Fire = Extinguisher
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AS SUPPLIED TO HIS M A J EST Y THE KING: THE "DIAMOND" DRY POWDER FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Same Shecl three seconds later after one Fire Out. throw ofthe " DIAMOND " Powder. Ten seconds later. The critics eiàmining. The Cheapest Fire Insurance in the World. RECENT TESTIMONIALE Continued. RAILWAYS, SHtPPING, ETC. Hockham Hall, Thetford, Norfolk. LONDON AND SOUTH WESTERN SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY Wretham Station, G.E.R. 3oth December, 190S. RAILWAY CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY The "DIAMOND" Sirs,—Will you please forward as quickly as possible one dozen of NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN your Patent Fire Extinguishers to above address and charge them to CARDIFF RAILWAY AND BUTE RAILWAY Dry Powder Thomas Baring, Esq. We had six from you some time ago, and had DOCKS LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIKE occasion to use one last week and found it a great. success, instantly GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY subduing the fiâmes, so now intend to have them posted about ail the RAILWAY NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAILWAY passages. Yours truly, RHYMNEY RAILWAY EGYPTIAN STATE RAILWAYS FIRE = METROPOLITAN RAILWAY CENTRAL URUGUAY RAILWAY OF (Signed) B. J. WALTERS, Chauffeur to Thomas Baring, Esq. LONDON, BRIGHTON AND SOUTH MONTE VIDEO, LTD. The British Diamond Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd. COAST RAILWAY ETC. EXTINGUISHER GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY THE CONSOLIDATED GOLD FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA, LIMITED. 8, Old Jewry, London, E.C 2nd January, 1909. CHILIAN NAVY A. STEPHENS & SONS, LTD. Is a dry powder (every grain of which is a powerful FIRE BUENOS AYRES AND SOUTHERN G. & J. BURNS, LTD. DESTROYING AGENT), put up in decorated métal tubes, Dear Sirs,—I am pleased to be able to inform you that what might DOCK CO. LAMPORT & HOLT 22 inches long, 2 inches in diameter, with press cap-cover, have proved to be a very serious fire, which broke out at the above DUBLIN STEAM PACKET CO. ETC. address on Wednesday last, was most efîectively put out by two of your with a strong ring in the same, by which the tube is suspended Fire Extinguishers. I was extremely pleased with the effect of thèse from a nail or hook driven in the wall. Extinguishers. I shall be much obliged, therefore, if you will kindly CORPORATIONS, HOSPITALS. replace the two that we used, in accordance with your agreement. The Powder is guaranteed to keep in ail climates, and BROMLEY GRIMSBY Yours faithfully, (Signed) G. N. FINLAY, HULL positively will not deteriorate with time. Neither the Powder CROYDON The British Diamond Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd. Manager. SOUTHGATE URBAN DISTRICT CHERTSEY URBAN DISTRICT nor gas generated from it is in any way harmful to flesh or fabric. COUNCIL COUNCIL MOTOR JOBMASTERS, LIMITED. MAIDSTONE ETC. To use on a fire, grasp the Tube firmly at bottom, SOUTHEND and with a strong sweeping movement dash the contents 5 to 11, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 7th January, 1909. at the base of the flame. The fire will immediately act Dear Sirs,—On Monday last, January 5th, we had what might have BUXTON HYDROPATHIC MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL been a very serious fire at our garage, owing to a leakage of petrol, but RADCLIFFE INFIRMARY AND VICTORIA COTTAGE HOSPITAL on the Powder, and chemically choke itself out of through the timely use of your Extinguishers we were able to deal with it COUNTY HOSPITAL ETC. existence. with very little trouble or inconvenience to ourselves. We may add, three ROYALWESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC tubes were used, and we shall be pleased if you will forward us the refills HOSPITAL ADVANTAGES. for thèse as arranged by yourselves. Yours faithfully, Instantaneous. in action,, so simple that anybody can use MOTOR JOBMASTERS, LTD., (Signed) C. TAYLOR, Manager. MOTOR FIRMS, GARAGES, ETC. it. No water or acids to damage clothes, premises, or P.S.—Kindly forward us a few of your circulars. switchboards. Puts out ail kinds of oil fires instantly. S. F. EDGE, LTD. THAMES BANK WHARF MOTOR The British Diamond Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd. CHAS. JARROTT & LETTS, LTD. WORKS, LTD. Extinguishes the blaze of benzine, petrol, naphtha, turpentine, MANN & OVERTON'S, LTD. BROWN BROS., LTD. alcohol or other spirit in a second or two. In fact, LONDON MOTOR GARAGE, LTD. METROPOLITAN OMNIBUS CO.,LTD. any fire arising from electricity or other cause will be MORGAN & Co., LTD. MULLINERS immediately crushed in its early stage. Unlike water or BRAINSBY & SONS BRITISH ELECTROMOBILECO.,LTD. MOTOR JOBMASTERS, LTD. BARKER & SONS, LTD. chemical liquid extinguishers, its results can be brushed AS SUPPLIED RAWLINGS BROS., LTD. DAIMLER MOTOR CO. away, and caused, except that resulting from the. no damage TO ETC. (ire itself. His Royal Highness The PRINCE of WALES MISCELLANEOUS. The "DIAMOND" should be in every Home, Garage, Hôtel, LORD OVERTOUN EARL OF LEICESTER WILLIAM WHITELEY, LTD. BABCOCK & WILCOX, LTD. School, Factory, Théâtre, Ship, Railway Train, Public Building, HARRODS, LTD. MARSHALL & SNELGROVE ARMY & NAVY STORES and Motor Car. EARL CAWDOR LORD MEXBOROUGH MAPLE & Co. GAMAGES, LTD. BOOTS PURE DRUG CO., LTD. LORD WILLIAM CECIL LORD ABINGER BANK OF AFRICA JAMES GIBB & Co., LTD. CONSOLIDATED GOLD FIELDS OF RECENT TESTIMONIALE. EARL BEAUCHAMP LORD DE RAMSEY ILFORD LTD. SOUTH AFRICA LIPTONS LTD. MANN & OVERTONS, LTD., EARL HOWE EARL OF ROSSE JAMES BUCHANAN & Co., LTD. LANKESTER & SON, LTD. The Victoria Garage, 7a, Lower Belgrave Street, London, S.W. MOSS' EMPIRES, LTD. SUMMERS & PAYNE, LTD. January 22nd, 1909. EARLOFEGLINTON&WINTON EARL OF SHAFTESBURV WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. J. G. FAY & Co., LTD. The Manager, BRITISH DIAMOND FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO., LTD., DUCHESS OF GRAFTON ! VISCOUNTESS TORRINGTON SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB 69, Chancery Lane, W.C. ARTHUR SANDERSON & SONS, LTD. UNITED UNIVERSITIES CLUB Dear Sir,—We hâve great pleasure in informing you that two days VISCOUNT HAMPDEN THE MARQUIS CAMDEN SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. ago the petrol caught fire in a Car belonging to us, and that it was put ETC. LTD. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. out instantaneo.usly by the use of one of your fire extinguishers. • We JAMES SHOOLBRED & Co. JAMES SPENCE & Co.. LTD. have no hésitation in saying that yours is practically the only fire NEWSPAPERS. DENT, ALLCROFT & Co., LTD. WARING & GILLOW, LTD. extinguisher that we know of that wilf extinguish burning petrol directly ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS, LTD. "NEWS OF THE WORLD" LEBUS & Co.; LTD. ST. BRIDE'S INSTITUTE the powder is a'pplied. ■ Yours faithfully, CROSSE & BLACKWELL PICKFORD'S LTD. ("DAILY MAIL") and "THE FIELD " JAEGER'S LTD. For MANN & OVERTONS, LTD. ("EVENING NEWS") ETC. (Signed) U.S. A3* AMALGAMATED PRESS, LTD. And thousands of others. From "THE TIMES, " 4th Mctrch, 1908. ,m,i,»//m'»»~ rmmniimtimtimmiiiiimimitiiutmmim The "DIAMOND" Dry Powder FIRE ===== BrjCKXNGHAM PALACE, MASCH 3. Moi Tlis Royal Ilighness the Prince of Wales visited Thcir EXTINGUISHER Majesties the King and Queen this morning. Tho Lord Chaacellor had an andience of Es Majesty, Is a dry powder (every grain of which is a powerful FIRE and Viacount Eshei had the bononr of being reeeived by DESTROYING AGENT), put up in decorated métal tubes, the Eng to-day. 22 inches long, 2 inches in diameter, with press cap-cover^ MARLBORODGH BOUSK, MAEOH 3. with a strong ring in the same, by which the tube is suspended This morning tbe Prince of Wales, as Président of the from a nail or hook driven in the wall. Society of Arts, reeeived the Members of the Council, and presented the Albert Medal for 1907 to Lord Cromer. The Powder is guaranteed to keep in ail climates, and Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, Pnnoe Albert Edd positively will not deteriorate with time. Neither the Powder of Schleswig-Holstein, and Prince Alezander of Teck at M beat/, nor gas generated from it is in any way harmful to flesh or fabric. visfted the Prince and Princess of Wales and remained to lnncheon. M To use on a fire, grasp the Tube firmly at bottom, to-daS and with a strong sweeping movement dash the contents The King, aecording to last erening*» arrange- W and Mr at the base of the flame. The fire will immediately act ments, will leave London to-morrow for the Continent. T. Gre* on the Powder, and chemically choke itself out of Ris Majesty will travel in the Royal train from Victoria, Libéral/ existence. which slarts at half-past 11 for Dover. Dr./ The King and Queen visited the Comedy Shee ADVANTAGES. Théâtre last night and saw the performanoe of Lady Assoc Conce Instantaneous. in action, so simple that anybody can use Barbarity. The Prince of Wales, by spécial désire, it. No water or acids to damage clothes, premises, or witnessed a rem&rkable démonstration of fire-extieguish- switchbo'ards. Puts out ail kinds of oil Ares instantly. ing at Marlborough Hoose yesterday. The inventer and Extinguishes the blaze of benzine, petrol, naphtha, turpentine, his agent conducted the display, and the Hon. Six W. held// alcohol or other spirit in a second or two. In fact, Carington was présent with the Prince. The test was a last any fire arising from electricity or other cause will be tevere one. A wooden shed had been erected for the immediately crushed in its early stage. Unlike water or occasion, tarred wooden battrais were placed inside, and Dav chemical liquid extinguishers, its results can be brushed tho whole stracture and contents saturated with petroleum. The extinguisher was described by the Ban away, and caused, except that resulting from the. otM no damage inventor as a diamond dry powder extincteur. It was fire itself. rtated that the powder was free from ail acids and sub- stances of a corrosive nature, and was quito harmless to The "DIAMOND" should be in every Home, Garage, Hôtel, the most dolicate of fabrics, although a most powerful j School, Factory, Théâtre, Ship, Railway Train, Public Building, flre-destroying agent.