Euphresco Final Report Tracking vectors of bacteria and phytoplasmas threatening Europe’s major crops (VECTRACROP) Topic area Phloem and xylem feeding insect vectors, fruit and field crops, bacteria and phytoplasmas of phytosanitary concern - Topic Description 2015-D-168 Topic title Tracking vectors of bacteria and phytoplasmas threatening Europe’s major crops (VECTRACROP) 1. Administrative Details . Applicant / Coordinator – Partner 1 Organisation Institute for AgriculturaI and Fisheries Research - ILVO Name of contact Kris De Jonghe, Ph.D. Gender: M (incl. Title) Postal address Burg. Van Gansberghelaan 96, B- 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium E-mail
[email protected];
[email protected] Phone ++32 9/ 272 24 48 Applicant – Partner 2 Organisation CRA-W Name of contact Thibaut Olivier, Ir Gender: M (incl. Title) Département Sciences du Vivant (CRAW), Unité Biologie des Postal address nuisibles et Biovigilance, Bâtiment Marchal, Rue de Liroux 4, B- 5030 Gembloux, Belgium E-mail
[email protected] Phone ++32 81/ 62 03 39 Applicant – Partner 3 Organisation ANSES Name of contact Reynaud Philippe, Ph.D. Gender: M (incl. Title) Anses Laboratoire de la Santé des Végétaux [Plant Health Laboratory] Postal address 755 avenue du campus Agropolis CS 30016 FR-34988 Montferrier-sur-Lez Cedex E-mail
[email protected] Phone + 33 (0)4 67 02 25 10 Applicant – Partner 4 Organisation INIAV Name of contact Célia Mateus- Researcher, Ph.D.; Esmeraldina Gender F (incl. Title) Sousa- Researcher, Ph.D. : Av. da República, Quinta do Marquês Postal address 2780-157 Oeiras – Portugal E-mail
[email protected];
[email protected] Phone (+351) 214 403 500 Applicant – Partner 5 Organisation INRA-MOROCCO Name of contact Afechtal Mohamed, Ph.D.; Bouharroud Rachid, Gender: M (incl.