The Blue Bookof Fiction
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The Blue Book of Fiction A WORD OF INTROD UC TION ROM fi the earliest times, ction in F various forms has held a high place in the regard and interest of serious men d an women . No r f other lite ary orm , save the drama, w w r ith hich it is closely related, has p e sented life with such frankness and vivid In f r of ness . no other o m has the genius human portraiture found such scope and achieved such triumph . To fiction in its great ex amples has been l z of l f committed the mora i ation i e, the dramatic revelation of the inescapable sequence between what a man does and f him w hat be alls , and the moving and con vincing demonstration of the truth of the x m r t ma i that characte is des iny . But fiction not only plays the part of prophet and teacher ; it i s also a delightful T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N ll r of companion, a te e moving tales, a r of m r s r of spinne pasti e sto ie , a aconteur r of l the old omance ove, adventure and f r o tune . In f fi r all these unctions, ction is p esented in f w w ff for the ollo ing lists, hich o er material r of r for the most se ious study a g eat art, companionship in the myriad ex periences r for th ough which men and women pass, f stimulus to the imagination , escape rom r for d udgery , and a playground the spirit; and playgrounds are as important as work s shop . To make a complete list of the novels which for one reason or another are regarded as worth reading would defeat the object of this compilation of titles ; its modest purpose is to put into the hands of readers a small k of fi handboo good ction , accessible in E l ng ish . The stories of classical quality will be found w r bet een its cove s, in company with stories of l w r r k en o e an and less distinction, but “ ' r V F titled to ecognition . anity air is in [ 2 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O P F I C T I O N many respects the greatest novel in English fiction ; but there is plenty of room for “ ' “ ' “ for L D Cranford and orna oone . The ' “ Scarlet Letter and The Rise of Silas Lapham may safely be put in a foremost place in A merican fiction ; but they do not “ “ x G H e clude The olden ouse, and The ’ l (aeen s Twin . The endeavor has been made in this selection to include with the best, the good ; and to x r im e clude the cheap , the vulga , and the e r moral . There has been no effort to x e cise rigid moral censorship ; and yet there are many stories which students of the art of literature may very properly read that for have no place in a list general reading . S x uch stories have been e cluded . There are many novels included which are r k add essed to mature readers, to whom nowl edge of life has brought ripe j udgment and a sober sense of the meaning of the tragic of x It possibilities human e perience . is well to remind some readers that the coarse ness of Fielding and Smollett offends against [ 3] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N c o n taste, not against morals ; while many n f r s o f temporary novels, preservi g the o m r decency , are otten to the core . The earlier tales in various languages whi c h prepared the way for the novel have b e e n omitted : they have no interest for t h e r r r e to gene al eader, and are eadily acc ssible d the stu ent . [ 4 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N RUSSIAN FICTION ANDREYEV, LEONID Silence , and Other Stories CHEKHOV , ANTON PAVLOVICH The Black Monk and Other Stories OST IE S D O V K Y, FEDOR Crime and Punishment Poor Folk The Idiot GOGOL , NIKOLAI VASILIEVITCH Dead Souls g- z Evenings at the Farm Taras Bulba The Inspector GORKY , MAXIN Foma Gordy eeff Orloff and his Wife The Mother Twenty- six Men and a Girl KOROLENKO , VLADIM IR In Two Moods The Blind Musician The Vagrant , and Other Tales LERMO T F RE I H N O , MIKHAIL YU V TC A Hero of Our Time L F IK LA E H TO STOI , COUNT LYOF N O I VIC Anna Karenina Cossacks Resurrection War and Peace TOURG F S R E UENEF , IVAN E G YVITCH Fathers and Children Lear of the Steppes Nest of Nobles On the Eve Smoke ' Sportsman s Sketches POLISH FICTION SIENKIEWICZ , HENRYK Pan Michael Quo Vadis The Deluge With Fire and Sword [ 5 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N MISCELLANEOUS FICTION OF SLAVONIC ORIGIN B A NEMEC , OZEN The Grandmother , a Story of Country Life in Bohemia KRASZEWSKI , JOSEPH IGNATIUS The Jew (Poland) R D O Z IEWICZ , MARYA Anima Vilis ; a Tale of the great Siberian Steppe (Siberia) HUNGARIAN FICTION JOKAI , MAURUS ’ Baron s Sons Day of Wrath Green Book Midst the Wild Carpathians ’ Poor Plutocrats Timar s Two Worlds SCANDINAVIAN AND FINNISH FICTION ANDERSEN , HANS CHRISTIAN Danish Legends and Fairy Tales 0 . T. ; or Life in Denmark Stories for the House hold Two Baronesses B RNST ER E BJORNSON , JO J N Arne Bridal March and Other Stories Captain Mansana and Other Stories Fisher Lass Happy Boy Magnhild and Dust KIELLAND ALEXANDER L . Elsie Tales of Two Countries [ 6 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N F LAGERLO , SELMA From a Swedish Homestead Girl from the Marsh Croft Invisible Links Laggard in Love Story of Costa Berling LIE , JONAS K . Niobe Pilot and his Wife FICTION OF NON- EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ’ Arabian Nights Entertainment (Translated from the Arabian) Translations from the Hindu by BAI N , FRANCIS WILLIAM Ashes of a God Descent of the Sun Digit of the Moon , and other Love Stories from the Hindu Draught of the Blue In carnation of the Snow Mine of Faults SPANISH FICTION CERVANTES Don Quixote de la Mancha Ex emplary Novels Galatea , a Pastoral Romance C ALDOS , BENITO PEREZ Dona Perfecta Gloria Marianela VALDES , ARMANDO PALACIO Fourth Estate Grandee José Joy of Captain Ribot Marquis of Pefialta Max ima - VALERA , JUAN VALERA y ALCALA GALIANO Commander Mendoza Don Luz Pepita Ximenez [ 7 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N ITALIAN FICTION ’ ANNUNZIO , GABRIELE D Flame of Life Intr uder Triumph of Death BA RRILI , ANTONIO GUILIO Devil ’ s Portrait Eleventh Commandment Whimsical Wooing F A RO OGGAZ , ANTONIO Patriot , The Politician , The The Sinner , The MANZONI , ALESSANDRO Betrothed , The FF RU INI , GIOVANNI D . Doctor Antonio SERAO , MATHILDE Conquest of Rome Land of Cockayne GERMAN FICTION AUERBACH , BERTHOLD Little Barefoot On the Heights Tales of the Black Forest EBERS , GEORG MORITZ Arachne Egyptian Princess Homo Sum Uarda F RENSSEN , GUSTAV Hilligenlei Jorn Uhl Klaus Hinrich Baas FREYTA G, GUSTAV Debit and Credit Lost Manuscript , The T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N F GOETHE , JOHANN WOL GANG VON A ffi nities W Elective Sorrows of erther , The ’ Wilhelm Meister s Apprenticeship HEYSE , PAUL Children of the World In Paradise LI MA R TT, E . ’ ’ Gold Elsie Old M am sell s Secret cess of the Moor Second Wife HA SPIEL GEN, FRIEDRICH Hammer and Anvil Problematic Charac ters Through Night to Light STINDE , JULIUS Buchholz Family STORM , THEODORE Immensee SUDERMANN , HERMANN Dame Care Regina Wish , The ZSCHOK K E, JOHANN HEINRICH DANIEL Tales FRENCH FICTION F ABOUT , EDMOND RANCOIS VALENTIN King of the Mountains Man With a ’ Broken Ear Notary s Nose Story of an Honest Man ANONYMOUS A ucassin and Nicolette X A UDOU , MARGUERITE Marie- Claire [ 9 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N Z DE BAL AC , HONORE Chouans Country Doctor Eugenie Grandet Magi c Skin Pere Goriot Rise and Fall of César Birotteau E BAZ IN , REN Barrier , The Nun , The BOURGET , PAUL Pastels of Men CHERB LIEZ U , CHARLES VICTOR Meta Holdenis Samuel Brohl and Com pany Tutor ’ s Secret With Fortune Made COPPEE F , RANCOIS Disillusion Rivals Tales for Christ mas Ten Tales True Riches DAUDET , ALPHONSE Kings in Ex ile Letters from my Mill ' Little What s - His- Name Numa Roume stan Tartarin of Tarascon Tartarin on the Alps DUMAS , ALEXANDER Black Tulip Count of Monte Cristo Forty- Five Three Guardsmen Twenty Years After Vicomte de B ragelonne ERCK MA NN- CHA TRIA N Conscript Friend Fritz Madame Therese Plebiscite States General (from “ The Story of a Peasant F F DE DE LA ENELON , RANCOIS SALIGNAC MOTHE Adventures of Télémaque 10 ] T H E B L U E B O O K O F F I C T I O N FEUILLET , OCTAVE ’ Officer s Bride Romance of a Poor Young Man FLAUBERT , GUSTAVE M ademe Bovary Salammbo F - RANCE , JACQUES ANATOLE THIBAULT Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard GAUTIER , THEOPHILE Captain Ft aca sse R F G AS , ELIX Reds of Midi The Terror The White Terror A H LEVY , LUDOVIC Abbé Constantin Criquette HUGO , VICTOR Les Miserables Man Who La ughs Notre Dame Toilers of the Sea RRIS HUYSMANS , JO KARL Cathedral En Route LOTI , PIERRE Iceland Fisherman Madame Chrysantheme Romance of a Child MAUPASSANT , GUY DE Odd Number : Thirteen Tales Pierre and Jean MERIMEE , PROSPER Carmen Colomba OHNET , GEORGES Dr .