FBA Membership Renewal Process All FBA Memberships Will Run October 1St to OCT September 30Th, with a Single Dues Season at the Same Time Every Year

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FBA Membership Renewal Process All FBA Memberships Will Run October 1St to OCT September 30Th, with a Single Dues Season at the Same Time Every Year Volume 67, Issue 3 UPDATE: FBA Membership Renewal Process All FBA memberships will run October 1st to OCT September 30th, with a single dues season at the same time every year. To better serve our members the Federal Bar Association has converted its membership period from anniversary date to a set calendar year. This change will allow chapters, sections, and divisions to focus on renewals at a single time of year, and then concentrate on enhancing membership value for the remainder. It is our goal to have all current members on the same membership cycle starting October 1, 2021. What This Means for Members ü Easy to remember universal dues deadline ü Firm/Organization billing option for employers ü Upcoming auto-renew and auto-pay features will make renewals even easier What You Can Expect Now ü Your next renewal notice will be delivered as usual ü Renewal invoice amounts will be adjusted to get all Please visit members to a 9/30/2021 expiration date www.fedbar.org/ ü Uninterrupted service from your local chapter, your membership for full details. sections and divisions, and the national office Federal Bar Association 1220 North Fillmore St., Suite 444 Arlington, VA 22201 (571) 481-9100 fba@fedbar.org FBARenewalAd-2020_2.indd 1 4/3/20 2:33 PM Volume 67, Issue 3 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Andrew Doyle doyle_andrew@msn.com Immediate Past Editor in Chief Rachel Hughey rhughey@merchantgould.com May/June 2020: Immigration Law Associate Editor James W. Satola jsatola@roadrunner.com Managing Editor Lynne G. Agoston (240) 404-6488 TFL@fedbar.org Book Review Editor Caroline Johnson Levine Judicial Profile Editors Heaven Chee Hon. Noelle C. Collins Hon. Karoline Mehalchick Articles Editors Joanna Fox Sheila Hollis Christopher Lucca Bruce McKenna Anne Perry Dalmacio Posadas Elizabeth Turnbull Susan Yorke Columns Editor Arturo Bauermeister Senior Proof Editor Donna Phillips Currault Proof Editors Sarika J. Angulo Ira Cohen Mary Hope Forsyth Peter M. Mansfield Soledad M. Valenciano The Federal Lawyer (ISSN: 1080-675X) 30 Procedural Due Process 44 A Challenge to the is published bimonthly six times per year by the Federal Bar Association, 1220 N. in Removal Proceedings: Status Quo? Shields v. Illinois Fillmore St., Ste. 444, Arlington, VA, 22201 Tel, (571) 481-9126, Fax (571) History, Overview, and Recent Department of Corrections 481-9090, Email: tfl@fedbar.org. Sub- scription Rates: $14 of each member’s Developments and § 1983 Liability for dues is applied toward a subscription. Nonmember domestic subscriptions are By Colton Spencer Bane Private Companies $50 each per year; foreign subscriptions are $60 each per year. All subscription By Stephen J. Haedicke prices include postage. Single copies 36 The Global Migration are $5. “Periodical postage paid at Ar- lington, VA, and at additional mailing Crisis—The Cases of the United 50 Arbitrary H-1B offices.” “POSTMASTER, send address changes to: The Federal Lawyer, The States and Myanmar Nonimmigrant Visa Denials Federal Bar Association, 1220 N. Fill- more St., Ste. 444, Arlington, VA 22201.” By Francesca Braga Have Employers Thinking © Copyright 2020 Federal Bar Associa- tion. All rights reserved. PRINTED IN Federal Litigation Rather U.S.A. 40 Changes to the U.S. Than Administrative Review Editorial Policy: The views published Asylum Process at Our Southern in The Federal Lawyer do not necessar- By Raymond Lahoud ily imply approval by the FBA or any agency or firm with which the authors Border Under the Current are associated. All copyrights held by the Administration 56 Immigration Cases Before FBA unless otherwise noted by the au- thor. The appearance of advertisements and new product or service information By H. Raymond Fasano the U.S. Supreme Court in the in The Federal Lawyer does not consti- tute endorsement of such products or October 2019 Term services by the FBA. Manuscripts: The Federal Lawyer accepts unsolicited man- By Nicholas J. Perry uscripts, which, if accepted for publica- tion, are subject to editing. Manuscripts must be original and should appeal to a diverse audience. Visit www.fedbar.org/ tflwritersguidelines for writers guide- May/June 2020 • THE FEDERAL LAWYER • 1 lines. Federal Bar Association COLUMNS PROFILES 1220 N. Fillmore St., Ste. 444 Fifth Circuit Arlington, VA 22201 Hon. Barry W. Ashe Ph: (571) 481-9100 • F: (571) 481-9090 Paul D. Barkhurst 3 President’s Message 20 Hon. Stacie F. Beckerman fba@fedbar.org • www.fedbar.org Sixth Circuit BOARD OF DIRECTORS Glen R. McMurry Building Resilience (and Membership) Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court for President • Christian K. Adams Donna J. Mikel in a Time of Uncertainty the District of Oregon cadams@adamskrekllp.com Seventh Circuit President-Elect • W. West Allen Melissa N. Schoenbein wwa@h2law.com Kevin G. Desharnais By Christian K. Adams By Christine E. Sargent Treasurer • Anh Le Kremer Eighth Circuit anh.kremer@cdirad.com David A. Goodwin 4 Washington Watch 23 Hon. Lisa Raleigh Hon. Alison S. Bachus Adine S. Momoh bachusa@superiorcourt.maricopa.gov Ninth Circuit When Will the Federal Courts Reopen? Administrative Law Judge, U.S. Social Jeanette M. Bazis Laura A. Conover jbazis@greeneespel.com Darrel J. Gardner Security Administration Joey Bowers By Bruce Moyer Tenth Circuit john.j.bowers@usdoj.gov By Hon. Alisa Tapia-Zuniga Kristen R. Angelos Andrew K. Clark Hon. Suzanne Mitchell 5 At Sidebar aclark@hirschlerlaw.com Joseph S. Leventhal Eleventh Circuit Where Texas Property Owners Hit a 26 Hon. Wendy Vitter joseph.leventhal@dinsmore.com Oliver Alan Ruiz Michael S. Vitale Wall: A Push to Relax the Unity of Title U.S. District Judge for the Eastern Kevin A. Maxim kmaxim@maximlawfirm.com D.C. Circuit Factor in Eminent Domain Actions District of Louisiana Hon. Karoline Mehalchick Patricia D. Ryan karoline_mehalchick@pamd.uscourts.gov Elizabeth A. Pugh By Soledad Valenciano By Larry Centola Kelly Titus Scalise SECTION AND DIVISION CHAIRS ktscalise@liskow.com Chair, Sections and Divisions John R. Thomas Council 9 Indian Law 28 The Round Table of Former jt@hhm.law Matthew Moshcella The Canadian Indian Free Passage Right: Jessica R. Toplin Admiralty Law Immigration Judges jessica.toplin@usdoj.gov Scott Bluestein An Anomaly in U.S. Immigration Law Hon. Mimi E. Tsankov Alternative Dispute Resolution By Dr. Alicia Triche (personal capacity) Alexander Zimmer By Paul Spruhan mimi.tsankov@gmail.com Antitrust and Trade Regulations Christie C. Varnado TBD cvarnado@seibelsfirm.com Banking Law 11 Diversity & Inclusion DEPARTMENTS Ex Officio Members Meghan Musselman Hon. Barry W. Ashe Bankruptcy Law Transforming the Future of the Legal barry_ashe@laed.uscourts.gov Christopher Sullivan Profession Through Gender Equality: 64 Supreme Court Previews Adine S. Momoh adine.momoh@stinson.com Civil Rights Law Stephen Haedicke FBA Takes Global Leadership Role in Matthew C. Moschella Raising Awareness mcmoschella@sherin.com Corporate and Association Counsel Maria Z. Vathis David Greene BOOK REVIEWS maria.vathis@bclplaw.com Criminal Law By Emma Tsankov Michael S. Vitale Darrel J. Gardner mvitale@bakerlaw.com Environment, Energy & Natural 76 The Age of Eisenhower: Resources 15 International Files NATIONAL STAFF Kevin G. Desharnais America and the World in the Executive Director The Return of Asylum Seekers to Unsafe Stacy King Federal Career Service Third Countries in Contravention of the 1950s sking@fedbar.org Mark Vincent Director of Membership and Chapters Federal Litigation Principle of Non-refoulement Dominick Alcid Susan D. Pitchford Reviewed by John C. Holmes dalcid@fedbar.org Government Contracts By Beth Persky and Federica Dell’Orto Outreach and Foundation Manager Jerry A. Miles Cathy Barrie Health Law cbarrie@fedbar.org Kathleen McDermott 18 Tax Law FBA MEMBER NEWS Operations Manager Immigration Law Eisner v. Macomber Turns 100 Holly Delidle Mark Shmueli hdelidle@fedbar.org Indian Law 78 Chapter Exchange Editorial and Production Specialist By Catherine Moore Ann E. Tweedy 80 Member Spotlight Lynne G. Agoston Intellectual Property Law TFL@fedbar.org Coby S. Nixon Marketing Director International Law Jennifer Olivares Stephanie Moncada Gomez Social@fedbar.org Judiciary Manager of Sections & Divisions Hon. Michael J. Newman Laura Mulhern Labor and Employment Law lmulhern@fedbar.org Catherine Cano Conference Manager Caitlin Rider Law Student crider@fedbar.org Glen R. McMurry Sr. Director of Professional LGBT Law Development Brandon King Melissa Schettler Qui Tam mschettler@fedbar.org R. Scott Oswald Membership Specialist Securities Law Miles Woolever Liam O’Brien mwoolever@fedbar.org Senior Lawyers Conference Coordinator Steve Miller Ariel White Social Security Law awhite@fedbar.org Paul Lillios VICE PRESIDENTS FOR THE CIRCUITS State and Local Government First Circuit Relations Scott P. Lopez Andrew S. Ballentine Oreste R. Ramos Taxation Second Circuit Marissa Renson Ernest T. Bartol Transportation and Olivera Medenica Transportation Security Law Third Circuit Steve Osit Christian T. Haugsby Veterans and Military Law Frank J. McGovern Walter Kroptavich Fourth Circuit Younger Lawyers Kacy L. Hunt Adine S. Momoh Hannah Rogers Metcalfe 2 • THE FEDERAL LAWYER • May/June 2020 President’s Message Building Resilience (and Membership) in a Time of Uncertainty by Christian K. Adams This unprecedented time is difficult for us all. We are same renewal deadline. Employers will also enjoy the used to having the capacity to plan well in advance with a benefit of paying FBA membership renewal with a sin- level of certainty and relative ease. It is difficult to accept, gle payment as we recognized that the anniversary cycle even after months of quarantine and restriction, that we can be burdensome if a firm’s accounting department is cannot say for sure what the conditions will be in the managing multiple memberships throughout the year. coming months. The difficulty this presents for near-term The universal membership renewal cycle will not planning is universal and common to us all—families, only allow the bar to budget and plan for the coming businesses, governments, courts, and schools are labor- year but it will also provide members with the assurance Christian K.
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