IUFS Journal of Biology Research Article IUFS J Biol 2014, 73(2): 1-7

Notes on taxonomic situation of Calenduleae tribe in Iran

Efat Jafari*1, Mostafa Assadi2, Gholam Abbas Ghanbarian3

*1 - Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources of Fars Province P.O.Box 71555-617, Shiraz, Iran 2 - Research Institute of Forest and Regelands, P.O. Box 13185-116, Tehran, Iran. 3 - Dept. of Natural Resources and environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Abstract The Calenduleae tribe belongs to family, with ca 12 genera and 120 species are distributed in the Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian and Saharo- Arabian regions of world. According to flora Iranica (Rechinger, K. H. 1989) L. and Dipterocome Fisch. & C. A. Mey. are 2 genera of Calenduleae in different regions of Iran. Calendula species generally grows in a variety of sites such as mountains, dry stony slopes in foothills, field edges, margins of gardens and road sides, also Dipterocome species generally grows in dry and saline areas and sandy deserts. It distributes in north west, centre and north east of Iran and also in Caucasus, Afghanistan, Iraq, Asia (central part), Africa and Syria. In this research based on the literature, available herbarium materials and field observation, this tribe has been revised. A revision of this tribe in Iran including: key, literature, synonymes and locality lists is presented; meanwhile a list of genera with the total number of the species for each recognized in Iran is added.

Keywords: Calendula, Dipterocome, Iran, taxonomic, notes *Corresponding Author: Efat Jafari (e-mail: [email protected]) (Received: 11.01.2014 Accepted: 17.01.2015)

Introduction sessilis. (Boissier 1875) in Flora Orientalis Iran in terms of topography, climate, retreated Koelpinia sessilis equivalent to vegetation and geographical features is one Dipterocome pusilla. (Rechinger 1989) in Flora of the most important and unique countries in Iranica gives the distribution of this genus as the Middle East. According to a recent study Syria, Armenia, Iraq, Persia and Afghanistan. (Mozaffarian, 2007), the flora of Iran includes (Post 1933) in Flora of Syria, Palestine and 8000 species belonging to 1450 genera and Sinai gave the distribution of this genus. 150 families. These families include 124 The genus Calendula includes about fifteen dicotyledons, 22 monocoty-ledons and 4 species in the Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian gymnosperms. and Saharo- Arabian regions. According to The genus Dipterocome was firstly described flora the Iranica (Rechinger 1989) there are six by Fischer and (Meyer 1835) from Persia, species of Calendula in different regions of Iran Azerbeijan. Then it was described as Jaubertia and among them Calendula aurantiaca is only by (Spach 1849); the same genus was treated endemic. by (Boissier 1849) in his Diagnoses plantarum The term calends refers to the ’s orientalium novarum as new species Koelpinia tendency to bloom in accordance with the 2 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7 calendar every month in some regions, or Materials and methods during the new moon. It is one of the easiest All specimens existed in different herbaria to grow and one that provides great joy, of Iran: TARI, IRAN, FUMH, Herbarium bringing sunshine to the heart and mind. of Research center of Agricultural and In Europe, the leaves are considered Natural Resources of Fars, were revised. resolvent and diaphoretic while the flowers Stereomicroscopy was used for observation are used as a stimulant, antispasmodic and morphological and micromorphological emmenagogue (Lt. Colonel Kirtikar and Major characters in parts of capitula and achenes. Basu 1993). In England, the decoction of the The aim of this paper is to revise the flowers was used as a posset drink for the of the Caleduleae tribe in Iran, to present an treatment of measles and smallpox, and the identification key to the known taxa to Iran, and fresh juice as a remedy for jaundice, costiveness to give the sequence of the species. (constipation) and suppression of menstrual flow (Khare 2004). In India, the florets are Results used in ointments for treating wounds, herpes, In this The Calenduleae tribe is represented ulcers, frostbite, skin damage, scars and blood in Iran by 10 species grouped into 2 genera: purification. The leaves, in infusion, are used Calendula and Dipterocome. The generic for treating varicose veins externally (Khare differences between them are based on the 2004; Lt. Colonel Kirtikar and Major Basu leaves and achenes. In this paper the checklists 1993). Calendula was used in German folk of accepted genera and species have been medicine as a remedy for wounds and glandular prepared and new localities added to these problems. Used historically as ‘poor man’s genera locating a new record of Calendula saffron,’ calendula adds both color and flavor to (Jafar and Joharchi, 2009) for Iran. Calendula some foods, typically rice and chowders. It was species generally grow in a variety of sites such prevalent in European marketplaces during the as mountains, dry stony slopes in foothills, at the middle Ages and was a common soup-starter. edges of fields, the margins of gardens and road Over thirty chemical components have been sides. The genus is distributed in most part of identified in calendula. These constituents Iran. It is also found in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, include the flavonol glycosides isoquercitrin, Libya, Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, narcissin, neohesperidoside, terpenoids, lupeol, Europe, Asia (south western part), northern longispinogenin, sterols, volatile oils, arvoside Africa, Turkey, Morocco and Spain. The A, carotenoid pigments, calendulin, and Dipterocome species generally grows in dry polysaccharides. The plant contains a number and saline areas and sandy deserts. It is found in of pentacylic alcohols including faradol, brein, the north west, centre and north east of Iran and arnidiol, and caldenduladiol. Rutin, quercitin, also in the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Iraq, Asia and isorhamnetin are among the flavonoids (central part), Africa and Syria. in the plant. Calendula has been shown to be an effective bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, Checklist of Calendula L. species antipyretic, antifungal, and vulnerary herb. 1. C. officinalis L., Sp. Pl. 921 (1753). Clinical trials have shown that calendula Type: Described from Europe increases cell proliferation and encourages the Typical characters: Annual plants, granulation process of wound healing. (Bradley cultivated everywhere as one of the most 2006; Hoffmann 2003). popular ornamental plants. While observing and revising the plant collection of Iran, It was an opportunity to 2. C. aurantiaca Kotschy ex Boiss., Pl. accomplish the identification of non- identified Persiae austral. ed. Hohenacker no. 295 (11. existing specimens in herbaria and to arrange a 1845). new key to the species of calenduleae for flora Syn: C. sinuata Boiss. & Gaill., Diagn. Pl. of Iran. Or, Nov. Ser 2.6: 109 (1859); C. sinuata var. aurantiaca Boiss. F1. Or. 3: 416 (1875). 3 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7

Type: Described from Iran (Shiraz). beaked achenes. Some studied specimens: Khorasan: 7 km Distribution in Iran: N, W, C, NE. from Mashhad to Neyshabure, Emamzadeh Hashem road, in river, Zokaee 1089 (FUMH). 5. C. karakalensis Vass., Fl .USSR. vol. 26: Typical characters: Perennial wetland 895 (1961). plant (Fig. 1) Type: Described from Kara-Kala. Distribution in Iran: C, NE. Studied specimens: Khorasan: NW of Bojnord, 4 km Shishkhan to Khorramdeh, 548 3. C. tripterocarpa Rupr, Bull. Phys.-Math. m, Memariani and Zangooei 38827 (FUMH). Acad. St. Petersb. 14: 231 (1856). Typical characters: Florets yellow. Type: Described from Iraq. External achenes sickle- shaped, 10-15 mm Some studied specimens: Kohkiloyeh va long, along dorsum with longitudinal groups of Boirahmad: near Dehdasht, 500 m, Assadi & prickles- bristles, formed by two lateral bristly- Aboohamzeh, 38674 (TARI).- Fars: Fasa, 55 toothed wings; on ventral side achenes winged km Jahrom road, 1100m, Foroughi, 1116TARI.- and irregularly toothed; middle achenes boat- Busher: versus Borazjan, 43 km near Busher, shaped (with membranous wings convoluted Ab-e- Tavil, Termeh & Moussavi, 7690-IRAN; inside), with fine teeth- prickles along dorsum, Ahram, chah-e- Talkh, Iranshahr & Terme half as large as the external achenes; internal 7710-IRAN.- Khorasan: NW Tabas, Pirhajat, achenes ring- shaped, wingless, prickly- toothed 1045m, Ayatollahi & Joharchi 10721 (FUMH). along dorsum. (Fig .3, 4) Typical characters: Annual plant, disk Distribution in Iran: NE. florets concolorous, (yellow-orange), beaked achenes absent, fruiting head containing a few 6. C. persica C.A. Mey.,Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 72 achenes nearly smooth at beak and broadly 3- (1831). winged. (Fig. 2) Type: Described from Baku. Distribution in Iran: W, C, E, S. Some studied specimens: Golestan: Moraveh Tappeh, 300m, Hewer 3625 (TARI); 4. C. arvensis L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2: 1303 (1762- 22 km to moraveh Tappeh, on the road 63). from Inche Boroon (CG3), 180m, Assadi Type: Described from Europe &Maasoumi 55433 (TARI); Gonbade- Kavus, Some studied specimens: Golestan: Kalale Sharif 7700- IRAN.- Mazandaran: Rout Amol, towards Morave tappe, 35 km before Morave Esfandiari7706 – IRAN; Chalous towards Tappe, 550m, Javadi & Ghanbari 31760- Marzanabad, 17 km Chalous, 300-400 m, IRAN; Kalale towards Morave tappe, Gogjeh, Termeh & Matine 7686- IRAN.- Gilan: Roud 250m, Javadi& Ghanbari 31765-IRAN; Kalale Lar, Barkhordari 7672-IRAN.- Azarbaygan: towards Morave tappe, Ghareh- ghouvakh, Arasbaran protected area, Ghaghalu, 660m, 400-600m, Mussavi& Tehrani 7707-IRAN.- Assadi & Vosughi 24551 (TARI); Arasbaran Mazandaran: Kelard, Haraz road, 430m, protected area between Asheghlou and Kalaseh, Foroughi 4354 (TARI); Kelard, Haraz road, 400m, Hamzeh,ee & Asri 81380 (TARI).- 460m, Foroughi 1382 (TARI).- Fars: 10 km Lorestan: Khoranabad, Tange malavi, 1700m, to Firouzabad on the road from Shiraz, 1500 - Foroughi 3025 (TARI).- Kohkiluyeh: Tol 2100m, Assadi& Sardabi 41395 (TARI); 15 km cheghah towards Basht, 10km to Basht, 900- from Firouzabad to Ghir, 1500-2100m, Assadi 1000m, Moussavi, Delghandi & Fatehi 7688- & Sardabi 41478 (TARI).- Khuzestan: NE of Iran.- Fars: Shiraz, 1500m. Esfandiari 7705- Dezful, Sardasht to Bolhasan, 600m, Jamzad IRAN; Shiraz toward Jahrom, 85 km Shiraz, & Morid 79200 (TARI).- Khorasan: NW of 1300-1450m, Delghandi & Daneshpajooh Bojnord, Emam darreh, 1000m, Joharchii & 7696- Iran; Farashband, Mirzayan 7702- Zangooei 33 (FUMH). IRAN; Firozabad, Ahram, Kashkouli 7683- Typical characters: When present, small IRAN; Kazeron, Chenarshahijan, 920m, annual plant, fruiting head with or without Foroughi 4229 (TARI); 34 km from Nurabad 4 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7 to Dogonbadan (WP1), 700m, Assadi & Type: Described from Iraq. Aboohamzeh 38308 (TARI); Kazeron, Some studied specimens: Golestan: Chenarshahijan, 920m, Foroughi 4229 (TARI); Center Gorgan to Pahlavi dej, Ghorban abad, 34 km from Nurabad to Dogonbadan (WP1), Ridel & Ershad 7655-IRAN.-Kermanshah: 700m, Assadi &Aboohamzeh 38464 (TARI).- Ghasre- shirin, Vakilian 7663-IRAN.- Lorestan Hormozgan: 17 km from Kahgum to Darab, Khorramabad, 1400m, Rayhani 25707-IRAN; 750m, Mozaffarian 52236 (TARI); 40 km from Pol-e Dokhtar, 110km from Khorram abad on Hajiabad to Sirjan, Tashkuyeh village, 550m, road to Andimeshk, 1000m, Wendelbo & Assadi Mozaffarian 49516 (TARI).- Bushehr: Kharkau 16606 (TARI).- Kohkiloyeh va Boirahmad: 5 Island, Shirzadian & Karavar 31276- IRAN.- km from Shamsabad to Basht (VP3), 700m, Khouzestan: Hendijan, 20m, Iranshahr & Terneh Assadi& Aboohamzeh 38619 (TARI).- Fars: 7674-IRAN; Ahvaz towards Khoramshahr, Farashband, kuh-e Pir, near Konar malek, 800- 40 km Ahvaz, Iranshahr & Termeh 7676- 1300m, Iranshahr & Termeh 7669- IRAN; IRAN; Ahvaz, Albaji, 40m, Mozaffarian, Lar, Mojib 7661-IRAN; Shiraz, Bamu park, 62260 TARI, Shush, 120m Mozaffarian 58434 1900m, Dehbozorgi 32730-IRAN; 6 km NW (TARI).- Baluchestan: Bazman, 7 km Dalkan of Kazerun, 870m, Runemark & Mozaffarian road, 980m, Foroughi, 10635 (TARI).- Tehran: 26730 (TARI).- Hormozgan: Center Bandar-e Qazvin- Rasht road, 13 km S of Loushan, 700m, Khamir et Bandar-e Lengeh, near Dezhgan, Wendelbo & Maasoumi 19068 (TARI). Iranshahr & Termeh 7658-IRAN; Khouzestan, Typical characters: Annual plant, all Sabzevari 7664-IRAN.- Bushehr: Center achenes ring- shaped- curved. (Fig. 5) Kangan et Khormuj, 12 km N Abdan, Iranshahr Distribution in Iran: N, NW, W, C, NE, S, & Termeh 7659-IRAN; 24 km E Khormuj SE. Iranshahr & Termeh 7667-IRAN; Bandar-e Taheri to Gavbandi, Pag 7662- IRAN; Negin 7. C. sancta L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2: 1304 (1762- Island, Sangari, Ghayurfar & Mofidi 33466- 63). IRAN; 30 km from Bandar-e Bushehr on road Type: Described from Palestine. to Ameri, 20 m, Runemark & Mozaffarian Some studied specimens: Kermanshah: 26990 (TARI).- Khuzestan: Haftgel to Masjed- Mehran, Behbudi 7703-IRAN. - Fars: Firozabad, Soleyman, 20-30 km Simeyli, 400 m, Iranshahr Ghir Karzin, 950 m, Hatami & Khalili 3786; & Termeh 7656-IRAN.- Kerman: Bashagerd, Kazerun road towards Borazjan, 300m, Hatami Sinderk, 190- 260m, Iranshahr & Moussavi &Abdollahipanah 11095.- Hormozgan: Bastak, 7665-IRAN.- Baluchestan: Saravan, Zangian, Harang, 250m, Mozaffarian 49768 (TARI); 25 Sakhohouri 7666-IRAN; Khash, Karevandar, km from Minab to Senderk, 110m, Mozaffarian, Mirzayan 7668-IRAN. Rastegar & Banihashemi 38103 (TARI).- Typical characters: Annual plant, Fruiting Bushehr: 5 km S of Bandar –e Bushehr, 0-10 head containing outer achenes, 2- winged with m, Runemark & Mozaffarian 26950-IRAN.- laciniate margine. (Fig. 7) Khuzestan: Ramhormoz, 40 km Iseh road, Distribution in Iran: N, NW, W, C, NE, S, 750m, Riazi 9443-IRAN, 10 km from Ahvaz SE. to Susangerd, 20 m Mozaffarian 53435 (TARI); Shushtar, 37 km Masjed Solayman road, 290 m, 9. C. palestina Boiss, Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. Foroughi 3132 (TARI). Ser. 1. 10: 83 (1849). Typical characters: Annual plant, Plant Type: Described from Palestine. branched from base, florets bicolor, disk florets Some studied specimens: Golestan: Kalale, (Yellow– maroon), beak smaller than 15 mm. Morave Tappe, 35 km before Morave Tappe, (Fig. 6) 550m, Javadi & Ghanbari 31759- IRAN.- Distribution in Iran: NW, W, C, S. Kermanshah: Mehran, Halat, 100m, Behbudii 7671-IRAN.- Kohkiloyeh va Boirahmad: 8. C. alata Rech. f., Fl. Iranica. 164: 104 Dogonbadan near Abrigoon (VP3), 800m, (1989). Assadi & Aboohamzeh 38558 (TARI). 5 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7

Typical characters: Annual plant, Plant Zangooee 34422 (FUMH);Torbat-e Heydarieh, somewhat branched from base, florets yellow, 860m, Ayatollahi & Zangooee 14095(FUMH).- very rarely disk florets maroon. Beak longer Tehran: ca 12 km from Eivanaky to Garmsar, than 15-20 mm 1060m, Mozaffarian 59117 (TARI). Distribution in Iran: N, NW, W. Typical characters: Annual plant, leaves sessile, florets greenish, Achenes star-like, not Key to the accepted species of Calendula deciduous, prickly with two hornets above, 1. Head large (up to 4-8 cm wide), cultivated external hornet as long as the achene. (Fig.8) plant. .1. C. officinalis L. Distribution in Iran: NW, C, NE. - Head smaller, plant uncultivated. .2 2. Perennial plant. . 2. C. aurantiaca Kotschy Discussion ex Boiss. Phytogeographically, the majority of the - Annual plant . .3 species of Calenduleae tribe are found in Irano- 3. Fruiting head without beaked achenes. .4 Turanian region, a few species are found in - Fruiting head with beaked achenes. .5 Saharo- Sindian and Euro- Siberian regions. 4. Achenes homomorphic. .6. C. persica C.A. Some species of this tribe have a limited Mey distribution in Iran and grow individually or - Achenes heteromorphic. . 7 in the small isolated patches. These species 5. Some outer achenes have short incurved are usually very rare or can be endangered, but beak 4. C. arvensis L. some species, have widespread distribution in - Some outer achenes have thick erect beak.6 the country. 6- Plant somewhat branched from base, florets yellow, very rarely disk florets maroon. References Beak longer than 15-20 mm . .9. C. Bradley, PR. (2006). A Handbook of Scientific palaestina Boiss. Information on Widely Used Plant Drugs, - Plant branched from base, florets bicolor, disk Volume 2. - Bournemouth (UK): British florets (Yellow– maroon), beak smaller Herbal Medicine Association. than 15 mm. .7. C.sancta L. Boissier, E. (1849). Diagnoses plantarum 7. External achenes sickle shape, large, formed orientalium novarum 1 (11): 34-35. by 2 lateral bristly-toothed wings Geneva, Lipsiae. 5. C. karakalensis Vass. Boissier, E. (1875): Calendula in Flora - External achenes differ from above. .8 Orientalis 3: 416-419. -Basileae & 8. Fruiting head containing a few outer achenes, Genevae.- Hoffmann, D. (2003). Medical nearly smooth at back and broadly 3- Herbalism. Rochester (VT): Healing Arts winged, disk florets concolorous, Yellow. Press. .3. C. tripterocarpa Rupr. Fischer F. E. L. and Meyer C. A. (1835) Ind. - Fruiting head containing outer achenes, 2- Sem. Hort. Petrop 1: 26. winged with laciniate margine. Jafari E and Joharchi M. (2009) Calendula 8. C. alata Rech. f karakalensis (Asteraceae), a new record for the flora of Iran. Iranian journal of Checklist of Dipterocome Fisch. & C. A. Mey. , 15 (2): 183- 185. Species Jaubert, C. and Spach, E. (1847-1850) 1- D. pusilla Fisch. & C. A. Mey., Ind. Sem. Illustrationes plantarum orientalium, tab. Hort. Petrop. 1 (1835) 26. 286. Paris. Type: Described from Iran. Khare CP. (2004) Encyclopedia of Indian Some studied specimens: Fars: Drab, 800m, Medicinal Plants, Germany, Springer- Tayebi 116 - Khorasan: Kashmar, Khalilabad Verlag Publisher, pp 116-117. to Kavir-e-namk, (10 km Jafar abad), 800m, Lt. Colonel Kirtikar KR and Major Basu BD. Delghandi, Karavar& Tehrani 9699-IRAN; (1993) Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol II, East of Tobat-e Jam, 890m, Joharchi and Deharadun, India, International Book 6 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7

Distributor, pp. 1413- 1414. Sinai, ed. 2. Vol. 2: 73-74. Beirut. Meikle R. D. (1975) Calendula in Davis P. H. Rechinger K. H. (1989) Compositae VII: Flora of Turkey vol. 5: 170-172. - dinburgh. Calendula in Rechinger, K.H. (ed.) Mozaffarian, V. (2007) Plant distribution In Iran Flora Iranica no. 164: 99-105. –Graz: and endemism in Iran, The proceedings of Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. 1st national Plant Taxonomy conference of Vasilchenko I. T. (1961) Calendula in Schishkin Iran. Tehran. B. K. & Bobrov, E. G. Flora of URSS, 26: Parsa A. (1949) Calendula in Flora de I’ Iran 3: 857 – 861.- Moskva & Leningrad. 320- 322. - Tehran. Tutin T. G & et al. (1976) Flora Europaea, 4: Post G. E. (1933) Flora of Syria, Palestine & 206-207. - Cambridge.

Figure 1. Calendula aurantiaca

Figure 2. Calendula tripterocarpa Figure 3. Calendula karakalensis 7 Jafari et al. / IUFS Journal of Biology 2014, 73(2): 1-7

Figure 5. Calendula persica Figure 6. Calendula sancta

A B C Figure 4. Calendula karakalensis: A: external achene, B: middle achene, C: interal achene

Figure 7. Calendula alata Figure 8. Dipterocome pusilla