A. J. Woodman | 268 pages | 31 Dec 1998 | Oxford University Press | 9780198152583 | English | Oxford, United Kingdom Tacitus Reviewed PDF Book

First the death of Agrippina, then the ascendancy of Poppaea, and of course the exile and execution of the virtuous Octavia, are contrasted with the righteous wrath of Boudicca. His most recent publication not included here in collaboration with C. Literary Devices. James , and Claudius himself in his surviving letters and speeches. Skip to main content. At the Temple Gates Heidi Wendt. This seems logical as it would entice the reader of the monograph to want to read Tacitus for him- or herself. In other words, the Agricola is a veiled apology. The grammar does not entail Tacitus thought the action of naming had ceased; but it also does not express that fact either. Brill, Catullus: Poems, Books, Readers. He is known as a loner and is always cautious so he is always on the move and doesn't stick around for long. West and T. Oxford: Clarendon Press, The Emperor Trajan agreed, ordering persecution to stop. Some in fact explicitly exclude any such connection, all referring simply to the execution of Peter and Paul and some of their acquaintances. By then, had been assassinated, the old senator Nerva had been made emperor, and he had been forced to appoint general Trajan as his successor. Here is a more detailed analysis , showing that it only ever has present meanings in highly specific contexts not relevant to this passage in Tacitus. Reflections of Nero: Culture, History and Representation. He only mentions Chrestus as a rioter whose acts were punished by Claudius, and in his biography of Claudius, not Nero. There were several conspiracies to remove the eccentric, increasingly tyrannical emperor; Rome itself was still suffering from the big fire that had destroyed the city in 64; and in the end, the civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors 69 broke out, culminating in the accession of . It is a testimony to Tacitus' rhetorical skills that he has succeeded on all accounts. If invented, there was no reason to introduce the concept of the Nazarene — the Jesus could simply have been born in Bethlehem. Not least as he is writing just a few years after Tacitus published the . These grievances prompted a revolt led by Boudicca, the widow of Iceni king Prasutagus, which the Romans suppressed. Suetonius was the imperial librarian, hardly someone who could have failed to read the Annals. Status Not open for further replies. Thus, some scholars believe his work is best understood as a literary work through which Tacitus provides a tribute to a respected general and a meditation on tyranny and its consequences. The French Revolutionaries , for whom Tacitus had been a central part of their early education, made much use of his criticisms of tyranny and love of the republic —he is one of the authors most often quoted behind , Horace, and Plutarch by the members of the National and Legislative Assemblies and by revolutionary authors such as Jacques Pierre Brissot. Stephan Schmal , Tacitus. Stray, Oxford Manchester: Manchester University Press, Tacitus Reviewed Writer

Essentially, Tacitus' sources are an unsolved riddle - which is less surprising than it seems: he was not a real historian, but a moralist. Seeking Lodging in Kansas City for December 8. Receiving the quaestorship of Asia during the time of Nero, Agricola understood that it was best not to draw too much attention to himself. Chapters provide a brief ethnography of Britannia. But as Schmal points out, the difficulty of Tacitus is what makes him so good. The Kingdom of Aellen. This last is naturally the bulk of the work, weighing in at pages the entire book from Introduction to Index had only Worse, the emperor had -according to Tacitus- let slip an opportunity to add Caledonia and Hibernia Scotland and Ireland to the empire. Including Christians who were readers of Tacitus, and even used his account of the burning of Rome as a literary model? Schmal closes with an overview of current scholarship on Tacitus. Italiano Edit links. PKdon died for your sins. Rome's memory was seated in its Senate. Wharton, David. And how could that not be known? An obvious difference, suitable to the orange series, is the length of the work. For three centuries, senators had been writing a very specific type of history, called Annals. Latest posts. Though his work is the most reliable source for the history of his era, its factual accuracy is occasionally questioned: the Annals are based in part on secondary sources of unknown reliability, and there are some obvious minor mistakes for instance confusing the two daughters of Mark Antony and Octavia Minor , both named Antonia. But it is the overall impression that is arguably more important than the individual details: and this is something that W. The different audiences for the two commentaries can be observed by comparing the Introductions. Tacitean studies , centred on the work of Tacitus c. The evidence suggests it got projected onto that as an aetiological myth, possibly by the composer of the first Gospel a lifetime after the fact. The young man was sent to Rome to study what is called rhetorics, which is not just the art of speaking in public, but in fact a grand cultural education that included everything a magistrate needed to know. Mattingly and Rives follow a convention established by an early modern editor of Tacitus who created numbered divisions known as chapters. Woodman offers new or different interpretations of some of the most famous passages in the work, and argues that, through familiarity, generations of scholars have misread significant passages, thereby gaining and perpetuating a distorted view of what Tacitus had to say, especially about Tiberius. Leaving out evidence. Thus Livia emerges as responsible for the murder of Agrippa Postumus in a narrative that hitherto always left the reader feeling a little puzzled by its apparently inscrutable inconsistencies ch. It is a testimony to Tacitus' rhetorical skills that he has succeeded on all accounts. By the 20th century authenticity of the remaining texts ascribed to Tacitus was generally acknowledged, apart from some difference of opinion about the Dialogus. Tacitus, and the theory which Bruni based on him, played a vital role in the spirited debate between the republicans of Florence and the proponents of monarchy and aristocracy elsewhere. Whereas it is immediately explained if Tacitus meant the followers of Chrestus, whom Suetonius records led such destructive riots in Rome just ten years before as to provoke Claudius to expel hordes of Jews from the city. Sommer also forgot 1 Clement, who relates the death of Peter in Rome, and so clearly did know what happened and assumed the Corinthians all did too, so much so that he assumed the tradition was widely known in the Christian community, so well he had no need to relate it, and knew they already knew it was true. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. It still adds no probability to the historicity of Jesus, as it evinces no awareness of any independent sources. Reproducing Rome Mairead McAuley. Conclusion In trying to recover Tacitus and Suetonius as evidence for the historicity of Jesus, Josh Sommer relies on fallacies and dishonest misrepresentations and omissions of evidence to get a conclusion completely contrary to the obvious facts. Well-known supporters of the former regime like Tacitus and his friend Pliny the Younger were able to continue their career, but must have felt embarrassed. The original made a very different point: that respect for the Emperor and a desire to conform, not fear and punishment, kept certain senators in line. The first one, by a British nobleman named Calgacus, contains a series of reproaches: the Romans are the "robbers of the world", who have "exhausted the land by universal looting", who "give robbery, slaughter and plunder the name empire" and "create a desert and call it peace". From the outset, therefore, it is difficult to say that this collection is fully representative of W. Review by Rebecca Edwards , Union College. So, in sum that website says: Tacitus is not very reliable because he slanders Emperors. Read the line. During the reign of Domitian, he served as praetor , and between 89 and 93, he must have commanded a legion or governed a province. At the funeral of a senator, the busts of his father and other relatives were carried along, and there was a speech in which the career of the deceased was commemorated to show that this man had been worthy of his ancestors. Griffin, Miriam. References Barnes, T. We may read between the lines of the Agricola that criticism of other magistrates, like Tacitus himself, was base and honorless. Ammianus Marcellinus, as mentioned, started his history where Tacitus had finished. Tacitus Reviewed Reviews

The use of Tacitus as a source for political philosophy , however, began in this era, triggered by the Florentine Republic 's struggle against the imperial ambitions of Giangaleazzo Visconti. The Emperor's reaction was vicious: to Goethe and Wieland he complained that " Tacitus finds criminal intention in the simplest acts; he makes complete scoundrels out of all the emperors to make us admire his genius in exposing them". Suetonius never says any such thing. He learned from everything he did. For example, the three main actors in the story of the Batavian Revolt are the Batavian leader Julius Civilis, a noble savage; the decadent Roman general Hordeonius Flaccus , symbol of despotism; and the commander of the Twenty-second legion Primigenia, Gaius Dillius Vocula , who sets an example of old-fashioned senatorial virtue. Kinship in Thucydides Maria Fragoulaki. Mary Hinga September 30, , am. Pier Candido Decembrio , a Milanese courtier, addressed the same argument to Bruni in the following year, which Bruni did not bother to rebut, the best counterargument having been made already. The same can be said for other ethnographic remarks - the description of the Jews in the text is a notorious source of modern anti-Semitism. A detailed listing of the chapters and their sources is given at the end of this review; all references are to the collected versions unless stated otherwise. In no possible way can this be a description of the Christian Jesus. As sources for anthropological knowledge, the Agricola and must be read with great caution. Ehrenberg, Victor and A. A Death in the First Act Annals 1. Skip to main content. The witness to his fierce tenacity and grasp of linguistic and logical themes in these set-pieces is the coherence of the result, quite apart from the impeccable arguments that incorporated the various details. An obvious difference, suitable to the orange series, is the length of the work. Agricola transferred a peaceful and safe Britain to his successor. So when do we first hear of anyone having ever read Tacitus saying Christians were punished by Nero, finally eclipsing any mention of Jews? Woodman , 12 cf. If placed in the context of the senatorial debate of yet another meaningless case of maiestas , the letter which supposedly lays bare the self-tortured tyrant is actually an expression of imperial exasperation with the senate. Remarks like these are fine in a eulogy, but not historiography. Log in Register. Leaving out evidence. It might have been useful here to recall that some of the same criticisms leveled at Augustus during his funeral show up in Suetonius. The old war horse had been decorated for several successful campaigns in Britain. Essentially, Tacitus' sources are an unsolved riddle - which is less surprising than it seems: he was not a real historian, but a moralist. It just adds to the pile. In his work focused mainly on republicanism, Discourses on the First Ten Books of , Machiavelli returned to Bruni's republican perspective on Tacitus. Whoever Suetonius had read Nero punished for that fire, Suetonius fails to tell us. But as Schmal points out, the difficulty of Tacitus is what makes him so good. I remember Christopher Hitchens saying that the fraudulence of moving the birth of the Nazarene to Bethlehem in the gospels did indicate to him the idea of some kind of charismatic preacher-figure from Nazareth. Kraus and C. This is most notable in ch. Not of Christians. Thus, some scholars believe his work is best understood as a literary work through which Tacitus provides a tribute to a respected general and a meditation on tyranny and its consequences.

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Joined Jun 9, Messages 34 Reaction score It is fascinating to read, but no history. In other words, even the forger of this letter had no knowledge of the Tacitean account, and instead seemed to know of some other account in which it was the Jews were were scapegoated and killed by Nero, and then simply added that the Christians were swept up along with them. This division was based on the notes that Rome's high priest kept to show which omens were related to which events. Creative Imitation and Latin Literature , , ]. Suetonius never says any such thing. Tacitus Reviewed. In no possible way can this be a description of the Christian Jesus. At the funeral of a senator, the busts of his father and other relatives were carried along, and there was a speech in which the career of the deceased was commemorated to show that this man had been worthy of his ancestors. Access Full Guide. Clusters of chapters are grouped around topics, as indicated below in the summary and analysis. M Jones. Oxford University Press, jointly with C. Review by Rebecca Edwards , Union College. Reclamation Collective. Skip to main content. The art of speaking in public had, in his view, had flourished during the years of the free republic but had suffered from the fact that senators were no longer involved in actual policy-making. Diderot , for example, used Tacitus' works, in his apology for Seneca, to justify the collaboration of philosophers with the sovereign. What is your Minecraft username? Cambridge University Press, with contributions from C. His father was a wealthy man and belonged to the second tier of the Roman elite, the knights , or - to use a more stately expression - the equestrian order. Again, the main object is to distance himself from Domitian; again, the text is not what it seems to be. That section of the Annals is lost. Schmal presents a good discussion of the problems surrounding the suicide scenes towards the end of the Annals and rightly sees the irony connecting the Philosophentod of Seneca and the whimsical suicide of Petronius. Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? These ideas, however, had become unfashionable at court. Heiyeong Village. To the contrary, as I point out, this requires assuming ad hoc that Tacitus also wrote Chrestus, and that this was corrected to Christus separately sometime before a later scribe corrected Chrestians to Christians in our present manuscript. The next three chapters dealing with the philosophical and ideological views of Tacitus raise important questions without answering them. Log in. My research interests are in Latin historiography, especially and Tacitus, and in late-republican and Augustan poetry, especially Catullus and Horace. While the historicity of Jesus is a legitimate academic question, your presentation has the dual purpose of debunking the divinity of any such charismatic preacher as well. Status Not open for further replies. While it is possible Suetonius used Tacitus as a source, it seems more likely that both found the material elsewhere. A remarkable feat was accomplished by Robert Graves : the major gap of text of the Annals that had gone lost regarded the end of Tiberius ' reign, the whole of Caligula 's reign, and the major part of Claudius ' reign the remaining part of Tacitus' manuscript only took up again at this Emperor's death, for the transition to the reign of Nero. He returned home within three years and was given command of Britannia. As Schmal turns to the political views of Tacitus and their influence on later thinkers, he seems to come into his own. Before he describes the battle at Mons Graupius, in which Agricola overcame the last resistance of the Caledonians, Tacitus inserts two speeches. Helen of Troy Ruby Blondell. He reminded his troops of the ignominy of retreat and the glory of death in battle. Notes 1. So, writers like Francesco Guicciardini considered Tacitus' work to be an instruction on how to build a despotic state. Like all Christian apologetics : their conclusion reverses, the moment you put back in, all the evidence they leave out.