Novitates PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10024 Number 2809, pp. 1-1 8, figs. 1-38 February 19, 1985

The (, Geometridae) of and


ABSTRACT Seven of Eupithecia () are locality: Weyanoke, Louisiana). The other taxa found in the states of Mississippi and Louisiana. found in these two states are E. peckorum Heitz- One ofthese, occurring throughout the southeast- man and Enns (reported for the first time from ern United States, has been misidentified as here- both states and eastern ), miserulata Grote, fordaria; it is described as E. matheri, new species jejunata McDunnough, and swettii Grossbeck. Di- (type locality: Vicksburg, Mississippi). The true agnostic notes are given for exudata Pearsall, from herefordaria Cassino and Swett is redescribed; it the Middle Atlantic states, to distinguish it from is found only in southeastern . Two other matheri and jejunata. All species are described; new species are described: E. vicksburgi (type lo- the adults and genitalia are illustrated. cality: Vicksburg, Mississippi) and E. broui (type

INTRODUCTION The Eupithecia occurs throughout genitalia. Fortunately, we do not have this much of the world and contains a very large problem in North America, north ofMexico, number of species; these are often difficult to as McDunnough published a revision for the identify, as the are small, usually gray- 145 species known in 1949. Since then a few ish, and have basically similar maculation. new species have been described and a few The genitalic organs of both sexes, however, name changes have been made, but basically usually have good specific characters and McDunnough's revision still stands as it was therefore play an important part in the tax- published-a monumental work. However, onomy of the genus. For a good part of the this does not mean that the last word has been world it is very difficult to make accurate said about the North American fauna as there determinations, due to an almost complete are still many areas on the continent that have lack of descriptions and illustrations of the been poorly collected or not collected at all,

' Curator, Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History.

Copyright K American Museum of Natural History 1985 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $1.90 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809 and collecting needs to be done during all present paper. I have examined only one of seasons ofthe year. One ofthese poorly known their species. areas is the western gulf states of Mississippi In the above states, one species is both and Louisiana; when McDunnough pub- common and widespread, and is the only one lished his revision, he had practically no to fly every month of the year; this is mise- specimens of Eupithecia to study from those rulata, and it is the easiest species to recog- states. Since then a great deal of collecting nize. With the exception of a very few spec- has been done there, and the present paper imens, all the remaining moths of this genus reports on the members of this genus from fly only in the spring months and it is with those two states. them that difficulties with identification are Bryant Mather has been collecting Eupi- encountered. thecia in Mississippi (among a great number Seven species are known from Mississippi of other Lepidoptera) since late 1958. Other and Louisiana. Three of these are described specimens in his collection were caught by as new in this paper; another is a widely rang- M. and E. Roshore, M. Glass, R. and B. Tay- ing species in the southeastern United States lor, C. Bryson, and R. Kergosien. Additional that was heretofore improperly identified. specimens came from the Agricultural Col- Eupithecia herefordaria Cassino and Swett lege collection (now Mississippi State Uni- was the name used by McDunnough (1949) versity), with Benjamin, Henderson, and for this last species; a study of the holotype Spinks having collected the moths in 1920 showed that it is known only from south- and 1921. The American Museum has some eastern Arizona. Also included in this paper material from Camp Shelby, near Hatties- are Mississippi and Louisiana records for burg, Mississippi, collected in 1944 by C. peckorum Heitzman and Enns, plus the fact Michener. All this material added up to ap- that it occurs in eastern Texas; these are the proximately 1200 specimens, a rather re- first records of this species outside of Mis- markable total for Eupithecia from a single souri. Several other species, poorly repre- state. With the exception of the Michener sented in collections when McDunnough specimens, all the above moths were sent to published his revision of the genus (1949), me for identification; the majority of them have proved to be relatively common and are now in the Museum's collection, having widespread when collectors look for them in been donated by Mather. Over the years of the early spring months. An example of this doing identification work it became obvious isjejunata, which McDunnough described in that some ofthe Mississippi material includ- 1949 from two female specimens; for the ed undescribed species, and that the name present paper I have studied over 300 spec- applied to another species was of question- imens of it from seven states. able validity. All the genitalic drawings were made at the To make the paper more comprehensive same magnification and have had the same the question of including members of this amount of reduction. Separate ventral and genus from Louisiana was explored. Vernon dorsal views have been made of each bursa A. Brou was agreeable to this, and his gen- copulatrix so that the differences between the erous cooperation made it possible to study two sides can be shown. Having separate material from that state. Brou had previously drawings should avoid some possible con- deposited some of his specimens in the fusion that arises from the McDunnough re- American Museum, whereas others came to vision (1949), where only one view was pro- us through Mather; Brou generously lent us vided and the captions have to be consulted all the Eupithecia from Louisiana that were to ascertain which one. available in his private collection. I did not know that Blanchard and Knud- AND son had begun work on a paper of the Eu- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS pithecia of Texas before I started the present ABBREVIATIONS work. They kindly sent me a list of the five I am most grateful to Dr. Bryant Mather species they have collected in eastern Texas; of Clinton, Mississippi, Mr. Vernon A. Brou this information has been included in the of Edgard, Louisiana, Dr. Edward C. Knud- 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 3 son of Bellaire, Texas, and Mr. Andre Blan- ces angled, then weakly concave with round- chard of Houston, Texas for the specimens ed tips. The male genitalia have a long slender and records included in this paper. Mr. Scott uncus with a single prominent apical point; Miller arranged for the loan of the holotype the anellus is flatly elliptical with a short neck and its genitalia of Eupithecia herefordaria connecting broad, curved posterior arms; the from the collection of the Museum of Com- valves are very long and slender; the aedeagus parative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard Univer- (fig. 14) is weakly curved; the vesica has a sity. Practically all the specimens and geni- broad sclerotized piece on the left side one- talia illustrated in the present work are from half the length of the aedeagus, basally with the collection of the American Museutm of a curved comeous area, and with a second Natural History (AMNH). shorter sclerotized piece on the right, becom- ing rather poorly defined distally. The female SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS genitalia have the bursa copulatrix (fig. 31) Eupithecia peckorum Heitzman and Enns that is typical of the palpata group (Mc- Figures 1, 2, 13, 14, 31 Dunnough, 1949, p. 546), with an elongate, slender, membranous posterior portion hav- : Heitzman (not Packard), 1973, ing a small rounded sac on the left side about p. 172 (misidentification). midway; the ductus seminalis arises dorso- Eupithecia peckorum Heitzman and Enns, 1977, laterally on the right side anteriorly and curves p. 77, pl. I, figs. 1-3 (male genitalia, ventral caudally; the rounded anterior portion is plate), pl. II, figs. 7 (female genitalia), 9 (holo- evenly and densely set with inwardly pro- type), 10 (allotype); "1978" [1980], p. 162. jecting spines. This brown species has very long, flattened The early stages and food are un- palpi that extend beyond the eye 1.4 (male) known. to 1.5 (female) times the diameter ofthe eye. This species was described from two males The male antennae are shortly bifasciculate, and one female caught in Independence, the segments slightly longer than wide, with Jackson Co., Missouri, in mid-April. Another lateral groups of setae arising ventrally from specimen was taken in the fall in Jasper Co., the two ridges on the ventral surface of each Missouri (no additional details were given; segment, with the setae being about one-half Heitzman and Enns, " 1978" [1980], p. 162). the length of the segment. The female anten- Four specimens are known to me from Mis- nae are shortly ciliate below, with a longer sissippi: The male is labeled Mississippi State pair of setae near the end of each segment. University, Oktibbeha Co., March 1, 1976 The upper surface ofthe forewings is faint- (C. T. Bryson) (see fig. 1), and the three fe- ly reddish brown; the basal line is curved, the males, Vicksburg, Warren Co., March 19- t. a. line angled below the costa and then April 2, 1984 (B. Mather). One additional becoming indistinct, the discal dash is elon- male is labeled 4.2 mi NE Abita Springs, St. gate, while the t. p. line is the most prominent Tammany Parish, Louisiana, October 6, 1983 part of the maculation, being more strongly (V. A. Brou, at UV) (see fig. 2). Three of the represented on the upper portion ofthe wing; above moths are in the AMNH, and have there may be a series of small s. t. dots and had their genitalia dissected and mounted on a larger spot above the outer angle. The hind slides. While Heitzman and Enns (see above) wings have the anterior portion grayish, reported a specimen taken in the fall, the changing to brown posteriorly; the macula- Louisiana male is the first one to be recorded tion consists of a discal spot and a broad with full data. This male is smaller than the extradiscal line. The under surface ofall wings March and April specimens from Mississippi is grayish, with black discal dots and broad, (8.3 mm forewing length, compared with 9.0 prominent black outer cross lines on all wings. to 9.5 mm, respectively), appears to have the The length of the forewing ranges from 8.3 upper surface slightly paler and redder, has to 9.2 mm. more strongly defined cross lines, and the dis- The ventral plate (fig. 13) consists of two cal dots are obsolescent. This species has also heavily sclerotized, slender, curved arms ap- been caught in eastern Texas by Blanchard proaching each other distally, with their api- and Knudson (Knudson, in letter). 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809


1 2 3

4 5 6


7 8 9

10 11 12 FIGS. 1-12. Adults of Eupithecia. 1, 2. E. peckorum Heitzman and Enns, males. 1. Mississippi State University, Mississippi, March 1, 1976 (C. T. Bryson). 2. 4.2 mi. NE Abita Springs, Louisiana, October 6, 1983 (V. A. Brou). 3, 4. E. miserulata miserulata Grote. 3. Male, Vicksburg, Mississippi, January 18, 1980 (B. Mather). 4. Female, Bovina, Mississippi, February 13, 1973 (B. Mather). 5,6. E. herefordaria Cassino and Swett, males. 5. Holotype, Hereford, Arizona, May (MCZ). 6. Carr Canyon, Huchauca Mts., Arizona, March 12, 1977 (R. Wielgus). 7. E. matheri, new species, holotype, male, Vicksburg, Mississippi, February 23, 1983 (B. Mather). 8. E. exudata Pearsall, male, Chancellorsville, Virginia, April 6, 1972 (F. and P. Rindge). 9. E. jejunata McDunnough, male, 4.2 mi NE Abita Springs, Louisiana, February 21, 1983 (V. A. Brou). 10. E. swettii Grossbeck, male, Vicksburg, Mississippi, February 25, 1982 (B. Mather). 11. E. vicksburgi, new species, holotype, male, Vicksburg, Mississippi, March 26, 1981 (B. Mather). 12. E. broui, new species, allotype, female, Weyanoke, Louisiana, February 19, 1982 (V. A. Brou). All in AMNH except as noted. Figs. 1-4, x 1.6; figs. 5-12, x 1.8.

Grote 59, fig. 31 (adult); "1978" [1980], p. 157, figs. Figures 3, 4, 15, 16, 32 20-22 (male genitalia, ventral plate). Eupithecia miserulata Grote, 1863, p. 32, pl. 2, Eupithecia miserulata miserulata: McDunnough, fig. 4. Heitzman and Enns, "1978" [1979], p. 1949, p. 561, pl. 26, figs. 29-31 (adults), text 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 5

fig. 4A (valve, aedeagus, ventral plate, bursa elongate rod distally. The female genitalia copulatnx) (full bibliography, synonymy, de- have the posterior portion of the bursa cop- scription). ulatrix (fig. 32) smoothly sclerotized, with a slightly diagonal spinose ridge, a small sac on This grayish brown species has very long the left side, the right extending anteriorly palpi that extend beyond the eye a distance and being recurved, terminating in the ductus equal to (male) or 1.5 times (female) the di- seminalis, and with the anteroventral portion ameter of the eye. The distinctive male an- swollen and weakly stellate. tennae have segments that are swollen distad The early stages have been known and de- of their bases, and have three pairs of finely scribed for about a century. Recently pho- ciliate setae, the most anterior pair being tographs of the eggs have been published by nearest the midline, the central pair on the Peterson (1968, p. 87, fig. 11; not sharply lateral lobes, the posterior pair intermediate focused and without much detail) and Salkeld in spacing as compared with the other two, (1983, p. 240, fig. 118a-d; scanning electron and there is a very long seta arising laterally microscope photographs). The larvae are from near the base of each central pair; the general feeders on herbs, shrubs, and decid- three pairs of setae are ciliate, with the latter uous trees. being somewhat fanlike, and the combined The nominate subspecies occurs through- lengths of the cilia and setae are about 1.5 out most ofeastern North America, from On- times the length ofeach segment. The female tario and in the north to , Mis- antennae have a few short cilia on each elon- sissippi, Louisiana, and Texas in the south; gate segment plus a pair of longer setae, pre- it also occurs in Arizona and with sumably corresponding to the very long setae the California population being called mi- near the middle pair of setae in the males. serulata zela Swett and Cassino. It is the com- The upper surface ofthe forewings is gray- monest Eupithecia caught in Mississippi and ish to grayish brown; the pattern is usually Louisiana, and it is the only species from indistinct except for the prominent discal dot, those states to have been taken in every month with the subterminal area varying from being of the year. I have before me 195 males and concolorous with the wing to light gray or 450 females from Mississippi, and 85 males orange (in early spring specimens), and with and 245 females from Louisiana; all these a faint darkened spot above the outer angle. specimens have been spread, and these totals The hind wings are concolorous with the do not include pinned material. The ratio of forewings, and have a small discal spot and males to females is 1 to 2.3 in Mississippi, a variably represented extradiscal line. The and 1 to 2.9 in Louisiana in the above sam- under surface is basically similar to the upper, ples. but with a greater degree of variation, as the maculation varies from faint to very prom- Eupithecia herefordaria inent. The length ofthe forewings ranges from Cassino and Swett 7 to 10 mm in Mississippi specimens. Figures 5, 6, 23, 24, 33 The asymmetrical ventral plate (fig. 15) is as distinctive as the male antennae, and con- Eupithecia herefordaria Cassino and Swett, 1923, sists of two broad, irregularly shaped arms, p. 18; 1925, p. 56 (specific name spelled three the left one terminating in a broad recurved different ways!). McDunnough, 1949, p. 596 apex, and the right side being longer and (part, not pl. 28, fig. 12, text fig. 7E). rounded apically. The male genitalia have a The commonly accepted concept of this moderately long uncus with a single promi- species has been in error, due in part to a lack nent apical point, the anellus is broad, slightly oftopotypical material and in part to the sim- curved, with a prominent neck leading to the ilarity ofan eastern species. Cassino and Swett slender, curved posterior arms; the valves are described herefordaria from a holotype male long and slender; the saccus is very deeply (see fig. 5), with its genitalia on slide 2420; invaginated medially; the slender aedeagus this is MCZ type 16783, and both the spec- (fig. 16) has the vesica with some curved imen and slide are before me. Surprisingly, sclerotized pieces anteriorly and a single there is a "paratype" of this species in the 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809

13 14 15 16


19 20 21 22 FIGS. 13-22. Ventral plates and aedeagi of Eupithecia. 13, 14. E. peckorum Heitzman and Enns. 15, 16. E. miserulata miserulata Grote. 17, 18. E. swettii Grossbeck. 19, 20. E. vicksburgi, new species, paratype. 21, 22. E. broui, new species, holotype. MCZ, although this female was never men- inal description is fairly good, considering the tioned in the original description. The orig- slightly worn condition of the type, and the 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 7

23 24 25

27 28 29 FIGS. 23-30. Ventral plates and aedeagi of Eupithecia. 23, 24. E. herefordaria Cassino and Swett. 25, 26. E. matheri, new species, paratype. 27, 28. E. exudata Pearsall. 29, 30. E. jejunata McDunnough. genitalic slide is very good, although the ven- Sierra Vista was captured within a relatively tral plate, mentioned in the description, is few miles of Hereford, the type locality, and missing. so can be considered almost topotypical. In the AMNH is a series of 11 males and True herefordaria is a gray species with very one female from Carr Canyon, elevation 5000 long, flattened palpi that extend beyond the ft, Huachuca Mountains, Cochise Co., Ari- eyes a distance slightly greater than the di- zona, March 8, 12, 1977 (R. Wielgus), two ameter of the eyes (males) to 1.5 times its females from the Southwestern Research Sta- diameter (females). The male antennae are tion ofthe AMNH, elevation 5000 ft, Portal, weakly laterally flattened, slightly serrate, the Cochise Co., Arizona, March 31, 1956, April segments are twice as long as wide (viewed 10, 1956 (Cazier and Ordway), and one fe- from above), and are weakly trifasciate, with male from Sierra Vista, Cochise Co., Arizo- the setae being about one-half the length of na, March 14, 1967 (R. F. Sternitzky). Dis- the segments. The female antennae are very sections of both sexes of these specimens shortly ciliate. showed that they were not what Mc- The forewings are elongated, with a point- Dunnough (1949) had described and illus- ed apex; the upper surface is an almost uni- trated as herefordaria, although the two colorous gray, as the maculation is but faintly species are very similar to each other struc- represented, with the discal dots and partial turally and in size and color. This led me to t. p. line or band being present. The hind a study of the type of herefordaria, and the wings are paler than the forewings, but dark- above Arizona specimens match it without ened along the anal margin; the maculation question. The material from Carr Canyon and is usually absent, although a small discal dot 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809 may be present in some specimens. The un- the included species apparently fly early in der surface is similar to the upper surface but the year, and have more or less elongate fore- somewhat paler; the maculation may be wings. Perhaps as a result of their early flight slightly more pronounced. The length of the period, many of the species are poorly rep- forewings ranges from 9.0 to 10.5 mm. resented in collections and hence have been The ventral plate (fig. 23) consists of two little studied and understood. tapering, weakly sclerotized arms, basally with For the purpose ofthe present paper, I con- from 1.5 to 2.0 mm before separating, the fine my remarks to the three eastern repre- distal one-third of each arm becoming more sentatives ofthe group, now that herefordaria heavily sclerotized and tubular, with each itselfhas been redescribed. Ofthese, only ex- pointed apex curving mediodorsally. The udata is not known to occur in the southeast; male genitalia have a slender uncus with a it was described from Pennsylvania and I have smaller second posteroventral apical point; taken it in Virginia. All of these few speci- the anellus is broadly elliptical, with the flat- mens were caught in April. Compared with tened curved posterior arms ventrally over- herefordaria, this species has much shorter laying the anellus for a short distance; the palpi, extending but one-halfthe diameter of valves are broad and somewhat triangular; the eye in front of the eyes in the male (the the aedeagus (fig. 24) is broad (0.4 mm wide) female is unknown to me). The wings are and faintly tapering anteriorly; the vesica has shorter and broader than those of hereford- a small anterior bent piece, a broad median aria, and the upper surface is more contrast- ventral ridged piece and a short rounded piece ingly marked (fig. 8). The arms ofthe ventral on the left, with two elongate rods more than plate (fig. 27) are more slender, extend all the one-half the length of the aedeagus, the left way to the base of the segment, and only the rod being longer than the right one. The fe- apical one-fifth is sclerotized. In the male male genitalia have the quadrate posterior genitalia, the anellus is broadly elliptical, with portion of the bursa copulatrix (fig. 33) the anterior portion more conspicuously cov- smoothly sclerotized, concave, with the edges ered with flatly rounded, lightly sclerotized appearing to curve partially over the ventral tissue, and with a definite constricted area surface, with a smooth anteroventral swelling that separates the smaller, curved posterior on the left side, the smooth area on the ven- arms from the anellus; the aedeagus (fig. 28) tral surface extending anteriorly to the right, is narrower (0.3 mm) and has parallel sides; tapering, and from its apex the ductus sem- the vesica has three elongate, striated spines, inalis arises; the swollen anterior portion is the most anterior of which is the shortest, is asymmetrical, stellate except for the antero- slightly wider than the other two, and has a distal area on the left side, with a deep in- broad, recurved, striated base, whereas the dentation between the anterior portion and other two longer spines apparently have the quadrate area on the right, and with an rounded bases. extension of the stellate area dorsally across part ofthe smoothly sclerotized quadrate area. Eupithecia matheri, new species The early stages and food plant are un- Figures 7, 25, 26, 34 known. Eupithecia herefordaria (misidentification): This species is known to occur only in McDunnough, 1938b, p. 236 (Jeff Davis Co., Cochise County, southeastern Arizona. Texas); 1949, p. 596, p1. 28, fig. 12 (adult), text What may be called the herefordaria group fig. 7E (valve, aedeagus, ventral plate, ovipositor of species includes several others from the lobes, bursa copulatrix) (bibliography, synony- southwestern United States, from west Texas my, description, in part). McFarland, "1966" to California, and, in the eastern United [1968], p. 16 (northeastern Kansas). Heitzman States, exudata Pearsall, jejunata Mc- and Enns, "1978" [1979], p. 59, fig. 36 (adult); Dunnough, and a new species described be- " 1978" [1980], p. 162, figs. 26-28 (ventral plate, The included are aedeagus, male genitalia). low. species recognized by Eupithecia exudata herefordaria (misidentifica- the similar types of ventral plates, the ar- tion): McDunnough, 1941, p. 189. mature ofthe vesica, and by the general con- figuration of the female genitalia. Many of DIAGNOSIS: This species has elongate, 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 9



32 -IV 432

FIGS. 31, 32. Bursae copulatrices ofEupithecia, ventral (left) and dorsal (right) views. 31. E. peckorum Heitzman and Enns. 32. E. miserulata miserulata Grote. pointed forewings, the upper surface ofwhich more (females); the ventral plate consists of has obscure maculation; the palpi extend be- flat, tapering arms that do not reach the base yond the front of the eye by a distance equal of the segment and whose apices are shortly to the diameter of the eye (males) or slightly sclerotized, pointed and incurved; the ob- 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809 vious part of the vesica is three or four elon- lateral margins apparently recurving ven- gate, striate rods, one ofwhich is almost twice trally, dorsal surface with anterior one-half as wide as the others; the female genitalia longitudinally striate, ventral surface with have the smoothly sclerotized portion of the smooth area extending anteriorly to right, ta- bursa copulatrix with a number of parallel pering, from its apex ductus seminalis arises, striations on the anterodorsal surface. swollen anterior portion stellate except for ADULTS: Head with palpi extending be- anterodistal area on left side, with shallow yond front of eye by distance equal to di- indentation between anterior portion and ameter of eye (males) or slightly more (fe- smoothly sclerotized area on right. males); antennae with segments twice as long EARLY STAGES: Unknown. as wide, males bifasciculate below, ciliae equal FOOD PLANT: Unknown. in length to length of segments, females very TYPES: Holotype, male, Vicksburg, Warren shortly ciliate. Abdomen without basal band. Co., Mississippi, February 23, 1983 (B. Upper Surface of Wings: Wings elongate, Mather); allotype, female, same locality and with attenuate apex to forewing; forewings collector, March 14, 1983. The genitalia of gray with faint brown tinge, maculation ob- the holotype are mounted on slide FHR scure, t. a. and t. p. lines weakly indicated, 19364A, and one antenna and set of legs on median area slightly darkened, discal dot 19364B; the genitalia of the allotype are on present, and slender terminal line obsoles- slide FHR 19319A, with one antenna and set cent. Hind wings paler than forewings, dark- of legs on 19319B. Paratypes: MISSISSIPPI: ened along anal margin, with or without small same locality and collector as holotype, Feb- discal dots and partial extra discal lines. ruary 24, 1972, one male; February 18, 1975, Under Surface of Wings: Gray or faintly one male; February 18-March 24, 1977, five brownish gray, with obsolescent maculation; males, five females; March 14-30, 1978, three forewings with discal dot obsolescent to pres- males, six females; March 28, 29, 1979, four ent, t. p. band variably represented; hind females; February 29-March 10, 1980, two wings similar or with slightly stronger mac- males, 18 females; February 27-March 6, ulation. 1981, seven males, 16 females; January 27- Length of Forewings: Holotype and allo- March 18, 1982, eight males, 12 females; type, 9.0 mm; males and females, 8.5 to 10.0 February 16-March 14, 1983, nine males, mm. seven females; February 24-March 23, 1984, MALE GENITALIA: Ventral plate (fig. 25) seven males, 71 females. Bovina, Warren Co. with flat, tapering arms not attaining base of (B. Mather), March 13-21, 1972, one male, segment by 0.1 mm, distal one-third heavily one female; March 1-12, 1973, one male, one sclerotized, apices becoming rodlike and female; February 18-21, 1975, one male, curving dorsally. Male genitalia with bifid three females; February 12-March 3, 1976, uncus, dorsal hook more slender than ventral five males, nine females; February 23, 1977, one; anellus broadly elliptical, with anterior one female; March 15, 1978, two females; portion overlain with flatly rounded, mem- March 2, 1979, one male. Clinton, Hinds Co., branous tissue, posterior margin with pair of March 15, 1967 (B. Mather), one female. sclerotized points at outer basal portion of LOUISIANA: 4.2 mi NE Abita Springs, St. flattened, curved posterior arms; valves Tammany Parish, February 24-March 7, broad, tapering to apex; aedeagus (fig. 26) 1983 (V. A. Brou), two males, three females. broad, 0.4 mm wide, with parallel sides; ves- Weyanoke, West Feliciana Parish (V. A. ica with three or four elongate striate rods, Brou), April 9, 1978, one female; March 31, dorsal one twice as wide as others, a smoothly 1979, two females; February 27-March 11, sclerotized, shorter concave lateral piece, a 1981, two males, one female; February 19- small, twisted anterior piece, and nebulous March 19, 1982, four males, five females. striated area between lateral piece and rods. Fluker, Tangipahoa Parish (V. A. Brou), FEMALE GENITALIA: Bursa copulatrix (fig. March 30, 1979, one female; March 8, 1980, 34) with posterior area almost twice as long two males, three females. as wide, smoothly sclerotized, concave, with The holotype and allotype are in the col- 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 11


rv'-- .A'I 34 VT'

+ 1A A

71L-A~~~~~~~~~, y- x~~~~- N Y 74-.,Y(7' 35~~~~~~($X Y 17

7 7( X X

FIGs.3-35.Busaecoplatrice of Euithecia ventra (left)and dosal (riht) vies. 33. . here fordariaCasinoand Swtt. 34. E. atheri, newspecies. 35 E. jejunat McDunnougA

lection of the AMNH; paratypes are in the DISTRIBUTION: Specimens are before me collections of that institution, of Bryant from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Mather, and of Vernon Brou. Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Mis- 12 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809 sissippi, Louisiana, and Texas; it has been segments only slightly longer than wide, and reported from Kansas (McFarland, "1966" thickly ciliate on the lower surface, with the [1968]). McDunnough (1938b) reported this longest cilia being almost as long as the in- species from Jeff Davis Co., western Texas; dividual segments. The female antennae are I have not studied his material but there is similar to those of the male but have much one female before me from that county and shorter cilia. it certainly looks like matheri. The upper surface ofthe short, broad fore- FLIGHT PERIOD: From late January into wings is gray and has an indistinct pattern, early April. with a dark discal spot and a straight t. p. line REMARKS: I have examined 100 males and usually present; the hind wings are concol- 227 females; of these, 62 males and 155 fe- orous with, or slightly paler than, the fore- males are in the type series from Mississippi wings, and the pattern is basically similar to and Louisiana. Plus 20 genitalic dissections, that of the anterior pair of wings. The under ofwhich eight are males and 12 females; five surface is a paler gray, all wings have a small of the former and two of the latter are from discal dot, and the forewings have a pale sub- specimens in the type series. terminal band. The length of the forewings This species, with its elongated, pointed is 7.5 to 8.5 mm in the series from Missis- forewings is likely to be confused with swettii sippi. Grossbeck; both species often fly at the same The ventral plate (fig. 29) consists of two localities and at the same time. The present tapering arms, connected at their bases by a species has the upper surface of the wings a slender rod, with their basal portion flattened more uniform pale gray and has obsolescent and with slightly irregular edges, the terminal maculation, whereas swettii has browner one-fourth becoming more heavily sclero- wings and a more clearly defined pattern and tized and tubular, and each arm having a larger discal spot on the forewings. The palpi sharply pointed apex. The male genitalia have of matheri tend to be a unicolorous gray, with the uncus laterally flattened and with two but relatively few pale scales ventrally; swettii points; the anellus is flatly elliptical with a has darker brown palpi, usually with a well- definite neck connecting the posterior arms; defined white area at the lower edge of the the valves are relatively short and broad; the basal segment and with some pale scaling aedeagus (fig. 30) is short and wide (0.3 mm); sometimes present ventrally on the second the vesica has two small sclerotized basal segment. Any doubts as to identifications can pieces and three elongate, longitudinally easily be settled by a study of the genitalia. striated rods of different lengths, extending ETYMOLOGY: I take great pleasure in nam- seven-tenths the length of the aedeagus. The ing this species after Bryant Mather, the in- female genitalia have the bursa copulatrix (fig. defatigable collector of Mississippi Lepidop- 35) with an elongate posterior portion, lightly tera, including much ofthe type series ofthis sclerotized, somewhat irregular in shape, with species. internal spinose bands on opposite sides, the anterior portion is swollen, diagonal, and stellate, with the ductus seminalis arising on Eupithecia jejunata McDunnough the right side near the junction of the pos- Figures 9, 29, 30, 35 terior and anterior portions ofthe bursa cop- Eupithecia jejunata McDunnough, 1949, p. 574, ulatrix. The ventral arms of each apophysis pl. 27, fig. 15 (holotype female), text fig. 5A anteriores is continued as a sharply defined (female genitalia, drawn from holotype). Rindge, sclerotized band across most of the ventral 1956, p. 3, figs. 1, 2 (aedeagus, ventral plate); surface of segment 8. 1963, p. 4. Heitzman and Enns, "1978" [1979], The early stages and food plant are un- p. 59, fig. 32 (adult); "1978" [1980], p. 162, figs. known. 38-40 (male genitalia, ventral plate). McDunnough described this species from This small gray species has short palpi that two females, the holotype being from extend beyond the eye one-half (male) to Georgetown, Williamsburg Co., eastern Tex- three-fourths (female) the diameter ofthe eye. as, and the paratype from Georgia (Hy. Ed- The male antennae are weakly serrate, the wards collection). I described the male and 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 13


1 3 38 k ANI

FIGS. 36-38. Bursae copulatrices of Eupithecia, ventral (left) and dorsal (right) views. 36. E. swettii Grossbeck. 37. E. vicksburgi, new species, allotype. 38. E. broui, new species, allotype. illustrated the aedeagus and ventral plate in Sarasota Co., Florida; later (1963, p. 4) I (I 956, p. 3, figs. 1, 2) from specimens taken gave additional Florida and Texas records, 14 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809 plus adding Mississippi to the known distri- slender setae being about equal to the width bution. Subsequent collecting shows that je- ofthe segments, whereas the females are very junata is widespread throughout the south- shortly ciliate. east, as it extends from eastern Texas, north The upper surface ofthe forewings is a light into Arkansas and Missouri, east through fawn brown shading to grayish brown, with Louisiana and Mississippi and Florida, and an indistinct pattern; the discal dot and the north to coastal North Carolina. The moths t. p. line or shade are usually present. The are on the wing from February into mid-May hind wings are slightly paler than the fore- (Missouri), with the majority of southern wings, and have a minute discal dot and may specimens bearing February and March dates. or may not have an extradiscal line or band. There can be a partial second generation, as The under surface of all wings is pale gray I have before me two males from Mississipi: with an obsolescent pattern, as small discal one is labeled State College, Oktibbeha Co., dots are present, and the outer cross lines may August 16, 1976 (C. Bryson), the other or may not be represented. The length of the Handsboro, Harrison Co., September 25, forewings is from 8.5 to 10.5 mm in Missis- 1966 (B. Mather). sippi specimens. In the south, this species can be recognized The ventral plate (fig. 17) is large, broad, by its small size, short palpi, and relatively slightly tapered posteriorly, and has a trun- broad wings; there are no other species with cate apex. The male genitalia have a tapering this combination ofcharacters. In the eastern uncus, with a second, smaller posterodorsal United States jejunata may be confused with point; the rather small anellus has a long neck exudata Pearsall; the latter species has been connecting with the more heavily sclerotized, discussed above. rounded, rodlike posterior arms; the valves I have studied 321 specimens (166 males, are moderately triangular; the aedeagus (fig. 155 females) ofjejunata; the great majority 18) is widest in the anterior portion; the ves- are from Mississippi (111 males, 104 fe- ica is armed with several short sclerotized males) and Louisiana (36 of each sex), plus pieces. The female genitalia have a large bur- 19 genitalic dissections (11 males, eight fe- sa copulatrix (fig. 36) with a short flattened males). posterior necklike area, the right side extends into a shoulder from which the ductus sem- Eupithecia swettii Grossbeck inalis arises, the shoulder has a short row of Figures 10, 17, 18, 36 inwardly projecting spines dorsally and ven- Eupithecia swettii Grossbeck, 1907, p. 346. trally, and the smoothly sclerotized, longi- McDunnough, 1949, p. 614, pl. 29, figs. 2, 3 tudinally striate posterior end evenly swells (adults), text fig. 9E (valve, aedeagus, ventral into a large rounded spined area, the spines plate, bursa copulatrix) (full biography, descrip- extending farther posteriorly on the left side tion). Rindge, 1963, p. 8. than on the right, and with the spines at the Eupithecia swetti [sic]: Barnes and McDunnough, junction of the spinose and smoothly scler- 1917, p. 110. McDunnough, 1938a, p. 149. otized areas being noticeably longer than the Forbes, 1948, p. 166. McFarland, " 1966" [1968], other spines. p. 16. Heitzman and Enns, "1978" [1979], p. The early stages and food plant are appar- 59; " 1978" [1980], p. 162, figs. 29-31 (aedeagus, ventral plate, ently unknown although Salkeld (1983, p. male genitalia). 250, fig. 1 23a-d) described and illustrated the This larger, brownish species has moder- egg. ately long palpi that in the males extend be- The species is found in eastern North yond the front ofthe eyes by a distance about America, from and Massachusetts in equal to the diameter of the eye and in the the north, to North Carolina in the southeast, females are only slightly longer; the palpi have and through Missouri and Kansas to Missis- some white scaling along the ventral edge. sippi (Rindge, 1963). It has been taken in The antennal segments are twice as long as eastern Texas by Blanchard and Knudson wide and are somewhat laterally compressed; (Knudson, in letter). Southern specimens have the males are ciliate below, in poorly defined been captured from January into April, with groups ofthree or four, with the length ofthe some May and July records in the north. 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 15

This species can be confused with the adults paler than forewings, with discal spot and two of matheri; see the comments under Remarks outer cross lines indicated by darkened veins. for the latter species (above) for means of Length of Forewings: Holotype, 9.0 mm, distinguishing the two. allotype, 10.5 mm. Paratypes: spring gener- There are 124 specimens (74 males, 50 fe- ation, males, 8.5 to 9.5 mm, females, 9.5 to males) of swettii before me; of these 64 (38 10.5 mm; fall generation, males, 7.5 to 8.0 males, 26 females) are from Mississippi and mm (no females known). 17 (13 males, four females) are from Loui- MALE GENITALIA: Ventral plate (fig. 19) siana. In addition, 29 genitalic dissections (13 with broad base, narrowed medially with lat- males, 16 females) have been studied. eral margins becoming sclerotized, apical portion swollen and curved to left, termi- Eupithecia vicksburgi, new species nating in two prominent spines, right one Figures 11, 19,20,37 longer and more curved than one on left. Male DIAGNOSIS: This species has broad fore- genitalia with bifid uncus, dorsal hook more wings, the upper surface of which has rather slender than ventral one; anellus narrowly indistinct maculation except for the promi- elliptical, posteriorly with large neck, equal nent discal spot; the palpi extend beyond the to two-fifths width of anellus, tapered out- front of the eyes by four-fifths the diameter wardly to curved posterior arms; valves of the eye (males) or slightly more (females); broad, rounded apically; aedeagus (fig. 20) the ventral plate has a broad base, is nar- with parallel sides; vesica with two median rowed at two-thirds its length, and the apical sclerotized rods enlarged basally, of approx- portion is slender, swollen and bent to the imately equal size, slightly less than one-half left, terminating in two prominent spines, the length ofaedeagus, and with small sclerotized right one of which is the longer; the obvious basal piece. part of the vesica is two sclerotized rods of FEMALE GENITALIA: Bursa copulatrix (fig. about equal size that are enlarged basally; the 37) elliptical, with anterior three-fifths finely female genitalia have an elliptical bursa cop- stellate, posterior end membranous except for ulatrix, the anterior three-fifths being finely lightly sclerotized, dentate, dorsal area; duc- stellate, with the ductus seminalis arising from tus seminalis arising dorsally from anterior the dorsal surface. end oflightly sclerotized dorsal area. Apoph- ADULTS: Head with palpi extending be- yses posteriores with posterior end broadly yond front of eyes by four-fifths diameter of bifurcate, ventral arms extending almost to eyes (males) or by slightly more than diam- midline of segment and being broadly flat- eter of eye (females), basal and second seg- tened apically. ments with narrow white band of scales ven- EARLY STAGES: Unknown. trally; antennae with segments twice as long FOOD PLANT: Unknown. as wide, males bifasciculate, ciliae tending to TYPES: Holotype, male, Vicksburg, Warren extend laterally, in length about equal to Co., Mississippi, March 26, 1981 (B. Math- length of segments, females very shortly cil- er); allotype, female, same data and collector, iate. Abdomen without basal band. March 18, 1982. The genitalia ofthe holotype Upper Surface ofWings: Forewings broad, are mounted on slide FHR 19040, and ofthe with rounded apex; gray with numerous allotype on FHR 19285. Paratypes, all from brown scales; maculation obscure, with faint Mississippi: Same data and collector as ho- lines, discal spot black, prominent, subter- lotype, April 14, 1972, one female; Septem- minal band often present, subterminal line ber 25, 1972, one male; March 11, 1974, one variably represented, usually only by white male; March 21, 24, 1977, three males; April spot above outer angle. Hind wings concol- 6, 1978, one male, two females; October 13, orous with forewings, small discal spot usu- 1978, one male; March 11, 28, 1980, one ally present, with faint lines as on forewings. male, one female; October 5, 1981, one male. Under Surface of Wings: Forewings gray, Bovina, Warren Co., March 6, 1975 (B. with grayish brown scaling, discal spot black, Mather), one male. Mississippi State Uni- veins in outer part ofwings with brown scal- versity, Oktibbeha Co., April 3, 1975 (C. Bry- ing, indicating t. p. and s. t. lines; hind wings son), one female. 16 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809

The holotype and allotype are in the col- extend beyond the front of the eye by about lection of the AMNH; paratypes are in the nine-tenths the diameter of the eye (males) collections of that institution and of Bryant or the same to a distance equal to the di- Mather. ameter of the eye (females); the ventral plate DISTRIBUTION: This species is known only is weakly sclerotized, triangular but with con- from the type series from Mississippi. cave sides, and has two scarcely differentiated FLIGHT PERIOD: March and April; Septem- short rods at the apex; the vesica has a very ber and October. large, heavily sclerotized rod with a recurved REMARKS: Seventeen specimens (11 males, base and a smaller basal piece; the female six females) and 11 genitalic dissections (sev- genitalia have an approximately rectangular en males, four females) have been studied. bursa copulatrix, the anterior portion having This species is very similar to fletcherata numerous long posteriorly directed spines, Taylor; for a description and illustrations of and the posterior portion a larger number of the latter species, see McDunnough, 1949, p. shorter, dorsal spines, with the ductus sem- 579, pl. 27, figs. 22-24 (adults), text fig. 5E inalis arising dorsolaterally on the right side. (male and female genitalia). The new species ADULTS: Head with palpi extending be- can be differentiated from fletcherata by the yond front of eye by about nine-tenths di- ventral plate ofthe male being less constrict- ameter of eye (males and females) or a dis- ed distally and having the posterior portion tance equal to diameter ofeye (females), basal more swollen and with the apical spines more and second segments with very narrow white convergent, by the narrower neck ofthe anel- band of scales ventrally; antennae with seg- lus, and by the spines in the vesica being of ments slightly longer than wide, males dis- about the same size, instead ofone being no- tinctly bifasciculate, ciliae as long as their seg- ticeably longer as infletcherata. In the female ments, females very shortly ciliate. Abdomen genitalia of vicksburgi the stellate anterior with basal segment tending to be slightly pal- portion of the bursa copulatrix has a much er than other segments. more even posterior border, whereas in Upper Surface ofWings: Forewings broad, fletcherata it is irregular, with a posteriorly gray, with numerous grayish brown scales; directed lobe on the dorsal surface; in the numerous, very slender, dark cross lines pres- present species the ductus seminalis arises ent, with t. a. line angulate below costa, in- dorsally, while infletcherata it comes offven- complete median line going to short discal trally from the right side. spot, t. p. line curved, followed by pale shade Eupitheciafletcherata occurs in northeast- line, and with partial whitish s. t. line. Hind ern North America, from Quebec, wings slightly paler than forewings, macula- and Michigan, south in the mountains to tion reduced but indicated distad of small North Carolina; vicksburgi is known only discal dots. from Mississippi. Heitzman and Enns Under Surface of Wings: Forewings paler ("1978" [1979], p. 59; "1978" [1980], p. 162, gray than upper surface, with elongate discal figs. 32-34 [male genitalia]) reportfletcherata dash, weakly represented t. p. line and shade, from Missouri; I have not examined any ma- terminal portion of wings darker gray; hind terial from that state, and am unable to tell wings paler than forewings, with maculation from their figures which species is represent- similar to upper surface. ed. Length of Forewings: Holotype, 9.7 mm; ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun allotype, 10.0 mm; paratypes, males, 9.5 to in the genitive case, based on the type local- 10.5 mm, females, 9.0 to 10.0 mm. ity. MALE GENITALIA: Ventral plate (fig. 21) weakly sclerotized, triangular, sides slightly concave, apex membranous with a scarcely Eupithecia broui, new species differentiated short rod on each side. Male Figures 12, 21, 22, 38 genitalia with dorsally swollen uncus, apex DIAGNOSIS: This species has broad fore- with two equal-sized points; anellus broad, wings, the upper surface of which has clearly posterior margin slanting to prominent neck, marked cross lines and discal spots; the palpi then abruptly changing to curved posterior 1985 RINDGE: EUPITHECIA 17

arms; valves triangular, sacculus narrowly tions (four males, six females) have been swollen, terminating in short projecting point studied. beyond middle of valve; aedeagus (fig. 22) Based on the male genitalia and ventral widened anteriorly; vesica with single, heavi- plate, this species appears to be most closely ly sclerotized rod three-fourths length of ae- related to zelmira Swett and Cassino and vi- deagus, flattened posteriorly, anteriorly nar- treotata Cassino; the last two species were rowed and recurved, with second, smaller, described and illustrated by McDunnough less heavily sclerotized U-shaped rod and (1949, pp. 643, 644, pl. 30, figs. 20, 21, text slightly curved thinner piece, both on left side. fig. 12F, G). The present species differs from FEMALE GENITALIA: Bursa copulatrix (fig. the other two by having a swollen uncus with 38) more or less rectangular, posteriorly with two equal-sized points, a smaller hook at the dorsal surface having numerous, short, in- end ofthe cucullus, and a broadened apex to wardly projecting spines, ventral surface the large spine in the vesica; in zelmira and smoothly sclerotized with longitudinal stria- vitreotata the uncus is slender, elongate, and tions, medially membranous, anterior sec- the dorsal point is much smaller than the tion with numerous, long, posteriorly pro- ventral one, the cucullar hook is prominent, jecting spines, and with anterior end narrowly and the rod in the vesica terminates in a series membranous; ductus seminalis arising dor- of lateral prongs. The ventral plates of all solaterally on right side near middle ofbursa three species appear quite similar to each oth- copulatrix. er, although the one of broui appears to be EARLY STAGES: Unknown. more slender. The female genitalia of the FOOD PLANT: Unknown. present species are unlike any described from TYPES: Holotype, male, Weyanoke, West North America. Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, February 27, Eupithecia zelmira is known from Califor- 1981 (V. A. Brou); allotype, female, same nia and Oregon, vitreotata from Arizona, and data and collector, February 19, 1982. The broui from the southeastern United States. genitalia ofthe holotype are mounted on slide ETYMOLOGY: I take pleasure in naming this FHR 19392, and of the allotype on FHR species after Vernon A. Brou, the indefatiga- 19353. Paratypes: LOUISIANA: Same data ble collector of Louisiana Lepidoptera, in- and collector as holotype, April 9, 1978, one cluding the majority of specimens in the type female; March 11, 1982, one female; Feb- series of this species. ruary 19, 1982, one male, five females. Flu- ker, Tangipahoa Parish, May 8, 1980 (V. A. LITERATURE CITED Brou), one male, two females. 4.2 mi NE Abita Springs, St. Tammany Parish, March Barnes, Wm., and J. McDunnough 18, 1983 (V. A. Brou), one female. MISSIS- 1917. Check list of the Lepidoptera of boreal SIPPI: Vicksburg, Warren Co., March 2,1977 America. Decatur, Illinois, the Herald Press, vii + 392 pp. (B. Mather), one male. Pricedale, Pike Co., Cassino, Samuel E., and Louis W. Swett March 20, 1960 (B. Mather), one male. Jack- 1923. New geometrids. The Lepidopterist, vol. son, Hinds Co., March 14, 1964 (B. Mather), 4, pp. 18-24. one female. 1925. Corrections. Ibid., vol. 4, p. 56. The holotype and allotype are in the col- Forbes. William T. M. lection of the AMNH; paratypes are in the 1948. Lepidoptera of New York and neigh- collections of that institution and of Vernon boring states. Part II. Mem. Cornell A. Brou. Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., no. 274, 263 pp., DISTRIBUTION: Louisiana, Mississippi, and 255 figs. coastal North Carolina. The two males and Grossbeck, John A. three females from the last state 1907. Notes on Eupithecia, with descriptions (in AMNH) of new species. Ent. News, vol. 18, pp. are excluded from the type series. 342-349. FLIGHT PERIOD: February, March, and Grote, Aug. R. April. 1863. Additions to the catalogue of U.S. Lep- REMARKS: Twenty-two specimens (seven idoptera, no. 3. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila- males, 15 females) and 10 genitalic dissec- delphia, vol. 2, pp. 30-33, pl. 2. 18 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 2809

Heitzman, Roger L. 1949. Revision ofthe North American species 1973. An annotated checklist of the Missouri of the genus Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae (Lepidoptera). Jour. Res. Geometridae). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Lepidoptera, vol. 12, pp. 169-179. Hist., vol. 93, pp. 533-728, text figs. 1- Heitzman, Roger L., and Wilbur R. Enns 20, pls. 26-32. 1977. Descriptions of a new species of Eupi- McFarland, Noel thecia and the male of E. cocoata Pear- "1966" [1968]. Spring moths (Macroheterop- sall (Geometridae). Jour. Res. Lepidop- tera) of a natural area in northeastern tera, vol. 16, pp. 75-82, pls. I, II. Kansas. Jour. Res. Lepidoptera, vol. 6, "1978" [1979]. Annotated list and keys to the pp. 1-18. geometrid subfamily Larentiinae (Lep- Peterson, Alvah idoptera: Geometridae) of Missouri. 1968. Eggs of moths from additional species Trans. Missouri Acad. Sci., vol. 12, pp. of Geometridae-Lepidoptera. Florida 47-73, figs. 1-46. Ent., vol. 51, pp. 83-94, figs. 1-50. "1978" [1980]. Male genitalic illustrations and Rindge, Frederick H. notes on the Larentiinae of Missouri. 1956. Descriptions of and notes on North Jour. Res. Lepidoptera, vol. 17, pp. 145- American Geometridae (Lepidoptera). 167, figs. 1-45. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1784, pp. 1- McDunnough, James H. 19, figs. 1-19. 1938a. Check list ofthe Lepidoptera ofCanada 1963. Notes on and descriptions of North and the United States. Part I. Macro- American Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, lepidoptera. Mem. So. California Acad. Geometridae). Ibid., no. 2147, pp. 1- Sci., vol. 1, pp. 1-275. 23, figs. 1-7. 1938b. Some apparently new Texas Eupithe- Salkeld, E. H. cias. Canadian Ent., vol. 70, pp. 236- 1983. A catalogue of the eggs of some Cana- 242. dian Geometridae (Lepidoptera), with 1941. Eupithecia notes, II. Ibid., vol. 73, pp. comments. Mem. Ent. Soc. , no. 189-193. 126, pp. 1-271, figs. 1-131.