 28.— — of Which will require oonsidsrubis S. S. Pierce Diabetic Fruit tarily expecting the flight to end Ships’ Return last car of the Pennsylvania tee,” Qwlnn told O’Neal, "are from and eooperatlve action on tha pert Britatn'e commitment to maintain in their own Vlds. U. S. attorneys Inateted defense financial outlay. rural areas. They are Imbued with of management and labor." These Include two economic com­ the Greek a rm e ^ rce s . The satna WATER HEATER CIOT 50 DIAL .5326 Well, if the pigs are going to get so But Colonel ’Thacker p^bed his r a ilr ^ ’s New York-to-TexM ruruLMaae oAZreedom. Labor teg- Tha report dtepleeed the CPA epokeeman a a ld ^ lB n r no pi Completclj Inntallcd...... ^ lawyers “conUrol" the verbal out missions. one for Europe and ofis Of All Kinds plane on. _ ^ -Drive Spurred “ Sunshine Special” carrieti a bursts of their clients as tension telatloo will not have much trouble looks for some tnoressea In wtge pecte of U. 8. millUry foreea snooty, os your newspaper reports, tor Asia and the Far East, a com­ li the House. ing sent to the country after ~ HAROLD J. DWYER Am the Betty Jo taxied- to a Pullman porter to his death gripped the opening of the con­ mission to study commodity p n ^ mtes this spring; a drop in prices RICH-VAR CONCEALED RADIATION ■tandstUl, Colonel ’Thacker, hU He suggested to O'Neal that aln’s forces get out. Del .Mnnia Cruahed and injursd 10 passengers and one spiracy trial of former Federal for agricultural products; an lii' FREE STANDING RADIATOR face grey with f^lgue but smiling crewman today. (Couttuusd su Fags Ten) farmers write more letters to sen­ crease In building activity and out^ (Other government sources said let's choose something else this House Merchant Marine Judge Albert W. Johnson and five ators and "tell them what Is right. Foreign Secretory Ernest Bevtn kspplly, swung out on a wing. The car, tearing loose from the others. put of consumer durable gooda. and 9 Oz. Can 15c Buddealy Oltanpaes Wife Committee Tears Up train at the crest of the Allegheny "The farmers can’t march on contlnusUofi of high sKpendlturee was planning to withdraw Britain’s Pineapple With a JuJry of nine men and Washington," the New Yorker remaining 10,000 troops from week.. We con enjoy some nice Boddenly be glimpsed in the mountains while one of Its two en­ three women impaneled, the gov­ for plant equipment for "at least A T S Supply Company crowd his wife, Betty Joe, for Subpoena for MarshaU gines were being cut off, took off said, "but the CIO marchee a for the next six montha." Greece within the next three fl. S. Plerra ernment today waa ready to begin Delays Giving months). SS ORk Stroet Telephone2-9606 whom his plane was named. in a three and one-half mile solo group through the halls of i n ­ Two Oonrass To Fellow prosecution of the defendants on gress nearly every day." tender Veal, or Lam b... or Beef. "Hey, look out!" he cried, leap­ Washington. Feb. 28—(P)—The nm backwards. charges of conspIrScy to obstruct CPA said there are two coursee It wee learned from dlphnnata Can 1 9 c ing to the ground, "that’s my House Merchant Marina commit­ Zips Past Bennington Carve O'Neal remarked that maybe the nation may follow this year. In Washington that the wholo prob­ Applesauce Justice and defraud the United Soviet Views the farmers might come to Wash­ lem of Greece, together arlth a re­ wtfeT* tee tore up a subpoena for Secre­ Gathering speed as it went, It States. One would see production and tary of State Marriiall today but sipped past Bennington curve ington, “with a few cans of pork port on Brlteln'e waning resoureos, Close-Out WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Flinging his arms around her he Valentine Hammock, assistant employment continue at or aligbtly was laid before Secretary of State and beans.” S. S. I>lerra spurred Its drive to "persuade" where 11 days ago the wreck of U. S. attorney general, aaked Dis­ above the present level, pricea rise Britain and Russia to return the "Red Arrow" claimed 24 lives Security 0>iincil (^n- Favors Outlawing "Ctesed Shop" Marshall by Lord InvcrchapeL Wo Art Roecitrtng (Ooatlaaed oa Page Bight) trict Court Judge James Alger moderately the first half of the British ambassador to this coun­ TOP QUALITY MEATS AnMrican merchant ships. and injured nearly 160 others. Fee of Portland, Ore., to Instruct The farm organisation head en­ year and decline slowly during the Salad Pak Tomatoes Cmalrman Bradley (R., Mich.), A mile and one quarter farther, cels Meeting Today dorsed. among c.ther prapased new try, at a recent conference. OF BOYS* counsel for the former Jurist, his aecond half. Should the United States decide No. 2 Can ^ 5 ^ 3 3 c said he will ask the committee the rear wheels of the sleeper left three sons, and Jacob Greenes and On Atomic Problem labor laws, one to outlaw the The other would bring a sharp­ Oil Air Conditioning Units next week to approve legislation the rails and plowed Into an em­ "closed shop" — a Urm applied to take over a large share of Brit­ Chinese Reds’ John Memolo, both of Scranton, ------er increase In pricea and slight ex­ ish commitments In Greece, and calling for the Immediate return bankment. The front wheels re­ when a union wins agreement that pansion In production during the WHk Top Qnnlily Gahranized Iron and Fittinga, for 1m- QUICK FROSTED GRAPEFRUIT mained or) the tracks aa the car Pa., to control their clients. ! ijige Success, N. Y., Feb. 28- (JT) Mil employer will hire only union perhaps elsewhere, to help restore of approximately 306 merchant "We don’t want them s in k in g ; _ x declaration by Andrei A. Gro- first half of the year, followed by vessels lend-leased to the British men. Europe’s stobUity. It would well RNdiRto Installation. Free Bine Prints and Eatimatea. Coat and Slipon DELICIOUS! NO WASTE! Drive Slowed to us and we have no Intention of ^yi,^ „ „ Soviet Rusola'a tmsltlon a oubatantlal "though not very se­ force a complete redrafting of this and 95 others still In Russian (Contlnned Un Pngo Eight) speaking to them. ” Hammock said | on the WMerly-fought atomte^nerl vere declins In production, employ­ hands. (Coallsned Ou Page 'I'ex) nation’s plans for foreign relief ex­ Tetley Tea Bags at a tense night session gy control problem was postponed ment and prices, extending Into penditures. Special Price On Limited Supply! Nothing CongrfM Can Do Remarks filled "Insult" 1948." IK Hags 13 Bags 100 Bags Communifits Penetrate The committee chairman con­ today when the United NaUons Might Force Bodget Revteloa VAN CAMP BROS. Hammock earlier told Judge Roeurtty council cancelled Its meet­ If the second course develops, SWEATERS ceded there is nothing Congress Refugee Ship Fee remarks coming from some of This in turn might forCe en up- 2 Packages 29c To Within 10 Miles of ing set for 3 p. m. e.s.t the report continued, "there would J^rd revision of both presldsnt 249 Narth Mala Street Telephone 5244 can do to force return of the ves­ the defendants were "an Insult to Flood Almost be a substantial Increase In unem­ sels, but he said the weight of the condbet df the government." The Soviet delegate said yester- Truman’s budget eetlmatee, a Manchurian Capital (Uy he expected to make a "few ployment In the second hsif of problem which In turn would af- congressional action might Infiu- Held at Haifa "Obviously any passage of 1847 with a poeeible high of about New Barrel ence the two powers and spur words outside of the time this remarka" today on the United Covers Town Nanking, Feb. 38——The roar atates plan to return the atomic 8,000,000 persona In the laat quar­ (CoBtlniicd an Fage Eight) . Q.*T or Flako of battle echoed through Chang­ State department negotiations. court is in session may result In ter of the year," ^2^ to The State department Informed a matter that may become explo­ question to the United Nations for chun’s suburbs today aa fast-strlk- 1,350 Aboard Vessel Atomic Energy commission. Cruelal queetloa fer Year Garlic Dilik Ing Communist forces penetrated Bradley’s committee yesterday sive and the court may have to Bolivian Diplomats In* "The fruclal queetlon for 1947,” Pie Crust 17e that It has sent several notes to Intercepted by British take drastic action," Judge Fee H’ouM Like More Time the report aaid, "Is whether the to vrlthln 10 miles of the Manchu­ However, an Informed source In­ Any Mixo rian capital, govemmnt dtspatchea Russia seeking an accounting for said In urging counsel on both structPfl to Seek Aid readjiiatment In the price etruc- (ireen Stamps (liven With Cash Sales! the ohips but has received no re- Off Palestine Coast sides to cooperate "to see that dicated this morning the meeting COMPLETE conceded. today was called off at the request In Rescue at Trinidad MEN’S Accounts from the field reaching there Is no such Incident." (Ueattaued Oa Page Bight) Flashes! Patty 5hells Doz. 35c (CenUnoed on Page Two) CTiarlea J. Marglottl, of Pitts­ of Gromyko, who waa said to have P« ••o' Nanking declared government Bulletin! advised President Fernand van troops defending the capital had burgh, former state attorney gen­ BuHatin! (Late BnUctina of the (A5 Wire) , Feh. 28— — eral and chief couitoel for the 74- Langenhove of Belgium, he would lll-(fee slowed the drive by throwing Reliable reports from Haifa Wmt Palm Beock, Fla,, Feb. MOTOR OVERHAUL year-old former Judge apd his sons. like more time. 38—(A5—This A m y today enit /planes from bases at Mukden Into Ritesian Air Etua’g Lava saM two soldiers and Sse Miller A., Donald M„ and Capt. United Nations observers point­ Fire Destroys Trucks SWEATERS The HA14 CORR the struggle. ehillaus were Injured In a a reeruo sqnadrou of four fljr- Includes grind valvea, iipw rings, wrialpiiia, ed out that Gromyko apparently P og Ration 2 Cans 25c Gen. Un Piao, Communist com­ Albert W. Johnson, Jr., asked for Ing hoots speeding toward the Naugatuck, Feb. 28.—(A>)—Fire M A N C N i m i i C a m m - bomb expioeleu tliere today. withdrawal of a Juror becauae, he had not obtained final Instructions town of Tflaldad, In northern swept through a two story bulM- wrialpins filled, piatuna kutheri/ed, new rod mander In Menchuria, hurling an An American rousular olP.eer from Moscow. Army Large eatimated 2SO.OOO men. supported Still Flows said, he saw him attempt to speak Bolivia, where upward of 8,689 Ing, housing two neages, here bearings inserts, wall kuiuNl out, top ridge ri*- eald the second door of Bur- to Special U. 8. Attorney John The Soviet delegate blocked final persons were In Imminent dan­ today, destroying the second floor by a sprinkling of tanks. Into the clay’s hank waa blasted by the action by the council on the United Slipons offensive, aimed at (Changchun O’Brien "for alK.ut 10 or 15 sec­ ger of drowwing In n fiood. On Troops Trainetl for eomplclely. Including several moved, all new gaskets. bomb. onds." States proposal last Tuesday. The direct orders from Washing­ Irueks and automobiles. Hte halM- from three directions. Volcano Erupting for date of the next meeting now Is U|> Ta Kang Pao, organ of the ex­ Judge Fee immediately rejected ton, the Fifth Emergency R<^ Lightning AtUcks Ing- was owned by Jeaepb C> Fourth Day; Forests Jerusalem. Feb. 28— A Jew­ the motion, assorting "I will not to Dr. Oswaldo Arsnha of Rraxil, rue squadron uader eonsmaad Raytkwleh, Jr., and the second treme right wing of Oilang Kal- ish refugee shin, reportedly loaded who will become chairman tomor­ In FuiiHt's Bhek’s Kuomintang party, asaerted assume that the juror was giving of Capl. Baato .M. York took May Number 1(N>,000 floor garage was operated by John 6 Cylinder And Vineyards Ruincfl with 1.350 unauthorised imml- information at this tfme. no more row. to the air on short netlee end F. Lynrh. The amount of the $85-00 that the Communists were attack­ granta to PalcsUne. arrived at The Council Is considering a res- Washington, Feb. 28-(/p)—Rus­ uiid IMuiii AUTOMOBILES at AUCTION ing Changchun’s suburbs. than 1 will assume the defendants sped across the Caribbean sea. damages and the origin of the fire Pslermo, Sicily, Feb. 28.— — Haifa this morning under the are guilty." oliirion by U. 8. Delegate Warren Ftwr Catallaa flying boats ca­ sia la believed to have an airborne were not determined. Boor Of Onaflre Heard guard of British destroyers which Austin. This wonid send bark to e r n e Changchun's suburban residents. Mt. Etna continued to erupt lava Judgn Talks to Jurors pable of landing la fkwdwaters army in being or in training far rniercepted her off the coast. the Atomic commission, which has surpassing that of arty other, To Kestore Power Cuts 8 Cylinder ('(dors. 2 SALES WEEKLY — EVERY MON. AND FRI. It added, could hear plainly the for the fourth day today, devaa- Judge Foe then called back the maki; up the squadron.. $95-00 taring forests pnd vineyards and British authorities immediately Jury, which had been out of the not met since Dec. 30, the cnmmls- power. London. Feb. ‘f8—lAV- .AH elee- Salem Start Promptly A) 12 Noon At The roar of gunfire^ * clear-d the Haifa water front of Main Bearings— K\tra. .VIso Coat menacing vUlagea. courtroom during the discussion, sion's volumlno>iMla.ai4 a C.—has an authorised strength of Nothing la mora axaaperating a Foreign Ministry note asking 13,000 men but presumably la be­ Washington, Feb, 28— The B U Y I I ^ iMittle for Changchun" would b e l" five Attempt to Escape Senate voted today to write latu aOaaJt detetaaOHahaiMiaDwr icaime .sc irril (A dispatch from Giarre to the foreign govvnmento late yester­ low that figure. turned shortly as Gen. Tu U-MIng, Rome newspaper L’Unita, said that Private sources said that five of To Hit Enemy First day to send Imphlbtous planes to a budget-cutting pledge a promise ' W e’ Abo^8pecktHze-''in~ dally wbea oaa neede to alart government commander In Mon­ the refugees had leaped oi’dilward Efforts to bring the 38nd nearer to apply . , of any sav­ new craters had opened In the the capital of ^ n l department on auU)ort$ed etfength have been 82 600 000,000 la a harry. II vooi oar gnun- Southern Buyers In Attendonte! g o lia . completed his defense plans- northern elds of Etna, near Monte in an attempt to escape but had the northern frontier. ings toward muctlan of the qa- Kapg Pao also reported that been picked up by the British compUcatod hy the uss of trained tteaal debt. The vote was uaaal* blea, don’t wait 'HI It refnaeal ■fntmeato, with a resulUag ta- Elgin, ni.. Feb 2$— To firs-e- 'Hw Navy's fifft task, he aatd. "R the evacuation dose not airborne aoMlere aa eiemepta of Complete Body Work the ganej^satmo had flown ereaeod rate of Sow. Nevy. serve national security end the is to preaerve tha aethirity of the start tomorrow 1,300 children wtU moos, 83 to 0. l.ot aa aervloe Ita Cleetrleal Big'Demand for Good Cleon Late Model Cars! Felpiaff Wednesday and given per­ The refugee ship was reported to eccupatlon formas in Oenaany arid • • • (The dispatch added that more peace of the world, eeys Fleet Ad­ United States, the second the ee- drown," said a meeoage yesterday Japan. NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO BIG . . . FROM A Kyatem. mhui! It, It won’t .tart The full charge for entering automohilea in the Auction will be 510 for each unit. sonal ordeni to government offi­ information waa awaited oh ths have plajred a 12-hour game of tag miral Ernest J. King, the U. 8. eurity of the western hemisphere. from Heraclio Mslgrar, prefect eff Reject Salary Schedule Footirear for the Family —yaa nedi na now—Immedlalo- cials attending the North Chinato direction the new break would take with two British deetroyere before Navy must "be ready to beat the and the third the peace of the TYinIded. Ma> Bo MIeleadlag Buffalo. N. V.. Feb. 28—(ff)-- SCRATCH TO A WRECK! ALSO FKAMK WORK! The charge applies on all entrii^s and the seller can accept or reject the .\uctioneers* Some strategteta note that the lyi pacification (anti • Oommunlet) to determine whether it endan­ she wras brought into Haifa harbor. enemy to the punch—and at a world. (United States Army headquar­ The striking Buffalo teachers fed* “ cold bid.” The $10 fee Is the only charge, whether or not the car Is sold. conference. Official sources de- gered peo)^ In the area). A public Information officer said distance. King said a defcqse may be ters In Panama, Panama, dis­ reported lOO.OOO-man strength of eratliMi liMlay rejected aa "highly A furious windstorm, meanwhile, the vessel was Intercepted at 11 "We must be ready to keep the, foupd for the atom b ^ b and as- patched a C-54 transport plane the Russian airborne force may be unsallsfaclory’’ the slate-recom­ 'iM rnTi*$7**ini™ ara. For full information contact C. Warren Shaw or Lawrence G. Tribble of the South­ (roattausd su Page Two) developed on the dopes of Mt. pjn. yesterday apparently en route seaways open, no leas for our wel- serted “the stum bomb ta still s for La Paa yesterday with life misleading because of a possible mended augmented salaiy aeked^ M anchester ern Automobile Auction Sales at East W’Indsor or ’phone them at Windsor Ixicks 54G-4. Etna, preventing observers from to , but later changed her fare than for our aecurtty," the bomb, an offensive weapon which rafts and life vesta to be dropped Soviet deficiency in the Important ule fur aB teachera. Thua tbo proa* NORTON Traasorj Balanca approaching the mountain rup­ course and olgnalled watching wartime Navy commander said is wholly unlikely of Itself to win in the flood Bone.) matter of air transportatlpn. perts of an early settlemeat .ef the tures. according to advices from British ships that ahs was bound last night at ths. iDgUi Academy a war." Ha added that "there are People mng to Treetope Rusate's primary aviation inter­ five-day old waik-mt, the largesi KI.ECTRICAL ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers ./aahingtoa. Feb. 38—(ff)—Tits Passo Pleeiaro. for Alexandria with an American Winter forum. "Wo must ostobitah thooo onthuslast* -not to say Late reports said that the wa­ est during Ui« war was In fighter teachers otrlke la the aattea'a hla* C4jnine>soH INSTRUMENT F.STARIJSHRn IM7 posiUoa of the Treasury Feb. 36; Survey Shows Plow Vurtee captain and crew. our ovorseae line of defense thou- seelots—who eMve all military ter wah rtelng and that the only type planes. She virtually Ignored lory, faded aa (he federatiea enea Motor Sales, Inc, 201 MAIN STHEF.T l•UO^’ B SIO.'I M.AXniESTER. COXX. Receipts. $92,010,914.39; ex­ An airplane survey of the ares The destroyers shadowed the sanda of mllea from the American ' probtemghy the use of air power dry land In town was a plot about heavy bomber aircraft ami, either again tossed reipoiMlIiUlty tor INC. CO.MI’ ANY M2 WEST CENTER ST. TEI.KPHONE 4131 710 ALI.EN STREET I’ llOXE 7-S77I .SPRl.XUFIEI.W. .M.%SS. penditures. Il,049.9in.901 47; bel- mainland and . . . be able to act alone. . . . Such views sre a meeting Its demands for higher 71 Hilliard St. Tel. 4U60 •Bse, $7,030,835 974 1«. (Couttuusd on Page TweJ fOnttnued On Page Tea) i quickly and effeetively." produci of over-simplification." (txMiUnued oa Page Eight) (tuatteuod SB Page Yen) i pay to the cllv adminlsfvalloa, ( J ■f- ■ -r*” >AGBTW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. dONN. FRIDAT, FEBRUART ZS, IMV I ■ ' j MANCTIESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 194T PAGE THREE thanka to all who tai any way aa- liaison office in Nanking In aa oC< Mty of c^Haalo, tvRo had hooa U. Biated them whUe they were In Oock In th* Thwer Ships' Return fort to "figtaten" tba aUff inta towlag the oraatloa'a piwi'oao, oa- LATC STflGt SHOWS SOT. L SUhi. having no handloa, also over 200 urday, March 1. They were mar­ neral home was open for friends Branch Office Maachaater. There waa more room, un< laat night by four nationally uoclal security sud a fourth recom­ Economic M aturity” ; Henry Vtl-1 Fireman Has A S e t .Memory Gets Gift Pr«n K«f«a boankng "the last plane for Tod- ttmatod that Ite ftanr^y old. which were given by ried on March 1. 1922* In RockMIle ‘ this ai tcrnoon at 3:30 o'clock. ktiown economista. Two of them mended that government set long ' aad although there were eevyaJ -t._ , aa" Bunday. Rockville lard. Hofstra university professor Du Quoin, IIL-Hff)—Fireman Drive Spurred wtaooa OMMlh laat Mgtat bad nar- Mrs. Frank M. Adams, and were and have made their home here. said free enterprise wee ebeolutely term production goals to make atoraiy dayp alnce the office ftret »- Mr. A Mra. Frank Bray. 5.00 geant Jamea Elliott of Man- surveillance by secret police. Prominent Persons at the library Include a Mexican RockMIle the daughter of the late J. F. Baratow 5.00 to the State department exhibit in the case facing the Chil­ Albert and Agnes Ludwig Gake- ool oMoe of m Motor Vekiclo De> cheater, who la now atatloned Acheeon made hla hurried visit dren's room; a collection of old poitaMct TMtacdar waa a fairty Fallot Studio ...... ,V00 in Korea, wanted "a piece ot Rockville. Feb. 23—(Special)— ler and lived here most of her life. Ideal Cteanera A Dyera.. 1.00 to the committee lata yestarday Etna's Lava book marks; a Chinese Village M She leaves besides her husband, Mtfot 4ay and M t la^itrattoiia the dock** and decided to aend after Repreeentatlve WeicAel (R., The Thureday afternoon eeuion cardboard and art work done by woro iMNd. IMo brouvbt tbe total Friend ...... 5.00 a contribution of hla own. Hla of the Ocr-Ron Forma Inc. turkey four brothers. John and George Ohiol, chairman of a' subcommit­ the pupils In Mrs. Virginia Gakeler of RockMIle, Albert of at rt(M ratloaa laooed tai tbe local Mr. A Mra. WatUr T. commanding officer. Major tee Investigating the lend-Iease StiU Flows ceoc brought forth the fact Thorne's room at St. Bernard's offiee to S,rn. Thia morning It Clark ...... 10.00 Robert M. Homiaton, aleo ship situation, had laaued a sub­ B u u ju 3 through the teitimony of Mra. Hartford and Frank of New Brit­ waa tiMUcated that tbe day waa to 5.00 i school. Plans are being made with ain; a sister. Mrs. Herman Ol- 824-828 MAIN STREET UtUe A McKinney .... thought the idea ao appealing poena for klarahall. ------NOW PLATING — Joaephinc Couhey of Federal atreet. Mrs. Caroline Forster, art teacher TEL. 3161 MANCHESTER be eaoepUonally light aa there Sherwood J. Trueman .. 2 00 that ha aent a contribution « 0«o» Springfield. Mom., that the turk­ schafskie of RockMIle; several I JnaMr To Obtain Detalla in the public schools for exhibita nieces and nephews. wao BOlbiag to ladieate a ruah tbia Myroa Bogllach ...... 1.00 too. Weiehel aatd the committee had eys from thla farm had been ehip- aMCBlnc. showed that the flow varied, wao of work being carried on in the The funeral will be held Satur­ Mr. A Mra. J. F. Laroche 1.00 Although the drive wha for­ been unable to obtain details of ’JfS S to many prominent penone i-arioua grades. Neariy A> Are la German Motor Salea, Inc. 25.00 mally acheduled for the month eorreepondence between Ruasla alow la oomo spots and fhator la Including high military ofliclola. day at 2 p. m. at the Ladd Funer­ Daniel Kerr, Inapector in charge 10.00 of Febniary, the Memorial nthora, ranging from a narro Mrs. Couhey teatifled that through Aaalversary Matarday al Home. Rev. Forrest Muaser, Cole Motora ...... and the United States concamtng SSSBii TfKBDHDKIaodto Mr. and Mrs. Harr>- Roy of 92 the office, had eatimated on Mra. Grace R. Fariia . . . 2.00 Fund committee today waa un­ the ships because Undersecretary deop rivor whore It ehannoled lata an account that the Ocr-Ron pastor of the Union Congregation­ Wednea^y that the greater num­ able to report that the $.3,900 mvlaefl to brood, glooming lak Prospect street will observe their al -church will officiate. Burial will John W. Meloako ...... 1.00 Will Clayton Instated the corre­ Farms, Inc., of Bomrra had with 25th wedding anniversary on Sat­ ber luuTwlready called at the of- Dr. Wm. U. Cbnion . . . . 25.00 goal had been reached, and It spondence dealt with other mat­ on tho plain aroaa. Louis Marks of New York these he In Grove Hill cemetery. The fu­ •oa and expected no great ruah 10.00 la atm hoping for eontrihutinna ters which ahould not be made Profoooor Cumin of tho Utatvor- tuskeys had been shipped to Gen- fat tbe loot two daya. Hie pradtc' Harold W. Bella...... THB It’s February which will mean vtrtory for public. oral Arnold. Oeneral Marshall. tIOR aeema to hare been bom out Mr, A Mark Holmea ... 2500 Dr. A. Elmer Diakan .. 10.00 the drive. Mrmbera of Center The subpoena waa not served Qonorai Dwight Eisenhower, Oen­ yeolarday and tbIa morning. church have all received eub- eral Bradley, (3eneral Howland, It waa the flrat time that the Mr. A Mra. Stanley Saalela 2.00 and finally waa rescinded by Marlon Oiappell ...... 50 acrlption blanka, many of Bradley, who censured Welchcl General Spats, Winston Churchill, Mater Vehicle Departaieat haa which have not yet been re­ made Ita (rffice In the Munldp Mra. Kacmairayk ...... 2.00 for having Issued It In the Srat ox-heavy weight Champion of the Mr. Gallaa ...... I.OO turned. place. World Gene Tunney and others. BaM lag aad Mr. Karr and li Frlcnda of the church, and Marshall, Bradley asserted, "haa SHERIDAN Mrs. Couhey was formerly a book­ aU expreaacd their 8. J. Turklngton ...... 10.00 C*D3 3 3 3 memhera of the general public a lot of other things on hla mind keeper at the Ger-Ron farm. Home Furnishings Month Bantly Oil Co...... 10.00 ------NOW PLAYING •IS MAIN STREET PHONE S802 200 00 who wish to ahare In the proj­ more Important than those damn First MnafRootof ghawtagt Other prominent placea which W. O. Glenncy Co ect nuiy aend their cberka, pay­ ships.'' Manrheater 'Truat Com- “First With TW FtaMst** received turkeys from the form able to tbe Memorial Fund When Welchel Interjected to TODAY AT t m • Tidfl • t i i a wore the Harvard Club of New P*ny ...... Slot* Committee; to Jamea E. El­ newsmen that the action was no SAT. AT 3iM • «iM • f Its • SiiS York City and the Longmeadow J. E. McKayden ...... liott, treaaurer of the commit­ reflection on the cabinet officer ______P R E S E N T S Country Club, both of whom had Mra. Jamea Sarlea ... tee, at 177 Summit atreet. but only “a formal procedure” to filed complainu with the farm re­ G. A. Strutevant .... obtain information, Bradley put SUN. - MON. aiM TUBS. For Yo«r Persassl PIcasHra garding a shortage of weight In at Wards F. J. Koeak ...... In: ■hipments received. Mrs. Couhey A. Berk ...... "ll'a a formal way of making “NORA PRENTISS” toMifled that after the complaint i Lillian Farrand ...... headlines, too." DANCING TONIGHT Olga M. Heir ...... i.OO With That PepMar Meeteal Oreap f was received from the Hari'srd Mra. Waldorf ...... Harold T. Gooding .... 1.00 After Achcaon'a viait later In PIrb: *GBNIU8 AT WORK* - Club n heated discussion took place Mlaa Mary Sllkowakl. J. F. Squirea...... I.OO the day, both the Michigan and between Mr. Ronaldson and John Barle Hntehina ...... Mr. A ifra. Joa. LaForga 1.00 Ohio lawmakers agreed there waa THE AL VAL TRIO Oerich, hut that no changes in i *JUu iopeoai U F. Faridonla ...... Jamea Antonio ...... i.OO no need for Marshall to coma be­ TONIOaT — DANCINa PROM 9 m P. M. TO IMfl P. M. billings ivere made. Mr. Ronaldson Ed. Harrington ...... Archie Jarvla ...... 1.00 fore the committee. was further disturbed by the com­ Edict leaiird Oa Subpoeaae Na Cavan or MhUawm Chargo! Mra. Henry ValUant . Marjorie A. McBride . , . , .50 DgXIdOUS UBGAL plaint from the Longmeadow Leater Wolcott ...... Mra. N. G arro n e...... ' .50 One result of the subpoena Country Club as he personalty flurry was an edict from the Re­ •EASTWOOD^ DINNBRS RKVRRAGCS Mra. Harry Mahoney . Oeorga Magnuaon ...... 2.00 n s n i MAID Sn— BAiri HARTFtlMM ■Uilaioo Maab Laach Rvary Noon ' knew ao many of the club's mem­ mom rfoeto ioJLf, Herbert Brown ...... M. Barrett ...... 1.00 publican high command In the s=s=sss=ss=sx bers who complained. Mrs. Couhey Mra. Anthony Moriconl Leo Barrett ...... 1.00 House that hereafter no sub­ AL80: — also brought out the method used State Lunch ...... poenas shall be Issued except over The King of the Plains! • TODAY THROUGH SAT. YYRINVrrR to "up" the weight of the turkeys, Gerard Gagne ...... 50 the signatures of committee chair­ Mary McVeigh . I • e » a e e Mra. Mary R. Crowe . . . . .50 Woddlag, Birthday. Aaahrrmary Phrttea a« Any Staw , the weight on the order tag being men after approval of Speaker **WILD BEAUTY” marked at the "New York Dress­ i* U o iUofso* Mra. J. Benevento Dan Muller, Jr...... 1.00 Martin (R.. Mass.). ''BLUE SKIES" SpaclalPricoal For ReaervaHnno Ptaeao 3MS Ann McVeigh ...... ed” weight With shipment and bill­ Mra. C. Perialuka ...... 50 Bradley told reporters the AIIOEOt SAT. • SUN. (la Colorl Mra J. Hubtard. Jr. . ,Mra. E. Martin ...... I.OO ing being done with an eviscerated course was decided on by Martin MATLNBES ONLTI BIbb Ciaohy • nod Astaira turkey, there being a difference J. Rogtnaka ...... C. Harmln ...... 1.00 ''an a matter of policy.'' B u t ifo u d ummfi Unam itA Vic A Pete D'lTbaldo . “PHANTOM RIDER” ALSO! both In weight and in price. Joaeph Gaaper ...... 50 "SUNSET IN EL DORADO" Moriqrty Bros. F. VIchl . . . . '...... Mr. A Mra. F. D O a rk .. 1.00 ChapUr Seven: ^ The court adjourned at live knittod, taeauda dt looks E. O. Goody A family ROT ROOCR8 o'clock Thursday afternoon until OPEN 24 HOURS Mrs. F. Almaworth ...... 1.00 Chinese Reds' “GAUNTLET OP GUNS“ FOaturaAti 3MS-«Ma-9:2S Tueaday morning. March 4 at 10 R. C. Cartier ...... Frank A. Bramley...... 2.00 o A k G R d X a. m. likoafiHo imftooiod Umoi, rUTfORM ROCKIR A x r.7 5 TRUCPHONB 5125 W. F. Picklea ...... ROOMY ODARCNin Mra. M. 'TklmouIU...... 50 « Drive Slowed so OAK STREET ~ Game Cancelled .95 Mra. R. E. Kentel ...... 50 PRONE 3881 Aa the Rockville High achool aud iko rolosiHf i oodomUo Smooth rocking action, Extra large . ; . 48-in. 44 i t s Mra. D. O atchell...... 1.00 team will play in the tournament comfortable spring-lillcd seal! Gleaming Mra. Edward Prlca . . . . .50 (Continued Irum Page One) at New Haven on Saturday, the long!. Stunning matched Walnut to- I. Kramer ...... 50 Alumni game planned for this eve- iko fkHimiiim toHod of Iko Walnut finithed frame. 10% Dowol neerx. Rod Od er lining. Only 20%dowal PB6GY SAGE’S Challoner Club ...... 5.00 dined to confirm or deny the re­ "BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT" ,nlnr haa been postponed. p o rt I The Rockiille team will plav In fteu f *rotal ...... $5,606.71 Trying To "Frighten" Red Staff | TONIGHT! the Class B tournament, meeting On the political front a Chinese | the Staples school of Westport st of Bcoiland* - Communist spokesman aald today ns the New Haven Arena at 4:30 p. lii|My lusirivi. . . moist toxtured that government agents were in­ TONY "XYLOPHONE m. Contributions to creasing “pressure” on the Red Charter NIgkt ROUTES • AND 44, BOLTON IIS "Caurter Night” will be ob­ March of Dimes OBRIGHT >RCHESTRA served this evening by the Society Modern and OW-Faatalaa 2 Niles ProRi Msackdsttr for the Preservation and Encour­ agement of Barber Shop Quartet FlnM List lUINCING Singing In America. Inc., at which For Your Dining Ws may not ho»e pre- Prevloualy Acknowledged $9,203.34 EVERY SATURDAY NKlHTl time the newly formed local Chap­ Hoae and Ladder Co. N a 1 5.00 City View Itarnre Hail ART NcKAT ter will receive ita Charter. The cisely the coot you wosf For sn effect ibst i$ electric* Friend ...... Rockville (^apter expects to have the doy you coll — 2.50 Reeney Street And Dancing Pleasure —ecftstic—with your Salvatore Vendrillo...... 600 Aittf HI m O re h O M ira • at least 50 members before to­ but more ero coming. Daniel (^Irk ...... Flanigan's (irebeatra night's meeting. It is expected 2.00 llrnry Spinks, Frumpler ahiauserisg fingertips, Edith K. G renon...... 5.00 SATURDAY NIGHT that the three championship qiiar- be $are to get Peggy B. J. Dowling ...... 2.00 AND GALA.PLOOR SHOW NO COVER teU in the New England district ...... 1.21 NO MINIMUM will take part In tonight's pro­ Sgge's lustrous new H. L. Diehl (employeea) 1.00 EXCEI.I^'NT POOD AND DRINKS • DELICIOUS DINNERS NIGHTLY gram also quartets from North­ FohMng Boxea (em­ DANCE Calartag lb fwMaa! • QUALITY LEGAL BEVERAGES ampton, Mass., Hartford. New Shimmer Lipstick. ployeea ...... 2.10 Haven, Terryville, Bridgeport, Coin Contelnera In ^ a l - Al Genliie*9 Orrhentra • AUI-CONDITIONED INTERIOR Holyoke and Springfield. The pro­ neas Plecea ...... 28.32 Every Wed. and F it Nighle gram will get under way at 8:30 SfUMMEt LIPSTICK, $1A9 Mra, H. K ap p e...... 60 K. nf r. Italirnnm. Hartford p. m.. and a smorgasbord will be SMmear llimirt Friend ...... 20 Adm. 75e. Tax Inriuded. served by the Rockville Chapter. sod Wweaiiias ShtaeaMi Rmelar M Mr. and Mra. John Dewart 1.55 , Sduwl of Instruction Sbam NaU I’oUA, f l JA Usupea Family...... 2.10 l i m U e A school of instruction will be CfHOUSC^SON held at Grange Hall in Vernon Mra. Grace Carmody . . . . 2.00 44« Center Street Tdiphone 3881 INC. / Eve and Carl Hanaen .. 2.00 NEW Ontcr on Saturday. March 1. for Mr. and Mra. K. A. Stroble 10.00 officers and degree team masters Mrs. Wmiarn Price . . . . Astor Theater FRIDAY NIGHT VILLA MARIA of Granges comprising East Cen­ 2.00 Norman A. Peeks ...... 3.00 1175 Main St. East Hartford tral Pomona Grange. Nila S. Shenning...... Cob Scouts 1.00 TONIGHT *aad SATUROAt HOTEL FAlACRtPyiOM FMAHMACV Mr. and Mra. William Clif­ LET AND GENE 'The Cub Scouts will hold a "Sumewhere la The Night" • mMting th ir evening at 7:30 * MAIN ITUkIT'MAMCNIYTIU ford ...... 1.00 aONGSTZ^ AND rUN8TISRS So. Glaatonbary • 1 Mlc Off New London Tumpiko Friend ...... 1.00 John llodtaia - Nancy Guild o'clock at the Union church social / Suann and Eileen Metier- "Conquest Of Chevenne" Paataring the Solovox rooms. Parents are urged to at­ mott ...... 1.00 "WIM" RIU ElUott tend the meeting. OICAMINO CHRAMR SOLID OAK S-PIICi OINIHI Friend ...... 1.10 Alice Flemlag No Minimnai! No Cover Chargel Kiowa Connell I KEPT THIS TIRE ROLLING John T. Buck ...... SPECIAL KIDDIEiV DANCING Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ 2.00 50 TO 60 MILES AN HOUR Dining beauty and convenience! Solid Oak top in Limed finiih . . . 32x44 ^ ^ R. O. Loomia ...... 2.00 MA'HNEE SATURDAY! Steaks, Hambiurgers, French Fries, hontas, will meet this evening in Mra. Agnea Foley ...... 2.00 1 Hour ef Cartnona and Serial Soturday Night Red Men'e Hall on East Mam 10 HOURS AT A STRETCH in. size, extending to ,'54-in. with one leaf. Hairpin taWe leg*, S-shaped rliair frame* of Donald E. Wlllla ...... 5.00 10 Prlae Rags Given stre e t The meeting will be fol­ lowed by a aoclal and refresh­ WITH TEMPERATURES AS chrome-plated tubular Meei, Artificial leather upholstery with chair back* curved for comfort. Paul W. FulU ...... 1.00 Te 10 HIddlee! Chops, Qiieken, Sea Food To the Tnneo of Jiminy Fagan’s Orchestm Johnny Schucts ...... 1.05 SITNUAV and MONDAY ments will be served. Library Receives Gifts HIGH AS •HONESTLY BUILT John ^huets ...... 1.00 "ABILENE TOWN" A. H anaun...... 1.00 Randolph Scott - Ann Dvorak BEER WINES LIQUORS The Rockiille Public Ubrery | Mr. and Mra H. P. Peter­ First B. Hartford Showing of SPECIAL DINNERS has been presented with two lus­ son ...... 1.00 "IJTTLE MISS RIG" tre cider cups which are over 200 •HONESTLY SOLD! Mra Angelina Bxccllente 1 ou Beverly Slromone . Fay Holden Served Daily .veara <8d and also two old fa.sh- Mrs. Julius Hoff ...... 2.00 toned cups and saucers, the cups George's Eaao Service > A f .-ell Station ...... 2.00 TOMORROW NtGHTl Friend ...... 2.00 All Legal Beverages Sarah Hewitt ...... 2.00 FUN! PRIZBSI Kiiaaell E. Stevenson . .. 1.00 TelephonetSiastonbary 631 Mr, and Mra David B Rubin ...... 1.00 THAT MUSICAL QUIZ Hoae and Ladder Co. No. 4 2 (Ml Henry A. Kramer ...... 1.00 YOU ALL ARB WAITING Mr. and Mra. Thomas C. FOR . . Blick ...... 2.00 ZIpser aub Auxillarv ! 5.00 ‘ ‘ r B i N C E S S r t i Id# Polish American (Jlub .. 5 00 **TI11NK W HILE YOU DRINK” 'Super Enfertainmentr Mary C. Keeney Tent No. TOMORROW RVRNtNOT 14 Paughtera of t'nion Veterans of (,*ivll War LOU OBFAZIO. Goalal qaUmaatcr 61-65 ...... JIM AND GEORGE 2.00 koto dcMly M_m______oUeoaUlaee_ Temple CTtapUr No. 53 DANNJf DANIELS ORCHESTRA doolca el tkfa troai. 11 la oo- O. K. S. , ...... 5.(H) M-M.M GOOD! Present 1 »!P**hr oealooofoa tor SMMthi AIRY-TRIAD CUSHIONS SWINO AND STAND DcIIh Chnptir K. A. lil. GAIETY! LAUGHTI I •**** ^»»ot*«o- Tbe extra dooe 9 S S T ■ ora.dU4r aad Moxb Irrsa omm Heavy 48 ox. weight! 6(5 No. 51 ...... 5.00 SATURDAY’S DELICIOUS FOOD LEGAL BEVERAGI ’Moat of my'driving b over deoert Ughwayflla RRWfff HaMkld Hilf#nfa far jroH. “ Well-braced metal stand I*'- Plrtea Civic Association THE NORMAN TRIO Arlaofln. Often the tempemtare rlhwim to 115° in • •••#••••• Springy hair and jtile waffle ronrirue- Inc...... 5.00 We CotdiaHy Ia«ile Weddtaig, Birthday aad Aaaivetmary with comfortable fabric *wuig »eat. Hx» i Becka ...... ' SPECIAI- FOR YOUR PERSONAL PLEASURE tho flhndo. lion! Add* year* wear to.rug*. 9x12 ft. , 5.00 Partlea. HoM Thene tm tha LevMy Raaa Reeae! ,W avA-dp*^^ I H. U Diehl...... !!!!!!! 5.00 Individual BLACK IS NOT A COf,OR n o m M r'u k e ^relghe over 470(f pouafle. It -• -V# ‘ ! J ^ n B. Burke ...... 5.00 TONIGHT! SEIBERLING ^ eat .Side Bowling L^aguc^. 'ujMnHA iM lnrts>:^iii» MtanP RWflr 'W fo>‘ ' ’ ^'C h iricetp '’' Pfe*" Fewer te reflect light; absorb­ •e* how Ui# Urta would hold up oo heavily ovtrioaded. - I ^ Y C T N Home Style ent ef er without Hght: having 43 R. Coaler SL—TM. 3 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ne .apaetral color.” Fank fl . t® "»**«• hour ... 10 hours at a streUh TIRES MlagnuOa New Standard Dlc- ^ dajre straight. In spite of the heat, speed, end over- CORD To Give Lecliire 75c GUEST STARS tlenary. "»* ■ Wt of trouble end they FOR YOUR FRIDAY > WHO WILL APPEAR HERE IN PERSON areatlU good for a lot of mllea.”_ A . #. Ryaa, Veleraa Ibto te Oofos Ttets With Full Course Dinner, Availaklo aewia AUTfoch On Footl at the Y EVENING PLEASURE THIS SATURDAY NIGHT! Hetn's aomethlng you’ll want TIim aad la ooom Paaaoa- $1.10 tn^leok at! Our {seriiee,ls ^ r Cm aiaea. Yeo wUI have prompt aiM, eenrteons, and H It la AU Oeloa Peaeoaper Mra. Donald Swett of Hartford • PAMELA FORD FINE POODS LEGAL BEVERAGES If Yov Want Soft DtptRdablff Tirtt Car aiaoa aa aoea aa tho I wm again apeak before the Y. W. "ThtllHagly Beaattfai Vecallel" mppilsn yota nitb the bbet qual­ Far Yanr Postwar Driving ■apply al tayaa card C. A. Home Institute when It step In aDer IlMter or Bin­ ity at the bant pMee. **A Namim You Can Tru$t Jn Rubber** : meets Tueaday, March 4wt 7:30 at go for n wmeh aisd a rePeeh the Community Y building. • BEN DRAGO dpsoto a n d lag drink. "PreeMSag At the RIaeli aiM YVhMea" REYBIANDER'S Mra. Swett'a topic will be'food. l*LYMOUTH CARS M CATES TIRES and she will give menus and dis- o PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE RESTAURANT AND GRIIX 37 OAK ST. • • • • cusa the preparation of meals, em­ "SeidaiBg — Ftteadly — EBjeyahle” phasizing nutrition and consumer THE .“Where Old Friends Meet** U l problems. AU STIEl STOOL MAOAUNi RASKIT MORIARTY BROTHERS Over 35 Manchester women are o DELICIOUS CUISINE SERVED NIGHTLY Depot Square BOLAND MOTORS/iiic. 2 5 f 5 * 9 On tlM Level At Center and Breed enrolled in the Home Institute PRINCESS We Are Prepsred Te Accenunodate Birthday, Wedding. GPRPGE- All iteel conatruction A living room "muit!!! courae and It la proving to be one Main St. At Pearl SL • QUALITY W IN BS-^ LIQUORS — BEERS NASH SALES AND SERVICE •. • 24-iqche* high! burahle whit# hxkad OWN S4 HOURS TELEPHONE U7S of the moat helpful and aatlafying Anniversary aad Any Kind of Party. . MAIN <;T MANCN£iT£i^ Two roomy pockau for bodu. ia$f9« All l^egal Bevengen "The courses which the Y. W. C. A. Is TeltpItoRo 3822 for Kaaenmtione. 369 CENTER ST. AT WEST CENTER ,ST. TELEPHONE 4979 anamcl finiih with rad or black aeata. sinat- It’s ivell-atyled • . . well-built. offering this aeaaon, IAVET'8 I

] . - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1947 PAGE n v f i MANCHESTKK tiVKMNJi HKKALU MANCIIKHTEK. UUNN. PKIUAIT. i-hBKtJARy 28. 1947 PA G E POUK The twin daughter* of Mr. and Marah Itth. Thar* wUt be a young visited In New York and Washing­ on raising lambs, pigs and beef Mrs. Kenneth Ellis have been paople'a arnica March 23rd at ton D. C. and are now sta>ing in Mias Lisbeth MacDonald, rural bate which preceded approval of * Roosevelt was first elected piesl- s number of orgaaixation*. TTtoes Gilead ealvea. A rope splicing contact J health specialist of th* Agricul­ who wish to know about this tm -' Tax Already Figured named (^riatlne Waldo and Con­ South Coventry led by students Miami, Florida. took plar* an., George Borauth was tural Extension Service at the Uni­ the ia.7SO.uou.OUO British loan. But dent. He resigned from the House Lilieiitlial Issue I stance Webater. Mrs, Ellis and from the Univsraity of CbnnecU- HUNS—l«l« Douglas Faces Bevin's outburst was the first dl- on Kooaevelt'a Inaugural day In portmut n atter will do wall to Habron Orange P. oC H. No. i l l ’The Rally of the 4-H Club mem­ the winner. Movie* were shown versity of Connecticut, retired on I hear this dlscuaalon. Right now it her daughters are staying at the cut. The last aarvice will be held bers waa well attended thi* week. and refreahments aeri-ed, A de­ I February Jat. Miaa MacDonald had UTH —Its* lected against this country by a 1933 to before budget director. To Be Discussed Will bold tlialr regular inaeUng at home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa w . Ellis. at North Ck>ventry. March SOth w im tu -i Today^8 Radio 1 high-ranking member of the Labor However, the govern roebl "pump la 5 hot aubject la Waabiagton the Gilead Community Hall on A very Interesting program waa horning demonstration waa to ; many friends In towm and all On Short Form Table The He-Gl-Am Bridge Club held with a program of JCaater music. presented. E. E. dicker, county have been given at Robert E. Problem Now government. priming" poilclea In ll»4 ran and the eoaflmatloa of David Ul* Tuesday avantag March 4th. The their last meeting at Ute home of i extend our beat wlahea to bar and BMtani UtMMtard I1m« athwart the Arlsonan's bent for lenthal as the Chairman of tlM Lecturer Mrs. Doris Warner, haa Service* each evening will open at agent, waa present and gave a Forte's farm on Wednaaday but < are glad she plans to live at Storra. Douglas, whose prompt confir­ "The Atomic Energy Commla- Oammlsalon Is under consideration. Mrs. Carl Lankof on East straet. S o'clock. talk on vegetLble growing and Our had to be postponed and will mation by the Menate was aasured, economy and he left the adminis­ DeductioM Like Medi­ planned a program for "Competl- Mr*. William Hammond scoring Mtaa Dorothy Barroaao arooro- • WONS—Henry J. Taylor. Nrw U. S. AinhaHnwlor tration. Later he issued blasts Bion" will be the aubject of the ad- ’This is the regular meeting of Uve Night" The Master. Norton P. aeeda. Rav. Milne gave a quia on be held at a latei date. Modern 'J4-aheal posters used Biibmilted hia l'vs^(llaUun yeatei- INCOME TAX high, Mr*. Flqyd FogU. second and panled by three girl friends Is on vegrtabica. Mra. Cora H. Webb, I WDRO~Hou«e Pwrty; New*. WTHT—Lone Ranger. day a* president ol Ihc Mutual Ut* describing the New Deal aa leading dreaa to be given before the Men’s the Men’s Club and will take up cal Expenses, Charit­ Warner, and the overseer. Clar­ Mra. Norton Warner low. Mra. Gilead members of th# Farm I In niitdooi advertising use lU, W 'nc -Quiaof Ta pCIUeb. .Must Smooth Out Dis* what buatneaa tbare may come be­ G ft'E a motor trip to the South. They home demonatrntlon agent, spoke Bureau were a«irry to hear that WKNB-~Newa; MalltMS. inaur^iice conuiany ol New York toward Inflation and dictatorship. Club of the North Methodist ABCs f o r 1 9 4 7 ence V. RaUibun, wrill choose Leroy Getchell mas presented with , not 24 sheets of napet. WON8—Won* Juke Bo*. 7:44— |HilP Over Palp«liii4* and told reporters he will hurry to Douglas opposed Roosevelt’s church by Dr Payson Miller of fore them: after which there win able Contributions tcama and each team will present a lovely lace table cloth and a WTHT—Band* bjr Demand. W’ONS—Inside of SporOT Uiigland alter a Mtate Department third term In 1940 and finally Hartford next klonday evening at be a social period with gamee and part of the program. The losing card table aa a farewell gift on W nC —Backstaxe Wife. • :0S— 7:45. I refreshmenU. The Club will be Not Listed by User team will furnish the aupper on Washington; Feb. 25 - T h e lirleting on bis new task. i canae out for tha lata Wendell L. 1 9 4 7 FU N P her moving to Springfleld, Maaa. 4>U— ! WDRC—Fanny Brice. Terming Britain's current ecx*- W’lllkie. the Rapiibllcan nominee, Dr Miller has given this matter ! pleased to welcome any men who election night Mr*. Alphonse Wright wrill replace w n c —Stella Dalla*. W’ONS 'Burl Ive* Show. problem of amrsithlng Anglo- nomic ctiais the result of "exac- Douglas m a^ hla peace wl’n a great deal of thought and haa [ n-lah to improve this opportunity (BtUlor'a Note: ThI* I* tha Mias Patricia Fogil la vIslUng at Mrs. Getchell aa a member of the WTHT-Fat Man. American relation* IrwiWed by tioiia on all resoiiices. human and Roosevelt In 1M2. however, and be- been presenting the matter before i to hear Dr. Miller. fifth af It atorle* exptolnlag the home of her aimt and uncle club. WDRC—Hollywood Jackpot. w n c —CItle* Service Conrert. difference* over Palestine emerged otherwlse. and the terrific suffer-, cam* firat a land-laaae axpediter who nMHt 4d what about hi* Mr. and Mrs. Dorau In Middletown. ALenten program for GUead and WOKS—Adeenture Parade. 1:15— toeemo tax retam ). The Misses Carol and Muriel tbe surrounding tow-ns opened WONS - Holly House. torau 2nd at Bolton. Dr. Robert C. Bald­ and They Motor in Peace, W’TIC All*n Young .Show. nate and mtaleadlng” sny British denl Tniman recalled W. Averill 1040 long form. DEDUCTIBLE? in Wallingford. CHEVROLET HTCNB-New*. Hsrriman to succeed Henry Wal­ win of the University of Oonnectl- Security, and ComforL »:«0— imptlrallon that President Trti- Cha Bo L'seil Two Waya 1 Mra. Dwight Hooker who re­ WONS—Hop Harrigan. WDRC -Olnny Hlmnw Show man was playing politics last Oct ' lace as secretary of commerce. rut will be the speaker on March WTHT—"Perry. 4 when he urged the immediate' O. Max Gardner, former Under- Machine Service Form 1040 la a 4-page loim. It TAXIS: Stnia ln**ma. cently had an operation at the 9th at Oolumbla. The Rev. Paul Travel the ALA Way! WONS Gabriel Hrrattcr. News can be uaed two ways; aa a abort • same praparty, aut* Hartford hospital la recovering w n c —^^'hen a Girl Marrie*. WTHT—Break the Bank. admission of 100,000 Jews to the ] secretary of the treasury, was ap- | Tax CoDectors Notice A Rosa Lynn of Hartford will lead Only Cenaine Pnrts Used! fbrm or aa a long form. The main lican**, atnta goaellwa lax In satisfactorily and is expected det’otions at the aervloc at the M, KENNETH WTIC- People Are Funny. Holy Land. pointed to the poet IsHt December difference Is; home later this week. WKNB—Twilight Serenade. 0:15— TTie statement, handed out last ! 3 but died on February 6 only a For Prompt, EfflrienI and •bawt 40 stafas, same federal Gilead Congregational church on OSTRINSKY WONS—Superman. night only a few hours after the On the short form you don’t fig­ . WONS-Real Stories from Real i tew hoiira liefore hla acbeduled de- { Economical Service — Call: ure your tax. It'a already figured taxes incurred in carryinf an 184Bi88ellSt. Tel. 2-1686 WTHT- Sky King, Ufe. president chose the one-time New I partura for Kngland. a bwsinats. w n c —Portia Face* Ufe. Deal budget director a* his new Old Age Assistance Tax Of $3.00 for you in a tax table on the back. i In the S2-year-old Douglas. Pres-' You muat figure It on the long .ItSS- WDRC--Moorc and Durante. ambassador, was tss«ie.ne T.VJO things like medical expenses, char­ C'all. October remarks, during the con- from Arisons when Franklin D.' Due FEBRUARY 1st 1947 chut**. INCOME TAX 5i45' ' graaslonsl election campaign, itable contributions, and ao on. WDRC—Old Recowl Shop. WTIC W’alta Time. 10:00— "apolled" negotiations which! Ueductlona Automatic WONS—Tom MU. might have le tery ’Theater. age and under 61 yeare of age on October 1st. 1946 are sub* ______BE 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. in. Yhs, Itk your WTHT—Ski Newa; Candlelight 10:10— problem Is made I he subject of I SERVICE more than 10 per cent of Income, 3 All Welcome! WDRC— Ann Southern In Malale local election*.” | jeet to this tux. don't use the short form. You'll and Silver. While House MlateraenI Dintributom of loae money. Use the long form. «:IS— « WONS--Memory Time. Veterans of Worhl War 2 (at least 90 days serviee) are ex­ inr her parents Mr. and Mra. Fred Evening* 7 lo 10 WDRC—Trinity Collage Seriea. W n r Sport Newsreel. The White House statement With the long form you must G. Weld In New Hampshire, 11:00— made public hy Press llecretsry Itemise your deductible expenses (Except Friday*) WONS—Sport* Roundup; Miial- Charles G. Ross retorted; GULF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS empt if disehdrge papers have been reeoriletl in Town Clerk's oal Roundup. News on all station*. but you can deduct for all of them. tlll5 — "The Impression that has arisen office. Husbands and wives with com­ w n c —Mualcal Appatteera; U. from yesterday’s dahate In the RANGE AND FUEL OIL 8. Weather Bureau. WDRC—News; FootnoUa. WHOLESALE GASOUNE Disabled veterans of World Wart 1 and 2 are also exempt. bined income under $5,000 can file W a p p i l i g lAWEsr-pmaD car WONS—Connecticut State Leg- British Parliament that America’s separately or jointly on the abort RANGE AND FUEL OIL Thomas J. Quish WDRC—Red Barber. talature; Dirk Jurgena’ Orch- Interest In Palestine and tne set* form. oday—when America moat urietitly tiement of Jews there Is motivated If their combined Income la Bernard Kills Chairan of Ever­ Telephone 4021 WONS^Anawer Man. eatra. We Have New Oil Burners Ready SAMUEL NELSON. Collector green Lodge committee for the needs sound rmtuos to aaoist evtry WTHT—Music. WTHT^Mualc ’til Midnight. hy partisan and local politics I* $5JK)0 or more, but individually and LOWEST-PRICED WTTC—Professor Andre Schen- W nC —Report an Connecticut most unfortunate and misleading." leas, they can file separately on the George Washington Dance, which Wholesale (Sosoline 6 Charter Oak Street Tphaae of the economy, from high produc­ It went on to declare that Mr. For Immediate Installation short form or jointly on the long was to have been held laat Friday ker. Leglalature with1th Jerry llsllaa. night but was canceled on account tion to hich purchasing power, and from ftfg 11:1 ’Truman'* October stand simply No Money Down — .1 Yearn To Pay! form. LINE in its field! reiterated the p o tio n he had com­ Answer questions la Order of the atnrm, announces that It full enterpriae to full employment—prioas WDRC—Robert Trout News. WDRC^—Columbia Maater\^orkn. municated to Prime Minister Att* will be held Saturday night, March WONS—Easy Aoea. W’ONS- Guy Lombardo’s Orrh- Newent Equipment! Quality Products! Don't skip around on the shorts of new Chevrolet paaaenger car models lee as long ago aa August 1943 and form, start at the top, answering 1. at the Wapplng Community Bantly Oil Company w nC —Liowell Thomaa. eatra. Newa. made public In November, 1945. House. start towsr and hnish hwar than tlioo* TiSB- w n c —World’s Greatest Novels Dependable, CnurteouM Service! • the questions aa you go down. 331 Main Street "America’s interest In Pales­ Most people will need only one Mrs. Esther Troy of Oakland Tel. 5291 or 2-1057 of any other car in their prka raagel WDRC—Mystery of the Week. 13:00— tine," the statement continued. "Is •HI RROAI) STREET TELEPHONE 2*1257 Opposite the Armory WONS—Fulton Lewi*. Jr. WONS—Joe Sudy’s Orrhestrs. page 1. Some, with income from Road who has been a patient at Moreover, this newest Chevrolet craatm w n c —Supper Club. w n c -News: Blue Barron Or­ of long and continuing standing. Public Market Saturday pensions or annuities, also will use the Springfield Hospital, returned It is a deep and abiding Interest TtlS— chestra. "We Solve The Burning Question” 1 the top of Page 2. to her home Monday. the netr high standard of Big-Car shared by our people without re­ Here's how to do it; WDRC— Show. 13:50— gard to their political affiliation." beauty—Big-Car coh ort—Big-Car per­ WONS—Tello-Teat. W’ONS—Johnny Long’s On hes- Mtorla Flurry In Menate You, married, have two children. formance—at kweet an-romd ooat to you WTHT—ramer Davl*. tra Bevin’a part in the Palestine «le- Manchester Bargains You had $4,500 income' from sal­ w n c —N eat of the World. WTIC- TTirec Suns. ary and $300 from dividends. Your WHEN SICKNESS in purchase price, operation and ophaepl bate touchea4ranra»'ralta4>'Bun-« .'OBDEpi jpuiyvk] v n fp IfiH k W STS day morning- on account of the sudden death of her father. • Engine Stejim CMeaned and Painted SLICED rtlACHES, No. 2 V2 C a n ...... 29c . Mrs. Leroy Ludwig of Elizabeth TH A TS a OOOO RESOLUTION answ er, it • Spark PlugN Cleaned and .Adjusted . ^ R V B G O aUeet, Ellington, Is a patient In FOR ANYONE TO M AKE.*.. t im e , m om m y WRECKER • PointH Replaced BOSCUL COFFEE, 2—1 Lb. J a r* ...... 83c the Hartford bptpital.. e s p e c i a l l y i f YOU s h a r e a • ^ m plele ChaKxis Lubrication BOSCUL TEA BAGS, 48 for ...... -3 9 c Grace Ann Green la spending p a r t y l i n e , f a i r SHARINO a week with her aunt at Hill Top ON THE PARTY LINE ALSOaOEANS • Carburetor and Generator Cleaned and .-YdJURted CRISCO, 1 Ml. C a n ...... 4 .3 c CRISCO, 3 Lb. Clin . . . .$ 1 .’25 farm In WlUlngton. KEEPING CALLS BRiE* AND SERVICE a l l o w in g Plenty •t Rl'SCO combines screen, storm sash IMPORTED SWEDISH HERRING...... 2 for 49c Longview PTA will meet at $ and iielf storage in one permanent unit p. m; Monday in the Longview OF Tim e b e t w e e n SInhiM it he your miafor- All For .00 school and following the regular CALLS $100 that i* completely .weather-stripped. lU-UE BONNET MARG.VRINE...... 2 li»s. 8 .3 c busineas meeting there will be a tBBd to need a wrecker or Ends changing and atbring of screen* Your Choice of Color* PARKAY MARGARINE...... *...... 2 Lbs. 85c •oclal hour with mualcal enter­ a tow csr. you will be and atoim *a*h. Provide* year-round tainment and refreshments will be plaiMad with the eoateoua PL'rFf/fFf/ Cars Completely Rebuilt rainproof, draft-free ventilation. Op­ served by a committee In charge of ■lid dadent servica ren- erate*, from inside, Cut* fuel bills up to one-third. In­ the program. df d 24 Roars a Day By Fresh Fruit & Vegetables William H. Yost, son of Mra. ^ —~-ff'el fling—^ vestigate RUSCO. If you are building, order Rl'SCO Bakery Department Henrietta Yost of Mountain street now for insitallation at your call, RUSCO combination Boatnn haa graduated and received hla Open 7 Day* A Week -p- 9 A. .M. To 9 P. M, screens and storm sash may be ordered from blueprints. diploma from the Cincinnati Col­ Cream Pies ea. 47c Tomotoes cello, pkg. 19c lege of Embalming In Cincinnati, COOK'S .16 Monlh* To Pay! For Free Demonstration Call: Larg* Ohio. Mr. Yost haa phased hla Lettuce 2 Ige. hds. 25c examlnaUona at New Haven and Sarvica Station Turnpike telly Donuts doz. 42c will serve an apprenticeship with Msndiestor Green M. A. CLOUGH - Manchester 5716 Blueberry j soma undertaking firm to prepare Or Writ* To Fresh Peas lb. 19c far. a State llcanae. Leonard Yoat, TEU 5i01 Cupcakes doz. 45c a brother of William la attending The Southern New England TELEPHONE Company OiMt Bta* a school in Plttaburgh, Pa., where Auto Body Works THE BARTLErr.RRAINARD CO. Large he will learn watch repairing. Ilartfiird S. t'liaa. Mf. rarl A Ooehrinr la visit- * AAA 1S6 MIDDLE TPK., WEST TELEPHONE 704.1' A FrtNluot «l The F. C. Rusarll Co\ Cleteland Layer Cakes ea. 59c Tpmple Otanges, doz. 59c

’ \ ' MANCHE81ER EVZKING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1941 P A G B 8 E V IN MANCHimTR irVENTNO HERALD. MANrHESTER rONN„ FRIDAT, FEBRUART 2B, 194t AGE WX struck one truck and then, out of Bf*th Sholom Notes But Sixty Call | pertment sugar official, also told Dutch groups who went Into the 000,000 tons of sugar, ' New Charter oontroL caromed 185 feet along Java Sugar Supply about an "inmibla" supply in IK.W foreign policy la developing a the warmer for It. That Is the Extended Forecoot the highway to hit tho rear oC an­ Interior in 1945. said. Ho esttmatod Um oms 4laiul?ratpr n.ost phlload^ical view we could All Alioiird for the Friday Sfiecial W. P. Huxley Java but added that It U not ex­ These groups found records In­ la likely to export this yaar I balance between that flrmneaa and To Pay Age Tax| other that was parked at the road­ pected to reach export markeU m take, If we were a veteran. Now Laea W M, EabM side. Seen Controf Kev dicating there should be about 2.- 000 totia. ' patience, that tougbneaa and raa* Baatoo. fab. 28— rBnauBoN and more tougbneaa and lea* and live days, Saturday through Wed« Capitol Room 411 on th* aervice. Mrs. Phillip Harri­ sad ship It. has heard of reports by British and LET US WASH YOUR WALLS by next winter. That, wa aiippoae, Of Hamilton Standard he kept hi* office open until 9 where Rawmrth'a name waa on the "1 was told that th* native* had Ptm.. Tr*M.. Om 'I Manattr leM patience and reaaon. The only readay. will average near normal son will be In charge of the pro­ o'clock. WIIK TM. nxM M OetaMr I, IW . in northern New iSigland. Normal Mar. 19 at 1 130 p. m. danger Hat. The extent of their stripped th* bags from much of > true piirpoae flrmneaa and tough* la atill better than nothing at all. Propeller Co. gram. There aUIt remains about 2.500 injuries la yet to be determined. temperatures Saturday wtll be fol­ 'Dmi Week this sugar during th# war to make i raM UM ■vary B Carrier ...... » M ^ ocfC ei. general managei. The promotion In th* SU te Capitol building. Special Purim aervice with read­ ' would keep hi* office open until ed by the TontI Motor Ltnea, Inc., •nbo. deliTtraa. On* Taar ...... III.00 ing balance. 20; Presque UI-, If. ings of portions of the Book of Es­ of Jamaica Platna. Maaa. for many venra. aurface dirt. It not renwiyed, werin Iota tha Foraifn . . . S l i m la effective March 1. Mr. Houae had previoualy an­ 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon fo r' paint so Ihni n coally repaint Job la neceaaary. HoapKala that w S l nf r Mr. Martin alto announced the Precipitation amounts will range ther. Refreshmenta and a Purim between one-quurter and three nounced that a hearing would be the convenience of those who have' _ •♦•'•••riy aa a sanitary mcaanre, have ta repatet aaly MBMBBR o r transfer of John F, Burridge, held locally on the charter at the program will follow the aer%ice. not as yet paid. THB ABBoaATBO PRESS I COIlUlWN I Frank C. MacTeman, John Lea- quarters Inch, Occurring aa anow The Sabbath Elve aervice next The Indikna provided the veni­ LECLERC The Aaooclateil Praaa •* eadumeelr exrept mixed with rain along the Hollister Street school on Monday Friday will be omitted. son and fowl for the Pllgrinu' ssr..: ".’.T i.'i.T .i'r — Mimed to lb* uaa el reautnatleo ol _ ____B.iw.in' Palm Beach. FIa„ Feb. 28 - <40 aner and Frank P. ChrUtian. all evening. March 10. If people Inter­ F s a e r a l Hbo ib The teachera atrlke In Biiffal aiowly dying installation engineera, to the sales south shore on Sunday and again first Thanksgiving. a ) new* dlapatohe* er*dUad ta N or not about Wednesday. ested will attend this meeting and e«n*r« M eredited in Ibl* paper and ta llluatratlng the tragedy Inher-, p,|„, Beach, for half a century department, where they wtll con­ state objections to any particular ("oiiple Injiircxl 2.1 M ala S tre e t Behrend's Cleoning Service plae the local new* pubMahed her*. 3 New (Cottages ent In the retort of teacher* to me gold coaat of the American tinue cuatomer contacts and ai> ’ , - . aeotlon of the new charter It will PiMHie 8 2 6 9 ...... l.enter Rehrcnd. Prop. All rlfbta *1 rapoMleatloi) of apadal auch atrategy. L- Mai- i IN YOUR OWN HOME I gcr Is in direct charge of aales en- I Cottage Homes, Incorporated colm Raworth, Jr., 37, of New' T'>Tryy’i>>TyvrY>Trir»T7' ' PuM lai'ia Rapraeantatlraai Th* pltght of the teachera to reach trenched wealth. this mominq waa granted permits Haven and 123 Waterman street j A ll Agee AeeeptaMo. Jnllo* Ma'Jiewi Special Afancy • New "The horror hanging over ua I glncertng. Torli. Cbirapa Delrpn and Beatea. that deaperate ataga In which a| I Mr. Huxley la a native of New ] Ansonla. Feb. 28— Local by Building Inspector David Cham­ Providence, R. I., was critically JOSEPH ADAMS ^ atiike aeama a natural weapon. At here I* the danger of becoming an -, 445 has voted to drop out of the Military Whist ber* to erect three four room cot­ Injured here early today, police' MBMBBR AL'DtT BUREAU OP Jersey and a graduate of Phillips Tcicphona 2-1221 r other Miami Beach," sighed one International Union of Mine, Mill tages on the east 'side of Overlook aaid, whqn a car he waa driving I • CIRCULATIONA the aame time, let It be aatd that longtime resident. Academy, Andoter, class of 1B27, I §} 8 HERE’S* NEWS! He graduated from Princeton Uni­ ar.d Smelter Workers (CIO I, Drive. Each house Is to coat, ac­ Plenty Th* Herald PnntlPB Company. Ine., when teachera go out on strike To staid dwellers In thl* winter bringing to about 18,000 the num­ Of Siinset Lodge cording to the permits issjed, • ^ We Have Plenty af ^ !i ^ e y are Influencing thoughtless Shangri-La of fortune’s favorltea Photo bv Rtite Studio versity in 1931 with a bachelor of SAVE MONEY ON THESE MeiiaiM BO Aaancial raaponaihillty tor science degree. He waa associated ber of workers claimed to have 88..500, and they are being erected tppocr*phlc*l arror* appaaiing In ad- Miami Beach la Just a raucous Miae Anne McAra the war. other*, like Bobby, suffer from Walter Olcott to the Town of ; F«PP»«* Bring Change of Plan New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mary­ aeven sharp to allow time for the | Telepkoo* 3-0049 X X by Ida pradeoeaaor, Mr. Byrnes. taste to be sure, the aid of roving Blaze in Auto 6.50 16 5..50 17 7.00 x 16 iSvo little devices called the In­ disabilities incurred at birth or by Manchester for the land on Olcoll | , . land and West Virginia are listed public card party. $10-25 Here*§ W'hot We D o t ^ One of theM TsrlsUona came In gangs of older school boys who come tax and the Inheritance tax accident. Some go to Newington street together with a 50 foot ' <^'fago <4». A black mongrel In the seceding grotip. ALSO FOUR NEW RECAPS — 6.00 x 20 6-PLY paporta that Oaacral MarahsU con* have taken the aalatence of this have changed the situation * o . every Friday, other* every other atrip of land extending through to I ^og which wandered Into the War- Brings Firemen On Thia 1. Oleaa aad Adjaet Hpark Finn that, paradoxically, a well-to-do | week and still others only once West Center atreet completed all ' “''enuc police station a few BATTERIES FLOOR MATS SEAT COVERS t. Adjast mstrihotor Pelata •Mara it bla parsmoiint task to strike as a llcenM for violent be­ socialite can still afford Palm month. The Red Cross Motor Corps, tranaactlona conve^ng the necea- ! day* ago made a fuaa over Pollce- ELASTIC STOCKINGS Smartly Tailored 8. ClesM A ir Ctaaaer ffopota sU bla anerglea and talanta havior of their own. They have Baach while many really rich keeps track of their aeheduloa and Hose Company No. 1 of the PRESTONE AND ZERONE ANTI-FREEZE aary land to the town for new I Claienc, Hayden, who said he South Manchester Are department 3 Way Stretch 4. rbeeh aad Adjust Oeucratav 8s the raatoratkNi of some good been roaming the city's schoola, can't—at least not at their old each week calls for the children arhool* and school extension*. The ‘ doe«n t like dog*. But Hayden aoon Chargtaf Rata fer Whiter Dtlv- answered a atill alarm at 12:37 All Slxea Now In Stock! Ito-K now n STEWART-W'ARNER GASOLINE HEATERS fhith between Ruaala and Ameii terrorialng the youngatera still In standard. at their homes, returning them at town meeting In December appro- . Jog’s champion al- Smart comfortably wealthy res­ noontime. Even with all nf last thia morning. The alarm was S9.00 Pair Gabardine Suit •a, so that Ruaata will believe ua claasM. threatening the teacher* priated 818,000 for the purchase I though other policemen favored telephoned in from the Centennial 559 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE .1984 8. A llu a t Carburetor idents are flttlng th'emaelven to Friday's anow, the run waa right of this land I taking her to an animal shelter. Lt ‘la ^ dtUdnaa ooMa fl. Chaeh Btarter ^fhea we say wa mean a certain who were atill trying to stay on the changing pattern of American Apartments. Number 1 truck ARTHUR DRUG STORES on achcdule. The delay In completing the Hayden allowed her to* run of the and Chief Foy responded and •48 Mala S t TeL 8809 "At The Sifn af the Galf Oranf* Disc*! 7- Chech Battery aad Terwiluala psUey and have certain Intenttona tha Job, and, in genaral. enjoying life by building exquisite smaller Being a Motor Corps diivrf, ac- deed from Mr*. Olcott to the town elation and fed her. Then he plan- Only $54-75 A T aa* Motor I hoiiaea emting 840.000 to 8100.000 eordlng to Mr*. Hagenow, la a found the Are to be In an automo­ ned to take the dog home. But he bile in the parking lot east of the 9. Chock WIriag all the - ia n d relatively Inexpensive to lively Job. "SometimcB I almost waa made necessary to clear the That WAS A Uuk upon which Mr. mob behavior. Doing this, these, niaintaln. These make up the "rot- title from her to her late husband changed hla plana last night. Po­ apartments. The flre was extin­ T thlnk I'm running a taxi ser\’lce-- lice trailed the dog from the sta­ guished and the only loss waa ■e amsrtly salted In thl* ALL SyriMS AAomed to have admitted gangs are able to tell themaelvea, tage colony." only without any meter or tip*!" through the Probate Court. doable-hrenated sllm-aUrted ANY I tion and found sh^ has a family of damage to the rear cushion. The IBIlure. that they are actually cooperating But many of the old guSid ul- Besides the children, a badly crlp- eight puppies hidden away in a truck was back to the firehouse gahnrdin* with shirtwaist ABOVE CAR Th«v e ra ' tr*-rlch are still saddled with the led Manchester man la currently ale*«-*s aad new lang Jacket. $3«95 A asccBd variation has appeared srith the city a teachera. They „ 000.000 to 83.500.000 glorifled nearby basement. at 1:18. WANTED! Ing taken to the State Trade Piiblir Keronis Early yesterday Number 1 an­ la BUT actual poHcy toward vari- able to Uke what may be a good gp,n,,|, b,rna popular Ijj Florl- School In Hartfoid for Instruction HEALTH I U. S. rubber consumption In swered a atill alarm and extin­ Redact ExccBBivc lire Wear BUS Ituaataa aateUltoa, foeb aa Po- and Juat cauae a* cover and ex-1 «ta'a flrxt heyday. High Income In a subject not taught at the Warrantee Deed Yon Are Invited To Open cuae for their own lawless be-1 taxes and falling Interest rates on Adelaide Olcott to the-Town of 11946 waa 63 percent synthetic and guished a chimney flre at a house iBad. Hungary and Rumania. Kind Technical Sche let down." flrmly said one In­ •a official report of the Atomic urgent need of a home, we would been set st 'Manchester's terpreter for the old order. contribution to this county budget IT CLEANS YOUl TEETH Etoergy Oommlsalon, which then have been quite likely to arrive at Yet 1 bought a aoft drink on the ha* been act at 81.000, and local Maybe she hasn’t a cynical attitude. want up to the Security Council. Island for a nickel, and a builder m-,, making a special-ef- Pieces decided yet who the Mr. Baruch then chose to regard For too long a lime, even "after i lucky man will be. that as a victor}', and resigned, the state had done it* part.bve . the I iittieniiiF a- Mra. Glen­ d/ GKE *urt8y Council- In a sense, then, be raised before winter set In. It N. J. ns B. Rich, tiling ault for divorce, Waynesburg, P*.—J. Warren ' e are undoing Mr, Baruch'a Uc- la now close to spring, and we charged that her husband. Edgar, Jacobs, 78, self-taught authority ka last December, suppose those veteians who have had a "vile ' and ungovernable I on blrdllfe, w ho became Interna- 1 9 4 7 FUN D la aU auch developments, there passed th* winter In close and temper." She said he upset the : tionally known as a result of checkerboard whenever he aaw he ■la a flawalng poaalbUlty that our cramped quarters may have been atudlea In the woods and fields of waa going to lol*. I the Middle Atlantic atates. . V f . I rAM-BtORT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BtANCHESI'EK. CUNM. FKIOAT, raSRUARY 28. 194? UANCHESITR fefVKNlNU HERALD. MANCHESTER. IXINN.. FRIDAY, FEHRCARY 28. 194T FAOB IfDIS

' Chester American Legion football tax bins before ths eommltts*. pay for teachers and Increased wel­ ter Road; Patricia Dimock, Bolton and square dances. Refreebmeiit* I vine church will pronounce the joyed a week's holiday and school* drifts In various parts of tbo towa. game In Hartford Municipal sta­ United States brought the sales levy Into the fare grants “It haa to be an in­ Center R >ad aad Carpenter Road. will be on tale during the evening. I benediction. Formula Given Funds for Y Tax on Sales come tax or a sales tax." He acMed will rssume Sfaslona on Monday. The Tolland Obuaty Dowooiatlo Squires Take O b i t u a r y dium. Hr was taken immediately See 27 MUl Tax Rate discussion. As ths opening Mra Keeney Hutchinson, (^ rk e Alpha Ckonsa to Prrorat Program I I'n'oa I^entea Nervire Mra. Thotna* Bentley haa re­ Association wUl mset In Stafford ' to the Hartford hospital spsaker. he attacked the aalM tax Uat he favored the sales tax levy Road. West strsst: Mrs. Lawrence I'he l)uarryville Church congre­ Bolton Congregational church turned to her home on Bolton Cen­ Asked to Assume plan and contended that "ability- because it would give "the great­ Springs on Monday ovon!ng at As a young man he was em­ For G>ntinued Are Growing Argued More Lombardi, West strset; Mrs. Ralpb gation extends an invitation to will be host for the second Union ter Road from the Mancheater Me­ which tlmo Sonator Alfirod Waeh- All Day Trip ployed hy Howard'Murphy In the to-pay” was "the only fair msas- est yield, spread It among the Strickland, French Road: Mra the people of the community to be < Lenten ffervice on Sunday. March For Manchester Now Pledge to Greece urlng stick for computing public grsateat number-nnd. 1 hope, with morial ho'.pital. selr of Hartford, minority loader restaurant husinesa on Main street Mario Fava Birch Mountain: Ed­ present at the church on Sunday 2, when Dr. John E. lliM-tsler, "nie newly purchased V-plow of the Senate, wrtll speak. Deatlio He left the employ of Mr. Murphy ^Higher Output taxation. the least amount of suffering." win AlbasI, Birch Mountain. afternuon, March 2. at four o'clock : Professor of Theology and Phil­ Today*# Total Reaching Meritff anil Faults ToM ''Taxation of every man. woman Businesa spokesmen opposing the was uaed very successfully during Clydo Marshall rscaivsd wetd Court, Capitol, ^ to enter partnership In a gasoline (4'AfltlMKtf friHR Page iHiel Mra. John Erickson, South Road; when another concert of sacred osophy In the Hartford Seminary the recent storm. Selectman ‘ service station located on Maple Five Mill Iiierease Toward $7,000; Drive and child of the stats by means Income Included Frederick H. Arnold kfcKInney, TVrUand Road; music Will be presented. The Trel Mennonlte (Thun h will occupy the Thursday of Uis dsath of ISO Aliout Town (OMittaned tn^n Page Om ) At Hearing on Pro* of a sales taxj' Cotter continued, Waterboulir, Manufacturers Asao- Thomas Wllaon reports It did an unels. Charlao Ed. Bartlott of Slate Prifton, Other ^ D ea th C laim s -I reel, l-nter he disposed of hia In- fact the current congressional drive j Mra. Herald Lee. Coventry Road; Alpha chorus of forty women, rep- I pulpit. excellent. Job on the many deep Springfield, Maas. feient in this rnmpnny and for a (liealed as Result for trimming his 6a7.BOO.000.000 I« to G>ntinue posed Income Levy “is certainly not premised upon datian of Connecticut: Cyril Cble- MIsa Doris Skinner. Ctoventry reaenting the Negro churcbea ol Bolton Brief* Places of Interest mr « as* i i tiire will come through a decline this rule, but Is Instead a ruthless, man. Connecticut Waterworks as­ time rtas engaged in the retail pie Ketliielioiis Made Thomas Ferguson, publisher of figure, tax cuts and . uidianls The Herald, waa removed from his that have risen much more than Coaimunity Y Total Today Hartford. Feb. U —im—lt next ffenstor Minority Leader Alfred Connecticut Chamber of Com­ In H»27 Mr. Ray entered the rm- Hoiird of Revlen- home at 17S Main atreet last night Uia problem of feeding occupied average, or through w further rlee I If you are not at home when One full hour of music will be ! ity Hall and heard Erncat C. G c a circle. Oolumblan Squires, [ildy of the Lavalette Shop, a Hart­ 16.606.71 Tuood^a Kheduled public hear­ F. Wechsler (R-Hartford) baoked merce. to the Mancheater Memorial hospi­ Oermany, has brought a report to in those prices that have lagged. ing befora the General Amembly Cotter and contended there waa no the canvasser calls, it would be Klven under the direction ol Mrs. Tucker. CVuinty Agent, speak on particiMted tn an all'day trip to ^ • ford restaurant located on Waah- Mr. Truman from Former Presi­ Governor McConaughy told news­ I apprsclated greatly If you would .Nora tCIlis, director of the Alpha ; Small Farma va. Large Karma. Hartford and Wethersfleld yaater- F orm er and Maii< heater taxpayers are faced tal for treatment of an intestinal "At the present time the flret The drive for 610,000 for the Finance committee on the eales necessity for Imposing a sales tax men at hit conference that only a ington atreet. where he remained uith a live mill Increase In taxes disorder. He waa resting comfort- dent Herbert Hoover. After a per­ alternative -which Is also the Community Y offlclalljr ends to­ tax quetrtion renolvee Into a de­ I contac; the persor canvassing chorus. An offering will be re­ Refreshment* were served and a day on which vlaita a-ere made to F p n |# iriiiil for IS years In 1640 he returned sonal review abroad. Hoover re­ to create an UnUmlted reaervoir sales tax would produce the 620,. your section. ' ceived during the program. Rav. Stats Police headquartem. Su- rroiern u i Dies over last vrar a rale as a result of »*>ly today, and will remain at the more desirable one—appeara the night, but with the quota not bate on the Income tax imtie, the of wealth." Wechsler added “that 000,000 which he felt a-as needed I social h(Mir followed. I Manchestor Private Duty to Manchester and enternl the em­ hospital for a few days for obser­ ported to the White ifouiie yester­ more likely with the possibla ex­ procotdlng* will be adhering Ofsag* MseUag Tsatgbt Mr. Post, minister of Quarry- Bolton's school pupila have en­ pntor court, the Capitol, the ploy of the Manchester Plumbing (lediK'tlons made by the Board of reached, it will be greatly appre­ only leads to needless squander­ beyond the $15,000,000 necessary to Al Wallinfiford vation and further treatmenL day and went before the House ception of building matcriala.'* ciated If thoee people who have strictly to the form chart*. ing." Bolton Orange will meet Uil* Slats prison and the State library ami Supply Company, with which Tnx Review from the figures as Foreign Affalra committee today. In predicting wage tncreaoaa. balance the general fund bud^t. evenlns tn the (Jommunity Hall not been contacted pereonally or For at yesterday's session when Agrees With “Nest Of Remarks“ To get $50.0()0.000 through an in­ The trip was made by boa. Nathan B. Richards, for many rompiinv ha was employed when hi them by the Aa- The closing session in the Girl The Greek and related Middle CPA said the average hika “Is by letter, will send In their con­ tbs proa and cons of the Income and the Home Economics (Jbmmit- Nurses Assodation Arranesmenta for the trip were waa atrirken late laat year. .,ora at the clone of bualneaa on likely to be modest” if there are Agreement with “moet" of Cot­ come tax, he contended, would re­ >ears proinincnl In M.imhcstcr Rcuiit training course will take EoM problems, as well as the Eu­ tribution to the V. leyy were elated for diaruaslon. ter’s remarks waa voiced by Rep. quire a levy on the lowest of In­ tea will bs in charge of the pro­ made by the Civics committee, business and fibternnl life died Fraternally he waa a meinber cent" if prices .Cotter's bill over Farnham's plan Rollon Members of the Manchester Girl ■hall, the leader* of both parties have done a aplendid Job. ’The Oov. James L. IfcConsughy. a bscauae of low exemptions in the the Homs Boonomica Cbmmittse church. Hartford, will tell the Mi.nchesler in Ki-hniarj, 1902, nc- MIsa l/orialne Ray .Hill Tax Neeraaary Scout Council are Invited to attend. on Capitol hill, and the chairmen are still rising at the time of wage directors have contacted business staunch sales tax advocate an­ include: Mr* Pred Mobr. chair­ FUEL on. .Squires about experiences during cepting a position us biaikkci (ht 1 Funeral arrangements are In Ceorge H. Waddell. Tow-n Trea*-, negotiations.'' nounced at a pre-hearing confer- latter, Included Mrs. Margaret and ranking minority members of men and tried to help out by driv­ Connors Driscoll, ^ re sen tin g ths Mis* Partrlcia Dimock is in man; Mra. Keeney Hutchinson, NURSES REGISTRY hU f i years as an Army chaplain. with the Jlilah Haniware Company. I • harge of the Wntkina Funeral | nrer.* when shown these figures Members of the Itallsn-Amertcan the House and Senate Foreign Af ing the youngater* at night and enos that Republican leaders were charge of the Red,Cross Drive in co-chairman; Mr* Anthony Man- Tbs progrim will be ppeaentsd by Two years later he was taken Into ' Home They have not yet been | Him morning said that It Indicated Connecticut State CIO, and Harold THIRTY GRADUATE NURSES — REGISTERED club are urged to attend a special fairs and Appropriations commit-1 friends of the Y have al»o driven preparing a fiscal program centsr- Bolton that a’tll start Monday, eggi* Mr* Arthur Pinney, Mrs. the flcllgioua committee. Birkery ...... I completed and will he annntincril' that a 27 mill tax would be necea- Tciision Grips ed around such a levy. Later at Strauch and Harold Felnmark. meeting Sunday afternoon at 2:80 teastees. T aa faithfully as the dlriectors. AFL men. March 3. Miss Dimock announces John Massey, Maxwell Hutchin­ SERVICE BY THE STATE O^* CONNECTICUT Johnson, chairman latrf. I sary The town had appropriated at the rlubhouae. A social time Should Britain find her re- No Money to Waste the discussion conducted by the a quota of th r^ hundred dollar* son and Fied Mohr. ------at ihe annual town meeting In Oc­ Trial Opening A* for sending letters to each Finance group. Republican chief­ Although opposed to an income Available for Special Duty in the Hospital or Horm tober and al a special town meet- with refreshments will follow the sourcea jn> strained that It ha* tax. Rep. E. Lea Marsh, Jr. (R-OM for the town, (marie* T. E. Wil­ Ths dance which was to have meeting. become necessary to withdraw person here tn Manchester, It baa tain* were Joined by spokesmen lett will act a* captain for the been held last Friday and waa Hospital Notes ' Ing since that time, sufficient been pointed out that this method for businesa and Industry In ex­ Lyme), agreed "the Miles tax la s MAY WE KELP YOU? DAY AND NIGHT economic support from Greece, (Continued tmm Fnge One! *tab in the back of the working­ North section. Solicitor* will con­ cancelled due t« the storm erill Fiiticruls ' money that would require to be The final service in the Lenten of raising money waa too costly tolling the sale* tax. I raised In taxes. 6I.31B.201.I3. The diplomats si^culated It was like­ Representatives of organised man." A former speaker of the duct a house to house canvas* dtir- be held next Prlday, March 7 and Admitted yesterday: Norman • I aeries conducted by Rev. Gilbert ly she may have to curtail else­ a one. for it must be remembered Ing the «’eek. the (Community Hall with ths Through Yot^r Family Physician, The Maachester M. O. duMnnd (irrsent grand Hat as left by the suggestion that you might not be that the V ha* been, and still Is. labor, a few Independent Repub­ House, Marsh asserted that the Soucy, 3W Woodland street; Lor-1 Board of Tax Be view today on 27 OtteMin and Chester B. Olson, ten­ where commitments of her post­ fair and Impartial and not receive committee in rejecting measures Solicitors who will assist In the Home Bconomica Committee in Meamrial Hospital — (>r Funeral servlre* for .Myron O. or, both of Worcester, will be held operating on a proverbial shoe­ licans and member* of the Demo­ drive snd ths districts they will rains Usher, West Wlllington: i ' mills would raise St..‘!.18,84I..‘l.‘l. war policy. .any romniunicatirns from anyone string. With nboolutely no cratic minority in the Legislature seeking to legalise horse racing charge. A new orcheetra haa been CARLSON'S TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Mrs. Louise Stachelaky. dl El- j cbiMomi .10, of rwaniond l.nke. ^ C ov,- One said that Turkey presented in regards to this trial or attempt and pari-mutuel betting had acted cover are: Mias Louis« Anderson, engaged and is headed by An­ r.Uaionbury. Rtinsmllh who WH^ , nant Congregational rhurch. ,4.1 money to waste. Chairman ' Mark spoke in favor of the income levy, W. O. OLENNET CO. dridge atreet: Thomas Kergtiaon, ‘ a closely related problem on to speak or take notice of any Holmes and hla committee felt this but a* the verbal proceeding* pro­ too quickly. He urged the group Nigger Hill snd Lake street: Mrs. thony Savitsky of North Waat- Mancheater 2—1414 17S Main street. j arcldentally shot while wtiiking" in " the appropriations. It waa point-] The public la invit- economic need, although not like­ OMsr Krsysig, Andover Road: chaster and patroiu are promiacd PRONE 4141 hla gun shop Wednesday and died particular persona, or apeak to any year the money would have to gressed many in the audience "to slow up a little and let public Admitted today; Lee Vaughan.. rd out that every rent of taxes I ly to be included In any statement of the defendants or counsel for rnlaed without spending an linnet,tc- gained the impression that the sentiment make itaelf felt on the Ml*. Harold Banning. Notch Road; more polkaa In addition to round 5323485390234848484853482353532348485323232348 Bolton Center. later at Manchester Memorial would have to be eolleeted to meet I --- * Issued here. Anglo-American policy Mra. Stuart Wslla Notch Road; hospital, will he held .Sunday at liny reason w-hat«iever. | ^^^y penny and they have faith- sales tax method of raising rev­ fiscal lasuss.’* Discharged vealerday; Carl Nor- the budget. This ha* never been! Daniel I. Aiigu.vl of 30 Wll- has called for maintenance nf a He added this la a very-solemn , f„nv adhered to this policy, enue was the main topic. Grsatsst VMd Ssau Mrs. Richard Rich. Bolton Cen­ en. 100 Washington atreet; Mrs ' 2:30 p m. at the l>iwe Funeral true In Ihe past and la not ex|>ect- Ii*ni sired is visiting relatives and strong and independent T\irkey. and import.xnt trior and every ■ Great Change* at V Cotter .fittaek* Plan Senator Luke H. Stapleton (R- ter; Mra Julius Brondolo, Brandy Laura Collins. Wapplng; .Mrs. Oer-, Momr. 2S Naubur Avenue. Glas-|p,| |„ he true this year and for friends In Ixiiilsvlllr, Ky.. and particularly In view of Ihe Dar­ precaution will ^ taken to "cques- j of Manchester have In fact at the outset of the Cheshlre), majority leader tn the strsst; Mra Cliarlas Sumner, tnida Judd. 14 Elro street: Mrs. tonhury. Burial will be at the con- I that reason It now seems that the Grand Rapids. Mich. danelles strait to the Black sea ter the Juror* from contact with t t>een very kind a* a whole In their hearing. Rep. John P. Cotter (D., tipper chamber, asserted that if South Bolton Road; Mra. Arthur Louise Schneider. Rockville; Simon venlence of the famllv Friends ISelectmen at the annual ad.tourned which is controlled by Hirkey. anyone other than bailiffs guard- reception to the plea for money Hartford!, House minority leader the state was to provide such new Merrill, South Bolton Road; Mra may call st the funeral home after town meeting to be held next Michael Mlnicurci. chairman ot pt Jagouts. S2 Knighton atreet: Mra Russia has sought modification of ii g them. (or the Y, for until Joe Mc(^us- and sponsor of one of two Income aervlces as a veterans bonus, mors Herbert Hutchinson, Bolton Cen­ Minnie Jones. Avery atreet: John 2 p m. Saturday Monday In the High Rehool Hall Hose Company No. 3 banquet com­ the International agreement cov Mall Will Re Censored al 8 o'clock will have to recom­ mittee has requested all rommittee key toqk over his duties as direc­ Wallen. Jr., 1«6 Adams atreet: Mr duMond. a native of Kansas, cring the Dardanelles. Judge Fee i>ald all telephone tor, the Y offered very little to the Charles Prior, 116 Keeney atreet: came to Hartford In 1942 and to mend the 27 mill tax. members to be present at a meet­ calls to their homes will be ban­ When the Aaaeaaora finished ing to be held Sunday morning at (The Foreign Office spokesman people. In the short time he haa Mr*. Bale KUcoUlna. SB Pioneer, Glastonbury laat summer He in London aaid Orcecs's shortage ned completely and their mail will been at th» helm. Joe has shown Circle. was a member of Columbia Lodge, their work they turned over to the 10 o'clock at Spruce street head­ of foreign currency and "the arm­ be censored. Asked by one Juror everyone that, with help, the Y Birth yesterday. A son to Mr AFAAM. of Glastonbury, a mem- LBoanI of Tax Review a grand Hat quarters. ed rebellion" have held up recov­ If they would racetve newapapera. can and will be a vital factor here and Mrs. WUlUm Popoff. 66 Oak­ her of Sphinx Temple In Hartford i showing a value of 680,684,114. ery of that nation's war-wrecked the Jurist replied ''Yea, but with it) Manchester, so with this In imNGS AJRE FREmSR AT TBS land atreet. Nalhaa E. Hteharda and was a Thirty-second Degree ! They also In reaching this flg,ire The Junior Luther League of a . accounts of this trial cut out.” had Increased valuations In 1B8 the Emanuel Lutheran church will economy. In 1649. Britain advanc­ mind, if you have not already con­ The Family with 2,000,000 Good Neighbors Birth today; A daughter t<^Mr ed Athens a 640,000.000 credit and Judge Fee later told counaei that tributed to the Y fund, give to a and Mrs. KortaRoaia Beraenskl.»er*en>ai. 18 F air-! the firm, and was associated withdrew with to He leave* hi* wife, Mrs. Reims T ""'" **;•* meet next Tuesday at 7:30 at the because the Jury Is impounded ‘.'I M. tFleldi duMond: two sons. One l.argo Increase church. Movies will be shown the U. S. lent 690.000.000. BriUln cause that is worthy of your con­ view street. d-vote hla entire time to the Mnn- also waived a 6184.000,000 Greek intend to try this case aa fast aa It sideration. Every penny that la . Death today: Gustave Johnaon. Dennls and Michael, all of Glas­ The large Increase shown whs and there will be a craft period, tan be tried. 1 want no delay. If cheater Lumber ' Company, In the list of Meyer and Mendelsohn. followed by a social hour and re­ debt. I contributed will be put to goo,00n, anil asked the extinguished by the booster tank f»rd? 4 room* down with 6 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! \ For Anythina In pinr, ninl of all the Hcottish rites Duvl.l Addy sang 'Beyond the . ^ ^ with no damage resulting. stayed upright. The dead porter nnfIniKhed np. Garage In base- Hnnsrf and "f^HxIulght, andi,,„„^. This the Board of Tax Re- Pvt Gene ChapdelHlne, son of waa identified by the railroad aa meat. Fireplace. Imwilatian If a *‘good neighbor** lends “GOOD THINGS TO EAT" txxlles of the Masonic order. He I"''' figure. This the Board of Tax Re Mr. and Mr.s. Edward G. Chapde- ' also belonged R ^ ln g David (.^idgr. OMMlmornlng’' acrompanlitl view refused to do. It waa the 887,060 To Keep The Doctor .\way U Keys, working out of Houston, and all ronvenience*. Located erner at the organ, lalne of 101 Spruce street. Is at Tex. Passenger* on the car said on large lot. Only tl.OOO Down YELLOW NELO-RIPE yoaa hand cheerfully, Voa will find It a pleasure lo No. 31. I. O. oV k , the Munehesre; 'I 'T - claim of the tobarco company th.it pre.sent stationed at Sasebo, Japan. aeleet ,vo«r groeerleii from nur Country CTlib, Ihe Hcbrcm Game .,,...,...... ,'.11 ,7, ere Samuel .1. this wna not the true vnhie ot the Winchester, Va. — (^Tl — Apple h< was standing on the rear plat­ and approximately $46 monthly I'urklngton. 'Robert Turktngton. He has been asaigneil to a cannon form In a vain effort to atop the payment* on G. 1. Basiii. Term* new sIteBIng, Club, nnu the Manehester Cham­ stoek R.s the Inventory taken company for further training. packers of Virginia have paid unstintingly—without first asking Crisp flesh vegetable* nf all ber of Commeret. Harold Turkington, Cieorge 'Turk- ■-bowed the peak load in February. 6.17,000 Into a fund to advertise flier. Arranged. kinds ate displayed qn rraekrd He was married. In 1601. to Mrs. Ington. Stanley f'lulow and Wini­ As a lesult of conferenees held, in Virginia apples The money came your politics or yOur race lee. fred Fox. The World Day of Prayer pro­ from a tax of 1 1-4 cents a bushel Minnie C. Brusle. of I'lillntont, ■ Ipterment vvns in the East cem­ whirh an audit of the hooka was gram which was to been pre- growers asked the leg- ALLEN REALTY CO. BANANAS >- ^ msde. the Bo.ird of Tax Review 15 For a drtcluna pduih akort- |N. Y. Hhc, now residing In Glas­ etery. sented Friday afternoon of last i«..v for the nnrnose. SECOND HAND REALTORS or your creed... eake, arleet FTotm Peariics tonbury, survives him. A son. placed the value a« of October t Er^ue7Lut';7;;n7huVT^^ Florida Juicy. Large SeedlMs Large, Sweet frmn our frosted fond onse. Glenn, now a representative from on the slock nt 6.T20.000. This waa and wan postponed on account ot FURNITURE 180 CENTIfR STREET : Glastonbury, snd a daughter, Mrs. Otto l„ s«Tleri, Sr. iiti Increase of 6280,000 more than TELEPHONE 5105 WHEN IT (X)MES TO- The funeral of Otto L. Breirrt. the tobacco company had drat ad­ the heavy .snowstorm that day, BUSINESS Oranges Grapefruit Tangerines Flora llirhards Knowles, also sui- Hr., of West ('enter street, was will take place at 2:30 Friday aft­ The An IJne* of IntMirnnce, MEAT Vive him. mitted, hut later illd accept the Including Life . . that's SOMETinNU TO Mr. Rlyhards was one ot Man- held this afternoon at 2 o'clock figures of the Board of Tax Re­ ernoon. March 7, at the same IN FINE 5 for 29c SHOUT ABOUT! ehuich. Mra. Amy Carlson, the Mortgage* Arranged 29c doz. 39c doz. Then your family has 2,000,000 Chester's most Jovial and cheerful! fr""* *•’** I , ’’ Funeral view. chairman announced today. It Is LOCATION Pardon our exnheranre and citizens, and alwavs tcK-k a grcnl ”* Center street Inter- Other K<>ductlon* Made Dewey-Richman Inteiesl tn s|>orta i ’'ic West cemetery expected the .same speaker. Rev. Faacy WMte Meat Maxwell Hihw*—Regular or Drip good neighbors—the devoted, tke noise we ean'l help making This meant a net reduction of ■•eland O. Hunt, and the musirians . FOR SALE -aliout this meat department at The futieiiil will he held al...... Ihe Alfred Williams of SI Mary's JI.O'H.Sim-in the tobacco com- Maronlc WnIllngforTup, Real Mayonnaise, Paper Towels, Paper Nap­ These men and women are enrolled in Nurse*s stead street has returned from New pork, and a ^ not reeommend- e.d deduction ever made by a O'Neal gave the committee a kins. Figs, Dates, Walnuts, M ix^ Nuts, Braxil Nats. lu Its pnrrashaae at prraeni York, where he attended Ihe fun Board of Tax Review or tholr H BEDS Aide Corps, Motor Corps, Canteen Corps, Mark A. t jir|>i‘nlfr. ^ ft- rrni yeMordiiy of hl» father, .Inhn prodrt'o^.Hotn, the RoHftl of Kelief, ”* ’*'***'^** Ntntenient WANTED Cellophano Packed Sweet, Temple Cello. Pkg„ SoBd. B ps of Ihe tow II of cd' We have aoide mighty fine 4TUM of \S orlil VTur I Mcravanagh, a former resident of , in the history Die time has come for legisla­ Public Springfield Hospital and Recreation Corps, Home Service Corps, beneleae Hama wklcb we offer this town and nt one time an ein- Manchester, tion which will properly protect 2-1938 Spinach Oranges Tomatoes tnnwrrow a t the old prices. And Fornior Raiikt'r (doyee nt Cheney Brothers. Bnrlnl Ihe pubite's right* in labor dl*- Beef Cows was In Calvary remetery. piites. Farmers believe that for the Setback Party MAU. ORDER.S —and many another efiScient Red Cross service unit; These came through on car Mr McCavnnagh leaves besides 11tmoliilii-Cvotluiiii 15c pkg. 29c doz.' 15c pkg. route* and eprry laaf week’s Mark A. C'aipcnter. a re.Mdcnl good of our entire nation the eco­ and wholesale prices. We Also have his wife. Mrs Mary (Rossi McCnv- nomic warfare between Industrj’ Given by Anderson-Shea of .6outh Roltoii and a veteran of nnagh. two other son.s, .lohn and Flight Goiii{)lut(‘tl seme might.v fine Morrell’s World War I. died \e.slerday .it and labor at the expense of the Auxiliary. No. '2040 EXTRA SPECIAL! BY RETURN REQUEST! ready-to-eat Hams. the Veterans Hpnie in Rockv Hill Patrick . . . of .. New York .. and two l>uhhr must be sloppr-d." Calves at the age irf St, Mr. ('nrp. nter llv Aniiv Fi}j;lilt*i* To another congressional com­ EVERY FRIDAY .MGII'I U. S. No. 1 Fancy Winter Keeping Green Mountain They are ready to help when needbd—should Boneless Plate was formerly secretnrv In the ' and Mrs. Arthur Rynn. and seversl mittee, .the prenldent of nn Inde- j vrandrhlldren. He also leaves n Al V F. W HOME Sell your low producers CORNED BEEF trust department of the First Na­ pendent union pro)H>sed new law* Manchesler Green hiothcr and n sister In lAing Island |4'onliniieit Imiiii Page One I lo restrict lndu*try-wlde bargain­ now when beef Is bring­ IS LB. disaster strike your community—should flood or From 29c to 39c pound tion Bank. Hartford, and well PECB I l f known in lianking circles. He re­ ing, outlaw Jurisdiettonal strikes •I Prizes! Refreshment*! ing the mo.st. We lake Potatoes signed hiH iiositloii with Ihe lattei kls.'vd her. shouting, as if still and compel n 30-dsy rooling off fire, earthquake or hurricane occur—should Grotc’fi Frankfurls bank In Il'.'M and In recent years I'luotl VIlllttNl speaking above the roar of en­ period for mediation before walk­ Playing starts at x :30 sharp beef in trade for .Milk 53c pound conducted hla own accounting gines. ''1 am kissing you now '' outs or lockouts. personal or financial problems overwhelm the business. Cows or buy it outright. Fresh Spare Rih.-^ UoVtM’H 'I'O H Il Co-pilot Lleiil Ard leaped to He was well know In .Manche.ster the ground, almost directly Into Complete With $T*T.50 serviceman or veteran. 49c pound aa he acted as an accountant and Ihe arms of his wife, Doris, who FARM For Our Freshly Made Income tax exyort foi several local l(.'onlliuie(l Irom Page One) ran aroiintl the plane tall to reach PEILA 2 Spring.*...... I # firm*. him. His features, somewhat daz­ New Building Pinehurst Mr Carpenter w a.s a 'rtiirtv-.sc< - i l-'kld feet near (he main Ellinqton I.AMB PATTIES ed, broke In a w nie grin as the ond Degr.T Mason, a niemlii r of! ''l'>“'e. The people were re|x>rtcd two embraced. ■'to urres, 18 tillable; 12- Remodeling BROTHERS 39e pound Wyllya Lodge, A F and A.M, ol West ■ > hiiguig to treet ips and roofs. The No Coniparahle Record* ] COOPER'S Tip Top Market Hartford and of several .Vasonic . covernment radio station was said ruom house, bath; barn, tie- 301 Bidwell Street Those are the kind of good neighbors these organizations Including P\ thiigor- Iorder and the Bolivian There are no comparable rccotsls ■ and Repairs FURNITURE CO. 41 OAK STREET WE DELIVER $5.00 OR MORE lo that rolled up by the twin-en- . ups for six cows: room to Pinehurst aa Chapter. W cpIcoU Council, Ch.ii -I airline's station wn.s the “COURTESY PLUS QUALITY" Red Cross workers are. gtned fighter Betty .lo which cov- | banir two acres of tobacco; See Telephone 740.5 2198 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3929 CHUCK GROUND ter IxKlgl- of Perfection. Hart ford | functioning. running water; on haril 13c pound Council, Princes of .Icrusnlcm, (The New World Guides to the ered the longe.vt distance ever SPRLNGFIELD. M.\.S.<. Once a year they call on you for help. I Cyril* Goodcll Chapter ot Rtise Ijitin Aniericnii rcjniblles. piib- How n by a fighter plane. . road; .‘I miles from woolen iVoix. Washington Conimnmlcry. lisheil m New York In 1943. gives A transennlinental rei ord was ; mill. 811,000. WM. K A N E H L OUR SPECIAL American When you visit our Meat Pe- : Knights Teinplur, .‘(phinx Temple, Trlnldail's iwiinilntlon a* 8,000. It set by an Army I'liiue-a smgl^' Telephone 7773 Butter You*ll give to the Red Cross, won’t you? pnrtment Saturday you will fiml [nil o( Hartford, and Connecticut says Ihe city Is surrounded by U»e p„pme P-80 on .Ian. 26. 1649. WEST WILLINGTON — General BMff. Contractor Cornet! plenty of Tender Cube Steaks, l.’onalstory of No^^^l( h He was a ' navigable .\rrnyo de San Juan and wlien Col. William Council flew ;{' i acres, 4-mom hunga* Land O ' Loaf Give now. Give all you can. Sirloins and Porterhouse, Ijiinh iiKunber ('if Biiltiin- ('i>ngreg,it(oiin1 Is In the watersheil of Ihe Rio Mu- non-.stop from coast to coast In Chops and Bourn. Steak Ground. church. ,moic. whose w aters e^'^enUinlly : Jjiiijr* hjhI l-'l, ipinu^ low. steam heat. bath. While It lasta . . we Win lie lcA\'ti ;Sl^"witt, 2tl4£' L'yrti«yi‘i b ' ' ^ ' Airiaz6n,Belly Ju s'iiana 31 feet in *a.800; DWYlllJPEODyCTS , Beef _ La kes - _ Cheese offer scMne especUlly fancy, ten­ (BlrUsalli Carpenter. a «on, i Rain Faltlng 24 Ilnur* -- wing and 1* 36 feet long in the der, Freeh, Nnttre Calve*' IJve’r. Kingsley B. Carpenter of Bolton ' Triiildacl reivirted that rain Had i She is powered by two ROCKVILLE — ' Winds^ir CABINET MAKINC REFINISHIM; Ftnehnnt a veteran of World War H who , been falling there (or 24 hours, 22(K)diorsepowee engines and corn- Ave„ 9-Room House, steam 49c lb. Lb. roll 74c 49c lb. PLUMP TENDER FOWl. served In the M arine t^orpr; | Roberto Bilbao, minister of ,,thc j m n)>pearanee to two P-31 AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTIONS AT 46c POI ND a sister. ,Mis» ^eora M ('arpentci inici lor, said that river )v>nt.* had | ),„,n Into one w ing. heat, ffarage, nice frontage. THESE ARE POSITIVELY- WEEK-END PRICES! Offers Good Value* , of U-hanon: three broihcrH Dan- •'ecu sent to Trinidad' hut that During the war P-.lls were gen- 810,000. ROUTE 85 BOLTON, CONN. JUST A WORD ABOUT Stephen W Carpenter of .Mernb-n ' evaeimtlon DIAL .5326 PINEHURST COFFEE ! and Wiilette Carpenter ot .New-1 ’ The government," he «ald I mg l,76(l-nule round-tclp flights HoUSC, 1-car Rarage.(foras 83..300. (saw=wi)mDrltEP”C R O SS H mm t*ro freahly roMted rof- bury, Vt. and two grandchildren, ; exhausted all possibilities of evac- ,)ima to lower Honshu. t*M eonie In the he«a . . . w« Funeral eemces will be hellt'i"<'ng the populare" _ _ • purpose of Plight ROCKVILLE — t-Family HAROLD J. DWYER Del Monte—Crushed Cluame grtad them fre*h for yon. SiiBdav at 2 p ni at the Wiitkiii.M In response to a plea frclm L* Purpose of the present flight Is i House, centrally located. can carry onl 8HURF1NE COFFEE Funeral Home, If.' East Center I-d newspaper, some t( (leternime the .Manvilia of pliiMrs j 86..300. ' PINEAPPLE, No. 2 tin 25c OLEO street," Mam lii sti r. Kev. Carl "'Ih person*, offered to rare for and men under the strain of long j m 4Se poQiid 2 pounds 88r Hansen and Rev Oswald Sthrag, ' evneimled children flights, - 14 ACRES OF LAM>—On Cora Syrup ffbouMor CfiMpii B. A 8. (DIADEM) pastor ot Bolton Congregational The log of the Betty .to as she hard road: ninninff brook, church, will officiate. Burial will rotired eastward read like the flight SWEETOSE jar 2lc COFFEE be In Center eemeterv. Bolton (iivrs Talk Beforje never dry; some wo^land. LAMB 66c pound of a magic carpet. Friend* may call ut the fuivial Over the Paeifle she traveled Stage Door Restaurant Asoortod Cm Mos Nallv*. Large TTt * Pouad TMaerrow! home after 3 p.m. Saturijay K('. Fourth Decree at more than 400 miles per hour .3 ACRES OF TOBACCO at times. LANDi—.'li'i-acre shed and 68 MORGAN ST. HARTFORD H O M ESPU N ib. box 45c EGGS Francis Ray Speed wa* slaekened somewhat laths. $5,500. Kranci* Ray of 117 cienter slrret. Rev E A MeCJurkin. M M . because the erew wa.* unable to a native ol Manchester and con­ vho was imprisoned by the .lapa- Convenient for You On Your Shopping Days lettlson a gasoline tank to lighten In Hartford' evapo ra ted MILK Maxwell House nected with Manchester and Hart ".cae during the war, was the the *hip. l.ater. however, It re­ THOMAS f a :SAI [, QUICK ford businesa life for over 20 yeara, speaker at the meeting of Biahop portedly dropped the tank near MILD' died at the Hartford hoapital' thu IrMahon assembly, Fourth De- the west coast. KOWALEWSKI The Food Is Excellent morning Mr. Ray has haen ail in­ ree Kmlght* of (SoUimhus. at the At take-off the plane weighed Carnation Coffee mate of tb«*Hartford hospital fo irtford K of C. home last night 30,000 pound.*, nearly half of the R. F. D. No. .l, Roekrille Pofterton's And Is Prepared By “NINO." rhd N A I^ coRf uHouse'^soa. •everal month*. He was strlcl. *t:on pictures of,the annual fle'r' ■.eight !'n fuel, and believed the M a n c h s s t i r * C o n m INCa vtlh a. heart attack xyhilt- attri, s held at WashlVigton. D. C ‘icuviest load ever pulled aloft TEL. ROCKVILLE 1681-3 . .41 The Center Weil Known In Manchester. iocu» $1.25 47c Ib. tin mg the first Hartford Bluea, Man Iso wer* nhown * fighter plane. SUUbCHIbaiBK KVkM.M. HhKALU, MAMIIIESTEK fONN.. FRIDAY. hllBRUARY 28. 1947 FAUb ELEVEN MANCHESTCK KVENIWO HEKALU. MAM.'MKBTER. OJNN> rRlUAY, f EBRUARY 28, 1942 > A M TU I

Howea'er; American experts have that Albania waa responsible for scope of ttoe propooed ogmeion. racommanding that no U N . organ estimated rb^l It requires about l)f*layH (rivin g mines which dami.ged two British Savings Wave Ruaaia wants primary emphosta ahould maintain relatoine with any BA Pros and North Ends In Second Series Game TonighL ]^ y Request Show 0|M*na Toilay T.'iOO transports of existing designs destroyeis. kitted 44 British sailors placed on Immediate economic nn- nrganiration aa long aa the Franco |o move one division of shout 12,- Soviet Views and wounded 42 others In Forfu slatance while other powers have government la allowed to be a 000 men with their equipment. strait last October 22. Hits Spending previously urged long-range plan- member. During World war II. Rusaia'e Albania has denied the charges. t ntng. Is Withdrawn n T TJAT a Another queotlon which la ex- T M H standaid airborne unit was a b ri-; (ConHnned froat Page 0 «e ) The vole on the subcommittee Fox Favored | Envy of the Neighborhood Feller Tops gsde of slightly more than 4,000 waa 8 to 0. with Russia. Poland l l V I I T pected to come up ia the counctl'a • relationship with agenctee In which Pergonal Nuliceg Residenta of OIrolt men uaefl nlher as parar hiitlsta of the report, and the rommenta of and Syria abstaining. Gmmyko J I Both Teams At Full or tarried Iri lransi>.>rls While tie- |the ropncil delegatea. aeived nollie he believed he could ' Franco Spain holds membership | Over Champ j Salary List Drhre Ready to Op|»owe 1 ails are not known. It Is hellevetl I INfference Over Veto have stopped the sills oninilttee. ( ( ’nnllniied »tom Page One) ! The assembly went on record ns CanI of riianka thsi the rted Army may have or­ The Hiiltcd Ktatea plan for atom­ whlHi he oppf.sed, hy a Veto but * Hia Petition ganized ita post-war airborne force ic control envlalona no veto on he lefused (o do so since It waa lema. and world conferences on W« wtab to extend to our many Strength For Contest housing, freedom of information Lcfinevich H*«efi Light Hank Grcrnberg 2ml. aomewhal along the llnea of the ■ atomic puniahmenta. Ruaaia la appsient the majority wanted It. KIRBY friends and neighbors our deepest ap­ SPORTS E B im 1,’nlted Ktates, Into divlalons prob- : and the conservation of natural preciation for their expresolons Of Th* Zoniac Board of Appoals atanding firmly on no infringement .lohnson objected to putting VACUUM CI-EANER.S kindneto sod sympethy to us during Heavyweight HUe on TrH Williiimn 3r4l: ablv alKiiit the atandard 12.000 .lerzv Michalowaki of Poland on resources. did not donjr any of Uir 18 re-1 of the veto right In the council. Triple-CasMoned Cleanlag the lllneoa and at the time of tha Kcr Omuips Deterniined alrength. the siilx’omniittee, saying that "The moat Important and per­ death of our beloved wife and mother. Line in Garden Bont Bonox HiglienI Tram • u m U acliaduird to appear before It la known that Orninyko haa haps the moat controveiaial iasue .qetlMi UCMUM Big T w t teat tomorrow night is the Uconas Scoring Acr tt last n i(h t Perhaps the reason The aiiiianient and vehii les uaed been somewhat disappointed by the Mirhalowskt had expressed views Mrs, Rdword VIckemian: also to all To S(|iiurr .Set ami in the wartirtie Russian airborne befaire the aeasion waa Itated hy I »ho so kindly sent floral tributes, and MaacbMUr potata with pride at blgteet of the season. that no denial was neceaaar}’ was lack of reaction In the council to that the auhcomnpi.ttee would not Phone Harry Mahoney, New York, Fab. tfi (iP>—LUte- Nsw- York, Feb. 28 Bobby organization roughly paralleled l.'.N. officials aa the proposal to I grsnted use of their cars. the aeaaen record « t the UahreieHy Thla comer likes CoutecUcxU hy tha decision of F. Michael Roy. hli piopoaals. They were laid be­ he useful. Laughtgr waa heard In 2-1826, for Demonstration Feller, the golden boy of base- Forri’ Third Game; that of other nations, Including the roiinHI chamber when .lohnson set up the two continental eco­ of Oonaeetlaut bBskeCbell toiun eleven points. oble Qua I stoivlch defends hla who had intended to ask the Board fore the council after the Atomic The V’Ickcrmsn rsmily. Jumping Joe Moro of Bristol and ball’a aceond golden era — even aa hnmltzers. anti-tank weapons, finished nomic commissions, whose func­ wMch ohowe foorteoB wtae la gtai- Ugh( hoavywalght champiooahlp Prelimiiinry at 7:15 to allow him to convert the baae- (ommission had waited vainly for tions would he to coordinate eco­ teen starts. Local tnteroet centert Frank Marietta of Now Britain Babe Ruth waa th« salaried colos- ment of his home at 11b Olcott mortars and two or three classes Ready To 4)n Along griUnst belting BlUy Foe out of of machine guns and motorcycles montha for Ruoaia's revloed views nomic development In the war- around three play ere with the have been eorigned to work the ana of ths first—leads a total of Drive in a residence AA none into on atomic control. Michalowskl said he still felt Fhlladelphta tonight In Modiaon 26 big league players who will •Strong in reserx-e strength, the and bicycles. devastated areas. aauad. all produeu o f the town. rroo-North Bnda beaketboll gonM North Ends will be out to even a ttree room apartment, to with­ Membera of the Security council that the subcommittee would not Although Soviet Russia has tonight at the em ory. Squora Garden, and one of bash asm from 820.000 to 880,000 plus Although Russia was one of the achieve any useful purpose but. In *niey ere: ChorUe Mualkevle, Bob matters with the British American draw his application. pioneer# In prewar paratrr>bp ex- have taken the view, however, that withdrawn her original opposition TMford and Aloa Owie. la oddl- boulevord*a oldast Uwa—atrlng in 1947, a survey shows today. The residents of Olcott Drive the place to dlaciias the atomic re­ the deniocratJc process, he waa l‘n)a tonight at th>- State Armory |>erlmenfs. she Jiiade little use of to the creation of these commis­ tton. Ooadi Hngli Greer, a former : Jackie Armstrong, 1S9, local with the champ untU he’s beaten- When brilliant Bobby inked a when the rivala ctaah In the sec­ were out In force ready to oppose port and propnoalt to amend If Is lesdv to go along with the msjor- airborne forces during the cohflii t sions. she waa expected to dis­ faculty member at Maacheetcr knockout ortlet. kayoed Blue Ja ck - la being toosed right out of the Cleveland contract which will ond game of their climlnatUm set jthe request and also had a petition with Cermsny. presumably be. In the Atomic rommiaalon; that the Ity. agree sharply wltli the I'nited Importante High, made many frieada during son. 142, of New Haven in the firri window tai thli one. bring him from 880.000 to 8100.000 for the town series. The Proa cap­ prepared in opposition. As the cause of her own peculiar military Security council ahould send the Gromyko sltack^d .lohnson*# Statea and Great Britain over the hie career at the Mala street I round of a scheduled rix round for hla work on the hill this year, views as "unconvincing.’’ "un­ Practically everyone except Oue’ tured the first game last Wednes­ nearUif opened. Cbalmuin Msrtlr problem. report back with directions for fu­ eeheol before tumUig to greener | bout lost night at Wotertniry. R tmmedUU fomUy figurce the ha became the first player with a I founded" and "In the nature of a Meiiibri della Italian American Cub day by a 31' to 28 score. Alvord announced that the request She was fighting on land, at . ture work for the rommiaalon. ead more oicraUvo fields. |woe Arnutrong*s 18th win In Ifi whiU-Ruerian walloper from CUff- chance to better the eighty grand Joke.” He added It w-aa a serious Should the I'roa win tonight, th»* had been withdrawn, and the only Hose quarters with huge masses of , Tilts Hlth JohNooM e LAdiea Auxiliary Sono otarto. Eleven wins have been by rida Pork. N. J.. who’s been boee a year the New York Yankees matter and "we should not make Tomorrow night tho Uooane on-1 series will be over and the BA's action Udtsn by Uioaa in opposi­ troops where the element of siir-, Gromyko held the stage for a DR. R. M, RAYBURN knockouts men of the 175-poundere for .half- paid the Babe bark in *30 and '31. tion was the illinr of their peti­ Jokes to provoke laughter." gago orcli rival Hhode lolond State will qualify to oppoK- the Pollah T h e Ink flpels—Klia FitrgersM prise was at a minimum. good part of yeoterday's three-4iour Carateramente invitate per a-dooen yeore. must wind iip well- Although the matter of payment tion. When the petition was .lohnson did not reply. at Hawley armory at Storra. Cap­ Americans lor the town title at a Buddy .Mnrrnw meeting. In which he tilted with OPTOMETRIST Domenica March 2nd alle ore 5:30 p. m. acity la Umltod to otodont tirtiot Games in tfie Rec Grammar walloped—nnd without hla eniwn— Is Incidental, it ahould be pointed later date. A North End win will fUad practically all of the people Herachel V. Johruon, United States The aiibcommltfee in a hurried School LeagiiC tomorrow morning out that, the home run king got A triple slar-psckefi slsge. show boMors only. Only this select when young Biny from Phllly pulls force a third and deriding game from that section who had come representative, and Paul Hoaluck meeting last night decided to hold Practice Devoted To exam­ find N a th ^ Hale 8th playing hlg. dough tn atralght salary while to be played. la being festiired at the ate Krfiijgeo Ship Preaao Alla Casa Italiana group will be allowed to pose the string on hla high hard one to the hearinK with the intenUon 81 of Auatralla, over the Albanian Ita first formal aeasion Monday ( I I ination of Eyes for CorrecUve through the policed compua arm­ Barnard 7tn in the first game at 9. Bob is tn be paid part of hla in f ’wach Stan Op.ilach ol the o f opposing left the hearing room theater, Hartford, today. Saturday Olassca, With Offices and shortly aher 10 p. m. (on.t.) case. a. m.. e, a. t.i in the U. N. head­ 135 Eldridge St. ory entimncaa. Ko outride eole o f Other gidhea are Hollister Whist­ They odd up things like the fact bonuaea based on home attendance. Green Wave kc)>t u cunsUUit fiitw IW Start With One Babbit and Hundsy. Headlining tlie Held at Haifa The council approved r three-na­ quarters In Manhattan. The aea- Optical Laboratory Located Approximately 855,000 of his great “ In Person” show arc The tIckeU win take place. lers asd Holllatcr 8th, Green and that Leonevlch has been cut oraund of reserves in and out of the Stanley A. Mnnkus'a petition to tion aubrommittee, made up of alon will be cloaed. Per goderai una feata aociale *ngeoi and Spartons and Nathan money will be In straight salary. opening game nnd this same prac'- Four Ink Spots. •'Amciua s Fam­ In The Boconae o f orrangemeat. the face or eyes In hla lost three be allowed to keep rabbits at H8 ((.lonHsiied from Psga 0 «e ) Atiptralla. rolomhia and Poland, *rhe aubrommittee will leport to Hole 7th. fights. That he’s 22 years old, a Although Hank Greenberg’s tice will ill all probability be car­ ous Quartet." sensational singing due to the strict fire laws, Man­ Little flvc-yesr-old Mike Myatt runs scrou diamond at Wssh> salary has never been dlsclooed North Main street was the first to Investigate the Britlah chaigea the council Mai-ch 10. RUBINOW BLDG. Rinifresehi e Guoehi veteran of a doden years along the ried out again tonight. stars of stage, screen, records and chester aupportara o f tha team wUI ington Senators' training field in Orlando. Fl«., flunked by pitcher by Piltaburgh offirlals. It hss ben heard. When asked how many ersft towa.-d Haifa and took her I have to rit bock ta oosy chairs and The Hartford County T basket- cauliflower canyons, and that he's In Johnny SumIslaskI and Wallv rabblta he intended to keep he radio. The Ink Spots feature on 843 Main Street Rae Scarborough, left, and his father, George MyatL Inflelder. learned from a pretty authorita­ under eocori after ahe ran aground ' n comitato doniie Auxiliary relax unUI the ncwacaeta fo r thru boll tournament seml-finoU will be been known to moke serious mis­ Johnny Hillaakl Parchink, Coach Opalacb haa two said he did not know as be Intend- their program the newest top tive source that it calls for a fist off the coast. The ship was refloat- : played tomorrow oftemoon and takes In the early rounds of sever­ high scoring forwards. Eddie ad to sUrt with one, and would tunee of the day as well as such TELEPHONE 8698 final score. 875.000 contract with no bonus favorites as "To Rach His Own,*' ed without dAmags. 1 Hhode Island la one o f Mro evonlng at the Community T. *rbe al ouUngs. Against thoos debiU. WIerzbickI la a belter than aver­ not have more than thirty. This arrangements, aa previously re- age defensive ball player and is "Either It's Love Or II Isn't. " ITnoflIrisI' and unconfirmed re-^ Listen To Lowell Thomas teems to hold a declrion ovtf the first gome at 4 pjn. pits ths Y they can't aoa touch hope for tha brought a laugh, when the chalr- pirted. Others who will receive good for a few baskets. Wimpy "The Gypsy," “ It I Dnln'l ('are,'' ports said that those aboard the ' Grecr-cooched quintet. Loot numth Juniors against UnlonvUIe. A t fi, Cllffalde clouter when he says Greenberg Reports aaan suggested that he start adth more than 850.000 In J947 Include Ski News Kuaak and Stan Grxyb are the and others. The second In per­ refugee ship had exchanged shots - About the Roms druhaed the UeOnno, T5 the T Interroedlotea play New howdy to the tin e bomb the flail­ Ted Wllliama, who will be paid taro at least. In the executive with the destroyers during the Britain. A t 8, the Y Seniors en­ backcourt starters. A full teaiil. aeasion the petiUon was granted. son attrscllon Is the “ Tiskct-s- to fit at Kingston. The only other ing Fox carries around for a right 865.000 by the Boston Red Box, Weather permitting the Man- Tasker girl, Ells Fltxgersld, “The chase and that a British seaman loss wasiras the opening jMme which gage sn unannounced foe. The Y flat. almost on par with the starters, Actloa Is Tabled and Hal Nrwhouoer who will draw cheater Hkl Club will hold a down­ can be turned loose ahould tha oc­ Nation’s No. 1 Song Stylist.’' sing­ w as wounded. | was played at Madnon Square Intermediates are composed of Billy has had only 48 fights to To Pirate Camp Today Tha request of the Oreenbrooke 860.000 from the Detroit Tlgera. hill and aaloni race for Juniors up casion arise. Henry Qrzyb. Al ing her latest song crest ions as Haifa is where .lews bound for Ogrden against Now York Unl- procUeally all hoys who will form date—but he's stiffened 48 oppo­ Honors for being the highest Romea, Incorporated, for permls- to 18 veara, Sunday afternoon at Za malt Is, Bill OleksenakL Mickey only Ella <'sn sing them , Also Palestine W'lthout permits usually General vonrity. the local high team next season. nents. Ih ls Is a brand new f r ^ aalaried club go to I he American 1:50. Non-inambera are welcome aton to erect a dwelling closer to are taken off refugee shipa and Lubrica­ SHOP AT THE contract and announced. 'T il play Rtibacha and Eddie Skraboex o i« appoariug In person with The *rherc ore a lot of fane pulling style record, like coming up with I.eaguc champion Boston Red Sox, the side lines on two separate lots i Bravph and Doilgpra in anywhere.’’ to compote in the event, but ahould the capable reserve oorpa. Ink Spots nnd Ella Fit/.gi’rald Is loaded onto British transports to tion ^ Repairing for Coach Grsqr and th< team In Ruas Armatrong, 118, Manchea­ the dnimatlek every time the who, according to General Mana­ get In touch wlUi "Win" Sharpe, «m Prospect street, and adjacent to sent to Cyprus and interned, ter, decisioned Vcm Hunter, 119, Joe Cronin, manager of the Rival mentor, Johnny Hedlui<6 It In the same tract, met consld- Buddy' Morrow,- his trombone nnd this Mg test A win may roeult in boarding hotue serves chicken, or Initial Exhibition ger Eddie Collins, will shell out phone 2-0062 before Saturday there to await adniisilon to the the Ucenna .bring Invited to com­ of Meriden, last night ii\ a three- throwing nothing but sevens with champion Boston Bed Sox. tabbed close to a half million dollars this of the BA’s, will bank on R*6 •raUe opposition. Alexander .lar- hla scnsstlonsi hand, featuring Washing Tune-up Harry Dorlsh the fastest, Mel Par­ night. Jeff Dixon and Lynn Warren on Holy I.and under the monthly im­ pete In the National Invitation round aemi-pro bout at Meriden. those polka-dotted white cubes. Game Tonight; I’ liilh year. Desldea Wllliama, Dave Fer- Qavello and Johnny Hlllnokl to Vts. who is really Oreenbrooke. In- migration quota of 1,500 Jews. toumomont next month In New Eddie Drake, 122, Meriden, out­ nell the most stylish and Tommy Spectatora are Invited to cheer carry moat of the Proa ocorlng Boratad. told the Board that he had the vocals, plus an aggregation of The betting riioppes. like a pack rlaa, Tex Hughann. . the com)M>tltors along at the Bol­ Arab Reaction Sought York. The terun from the hlU has. pointed Bobby Young, 125, Man­ of hounds on a himt, can't see any­ May Deal With Bruvch Fine as the beat curver of the new hopes. Randy Cole luid Pat Muiv purchased the lots at siictinn from fine musicians and entertainers. rookies. Bobby Doerr, Dom DIMaggio and ton Notch slope. Hammy White, "The trrealsllble Meanwhile an Arab source re­ won Its lost tea gomes. The con- chester. in another three. thing but the fox. They>e mode Johnny Peakv ore reported to be dock ore two other capable point the town about a year ago. and The New York Yankrea. who ported that Britain, lulltig the THE ONI-Y ONE ON THE EAST SIDE Gus a 5 to 2 underdog and will in the 820.000 claoa. There has Intcn skiing at Bol­ getters. * said that the lots had been laid out Jester." and other acts aie added WONDER By The Asitociated PresK have played five c3Lhibltlon tllU ton the past four nights and many Earl Tost will again draw thb to complete this teriiflc stage Holy l.aind by a 19'J.I League of E. Bujauctus. Ig ... give you on even Mgger price If Befors Boning went into effect. ... 7 0 14 Today for the fiiat time in 15 with Puerto Rican teams, were have availed theinacivca of the op­ tough assignment of gjardlnll Jphs Board decided to table action show. On screen Is “ Lighthouse’’ Nationa mandate, had asked her KELLY TIRES ACCESSORIES you hold out a bit. years llank Greenberg checks in Palestine officials to find out how Indians Down | scheduled to leave the Island for portunity to’ ski on thia well light­ Johnny SumUloskL Green Wa«% gn the matter to a later meeUng with John LItel and June Lang. 17 2 56 at a major league spring training Venezuela today to open the aecond ed slope. ace scorer. The former threw a •o that they ihay look further into There are late stage shows Sat­ the Arabs would react If Britain Boat Side comp other Uian that of the l>c- Recrealion Notes told the United Nationa ahe waa EITirirnt Srrvicr Reasonable Prices ( 2 1 ) )>haae of their training program. From the reaulle of the Ski blanket over the front court Star the matter. urday and Sunday starting at 10 Rockets .3 to 1 B. F. T-i trolt Tigers. The Yanks won three out of five. In tho opener and the forward p. m. willing to withdraw from the Holy FYoh, rf ...... 8 1 7 Last Might *s Fights Olnlc. held last Saturday at Me­ r. Also tabled until the next meet­ The major league home run king Manager Steve O’Neill of the TonIgM morial Field It looks aa U Mon- was able to register only oi^ in g was the appUcatlon of George Ijind. IN THE REAR OF THE JOHNSON BLOCK MocArdle, I f ...... 1 0 2' At the tame time a apokeaman By The Aosoeiateil PrcM la expected at the PIttaburgh Pi­ Detroit Tigers Is singing the Eoat Hide DulMIng cheater has quite a goodly number basket. Johnny Green. Dick OOM Dassette of Deepwood Drive to MARKET Symington, c ...... 2 0 4 rates’ Miami Beach camp amt al­ praises of riMikie Bill Mathis, 23-^ and Joe carter wilt oil be ready Small Gym of future skiers. Aoout 50 'teen­ bulM over a right of way. in order for the Jewlah Agency aald “ In­ Pull Into Second Place Norris, rg ...... 0 2 2 Mansfield, O.—Sammy Angott, RiiRBiaii Air ternal dlocuoslona aa to what the 8.'|.3 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6466 ready membera of the Uiic squad year old Atlanta, Ga., receiver, at 6:00-9:00 —Pliyslcal conditioning agers took advantage of the In- (or guard duty with the Priao. that the Board may Investigate: as Hlllerj', ig ...... 3 0 6 146. Washington. Pa., T. K. O. are speculating how the slugger Jewlah Agency abould do next’* Deadlock With Reds the Tigers’ I.AkelBnd base. " If hr cloaa; Junior baaketbnil. atructlon period and everyone An attracUva preliminary gonib graa the application of John Patelll KELLEY’S SERVICE CENTER —-f Jackie MacFarlond, 160, Canton. will do In Flamingo Park, whose koe)>H on hitting like this he'll be Large Gym has been arranged between th4 on the pr^lem would begin with 9 seemed pleoecd that they could ac­ |0 build an addition to a house on Armv I-argc In American I,eagu(* 5 21’ O.. 2. left field fence Is the same dis­ hard to keep off the club." Italian Amorteone and the Inde­ the acheduled arrival from London Score at halftime. 14-8 Nichols 6:00-9:00- tually snow-plow down a hill and Vernon street, for lack of a plot 16 ilrainani Place Telephone 7235 Jackson, Mich. Roscoe Tolas, tance sway from home plate as In Phoenix, the New York Wolvertnea vs. Plonsers control themselves and then climb pendent Cloak teams. Tha Oleal flan. today of David Ben-Ourlon. chair­ News. (CoBtinned from Fags One) 196. Detroit. T.K.O., Nate Bolden, tha left field barrier Is at Forbes Giants wera expecting Larry Jen­ Improvers vs. Mantudem up again by side stepping or ■cored ■ aurpriee win orar the l A ’e c AH other appllcatlona were man of the Agency Executive. WHY? By The AufiocUted Hress 190. Chicago, 7. Field. 365 feet. sen who won 31 games for San Gunners va. Royal . herring bone. several weeks ago at tha Roe. * •ranted. The Herahey Beers, Eastern Dt-1 Kranclaco of the PaclOc Coast because of policy or production (irammar School l,csgur Waterbyury, Oonn. — Tommy Greenberg, recently purchased Game Rooms The first gams starts at T:1S. vision pennant winners, will be the | Ciarlo, 146. Waterbury, outpoint­ from Detroit after spending 11 League last year. Jansen, a hold­ dllllcuUiei, did little tranaport only teem In the forthcoming j St. James (2S) 6:00-9:00—Junior table games. THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN! ed Bobby Pryor. 150. Springfield. years with the Tigers and more out. said he would report "to talk 6;00-9;SO—Senior games. plane building. What her atrength .Vmerican Hockey League playoffs B F things over." Junior Special •Maas.. 10. than three years in the service, Swimming Pool (Open to public) in transport is today Is uncertain. whose sqpad will be well re st^ os Toumt. rf ...... 0 0 1-uu Boudreau, manager of Sports Sehednle Lend-lease reports show that Portland. Me. Dave ’’Golden will be Joined on the following day 6:00-7:00—Junior boys. Community Y Notes FINEST QUALITY IN TOWN! It appears that the remaining Phancuf, I f ...... 1 1 B oy' Andrewa. 144. Lowell, Maos., by Ralph Klncr who led the Na- Cleveland, added "stay off tha during the war the Ignited States ])liiyoff bertha In both the eaatarn Dower, If ...... 2 0 7:00-8:00—Men. Tonight outpointed AI Couture, 14P. Uonsl League in home runs in horsea’’ to the Hat of club train­ 8:00-9;00-Women. turned over to Russia about 700 .000 cago Cubs will stage their first 000.00 THEREFORE / Flavell. rf ...... 6 1 Philadelphia — Lou Casiano, mtrn-cnmp game with Paul Erick­ ball practice tets ore waging a nerve-wracking is expected and Manager Leu I)ii- Wednesday. Starch 6 7:00 p. m.—-OMBoy'a Moehine m Washcloth Gifts Moore. I f ...... 2 0 1314. New York, outpointed Jim­ son nnd Hob (;hi)m)un hurling for 7:00-0:00- Junior practice. Shop Bowling. NORTHWEST SECTION struggle for the three Western po­ rocher of the Dodgers hn.x nomi­ 1. TRY US FOR QUALITY AND PRICE? ^ Case, c ...... 1 1 my Collins, 133'i!. Philadelphia, 8. the,regulars against Cliff Chain- ■ Bowling Alleys New York Starlets vs. BA Pros 9:00 p. m.^-OialloDor Chib Bowl­ sitions. nated vctcrana Hal Gregg, Kirby 8:30—Armory. \ / Robinson, e ...... 1 0 Highland Park. N. J. — Ivor Higbe and Vic Ix>nihardi to pitch iM-rs and Hank Wyse (or the al- 7:30-10:00—OjK'tL Phone 8421. ing. Lest night, the Indians pulled Helm, rg ...... 0 Ocobar, 1234, New York, out­ tei-nntc team. into a second-place deadlock with . . . 3 for the Brooks while Miinagor 2. CO^IPARE OUR MERCHANDISE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE Biliks, rg ...... 0 0 pointed Angelo Ambrasano. 1274, n ie Cliicago White Sox, con­ Providence by downing the last- Billy Southworth of the Brave.s lui.s 9:00 a. os.-l p.' to^—Boy*o Gym CISPP. Ig ...... 0 0 Philadelphia, 8. rookiea Johnny Fetzer and Walt centrated on hitting at their Pasa­ period. BookstbalL BEEN GETTING! place Philadelphia Rockets 3-1. FaU River, Mass. — Charlie dena, Calif., hare. TVie New Haven Ramblers moved Lsnfranconl. American League Batters 1:30 p. no— Mary Movlock Donee Totals ...... 13 2 28 Early. 151, San Francisco, out­ 3. SEE IF YOU TOO DON’T BECOME ANOTHER STAUNCH SUP- to within two points of the Reds At Clearwater, Fla., there wcr(- School. Score at half time 11-10 pointed Lucky Lima 146. Fall rumors of a tra- ( ominiinity V (82) County basketball touraoy oeml- only other game. man of the Phils in a phone con­ U F New York, Feb. 28- (N E A ) AnuUisr ax-(raldler. Hank Green­ ftnals. Six games to be played, fea­ Morgan, rf . .-. . . . 2 4-6 With men who know baseball berg, rallied fast to lead his league The point gained by the Caps versation with general manager turing three Mancheater YMCA Kode.-. ri ...... 1 0-2 beat, the Idea is getUng around in home runs and RBIs. I' enabled them to Ue the PIttaburgh Herb Pcnnock. Chapman said tliat teatna, in Intermediate. Junior and FRUIT DEPARTMENT MfMke, If 1.. ... 2 0-0 that this will be the season when Hornets for second place, two Sports Roundup Southworth railed him three times But save (or those cxcepUona, Senior Cloaoes. In tw o days but Uiat’s all. Wilkie, c .\. . . . . 1 0-3 American League hitters toko the the American League (ell far points back of the leading Cleve­ rtohlnson, rg , ... 4 1-1 Firm— Ripe By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. ^LitUe Rock Travelers have signed A t St. Petersburg, three more play bock from their pitching short of Ita established repute as land Bomns and two okaad of the McCItiskey. Ig ... 2 1-1 Cellophane Wrapped fourth place Buffalo Bloons. New York, Feb. 28—t/Pi The pitchers Olsen and Johnson and St. Loula Cardinal regulars, pitch- brethren. a hitter's rirrie, and the only Eastern Intercollegiste Boxing Sports Ed. Jack Keady claims era Fred Schmidt and Ken Burk- It came ■■ no amail aurpriae plausible explonaUon la that the Totals ...... 13 6-13 32 HOSPITALIZATION Bananas lb. 15c Toumsment which will be run off there’ll be helsapoppin In the hordt and Infieldcr Jeff Cross ar­ when, after the 1946 race ended. pitchers must have rallied more Houlhingtoti V.4|^A (29) TOMATOES next week at Penn State with ap­ Southern Association. rived. ataUaticuina put their heads to­ quickly after the war, gained Hospital Expenses, Acci­ La$t propriate ceremonies In recogni­ Southem Hospitality In the Miahd camp of the St. B K PU. gether and emerged with the their reflexes and attunsd tbsir dent or Sickness. 60 Days Good Size— Florida Juire 19c pkg. tion of Leo Houck’s 25 yesrs of Loula Browns, rookie Jerry Witte. .1. Nygrcn. rf . 2 0-0 ■tartllng conclusion that the hurling arms mors readily. Norman Park (O.) Junior <3ol- Fklwnrds, If . At 65.00 Per Day, Phis coaching there, puts In a claim lege boaaU that it has lost every American Association home run . 5 2-6 12 younger circuit, always famed for They got In thrlr licks when Cage Roeult* Gloia, c . ... 3 (^2 6 6150.00 for Suriiicul. Indi­ for the "tournament of cham- home basketball tUs season and. king, slammed a pitch over the Its robust batsmen and excessive the gettbig was good. Today our Oranges 2 doz. 59c Sweet—California plons" tag now held by the Gold­ fence for hla sixth circuit clout of Knnp, c . ... . 2 0-0 4 home runs, had finally turned Into best boiwball observers predict the vidual or Family Groups. V Grammar School League as a safeguard against comploinU the week. Fealn, rg ... .. 1 1-23 en Gloves. . . . The Syracuse team In case they should urln, ths Betua a pitching league. trend Is bock to hltUiig, that WII- Washington’s Infield trouble waa Chalmers, Ig .0 0-0 0 Insumnee — All Forms CARROTS goes Into the tourney with four have InsUtuted the practice of Five men — Bob Feller, Hal Uomo, DIMaggio, Wakefield. Kel­ Pink—Seedlean HolUster (tt) pre-war eastern champs. Vlrglnls somewhat relieved with Jerry F. Nyren, Ig .0 0-0 0 Newbouser, Bob Ferris, Spud ler and others will be ready to A.U.A. .Memlicrships using officials from vUlUng teama Priddy’a arrival at the Senators' 8140 2 bunches 17c B. F. T. and Western Maryland each have whenever poorible Anyway.’’ Chandler and Tex Ilugheon —had put on their big show in the Bidwell. rf ...... 0 0 0 one and two of last year's winners, Orlando base. Priddy signed his Totals ..., .1 3 3-10 29 A K T H U R D . WADE H-18 aaya Publicitor CTioriea Copp. r ^ e up with 20 or more w W . coming campaign. Grapefruit 4 for 29c A. Morgan, rf ...... 5 2 8 Hsrry Ball of Army and Cflarence 'Th ey’re establishing themselves the firs t urns in lO years such a Any pitcher who climbs to 20 r m Butler, If ...... 4 0 8 66 Easl Center Street Tannell of Oioat Guard Academy, as the perfect hosts.’’ thing, hss happened. Dizzy Trout, victories In 1947 will be a worthy Tel. 8.547 Itlanehestcr I By Sue Burnett Yost, If ...... 2 0 4 will be back but fighting in dif­ Dots All, BrstlMrs Mickey Harris and Floyd Bevena man, Indeed. 0 ! Two harmonizing fabrics team I U. S. MO. 1 MAINE POTATOES peck 59c Brasauakas, c ...... 4 8 ferent weight claasea. .Houck, in­ In your basketball ratings, don’t Benched did not miss Uiat select group Winis. rg ...... 1 0 2 cidentally, isn't the oldest coach In overlook Bradley U. and Canlrius, by much. I t was apparent pitch­ up bandoomely for this stuniting ! 0 2 Junior dreoa. Three novelty but- Terplloskl. r g ...... 1 the tourney although he haa won who have loet a lot of games but ing had bounced back quickly , nifford. Ig ...... • - .0 0 0 |ona trim the brief lurpHcr Hoaing, | more team titles than any other. have played terrific schedulea___ after tho Wartime interruption. Barky cap sleeves arc as'kmart ns Billy Cavanaugh has been coach­ NYU'(|i track team figures to re­ But It was not ao with American MEAT DEPARTMENT • 15 2 52 ing the Army boxers for 29 years. eon be. A stand-out in any gnther- I tire the I. C. 4-A indow track tro­ League club wieldere. No one 5431 Rslwrisaa (24) Three Strikes and Out Charter Oak T. phy tomorrow after It has been In made even a pretense at fllrUng i B. F. When the Cleveland Browns competIUon 26 years___ In about Pattern No. 8140 comes In sizes ' .. 3 0 6 with a .400 level, as bad been kl. 12. IS, 14. 16 and 18. Size 12. Howes, rf .. ■;...... went to Miami last fall, announcer a month the NaUonal Football NATIVE FRYING CHICKENS Rubfcha. rf ...... 5 0 6 Bob. Smith decided to go along In expected. The much hallyhooed Bowling Alleys 'alst top, sleeves and lower skirt, By 5lra. ,\nne OahnI League financial and publicity de­ batting fight inv(>lvlng Ted Wil- Piaiticiil, inexpensive, eaay-to- Auglut, If ...... 0 0 0 spite of the fact that the state 1-4 yards of 3i> or 39-inch: lower 0 0 partments will move to the new llama, Joe DIMaggio lOnd Dick crochet gift waahclotha for those Wrobsl. K ...... 0 finals In Barbershop Quartet ring­ Phllly offices near tha Racquet «ia t and upper skirt, 1 3-8 yards. Johnson, c '...... 0 2 Wakeifield,. which . filled many a shower parties which are coming .. 1 ing were coming up and Tom Is Club. That club ain’t In the Now Open At 2 P. M. For tbia pattern, send 25 cents, 38c pound Bujaiiclus, r g ...... 1 0 aporta writer’s column in March, coins, your name, address, size up! Each pretty wiwhcloth mea­ 2 tenor In the more-or-Iess celebrat­ league. sures 12 inches square and are to R. Morgan. T g ...... 4 0 8 ed “ Tom Catt” of Massillon, O. , . ■imply failed to Jell. . — S e r v in i;; BBlred, and the Pattern Number — - Wllliama. of course, did hot do be done In varioua pastel tolora or The quartet drafted another cele­ Sue Burnett, “The Mancheater 12 0 24 badly with. .542, but he falkHl Ivening Herald, 1150 Avo. Amcn- pure white- THURINGER pound 45c brated Maaalllon citizen, the Yan­ Delicious Mamburf^s, Hoi Teachers 4o Play to overcome Mickey Vernon for g, New York 19, N. Y, To obtain complete crocheting MONDA F , M A R C H 3 kees' Tommy Henricb. rehearsed ('offec. Pics, And O llier GoiMlics the league title, and when Thump­ l i e aprlng Issue of Fashion will inatructlons for the F.asy-*Po-Maka Nathan Hols (82) the required two songs for a week light you with ita wealth of aew-! \Va.shcloths (Pattern No. .5431) If you live ui. any of the above atreeta have your paper out on Monday. B. F. T. and proceeded td win thw staU ing Ted la not No. 1, he writes -5 Holy Cross Five f guggeatlons for everj: home send 15 centa in coin plus 1 cent E. Johnson, r f ...... 1 0 . 2 title..The payoff came after the It down os a bad year. His late S4regamaker. Special foahioiia by ; postage, your name, address and PASTRY DEPARTMENT Mlnicki, rf ...... 0 0 0 award when the crowd hollered season (flump and complete foil- notch designers, personality j the Pattern number to A nne I’ roceeils From Th«M Collfctiona of Paper Serves To Buy New Eq imtiAt For The » B. Johnson, I f ...... 1 ‘ 1 5 for an encore and the Tom (^ ts to.Xa|>a„pttalaA:4iaHe>a'n.i tonhbi«4 aniBiniMBgi^l|n|gi!9i)9nnne L *5 centg. I Americaa, New YorlT 19, N. Y. j Bllsh. c ...... 5 0 6 hadn’t worked out on any more arch 15 at Watorhury, betweert that 1946 would recall no glorious Kellty, r g ...... 8 1 13 songs. the New Britain State Teachers stories to tell his young W il­ DOUGHNUTS Whipped Andoreon, Ig ...... 1 0 2. Ono-Mlnute Hperis Page Ckillege basketball' team and Holy liamses, If any. i Vignone, Ig ...... 1 0 3 Vic Mlkovlch, the little guy who Ooaa wae annmmced here I4*t Joe DIMaggio bungled down t o , lioyalty! LANK LEUNAKD Cream did some fancy ball carrying for night os the Teachers closed their .290. hla all-time low. Wakefield | 13 2 52 was a bust with .268, Bnuffy' Btirn- i BASKETBALL CRULLERS AU« Nesquehoning. Pa., > high school regular season with s 67-57 v|f- 'AW-WHY WASTE I ’M SORRY, DOOLEY. Fruit Cakes Ovosa (16) last football season, ta headed far tory ovsr American International welas, batting champ of the prsVl- i TOWN SERIES YOUR SYMPATHY ON BUT MINTMOKE h a s a F. T. the Naval Academy. He’a on A- College of Springfield, Maas. ous year, tumbled to .251, a mark | SUGAR BUNS DOZEN R. FonelsrA rf ...... 4 0 8 HIM AND HIS M ILLIONS? ^ i j . ALWAYS BEEN A , plus student..and Willis Ander­ It was Nsw Britain’s 18tb vic­ matched by Tommy Henrtch. and Pies Barry, I f ...... 0 0 0 son. Floridian who had more- col­ Johqny Llndeil and Phil Rtzzuto NOBODY P ILE S U P THAT SQ U A R E S » O O T t k !, tory in 20 gomss. TONIGHT Buttered •fPDBdlf C L 0 2 lage- offers Uian he could count, contributed to the Yankee co l-, KIND OF DOUGH YYITHOUTJ -YOU HAD irCOMIN'jy Last night’s gsme was cloae un­ Hlgley, r g ...... 1 0 2 win enter Auburn In June. So til New Britain, leading by only lapse with .259 and .258. (Tlevo- j BEIN' CROOKED.' 59c DANISH PASTRY each 8c Wills. Ig ...... 1 0 3 will a Iqt of other better-than-falr 29-28, put on a spurt early In ths land’s Ken Keltner turned In a North Ends Rogers. Ig ...... 1 0 3 athletes... .Larry (Yogi) Berra second half. When the TSachera meek .241. of the Yanks and Joe Garaglota of had worked their lead to 47-84. Ths story of Boston’s petmant 8 0 16 IF YOli’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR (JUALITY XT A FAIR PRICE . . . SEE'fllK the Cardinals, both catchers, once the second tssm took over end triumph can best be told In the British-Americon Pros played aandlot ImUI together.... finished the gsme. figures which show, curiously, Nichols News (56) Irving Jaffee, one-time Olympic Eddie Roataarin of New Britain that Red Box batsmen su ffer^ MANCHESTER BAKERY SPECIALTIES B. F. T. speed skating champ, has been waa high aeorar with 10 points. least e f post-war Jitters. WItUams W. Moriarty, r f ...... 1 2 4 named sports director of the Na­ STATE ARMORY In the Waterbury game, the Manager B illy Southworth, left, and coach Ernie White, right, did W6ll enmigh. I .1. MorJarty. I f ...... 1 O 2 tional Dunkint; AssoClsUon. which Teachers wHlI oppose the team sealrd'to ’.mS, Dom DIMaggio .316.' Preliminary At 7:S0 P. M.-, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR JUNK . . . LOOK ELSEWHERE! Bolon. If ...... 0 0 assisted by • Boftton Brsves player, carry pitdher Dick MuU^an celebrates "Donut Week" March picked to represent this district from the dlsfnond et Braves' traihJnr'csmp. Ft. Lauderdale, na.. Rudy York 'managed to turn In UlUer. c ...... 2 6 4 I fi-ll. We dart him to find an In the MCAA toumassant et New Admiesion: Adults. Oder Studenir, 50r; tax included. Morgan.’ r g ...... 6 wbqn KulUgan tripped and injured nis ankle in first mishap of hli eustomary total of runs batted AND WE DELIVER...AT NO EXTRA COST! 0 I t ' I appropriate epbrts event.'... The York. i spring training. ll< n t . i J M. HAHCHKHTR EVENING BTEKALD. MANCin«TBR. CONN, rRTOAY. FEBRUARY 28,1941 MA.\rHK«IK.K KVtMNU HKKALU. MANCUKS'I KK CONN , f KlUAY. KKBRUARY 28, 101? PAGE THim BK' * • ■ ' Pv* a .. uu «Wallet Wednaaday night ice. guaraniead work. Sato chaCk- three plecali. good condition; 1984 paper and scrap matals calls at kttehenettoito with maid aei4ice. They had not bought any logs, She Uould Not Get the eontaining aunt of money, work­ 8903 ’til 5 p. m.______ed r tha r.oma Car radloa a INTERIUH PalaUng, wail papar- Plymouth aedan. Cell Rockville MODERN Seven-room colonial Manchester. Oall RoekviUe pleasant room. Mona had studtod a toag scarlet ycL snd ahe was burning plaeea of Ing, oatliaga raflntohad and floora your door and paya you bighaat 838-13. Suppose ’’shythlng’’ had hap­ Mattotog of, That’a Nnthtag ing papers and aoclal security stwi'lalty. Mar.cheater Radic 853-5. home to A-Zone. Lot lOO’xZSO’ aad glamouraualy kept iagernail brass she had broken up outaMa Wa Have Some la E\-ery Day card. In rlclnlty of Circle Thea­ Phona B<|4*ard It Pnea. 5-IUU5. prtcas. Ostrlnsky, 183 Btoaali beautifully landscaped. Laundry pened to Mona! and saM. "Oh. a hungiBloW court. Auto Aeceanorteih—Ttrea_6 Senrlce. 78 Birch street Phone atraat. Phona 5879. TWO-FAMILY flat 5 rooms aach, tha kitchen door. They made alee Buppar to on tha tabla aad tha We DoaY Knew the Meaalng ter. -Ite Room or High street. 3-0k40. 7’ FRIOIDAIRE, also , both and lavatory on flrst floor, fire­ But even in her snfuill moment Sherry had said, "But It isn’t kindling tor a neat pile at manu­ reasonable and in excellent con­ all modem improvementa. One of anxiety the room comforted her. fkaalfr to putting the Of Oniqelvea. Pact! Finder phone 3-lM l. Reward. SAVE UP to 20 par cent in Wards WE BUY niga papers and scrap place, screened In porch. Hmken Uke th at a t aUi Ton’d banSy notice scripts. God kelps them who ' WOULD you Ilka your radio or Private iMrtrurtloM 28 dition. 79 Adams street. Buck- air-condttloning, batoom wool In­ tenement vacant. Price $13,500. She had cleaned it that morning— the other housm through the trees. drum lot oil sale. Immediate or m atala Call Arnold Natoon, 787 James J. Rohan and Bon. Phone Sherry watched tham burn with ■olvaa" lato effect This to the time of the year when LOST-^Lady'a Mack knitted mit­ ftitura delivery Nothing to pay phonograph repaired expertly and SPBEUU Uorractloo, etoar voim. land. sulation throughout attached ga­ their whole tiny house for mat It's Just Uka—weU. sort of like s pleasant aatiafacUon. Thay n gtaa thus— ten on Main street or at the Lydall atraat 8906. 7433-7811. matter—and It was nice the way tootortoto are tryiag to keep a few until you get tha oil. I3teck these reasonably? All work guaranteed. Private laaaena In raadlng, alga- rage. 88 Phelps Road. Phona fairytale vUlag»r not worthy of her. W was funny fop-"W kat? Mora qitoaekf" ahead of the finance com- Center. Please phone 5722. Phona 7525 for pickup and de­ MAN’S SUIT (new), sixe 34; 23- the polished furniture gleamed, she Then aha told her about how low prices on vitiliiad oil. 55- bra. phonaUc work, radio toch- gallon aquarium,, planted with 5910. Priced for quick aale. No what you had thought was go^ Moas—"Wa havasY had say pany. gallon ot two Sn-Ksiion drums. livery. niqua. Whits Studio. 709 Main R ooibf Withoat Board 59 agents. Rtflort Property for Sale 74 thought, and by the firelight sad you stepped am the street snd all when you were very yow«. Be- nc# lAat WMk ** ^ ' flab; encyclopedia Americana, 35 shaded lamps you couldn’t as* that of a auddan jrou warn la aa ancient ^Pop—"Well, why have It every Annoancrmrnla 2 Me a gallon; 30-gallon drum, 59c atraat. Phone 3-1592. volumes, complete story recent ■idee, the trunk the atortos had A eertalB____ „ young - _ _ man1 who haa a a gallon; 15-gallop drum al 42c ALL APPLIA.NtTEH serviced and ROOM For Rent, suitable for one ANDOVER—7 room house with 4-ROOM Furnished cottage at the rug was worn not that thlnga gardea, and Mona had reminded lived to could ka uaad to batter weak? A chaago wouMnY hurt wa roputatloa tor htoIw reckleaa driv­ repaired, burners, refrigaratora. war; range with old burner, drum, or two persons. Girls preferred. all Improvemento. Bam, large Point O’ Woods. Write Bra H, didn’t match. She looked around Sherry about tho ancient part would it? ” RAVE 8BNPIBLT, Tour money a gatlor., plus 4< a gallon federa' pump; Tork automatic clock, car with a soothing senna of pride. advantage when the houae was ao ing waa at hoiBe oiw afternoon re- will pay generous retiim i and be tax Monigomery Ward. 928 Main rangea. washers, etc. All work M usical—Dnunatlc 29 Phone 4.551. wagon shed, fruit trees, about 5 tierald. whan aha saw tha plumbing. But ctary of closet apaea, Aad bow Mom—"Tou never Uro of rating ceatly when he received a telephone guaranteed. Metro Servlca Oo., heater, medium aired trunk. 49 acres of land. Nice location. Can This was her houmi Her very she had baan sweat about the long that she had decided this morning Swtoa chaera aandwtehaa, It’a g ^ can. A woaaan’a voice asked if he fully Insured up to 15.000, Call street. Phom 5161. flrst home of her own to cars for today and let us tell you how Tel. Man< hestai 2-0555. PIANO TUNING, repairs, racon- Olenwood street. be occupied at once. Phone 8354 ridd abnoot to tha end of the car that she was golag to write—ro i^ for you. nr. kUot not the ‘ tntendad gotag driving soon. NKW ri;oday phono 7728 or table). i auoMiO o ff T)« ewuuK vmth WhWJkWR CtoOQA hOUK «P«tHa Conn. be occupied to a very few days were working'ayetematleally. (SS*!L**o j idiouNo, OUT th- vmnon typaa al ebaira and sofas Phone po’lahing all doors and counlsra own price. Phone 8254 between room. Electric atove and boat. 5829, or writs Braa-Bura Raaity By the light of a atreet lamp Poto-’’Ha! Ha!" (Unltotingl YNA V44M VORTf $40$ tor torthui letalls.______AU MAKES ol sewing mauhinae call 2-U34K or 4759 Daly’s Inc., 8 and 10 a. m. Priced right to eell. Phone $254 Prewar and newly redecorated. between 8 and 10 a. m. Ox, Raaltora. 118 East Centar Sherry could ace Mona get out. She M ^ ’a voice) aee, WllUam. tte '•“raansciTi'c aariertiv repaired Smger Sewing s|i*ciaMati In asphalt tilt and Help WantMi—I'vmHie S-51 Price 37.300, cash 31.500. W. A. atraat Manehastar thanked the man at the wheel with children Uke IL" ' ro R WATKlNd t^Dcnnut oil Sham­ Marhine Oo.. S39 Mam atreei linoleum netallatlona and Hoot 8m.m. MOVIE camera, like new. poo, eoug*' syrup, red and white Cusick. Maneheater 2-2673. AUTUMN Street — Porter street gracious cooincaa and started to­ Mom—"Oh keep atIU." , ret SbSk maintrriar.ee WANTED—woman to care for Fred Nowsch, Vernon. Phone WANTED To Buy—A 8-7 room ward the house. Po|>—"Wa will have aome to-1 Untroant purs black pepper, ss- Rockville 1546-12. section. Six-room single, two children two evenings a week. rooms unfinished, oil burner, ga­ al?,glo or decant taro-fnmlly. Will Sherry ran to the door and held morrow." trasta, epicts. t^I Ous Frank OLD FUKlKb MANDED CALL rF.KHV'S Household Sarv- Phone 3-0453. Wanted to Rent wait for occupancy. Writs Bex it open. * Mom—"Shut upr U lS. j Laymg and amantng. Ice 'or fix perl cleanini of donra. 68 rage. Nice porch, beautiful MF. Herald. FOLDING Carriage for sale. 110. grounds, fruit trees. Now vacant. She said. "I’ve been worried to And ao on through the evening. | j s lenscn. ualla ruga, 'iphnialrry. windows BOOKKEEPER, full or part-time. BEING EVUTTED after 27 years, death, darling! I couldn't put the B tnU lE R S NOTE. Cape t ^ i Pel WHliniantu 9U2h evenings Or*o |oh» ri.onc 7490. Phone 5340. Move right In. $11,900, terms. p r o m p t acuop on nil realty bouaa plan for sale. Phone Rock-! Broad Street Motor Sales, 325 lock! family of 3 adults desire chops OB till you eame or they’d Men haven’t Changed any. Broad street. Phone 3926. Wm. GoMchild, Jr.. Real Estate transactions Smgles doubles and And the Wife Who Holds •Her! Vina 1005. JA CiiMPi.bTE acientldc cleaning rent of 4. 5, or 6 rooms. Phone and Development Co.. 689 Main have been done to a frazzle." PLUMBING — HEATIN^G 8039. bus neases for aale. Suburban Mona slipped off her wet coat. Husband the Longest la tha and nialiilenan :r service fur line YOUNG Woman for general office Fuvl and Fvf d 49 A street, Manchester. Phone 2-9345 Realty Oo. Raaltora 49 Perkins One Whose Cook Book Never 5IANCHBSTER Camera honivH specialtat on nigt ans anytime. She aaid, "Well, put them on Ctah to apeaaoring a course In OIL BURNER REPAIR work. Clerical and some typing. WELL .SEASONED hard wood for 325 REWARD for aulUble 4 to 6 street. Trtlapkone 8216. 1*^, honey. I had a cocktail and Accumulates As Much Oust Aa uphoiatciv cleaning. Dean’s Per Full time, permanent. S. and W. room apartment or hoiiac. un rm aUrved!" The Old Family Bible. slsasantary photography. A All Work Guaranteed! aor.a Se'vice. 'Where every cut- j stove, furnace or fireplace 316 a WHITNEY ROAD — Six-room CUSTOBfERS Waiting—List your eoaras of ato weakly lectures. For Co.. Oakland atreet and Tolland cord, delivered. Telephone 6970. furnished. Reliable couple with 3 Her eyes sparkled and her tomoi boromc* a friend" Man Turnpike. single, two roomr unfinished. lake cottage or year round home ffatoito phoM 2-1152. year old daughter. Excellent ref­ Four years old, fireplace, oil burn­ cheelu were flunked. She want Into Maybe the old-timer wasn’t at-1 cnealer >40h W El.l SEA M l.'ED hardwouid. cut erences It required. Write Box R with US for 15 days, before prices the bedroom. flclent, but It didn’t take him throe WOMAN OR girl, two hours morn­ er, large comer lot. Move right drop. 35 years of auccessful sell­ hours In a buggy to tell a fftrl Cult PRO,MPT Home I'epoirs inalde and any length Wher ordering please Herald. In on day of sale. Excellent con­ "Win you rush them ?” aha Not a Fret Sbow AfftBiBalrilta fo i Sate 4 ings, for help with housework. give SIX' end length wanted Im­ ing to your guarantee. Reynolds,, 'w U d to know. "Oaorge Brolhera goodnight. ' outside, electrical work, appli­ Vicinity of Center. Phone 4294. DESPEK.t I’K Loea. family have dition. 39.200 buys It, $3,200 the Lake Specialist Hartford $- ICC CNROUTE FROM/* THE CM4NON. ances, -ablneta built to order. A. mediate delivery 317 (or cord cash. Don’t hesitate on this one. brought me home, n i tell you all HENRY PARENT load. 39 (or "ord load ttoii advertiiveo for six months $133. Evenings 2-$307. about It while we eat." Some grocera can collect when L>^...AH.GOpOIuvuei.~M*i.uuuur / SHE IS.IN THE I S a PACKARD Six sedan, raa- F. Huntington. Talcotlville, Conn Wm. Goodchlld, Jr., Real Estate they need money and others cater NOW HOW ABOUT aTREEt.aUT 7Ub3 Leonard Gigllo urgently deed any rent. Reter- (To Be Coattaued) Adams IS Oval bans PHONE 2-0185 Manchester 7545. Hvlp Wiinird —Male .16 em:es Phore 'I "477 and Development Oo.. 689 Main WANTED—Three acres or more, to the beat families THAT ORDNANCE UP THB BTAIM atreet, Manchester. Phone 2-0343 view, near bus line, within IS a z e MATBiUfiLlOR- DODOB t$41 four-door sedan, REAL EPTATK Salranian. Salary SOME NICE Hay at a rare bar­ OOMOOROUCMT WE HAVE Imea' aaaortmenla ol gain. .Must be .sold at once. BEING EVUTPED affer 15 years, anytime. miles from Aircraft. Phone Ruck- SIDEfil.ANt'KS throughout Radio. Beat of- ItuildinK—rdnirtirllng' 14 and commission or commission vine 1003. KY GAI.IIKAITII HERB? kitchen ilnolauii.a. Also tile ami and drawing account. .Must be ex­ Phone 8254 between 8 and 10 a. two adults need a rent with two «sr takaa I t Call 7048.______wall cov«.rim;a Manchaatri E'loot CAIM’K.NIKH 'vorK of all kind* m. bedrooms. Permanently. Hart­ •Co back down—we can’t afford it!” I perienced and a pro'luecd. Apply ford 8-0087. FOUR-FAMILY house. West Side, WANTED—A stngl' or two-fam Covering Co 34 (Vttage street Koola al-l'r.K ad'litmns and aller- in person. Wm. Goodchlld. Jr.. near Center. Phone 6T01. lly house In Manchester or eit<«e ...... Car 3496 atlonx A.an nevv construction Rea! Estate and Ilevelopment by. Will wait reasonable time (or l i |7 OI4>SMOBILE a u b coupe. iiardt-n — Farm — Ihtiry VETERAN WANTS h?s home. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER % SieffiTl I’tione 2-11233 Co., 869 .Main atreet. Room 18. Family of four, must vacate by MANrHFSTER, 52 Lenox street, occupancy. Gash waiting. No take fli fhowa 2-l$15. ______. l*roduct(> .SO off East Center. Six room Cape LOCAL Moving and trucklni: H. A N't) l> (filial ruL-tinn (Vinipany Phone 2-9.S43. March L5. Have you 5 pr 6 room property desired. Write Box O, Also rui'iiiah and ashes removed rent ? Phone. 2-0022. Cod, near school and bua line. Herald. IMS FORD four-door sedan In s root* No Jor. too small oi SituuUnns Wanted— goats and poultry. 312,200. Cash Water Heat, Open Stair­ street, Hartford. Open Thursdny $ Eoooia wHh afl Inprova- laige Good work, (an price. Free Female 38 evenings. 35.500. W. A. Cusick, Manchester way, Tile Bath, Laundry in 1989 BUICK SPECIAL SE­ WATERMAN’S paraonal errand estimates C?al> Howley. Man­ 2-2673. oiaata Sate Prioe $7400. Taram DAN — Very good motor, sarvlca. Local aranda. package chester 'SHI PART OR full time work by ex­ FLOOR problems solved lylth BaMment, Copper Tnblnc, Arraageff. delivery Light • trucking. Auto perienced office clerk — typist. tp o d tires, radio and heater, linoleum, aspha't tile, countei Beautifully Landscaped. 5IANCHESTBR—LOT— m eed low. ^ n')ml-" age of shooting and show stock. to offer for some time. Imin^ MOTOR SALES Including Ufa. (umaces—Automatic gas water diate occopancy. Tel. 7220 Mortgages Arranged. 1934 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR .4NritJUES reUH’shed and repair Color orange and blue Bellons. heaters In stock. Devino Com­ 285 Main St. SEDAN, heater, good tran.s- ed Rush Ol splint seals replaced Roolinff—Repairing 17-A Charles F. Zaloni^, 302 West Cen­ pany, Wa’.erbury 2-5038. ter street. Phone 3212. DEEPWOOD DRIVE *>/• A portation. rieroann. 189 SouU. Main street FOR /.Lli types of roolli g and Phone 5443 USED FURNTTUKE bought and Lovely 8-Room Single, 2 roof repair call E. V. Coughlin aoKL. .The Rad, Shop. 59 Hudson rooms unfinished. Hot water 01)1 OUK WAY 1940 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN, SHEET METAL WORK 7707 after March .Ird. I'oultry and Sapplies 43 atreet Mgors’s Used Furniture heat, oil burner. Garage. Exeel- TO BE SOLD nulio and heater, fairly' Phone 7251 lent condition. Oorupaney 60 If yon are looking for a Uttle home In the country and do aot Hot All Furnace Repairing. BABY CHICKS and turkey poulta. days. 810.000. Cash 83.000. dean. Moving—Trucking— Place' yoiii order now. We have CHAMBER Fireless gas range require Immediate oeenpaney, we suggest yon eonsider this prop­ New Hot All and Alt Conditioning Storage ‘20 eomp.ete line oi poultry and erty: A Four-Room Slagle with flftk room nearly completed, with automatic shut-off on oven. FOXCROFT DRIVE located on Wetherell Street. The bouse was hotlt In 1941. About 1942 FORD CLUB COUPE,! I^rnacaa InaUlled dairy feeds Farmers MlH)ng Co. Owner changing to electricity. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Co.. 05 Brooklyn street. Rockville. Charming S-Room SIngio In an acre nnd a half of toad goea with the property. FIreplaee, radio and heater. Pricedl i^ouah fed Oonductm j Call 8113. Insulatloit and modern kitehen are some of the fratures. Sale Uikiaeiafcmtiiu-. JufcAjssHai .... swiMa‘i‘iiK!^’to:90Mi'.a5i white coal. Only Tl iran- tene 2- Oevnpaney Vf dayar norMa n b e n t z ford 4-1423. Wanted—l*ela—Poultry P l b U R PONTIAC DEALER 277 ^ruca Street < ROBERT J. SMITH, ING. TM 8$$$ MOVING, household goods and —Stock 44 JARVIS ROAD House and Hale Building I , COLE MOTORS Real Estate • All Lln«s of Insaranee p l^ o t moved anywhere in the WANTED GAS STOVE for sale Price i"ea- O-Room Single. OH bonier. WA'-;*-, • *.> EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON atate. Also general trucking and sonable. Phone 4278. Screens and storm sash. 88,500. H you latead to Uve on earth, own a slice of It” A PreeJous Motal I.KSI.IE rUKNEK I , ‘ 91 CENTER STREET AND STEEL FURNACES rubbish removed. Pianos our Cash fnr-n O. I. 8500. Immedi- ^IA#l.*«U eaO$A8M KNOW J PHONE 4164 specialty. Fryslnger and -Msdi- REEF COWS AND SILVERTONE radio, cabinet style, FOR IMMEDIiATE nle occupancy. •TMfff str aMOuoaminmiUi 0U8 O’THE (Mart INSTALLATION gan. Phone 5847. fine cenditlon. price $50. Phone iwu niaaiAM Tfif Fowea Foa p * siA r ABoSr I w OODCHD aport coup# la very CALVES 3-2689. We Have Several Good AtaCRMTos TM$ fUTUas. 8HT WMOuBswra- W,“‘ ' oooalUoo toaebaaloally. Can ' 00 vovkNOW antoffl notpiNO OUT AMASOto i-— — ...a TO ^ : Otoam'a Station. VAN CAMP BROS. Painting—Papering 21 GET A BETTER PRICE FOR SALE—Gas ho^ water heat­ Buyo for Veterans BMkTMHt DevnOVOflHTf 0VHWIUI..9UT wwpaoeicaT/;^* BtowU 81atraata. TEL. 5244 er and tank, $10; thermostat and Who Can Qualify. T M K fflto am PAIN’TINQ AND Psperhanglng, BY SELLING DIRECT TO coBtrol for coal burning furnace, WANTED eoooiuoupM, IMT jFOItX) pteknp, aacalleat eon- HADIp Clnlc, washing machines reasonable rstds. Paper removed $12. Phone 3-2303 afte r‘5. ViT! 49U80. Privatoly awned. Man- by ateam. For estlrpates call An­ ■ T*L 8797. household sppUsneas. electric drew TIuek. 4461. MANCHESTER SAVE $30. S-piece bedroom euites Girls for Assembling uud Packing motors. Will call and deliver In maple, w alnut blond chest,' % n i Guaranteed workmanship Jone* INTERIOR and exterior painting SLAUGHTER HOUSE dreilser, bed. Regular $130—your Goodchild Glass Kitchenware. Permanent Work. 9^irnlture, 34 Osk street. Man- Also paperhangtng Prompt serv- ohaater. 3-1041. choice $100. Benson Furniture A Realty Company ______, >c«- Fair pr\be. D E. Frcchetts TEL. 2-1500 Appliances, 713 Main street Apply To ELBUTKlC Motors repairing and! 74110. 1______‘ * 15 Forest St. Manchester NSURE .MAPLE Bed completo. chest of rewinding All work guaranieedj HKU8H and spray painling Arllcics for Sale 15 drawers, Chippendale mirror. Phone 792.5 INEY BROTHERS Ace. Elet'tnc Motor Repeir*. ’•'pcihHngiUK' new, ceiling* Hihjc* Emerson table model radio, gilt The S. & W. Company aad taaaraaoa North Mam xtieet, opposite De- , sanded aitd hr.Mn-*fl, zeners! re LOVELY ELK'S foolh UvaU-h edge mirror, antique mahogany Or llarffiirtl 2-6787 TBI. aa$4 pot entrance pn .North amao pair R S. Po’rt-ir'nfKl. fel 47,'V charm. '30.50 Unmounted Elk'* Comer Tolland Turnpike and Oakland Street - street. Phone 5643. . | china cabinet in^st be seen to JlorninEH or Kveniiigs tooth, J2, Cali 2-0522. 1 he appreciated, r Phone 2-2787. I V
