The New Social History: Implications for Archivists

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The New Social History: Implications for Archivists 388 American Archivist / Vol. 48, No. 4 / Fall 1985 Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 The New Social History: Implications for Archivists DALE C. MAYER Abstract: According to a recent survey by the Organization of American Historians, the fastest growing field of historical research is social history. Although many social historians use computers, this is not the most significant feature of the New Social History (NSH). More important implications for archivists and manuscripts curators arise from the use of new kinds of source materials and from a new approach to social inquiry and interpretation. Archivists who have attempted to respond to the challenges posed by NSH have tended to attack the problem piecemeal, dealing only with isolated aspects. Recognizing the highly interactive nature of archival functions, this study provides an overview of NSH's impact on all major aspects of archival practice and management. Traditional archival concerns such as solicitation strategies, appraisal criteria, provenance, and arrangement and description options are re-examined to assess the impact of NSH, point out some serious implications for archivists, and provide a starting point for institutional self-assessments and in- tegrated planning. About the Author: Dale C. Mayer is an archivist at the Hoover Presidential Library where he supervises arrangement and description projects including the presidential papers of Herbert Hoover and, currently, the papers of First Lady Lou Henry Hoover. He has an undergraduate degree in education and received anM.A. in history from the University of Michigan in 1963. A former high school history teacher and part-time instructor of history at St. Francis College in Fort Wayne, Indiana, he became a National Archives staff member in 1969. He is a member of SAA and the Midwest A rchives Conference (MA C) and was a co-founder of the Iowa Historical Materials Preservation Society (IHMPS). During IHMPS's formative years, Mayer was a member of Council and also served several terms as program chairman and vice-president. In 1981 he was named to the American Library Association's Who's Who in Library and Information Services. He has been a frequent speaker at meetings of MAC, IHMPS, and other professional organizations. The New Social History 389 Introduction searched. One can also point to such MORE THAN FIVE YEARS HAVE PASSED developments as the in-service training since the Journal of American History workshops for high school teachers called attention to the fact that a new ap- which Peter Stearns and Mildred Alpern Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 proach to the writing of social history, have conducted for the past several years utilizing computer assisted statistical at the Carnegie-Mellon Institute. Perhaps analysis, had become most popular an even more significant indicator lies in among doctoral candidates. In its report College Board tests which now routinely on new dissertations, the Journal pointed include questions designed to assess NSH out that more Ph.D. candidates had awareness and interpretative skills. chosen social history topics than any Clearly NSH has arrived as a signifi- other area. The combined number of cant research trend worthy of response dissertations in the traditional fields of from the archival community. Archivists economic, political, diplomatic, and and manuscripts curators ought to be military history barely exceeded those in very concerned about this major shift in social history by the narrow margin of the research interests and techniques of a 214 to 203.' large segment of their clientele. The prob- Another indication that this new ap- lem is to determine what kinds of proach or New Social History (NSH) is responses are possible and desirable. thriving may be found in the prolifera- In addressing this problem, archivists tion of journals devoted exclusively to are obliged to examine all areas of ar- social history phenomena. No less than a chival practice and management for these dozen are being published with such areas are inextricably linked in a manner familiar titles as Social History, Journal that is often highly interactive. For exam- of Ethnic Studies, Social Forces, and ple, decisions made while appraising and Journal of Family History. Another arranging collections often have signifi- dozen are devoted to the history of cant implications for subsequent ac- blacks, women, and agriculture. Even the tivities such as description and reference. traditionally-oriented Journal of Ameri- Thus it does not seem advisable to focus can History and American Historical on one or two isolated areas of practice Review have been publishing NSH ar- or management. What is needed, rather, ticles with increasing frequency, and ad- is an overview of all aspects of archival ditional articles on social history and an- practice and management. This is the on- nouncements concerning social history ly way to appreciate the full significance conferences and workshops appear in of the challenges inherent in NSH. almost every issue of the AHA News- A detailed analysis of NSH's impact letter. Furthermore, the titles of recent on historical methodology is beyond the dissertations, articles, and conference scope and intent of this discussion, but a papers clearly indicate that NSH disciples brief summary of some of the more im- have taken over the field of social portant contrasts between the traditional history. approach to social history and NSH These developments suggest that NSH seems appropriate as a basis for the has already achieved a great deal of ac- remarks that follow. Table 1 may be used ceptance within the historical community to facilitate these comparisons and to and that it has already influenced the way suggest some challenging implications for in which history is being taught and re- archivists. "'Recent Dissertations," Journal of American History 68 (December 1979): 774-783. 390 American Archivist / Fall 1985 TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF TRADITIONAL HISTORY AND NEW SOCIAL HISTORY Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Traditional Approaches to History New Social History Approach Contributions of leaders, great Ordinary people in groups; men, and elites ("classes"). changes in their environment, customs, values, status, economic well-being, and the in- stitutions they set up ("masses"). Usually focused on a specific inci- Focused on changes over a period dent, issue, or time period. of time. End product is based primarily on Systematic use of quantifiable literary sources such as corre- data that can be interpreted spondence or diaries. satistically. Narrative, descriptive accounts. Studies the structure and process May be a bit intuitive or impres- of societal change to produce ac- sionistic. counts that are analytic and com- parative. Immigration history from the Stresses resistance to assimila- perspective of the "melting pot." tion, self-assertiveness, and con- Stresses assimilation of groups flict with mainstream. Persistence and their efforts to get along in a of ethnic culture regarded as an new environment. Accomoda- important measure of the "suc- tionist. Shows influence of cess" of a group. Often praises Frederick Jackson Turner and cultural pluralism, but some William A. Beard who stressed awareness of danger in un-critical rapidity of assimilation and how acceptance of all cultural traits. the result was better for all. In- dians and Mexicans sometimes seen as being obstacles to pro- gress and given short shrift. Themes include political, Group experiences, intergroup economic, military, diplomatic, conflicts, intrafamily and in- and traditional approaches to tragroup relationships, social cultural and social history. In- mobility, community structure, terest in groups confined to voting cultural landscapes, and regional behavior and labor union activity studies. and growth. Fields of investigation growing Fields still evolving at rapid rate (generally in a chronological with new areas being opened up scheme, i.e., recent diplomatic, all the time. Considerable interest political, military history) but fairly in examining interrelationships well established in contrast to between the principle themes NSH. especially in cases of labor, fami- ly, and women's history. The New Social History 391 NSH involves several new approaches chival activity is affected, especially if ar- to historical research and utilizes new chivists view their professional respon- kinds of source materials along with an sibilities in connection with the life cycle entirely new orientation which em- of a document from the point of its crea- Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 phasizes "history from the bottom up." tion on through solicitation, appraisal, New social historians are not interested in preservation, arrangement, and reference the extraordinary accomplishments of a service. In each instance managers face few, but in the common, everyday strug- challenges that cannot be ignored without gles and experiences of groups of or- detriment to the long range welfare and dinary people. Cultural assimilation does professional
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