Mammalogy 4764 9/15/2009

BIOL 4764. Mammalogy Introduction Characteristics Origins

Structure and Function Movement, , Feeding, Reproduction Radiation and Diversity

Behavior / Disease, Syllabus Overview Mating systems, Dispersal, Dr. Ron Moen - 720-4372 Habitats [email protected]


Class Mammalia: 4,600 or 5,400 described species

Why study ? 1. We are mammals 2. Humans rely on mammals for food, companionship 3. Mammals hunted for food, sport -- Economics 4. Models for diseases, drug development Deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) 5. Conservation 6. Basic research 7. Effects on humans (e.g., Hantavirus, Lyme disease)

High Risk Areas Lyme disease occurrence in Minnesota (cases/person/km2) at county resolution Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)

White-footed mouse (P. leucopus) Borrelia burgdorferi Odocoileus virginianus

1 Mammalogy 4764 9/15/2009

Learning resources for mammals Books: Mammals of ______

Journals: J. of Mammalogy, Canadian J. Zool., Ecology, JWM

Popular publications: Natural History, National Geographic P. maniculatus Museums and Zoos Internet--Lots of sites, but be careful. Video/DVD: BBC The Life of Mammals, others

Other texts: Vaughn, T.A., J.M. Ryan, and N.J. Czaplewski. 2000. Mammalogy. 4th Edition. Thomson Learning, Inc.

Murray et al. 2006

Historically … Lister and Bahn 1994 More recently … Early mammalogists were: Natural history emerged in the 1600’s (e.g., Audubon, Catesby)

Hunters as currently used in 1700’s -- Linnaeus

Breeders Early 1800’s, United States. Lewis and Clark Expedition New species identified--pronghorn, grizzly bear

Mid 1800’s -- , theory of natural selection work by Mendel

1900’s -- Rise of museums Taxonomy and Ecology as a science Mammalogy as a science

Hierarchical classification system Evolutionary history Pelycosaur ~280 MYA Kingdom Animalia

Therapsid ~250 MYA Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Order Artiodactyla Early Cynodont ~250 MYA

Family Cervidae

Genus Odocoileus Late Cynodont ~220 MYA

Species Odocoileus virginianus Thrinaxodon Common name: White-tailed deer Feldhamer 4.4

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Number of teeth Digestive system Specialization related to diet -- will look at later : 50

Placental: 44 Felidae: 28 or 30

Feldhamer et al. Fig. 6.2

Soft tissue features of Mammals Circulatory system

Muscular diaphragm Efficient - key to active lifestyle of mammals Separation of systemic and pulmonary circulation Four-chambered with functional left aortic arch 4-chambered heart is a double pump - part of a highly efficient circulatory system, which supports active lifestyle Lungs at low pressure Body at high pressure Red blood cells lack a nucleus - increases O2 capacity, which supports … what? Mammals range in size: 2 g shrew to 160,000 kg whale

900 Heart rates (Vaughn 2-3) 800 Heart 700 600 rates 500 400

Heart rate 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Body mass



Heart rate 10

1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Body mass

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Fat and energy storage Seasonal changes in availability Winter/Summer, Wet/Dry seasons

Fat storage not unique to mammals, but essential

Functions: 1. Energy storage 2. Heat and water source 3. Thermal insulation Megaloceros

100 100 Antler composition ‹ ‹ 80 ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ Water

75 60 ‹‹ Percent ‹ z Ash 40 of Caribou: Bergerud 1976 z “ White-tailed deer: 20 ““z “ Final 50 “ “ z ‹ O.M. Jacobson and Griffin 1982 “ “z “ z z “zz z Antler Moose: Van Ballenberghe 1982 0 “ Length Red deer: Muir et al. 1987 Ca 25 15 Reindeer: Baksi and Newbrey 1989

Red deer: Fennesey et al. 1990 Composition (%) 10 “ € P Fallow deer: Sempere 1990 “ “ 0 5 € “ €€ 0 25 50 75 100 “ “ “€ “ € € € Percent of Antler Growing Period 0 € Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Day of antler growth

Predicted antler mass if skeletal minerals depleted Ca and P 50 Intake Factorial levels of 45 energy intake, Megaloceros Bone 40 energy efficiency, and skeletal 35 Resorb resorption Rumen Adsorb 30 Alces 25

Blood Kidneys 20

Antler mass (kg) Antler mass 15 Rangifer Small and Large Intestine Urine 10 5 Odocoileus Cervus Feces 0 Fetus 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Antlers Milk Body mass (kg)

4 Mammalogy 4764 9/15/2009

Chapter 3: Techniques for studying mammals Field methods: Capturing, Marking, Monitoring Field Summer and winter trapping Laboratory


Remote camera technology Presence / Absence Mark-Recapture surveys

Field methods: Capturing, Marking, Monitoring

VHF radiotelemetry Triangulation Aerial telemetry

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Satellite imagery -- GPS positioning -- GIS analysis

Male Female

Lynx 1

Aerial photographs

Physiological changes Measurement in laboratory Measurement in field Infer from signals in field

15 16 Nitrogen Metabolism zz z Body ‹‹‹‹ 12 10 ‹‹ Intake Changes Fat ‹‹‹‹ ‹‹ UN : C Salivary ‹‹‹‹ 8 Blood (%) ‹‹‹‹ zzzzz ratio Glands 5 ‹‹ z in ‹‹‹ zzz zzz 4 Recycle ‹‹‹‹zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz‹zz‹‹ zzzzzz ‹‹‹‹ nitrogen 0 ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹0 Rumen 100 40 Liver Excrete metabolism 80 Recycled N 30 Microbial N during Source Total of 60 Urine Blood Kidneys winter N 20 N (%) (g / d) 40 Small and Large Catabolized Catabolism N Intestine Urine 10 Tissue 20

Feces Intake N 0 0 0 1020304050607080 J. Wildl. Manage. 61:881-894 Day of Simulation