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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12ra AUGUST 1971 8763 Court—PLYMOUTH (By transfer from High Court Street, Llangollen aforesaid, under the name or of Justice). No. of Matter—25 of 1971. Date of style of G.B.G. Construction. Court— Order—4th Aug., 1971. Date of Filing Petition— WREXHAM. No. of Matter—15 of 1971. Date —19th March, 1971. of Order—6th Aug., 1971. Date of Filing Petition —6th Aug., 1971. LEE, Stephen James, residing at 262, Tilehurst Road, Reading, INSURANCE BROKER and COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—READING. No. of Matter APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE —48 of 1971. Dane of Order—4th Aug., 1971. Date of Filing Petition—4th Aug., 1971. SHORT, Reginald James, of 402, Dorchester Road, Weymouth in .the county of Dorset, BUILDER and YOUNG, John Brian David (described in the Receiv- CONTRACTOR. Court—DORCHESTER. No. ing Order as John Young), of 33, Tern Crescent, of Matter—8 of 1938. Day Fixed for Hearing— Strood,, Rochester, Kent, Musician lately a SELF- 8th Oct., 1971. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Crown EMPLOYED BRICKLAYER. Court—ROCHES- Court, County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset. TER (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—38A of 1971. Date of Order—3rd SLOAN, Donald, residing and carrying on business Aug., 1971. Date of Filing Petition—3rd June, under the name or style of " Tod Sloan", at 1971. Muncasiter House, Crosspit Lane, Rainford in the county of Lancaster, FRUIT and VEGETABLE GRAHAM, Raphael, of 7, Plumbley Drive, Old MERCHANT. Court—LIVERPOOL. No. of Trafford, Manchester 16 in the county of Lancas- Matter—62 of 1966. Day Fixed for Hearing— ter, DOCKER. Court—SALFORD. No. of 21st Oct., 1971. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Judge's Matter—14 of 1971. Date of Order—5th Aug., Court, 5th Floor, India Buildings, Water Street, 1971. Date of Filing Petition—9th July, 1971. Liverpool, 2. BRYANT, Walter Jack, of 75A, Avondale Avenue, Staines in the county of Middlesex, formerly resid- APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES ing at 6, Laleham Road, Staines aforesaid, KYPREOS, Christopher George, of 31, Warwick BUILDER and DECORATOR (described in the Avenue, London, W.9, Publisher, lately residing Receiving Order as J. Bryant (male)). Court— at 85, Westbourne Terrace, London, W2, trading SLOUGH (by transfer from High Court of Justice). at 67 Wesitbourne Grove, London, W.2, and lately No. of Matter—29 of 1971 (under Order for Con- trading at 136A, Westbourne Terrace, London, solidation of Proceedings). Date of Order—29th W.2, at both as Running Man Publications and June, 1971. Date of Filing Petition—5th April, Running Man Press, as PUBLISHERS. Court— 1971 and 27th April, 1971. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— TREACY, Olive (described in the Receiving Order 765 of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and as O. Treacy) (married woman), of 16, Goring Description—Boyask, Stanley, 166-168, Bishops- Road, Llanelli in the county of Carmarthen, a gate, London, E.C.2, Certified Accountant. Date Secretary, lately residing and carrying on business of Certificate of Appointment—5th Aug., 1971. at the Welsh Star Inn, Railway Terrace, Llanelli, Carmarthen aforesaid, as a LICENSEE. Court— WAELAND, Arthur Francis, of 15, Maidstone Road, SWANSEA. No. of Matter—8 of 1971. Date of Ashford, Kent, lately of 296, St. Mary's Lane, Order—26th July, 1971. Date of Filing Petition Upminster, Essex, carrying on business as Francis —23rd June, 1971. Motors, at 16A, Cobden Road, London, E.ll, as a GARAGE PROPRIETOR. Court—HIGH BISHOP, William Daniel, of 12, Kingsdown Caravan COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—60S of Park, Upper Stratton, Swindon in the county of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Wilts, unemployed, lately residing at 160, Fern- —Harris, Victor, 74-5, Cheapside, London, E.C.2, dale Road, Swindon aforesaid, and lately carrying Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of on business at The Breakers Yard, rear of Appointment—2nd Aug., 1971. Kitchener Street, off Ferndale Road, Swindon aforesaid, as MOTOR VEHICLE DIS- GARRARD, Peter, residing at 129s, Cavell Avenue, MANTLER. Court—SWINDON. No. of Matter Peacehaven in the county of Sussex, Joiner, —20 of 1971. Date of Order—9th Aug., 1971. formerly carrying on business in partnership with Date of Filing Petition—9th Aug., 1971. another under the styles of Ocean City and Off Shore Holidays, at 187 South Coast Road, Peace- JARRETT, Frank Ernest, of Travernick Cottage, haven aforesaid, FISHING TACKLE DEALERS. Cubert, Newquay in the county of Cornwall, Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—85 of 1971. Slaughterman, lately residing at Sparry Lane, Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Carharrack, Redruth in the county of Cornwall, Mitchell, Vernon George, 7, Old Steine, Brighton, and formerly residing and carrying on business as Sussex, Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- a PIG FARMER at Wheal Maid, Crofthandy, St. ment—9th Aug., 1971. Day, Redruth aforesaid. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—35 of 1971. Date PINCHIN, Gordon Wesley, now of 1, Salvington of Order—6th Aug., 1971. Date of Filing Petition Close, Durrington, Worthing in the _ county of —6th Aug., 1971. Sussex, of no occupation, formerly residing at 8, Birkdale Road, Durrington, Worthing, and lately DUNN, Geoffrey Alan, Mechanic, of 1, Birchfield carrying on business in the style Gordon's, at 33, Way, Yew Tree Estate, Walsall in the county of Manor Parade, Salvington Road, Durrington, .'Sitatrfardi, formerly carrying on business as a Worthing, as a FISH and CHIP FRIER. Court— MOBILE FISH and CHIP RETAILER. Court— BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—76 of 1971. WEST BROMWICH. No. of Matter—7 of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Knight, Date of Order—29th July, 1971. Date of Filing Richard Beatty MacBean, 52, Old Steine, Brighton, Petition—15th June, 1971. BN1 1PH, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certifi- cate of Appointment—4th Aug., 1971. DAVIES, Thomas Noel, of 155, Pentre Gwyn, Wrexham in the county of Denbigh, unemployed, GOLDIE, Roger Vincent, of 59, Church Road, Whit- lately carrying on business as a WET FISH, church in the city of Cardiff, and HOWARD, FRUIT and VEGETABLE DEALER, at 31, Mavis Elvira (married woman), of 130, The Philog, Holyrood Crescent, Rhosddu in the county of Whitchurch, Cardiff aforesaid, and lately carrying Denbigh, and formerly trading as a MOBILE on business in partnership under the style of WET FISH SALESMAN from 155, Pentre Gwyn, Albany Stores, at 3, Albany Road, Cardiff afore- Wrexham aforesaid. Court—WREXHAM. No. of said, as a GENERAL STORES. Court— Matter—-14 of 1971. Date of Order—6th Aug., CARDIFF. No. of Matter—19 of 1971. Trustee's 1971. Date of Filing Petition—6th Aug., 1971. Name, Address and Description—Down, Gordon Harold, 106, Walter Road, Swansea, Glamorgan, GRIFFITHS, Gwendoline Grace (married woman), Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of of 5, Broughton Road, Lodge in the county of Appointment—10th Aug., 1971. Denbigh, and GRIFFITHS, Beryl Joan (married woman), of 32, Castle Street, Llangollen in the HORN, Charles, of 81, Anderby Drive, Willows county of Denbigh, carrying on business in Estate, Grimsby, previously residing at 2, Lavenham partnership as CIVIL ENGINEERS at 32, Castle Road, Grimsby both in the county of Lincoln,.