Town and Country Planning Acts
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13752 THE LONDON GAZETTE, HTH OCTOBER 1984 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Oaks, then eastwards to include The Paclchorse Public House. The line then follows the A692 road ACTS south-west to the line of the former railway at Crookgate Bank, which it follows to Dyke Heads* CREWE AND NANTWICH BOROUGH COUNCIL running to the eastern corner of the former Grady- Hall depot. It then follows the south-east and north- TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 277 east boundaries of the adjacent allotment gardens to The Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council Acton, War- Lilac Crescent, running north to the rear lane of mingham, Crewe Green, Englesea Brook and Weston Derwent View, which it follows westward, running Conservation Areas. along the rear lanes of Derwent View and Willow Notice is hereby given that Crewe and Nantwich Borough View, along the southern boundaries of 30 aid 32 Council, in pursuance of their powers under section 277 of Front Street to the rear lane behind 'Holmsyde'. the Town aad Country Planning Act 1971, has designated The main effects of designation are: as Conservation Areas, those parts of Acton, Warmingham, Greater emphasis will be given in considering pro- Crewe Green, Englesea Brook and Weston described in the posals which would affect the area in ensuring that the Schedule hereto. qualities which make the area attractive are enhanced The areas have been designated as Conservation areas rather than eroded. for the following reasons: that the areas described below Proposals which would have a significant effect on the are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the area and for which planning permission is needed character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve will be advertised so that any comments the public or enhance. may wish to make can be taken into account. Plans showing the boundaries of the Conservation Areas No buildings (except certain limited exceptions) may be and Policy Statements relating thereto are available for demolished in the designated area unless listed build- public inspection during normal office hours at the Chief ing consent has been granted by the local planning Planning Officer's Department, Crewe and Nantwich Bor- authority (Town and Country Amenities Act 1974 ough Council, Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe and Circular 23/77). CW1 2JZ. Anyone wishing to remove, loo or too any trees over Copies of the Plan and Policy Statement may be obtained 3 inches in diameter (or 4 Inches If it is to allow from the Chief Planning Officer, Delamere House, Dela- other trees to grow) must give the Local Planning mere Street, Crewe CW1 2JZ. Authority 6 weeks notice of that intention [Town F. Wood, Secretary and Solicitor and Country Planning Act 1971, Section 61 (a). Delamere Eouse, The Local Planning Authority will, as funds are available, Delamere Street, Crewe. carry out works for the enhancement of the Conservation Area. Grants or loans may be made available to assist SCHEDULE the restoration of buildings where special materials are Acton: That area of Acton centred around St. Mary's used to conserve their visual qualities. Church, which lies between Dorfold Hall Lodge to the A plan showing the areas designated has been placed south, Acton Primary School to the north, the moated site on deposit at the offices of the Chief Planning Officer to the west and the Shropshire Union Canal to the east. at the Civic Centre, Medomsley Road, Consett, Co. Dur- Warmingham: That area of Warmingham centred around ham, and may be inspected there during office hours. St. Leonard's Church, which lies between Church House T. M. Hodgson, Chief Executive Officer and Clerk Farm buildings to the south, Warmingham Mill to the north, the Bear's Paw Inn to the west and the River 4th October 1984. (785) Wheelock to the east. Crewe Green : That area of Crewe Green centred around HAMBLETON DISTRICT COUNCIL St. Michael's Church, which lies between the Old Vicarage to the south, School Cottage to the north, Rose Tree Cot- TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 tage to the west and Lobelia Cottage to the east Town and Country Planning General Development Order Englesea Brook: That area of Englesea Brook centred 1977 around the junction of Englesea Brook Lane and Snape Land within the Central Area of Stokes/ley being most of Lane which lies between the Methodist Church to the south, the buildings fronting onto West End (part), Leven- Royal Acre to the north, the burial ground to the west side (part), West Green, High Street, Bridge Road, and Manor Farm to the east. North End (part), College Square and Manorstde, Weston: That area of Weston centred around All Saints Stokesley. Church which lies between the White Lion Public House Notice is hereby given that die Hambleton District Coun- to the south, Japonica Cottage to the north, Weston House cil have made a Direction under Article 4 of the above- to the west and Genshen Cottage to the east (736) mentioned Order entitled The Hambleton District Coun- cil (Stokesley No. 1) Direction) 1984 relating to land with respect to development described im Class I (paragraphs; 1 and 2) and Class n (paragraphs 1 and 3) of the Schedule DERWENTSIDE DISTRICT COUNCIL to the said Order, The effect of the Direction is that from the date of this TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 notice, the permission granted' under Article 3 of the TOWN AND COUNTRY AMENITIES ACT 1974 Order shall not apply to development within the said The Derwentside District Council Burnopfield—Designa- Classes and described in the Schedule to this notice and tion of Conservation Area the said development shall not be carried out on the said land unless permission is granted by the Hambletcn Dis- Notice is hereby given that on 2nd October 1984 the trict Council om an application made in that behalf. Plan- Derwentsidb District Council, in pursuance of their powers ning permission will now be required; within ths area under section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act described above, for the works set out in the Schedule to 1971, have designated part of Burnopfield, Co. Durham, as this notice. a Conservation Area. The Direction comes into effect on the date of this notice The boundary of the designated area runs as follows: and' stays in force for a period of 6 months at the end The boundary starts at the western gable of ' Holmsyde' of which it expires unless previously approved by the Sec- and runs along the southern side of the B6310 for 30 retary of State for the Environment. metres, crosses the road and runs along the eastern A copy of the Direction and of the map defining the area and southern boundaries of houses in the Bryan's Leap of land to' which the Direction relates may be seen at the estate, to the rear of ' Crickley' and eastwards to the Offices of the said Council at College Square, Stckesley, edge of woodland in Bryan's Leap Gill. It runs north at all reasonable hours. In addition explanatory leaflets alongside the wood to Sandypath Lane and then east- will be delivered, within the next few days, to all pro- wards at the northern end of the wood, crosses the perties affected by the Direction. B6314 (Burnopfield to Rowlands Gill) road at the Colin Spencer, Chief Executive and Clerk of the Coun- junctica with Busty Bank then east to the Leapmill Burn, following the boundary of the district council cil. area, which runs to the west side of the Oakfields Council Offices, The Old Vicarage, estate, and the north-east side of wood known as Northallerton, North Yorks..