CURRICULUM VITAE Luke A. Powery Dean of Duke Chapel Associate Professor of Homiletics Duke University, The Divinity School 401 Chapel Dr. Durham, NC 27708
[email protected] Education Emmanuel College, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) Th.D., Homiletics, 2007 (Dissertation: “The Holy Spirit and African American Preaching”; Advisor: Paul Scott Wilson) Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) (Princeton, NJ) M.Div., 1999 Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA) A.B., Music (Concentration in Vocal Performance), 1996 University of Oxford (Oxford, England) Semester Abroad, Fall 1995 Academic Appointments The Divinity School, Duke University (Durham, NC): Associate Professor of Homiletics (tenured), July 2015- Associate Professor of the Practice of Homiletics, September 2012 – June 2015 Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ): Perry and Georgia Engle Assistant Professor of Homiletics, July 2007- August 2012 Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ): Doctoral Fellow in Speech Communication in Ministry, 2006-2007 Emmanuel College, University of Toronto (Canada): Adjunct Professor, Homiletics, 2005 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wynnewood, PA): Adjunct Professor, Politics of Worship, 2005 Emmanuel College, University of Toronto (Canada): Teaching Assistant, Homiletics, 2003-2005 Youth Theological Initiative, Candler School of Theology, Emory Univ. (Atlanta, GA): Instructor (Exploratory Leader), More than a Song: Worship as Resistance, 2004 1 Lee University (Cleveland, TN): Adjunct Professor, Reading the Bible from the Margins,