In the Name of Allāh the Gracious the Merciful Programme for Celebrating 50 years of Muslim Jama‘at Canada, 2016

• 313 Wasaya

• 100% ‘Amla members to be regular in listening to Huzooraa sermons

• “Introduction to the books of Promised Mesiahas” is compiled from introductions available in different all volumes of Roohani Khazain. Book is part of the Ta‘lim syllabus and printed for distribution among Ansarullah

• Waqf ‘Ardi – 25 Ansar to South America or 50 Waqfin ‘Ardi within Canada

• ITHAR - 2 Charity Walks for 50 years by Majlis Ansarullah Canada

• Souvenirs - Gift Items and Ijtima‘ Prizes by Ansarullah

• Hold a sports competition in commemoration of 50 year celebration Volume 16, No. 1, July - December, 2015

Contents Editorial

• Selection from the Holy Qur’ān and Ahādīth...... 2 Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamāat • Selection from the Sayings of the Lal Khan Malik Promised Messiahas ...... 3 Sadr Majlis Ansarullah • Blessed Message of His Holiness Canada aa Khalīfatul MasīhV ...... 4 Shahid Mansoor

• Summary of Address of His Holiness Editor in Chief aa Khalīfatul MasīhV ...... 6 Syed Tariq Shah

• Address of Amir Jamāat Ahmadiyya, Canada...... 10 Qa’id Isha‘at Nasir Mahmood Ahmed • Report National Ijtima, MAC 2015 ...... 14 Editor • Majlis E Shura Report, MAC 2015 ...... 19 Nasir Mahmood Ahmed

• A Brief History of Majis Ansarullah Canada ...... 22 Valuable Contributions • Sultan Zafar • Role of Ansarullah in Establishing Authority • Qamar Ahmad of Khilafat ...... 25 Shaheed • Muhammad Mahmood • The Role of Ansarullah in the Training of Progeny ...... 29 Iqbal

MAJLIS Ansarullah Canada • Fazal Malik 100 Ahmadiyya Avenue Maple, ON L6A 3A4 Designed & Printed by H&M Designer Inc.

O ye who believe! be helpers of Al- lah, as said Jesus, son of Mary, to his disciples, ‘Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah.’ The disciples said, ‘We are helpers of Allah.’ So a party of the children of Israel believed, while a party disbelieved. Then We gave power to those who believed against their enemy, and they be- came victorious. [61:15]

Allah’s Beautiful names and the Acceptance of Prayer.

Once the Holy Prophetsa told Hazrat Ayesha, “I know one such attribute of Allah, that if we pray by saying this attribute, our prayers are accepted.” Hazrat Ayesha eagerly asked him to tell her this attribute of God. Hazursa said, “In my view it is not proper to tell it to anyone” so he refused. Hadhrat Ayesha became cross and sat on one side hoping that the Holy Prophetsa would inform her of this attribute of God. When Hazursa did not tell her for some time, in expectation she came and stood by him, kissed his forehead and pleaded with him to tell her this attribute of God. Hazursa said, “Ayesha the real reason for not telling is that it is not proper to ask for worldly things with this attribute of God.”

Hazrat Ayesha was upset; she performed ablution and spread the prayer mat. She started to pray laudly, so that Holy Prophrtsa could hear it. She prayed, “O, Lord, I beseech You with Your holy names and magnificent attributes, the ones that I know and also the ones I do not know. Forgive the sins of your humble sarvent.” The Holy Prophetsa was sitting nearby and was smil- ing. He said, “O Ayesha, surely that attribute of God is included in the names which you have enumerated.” (Ibn Maja, Kitabud Du’a)

2 Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness

It is obvious that man is very weak by nature and has been charged with hundreds of Divine commandments. On account of his weakness, he falls short in carrying out some Divine commandments and sometimes he is overcome by the desires of the self that incite to evil. On account of his weak nature, he deserves that at the time of any slipping, if he should repent and seek forgiveness, God’s mercy should save him from being ruined. It is a certainty that if God had not been the Acceptor of repentance, man would not have been charged with these hundreds of commandments. This proves that God turns towards man with mercy and is Most Forgiving. Repentance means that a person should discard a vice with the resolve that thereafter, even if he is thrown into the fire, he would not commit that vice. When man turns towards God Almighty with sincerity and firm resolve, God, who is Benevolent and Merciful, forgives him the particular sin. It is one of the high Di- vine attributes that God accepts repentance and saves a sinner from ruin. If man had not the hope of his repentance being accepted, he would not be able to refrain from sinning. The Christians also believe in repentance, but on condition that the person who repents should be a Christian. Islam lays down no condition for repentance. The repentance of the followers of every faith can be accepted leaving out only the sin of denying the Book of God and His Messenger. It is impossible that a person should attain salvation only through his conduct. It is the Benevolence of God that He accepts the repentance of some and bestows by His grace such powers on others that they are safeguarded against sinning {Chashmai Ma’arafat ( , Anwar Ahmadiyyah Press, 1908) Now published in Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984) vol. 23. p. 181}.

To reject repentance and forgiveness is to shut the door of human progress. It is obvious to everyone that man is not perfect in himself, but is in need of perfection. As after his birth he gradually widens his knowledge and is not born learned and well-informed, in the same way, when after his birth he begins to be sensible of his surroundings, his moral condition is at a very low ebb. Observation of the condition of small children would show that most children are inclined to beat others on the slightest provocation and many of them are given to telling lies and abusing other children. Some steal and carry tales and are envious and miserly. When they grow up they fall into the grip of the self that incites to vice and are guilty of diverse types of evil and wickedness.

(Roohani Khazain vol. 23. p. 184)

3 Blessed Message of His Holiness Hazrat , Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah Be His Helper) on the occasion of 22nd National Majlis Shura & 30th Annual Ijtima‘ of Majlis Ansarullah Canada

In the Name of Allāh the Gracious the Merciful

July 29, 2015

Dear Members of Majlis Ansārullāh Canada,

Assalamo alaikum wa Rahmatullāhi wa Barakātuhu!

I am very pleased to learn that Majlis Ansārullāh Canada is holding its National Ijtimā‘ at the oc- casion of its Diamond Jubilee, and has requested for me to send a message. On this auspicious occasion, I would like to advise you in regards to your relationship with Khilāfat, as well as to excel in the service of faith.

In this age, God Almighty has sent Hazrat of Qadian as the Imām Mahdī and Promised Messiahas, and after him, has continued the system of Khilāfat among his follow- ers. Where it is mandatory to believe in the claims of Huzoor (as), after him, it is also essential to stay closely attached to the blessed system of Khilāfat. You are extremely fortunate that you have been granted the ability to, both, believe in the Promised Messiahas , and to have an affili- ation with Khilāfat (after him).

You know full well, how in the past, all those who disassociated themselves from the system of Khilāfat, were deprived of all blessings. They were neither granted divinely guided leadership, nor were they bestowed any advancement or growth. Meanwhile, those who came under the allegiance of Khilāfat and fastened themselves to this blessed system, always enjoyed infinite blessings; and Inshā’Allāh in future also, those who remain attached to Khilāfat Aḥmadiyya will continue to be granted success in both religious and secular affairs.

This Annual Ijtimā‘, being held at the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Majlis Ansārullāh is also, in fact, a blessing of Khilāfat. This was the God-given farsightedness of Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ud (ra) that he established the great system of auxiliary organizations in the Jamā‘at. He attached members of every gender and age into a fundamental organizational chain, which made every member of the Jamā‘at, an enthusiastic and active individual. Not only did this enhance the progress of the Jamā‘at, but it also helped greatly in Tarbiyati works; and Majlis

Ansārullāh is also an important branch of the auxiliary organization launched by Khilāfat.

4 Undoubtedly, Khilāfat is a magnificent reward of Allāh Almighty. Keep yourself and your children firmly attached to it! If you do this, you will continue to be granted the ability to hold such occa- sions of praise and celebrations, Inshā’Allāh! Therefore, revive the importance and blessings of Khilāfat in your programs, in your gatherings and in your homes. And in order to gain the prayers of the Khalīfa of the time, participate actively in serving the faith. Because it is regularly seen that those who spend their lives in religious works, constantly try to bring themselves closer to Khalīfa of the time. They write letters of prayers for every program, and send reports of all their works. Those people who experience such delight can never leave this lifestyle. Such people also try to reform themselves, as well as, look after the righteous upbringing of their children; their thoughts are purified; they experience intellectual and spiritual progress. Therefore, pres- ent yourself to do whatever works you can, for the service of faith. This is, the type of thing that would delight the Promised Messiahas, and what the Khulafā’ Aḥmadiyyat have constantly stressed upon. The Promised Messiahas states:

The one condition that attracts my attention and by observing which, I find myself offering sup- plication (for people in such condition) is: that I find, a person is fully involved in the service of faith, and his entire being is for the sake of Allāh Almighty, the sake of Messenger of Allāh, for the sake of the Book of Allāh and is beneficial for the creatures of Allāh. Such a person who reaches heightened levels of pain and anxiety, in fact, reaches me.

He further states: Our friends should have firm intention to serve faith, and should render service in whatever way or form they can. (Malfuzāt, p. 215, new edition)

As such, my advice to you is that you become the true Ansār (Helpers) of faith, and constantly find opportunities to serve faith; and whatever service/responsibility is given to you, consider it a Grace of Allāh, and try to render it in the best possible manner, so that by looking at your example, the passion for serving faith is further strengthened in your children!

May Allāh enable you to act upon these advices! And may Allāh grant this Annual Ijtimā‘on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Majlis Ansārullāh, every success and every blessing! Amīn!



Mirza Masoor Aḥmad Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V

5 A brief Summary of the blessed address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah Strengthen His Hands) at the occasison of Annual Ijtima‘ Majlis Ansarullah UK 2015

This year Huzoor Anwaraa, in his blessed per- office-bearers, after making programs with son, graced the occasion of the Annual Ijtima’ such zealousness, revert to their slackness. If of Majlis Ansarullah, uK. Following Tilawat, we are merely celebrating this happiness tem- pledge and Nazm, Huzoor Anwaraa bestowed porarily, then what is the point? In the lives of awards to the winners of the Ijtima’. After this, nations, 75 years is not something to be called Huzoor Anwaraa delivered the address. a great success. Many organizations celebrate 75 years, and even a 100 years; however, Huzoor Anwaraa said that this year Majlis An- gradually they lose the original objectives for sarullah is celebrating its 75 year Jubilee. This which they have been established. Such orga- year Majlis Ansarullah UK invited Sadran and nizations come under attack by the interests Representatives of the Majalis from foreign of its very members, and cease to exist; or if countries to attend the Annual Ijtima’. Huzoor they have been founded for the benefit of the Anwaraa stated that at the time of Jubilee, world, after some time the world is bereft of certain pledges are made, and expressions their benefits; or if they are national organi- of gratitude to Allah are rendered; self-ac- zations, only the bigger countries reap their countability is done; if the 75 years are being benefits; or they [organizations] benefit oth- celebrated with these things in mind, then it ers [countries] as long as their own interests is great. If, however, this is just a superficial are not at stake. The biggest example from celebration, it will have no benefits. There are world organizations is that of u.N.O., which many ill-advised Ansar who confine the Jubi- has completed 70 years. Many analysts and lee to a superficial celebration; in fact, even writers have stated that the organization has

6 lost much more than it has gained, deviating Huzoor Anwaraa stated that the disciples of from its fundamental objective. However, an Hazrat ‘Isaa’s endured hardships for nearly organization established for spiritual works is 300 years, and in spite of them, protected founded only to attain the nearness and plea- and upheld their objectives to the extent that sure of God Almighty. Thus, superficial world- after 300 years, an entire empire accepted ly celebrations are not and should not be their Christianity. Although Christianity started to true joy; rather, it involves constant efforts to spread very expansively, simultaneously it maintain their original objectives. started deviating from its fundamental teach- ings, forgetting their Creator – God. They for- Huzoor Anwaraa stated that when Hazrat got the fundamental message and teaching Musleh Ma‘udra established this organization, brought by Hazrat ‘Isaa, which gave the lesson he did so in light of the prayer, “Our Lord, of the Unity of God, and became immersed in raise from among them a prophet …” He laid idolatry. However, God has spoken of the real responsibility on Ansarullah for the work of Christians in the Holy Qur’an and has com- Da‘wati lallah, teaching the Holy Qur’an, prop- mended them. As such, by keeping this mat- er Tarbiyat [upbringing], removal of weak- ter safeguarded, God Almighty has shown the nesses in the community and setting it on ways for us to give precedence to faith over the path of progress. Such are the objectives worldly objects. for which Ansarullah was established. At the completion of 75 years, we need to analyze, to Huzoor Anwaraa defined the various meanings what extent have we fulfilled these responsi- of the word “Hawari” mentioned in the Holy bilities? Have we fulfilled the requirements of Qur’an some of which are as following: a pure Da‘wati lallah? Have we acquired that knowl- person who is full of sincerity; one who is test- edge and made it a practice among our chil- ed in every manner and is clear of every type dren? Have we tried to teach our kids the of evil; one who shows honesty and loyalty wisdom behind the Commandments of God in rendering advice; a true and loyal friend; Almighty? Or have we only been preoccupied the loyal and chosen disciples of a prophet. with secular education of our kids? As such, at As such, it is only when a person takes on the mark of 75 years, at every place the orga- all these characteristics that he can be truly nization of Ansarullah must analyze, to what called a “Hawari,” and only then will he fulfill extent each of us has taken a part in the fulfill- the requirements of “Nahnu Ansarullah.” We ment of these objectives. The true intent here can perform self-analysis in light of all these. is to sacrifice our life, wealth and time for the We must remember that the Jubilee will only attainment of these objectives; only then will be of benefit, if we do not let these character- we be able to be attain the pleasure of God istics fade away. Almighty! And only then will we be included among those who truly raise the slogan, “Nahnu The Promised Messiahas has been promised Ansarullah” [we are the helpers of Allah]! that the teachings of the Holy Qur’an shall

7 remain intact until the Day of Judgment. The every day brings successes. What is important Christians have forgotten their teachings, for us is that with each passing year, we ana- however, community of the Promised Mes- lyze to what extent we have achieved the real siahas has to grow and flourish! We need to objective – the progress in faith. If our steps analyze ourselves and ask, are we purifying are not moving forward, we are only Ansarul- ourselves. [Tazkiya nafs] Are we cleansing lah by name. the impurities in our hearts? Are we adapting the Commandments of the Holy Qur’an? Are Huzoor Anwaraa stated that I was surveying the our levels of loyalty reaching new heights? As Majlis of one country, and its Sadr Sahib told per our Ba‘iat [pledge of allegiance], do we me, rather proudly, that their members, who consider our relationship with the Promised were very weak in offering prayers and had Messiahas greater and more important than 10% attendance rate, improved to 17%, with all worldly relationships? As such, we will find their efforts. I could not hear him properly and the results of our self-assessment when we from his manner, thought he had said 70%, take into consideration all of the above things. While 70% is not a commendable percentage, yet, 17% is shameful. If after 75 years, we have Huzoor Anwaraa stated that it is a great favour come down from 80-90% attendance in con- of Hazrat Musleh Ma‘udra upon Ansarullah gregation in prayers to 15 to 20%, we are in a that he has named them as such; this name state of decline! Nevertheless, the Jama‘at is is to constantly remind them they have to be- spreading; if there is slackness in one place, come the helpers of God, that they have to God Almighty shall create true worshippers in render every sacrifice, that they have to act another place. Observe the type of people Al- upon His Commandments, and have their chil- lah has granted the Promised Messiahas who dren act upon them. God Almighty has made are spreading the message of faith to the ends a promise to the Promised Messiahas that He of the earth. In this context, Huzoor Anwaraa will spread his message to the ends of the also narrated a few incidents. earth, and He is doing just that! The Jama‘at will, Insha’Allah, be granted victory; how for- Huzoor Anwaraa stated that the Promised tunate will be those among us, who become Messiahas has said that every person should part of it. Along with the spread of Christianity try to wake up for Tahujjud. The age of Ansar began their, simultaneous, religious and ma- is such that they must pay attention to this, terial decline. However, in light of the Divine far from a mere 15% attendance in congrega- glad tidings of the spread of Ahmadiyyat given tion prayers. If, even, members of ‘Amila from by the Promised Messiahas that 300 years shall local to national level start paying attention not have passed and Ahmadiyyat shall have to it, the attendance would jump to 35 - 50%. progress . . . when we glance at the history Moreover, if Ansar demonstrate a good ex- and humble beginning of Jama‘at, our faith is ample, the Khuddam will automatically start strengthened at witnessing the Grace of God; acting upon it.

8 The Promised Messiahas states that God is very compassionate, and there exists a deep ocean of His Compassion which can never run out; a Compassionate God, Whose seekers are never disappointed! Therefore, you must wake up in the middle of the nights, offer supplications and seek His Grace!

Huzoor Anwaraa said, today Ansarullah Ijtima’ is also being held in the U.S; maybe it is also being held at another place. The Ansar should understand their responsibilities at all places, elevate the levels of their worships. It is incumbent for us to progress in our morals and works, adapt taqwa and achieve the blessings of Divine love with Allah’s help. Today, if you would like to reap the benefits of the 75 year celebration of Majlis Ansarullah, then listen and obey these instruc- tions of the one [The Promised Messiahas] sent by God!

May God make it such that this 75 year point becomes a milestone for the future successes! May Allah enable us all to do this! Following this Huzoor Anwaraa led the silent prayers.

Efficacy of Prayers

I do not find adequate words to express the faith that I have in recovery of the sick through the prayer. The Physician goes upto a certain stage and he stops there and loses hope. Further to that, it is God who opens up the way through the prayers. The understanding of the prayers is the real comprehension of the Divine and trust in God the Almighty. One should go beyond the limits that the people have fixed and he should be full of hope. If one does not do that, his life is no better than that of a dead person. It is at this stage that a man begins to recognize God.

I like Maulvi Roomi’s couplet to the effect that, “O you who have studied wisdom of the Greeks, you should also study the wisdom of the people who are full of faith.”

When a common man thinks that the matter has reached the stage of despair, God the Almighty starts making some changes which are not ordinarily visible and the matter is cleared up (it re- sults in success).

I receive quite a large number of letters for prayers and I pray for all those who write to me for this purpose, but most of the people do not comprehend the philosophy of the prayer. They do not know that great concentration is needed to get the prayers accepted. The fact is that to pray earnestly is no less than accepting a sort of death.(Malfoozat Vol. 7, pg. 386)

9 A summary of Address of Amir Jama‘at Ahmadiyya Canada, at the occasion of Annual Ijtima Majlis Ansarullah Canada 2015

Tashahhad, Ta`awuz and Al-Fateha

“He it is Who has sent His messenger with guidance and religion of truth so that He may make it prevail over all other religions even if the idolaters hate it.” [61:10]

My dear Ansar Brothers:

Assalamo alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

We, as Ansar, are the most mature section of the Jama‘at. Khuddam are in the zone of action; Ansar in the zone of experience and maturity: The Holy Prophet sa was assigned the responsibility of prophet hood at the age of 40. The Holy Qur’an terms 40 as the age of maturity:

“…till, when he attains his full maturity and reaches the age of 40 years…” [46:16]

Therefore, we are responsible for not only ourselves but also the other members of the Jama‘at, Khuddam and Lajna. So, when we look at our responsibility, we should look at it from this angle also.

Our first responsibility is to become models of Islamic way of life ourselves. Only then can we be good models for the other members of the Jama`at. Only then we can be good ambassadors of Islam. Sadr Sahib Majlis drew our attention to this aspect in his address yesterday. Our other responsibility is calling Canadians towards Islam. Living in Canada, our foremost responsibility is that we participate in and become a part of the grand spiritual revolution that God has men- tioned in the Holy Qur’an that He will make Islam prevail over all other religions. [61:10]

He has informed the Promised Messiahas that this grand spiritual revolution would be brought about through him and his Community. The Promised Messiahas was further assured that this revolution would reach its completion within 300 years i.e. within the next 290 years. Allah, the Almighty, further assured him that He shall cause his message to reach the corners of the earth. How did Allah cause the message to reach the corners of the earth? Allah created such condi-

10 tions in Pakistan that Ahmadis had to leave their homes and businesses and seek refuge in the western democratic countries.

Some of our children may think that their parents moved to western countries seeking better eco- nomic prospects. No. It was God’s plan. Our better economic conditions, that we find ourselves in, are through sheer grace of Allah and it is a fruit of the sacrifices being offered by our brothers and sis- ters in Pakistan and some other countries. Allah has brought here so that He may make the message of Islam reach Canadians. If we accept this honorable role of being the ambassadors of Islam, we would be most fortunate. It would be similar to the role of early Christians who offered all sacrifices to safeguard their faith and to propagate their faith. If we do not accept this role and all our atten- tion and energies are devoted only to seeking higher standard of life in Canada, our example would be similar to the attitude of the early Jews who refused to play the role assigned to them by Allah.

The Holy Qur’an beautifully describes both these roles:

Prophet Moses (Peace be on Him): “O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you and do not turn back, for then you will turn losers and become deprived of the blessings of Allah.”

They said, “O Moses, there is in the land, a haughty and powerful people, and we shall not enter it until they go forth from it. But, if they move out from it, we will enter it.” [5:22-23]

The Holy Qur’an pays tributes to the companions of Jesus (ph) that when he called upon them to become his helpers in the way of Allah they responded: “Nahnu Ansarullah-We are your helpers in the way of Allah” [61:15]

Today, again, the choice is ours: We may respond to the call of the Promised Messiahaa and his Khalifa, our dear Imam, Huzoor, you go and your Lord and propagate the Message of Islam; we are too busy in our jobs and our businesses and we have no time to devote for Tabligh.

Or, we may say: “Huzoor, Jano malo aabroo hazir hein teri rah mein.” Our dear master, we, with all our God-given faculties and our wealth and our time, are at your command. We would do whatever you would tell us and go wherever you would ask us.

Now, let us look at our circumstances: Jama`at Canada was established in 1966. We would be celebrating 50-year anniversary of its establishment next year. If we look at our situation now, we realize that the number of those entering the folds of Islam-Ahmadiyyat by way of our Da`wat ilallah, our Tabligh is extremely low. Currently, most of the members of the Jama‘at are those Ahmadis who have immigrated

11 to Canada from other countries and their children. We cannot consider this growth in number as true progress. It is a huge task: Population of Canada is about 35 million. If we mobilize 10, 000 members (man & women); they would each have to convey the message of Islam to 3,500 Canadians. Thus, it is absolutely necessary that each one of us presents him or her and comes forward for this sacred task.

Syedna Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allah Be His Helper!) has given us a revolutionary plan, to achieve this target, in the following message: “Every Ahmadi, who is Pakistani, generally has been able to immigrate to foreign countries be- cause of his being Ahmadi. As such, … he should, as a grateful servant of Allah, spend at least one day a week for Da‘wat ilallah, that is, calling unto Allah.”

This call is primarily to Canadian Ahmadis of Pakistan origin, who have sought refuge in Canada. But other Ahmadis should not lag behind in this blessed scheme. They should also come forward and join.

This call is addressed to men as well as women. Men should convey the message to men; women have to convey the message to women. Ahmadi women have been in the forefront of every field of service of Islam. In this field also, they should come forward and join this blessed competi- tion with men in conveying the message of Islam. This campaign was sent to the Jama‘at early this year and up to now, by grace of Allah almost 700 members have pledged to spend one day a week for Tabligh. Al-Hamdu llilah!

Today, on this blessed occasion of Ijtima` Ansarullah, this Tahrik, this scheme is once again being conveyed to you. If you have already made a pledge, may Allah enable you to fulfill your pledge and enable you to convey the message with success. May Allah bless your efforts. If you have not yet responded to the call and our dear Imam, please visit the Tabligh Desk to pick up a pledge form and present yourself for Tabligh. After this, the Jama`at will guide you on how to participate in this blessed scheme-this sacred Jihad of Tabligh. Here, it must be borne in mind that some people think that Tabligh is only the work of missionaries and scholars. They are afraid that they might not be able to answer peoples’ questions. This fear is borne only from lack of experience in the field of Tabligh. We must remember that discussion and answering questions is not the only act of Tabligh. Any activity that helps the cause of Tabligh is also Tabligh activity: for ex- ample, helping set up Tabligh programs, arranging hospitality, providing someone a ride, making friends for purpose of Tabligh, taking Tabligh contacts to Tabligh events, etc. These are all Tab- ligh activities. Therefore, there are countless opportunities and methods for us to participate in Da`wat ilallah. Every one of us can do Tabligh. You just have to come forward and the Jama‘at will train you.

12 May Allah enable us to follow in footsteps of the fortunate companions of the Holy Prophetpb said, when the Holy Prophetpb held a consultation just before the battle of Badr whether they should face the enemy who was far superior to them in numbers, armaments, provisions and experience.

Hazrat Miqdad bin Aswadra responded: Messenger of Allah, we shall not respond like the companions of Prophet Mosesph and say: “O Moses, you go and your Lord and fight the enemy, we shall be sitting here. We shall fight on your right, and on your left and in your front and at your back and the enemy will not reach you before trampling over our dead bodies.” [Seerat Khataman Nabiyyin Pg 354]

In the age of the Promised Messiahpbh conditions have changed. Islam is not being attacked with physical attack. It is being attacked through logic, through dialogue, through media. Therefore, we have to pick up the pen and respond. We do not have to offer our lives. We have to offer our time and our wealth.

13 REPORT National Annual IJTIMA‘, Majlis Ansarullah CANADA, 2015

By the grace of Allah, the annual Ijtima of Ma- about the Promised Messiahas. jlis Ansarullah Canada was successfully held in Hadiqa Ahmad, Bradford on Saturday and Final session was addressed by Respected Sunday, August 1st and 2nd, 2015. This ijtima Amir Sahib, Jama‘at Ahmadiyya, Canada, who was blessed with attendance of 1654 Ansars reminded all Ansars about the expectance of and 50 guests as compared to 1257 in 2014. Khalifa tul Massih (May Allah be his helper) about Tabligh and reiterated the need and The opening session was presided by Respect- importance of spending at least one day per ed Dr. Aslam Daud Sahib, Naib Amir Jama‘at week for the propagation of Islam Ahmadi- Ahmadiyya, Canada, who also lead the flag yyat. Later, Maulana Mubarik Ahmad Nazeer hosting ceremony. In his opening address, Dr. Sahib, Missionary In charge, Canada give away Daud Sahib emphasized on the obedience of the awards to the winning individuals and Khilafat. Maulana Rasheed Anwar Sahib also teams. Respected Mirza Samad Ahmad, Nazir addressed about responsibilities of Ansar in Khadmat e Darwashain, and many re- Ijtima‘ and their life. spected members of National Amila, Canada and Sadr Sahib, Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadi- Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah, Canada addressed in yya, Canada also graced the occasion. the second session, in his speech, Sadr Sahib reminded all Ansar Brothers towards their re- Some of the highlights of the award winners ligious and social obligations. Two new con- is as follows: verts also shared their heartwarming experi- ences of accepting Islam Ahmadiyyat. • Calgary was the top region for Tabligh day while Calgary North east was the top Various educational and sports competitions Majlis. were held, which continued on Sunday Morn- ing as well. Tilawat, nazm, Speech English • Best attendance region was Peace Village and urdu for Saf Awal and Saf dom, French Muqami, while the best attendance Majlis Speech, Regional based team Quiz and Hifz was Peace Village East. Qur’an. Cricket, Soccer, Volleyball, Tug of War, Races, Memory and observation and message • Most improved region, by attendance, was relay were Zehanat and sports competitions. Peace Village Muqami, while Bradford was the most improved Majlis. This year, there were various food stalls in- stalled along with Book Stall and Exhibition

14 ‘Alam Inami and Awards for the year 2014

Majalis Regions

First Position: Calgary North East First Position:Prairie

Second Position: Peace Village East Second Position: Calgary

Third Position:Weston Islington Third Position:Brampton

Respected Amir Sahib, Canada presenting ‘Alam Inami to Majlis Calgary North East

Respected Amir Sahib, Canada presenting certificate of appreciation to Nazim Sahib Prarire

15 educational competitions

Event Position Region Tilawat Munawar Ahmad Pararie Nazm Ibtisam Janjua Eastern Canada Speech-Urdu (Saf-Awal) Mian Mohammed Laeeq York Simcoe Speech-Urdu (Saf Dom) Ashfaq Ahmad GTA Centre Speech-English (Saf Awal) Mohammad Shafiq GTA East Speech-English (Saf Dom) Waseem Shahid GTA Centre Speech-French Tahir Mahmood Eastern Canada Hifz e Qur’an (Saf Awal) Mubarak Ahmad Peace Village Muqami Hifz e Qur’an (Saf Dom) Naeem Khan Western Ontario Quiz Competition York Simcoe Team York Simcoe Team Essay Competition Zafar Ahmad Khan Western Ontario

sports competitions

Event Position Region Soccer York Simcoe Team York Simcoe Team Volley Ball Ibtisam Janjua Eastern Canada Cricket Mian Mohammed Laeeq York Simcoe Tug of War Ashfaq Ahmad GTA Centre Race - 4x100 Mohammad Shafiq GTA East Message Relay Waseem Shahid GTA Centre Walk - Saf e Awal Tahir Mahmood Eastern Canada Race 100 meters - Saf e Dom Mubarak Ahmad Peace Village Muqami Memory & Observation Ahmad Naseer GTA East

16 IJtima‘ 2015 Gallery

17 IJtima‘ 2015 Gallery

18 SUMMARIZED REPORT presented in majlis shura, 2015 Majlis Ansarullah, Canada

Highlights upto July 2015 • The savings of Majlis were used to pur- chase a property, in Peace Village. Huzur Focus of 2015 – Ta‘luq Billāh (Communion Anwar (May Allah Be His Helper) graciously with Allāh) & Work based on Every MAJLIS named it as “Sara i Ansar”; and Every NĀSIR • A simpler and user friendly monthly report form was introduced; TAJNID • A mass email messaging service has been Majlis Anşārullāh, Canada has: launched; • 11 Regions • The attendance in National Ijtima 2015 was • 76 Majalis 1654, which is an addition of 397 partici- • 3934 Ansar, as reported by Majalis pants from previous year, Alhamdolillah; • Report is extracted from newly designed • The attendance in Western Canada ijtima online Sa’iq Form, filled by 1875 Ansar in 2015 was 338; Feb / Mar • `Alm In`ami 2014 - Majlis Ansarullah Cal- gary North East; TARBIYAT • 2nd; Majlis Ansarullah Peace Village East, • Focused on namaz in congregation espe- 3rd; Majlis Ansarullah Weston Islington; cially Fajr in congregation • 1st Position Region: Majlis Ansarullah Prai- • Campaigns for listening of Hazrat Khalifatul rie Region; Masih V (May Allah Be His Helper!) ser- • 2nd; Majlis Ansarullah Calgary Region, mons regularly caused 20% improvement 3rd; Majlis Ansarullah Brampton Region; Alhmadolillah • As per Huzooraa tehrik of increasing faith TABLĪGH motivation among members, MAC initiated • Number of Bai‘at by Ansars in 2015: 12 Suhbat e Salheen sessions (A meeting of 8 • Number of non-Ahmadi contacts: 4689; -10 Anşārs). In these sessions Ansar shared • Number of One on One Question Answer their faith inspiring incidents – In the last Sessions: 948; 1.5 years, there were around 200 such • Number of Flea market stalls, supported Sessions held, attended by 2212 Ansar. on weekly basis: 2; • Number of Ansars, participated in Tabligh ‘UMUMI day on June 14th: 984; • 57 Majalis submitted their monthly reports regularly. TA’LIM • 72 Majalis conducted their local Ijtīmā’at. • Quarterly Ta‘līm Exams; Ta‘līm exam in-

19 cludes selected portions of Qur’an, Had- Books of Promised Messiahas and Khulafa- ith, Book of Promised Messiahas and Friday i-Ahmadiyyat and 8 Audio Books with Eng- Sermons of Huzoor Anwaraa lish translations) • First 2 quarters average is 984; • A logo for Majlis Ansarullah, Canada has • A comprehensive book, “Introduction of been introduced; the Books of Promised Messiahas has been compiled from the introduction to the books of Promised Messiahas available in different volumes of Roohani Khazain • The Essays competitions and educational competitions were also held

TA‘LIM UL Qur’an • 12 Ansars has offered Waqf ‘Ārzī in Belize ITHAR and Jamaica • A donation of $5,000 is made to Humanity • 292 families were helped to learn Qur’an; First to build a well in Sindh Pakistan; • A Total of 78 Elder Ansars have been vis- MAL ited; (A record / diary of status and needs • Total Collection in the year 2015 was an in- of these Ansar are maintained so that con- crease of $103,631 from the previous year stant and organized work can be main- by grace of Allah tained according to their needs.) • Total Ansars participated in Financial Sacri- • Number of Majalis reported 433 activi- fice: 3148 Ansars; ties involving Visits of Hospitals and Senior • Income Budget submitted by 40 Majalis; Homes, Blood donation, Food donation and other Ithar activities; ISHĀ‘AT • There were 1433 Ansars volunteered for • “Introduction of the Books of Promised 233 Jama‘at events; Messiahas” has been printed. It is also avail- able on SAF DOM • Another book, “Ta‘luq Billah”, which is • A campaign has been launched to have 313 compilation of sermons of Huzooraa on the new Mossian, to commemorate 50 years topic of Ta’luq Billah and Self reformation, of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at Canada is has been published; launched. Alhamdulillah; • A new website has been launched; ZAHANAT WA SEHAT JISMANI • Almost 4000 CDs are prepared for Markaz; • 42% Ansars exercising regularly; (it includes around 1000 Friday Sermons • 23% Ansars own a bicycle; of Khulafa-i-Ahmadiyyat, 50 urdu Audio

20 EVERY MAJLIS EVERY NASIR FOCUS UPDATE • Markaz needs to focus on every Majlis to maintain an active level in these majalis. An analysis of 2014, has brought our attention for this approach: • Markaz assigned LEADS from National Aamila to help and work with regions & Majalis; • Alhamdulillah, results are being witnessed especially in Western Ontario and GTA East; • Number of inactive Majalis is 10 compared to 28 in 2014; • There were 3 inactive regions last year, but an improvement has been made on that; • All activities are being worked on majalis or individual Ansar based which has, Al-Hamdo lil- lah! resulted in improvement for Namaz, small group sessions, Friday Sermons, Mal etc.

21 A brief History of majlis Ansarullah, Canada

Syed Tariq Shah (English Rendering: Qamar Ahmad Shaheed, London) Canada is the second largest country in the Early History world by total area. Its total population is In 1976 Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrh vis- around 300 million. Most of the population ited Canada. On his return he appointed is in South, in North the population is very Maulana Syed Mansoor Ahmad Bashir Sa- low. Quebec is the largest province accord- hib as the Missionary Canada. He came to ing to the area, where as Ontario is the larg- Canada in 1977. In 1980 Hazrat Khalifatul est province according to the population. In Masih III rh again visited Canada. Majlis An- Ontario the Greater Toronto Area consists of sarullah Canada did not exist at that time. In Toronto, Maple, Vaughan, Mississauga and 1980 Respected Sharif Ahmad Sahib Man- Brampton cities, which are adjacent to each soori was appointed as Za‘im ‘Ala. After him other. Peace Village is in Maple where are Respected Yousuf Khan Shaib was appoint- the headquarters of the Jama‘at and Jamia ed as Za‘im ‘Ala. In 1981 Rabwah Markaz ap- Ahmadiyya. Most of the population of pointed Respected Maj. Shamim Ahmad Sa- Jama‘at members is in this area, similarly hib as Nazim ‘Ala Canada. In 1983 Respected majority of Ansarullah members live in these Yousuf Khan Shaib was elected as Nazim ‘Ala areas. British Columbia is in the west, which Majlis Ansarullah Canada. In 1989 Respected has city of Vancouver. Few Ansar live here. In Munir ud Din Ubaidullah Sahib was elected as east there are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Za‘im ‘Ala Majlis Ansarullah Canada. In 1990 Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, on the directions of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih few Ansar live here. In Nova Scotia there is IVrh the system of Presidentship was imple- city of Sydney in which many Ahmadi Doctors mented out side Pakistan. Respected Munir are serving. In Alberta province there is city of ud Din Ubaidullah Sahib was appointed the Calgary in which Baitun Nur Mosque is lo- first President. He remained President from cated which is the largest mosque in North 1989 to 1992. At that time the membership America. The maximum population of of Ansarullah was approx. 1000. The bud- Jama‘at members and Ansar live here after get of Majlis Ansarullah was $30,000. Dif- Greater Toronto. In Quebec province there is ferent educational and training programs city of Montreal. Here the population of the were arranged at that time. Similarly sports Jama‘at members and Ansar is maximum in programs were also arranged. Second Presi- this province. Similarly many Jama‘at and dent of Ansarullah was Respected Syed Mu- Ansar live in Ottawa city. hammad Ahmad Shah Sahib. He remained President from 1993 to 2000. At that time

22 $35,000 was allocated as the first budget Ijtima‘ $70,000 and Chanda Ishaat $13,000 of Ansarullah and 85% collection was made. was collected. In 2001 by the grace of Al- Respected Malik Kaleem Ahmad Sahib was lah Majlis Ansarullah purchased a house in elected as the third President of Canada. He Peace Village, which is being used as Majlis remained President from 2001 to 2007. Re- Ansarullah office. Majlis Ansarullah annual spected Shafqat Mahmood Sahib was elect- Ijtima‘ was initially held at Peace Village. In ed as fourth President. He remained Presi- 2012 for the first time, annual convention dent from 2008 to 2013. In 2014 Respected was held out side Peace Village at Jam’aat’s Shahid Mansoor Sahib was elected as fifth land Hadeeqa Ahmad which is in Bradford, President of Majlis Ansarullah. 40 km from Peace Village.

If we review the history of Majlis Ansarullah In 2013 Majlis Ansarullah Canada started to in Canada it is learnt that by the shear grace give ‘Alam Inami to the best Majlis. In this of Allah it continuously progressed. The An- regard Majlis Edmonton received the first sarullah membership has crossed 4000 from ‘Alam Inami from Huzur Anwaraa at the an- 1000. Similarly by the shear grace of Allah nual convention of Western Canada. Majlis this year, budget of Majlis Ansarullah has in- Ansarullah Canada had the privilege of do- creased from $30,000 to 545,000. Chanda nating $250,000 for the construction of Bait Majlis more than $461,000, Chanda Salana un Nur in Calgary. Similarly had the privilege

23 of donating for Aiwan Tahir in which there PRESENT PROGRAMMES are central offices of Jama‘at, Jamia Ahmadi- Majlis Ansarullah Canada continuously is yya and a Gym. Other than this in 2008 on arranging different training, educational the occasion of Khilafat Centenary Jubilee and Tabligh programs and more improve- Majlis Ansarullah Canada had the privilege ment is achieved. Educational Examina- of presenting $100,000 to Huzur Anwaraa. tions are being held for which the sylla- In 2013 on the completion of Ten years of bus is set from The Holy Qur’an, , Khilafat Jubilee Majlis Ansarullah Saf Dom Books of Promised MessiahAS and Friday arrange 10,000 km Cycle tour. The total Cy- sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V cling done was over 20,000 km. (May Allah Be His Helper!). In this regards, a lot of efforts have been made to increase the Majlis Ansarullah Canada has promised participation of Ansar. This year 26% Ansar to construct two well in Africa each year. participated in Educational Examinations. Till now two well have been constructed. In training aspects Namaz in congregation Similarly Jama‘at has constructed a mod- is given the priority. Through a special cam- el village in Niger where Majlis Ansarullah paign, every Sunday the attendance of Fajar Canada Ithar Department has provided the Namaz is noted. Similarly a special program man power. In 2014 Majlis Ansarullah Can- is started by the title of Suhbat-e-Saleheen, ada, with the permission of Huzur Anwaraa in which a small group of Ansar is invited. , purchased another house in Peace Village First of all they introduce themselves. After from its savings. It is planed that its upper that they narrate faith elevating incidents of portion will be rented and to utilize the base- their life. This program is very appreciated. ment as guest house. The progress is being Tabligh efforts are being done in not only made to register Majlis Ansarullah Canada Canada but in Belize and Guatemala also. as an organization with Canada Revenue In Belize and Guatemala Ansar are doing Agency. Waqfe Arzi to participate in Tabligh efforts. In Canada Tabligh is being done through personal meetings.

24 Role of Ansarullah in establishing Authority of Khilafat

Abdus Samee Khan Sahib, Ansarullah Pakistan, January 2015 (English Rendering: Fazal Malik.PEI)

A BRIEF OVERVIEW their religion which He has chosen for them; While discussing Ayat Istikhlaf (the Khilafat and that He will surely give them in exchange verse - Surah Al Nur, Verse 56), Hazrat Musleh security and peace. As a result they will wor- Maoodra explained insightfully that Allah has ship One God and would not associate part- destined Khilafat as a conditional promise to ners with Him. those who are the believers and ambassadors of benevolence. He says that in this verse, the It must be remembered that it is a promise word believer refers to those who give cre- and not a prophecy. If (the believers) do not dence to Khilafat, in other words, those who remain steadfast in their faith of Khilafat and believe in Authority of Khilafat, its blessings abstain from deeds essential for the establish- and perform good deeds to establish (spiritu- ment of Khilafat then they would no longer re- al) Khilafat; upon them the award of Khilafat main deserving of Khilafat. Then they cannot is conferred. blame Allah for not keeping the promise. (Tafseer-e-Kabeer Vol.6 pg. 366-367) In the exegesis of verse 56 of Surah Al-Nur, Hazrat Musleh Maoodra explains that these Establishment of Khilafat in Jama‘at verses initiate the subject of rewarding those Ahmadiyya who undertake obedience of the Holy Proph- Allah has graced Jama‘at Ahmadiyya with Kh- et Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah ilafat, a promise to those who carry out good Be Upon Him). God says those who give cre- deeds; and the Promised Messiahas has called dence to Khilafat and dispense kindness, He it the second manifestation (of ). will make them Successors upon earth as he Since the demise of the Promised Messiahas, did so before. Jama‘at Ahmadiyya has continuously exerted positive efforts towards ensuring authority of He then says: Khilafat is established in the hearts and minds In this verse, the decree pertaining to the fi- of its followers. Hazrat Musleh Maoodra has nal fate of (the believers) has been made. The incorporated spirit of sacrifice to safeguard believers have been promised that if they re- the Institution of Khilafat in pledges for all main certain of Khilafat and perform benevo- auxiliary organisations. The Ansarullah pledge lent deeds and exert appropriate efforts for states: this purpose, then Allah the Exalted will es- tablish Khilafat among them as he had done I solemnly pledge that I shall endeavor so previously. He will surely establish for them throughout my life for the propagation and

25 consolidation of Aḥmadiyyat in Islam, and • Ensuring the Khalifa is aware of all aspects shall stand guard in defense of the institution of your life, including important plans; also, of Khilafat. I shall not hesitate to offer any seeking his advice about your plans; sacrifice in this regard. Moreover, I shall ex- • Establish love of the Khalifa among your hort my children to always remain dedicated family and relatives; and devoted to Khilafat (Insha’Allah.) • Protect the honor of Khilafat and stand in defence of it against those who deny its In 75 years of Ansarullah, ardor for Khilafat authority; has played the most prominent role. Although • Stay alert in your domain to ensure that no Majlis Ansarullah was formally established in one speaks ill of Khilafat, even if uninten- 1940, obedience to and love of Khilafat has tional; played a pivotal role in life of every Ahmadi • Deliver speeches and write in defence of over the age of 40. Khilafat; • Prepare and deliver literature highlight- Establishing Authority of Khilafat ing blessings of Khilafat, using all available There are many ways which can be employed means; to establish the authority of Khilafat. Some • At time of selection of new Khalifa, offer key measures that can be availed promptly by mindful prayers for guidance from Allah. If every member of Ansarullah are listed as fol- blessed with membership of the selection lows: committee, then fully participate and per- form (the first) initiation (on hands of the • Inculcate love for the Khalifa, so much so new Khalifa). that the he becomes more dear than one’s own life, worth, wife and children; By the Grace of Allah, Majlis Ansarullah has • Listen to and contemplate on guidance exerted their utmost, individually and collec- from the Khalifa; tively, to act in accordance with the aforemen- • Embrace every guidance from the Khalifa tioned tasks. One can easily write thousands with zest; and be ready to offer any sacri- of pages detailing the aforementioned tasks, fice necessary; however some salient points listed below per- • Remain alert toward the physical safety of taining to the tasks that resonate with sacri- the Khalifa; fice of life, worth, time, children and honor • To pray avidly for the Khalifa; especially should suffice to highlight contribution of An- for his health, longevity and success of his sarullah towards establishment of Authority work; of Khilafat. • Being mindful towards establishment of prayer and offering of Zakat (charity); Sacrifice of Life • Cultivate a healthy relationship with the A large number of Martyrs of Jama‘at Ahmadi- Khalifa by writing to him and obtaining his yya comprises of Ansarullah. In the fateful prayers; events of May 28th, 2010 in Lahore, 58 out

26 of 86 martyred were from among Ansarullah. ‘One day a week’ for Tabligh and some Ansar Then there are many who are faced with life have become devoted to this purpose. They threatening situations and have, for all practi- go to new locations with intent to establish cal reasons, sacrificed their lives already. They Jama‘at, hold question and answer sessions are the victors who are constantly involved in and distribute literature to the best of their service of Islam. abilities.

Financial Sacrifice Sacrifice of Honor and Emotions • Membership in the blessed scheme of Wa- Answering the call of Hadhrat siyyat in which ever Ahmadi enters when Masih-e-Maood as and his Khulafa, Ansarullah he becomes a Khadim and remains till end are ever ready to offer any sacrifice of honor of life; and emotions. They humbly accept physical • Financial responsibility for 1st and 4th of- punishment, verbal abuse, even the anguish fice of Tehrik-e-Jadid lay with Ansarullah; of confinement and never complain. In face • Ansar also have the distinct honour of pay- of all the adversity, they stand tall and take ing chanda on behalf of Lajna and their steady steps towards faith. younger children; • They also spend their own money to com- Sacrifice of Children plete tasks originating from Markaz, and Since the beginning of Ahmadiyyat, system never demand any compensation; of devoting ones child has blossomed. Both • On the occasion of Diamond Jubilee, Ansa- Khuddam and Ansarullah are actively involved rullah have the honor of presenting a large and have offered their children for the better- monetary donation in the service of Huzur- ment of the cause of Islam without any hesita- e-Anwaraa tion, foregoing any personal need.

Sacrifice of Time In the scheme of Waqf-e-Nau, Ansarullah have All officers of Majlis Ansarullah, from most se- pledged thousands of children for the cause nior members working at International level of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. These children are to a saiq (messenger) at local level, give out of rendering extraordinary service in various precious time and spend majority of days and fields, including secular and moral education. nights in service. In addition, from an age per- The spring that has blossomed upon the gar- spective, Ansarullah are appointed to some of den of Ahmadiyyat today is due to the selfless the most critical offices in Jama‘at Ahmadi- sacrifice of life devotees and Murabiyyan. yya. Majority of Area Governors (Amir Ilaqa) belong to this organisation. After retirement In every field of goodness... from active duty, members of Ansarullah take Due to these sacrifices, individually and col- part in Waqf-e-A’arzi with great enthusiasm. lectively, Ansarullah are taking a significant They are taking an active part in the scheme of portion of prayers from our beloved Khalifa.

27 Due to this mutual bonding, the consolidation forefront, holding the flag, conquering new of Jama‘at with Khilafat is increasing. The en- territories. Ansarullah are light bearers in emy is burning in flames of their own jealousy spreading the blessings of Khilafat, establish- as the believers are relishing in the ing love of the Khalifa in hearts of their fam- gardens of belief. ily members, in praying for the Khalifa and in seeking his advise in matters of consultation. Under the guidance of Khilafat, Ansarullah are coming ahead in every field, from suppli- Majlis Ansarullah is the right hand of Khalifa, cations to amore of the Holy Prophetsa, from its absolute helper and adherent. This is a devotion of the Holy Qur’an to mindful study structure, bonds of which will only increase till of books of the promised Messiahas, from Ta- the day of Judgement, Insha’Allah! bligh, Waqf-e-Aarzi, upbringing of children to improving moral values, Ansarullah are at


Muzaffar Ahmad Durrani, Ansarullah Pakistan, January 2015 (English Rendering: Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal, Vancouver)

With the advent of the Promised Messiahas, in Fourthly, they should have firm belief in God the later days, the span of centuries has been Almighty. cut down. The Promised Messiahas says: The prime objective and responsibility of An- Now that the Messiahas has appeared, God sarullah is to present best example of Ahmadi has fulfilled the promise. Blessed are those morals. They should attract divine blessings who believe now, since joining me is akin to and bounties by following Islamic teachings, meeting the “companions”. They have been enjoin good and forbid evil. They should en- served the same pure drink. Holy indeed is He lighten this path for their young children and Who apprehended my enemies. Ahmadi Khuddam and Atfal.

The object of establishment of the Ahmadiyya Ansarullah’s Pledge Jama‘at and its subsidiary organizations is the We repeat this pledge in every meeting, be it same as the object of the establishment of general body or executive, which makes spe- Islam. Ansarullah today bear the same re- cial mention of the training of children. It is sponsibilities as were of the companions of mentioned here-under as a reminder: the earlier days. Reminding us of the respon- sibilities, God Almighty says in Surah Al-Anam, I solemnly pledge that I shall endeavor verse 111: “You are the best people raised for throughout my life for the propagation & the benefit of mankind. You enjoin good, for- strengthening of Ahmadiyyat in Islam and bid evil and believe in Allah”. shall stand guard in defense of the institution of Khilafat. I shall not hesitate to offer every God Almighty has mentioned four responsi- sacrifice in this regard. bilities of the Ummah of the Holy Prophetsa, in this verse. Firstly, they will excel others in I shall exhort my children to always remain knowledge, actions and righteousness. Sec- dedicated and devoted to Khilafat. ondly, they should be beneficial to mankind in Insha’Allah! every respect and full of sympathy for them and ever-ready for their welfare. Thirdly, Every Nasir should always keep in mind that they should enjoin goodness and forbid evil the training of children and their attachment and should set up such high example that to khilafat is such a pledge and promise which would exhort others to do good and hate evil. he renews every now and then and it has be-

29 come his bounden responsibility. Every word God Almighty will perpetuate piety and righ- or action of ours is emulated by our children. teousness in our progeny as much as we are Therefore, we should become a beacon of individually self-reformed, pious and righ- light for our children and Ahmadi youth, for- teous as well as committed to prayers. We saking our weaknesses. We should abandon have a very striking example of the Prophet our shortcomings and weaknesses the way Patriarch, Hazrat Ibrahimas, that two of his the companions of the Holy Prophetsa, broke children, one grandchild and one great- the pitchers of wine on hearing the divine grandchild was raised to the blessed status of injunction and wine was running through he prophets while righteous imams and leaders streets of Medina, so that none of our individ- in his progeny run into dozens This was the ual weaknesses may tarnish the good name or fruit of the virtuosity of Hazrat Ibrahimas, and hinder the progress of the community and our his ardent prayers. We have been given to see future generation should bear the responsi- this in this age in the training and prayers of bilities of the Jama‘at as the soldiers of Islam. the Promised Messiahas, that one of his sons, Dilating on the same subject, the Promised two grandsons and a great-grandson has been Messiahas, says: vouchsafed with the status of Khalifa.

So carry out such acts which set best example Importance of Few Matters Pertaining to and lesson for the children. It is necessary Training that in the first instance you should reform When we talk of training and training of fu- yourself. If you attain righteousness of higher ture generations, it appears meet to identify degree and please your Lord then rest assure some such matters which can be called the that God will deal with your kids well. The hallmarks of a trained person. Though this is Holy Qur’an mentions the story of Moses and a vast subject, it is, nevertheless, essential to Khizr that they built a fallen wall which be- identify these so that Ansar and the parents longed to orphan kids. God says in that case should be aware of the requirements of exam- that their father was a pious man. (Malfoozat, ple and to engender this feeling that they are vol. IV, p.444-445). elder to their children. Few such matters are outlined here-under: Sense of Responsibility Rest assured that if we are negligent in the Tilawat Holy Qur’an with Translation and training of our children they will never inherit Teaching of the Holy Qur’an us spiritually, nor will they be able to shoulder First and foremost means of training is the the responsibility of the Jama‘at. It is there- reading, i.e. Tilawat of the Holy Qur’an with fore essential to raise this feeling that we translation and comprehending it fully since should never neglect our self reform and the imparting training requires religious knowl- training of our children. edge and the treasure storehouse of this Personal Reform and Prayer knowledge is the Holy Qur’an. It was revealed

30 to the Promised Messiahas, i.e. every good lies ye people! Worship your Lord, so that, you at- in the Holy Qur’an. The Promised Messiahas, tain righteousness”(2:22). Carrying out every says: goodly action is a worship, especially the pil- lars of faith which are instrumental in attain- Oh my Lord! Your Furqan is a world of knowl- ing God’s pleasure and raising of one’s status edge, which comprehends everything essen- spiritually. First of these pillars of faith is the tial in it. Salat.

Studying Books of the Promised Messiahas Observing Salat with all its requirements is The books of the Promised Messiahas expound not only helpful in self-reform but is said to the real meanings and interpretation of the be the pinnacle of spiritual progress. It helps Holy Qur’an. Therein lies the means of attain- us to attain nearness to Almighty by avoid- ing love and nearness of Almighty Allah, truth ing evil deeds, as says Allah Almighty: Verily about the religion and its supremacy over all Salat saves the votary against indecency and other religions. Whereas on one hand it ex- misbehavior.”(Surah Ankabut, verse 46). So, plains the matchlessness of the word of God, offer prayer that you may attain righteousness on the other hand it gives a convincing proof and inculcate the spirit of obedience. of the lofty station of the Holy Prophetsa and his truthfulness. The pillars of faith and ar- Hazrat Musleh Maoodra, says: “Prostate be- ticles of faith are enumerated, incidentally. fore God, beseech God Almighty so that Anyhow, all the aspects of religion are ade- Divine blessings me descend on you. Cul- quately explained, so that, it becomes crystal tivate righteousness. Salat and regular- clear since the Promised Messiahas, is commit- ity in congregational salat is essential for ted to unearthing the hidden treasures, as he righteousness.”(Anwarul Uloom, vol.9, p.426) says: God Almighty especially ordained the Holy The treasures which had been hidden over Prophetsa to the spirit of training when he thousands of years, I stand to distribute if said “Ask your spouses to offer prayer and be there is any supplicant. steadfast at it yourself” (Surah Ta’ha, verse 333). Hazrat Khalifatul Masih-V (May Allah Be Establishment of Prayer and Du‘a His Helper) says: The above two aim at strengthening our faith, Another important matter, which in my pinion so that, it acts as a catalyst to generate the is among very important things, rather most spirit of action. In fact, establishing of Salat important is to make your children habitual is the foremost in our actions, which we have in five daily prayers. The personal example of to observe ourselves and to make our future the parents is of utmost significance. If they generations carry it out regularly. are regular in prayers, so would be the chil- God Almighty has declared his worship to be a dren also, otherwise empty counsel would means of attaining righteousness. He says: “O not avail.” (Alfazl Int., 22nd August, 2003)

31 Saving from Bad company given them. All the various facets of service Everything requires a protective wall, periph- of mankind fall under this category. Helping eral wall, for its nurture and for the mainte- in the event of weddings, bereavements and nance of its characteristics. The same applies other functions, Waqar-e-Amal, services of to virtue and training also for the training of the fellow-beings comes in the same category. children. They have to be protected from the (Malfoozat, Vol.1,p.289) atmosphere and evil influences of the society, otherwise all the efforts made in this respect When we are able to inculcate this virtue in go waste. It is therefore important to save our future generations, we can rest assured them from indecent acts and evil company. that our children are safe and secure, who As God Almighty has described the character- have developed the capability of taking care istics of the believer in Surah Al-Mominoon:4 of themselves, because financial sacrifices that believers shun all that is vain and every and spending in the way of Allah strengthens useless thing, so that virtue may develop, oth- the roots of faith. erwise it gradually goes waste. Belief in the Life afterD eath Company of the Righteous Proper belief in the life after death is one of Whereas bad company is suicidal for virtue, the cardinal principles of training. Because righteousness and moral training, righteous one who believes in the life after death can company and righteousness provides the neither forget nor become negligent in the atmosphere which nurtures goodness and carrying out of the virtues. It is our respon- generates spirit for righteous deeds. Hazrat sibility to impart this to our children. Hazrat Musleh Maoodra, says: Musleh Maoodra, says in this respect:

“That is why God has ordained in the Holy “Holy Qur’an has laid great emphasis on this Qur’an: If you want to imbibe yourself with point that rejection of religion or belittling it righteousness, you must adopt the company basically is on account of lack of belief in life of the righteous, so that you develop in the after death. same cast under the influence of noble neigh- There is a great lesson for the preachers, bour.(Anwarul Uloom, Vol.17, p.424) teachers, imams and missionaries indeed. Valid arguments in this respect should be in- Financial Sacrifices stilled in the minds of the youth, proper train- Third trait of the righteous according to the ing is never possible without it”. Holy Qur’an is spending in the way of Allah. (Tafsir-e-Kabeer, Vol.IV, p.393) That is such a practical condition in which man uses his divinely granted faculties and taste Obeying the Office-bearers of Jama‘at for the welfare and betterment of the man- Obeying the office-bearers of the Jama‘at is kind as God Almighty has explained in Surah the backbone for the organization and training Baqarah that they spend out of what We have

32 of the Jama‘at. The entire system is prone to way. Abdullah bin Obei bin salul’s son’s seek- chaos in the absence of this. Unity of Jama‘at ing approbation of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. to turns into group of disunited individuals. That kill his father on account of his acrimonious is why God Almighty has drawn our attention comments, deserting of Kaab bin Malik by his to this fact in the following verse: wife on his ex-communication and our Prom- ised Messiahsa, refusal to answer salam of Le- “O you who believe! Obey Allah, His Messen- khram being disrespectful to the Holy Proph- ger and those in authority among you. “ etsa, are glaring examples in this era.

This is as if obedience of the office-bearers is Abiding by the Covenants and Fair-dealing under divine commandment. Similarly, the Many an aspect of training is one’s person- Holy Prophet s.a.w. declared the obedience of al actions, or pertains to household or the the Amir as his obedience and his disobedi- Jama‘at. But the aspect of children’s instruc- ence as his (the Holy Prophet, s.a.w.’s) disobe- tion is the one from outside the home, rather dience. (Sahih Muslim Kitabul Amarah). Thus, with outsiders, i.e. fulfilling the covenants and it is the responsibility of Ansars to inculcate fairness in dealings. Thereby we uphold the this virtue in their children and the children dignity of the Jama‘at. Cognizant of our duties of the Jama‘at , so that, they become useful and responsibilities Ansar should pay special members of Jama‘at and society. attention towards this aspect, so that all the kids are equipped with this virtue and would Develop Religious Integrity thus be earning good name for the Jama‘at by It is also among the responsibilities of the their acts and character. Jama‘at to develop the concept of integrity for their faith in the young generation. This Love of Khuddam and their Supervision is part of human nature, and whatever one Being the senior-most sub-organization, all the holds dear and near to his heart, he is natu- other organizations are like kids, rather practi- rally very jealous about it. That is why for the cally all the other organizations are manned sake of keeping alive this virtue in our nature, by Ansar’s wives, sisters, daughters, sons and God Almighty says: grandchildren. Therefore it behoves Ansar that they should look after the training and “Whenever you happen to be in a company upliftment of other organizations and should where heavenly signs and injunctions are be- be fully mindful of that. Drawing our atten- ing looked low upon, depart therefrom until tion to this subject, Hazrat Musleh Maoodra, they turn to a different says: subject.” (Surah Al-Nisa, Verse 141) “I advise Ansar that the training f the children We Ansar should ensure that our children is essential and negligence in this would be are not participating in any such programme a blunder. Khuddam after all no aliens. They which is antagonistic to the Jama‘at in any are their own children. But instead of advising

33 them as such, some start raising objections. following other races and aping them. (Sunan Abu Daud, Kitabul Libas, Bab fi Libasal Bashra) It is, as if, they forget their own brothers and sons and start complaining that the khuddam It is essential therefore to make it clear to our have this or that shortcoming. They fail to re- boys and girls that Islamic culture should su- alize that they are their own children, they persede every other culture. Our negligence haven’t descended from above. They are the on this score would mean that our children kids would end up in others’ hands. Training and residing in our vicinity (mohallas) and Ansar guidance of our children in day to day affairs are their fathers or uncles. is therefore essential. No doubt, every word (Masha’le Raah,Vol.IV,p.162) of wisdom is the lost property of the believer and embracing it under the following condi- Reminding us of the same, Hazrat MuslehM- tions is meet:- aoodra, says:- • In actual fact it is good and not contrary to “Remember that your name is Ansarullah, i.e. the basic tenets of religion. the helpers of Allah. Always keep this sign in • It should not be adopted blindly, without your front and should always strive to carry thorough assessment and full cognizance this out in every generation. One of the of its nature. means of this is proper training of the children and to develop love of Khilafat in them.” My Ansar Brothers! Prepare future genera- (Sabeelar Reshad, Vol.I,p.122) tions to inherit you because there is no per- petuation without it. Your virtue would stay Inculcate Love of Khilafat as virtue as long as future generations would According to the pledge of Ansar, love of Kh- inherit them. Life is finite and we may have to ilafat should be developed in the hearts of respond to the call of Eternity any time. Be- next generation and the subject be explained fore this eventuality, you must transfer these through examples, because the supremacy of virtues to your posterity so that you see with the religion and unity of the Jama‘at depends your very eyes that your children have adopted on Khilafat. these virtues. Embellish their morals, prepare Safeguard your Traditions: It is another impor- them to shoulder their future responsibilities tant factor of training that the children should as leadership is to be entrusted to them. Let be the end-product of Islamic and Jama‘at tra- them realize that “We are continuing to carry ditions, their training would thus be evinced. out this task, in any way. Following the practices of other nations, at Mind you, Jama‘at should not be blemished in the cost of our own traditions, amounts to de- your time.” grading yourself and spoiling our future. That is why the Holy Prophet, s.a.w. has forbidden

34 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah Be His has, Oh Our Lord! Come to our succor and keep Helper) says:- our progeny on course.’ ‘Carry out the training of your children with a new spirit, courage and prayers. You are (The Alfazl Daily, 20th September, 2004, p.4) lucky to have the blessings and the prayers of the Holy Prophetsa, and the Promised Messia-


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