53 - - ”, Câmpul . 7 Câmpul morţilor Câmpul „ . 2009, 232-233; Babeş 232-233; 2009, 5 ANCA GANCIU, ANCA et alii . The new archaeological research archaeological new The . DRAGOŞ MĂNDESCU DRAGOŞ de cap de leu. Este prima apariţie . These last campaigns These last had an . ă 6 2008, 331-332; Babeş 331-332; 2008, . et alii 2010, 208. In 2007, the archaeological research was There were build houses, additional buildings, enclosures, new et alii networks electric and streets es were requested by the Zimnicea City Hall in the regime of rescue excavations. The four archaeological campaigns were financed mainly by Zimnicea City Hall (September 2007, May August 2008, 2008 and July-August 2009). The last campaign Museum and Ministry was also financed by of Culture. Babeş Măndescu 2010, 165-182, figs. 22-30. 7 making the Zimnicea necropolis one of the most important known Getic cemeteries, relevant for the understanding of the material culture and Age the funerary practices, as well as the Iron chronology at the Lower lead team a 2009, by resumed and continued until by Mircea Babeş emergency nature caused by the rapid extension of the human habitat in the western limits of Zimnicea a large area of the site affecting city, 5 6

3 Este un mormânt de incineraţie în urnă cu capac în care a discovered in the Getic necropolis from Zimnicea – “ c. BC. descoperit în necropola getică de la Zimnicea – Zimnicea la de getică necropola în descoperit nd Grave 2 ”, mormânt de incineraţie în urnă cu capac, cercel cu extremitate zoo . In the last . , who also 2 1 ” ” ”, cremation grave in urn with lid, earring ”, cremation grave with zoomorphic extremity (lion and the 2 century, there century, rd th CÂMPUL MORŢILOR” NECROPOLIS MORŢILOR” CÂMPUL mormântul 2 Cetate “

– Câmpul Morţilor „ Câmpul Morţilor century, two antiquary amateur century, th Câmpul de morţi dacic morţi de Câmpul Zimnicea – A GETIC GRAVE WITH GOLD EARRING FROM FROM EARRING GOLD WITH GRAVE GETIC A Zimnicea originates the three so- in research of the Getic necropolis research of the Getic from

Zimnicea – “ ZIMNICEA ZIMNICEA Articolul prezintă detaliat prezintă Articolul This paper describes in detail the ” during the 2007 archaeological campaign. This particular This particular grave is a cremation a small one, with quantity ” during the 2007 archaeological campaign. .

4 In the second half of the 19

Măndescu 2009, 205-213. The Bolliac 1872, 2. Alexandrescu 1980, 19-126. Nestor 1950, 93-102. Nestor 1949, 116-125; Bolliac 1872, 2-4; Bolliac 1873, 1-2; Bolliac 1874, 1-2, 4; 1873, 1-2; Bolliac 1872, 2-4; Bolliac Bolliac 2 3 4 graves were excavated by Nestor – Alexandrescu, graves were excavated by Nestor – 1 were excavated around 165 graves; other 166 the Second World War by Ion Nestor (1948-1949) War the Second World Alexandrescu (1967- Alexandrina D. followed by 1974) Butculescu, excavated the site area in search of using excavations, systematic first The antiquities. modern scientific methods, were organised after named the site “ quarter of the 19 archaeologists, Dimitrie Papazoglu and Dimitrie called “archaeological explorations” (1871-1873) large area extended Cezar Bolliac on a carried by east of the point known as “ a acestui tip de podoabă la nord de Dunăre. Sunt discutate aspecte legate de asocierea dintre podoaba de import şi ceramica locală reprezentată de cana utilizată drept urnă, precum şi aspecte de tipologie şi cronologie, pe baza limita dintre secolele III-II a. Chr cărora mormântul ar putea fi datat la în campania de săpături arheologice din anul 2007. fost depusă o cantitate mică de oase umane calcinate şi Singura inventarul piesă funerar. de inventar este în mod evident de import din spaţiul grecesc: un cercel de aur cu o extremitate în form morfă (cap de leu), cană cu „mustăţi” la baza toartei, tipologie, analogii, cronologie. morfă (cap de leu), cană cu „mustăţi” Rezumat: and the local pottery used as urn. We also examine the typological and chronological that are dating aspects the and the local pottery used as urn. We grave at the boundary between the 3 Cuvinte cheie: of bones and the inventory deposed in an urn with lid. The funeral The funeral inventory consists in a golden earring with a of bones and the inventory deposed lid. in an urn with lion head extremity, obviously an import from the Greek area. This is the first time when an discuss here some aspects about the association between the imported earring discovered north of the Danube. We object of this type is Abstract: Morţilor Keywords: chronology. analogies, typology, with nervure at the base of the handle, head), pottery (mug) Thraco-Dacica S. N., Tomul IV-V (XXVII-XXVIII), 53-62. 2012-2013, IV-V Tomul N., S. Thraco-Dacica 54 graphic publication of our discoveries, we present we of ourdiscoveries, publication graphic cenotaphs. bones inpits, three inhumationsgravesand urns withorwithoutlid,four graveswithcremated graves: 41 cremationgraveswiththe bones deposedin plane 51 discovered were there and ha A GeticGrave withGoldEarringfrom Zimnicea–“CâmpulMor�ilor”Necropolis In theperspectiveofafuture exhaustivemono about 0.2 excavated were In thefourcampaigns Fig. 1. Zimnicea –“ Câmpul Morţilor

” 2007,trench2,square5.Grave2.Photo(a)anddrawing (b). - is locatedinthecentral-north areaof the known of (2007), intrench2, excavations square 5and the elements. of andtheassociation through itsfuneralinventory isthefactthatthisgraveunique for thischoice here onlyonegravefrom those 51. The reason Grave 2 was discovered in the first campaign first the in discovered was 55 - - - . Its maxi 10 . 0 Anca Ganciu, Drago� M�ndescu Ganciu, Drago� Anca . The lion head is realistic, . style and after attached to au repoussé suggested by two prominences separat Teleorman County Museum, Alexandria, inv. no. 27041. Alexandria, inv. County Museum, Teleorman The funeral inventory consists in only one item, The funeral inventory consists in

assemblage from Zimnicea necropolis (2007-2009). motives (circularly, volutes and jag), combined with combined jag), and volutes (circularly, motives The earring body has a tri small welded granules. folded golden angular section and is made from foil. On its body there are welded three longitudinal filigree nervure that are joining and interpenetrate 10 at the lower part of the urn. The white colour of the The white colour of urn. the of the lower part at was burned cremate bones suggests that the body at a temperature exceeding 600 very is earring The 3). (fig. bones the among found well preserved without burning traces. The object is ring shaped with opened extremities 3.78 g. weights and it 2.25 cm is diameter mum One extremity is fashioned as a lion head and the The other one twisted and thinned out gradually. zoomorphic extremity was separately made from gold foil, the body of the earring The with a prominent snout and opened mouth. eyes are the on descending nervure, filigree double a by ed The animal’s forehead, with curved extremities. geometrical filigree various by represented is crest It is It

/2007. 1 – lid, 2 – urn. Photo (a) and drawing (b). /2007. 1 – lid, 2 – urn. Photo (a) and drawing Grave 2 , were deposed ”, 9 . This area is located west This . 8 Câmpul Morţilor Zimnicea – “ Fig. 2. As urn it was used a high hand made pot with a urn it As her master degree, and includes the entire human ostheological Alexandrescu 1980, 50, fig. 1. for Laquay Laetitia by carried was analysis anthropological The 8 9 represented by a bottom of a vessel, hand made, probably from a mug bones, in small quantity (101.75 g) (fig. 2/1). The cremated and the handle is fragmentary. Dimensions: cm height; 28.5 cm maximum diameter; 18.5 cm 38 The lid is rim diameter; 14.5 cm bottom diameter. The band handle has nervure at the base (two a whitish The pot is brown with embossed volutes). the vessel is broken The upper part of surface. truncated neck (fig. 2/a, b), with straight cut rim. The urn was found slightly inclined with the upper part towards south-east; the lid was placed upside down above the urn. of -0.7 m; the base of the urn was at -1.05 m depth. The grave pit could not be delimited, a common case for most of the graves from this cemetery. is part of an important grave agglomeration. a cremation grave with the bones deposed in urn with lid (fig. The 1/a, lid b). was found at the depth surface of the necropolis in 1949) and of sector C7 (excavated by Ion Nestor 56 11 neither the urn northe lid displaystracesof an location unknown graves excavatedbetween1948and2009). graves inurnwithorwithoutlid,outof all the217 (181 cremation the gravesthatwerediscovered 83.4% ofall in Zimnicea,representing dominant in urn, bones deposed with or without lid,are the 4 funeral behaviourof the Getic communities from at the Zimnicea necropolisandalsointhe general observed the trendoffuneralpractice follows area. cultural from theHellenistic imported is obviously at the level of twisted thinned extremity. The object A GeticGrave withGoldEarringfrom Zimnicea–“CâmpulMor�ilor”Necropolis 19). than one meter depth (Bolliac 1872, 4; also see Măndescu 2001, more at found pyre”, a for place a - fire by hardened and red is soil the where area round “a in consisting morţilor” Câmpul of extremity the “in discovery a mentions Bolliac Anyway,42). 1980, (Alexandrescu pyre a as considered be could that place a In the entire excavated area of the site there was never found never was there site the of area excavated entire the In The bodycremationtookplaceonapyrewith this grave ritual, rite and the funeral Considering Fig. 3. th -3 Zimnicea –“ rd c.BC. graves withthe The cremation 11 Câmpul Morţilor . We havetomentionherethat

” 2007, Grave 2 /2007. The goldenearring. Photo(a)anddrawing(b). 13 12 smaller, mugsized (M.47) a sixth pot, from Zimnicea,itwas discovered M118, C14M1andC15M56).Inthelastcampaign the 2 dated around were that ingraves discovered were They 4/1-4). (fig. Alexandrescu by Alexandrina made excavations from older known already of thistype were mugs of them were foundat Zimnicea necropolis.Four section. Most in bandorwithrectangular handle All knownexamplesarehandmade,withthe pots with“moustache”. the socalled pottery group, the potusedasurnispartof well documented between 23.19g(M.10)and1,700.2312). yses, the bone quantitydeposedinurnsmay vary campaigns. anal to theanthropological According with therestofgravesexcavatedinourfour it not representaparticularcase,bycomparing at thepyre. pened The smallbonequantitydoes eventual secondaryburningthatmayhavehap 34, fig. 26/1-4. 34, fig.26/1-4. Unpublishedexcavations Anca Ganciu,2009. Alexandrescu 1972, 17, pl. II/1, 5; Alexandrescu 1980, 27, 31-32, Due theornamentfrombaseofhandle, nd c.BC (fig. 4/5) 12

(C10 M61, C10 (C10 13 . a b - - 57 ------

apud c. BC for st -1 rd c. BC – beginning the BC of c. Anca Ganciu, Drago� M�ndescu Ganciu, Drago� Anca rd . Due this situation, the im Due . (Tarent, Siracuse) Siracuse) to Minor (Tarent, 21 . Regarding the golden earrings, 22 . Even so, we may try to relate them to relate Even so, we may try . 20 half of the 3 the of half nd Magna Graecia /2009 (unpublished); different scales. 1-4, c. BC, for Apahida, respectively 3 c. BC, for On the other part, the gold earring imposes a The typology of golden earrings with a zoomor Crişan 1966, 50, figs. 20/2; 21/2; Vulpe 1924, 47. Crişan 1966, 50, figs. 20/2; 21/2; Alexandrescu 1980, 51, figs. 50, 1, 5-6, 14-15. Dimitrova 1989, 1-14. nd Asia (Pergamon) and the Eastern Mediterrane Antiochia); from an basin (Crete, Melos, Cyprus, northern Greece, Thessaloni Macedonia (Kožani, and Tomis) Amphipolis) to the western (Callatis, ki, 20 21 22 2 Coconi and Crăsani). discus reason for The more detailed discussion. in Zimnicea ne sion resides in his unique present cropolis. Despite a numerous funeral inventory im ported from Hellenistic area, the number of golden inventory discovered at Zimnicea is relatively low. types, found here eight pendants by different Were (C6, C7 M1, discovered in four cremation graves C7 M4 and C17 M32) portance of our discovery consist first in the pos sibility of framing the earring in a series of golden objects found at Zimnicea; and secondary needs only the is it that fact be mentionedthe here, is to discovery so far at North Danube. phic extremity (lion head shape) was discussed a quarter century ago by Milena Dimitrova, in a study based on 24 objects (pairs or single finds) discov ered in southern from much larger, spreading area is the – and Crăsani Tène (La site these of chronology general the with 2 the C1, Grave 47 - - -first 2011, 2011, . The th 18 Valea Valea lui et alii et “ – from Coconi c. BC based nd ” 2007, pots and one mug with “moustache” discovered in graves. 1 – C10 M118, discovered in graves. 1 – C10 M118, ” 2007, pots and one mug with “moustache” dava necropolis (4

” . Recent analysis of the . For the first half of the . Other pots with this or 14 17 19 . Another mug was found in . 16 . Câmpul Morţilor Câmpul 15 c. BC c. ” rd Grădiştea Mare c. BC) from Grădiştea (pit no. 184) rd – “

2 – C15 M56, 3 – C10 M61, 4 – C14 M1, 5 – Alexandrescu 1980. Zimnicea –“ dava c. BC. Probably, the oldest mug from this the oldest mug c. BC. Probably, ” (fig. 6), in a pit from the eight level, dated nd c. BC we can mention here a mug discovered c. -2 Fig. 4. Fig. Other discoveries from the Geto-Dacian Other discoveries from the Geto-Dacian world These pots were dated in the 2 Moga 1982, 87, fig. 2/1a, b; Rustoiu 2008, 142, fig. 71/1. Sîrbu 1996, 70, 76, fig. 64/4. Unpublished. Excavations Conovici, Ganciu, Matei. Cf. Cono Cf. Matei. Ganciu, Conovici, Excavations Unpublished. the About Ganciu. Irimia, Conovici, Excavations Unpublished. Alexandrescu 1972, 17; Babeş 1988, 8, n. 15-17. Măndescu 2010, 171, fig. 24. nd rd chronology and content of level eight see Conovici see eight level of content and chronology with literature. vici, Ganciu, Matei 2002, 299. Câmpul Morţilor 18 19 16 17 14 15 Tène C2 / La Tène D1 nament, with uncertain dating, were found in the Apahida necropolis and Getic in the latest example from this type was found on the Mureş valley in a grave from dated Teleac, in La Voicu middle 3 the at 2 in Stelnica half of the 3 the fortified settlement from Satu Nou into a chronological that widely frame covers the 3 category is the one found in Grave 260/2 (fig. 5) “ are placing the evolution of the “moustache” pots LT C2 type (in C15 M56) LT necropolis confirms the dating of the graves with this kind latest funeral of pots to the horizon from on the association with discoveries considered typical for this century: hand made cups (in C14 M1 and C15 M56) and fibula of middle La Tène / 58 23 appears at theendof4 appears type first The features. chronological specific with into twodifferentcan bedivided ornaments types, and technique on dimensions, area, based cian her conclusions,theseadornmentsfrom the Thra paeum) shoresoftheBlackSea northern (Olbia,Chersones,Nymphaion,Pantika A GeticGrave withGoldEarringfrom Zimnicea–“CâmpulMor�ilor”Necropolis production of these adornments is supposed to have functioned 4 the of end 2 the Zavatin 1980, 223, pl. 4/2 (Callatis, end of the 3 139-142, fig. 3/1-2 (Callatis, half of the 3 (Tomis,3 the of end 32 fig. 44-45, 1967, Bucovală west see: Sea, Black the of the shore ern from colonies Greek the of cemeteries Hellenistic here).

Dimitrova 1989, 7-8, fig. 18. For the samples discovered in discovered samples the For 18. fig. 7-8, 1989, Dimitrova Fig. 5. nd c. BC) and Tonkova 2007, 279-282, pl. 1/3 (Odessos, 1/3 pl. 279-282, 2007, Tonkova and BC) c. th Stelnica –“ -beginning of the 3 the of -beginning rd -beginning of the 2 the of -beginning Grădiştea Mare” th c. BC-first half of the 3 the of half BC-first c. rd

c. BC; an workshop for the for workshop an BC; c. nd rd 23 c. BC), Bârlădeanu- c. BC), Preda 1966, Preda BC), c. , . According to . According Grave 260 rd -beginning of . rd - - -

25 24 (in “ necropolis, Mogila found atSveštari by anearring displayed head’sto thedetails related is closely ornament fromKavarna istheearring closest analogy Dimitrova. by described type first the in found be can earring century. specific to the 2 c. BCandpersistsevenlatter. type is The second 3/1 (drawing). (photo); 3 1/5; fig. 3, 1989, Dimitrova As concerns the execution of thelion’sAs concernstheexecution head,the for theZimnicea The mostexpressiveparallels Dimitrova 1989, 6,fig.3,Kavarna),9,Sveštari. ” 25 . The discovery of this type intheSveštari nd Ginina c. BC, persisting alsointhenext ” and17tumulus),incon Tonkovapl. 280, 2007, – “ 24 Ginina . The - 59 . 27 Anca Ganciu, Drago� M�ndescu Ganciu, Drago� Anca . 28 c. BC nd Čimbuleva 1964, 57 ff.; Tonkova 2007, 285. The same type The body of Zimnicea earring is mostly untwisted, mostly Zimnicea earring is body of The Dimitrova 1989, 6-7, fig. 12. of chains, but with different zoomorphic extremities (antelope lion with associated Callatis from graves in found were heads), head earrings (Preda 1966, 139-140, fig. 3). dated in the 2 27 28 grave is based on a very rich funeral inventory (adornments and pottery) this being a distinctive morphological feature that A separates it from all the other early earrings. close analogy can be seen in a grave from Krăn, - - - ” tumulus to be . Pottery from level 8. Ginina c. BC of this zoomor rd Valea lui Voicu” Valea , is a strong argument for the chro 26 Satu Nou – “ c. BC rd Fig. 6. Dimitrova Dimitrova 1989, 12, n. 15, fig. 1; Gergova 1996, 16, pl. 4/6; On the other hand, the discovery of a golden

414, fig. 33, pl. 292-294, 295/A, 296/A. Teleagă 2008, Teleagă 95; 26-47, Taf. 98/1; 188/1-7; 190/4 (the author does not consider the earring from the “ an import and ignore it); Măndescu 2010, 185-186, 190, 413- phic ornament. The chronology The of the Mesembria phic ornament. 26 chain with lion head extremities in a Hellenistic chain with lion head extremities in a lat a Mesembria necropolis, pleads for grave from ter dating, at the end of 3 nology of the earrings from the first type. texts well dated in the first half and the middle of the 3 60 31 30 29 ements forthegravechronology. The chronologi and thelocalpotteryarekeyel funerals inventory both when the Geticcemeteries, in generally and the rarityofcaseinZimniceanecropolis issue iswelcomed.First of allwehavetohighlight paper was alreadydiscussedbyoneof the authorsofthis association of the two elements found inGrave 2, middle La Tène the art during Celtic also intheeastern spreading fili are techniques gree andthepseudogranulation pseudo the influences, Balkan the of proofs of thecentury 3 of the end at the ofthewestponticcolonies lenistic goldsmith use intheHel widely are techniques granulation pseudo and filigree pseudo The type. first the to belonging objects the of majority the than dating also suggestsalatter earring tives oftheZimnicea A GeticGrave withGoldEarringfrom Zimnicea–“CâmpulMor�ilor”Necropolis Babeş Babeş Babeş Babeş 1988 Alexandrescu 1980 Alexandrescu 1972 Tonkova 2007,284. Szabó Even though the chronological relevance of the relevance Even thoughthechronological significant most the of one be to Considered technique of The execution the ornamentalmo Măndescu 2010,180,182,pl.374/2. 31 1974, 147, ff.; , we believethat a shortresumptionof this et alii et alii et alii rd 2010 2009 2008 c. BC, nonetheless in the second half the second in c.BC,nonetheless 29 . 30 . Szabó 1992, 162-164; Kruta 1975, 68-71.

2009, 2010,208. Morţilor” M. Babeş, Anca Ganciu,I. Torcică, D.Măndescu, 232-233. România –campania2008,Valachica 21-22,2008-2009, Târgovişte, 2009, Zimnicea M. Babeş, Anca Ganciu,CristinaMuja,I. Torcică, T. Nica,D.Măndescu, arheologice dinRomânia–campania2007, D. Măndescu,Zimnicea– M. Babeş, Anca Ganciu,CristinaMuja,EcaterinaŢânţăreanu, I. Torcică, dace clasice M. Babeş, 24, 1980,19-126. D. Alexandrescu, Alexandrina necropolei geticedelaZimnicea(jud.Teleorman) D. Alexandrescu, Alexandrina , in:Cronicacercetărilorarheologice dinRomânia–campania – Descoperiri funerareşisemnificaţialorîncontextulculturii geto- BIBLIOGRAPHY „Câmpul Morţilor” , SCIVA 39,1988,1,3-32. - - - - - 32 project numberPN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0078. was doneintheframesofCNCS-UEFISCDI, mented inatumulusgravefromKoprivec adornment (an Italic type fibula) was already docu of agolden to generation itage fromgeneration which isnotuniqueinthe Thracian world. The her case, for theZimnicea explanation be aprobable time can foralonger earring of thegolden hoarding the 3 of BC doesnotchangeourdatingofthegrave. The half first the in dated mainly type a to belonging of theearring, slight anteriority sible the lasthorizonofZimniceanecropolis. A pos reference pointfor may constituteachronological overlap during thelasthalfof3 certainly they and wide significantly not in Grave2)is associated earring, and thegolden pottery (local objects mentioned the of frame cal 33 be datedprobablyevenlater, inthebeginningof2 According to the opinion of Măndescu 2010, 180,

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