The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendix I:

List of Participants and Observers 23rd Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee (Colombo, , September 18-21, 2014)

I. SC Members (17)

● Hon. Kalyan Ky, Member of Communities Engagement Committee and Vice President of the Keysborough Electorate Conference, on behalf of Hon. Shane L. Stone, Former Federal President of Liberal Party of Australia, and Assistant Chairman of the International Democratic Union, Commonwealth of Australia

● Hon. Dr. Asaf Hajiyev, Head of International Department, on behalf of Hon. Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party, Republic of Azerbaijan

● Hon. Abdul Matin Khasru, Member of Parliament, Member of the Standing Committee on Estimates Committee of Bangladesh Parliament, Former Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, and Legal Affairs Secretary of the Central Committee, Bangladesh Awami League, People’s Republic of Bangladesh

● Hon. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Cambodian People’s Party, Kingdom of Cambodia

● Hon. Chen Fengxiang, Vice Minister of the International Department, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on behalf of Hon. Ai Ping, Former Vice Minister of the International Department, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, People's Republic of China

● Hon. Anil K. Shastri, Senior Leader and Special Invitee of the Congress Working Committee, on behalf of Hon. Dr. Karan Singh, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Department, Indian National Congress, Republic of India

● Hon. Theo L. Sambuaga, Vice President of the GOLKAR Party, Republic of Indonesia

● Hon. Hassan Ghafouri Fard, Former Vice President of Iran, and Member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Motalefeh Party, the Islamic Republic of Iran

● Hon. Bauyrzhan Baibek, First Deputy Chairman of the “Nur Otan” Party, Republic of Kazakhstan

● Hon. Hwang Jin-ha, Chairman of the National Defense Committee of the National Assembly and President of the ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union in the Korean National Assembly, Saenuri (New Frontier) Party, Republic of Korea

● Hon. Fadi Fawaz, Advisor for Development Affairs to Hon. Saad Hariri, Former Prime Minister and Chairman of Future Movement Party, Lebanese Republic 9

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

● Hon. Dato Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim, Minister in the Office of Prime Minister and Member of Supreme Council of the United Malay National Organization (UMNO), Malaysia

● Dr. Rajan Bhattarai, Member of the Constituent Assembly, Member of Central Working Committee, and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing, on behalf of Hon. K.P. Sharma Oli, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML), Democratic Republic of Nepal

● Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr., Founding Chairman and Co-Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republic of the Philippines

● Hon. Dr. Andrey A. Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, the Council of Federation (Senate), and Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the United Russia Party, Russian Federation

● Hon. Vuong Thua Phong, Vice Chairman of the Commission for External Relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam

● Hon. Chung Eui-yong, Co-Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee and Secretary General, ICAPP Secretariat

II. Alternate Members (4)

● Hon. Khuon Phon Rattanak, Member of Board Committee and Vice President of Youth Wing of the Party, on behalf of Hon. Keo Puth Reasmey, Former Deputy Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the FUNCINPEC Party, Kingdom of Cambodia

● Hon. Vijay Jolly, Global Convenor, BJP Overseas Affairs, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Republic of India

● Hon. Motohiro Ono, Member of House of Councillors, and Vice Director-General of the International Department, on behalf of Hon. Kaname Tajima, Member of the House of Representatives, and Director General of the International Department of the Democratic Party of Japan

● Hon. Sujata Koirala, Vice-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Constituent Assembly, and Central Committee Member and Head of International Department of the Nepali Congress Party, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

III. Special Participants (4)

● Hon. , Minister of Health and General Secretary of , Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

● Hon. Daya Dharmapala Kilittuwa Gamage, National Organizer of the , Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

● Hon. Dr. Nalinee Taveesin, Former Thailand Trade Representative and Former Minister Attached to Prime Minister’s Office, Pheu Thai Party, Kingdom of Thailand

● Hon. Prakob Chirakiti, Former Member of Parliament, on behalf of Hon. Chamni Sakdiset, Former Member of Parliament and Deputy Leader of the Democrat Party, Kingdom of Thailand

IV. Observers (1)

● Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) - Dr. Masoud Islami, Under Secretary General


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendix II:

Annotated Agenda for the 23rd Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee (Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 18, 2014)

I. Preparations for the 8th General Assembly

Report by the Organizing Committee of the 8th GA

Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health and Secretary General of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 8th General Assembly (GA) of the ICAPP will make a presentation on the state of preparations for the GA which will be held in Colombo during September 18-21, 2014.

The program, list of participants, and conference procedures of the 8th GA are attached as Appendixes I, II and III.

Election of the Bureau of the 8th GA

According to Article 7 of the ICAPP Charter, the Standing Committee (SC) will prepare the list of candidates for one Chairperson and five Chairpersons for the 8th GA and recommend it to the Plenary Session for its approval. The SC should also prepare the list of candidates for one Chairperson and three Vice Chairpersons each for the 2nd Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and the 3rd Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing be held on the sideline of the 8th GA.

In this regard, it has been the tradition of the ICAPP to elect the Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons in a regionally balanced manner. The draft lists of candidates for the bureau of the 8th GA, prepared by the Secretariat through prior consultation with the Organizing Committee, is attached as Appendix IV.

Colombo Declaration

In accordance with the tradition of the ICAPP, Colombo Declaration will be adopted at the closing session of the 8th GA. In this regard, the Secretariat prepared and circulated the draft declaration which is attached as Appendix V. The SC Members are requested to review the draft and make their comments before the first official draft is circulated among all participants in the GA after the first plenary session on September 19.

In this regard, it is proposed to nominate Hon. Mushahid Hussain, Chairman of the Senate Defense Committee and Secretary General of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, and Special Rapporteur of the Standing Committee, as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Colombo Declaration. The list of other candidates for the Drafting Committee is attached as Appendix VI.

II. Report on the ICAPP Activities to the 8th GA


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

The report on the ICAPP activities since the end of the 7th GA, held in Baku in November 2012, will be submitted to the 8th GA by the SC. The report which had been prepared and circulated by the Secretariat among the SC members and approved by them is attached as Appendix VII (ICAPP/8GA/010).

The Report includes the following activities of the ICAPP during 2013-2014:

Meetings of the ICAPP Standing Committee - 19th Meeting of the SC (Hanoi, April 24-26, 2013) - 20th Meeting of the SC (Xi’an, May 29-31, 2013) - Informal Meeting of the SC (Seoul, September 13, 2013) - 21st Meeting of the SC (Ankara, November 21-22, 2013) - 22nd Meeting of the SC (Vladivostok, May 30-June 1, 2014) ICAPP Special Conferences - Special Conference on Promoting Green Development and Building a Beautiful Asia Together (Xi’an, May 29-31, 2013) - Special Conference on Women’s Leadership and Empowerment (Seoul, September 12-14, 2013) Activities of the ICAPP Women’s Wing - 1st Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing (Baku, April 4-6, 2014) - 1st ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking (Kathmandu, January 16-18, 2014) - Bureau Meetings of the ICAPP Women’s Wing a. 1st Bureau Meeting (Baku, April 6, 2013) b. 2nd Bureau Meeting (Bangkok, June 17, 2013) c. 3rd Bureau Meeting (Seoul, September 12-14, 2013) d. 4th Bureau Meeting (Kathmandu, January 16-18, 2014) Activities of the ICAPP Youth Wing - 2nd Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing (Baku, August 13-16, 2013) - 1st Bureau Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing (Kuala Lumpur, February 20, 2014) Special Missions of the ICAPP - ICAPP Mission to Monitor General Elections in Cambodia (July 25-27, 2013) - ICAPP Mission to Argentina (September 17-20, 2013) - ICAPP Mission to Monitor Presidential Election in Azerbaijan (October 7-11, 2013) - ICAPP Mission to the U.N. General Assembly (October 13-17, 2013) Other Activities - ICAPP’s Bid for Observer Status in the U.N. General Assembly - Signing of the Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation to Provide Support for ICAPP Activities (Seoul, July 26, 2013) - 4th Joint Session between the ICAPP Standing Committee and the COPPPAL Coordinating Body (Baku, October 8, 2013)

III. Issues relating to the ICAPP Standing Committee

Expansion of the SC Membership

At the 22nd SC Meeting held in Vladivostok in May 2014, SC Members agreed to increase the number of the SC Members, which are currently limited to 22 political parties from 22 13

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting countries, to 23 political parties from 23 countries, as stipulated in Article 9 of the Charter. They also agreed to invite the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, one of the co-hosts of the 8th GA as a new SC Member, and the United National Party of Sri Lanka, the other co-host of the GA, as an Alternate Member in accordance with the understandings reached at the 12th and 13th SC Meetings, under which the representative of the political party with the largest number of seats in the national parliament at the time of representation in the SC would represent its country at the SC as a Full Member, while the representative of the political party with second largest number of seats in the national parliament would attend the SC meetings as an Alternate Member to coordinate among themselves to ensure maximum contributions to the ICAPP objectives and activities.

In this regard, SC Members agreed at the 22nd SC Meeting to recommend to amend Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the ICAPP Charter from “A Standing Committee, composed of the representatives of not exceeding twenty-two (22) political parties from an equal number of countries in the region, shall be established” to “A Standing Committee, composed of the representatives of not exceeding (23) political Parties from an equal number of countries in the region, shall be established.” They also agreed to add a new Paragraph 4 in Article 9 which reads “The Members of the Standing Committee are encouraged to invite the representatives of one of political parties in their respective countries which have a large number of seats in their respective parliaments as Alternate Members of the Standing Committee.” (See also Appendix VIII)

Some SC Members, however, have recently pointed out that the term “Alternate Member” in the Standing Committee might suggest diminishing status or role for the relevant political party in the activities of the Standing Committee, and proposed to find a way that two principal political parties from each country, where applicable, would be encouraged to share the membership in the Standing Committee on the basis of equal status.

In this regard, it is proposed to revise the above-mentioned recommendation as to amend Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the ICAPP Charter to “A Standing Committee, composed of the representatives of political parties of not exceeding twenty-three (23) countries in the region, shall be established.” It is also proposed to add a new Paragraph 4 which reads “The membership in the Standing Committee may be shared by up to two (2) principal political parties from each country, which is invited to the Standing Committee, with equal status and responsibility.” (See also Appendix IX)

New Members of the SC

First, as has been informed by ICAPP Update 14-23 of July 16, 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the new governing party of India, and the Indian National Congress Party have agreed to share the membership in the SC with equal status and responsibility. The BJP will be represented by Hon. Vijay Jolly, Global Convenor, BJP Overseas Affairs in the SC. Hon. Dr. Karan Singh, Deputy Leader of the Indian National Congress Party, will continue to represent the Party in the SC.

Second, National League for Democracy (NLD), the opposition party of Myanmar, has nominated Hon. U Mahn Johnny, Member of Parliament (Pyithuhluttaw) and Member of the Central Committee, as its representative to the Standing Committee.

Third, the Secretariat has been informed that Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health and General Secretary of Sri Lanka Freedom Party, Hon. Daya Dharmapala Kilittuwa 14

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Gamage, National Organizer of the United National Party of Sri Lanka, will represent their parties respectively in the SC after the 8th GA.

Fourth, the National Council for Peace and Order which was established after the military coup in Thailand suspended the activities of all political parties in Thailand in May 2014 until further notice. Under the circumstances, it is proposed to invite representatives of the formerly Pheu Thai Party and Democrat Party of Thailand to continue to participate in the ICAPP activities, including SC Meetings, as special participants.

Under the new Charter and the relevant understanding of the SC, eleven out of twenty-three countries which are represented in the SC would be represented by two principal political parties of their countries. They are Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In this regard, SC Members may note that Free Patriotic Movement Party, the opposition party of Lebanon, has not yet attended SC Meetings since it was invited to join as Alternate Member at the 7th GA held in Baku in November 2012.

Future Meetings of the SC

As has been informed earlier, Hon. Dr. Karan Singh, Deputy Leader of the Indian National Congress Party, offered to host the 24th SC Meeting in New Delhi during the first half of 2015 at his meeting with the ICAPP mission in New Delhi on July 12, 2014. The exact dates and other details for the meeting will be informed in due course. (See the report of the ICAPP Mission to India attached as Appendix X.)

In this regard, the political parties represented in the SC, which are yet to host SC meetings, are requested to consider hosting SC meetings in the future.

IV. Review of the ICAPP Activities since the 21st SC Meeting in November 2013

Launching of the “Global Parties’ Climate and Ecological Alliance (GPCEA)”

At the 22nd SC Meeting held in Vladivostok in May 2014, SC Members expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the International Eco-Safety Cooperation Organization (IESCO) to organize the “Global Parties’ Climate and Ecological Alliance (GPCEA)” and confirmed their determination to join hands with other international bodies of political parties, including the COPPPAL and the CAPP, to combat ecological degradation and climate change. They also welcomed the IESCO’s initiative to form the GPCEA as a timely initiative to coordinate work on the crucial and common cause of climate change.

In this regard, the IESCO hosted the “Climate Change and Human Health Forum” and launched the GPCEA in Chengdu, China, on July 18, 2014. Dr. Jiang Mingjun, Director General of the IESCO, will make a presentation on the outcome of the forum and future work programs of the GPCEA.

ICAPP’s Bid for Observer Status in the U.N. General Assembly

At the 22nd SC Meeting in Vladivostok in May 2014, SC Members agreed to continue to pursue observer status in the UNGA, and, in particular, to persuade the governments of the 15

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Latin American countries, which opposed ICAPP’s bid for observer status in the UNGA. They agreed to seek closer coordination with the COPPPAL, including sending ICAPP missions to the Latin American countries, if necessary. They also agreed to strongly recommend governments of all countries in the region to demonstrate more actively their solidarity and support in the UNGA for the ICAPP initiative.

Accordingly, the Secretariat coordinated with the COPPPAL Secretariat and, in the absence of clear indication of support by the governments of the relevant Latin American countries, concluded not to include the issue in the provisional agenda for the 69th session of the UNGA which would start in September 2014.

Under the circumstances, it is recommended that the Secretariat, with close coordination with and support of SC Members, will continue its efforts, including sending ICAPP missions if necessary, to win the support of the governments of the countries in Latin America, and elsewhere, for the ICAPP’s bid for UN observer status with a view to including the item on the provisional agenda for the 70th session of the UNGA which will start in September 2015.

Signing of the MOU on Cooperation to Support ICAPP Activities

As reported at the 22nd SC Meeting in Vladivostok in May 2014, the governments of eight countries in the region, including Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Iran, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, have so far signed the inter-governmental “MOU on Cooperation to Provide Support for ICAPP Activities”, since July 26, 2013. It was also reported that several SC Members, including Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Turkey, have also indicated that their respective governments are giving positive consideration to signing the MOU in the near future.

In this regard, SC Members agreed at the 21st SC Meeting in Ankara in November 2013 that the increased number of signatories to the MOU would further cement the position of the ICAPP in its efforts to obtain observer status in the UNGA.

V. Future Work Programs and Activities of the ICAPP

1st ICAPP-APA Joint Session

At the 9th SC Meeting held in Islamabad in March 2008, SC Members agreed to hold a joint session between the ICAPP Standing Committee and the APA (Asian Parliamentary Assembly) Executive Council to explore ways to promote cooperation and coordination between the two organizations.

In this regard, on July 23, 2014, the APA Secretariat informed that, at the 6th APA Plenary Assembly held in Islamabad in December 2013, it was agreed to hold the joint session on the sideline of the first APA Executive Council meeting of each year, and proposed to hold the “1st Joint Session between the ICAPP Standing Committee and the APA Executive Council” on the sidelines of the APA Executive Council meeting to be held in Islamabad during August 20-21, 2014. The APA Secretariat also proposed to “exchange views on how to promote cooperation in Asia in the areas of development, peace, security and peaceful settlement of disputes, rule of law, democracy, good governance, poverty eradication, combating corruption, environment, and energy” at the joint session. 16

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

After consultations with SC Members, the Secretariat counter-proposed to the APA Secretariat to have the joint session on the sidelines of the 8th General Assembly (GA) of the ICAPP in Colombo during September 18-21, 2014, since the 8th GA will be a larger gathering with a broader agenda and may be more convenient for many APA Executive Council members to attend the ICAPP GA as members of the delegations of their respective political parties.

To this proposal, the APA Secretariat responded on August 4 that it was the decision by the APA Plenary to hold the joint session on the sidelines of the APA Executive Council meeting and the APA Plenary can only change that decision. They also informed that, if it is not possible for the ICAPP to have the joint meeting on the sidelines of the APA Executive Council meeting to be held in Islamabad during August 20-21, the joint meeting will have to be postponed for another time. However, the APA Secretariat will raise the issue at the upcoming APA Executive Meeting and seek the views of APA Member Parliaments on the possibility of holding the joint meeting in Colombo, and inform us the results in due course. The letter from the APA Secretariat is attached as Appendix XI.

It was later learned that the APA Executive Council meeting, scheduled for Islamabad during August 20-21, has been postponed, till after the ICAPP meeting in Colombo. It is expected to be held during the last week of September.

VI. Cooperation with COPPPAL and CAPP

5th ICAPP-COPPPAL Joint Session

At the 4th ICAPP-COPPPAL Joint Session, held in Baku, Azerbaijan on October 8, 2013, it was agreed to hold the 5th Joint Session between the ICAPP Standing Committee and the COPPPAL Coordinating Body (CB) in Managua, Nicaragua under the auspice of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) of Nicaragua in either October or November 2014.

The COPPPAL Secretariat later proposed to change the venue and the time of the joint session to Mexico City during late November this year. Accordingly, it was tentatively agreed to hold the meeting in Mexico City during November 27 to 29. The tentative program for the joint session and the items for the agenda are attached as Appendixes XII and XIII.

Details of the joint session, including the program and agenda, will be provided in due course after consultation with the COPPPAL Secretariat.

Launching of the Asian-Latin American Business Council

It was also agreed to hold the 1st Meeting of the Asian-Latin American Business Council on the sidelines of the 5th Joint Session between the ICAPP SC and the COPPPAL CB, if it would not have been held until then.

In this regard, SC Members are requested to nominate two business leaders from each country for the business council as they had agreed at the 21st SC Meeting in Ankara in November 2013. So far, five SC Members, representing Cambodia, China, Nepal, Korea and Pakistan have nominated their business representatives for the council. The list of the ICAPP 17

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting business representatives is attached as Appendix XIV.

Trilateral Cooperation among the ICAPP, COPPPAL and CAPP

At the 21st SC Meeting held in Ankara in November 2013, SC Members reaffirmed their commitment to convene the 1st Trilateral Conference among the ICAPP, COPPPAL and CAPP in the near future. They, however, stressed (1) the need for both COPPPAL and CAPP to be more inclusive with region-wide participation of political parties, and (2) the need to start planning for specific joint efforts in the areas of common interest and gradually working together toward further institutionalization of the trilateral cooperation.

In view of such positions among SC Members, it was further noted that the three organizations would need to do more preparatory work on how to mobilize the collaborative efforts and on how to develop topics which could capture the interests of all three continents and organizations.

VII. Other Issues

Israel-Palestine Conflict

After consultations with SC Members, the Secretariat issued a statement in the name of the ICAPP Standing Committee on July 29, 2014 on the current state of the Israel-Palestine conflict, expressing its grave concern at the massive casualties of civilians, calling for an immediate cessation of all attacks against civilians and urging to resume dialogue and negotiation for a comprehensive, just, permanent and peaceful settlement of the disputes. The statement is attached as Appendix XV.

Two SC Members, representing Australia and Turkey, later informed the Secretariat that they decided to disassociate themselves with the statement.

Other Issues

SC Members may raise any issue they may wish under this item.


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendixes: I. Program of the 8th GA II. List of Participants in the 8th GA III. Conference Procedures of the 8th GA IV. List of Candidates for the Bureau of the 8th GA V. Draft Colombo Declaration VI. List of Candidates for the Drafting Committee VII. Report on the ICAPP Activities 2013-14 VIII Recommendation for Amendment of ICAPP Charter (old) IX. Recommendation for Amendment of ICAPP Charter (revised) X. Report of the ICAPP Mission to India XI. Letter from the APA Secretariat (Aug. 4, 2014) XII. Tentative Program of the 5th ICAPP-COPPPAL Joint Session XIII. Items for the Agenda for 5th ICAPP-COPPPAL Joint Session XIV. List of ICAPP Business Leaders XV. ICAPP Statement on Israel-Palestine Conflict


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendix III:

Program of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP (Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 18-21, 2014)

Thursday, September 18

p.m. Arrival of Delegates - Check-in at Cinnamon Grand Colombo (Address: 77, Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka; Tel: +94-112-437-437) p.m. Registration for Participation in the General Assembly - Venue: Information Desk at Lobby Level, Cinnamon Grand Colombo 18:30 Welcoming Reception hosted by Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health, General Secretary of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP - Venue: Oak Room at Ground Level, Cinnamon Grand Colombo 21:00 23rd Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee (SC Members only) - Venue: Ivy Room at Lobby Level, Cinnamon Grand Colombo

Friday, September 19

08:00 Departure from Hotel by bus 09:00 Arrival at Nelum Pokuna Theater (NPMRT) 09:40 Opening Ceremony - Venue: NPRMT 11:15 Group-photo taking in front of the Main Entrance of NPMRT 11:30 Departure from NPRMT by bus 11:45 Arrival at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) 12:00 1st Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 13:40 Informal Lunch - Venue: Banquet Hall, BMICH 14:20 3rd Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing - Venue: Committee Room “B”, BMICH - Theme: Young Politicians’ Role in Building an Asian Community 14:50 2nd Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 16:00 3rd Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 16:00 2nd Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing - Venue: Committee Room “A”, BMICH - Theme: Woman Politicians’ Role in Building an Asian Community 18:30 Courtesy Call on H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the SLFP, by Members of the Standing Committee - Venue: Temple Trees 19:00 Dinner hosted by H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the SLFP 20

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

- Venue: Temple Trees 21:00 Meeting of the Drafting Committee of the Colombo Declaration - Venue: Ivy Room at Lobby Level, Cinnamon Grand Colombo

Saturday, September 20

08:30 Departure from Hotel by bus 08:45 Arrival at BMICH 09:10 4th Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 11:10 5th Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 12:00 Informal Lunch - Venue: Banquet Hall, BMICH 14:15 6th Plenary Session - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 16:00 Closing Ceremony - Adoption of the Colombo Declaration - Venue: Main Assembly Hall, BMICH 17:00 Press Conference - Venue: Committee Room “A”, BMICH 19:30 Farewell Dinner hosted by Hon. Ranil Wickremasinghe, Chairman of the United National Party - Venue: Banquet Hall, Hotel Water’s Edge

Sunday, September 21

07:00 Departure from Hotel by bus 08:30 Arrival at Galle - Received by the Governor of the Southern Province and Mayor of Galle - Refreshments - Tour of Galle Fort, Museums and Exhibitions - Cultural Program (Sri Lankan Orchestra and Dancing) 12:30 Informal Lunch 15:30 Departure from Galle 17:00 Arrival at the Cinnamon Grand Colombo p.m. Departure of Delegates


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendix IV:

List of Participants and Observers 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP (Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 18-21, 2014)

Political Parties (64 political parties from 29 countries)

Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of 1. Islamic Party - Hon. Gul Mohammad Gulzai, Deputy Chairman of Political Committee and Advisor at the Ministry of Education

Australia, Commonwealth of 2. Liberal Party - Ms. Kalyan Ky, Member of Communities Engagement Committee and Vice President of the Keysborough Electorate Conference

Azerbaijan, Republic of 3. Yeni (New) Azerbaijan Party - Hon. Dr. Asaf Hajiyev, Member of Parliament, Head of the International Department of the Party, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Dr. Malahat Ibrahimqizi, Member of Parliament and Co-Chairperson of ICAPP Women’s Wing - Mr. Ramin Mammadov, Deputy Chairman of the Youth Union, and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing - Mr. Mahir Abbasaliyev, Head of Department

Bangladesh, People’s Republic of 4. Bangladesh Awami League - Hon. Abdul Matin Khasru, Member of Parliament, Member of the Standing Committee on Estimates Committee of Bangladesh Parliament, Former Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Legal Affairs Secretary of the Central Committee, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee 5. Workers’ Party of Bangladesh - Hon. Fazle Hossain Badsha, Member of Parliament and General Secretary of the Party - Hon. Mustafa Lutfullah, Member of Parliament and Member of Political Bureau of the Party 6. National Socialist Party - Hon. Shirin Akhter, Member of Parliament and Member of the Central Standing Committee - Hon. Nazmul Haque Prodhan, Member of Parliament and Member of the Central Standing Committee - Ms. Afroza Haq Rina, President of Woman Front - Mr. Rokonuzzaman Rokon, President of Youth Front - Ms. Shayla Ahmed Lopa, General Secretary of Woman Front - Mr. Md Harun Or Rashid, Organizing Secretary of Youth Front 22

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

- Mr. Md Shazzad Hossain, Member of the Party 7. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) - Hon. Shamsher M. Chowdhury, Vice Chairman and Coordinator of Foreign Affairs and Madam Shaheda Yesmin - Hon. Mahbub Alam, Vice President of BNP Shessa Sebok Dal

Cambodia, Kingdom of 8. Cambodian People’s Party - Hon. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee, and Madam Annie Sok An - Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong, Advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia - Hon. Yos Son, Chairman of the International Relations Commission - Hon. Suos Yara, Member of Parliament, Vice Chairman of the International Relations Commission of the National Assembly, Vice Chairman of the International Relations Commission of the Party, and Deputy Chairman of the ICAPP Youth Wing - Hon. Tekreth Samrach, Secretary of State, Office of the Council of Ministers - Mr. Sok Sokan, Deputy Secretary General of the Royal Government, Office of the Council of Ministers, and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing - Mr. Kong Chanveasna, Director of International Relations, Office of the Council of Ministers - Mr. Keo Pheakdey, Deputy Director of International Relations, Office of the Council of Ministers - Mr. Dim Sovannarom, Assistant to the Office of the Council of Ministers - Mr. Sun Ly, Assistant to Hon. Sok An - Mr. Chen Yiy Fon, Assistant to Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong - Mr. Chen Yepern, Assistant to Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong - Mr. Sim Saravuth, Assistant to Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong 9. FUNCINPEC Party - Hon. Khuon Phon Rattanak, Member of Board Committee and Vice President of Youth Wing of the Party - Dr. Tee Ching Seng, Counsellor to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party, and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing 10. League for Democracy Party - Hon. Khem Veasna, President of the Party - Hon. E. Sangleng, Deputy President of the Party

China, People’s Republic of 11. Communist Party of China - Hon. Chen Fengxiang, Vice Minister of the International Department, Central Committee (IDCPC) - Mr. Zhang Xuyi, Deputy Director General of IDCPC - Mr. Du Xiaolin, Director of IDCPC - Mr. Liu Yongjie, Second Secretary of IDCPC - Mr. Chen Bin, Second Secretary of IDCPC - Mr. Cao Zhigang, Third Secretary and Interpreter - Mr. Du Dong, Director of International Department of All-China Youth Federation

East Timor, Democratic Republic of 12. National Congress for Reconstruction of Timor-Leste 23

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

- Hon. Filomena De Oliveira Camoes, Secretary General of the Woman Organization of the Party 13. Front for National Reconstruction of Timor-Leste – Change - Hon. Vicente Floriano Dias Ximenes, Vice President of the Party, and Madam Benvinda Rodrigues

Georgia 14. Labor Party of Georgia - Hon. Shalva Natelashvili, Leader of the Party - Mr. Natelashvili Beka, Representative of International Affairs

India, Republic of 15. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - Hon. Polsani Muralidhar Rao, National General Secretary - Hon. Vijay Jolly, Global Convenor, BJP Overseas Affairs - Mr. Nitin Ronghe, Secretary - Mr. Ashish Tulshidas Merkhed, Social Media Co-Convener, BJP Maharashtra State 16. Indian National Congress - Hon. Anil K. Shastri, Senior Leader and Special Invitee of the Congress Working Committee, and Madam Manju Shastri 17. Nationalist Congress Party - Hon. Ganesh Mahadeo Ambike, General Secretary of the Nationalist Youth Congress

Indonesia, Republic of 18. GOLKAR Party - Hon. Theo L. Sambuaga, Vice President of the Party and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Amb. Iris Indira Murti, Chairperson of the International Cooperation Division - Hon. Ahmad Doli Kurnia, Vice Secretary General - Ms. Emmalia Natar, Member of the International Cooperation Division 19. Prosperous Justice Party - Dr. Taufik Ramlan Widjaja, Head of Foreign Relations Division - Mr. Achmad Rozi, Legal Division 20. Crescent Star Party - Hon. Wibowo Hadiwardoyo Somodsatro, Secretary General - Hon. Muhammad Taufiek Rahman, Vice Secretary General - Hon. Panhar Makawi Manan, Leader of Law - Hon. Sabar Sitanggang Sampit, Former Vice Secretary General

Iran, Islamic Republic of 21. Islamic Motalefeh Party - Hon. Prof. Hassan Ghafouri Fard, Former Vice President of Iran and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Hamidreza Taraghi, Member of the Central Council and Head of the Center for International Affairs of the Party - Hon. Laleh Eftelchari, Member of the Islamic Parliament of Iran

Iraq, Republic of 22. Kurdistan Democratic Party - Hon. Hayman Ahmed HMA Salah, Head of Foreign Relations Office 24

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- Mr. Abdulsalam Ibrahim Abdullah, Head of Asian Division of the Foreign Relations Office - Ms. Liza Falakadeen Saber, Member of Foreign Relations Office 23. Islamic Group of Kurdistan - Mr. Dara Mohammed Ameen Saeed, Member of Leadership

Japan 24. Democratic Party of Japan - Hon. Satoshi Arai, Member of the House of Representatives, Director-General of the Executive Office, and Former Minister of State for National Policy - Hon. Motohiro Ono, Member of the House of Councillors, Vice Director-General of the International Department, and Secretary General of the General Research Commission on Security 25. Japanese Communist Party - Hon. Kazuo Shii, Chairman of the Party and Member of the House of Representatives - Hon. Yasuo Ogata, Vice Chairperson of the Party and Member of the House of Councillors - Hon. Kimitoshi Morihara, Member of the Executive Committee - Mr. Minoru Tagawa, Coordinator of International Commission - Mr. Toshiya Kobayashi, Staff Member of International Commission

Kazakhstan, Republic of 26. Nur Otan Party - Hon. Bauyrzhan Baibek, First Deputy Chairman of the Party and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Sayasat Nurbek, Director of the Institute of Public Policy - Ms. Gaukhar Amantayeva, Coordinator of International Relations - Mr. Sayan Diyashev, Cameraman 27. Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan - Hon. Zhambyl Akhmetbekov, Secretary of the Central Committee

Korea, Republic of 28. Saenuri (New Frontier) Party - Hon. Hwang Jin-ha, Chairman of the National Defense Committee of the National Assembly, President of the ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union in the Korean National Assembly, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Dr. Park In-sook, Member of the National Assembly, Deputy Floor Leader, and Co-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing - Hon. Yoon Myung-hee, Member of National Assembly - Hon. Lee Kang-hoo, Member of National Assembly - Mr. Park Jin-ho, Chief of Staff for Policy of Defense and Foreign Affairs, and Director of ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union - Ms. Kim Dong-hyun, Deputy Director of ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union 29. New Politics Alliance for Democracy - Hon. Chun Soon-ok, Member of the National Assembly - Hon. Hong Ihk-pyo, Member of the National Assembly - Hon. Kim Kwang-jin, Member of the National Assembly and Assistant Floor Leader

Laos, People’s Democratic Republic of 30. Lao People’s Revolutionary Party 25

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- Mr. Thongsavanh Phomvihane, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the Central Committee of the Party - Mr. Khamfeuang Phanthaxay, Deputy Director of Europe, America and Multilateral Division, Party Relations Department, Committee for the External Relations of the Central Committee of the Party

Lebanon, Republic of 31. Future Movement Party - Hon. Fadi Fawaz, Advisor for Development Affairs to Hon. Saad Hariri, Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the Party, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee

Malaysia 32. United Malays National Organization (UMNO) - Hon. Dato Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim, Minister in the Office of Prime Minister, Member of Supreme Council of the Party, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Ahmad Nazlan Bin Idris, Member of Parliament - Hon. Anuar Bin Abd. Manap, Member of Parliament - Hon. Dato Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Mohamad, Member of Parliament - Hon. Mohd Azhar Bin Jamaluddin, State Assemblyman and Head Division of the Party - Datuk Kamarudin Bin Haji Ambok, Head Division of the Party - Hon. Datuk Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah, Senator and Chairman of the ICAPP Medical Emergency Forum (IMEF) - Datuk Hajah Hasnah Binti Salam, Executive Committee of the Women’s Wing of the Party - Ms. Zahida Binti Zarik Khan, Deputy Head of the Women’s Wing of the Party - Ms. Wan Zawiyah Binti Wan Halim, Head of Kubang Pasu Division, Young Women Wing, and Secretary General of the ICAPP Medical Emergency Forum (IMEF) - Mr. Mohamad Nazari Bin Ahmad, Information Officer - Mr. Arman Azha Bin Abu Hanifah, Member of the Youth Wing of the Party - Ms. Hafizah Binti Abu Bakar, Secretary, Public Relations, International and Protocol Division - Ms. Ropikah Binti Ahmad, Officer, Media Division - Mr. Muhammad Eizaaz Bin Muhammad Redzuan, Special Officer to Hon. Dato Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim - Mr. Rosman Bin Abdullah, Personal Assistant to Hon. Datuk Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah 33. Sharawak Progressive Democratic Party - Hon. Dato' Seri Tiong King Sing, Acting President - Hon. Nogeh Anak Gumbek, Supreme Council Member - Hon. Wan Lah, Supreme Council Member - Mr. Robert Ayu, Youth Chief - Ms. Datuk Chew Yen Fong, Women Chief 34. Malaysian People’s Movement Party (Gerakan) - Dr. Thor Teong Gee, Deputy Secretary General - Mr. Yong Kim Seng, Deputy of the Youth Wing of the Party


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Maldives, Republic of 35. Progressive Party of Maldives - Hon. Abdulla Rifau, Member of Parliament and Member of Progressive Youth Movement - Hon. Ibrahim Yoosuf, Council Member of the Party and President of Progressive Youth Movement - Hon. Moosa Fathuhee Adam, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs - Hon. Mohamed Imthiyaz, President of Thimaaveshi Branch of the Party 36. Maldivian Democratic Party - Hon. Shaazly Shafeeg, Secretary General of the Party - Hon. Aminath Shaaneez Saeed, Vice President of the Women’s Wing of the Party 37. Maldives Development Alliance - Hon. Ahmed Amir, Deputy Leader and Member of Parliament - Hon. Abdul Haleem Abdul Ghafoor, Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury and President of Youth Council 38. Jumhooree Party - Mr. Moosa Anwar, National Executive Committee Member and Youth League President - Mr. Ahmad Ghaalib, Member 39. Adhaalath Party - Hon. Ali Zahir, Chief Spokesperson

Mongolia 40. Mongolian People’s Party - Hon. Miyeegombyn Enkhbold, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Chairman of the Party, and Former Prime Minister of Mongolia, and Madam Tuyatsetseg Jambal - Mr. Namkhai Tumurkhuu, Member of Steering Committee and Madam Altantsetseg Tsend-Ayush - Mr. Davaasuren Damdinsuren, Head of Economic Development Policy Department and Madam Dulamsuren Javzandulam

Nepal, Federal Democratic Republic of 41. Nepali Congress Party - Hon. Sujata Koirala, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Constituent Assembly, Central Committee Member and Head of International Department of the Party, Vice-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Hon. Sangeeta Mandal, Member of the Constituent Assembly - Mr. Rakesh Hamal, Executive Director of Girija Prasad Koirala Foundation - Mr. Rakesh Shrestha, Member of District Committee - Mr. Sijan Gurung, President of Youth Wing in Sunsari District 42. Communist Party of Nepal (UML) - Hon. Jhalanath Khanal, Former Prime Minister and Member of Parliament - Dr. Rajan Bhattarai, Member of the Constituent Assembly, Member of Central Working Committee, and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing 43. Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal - Hon. Kamal Thapa, Chairperson, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs and Member of Parliament - Hon. Uddhab Poudel, Central Committee Member and Head of the Economic Affairs Department 27

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- Hon. Suresh Prasad Acharya, Central Committee Member and Member Secretary of International Relations Department 44. Rastriya Prajatantra Party - Hon. Bharat P. Pathak, Member of Central Working Committee and Member Secretary of Parliamentary Board

Pakistan, Islamic Republic of 45. Jammiyat Ulema Islam-F - Hon. Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman, Chief of the Party and Federal Minister - Hon. Muhammad Talha Mahmood, Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee, Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control

Philippines, Republic of 46. Liberal Party - Hon. Ma. Georgina P. de Venecia, Member of the House of Representatives and President of the Association of Women Legislators Foundation, Inc. - Ms. Maria Rosario Moreno, Special Adviser to Hon. Ma. Georgina de Venecia - Ms. Petronila Lim, Special Adviser to Hon. Ma. Georgina de Venecia - Ms. Ligaya Cristobal, Assistant to Hon. Ma. Georgina de Venecia 47. Nationalist People’s Coalition - Hon. Mark Cojuangco, Former Member of the House of Representatives and Regional Chairman of the Party 48. Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines - Hon. Rufus Bautista Rodriguez, President of the Party 49. Abono Party-list - Ms. Joanne Rae Ramirez, Special Adviser, and Editor and Columnist of the Philippine Star

Russia, Federation of 50. United Russia Party - Hon. Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, the Council of Federation (Senate), Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the Party, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Mr. Anton Pashkov, Advisor for International Relations Department 51. Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Hon. Kazbek Kutsukovich Taysaev, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, and Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party - Ms. Anastasia Sergeevna Zinchenko, Assistant to the Deputy 52. A Just Russia Party - Hon. Nikolay V. Levichev, Vice Speaker of the State Duma and Chairman of the Central Council of the Deputies’ Chamber - Hon. Alexander Romanovich, Member of the State Duma and Secretary of International Affairs - Mr. Boris P. Guseletov, Advisor to Party Chairman - Mr. Grigory Plakhotnikov, Advisor to Hon. Nikolay V. Levichev

Singapore, Republic of 53. Workers’ Party - Hon. Jenn Jong Yee, Non-Constituency Member of Parliament and Webmaster, and 28

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Madam Sharon Peck Yong Ngoi - Mr. Wilson Yu Kang Foo, Member - Mr. Yew Chuen Chae, Member 54. Singapore People’s Party - Hon. Loke Hoe Yeong, Assistant Secretary General - Mr. Arbind Tiwari, Assistant Treasurer

Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of 55. Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) - Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health, Secretary General of the Party, and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 8th General Assembly - Hon. Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne, Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - Hon. Rathnasiri Wickramanayake, Former Prime Minister, and Senior Minister - Hon. , Minister of Irrigation - Hon. Al Haj Alavi Moulana, Governor of Western Province - Hon. W. D. J. Seneviratna, Minister of Administration and Home Affairs - Hon. Al Haj A.H.M.Fowzie, Senior Minister - Hon. S. B. Navinna, Senior Minister - Hon. , Minister of Lands and Land Development - Hon. A. D. Susil Premjayantha, Minister of Environment and Renewable Energy - Hon. Vinayagamoorthy Muralidaran, Minister for Resettlement - Hon. Anura Priyadharshana Yapa, Minister of Petroleum - Hon. Kamala Ranathunga, Member of Parliament - Hon. Shantha , Minister of Transport - Hon. , Minister of Economic Development - Hon. , Minister of Youth Affairs - Hon. Mrs. Pavithra Devi Wanniarachchi, Minister of Power and Energy - Hon. , Senior Minister - Hon. Dr.Sarath Amunugama, Senior Minister - Hon. Mahipala Herath, Chief Minister, Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council - Hon. C. B. Ratnayake, Minister of Private Transport - Hon. , Senior Minister - Hon. , Minister of Telecommunications - Hon. Shan Wijayalal de Silva, Chief Minister, Southern Province - Hon. Professor Wishva Warnapala, Member of Parliament 56. United National Party - Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, National Leader - Hon. Daya Dharmapala Kilittuwa Gamage, National Organizer - Hon. John Amarathunga, Chief Opposition Whip and Member of Parliament - Hon. , Chairman of Leadership Council and Member of Parliament - Hon. , General Secretary, Member of Leadership Council, and Member of Parliament - Hon. , International Affairs Secretary and Member of Parliament - Hon. , Head of Media and Member of Parliament - Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. Sagala Rathnayake, Member of Parliament - Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. (Dr.) , Member of Parliament - Hon. Wijedasa Rajapakse, Member of Leadership Council and Member of Parliament 29

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- Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. Ruwan Wijewardena, Chairman of National Youth Front and Member of Parliament - Dr. Thusitha Wijemanne, Leader of Opposition, Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council - Hon. Thalatha Athukorala, Member of Parliament - Hon. Chandani Bandara, Member of Parliament - Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. , Member of Parliament - Hon. Chithra Srimathi Manthilaka - Hon. Shanthini Kongahage - Hon. Renuka Menike Herath - Hon. Sunethra Ranasinghe - Hon. Amara Piyaseeli Ratnayake 57. Democratic National Alliance - Ms. Rochelle Ekanayake, Member 58. People’s Liberation Front - Hon. Suwil Handuwweththi, Member of Parliament - Hon. Herath Vijitha, Member of Parliament - Mr. Amarasinghe Somawansa, Secretary of the International Department - Mr. , Member of the Party 59. Liberal Party - Dr. Newton Ariyaratne Dr Peiris, National Organizer

Thailand, Kingdom of 60. Pheu Thai Party* - Hon. Dr. Nalinee Taveesin, Former Thailand Trade Representative, Former Minister Attached to Prime Minister’s Office, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee 61. Democratic Party* - Hon. Prakob Chirakiti, Former Member of Parliament

Turkey, Republic of 62. Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) - Hon. Yuksel Ozden, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Turkish Delegation to the APA, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee - Mrs. Meryem Goka, Deputy Chairwoman of the Woman Branch of the Party in Charge of Foreign Affairs - Mr. Ali Taylan Oztaylan, Deputy Chairman of the Youth Branch of the Party in Charge of Administration and Finance Relations - Ms. Gizem Coskuner, Foreign Affairs Expert and Deputy Chief of Staff 63. Republican People’s Party - Mrs. Gulsun Bilgehan, Member of the Party Assembly - Mr. Can Bilgehan, Accompanying Delegate

Vietnam, Socialist Republic of 64. Communist Party of Vietnam - Hon. Hoang Binh Quan, Member of the Central Committee and Chairman of the Commission for External Relations - Hon. Vuong Thua Phong, Vice Chairman of the Commission for External Relations, and Member of the ICAPP Standing Committee 30

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- Mr. Nguyen Minh Thang, Deputy Director of General Department, Commission for External Relations - Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien, Deputy Director of the Southeast Asia-South Asia-South Pacific Department, Commission for External Relations - Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc, Deputy Chief of the Commission’s Office, Assistant to Hon. Hoang Binh Quan - Mr. Duong Van Binh, Deputy Head of Division, Protocol Department of the Commission for External Relations - Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung, Expert, General Department of the Commission for External Relations - Mr. Le Gia Kien, Expert, the Southeast Asia-South Asia-South Pacific Department, Commission for External Relations - Ms. Tran Thi Kim Vinh, Expert, General Department of the Commission for External Relations - Mr. Nguyen Tien Hien, Correspondent, Vietnam News Agency in New Delhi, India

(*) Political parties that are suspended from political activities in Thailand by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in May 22, 2014

Office of the ICAPP Founding Chairman 1. Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr., Founding Chairman and Co-Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee 2. Mr. Aldwin Requejo, Assistant to the ICAPP Founding Chairman

ICAPP Secretariat 1. Hon. Chung Eui-yong, Co-Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee and Secretary General 2. Hon. Lee Hye-hoon, Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the ICAPP, Former Member of the Supreme Council of the Saenuri (New Frontier) Party and Former Member of the National Assembly 3. Hon. Jung Jang-seon, Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the ICAPP, Former Secretary General of the Democratic Party and Former Member of the National Assembly 4. Ms. Park Hyun-ryang, Administrative Director 5. Mr. Cho In-wan, Assistant to Secretary General

Observers (9) 1. Secretariat of the Permanent Conference of Political Parties in Latin America and Caribbean (COPPPAL) - Hon. Gustavo Caravajal Moreno, Deputy Chairman of COPPPAL and Former President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of Mexico and Madam Olivia Calzada Valdivia Moreno 2. Secretariat of the Council of African Political Parties (CAPP) - Hon. Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie, General Secretary of CAPP and Member of Higher Committee of the National Congress Party of Sudan - Mr. Kamal El-Din Omer Ahmed Dafa Alla, Assistant 31

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3. Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI) - Mr. Roger Oriel, Publisher and CEO of Asian Journal - Mr. Vince Samson, Photo Journalist 4. Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of Mexico - Mr. Javier Vega, Secretary of International Affairs 5. National Congress Party of Sudan - Ms. Amira Alfadil, Head of Asian Secretariat, Foreign Relations Sector - Mr. Saif Al-Deen Altayeb Ahmed Altatai, Secretary 6. Alliance des Forces de Progres of Senegal - Hon. Maymonna Fall Gueye, Secretary of External Relations of Alliance des Forces de Progres and Vice President of CAPP - Ms. Binton Gueye Fatou, Office of the Vice President of CAPP 7. Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) - Dr. Masoud Islami, Under Secretary General 8. International Eco-Safety Cooperation Organization (IESCO) - Dr. Jiang Mingjun, President and Director General and Madam Shan Fengping, Deputy Director General and Wife of Dr. Jiang Mingjun - Mr. An Xueli, Deputy Director General - Mr. Dang Yongfu, Deputy Director of Ecological Agriculture Committee - Ms. Liu Haizi, Secretary to the Director General - Ms. Zhu Luqi, Translator 9. World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST) - Hon. Sohrabi Abdollah, Social Affairs Deputy - Mr. Mahdi Soli, Managing Director of WFPIST and Senior Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Youth Wing


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Appendix V:

Conference Procedures for the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP (Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 18-21, 2014)

1. The official language of the 8th General Assembly (GA) shall be English. However, if any delegation or observer provides its own interpreter, who can simultaneously interpret its native language into English, the Freedom Party of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the “host”) will provide facilities for simultaneous interpretation.

2. A Chairman and five Vice Chairmen of the GA will be elected at the Opening Ceremony. The list of candidates for the Bureau of the GA will be prepared and submitted by the ICAPP Standing Committee for its adoption at the GA. In this regard, Chairman of the GA will be nominated by the host in accordance with the ICAPP tradition. Five Vice Chairmen will be nominated by the ICAPP Standing Committee (SC) in consideration of geographic balance of the region, of whom the First Deputy Chairman will be nominated by the host. The Chairman, and Vice Chairmen upon the request from the Chairman, will preside over the plenary sessions of the GA, including the opening and closing sessions.

3. Heads of Delegations, and Heads of Observer Delegations, will be invited to deliver their keynote speeches at the plenary sessions of the GA on the main theme of the GA which is “Building an Asian Community”. Their speeches should not exceed five minutes each for the smooth conduct of the conference. The list of speakers will be prepared and circulated by the ICAPP Secretariat at the beginning of each plenary session.

In this regard, all delegates are requested to take note that, at the 13th Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee held in Kunming, China in July 2010, an understanding was reached that all representatives of the political parties at ICAPP meetings should refrain from raising any issues directly related to bilateral conflicts or disputes among the countries in the region.

The copies of speeches, in English, should be submitted electronically (by email) to the ICAPP Secretariat at [email protected] for publication of the report of the GA. Otherwise, the copies of the speeches will not be included in the final report.

4. Heads of Delegations with positions higher than Speaker of their respective national parliaments or Prime Minister of their respective national governments will be invited to the designated seats on the podium during the Opening Session of the GA.

5. The annual meetings of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and the ICAPP Youth Wing will be held separately on the sidelines of the GA. The Bureaus of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and the ICAPP Youth Wing will organize these programs in cooperation with the ICAPP Secretariat and the host.

In this regard, each participating political party is requested to nominate one representative each for the annual meetings of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and the ICAPP Youth Wing, who will deliver a keynote speech at the annual meetings. Due to time constraint, each speech should not exceed three minutes. The copies of the speeches, in 33

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English, should also be submitted electronically to the ICAPP Secretariat for the inclusion in the final reports.

6. The Colombo Declaration will be adopted and read at the Closing Session. The first draft of the declaration will be prepared by the ICAPP Standing Committee and circulated among all the delegations at the beginning of the GA. In this regard, the Drafting Committee of the Colombo Declaration will also be elected at the Opening Session of the GA. The list of candidates for the Drafting Committee will be prepared and submitted by the ICAPP Standing Committee in consultation with the Secretariat.


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Appendix VI:

List of Candidates for the Bureau of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP Colombo, September 18-21, 2014

Candidates for Plenary Session

Chairperson : - H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP)

Vice Chairpersons: - Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health and Secretary General of SLFP, and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP - Hon. , National Organizer, United National Party of Sri Lanka - Hon. Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, the Council of Federation (Senate) and Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, United Russia Party - Hon. Satoshi Arai, Member of the House of Representatives, Former Minister of State for National Policy, and Director General of the Executive Office, Democratic Party of Japan - Hon. Vuong Thua Phong, Vice Chairman of the Commission for External Relations, on behalf of Hon. Hoang Binh Quan, Member of the Central Committee and Chairman of the Commission for External Affairs, Communist Party of Vietnam - Hon. Theo L. Sambuaga, Vice President, GOLKAR Party of Indonesia

Candidates for the 2nd Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing

Chairperson: - Hon. Mrs. , Member of Parliament, SLFP

Vice Chairperson: - Hon. Mrs. Anoma Gamage, Member of Parliament, United National Party

Candidates for the 3rd Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing

Chairperson: - Hon. Namal Rajapaksa, Member of Parliament, SLFP

Vice Chairperson: - Hon. Dr. Kavinda Jayawardena, Member of Executive Committee of the National Youth Front and Member of Provincial Council, United National Party


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Candidates for the Drafting Committee of Colombo Declaration

Chairman: - Hon. Maithripala Sirisena, Minister of Health and Secretary General of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party

Members: - Hon. Daya Gamage, National Organizer, United National Party of Sri Lanka - Hon. Chen Fengxiang, Vice Minister of the International Department, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China - Hon. Vijay Jolly, Global Convenor, BJP Overseas Affairs, Bharatiya Janata Party of India - Hon. Rufus Bautista Rodriguez, Member of Parliament, President of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, and Special Rapporteur of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) - Hon. Yuksel Ozden, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Turkish Delegation to the APA, Justice and Development Party of Turkey - Hon. Ms. Kalyan Ky, Member of Communities Engagement Committee and Vice president of the Keysborough Electorate Conference, Liberal Party of Australia


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Appendix VII:

Colombo Declaration of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP September 20, 2014

1. We, the leaders and representatives of political parties from Afghanistan, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam, gathered here in Colombo, the capital city of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, for the Eighth General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP). The Assembly was co-hosted by the governing Sri Lanka Freedom Party and the opposition United National Party of Sri Lanka from September 18 to September 20, 2014 under the main theme of “Building an Asian Community.”

2. We noted that the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP was held in the context of a rapidly changing world, in which the global balance of economic, cultural and political power is shifting inexorably to Asia. We also noted with great satisfaction that the ICAPP is becoming a solid platform and a unique forum open to all political parties across the ideological spectrum to bring out the best of Asia’s unity in diversity by leading the way forward in what is now generally accepted as the “Asian Century”, and by building a bridge of peace, friendship, unity and cooperation among all countries in the region.

3. In particular, we renewed our commitment to “building an Asian community” as our ultimate goal that would bring about lasting peace and shared prosperity in our region and enrich the minds and spirits of all our peoples. We also reminded ourselves of this vision of an Asian community of common interest, common destiny and common responsibilities, and emphasized the importance of collectively striving to strengthen coordination and cooperation among countries through expanded roles of political parties.

4. In doing so, we reaffirmed our commitment to the principles—and the spirit—of the ICAPP Charter and of the Declarations we had adopted at our biennial General Assemblies in Manila in 2000, Bangkok in 2002, Beijing in 2004, Seoul in 2006, Astana in 2009, Phnom Penh in 2010, and Baku in 2012. We also reaffirmed that mutual recognition of territorial integrity and sovereignty, adherence to the resolution of conflicts by peaceful means, respect for each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and consensus orientation, among others, would remain the main pillars of the ICAPP principles.

Enhancing Mutual Trust for Regional Security and Political Stability

5. We noted that the ever-increasing interdependence and interconnectivity might create unforeseen challenges to regional security due to the failure to foster a corresponding environment for better understanding of diverse national interests and security perspectives of the countries in the region. In this regard, we expressed our deep concern at the lingering conflicts in our region, and stressed that all the potentially dangerous flashpoints in our region, including Afghanistan, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Korean Peninsula, Pakistan and Syria, should be resolved peacefully through dialogue, upholding international laws and the United Nations (UN) Resolutions. We also noted that the current territorial 37

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting issues in some parts of our region might pose serious potential threats to overall security in the region.

Under these circumstances, we agreed that the ICAPP should play a bigger role in building an Asian community, as a leading platform by safeguarding unity and cooperation among all political parties, by exchanging diverse and different views in a frank and friendly atmosphere, by forging consensus through consultations, and by exploring practical ways to promote security cooperation in the region with the new concept of ensuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We also agreed to further expand ICAPP activities to strengthen communication and coordination among political parties in various sectors and fields, and constantly promote mutual understanding.

6. We stressed that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) constitutes a serious threat to not only regional but global peace and security, and endorsed the comprehensive prohibition and thorough elimination of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery. We also reiterated the need to implement an unequivocal undertaking to achieve the elimination of nuclear weapons agreed by nuclear weapon states at the Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 2010, and called for a prompt start of negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, as proposed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

In this regard, we noted that nothing in the NPT should be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

7. In addition, we noted with grave concern that our region was confronted with a plethora of challenges in non-traditional security fields. First and foremost, we strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestation as they only work to destabilize our region and counter the goals of the ICAPP. Urgent crises in our region, however, are not limited to terrorism. There are other equally serious crises, such as heinous acts against innocent civilians in conflict areas, transnational crimes against humanity including human trafficking, humanitarian catastrophe and large-scale devastation caused by natural disasters, and sufferings of many people under abject poverty.

8. With this in mind, we shared the view that safeguarding regional security and political stability through enhancing mutual trust among countries and peoples would be a strong and basic foundation for achieving sustainable development and integration in all sectors of our region.

In this regard, we obligated ourselves as political leaders to support and coordinate efforts in finding and consolidating various types of collective and multilateral arrangements in our region on the basis of the ICAPP principles. In particular, we expressed our hope that such frameworks of regional cooperation and integration like the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) among ASEAN members, and closer unity among the members of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be formed in other parts of our region, and will ultimately be applicable at an all-inclusive pan-Asian level. We further agreed to closely coordinate our endeavors with the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) and the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. 38

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Deepening Economic Integration for Shared Prosperity

9. We reaffirmed our conviction that substantial regional economic integration would lead to greater peace and stability by not only raising the standard of living for the peoples and but also easing deep-rooted political and historical tensions. We shared the view that cooperation would generate strength while isolation would only lead to weakness, and that pursuing common interests and seeking win-win cooperation by promoting common interests should be the way forward, which would enable us to create a new miracle in our region and enable us to play a larger role in global governance. We also reminded ourselves of our vision to gradually integrate Asia into a region with free movement of goods, services, investments, skilled labor, and capital.

In this regard, we noted with great satisfaction rapid increase of the intra-regional trade and other economic transactions in our region, and stressed the need to further develop Asia-oriented economic cooperation strategies to narrow the development divide among countries and better utilize each country’s distinct development path as stimulus for complimentarity and mutual enforcement. We also stressed the importance of potential, strategic role to be played by the ICAPP in linking up and mobilizing all the sub-regional cooperation efforts, such as ASEAN, SAARC, GCC, SCO, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building in Asia (CICA), Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC), Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC), and Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC) into a larger pan-Asian architecture.

10. We reconfirmed our commitment to uphold open regionalism as our guiding principle to achieve our goal of economic integration in our region. We also stressed the need to actively seek economic cooperation, in the fields of trade, finance, and science and technology, with other regions in the world for mutual benefits with an outward-looking and inclusive attitude. In doing so, we agreed to enhance coordination and cooperation with our intra-regional political partners, such as the Permanent Conference of Political Parties in Latina America and the Caribbean (COPPPAL) and the Council of African Political Parties (CAPP).

11. We noted with grave concern that poverty and inequality were still the most prevalent and prominent issue in our region which should be urgently addressed. In this regard, we called for increased efforts among all countries to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which included, but was not limited to, reducing global poverty by half by 2015. We reaffirmed that success in our efforts for reducing poverty depended on, inter alia, the increased North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation and good governance, which should be characterized by transparency, accountability, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and rule of law, not only within each country but also at the international level.

In this regard, we reaffirmed our resolve to establish an Asian Anti-Poverty Fund and an Asian Micro-Financing Fund—as called for at the ICAPP Special Conference on Poverty Alleviation in July 2010. We also reaffirmed our proposal to enlarge the objective area of the Fund to a Global Anti-Poverty Fund following consultations with COPPPAL, CAPP and other international organizations.

12. We recognized that our region receives the second largest number of tourism arrivals 39

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting in the world, and called for joint strategies to cooperate on tourism resources, capitalize on untapped tourism markets, diversify tourism products and services, and curtail barriers to intra-regional tourism growth. We reaffirmed that the expansion of intra-regional tourism would not only strengthen regional reconciliation and unity but also generate considerable spillover effects on all sectors of our society, including free flow of capital and investment, poverty reduction, socio-cultural identity construction, and development of human resources.

13. We further noted that our region accounts for more than 30 million migrant workers, and confirmed our commitments to bringing domestic legal frameworks into conformity with the fundamental principles and conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to ensure a basic level of protection for workers, particularly low-skilled, domestic and female workers. We also stressed the importance of promoting active exchanges of professionals and skilled workers to ensure equal access to shared knowledge and technologies across the region. In this regard, we recommended improving job market assessment and mutual recognition of qualifications among countries in the region.

Promoting Cooperation for Sustainable Development

14. We confirmed that combating climate change is one of our most important and urgent tasks, and agreed to continue our watchdog activities to prevent further degradation of environment and eco-system caused by climate change, and renewed our resolution to support all efforts to promote eco-safety and moderate the effects of climate change.

In this regard, we welcomed the launching of “Global Parties’ Climate and Ecological Alliance (GPCEA)” by the International Eco-Safety Cooperation Organization (IESCO) in July 2014 and expressed our willingness to actively participate in the GPCEA’s works and initiatives to combat ecological degradation and climate change, and promote green growth and sustainable development, in cooperation with COPPPAL, CAPP and the Centrist Asia-Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI) and in line with ICAPP’s principles and purposes. We also committed ourselves to engage governments, enterprises and civil societies in the construction of green economies.

15. We emphasized the importance of mainstreaming women and young people in all our regional agenda as a comprehensive approach to ensure incorporation of gender and youth perspectives in all central political, economic, social and cultural activities, including development, implementation and monitoring of policies and resource allocation. We also emphasized the importance of engaging women and young people in all dialogues among countries, and agreed to coordinate our efforts to build their capacity and strengthen their networks among countries to help enable them to contribute to regional development.

In this regard, we commended the increasingly important roles played by the ICAPP Women’s Wing and the ICAPP Youth Wing as main fora in our region to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women and young people in the interest of all humanity, and to promote exchanges and cooperation among women and young people for the search of common vision and strategy to resolve various issues such as poverty, violence, crime, sexuality and prejudice especially faced by them in our region and beyond.

16. We acknowledged the importance of uniting our efforts on all fronts in addressing large-scale natural disasters that have claimed so many lives and led to the massive loss of property in our region, and providing timely relief and rehabilitation for the affected peoples 40

The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting and areas in a safe and effective manner. We also noted with grave concern the spread of pandemic diseases accompanied by the increase of exchanges in the region.

In this regard, we committed ourselves to exerting every effort in establishing cross- border crisis management systems and preventive mechanisms, and expressed our hope for the increased role of the ICAPP Medical Emergency Forum (IMEF), which was launched in July 2010 as a new humanitarian initiative of the ICAPP to facilitate timely action on urgent crises and disasters in our region.

Promoting People-to-People Contacts for Mutual Understanding and Friendship

17. We shared the importance of enhancing people-to-people contacts to promote mutual understanding and friendship, and expressed our strong support for promoting inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogues among various cultural, ethnic, religious, and linguistic groups in the region. In this regard, we welcomed the proclamation of an International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022) at the 37th General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in November 2013. We stood united in agreement that this dialogue would further foster harmonious co-existence and sustained interaction among various sectors of our society, and counter extremism in all its aspects by easing rising politico-religious tensions.

18. We also encouraged promoting intra-regional educational cooperation and research collaboration among academic institutions to establish a shared quality assurance framework and to cultivate more and better talents in the region. In this regard, we welcomed the university exchanges program under the “Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia (CAMPUS Asia)” launched by China, Japan and Republic of Korea in 2012, and expressed our hope that the scale and scope of such program can be further expanded to involve more countries in the region.

19. Finally, we expressed our profound gratitude to the people and the government of Sri Lanka, for their warm hospitality. We also thanked our gracious co-hosts, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and the United National Party of Sri Lanka, for their excellent arrangements to make the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP a resounding success.

Our special thanks went to H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Without his initiative and support, this gathering would not have been possible.

We also expressed our gratitude to the representatives of political parties and institutions from various countries outside Asia, including the COPPPAL and the CAPP, who participated in the 8th General Assembly, for their cooperation and solidarity.

Adopted unanimously on this 20th day of September, 2014 in Colombo, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.


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Appendix VIII:

Recommendation to the 8th General Assembly from the ICAPP Standing Committee to Amend the ICAPP Charter (Colombo, September 18, 2014)

1. Amendment of Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the ICAPP Charter: from “A Standing Committee, composed of the representatives of not exceeding twenty-two (22) political parties from an equal number of countries in the region, shall be established” to “A Standing Committee, composed of the representatives of political parties of not exceeding twenty-three (23) countries in the region, shall be established.”

2. Addition of the following sentence as new Paragraph 4 in Article 9 of the ICAPP Charter:

“The membership in the Standing Committee may be shared by up to two (2) principal political parties from each country, which is invited to the Standing Committee, with equal status and responsibility.”

The above recommendations were made in consideration of the followings: - to invite the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and the United National Party (UNP) of Sri Lanka, the co-hosts of the 8th General Assembly of the ICAPP, to the Standing Committee as new Members. - to reflect the understandings reached at the 12th Meeting and the 13th Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee which were held respectively in Kathmandu on February 27, 2010 and in Kunming on July 16, 2010, in which the Members agreed to recommend to all Members of the Standing Committee to adopt an arrangement under which the representatives of the political parties with the largest number of seats in their respective parliaments would represent their countries as Members of the Standing Committee while the representatives of the political parties with the second largest number of seats as Alternate Members. - to reflect the understanding reached at the 23rd Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee which was held in Colombo on September 18, 2014, in which the Members agreed to encourage up to two principal political parties from each country, where applicable, share the membership in the Standing Committee on the basis of equal status.


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Appendix IX:

Report of the ICAPP Mission to India (July 11-12, 2014)

The ICAPP mission, composed of Hon. Chung Eui-yong, Co-Chairman of the Standing Committee and Secretary General, Hon. Sujata Koirala, Head of International Department of the Nepali Congress Party, Hon. Sous Yara, Vice Chairman of Foreign Affairs Commission of the Cambodian People’s Party and Hon. Daya D.K. Gamage, National Organizer of the United National Party of Sri Lanka, visited India during July 11-12, 2014, and had meetings with leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress to discuss future cooperation between the ICAPP and political parties in India.

The list and the program of the mission are attached as Appendixes I and II.

1. Meeting with Leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party

The meeting with senior leaders of the BJP was held at the BJP Central Office in the morning of July 12. The meeting was attended by Hon. Ram Lal, National General Secretary, Hon. Vijay Jolly, Convenor BJP Oversea Affairs, Hon. Pinky Anand, National Executive Member and Additional Solicitor General of the Indian Government, and several other senior leaders of the BJP.

The ICAPP mission extended, on behalf of the ICAPP Standing Committee, their congratulations on the formation of the new government in India under the leadership of H.E. Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They also expressed their sincere wish for the successful implementation of the policies of the new government, which had been just announced in the new budget bill submitted on July 10. Hon. Amit Shah was named as new President of the BJP in the previous day, replacing Hon. Shri. Rajnath Singh, and couldn’t attend the meeting due to his son’s wedding in Gujarat, but conveyed his warm welcome to the ICAPP Mission through Hon. Ram Lal.

The ICAPP mission also presented the formal invitation addressed to Prime Minister Modi, on behalf of H.E. President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka, to attend the opening ceremony of the 8th General Assembly (GA) of the ICAPP and deliver his keynote speech on September 19. The ICAPP mission stressed that the 8th GA would be co-hosted by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and the United National Party. The BJP leaders thanked for the invitation and said they would duly convey the letter to the Prime Minister. The BJP also confirmed their willingness to send a high-level delegation to the 8th GA.

The ICAPP mission expressed their hope that the membership of India in the ICAPP Standing Committee would be shared by the governing BJP and the opposition Indian National Congress like nine other members in the Standing Committee, i.e. Bangladesh, Cambodia, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. The BJP leaders welcomed the proposal and said they would duly consult with the Indian National Congress on how to share the membership.

In this regard, the ICAPP mission expressed their hope that the 24th Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee would be held in New Delhi during the first half of 2015. They further suggested that the SC meeting could be co-hosted by both the BJP and the Indian National 43

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Congress, like the 8th GA to be held in Sri Lanka. The BJP responded positively to this request, and said that they would have consultations both within the BJP and also with the Indian National Congress.

The ICAPP mission also expressed their hope that the 2nd ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking would be held in New Delhi in mid January next year, and tentatively suggested January 22-25, 2015 as dates for the workshop, in the same manner as the SC meeting. The ICAPP mission further informed that the ICAPP Secretariat was willing to arrange to provide financial assistance, if necessary, to cover the expenses for hosting the workshop from development cooperation agencies like KOICA of Korea and TIKA of Turkey as they did for the 1st workshop which was held in Kathmandu last January under the co-sponsorship of five political parties in Nepal. The BJP responded positively to this proposal and again said that it would have consultations within the BJP and with the Indian National Congress.

The ICAPP mission also requested the BJP to recommend the Indian government to sign the inter-governmental Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide support for the ICAPP activities which was first signed in July 2013. They informed that eight governments, i.e. Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Iran, Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, have so far signed the MOU, and several other governments are now taking domestic procedures to sign the MOU, including Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Turkey. The BJP responded positively to this request and said they would immediately send their recommendation to their government to sign the MOU.

The ICAPP mission also requested the BJP to recommend to their government to support the ICAPP’s initiative to obtain observer status in the U.N. General Assembly, and expressed their hope that the Indian government would join seven other governments, i.e. Cambodia, Japan, Nepal, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka, as a co-sponsor of the draft resolution to invite the ICAPP as an observer to the U.N. General Assembly. The BJP also responded positively to this request and said they would duly submit their recommendation to the government.

2. Meeting with Leaders of the Indian National Congress

The meeting with senior leaders of the Indian National Congress took place in the All India Congress Committee in the afternoon of July 12. The meeting was attended by Hon. Dr. Karan Singh, Deputy Leader of the Party, Hon. Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Hon. Anil K. Shastri, Special Invitee of the Congress Working Committee.

The ICAPP mission expressed their gratitude to the great contributions the Indian National Congress to the ICAPP as one of the leading members of the Standing Committee and requested its continued support for, and participation in, the ICAPP activities. Dr. Singh warmly welcomed the ICAPP mission and expressed his appreciation of the achievements the ICAPP has made in promoting friendship and understanding among political parties in Asia.

The leaders of the Indian National Congress were also very positive to the proposals made by the ICAPP mission on future participation in the ICAPP Standing Committee together with the BJP, and holding the 24th SC Meeting and the 2nd ICAPP workshop on human trafficking in New Delhi in early next year. They said they would closely coordinate and cooperate with the BJP on the issues. 44

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In this regard, the leaders of the Indian National Congress pointed out that the term “Alternate Member” in the Standing Committee might suggest diminishing status or role for the relevant political party in the activities of the Standing Committee, and proposed to find a way that two principal political parties from each country, where applicable, would be encouraged to share the membership in the Standing Committee on the basis of equal status.

The leaders of the Indian National Congress confirmed their continued commitment to support the activities of the ICAPP, and expressed in particular their willingness to provide possible assistance to get the support of the Indian government for ICAPP’s initiatives, such as signing the inter-governmental MOU and co-sponsoring the draft resolution in the U.N. General Assembly.

3. Follow-up Meetings with Representatives of Both Parties

The ICAPP Mission also had a dinner at the Korean Embassy in New Delhi in the evening of July 12 and had follow-up discussions. The dinner attended by Hon. Vijay Jolly, Global Convenor BJP Overseas Affairs, and Hon. Pinky Anand, National Executive Member from the BJP, and Hon. Anil K. Shastri, Special Invitee of the Congress Working Committee of the Indian National Congress.

The following points have been tentatively agreed at the meeting. - The BJP and the Indian National Congress Party will share the membership in the ICAPP Standing Committee as members with equal status. - The BJP will consider hosting the 2nd ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking during January 22-25, 2015, while the Indian National Congress Party will consider hosting the 24th Meeting of the ICAPP Standing Committee during the first half of 2015. - Both the BJP and the Indian National Congress will send high-level delegations to the 8th General Assembly to be held in Sri Lanka during September 18-21, 2014. - Both the BJP and the Indian National Congress will support the ICAPP’s initiatives, in particular, signing the inter-governmental MOU and co-sponsoring the draft resolution in the U.N. General Assembly.

Appendixes: I. List of the ICAPP Mission II. Program of the ICAPP Mission


The 23rd Standing Committee Meeting

Appendix X: APA Declaration on Principles and Cooperation in Asia

APA/Res/2008/09 29 November 2008

Resolution on Pursuing Implementation of the Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia

We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,

Recalling the Resolution on the Friendship Pact in Asia, APA/Res/2007/06, dated 19 November 2007 and the Annex thereof;

Welcoming the Report of the Secretary-General on the Friendship Pact in Asia, contained in document SG/Rep/2008/04, dated 23 June 2008, to the Sub-Committee meeting on the Friendship Pact of Asia held in Manama on 23-24 June 2008;

Taking note of the deliberations of the APA Sub-Committee on the Friendship Pact of Asia, expressing support for Paragraph 3 of Section IV of the Report of the Secretary-General which underlines a prominent role for parliaments and entails a gradual approach to progress in implementation of the Friendship Pact of Asia;

Emphasizing the need to respect constitutional process of government engagement into Friendship Declaration gradually, as appropriate, by prioritizing functional cooperation;

Underscoring the enduring elements of peace and friendship in Asia in various arenas such as trade, environment, energy, culture and development;

Encouraging amity and friendly relations among Asian Nations and States based on sovereign equality, territorial integrity, the right of nations to self-determination, and good neighborly relations;

Recognizing the need to enhance solidarity in Asia to promote stronger ties among Asian nations through an established mechanism which will facilitate enhancing our relations, promoting our knowledge of one another and of our aspirations and challenges;

Resolving to promote the spirit of friendship throughout Asia in the interest of all peoples in Asia and beyond;

Inviting the respective governments of the APA Member Parliaments to reinforce the efforts of the APA for promotion of amity and friendship in Asia;

1. Decide to adopt “The Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia,” annexed to this resolution, which substantively corresponds to the “Friendship Pact in Asia” contained in document APA/Res/2007/06/Annex, dated 17 November 2007, with certain adjustments in wording; 2. Resolve to take appropriate measures for adoption of the “Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia” by our national Parliaments n accordance with our respective domestic laws and procedures; 46

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3. Express determination to promote public awareness about the “Declaration” through the media, hearings from, and briefings by, executive officials, members of civil societies and non-governmental organizations; 4. Recommend that Member Parliaments take appropriate measures, in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Rule 46 of the APA Rules of Procedure, with due regard to their own domestic laws and practices, to engage their respective Governments in promoting the “Declaration” with a view to consider arranging a Joint APA Governments Meeting, when appropriate, and in support of the parliamentarian initiative on the “Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia”; 5. Request the Secretary-General to pursue the process of adoption of the “Declaration” by Member Parliaments, and seek their views on measures they have taken to implement this resolution and to report thereon to the next meeting of the Sub- Committee on the “Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia” to be held in a volunteer country or in the country of the President of the APA in 2009.

APA/Res/2008/09/Annex 29 November 2008

Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia

We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,

Cognizant of the deep-rooted ties of history, geography, culture, and civilization which bind their peoples together;

Conscious of the shared challenges and opportunities facing the people of Asia as well as their common interests pointing to the need for further collaboration;

Being aware of the crucial role Asia plays in shaping the world future by reliance on its great human and natural resources, as well as its technological advancements;

Emphasizing the importance of regional arrangements for consolidation of ties among Asian countries in all fields;

Encouraging various methods of dialogue and peaceful interactions among Asian cultures and civilizations fostering cultural diversity and tolerance throughout the Asian continent;

Recognizing the constructive role of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly in paving the way for strengthening the amity and friendly relations among the people of Asia with reliance on commonalities of the Asian States in all areas;

Convinced that effective structures for cooperation among Asian countries could augment the benefits of globalization and diminish their harmful effects in Asia;

Committed to promote peace and security, at global as well as continental levels, on the bases of justice and the rule of law through expanding cooperation with all peace-loving nations within and outside Asia;

I. Unanimously declare our commitment to: 47

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a) Promote permanent peace, enduring friendship and constructive cooperation among States and peoples of Asia;

b) Strengthen friendly relations among Asian States on the basis of equality and mutual respect;

c) Facilitate further advancement and sustainable development of all Asian States in economic, social, scientific and technological fields;

d) Explore potential capabilities of all Asian States for expanding collaboration in all areas of common interests.

II. To achieve the aforementioned purposes, the APA Member Parliaments shall be guided by the following fundamental principles:

a) Mutual respect to independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty of all states on the basis of non-interference in others internal affairs;

b) The right of all Nations to self-determination;

c) Respect for fundamental human rights and human dignity;

d) Renunciation of the threat or use of force and the utilization of peaceful means in international relations;

e) Cooperation on the basis of the rule of law.

III. In pursuance of the purposes of this Declaration, the APA Member Parliaments shall endeavor to develop and strengthen their traditional, cultural, economic and historical ties of friendship. In this respect, they shall support further expansion of diplomatic and commercial relations among their respective States and further communication and interaction among their peoples. IV. Consistent with the provisions of the Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter, the APA Member Parliaments shall encourage mutual confidence-building measures through appropriate regional arrangements in order to promote peace and stability throughout Asia and in the World.

V. The APA Member Parliaments shall encourage collaboration within the United Nations to promote the role of Asia in the world community.

VI. The APA Member Parliaments shall uphold cooperation with all Parliaments in Asia, on the bases of the purposes and principles of this Declaration, towards the ultimate goal of establishing an Asian Parliament.

VII. The APA Member Parliaments shall collaborate for the acceleration of the economic growth in Asia. To this end, they shall promote greater utilization of capabilities in research and development, exchange of information, transfer of technology and foreign investment, towards a viable and sustainable growth.

VIII. The APA Member Parliaments shall intensify their concerted efforts in combating illiteracy, poverty, and environmental degradation. For this purpose, they shall 48

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support appropriate strategies at continental and regional levels for the mutual benefit of all Asian countries.

IX. To promote and consolidate peace in Asia, the APA Member Parliaments shall encourage inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue among Asian civilizations.

X. To strengthen economic and commercial relations among Asian States, the APA Member Parliaments shall support appropriate measures to create an integrated energy market in Asia.

XI. The APA Member Parliaments shall provide for the exchange of information and experiences pertinent to reducing damages and alleviating the trauma inflicted by natural disasters.

XII. The APA Member Parliaments shall collaborate in eradicating all roots of terrorism and other organized crimes in order to make a strong and secure community of nations in Asia.

XIIV. The APA Member Parliaments shall intensify their efforts through bilateral and multilateral modalities in combating all sorts of illegal trafficking including the illegal trafficking of human beings, goods, weapons, and drugs.

XIV. Denouncing all sorts of aggression and foreign occupation, the APA Member Parliaments shall disapprove any activity in the territories of their respective States that would constitute a threat or use of force against the security, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of other APA Member Parliaments.

XV. The APA Member Parliaments shall maintain regular contacts and consultations with one another on international and regional matters in order to harmonize their views, actions and policies.

SC/Res/2010/06 Resolution on Reinforcing the Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia

We the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly

RECALLING relevant APA Resolutions on the Friendship Pact in Asia; (APA/Res/2007/06, dated 19 November 2007); Text of the Friendship Pact in Asia (APA/Res/2007/06/Annex, 19 November 2007); and Resolution on Pursuing Implementation of the Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2008/09, 29 November 2008);

WELCOMING the report of the Secretary General on Pursuing Implementation of the Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia, contained in document SG/Rep/2010/05, 21 April 2010, to the Inter-Sessional Meeting under the APA Standing Committee on Political Affairs held on 12-14 May 2010,in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran;

COGNIZANT of the deep-rooted ties of history, geography, culture, and civilization which bind our peoples together; 49

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CONSCIOUS of the common interests and shared objectives of the people of Asia pointing to the need for further cooperation;

COMMITTED to promote peace and security, at global as well as continental levels, on the basis of justice and the rule of law through expanding cooperation with all peace-loving nations within and outside Asia;

CONVINCED that the Declaration on the Principles of Friendly Relations in Asia provides a framework for convergence and a platform for active interaction at a macro level throughout the region;

RECOGNIZING the constructive role of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly in paving the way for strengthening amity and the friendly relations among the Asian Nations and States in all areas;

ENCOURAGING further expansion of friendly relations including cultural, diplomatic, scientific, and commercial relations among all Asian States and further communication and interaction among our Nations in pursuance of the purposes of the Declaration;

1. Call Upon all Member Parliaments to consider passing and endorsing the Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia, as contained in APA/Res/2008/09, 29 November 2008, within their national parliaments in accordance with their own internal procedures and to report to the Secretary-General on the progress they have made in this respect;

2. Determine to utilize capacities and good offices available to the Member Parliaments, Asian Parliamentary Friendship Associations, and the APA Secretariat to promote, publicize, and disseminate information about the Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia.

3. Decide to support and sponsor organizing a conference in 2011, in (an Asian city to be confirmed later) with the general theme of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia inviting high- level governmental officials, eminent figures and prominent scholars across Asia in order to promote the APA Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia; address various aspects of Asian integration; and enhance cooperation between Asian Parliaments and Governments. The Conference shall comprise specialized committees to address specific issue areas including environmental, cultural, economic, and political issues.

4. Request the Secretary-General to make necessary consultations and coordination with the APA Member Parliaments as well as interested Asian organizations and academic institutions for appropriate preparation of the conference on Friendship and Cooperation in Asia.

6. Decide to continue deliberations in order to make recommendations on ways and means of acquiring the endorsement of the Declaration by Asian parliaments and Governments for its international recognition.


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Appendix XI:

Tentative Program of the 5th Joint Session between the ICAPP Standing Committee and the COPPPAL Coordinating Body and the 1st Meeting of the Asian-Latin American Business Council (Mexico City, November 26-29, 2014)

Wednesday November 26, 2014,

p.m. Arrival of Delegates in Mexico City - Check-in at ______

Thursday, November 27, 2014

09:00-11:00 5th Joint Session between the ICAPP and the COPPPAL 11:00-13:00 1st Session of the Asian-Latin American Business Council - Topic: Joint Ventures in Energy Sector (oil, gas, electricity, etc.) - Venue:______- Presentation to be made by Hon. Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, Minister of Energy of Mexico 13:30 Lunch to be hosted by the Mexican Chamber of Commerce 16:00-18:30 2nd Session of the Asian-Latin American Business Council - Topic: Economic cooperation in all other sectors - Venue: ______20:00 Dinner hosted by Hon. César Camacho Quiroz, President of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

Friday, November 28, 2014

10:00 Meeting with Hon. Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, Minister of Infrastructure and Telecommunications of Mexico

Saturday, November 29, 2014

a.m. Optional Tour p.m. Departure of the Delegates

* 150 business leaders from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru will attend the meeting.


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Appendix XII:

Draft Agenda Items for the 5th Joint Session between the ICAPP and COPPPAL (Mexico City, Mexico, November 27-29, 2014)

1. Launching of the Asian-Latin American Business Council

2. Coordination of activities in the international organizations, including the U.N.

3. Cooperation between the ICAPP and the COPPPAL to face global challenges, such as poverty and climate change

4. Promotion of cooperation between woman leaders and young politicians in Asia and Latin America

5. Trilateral cooperation among the CAPP, COPPPAL and the ICAPP

6. Drafting of the Managua Declaration


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Appendix XIII:

List of Business Leaders for the Asian-Latin American Business Council

As of August 2014

Cambodia - Mr. Jacky Sae Chen, Senior Advisor of FUNCINPEC Party in Charge of Economy and Finance

China - Mr. TAN Lin, Head of the Liaison Department, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) - Ms. MA Xiaofang, Director of the Liaison Department, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC)

Korea -Mr. Kim Soon-tae, International Advisor, Samsung Electronics

Nepal - Hon. Mr. Binod K. Chaudahary, Member of Constituent Assembly, and Former President of Federation of Nepali Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI)

Pakistan - Hon. Ghous Bux Mehar, Federal Cabinet Minister for Privatization, and President of PML- Q in Sind Province


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Appendix XIV:

CAPP update Report of CAPP activities September 2014

I. Introduction:

The Council of African Political Parties assumed its work after the official inauguration of its premises in March 2014 in Khartoum, Sudan. The plan of action for 2014 was endorsed and many meetings were held with delegations from members of the Council, the African Union and Ambassadors of the African Countries.

In these meetings CAPP stressed the importance of African Unity, reinforcement of democracy, good governance, cooperation and coordination between the African Political Parties and enlargement of the membership of the Council and activating their role.

II. 2014 Work Plan:

1. Establishment of the Youth Wing 2. Establishment of the Women Wing 3. Mediation in conflicts resolution 4. Workshop on role of Political Parties in fighting extremism and terrorism

III. Liaison with the African Union:

Implemented activities: 1. A delegation of CAPP led by the vice president for East Africa and the Secretary General visited the African Union in Addis Ababa on 27th .February 2014 to consult with the Department of Political Affairs of the AU on the executive program of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two sides in August 2013.Many meetings were held to implement the program. 2. Joint activities with the African Union: - CAPP participated in the round table discussion on the AU Charter on democracy in Africa held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2014. - Upon invitation of the African Union, the outgoing president of CAPP H.E. Wynter Kabimba, and the Secretary General participated in a workshop in South Africa on constitutions and rule of law in Africa.

IV. The Youth Wing:

The Youth wing of the Council of African Political Parties was established following the constitutive Conference held in N’djamena in 15th September 2014 under the patronage of H.E. President Idriss Deby .Nearly 40 delegates of Youth Organizations from African Political Parties adopted the Statute of the Wing and elected the President and members of the executive office. 54

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Activities in progress: 1. Monitoring of elections in Africa: CAPP Secretariat presented a paper on monitoring and observing elections in Africa. It is projected that CAPP will monitor elections in a number of African Countries this year.

The Secretariat undertook contacts with African Political Parties to name election observers for training by the African Union before they are officially accredited as observers to elections in Africa. The Secretariat received some and is expecting more political observers in the near future.

2. Workshop on the AU Charter on democracy and rule of Law in cooperation with the AU to be held in Abuja, Nigeria on 15th -17th October 2014.The workshop will discuss reinforcement of institutions, democracy within the Political Parties, popular domestication of the concepts of democracy, realization of peace. And fight against extremism and terrorism and the impact of foreign interventions on stability in Africa and the emergence of the extremist and terror movements. The workshop will also look into the role of CAPP in monitoring democratic practices and their consistency with the AU Charter.

V. The Women Wing:

CAPP is planning to hold the Constitutive Conference of its women Wing before the end of this year .The Secretariat is considering time, venue and other modalities before taking a decision.

VI. New Membership:

1. The ruling party of Senegal joined the Council and nominated their representative in the Standing Committee and Executive Committee. 2. Both Tanzania and Mozambique participated in the Youth Wing Conference. 3. Active contacts are going on with ANC (South Africa) and others.