ECE 595: I Lecture 05 Descent

Spring 2020

Stanley Chan

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 1 / 31 Outline

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 2 / 31 Outline

Mathematical Background Lecture 4: Intro to Optimization Lecture 5: Gradient Descent

Lecture 5: Gradient Descent Gradient Descent Descent Direction Step Size Convergence Stochastic Gradient Descent Difference between GD and SGD Why does SGD work?

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 3 / 31 Gradient Descent

The :

x(t+1) = x(t) − α(t)∇f (x(t)), t = 0, 1, 2,...,

where α(t) is called the step size.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 4 / 31 Why is the direction −∇f (x)?

Recall (Lecture 4): If x∗ is optimal, then 1 lim [f (x∗ + d) − f (x∗)] = ∇f (x∗)T d →0  | {z } ≥0, ∀d =⇒ ∇f (x∗)T d ≥ 0, ∀d But if x(t) is not optimal, then we want f (x(t) + d) ≤ f (x(t)) So, 1h i lim f (x(t) + d) − f (x(t)) = ∇f (x(t))T d →0  | {z } ≤0, for some d =⇒ ∇f (x(t))T d ≤ 0

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 5 / 31 Descent Direction

Pictorial illustration: ∇f (x) is perpendicular to the contour. A search direction d can either be on the positive side ∇f (x)T d ≥ 0 or negative side ∇f (x)T d < 0. Only those on the negative side can reduce the cost. All such d’s are called the descent directions.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 6 / 31 The Steepest d

Previous slide: If x(t) is not optimal yet, then some d will give ∇f (x(t))T d ≤ 0.

So, let us make ∇f (x(t))T as negative as possible. d (t) = argmin ∇f (x(t))T d, kdk2=δ We need δ to control the magnitude; Otherwise d is unbounded. The solution is d (t) = −∇f (x(t)) Why? By Cauchy Schwarz, (t) T (t) ∇f (x ) d ≥ −k∇f (x )k2kdk2. Minimum attained when d = −∇f (x(t)). (t) Set δ = k∇f (x )k2. c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 7 / 31 Steepest Descent Direction

Pictorial illustration: Put a ball surrounding the current point. All d’s inside the ball are feasible. Pick the one that minimizes ∇f (x)T d. This direction must be parallel (but opposite sign) to ∇f (x).

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 8 / 31 Step Size

The algorithm: x(t+1) = x(t) − α(t)∇f (x(t)), t = 0, 1, 2,..., where α(t) is called the step size. 1. Fixed step size α(t) = α. 2. Exact   α(t) = argmin f x(t) + αd (t) , α

x 1 x T Hx cT x E.g., if f ( ) = 2 + , then ∇f (x (t))T d (t) α(t) = − . d (t)T Hd (t)

3. Inexact line search: Amijo / . See Nocedal-Wright Chapter 3.1. c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 9 / 31 Convergence

Let x∗ be the global minimizer. Assume the followings: Assume f is twice differentiable so that ∇2f exist. 2 n Assume0  λminI ∇ f (x)  λmaxI for all x ∈ R Run gradient descent with exact line search. Then, (Nocedal-Wright Chapter 3, Theorem 3.3)  λ 2   f (x(t+1)) − f (x∗) ≤ 1 − min f (x(t)) − f (x∗) λmax  λ 4   ≤ 1 − min f (x(t−1)) − f (x∗) λmax . ≤ .  λ 2t   ≤ 1 − min f (x(1)) − f (x∗) . λmax Thus, f (x(t)) → f (x∗) as t → ∞. c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 10 / 31 Understanding Convergence

Gradient descent can be viewed as successive approximation. Approximate the as 1 f (xt + d) ≈ f (xt ) + ∇f (xt )T d + kdk2. 2α We can show that the d that minimizes f (xt + d) is d = −α∇f (xt ). This suggests: Use a quadratic function to locally approximate f . Converge when α of the approximation is not too big.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 11 / 31 Advice on Gradient Descent

Gradient descent is useful because Simple to implement (compared to ADMM, FISTA, etc) Low computational cost per iteration (no matrix inversion) Requires only first order (no Hessian) Gradient is available in deep networks (via back propagation) Most machine learning has built-in (stochastic) gradient descents Welcome to implement your own, but you need to be careful

Convex non-differentiable problems, e.g., `1-norm Non-convex problem, e.g., ReLU in deep network Trap by local minima Inappropriate step size, a.k.a. Consider more “transparent” such as CVX when Formulating problems. No need to worry about algorithm. Trying to obtain insights.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 12 / 31 Outline

Mathematical Background Lecture 4: Intro to Optimization Lecture 5: Gradient Descent

Lecture 5: Gradient Descent Gradient Descent Descent Direction Step Size Convergence Stochastic Gradient Descent Difference between GD and SGD Why does SGD work?

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 13 / 31 Stochastic Gradient Descent

Most loss functions in machine learning problems are separable: N N 1 X 1 X J(θ) = L(g (xn), y n) = J (θ). (1) N θ N n n=1 n=1 For example, Square-loss: N X n n 2 J(θ) = (gθ(x ) − y ) n=1 Cross-entropy loss: N   X n n n n J(θ) = − y log gθ(x ) + (1 − y ) log(1 − gθ(x )) n=1 Logistic loss: N X n T xn J(θ) = log(1 + e−y θ ) c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. n=1 14 / 31 Full Gradient VS Partial Gradient

Vanilla gradient descent:

θt+1 = θt − ηt ∇J(θt ) . (2) | {z } main computation

The full gradient of the loss is

N 1 X ∇J(θ) = ∇J (θ) (3) N n n=1 Stochastic gradient descent:

1 X ∇J(θ) ≈ ∇J (θ) (4) |B| n n∈B

where B ⊆ {1,..., N} is a random subset. |B| = batch size. c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 15 / 31 SGD Algorithm

Algorithm (Stochastic Gradient Descent)

1 Given {(xn, y n) | n = 1,..., N}. 2 Initialize θ (zero or random) 3 For t = 1, 2, 3,... Draw a random subset B ⊆ {1,..., N}. Update 1 X θt+1 = θt − ηt ∇J (θ) (5) |B| n n∈B

If |B| = 1, then use only one sample at a time. The approximate gradient is unbiased: (See Appendix for Proof) " # 1 X ∇J (θ) = ∇J(θ). E |B| n n∈B

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 16 / 31 Interpreting SGD

Just showed that the SGD step is unbiased: " # 1 X ∇J (θ) = ∇J(θ). E |B| n n∈B Unbiased gradient implies that each update is

gradient + zero-mean noise

Step size: SGD with constant step size does not converge. ∗ ∗ 1 PN ∗ If θ is a minimizer, then J(θ ) = N n=1 Jn(θ ) = 0. But 1 X J (θ∗) 6= 0, since B is a subset. |B| n n∈B Typical strategy: Start with large step size and gradually decrease: ηt → 0, e.g., ηt = t−a for some constant a. c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 17 / 31 Perspectives of SGD

Classical optimization literature have the following observations. Compared to GD in convex problems: SGD offers a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency More iterations Less gradient evaluation per iteration Noise is a by-product

Recent studies of SGD for non-convex problems found that SGD for training deep neural networks works SGD finds solution faster SGD find a better local minima Noise matters

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 18 / 31 GD compared to SGD

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 19 / 31 Smoothing the Landscape

Analyzing SGD is an active research topic. Here is one by Kleinberg et al. ( ICML 2018) The SGD step can be written as GD + noise: xt+1 = xt − η(∇f (xt ) + w t ) = xt − η∇f (xt ) − ηw t . | {z } def =y t y t is the “ideal” location returned by GD. Let us analyze y t+1:

y t+1 def= xt+1 − η∇f (xt+1) = (y t − ηw t ) − η∇f (y t − ηw t )

Assume E[w] = 0, then t+1 t t t E[y ] = y − η∇E[f (y − ηw )] c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 20 / 31 Smoothing the Landscape

t t Let us look at E[f (y − ηw )]: Z E[f (y − ηw)] = f (y − ηw)p(w) dw,

where p(w) is the distribution of w. R f (y − ηw)p(w) dw is the between f and p. p(w) ≥ 0 for all w, so the convolution always smoothes the function. Learning rate controls the smoothness Too small: Under-smooth. You have not yet escaped from bad local minimum. Too large: Over-smooth. You may miss a local minimum.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 21 / 31 Smoothing the Landscape

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 22 / 31 Reading List

Gradient Descent S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, “”, Chapter 9.2-9.4. J. Nocedal and S. Wright, “Numerical Optimization”, Chapter 3.1-3.3. Y. Nesterov, “Introductory lectures on convex optimization”, Chapter 2.

CMU 10.725 Lecture convexopt/lectures/grad-descent.pdf

Stochastic Gradient Descent

CMU 10.725 Lecture convexopt/lectures/stochastic-gd.pdf Kleinberg et al. (2018) “When Does SGD Escape Local Minima”,

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 23 / 31 Appendix

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 24 / 31 Proof of Unbiasedness of SGD gradient

Lemma If n is a random variable with uniform distribution over {1,..., N}, then " # 1 X ∇J (θ) = ∇J(θ). E |B| n n∈B

Denote the density function of n as p(n) = 1/N. Then,

" # N 1 X 1 X 1 X  X  ∇J (θ) = [∇J (θ)] = J (θ)p(n) E |B| n |B| E n |B| n n∈B n∈B n∈B n=1 N 1 X  1 X  1 X = J (θ) = ∇J(θ) = ∇J(θ). |B| N n |B| n∈B n=1 n∈B

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 25 / 31 Q&A 1: What is momentum method?

The momentum method was originally proposed by Polyak (1964). Momentum method says:

xt+1 = xt − α βg t−1 + (1 − β)g t  ,

where g t = ∇f (xt ), and 0 < β < 1 is the damping constant. Momentum method can be applied to both gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent. A variant is the Nesterov accelerated gradient (NAG) method (1983). Importance of NAG is elaborated by Sutskever et al. (2013). The key idea of NAG is to write xt+1 as a linear combination of xt and the span of the past . proved that such combination is the best one can do with first order methods.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 26 / 31 Q&A 1: What is momentum method?

Here are some references on momentum method. Sutskever et al. (2013), “On the importance of initialization and momentum in ”, UIC Lecture Note Cornell Lecture Note http: // Yurii Nesterov, “Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization”, 2003. (See Assumption 2.1.4 and discussions thereafter) G. Goh, “Why Momentum Really Works”,

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 27 / 31 Q&A 2: With exact line search, will we get to a minimum in one step?

No. Exact line search only allows you to converge faster. It does not guarantee convergence in one step. Here is an example. The function is called the rosenbrock function.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 28 / 31 Q&A 3: Any example of gradient descent?

Consider the 1 J(θ) = kAθ − yk2 2 Then the gradient is

∇J(θ) = AT (Aθ − y)

So the gradient descent step is

θt+1 = θt + ηAT (Aθt − y). | {z } ∇J(θt ) Since this is a quadratic equation, you can find the exact line search step size (assume d = −∇f (θ)):

η = −kdk2/(d T AT Ad).

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 29 / 31 Q&A 4: In finding the steepest direction, why is δ unimportant?

The kdk = δ is necessary for minimizing ∇f (x)T d. Without the constraint, this problem is unbounded below and the solution is −∞ times whatever direction d that lives on the negative half plane of ∇f . For any δ, the solution (according to Cauchy Schwarz inequality), is

∇f (x) d = −δ . k∇f (x)k

You can show that this d minimizes ∇f (x)T d and satisfies kdk = δ. Now, if we use this d in the gradient descent step, the step size α will compensate for the δ. So we can just choose δ = 1 and the above derivation will still work.

c Stanley Chan 2020. All Rights Reserved. 30 / 31 Q&A 5: What is a good batch size for SGD?

There is no definite answer. Generally you need to look at the validation curve to determine if you need to increase/decrease the mini-batch size. Here are some suggestions in the literature. Bengio (2012) [batch size] is typically chosen between 1 and a few hundreds, e.g. [batch size] = 32 is a good default value, with values above 10 taking advantage of the speedup of matrix-matrix products over matrix-vector products. Masters and Luschi (2018) The presented results confirm that using small batch sizes achieves the best training stability and generalization performance, for a given computational cost, across a wide range of experiments. In all cases the best results have been obtained with batch sizes m = 32 or smaller, often as small as m = 2 or m = 4.

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