Bozeman Police Accused of Illegal Search and Seizure
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ISU rallies behind university classified workers refused to discuss what in crease would be acceptable she said. "The purpose of this rally is to unify the classified \Vhether receiving their staff and to send a message cial aid forms. schedul that we are not settling for a ppointments with pro 3percent increase." rs or adding a class at MSU President Mike st minute, students rely Malone spoke first before assified workers on a heading to Helena for a hear ing on legis "We want to see an lative fund- increase in paychecks and ing. Accord- we want it now." ing to :\!alone, the -JimAdJm-. workers are ,\-;soci.1te Director of the valued and ~ 1ontana Public Emplo~ L'e deserYe what \!'!'Ona hon they an• ask- ing for and Jrt of classified workers. "bigger gain;; will come in the The wages of classified long term.·· rs haYe fallen behind "We can do something ximately 19 percent (about pay problem) this the past two decades. year,"' :\!alone said. P B R [J lassified staff includes Classified workers are President Mike Malone speaks to a group of students, classified workers and administration in support of rs in offices such as Fi- not directly involved m edu classified workers at the rally held on Friday. al Aid and Res. Life as cation, but basically do every s custodians. thing but teach the classes. nance Council. tant to support the staff and year. no freezing of pay in /\ccording to Debbie "Classified workers are "They (classified work that's why I am here.'' creases, and increases in . president of the local essential to learning," said ers) make life easier on cam Brown spoke m support health benefits. 1 er of the ::\1PEA. this is Peter Kommers, head of the pus," said Jeff Brown, of consistent. across-the eptable. Although she University Faculty Gover- ASMSU senator. "It's impor- board increases in pay every "l'L' Rally pa~e .t ffi heever evacuated Bozeman police accused of 1ffter boITib threat illegal search and seizure threat," said John Robbins. B\ JOI SP\,Gl~R defendants without consent County Distnct Court Judge a graphic design major. E1p11111'/ll \\ rita and without search warrants. Thomas Olsen, the offenses ~Everybody thought it was The police illegally im·olYed were misdemeanors. A bomb threat at pretty silly." ln the past three years, searched lhe rei:;idences and so police had no probable cause :Bever Hall yesterday Students and faculty the Bozeman Police Depart seized evidence such as alcohol to search the premises. f to the evacuation of were allowed back into the ment has been involved "The offenses in building but investi building about an hour in four separate cases "The offenses involved are minor, and volved are minor, and f()rs found no traces of later. Fire trucks and other mvolvrng the violation of therefore, without a therefore, without a warrant, officers officials were on the scene. the fourth amendment. warrant. officers don't "Everything went All four cases involved don't have authority to enter have authority to en According to ~1SlJ well, and everyone was ex MSU students being vic- residences." ter residences." Olsen ice Lt. Robert Rippy, tremely cooperative," tims of alleged illegal said. ndard procedures were Rippy said. search and seizur e at - Thomas Olsen ,\ccording to 11owed to evacuate the According to Rippy, their homes during par- District Court Judge C'Ourt documents, offic lding when the bomb the department is working ties. ers may enter resi eat was phoned in on a caller profile. They al According to court dences without a war- ut 3:30 p.m. ready know the number documents. the Bozeman po and drug paraphernalia to be rant only in emergency c1rcum "The secretary from which the call was lice initially responded to com used in trial agaim:t the defen sta nces. According lo Olsen. ked in and said some made. The matter is still plaints of loud parties at resi dants. Several people who this doesn't usually apply to . called in a born b under investigation. dences and when they arrived. were under 21 received MIPs. police entered the homes of the According to Gallatin "t'l' Police pa~l' .t Health Care Season Ender .\ lo11ta 1111 Stflit'fall~ /<1 Race and gender 11wlter. \Vclwr :.tale 11/ Big Sky \ 7<111 /"lllllll llCt. I see page 2 see page 8-9 sL'L' page 11 Tuesday, i\Iarch 9, 1999 Race and ge11der \~~ Y~C~ \S ~USi 10 ~e~F matte1-- in healtli care you $'\'OP cantly associated with the Stf\C~\~G, t' ~ SUR~ B' A"-11 \II l\los11 \ physicians' decisions about 1'. niglit Ridder \t'll'.\pnpen whether to make referrals for 1n~R~S ~~u~~~ »o M~ cardiac catheterization (a If you're black or fe common procedure to test the male, you get inferior health heart's blood vessels), with 10 ~ow ~i G~tnnG care. That's the distressing, men and whites more likely if not surprising, conclusion to be referred than women of a recent study in the pres and blacks, re>spectively." It is ~\Ci~ TO \l,,,, tigious New England Jour the catheterization test that nal of .Medicine. determines whether or not The study confirms cardiac surgery is needed. "'·hat many women and Afri \Vhen comparisons were can Americans already sus done by ge>nder and race, pected: There is bias in the women and blacks were only way we are treated in the 60 percent as likely to be re health-care industry "The ferred for cardiac catheter race and sex of a patient in ization as men and whites. dependently influence how Black women were re physicians manage chest ferred to the procedure only pain," the study notes. 40 percent as often as while In the study, 720 phy men. As if that's not bad sicians viewed taped inter enough, Dr. Kevin Schulman views and analyzed medical of Georgetown University data of eight "patients.'' Ev Medical Center, one of the erything was controlled: The principal researchers, said "patjents" used identical this bias most likely "is an hand motions, dressed in underestimate of what's oc identical hospital gowns, and curring," because the doctors the camera position was knew their decisions were be identical for all of the inter ing recorded, though not why. views. The "patients" were U.S. Surgeon General actors - four white patients David Satcher, commenting and four black patients, on the study, notes the severe For Lewinsky, television equally split between gender consequences this bias could and ages of 55 and 70. All have: "It's a matter of life and complained of the same death whether a patient gets interview offers redemptio1 symptoms. cardiac catheterization with The researchers con a follow-up of a coronary ar 8\ ROIWRT IBLL' to know? That the president ter in Plato's .. Republ , cluded that "the race and sex tery bypass or anoth er of the patient were signifi- 1'.mglit-R1dder Newspnpl!rs of th'e United States is a Leontius, who, when for l "good kisser"? I doubt to walk past the corp ~cc I lcahh care pa~e J OTTAWA - Of the en Belgrade or Baghdad are thrown over the city wr The Expdnent is published most Tuesdays and Fndays throughout the tire cast of characters impressed. feels he must look despitE • academic year and 1s affiliaud with the Associaud Students of who've strutted their stuff But how could you not revulsion, we too were c Jfo~tana State UmLJemty through Zippergate - Bill be fascinated? Zippergate re pelled to watch Lewins Ed11ona; Polle\ and Hillary, Ken and The Exponent ,.cicomes leedb.lck from its a~dience Responses should be flects the nadir of the celeb performance. o.ent to St;B Room 305 m care ol the edllor as either a Lener to the Editor Linda, Vernon and Betty rity culture that now holds A braYura perform1 or a Guest Ed1tona: Leners should be 250·300 words m length and and on and on - the one who it was. Granted, Lewir editonals should be no longer than 700 words The Exponent reserves the us in thrall. nght 10 edi• 01 reiec· any sublllltted Sub1n1ssions should mclude could emerge redeemed is Like it or not - in fact, was probably coached fo1 L~e authors name fhone ~ imber and address Anonymous sub1n1ss1ons Monica Lewinsky. it makes you cringe to think intervie w. And after will not~ pr.r-ed Qn • " •re led u •.he c•>nn"nts pages .ire stn ·U> Watching Lewinsky's Starr's grand inquisition :lio>e of the a~thcr and ui "' way ,-epresent the UP'>n nt, ASMSU or MSL about it - Bill Clinton and Editor • 994-2455 performance in her televi Monica Lewinsky are her questioning for the• Marcus Hibdon s ion interview ate impeachr Managing Editor • 994-2224 with ABC's Bar- trial. th£ Michelle Tokarski News Editor • 994-2551 bara Walters, you probably Martha Middlebrooks had to be im much that Features Editor • 994-3840 pressed with her Watching Lewinsky's performance in her faze her Betsy Runge obvious intelli television interview with ABC's Barbara Sports Editor • 994-5482 Jan Costello gence and, like it Walters, you had to be impressed with her Art Director • 994-2614 or not, feel sym obvious intelligence and, like it or not, feel two hour$ Sara !ruin pathy for her. \\. a 1 t e 1 Photo Editor • Roger Dey Indeed, to sympathy for her. vamp1nsh c Formatters Todd Baker, Shannon Casserly, Thomas Anderson her credit, she is t IOnS with II Graphic Designers the only one of rable aplom Emily Conley(Illustrator) the whole lot who a nutslwll, , fill Anderson has had the moral fiber to was good-natured.