Junior in the Ring Rules

Controlled and punches to Head and to the Body

1. Kicks must be above the waist.

2. Leg sweeps, foot to foot, boot to boot, to the inside and outside of opponent's front foot are permitted by both feet of the sweeper 3. Minimum kicks per round. a) Amateur/Junior - 6 per round.

4. A thrown with power but misses the opponent will be counted as a legitimate kick.

5. Front kicks (snap) must make positive contact to be counted as a kick.

6. When the kick count is not achieved by a fighter in a round they will be warned, the next round if the minimum kick requirement is not achieved they will be deducted one point. Kicks cannot be made up on consecutive rounds.


Controlled Kicks and punches to Head and to the Body

Must be to target - Definition of target: Punches must land on the front or sides of the had or above the belt (e.g. line drawn from the top of the hips through the navel).

* Straight punches to head and body * Hooks to head and body * Uppercuts

Controlled Kicks and punches to Head and to the Body

* * Push and front kick * Side Thrust kick * Spinning Back kick * Axe kick * Snap kick * Crescent kick * Jumping kicks * Reverse kick * Sweep boot to boot * Parrying kicks


1. Head butts - and illegal use of the head. 2. Punches to back of head/neck. 3. Punches below the belt. 4. Punches using open glove; inside of glove; punching with butt of glove. 5. Kidney punch. 6. Spitting or biting.

7. Holding the ropes whilst striking. 8. Kicks below the waist 9 . Cuffing, slapping. 11. Strikes to groin. 12. Spinning sweeps. 13. Striking opponent when knocked down. 14. Abusive language. 15. Striking opponent during Referee break. 16. Striking after the bell.

If a foul is committed in the ring, the referee will determine the decision, where necessary along with the Association Representative as follows:

* Warning - 2nd 1 point deducted, 3rd warning disqualification. * Immediate disqualification. * The fight will be stopped if the fighter that has fouled, injures or knocks out the opponent. * Intentional - the fouled fighter will be announced the winner. If the winner is unable to continue the fighter who committed the foul will NOT be able to advance in the event. * Unintentional (see unintentional fouls).

Warnings. * Warning - * 2nd warning - deduct 1 point. * 3rd warning - disqualify the fighter.

Unintentional Fouls

1. Injury in first or second round that stops the fight will be a NO CONTEST. a) Judges will score the rounds fought b) All scorecards to be collected by the Representative and added up


1. Striking a fighter entangled or fallen through ropes.

2. Deliberately exiting the ring to avoid attack (Referee decision - may be given standing 8 count).

3. Fighter intentionally uses a foul technique.

4. Fighter fails to stop kicks below waist after warning.

5. Fighter drops gum shield 3 times during 1 round.

6. Spitting, biting, holding the leg or foot.

7. Spinning sweeps.

8. Deliberate strikes to joints, spine.

9. Fighter fails to follow Referee instructions.

10. Fighter late for bout or no show.

11. Referee decides fighter has not the will to continue. 12. Fighter receives 3 warnings in one round. 13. Corner man enters the ring or touches the fighter without Referee's permission. 14. Other rules are broken.


Gum Shield Mandatory

Shin Pads Mandatory

Foot Protectors Mandatory

Groin Protectors Mandatory

Head Guard Mandatory

Hand wraps Mandatory

Boxing Gloves Mandatory 10 oz Elbow Pads NO

Full Contact Pants Mandatory



Kicks Kick above the waist

Kicks Per Round 6 per round

3 x1min Rounds

Foot to foot - boot to boot Sweeps Inside and outside

Standing 8 Count 2nd 8 count in 1 round the bout will be stopped

Head Contact controlled

Spinning Back Fist / Elbow ILLEGAL

Direct Kick to Front of Legs ILLEGAL

Strike to Groin ILLEGAL

Strikes to Leg Joints ILLEGAL


Strikes with Elbows ILLEGAL

Strikes with Knees ILLEGAL

Holding Opponent's Legs / Foot ILLEGAL