ABBEY; 283 The rectory and advowson of , with the 1219 " (when the churches of Farningho and Sires- chapels of Halso and Sigrdham, were given by the ham were valued at-^18. is. 8d.); and in 1290 pre- 1 founder, whose descendants were liberal benefactors . sented Aymo de Vienna; who had a second presen- The had a pension of half a mark. tation in 1291, by reason that he had not obtained Tn 1191, a composition with the prior of Trentham, priest's orders within the year ". The abbot and con- relative to this rectory, was confirmed by Ce- vent had free-warren granted them at Farningho, Sires- lestine ; in 12 JO the rectory was valued at 56 marks j ham, and other places, in 1300 *3; and in 1329 '* and, about 1213, permission was given by Richard were cited (as they had been in 1229 *s), to (hew by abbot of Leicester to erect the chapel of St. John what right they claimed from their tenants in Far- the B.iptist within the precincts of the hospital at this ningho and Sirefham, Brackley and Halso, view of place, with the privileges of sepulture, &c.z frankpledge, weifs, anise of bread and beer, &c. ex- " The parsonage of St. Peter's was impropriate emption from gelds, danegelds, and all ether aids, to the abbey of Leircester; and there was a vicar either in wapentakes, hundreds, or (hires, frem n.ea- endowed 3." This endowment, which was made in dows, feutages, and aflizes, and all worldl) services, 1225, consisted M in tertia parte decime garbarum de with sac and foe, tol and theam, and infangtnthef, to- Brackele & de Halso, & in medietate altaragiorum, gether with an exemption from pannage, pontage, cum manfo vicario affignato. Consistit etiam in dua- tolls, or stallage, throughout all the cities and bo- bus partibus decime garbarum de octo virgatis terre roughs in the kingdom26. Their right was on this > in campo de Evenley; & in decimis duarum virga- occasion fully established ; and the inhabitants of Far- tarum in Parva Whitefeld, cum curia Thome de Er- ningho were enjoined to make a perambulation once menters, &c. in decimis feni & molendini 4 " at least in every fix years, to lee that the boundaries of In 1272, the abbot of Leicester had a grant of com- the abbot's lands were maintained, for which they were mon of pasture here 5 j and in 1295 recovered the to be allowed I2d. to buy drink (ademend'poculenta), right of presentation to the vicarage, against John de drinkings being always found absolutely necessary in all perambulations 17. The total receipt of the abbey Ferrars, Eleanor la Zouch, and Elizabeth countess of l% Boughan. In 1302, he presented Robert Castelyen de from Farningho was £iz.-i$s. \od. Humberston6; in 1313, was certified to hold a fourth At Halso (now called Hawes, and generally reckon- part of a knight's fee in Brackley of Alan la Zouch 7; ed a hamlet of Brackley, though originally the lord- and in 1329 claimed to have view of frankpledge, with fliip of which Brackley itself was a member19), they other liberties in his lands here.and had hisclaim alloweds. had the chapel, with the of garbs and hay, the The chapel of Brackley hospital was rebuilt about gift of their founder. The church of Brackley was 1360, at the expence of more than ^34; and the bound to provide a resident chaplain, and the hamlet of abbey of Leicester paid yearly £5. 4J. 4^. towards the Halso to repair the chapel; the abbot and convent augmentation of this vicarage '. having been ever exonerated from that expence. The At Brixworthlo, the abbey had lands in the several abbot and convent, however, in 1398, at the especial fields; the particulars of which, not noticed in Bridges, request of sir John Lovell, after entering a solemn may be seen in a MS. in the Cotton library ". protest of their right of exemption, agreed to repair At Cley Cotys, or Coton, they had once the ad- the roof and windows of the chancel for that time only, vowfon of the chapel, as a member of the church of sir John Lovell contributing thereto six good oak-trees 3O Lilbum. This was alienated, in 1210, by a fine out of his woods at Bagworth, and 405. in money . passed between Thomas de Estley, demandant, and At Hothorpe (a chapelry of Thedingworth in Lei- William abbot of Leicester, deforcient12; and in 1254, cestershire) they had the tithes of garbs and hay, as the chapel (deducting a pension of 20s. to the abbot belonging to the mother-church. For the of 3I of Leicester) was valued at 8 marks13. 20 acres of hay, they received 6s. Sd. They had the tithes at Evenley, as a member of the The impropriate rectory and advowson of the vica- church of Brackley, the gift of their founder; and rage of Lilburn, with an annual rent from that lord- demised them in 1323 to William Marton I+, vicar of lhip, originally,given by Robert earl of Mellent to the Brackley, for 135. 4^. a year; and again, in 1348, church of St. Mary de Castro, were transferred by to William Swan1S, another vicar. They were after- him to the abbey3*. One yard-land here was given by wards let to the farmer of the abbot's lands at Richard l'Abbe, and three more by Geffrey de Dalby. Brackley, one of whom was Stephen Chamberleyn, In 1220, this church was valued at 10 marks; and for the fame sum1S. the temporalities of the abbey here at 60 33. The church of Eydon was appropriated to this ab- Richard de Morvill, constable to the king of Scot- bey, in 1202, by Richard son of Henry Wale; con- land, gave an annual rent of los. payable by the ab- firmed, in 1219, by a fine levied at Northampton I7; bot and convent of Dryburgh in Scotland, in lieu of again, in 1229, by another fine at Westminster be- half a carucate of land, given by Alexander de Sancto tween Richard Wale, demandant, and William abbot Martino for the murder of the constable's brother of Leicester, deforcient'8; and, in 1291, the abbot Malcolm de Morvill, who was buried in the cemetery and convent presented Richard Ryder, of Leicester, of Leicester abbey. Several disputes having arisen clerk, to this rectory, having proved their right to concerning the payment of this sum, the abbot and the patronage against Thomas lord Wale, who had convent at length accepted an assignment of 5s. a presented John de Martin ". year, to be paid by the abbot and convent of St. They had the church of Farningho, of the gift of James at Northampton out of a pension of two marks their founder; and the abbot's pension from it was four and a half a year, for the church of Bozeate ; which marks2O. The abbot and convent occur as patrons in the abbot and convent of Dryburgh assigned after-

I Leland, vol, VII. p. I*. -.•-,-. * Appendix, p. 61. See a view of Brackley church, and of the ruins of this chapel, in Bridges, vol. I. p. 150. 3 Appendix, p. 11; an4 Charyte, sol. xxvi. 4 Rot. Hugonis Wells, annis 15 S: 20. 5 Plac. 1 Edw. I. m. 17. de communi pastura Brackele. 6 Reg. Sutton, ann. 3. Their being patrons on this occasion is not noticed by Bridges. 7 Bridges, vol. I. p. 143, * See under Farningho. * Appendix, p. 68. Charyte, sol. xxix. II Galba E. III. sol. 125. I2 Fin. Northampton. 12 Johan de Cotes. 15 Charyte, sol. xxxviii; Bridgei, vol. I. p. 549. '* This vicar is omitted by Bridges. 15 Bridges calls him Sweyn. J* Charyte, sol. lvii. Bridges, vol. I. p. 165. 17 Fin. Northampton, de advoc. ecclesie de Eyndon. 18 Appendix, p. 61 j Charyte, sol. lv. 29 Reg. Sutton. See Appendix, p. 61 ; and Bridges, vol. I. p. 123. 20 Charyte, sol. lviii; Bridges, vol. I. p. 170. *! Reg. Sutton. " ** Ibid. 2* Claus. 29 Edw. I. N° 27. S* Plac. de quo vvarranto in com. Northampt. 3 Edw. III. Rot. 13. de privilegiis in Farningho, Sirefham, &c. 14 See before, p. 261. 2S Rot. Quo warranto apud Northampton, coram Jusiic. Itinerant. 3 Edw. III. *7 See Addenda to Lambeth History, p. 364.—Drinke for the children, bd.-—1586", For making honest men drinke when we went to Vicar's Oke in perambulation, 2s. bd. *s Charyte, sol. lviii. b. A terrier of their lands here fills ten pages in a Cotton MS. Galba E. III. sol. 101. & seqq. *9 Bridges, vol. I. p. 153. 3° Appendix, p. 74; Charyte, p. lix. b. 31 Charyte, sol. cxiv. This is not noticed by Bridges. See more of this chapelry under Thedingworth. 3Z Charyte, sol. cv ; Bridges, vol. I. p. 573. 3J A terrier of their lands here may be seen in Galba E. III. p. ijo. [ 4 D ] , wards