ft. 2315 10th Ave., South (59405). (406) 452 -6236. KCAP(AM)- October 1949: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 Montana Radio Feder Communications. Format: Beautiful music. Spec w -N. Box 1 165 (59601). (406) 442 -4490. Western prog: Classical 9 hrs wkly. Leland Voegele, gen mgr; Bcstg Co. (acq 8- 10 -76). Net: CBS. Rep: Masla; Steven Feder, pres. McGuire. Format: Top -40. Earl Morgenroth, pres; Richard Shoup, gen mgr; Dick Ivers, sls mgr; William 1 w -N. KARR(AM) -1947: 1400 khz; kw -D, 250 Box Fine, prog dir; Jim Prince, mus dir; Steven Morrison, 2204 (59403). (406) 761 -6104. Northern Montana prom mgr; Cato Butler, news dir; Steven Sorkness, Family Radio (acq 8- 3 -77). Group owner: Christian chief engr. Rates: 59.75; 7.50; 9.75; 7.50. Enterprise Net Inc. Net: CBS. Rep: Savalli/Gates. For- iL , L11;. mat: Religious. Harold Erickson, pres; John Hiebert, KCAP -FM -1975: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 250 ft. gen mgr; Harry Hiebert, chief engr. Rates: 55; 5; 5; 110 Broadway. Prog separate from AM. Stereo. 31 CARROLL COURT 5. SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA 94903 *KHTC(FM) -1971: 89.5 mhz; 14 w. Ant 50 ft. 1115 KEIN(AM) -July 1922: 1310 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N. Roberts (59601). (406) 442 -6611. Helena Vocational (415) 479 -0717 Box 1239 (59403). (406) 761 -1310. Meyer Great Falls Technical Ctr. Helena School District 1. Format: Educl/ MEDIA BROKERS - CONSULTANTS Inc. (acq 8 -72). Group owner: Meyer. Net: NBC. Rep: good mus. Alex Capdeville, dir vocational educ; Blair, Mountain Media, Masla. Format: Top 40, con - Donald Liles, gen mgr; Jesse Waymire, chief engr. temp. William A. Ekberg, pres; Thomas G. Barr, gen mgr; Robert Schuller, stn mgr; Bob Fox, sls mgr; John KMTX(AM) -Nov 1, 1976: 950 khz: 5 kw -U. DA -N. Miles City Walton, prog dir; Bob Sands, news dir; Bob Arnold, Box 1183 (59601). (406) 442 -0400. Capital Invest- chief engr. ment. Net: APR. Format: Beautiful music. James KATL(AM) -Sept 4, 1941: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- O'Connel, pres; Dean Williams, gen mgr; Don N. Box 700 (59301). (406) 232 -2280. Star Printing Co. KMON(AM) -May 30, 1948: 560 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Maynard, chief engr. Rates: $7.75: 6.60; 7.75; 6.60. Net: ABC /I; IMN. Rep: Eastman. Format: Farm & MOR. Box 2427 (59403). (406) 453 -0336. KMON Inc. (acq John Sullivan, pres; Fred B. Hunnes, gen & coml 11 -63). Net: ABC /I; IMN. Rep: Eastman; IMN. Format: mgr; Lee Langdorf, prom mgr; Walter Mallard, mus dir; C &W. Al Donohue, pres & gen mgr; Steve French, Kalispell Terry Virag, news dir; David Gordon, chief engr. come mgr; Chuck Allen, prog & mus dir; Al Verploegen, Rates: $5; 5; 5; 5. chief engr. Rates: $17.80; 11.20; 14.10; 8.10. KALS(FM)- November 1974: 97.1 mhz; 70 kw horiz, 30 kw vert. Ant minus 195 ft. Box 1977. (59901). (406) Missoula KNUW(FM) -Co -owned with KMON(AM). Oct 1, 755 -5218. North Valley Bcstg Enterprises Inc. Format: 1972: 94.5 mhz; 36 kw. Ant 470 ft. Dups AM 5%. Net: Btfl mus, relig. Harold Erickson, pres; John Black, KDXT(FM) - Listing follows KGRZ(AM). ABC /E. Format: MOR. Rates: $6.30; 4.85; 6.30; 4.85. gen mgr; Brad Rauch, coml mgr; Pete Fretwell, prog dir. Rates: $5.25; 5.25; 5.25; 5.25. KGRZ(AM) -1947: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box KODI(AM) -1955: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box 4106 (59806). (406) 728 -1450. Ingstad Bcstg Inc. 6760 (59407). (406) 761 -2800. Sun River Bcstg (acq 1927: 600 khz; 1 kw-U, DA -2. Box KGEZ(AM) -April (group owner; acq 6- 1 -77). Net: NBC. Format: C&W. 9 -76). Rep: Moore, Bob Hix. Format: Contemp, top -40. 600 (59901). (406) 755 -6600. Skyline Broadcasters Dan L. Gittings, gen mgr; Craig Johnson, opns dir; pres mgr; Reed Larsen, coml Bob Lockhart, & gen Inc. Net: CBS. Rep: Masla; Hix; Wayne- Evans; Time Mike Doty, news dir; Ken Juneau, chief engr. Rates: news dir; Joe mgr; Scott Greely, prog dir; Jay Johnson, Sls NW. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Farm 8 hrs wkly. $7.05; 7.05; 7.05; 7.05. Jacques, chief engr. Rates: $9.40; 7.25; 9.40; 6.75. Matt Himsl, pres; Mike Manion, gen mgr & chief engr; Kelly Hartman, prog dir; Bob Logan, news dir. Rates: KDXT(FM) -Co -owned with KGRZ(AM). April 29, Dec 31, KOOZ(FM) -Co -owned with KQDI(AM). $7.05; 6; 7.05; 6. 1977: 93.3 mhz; 43 kw. Ant 2,550 ft (406) 728 -9399. mhz; kw. Ant 300 ft. (acq 8 -77). For- 1963: 106.3 .75 Jensen -Ingstad Bcstg Co. Format: Top -40. Rex mat: Btfl mus. Rates: 54; 5; 6; 7. KOFI(AM) -Nov 11, 1955: 1180 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. Jensen, pres; Dan Grittings, gen mgr; Dan Soilom, stn Box 608 317 1st Ave. East (59901). (406) 755 -6690. mgr & opns dir. Rates: $6.95; 6.95; 6.95; 6.95. Hamilton Flathead Valley Bcstrs. Net: UPI. Rep: Torbet, Moore, McGuire. Format: MOR. William H. Patterson, gen & KGVO(AM) -Jan 28, 1931: 1290 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. KLYQ(AM) -Feb 3, 1961: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- coml mgr & chief engr; Leslie L. Sterling, prom mgr; Box 5023 (59806). (406) 721 -1290. KGVO Bcstrs Inc. N. Box 668 (59840). (406) 363-3010. Bitter Root Len Andersen, prog dir; James Ziemer, mus dir; Daniel (acq 11- 4 -59). Group owner: Western Bcstg. Net: Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W, Top 40. Luin Black, news dir. Rates: $7.45; 6.25; 7.45; 6.25. CBS. Rep: Masla; McGuire, Denver; Agostino, Seattle, Dexter, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; George Solander, Portland. Format: MOR. Pete Kelly, pres & gen mgr: prog dir; Judith Stewart, coml mgr; Steve Fullerton, David Moore, sls mgr; Nancy Lerum, adm asst; Tom mus & news dir. Rates: $3.29; 3.29; 3.29; 3.29. Lewistown Ash, news dir; John Honea, chief engr. Rates: $11.05; 9.50; 11.05; 9.50. KGVO -TV affil. KLYO -FM -Feb 11, 1969: 95.9 mhz; 2 kw. Ant minus KLCM(FM) - Listing follows KXLO(AM). 790 ft. Format: Btfl mus, oldies. 'KUFM(FM) -Jan 31, 1965: 89.1 mhz; 18.7 kw. Ant KXLO(AM) -1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box 2510 ft. Univ of Montana Radio -TV Dept. (59812). Hardin 620 (59457). (406) 538 -3441. KXLO Broadcast Inc. (406) 243-4931. U. of Montana. Net: NPR. Format: Div. (acq 4- 16 -73). Format: C &W, MOR. Spec prog: Farm Spec prog: Black 2 hrs, jazz 15 hrs, Indian 1 hr, folk 6 KHDN(AM) -Dec 28, 1962: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 18 hrs wkly. Net: ABC /I, IMN. Rep: Eastman, IMN. hrs wkly. Gregory MacDonald, gen mgr; Terry Con- w -N. Box 389 (590.34). (604) 665 -1230. Big Horn Fred Lark, pres & gen mgr; Lew Boucher, opns mgr; rad, prog dir; William Marcus, prom mgr; Thomas Bcstg Inc. (acq 3 -78). Net: APR, Northern Bcstg. Rep: Lee Belding, prog & news dir; Dave Sather chief engr. McGinley, chief engr. Robert Hix. Format: C &W. Robert Rezanka, pres; Ron Dennington, gen mgr. KLCM(FM) -Co -owned with KXLO(AM). April 1976: KYLT(AM) -July 15, 1955: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 228 ft. (406) 538 -3495. N. Box 2277 (59806). (406) 728 -5000. Scottie Bcstg KHDN -FM -1975: 95.3 mhz; 1 kw. Ant minus 12 ft. Montana Bcst Communications Inc. Prog sep from AM. Co. (acq 12-31 -66). Rep: Moore, Hix. Format: Top 40. (CP: Ant 220 ft.) Stereo. Stereo. Format: Btfl music, sports. Spec prog: Classi- W. L. Holter, pres; Gene Peterson, gen mgr; Cary cal 10 hrs wkly. Joe Zahler, gen mgr & news dir. Nicklay, office mgr; Vern Argo, prog & mus dir; Curt Havre Gerke, prod dir; Carol Hangas, traf mgr; Ray Nicklay, news dir; Bill Schwanke, sports dir; Tom McGinley, 'KNOZ(FM) -90.1 mhz; 10 w. Cowen Drive (59501). Libby chief engr. Rates: $9.25; 8.50; 9; 5.25. (406) 265-7825. Northern Montana College. Format: KLCB(AM) -Dec 23, 1950: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 KYLT -FM -July 29, 1974: 100.1 mhz; 2.9 kw. Ant Div. W.E. Lisenby, gen mgr. w -N. Box 730 (59923). (406) 293 -6234. Lincoln minus 810 ft. Format: Contemp. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9. County Bcstrs Inc. (acq 12 -66). Net: ABC /I, IMN. Rep: KOJM(AM) -Oct 31, 1947: 610 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. C &W. Duane KYSS(AM) -June 27, 1959: 930 khz; 5 kw -D. 400 Box K (59501). (406) 265 -7841. North Montana IMN. Format: Adult soft contemporary, Williams, VP & gen mgr; Jeff Vetter, news dir. Ryman (59801). (406) 728 -9300. Garden City Bcstg Bcstrs Inc. (acq 4- 1 -67). Net: UPI, Northern Bcstg. Corp. (acq 4 -60). Net: ABC /I; IMN. Rep: Eastman. For- Rep: Masla; Evans; Hix. Format: MOR, top -40. mat: C &W. George Hatch, pres; Chester M. Murphy Carlyle D. Leeds, pres & gen mgr; Stanley G. Livingston Jr., gen mgr; Allen Kestler, prog dir; Max Murphy bus Stephens, VP; John Mosher, VP & cornl mgr; Lee Bar- 10, 1947: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 mgr; Eva Shelhamer, mus dir; Rich Laws, news dir; rett, chief engr. KPRK(AM) -Jan w -N, SH. Box 691 (59047). (406) 222 -2841. Holter Tom McGinley, chief engr. Rates: $6.25; 5.25; 6.25; KPDX(FM) -Co -owned with KOJM(AM). March 8, Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC /I; IMN. Rep: Eastman; IMN. For- 5.25. 1975: 92.5 mhz; 94 kw. Ant 1,790 ft. Stereo. Prog sep mat: Countrypolitan. Bill Hotter, pres; Kent Colby, KYSS -FM -May 11, 1969: 94.9 mhz; 30 kw. Ant Format: C &W. gen mgr; Dan Elder, prog dir. Rates: $4.80; 4: 4.80; from AM. Net: MBS. AM. Format: Big band, 4. 2,490 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from instrumental. Spec prog: Classical 4 hrs wkly. Helena KYBS(FM)- December 1977: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 205 ft. Yellowstone Bcstg Service. Terry Plentywood

KBLL(AM)- September 1937: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, Kinne, pres. 15, 1979: 1070 khz; 5 kw -D. 216 250 w -N. 2301 Colonial Drive (59601). (406) KATQ(AM) -Sept N. Main St., Box 317 (59254). (406) 765-1480. 442 -6620. Holter Bcstg Corp. (acq 7- 16 -73). Net: Malta Bcstg Inc. Net: ABC /E, Northern Bcstg. Rep: NBC, IMN, UPI. Rep: Eastman, Simpson & Reilly. For- Stallard Sales West. Format: MOR. Spec prog: mat: MOR. W. L. Holter, pres; Carson Aasen, gen KLTZ(AM) -See Glasgow. Advertising 10 hrs wkly. Bill E. Stallard, pres & gen mgr; mgr; Al Johnson, prog dir; Harley Dee, mus dir; Don Farm KMMR(FM) -Co -owned with KLTZ(AM) Glasgow. Lora Wade, coml mgr; Scott Steinke, prog dir; Cheryl Maynard, chief engr. Rates: S5; 5; 5; 5. 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 25 ft. 504 Second Ave. Box 671, Dawson, mus dir; Wayne Budke, prom mgr: Monte Inc. Format: MOR, KBLL -FM -Not on air: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 410 Glasgow (59230). Malta Bcstg Johnson, news dir; Don Koterba Jr., chief engr. ft C &W Principal: William L. Holter. Rates: S13; 11; 13: 9.

Broadcasting Yearbook 1980 C -137