ONLYOFFICE Document Builder

ONLYOFFICE Document Builder allows you to build a document easily without the need to actually run a document processing editor. It also allows the developers to automate document building using the templates you create or inserting the data from some of yours into a document or a set of documents. It has all the features of a common document editor but is lightweight and can be easily integrated into your document management system, CRM system, etc. using its JavaScript API.

Getting started

As any document is a composite object consisting of a tree of larger nodes (paragraphs and tables), where it is possible to insert smaller document elements (text runs, images, charts, shapes), ONLYOFFICE Document Builder allows to insert the content and format it to your liking quickly and easily.

ONLYOFFICE Document Builder is a C++ library used to create and edit Office Open XML format files (documents, spreadsheets and presentations) and save them to DOCX, XSLX, PPTX and PDF formats. You can integrate this library into your own presentation or use the provided executive binary wrapper for an easy start.

To launch ONLYOFFICE Document Builder binary run the following command: docbuilder.exe mydocument.docbuilder

Here docbuilder.exe is the name of ONLYOFFICE Document Builder (together with the path, if the command is run from the folder different from where the executive is placed) executive file (it will look like docbuilder.exe for Windows version, docbuilder_linux64 for and docbuilder_mac64 for Mac OS), and the mydocument.docbuilder parameter is the name (again, together with the path, if needed) of the script file that will form the document contents.

© Ascensio System SIA 2016. All rights reserved Integrating ONLYOFFICE Document Builder into your own application

For a quick and easy integration of ONLYOFFICE Document Builder into your own application you need to do the following:

1. Download ONLYOFFICE Document Builder application and install it to your computer. 2. Select the programming language and download the code for the sample of ONLYOFFICE Document Builder integration into your application. The examples for different programming languages are available here - builder/integration/index.aspx 3. Run the example on your computer to get acquainted with the basic ONLYOFFICE Document Builder features before you start creating your own application. If everything is alright you will see the example website page with the form elements like the ones here -

Or you can try and write the application yourself using the integration API documentation here - builder/integration/integration-.aspx

Want to learn all the internals? Visit ONLYOFFICE Document Builder complete documentation here - - and find out all the principles of ONLYOFFICE Document Builder work. You will be able to read the Integration API, Text document API, Spreadsheet API and Presentation API articles and find out how to automate your document creation using ONLYOFFICE Document Builder.

© Ascensio System SIA 2016. All rights reserved