iTELL (Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning) THE USE OF SCHOOLOGY AS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Suhandhini
[email protected] Language Development Center Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Abstract Learning Management System (LMS) is now commonly used by teachers or educators to have collaborative learning through online learning (or e-learning) courses. This learning is aimed to have a lean, efficient, and organized training experience. One of the systems, Schoology, even called the award-winning learning management system, allows the educators to create their own features to add assignments, quiz, grade papers, and facilitates open discussions with students. It also provides updates on assignments, notifications, and discussions/ resource forum through group. Founded by Jeremy Friedman, Ryan Hwang and Tim Trinidad in 2007, this LMS provides students real time formative assessment feedback upon submission. This study explores the use of Schoology as an LMS and the perceptions of students in using it during the courses. Results showed that students were intrinsically contented with the easiness of its use as the basic functions of an LMS. Beside the engagement between teacher and student, teacher and students, it also provides an access code to students’ parents to check students’ progress. However, the use of Schoology as LMS surely has some weaknesses. One of them is about authenticity; it cannot be guaranteed that students did their assignments by themselves since they did not do it under the teacher’s supervision. Some students were also worried about their privacy; therefore, they were not very open in case of being carelessly revealed or copied by others. Keywords: Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology.