Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 54, Number 1

The Buttonwillow Site Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 54, Number 1

Editor Sherri Gust Production Editor Rene Brace Publications Committee Bob Brace, Gail Cochlin, Scott Findlay, Megan Galway, Jane Gothold, Ardith Haworth, Stephen O’Neil, and Brian Steffensen Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

The Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly is a publication of the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society (PCAS), which was organized in 1961. PCAS is an avocational group originally founded to study and to pre- serve the anthropological and archaeological history of the original inhabitants of Orange County, California, and adjacent areas. The Publications Committee invites the submittal of original contributions dealing with regional history and prehistory. Although PCAS is especially interested in reports which shed further light on the early inhabitants of coastal southern California, it always welcomes reports on the wider Pacific Coast region.

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Recent issues of the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly are available at and can be downloaded and viewed but not printed. Articles appearing in the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly are abstracted in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. This issue of the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly is copyrighted © 2018 by the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society. ISSN 0552-7252.

This issue was published in July 2018. In the PCAS Quarterly publication sequence, this issue is Volume 54, Number 1 (subscription year 2018).

ii Contents

Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720): An Intact Stratified Site in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California ...... 1 Mark Q. Sutton, Jill K. Gardner, and Kenneth W. Gobalet

Cover: Charmstone from the Buttonwillow site.

iii About the Authors

Jill K. Gardner, Ph.D., received her doctorate in anthropology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is currently a departmental affiliate in the Department of Anthropology at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. In addition, she is the managing editor for California Archaeology and editor for the Society for California Archaeology Newsletter. Dr. Gardner’s main research areas are the Mojave Desert, the Great Basin, the southern Sierra Nevada, the San Joaquin Valley, the southern California coast, and inland southern California. She has also conducted research on Late Roman/Coptic mummies in Egypt and at a Neolithic site in southern Jordan. Dr. Gardner has published in the Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, California Archaeology, Quaternary Science Reviews, Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Coptica, Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers, British Archaeological Reports, Coy- ote Press Archives of Great Basin Prehistory, University of Arizona Press, and AltaMira Press.

Kenneth W. Gobalet has recently retired from over 30 years of university-level teaching. For the last 25 years he was a Professor of Biology at California State University, Bakersfield, teaching courses including introducto- ry zoology, evolution, comparative anatomy, and human biology. Prior to working at California State University, Bakersfield, he was on the faculty at Loyola University, New Orleans, and the University of Montana, Missoula. His graduate and undergraduate coursework was at the University of California, Davis. Between his undergraduate and graduate studies, he was an American Peace Corps Volunteer in central India, working to enhance the production of a fish farm. For 35 years his primary research agenda has been the identification and interpretation of ancient fish remains recovered during the excavation of archaeological sites primarily within California. To com- plete this work, he amassed a fish skeletal collection numbering in the hundreds of specimens. He has not retired from the zoo archaeological work and prides himself on having commuted by bicycle to work for his entire career.

Mark Q. Sutton, Ph.D., began his career in 1968, working at a site with the local community college while still in high school. He went on to earn a BA (1972), an MA (1977), and a Ph.D. (1987) in anthropology. He has worked for the US Air Force, the US Bureau of Land Management, and various private consulting firms, and he taught at a number of community colleges and universities. He taught at California State University, Bakersfield, from 1987 to 2007, where he retired as Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. He now teaches at the University of San Diego and works for Statistical Research, Inc. From 1986 to 2000, Dr. Sutton served as the Editor of the Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. Dr. Sutton has investigated hunter-gatherer adaptations to arid environments, entomophagy, prehistoric diet and technology, the prehistory of California, and Paleoindian studies. Dr. Sutton has worked at more than 120 sites in western North America, has presented some 126 papers at professional meetings, and has published more than 220 books, monographs, articles, and reviews on archaeology and anthropology, including the following textbooks: Introduction to Native North America; A Prehistory of North America; Archaeology: Science of the Human Past; Introduction to Cultural Ecology; Paleonutrition; and Labo- ratory Methods in Archaeology.

vi Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720): An Intact Stratified Site in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California

Mark Q. Sutton, Jill K. Gardner, and Kenneth W. Gobalet

Abstract Site Description

Test excavations at the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720) revealed a stratified deposit with an occupation that began approximately When first recorded in early 1990, the Buttonwillow 10,000 years ago and lasted until about the time of contact. The site consisted of a relatively low (ca. 30 cm) mound of primary use of the site appears to have been the processing of artifacts, freshwater shell, and midden some 25 m in freshwater shellfish from the nearby Buena Vista Slough, although a cache of charmstones and a human burial, both probably dating to diameter. Thus, the site appeared to be relatively small the Emergent period, were also present. with a shallow deposit. Excavations revealed a much larger and deeper deposit than anticipated (Figure 2). Introduction The site is on a gently sloping alluvial fan about 150 m west of the Buena Vista Slough, in a xeric setting Between 1990 and 1992, field classes from California directly adjacent to the slough and the valley floor. State University, Bakersfield (CSUB), under the di- rection of the lead author, conducted test excavations Natural Environment at a site located along the western side of the Buena Vista Slough, west of the town of Buttonwillow in The Buttonwillow site is in the southeastern portion of the southern San Joaquin Valley, California (Figure the southern San Joaquin Valley (SSJV) of California. 1). The initial goal of the work was to explore what The valley runs northwest to southeast and is approxi- was initially believed to be a small site, a project that mately 650 km (400 mi) long and averages 80 km (50 could be accomplished with one field class in one field mi) in width. The SSJV is bounded on the east by the season. As the site turned out to be much larger and central and southern Sierra Nevada, on the southeast deeper than imagined, considerably more effort was by the Tehachapi Mountains, on the south by the San required to complete even very limited testing. During Emigdio Mountains, and on the west by the Temblor the testing, a cache of charmstones was discovered and Diablo ranges. The soils of the southern valley (Feature 1) and was reported separately (Sutton 1996). consist of alluvium, deposited primarily by the Kern In addition, a human burial was encountered, and River. Alluvial detritus deposited across the axis of the excavation was halted in that unit. This article serves valley by the Kings River to the north and the Kern as the final report on the project. River to the south has created huge berms that gave

Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 1 2 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Figure 1. Location of the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720) in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California, and locations discussed in text.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 3

Figure 2. Map of the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 4 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet rise to the formation of the Tulare and Buena Vista (Atriplex sp.), which grows throughout much of the lake basins (Fennemen 1931:476–477). The Buena southern valley (Twisselmann 1967; Preston 1981:24). Vista Basin at the southern end of the valley contained The balance of the Lower Sonoran Grassland Commu- Buena Vista and Kern lakes. nity is comprised primarily of winter annuals, many of which are introduced species. During the winter Prior to contact, the landscape of the SSJV was con- months, the dense fog supplements the limited rainfall siderably different than it is today. A network of inter- of the area. connecting lakes, rivers, streams, and sloughs charged by the Sierra Nevada snowpack dominated the eastern Immediately east of the site is the Buena Vista Slough, and central portions of the valley. As a result of this dominated by a Freshwater Marsh plant community; water source, an otherwise xeric land became the the site could be considered to be within an ecotone home of biotic communities usually associated with a between the two plant communities. Though few ves- mesic environment. The diversion and channelization tiges of this community are present today, much of the of the Kern, Tule, Kings, Kaweah, and other rivers valley was comprised of marshlands in the not-too- during the past century have dramatically affected the distant past. The plants that make up the Freshwater physiography of the valley and resulted in the desic- Marsh Community were extremely important to the cation of Buena Vista and Kern lakes and the Buena aboriginal inhabitants of the SSJV. The marshlands in Vista Slough. general are often referred to as the “tules,” “tulares,” or “los tulares” (Bolton 1935:7). This is derived The climate of the SSJV is categorized as Mediter- from the name of the common tule (Schoenoplectus ranean and is characterized by hot, dry summers and acutus), one of the most utilized plants in the Fresh- mild, semi-arid winters. The Sierra Nevada forms a water Marsh Community. Other species of tule, as barrier for the valley against most of the cold air that well as cattail (Typha sp.), spike rush (Eleocharis sp.), moves southward during the winter while the Coast and sedges (Carex sp.), were also prominent in the Ranges, with an average altitude of approximately environment (Preston 1981:22). The exploitation and 1,220 m (4,000 ft) mitigate the marine weather pat- use of these and other marshland plants should not be terns of the Pacific (Elford and McDonough 1964:1– underestimated. 4). The average yearly precipitation in the nearby Bakersfield area is 6.36 inches with approximately Fauna 70 percent falling between December 1 and April 1. Dense “tule” fog, caused when moist air is trapped Numerous are found in the SSJV, although in the valley by a high-pressure system, is common many that were important to the prehistoric inhabitants during the months of December and January. During of the region have been extirpated due to environmen- the summer, temperatures frequently exceed 100°F, tal pressures brought about by European contact (be- with Bakersfield reporting temperatures in excess of ginning approximately 1770), including hunting, min- 90°F for about 110 days each year. ing, and farming. In addition, desiccation of the lakes, rivers, and sloughs has either eradicated or greatly Flora reduced the numbers of mollusks, fishes, amphibians, and waterfowl that were formerly abundant in the The Buttonwillow site lies in a Lower Sonoran area. Many of the vertebrate and invertebrate species Grassland plant community. The most common and discussed herein have been identified in archaeolog- widespread perennial shrub is the common saltbush ical contexts at sites in the Buena Vista Lake basin

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 5

(e.g., Demay 1942; Gayton 1948; Dillon and Porcasi turtles (Actinemys marmorata) by the Yokuts of the 1990; Hartzell 1992; Jackson et al. 1998; Culleton et Tulare Lake area. al. 2005; Sutton et al. 2012, 2016). In addition to vertebrates, several invertebrates found Large mammals such as tule elk (Cervus elaphus in the valley and were also important food sources nannodes), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), to the prehistoric inhabitants. These include insects black bears (Ursus americanus), and grizzly bears (see summary by Gardner [1997]), several species of (U. arctos) were once common in the SSJV. Bears freshwater bivalves (primarily sp., Margari- are now absent from the valley, however, and only a tifera sp., and Gonidea sp.), and freshwater gastropods small herd of reintroduced elk resides there. A small (bladder snail, cf. Physa sp.). In addition, land snails population of pronghorn can be found on the Carrizo (Helminthoglypta sp.) appear in many site deposits, Plain, just west of the San Joaquin Valley. Numerous although their role as a culturally significant resource medium to small mammals are also present in the is unclear. region, including coyotes (Canis latrans), foxes (Vul- pes spp., Urocyon cinereoargenteus) skunks (Spi- Cultural Setting logale gracilis and Mephitis mephitis), badgers (Taxi- dea taxus), black-tailed hares (Lepus californicus), Ethnography cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus audubonii), squirrels (Sciuridae), voles (Microtus californicus), kanga- The Native American groups that inhabited the San roo rats and pocket mice (Heteromyidae), gophers Joaquin Valley during ethnographic times are known ((Thomomys bottae) and mice (e.g., Peromyscus collectively as the Yokuts, who have been the focus of maniculatus, Reithrodontomys megalotis, Onychomys several ethnographic studies, including Kroeber (1925), torridus,) (e.g., Jameson and Peeters 1988). Various Gayton (1948), Latta (1977), and Wallace (1978a, species of birds, such as geese (Branta canadensis), 1978b). The following discussion of the Yokuts was ducks (Anas spp.), coots (Fulica americana), and synthesized from these sources (also see Osborne 1992; grebes (Podilymbus podiceps), were also abundant in Sutton 1997). The reader is referred to these sources for the valley and were important resources for prehis- additional details, but a brief summary (distilled largely toric populations. from Osborne [1992]) is provided below.

Many species of fish are present in the rivers, sloughs, There were more than 40 Yokuts tribes, each with a and lakes, and were abundant prehistorically as well. distinct name, dialect, and territory. For purposes of Species that were major food sources to the Native definition, however, they have been separated into populations include Sacramento blackfish Orthodon( three geographical divisions, Northern, Southern microlepidotus), hitch (Lavinia exilicauda), thicktail Valley, and Foothill. The Tulamni, a Southern Valley chub (Gila crassicauda), Sacramento pikeminnow Yokuts tribe, occupied the region around Buena Vista (Ptychocheilus grandis), Sacramento sucker (Catosto- Lake. Their principal village, known as Tulamniu, was mus occidentalis), Sacramento perch (Archoplites reportedly located somewhere along the western or interruptus), and tule perch (Hysterocarpus traskii). northwestern shore of Buena Vista Lake “where the A variety of reptiles and amphibians also resides in hills come close to the water” (Kroeber 1925:478). the valley, many of which were utilized by prehistoric groups (Behler and King 1979; Bezy 1981). For exam- Much like other Southern Valley Yokuts groups, the ple, Gayton (1948:14) reported the use of Pacific pond Tulamni were organized into single large village

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 6 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet settlements or several smaller settlements that were swamp-and-overflow culture; water and closely associated. The availability of resources, such mosquitos, willows and mosquitos, tules and as fish, waterfowl, shellfish, roots, and seeds, allowed mosquitos everywhere; tule boats, tule bags, the Tulamni to occupy permanent villages and/or tule skip-rings, and other tule equipment—and seasonal encampments. mosquitos; tule houses, tule sunshades, tule windbreaks, piled-up tules for sails on tule The Tulamni built two types of dwellings, oval-shaped boats; tule clothing;—caps, capes, hoods, par- single-family huts and larger communal structures that kas and skirts; tule mattresses, tule mats, tule were occupied by multiple families. Tule grass was blankets, pounded tule-fibre disposable diapers an important commodity for the Tulamni, who used it for babies, tule baby cradles, tule fuel, tule manufacture baskets and mats for various purposes, blinds for hunting, tule-seed mush, tule-root as well as to build canoes. Tule roots were used to bread, tule baskets, tule shrouds, tule rope, tule make a starchy flour for mush, and seeds were ground string, tule elk, beaver, sea and fresh-water into meal. Baskets of many varieties were made with otter, tules, tules, tules—and mosquitos; seal, great technological skill. Knives, scraping tools, and raccoon; waterfowl and fish in myriads; more projectile points were made from stone that was often tules, tules, tules—and mosquitos. imported from outside the area. Marine shells were obtained in their natural state from coastal peoples and Prehistory were made into a variety of disks, beads, pendants, and other items for use as money and personal adornment. To characterize the prehistory of the San Joaquin Valley, the chronology of Rosenthal et al. (2007) is Fish represented a significant food resource for the employed and summarized below. The time ranges Tulamni and were generally captured by netting, either used by Rosenthal et al. (2007) as “cal BC” denote in large nets dragged in the water using a tule raft the specific temporal periods are used herein. For less or by diving with small hand nets. Waterfowl were specific purposes, the term “BP” is used to indicate a also preferred resources and were snared or shot with very general “years ago.” arrows. Large quantities of freshwater shellfish (cf. Anodonta sp.) were gathered for consumption. Seeds Paleoindian (ca. 11,550 to 8550 cal BC) and roots also added to their dietary regime, including tule, grassnuts, clover, fiddleneck, and other flower- There is evidence of human habitation in the lake ing herbs. Leporids were hunted in communal drives, country of the SSJV dating back to at least 12,000 and elk and pronghorn were shot from blinds near years ago, although few sites of this age have been the lakes or sloughs. While acorns—a staple of many identified to date. A part of the reason for this lack of Native Californian groups—were not readily available identified sites is probably due to geoarchaeological to the Tulamni, some tribes traded fish for acorns with episodes of erosion and deposition that have destroyed their neighbors to the east. Latta (1977:205) humor- or buried many ancient Holocene deposits under more ously noted of the Tuhoumne (Tulamni) that: recent alluvial deposits. Most of the evidence of such early occupation comes from isolated finds of fluted Except for an occasional antelope surround, or projectile points commonly referred to as Clovis. One a ground squirrel smoke-out on the West Side, of the most notable of these early sites is known as theirs was strictly a goose, duck, mudhen, the Witt site along the shore of Tulare Lake (north of swan, blue heron, egret, pelican, lake, slough, the Buena Vista Lake basin), which contained fluted

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 7

(Clovis-like) projectile points, scrapers, crescents, and Middle Archaic (ca. 5550 to 550 cal BC) Lake Mojave points (Moratto 1984:81–82; Wallace and Riddell 1988; Wallace 1991, 1993:6; also see The Middle Archaic witnessed a substantial change Hopkins 1991; Fenenga 1993a, 2014; Hopkins and in climate in the San Joaquin Valley as conditions be- Garfinkel 2008). came warmer and drier, and lakes began to desiccate. Landscapes eventually became more stable after a Lower Archaic (ca. 8550 to 5550 cal BC) period of deposition at about 5550 cal BC, and buried sites in alluvial landforms are fairly well represented. Similar to the Paleoindian era, occupations during High residential mobility is characteristic of the foot- the Lower Archaic are largely represented by isolated hills adaptation, and increasing residential stability is finds, in this case including stemmed points, cres- more typical of the valley floor adaptation. cents, and early concave-base projectile points. Many such isolates have been found along the shores of Artifacts of the Middle Archaic include Haliotis shell Tulare Lake. The best known Lower Archaic site in ornaments in various geometric shapes, Olivella the SSJV is CA-KER-116 (Fredrickson and Gross- and Haliotis beads, slate ornaments, spindle-shaped man 1977; also see Hartzell 1992), located on the charmstones, mortars, pestles, and large projectile southwestern shoreline of Buena Vista Lake. The points inferring use of the atlatl. There is extensive use site had a deeply buried component that contained of bone for artifacts, such as awls, fish spear tips, fish crescents, a stemmed projectile point, and radiocar- hooks, and saws. Remains of tule elk, mule deer, and bon dates ranging between 9175 and 8450 cal BP. In pronghorn, as well as fish, leporids, hares, water birds, the adjacent Elk Hills, several sites have produced raptors, and rodents, are frequent constituents in the obsidian hydration rim micron values that indicate archaeological deposits of the Middle Archaic. Baked a Lower Archaic occupation (Jackson et al. 1998; clay objects, largely unidentified as to function, are Culleton et al. 2005). also fairly common constituents.

Lower Archaic sites with stemmed and Pinto projec- Upper Archaic (ca. 550 cal BC to cal AD 1000) tile points, as well as crescents (flaked stone lithics named for their crescent-moon shape; Tadlock 1966; The Upper Archaic heralded a shift to cooler, wetter, Jertberg 1986; Fenenga 1992, 1993b, 2010; Hopkins and more stable environmental conditions, with lakes 2010; Mohr and Fenenga 2010) and humpies (small becoming significantly replenished. There was more flaked bipointed artifacts; Riddell and Olsen 1969; cultural diversity, as evidenced partly by different Sampson 1991a, 1991b), have also been identified in artifact styles (e.g., Rose Spring projectile points, the Tulare Lake basin. The projectile points and ad- saddle and saucer Olivella beads, Haliotis ornaments, mittedly few faunal remains that have been identified stone beads and cylinders, ceremonial blades). Exotic suggest that the hunting of large mammals was a sub- marine shell and obsidian artifacts attest to exchange sistence focus. Milling implements are rare to absent, and trade practices between the valley inhabitants and so the extent of plant usage is not clear. Evidence outside groups. of regional interaction spheres during the Lower Archaic is derived from marine shell beads (primarily In the SSJV, residential features dating to the Up- Olivella) from the Pacific coast and obsidian from the per Archaic have been identified at two sites (the eastern Sierra Nevada. later component at KER-116 and at CA-KER-39

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 8 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

[Hartzell 1992]), along with both aquatic and ter- 1926:40–41), and Kroeber excavated cremations adja- restrial resources (e.g., fish, freshwater shellfish, cent to Buena Vista Lake (Hartzell 1992:121). Gifford elk, pronghorn, deer, leporids). Milling implements and Schenck (1926) were especially prolific with their (manos, mortars, and pestles) proliferated during this comprehensive research project in the valley, during time, indicating the grinding of particular resources, which they recorded sites and conducted limited test such as nuts and seeds. excavations at numerous locations in and around the lake region. Emergent Period (ca. cal AD 1000 to Historic Contact) In the 1920s and 1930s, several projects where burials were discovered were undertaken by various individ- In various parts of the San Joaquin Valley, the Emer- uals, including excavations by Gifford and Schenck gent period witnessed the disappearance of many of (1926:41–42; also see Estep 1993) at Pelican Island the Archaic traditions and technologies as Euroamer- (CA-KER-33) off the north shore of Buena Vista ican contact forced changes on the Native popula- Lake, by Walker (1935, 1947) along the northwestern tions. The Emergent period marks the introduction shore of Buena Vista Lake, and by Wedel (1941) along of the bow and arrow between about cal AD 1000 the southern shore of the lake. In 1959, von Werlhof and 700, replacing the dart and atlatl as the hunting (1960:1; also see Siefkin et al. 1996) excavated a weapon of choice. Throughout the valley, fishing and number of burials at the Buena Vista Golf Club on the plant collecting increased in importance. Residential northwest shore of the lake. sites have included large quantities of fish remains as well as a variety of mammal and avian remains. In the 1970s, Fredrickson and Grossman (1977; also Mortars and pestles continued to be used to process see Hartzell 1992) tested a deeply buried and very seeds and nuts, and perhaps small animals (see Yohe early component (~9000 cal BP) at KER-116 on the et al. 1991). southwest shoreline of Buena Vista Lake. At about the same time, Dieckman (1969, 1977; also see Bass and A History of Archaeological Research in the Andrews 1977) conducted excavations at the Bead Southern San Joaquin Valley Hill site (CA-KER-450) on the northwest shore of the lake and concluded that it was the village of Tulamniu. Formal archaeological investigations have been con- Much later, Peak (1991) worked at several sites within ducted in the SSJV, including the Buena Vista Lake the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve, and Hartzell region, for more than 100 years (Table 1), beginning (1992) completed limited excavations at several sites in 1899 with a research group from the University of within the Buena Vista Lake basin in her study of California, Berkeley (Gifford and Schenck 1926:5). lacustrine adaptations. Led by Phillip Mills Jones, the group worked for three weeks near Buttonwillow, where they inves- Beginning in 1992, studies were initiated at CSUB by tigated approximately 150 mounds and identified the lead author with various field archaeology class- cultural material (including human skeletal remains es. These include Goose Lake north of Buena Vista [Wallace 1971:13–14]) at all of them. In the early Lake (Sutton 1992), Lost Hills (Novickas 1992), 1900s, Nelson recovered skeletal remains and arti- Buttonwillow (Sutton 1996; this article), Manifold facts from the western end of the Elk Hills (Gifford (Sutton et al. 2016), and additional work at Bead and Schenck 1926:41), Strong recovered two buri- Hill (see Jones et al. 1996; Sutton 2000; Minor 2002; als from the same vicinity (Gifford and Schenck Barton et al. 2010). Other work in the area from the

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 9

Table 1. Summary of Excavation Projects in the Buena Vista Lake Region.

Site No. Site Name/Area Site Type General Age Conducted by References (CA-KER-) “relative antiquity” to Southern San Joaquin Gifford and Schenck 1926; multiple various “relative recency” (Gifford UC Berkeley Valley Wallace 1971 and Schenck 1926:118) habitation, various Elk Grove not provided UC Berkeley Gifford and Schenck 1926 burials habitation, Gifford and Schenck 1926; 33 Pelican Island Middle Archaic-Emergent Bakersfield College burials Estep 1993 Gifford and Schenck 1926; – Elk Hills, Sites 14, 15 burials Emergent UC Berkeley Kroeber 1951 64 Elk Hills Cemetery cemetery Emergent Smithsonian Walker 1935, 1947 Buena Vista Lake habitation, Smithsonian, Taft Wedel 1941; Hartzell 1992; 39, 60 Emergent Sites 1 and 2 burials College Williams 2002 Fredrickson and Grossman 116 Buena Vista Lake habitation Middle Archaic-Emergent State Parks 1977; Hartzell 1992 Dieckman 1969, 1977; Bass Emergent (and possibly as and Andrews 1977; Jones et 450 Bead Hill habitation various, CSUB early as Middle Archaic) al. 1996; Sutton 2000; Minor 2002; Barton et al. 2010 Buena Vista Golf College of the von Werlhof 1960; Siefkin 240 burials Upper Archaic-Emergent Course Sequoias, CSUB et al. 1996 Tule Elk Reserve 180 habitation Emergent to Postcontact UC Davis Hartzell 1992 (Buena Vista Slough) Tule Elk Reserve 1611 habitation Upper Archaic-Emergent UC Davis Hartzell 1992 (Buena Vista Slough) 766 Goose Lake habitation Lower Archaic-Emergent CSUB Sutton 1992 2421 Lost Hills burials Emergent-Protohistoric CSUB Novickas 1992 Jackson et al. 1998; Culleton various Elk Hills various Lower Archaic-Emergent Pacific Legacy et al. 2005 4595 Kern Canyon habitation Middle Archaic-Emergent? CSUB Parr 1998 temporary 4395 Big Cut Middle Archaic, Emergent CSUB Sutton et al. 2012 camp 4220 Manifold habitation Upper Archaic-Emergent CSUB Sutton et al. 2016 2720 Buttonwillow habitation Lower Archaic-Emergent CSUB Sutton 1996, this report

Note: Refer to Figure 1 for site locations.

late 1990s to the early 2000s included excavations in Research Design the 1980s at Buena Vista Lake by investigators from Taft College (see Williams, 2002), at Poso Creek On its surface, the Buttonwillow site initially appeared (Shapiro and Jackson 1998) in the Elk Hills (Jackson to be a relatively low (ca. 30 cm in height) mound et al. 1998; Culleton et al. 2005), and in Kern River some 25 m in diameter. A variety of cultural material Canyon (Parr 1998). Overall, there is a considerable was present on the surface, including debitage, fresh- data set for the region. water shell, bone, and formed artifacts. The

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 10 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet site was seen as a very small, possibly special purpose, 190 cm, at which point it was halved to a 1 x 1 m unit, site along the edge of the Buena Vista Slough. The with the south half eventually encountering sterile soil site was chosen for testing because it was believed the at a depth of 270 cm. An auger hole was excavated in project could be completed within the span of a single the bottom of TU-1 to a depth of 390 cm; no cultural field class. We wanted to answer very basic questions, materials were encountered. Test Unit 2 was excavated such as site age, content, function, subsistence practic- as a 1 x 2 m unit to a depth of 80 cm, where a human es, and mound structure. inhumation (Feature 2) was discovered, and excava- tion in that unit was discontinued. Test Unit 3 was ex- However, excavations revealed that KER-2720 was cavated as a 1 x 2 m unit to 170 cm where it was then much larger and deeper than originally thought. It halved to a 1 x 1 m unit, with the north half excavated was the proverbial “tip of the pyramid,” with the to sterile soil at a depth of 250 cm. An auger hole was visible portion of the site being the top of a much excavated in the bottom of TU-3 to a depth of 380 cm, larger mound buried under recent alluvium. While this and no cultural materials were encountered. Test Unit revelation did not change the basic research goals, it 4 was excavated to 40 cm and augered to 90 cm, with did alter the time and effort required to complete the no cultural materials found. investigation, which was two years rather than one academic quarter. A series of 16 auger holes (using a 4-in hand auger) was excavated across the site and past its visible Field Methods surface manifestation (see Figure 2) to discover its horizontal subsurface extent. From those data, it Given the apparent small size of the mound, a com- appears that the site is about 45 m north/south by 35 m plete surface collection was undertaken. A datum was east/west, and that the mound had been partly buried established on site and a 2 x 2-m grid oriented to true by alluvial action since its occupation, with only the north was placed over the visible midden, for a total of central portion remaining visible (Figure 4). 224 units (Figure 3). The constituents of each of these surface units (SUs) were collected. As it turned out, Laboratory Methods this surface collection represented only the top of the mound and is likely not representative of the original All the materials recovered from the KER-2720 were site surface. catalogued by the laboratory analysis class at CSUB. Lot numbers were assigned to each unit, and cultural Three 1 x 2-m test units (TUs) were placed across the materials from each unit then received a catalog num- site, and a fourth unit (TU-4; 1 x 1 m) was placed off- ber. Each artifact received a separate number, while site (66.7 m south of TU-3) as a control (see Figure debitage of the same material, faunal remains, and 2). The TUs were excavated in 10-cm arbitrary levels botanical remains from each level were grouped ac- with all soil being passed through 1/8-in mesh screen. cordingly and received one number. Metric attributes For the most part, trowels and shovels were employed, (length, width, thickness, and weight) were obtained although excavation sometimes proceeded with small on each artifact. tools. Upon completion of the units, a soil profile was drawn, and the units were backfilled. Stratigraphy and Soils

The deposit was much deeper than originally antici- The soils at the site included some 14 strata (Table 2; pated. Test Unit 1 was excavated as a 1 x 2 m unit to Figures 5, 6, and 7) and illustrate a complex deposi-

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 11

Figure 3. Map of the surface collection grid at the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 12 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Figure 4. Profiles (A - A’ and B - B’, see Figure 2) of the cultural deposit at the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720), extrapolated from unit profiles and auger hole records. tional history at the site, a fact belied by the simplicity silt lacking concretions. Stratum M may have been of the total generalized deposit shown in Figure 4. Test separated from Stratum H by an approximately 10-cm Unit 4 was excavated off site, primarily for comparative thick layer of soil (ca. 160 to 170 cm), not identified data on land snail distributions. The soils of that unit by color or consistency but by the near absence of were completely sterile and are not described herein. cultural materials. This was not noticed in the field. Near the bottom of Stratum M was a lens of freshwa- The upper portion of the deposit, to a depth of about ter shell (Feature 3). These brown soils (Strata H and 40 cm (in TU-3) to 100 cm (in TU-1), consisted to M) comprise the lower components of the site. two major strata (E and F), a gray to dark gray loam with varying degrees of compactness. These gray soils Cultural materials were found in all but the very bot- (Strata A through G) generally comprise the Upper tom strata; caliche (Stratum I) in TU-1 and sandy clay Archaic component of the site (see discussion below). (Stratum N) in TU-3. Some rodent disturbance was noted in the upper portion of the deposit (see Figures Below that was Stratum H, a medium brown compact 5 and 7). The site was never farmed so, it had not been loam that formed a major portion of the deposit. This disturbed by plowing or ripping. Thus, the deposit stratum contained a large number of very hard concre- appeared to be intact. tions that were difficult to break, even when soaked in water. These concretions developed due to a mineral The cultural deposit at Buttonwillow likely accumulat- precipitation (e.g., calcium carbonate) into the soil ed due to an aggregation of cultural activities through that formed around organic nuclei, probably pieces of time, beginning some 10,000 years ago. Concurrently, freshwater shell. This soil was the basis for the Middle the deposition of alluvium from upslope appears to Archaic component of the site (see discussion below). have buried the edges of the site such that it is roughly pyramidal in cross section. The intensity of occupation A Lower Archaic component was identified only apparently diminished through time, particularly after in TU-3, within Stratum M, a pale brown, compact the Middle Archaic occupation (see Figure 4).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 13

Table 2. Descriptions of Soil Strata in Test Units 1, 2, and 3 at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Stratum Soil Type Color Munsell Value Component Comments A silt dark gray 10YR 4/1 Emergent period root zone B silty loam very pale brown 10YR 7/3 – – C silty loam black 10YR 2/1 – – D silty loam light gray 10YR 7/2 – – E loam dark gray 10YR 4/1 – – F loam gray 10YR 6/1 Upper Archaic compact G loam light gray 10YR 7/2 – compact H loam medium brown 10YR 5/3 Middle Archaic compact, many concretions I caliche white 10YR 8/1 sterile very compact J sandy silt grayish brown 10YR 5/2 sterile – K rodent burrow – –– possibly part of the grave pit (Feature 2) L clay light grayish brown 10YR 6/2 – possibly a “cap” for the grave (Feature 2) M silt very pale brown 10YR 7/4 Lower Archaic compact, no concretions N sandy clay yellow 10YR 7/6 sterile –

Features the cache. The specimen is slightly burned along its broken edge. There is some light-colored material Three features were identified during the excavations, adhering to the surface of the metate on one side. It is consisting of a cache of charmstones, a human burial, possible that the metate had been used to “grind” some and a lens of freshwater shell. Each is described in of the other artifacts from the cache. detail below. Three charmstones were found under the metate. Feature 1 Each of the specimens is essentially complete, but all exhibit wear and/or damage, indicating evidence Feature 1 is a cache of ground stone artifacts (Figure of having been used. The first specimen (Cat. No. 8; also see Sutton 1996) that was discovered between 2-043) (Figure 10a) is plummet-shaped (Elsasser 20 and 30 cm in TU-2. It consisted of a fragmentary and Rhode’s [1996] Type PT) and is made of a soft, slab metate under which were three charmstones, two white-banded limestone from an unknown source. It stone beads, six unshaped and waterworn stones, two is shaped like a plumb bob, with both ends broken. A hammerstones, three flakes, and a small quantity of series of small grooves was cut along the base of the freshwater shell. The descriptions and attributes of small knob at the proximal end (Figure 10b), presum- each item are provided in Table 3. No evidence of any ably to aid in the attachment of a cord. The specimen container or pit was found. is completely covered with a red pigment, presumably hematite. Artifacts in Feature 1 The second charmstone (Cat. No. 2-045; Figure 10c, d) A single fragment (Cat. No. 2-031) of a greenish is an elongated specimen (possibly Elsasser and sandstone slab metate (Figure 9) was found overlying Rhode’s [1996] Type PH) and is made of sandstone.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 14 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Figure 5. Soil profile of the east and south walls of TU-1 at the Buttonwillow site (CA-KER-2720).

One end tapers to a point while the other recurves Type PT) and is made of a tan-colored granitic stone. into a bulbous “head.” This head appears to have been The upper (widest) end of the artifact, which recurves modified to resemble a phallus. Red pigment (likely from the maximum width of the artifact, has a small hematite) is evident on the entire specimen, although concavity. Both ends have been battered, the smaller in lesser quantities than on the charmstone described end showing evidence of straight-on battering, as if above. used as a hammerstone. Red pigment (likely hema- tite) covers the piece, including in the flake scars The third charmstone (Cat. No. 2-046; Figure 10e, at each end, indicating that it was applied after the f) is plummet-shaped (Elsasser and Rhode’s [1996] battering.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 15

Figure 6. Soil profile of the east wall of TU-2 at the Buttonwillow site (CA- KER-2720).

Figure 7. Soil profile of the west wall of TU-3 at the Buttonwillow site (CA- KER-2720).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 16 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

an elongated cobble and has numerous scratches (pre- sumably of cultural origin) on its surface. The sixth stone (Cat. No. 2-047; Figure 12b) is roughly cylin- drical in shape, and its smaller end is slightly battered. The geographic origin of the stones is not known. An additional spherical stone was found at the same level approximately 1 m north of the cache.

Three small chert flakes were found in presumed asso- ciation with the cache, although it is possible that their presence was incidental.

Faunal Remains in Feature 1

Three small fragments of freshwater shell were dis- covered in association with the cache. However, as with the flakes, it is unclear whether the presence of Figure 8. Map of the artifacts from Feature 1 at CA-KER-2720 the shell was intentional or incidental. (refer to Table 3 for attributes).

Feature 1 Discussion Two stone beads were discovered within the cache. The first (Cat. No. 2-034; Figure 11a) is made of Charmstones of various forms are widely known a granitic stone and is uniconically drilled. No red in the SSJV (e.g., Gifford and Schenck 1926) and pigment was evident on this specimen. The other bead other parts of California (Elsasser and Rhode 1996; (Cat. No. 2-035; Figure 11b) is made of a granitic Sharp 2000:233; Van Bueren and Wiberg 2011), with stone with numerous small cavities. It is biconically perhaps thousands of specimens collected by private drilled and has red pigment (likely hematite) on its individuals (Seals 1993). Other caches of charmstones surface. have been reported (e.g., Latta 1977:641–646; Seals 1993), some found in association with burials (e.g., Two hammerstones were included in the cache. The Moratto 1984:203–204). To our knowledge, however, first hammerstone (Cat. No. 2-037; Figure 11c) is a the Feature 1 cache is the only such example from the spherical quartzite cobble, with battering along most SSJV that has been excavated under controlled archae- of its edges. The second specimen (Cat. No. 2-041; ological conditions. Figure 11d) is a portion of a waterworn cobble. Sev- eral of the battered edges on this second hammerstone The function of charmstones is not at all clear (see exhibits flake scars and smashed areas. Red pigment is Elsasser and Rhode 1996:6–9; Sharp 2000:234–236, evident on some surfaces of the second hammerstone. 241). Various ideas have been advanced regarding their function, such as their use as “charms” in asso- Six small, unshaped, waterworn stones were found in ciation with thunder and for rain-making (Kroeber direct association with the cache. Four of the speci- 1925:518; Gayton 1948:37; Latta 1977:640–641), mens are roughly spherical and appear unmodified. to influence success in fishing and/or hunting (Latta The fifth (Cat. No. 2-040; Figure 12a) is a portion of 1931:3, 1977:646), for medical purposes (Gayton

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 17

Table 3. Descriptions and Attributes of Items from Feature 1 (Charmstone Cache) at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Item No.a Item Material L W T Wt Figure

2-031 2 metate fragment sandstone 214.0b 141.0b 19.0 1,066.5 9 2-043 14 charmstone limestone 99.0 43.0 41.0 193.6 10a, b 2-045 16 charmstone granitic 155.0 30.0 28.0 180.6 10c, d 2-046 17 charmstone granitic 98.0 36.0 35.0 188.8 10e, f 2-034 5 stone bead steatite 22.2 18.1 9.0 12.3 11a 2-035 6 stone bead granitic 19.0 26.0 9.0 15.8 11b 2-037 8 hammerstone quartzite 40.0 42.0 34.5 98.4 11c 2-041 12 hammerstone basalt 80.0 45.0 29.0 151.5 11d 2-036 7 spherical stone quartzite 24.0 20.5 20.0 13.2 – 2-038 9 spherical stone quartzite 20.5 18.0 13.0 6.6 – 2-039 10 spherical stone quartzite 26.0 22.0 14.0 11.7 – 2-042 13 spherical stone quartzite 49.0 40.0 36.0 99.6 – 2-040 11 thin cobble granitic 77.0 45.0 16.0 89.2 12a 2-047 18 thin cobble granitic 113.0 27.0 27.0 96.7 12b 2-030 1 flake chert 33.0 16.0 8.5 5.2 – 2-033 4 flake chert 26.0 13.0 5.0 4.3 – 2-044 15 flake chert 28.5 23.5 12.0 10.1 – 2-032 3 shell fragments cf. Anodonta ––– 1.3 – a Refer to Figure 8 for item locations. b Denotes incomplete measurement Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

1948:24), or as net weights (Henshaw 1885; Barrett Of further interest is the commonly reported meth- and Gifford 1933:Figure 25). One ethnographic ac- od of storage of charmstones by burial underground count is noteworthy: (Sharp 2000:236). This method coincides with the nature of Feature 1. The Indian medicine man used to collect twelve or maybe twenty charm stones and The dating of the cache is uncertain. Unperforated arrange them in the form of a circle, with charmstones are characteristic of both the Middle another very different stone in the center, and Late periods (Elsasser 1978:Figure 5; Moratto and over these he sprinkled the seed of the 1984:183), and the shallow depth of the feature in the wild sage, feathers and red ochre, when war, deposit suggests that it dates late in time. sickness, drought or famine came to the tribe. He would next thrust the stones violent- Interpretations of Feature 1 ly together … [account by Gates, in Latta (1977:646); also see Henshaw (1885:10) for The Feature 1 cache contained five ground stone spec- a similar account]. imens (three charmstones and two beads), all of which

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 18 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Figure 9. Slab sandstone metate fragment (Cat. No. 2-031) from Feature 1 at CA-KER-2720. appear to be complete. These specimens are likely Second, the cache may represent a ritual event such as ornamental, although it is possible that the charm- described in the ethnographic literature (see above), stones had a functional purpose (e.g., net weights; see although the items were not arranged in a circle. above). The other items in the cache (hammerstones, Similar caches have been reported as being directly metate, and small spherical stones) seem to represent associated with burials, but such is not the case with manufacturing/processing tools, a very different func- this feature (although a flexed burial of an adult was tional category from the ornaments. discovered nearby). The presence of red pigment (probably hematite) on each of the charmstones and There are several possible interpretations for the ma- several other artifacts supports the ritual hypothesis. terials in Feature 1. First, the feature assemblage may Of course, the feature may be a ritual cache of a man- be the elements of a stone ornament manufacturing kit, ufacturing kit. complete with several finished items. While we do not understand the details, we do know that ground stone A third possibility is that the cache represents some ornaments have to be shaped and polished and that a sort of “shaman’s kit” and that it once contained tool kit is involved. Perhaps this is one such kit. additional materials that may have been perishable.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 19

b d

a c



Figure 10. Charmstones from Feature 1 at CA-KER-2720: (a) Cat. No. 2-043 (side); (b) Cat. No. 2-043 (top); (c) Cat. No. 2-045 (side); (d) Cat. No. 2-045 (top); (e) Cat. No. 2-046 (side); (f) Cat. No. 2-046 (top).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 20 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

a b

c d

Figure 11. Stone beads (a, b) and hammerstones (c, d) from Feature 1 at CA-KER-2720: (a) Cat. No. 2-034; (b) Cat. No. 2-035; (c) Cat. No. 2-037; (d) Cat. No. 2-041.

There may also be other hypotheses that are yet to be 6). Stratum K was described in the field notes as a explored. large rodent burrow, clearly indicating evidence of disturbance. Adjacent to this was Stratum L, de- Feature 2 scribed as compact clay (see Figure 6). Given the paucity of clay elsewhere in the site deposit, it is Feature 2 consisted of a primary, flexed human possible that this soil served as a “cap” for the grave. inhumation discovered in TU-2 at which time exca- Both of these strata appear at a depth of about 25 vation was terminated. The remains are described cm, and both are overlain by Stratum E. If this is a below (under “Human Remains”). A possible grave burial pit, it seems to have been excavated during pit can be seen in the soil profile of TU-2 (Figure the latter part of the site occupation, suggesting that

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 21

Figure 12. Two unshaped stones from Feature 1 at CA- KER-2720: (a) Cat. No. 2-040; (b) Cat. No. 2-047.

a b

it probably dates to the Emergent period, after about shell. Given the presence of the associated reddened cal AD 1000. earth, the function of Feature 3 is interpreted to be for processing/cooking freshwater shellfish and Feature 3 perhaps fish. Interestingly, a fairly large number of fish remains (n ≈ 415) was recovered between 230 Feature 3 is an extensive layer of freshwater shell and 240 cm, the level directly below Feature 3 (see encountered in TU-3. The shell lens emerged at below). approximately 226 cm and was about 5 cm thick. The layer extended horizontally beyond the 1 x 1-m unit A 100-g sample of the shell was submitted for in which it was encountered, continuing into all the radiocarbon dating, with a resultant date of 8950 ± unit walls (Figure 7). A patch of reddened (burned?) 30 RCYBP (Beta-484926), calibrated (with three earth was observed along the northern portion of the intersects) to between 10,199 and 9949 cal BP (at one unit, and some additional reddened earth was also sigma), with a local freshwater shell correction factor observed in the subsequent level. The cultural deposit of minus 300 years (Sutton and Orfila 2003; also see continued below the feature for about another 10 cm Culleton 2006), indicating an age between 9899 and (to 240 cm). 9649 cal BP.

A soil sample (Cat. No. 3-249) was taken from the Material Culture feature, from which 332.9 g of freshwater shell was recovered. In addition, 17.2 g of mostly burned, In total, 6,922 prehistoric artifacts, as well as fire-af- fleck-sized fish bone was found mixed in with the fected rock, hematite, and a few fragmentary historical

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 22 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet items, were recovered from the site. The prehistoric ble 3 and Figure 10), and two from the general midden artifacts include ground stone implements, flaked (Table 4). One of the specimens from the midden (Cat. stone tools, and shell beads. Each of these categories No. 1-062; Figure 13) was complete and found in is described and discussed below. situ in the 50 to 60-cm level of TU-1. This artifact is made of granite and is plummet-shaped (Elsasser and Ground Stone Rhode’s [1996] Type PT). The second specimen (Cat. No. 3-075) is the tip of an unclassified type and was Seventeen pieces of ground stone were discov- found in the 60 to 70-cm level of TU-3. ered. One metate fragment, three charmstones, and two stone beads were found in Feature 1 (Table 3) Manos and were described above (see Figures 9 through 12). The remaining 11 pieces included two charm- One complete, unburned, unifacial granitic mano (Cat. stones, one complete mano, two mano fragments, No. SU-122-001) was identified on the surface. Two one metate fragment, one bowl fragment, and four other small mano fragments (Cat. Nos. 2-060 and unidentified fragments (Table 4). Of interest is the 2-123) were found in TU-2 (see Table 4). general dearth of milling equipment (manos and metates), suggesting that milling was not an import- Metates ant activity at the site. Two metate fragments were found, one (Cat. No. Charmstones 2-031) in Feature 1 (see above). The other metate fragment (Cat. No. 1-046; see Table 4) is a very small Five charmstones were recovered from the excava- fragment, perhaps a spall from the surface of a tool tions, three in Feature 1 (described above; also see Ta- that was being resharpened.

Table 4. Provenience and Attributes of Ground Stone Artifactsa from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Provenience Type Material L W T Wt Comments SU-122-001 SU-122 mano granitic 110.0 72.0 53.0 568.6 complete, unifacial, unburned 2-047 TU-2, 20-30 unidentified granitic 113.0 27.0b 27.0b 96.7 fragment, cobble, battered at one end 2-060 TU-2, 30-40 mano granitic 67.0b 42.5b 28.0b 71.6 fragment, unifacial, shaped 2-052 TU-2, 30-40 unidentified granitic 35.5b 26.0b 13.0b 7.6 small fragment 1-046 TU-1, 40-50 metate granitic 37.1b 26.7b 4.7b 7.7 very small fragment 1-062 TU-1, 50-60 charmstone granitic 124.3 44.3 40.6 281.5 complete, plummet shaped (Figure 13) 3-063 TU-3, 50-60 unidentified granitic 31.0b 28.0b 15.5b 19.8 small fragment 3-075 TU-3, 60-70 charmstone granitic 31.0b 19.0 19.0b 15.0 fragment, tip 2-123 TU-2, 70-80 mano granitic 70.6b 64.1b 46.2b 242.5 fragment, missing 2-127 TU-2, 70-80 unidentified granitic 42.7b 26.7b 27.9b 27.5 fragment, missing 3-191 TU-3, 160-170 bowl granitic 65.0b 66.0b 26.0b 82.7 fragment, asphaltum on one side a Not including ground stone artifacts found in Feature 1, see Table 3. b Denotes incomplete measurement. Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 23

Figure 13. Plummet- shaped charmstone (Cat. No. 2-062) from TU-2 at CA-KER-2720: (a) side; (b) top.

a b

Bowl Fragment debitage. Each of these categories is described and discussed below. A small stone bowl fragment (Cat. No. 3-191) was recovered from the 160 to 170-cm level of TU-3. The Projectile Points piece was made of a granitic stone, measured 65.0 x 66.0 x 26.0 mm, and weighed 82.7 g. Some dark-col- Ten projectile points were identified, nine of which ored material, probably asphaltum, was evident on one were classified to type (Figure 14; Table 5). Three of the surface. The piece is missing from the collection. points are made of obsidian (each subjected to obsidian analysis), three of Temblor chert, and four of chalcedo- Unidentified Ground Stone ny. Two of the points (the Cottonwood Triangular and a stemmed specimen) were found on the surface while Three fragments of unidentified ground stone were the other eight points came from below 60 cm. recorded (see Table 4). These pieces are very small and made of a granitic stone. Concave-Base

Flaked Stone A single complete concave-base point (see Pendleton 1979; Wilke 1991; Beck and Jones 1997; Haynes 2002; The excavations at Buttonwillow yielded 6,871 Rondeau 2006; Rondeau et al. 2007; Rondeau and flaked stone artifacts. These include 10 projectile Hopkins 2008) made of chalcedony was found in the 70 points, nine bifaces, 27 cores, 11 hammerstones, to 80-cm level of TU-1 (1-076; Figure 14a). In outline, one scraper, one modified flake, and 6,812 pieces of this point resembles a small fluted type but lacks fluting

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 24 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

a b c

d e f

g h i

Figure 14. Projectile points from CA-KER-2720: (a) concave-base (Cat. No. 1-076); (b) stemmed (Cat. No. SU-177-003); (c) stemmed (Cat. No. 2-119A); (d) Pinto (Cat. No. 3-163); (e) Large Side-notched (Cat. No. 1-156); (f) large contracting stem (Cat. No. 1-107); (g) large contracting stem (Cat. No. 1-143); (h) Humboldt (Cat. No. 3-042); (i) Cottonwood Triangular (Cat. No. S-2-001).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 25

Table 5. Provenience and Attributes of Projectile Points from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Provenience Type Condition Material L W T Wt Figure 1-076 TU-1, 70–80 concave-base complete chalcedony 39.0 20.0 7.0 1.8 14a SU-177-003 surface stemmed complete chalcedony 32.9 23.3 4.4 3.2 14b 2-119A TU-2, 70–80 stemmed complete chalcedony 31.3 18.8 5.9 3.4 14c 3-163 TU-3, 140–150 Pinto complete obsidian 32.0 20.0 10.0 23.0 14d 1-156 TU-1, 140–150 Large Side-notched base obsidian 21.0a 0.9 0.5 1.0 14e 1-107 TU-1, 90-100 large contracting stem base Monterey chert 33.0a 24.0 8.5 5.5 14f 1-143 TU-1, 130–140 large contracting stem base Monterey chert 26.0a 35.0 9.0 7.7 14g 3-042 TU-3, 40–50 Humboldt base obsidian 20.0a 23.0 10.0 6.0 14h S-2-001 surface Cottonwood Triangular base Temblor chert 24.0a 12.0 5.0 1.6 14i

2-102 TU-2, 60–70 unclassified tip chalcedony 23.5a 15.3 8.1 2.1 –

a Denotes incomplete measurement. Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

or basal thinning. Such points are characteristic of the TU-3. Pinto points are characteristic of the Lower Lower Archaic in the San Joaquin Valley (Rosenthal et Archaic of the San Joaquin Valley and have been al. 2007:151) and might date to the very early Holocene. found in the Tulare Lake area north of Buttonwillow (Rosenthal et al. 2007:151). Interestingly, a small Stemmed Series obsidian flake found in the same level was found to refit with the point, suggesting it had been retouched Two small stemmed points, both essentially complete on site. The point was submitted for obsidian analysis and made of chalcedony, were discovered. One (SU- and returned a micron measurement of 5.3 ± 0.1 µm 177-003; Figure 14b) was on the surface while the other (two cuts were made, but the first was unreadable; see (2-119A; Figure 14c) was found in the 70 to 80-cm further discussion under “Obsidian Studies” below). level of TU-2. In general, such points date to the Lower It was sourced to the West Sugarloaf subsource of the Archaic in the San Joaquin Valley (Rosenthal et al. Coso Volcanic Field (CVF). 2007:151). Large Side-notched A similar point (called a shouldered bipoint), along with several other small stemmed points, was recovered from One obsidian Large Side-notched point base (Cat. Locus C at CA-KER-3080 in the Elk Hills (Culleton et No. 1-156; Figure 14e) was discovered in the 140 to al. 2005:Table 6.15). Obsidian hydration data from that 150-cm level of TU-1. Glassow (1997) proposed that same site supported the idea of a relatively early compo- this type dated between about 5,500 and 4,000 years nent (see Culleton et al. 2005:Figure 6-17, 107). old along the Santa Barbara coast and may be even earlier in the Great Basin, but the age in the San Joa- Pinto Series quin Valley is uncertain. The point was submitted for obsidian analysis and returned a micron measurement A complete obsidian Pinto point (Cat. No. 3-163; of 7.0 ± 0.1 µm. It was sourced to the West Sugarloaf Figure 14d) was found in the 140 to 150-cm level of subsource of the CVF.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 26 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Contracting Stem Humboldt

The bases of two large points, classified as contract- The base of what appears to be an obsidian Hum- ing stem, were identified (see Table 5), both made of boldt point (although it lacks a concave base) (Cat. Monterey chert. These two points were found in TU-1, No. 3-042; Figure 14h) was recovered from the 40 to one (Cat. No. 1-107; Figure 14f) from the 90 to 100- 50-cm level of TU-3. It is difficult to assess the age of cm level and the other (Cat. No. 1-143; Figure 14g) Humboldt points because they can be found in multiple from the 130 to 140-cm level. Such points appeared contexts (e.g., Thomas 1981:17), but they often occur along the Santa Barbara coast at about 4,000 years sometime between the Middle and Upper Archaic. This ago (Glassow 1997:87) and are characteristic of the point was submitted for obsidian analysis and returned Middle Archaic in the San Joaquin Valley (Rosenthal a micron measurement of 5.7 ± 0.1 µm. It was sourced et al. 2007). to the West Sugarloaf subsource of the CVF.

A variety of contracting stem points are known from Cottonwood Triangular central and southern California and have often been classified within the Gypsum series (Heizer and Hes- One Cottonwood Triangular point base (Cat. No. ter 1978:13; but see Thomas 1981:35), as Elko con- S-2-001; Figure 14i) was found on the surface (see tracting stem, or as Vandenberg contracting stem (also Table 5). The point is made of Temblor chert. These see Justice 2002:241–275). The Gypsum and Elko points have a wide geographic range within the Great series generally date between 4,000 and 1,800 years Basin and much of California, including the Buena old in the Mojave Desert (Sutton et al. 2007:241). Vista Lake basin (e.g., Hartzell 1992; Culleton et al. Other contracting stem forms (e.g., Vandenberg) 2005; Barton et al. 2010; Sutton et al. 2012) where date to about the same time. Along the coast, large they are sometimes referred to as Tulamniu Cotton- contracting stem points are considered by some as wood Triangular. The presence of this projectile point markers of the Hunting Culture or Campbell Tradition on the surface suggests that the site was occupied for (e.g., Harrison 1964; Moratto 1984:137–138). Similar some period of time during the Emergent period (see points have been found on the northern Channel Rosenthal et al. 2007). Islands and are thought to date to the early Holocene (Glassow et al. 2013). Bifaces

Just to the south in the Buena Vista Lake basin, Hartzell Of the nine bifaces from the site (Table 6), six are (1992:230–239) reported stemmed and contracting stem made of chert, two of chalcedony, and one of jas- dart points at KER-116 (and at other sites), which were per. Four of the bifaces, all chert, are complete; two variously identified as Buena Vista stemmed (similar to were early-stage bifaces (with sinuous margins and Elko and Pinto points), Old River series (bipointed and simple surface topography), and two were late-stage straight-based leaf-shaped dart forms), Elk Hills series bifaces (with straight margins and complex surface (contracting stem dart points), and Buttonwillow series topography) (following Sutton and Arkush 2014). The (large stemmed points). Hartzell (1992:295) suggested chert is from the Temblor Range and is tabular with that the larger points from her study had temporal affil- considerable cortex. Analysis of the debitage from iations with Martis or Elko points. Similar point forms TU-3 revealed few biface thinning or pressure flakes, were also recovered from several sites in the Elk Hills suggesting that biface manufacture was not a major (Culleton et al. 2005:271–274). activity (see details below).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 27

Table 6. Provenience and Attributes of Bifaces from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Provenience Material L W T Wt Comments

2-003 TU-2, 0–10 chert 10.7a 11.0 2.6 0.3 fragment 2-006 TU-2, 0–10 chert 47.4 29.9 8.7 14.0 complete, early-stage 3-010 TU-3, 0–10 chalcedony 27.6a 23.5 9.5 5.3 base 3-070 TU-3, 60–70 chert 15.0a 12.0 6.0 0.9 tip 3-096 TU-3, 70–80 chert 58.5 30.0 16.0 26.4 complete, late-stage 1-110 TU-1, 90–100 chalcedony 15.0a 12.0 6.0 1.0 base 1-129A TU-1, 120–130 chert 51.2 31.9 14.1 24.9 complete, early-stage 1-204 TU-1, 200–210 jasper 19.4a 22.2 9.2 4.1 tip 1-231 TU-1, 250–260 chert 48.9 32.2 13.6 22.0 complete, late-stage

a Denotes incomplete measurement. Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

Cores Scraper

The excavations unearthed 27 cores (Table 7). Sixteen One artifact identified as a scraper was found.The were made of Temblor chert, and 11 were made of specimen (Cat. No. 2-109) was recovered from the chalcedony. No obsidian cores were found. Most of 60 to 70-cm level of TU-2. It is made of Temblor the cores are quite small and expended. The absence chert, measures 51.5 x 32.6 x 11.0 mm, and weighs of obsidian cores, along with the fact that very few 19.4 g. obsidian flakes (all very small) were found, indicates that obsidian was not a commonly used stone. Very Modified Flake little heat treatment is evident on these cores. Of some interest is that 11 of the cores came from TU-2, a unit One modified flake (Cat. No. SU-092-007) was found excavated to only 70 cm. on the surface. It is made of Temblor chert, measures 51.4 x 24.1 x 12.3 mm, and weighs 9.7 g. Hammerstones Debitage Eleven hammerstones were recovered (Table 8), only four of which are complete. Five were found on the Debitage refers to rock waste removed during stone surface, two in Feature 1, and four others in the test tool production. It most often takes the shape of flakes units. Five are made of quartzite, two of quartz, two or shatter and is usually the most common type of of granite, and one each of chalcedony and basalt. lithic artifact found at prehistoric sites. In total, 6,812 Two of the fragments found in adjacent surface pieces of debitage were recovered from the site, 514 collection units refit, but the specimen is still not from the surface and 6,298 from the excavations (Ta- complete. bles 9 through 12).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 28 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 7. Provenience and Attributes of Cores from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Provenience Material L W T Wt Comments

SU-062-002 SU-062 chert 33.7 25.5 17.3 12.8 expended SU-121-002 SU-121 chert 35.0 30.0 15.0 15.0 expended SU-136-001 SU-136 chert 48.0 46.0 29.0 52.4 – SU-144-002 SU-144 chalcedony 47.9 32.3 25.4 42.2 expended SU-147-001 SU-147 chalcedony 25.8 25.4 24.1 14.0 – SU-163-001 SU-163 chert 45.0 32.0 16.0 24.8 – SU-193-005 SU-193 chalcedony 27.0 24.3 11.7 6.7 expended 1-008 TU-1, 10–20 chert 45.7 40.5 16.3 27.8 heat treated 1-039 TU-1, 30–40 chert 43.0 45.0 15.0 27.5 missing 1-059 TU-1, 50–60 chalcedony 38.0 17.0 25.0 25.3 expended 1-068A TU-1, 60–70 chert 44.2 23.7 25.9 28.5 expended 2-007 TU-2, 0–10 chert 32.0 30.6 17.0 19.0 expended 2-016 TU-2, 10–20 chalcedony 43.0 31.0 16.0 18.9 expended 2-018 TU-2, 10–20 chert 53.0 41.0 30.0 65.4 expended 2-029 TU-2, 20–30 chert 47.7 25.5 15.4 17.1 expended 2-029A TU-2, 20–30 chalcedony 28.9 17.9 12.9 7.1 expended 2-044 TU-2, 20–30 chalcedony 28.5 23.5 12.0 10.1 expended 2-049 TU-2, 20–30 chert 20.0 31.0 24.5 13.1 expended 2-056 TU-2, 30–40 chalcedony 38.0 29.5 24.5 27.4 – 2-080A TU-2, 40–50 chert 22.8 16.9 11.1 31.1 expended 2-080B TU-2, 40–50 chalcedony 29.1 17.5 24.0 43.0 expended 2-096 TU-2, 50–60 chert 50.2 44.9 24.7 36.7 missing 2-101 TU-2, 60–70 chert 35.3 23.2 17.8 24.6 expended, missing 2-121 TU-2, 70–80 chert 24.8 18.6 15.6 6.7 expended 2-122 TU-2, 70–80 chalcedony 49.4 32.1 34.0 62.5 – 2-128 TU-2, 70–80 chalcedony 51.0 41.3 31.3 49.7 – 3-137 TU-3, 110–120 chert 43.5 27.4 27.1 35.4 expended

Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 29

Table 8. Provenience and Attributes of Hammerstones from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Provenience Material L W T Wt Comments Figure

SU-034-002 SU-034 quartz 46.5a 28.9 a 20.0 21.4 fragment, fits with SU-48-006 – SU-048-006 SU-048 quartz 50.0a 36.0a 19.0 46.3 fragment, fits with SU-34-002 – SU-119-001 SU-119 chalcedony 52.4 41.5 36.2 116.4 complete – SU-121-001 SU-121 quartzite 48.5a 32.0a 12.0 17.5 fragment – SU-137-002 SU-137 quartzite 47.0a 38.0a 26.0 53.6 fragment – 3-016 TU-3, 10–20 quartzite 18.0a 15.0a 4.0 1.1 fragment – complete, possible hematite stain, 2-037 TU-2, 20–30 quartzite 40.0 42.0 34.5 94.8 11c from Feature 1 fragment, possible hematite stain, 2-041 TU-2, 20–30 basalt 80.0a 45.0a 29.0 151.5 11d from Feature 1 3-033 TU-3, 20–30 granite 93.0 45.0 39.0 255.5 complete – 2-123 TU-2, 70–80 granite 70.6 64.1 46.2 242.5 complete – 1-144 TU-1, 130–140 quartzite 37.6a 29.4a 6.4 4.5 fragment –

a Denotes incomplete measurement. Notes: Wt = weight, L = length, W = width, T = thickness. TU levels are in cm; other metric measurements are in g and mm.

Table 9. Debitage Recovered from the Surface Collection Units at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720). Debitage Analysis

Material Count Weight (g) The cryptocrystalline (CCS; here just chert and chal- chert 469 409.8 cedony) debitage (n = 2,591) from TU-3 was ana- chalcedony 30 47.5 lyzed. Other debitage from TU-3 include obsidian (n obsidian 1 0.2 = 12) and rhyolite (n = 1). The obsidian flakes are all quartz 2 0.7 very small pressure flakes, indicative of resharpening. quartzite 12 60.1 The chalcedony and rhyolite specimens are indicative Totals 514 518.3 of general reduction. The CCS flakes were sorted by type into five categories: early biface reduction, late biface reduction, pressure, shatter, and non-biface Of the 6,812 flakes, 6,638 (97.4 percent) are chert, 68 reduction (following Sutton and Arkush 2014). Under (1.0 percent) are chalcedony, and 64 (0.9 percent) are each of these categories, flakes were classified as obsidian, with very small numbers of quartzite (n = primary, secondary, or tertiary based on the amount of 19), jasper (n = 13), quartz (n = 5), basalt (n = 4), and cortex. The data from the analysis are presented in Ta- rhyolite (n = 1). The vast majority of the chert was ble 13. A discussion of the debitage by temporal com- identified as Temblor chert, originating in the Temblor ponents is presented below (see “Obsidian Studies”). Range just west of the Buttonwillow site. The obsid- ian that was sourced (n = 7; see below) originated Overall, the CCS debitage assemblage from TU-3 from the CVF. All the obsidian flakes are very small, is dominated by general reduction activities, with mostly pressure and retouch flakes, and were found non-biface reduction flakes and shatter accounting for throughout the deposit. some 96.3 percent of the debitage and biface thinning

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 30 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 10. Distribution of Debitage by Material from TU-1 at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Level (cm) Chert Chalcedony Obsidian Jasper Quartz Basalt Totals 0–10 59 (13.0)a 2 (0.1) 1 (0.1) ––– 62 (13.2) 10–20 36 (32.3) – 1 (0.1) ––– 37 (32.4) 20–30 97 (48.7) 2 (1.2) 3 (0.3) ––– 102 (50.2) 30–40 101 (42.6) 1 (1.6) – ––– 102 (44.2) 40–50 135 (95.7) 3 (1.5) – ––– 138 (97.2) 50–60 240 (100.9) – 2 (0.5) – – – 242 (101.4) 60–70 270 (152.2) 3 (0.9) 3 (0.2) – – – 276 (152.8) 70–80 216 (148.8) 3 (0.5) 1 (0.1) ––– 220 (149.4) 80–90 185 (68.8) 3 (0.2) 11 (0.8) 12 (7.4) – – 211 (86.2) 90–100 97 (75.2) – 2 (0.2) – – – 99 (75.4) 100–110 93 (50.2) 1 (1.1) 1 (0.1) ––– 95 (51.3) 110–120 60 (93.6) – – 1 (5.0) – 1 (8.9) 62 (107.5) 120–130 110 (61.1) 14 (0.9) 2 (0.1) – 1 (0.5) 127 (71.6) 130–140 55 (104.9) – 1 (0.5) – – – 56 (105.4) 140–150 13 (6.8) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.3) ––– 15 (7.3) 150–160 33 (29.2) – 1 (1.0) ––– 34 (30.2) 160–170 65 (21.4) – – –– 1 (1.1) 66 (22.5) 170–180b, c – – – –– 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 180–190 259 (78.1) – 1 (0.3) – 1 (0.6) 1 (4.8) 262 (83.0) 190–200 60 (39.9) – – ––– 60 (39.9) 200–210 32 (13.6) – – ––– 32 (13.6) 210–220 32 (12.0) 1 (2.2) 1 (0.1) ––– 34 (14.1) 220–230 30 (24.7) – – ––– 30 (24.7) 230–240 40 (19.4) – 1 (0.1) ––– 41 (19.5) 240–250 87 (8.9) – – ––– 87 (8.9) 250–260 92 (31.0) – 1 (0.1) ––– 93 (31.1) 260–270 3 (0.3) – – ––– 3 (0.3) Totals 2,500 (1,373.3) 34 (10.4) 34 (4.9) 13 (12.4) 2 (1.1) 4 (14.9) 2,587 (1,417.0)

a Count (weight in g). b The debitage (one flake) from this level is missing. c Beginning with the 170 to 180-cm level, the unit was halved to a 1 x 1-m unit.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 31

Table 11. Distribution of Debitage by Material from TU-2a at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Level (cm) Chert Chalcedony Obsidian Quartz Quartzite Totals 0–10 65 (55.1)b – – – – 65 (55.1) 10–20 63 (51.3) – – – – 63 (51.3) 20–30 145 (75.7) – 1 (0.1) – – 146 (75.8) 30–40 157 (178.4) – 4 (0.2) – – 161 (178.6) 40–50 205 (189.9) – 5 (0.2) – – 210 (190.1) 50–60 134 (107.2) – 3 (0.1) – 7 (1.1) 144 (108.4) 60–70 199 (125.2) 2 (0.1) 2 (0.1) – – 203 (125.7) 70–80 103 (113.5) – 1 (0.1) 1 (0.3) – 105 (113.9) otherc 9 (3.1) – 1 (0.1) – – 10 (3.2) Totals 1,080 (899.4) 2 (0.2) 17 (0.9) 1 (0.3) 7 (1.1) 1,107 (901.9) a Excavation was halted at 80 cm in TU-2 due to the discovery of a human burial (Feature 2). b Count (weight in g). c Wall cave-in.

(2.1 percent) and pressure (1.6 percent) flakes com- are Olivella, one is clam, one is Haliotis, and two are prising the remainder. Thus, it appears that very little unidentified shell. biface reduction took place at the site. Olivella Beads The CCS debitage from TU-3 consists primarily of tertiary flakes (95.1 percent), followed by a few sec- The 15 Olivella beads were typed following Benny- ondary flakes (4.4 percent) and fewer primary flakes hoff and Hughes (1987). Five of the beads are Class B. (0.5 percent). This suggests that prepared cores were These include two B2 end-ground beads (Bennyhoff brought to the site and subsequently reduced. The and Hughes 1987:122), a type “most common in the fact that the cores found at the site (see Table 7) were Early period [ca. 10,000 to 7,000 BP] and Phase 1 of small and expended supports this conclusion. the Late period” (ca. 1,500 to 800 BP) (Bennyhoff and Hughes 1987:121). Three other beads are B3 barrels Approximately 5 percent of the chert debitage from that have no firm temporal significance (Bennyhoff TU-3 showed signs of heat treatment in the form of and Hughes 1987:122). All the Class B beads were small potlids, glossy surfaces, and cracking of flake found below 60 cm. surfaces. There was no evidence of heat treatment on site (e.g., hearth features with raw materials) Two complete C2 split drilled specimens (Bennyhoff . and Hughes 1987:123) were retrieved from the upper Beads 20 cm of the deposit. In California, these beads gen- erally date to the Middle period and the Middle/Late The excavations produced two stone beads and 19 transition, between about 3,000 and 1,500 BP. shell beads. The two stone beads found in Feature 1 were described above (see Table 3). Of the 19 shell Five D1 split punched (Bennyhoff and Hughes specimens (Table 14) found in the general midden, 15 1987:125) beads were found, four in the upper 20 cm

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 32 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 12. Distribution of Debitage by Material from TU-3 at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Level (cm) Chert Chalcedony Obsidian Rhyolite Totals

0–10 163 (55.1)a – – – 163 (55.1) 10–20 45 (20.4) – – – 45 (20.4) 20–30 72 (84.9) – – – 72 (84.9) 30–40 78 (76.0) – – – 78 (76.0) 40–50 209 (130.1) – 1 (0.1) – 210 (130.2) 50–60 151 (96.2) – 2 (0.1) – 153 (96.3) 60–70 172 (132.7) – 3 (0.2) – 175 (131.0) 70–80 153 (204.0) – – – 153 (204.0) 80–90 126 (94.1) – – – 126 (94.1) 90–100 127 (30.3) – 1 (0.1) – 128 (30.4) 100–110 258 (100.2) – – – 258 (100.2) 110–120 84 (38.1) – 1 (0.1) – 85 (39.9) 120–130 167 (39.8) – 1 (0.1) – 168 (39.9) 130–140 258 (72.4) – – – 258 (72.4) 140–150 241 (47.9) 1 (0.5) 3 (0.2) 1 (52.6) 246 (101.2) 150–160 246 (85.4) – – – 246 (85.4) 160–170b – – – – – 170–180c 14 (15.8) – – – 14 (15.8) 180–190 4 (0.9) – – – 4 (0.9) 190–200 2 (1.0) – – – 2 (1.0) 200–210 11 (6.9) – – – 11 (6.9) 210–220 6 (0.6) – – – 6 (0.6) 220–230 2 (2.9) 1 (0.1) – – 3 (3.0) 230–240 – – – – – 240–250 – – – – – Totals 2,589 (1,335.7) 2 (0.6) 12 (0.9) 1(52.6) 2,604 (1,389.8) a Count (weight in g). b Very little cultural material was found in this level. c Beginning with the 170 to 180-cm level, TU-3 was halved to a 1 x 1-m unit. of the deposit. In California, this bead type is thought Most Class G beads date to the Middle period (ca. to date to the Middle/Late period transition, about 3,000 to 1,500 BP), although they are known to occur 1,500 BP. in any period.

One G1 tiny saucer (Bennyhoff and Hughes 1987:132) One H1b semi-ground disk (Bennyhoff and Hughes was recovered from the upper 20 cm of the deposit. 1987:135) was found in the upper 20 cm of the

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 33

Table 13. Analysis of Cryptocrystalline Debitage from TU-3 at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Early Biface Late Biface Non-Biface Pressure Shatter Level (cm) Thinning Thinning Reduction Totals P ST P ST P ST P ST P ST

Emergent Period Levels 0–10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3 160 163 10–20 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2 43 45 Totals> Upper Archaic Levels 20–30 – – – – – – – – – – – 66 – 6 – 72 30–40 – – 1 – – – – – – – – – – 7 70 78 40–50 – – 4 – – – – – 2 – – 157 – 16 30 209 50–60 – – 3 – – – – – 5 – 8 122 – 1 8 151 Totals> Middle Archaic Levels 60–70 – – – – 1 2 – – 9 – 9 142 – 3 6 172 70–80 – 1 2 – – 8 – – 3 4 – 113 4 10 8 153 80–90 – 1 6 – – – – – 2 – 6 101 – 3 7 126 90–100 – – 6 – – – – – 5 – 24 82 – – 10 127 100–110 – – – – – – – – 1 –––– 1 256 258 110–120 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 84 84 120–130 – – 1 – – – – – 2 – – 160 –– 4 167 130–140 – – – – – 1 – – 2 – – – – 6 249 258 140–150 – – – – – – – – 2 – – – – 3 236 241 150–160 – 3 –––2––––––– 3 238 246 160–170b –––––––––––––––– Totals> Lower Archaic Levels 170–180 – – (2) – – – – – – – – (4) – – (22) (28) 180–190 – – – – – – – – – – – (8) – – – (8) 190–200c – – (2) – – – – – – – – (2) – – – (4) 200–210 (2) – – – – (4) –– (6) (2) (8) – – – (22) 210–220 – – (2) – – – – – – – – (4) –– (6) (12) 220–230 – – – – – – – – (2) – – – – – (4) (6) 230–240 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Totals>

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 34 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 13. Continued.

Early Biface Late Biface Non-Biface Pressure Shatter Level (cm) Thinning Thinning Reduction Totals P ST P ST P ST P ST P ST Sterile Level

240–250 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Overall Totals (2) (5) (29) – (1) (17) – – (41) (6) (47) (973) (4) (64) (1,441) (2,630) Percent of Total 0.1 0.2 1.2 – 0.1 0.5 – – 1.6 0.2 1.7 37.0 0.2 2.4 54.8 100

a Very little cultural material was found in this level. b Beginning with the 190 to 200-cm level, TU-3 was halved to a 1 x 1-m unit; thus, the actual numbers from those levels were xdoubled and put into parentheses to remain comparable with the upper portion of the unit. Note: P = primary (mostly cortex); S = secondary (some cortex); T = tertiary (no cortex).

Table 14. Provenience and Attributes of Shell Beads from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Level Genus Type Length Width Thick PD Weight Comments clam (cf. complete, SU-022-003 surface – 7.1 – 2.0 1.6 0.1 Tivela) biconically drilled S-001-001 surface Olivella D1 12.9 11.1 6.1 3.8 0.4 fragment SU-107-001 surface Olivella D1 8.0 15.3 1.2 4.9 0.3 fragment SU-161-001 surface Olivella D1 14.2 10.0 1.8 4.2 0.3 fragment 3-008 0–10 Olivella C2 10.0 0.9 1.6 0.4 complete 2-015 10–20 Olivella G1 4.2 – 1.2 1.3 0.1 complete 2-016A 10–20 Olivella H1b 7.0 – 0.5 2.1 0.1 complete 3-013 10–20 Olivella D1 18.3 11.6 0.8 5.6 0.3 complete 1-028 20–30 Olivella C2 13.8 10.9 4.9 2.4 0.4 complete unknown 2-024 20–30 – 4.3 4.3 0.7 – 0.1 missing shell unknown 2-025 20–30 – 6.1 6.1 0.9 1.9 0.1 missing shell 2-086 50–60 Olivella D1 16.0 14.6 1.1 5.4 1.0 fragment 3-069 60–70 Olivella B3 5.9 – 5.5 2.8 0.2 complete 3-076 60–70 Olivella B3 5.0 – 3.0 2.8 1.0 fragment 3-077 60–70 Olivella N1 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.2 0.1 fragment 1-074 70–80 Haliotis – 7.2 – 1.2 3.2 0.1 disk, fragment 1-100 90–100 Olivella B3 5.8 – 7.5 2.9 2.0 fragment 3-128 100–110 Olivella B2 6.1 4.9 1.2 2.8 0.1 fragment 1-139 130–140 Olivella B2 12.0 – 6.0 2.8 0.5 complete

Notes: Measurements are in mm and g. Bead types are from Bennyhoff and Hughes (1987). PD = perforation diameter.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 35 deposit. Class H beads occur primarily in southern Finally, two small beads of an unidentified shell were California and date to the Mission period, between found. These specimens are both missing from the about AD 1770 and 1834. collection.

A fragmentary N1 grooved rectangle bead (Bennyhoff Fire-Affected Rock and Hughes 1987:141–142) was discovered in TU-3 in the 60 to 70-cm level. This bead type generally dates Fire-affected rock (FAR) was a common constituent to the Middle Archaic (Rosenthal et al. 2007:155; also in the site deposit (Table 15). However, most of it is see Kennett et al. 2007:546). Other examples have highly fragmented, with few large pieces found. The been found at several sites in the SSJV, including at majority of the FAR is granitic, with some quartzite CA-KER-824 (Bramlette et al. 1982), CA-KER-3079 and sandstone. The quartzite FAR is primarily in the (Culleton et al. 2005:68), CA-KER-5404 (Culleton et form of small stream-worn cobbles or pebbles. al. 2005:220), and CA-KER-4395 (Sutton et al. 2012). It is possible that these beads reflect some level of Hematite participation in the Western Nexus interaction sphere between southern California and the northwestern Three small pieces of hematite were recovered, two Great Basin (Sutton and Koerper 2009). from the 250 to 260-cm level of TU-1 and one from the 40 to 50-cm level of TU-2. It seems likely that Other Beads these pieces represent pigment, particularly as a red pigment was found on a number of artifacts. One fragment of a clam shell (cf. Tivela) disk bead (Cat. No. SU-022-003) was recovered on the surface Historical Material (see Table 14). Such beads commonly date after ca. 1,100 BP and continued to be used into historic times Only a few small fragments of historical material (Gibson 1992:34). were found. This includes two lead bullets and several fragments of plastic shotgun shell casings, all from the A fragmentary Haliotis disk bead (Cat. No. 1-074) surface. Several very small fragments of plastic were was unearthed in the 70 to 80-cm level of TU-1. found in the 50 to 60-cm level of TU-2, suggesting Haliotis beads have a wide distribution throughout some kind of bioturbation. California. Harrington (1942:16) reported that the Yokuts would string red Haliotis epidermis beads Human Remains with white Olivella beads, as well as other shell bead types, for color contrast. Haliotis disk beads date gen- A primary human inhumation (Feature 2; see above) erally between 7,000 and 1,600 BP, and during part of was encountered in the southeast corner of TU-2 at a the historical period (ca. AD 1650 to 1782). Graesch depth of 70 cm. Only a small portion of the indi- (2001) examined H. rufescens disk beads from Santa vidual was exposed, and relatively few data were Cruz Island and found that perforation diameter obtained. The observable remains consisted of a measurements equal to or less than 1.1 mm with proximal tibia and ulna extending some 13 cm from relatively straight bore holes were drilled using metal the south wall and protruding slightly into the east needles. The Haliotis bead from the Buttonwillow site wall of the unit. These elements were underlain by had a perforation diameter of 0.3 mm, so it probably another large bone, almost certainly the distal femur. postdates AD 1650. No patella was detected. The lack of a corresponding

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 36 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 15. Distribution of Fire-Affected Rock from the Surface knee joint to the west suggests that this joint was and TUs 1 and 3a at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720). from the right side.

Unit Level (cm) Material Weight (g) The burial is that of an individual of unknown sex. breccia 1.4 The epiphysis of the tibia is fused, so the person granitic 148.8 surface must have been at least 14 years of age at the time of quartzite 50.1 death (Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994:Figure 20). The sandstone 341.6 legs are in a flexed position while the disposition of 10–20 granite 172.2 the remainder of the body (never exposed) is un- 20–30 granitic 56.9 known. No pathologies were noted during the on-site 50–60 granitic 23.7 analysis. 60–70 granitic 168.8 70–80 granitic 28.9 Upon discovery of the remains, excavation of the unit 80–90 granitic 6.2 was halted, and the County Coroner was contacted. It 90–100 granitic 91.1 was determined that the burial was Native American, TU-1 and the Native American Heritage Commission was 100–110 sandstone 13.3 contacted. It was determined that Ron Wermuth was 130–140 granitic 155.5 the most likely descendant; he visited the site and 140–150 granitic 55.4 oversaw the backfilling of the unit. 160–170 granitic 20.5

180–190 granitic 215.1 Three additional small human bones were later iden- 180–190 sandstone 34.6 tified in the screened materials (all were repatriated). 200–210 granitic 137.8 The first (Cat. No. 2-063) was a metatarsal measuring 0–10 granitic 29.0 68 mm in length. This bone is from an adult, and no 20–30 granitic 20.6 pathologies were noted. The second (Cat. No. 2-073) 40–50 granitic 70.6 was a terminal phalanx (big toe?), measuring 17.0 50–60 granitic 45.0 mm in length. This bone is also from an adult and no 60–70 granitic 371.9 pathologies were observed. 70–80 granitic 0.5 90–100 granitic 111.8 The third bone (Cat. No. 2-097) is the first metatarsal on the right side and measured 57.2 mm in length. The TU-3 100–110 granitic 22.0 distal articular surface appears to have been injured 110–120 granitic 264.6 by a cut or fracture. A linear depression (6.8 mm) was 120–130 granitic 124.1 found with an adjacent exposure of cancellous bone 130–140 granitic 68.8 (6.5 x 4.9 mm). A small cyst was evident at the lateral 140–150 granitic 216.9 end of the depression. The medial aspect of the proxi- 170–180, N 1/2b granitic 1.2 mal end shows a well-developed medial facet. This is 180–190, N 1/2b quartzite 55.2 not normally an articular surface, so the explanation 190–200, N 1/2b granitic 38.1 for this facet is unclear, although it did develop during the individual’s life. These pathologies on the meta- a TU-2 is not included in this table as its excavation was halted at 80 cm. tarsal indicate that the individual suffered a foot injury b TU-3 was reduced to a 1 x 1-m unit so gross weight was well before death. doubled to remain comparable with the other levels.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 37

In the ethnographic literature, interments were gener- bows and arrows, traps, drives, corrals) and processing ally bound in a tightly flexed position, and the graves (e.g., butchering, roasting) can be informative of other excavated with digging sticks and basket scoops aspects of human behavior (e.g., trade networks, cer- by anyone except the closest relatives (Latta 1937, emonialism). All these factors, among others, must be 1976:140; Gayton 1948:46). At the time of death, the considered in analyzing the faunal remains from a site. deceased was washed and left in the house for a day so that crying and wailing mourners could have access Shortly after the excavation fieldwork at KER-2720 to the body (Gayton 1948:46). Upon removal of the concluded in 1992, laboratory procedures were initi- body the following morning, the house of the deceased ated, at which time the faunal remains were weighed was burned, and any surviving family moved to a new and counted but were not identified. The vertebrate home. The burial was performed by professional mor- remains were identified by one of us (JKG) at two ticians who were paid for their services. Parents and separate locations in 2017 and 2018. For the analysis spouses of the dead person would abstain from eating of the non-fish specimens, diagnostic elements were meat for a period of one month and would trim their identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible using hair short (Kroeber 1925:499–500). In some tribelets, the comparative collection located at CSUB. Fish ma- the mourners would blacken their faces and not wash terials were identified by one of us (KWG) based on for 30 days or more. Out of respect for the person and element morphology along with a consideration of his- concern over disturbance of the spirit, the name of toric distribution of the fishes. The recovered elements the deceased was not spoken for either a year (or until were compared with skeletons housed at the Ichthyol- the next annual mourning ceremony) or permanently, ogy Department, California Academy of Sciences, San depending on the tribelet (Latta 1977:609–610). Many Francisco. Most of the fish identifications, however, of the individual’s personal possessions were buried or were made without reference to those materials due to burned with the body. the extensive experience of the analyst. The common and technical nomenclature for these fishes follows Botanical Remains the American Fisheries Society standard of Page et al. (2013). Very few botanical remains were recovered from the site (Table 16). Nine burned seeds were found, one Of the four test units that were excavated, TU-3 was identified as juniper Juniperus( spp.) while the others deemed to be the most representative of the vertebrate were unidentified. Interestingly, charcoal was a minor remains at the site since it contained a record from all constituent (see Table 16). four temporal components; as such, that entire unit was chosen as the analytical sample. The quantifica- Faunal Remains tion technique for this analysis was number of identi- fied specimens (NISP), which is used to tabulate and The analysis of zooarchaeological materials offers describe each of the individual bones (and fragments insight into prehistoric patterns of animal procure- thereof) within a faunal assemblage. The remains at ment, processing, and consumption by the inhabitants the site were highly fragmentary, suggesting several of a site and/or region. The predominance of particular scenarios that are not necessarily mutually exclusive. species over others provides important information re- Chemical processes may have caused the bones to be- garding subsistence, dietary preferences, site function, come mineralized. Heat can accelerate chemical reac- seasonality, and resource availability. Moreover, the tions, either in the form of intentional burning or sun identification of the techniques of procurement (e.g., exposure, which can greatly affect bone preservation

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 38 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 16. Description and Distribution of Botanical Remains Recovered from the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Cat. No. Unit Level (cm) Type N Weight (g) Comments 1-019 TU-1 20–30 seeds 6 0.1 unidentified, burned 1-047 TU-1 40–50 seed 1 0.1 juniper, burned 3-092 TU-3 70–80 seed 1 0.1 burned 3-237 TU-3 210–220, N 1/2 seed 1 0.1 unidentified, burned 1-016 TU-1 20–30 charcoal – 3.1 – 1-038 TU-1 30–40 charcoal – 0.5 – 1-058 TU-1 50–60 charcoal – 0.1 – 1-109 TU-1 90–100 charcoal – 0.1 – 2-026 TU-2 20–30 charcoal – 2.6 – 2-068 TU-2 30–40 charcoal – 0.1 – 2-129 TU-2 70–80 charcoal – 0.1 – 3-012 TU-3 10–20 charcoal – 0.1 – 3-017 TU-3 10–20 charcoal – 0.1 – 3-021 TU-3 10–20 charcoal – 1.8 – 3-031 TU-3 20–30 charcoal – 0.8 – 3-056 TU-3 50–60 charcoal – 0.3 – 3-157 TU-3 130–140 charcoal – 0.5 – 3-158 TU-3 130–140 charcoal – 0.3 – 3-169A TU-3 140–150 charcoal – 4.9 – 3-222 TU-3 190–200, N 1/2 charcoal – 0.1 –

(e.g., Baxter 2004; Lubinski 1996). Faunal materials remains were from freshwater bivalves, but freshwater could also have been damaged by trampling in antiq- snails, land snails, and a few insects were also found. uity, the archaeological excavations, transport from the site, and/or laboratory handling. Freshwater Bivalves

Below is a description of the invertebrate and verte- The remains of freshwater bivalves are ubiquitous brate remains from KER-2720. This description is at the Buttonwillow site (1,087.8 g; Table 17). The followed by a discussion of the faunal exploitation freshwater shell was highly fragmented, burned, and activities at the site, the chronological implications of lacking hinges, so the specific taxa of the shell could the remains, and a brief summary. not be identified. It is likely that the shell is from Anodonta sp., Margaritifera falcata, and/or Gonidea Invertebrates angulata. However, the latter two bivalves prefer cold, clean water while Anodonta is known to inhabit A considerable quantity of invertebrate material was the warm and sluggish lakes and sloughs of the San recovered from the excavations. The majority of these Joaquin Valley (Jepsen et al. 2010:1). As the source of

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 39

Table 17. Gross Quantities and Distribution of Invertebrate Taxa at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Provenience Freshwater Shell (cf. Freshwater Snail Land Snail (All Units)a Anodonta sp.) (g) (Physa sp.) (g) (Helminthoglypta sp.) (g) surface 27.4 1.9 84.0 0–10 18.1 0.5 22.0 10–20 13.3 0.6 37.2 20–30 89.9 0.6 12.3 30–40 51.8 0.3 11.2 40–50 54.3 0.3 10.1 50–60 56.2 0.5 18.5 60–70 84.3 0.1 10.2 70–80a 67.1 0.5 11.6 80–90 28.0 0.2 7.5 90–100 30.1 0.1 14.0 100–110 32.8 0.6 9.9 110–120 14.3 – 6.1 120–130 22.7 3.0 4.7 130–140 89.2 – 11.7 140–150 52.2 – 7.7 150–160 108.2 – 15.8 160–170 78.5 – 11.0 170–180 37.7 0.2 16.9 180–190 28.1 0.5 26.9 190–200 11.9 0.3 18.3 200–210 14.1 0.3 5.3 210–220 5.6 0.1 0.2 220–230 23.4b – 1.7 230–240 48.8 – – 240–250 0.5 – – 250–260 0.2 – – 260–270 – – – Totals 1,087.8 10.6 351.1 a TU-1 was excavated as a 1 x 2-m unit to 230 cm and as a 1 x 1 m unit to 270 cm; TU-2 was exca- vated as a 1 x 2-m unit to 80 cm (halted due to a burial); TU-3 was excavated as a 1 x 2-m unit to 170 and as a 1 x 1-m unit to 250 cm. b Not including the 332.9 g of shell from Feature 3.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 40 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet the freshwater shell is undoubtedly the nearby Buena assumed to be recent in origin. As such, they are not Vista Slough, it is presumed that most, if not all, of the considered further here. freshwater shell is Anodonta californiensis and/or A. nuttalliana, species that are very difficult to differenti- Vertebrates ate even in their intact form (Jepsen et al. 2010:1). The number of vertebrate remains from TU-3 is ap- Freshwater Snails proximately 3,330 (some of the bones are too highly fragmented to be precisely tabulated), dominated by A few freshwater bladder snails were recovered (10.6 small to tiny unidentified fragments. Three class- g total) (Table 17). These bladder snails are air-breath- es were identified—Actinopterygii, Reptilia, and ing and quite small (approximately 1 cm long). They Mammalia. Interestingly, no waterfowl (or any other are easily identifiable to family because of the sinistral birds) were identified in the faunal assemblage, de- spiral of their shells, which places the aperture where spite the site being adjacent to Buena Vista Slough the foot emerges on the left side. Most gastropod and between four lakes—Tulare and Goose lakes to shells have a right spiral. Unfortunately, the shells are the north, Buena Vista and Kern lakes to the south— not readily identifiable to species (Taylor 2003). Blad- an environment where they would be expected to der snails live in ditches, ponds, lakes, small streams, be found and exploited. The following is an account and rivers. of the vertebrates identified in the analytical sample from TU-3. The fish remains are tabulated in Table The remains of bladder snails were found through- 18 while the other vertebrate remains are tabulated out the deposit but are likely too small to have been separately by taxon in Table 19 and by level in Table a significant food source for Native people and may 20. have been introduced to the site attached to slough vegetation. The absence of this species in the off-site Class Actinopterygii unit (TU-4) demonstrates that they are specifically associated with the midden and not just a normal soil At least 852 specimens of burned fish bone (NISP is constituent. approximate for some of the remains) were recov- ered from TU-3 (see Table 18), the majority of which Land Snails are vertebrae. Several of the species typically found in archaeological contexts in the SSJV are represent- The remains of unburned complete and fragmentary ed, although some Central Valley fishes are not. One shells of land snail (cf. Helminthoglypta sp.) were pres- class (Actinopterygii), four families (Catostomidae, ent in relatively large quantities (351.1 g total) through- Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae, and Embiotocidae), out the deposit (Table 17). It is not clear whether and seven species (see below) are among the fish these animals constituted a food resource. As with the remains. freshwater snails, the absence of this species in TU-4 indicates that they are associated with the midden. Since Sacramento perch are the only member of the family Centrarchidae native to the fresh waters west Insects of the Rocky Mountains and then only in the Central Valley of California (Moyle 2002), the distinctive A few small fragments of insects were found. Since morphology of the bones makes identification straight these specimens were not carbonized, they were forward for an experienced faunal analyst. The same

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 41

Table 18. Summary of Fish Remains by Level from TU-3 at CA-KER-2720.

Level (cm) Taxon Elements NISP 0–10 Archoplites interruptus 34 vertebrae, basioccipital, spine? 39 Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 13 Gila crassicauda pharyngeal 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus. occidentalis vertebrae 8 Cyprinidae vertebrae 36 10–20 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae 5 Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 2 Cyprinidae or O. occidentalis vertebrae 4 Cyprinidae vertebrae 8 20–30 Archoplites interruptus otolith, vertebra 2 Gila crassicauda pharyngeal 2 Actinopterygii fragment 1 Cyprinidae vertebrae 7 30–40 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae 2 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 50–60 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae 7 Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Hysterocarpus traskii vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 5 Cyprinidae vertebrae 3 Cyprinidae? precaudal vertebra 1 60–70 Archoplites interruptus 7 vertebrae (including 1 atlas, 1 precaudal) 7 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae 2 vertebrae, 1 basioccipital, 1 precaudal 4 70–80 Archoplites interruptus 2 vertebrae, 1 otolith in multiple pieces 3 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus vertebral fragment 1 80–90 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae, including an atlas 2 90–100 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae 9 Hysterocarpus traskii caudal vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebral fragment 1 Cyprinidae vertebrae 5 34 vertebrae (including 4 atlases), basioccipital, 100–110 Archoplites interruptus 37 anguloarticular, spine? Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 10 Gila crassicauda partial pharyngeal 1 Lavinia exilicauda? caudal vertebrae 2 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 13 Cyprinidae vertebrae 31

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 42 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 18. Continued.

Level (cm) Taxon Elements NISP 110–120 Archoplites interruptus otolith 1 120–130 Archoplites interruptus 34 vertebrae, 1 otolith 35 Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 6 Gila crassicauda partial pharyngeals 2 Lavinia exilicauda? 2 vertebrae, partial basioccipital 3 Ptychocheilus grandis precaudal vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae vertebrae 38 Actinopterygii vertebral fragment 1 130–140 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae, 1 otolith in 3 pieces 11 Hysterocarpus traskii vertebrae 2 Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or O. occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus vertebrae 3 Cyprinidae vertebrae 11 140–150 Archoplites interruptus 7 vertebrae, 1 partial otolith 8 Cyprinidae vertebrae 9 150–160 Archoplites interruptus 7 vertebrae, spine?, otolith in 2 pieces 9 Hysterocarpus traskii vertebra 1 Orthodon microlepidotus partial basioccipital 1 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae vertebrae 5 Actinopterygii vertebral fragment 1 170–180 Archoplites interruptus vertebrae 3 Catostomus occidentalis vertebra 1 Cyprinidae or O. occidentalis vertebra in several pieces 1 180–190 Archoplites interruptus partial otolith, vertebra 2 43 vertebrae (including 3 atlases), tiny premaxilla, 230–240 Archoplites interruptus 48 hyomandibula, 4 spines? Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 28 3 partial pharyngeals, cleithrum, 2 partial Gila crassicauda 6 basioccipitals Hysterocarpus traskii vertebrae 6 Ptychocheilus grandis? 8 small precaudal vertebrae, partial basioccipital 9 Cyprinidae or Catostomus occidentalis vertebrae 70 Cyprinidae 200 vertebrae, 2 partial basioccipitals 196 Actinopterygii fragments (NISP approximate) 52

Note: NISP = number of identified specimens.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 43 Remarks snake, burned snake, burned snake, 2 are articulated, burned snake, mostly burned snake, burned snake, burned burned missing distal epiphyses, burned burned 2 5 5 2 2 2 17 27 adult 1 burned adult 1 burned adult 1 burned subadult 1 epiphysis, burned Element Condition Age NISP carapace fragments adult 6 burned carapace fragment adult 1 slightly singed vertebrae complete adult vertebra complete adult 1 snake, unburned vertebra complete adult 1 snake, burned vertebrae complete adult vertebrae nearly complete adult 6 vertebrae nearly complete adult vertebra fragment adult 1 snake, burned vertebrae complete adult vertebrae nearly complete adult vertebra complete adult 1 snake, burned long bones shaft fragments adult 10 burned phalanx fragment adult 1 burned tibia proximal subadult 1 epiphysis, burned ribs fragments adult phalanx nearly complete subadult vertebrae fragments adult tibia proximal subadult 1 epiphysis, burned phalanx complete subadult 1 burned humerus distal humerus distal calcaneus complete adult 1 burned humerus distal femur distal phalanx complete subadult 1 burned Taxon Lepus californicus Lepus californicus Lepus californicus Lepus californicus Lepus californicus Dipodomys spp. mandible nearly complete adult 1 no teeth, unburned screen Testudines screen Testudines screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen Serpentes screen cf. L. californicus screen cf. L. californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen cf. Lepus californicus screen screen screen screen screen screen 0–10 0–10 0–10 0–10 70–80 80–90 10–20 40–50 40–50 40–50 90–100 90–100 90–100 110–120 100–110 100–110 100–110 100–110 120–130 120–130 140–150 140–150 140–150 150–160 Level (cm) Provenience 180–190, N 1/2 230–240, N 1/2 240–250, N 1/2 Reptilia Mammalia Table 19. Analytical Summary of Non-Fish Vertebrate Remains from All Levels of TU-3 at CA-KER-2720. All Levels of Remains from Analytical Summary of Non-Fish Vertebrate 19. Table

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 44 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet - Remarks burrow death, one individual, includes cranial, long bones, scapulae, pelvis, vertebrae, mandibles, teeth, unburned 1 mouse size, rat unburned mouse size, unburned mouse/rat size, burned encrusted with concretions, precluding species identifica tion, deer-sized ( Odocoileus sp.?), burned tion, deer-sized small to tiny, burned small to tiny, small to tiny, burned small to tiny, lagomorph size, burned 2 2 7 7 55 42 adult fragments adult 10 mouse size, burned fragments unknown 34 unburned tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown Element Condition Age NISP various mostly intact adult 39 tibia complete adult 1 unburned femur proximal adult 1 unburned tibia complete subadult 1 very small mouse size, unburned mandible fragment adult 1 rat size, unburned humerus complete adult 1 mouse size, unburned mandible complete adult 1 mouse size, no teeth, unburned mandibles fragments adult femurs nearly complete subadult humerus complete subadult 1 mouse size, unburned tooth fragment adult 1 unburned incisor, long bones nearly complete adult 3 mouse/rat size, burned long bone nearly complete subadult 1 rat size, burned humerus fragment adult 1 small mouse size, unburned pelvis fragment adult 1 mouse size, burned mandibles fragments adult unidentified long bones fragments adult 3 unidentified unidentified unidentified Taxon Dipodomys spp. femur proximal adult 1 broken head, unburned Dipodomys nitratoides Thomomys sp. Neotoma fuscipes screen screen screen screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen Rodentia screen mammal large screen small mammal cf. cranial fragment adult 1 burned screen small mammal phalanx fragment adult 1 unburned screen small mammal screen small mammal humerus complete subadult 1 epiphysis, lagomorph size, burned screen small mammal cf. tibia fragment subadult 1 epiphysis, lagomorph size, burned screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal long bones shafts 0–10 0–10 0–10 0–10 0–10 60–70 10–20 10–20 50–60 50–60 50–60 50–60 10–20 10–20 20–30 20–30 20–30 30–40 40–50 110–120 110–120 110–120 110–120 110–120 110–120 150–160 unknown screen Level (cm) Provenience Table 19. Continued. Table

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 45 Remarks lagomorph size, burned tiny, burned tiny, small to tiny, burned small to tiny, burned lagomorph size, burned small, burned 1 with incisor, 1 without teeth, rat size, burned 1 with incisor, incisors, 1 w/small bone frag, burned lagomorph size, burned small to tiny, burned small to tiny, small to tiny, calcined small to tiny, 2 2 7 2 2 2 5 2 found at 88 cm, unburned 70 32 113 256 adult 6 lagomorph size, burned adult 1 mouse size, unburned adult adult adult fragments adult 69 small fragments, burned fragments adult fragments unknown 106 mostly burned small to tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown fragment adult 1 cf. cranial, burned fragments unknown fragment adult 1 burned fragments adult 13 burned fragments unknown complete adult 1 burned fragments unknown 149 mostly burned tiny, Element Condition Age NISP unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified claws nearly complete adult unidentified unidentified caudal vertebra unidentified Taxon unidentified screen small mammal mandible fragment adult 1 burned screen small mammal screen small mammal long bones shafts screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal mandible fragment unknown 1 mouse size, unburned screen small mammal humerus distal screen small mammal long bones shafts screen small mammal mandible complete adult 1 with teeth, unburned screen small mammal screen small mammal long bones shafts screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal tibia proximal subadult 1 epiphysis, burned screen small mammal femur proximal adult 1 mouse size, unburned screen small mammal mandible fragments adult screen small mammal teeth nearly complete adult screen small mammal long bones shafts screen small mammal screen small mammal in situ screen small mammal screen small mammal vertebra fragment adult 1 burned screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal 40–50 40–50 50–60 50–60 50–60 60–70 60–70 60–70 60–70 70–80 60–70 70–80 70–80 70–80 80–90 80–90 80–90 80–90 80–90 80–90 80–90 80–90 90–100 90–100 90–100 90–100 90–100 Level (cm) Provenience Table 19. Continued. Table

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 46 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet Remarks mouse size, unburned small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small, burned small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, burned small to tiny, rat/mouse size, calcined small to tiny, calcined small to tiny, 2 2 35 56 32 277 156 249 222 adult adult 1 lagomorph size, unburned adult 1 mouse size, burned adult 1 lagomorph size, burned nearly complete adult 3 ~lagomorph size, unburned fragments unknown fragments unknown 169 mostly burned small to tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown 136 mostly burned small to tiny, fragments unknown 4 burned tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown 33 burned fragments unknown fragments adult 10 unburned fragments adult 13 small, burned Element Condition Age NISP caudal vertebrae unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified Taxon screen small mammal screen small mammal pelvis fragment adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal mandible fragment adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal humerus distal screen small mammal screen small mammal long bone shaft screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal humerus distal screen small mammal phalanx fragment adult 1 unburned screen small mammal femurs proximal adult 3 mouse size, burned screen small mammal screen small mammal mandible fragment adult 1 mouse size, unburned screen small mammal screen small mammal pelvis fragment adult 1 ~lagomorph size, burned screen small mammal mandible nearly complete adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal long bone shaft screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal 100–110 100–110 100–110 100–110 100–110 110–120 110–120 120–130 120–130 120–130 120–130 120–130 130–140 130–140 140–150 140–150 140–150 140–150 150–160 150–160 Level (cm) Provenience 170–180, N 1/2 180–190, N 1/2 190–200, N 1/2 200–210, N 1/2 210–220, N 1/2 220–230, N 1/2 Table 19. Continued. Table

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 47

Table 20. Summary of Vertebrate Remains (Excluding Fish) by Level in TU-3 at CA-KER-27

Level (cm) Taxon Element Condition NISP 0–10 cf. L. californicus long bones shaft fragments 10 0–10 cf. L. californicus phalanx fragment 1 0–10 Dipodomys sp. mandible nearly complete 1 0–10 Dipodomys sp. femur proximal 1 0–10 Thomomys sp. tibia complete 1 0–10 Rodentia tibia complete 1 Remarks 0–10 Rodentia mandible fragment 1 0–10 Serpentes vertebrae complete 17 0–10 small mammal cf. cranial fragment 1 10–20 cf. Lepus californicus tibia proximal 1 10–20 Rodentia humerus complete 1 mouse size, unburned small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small, burned small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, mostly burned small to tiny, small to tiny, burned small to tiny, rat/mouse size, calcined small to tiny, calcined small to tiny, 10–20 Rodentia mandible complete 1 10–20 small mammal phalanx fragment 1 2 2 35 56 32 277 156 249 222 10–20 small mammal unidentified fragments 34 20–30 small mammal humerus complete 1 20–30 small mammal cf. tibia fragment 1 20–30 small mammal unidentified fragments 55 adult adult 1 lagomorph size, unburned adult 1 mouse size, burned adult 1 lagomorph size, burned 30–40 small mammal unidentified fragments 42 40–50 Lepus californicus humerus distal 1 40–50 Lepus californicus calcaneus complete 1 40–50 cf. Lepus californicus ribs fragments 2 nearly complete adult 3 ~lagomorph size, unburned fragments unknown fragments unknown 169 mostly burned small to tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown 136 mostly burned small to tiny, fragments unknown 4 burned tiny, fragments unknown fragments unknown fragments unknown 33 burned fragments unknown fragments adult 10 unburned fragments adult 13 small, burned 40–50 small mammal long bones shafts 7 40–50 small mammal mandible fragment 1 40–50 small mammal unidentified fragments 69

Element Condition Age NISP 50–60 Rodentia mandibles fragments 2 caudal vertebrae unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified unidentified 50–60 Rodentia femurs nearly complete 2 50–60 Rodentia humerus complete 1 50–60 Rodentia tooth fragment 1 50–60 small mammal long bones shafts 6 Taxon 50–60 small mammal unidentified fragments 108 60–70 Neotoma fuscipes femur proximal 1 60–70 small mammal mandible fragment 1 60–70 small mammal humerus distal 1 60–70 small mammal long bones shafts 7 60–70 small mammal unidentified fragments 115 screen small mammal screen small mammal pelvis fragment adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal mandible fragment adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal humerus distal screen small mammal screen small mammal long bone shaft screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal humerus distal screen small mammal phalanx fragment adult 1 unburned screen small mammal femurs proximal adult 3 mouse size, burned screen small mammal screen small mammal mandible fragment adult 1 mouse size, unburned screen small mammal screen small mammal pelvis fragment adult 1 ~lagomorph size, burned screen small mammal mandible nearly complete adult 1 mouse size, burned screen small mammal long bone shaft screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal screen small mammal 70–80 Testudines carapace fragments 6 70–80 small mammal mandible complete 1 70–80 small mammal long bones shafts 2 100–110 100–110 100–110 100–110 100–110 110–120 110–120 120–130 120–130 120–130 120–130 120–130 130–140 130–140 140–150 140–150 140–150 140–150 150–160 150–160 70–80 small mammal unidentified fragments 71 Level (cm) Provenience 170–180, N 1/2 180–190, N 1/2 190–200, N 1/2 200–210, N 1/2 210–220, N 1/2 220–230, N 1/2 80–90 Serpentes vertebra complete 1

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 48 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 20. Continued.

Level (cm) Taxon Element Condition NISP 80–90 small mammal tibia proximal 1 80–90 small mammal femur proximal 1 80–90 small mammal mandible fragments 2 80–90 small mammal teeth nearly complete 2 80–90 small mammal long bones shafts 5 80–90 small mammal unidentified fragments 257 80–90 unidentified claws nearly complete 2 90–100 cf. Lepus californicus phalanx nearly complete 2 90–100 Serpentes vertebra complete 3 90–100 small mammal vertebra fragment 1 90–100 small mammal caudal vertebra complete 1 90–100 small mammal unidentified fragments 174 100–110 cf. Lepus californicus vertebrae fragments 2 100–110 cf. Lepus californicus tibia proximal 1 100–110 cf. Lepus californicus phalanx complete 1 100–110 Serpentes vertebrae nearly complete 6 100–110 small mammal caudal vertebrae nearly complete 3 100–110 small mammal pelvis fragment 1 100–110 small mammal mandible fragment 1 100–110 small mammal humerus distal 2 100–110 small mammal unidentified fragments 277 110–120 Testudines carapace fragment 1 110–120 Rodentia long bones nearly complete 4 110–120 Rodentia humerus fragment 1 110–120 Rodentia pelvis fragment 1 110–120 Rodentia mandibles fragments 7 110–120 large mammal long bones fragments 3 110–120 small mammal long bone shaft 1 110–120 small mammal unidentified fragments 169 120–130 Serpentes vertebrae nearly complete 27 120–130 small mammal humerus distal 1 120–130 small mammal phalanx fragment 1 120–130 small mammal femurs proximal 3 120–130 small mammal unidentified fragments 158 130–140 small mammal mandible fragment 1 130–140 small mammal unidentified fragments 249 140–150 cf. Lepus californicus humerus distal 1 140–150 Serpentes vertebrae complete 5 140–150 Serpentes vertebrae nearly complete 5

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 49

Table 20. Continued.

Level (cm) Taxon Element Condition NISP 140–150 small mammal pelvis fragment 1 140–150 small mammal mandible nearly complete 1 140–150 small mammal long bone shaft 1 140–150 small mammal unidentified fragments 222 150–160 Lepus californicus humerus distal 1 150–160 Rodentia unidentified fragments 10 150–160 small mammal unidentified fragments 140 170–180, N 1/2 small mammal unidentified fragments 35 180–190, N 1/2 Serpentes vertebra complete 1 180–190, N 1/2 small mammal unidentified fragments 56 190–200, N 1/2 small mammal unidentified fragments 33 200–210, N 1/2 small mammal unidentified fragments 32 220–230, N 1/2 small mammal unidentified fragments 23 230–240, N 1/2 Lepus californicus femur distal 1 240–250, N 1/2 Lepus californicus phalanx complete 1

Notes: NISP = number of identified specimens. Table does not include the intact Dipodomys nitratoides be- cause the depth is not known.

distributional exclusivity exists for tule perch), the There are also numerous fish remains that are very only member of the family Embiotocidae that lives in small or fleck-sized that could only be classified as fresh water (Moyle 2002; Love 2011). Actinopterygii (see Table 18). These remains were scattered throughout TU-3 in most of the levels. Distinguishing minnow (Cyprinidae) vertebrae from Seven species were identified, including Sacramento sucker (Catostomidae) vertebrae is accomplished uti- perch ( n = 229), Sacramento sucker (n = 62), tule lizing the features described by Gobalet et al. (2005). perch ( n = 11), hitch (n = 5), Sacramento pikemin- The only sucker documented in the Sacramento now (n = 10), Sacramento blackfish (n = 1), and and San Joaquin rivers is Sacramento sucker (Ca- thicktail chub (n = 12). The remaining specimens tostomus occidentalis), simplifying its designation were identified as Cyprinidae or Catostomus occi- when cyprinid vertebrae have been excluded from dentalis (minnows, carps, or Sacramento sucker; n consideration. On the other hand, it is challenging to = 112),Cyprinidae (minnows and carps; n = 355), distinguish cyprinids on the basis of their vertebrae. and Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes; n = ~55). Of The task is time-consuming and, except for select these fish remains, nearly 50 percent (n = 417) was vertebrae of splittail, Sacramento pikeminnow, and recovered between 230 and 240 cm, the level directly blackfish (Orthodon microlepidotus), not accom- below Feature 3 (see above). plished with great confidence. Because there are six large native cyprinids in the Central Valley (Moyle Class Reptilia 2002) and vertebrae are the predictable elements recovered, Cyprinidae is by default the appropriate Two reptilian orders were identified in the faunal designation. assemblage, Testudines and Squamata. These animals

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 50 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet appear to have played an important role in the diets of analysis unit) as well as the large number of uniden- prehistoric peoples of the SSJV at times when other tified small mammal remains that may well represent sources of protein, such as leporid sand deer, were lagomorphs. Alternatively, the site could have served unavailable or in short supply. Many southern Cali- a primary purpose other than domestic activities, such fornia groups consumed tortoises, lizards, and snakes as ritual or ceremonial as suggested by the presence (Drucker 1937). of charmstones (see above). This posited site function is reinforced by the paucity of ground stone tools for Order Testudines, Family Emydidae (Turtles) processing food.

Seven turtle carapace fragments, most likely Pacific Two Mammalian orders were identified in the faunal pond turtle, are present in the sample from TU-3. Six assemblage, Lagomorpha and Rodentia, representing came from 70 to 80 cm and one from 110 to 120 cm. at least four species. However, the vast majority of All appear to be adult in age, and all are burned to the mammal remains could only be classified to size some degree. Gayton (1948:14) reported the use of (small and large mammal). turtles for food by the Yokuts of the Tulare Lake area north of Buttonwillow. Order Lagomorpha (Pikas, Rabbits, and Hares), Family Leporidae (Rabbits and Hares) Order Squamata (Snakes and Lizards), Suborder Serpentes (Snakes) Hares (or jackrabbits) and rabbits were a major faunal resource for many prehistoric populations of western Sixty-six complete or nearly complete vertebrae iden- North America. They often constitute the most dom- tified as Serpentes are in the faunal assemblage, all of inant faunal remains from sites in California and the which are adult in size. Most of them are burned. Two- Great Basin (e.g., Basgall 1982; McGuire et al. 1982; thirds of these specimens were recovered from the 0–10 Langenwalter et al. 1983; Yohe and Goodman 1991; and 120–130 cm levels (17 and 28 elements, respective- Goodman 2009; Sutton 2016). The lagomorph remains ly), the remaining one-third appearing in multiple other from Buttonwillow are jackrabbits (n = 26; see Tables levels (see Tables 19 and 20). A few of the vertebrae 19 and 20), all of them burned. It is likely that many of are articulated. It is likely that at least some of these the remains identified only as small mammal are also Serpentes remains are from rattlesnakes (Crotalus spp.), jackrabbit. The identified elements include 10 long which are commonly found in the SSJV. bone shafts, five phalanges, three humeri, two tibiae, two vertebrae, two ribs, one femur, and one calcaneus. Class Mammalia Six of these bones are complete or nearly complete, and the rest are fragments. While not all the levels Mammalian remains represent the preponderance of contained lagomorph remains, 10 were recovered from the classified faunal specimens from the site, although the first level (0 to 10 cm), while the remaining levels the vast majority are too highly fragmented to iden- contained one or two elements each. Nineteen speci- tify to genus/species (see Tables 19 and 20). There mens are adult in age, and seven are subadult. are surprisingly few lagomorph remains, given that these are typically the most common animals identi- Order Rodentia fied from archaeological contexts in the SSJV. This is most likely the result of sample bias (only four Numerous rodent remains were recovered from the units were excavated, with TU-3 being the faunal Buttonwillow site. Ethnographic data demonstrate

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 51 that rodents played a significant role in the diets of Family Heteromyidae, Dipodomys sp. (Kangaroo the prehistoric peoples of southern California, albeit Rat). A virtually intact Kangaroos rat individual and likely sporadic depending on the availability of higher- two fragments were identified. The 39 remains of the ranked resources such as jackrabbits (e.g., Bean 1972; intact individual consist of mostly complete elements, Luomala 1978; Zigmond 1986). including the cranium, long bones, scapulae, pelvis, vertebrae, mandibles, and teeth (all unburned). The Thirty-three remains were identified only as Rodentia two Dipodomys fragments include a nearly complete (mouse/rat size; see Tables 19 and 20), partly due to mandible and a proximal femur, both adult in age and a lack of sufficient comparative skeletons during the unburned. Kangaroo rats prefer areas of sparse vegeta- analysis to differentiate species and partly due to ex- tion and “frequently constitute a substantial part of the treme fragmentation. These specimens were scattered total small rodent population” (Jameson and Peeters throughout most of TU-3. Of these 33 elements, there 1988:264). were 11 mandibles (one complete and 10 fragments), four long bone fragments, three humeri (two com- Unidentified Mammals. As is typical of sites in the plete and one fragment), two nearly complete femurs, SSJV, unidentified and highly fragmentary speci- one complete tibia, one pelvis fragment, one tooth mens of small (n = 2,398) and large (n = 3) mammals fragment, and 10 fragments that could not be identi- greatly dominated the analytical faunal assemblage at fied to element. Twenty-eight of these specimens are KER-2720 (see Tables 19 and 20). The small mammal adult, and five are subadult; 22 are burned, and 11 are remains could not be classified to genus, but they are all unburned. While some of the Rodentia fragments are either mouse, rat, or lagomorph in size. The large mam- burned, this was likely incidental to the cooking of mal remains are encrusted with concretions, making it other resources, such as jackrabbits. Three species of impossible to identify the elements, but they appear to Rodentia were identified. be deer-sized (most likely Odocoileus sp.). There are also two claws of an unknown animal that were found Family Cricetidae, Neotoma fuscipes (Dusky-Foot- in situ at 88 cm. These unidentified mammal specimens ed Woodrat). One proximal adult femur fragment of were recovered from multiple levels in TU-3. a woodrat was identified in the sample, which was found in the 60 to 70-cm level of TU-3 and is un- Faunal Exploitation Activities at CA-KER-2720 burned. This species builds large nests constructed of twigs, sticks, excrement, and other available debris The following is a discussion of the potential signif- that can contain important information for archaeolo- icance of the faunal remains to interpretations of the gists, such as evidence of climate change (Betancourt Buttonwillow site. The discussion offers characteriza- et al. 2016). tions of and/or evidence for the animals from the site as well as processing techniques and bone fragmentation. Family Geomyidae, Thomomys sp. (Pocket Gopher). One complete adult tibia of a pocket gopher is in the Anodonta faunal sample. It was derived from the 0 to 10-cm level of TU-3 and is unburned. Digging by pocket gophers The large quantity of Anodonta at the site, high- can aerate the soil to a depth of about 20 cm and can lighted by the shell lens in Feature 3, indicates the create mounds up to six feet tall (sometimes referred to significance of this resource to the site inhabitants. as Mima mounds; e.g., Cox 1990). Archaeological and ethnographic data also attest

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 52 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet to the frequent use of Anodonta by the prehistoric been used as noisemakers for ceremonial or ritual Yokuts (e.g., Gifford and Schenck 1926; Wedel 1941; rattles. Wallace 1978a, 1978b; Jackson et al. 1992; Culleton et al. 2005; Sutton et al. 2012). At Buena Vista Lake Fish south of Buttonwillow, Wedel (1941:10) encountered abundant Anodonta remains at KER-39 and CA- The techniques practiced by the Southern Valley Yo- KER-60 (also see Hartzell 1992). At the Manifold kuts to hunt and recover fish were diverse. Nets, weirs, site (CA-KER-4220) (Sutton et al. 2016), along the baskets, and corrals were used to gather fish in large northwest shoreline of Buena Vista Lake, Anodon- quantities. In streams, a weir and trap might have been ta in varying quantities was recovered from all of set up and anchored on each bank. A line of driftwood the surface shell features, all the test units, and the would then have been assembled across the stream column sample. and dragged toward the weir, driving fish into the trap (Powers 1877:376–377). Latta (1976:89) described a Turtles Tulare Lake fish drive during which a weir of woven willow was set out from the shore to a distance of Seven carapace fragments of Pacific pond turtle were about 50 or 60 yards. A large contingent of people identified in the analytical sample from TU-3. Turtles would wade out beyond the weir and then head back are believed to have been an important resource for to shore yelling and slapping the water, driving the many prehistoric populations in the SSJV, particu- fish in front of them. Individuals would use baskets to larly in the Tulare Lake region (Dillon and Porcasi catch them as they neared the beach. 1990). There are ethnographic data for their use as a food source by the Yokuts (Gayton 1948:14; Wallace Another procedure for garnering large quantities of 1978a:450). The few turtle specimens from KER-2720 fish was to poison them (Ebeling 1986:176). At least provide little information about their exploitation at two different types of poisons, one from California the site, although the fragments are all burned. This buckeye (Aesculus californica) and the other from indicates that they may have been cooked. Gayton soap plant (Chlorogalum sp.), were available to the (1948:154) reported that turtles were “stabbed under valley dwellers. the throat with a sharp stick, put on hot coals, and roasted.” Estudillo witnessed a style of fishing that involved the use of hand nets, noting that this was done “before Snakes my very eyes, with great agility, diving quickly and staying under the water so long that I prayed. Some At least some (if not most) of the 66 Serpentes remained under five credos [during five “Lord’s remains from the site are likely from rattlesnakes. prayers”], others no less than three. After having Groups in the Great Basin and southern California caught sufficient large fish, salmon and others very are reported to have eaten snakes (e.g., Drucker 1937; palatable, I return with all to camp” (Gayton 1936:78). d’Azevedo 1986:passim). The Southern Valley Yokuts conducted rituals and ceremonies related to rattle- In a different example of the use of small nets, an indi- snakes, particularly for curing snake bites (Gayton vidual who was buoyed up by a log would float down- 1948:47), but it is not clear whether parts of the snake stream with a hand-held net that would then snare the were used for such purposes. Nevertheless, it is not fish (Powers 1877:376–377). Another strategy was unreasonable to suggest that snake vertebrae may have to construct a small booth directly over the water.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 53

The fisherman would remain on his stomach peering them because of their desired winter fur for rabbit skin through a hole in the floor, and passing fish would be blankets and robes (Steward 1938:38). Such evidence speared. Fish were also speared through a hole that does not preclude occupation at KER-2720 during other was cut into the center of the vessel. Long-term (four seasons, but it does support a fall/winter residency at or five days) fishing expeditions would be carried out the site to some degree. using tule rafts or balsas (Latta 1977:507–508). A vari- ety of spears, gigs, and harpoons (some with detach- Jackrabbits “afforded considerable meat when taken able tips) were employed in the pursuit of fish. in communal hunts” (Steward 1938:38). In addi- tion, their “speed and ability to hide made it difficult Jackrabbits to hunt with the bow and arrow, but the large and rapidly multiplying herds rewarded communal hunts” While few jackrabbit remains were identified in the (Steward 1938:38). Gifford (1931) reported that jack- analytical sample from TU-3, archaeological and ethno- rabbits were apprehended by driving them along dry graphic data indicate that jackrabbits were an important waterways and setting fire to the vegetation, at which food source to prehistoric groups living in the SSJV point they were typically killed using throwing sticks. and the Great Basin (e.g., Kroeber 1925; Gifford 1931; Driving them into nets was a common technique that Steward 1938; Bean 1972; Basgall 1982; Langenwalter was used extensively in southern California and the et al. 1983; Yohe 1984; Kent 1985; Sutton et al. 2009; Great Basin (Kroeber 1925; Steward 1938). Rabbit Sutton 2016). The most common jackrabbit in the drives were sometimes conducted in concert with valley is Lepus californicus. They measure between other communal activities, such as the harvesting of about 49 and 55 cm in total length, and adults typically other resources, for social purposes, and for ceremo- weigh between 1,500 and 2,000 grams (Jameson and nial events (e.g., White 1932; Steward 1938; Kennard Peeters 1988:337). They are “especially sensitive to the 1979; Shaffer and Gardner 1995). quality and amount of plant food available [and] their reproduction is clearly enhanced by a rich food supply” Rodents (Jameson and Peeters 1988:333). This trait offers the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction, such as While there is some archaeological and ethnographic determining when and how much water was available evidence that rodents may have played a relatively sig- at KER-2720 during site occupation. nificant role in the dietary regime of Native peoples in the SSJV, they are often difficult to adequately quanti- Seasonality based on the jackrabbit remains at KER- fy due to their typically high degree of fragmentation, 2720 is difficult to determine because they can breed at often precluding differentiation to species. It may be various times of the year, depending on the quality and that rodents were so highly processed that their dietary availability of food (Jameson and Peeters 1988:338; contribution is obfuscated. There may have even been also see Dunn et al. 1982). Moreover, breeding in a preference for certain rodents over others, although warmer climates can continue virtually year-round the problem of species identification conceals any (Jameson and Peeters 1988:338). As such, the presence potential preference (e.g., Gardner 2007:201–202). of subadult jackrabbit remains at a site does little to clarify the primary season of occupation in the absence Processing Techniques and Bone Fragmentation of supporting evidence. Such complementary evidence can be gleaned from ethnographic accounts, which sug- The extreme fragmentation of the faunal remains at gest that fall was the optimal time of the year to capture Buttonwillow could be due to cultural and/or natural

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 54 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet factors, such as processing technique (e.g., Yohe 1995, from archaeological contexts in the SSJV and adjacent 1996), site formation processes (e.g., Schiffer 1987), regions. Once again, it is unfortunate that the vast and differential breakage (e.g., Grayson 1991). All majority of the faunal remains are so highly fragmen- these factors, among others, can introduce significant tary, precluding precise identification. However, it is bias into faunal analyses. assumed from the known archaeological evidence in the valley that at least some of those fragmented bones Yohe (1995:69) suggested that bone fragmentation were lagomorphs. could be the result of pulverizing the long bones, skull elements, and pelves in order to “maximize extraction The site-wide distribution of Anodonta (by weight) is of bone grease and protein.” Breaking the bones into multimodal (Figure 15), although it is virtually absent small pieces would have facilitated the extraction pro- in the deepest three levels. The strongest peaks of cess (Yohe 1996:62). Such fragmentation could also be Anodonta appear at 20 to 80 cm, 130 to 170 cm, and the result of grinding small (and possibly large) animals 230 to 240 cm (where Feature 3 was discovered). This with milling equipment (e.g., Yohe et al. 1991; Yohe distribution indicates that Anodonta was an important 1996). However, the small amount of such equipment at resource for the site inhabitants throughout much of Buttonwillow suggests that the milling of plants and/or the occupation span. animals was not a subsistence focus at the site. The dif- ference in the degree of processing may also be related The distribution of non-fish vertebrates in TU-3 is to site function, duration of site occupation, nutritional also multimodal (Figure 16), with the greatest peak at requirements, and/or other factors (Gardner 2007:200). 80 to 160 cm and dropping off to near absence after 160 cm. This distribution does not appear to correlate Chronological Implications of the Faunal Remains with the distribution of fish (Figure 17), which appear in very small quantities (or are absent) throughout The site was dated using multiple lines of evidence, the deposit until the 230 to 240-cm level, just below including obsidian hydration, temporally sensitive Feature 3. It is difficult to assess any correlation artifact types, and radiocarbon assay. The radiocarbon between the non-fish vertebrates andAnodonta since date from Feature 3 at 220 to 230 cm (between 9900 the shell was quantified by weight and the vertebrates and 9650 cal BP), indicates that the Lower Archaic by NISP, although both show staggered peaks in the site residents made extensive use of shellfish and fish. middle of the deposit. It is not clear what the signifi- In addition, the significant number of burned and cance of this distribution is, particularly given the fact calcined bones recovered between 200 and 230 cm in that the fish remains were so predominant at the 230 TU-3 suggests that hunting was also important early in to 240-cm level. In view of the fact that the Anodonta the occupation of the site. The temporal significance was quantified site-wide and the vertebrate remains of the other faunal remains is more speculative in were quantified only in TU-3, this could simply be a terms of constraining the age of the site. function of sample bias rather than having any cultural significance. Summary of the Faunal Analysis Obsidian Studies The analysis of the faunal remains from TU-3 indi- cates that fish and shellfish were the preferred -re Eight obsidian specimens were submitted for sourcing sources at the Buttonwillow site. Lagomorphs were and hydration studies (Table 21). Three of the submit- surprisingly scarce given their relative abundance ted specimens were projectile points, and five were

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 55

Figure 15. Anodonta remains by weight and level from all units at CA-KER-2720 (the surface Anodonta is combined with the 0 to10-cm level).

Figure 16. Non-fish vertebrate remains (NISP) from TU-3, by level, at CA-KER-2720.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 56 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Figure 17. Remains of fishes (NISP) from TU-3, by level, at CA-KER-2720. No fish elements were recovered from the 40 to 50-cm level or between 190 and 230 cm. The peak at the 230 to 240-cm level is significant in that it is the level directly below the Anodonta shell lens in Feature 3.

Table 21. Results of Obsidian Studies at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

Hydration Cat. No. Provenience Lab No. Artifact Source Comments Rim 3-042 TU-3, 40–50 WA-16-23-7 Humboldt point 5.7 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF – 1-141 TU-1, 130–140 WA-16-23-1 flake 6.0 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF – 1-156 TU-1, 140–150 WA-16-23-3 large Side-notched point 7.0 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF – 3-163 TU-3, 140–150 WA-16-23-8 Pinto point 5.3 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF REC, DFV 1-150 TU-1, 140–150 WA-16-23-2 flake 6.9 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF – 1-185 TU-1, 180–190 WA-16-23-4 flake 9.0 ± 0.1 Sugarloaf Mtn., CVF – 1-210 TU-1, 210–220 WA-16-23-5 flake 12.6 ± 0.1 too small to source visually similar to CVF 1-218 TU-1, 230–240 WA-16-23-6 flake 10.9 ± 0.1 West Sugarloaf, CVF –

Notes: Key: CVF = Coso Volcanic Field; REC = recut; DFV = diffusion front vague. Rim measurements are in microns. The X-ray fluorescence results were provided by Alex Nyers at the Northwest Research Obsidian Studies Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, and the obsidian hydration results were provided by Jennifer Thatcher at Willamette Analytics in Corvallis, Oregon

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 57 flakes. Most of the obsidian flakes recovered from the Obsidian Butte, and Mt. Hicks (Hartzell 1992:219). excavations were very small; as such, only five were Obsidian studies at CA-KER-180 demonstrated rim large enough to be suitable samples. The hydration values between 2.3 and 3.0 microns (n = 14), with one readings ranged between 5.3 and 12.6 µm, and seven larger value of 4.7 microns (Hartzell 1992:276). This of the specimens were sourced to the CVF, six from provides a fairly circumscribed time frame of occu- West Sugarloaf, and one from Sugarloaf Mountain. pation for this site during the Emergent period. All One of the eight specimens (Cat. No. 1-210) could not the specimens from KER-180 were from the CVF. At be sourced, although it is visually similar to CVF. CA-KER-1611 (a short distance north of KER-180), Hartzell (1992:287-288) reported four rim measure- The obsidian hydration results from KER-2720 ment readings ranging between 4.9 and 6.5 microns, generally correspond to site use spanning the Lower with one larger value of 9.3 microns and one specimen and Middle Archaic. Six of the readings fall into the with two values of 5.5 and 17.0 microns (three speci- Middle Archaic (values ranging between 5.3 and 9.0 mens could not be measured). Of the nine specimens µm), while two (10.9 and 12.6 µm) are Lower Archaic from KER-1611, five were from the CVF, and two in age (e.g., Jackson et al. 1998; Culleton et al. 2005; were from Casa Diablo. see Table 21). The obsidian results from the Manifold site (KER- At other sites in and around the Buena Vista Lake 4220; Sutton et al. 2016) generally correspond to site basin, the obsidian hydration rim measurements (Table use between the Middle Archaic and the Emergent 22) indicate site occupations between the Lower Ar- period, with all but three readings (on debitage) show- chaic and the Emergent period. For example, of the 32 ing the most intense occupation roughly between the specimens from Goose Lake that were submitted for Upper Archaic and the Emergent period. Two of the obsidian studies, 15 produced rim measurements, with three readings that fall outside that range (8.4 and 10.0 eight readings corresponding to the Upper Archaic, six microns) generally correspond to the Middle Archaic, to the Middle Archaic, and one to the Lower Archaic while the third reading of 13.7 microns is consistent (Moreland 1992:Table 1). Chemical characterization with a Lower Archaic time frame. of these specimens indicated that all but seven were from the CVF (five were from Casa Diablo, one was At the Grasse site1 (just south of Manifold), eight rim from Truman Meadows, and one was unknown). All measurements correspond to the Upper Archaic and six rim measurements from the Big Cut site (KER- six to the Emergent period. It is interesting to note 4395; Sutton et al. 2012:24–25) correspond to an Up- that of the 14 specimens from the Grasse site (CA- per Archaic occupation, and all but one were sourced KER-5408) that were submitted for obsidia n studies, to the CVF (one was unknown). four different sources were identified; CVF (more than half), Casa Diablo, Queen, and Obsidian Butte. At KER-116, the hydration rim measurements on 70 specimens ranged between 2.8 and 10.0 microns, Turning to the Elk Hills sites reported by Culleton although most fell between about 4.0 and 8.0 microns et al. (2005), of the hundreds of obsidian specimens (Hartzell 1992:Table 6.14). This indicates occupa- submitted for analysis, the vast majority came from tions spanning the Holocene with more intense use one site (CA-KER-5373/H; Culleton et al. 2005:229). between the Middle and Upper Archaic. Five sources The rim measurement readings ranged between about were identified for the obsidian at KER-116, includ- 1.5 and 18.5, with one significant peak of about 12.0 ing the CVF (87 percent), Casa Diablo, Fish Springs, to 14.0 microns and a smaller peak between about 5.0

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 58 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 22. Obsidian Data from Other Sites in the Southern San Joaquin Valley.

Range of Hydration Rims Site/Area Geologic Source References (in microns)

Coso (87%) CA-KER-116 Casa Diablo (8%) 10.0 –2.8 (n = 70) Hartzell 1992:218-229, Table 6.14 (Buena Vista Lake) Fish Spring (2%) Others (3%) CA-KER-180 4.7–2.3 (n = 15) Coso (100%) Hartzell 1992:274-275, Table 7.2 (Tule Elk Preserve) Coso (81%) CA-KER-766 4.4–11.5 (n = 15) Casa Diablo (16%) Moreland 1992:44, Table 1 (Goose Lake) Truman Meadows (3%) CA-KER-1611 Coso (78%) 17.0 to 4.9 (n = 8) Hartzell 1992:287-288, Table 7.7 (Tule Elk Preserve) Casa Diablo (22%) CA-KER-3077 6.05–13.19 (n = 5) Coso (100%) Culleton et al. 2005 (Elk Hills) CA-KER-3080 Coso (97%) 2.18–18.07 (n = 31) Culleton et al. 2005 (Elk Hills) Casa Diablo (3%) CA-KER-5373/H Coso (98%) 1.82–15.59 (n = 65) Culleton et al. 2005 (Elk Hills) Unknown (2%) CA-KER-5392 Coso (94%) 4.53–13.79 (n = 16) Culleton et al. 2005 (Elk Hills) Casa Diablo (6%) CA-KER-5404 5.9–14.31 (n = 5) Coso (100%) Culleton et al. 2005 (Elk Hills) CA-KER-4395 Coso (83%) 4.82–8.34 (n = 6) Sutton et al. 2012 (Big Cut site) Unidentified (17%) CA-KER-4220 Coso (89%) 1.3–13.7 (n = 18) Sutton et al. 2016 (Manifold site) Casa Diablo (11%) Coso (57%) Casa Diablo (14%) CA-KER-5408 2.09–8.66 (n = 14) Queen (14%) Unpublished data, report in preparation (Grasse site) Obsidian Butte (7%) Unidentified (7%)

Note: Table data derived from Sutton and Des Lauriers (2002:Table 1). and 6.0 microns. Once again, the obsidian evidence valley floor and margins” (Sutton and Des Lauriers suggests that occupations at the Elk Hills sites spanned 2002:5). One scenario would be that perhaps “vil- the Holocene. All the specimens were chemically lages” were on the valley floor, and “special purpose characterized to the CVF (Culleton et al. 2005:229). sites” were along the margins (i.e., Elk Hills). In that case, obsidian tools may have been used for different In their study of obsidian patterns in the SSJV, Sutton purposes. The second possibility is that the obsidian and Des Lauriers (2002:5) pointed out that the average pattern reflects “a shift in the settlement pattern from hydration rim values for the Elk Hills sites are signifi- the valley margins to the valley floor” (Sutton and Des cantly higher than those from the valley floor sites. Lauriers 2002:5). They suggested that this evidence demonstrates at least two possibilities. The first possibility is that there The identification of several obsidian sources in was “some differential pattern of obsidian use between far eastern California (CVF, Fish Springs, Casa

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 59

Diablo), far southern California (Obsidian Butte Site Components near the Salton Sea), and far western Nevada (Mt. Hicks) indicates an extensive trading network and/ Four temporal components were identified at the or long-distance travel for direct access (perhaps via Buttonwillow site; the Emergent period and the middlemen) through the major passes of the Sierra Upper, Middle, and Lower Archaic, each of varying Nevada and from southern California (see Sutton and depth (Table 23). The descriptions and contents of Des Lauriers 2002). The distance to the source of the four components are detailed below and in Table the obsidian, as well as the possibility of territorial 24. The materials recovered from the surface are not conflicts, would likely dictate the method—by trade included in the upper component (Emergent period) or by direct access—of obsidian acquisition (e.g., figures. The metric of cubic meter of deposit is used Gardner 2007:193). to compare component contents. It is recognized that this metric may not fully represent the duration and/ Dating or intensity of a component occupation and that there would have been variability in rates of sediment depo- The site was dated using a variety of indicators, sition and/or postdepositional mixing. including obsidian hydration, temporally sensitive artifact types, and radiocarbon assay. The obsidian The Emergent Period Component data (see Table 21) suggest that the site was occupied during the Middle and Lower Archaic, with most (n = The Emergent period (ca. cal AD 1000 to contact) 6) of the hydration readings falling within the Middle component at KER-2720 is reflected by the presence Archaic and two within the Lower Archaic. of some late artifacts and loosely compacted soils in the upper portion of the deposit. It is possible that The projectile points (one concave-base, two the human inhumation also relates to the Emergent stemmed, one Pinto, one Large Side-notched, two period component, judging from its placement at the large contracting stem, and one Humboldt) are in gen- top of the midden. The Emergent period component is eral agreement with the obsidian hydration data in that interpreted as a minor one, perhaps limited to the very they suggest a similar time frame of primary occupa- upper portion of the site (Strata A through E, see Fig- tion: Lower to Middle Archaic. However, the Cotton- ures 5, 6, and 7), possibly as deep as 60 cm in TU-1. wood Triangular point and virtually all the Olivella A total of 2.2 m3 of the soil from this component was beads fall into the Emergent period, indicating more excavated. than just a passing occupation during that time.

Table 23. Generalized Vertical Extent of Components by Unit Of the greatest interest is the radiocarbon date for at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720). Feature 3 in the Lower Archaic component near the bottom of the deposit. That feature, a distinct shell Unit and Depth (cm) Component lens, dated to 8950 ± 30 RCYBP (Beta-484926), TU-1 TU-2 TU-3 calibrated and corrected to between 9900 and 9650 cal Emergent ~0–60 ~0–30 ~0–20 BP. Apparently similar early shell lens features were Upper Archaic ~60–90 – ~20–50 also present in the deeply buried cultural deposit at Middle Archaic ~90–270 – ~50–170 KER-116 along Buena Vista Lake (Fredrickson and Lower Archaic – – ~180–240 Grossman 1977). Feature 3 is the earliest dated feature in the SSJV.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 60 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

Table 24. Distribution of Excavated Formed Artifacts, Debitage (All Materials), Vertebrate Fauna, Freshwater Shellfish (cf. Anodonta sp.), Fire-Affected Rocks, and Excavated Volume (m3) by Component at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720).

TU-1 TU-2a TU-3 Cumulative Totals Component N/g/ m3 N/gb N/g/m3 m3 N/g N/g/m3 m3 N/g/m3 m3 N/g N/g/m3 NISP Formed Artifactsc Emergent Period 1.2 6 0.5 0.6 15d 25 0.4 3 7.5 2.2 24 10.9 Upper Archaic 0.6 2 3.3 0.6 2 3.3 1.2 4 3.3 Middle Archaic 2.9 10 3.4 unexcavated 2.4 9 3.7 5.3 19 3.6 Lower Archaic ––– 0.6 0 0.0 0.6 0 0.0 Debitage Emergent Period 1.2 683 569 0.6 274 456 0.4 208 520 2.2 1,165 529 Upper Archaic 0.6 707 1,178 0.6 513 855 1.2 1,220 1,016 Middle Archaic 2.9 554 191 unexcavated 2.4 1,843 910 5.3 2,397 461 Lower Archaic ––– 0.6 40 66 0.6 40 66 Fish Remains Emergent Period 0.4 116 290 0.4 116 290 Upper Archaic 0.6 15 25 0.6 15 25 unanalyzed Middle Archaic unexcavated 2.4 253 105 2.4 253 105 Lower Archaic 0.6 417 695 0.6 417 695 Other Vertebrate Faunal Remains Emergent Period 0.4 72 180 0.4 72 180 Upper Archaic 0.6 180 300 0.6 180 300 unanalyzed Middle Archaic unexcavated 2.4 2,259 941 2.4 2,259 941 Lower Archaic 0.6 147 245 0.6 147 245 Freshwater Shellfish Emergent Period 1.2 66.0 55.0 0.6 52.1 86.8 0.4 26.6 66.5 2.2 144.7 65.8 Upper Archaic 0.6 53.6 89.3 0.6 56.7 94.5 1.2 110.3 91.9 Middle Archaic 2.9 316.0 108.9 unexcavated 2.4 195.5 81.5 5.3 511.5 96.5 Lower Archaic ––– 0.6 61.7e 111.8 0.6 61.7e 111.8 Fire-Affected Rocks (FAR) Emergent Period 1.2 252.8 210.7 0.6 58.9 70.7 0.4 29.0 72.5 2.2 340.7 154.9 Upper Archaic 0.6 35.1 58.5 0.6 91.2 152.0 1.2 126.3 181.2 Middle Archaic 2.9 723.3 249.4 unexcavated 2.4 1,033.2 430.3 5.3 1,756.5 331.4 Lower Archaic ––– 0.6 94.5 157.5 0.6 94.5 157.5 a Only the 0 to 30-cm levels of TU-2 were included here due to the disturbance of the deposit from the human inhumation below that level. b N = number of formed tools and flakes, g = weight of freshwater shell and AR;F NISP (number of identified specimens) for faunal remains; N/g/m3 = quantity per cubic meter. c Ground stone, flaked stone artifacts (not including debitage), and beads.Artifacts from below the 30-cm level of TU-2 were not included due to probable disturbance. d Not including artifacts from Feature 1. e Not including the shell sample from Feature 3 (332.9 g).

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 61

The Emergent period component averaged 10.9 In addition, there were some 180 bones per cubic meter artifacts per cubic meter (see Table 24). In addition, of other vertebrate fauna (see Table 24), including some a Cottonwood Triangular point and a stemmed point leporids but dominated by unidentified small mammals, were recovered from the surface. This component also suggesting that the faunal remains were highly pro- contained Feature 1, a cache of three charmstones and cessed. No large mammals were identified. eight other artifacts (see discussion above and Table 3). In addition, three other ground stone artifacts (a No radiocarbon or obsidian data are available from metate fragment (1-046), one charmstone fragment the Emergent period component, so it is dated using (1-062), and an unidentified fragment [2-047]) were temporally sensitive artifacts. The presence of the Cot- also recovered in the Emergent component. The gen- tonwood Triangular point is conforming, but the pres- eral paucity of milling tools suggests that milling was ence of the stemmed point is a puzzle. Perhaps it was not an important activity during the Emergent period brought to the surface due to bioturbation, or maybe it occupation. Of the total artifacts recovered from the was an heirloom object. Seven beads associated with excavations, three of the nine bifaces (33 percent), 10 this component, including an Olivella H1b, generally of the 12 cores (83.3 percent), nine of the 11 ham- date to the Contact period. The other beads, all whose merstones (81.8 percent), and seven of the 14 shell terminal date is about 1,500 BP (the Olivella types beads (50 percent) came from the Emergent period C2, D1, G1, and the clam specimen) were found in the component. This component contained 154.9 g of upper 20 cm of the deposit (see Table 14). This could FAR per cubic meter (see Table 24). This is about half be due to bioturbation but suggests the possibility that the quantity of FAR in the Middle Archaic component, either the ending dates of these bead types should be but similar to the Upper Archaic and Lower Archaic changed to at least 1,000 BP or that the beginning of components. the Emergent period needs to be extended back to about 1,500 BP. The Emergent period component also contained an av- erage of 529 flakes per cubic meter (see Table 24). No In sum, the Emergent period component appears to biface reduction or pressure flakes were found in the reflect a relatively minor occupation, judging from analysis of the TU-3 debitage from this component. the shallow depth of the deposit. The charmstone Nevertheless, the presence of some 80 percent of the cache and inhumation likely are associated with the cores and hammerstones from the site suggests that Emergent period, and the density of freshwater shell- flaked stone tool production was an important activity fish is the lowest of any of the components. Some during the Emergent period occupation. leporids were apparently hunted. Milling appears not to have been very important, while the production The faunal data from this component included both of flaked stone tools was relatively common. Inter- freshwater shell and vertebrate remains. The amount estingly, however, Culleton (2005:13; Jackson, et al. of freshwater shell, 65.8 g per m3 (see Table 24), is the 1998:154–155) argued that the sites in the Elk Hills lowest of all the components, suggesting the possibil- reflected an increase in the use of freshwater shellfish ity that shellfish procurement and processing was less after about 1,100 BP “as part of a resource intensifi- important during this time. The Emergent period com- cation and diet-breadth expansion” in response to the ponent contained 290 fish bones per cubic meter (see effects of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (also see Table 18), mostly Sacramento perch and cyprinids, the Jones et al. 1999). This pattern is not apparent at the second highest concentration of the four components. KER-2720 site.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 62 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

The Upper Archaic Component The faunal data from this component include both freshwater shell and vertebrate remains. The amount The Upper Archaic (ca. 550 cal BC to cal AD 1000 of freshwater shell (91.9 g per cubic meter; see Table BP) component of the Buttonwillow site was marked 24) appears to be greater than that of the Emergent pe- by the compact “gray” soils of Strata F and G. In TU- riod component, suggesting the possibility that shell- 1, these soils extended from about 60 to 90 cm (see fish procurement and processing were more important Figure 5), in TU-2 they extended from about 30 cm to during that time. The Upper Archaic component below 80 cm (excavation stopped at 80 cm; see Figure contained very few fish, only 25 bones per cubic meter 6), and in TU-3 they extended from about 10 to 40 cm (see Table 18). There were also 300 bones per cubic (see Figure 7). Approximately 1.2 m3 of the soil from meter of other vertebrate fauna (see Table 24), includ- this component was excavated. ing some leporids but dominated by unidentified small mammals, suggesting that the faunal remains were Artifacts recovered from the Upper Archaic com- highly processed. No large mammals were identified. ponent averaged 3.3 artifacts per cubic meter (see This is a similar pattern of vertebrate remains as that Table 24), considerably less than in the Emergent found in the Emergent period component, although period component. Recovered artifacts included one fish appear to have been much less important. fragment of unidentified ground stone, one projectile point (a Humboldt base), one hammerstone, one core, No radiocarbon data are available from the Upper and 181.2 g of FAR per cubic meter (Table 24). No Archaic component. The five projectile points all bifaces or beads were found. The quantity of FAR in generally date before the Emergent period, and all but the Upper Archaic component is generally similar to the stemmed point comfortably fit within the general that of the Emergent and Lower Archaic components, time frame thought to include the Upper Archaic. As but much lower than that of the Middle Archaic com- with the Emergent period component, the presence of ponent. As with the Emergent period component, the the stemmed point is a puzzle. It may have been in- paucity of milling equipment in the Upper Archaic troduced into this component by way of bioturbation, component suggests that milling was not an import- or it may be an heirloom object. Five of the six shell ant activity. beads found within the Emergent period component typically date to the Upper Archaic, again suggesting The Upper Archaic component contained an average some form of bioturbation. Only one obsidian hy- of 1,016 flakes per cubic meter (see Table 24). The dration reading is available for this component, that analysis of the CCS debitage from TU-3 revealed a of the Humboldt point (5.7 ± 0.1 µm; see Table 21), small number of biface thinning and pressure flakes a reading that is consistent with an Upper Archaic (3.0 percent) in this component, suggesting that at assignment. least some biface production was conducted. How- ever, the majority of the debitage (97.0 percent) was In sum, the Upper Archaic component appears to either shatter or non-biface reduction. Although the reflect a relatively minor occupation (once again percentages of cores and hammerstones in the Upper judging from the shallow depth of the deposit). The Archaic component is much lower than they were in use of freshwater shellfish is higher than it was in the Emergent period component, they still suggest that the Emergent period component but less than in the flaked stone tool production was an important activity Middle Archaic component. Milling does not seem to during the Upper Archaic occupation. have been very important, but the production of flaked

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 63

stone tools appears to have been important. The pres- 24), is only slightly higher than the Upper Archaic ence of leporid remains indicates that these animals component, but continues to suggest that shellfish pro- were likely exploited. curement and processing were important during that time. The Middle Archaic component contained 105 The Middle Archaic Component fish bones per cubic meter (see Table 18), mostly Sac- ramento perch and Cyprinidae. In addition, there were The Middle Archaic (ca. 5550 to 550 cal BC) compo- some 941 bones per cubic meter of other vertebrate nent at KER-2720 was identified by the brown soils fauna (see Table 24), triple that of the two upper com- of Stratum H (see Figures 5 and 7). In TU-1, this soil ponents. The non-fish fauna contained some leporids emerged between 35 and 80 cm (about 40 cm in TU-3) and a few large mammal elements but was dominated and extended between 130 and 270 cm (130 cm in by unidentified small mammals, suggesting that the TU-3). Approximately 5.3 m3 of soil from this compo- faunal remains were highly processed. The character nent was excavated. of the faunal remains from the Middle Archaic compo- nent was the same as the two upper components, but The Middle Archaic component averaged 3.6 artifacts much more intensive with greater use of fish. per cubic meter (see Table 24), similar to the Upper Archaic but much less than the Emergent period com- Temporal data suggest that the Middle Archaic com- ponents. Recovered artifacts included four projectile ponent could date to the early Holocene. The Pinto points (two large contracting stems, one Large Side- point from the lower portion of the component indi- notched, and one Pinto), two pieces of ground stone cates a date as early as the Lower Archaic (Rosenthal (one bowl fragment and one charmstone fragment), six et al. 2007). However, this point had a surprisingly of the nine total bifaces, one core, one hammerstone, small obsidian hydration rim measurement (5.3 ± 0.1 seven beads, and 331.4 g of FAR per cubic meter (see µm), as did the Large Side-notched point (7.0 ± 0.1 Table 24). This quantity of FAR is considerably more µm). The early bead types also support an early date. than in any of the other components. All the recovered beads that date roughly before 5,000 BP (Olivella types B2 and N1) were found in the Mid- The Middle Archaic component debitage averaged dle Archaic component (see Table 14). Other obsidian 461 flakes per cubic meter, less than half the concen- hydration data, all on flakes (6.0, 6.9, 9.0, 10.9, and tration of debitage as in the Upper Archaic component 12.6 µm), suggest that this occupation level began (see Table 24). However, like the Upper Archaic com- during the early Holocene. ponent, the analyzed CCS debitage from TU-3 in the Middle Archaic component is primarily (96.7 percent) In sum, judging from the depth of the deposit, the shatter and non-biface production. Thus, it seems that Middle Archaic component reflects a somewhat the same tool production activities were taking place lengthy occupation. The use of freshwater shellfish is in both components, but less intensively in the Middle higher than it was in the Upper Archaic component. A Archaic component. However, the general absence of relatively intensive use of small to medium mammals cores and hammerstones suggests that such tools may is apparent (see Table 18). Neither milling nor the not have been left at the site. production of flaked stone tools appears to have been important subsistence activities, although tool rejuve- The faunal data from this component included both nation may have been important. The Middle Archaic freshwater shell and vertebrate remains. The quantity occupation appears to have had a focus on the ex- of freshwater shell, 96.5 g per cubic meter (see Table ploitation of small mammals and freshwater shellfish.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 64 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

A Hiatus? was of considerable importance at that time. The component also contained a large quantity of fish (695 Interestingly, the 160 to 170-cm level of TU-3 con- bones per cubic meter; see Table 18), dominated by tained very little cultural material, suggesting the pres- Sacramento perch and cyprinids. Of the total fish bone ence of a shallow “sterile” layer between the Middle assemblage from TU-3, 49 percent was recovered and Lower Archaic components. This could suggest from the Lower Archaic component, a considerable the possibility that the site had been abandoned for a portion of which was recovered from the 10 cm level period of time, perhaps a very short period of time. just below the Feature 3 shell lens. It may also reflect some sort of sudden depositional event, such as a flash flood. In addition, there were some 245 bones per cubic meter of other vertebrate fauna (see Table 24), roughly similar A Lower Archaic Component to the upper two components. The non-fish fauna was almost exclusively unidentified small mammal, suggest- A Lower Archaic (ca. 8550 to 5550 cal BC; Rosenthal ing that the faunal remains were highly processed. et al. 2007) component was identified only in TU-3, marked by Stratum M (see Figure 7). It began at a As noted above, the lower portion of the Lower Ar- depth of about 150 to 160 cm and extended to sterile chaic deposit contained a large lens of freshwater shell soil at about 240 cm. A total of 0.6 m3 of the soil in this (Feature 3). Shell from this feature was radiocarbon component was excavated. A lens of freshwater shell dated to 8950 ± 30 RCYBP (Beta-484926), calibrat- (Feature 3) was found near the bottom of the deposit. ed and corrected to between 9900 and 9650 cal BP. No temporally sensitive artifacts were found nor was No formed artifacts were recovered from this compo- any obsidian large enough to submit for analysis, not nent, but it did contain some debitage (all CCS) and surprising since obsidian is uncommon in early Lower FAR (157.5 g m3) (see Table 24). The FAR numbers Archaic components (Rosenthal et al. 2007:152). are similar to the Emergent period and Upper Archaic components but much less than the Middle Archaic An Interpretation of the Buttonwillow Site component. The Buttonwillow site (KER-2720) is interpreted as a The Lower Archaic component contained an aver- relatively small site that appears to have been occu- age of 66 flakes per cubic meter (see Table 24). Of pied more or less continuously since the beginning of the CCS debitage analyzed from the component, 75 the early Holocene, ca. 10,000 cal BP. There is no in- percent was shatter and non-biface production flakes, dication of an Early Paleoindian occupation at the site. meaning that 25 percent were biface thinning and The function and intensity of site use varied through pressure flakes. Although the actual numbers are low, time, seemingly beginning as a fish and shellfish this indicates that biface production may have been a processing facility to a more intensely occupied locale bit more important during the Lower Archaic. with burials. A full interpretation of the site occupation and use is presented below. The faunal data from this component included both freshwater shell and vertebrate remains. The quantity Lower Archaic Times of freshwater shell is greater (111.8 g per cubic meter) than in any other component (see Table 24). Thus, Sometime around 10,000 cal BP people first occupied it appears that shellfish procurement and processing the Buttonwillow site, resulting in the formation of a

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 65 small Lower Archaic component, detected only in TU-3. The KER-116 site, located on the southwestern shore- The surface of the fan upon which the site sits was some line of Buena Vista Lake, contains a “basal deposit” 3 m lower than today, meaning that the Buena Vista that was dated between 9175 and 8450 cal BP, just a slough was likely much closer than today as it has been bit later than Buttonwillow (Fredrickson and Gross- continually pushed east by the formation of the fan. man 1977; Fredrickson 1986; also see Hartzell 1992). The basal deposit at KER-116 yielded three chert The initial Lower Archaic occupation was focused on crescents, a stemmed point base, an atlatl spur, several the capture and processing of fish, mostly Sacramento leaf-shaped projectile point fragments, and CCS cores perch. About half of all the fish remains identified in and debitage, but no obsidian or milling equipment TU-3 came from the bottom of the Lower Archaic (Fredrickson and Grossman 1977:181, Table 3; Fred- component (230 to 240 cm) (see Table 18), and noth- rickson 1986:77). A human parietal fragment was also ing else was found in that level, indicating a focus on found (Fredrickson and Grossman 1977:181). No evi- fish processing. Very soon afterward, people began to dence for hearths or house structures was encountered; process large quantities of freshwater shellfish (refer to the only features were lenses of shell several meters in Feature 3). Fish were still procured and processed, but diameter, similar to Feature 3 at Buttonwillow. A small the shift to shellfish is conspicuous. This intense focus but diverse faunal assemblage was also identified, on shellfish rapidly changed to a generalized subsis- including freshwater shell, birds, fishes (mostly Sac- tence strategy, with the procurement and use of limited ramento perch), turtle, deer, and artiodactyls (Hartzell quantities of fish, shellfish, and small mammals. This 1992:Table 6.28). The faunal assemblage at KER-116 adaptation persisted throughout the Lower Archaic. was more diverse than that of KER-2720. The material culture of the Lower Archaic component is of interest in that there was very little found—no Middle Archaic Times stemmed points, no crescents, and very little debitage. The Middle Archaic occupation at KER-2720 was Lower Archaic components are known at only a few defined based on the appearance of formed tools, a other sites in the SSJV. The Witt site locality (CA- considerable increase in the debitage concentration, a KIN-32), along the southwestern shore of Tulare Lake marked increase in the use of shellfish and terrestrial to the north, contains both Paleoindian and Lower animals, a decrease in the use of fish, and a substantial Archaic components (e.g., Riddell and Olsen 1969; increase in FAR (see Table 24). The Middle Archaic Wallace 1991, 1993; Fenenga 1993a). Unfortunately, component was also the largest in vertical extent. little is known about the Lower Archaic component of This component may date to the early Holocene, as the Witt site because it has been severely impacted by suggested by the presence of a Pinto point in the lower agriculture and collecting. portion of the component, a type usually associated with Lower Archaic components (Rosenthal et al. In the Elk Hills to the south, early radiocarbon dates 2007). The presence of early bead types and the obsid- of Tivela disk beads (ca. 8200 cal BP; Culleton et al. ian hydration data support this suggestion. 2005:159) suggest the presence of an Early Archaic component at CA-KER-3168. However, no other The Middle Archaic component is interpreted to materials could be attributed to such an early date, reflect a lengthy but not particularly intensive occupa- leaving open the possibility that these early beads had tion. Artifacts recovered from the component included been scavenged and deposited at a later time (Culleton projectile points (two large contracting stems, one et al. 2005:277). Large Side-notched, and one Pinto), fragments of a

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 66 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet bowl and a charmstone, bifaces, cores, hammerstones, (rodents and leporids). The site was interpreted as a debitage, beads, and FAR (see Table 24). Interestingly, small seasonal camp, probably associated with the milling tools are absent. A relatively intensive use of exploitation of marsh resources (Baxter et al. 1994). small to medium mammals is apparent (see Tables It was not chronometrically dated but the presence 19 and 20). Thus, the Middle Archaic component is of Cottonwood and Elko points suggests that it was thought to represent a small resource procurement occupied sometime during the late Holocene, perhaps locale focused on the exploitation of small mammals during the Upper Archaic and Emergent period. It is and freshwater shellfish. possible that KER-2721 was a work place associated with the Buttonwillow site sometime after about 4,000 There are several other sites containing Middle Archa- years ago. ic components in the Buena Vista Lake area (see Table 1). Most of these components have been functionally A number of sites in the Buena Vista area have con- classified as habitation locations, with the exception of tained Upper Archaic remains indicating the impor- one temporary camp (CA-KER-4395) which best fits tance of both aquatic and terrestrial resources and the Middle Archaic component at KER-2720. reflecting at least seasonal (if not year-round) occu- pations (e.g., Wedel 1941; Hartzell 1992; Rosenthal Upper Archaic Times et al. 2007; Sutton et al. 2016). However, the Upper Archaic component at KER-2720 may represent a The Upper Archaic component was the smallest of the more specialized hunting camp rather than a general- four components in vertical depth (ca. 30 cm). When ized adaptation. compared to the Middle Archaic component, the material culture of this component exhibited a slight Emergent Times decline in tools but a dramatic increase in debitage. Faunal exploitation declined from the Middle Archaic The character of the site changed dramatically late with drops in each category (see Table 24), although it in time, assumed here to have been at the beginning appears that leporids were an important prey. Milling of the Emergent period, ca. cal AD 1000. The mid- does not appear to have been a significant activity but den in this component was darker with considerable the production of flaked stone tools was important. material culture and faunal remains suggestive of a The Upper Archaic component is thought to reflect a more intensive occupation, perhaps as a habitation relatively minor occupation focused on hunting small site rather than a resource processing locale. Sever- mammals. al features, including a cache of charmstones and a human inhumation, were associated with the Emergent Some 150 m east of KER-2720 is another small site, period component, contributing to the idea of a more CA-KER-2721, located directly adjacent to the Buena intensive occupation. The Emergent period compo- Vista Slough. This site was investigated by a field nent is generally shallow, however, suggesting that its class from CSUB (Baxter et al. 1994). A variety of use as a habitation site was relatively short lived. The artifact types were recovered from KER-2721, includ- absence of any early historical artifacts indicates that ing ground stone, projectile points (Cottonwood and the site was abandoned prior to contact. Elko), cores, debitage, and Olivella beads. Inverte- brate faunal remains included freshwater shellfish, Many of the sites so far investigated in the Buena Vista freshwater snail, and land snails. Vertebrate faunal Lake area contain Emergent period components (see remains included fishes, turtles, and small mammals Table 1), most functionally classified as habitation

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) Archaeological Excavations at the Buttonwillow Site (CA-KER-2720) 67 locations. The extensive use of lacustrine resources is a (first name missing) Dull, Aaron Dutcher, Michele hallmark of Emergent times, and this adaptation can be Fambrough, Dorothy Fleagle, Juanita Garcia, Vernice seen at each of these sites. There seems little doubt that Heredia, Jay Hinshaw, Darlena Heintz, Marion Iriart, the Emergent period represents the prehistoric Yokuts. Scott Jackson, Wendy Jennings, Robyn Johnson, Dawn Jordan, Jan Lawson, Becky Lewis, Loreen Lo- In sum, the Buttonwillow site contains a more or less max, John Lovell, Doug Manifold, Pat Manifold, (first continuous occupation beginning about 10,000 cal BP. name missing) Maxwell, Melissa McNinch, Christine That the site contains an intact stratified deposit of that McQueen (Fleagle), K. Morse, A. Mitchell, Richard age makes it unique in the SSJV. Osborne, Missy Peterson, J. Pritchard, Greg Reza, Susan Rubin, Kimberly Pinney, Alan Salazar, David Endnote Schuldies, Jack Scott, (first name missing) Shields, Cheryl Sinopoli, Kimberly Smith, Summer Spohn, 1. The report on the excavations at the Grasse site is in Wendy Stevens, K. Tarantino, Stacy Tisler, Solveig preparation, and the authors had access to the collec- Thompson, Robin Tidmore, Milutin Veljkovic, Lori tion in preparing this article. Wear, Susan Wolfe, and Brian Woods.

Acknowledgments We appreciate the assistance of Sherri Gust and Robert M. Yohe II and the comments of the anonymous re- Many thanks to Mrs. Aurora Loukonen and Mrs. viewers. We very much appreciate the support of Kris- Selma Steen, the owners of the property, for their tin Moran, Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at the permission to work on the site. The field crew includ- University of San Diego, who provided the funding for ed N. Amin, Wyleen Anderson, Adele Baldwin, Scott the radiocarbon date. Luke Wisner produced the figures. Baxter, Rae Ann Boston, (first name missing) Brinkly, Steve Brewer, David Bringle, Greg Clift, Bon Du- Upon the discovery of the human remains (Feature rant, Dorothy Fleagle, Juanita Garcia, Jay Hinshaw, 2), Kenneth M. Noack of the Kern County Coroner’s Scott Jackson, Beth Kulas, Greg W. Laframboise, office was immediately contacted (on May 30, 1992). Loreen Lomax, (first name missing) McMann, Melissa Mr. Noack visited the site on May 31, 1992, and deter- McNinch, Ruth Miller, (first name missing) Muñoz, mined the remains to be Native American. The Native Robin Novickas, John O’Donnell, Richard Osborne, American Heritage Commission was then contacted Robert E. Parr, Kathy Ptomey (Moskowitz), Steve and determined that Ron Wermuth was the most likely Ptomey, (first name missing) Remington, Kerry Rob- descendant. Ron visited the site on June 13, 1992, and erson, (first name missing) Rubio, Jack Scott, Cheryl performed a ceremony as the unit was backfilled over Sinopoli, Raymond Tolle, Sharynn-Marie Valdez, the unexcavated inhumation. Three additional human Wendy Stevens, Lori Wear, Jess Wilson, and Kelly elements were discovered during the laboratory analy- Zimmerman. sis and were repatriated in 2006.

Cataloguing of the collection was accomplished by In 2003, Hanna Ballard of Pacific Legacy borrowed the students during the laboratory methods classes at KER-2720 collection for comparative material for a CSUB. These students included Stuart Ahlf, N. Amin, study of sites in the Elk Hills (Culleton et al. 2005). We Wyleen Anderson, (first name missing) Arevalo, Tim appreciate the help of Tom Jackson in obtaining that Baker, David Bringle, Jim Cassidy, J. Cavillo, Greg report. The collection from the site is stored at the Kern Clift, Dawn Collins, D. Davis, Matthew des Lauriers, County Museum in Bakersfield, California.

PCAS Quarterly 54(1) 68 Sutton, Gardner, and Gobalet

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