Employment Land Monitoring Report 2020

May 2020

Council Contacts

Business Support Council’s Business Support team is on hand to make doing business in Chorley easier and to save you time. If you are looking to start your own business, expand into larger premises or establish a base in Chorley, we have a comprehensive database of properties/sites within the town centre, edge of town or in rural localities. We maintain a Chorley land and property database where you can search for sites and premises in Chorley which are available to let or for sale. You can search the Chorley land and property database which can be accessed via the Choose Chorley website at Chorley Council are playing their part in the shortage of commercial floor space and have a number of commercial opportunities available for businesses, along with grants for growing Chorley business and businesses seeking to relocate to Chorley who will generate jobs. For further details on available grants and support or a tailored property search, contact Chorley Council’s Business Engagement team today on 01257 515300 or email [email protected].

Planning Policy and Development Control Planning is a service that considers applications for a variety of development proposals including employment schemes. We provide a general level of advice to members of the public to explain what planning policies would apply to an area or proposal, how to submit a planning application, how the planning process works and what issues would normally be taken into account when a planning application is determined. Further information can be found at the Council’s website at chorley.gov.uk/planning or by contacting us at [email protected].

2 Contents

1. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………. Page 3

2. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..Page 4

3. Regional Guidance and Local Policies…………………………………………….Page 4

4. Employment Land Availability……………………………………………………… Page 7

5. Employment Land Take-up…………………………………………………………… Page 16

6. Loss of Employment Land……………………………………………………………..Page 19

1. Executive Summary

1.1 This document identifies a range of employment sites (use classes B1, B2, B8 and A2), either with planning consent or allocated in the emerging Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026, on offer to potential developers on April 1st 2020. At April 2020, 71.72 hectares of employment land was available in the borough for development.

1.2 88.74 hectares of land was allocated for employment use in the adopted Chorley Local Plan 2012- 2026. At April 2020, 66.51 hectares of this land remains available for employment use, of which 9.17 hectares has planning permission for employment use.

1.3 In addition, 5.21 hectares of non-allocated land has planning permission for employment development including 3.02 hectares at existing business and industrial areas, and 2.19 hectares outside of existing employment areas.

1.4 In the 2019/20 monitoring year 3.59 hectares was developed. It is estimated that some 31.27 hectares of land within the Borough has been developed for employment purposes between April 2010 and March 2020.

1.5 During 2019/20, 0.2 hectares of land, which was previously in use as employment premises, has been lost to other uses including change of uses. There is currently planning approval for the loss of 6.06 hectares. It is estimated that between 2010 to 2020, 25.49 hectares of land, which was previously in use as employment premises, has been lost to other uses.

3 2. Introduction

2.1 This report identifies land within Chorley which is considered to be appropriate or available for employment use at 1st April 2020. The report monitors planning consents and development constructed for employment use.

2.2 The report relates solely to land considered appropriate for Classes B1 (B1a: offices; B1b research and development and B1c light industry), B2 (general industry), B8 (storage and distribution) and A2 (financial and professional services) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequent amendments. It is recognised that other uses, such as tourism and retailing contribute towards job creation, however these are not included within the scope of this report. 3. Regional Guidance and Local Policies The following strategies and documents are of relevance to the delivery of employment land in the Borough:

3.1 The Enterprise Partnership (LEP) https://lancashirelep.co.uk/ formed April 2011, provides leadership for the County's economy and is a catalyst for job creation and economic growth. The LEP has a crucial role in coordinating the County's economic priorities. It aims to focus on opportunities that maximise job creation and growth, and whose benefits reach out to best effect across the County. The LEP has identified investment priorities and a strategic outlook that focuses on some key areas for development: Raising the profile & visibility of Lancashire; Inward investment & strategic development; Business support; Supply chain & sector development and Skills development.

3.2 There is a Central Lancashire Economic Regeneration Strategy (2026) and a Chorley Economic Development Strategy (2014) (all documents are to be reviewed) Chorley’s economic vision is to capitalise on Chorley’s location as the city gateway being the place of choice in the North West to do business. Chorley will attract employers to its key employment sites and together with a strong local business base; residents will have a greater opportunity to gain well paid employment locally.

3.3 The Central Lancashire Employment Land Review (ELR 2009) formed part of the evidence base for the Core Strategy and Local Plan 2012-2026. The aim of an ELR is to assess the suitability of sites for employment development, safeguard the best sites in the face of competition from other higher value uses and help identify those which are no longer suitable for other uses. The ELR looked at 218 sites in Central Lancashire, of these 68 were in Chorley Borough and included existing allocations in the Local Plan Review, commitments (those with planning permission), existing industrial premises and existing industrial estates.

3.4 The Central Lancashire Core Strategy (2012) https://centrallocalplan.lancashire.gov.uk/ sets out the long-term vision, policies, objectives and strategies for Central Lancashire. It details how the area will grow, how services will be provided and how the environment and character of the area will be enhanced and protected. Prepared as a partnership between Preston City Council, and the Boroughs of Chorley and South Ribble, it provides an employment land requirement target of 112ha for the period 2010-2026. The employment land requirement target is for the provision of employment B1, B2 and B8 use classes (see paragraph 3.12).

3.5 To ensure an adequate supply of employment land Core Strategy Policy 10: Employment Premises and Sites aims to protect existing employment premises and sites last used for employment by

4 assessing proposals for re-use or redevelopment other than B use class employment uses against a number of criteria. This includes the presumption that employment sites classified as ‘Best Urban’ and ‘Good Urban’ sites in the ELR will be retained for employment use. This will ensure that the Borough continues to provide a suitable and attractive range of employment sites. In addition, Core Strategy Policy 13: Rural Economy aims to encourage the appropriate growth of rural businesses to help sustain the rural economy.

3.6 The Controlling Re-use of Employment Premises Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), adopted in October 2012 develops Core Strategy Policy 10: Employment Premises and Sites by setting out the criteria based approach under which all proposals for re-use will be assessed.

3.7 In September 2017 the Central Lancashire Employment Skills Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted. The SPD has been driven by Preston, Chorley and South Ribble Councils’ aspiration to see additional benefits (known as social value) incorporated into their housing and other development opportunities. As an adopted SPD, it should be considered alongside policy in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Documents (DPDs) – now referred to as the Local Plan. 3.8 Emerging Central Lancashire Local Plan. Work has started on this plan. There was a consultation on Issues and Options between November 2019 and February 2020. The consultation asked a number of questions including how we can attract and grow business and employment opportunities, how we can improve transport as well as considering how we protect our resources and help fight climate change. The Issues and Options Consultation also showed sites which have been nominated for consideration for future development. There have been three call for sites exercises so far, the third of which ran concurrently with the Issues and Options consultation. The next stage of the Plan will be Preferred Options, which is anticipated in Spring/Summer 2021.

3.9 The Central Lancashire Employment Land Study Technical Report (November 2017) covers the period up to 2034.

3.10 The Employment Land Study OAN 2019 updated the Objectively Assessed Needs section of the 2017 Central Lancashire Land Study. These two documents will inform development of the emerging Central Lancashire Local Plan.

3.11 Chorley Local Plan The adopted Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 allocates land required for specific purposes, including employment, and includes policies relating to the delivery of site-specific allocations.

3.12 Local Plan 2012-2026 Policy EP1: Employment Site Allocations identifies and protects 15 sites for business, general industrial or storage and distribution (use classes B1, B2, B8) totaling 88.74 hectares. Policy EP2 aims to guide development at Botany Bay/Great Knowley and Policy EP3 contains development criteria for all business and industrial development.

3.13 At April 2019 the employment land requirements for B1, B2 and B8 use class and supply* for Chorley were:

5 Hectares Chorley Employment Requirement 2010 - 2026 112 Employment Completions 2010 – 2020 (as at 31/03/2020) 31.03* Residual Requirement 80.98 Commitments on Unallocated Sites 5.21 Commitments on Allocated Sites 3.21 # Local Plan Allocated sites 63.30 Total Employment Land Supply 71.72 * A2 use (financial and professional services) is excluded from this table calculation. # Includes only full or reserved matter planning consents, excludes outline planning consents (see Table 3).

6 4. Employment Land Availability

4.1 The market needs a variety of sites in order to provide choice and to meet a range of needs and uses of different types of employer. How attractive to the market the Local Plan sites are will be influenced not only by their size but also their quality. This relates to factors such as: ease of access (in particular location in relation to the motorway network), adjacent development, environmental setting, economics of developing the site, existing infrastructure and services, as well as planning status.

4.2 This document identifies a range of employment sites on offer to potential developers. At April 2020 71.72 hectares of employment land were available in the borough. This includes land identified in the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 for employment use, and non-allocated employment land with planning permission for employment use. It does not include existing employment sites forming part of the supply. Table 1 shows available employment land by use class (including A2 use).

Table 1 Available Employment Land (hectares), April 2020 B1 B2 B8 MU A2 Total Allocated Land 0.6 0 0 65.91 0 66.51 Non-Allocated Land w/ Planning Permission 1.07 3.30 0.76 0.07 0.01 5.21 Total Land Available 1.67 3.30 0.76 65.98 0.01 71.72 MU = Mixed Use Development

Allocated Employment Land 4.3 The adopted Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 allocated a total of 88.74 hectares of land for employment use. At April 2019, 66.51 hectares of Local Plan allocations remained available for employment use in the Borough. Table 2 identifies all the available Local Plan sites within Policy EP1. Of the 66.51 hectares of allocated employment land available, 9.17 hectares has planning permission for a range of employment uses (this does not include any business use associated with outline planning permission 17/00715/OUTMAJ at EP1.2, see Table 3 for further details) (table 3).

Non-Allocated Employment Land 4.4 The Council has granted planning permission for many employment generating developments outside of employment land allocations identified in the Local Plan which contribute to the amount of employment land available.

4.5 Table 4 shows the amount of non-allocated employment land with existing planning permission at April 2019. In total, 5.21 hectares of non-allocated land has planning permission for employment development including 3.02 hectares at existing business and industrial areas, and 2.19 hectares outside of existing employment areas.

7 Table 2 Availability of Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 Employment Allocations, April 2020 Completed Size to 1 April Policy Site Location Use Class (hectares) 2020 (hectares) Key Service Centre: Chorley Town EP1.1 Great Knowley#} employment site for sub-regionally 14.1 - B1, B2 EP1.2 Botany Bay#} significant development 5.9 - B1, B2, B8, C1 EP1.3 Land to North East of M61 Junction (Gale Moss) 6.9 - B1, B2, B8

EP1.5 North of Euxton Lane 9.85 3.251 B1, B2, B8 EP1.6 Cowling Farm# 3.5 - B1, B2, B8 EP1.7 Land at Ackhurst Business Park 0.5 - B1, B2. B8, A2 EP1.8 Lyons Lane Mill, Townley Street 0.33 - B1, B2 EP1.9 Woodlands Centre, Road 0.80 - B1, A2, EP1.10 Stump Lane (site is completed) 0.00 - B1, B2 45.13 - : Strategic Site EP1.11 The Revolution 3.26 - B2, B8 EP1.12 Group 1 2.30 - B1, B2, EP1.13 Southern Commercial 2.88 - B1, B2, B8 8.43 - Local Urban Service Centres Adlington EP1.14 Fairport, Market Place*# 0.6 - B1, B8 Clayton-le-Woods EP1.15 Land east of Road*# 15.0 - B1, B2, B8 15.6 - Rural Local Service Centres and In Other Places EP1.17 Rear of New Street, Mawdesley 0.6 - B1 0.6 -


1 Completion of 16/00337/REMMAJ, digital office park at Strawberry Fields, Euxton Lane, Chorley (3.25ha). # forms part of a mixed use site.


Table 3 Available Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 Employment Allocations with planning permission for employment use (hectares), April 2020 A2 Application No. Allocation Site Development B1 (ha) B2 (ha) B8 (ha) MU (ha) Total (ha) (ha) Proposed development comprises up to 340, 000 ft2 (31, 587 Land Between M61 Motorway and Outline planning application for m2) of retail, employment and leisure floorspace (Use Classes A1 17/00715/OUTMAJ EP1.2 And Liverpool Millennium development including B1 floorspace, – A5, B1, C1 and D1) (floorspace inclusive of existing Canal Mill at Way Chorley retail, hotel and nursery Botany Bay) Outline planning application for Land Adjacent and South of Leeds employment floorspace (Use Classes B2 17/00713/OUTMAJ EP1.3 Liverpool Canal Road and B8) with associated highways, 1.40 1.40 2.79 Chorley landscaping provision and any ancillary development thereto. Outline application for employment development comprising of Office (Use Land to The Rear Of Brookfield Class B1), Light industrial (Use Class B1) 19/00016/CO3MAJ EP1.5 0.37 0.5 0.87 Alker Lane Euxton and General Industrial (Use Class B2) uses with all matters reserved apart from access. W M Lawrence And Sons, Lyons Mixed development with 6 new starter 12/00045/FULMAJ EP1.8 0.33 0 0 0 0 0.33 Lane, Chorley industrial units remaining Outline planning application for the 08/00910/OUTMAJ EP1.12 Group 1, Euxton Lane, Euxton 0.00 0.00 0 2.30 0 2.30 redevelopment of land at Group One Land Bounded by Ordnance Road 09/00659/REMMAJ EP1.13 5 office buildings 2.60 0 0 0 0 2.60 and Buckshaw Railway Station Erection of three Use Class B1 units (and a 17/00764/FULMAJ Land at Barnes Wallis Way, Wallis restaurant with drive-thru (Use Class EP1.13 0.28 0 0 0 0 0.28 18/00811/DIS Way, Buckshaw Village PR7 7JD A3/A50) including car parking, access, landscaping and associated works Total* 3.58 1.90 1.40 2.30 0.00 9.17 * Total figure excludes any employment floorspace at EP1.2 which will be added to this figure once a reserved matters application is granted which contains more detail.


Table 4 Available Non-allocated employment land (ha) with planning permission, April 2020 B1(b) MU Application No. Parish Site Development B1(a) ha B1(c) ha B2 ha B8 ha A2 ha Total ha ha ha Existing Defined Business & Industrial Areas 17/00055/FUL Adlington Pincroft Dyeing & Erection of a 0.02 0.02 Printing Co. Ltd, warehouse building Market St (B2 Use Class) 17/00914/FUL Adlington Pincroft Dyeing Extensions to factory 18/00480/DIS 18/00690/DIS and Printing (B2 Use Class), 18/00753/DIS Company Limited demolition of existing Market Street 2 storey workshop

building (including 0.03 0.03 stores and ancillary office), replacement workshop office and new river defence wall Land adjacent Erection of new B1c 14/00912/FUL Chorley Weir Mill Crosse 0.26 0.26 industrial unit Hall Street Redevelopment of International Fire Washington Hall Fire 11/00238/FULMAJ Training Centre, Chorley Training Centre (3 0.46 0.10 0.56 13/00554/REMMAJ Washington Hall, Storey Offices and West Way Mains Store) 18/00410/FULMAJ (resubmission of Chorley Pasquill, Wigan Demolition of existing 17/01006/FULMAJ) Lane, unit and construction of new manufacturing and warehousing 0.06 0.06 facility and minor alterations to hard- surfacing Former Forensic Erection of a vehicle 15/00383/FULMAJ site Land storage and 16/00672/DIS Chorley Opposite 0.04 0.23 0.27 maintenance Chancery Road workshop and offices West Way


Erection of new industrial unit Land Adjacent (attached to existing 19/00243/FUL Chorley Unit D Ackhurst 0.01 0.01 units) with associated Road Chorley hard standing area to the front for parking 19/00242/FUL Chorley Carpet Clearance Extension to existing Centre Unit 1A building. 0.01 0.01 Sandham Street Chorley PR6 0RA 17/00660/FUL Blainscough Erection of new Works industrial building to 0.02 0.02 Blainscough Lane form extension Chapel Lane Business Park Erection of new 18/00417/FUL Coppull Chapel Lane 0.02 0.02 industrial building Coppull Chorley PR7 4NB Twin Lakes Ind Erection of 27 95/00426/FUL Estate, Brickcroft industrial units (7 1.72 1.72 Lane units completed) Erection of 3no. single storey light industrial Unit T5 Towngate work units (Use Class Works Dark Lane B1c) following 18/01202/FUL Mawdesley Mawdesley 0.01 0.01 removal of three Ormskirk L40 existing storage 2QU containers and hard standing. Brinscall Change of use - from Plumbing and builders and plumbers Building Supplies, merchants to office 18/00471/FUL Withnell 0.01 0.01 17 Hartington suits, and erection of Road Brinscall part single storey rear Chorley extension. Erection of Brinscall workshop/garage Plumbing and 18/00571/FUL Withnell building and works to 0.01 0.01 Building Supplies, retaining structures 17 Hartington and levelling of site.


Road Brinscall Chorley X & P McGuigan Civil Engineering Erection of two storey Ltd The Old Pump office extension to 18/01024/FUL Withnell 0.01 0.01 House Railway existing company Road Withnell offices Chorley PR6 8UA Sub total 0.53 0.00 0.30 1.80 0.39 0.00 0.00 3.02

Employment Uses Outside Existing/Defined Areas

B1(b) MU Application No. Parish Site Development B1(a) ha B1(c) ha B2 ha B8 ha A2 ha Total ha ha ha 19/00872/FUL Adlington Zalzala Fusion Change of use of nos. Lounge 1 - 3 1 to 3 Market Street

Market Street from restaurant (Use

Adlington Chorley Class A3) to 1no.

PR7 4HE retail unit (Use Class

A1) and 1no. office 0.01 0.01 unit (Use Class A2) across the ground floor and 3no. 1 bedroom flats (Use Class C3) across the whole first floor. 15/00888/FULMAJ Golden Acres Ltd Erection of buildings, 17/00829/FULMAJ Plocks Farm engineering operations 18/00162/FULMAJ Liverpool Road & related development to create: larder (finished product), ingredients kitchen, meat kitchen, fridge,

combined heat and power plant (CHP), 1.5 1.5 water storage tanks, odour abatement plant comprising wet scrubber and bio bed anaerobic digestion plant, offices and car park, River Douglas embankment repairs,


5m high acoustic fencing

S73 applications to vary conditions attached to planning approval 15/00888/FULMAJ Demolition of detached Heskins Ltd Unit 4 warehouse and 16/00875/FUL Brinscall 0.01 0.01 Churchill Road extension to existing warehouse 17/00137/FUL Charnock Lancaster House Extension to existing Richard Farm Preston fencing workshop (B2 0.02 0.02 Road Charnock Use Class) Richard 18/00946/FUL Chorley Formerly Mormon Construction of two Church Water storey office building 0.02 0.01 0.03 Street Chorley and associated car park 19/00933/FUL Chorley Runshaw College Change of use of 112 - 114 Market former Runshaw Street Chorley College educational PR7 2SL facility (Use Class D1) to offices (Use Class B1) and minor 0.08 0.08 alterations involving installation of four external air conditioning condensing units. Woodcocks Of Change of use of Coppull Bridge existing buildings to Farm Coppull storage use (Use class 18/00334/FULMAJ Coppull 0.21 0.21 Moor Lane B8) Coppull Chorley PR7 4LL Sarscow Farm, Change of use of barn 17/01046/FUL Eccleston Sarscow Lane from agriculture to 0.04 0.1 0.14 Eccleston Leyland offices (Use Class B1). Five Acres Plant Redevelopment of site Centre Five Acres including the Dawbers Lane demolition of shop units, a barn, and 16/00655/FUL Euxton 0.05 0.05 removal of temporary office buildings and erection of shop building, office building


and barn with associated car parking and access 18/00328/FULMAJ Euxton Guest House Erection of units in use 18/01076/FUL Farm Runshaw class B1 and B8 and Lane Euxton demolition of existing 0.03 0.03 Chorley PR7 6HD buildings in Use Class B8. 17/00917/P3PAM Mawdesley Beech Grove Prior approval Farm Black Moor application under Part Road Mawdesley 3, Class R of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted


(England) Order 2015 for the proposed 0.04 0.04 change of use of an agricultural building and its curtilage to a flexible use falling within Class B8 (storage or distribution) for caravan storage. 19/01134/FUL Ulnes Walton Ash Lea Farm Erection of Dawbers Lane replacement building Euxton (following demolition of existing buildings) and 0.03 extension to southern 0.03 elevation of steel portal frame building (B1(b), B1(c), B2 and B8 Use Classes). 20/00082/FUL Whittle-le- 60 Preston Road Change of use of unit 7 Woods Whittle-Le-Woods from retail (class A1) Chorley PR6 7HH to flexible use including classes A1 (retail), A2 (financial services), A3 (food and drink), and B1 0.04 0.04 (business - offices) and of units 1 to 6 from retail (class A1) to flexible use including classes A1 (retail), A2 (financial services), and B1 (business -


offices) and erection of single storey side extension to rear building, alterations to windows and doors and provision of fire escape.

Sub total 0.22 0 0.02 1.50 0.37 0.07 0.01 2.19 Grand Total (ha) 0.75 0.00 0.32 3.30 0.76 0.07 0.01 5.21

B1 Business Use Class comprises: • Use Class B1(a): Office other than a use within Class A2 • Use Class B1(b): Research and development • Use Class B1(c): For any industrial process which can be carried out in a residential area without causing detriment to the amenity of the area


5. Employment Land Take-up

5.1 It is estimated that some 31.27 hectares of land within the Borough has been developed for employment purposes between April 2010 and March 2020 as shown in table 5.

5.2 During 2019/20, 3.59 hectares of employment land was developed. Each development completed during the year is shown in table 6.

Table 5 Total Employment Land Take-up (hectares), 2010 to 2020 Year B1(a) B1(b) B1(c) B2 B8 MU A2 Total 2010/11 0.25 0 0.03 0.12 0.04 2.19 0.04 2.67 2011/12 1.52 0 0.11 0.06 0.69 0 0.02 2.40 2012/13 2.34 0 0 2.13 1.95 0.07 0.01 6.50 2013/14 0.42 0 0.44 0.35 0.54 2.17 0.02 3.94 2014/15 0.05 0 0.27 0.28 1.11 0 0.1 1.81 2015/16 0.91 0 0.08 0.002 0 4.80 0 5.79 2016/17 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.53 0 0.01 0.61 2017/18 0.06 0.01 0.07 0. 18 0.24 0.07 0.02 0.65 2018/19 0.00 0.00 0.09 2.69 0.01 0.50 0.02 3.31 2019/20 0.16 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.04 3.31 0.00 3.59 Total 5.71 0.01 1.12 5.93 5.15 13.11 0.24 31.27 MU = Mixed Use Development

5.3 The location, age, condition and suitability of the Borough’s industrial premises are important factors in contributing to the economic prosperity of Chorley. Industrial premises are located in many parts of the Borough and fall into a range of types. These are purpose-built modern industrial/ business parks, free standing traditional style/mill buildings often in predominantly residential areas, and pockets of industrial premises where buildings are of a mixed type and age in various uses and locations.


Table 6 Employment Land Completions (hectares), 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020 Application No. Parish Site Development B1(a) ha B1(b) ha B1(c) ha B2 ha B8 ha MU ha A2 ha Total ha Allocated Employment Site Reserved matters erection of digital 16/00337/REMMAJ office park (use class B1); data 15/00224/OUTMAJ Land 200M North of Derian centre (use class B8) and business 18/01115/MNMA Chorley House Euxton Lane Chorley 3.25 3.25 centre units (use classes B1/B2/B8), 18/00373/MNMA (Strawberry Fields) associated spine road and car 16/01096/OUTMAJ parking. Sub Total (ha) 0 0 0 0 0 3.25 0 3.25 Existing/Defined Business & Industrial Areas 19/00108/FUL Chorley Everything and Change of use from a mobile Everywhere Units 21 and switching centre to industrial 22 Common Bank and storage units (Use Classes 0.04 0.04 0.08 Industrial Estate B2 and B8). Ackhurst Road Chorley PR7 1NH 18/00820/FULMAJ Euxton BAE Systems Property Erection of three storey office 19/00280/DIS and Environmental building following demolition of 19/00280/DIS Services Brisance House Brisance House 0.05 0.05 Euxton Lane Euxton Chorley PR7 6AQ Sub Total (ha) 0.05 0 0 0.04 0.04 0 0 0.13 Employment Uses Outside Existing/Defined Areas 18/00992/FUL Anderton Home Farm Horrobin Lane Change of use of existing Anderton Chorley PR6 9HE agricultural outbuilding to micro 0.01 0.01 brewery and elevational alterations. 19/00027/FUL Chorley 59 Clifford Street Change of use from Chorley PR7 1SE dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to 0.01 0.01 a cake making and decorating business (Use Class B1c). 19/00020/FUL Clayton-le- Bothy Cottage Berkeley Change of use from a Woods/Cuerden Drive Cuerden Bamber dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to 0.02 0.02 Bridge Preston PR5 6BY offices (Use Class B1). 17/00999/FULMAJ Euxton Chorley Technology and Erection of three storey office Business Centre, East building and demolition of 0.09 0.09 Terrace, Euxton


existing single storey office building. 19/00536/FUL Heath Charnock Cockers Farm Long Lane Conversion of existing stables to & Heath Charnock Chorley workshops (Class B1 and B2) 0.02 0.02 PR6 9EE 12/00539/FUL Heskin Land Opposite Hurst Conversion of unused buildings House Farm, Halfpenny to one live-work unit, one 0.02 0.02 Lane, Heskin PR7 5PP dwelling and two holiday lets 19/00232/FUL Wheelton 420 Blackburn Road Change of use of existing Higher Wheelton potato/produce wholesale and Chorley PR6 8HX distribution warehouse to use as a potato/produce wholesale, 0.04 0.04 potato processing and distribution warehouse (B1, B2 & B8)(Retrospective) Sub Total (ha) 0.11 0 0.01 0.03 0 0.06 0 0.21 Grand Total (ha) 0.16 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.04 3.31 0 3.59


6. Loss of Employment Land

Planning Approvals for the loss of Employment Land 6.1 Throughout the Borough there are many established long-standing industrial sites, which provide valuable sources of local employment. To ensure an adequate supply of employment land Core Strategy Policy 10: ‘Employment Premises and Sites’ aims to protect existing employment premises and sites last used for employment. This will ensure that the Borough continues to provide a suitable and attractive range of employment sites.

▪ It is estimated that from 2010 to 2020, 25.49 hectares of land, which was previously in use as employment premises, has been lost to other uses through demolition and change of use (table 7). Of this, 0.2 hectares has been lost during 2019/20 (see table 8).

▪ There is currently planning approval for the loss of 6.06 hectares (table 9) - this has yet to be either developed or fully completed. These developments will generate jobs and provide services and facilities for the local community. Table 9 takes account of permitted development changes through the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended).

Table 7 Loss of Employment Land to other uses (hectares) 2010 to 2020 Year B1(a) B1(b) B1(c) B2 B8 MU A2 Total 2010/11 -2.85 0 0 -0.03 0 -0.43 0 -3.31 2011/12 -1.35 0 0 -3.13 -2.19 -1.57 -0.30 -8.54 2012/13 -0.05 0 -0.80 -0.92 0 -1.39 0 -3.16 2013/14 -0.76 0 -0.03 0 -0.04 0 0 -0.83 2014/15 -0.52 0 0 0 -0.02 -1.7 -0.29 -2.53 2015/16 -0.17 0 -0.07 -0.05 0 -0.34 0 -0.63 2016/17 -0.27 0 0 -1.00 -0.01 0 -1.22 -2.48 2017/18 -0.36 0 0 -0.23 -0.01 -0.10 -0.00 -0.70 2018/19 -2.54 0.00 0.00 -0.40 -0.09 0.00 -0.06 -3.09 2019/20 -0.13 0 -0.02 -0.02 0 0 -0.03 -0.2 Total -9 0 -0.92 -5.78 -2.36 -5.53 -1.9 -25.49


Table 8 Loss of Employment Land to other uses (hectares), 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020

B1(c) Application No. Parish Site Development B1(a) ha B1(b) ha B2 ha B8 ha MU ha A2 ha Total ha ha 19/00118/FUL Buckshaw Village L. A. Vibe Fitness Club Change of use from industrial unit to -0.01 -0.01 Ltd Unit 4 Roundhouse gymnasium (Use Class D2) (retrospective). Court Barnes Wallis Way Buckshaw Village Chorley PR7 7JN 16/00855/P3PAJ Chorley Post Office 60 Park Road Prior approval application under Part 3, Class -0.1 -0.1 PR7 1QU O of The Town and Country (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 to change existing office building (Class B1(a)) into a dwellinghouse (Class C3) with the retail unit to be retained 18/00684/FUL Chorley Yorkshire Bank 30 - 32 Change of use of former bank building (A2 -0.03 -0.03 Market Street Chorley Use Class) to restaurant/cafe and drinking PR7 2SE establishment (A3 and A4 Use Classes). 19/01028/FUL Chorley 28 St Thomas's Road Change of use from offices (Use Class B1) to a -0.02 -0.02 Chorley PR7 1HX nursery (Use Class D1) 19/00124/P3PAJ Chorley 33a Cunliffe Street, Prior approval application under Part 3, Class -0.01 -0.01 Chorley, PR7 2BA O of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) for a change of use from offices (Use Class B1a) to 1no. dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). 19/00433/FUL Chorley Artisan Flooring Centre Change of use of building to brewery with 0.01 -0.01 101 101 Anderton Street associated offices, shop and bar (Sui Generis) Chorley PR7 2AY 17/01086/FUL Mawdesley Nook Farm Barn Nook Conversion of existing live/work barn unit to -0.02 -0.02 Lane Mawdesley single residential dwelling, including Ormskirk L40 2RL alterations to elevations. Erection of a detached triple car garage (permission already granted) and erection of structural glazed link to connect the garage and residential barn TOTAL -0.13 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 0 0.00 -0.03 -0.2


Table 9: Planning consents for the loss of employment land yet to be developed (ha)/completed, April 2020

App number Parish Site Development B1(a) B1(b) B1(c) B2 B8 MU A2 Total 16/00075/FUL Adlington 6 Ellerbeck View, Castle House Demolition of existing buildings and erection -0.19 -0.19 12/01060/FUL Lane of 6 no. dwellings and conversion of existing office to bungalow 19/00840/P3PAJ Adlington The Fairpoint Group Fairclough Prior approval application under Part 3, Class -0.15 -0.15 House Church Street Adlington O of The Town and Country (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for change of use from office (Class B1a) to 56 apartments (Class C3). 19/00969/FUL Bretherton Stoat Hall Fisheries Back Lane Demolition of existing buildings and structures -0.01 -0.01 Bretherton Leyland PR26 9BE and erection of new dwelling and a storage/workshop building to be used as a fishery store/office. 17/01060/FUL Buckshaw Unit 28 Roundhouse Ct, Barnes Change of use of unit to dog grooming service -0.01 -0.01 Wallis Way, Buckshaw Village (Sui generis) Chorley PR7 7JN 17/01010/COU Chorley Birchall Blackburn with Berry & Change of use from offices to 14 room House -0.04 -0.04 Son, 24 St. Thomas's Road, in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Chorley PR7 1HR 15/00028/FUL Chorley Former Initial Textile Services 43 dwellings -0.76 -0.76 14/707/FUL Botany Brow 13/000993/FULMAJ 12/00407/FUL Chorley The Courtyard 13-17 Anderton COU of Units 13, 15/17 and 19 from -0.06 -0.005 -0.005 -0.07 13/00130/FUL Street office/storage accommodation to 3no. three bedroom. 17/00276/P3PAJ Chorley St Georges House St Georges Prior approval application under Part 3, Class -0.05 -0.05 Street Chorley PR7 2AA O of The Town and Country (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 to change existing office building (Class B1(a)) into 8no. 2 bed flats (Class C3) with existing access and parking facilities to be retained 17/00875/DEMCON Chorley Cowling Mill Cowling Brow Application for prior determination for the -1.86 -1.86 Chorley PR6 0QG proposed demolition of mill building and various attached workshops and a gatehouse 18/00603/FUL Chorley O'Riordan And Co. Solicitors 1 1) Change of use of offices to 3no. flats. 2) -0.01 -0.01 Queens Road Chorley PR7 1JU Alterations and raised decking to the rear, including external staircase and 2no. Juliet balconies 18/00938/FUL Chorley H Dickinson LTD Croft Mill Pall Change of use of ground floor from storage to -0.04 -0.04 Mall Chorley PR7 3LT retail.


App number Parish Site Development B1(a) B1(b) B1(c) B2 B8 MU A2 Total 19/00081/P3PAJ Chorley Watch Home Care Services Smith Prior approval application under Part 3, Class -0.01 -0.01 Cottage 2 West Bank Chorley PR7 O of The Town and Country Planning (General 1JF Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) for a change of use from offices (Use Class B1a) to 1no. dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). 20/00013/FUL Chorley The Brothers Of Charity 4 Matrix Change of use from light industrial/offices to -0.03 -0.03 House Friday Street Chorley PR6 doggy day care 0AA 19/00091/FULMAJ Chorley Haslem Printers Ltd Standish Demolition of existing building and erection of -0.14 -0.14 And also Street Chorley PR7 3AJ new commercial buildings 19/00090/FULMAJ Change of use from former 'printworks' to 48 residential apartments, including partial demolition and rebuilding of mill. 19/01119/FUL Croston The Royal Bank Of Scotland 23 Change of use from RBS Bank (Use class A2) -0.01 -0.01 Town Road Croston Leyland PR26 into a coffee shop/bar (Use class A4) 9RA 15/00058/FUL Euxton The Barn Dean Hall lane COU microproccessor offices (vacant) to 1 -0.01 -0.01 dwelling 17/01170/OUT Heath Wilkinson Horseboxes, Lonsdale Outline permission with all matters reserved -0.02 -0.02 Charnock & Farm, Slacks Lane, Heath for the demolition of the workshop and the Rivington Charnock erection of a residential dwelling 17/01097/REMMAJ Mawdesley Goodyear Business Park Gorsey Reserved matters application for the erection -0.56 -0.56 19/00100/REM Lane Mawdesley of 56 dwellings, a community building with car 19/00273/REM park and associated landscaping and highway works (pursuant to outline permission ref: 14/00022/OUTMAJ). 19/00505/FUL Wheelton Workshop Adjacent To 1A Conversion of workshops into 2no. dwellings -0.01 -0.01 Victoria Street Wheelton with means of access/parking 19/00522/FUL Withnell Withnell Fold Mill Erection of dwelling following demolition of -2.07 -2.07 existing storage building 18/00721/FUL Withnell Woods Fold Saw Mill Dole Lane Erection of retail sales building following -0.01 -0.01 Abbey Village Chorley PR6 8EB demolition of existing storage building TOTAL -0.29 0.00 -0.05 -3.00 -0.06 -2.61 -0.05 -6.06