Iowa Biotech Educator A newsletter of the Iowa State University Office of Biotechnology • Volume 12 • Number 2 • March 2004 Registration Opens for Summer 2004 In this Issue → Biotechnology Education Workshops Summer workshops ............1 Summer bioethics online courses ................................3 Educators in public or private schools or For more information about the Biotechnol- those who work with youth in 4-H or other ogy Education workshops, please contact BOEC open house at community programs are invited to attend Lori Miller at 515-294-9818, toll-free in Veishea in April....................3 one or more of the biotechnology work- Iowa at 800-643-9504, or e-mail her at Summer research shops offered at Iowa State University this
[email protected]. To register, contact internships at ISU ................3 summer. Lori or complete the form on p. 7 and mail or fax it by May 28 to the address at the Biotechnology outreach news by Mike Zeller ............4 The workshops will be held in the laborato- bottom of the form. ries of the Biotechnology Outreach Educa- Bioethics outreach news by tion Center (BOEC) on the Iowa State June 7-11, 2004 Kristen Hessler ....................5 campus in Ames. Iowa teachers can receive Biotechnology Education Workshop I for Safety First – DNA stipends of $50 per day to help cover their Science Educators fingerprinting....................... 5 costs of attending. ISU Extension educators/ Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa personnel can receive travel reimbursements 2 staff development credits - $20 and/or Grants and competitions .... 6 of up to $50 per day to help cover their 1-2 ISU graduate credits - $305 per credit Low-cost resources .............6 expenses.