1987 November

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1987 November .• '-1 I II i,I iJ - I~-'JI~ I ;:, ~ .--.-.::J~A·::::o:=~:..---=;.;..a~~-------'-N""o"'"'v·:....:..2~1'.""98""'7 ______ _ AY.3)7 ,MSU Clip Slli.eet A ■amplinQ of reooat aniolu of int11nai to lloroll.<11Aci ~' .tGi Ualv&ralt7._,. -~ !,).' THE COURIER-JOUBNAL, SATbR6AY;:,OCTOBER 31 1987 •< • •-'- •- • - , '' --- Cl •• • I ·1··-.-r~-,,.,-,,c.,.· . ·-.r:--·- I ;rr ~.,..J,,...,.,, i~rf ~ ' ' ' ,..:r;;,1';..• ,,' 'i./ ' , l"~~ t r~orote'..Ul;A.e&:· , - .. .. ,..r;.;-.:(- /tv1orefieiif ,]i~frn ~,.J; .,, ' " •·,·•.r ;.~,-::i•I •l ! f~ ,:',::11J1l;•,y.l , rl'l\'f:;':'i/hM, Tf;;;4;:z~. · fl -_ /,tr-~· r:- , . .,.,... ~~mid: tradition':: \.were:-• formerJ,;JPresldents --·Adron • .,~. I: • '•·•' . '. ; . I (Db orghant., M~£1s;J'!~f!)eet!ln<I A. !>.,Al·.: t' n ~, .... _;,. ·· .:r'' . id- .... ct· '·'·'""-t,•,__ .. ;.. •. -,.,·,·;··,··•. ·- r.. _.'j,· -.r-1 · •~'t ,' ·_1! ·. · · ' . an opl11ms111. , . ,,,._ Grote· 59>"who,was--a·.-professor· · :i.: - ·:-::.:-,~.:.:,:·:~ ~-- .-----·: ·--:;.~.vrf ": ft~tj-d 11;Iruimirii~tratifr. 'at -·Morehead·, ,,By RICHARD W~_!'i,:,,, 11 ' . ,,,;,,;_,: : ~from;,1960Jo',1971, took over the 1 Staff Writer ' r,• ~-m· · ' , !!!'A,-.,d{ · '.-presidency.- July l·. During his ab­ I ,; , , I I- .• _...,_,-~:-,~~1·:1?::-'1!f;,:r_;!,\'" • •• ' , ~ , •.••' ,_' :rif.tJ),•Y~•'!• ; sence,~!ies:was pr~sldent of School• ' M!)REHEAD,'-Ky:'-:'.:..:'.Jn ·a. ceremony l'ciaft.:college~dn>Mlchigan .for 10 · steeped In academlc"··tradltlon and the b•ea.~(ari~;'.!:~l~!;:exe,cutlve 'officer of., -school's hlslory, •Morehead :state University . fllie!Communlty,Colleges of Spokane,;· inaugurated C.'',Nels9iiQGro.te_.;jis ;/ts. 11th ' \:\Vash!:"from 1981:·(Q:• )987, l . president ·yesterday::~:; ,,,•~~:~ ·i:~. :~~ ,~ .. 1 ~t;c,°ciilint 'to\ll~lim~l)te~ 'i,grote /' i~r . In ·attendance were a governor/former I hls',Jeadersliip\and said the·,universi­ . governors, three· foi;mer presldenls''..of., the . ' !iy1:1s once again ;'.On 'a soµnd · foot• university,, and ·delegates1from;other,1col• . 1!pg';. and ~a,s,i;enter.ed _a nl)w era of '· Jegestunlversitles and ·Jearn~d ·socle\l~- · I.progress and p~osp~rlty;", ' , . · 1 \• ', · But the.lightest a_nd W81'1)lfl!it_'lo1!Ch'.Of,lhe , i''. I 1• • • • - ,·, t · · •. · ~ · .. colorful 90-minute ceremony. was.provided , · . i 1~:Moretiea<1'.§.~•. :.,eJ\fO~,!UJ,m.1.;,; . had· · :; by .a:retlred 1111no1s_·, SC!1~,l!eac11;~j,,/~~-: . ;,slumped _for-,s~:;eral;iy~ars· as .the·· · "I.knew.he was going to go places,'.' said ts~!tool was embr~lled.ln 9ontroversy " Leona Schafer, Grote's teaclier·'ln''lhe' first I.that sled. to .theidepathire of two l :, through;third grades'ln O~onee;-_m:",;._:· ':presidents'.' One tangible example of _,' "He was full of vim.,.vlgor,,andivil\llllY, I 1 ",its~resurgence, clime -"earlier-yester-; ' ' _ just knew he was going t~ go:on,"·she.added 1'i:la'y;.wher{ G.rote 'tcild ;the regents. 1 ;, .' after the Jnauguraf.ceiemony.'·(.::;....:;;!f J. · i 1''flfaf'. 6,490'Cstuderits" · were ..enrolled· . ·"; Schafer·,was Invited to Jol,n apy:t.~a{l\la ·: ·Vti1lir::.'laII,iB\~to·.1~; pefCellt t increase, .. .. Layne Collins and:lv!o;fprnrnr governors -;"· r-:ove·r:a yeilr'(ago: ~1 t:~:1~'. ·. : K,~:11;lsctri~i~unlversity's :(argest en- 1 . , .. Louie B.; Nunn;, chairman/ .~f ,Morehead s , J·•~ ( . ·- • -~- -~ .. -~ •. ' • • · : board of .regents,iand ._Edward. T.~-'.'Ned" "rollment since ·1983, when 11 reg is-, : Breathitt, vice chalniian 'of!.,the ·rege·~ts. in ~tereil; 6,505~stiidents, but· still short:· . placing',tlie presldentlat.l'!leclalllon .. around ,;,<ir:1ts· record:oL7,676 in 1978.' . ~. Grote's neck. · -.,.---•--··:-~~T'i:~~ ,.,.. '·> •' i; ' In yesterday's inaugural address,: •; .;- , 11 Seeing what yoll,~ad .. (~i:Vf.Ork.rwith,:-We'~, ,; ':'_Glepn Terrell;president emeritus of. 1 "washlngton:·state University, said • , , be delighted to have-you,.joln,0oµr._faculty, . ·· . Nunn quipped to Schaferj after Grat~ had ':Grote had• the vision to make his slo• planted a kiss on- her rlgllt,,cheok:.-,:,·. : , · gan ,"Together We Cnn" work at the l.~rs I II y...• . - - - . Seated on the Inaugural' stage y~terday.. -A service of the Olflce of Public Information- ~~:-···~:r:-,-, ·!·,-"-,:.,.::.~;~:-- . ~--•:-'-·-~ -~-~. -::·;- :-;·-.:.;-;:.';"~!:--,' •' • ,LEXl~GTON HERALO-~·EADER, LEXINGTON; K'(, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1987. - . - - ...... _ - --··-· .... ···- . the recent. ·twiiulti.i6tis-;:yean;~,-·-;- · :c Then he .drew. a,big;laugh from I :~Jlth;,mou~tains as their universi­ the audi~nc(bY,,~1<no.µp_cing ~t Ii,~ ,:,,i;y..: '.fhis university should be as had former·: Morehead• ,'President .. :1 r'_;£6~cerned with the'illitera_te aqult Herb Reinhard, 'in': a:'.psychblogy:: i ,.·.a_~-;:tlle graduate.student." ,_. class 40 years-agci.-.-Reinhard's con,,:.: , -~;;Although .the focus was. on tract as-.,Morehead,,presidenL\vas, i : ·. Mcirehead's future, the past._was in not renewed,in-1986 amid consider'.· : .,.,,1:: i£Vidence. .. , . :i ,, · M.~.: .' h.. ·,d. ,. able _controversy QYi his effprts tq, ! i:·\~/;otJ\dron Doran1 ore ea prest- 1 reorganize the·,~c!Joql: ;,,,. _• -:~. ..: I !•.'dt~tfrOin ·~954 to 1977, deljvered : "I'll tell you · something about, ' 1 'tlie, mvocat1on: Former• presidents l{einhard . .,!:!is ,-\Vife · is· really.' cµte:: ·: f,, 1Morfis' Norfleet' and -A.D. Albright and bright: Lhad her iµ;class; too:;,, , ' ·•were' among the dignitaries seated Terrell said,he.almost;aidn'Hnake., ; 1 •,:~o"ri!iSfage, · · ~_ .. , r~•• , • , I he '.'miscqievo,us·; colpl]le.nt:./~ .'buf., fr. ,J~:;;Br<i\llthitt recalled .'that'.'when "you're_ so_ fri~ndly y_ou, brought i(:. : '-' · Doran became president Morehead out Qf_.Il).~r ,: .·. , •,f';: l \ • •• '•-,,- : ·, faced a crisis ·so severe:thaf many Former.. Gov: -Louie ·Nunn,-;who : · said it should ·be closed, but-Doran . placed the •presidentiai ,medallion'-'! ". --- . ,. - , . rebuilt the institution.•. Breathitt around,-Grote's. neck;,_,prai~!!(i\the,'. ! ,pledged his support to Grote not new pres,'d en t .-.. •.. · , __ ·;,; , ,,:, • :'".. , I just during the "honeymoor]" phase Earlier-in'tlie dayJ,rote'deliv:'.: ! but' also during·the "storms when. ered some good 'news ,to, the re- I ·. lightning is flas~ing.'-' · · :' · · ' gents. Total enr_ollnienf<is· up ·10.i;-; .•· The inaugural.speaker, ·Glenn percent to 6,490:· Freshman enroll.: : . Terrell, president emeritus of Washington State University, said. ment is up 30.7 percent, Grote said. ' Morehead was. probably· '.'a better Enrollment-.at:·the.'.~chooL had •institution'' for· ha\'ing ·•weathered declined in theJate.1970s and-early 1980s. .~-,:., .·_\ '· __ ·1 ,j_.' __ ,__ .' _ :l ~ 0 The D~i1f"i~J;~ndent, Ashland, ii:s;iu;d·;iy; Octob~r.:n, 1987' -~ - ·-1 ;·· ,..... - .'!~_e:i·c:~-~ed ho'ine' ,to, MSU :·~ ~~:~:~~fi:ci:~~~~y· ' -:. ':, ... i" . , -By VIRGINIA ANN WHITE · :· Independent News Writer ·, -MOREHEAD - Morehead State quest oi: th;~iri-r.~i\t ~;g;nts.-urict~~~ University President C. Nelson \miversity;:sho'iild'lie like.and what his leadership, : the _enrollment i Grote.was "welcomed home" Fri­ . it should do ·as we move forward steadied then began to grow. Grote . day as the school's 11th chief ad­ .over the next 12½ years," he said. has continued '.the push for growth·· ministrator by Gov. Martha Layne ;: l'We.,cannot let problems of the iJ! the months)e. has held the _pre;- I , Collins and two ofher predecessors ;Past, serve as road blocks, 6ut let s1dency. · . ;- ' now serving on the MSU Board of .them be stepping stones to our fu. , This· year;· enrollment-is up 10,: Regents. .. .• • '·; ·ture.,, percent over the total for fall 1986. Collins praised Grote for his style 1, Collins,. former:,.governors Ed­ ;: Grote also recognized his 10 of leadershi d f · b · · · ward T. Breathitt and Louie Nunn predecessors and the contributions sense of prid~ t:the ;{hoofgmg · a ! and. Grote's elementary teache; · they had made to the university. '.'You have balanced the need for · : from. Jllinois, Leona .Schafer, :, Three past presidents - Albright . immediate action with long-range ! placed the presidential medallion :(1986-87), Morris Norfleet (1977-84), planning," she said. "Morehead ' , around Grote's neck in inaugural , ·and Doran (1954-77) - were among State University' is.on sound, sound ' · ~eremonies.at the camp1!5. •·. , · the platform guests. · footing. It has entered a new era of , . "I am a much better person·than · : Former President, Herb Rein- )rosperity." . ; , ! I was·1 and· a far better :adminis- hard, serving 1984--86,' was not pre- · Nunn, chairman of the• 'MSU • , · trator than when I left this univer.-· ,' sent. Reinhard resigned in 1986, at board of'regents, also commented I ; sity'. :16 years ago·, · Now, I· have•' a time when the school was suffer- ·on Grote's ability as a leader; but · returned to a1 special place,,- a, ing an enrollment slump. 'His res- · told those present a leader needs · place we. call home .. We have come ignation came following disputes good followers to be effective. · ! back to the ·university that I love," with members of the MSU board "(We) look to you, citizens of the , said Grote, 59. "This will be my about administrative policies .. All . · commonwealth, and particularly ; last presidency. ,It is my hope to those members except one resigned , •this region, tq·be good and,faithful ·, give the balanc( of my professional , upon request of Collins, and the : followers,"· he said, .. adding .that , life - hopefully my most produc- , new board chose Albright and later ,:;Grote is supported by the regents.
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