Edge, K-A.; D. Crouchley, P. McMurtrie, M.J. Willans,Island and A. Byrom.invasives: Eradicating eradicationstoats (Mustela erminea and) and managementred deer (Cervus elaphus) off islands in Fiordland Eradicating stoats (Mustela erminea) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) off islands in Fiordland K-A. Edge1, D. Crouchley1, P. McMurtrie1, M.J. Willans2, and A. Byrom3 1Department of Conservation, Te Anau Area Office, PO Box 29, Lakefront Drive, Te Anau 9640, New Zealand. <
[email protected]>. 2The Wilderness, RD Te Anau-Mossburn Highway, Te Anau, NZ. 3Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand. Abstract In 2004, the New Zealand Government allocated NZ$7.1M to eradicate stoats (Mustela erminea) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) from Fiordland’s two largest islands: Secretary Island (8100 ha) and Resolution Island (21,000 ha), in SW New Zealand. Both islands are rugged and within the swimming range of stoats and deer from the mainland. Here we apply the six strategic rules for achieving eradication to the Secretary and Resolution islands programme and use these rules as means of assessing progress five years into the campaign. For these programmes ‘eradication’ has been defined as the complete removal of the stoat and deer populations, and the establishment of long-term control to manage reinvasion. While the original eradication objectives are yet to be achieved, the planned conservation outcomes are on track; several threatened species of birds have been successfully reintroduced and the regeneration of palatable plants is apparent. The conservation importance of large islands such as Secretary and Resolution in terms of New Zealand’s commitments to international biodiversity conventions and restoration goals cannot be overstated.