UNIX TOOLBOX This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users. This is a practical guide with concise explanations, however the reader is supposed to know what s/he is doing. 1. System . 2 2. Processes . 7 3. File System . 9 4. Network . 14 5. SSH SCP . 22 6. VPN with SSH . 26 7. RSYNC . 27 8. SUDO . 29 9. Encrypt Files . 29 10. Encrypt Partitions . 31 11. SSL Certificates . 33 12. CVS . 35 13. SVN . 38 14. Useful Commands . 39 15. Install Software . 44 16. Convert Media . 45 17. Printing . 46 18. Databases . 46 19. Disk Quota . 48 20. Shells . 50 21. Scripting . 51 22. Programming . 54 23. Online Help . 56 Unix Toolbox revision 14 The latest version of this document can be found at http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml. Replace .xhtml on the link with .pdf for the PDF version and with .book.pdf for the booklet version. On a duplex printer the booklet will create a small book ready to bind. See also the about page. Error reports and comments are most welcome -
[email protected] Colin Barschel. — System — 1 SYSTEM Hardware (p2) | Statistics (p2) | Users (p3) | Limits (p3) | Runlevels (p4) | root password (p5) | Compile kernel (p6) | Repair grub (p7) Running kernel and system information # uname -a # Get the kernel version (and BSD version) # lsb_release -a # Full release info of any LSB distribution # cat /etc/SuSE-release # Get SuSE version # cat /etc/debian_version # Get Debian version Use /etc/DISTR-release with DISTR= lsb (Ubuntu), redhat, gentoo, mandrake, sun (Solaris), and so on.