November 28 —Tbe Solr this Affairs Dijon, Fra nee, November S3.—Mr. Brussels, Meeting Military Kruger be* beoome, tor a moment at evening says: Mr. Kruger, on his arri- CELERY val at PAINE’S Tbe will ask for media- COMPOUND tbe Mol of the French. Ill* Hague, Comm. led. least, popular Extreme Punishment De- Cf triumphant progreea northward through tion, and If nnsnooesifal be will make GIVES TO WHO tbe oonntry from Mareelllea to lBjon ha* public all tbe documents of state In his STRENGTH ALL j plac'd this beyond doubt. He met with manded By Some. possession showing tbe secrets of the war. 8 tremendous reception In each town The paper adds that Mr. Kruger believes ARE that when knows tbs truth It OVERWORKED AND EXHAUSTED. along the route where the trqln stopped, Europe will It Will Be EpoRomy To Pass Meas- culminating In scenes of ueniied enthu- prodnoe snoh an outburst of pnbllo that Great Britain will be siasm here this evening, calculated to opinion com- Overwork has first effect the nerves; [ ure it Dflee. torn the head of any man. pelled to be less harsh. upon Tbe population of Marseilles gathered Others Favor Milder The Solr adds that falling this Mr. In thousands tbls morning to escort blm Kruger will return to the Transvaal. wasted nerves to tbe station and him a drain the of railroad gave Measures. vitality rousing send-off while at several towns POLICE STOPPEdTt. liver and the Inhabitants who orowded the rail- stomach, kidneys. thin road stations were equally emunslastlo. Impure, No Makeshift Will Be The warmth of tbe enthusiasm In creased rather than decreased and one of Saco Saw a Pretty Warm Thing In tho blood is made; the weak for tbe most of the demon- body grows Important phases Prise Fight Line. Accepted, stration Was the torn It took In an antl- want of nutriment and there is Drltlsh direction. Rassia, France, U. S. ami Japan On indiges- | At all stations, but especially Lyons and Dijon, shouts tor tbe Doers were One Side. Saoo, November 23— Eight hundred acute in the back and mingled with loud orles of "Down with sports from Blddeford, Saoo, Boston, mrs. v. a. farron. tion, pain head. the at the de- * English." Indeed Lyons, Lynn and Portland witnessed a 13 round President Wants nunciation* of the drowned the To In- English bout between Arthur shooting for the Boers. This Is a disturb- Cote, champion ot and crease Army f*. ^X),000 ing feature whloh Is universally dis- light weight pugilist Blddeforl, cussed. Fears are expressed that tomor- Ban Murray a Lynn boxer which was b row’s In Paris assume a reception may pulled oil at the Saco A. A. club house Do character calculated to arouse the feeling I The was ofthe hottest Could Not Work and Dreibu nd one My of Oreat Brltuln against Franoe to suob England tonight. tight | an extent as to result In unpleasant rela- ever fen in York oonnty and wonld Washington, November £—Chairman tions between the two oonntrles. On Other. probably have resulted In Cote knocking The warmth of enthusiasm reaohed In “I was with of the Houle com. to on ont bis opponent In the 12th round, hud suffering Hall, military Marseilles yesterday raised the spirits of noc uw lnicrrorea ana oraarea ine affair*, today called a jjlng ot the wr uiuKei nuu u» buti*w« w b ponce and was dis- had revived In all rheumatism oommittee for next Toai* y. He hopei pitch, Evidently hope bout stopped, lillly County of lildderord that hla mission to would he that a will be and that Europe was referej tracted with the when quorum present crowned with sucoese. pain the committee can go to Work upon the In the preliminaries "Fits” Methot outlines or a new army bill. EXPECTS NO*TROUBLE. Russia Declines To Give «Chi was awarded the decision o\er Billy I commenced this Up of and using “It will be In the direction of economy Trayner Biudeford, John Delaney Cries Will Be AnU-Kugllib Strictly the decision In a three round to pass the army bill Without delay.” said Li Railroad. got set-to medicine. I Forbidden. Alex of wonderful Mr. Hull today. "The art" >ow In the with Janrls Biddeford. Philippines will have* '’' brought Paris, November 28.—The peaceable had tried several different —_._ I —isa home In the summer, tft those of the but enthuslaetlo manner In which the men who do not care to re-enllst. Tho the arrival of kinds of treatment to no people of Marseilles greeted transports which go out "It them should Mr. Kruger yesterday and the warm wel- EXPANSION but two bottles of depart laden with the tv -fc* who are to come extended to him In the cities he London, November 84.—*‘A eerloue di- avail, replaoe them, else the sblj Trill, make passed through today, all occurring with- vergence has arisen In Pekin,” says the Paine’s one voyage empty.” out antl-Brltlsb demonstrations of any Tien Tsln correspondent of the Dally 8LACK8T0NE CIGARS Celery Compound Mr. Hull was In oonteri oonsequenoe, have made the authorities Mall wiring Wednesday. the President and with that bis did me so much that here feel confident reception "Japan, the United States, Iinssla and The addition to our Factory good war department upon tho here tomorrow will not result In any un- France favor demanding a milder punish- is completed. Wo now have a ** of 172 feet on threo legislation desired by thf pleasant lnoldont. M, Lepine, the prefect ment than the execution of Prinoe Tnan frontage I am able to do house- Stillman and my He said the President w£ of said I and the while Great Britain, Ger- streets, Endicott, polloe. today others, Morton. to fully hi confidence In the deem well all Congrefs very “We have fall people many, Austria, Hungary and Italy This is tho largest Factory work, tlons about the army and them not to use- sleep night, t of Paris and count upon do anything leu tnan the death penalty in New England used solely and wake in the morn- sume to speak tbe Presiur; anything likely to oause diplomatic com- less. for the manufacture of Cigars. up advance. He thought, hot val^_ plications. However, tb* police have the An Important deolslon has been arrived Tho sate on lJlackstono Cigars * is millions ahead of other administration would no\ be content strictest orders to permit only orleswhloh at, however, that this divergence Is not any refreshed and 10-cent Cigar. ing feeling with any make-shift leglsS- rio,no propo- are complimentary to Mr. Kruger and to Interfere with tne general peace nego- with new sition to continue the pres law for two the Boers. They will not tolerate any tiations. Another remarkable feature of strength.” years more. Ills tmf"tsf *a» that the cries unoompilmentary to a neighboring tbe situation Is tbe sudden Volte Face of President wanted aui ■> 'r 'to raise a and friendly country. Any persons utter- Kuula, who now declines either to with- WAITT & BOND, Mnfrs., MRS. V. A. FARRON, sultiolsn’ ueede of cries be regular army ing such uncomplimentary will draw her troops from the province of Uhl 53 Blaekstono St. tbe mi the 255 Ogden Avc., Chicago, Iu,t country, 100,000 cessary arrested." LI or to hand over the railway as to be reduoed,1 ere was no Mr. Krnger will arrive at the Lyons promised." Boston, Mass. for m longer need them..- j £ railroad etatlou at 10 84 a, where he RUSSIAN'S RUNNING IT. will be met oommltteee by representing 83 Russian USE ONLY PAINE’S CELERY v, Tien Tsln, November —Tbe COMPOUND. I DEATH OP PROMU MEN eto. After 5 4TH the Boars, deputise, senators, military authorities announce that the Bath, Novembst 21 «/o'prominent a short, Informal reoeption, be will be es- order to band over the railway has been oltlseus of* this cllikl no reasons ore for olty today, oorted by way of the grand boulevards to rescinded but given .Lincoln Patten ana Captain John 8. tbls Until Tuesday last civilians hla whloh Is situated ou a promi- step. Wlggln. Captain Patten was a retired hotel, had bsen allowed to travel free. Since nent boulevard. Hla time of passing I tlK It T,A TttXilu master mariner, and was 22 years of age. that dale, however, fares have been the thoroughfares will be Inci- Captain Wigglu was a member ol the through and tbe passage tickets Issued In FINE INSTRUMENTS dent with the lunch hot'r, and many of charged / November 23.—Foreoast; Sat- city council and past commander of the are la tbe Russian language. Boston, the will be closed for the rest printed local (1. A. It. Post. Ue was 71 years ot Mores, etc., urday, fair Weather, light variable winds. of the afternoon. There Is certain to be ITALIANS WANT TROOPS WITH- age. Furniture Reliable Sunday, generally clondy weather, prob- an Immense oonoourse of people along the DRAWN. entire route. with oooastonal easterly 83—The radical news* ably showers; SODDEN DEATH OP AN INDIAN. Rome, November Beef ENTHUSIASM FOR KRUGER. winds. papers are making a campaign In favor November 28.—Peter Lake, an November 83.—Forecast; Saoo, November 23.—President of the withdrawal of the Italian troops Washington, Indian, about 65 years old, Dijon, Kruger Extracts. Iroquois on hla here this was New England, generally fair Saturday, dropped dead wblle eating his dinner at arrival evening from ChlDa, declaring that In the rescue odd of furniture are reeled with the same enthusiasm as Many pieces Armour's Solids followed rain at and the National Hotel this afternoon. The of the members of the legations 40° probably by nlgbt iown the of the other cities of foreign treasured because of their lineage, oause of his death was He S by people Armour's Tablets, 25c on fresh west to north winds, apoplexy. France whloh he has since at accomplished their sole Sunday; Ured In the of Sault St. Louts, passed through Pekin, they and so those refined and beautiful American Brand, 25c province his arrival. Portland, Nov 88, 1000.— Tha looa near . task._ adjuncts of the bed room will be Cudahy's Solid, 40o weather bureau records the following; prized for tlioir true worth. Solid, 8 a. m.—Barometer. 38.711; thermomer m Liebig’s 40c t A Bureau, Chiffonier, and Toilet ter, 48 0; dew point, 40; rel.humidity, 08, Anker's Capsules, 35c to in tho most AHB direction of the Wind, SW; velocity of Table, designed match, Liquid Ext. Beef, $1.00 pint the wind, 7; state of weather, cloudy. beautifully figured Toona Mahogany measure. 8 m.—Barometer. 80.042; thermome- Absolutely Necessary by p. or Bird’s Eye Maple (with a Brass ter, 43; dewpoint, 80; rel. humidity, 61; IN for the sick. the room an Strengthening direction of the wind, N W; veloolty of Bed) will give elegant Convenient for soups. Defects. the wind, 0; state of weather, clear. appearance. Accurately Measuring Eye Maximum temperature, minimum the H. II. Hay & Son, 67; Master minds conceived theso fur- Our apparatus is without floubt temperature, 43; mean temperature, 60; finest in New England. The instru- MIDDLE ST. maximum wind velocity, 16 SW; precipi- nishings, skilled hands fashioned them ment illustrated above Is especially tation—34 hours, .07. into distinguished form and finish. valuablo In the results of eye- correcting They are of princely proportions strain when the ordinary methods fail. SHEBA LOCKED UP. their richness Can-be seen at our office, ;478 1-2 ^ that display surpassing only New York, November 33—J. Flether My Lady’s when the' Monument to the best Congress St., Square. Shera, (he stock broker, who was ar- possible advantage. rested yesterday at the Instance of Gen. N. T. WORTHLEY.JR. Daniel E. Sickles on a warrant charging “ Eyes Examined Free. Center of Shera with appropriating f 10,030 of Gen. Slokles’ In a stock was EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT money transaction OPEN D'^ng re-arraigned today and held in |730U ball HOV3-dtflstp Brea.kfa.st Attraction in default of whloh Shera was taken to or muffin Is Table the Tombs. A similar cbargs pending against r*--^ Samuel W. Baxter, Shore's bookkeeper, was dismissed ana Baxter was dis- The MIZPAII Thanksgiving Day charged. &*?»< 4 and 6 Fres St. is Well Served novd24-lt lstp 18 *3-00—1made ^,UUUGood Powder in Vioi kid, Box We’ve been importing Table China FUNEBAL OF CHARLES HOYT. #41_XT U xrAna..,K-.. -40 I|lk« C’alf and Enamel; all the fall to meet the needs of IT’S A MEAN MAN As thG funeral of Charles li. Hoyt, the play* has the and Christmas buyers. his wifo’s quality, Thanksgiving wrlght, was held In St. Luke’s Kpisoo- wlio insists upon getting up so as to D6St style, fit and Not Dinnor Sets alone,—special Serv- pal church thlsjafternoou. From 0 o’clock a iialf hour before he does get Dishes also- la the morning until the hour of the ser- bread for breakfast is the lire early. Use HENSON’S IAS— and going .. finish of ing Sots Single Stale barbarous; higher v ices the body lay In state In the church, CHARCOAL for kindling and both get cost Handsome Pudding Dishes with Una of uso OpCCIdl shoes,—wins and a continuous people passed up at the same time. When you to remains. The floral offer- rolls are on friends n the fitted baker and platter $1.50 $8.00, In to view the hot, yeast-risen dyspeptic* charcoal in place of wood you can put were almost com- Oil 06 Punch Bowls, Nut Fruit ings wlthout^numher, tlio hard coal as soon as tho paper is wearing. Made fBowls, ing from all parts of the oonntry. The Dishes.—Extra size Platters. servioes commenced at 1.(6 o’olook, the lighted. Jalo in Storm I II Turkey I Oc, at AH For officiating clergyman being Rev. H. S. Big Bug Orocers._ shape, high cut. Lassiter, reotorjff St. Luke's ctanroh, as- Ladies. same Prioa BURBANK, DOUGLASS & CO., sisted by Rev. Howard F. Util of Con- (No. 342.) oord. R.OYA L 242 Middle St. SOLVINC CENTER & McDOWELl, FUNE BAL OF SIR ARTHUR SULLI- I VAN. BAKING POWDER. DIFFIC ULT 539 Congress St. London, November 23,—By the Queen's PROBLEMS. • FOOTWEAR FITTERS. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmm oommand the funeral gervloe over the re- adds to the food mains of Sir Arthur Sullivan will be anti-dyspeptic qualities I am always glad to have oases bald In the chapel at St. James Palace at hot- come to me that are oalied difficult. noon November 37. and makes delicious hot-bread, comfortable carriage I like to hear a patron say that they ADAMS & or have tried a dozen specialists hat ANDERSON, CO., CZAR MAY BECOME CRAZY. muffins cakes, robe for your win* biscuit, rolls, griddle coaid get nothing that suited, first, Fire Insurance Agency ter need and warm Paris, November 24—6.30 a. m.—A the because when they are catlslled, they of the Czar’s malady, a whose and diagnosis says fragrance beauty tempt are always ready to recommend me 81 Exchange Street. w6ol blankets for despatch from St. Petersburg to the shows that he has en- to others. Second, because It Is a First Class American and Foreign Companies Kieole, typhoid and whose the comfort of your teritis. His brain Is and his me to work out Rumen Andki:*oR. Chas. C. Adams. affected, laggard morning appetite, pleasure to compli- Intellectual are Thus. J. Little. Con visits K. Leach. horse are now in powers endangered. cated eases and to solve difficult prob- Tu.TUStS wholesome and nutritive St. Petersburg, Thursday, November qualities lems. Third, because successful order. Our large rumored here that 8t.—It Is Emperor work where other 8 have failed, natu- Nloholas is threatened with afford the sustenance for both CHOKER HOI LOOKING WELL. stock is at your ser- peotoral highest and whiob, If they exist, rally adds to my reputation Illoh- complications, Queenstown, November 8S.—Mr. vice, would materially diminish hfs chances and helps In building up my business. of Inflammation of the brain ard Croker looked somewhat li.disposed reoovery. lungs body. It you have tried to get good glass is a common of typhoid when the Uunard line steamer Luoanla complication set and have I want to ses you. fever In Russia. Thus far there Is no failed, arrived here this afternoon. He said to A offlolal confirmation of the rumor. Cook”—con- There are powders, made from representative of the Associated Press The “Royal Baker and Pastry cheap baking A. M. WENTWORTH, BAILEY COMPANY over 800 most and valuable alum but they are exceedingly harmful to (hat he wat not In the best of health. He JAMES SENATOR DAVIS ABOUT' SAME. taining practical — health. Their and cauterizing had done maoh work daring the cam- cooking receipts free to every patron. astringent Practical add a element to Optician, and intended to rest In England 264—Middle St -264 St. Paul, November S3.—Dr. Stone Is- Send card with your full address. qualities dangerous food. paign postal St. ana on the continent tor six months. sued the following bulletin Sen- 546 l-‘4 Congrcn SUIT BELOW MOXVUBNT KL tonight: ator Davis Is about the same as at neon For a Cold In the Head — except that hli delirium It tlov^s^fJ04a.2•n^torW, yesterday, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8TREET, NEW VORK. Office Hours,- Laxative He tsie-4.1.1.. Tablet. ma6h more aouta. -——- COBWEBS ON IN M COLLISION A CERTAIN DISEASE CALLED WRQni'll'I'llLPJIV THAT FOR LACE OF BETTER NAME. The Numidian Strike! 3 Do you know that all the Lots of Troubled. Schooner in a ^HBk People Fog. goods sold at Corey’s •There ft* Relief. Sure Relief In are always sold at Famous medicine Vermont9* that snr- Smlth'e Orem moun- prices We tain Renovator. Wt'E prise and please? Our Vessel Was (lie Anila of » Loekpori It Is so, come Lots of people have it—cobwebs I. S. hare m/?V and see. J store on the brain. It’s the result of only You’ll be i impure blood, and is known by the small is a following symptoms—a tired, dragged ex- glad you £ out, languid feeling, a distaste for any came, j physical or mental labor, no appetite, It Is Feared She Has l pcnses bo- very sleeplessness, nervous exhaustion, constant worrying over nothings, Been Lost. on a one- a dull heavy feeling in the head—in Ing A big short a lack of strength. If you have any or all of these back street. our stock Smith's Green Moun- HiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiimimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiinim symptoms,try The Schooner Was Towed Awliil tain Renovator. Why this medicine. Because it’s made in of That’s your ad- unequalled Vermont, if)’ me Auuiiuian. COCOANUT CAKES. pure, wholesome herbs, and is redo- lent of the the fragrant woods, We're exceedingly enthusiastic over these. vantage. In Maine. air and green hills. It will bracing So much that the of oar natural to muscles so, they get greater part advertising g J give good strength x 2 this Week. and nerves, increase the appetite, The Allan line ateameblp Numldla! , space restful sleep, in short remove reached here yesterday forenoon tron We to have the nicest, richest cakes ever sold here- = give " f§ planned on the brain as the of Halifax wber It’s true that who kuo^liko !o be able to say those Cobwebs Liverpool by way § abouts. Used the choicest materials to bo found. really “people else will. sbe dropped many of ber passengei of any of their home furnishings nothing 2 Wo had a to out of the but When off Seal Island on mom right expect something ordinary, g COREY’S.” u Wednesday •THESE CAME FROM I read your advertisement about Green about o’clock after leavln t 2 these are far better than even we dreamed be. Mountain Renovator and sent my boy at once lng eight they’d That’s because the poods from that store have “COREY to get a bottle, as I had been suffering for year* Halifax she was In collision with tb not to our mind ho# = of of “COREY with bad blood, kidney and liver troubles, which We’re going change concerning the price, QUALITY,” the dealings that house have the stamp schooner Anita tound fiom Turk’s Irian “COREY 5 ever much wo’d like to. We Intended to sell them at a 2 the profits by our system of weak, nervous and miserable. Yours is the to Halifax with salt. Tbe schooner wa 7c dozen, RELIABILITY',” purchaser banner the best on earth. It put ECONOMY.” remedy—is somewhat was towed tb • me on feet a short and I cannot damaged and by § » dozen for 20c. my in time, sense reasons:— am now and Now this interests you for these common praise it enough. I strong well, and Numldlan for a time bat tbe towln 1 And Ihnl'tt the Price For am recommending it to all iny friends who are | Naturday Only. You want the best money will buy. sick.” hawser parting she was lost In the foj goods your [Corey quality] Lewis M. 7.ack, Some fears are entertained for tb toil warn me salesman 10 leu yon me i»eis u'luut mem. 138-3 Olive SL, New Haven, Cona. sohapner’s sslety. [Corev Reliability.] The passage of tbe Namldlan fxoi : PLUM PUDDINGS. You can them at tbe lowest where they cost the least FELL DOWN ELEVATOR. get prices Liverpool wee a very bard one. Sbe en for the selier to and sell them. Economy E Ours need no Introduction to Portlanders. All that’s ncces- E buy [Corey ] seas an I countered strong gales, beavy If yon will bHy a single piece of Furniture for your own bouse tbe entire a to them in to thick weather during passage 1 to draw crowd, is mention print. Probably Fatal Accident Wlntbrop sary or to present to some friend or relative before this coming Christ- Sbe reached Halifax Tuesday mornln the We’ve 5 Woolen Mill Employe. The trouble comes in supplying demaud for them. mas and sailed from that port for Tortlan S doubled our in direction this and to be E !>o not leave off route. about six o'clock the same night. Unc energies every year hope Corey your shopping 28 —Jeremiah Wlnth rop, November = KINDLY AND RECALL THESE FEW EXAM- outside of tbe port she encountered E able to them into every home on Thanksgiving Dny. REALIZE as a mason's tender put Thornton, Employed very heavy sea and a gale of wind PLES OF COREY HARO AI NS. S But assistance if we with all our S on the new Wlntbrop wooleu mills, her®, About o'clock mornln we’ll need your do, propar- eight Wednesday we ran wnen off Seal Island the Namldlan wa Leather Seat Oak Arm Rockers, goods that was probably fatally injured late this af- E ations, so send in your orders as early as possible. | QP runDlng at reduced speed through a thlo aro not a doubtful ternoon. Thornton was down $ I *03i and do recommend. They looking She was her whistle at In in wax fog. sounding PLUM PUDDINGS, steamed, remember, wrapped § value at the elevator well from the second floor tervals but her officers heard no other slg $2.50. S a 20c a when the elevator descended from above uals. Suddenly a sobooner of about li paper and put up in neat box, Katurdny, loaf. the direct! AA These struck him and caused him to fall. The tons loomed up through fog Mahogany Hircli Leather Seat Arm Rocker. ahead. Tbe Nnmldlan's wer <£7 elevator continued to go down and se- engines have and finish, and are made to nse. Easily and reversed but not in time tc style verely crushed the man as he lay in the stopped avoid a collision though this no sold in hundreds of stores at $4.00. pit. He was taken out unconscious and might CONFECTIONS. have occurred bad not tbe of th. physicians said his spine was crashed, captain schooner lost bis bead and instead o Oak or Mahognnized Birch Rockers, and that ®von though he survived his In- Walnut Creams, 20c lb. Af\ upholstered off luffed and swung direct]] Maple he would be unable to mova his holding ^ObB^rvl. in stylish and delightfully pleasing Velours. High juries under tbe steamship’s bows. How badly 20c lb. S limbs. Thornton s home is In Dresden. Raspberry Creams, a tbe schooner was In the 1 back and arms, just right, $4.00 grade. He is 24 years old and unmarried. Injure! oolllsloj is not known. She lost bar main Fine Chocolate Mixture, 19c lb. exactly H OAK MORRIS is sail and main tide am QUARTERED CHAIRS. $7.50 NOTE TO POWERS. rigging^) njthe poyt Cocoanut Drops, 15c lb. E <£7 Cf| her port rail was carried away. Wha i JUa not necessarily a low price for a Morris Chair, but ber were below tbe water '•« until Be Injuries film Above goods will be on sale Daily Thanksgiving. | for the ones we sell you at that it is easily was not definitely known. price, •tote Depart incut Heard 011 Chinese Tbe vessels separated *n the fog but af 1 sure and get a box of the Chocolates. the best Morris Cl air bargain In Maine. No, wo do not make duration. ter cruising around a bit the Nnmldlsi money on them, we make only additional friends of those who picke t np the sobooner again. Tbe mas ter of tbe vessel came on bourd and saU huy them. Of course you must see the goods to realize the whole Washington, November 23 —The {Secre- that bis vessel hailed from Lockbort, N truth of the above remark. tary tf state addressed an identical note S., ana had been to Turk’s Island tor a of salt for Halifax. Sbe bad a oiew to the powers interested in the Chinese oargo SOLID MAHOGANY TABLES. In our store you of seven men and only live pounds 01 Cf\ situation, setting out add afresh ■ Jvi can for a table that-is as much ter&ly Hour on board, having been out twelvi get $4.50 just the object of the United rotates govern- days. Capt. Mams of tbe N um.dlan pal E worth $8.00, as a pound of sugar is worth the cur- ment as to China, and pointing out bowr two of bis men on board the sohoonei s rent and sent out to her a hawser re-lnforced price. such objects as are nncajiiinion to the with a smaller one. This was difficult ^ can best be securetl The note 1 from powers thing to uo owing to the beavy sea which = C EJ W'ritiug Desks $100 down to $5.00 marks the initiation of frcsai negotiations was running. The schooner was towed I ncri Music Cabinets “ $35 “ ** 4.00 all day Wednesday and “ “ on our part. { Wednesday night E = Piano Chairs $4.00 10.00 Thursday morning the wind came upend up novll = “ •• “ COLONIAL B1LL1AKD PAULO US. tbe schooner made very heavy weather of /N Book Cases $5 00 100.00 one of them It. Soon parted and the en- V^i U O ■ Fancy Chairs The Colonial billiard parlors, liaxtrr lire Hiram uu uuiur ww line oummg Hlllllllllllllllllll!l!llllllllllllllllllllll!llllll!illllllll!lllllilllllllilllllllllllllH!IIIIIIIIIHIH “ “ “ block continue to tie very popular with this also parted and tbe schooner went and Rnrkers $2.00 50.00 adrift. The ship was 6topped but owing Oriental and otters who are to handle the •. learning to ths heavy sea It was Impossible for the “ “ “ oua. Under the Instruction of the at- Nnmldian to get auorher hawser aboard American Rugs $1.00 $250 ea. tendants In the private parlors many and though the schooner was In sight for ladles of the city are becoming experts in four hours she was afterwards lost In the both billiards and pool and many spirited fog. After this the Numidlan cruised contests between these enthusiastic ama- about for hours trying to llnd the schoon- KEEP III MIND ALWAYS THE There Is no In teurs Jare held. place 2 er, but old not locate her and at night New England where the afternoon or eve- the ship was sat on her course for .Port- ning may be more pleasantly spent than land. in the Colonial Billiard parlors. This The Numidlan s officers were very reti- the Ladies orchestra will WALTER COREY evening Zilpha cent regarding the matter and would not CO.; famish muslo at the parlors from eight talk for The was ob- \LW> publication. story to ten o'olock. tained from Ears Pedersen, a Swedish 28 Free Street. passenger, who was oa deck when tbe PETEK LAKE'S LETTKK. sohooner broke adrift. He said that with Te the sea that was he buy your I BUI II An Indian, named Peter Lake, died In heavy running M——■ lll—BMn—BU ■! A— doubled If the schooner cDUld have lived Biddeford, Thursday, and in the pockets The weather the night, and mu6t have MR. C. K. NEWCOMB:— t<«fn>t of his doming were found a number of through gone is to he the nine men on Dear Sir:— boon troubled with my likely J\Ur, letters written In French and evi- down with board of her. Having rough for so that l could not eat Portland. Nov. 21, 1900. Seafaring men say that they think the stomach two years dently Indian. No one in that city was Thanks- witlaMit terrible and terri- sohooner will turn all In a few anything pain being able to make out of the lang- up right bloated about Ktomaeh so that I could anything davs. bly my uags, and the letters were sent to this not bear to have my clothes touch me as it was Dishes It was evident that the sohooner must city. Deputy Frith examined them, and tender to the touch even, and I could not sleep have been making water some or the nights and in fact was most completely run a took them to one of the Catholic clergy- have legitimate place Numidlan s people would not have been giving down and played out. At this time I received men, who made out that the probable from sent on board of her to aid the as three bottles of your Stomach Bitters my JAPANESE crew, on all well home of the Indian was at Canbaugh- lather who is a resident of ami alter seven men la a very crew lor a your city, appointed waauga, Sapolne county, P. The large taken two of the bottles of medicine 1 Q small schooner. The having at that parish Is Kev. J. U. 8. steamship people have been relieved entirely of the above tables priest did all that could for the sohooner dining nowadays, Forbes, and Marshal Frith has they Fixings. troubles, thanks to your Bitters, and this is the Deputy and olalm that tha collision was due to sent the letters to him. case after having tried all other kinds of atom- and it doesn’t matter the carelessness or the master of the aeh medieiue that 1 could hear of and obtaining if so no relief whatever. It is impossible to give MAYOK WOULDN T STAND Anita. perhaps what fhe dinner FOli IT. your medicine too much praise as a stomach specially wc can help cure. Cork, November 23.—As a yon. protest I,ATE MARINE NEWS. You are welcome to make any use you may set the fruit, the the refusal of the Lord ol may be; against Mayor wish to of my letter to advance the merits of to a Me November 23.—Ar- Cork eatertuln motion to confer the Rockland, See our your Stomach Bitters, as they deserve all the nuts, the condiments, the freedom of the city upon Mr. Kruger, the rived, Schooner Ella Pranols, Portland. good that can be said for them for the purpose \ corporation adjourned today, the ad- Sailed, schooner Carrie C. Miles, New windows. for w liich they are recommended. ices and other desserts are journment resolution being adopted by York. Yours very respectfully, .- CHARMS I) a after an h JOHNSON, large majority exciting debate. Medical Lake. best served in the dainti- Overtime. Spokane Co., Wash. KENTUCKY BAILS TODAY. Working I>. W. ft 1O. It decorative dishes of Nice quarter Oak Table, 1 $18.50 For Sale by IIEHKLT1NE ly Naples, November 23.—The battleship Light hour laws are Ignored by those “ “ HAVK ti'lOLKN TE Kentucky wharved here November IB, tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New 6 Chairs, | 14.30 SUPPOSED TO Japan. Life Pills Millions are at work, ~ sails tomorrow for Smyrna. always •* “ Last boy, about fourteen years and Bil- 1 Sideboard, j 10.00 nighty improvement in Japanese nlgbt day, ouring Indigestion, old and bis naiue ai Alonzo iousness, Constipation, Stok lloadnche giving TO CURtt A tX S wu arretted and taken to the is no more awk- COLD ONE DAY and all stomach. Liver and Bowel trout, chinaware. It tho rather clumsy, station. Over hie shoulder be bad Take Laxative Bromo Tablet*. All Troubles, Lasy, pleasant, safe, sure. Quinine Complete Set, $47.00 rhmuin An InilfAtlnn vmf rahA. Hn iIata and colored stuff that it was druggists refund the money if it fails to cnre Only doc at H. P. 8. Uoold, 677 Congress ward shaped crudely be secured It on Congress street near tbe K. W. Grove’s Signature is on eaan box. 25c. street, drug store. Other Suites from $28.00 to #135.00. West End hotel but the police ate sus- at first. The texture is ns thin and delicate, tho picious that be atoie It trorn a house. Dinner Sets, 113 #7.30, form as graceful and the decorations as artistic as pieces, #10.75, #14.50. STOLE TOOLS. Tbe laet arrested Klobard the choicest French ware, and tho cost much An elegant line of Fancy Crockery at very low prices. Also polloe night very Mies on the obarge ot laroeny of tools. Silver H are aud Carving Sets. less. A PKESIDENTIAL WEDDING. There is at all seasons a large stock of Japan- DID TRY I Washington, D. C November 33.—Mrs. YOU has decided not to ese in the selected from McKinley aooompany pottery basement, carefully tbe President and tbe members of the otblaet to li<lrr.ore tomorrow to attend among tho most worthy importations. Just now the wedding of Allis Gary, daughter ot * former Postmaster General Gary. Tne the counters are uncommonly well filled with nov- ROSCOE $. DAVIS ladles who will the will CO., accompany party odd K. S. ltavis, Pres. F. E. Haskell, Treas. E. P. Katnadell, V. Pres. be Mrs Gage and Miss Wilson. The elties, original pieces of particular excellence, Preeldent and tbe oablnet alter tbe wed- a of tete-a- -OPEN SATURDAY EYE NINOS.- ding will continue their journey to Phil- and there’s specially attractive display nor84-lt adelphia, where they are to attend tbe MOTHER’S BREAD? Union League banuuet tomorrow night tete sets, cups and saucers, salad and punch bowls, WASN'T ALMA AT ALU HEIKNSS TO VANUEHBIliT MIli- chocolate and tea after dinner PIL.US Ct'HfCO WITHOUT THE candle sticks, pots, UIONB BOHN. Buy A Loaf For Halifax, N. S.t November 28.—The KNIFE. coffees, and dishes suitable for Sunday. British schooner Alma, Captain Ltnt, Ntw York, November 23 —Mr and wedding presents. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. reported to have been eubk In oolllslon Mr*. William K. who are Itching. Vanderbilt, Jr, No cure, No pay. All druggists are authorized oil Halifax with tbe steamer Nomldlan, at tbe Vanderbilt residence in tble city, by the manufacturers of Pazo Ointment to re- The cut is also in the and arrlvsd here sifely on Saturday last, are rejololng over the blrtb tonight of a fund the money where It laili tn cure any casa glass Basement, and Is still In port Tbe Nomldlan left girl Who will become the helreei to the ot piles, an matt r of bow long standing. Cures five-o’clock candles here on Wednesday last for Portland Vanderbilt million*. ordluary cases lu ill days; the worst cases tn chafing dishes, teakettles, lamps, It’s sold by all Grocers. fourteen days. One application gives esse and and BATSON 8TUAKT UKlU. rest. Believes Itchinglnstsatly. This Is a new shades, incense, baskets, sewing machines, Wllkeabarre, November 23 —Kev. Ur. discovery and 1s the only pile remedy sold ou a and ■BBONO" ate t lk< Sam* as'*BROBllDK" no cure no pay. Pries 900. toys, dolls, games silverware. Stuart the mlnl»ter charged with positive gusrante-. Baptlat II drug 1st don't keep It In stock send Os an on hie your In buying l.aisilve HroraMJulolno Tsblete committing aboitlon wife too la postace stamps and we. will foi w.tM whoee death the old standard remedy whim cures a sold subsequently occurred, wan same by mall Manufactured by Paris Midi port 4.11 lie «we it 8t Louis. ■ day, be sere mat it labeled Broaeo arraigned and held In *10,(XXI ball clue M»- MMUfactumS A ..-..—sgra— ■■ today Co., and not Bromide. At nil druggists, boo. for a furth*r hearing next Friday. Laxative Bruiuo-Quluth* Tableli. OWEN, MOORE & CO. aHotmumi. foot that only water tube bolters will bs HA Hit OK NEWS. kuciuaicocii. _hi5t Of tkotch merino Hunt of lllirttlt Picked Up Along tube boiler a »her«. These weter lobe boiler* will be the In BREATHE most radical feature of all apparent Daring IM Glasgow exhibition next SOME STARTLING FACTS a* they the new monitor, particularly summer the AI Ink line will run their Occur At Sootoh boil- Event Will win be without supporting steamers Sariuatt*n and Uuenoe Ayrean eets of of ers. There will be two engines In the pasaenger-qarrylng trade between Bath tbe vortical direct Today. cylinder, acting, triple Montreal and (olaagow. Only one obtee OF VITAL INTEREST In one TO compart- WOMEN. expansion type, placid will be and this will bare the I oarrled, a ment, They are designed to develop whole of the accommodation. and In oolleotlve horse power of 340 units The company aleo expects to hare Ite WINTER IS JUST BEFORE US. attaining this development the engines ■teaineblp Bavarian, now on Uroopln* Big Monitor Will Be Christened By must be turned up to 300 revolutions per service, nnd Its (new ships, fonan nnd minute. Hteatn will be carried for a full Prctorlao, running to the Ht. Cawrenoe at 360 pressure to Biting Winds, Cold Miss Anne C. Boutcllc. working power poande by Anguat next. the Inch. water tube square Tbe fonr It 1« very likely that Mr George B, be Drizzling Rains, boilers provided lor each ship will Deere, the new general manager of the placed In one fore and aft compartment, Grann Trunk Hallway, will be tendered Sloppy, Muddy two boiler* on each aide, and will furnish It a banquet by the city or Sherbrooke. a total beating surface of 880 feot a tribute Streets and Sudden Who Will Also Cut Rope square la felt that tbla would be lltting and at least 3011 square feet of grate sur- looked as a Sher- to one who may be upon in the Cradle. face. brooke boy, for it appears that It was Changes Holding The armor or the new craft protection bare Mr Heeve 11 rat entered the employ will consist of an eleven Inch bolt on tbe Temperature. hod in and con- of the Grand Trunk. On his arrival from advice I pain the lungs of each bull extending tbe fall length the Old Country he landed at , tinual hoarseness through tho winter at the to five I received vessel, and tailoring top and with two or three other lads came The coming winter will cause at least months. immediately great Incbes and to three Inches at the base. benefit from Peruna.” Of Latest Addition on to Sherbrooke in march of employ- one-half of the women to hnve catarrh, Description armor will be ten Inahes Mbs. I,. 3. Woodward. Th* turret ment. Tbe lade had come to the new colds, coughs, pneumonia or, consump- while the oonnlng tower will have In search of for- of will lose To Undo Sam’s Navy. thlok, world without money, tion. Thousands women Mrs. Parker Cured of Pelvic Catarrh seven Inches of armor and the protective and It was In Sher- their and tens of thousands will tune and position, lives, Peruna. FOR t FEW [DlNOTES DRILY. inohes thlok. by deck one and one-half brooke that Mr. Heeve mounted tbe first some chronic ailment from is the method known which acquire It only by Tbe oraft will cost »1,- baa led him to William approximately step of the ladder which which they will never recover. Mrs. Rose Parker, President CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, A first class battleship could be and to Downs Woman’s Relief No. 41, 310,000. the responsible Important position Unless you take the necessary precau- Corps [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] built for about 13,600,000. been also North Western of COUGHS AND CONSUrtPTION whloh he bae appointed tions the chances are that you (who chaplain Legion November S8 are writes from 2419 Central avo., can be prevented or cured Bath, —Preparation! read this) will be one of tho unfortunate Honor, the TIIE IJL8INFSS OUTLOOK. SOLDIERS DEFENDED. as now praotioally completed (or launch' OUIt ones. Little or no risk need ho run if Minneapolis, Minn., follows s for harbor defense monitor HYOMEI is the only remedy ins cf the big Peruna is In the house, and at the “For several years I suffered with a It Is Recovering Ilolh Activity and kept these diseases ever endorsed by the N vada from the Bath Iron Works tomor- »»».»••» tlrst of any taken severo backache, and constantdragging and Tone without lilac. tVliata Chaplain appearance symptom United States Health reports regu- row noon at one o’olook* Sharp the Philippine*. as directed on the bottle. pains. Some doctors gave it one name lar of the famoni physicians. No launohlng since that and some but none rolief. is the for A cold Is the of more another, gave HYOMEI only remedy as New November 23.—R. Q. Dan starting point ram Katabdln in 1S98 has attracted York, Sever ah of my friends urged mo to which your money is refunded if it fails than half of the fatal Illnesses from try mneb attention as will tnls one and hun- Sc Co. ’s review of trade tomorrow will (Boston Transcript.) Z to to cure, Peruna, so I was Anally persuaded _ !H —The Hev. Oliver to dreds of strangers from all part* of Maine say: Washington, Nov. November May. it and the Arstbottlo blessed free try brought Five treatment and medical advice the With reasonable business a voluntarily at- days’ arj expected to be present to witness promptness C. Miller, chaplain, A cold Is the first chapter In the his- I have used it off and on for as valne. relief. proftU>f ,, to the Fourth Cavalry, and who All druggists or sent by mail. Complete tached tory of every case of consumption. three years. It keeps mo in excellent Outfits $1.00. Trial Outfits 35c. Generals Young Bates and served under first of and I And its occasional use CO Ithaca. N. Y. A cold Is the stage chronic health, THE R. T. BOOTH has returned to the United Lawton, catarrh, the most loathsome and stub- keeps my system in good condition, and was at the War Department States and prevents my catching cold.” the better class of born of diseases. THREE 14X11*K ONES STARVIN'*. today. He desoribos Worrell Cured of Offensive Ca» as lovable people, with high A cold is the legitimate parent of a Mrs. New York, November 23 —A case of Filipinos of domestlo morality, and says of diseases such as bron- tarrh of the Head by Peruna. death. standards largo family novertv. suffering, destitution and their that the prevalent impression of chitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and quinsy. Is seldom oven In New .Mrs. 11.1.. iTurrt-iijiuj v'ritiiuB Mit’Vl, that equalled oonfnsloa In the savagery Is due to their To a cold lsalmostsuiclde. was brought to light In the York- neglect East Boston, Mass., writes York, mind with the Ladrones, who Three little popular To fail to this well- vllla polios oourt today. Incorri- provide against Your great_ are a dangerous and apparently orphan boys who bad been found by de- nigh inevitable evil Is dangerous negli- medicine Peru- Ihe gible class. tectives starving In a garret beside gence. na lias cured me Chaplnlo Hiller also expresses Indigna- body of their father, dead for a halt day, Peruna Is a is a of catarrh. I was at the reoorts whloh have been spread safeguard, preventive, of tion were taken before a magistrate com- a is a cure for all cases of catarrh Mrs. Messer Cared of Catarrh ot the troubled for live abroad as to the addiction of our soldiers specific, mitment. The children are Christopher, and con- with it It habits. "During tbo northern acute chronic, coughs, colds, Head and Running Cars. years 8 and to vicious Emil and Robert Von Draska, 13, etc. Mrs. Barbara Pa., eoft me a great campaign In ;Luzon," he said today, sumption, Messer, Freedom, 7 years old respectively. Their mother deal of Lawton me In all my Read what the women are saying of speaks as follows of Peruna: I suffered money last fall and their "General requested died trom consumption catarrh of the head for a 'for doctors. I addressee to the soldiers to warn them Pcruna i from chronic father last The children had had night. or unfair number of six weoks had read in the pa- theft, oruel treatment Miss Kahl Cured of of years—for nothing to eat for nearly two days. Their against Hemorrhages aliout Peru- with the natives, and to assure very bad running ears. I could hardly ; jiers such a dealings the Peruna. little wan, pinched faces made Lungs by sometimes could not talk. If one was found guilty ol hear, and 11a,sol thought that who them any pitiful sight Magistrate Poole, Miss Caroline J. Kahl, Otisco, Ind., me. I look I would it. I criminal assault, he, the 'general, would Life was a burden to Peruna, try was on the benob, was moved to tears, “ 1 had of the be shot. snys: hemorrhages lungs and am now cured of the am now on the strongly urge that such offender permanently "it is terrible, terrible,'’ be said, "that for a and three this .campaign Intoxicating nearly every day year, catarrh. My head is perfectly clear, second bottle, such can in a Christian Daring suffering happen bottles of your Peruna cured me. The as as I ever did.” and am entirely liquors wore poured out wherever found. and X feel well | city.” doctor said I had I am well. Before I a oolored each about consumption. Jins. Barbara Messer. the soole- A white and bay. He sent the children to Gerry now in better health than I have been medicine breath was followers, were Mrs. /.’ Hommedlcu Cured of a Very used your my the father to the fourteen years old, camp ty and the body of as for > that I was ashamod to by the natives aooused of committing many years.” Bad Case of Systemic Catarrh. so offensive morgue. sault. 1 was sent with our regimental Miss Caroline J. Kahl. talk to anyone. Even my own husband into the The Mrs. J. L’ llommediou, 91>2 Manhattan surgeon to Inquire obarges. not stand it. handkerchiefs tho evidence .Mrs. Zenk Cured of Chronic Catarrh of writes:.'‘I was could Jly GEN. DE WET AS A ROMAN CUR. result was that although avenue,Brooklyn,N. Y., as be de- were all destroyed from the catarrh. I was not as convincing might Ten Pears’ Standing. taken very bad with catarrh, 11 affected Thursday, November 23. the were arrested, would not bo without medicinefor Kralnsprult. sired, boys promptly over. treated me your and s en- Mrs. Mattio 838 Forest avenue, mo all My physician —General Hruohe Hamilton's column ar* tried by military oourt-martlal Zenk, am and feel the relief. Two bottles ot anything. I entirely well, tenced to live years' oonllnemeit In Oak writes: “I suffered for without least rived here yesterday after securing the Park, 111., BUbld prison. I know of but on# other cured me.” splendid.” and Hellbron districts. The of ten years with chronic catarrh. The Peruna Llndley caso ot assault during the whole the Mns. It. E. WoiutELi,. cold mado me sick. I Mrs. J. I.’IToMMEMEr. troops brought a number of prisoners. northern oampalgn, that of a Maooabebe slightest very was aloud loi three .Mrs. Woodward Cured of Catarrh ot Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,Co- The latter relate the remarkable assur- ,soout, and be promptly punished. could not speak months. the state- 1 saw nothing to corroborate anu am now In the Peruna. lumbus, Ohio, for a free copy ot Health ances from General Do Wet a fortnight J took Peruna, perfect Lungs by ment here'that eight hundred puDllshed am free from catarrh.” Mrs. I,. J. West Danville, and written especially ior ago Jle Wet, they say, urged the Burgh- women of abandoned character | had come bmSihf entirely Woodward, Beauty," the first of Ameri- Mrs. Mattie Zenk. writes: “When I wrote foi women. > ers to hold out till December 10, when to Manila during year Yl., you can But, on the other hand, “All the British were going home." He oocupanoy. after making, In company with fbe sic \------that the British had the added permis- retury of the Young Men's Christian As sion of Russia to light for a year only. MISS ANXK O. BOTTBiLfl. soolatlon, as exploration by night of the Manila to find out the extent ol Quean Vlotorla was at Cape Town city of A. L. HOOD, and tone and and that existed, the Chi- event. Mlsi Anne Curtis Boutelle, Is recovering both activity drunkenness Impurity whither she had tied to escape to state that wr of Charles A. tbe rise In the facts compelled us half of daughter Congressman fortunately wltbopt sharp dozen drunk nese, who had captured England. did not see more than a half WISDOM of a of rela- which was seen In tbe Boutelle Bangor, with party general prices a secluded of the General Botha had driven the British en soldiers, and In part applied to tives and friends Is to arrive and whloh was followedjby a sud- about forty-five bouees ol Specialist, expeoted spring we’found Oxygen had taken city out of the Transvaal and but la here Miss Boutelle will christen den and serious transition to a more 111-faniH patronized by our soldiers, practice Do Wet himself was tonight. of Boston, will treatments daily Pietermaritzburg. we failed to see, as stated by Mr. Wll called give the boat tomorrow and will also cut the natural range. from 9 a. m. to 5 ni. at Room 07, lighting In Cape Colony, burning farms, 11am E. JohnsonllD the Dally Voice ;ol p. rope which holds the cradle. To sever Manufactured goods are rising In re- American tlag dishonored and Lord Roberts, wounded by three Chicago, the this she will use a silver hatchet In- to a better demand from dlstrlbut- in the decoration of these resorts. To mj been taken to Hellbron to rope sponse A. bullets, hal these houses have not Y. M. C. Building scribed "Monitor Nevada, Bath Iron sources, helped at the end of the personal knowledge bad been burled there beneath lug nor are PRUDENCE ale and been lioensed by tbe government, Portland. Mo., for three weeks only, Works, November 24, 1200. Christened week by the more seasonable weather. oonneoted with The Prudent the town hall. they In many cases commencing Thursday, Nov. 22nd, treat- Miss Anne Curtis Boutelle." The ordinary measures of .buslnoss re- Man by saloons. Alvvnya ing all kinds of chronic, acute and nor- of the craft are: at all ■ hmiwan astonished at the good order The olliolal dimensions flect Increasing operations points, vous i. e.: Consumption, kitchener to commanh. Manila, [.which far lexoeeuec diseases, feet, beam 60 feet, draft 12.6 but tltu toxllo markets are the point oi relgnlngiln Length 1?2 which I have seen In many ol our Bright’s Disease, Rheumatism, Cholera, London, November 24—The cabinet to- that La Neu- feet, displacement 2661 tons. beif* response to the Improved undertone Western cities, [especially during theli Asthma, Broucbitis, Grippe, decided to recommend to Vlo- INSURES. and day Queen Heart Affectlous The new oraft will have greater speed of trade. Kecltal of conditions In the earlier history. Often 1 have gone Iron] ralgia. Dyspepsia, torla to make General Lord Kltob- at and not Lost cto. Major than the and Monadook and Iron and steel market has beoome a mo- seven to ten o olook night Manhood, Amphltrlte eoldler on tb< ner lieutenant so as to enable seen a single drunken All Female Diseases, Inflammation, general armor than the notonous Eaoh week there heavier proportionately repetition. 1 knew of no olty In the United anto him to take over the supreme command streets. Ulceration, Prolapsus, Dropsey, Monterey, but, at the tame time, the Is tbe same reoord of aotlvlty so general- States where there Is so little orlme, or ES. O. JONES dte CO., and rotroversion of the Uiterus, Fibroid In youth Africa, whea Lord Roberts Is followed so gun power of the vessel will be only ly distributed that evjrytblng, from the where orlme qnlokly by and Ovarian Tumors, Polypus and the the same number of sol- leaves country. tur- for Lcucliorrhoea. Inflammation and slightly less than that of the double raw material to the finished product, en- punishment, I INSURANCE AGENCY. Cancer, diers assembled In an open plaoe. Jtavt of tho and all irreg- reted class, carrying ten-lnoh guns, slnoe a share. Mills are not paying Sc of drunkenness anil Oct lOtl co

4;-,;; f'

-fe’ifcTgL.' 'kbS&M r'1- »•. m — « ■MCMAAMHW. MIKKU.tSROtm. prise has already taken pnsrewlon of tbe niCtLUNMM. C«A«RKSS. more easily IrrtgnM* land, then still I ~T~ 0 IRMfiATIOl remain millions aoree to whlob water of before oan be bnilt from tbs 9 si By all odds tho brought by canals PASSES large rivers or' by tne construction of jH jO j* j» I the payment storage works. The eost of so doing will of I M Q worthiest and not be notably large per acre reclaimed, premium* upon bnt tbe total ooet Is far ordinary beyond the average policy Devoted To eorporale effort; and more tban tbls, as lw finest offering ever Yesterday stated before, n oannot be made a source of Life Insurance of pront wlthoot creating a great tenant, is completed. Watering Arid Lands. population and violate some of tbe In- j made the etitutlona of a free oouKO. j What other in- The whole situation Is lllnstratlve of vestment can be the fact that oertsln public utilities or I American smoker over to cor- functions oannot be tgraed ; purchased on such porations, to be made a source of pront. without effects. In tbe arid long time, or be five cents. Head Seioral Soled disastrous at Papers By region water, like air, Is essential to life, worth ita entire [□21 and monopoly of It for speculative pur- | ■ other face if death Believe it or not; Experts* poses cannot be tolerated On the value, funds oannot M used to band, public occurs, before fully better advantage tban in conserving the ; but we know Ibis water supply and In Insuring lie greatest paid for I uss In the creation of thousands possible Life Insurance is of hjmes of a silf-supporting population. cigar subject Election of Officers Fol- 'Tbe great object to be attained Is to bring a good investment these facts to pa bile notloe while there men the nntlirQ Is time to uses and to in- for rich ; yet reotiry past I to sure lor tbe businesslike and from A Z, lowed Papers. future a « only high class se- IldlUl Cl! patrlotlo treatment or tbe nation's great for heritage—making prosperous homes lor VI curity available r. and SI Header, tbe many. Instead Of domains for the of moderate tow. people an And Union John Henry Smith of Halt Lake, spoke means. ■ f- we are telling you 4__—- ® as Place of Hold- on "The of the Ueeerte." * p A Dispute to subjngatlon ■* Mutual Policies At the arternoon session a letter was the truth. _ strike the keynote ing Next Meeting. read from Secretary of Agrloulture Wil- of fair- son dealing with "Forestry and Irriga- Life liberality, IU UI Observe our claims; ness and tion." Arid plant life was discussed In genuine a paper on "New Crops for Arid Lands," soi. results. They are try the goods by Frederick V. Covllle, botanist of the I III £ designed to satisfy, Chloago, November38.—Today s session United States department of agrlonlture. not mystify, pos- edi- of tbe National irrigation oongresa we* Papers were read by Henry James, sessors. Facts sent or L. U devoted to papers and addressee pertain- tor tbe Forseter of Washington; GAST0R1A to inter. anyone the of chief statistician In charge of For Infanta and Children. •»» ing exclusively to questljn praoll- Powers, ested. Your inquiry oal and of arid agrlonlture, tweirth oensus, United watering reclaiming is awaited. and J. W. of tbe Yal* ______richness for ourself. lands and arid plant life. The seealon States, Touiney > wae oalled to order at eleven o'olook. forest school, New Haven, Conn. The Kind You Have Judge K. F. Lest of Washington, D. C., | Trouble arose In tbe meeting tblefaf er- committee ife presiding. Wesley A. Stuart of Sturgis. noon when tbe report of the Union mutual was on "What the National Irri- on permanent present- S. U,, spoke organization _ All were aooept- Always ed. of Bought gation Association stands for.” parts tbe report AVegctable Preparation for As save recommended Insurance Co., IMPORTS S. M. Emery, president of the Montana ed tbat portion which tbat a Held meeting of tbe congress bs Horticultural society of Bozeman, Mont., the Stomachs and Bowels of 1 J Parttand. 3 maitia. Colorado ling B©arS tll0 followed with a paper on “i’ractl ral irri- held next spring at Springs, later In tbe are not like the usual 5 cent cigars gation and inoreased production." was and tbe annual meeting discussed Prof. F. li. King, of the year at Buffalo, N. Y. ty --— sta- A dozen rote to tbelr fe*t to I made of tasteless stock, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment delegates Signature cheap, insipid, tion. protest when thls'was read and loudly Promotes Digestion.CheerCul- x Jg fine house Lots voiced tbelr desire tbst ness and Rest.Contains neither NEWELL S ADDRESS. protests. They \m doctored up to imitate the taste-char- nor Mineral, la Ui -AT- F. ii. Newell, Hydrographer of the Springs, and tne secondary affair 1 n Opium,Morphine Buffalo. claimed that the majority NoiNahcotic. 9 United States Geological Survey, spoke They acter of class tobacco. of the men who would attend the annual higher about Heeouroee.’' He said “Irrigation meeting were residents of the West, ... T 1 Ml _1_ in and that should not',bs compelled Reasonable Prices. nave uu unusuai parti they naps tfOUJOrSWVn.mCHER as far as Buffalo. The discussion True, imports The resources of the West have often to go SrsU oyer an and waxed warm been dilated but the fact has not lasted hour, Jtx.Smn* * I upon, of the been clearly recognize! that the fall util- at times. Finally, on tbs request RmkdL SJ*- I Among all the desirable house and cottage hand-made lots the famous shore, there aro pearance--but they’re by ization of these Is dependent upon wise Chairman Booth, of the organization along rape none more ami located The committee,that part of tbs report relating advantageous pleasantly treatment by Congress questions than those owned ami offered for sale by Mr. II. lands 1 to the of noldlng the next annual mSESLjUk* Lucke without stlll.unsdttled concerning the public place l K. Willard who lives at No. 7 Beach street, common-sense method, was referred back to the commit- HtnpSemd- 1 are so lar reaching as to rise to national meeting Willard. a* 11.80 Importance. tee with instructions to report ggaBU ) Mr. Willard’s lots are In close proximity to and an It la impossible to oonoeive, without tomorrow morning. —. the beautiful and much frequented Willard binder; they’ve odd-looking beach, that ami that Na- some form of the cozy picturesque spot graphic presentation, A for ture ana the much of THE CITY CHAHTEK. perfect Remedy ConsUpa- has done so much for. really only great areas of unocoupled land, beach hi of Portland where sea lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea _. the vicinity it’s the best hand It under businesslike treatment, but capable, Prcu: (IS bathing may he enjoyed with comfort ami with- wrapper, fo.r Such To the Editor of the Worms r«u of supporting a great population. .Convulsions .Feveristv I* fl II O Y out danger. a treatment can only oome when the men An editorial In the morning FREES ness and Loss OF SLEEP, on Willard street, close to the beach. Mr. of selected Havana. not U V U I Willard lias some two acres of land excellently work, outside of affairs of the country appreciate that “The oharter to be so pi | UI states appears situated for the building of summer cottages. only these possibilities, but realize that to one of Its Facsimile ot __ avenue and Beach street he lias ad- have duties us owners of the unsatisfactory prominent Signature # Myrtle they part |H ditional land that some day will be covered by The authors that he has set to work to amend great national domain. greatest summer cottages and villas, for there are but enemy to progress In this direction lies It by preparing a tall to be Introduced tln few places bordering Pasco Bay that are so not In but In or Years situated. On cottage road and Mid- tri- opposition, Ignorance tbs lnoreasing tbs Mayor's _ favorably is their legislature JS some ideal FILLER dle street. Mr. Willard lias for sale However, their indifference. Thirty over the loroe." j house ami lots. Situated on and One-third of the whole country, ex- power polloe Appeor- cottage high land, with beautiful all about ami of Alaska and posses- must he deoeitful U the editorial dry scenery clusive outlying anoes in the distance, these lots are destined t<» be oc- is vacant and at the of sions, disposal refers to me, for I am very well satisfied cupied by handsome homes and In no distant a Umgieas. For the most part It Is open ntiaapflU future. Fortunate Indeed are those who secure contains charter. The with the proposed crying es- umph. Every “Import” to homestead entry and settlement, and " them at present low prices and Iveforo real much of it consists of land of great for- need In the police department can be met EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. njOTfiniaVV I tate in this vicinity takes arise as It surely jjj g & H .PH 'must do ere long. On Cottage road the electric except for the lack or water. At more and the tuity, much quickly snrely by cars to and fro at intervals, thus Intervals are to be found mountain masses pass frequent bill to be Introduced by Representative THE C2NTAUR COMMNV. HEW YOU* CITY. making all the lots within easy reaching dis- blend of three tobaccos. These from whloh oome perennial streams Webb than by placing a provision In the tance of the city whose waters are now used to a small oharter and submitting It to the tender It may be*truthfully said that this section of extent to moisten the parched lands. On mercies of the present tonrd of aldermen, ( our city was never more popular with summer occur v isitors than now. The numerous boarding the plains occasionally there local whose attitude toward the polloe depart houses and cottages hereabouts are filled b> storms or Hoods, Inundating large tracts. Is too well known to .need ment desorlp overtowing jn the summer, and all indications are whole- There Is amnio water lor the reclama- If tne who believe the stocks first choice, fine, tlon. people Mayor to the fact that this portion of South arid point tion of a considerable portion or the should have mors power over the polloe Portland city is to greatly Increase in impular- to land, if It could all be saved and put will give tbelr moral support to thh mens ify from summer to summer. Prospective pur- been made Indi- of lots should call at once and examine use Attempts have by ure to be introduced by Representative chasers the situation anu learn iavoraDie terms. viduals and by corporations to oonstruot Webb, and which Is drafted to meet the a free und reaervolrs to and oanals can some leaf, give ditches, supply Ideas of Mayor Robinson. It beoome long a the As the lack of moisture. rule a law within two or three months, and smaller works, taking water irom It? per- give the present mayor all the ; power be ennial streams, have not only been suc- desires, and all the power needed to oom l\»r Terms and Particular* the cessful, but sources of groat profit to nlotely cleanse the police department be Oil of Omega to flavor al- apply and rich the draught peculiar owners; larger works, however, fore the end of the present term. The most equally without exception, have present polloe law was a special act of the and their own- PAINS-A woman once proven financial failures, legislature of 1886. It was never sab- CORSET H. E. Willard, ers have become bankrupt. The great mltted to .the people, and there Is no she liked to wear a corset because Capt. In of said works of reclamation built the hope reason It cannot be amended by the No of stock why such a relief when she took it 7 Beueli St., Willard. natural charm. revenue it was cigar securing a certain and permanent proposed act It the people so desire. drawn from the farmers, have Impover- As for the charter Itself, the Drlnclpal off. So long as Fashion makes women _nov21«v* «»v »• ■uri tVi a little Ometra smokable little machine- 11*17/ lATDk'l gard to the mayor's veto power, and things, civilisation they cannot be made to con- minor The Corona Dress Shield commend* it- numerous other Improvements Oil. This relaxes the tribute exclusively to tbe welfare of the oommended The self to user. It is manufactured of whlob are universally flesh and every builders The Indirect gain, or unearned urltlqlsm of the change in the department squeezed-up •i newly discovered material which is is so diffused Increment of value, widely of punllo works Is groundless, as u oare muscles, takesoutthe odorless, antiseptic and perspiration ot vueita retuse. teat tbe general public reaps tbe largest ful examination will show. It does not without made, musty soreness and has a proof. Made of linest Nainsook reward. method of eni change the olvll service lubber. It can be boiled, washed and We are tbns confronted with a situa- pjpylng labor, but stops tne present prac- wonderfully soothing at will, without to the tion where there Is praottoally an un- ironed, iiijm-y tice of favoritism In the department by woman or to the sort of a of fertile land to be re- effect. The shield. Strictly pure—no acids inju- If accustomed insiped limited amount requiring all work done dlreotly under bodies of water to rious materials used. claimed and considerable the charge of the commissioner to be done who wants get up and to tbls land, Use No. 2 Coioua Shields for Bust to be conserved brought IV V**V wnvo. must smoke UJ UUUVtMV* in the morning feel- 5-cent however, you suen action, millions of homes oan will save the measure under 34 inches. cigar, liy lleve tbU change olty to be created and tbe commonwealth enor- thousands ot dollars annually. The olty ing fine, ought get No. 3 for 34 inch. ithe addition of mously strengthened, by may order, and the people some Oil No. 4 for 30 to 38 inch. several to the where eaoh baad government Omega “Imports” appreciate a producing population, hut It makse little dlfforenoa. A No. 5 over 38 inches. his farm. protest, Of family owns and lives upon careful examination will oonvlnoe any right away If above directions aro followed the this result It Is in the'ni. One alone is too much To bring about bappy oandld person that a change Is needed. and use Corona Shield will protect to trust to enter- absolutely pleasure Impossible speculative The charter proposes numerous ohanges the dress. because of the fact that can- it. prise, profits which are much needed. Why oondemn It at our Notion of work Ask for them Depart- of a contrast to the straw fla- not be made in the construction for not Including measures which can be burning beoome tenants of ment. unless tbe population much more quickly and surely secured a great land-owning monopoly. by soeolal legislation If the people so de- vor of the usual 5-cent goods. Smoke It Is necessary that public finds be sire! wisely nsed In tbs construction of works CAVL1N K. WOODSIDE. of reclamation. This must oome about several Get used to their when the people of the country are fully “Imports.” AN APPEAli. *•'»~ --•* uonvuraant with the foots. ‘These foots rinesIros, CO. novildlw__ are being obtained by the Investigations |JAs has been the custom tor the past then its ■ .■■■— richness. Smoking will have of the United tetotes Geological Survey twenty-flve years, Dev-^J K. Pearson of .1 Into tne water resources of the country, the Uospel Mission desires to visit some whloh the arid lands and the-extent to of the worthy poor, and extremely needy Oil is for sale full charm for it. nev- Before Omega you. Try They oan be redeemed by Irrigation. ones ot our olty, on or 'Thanksgiv- in most drug stores. "The total area realalmable 1s dependent ing Day, and provide them with some of Any druggist can get The Knack whole- a large numbsr ot conditions soms the oomforts of this present life. I most a supply of his er hurt the nerves and can smoke upon If dealer you of wbtob are within the oontrol of legis- earnestly appeal to sucn as Uod has fa- saler. your does not the others are affect- In bebalf of the and suf- keep it, lation, while Indirectly vored, sorrowing Chemical Co., who Omega with relish. In this ed by It If ail tbe land belonging to the fering, believing that many are pos- Broadway New Of Good Printing '13 any number equal various time Is 257 United States and tbe title to sessed of means, and yet whose will mail a York, you the artistic into the tracts was not already vested in Individ- so occupied by home and business oares bottle, prepaid, if you insight of will send in cash, differ frcm choicest uals and corporations, It would be a com- that they have not tbe opportunity 50c. “ art of all arts.” they imported paratively simple matter to lay ont Irri- seeking out and assisting those In the money order or stamps. preservative gation oanals and to design reservoirs In poorer walks of life, would oonslder It a With us printing is not A^uelta whloh water oould be held for future use. and a pleasure to contribute goods. privilege mechanical—we treat it as an ‘The conditions are complicated, however, something towards making some H e the tact that spsoulators as well as brighter by a few orumbs of comfort at by Both to live and to for the true art should be treated. home seekers have taken up lands wher- this time. Donations of food or money paint Trade in This brotherhood of man. Distributors to Market, ever water Is easily obtainable, and nave to purchase the same sent to lisv. H F. Wouldn’t it be wise for you to or 121 Pork made tilings upon ail ot tne reservoir sites Pearson, Uospel Mission, to MONEY LOANED. a trial order with us f they oould discover. street, will be most thankfully received place In any system ol reclamation of the and Immediately acknowledged. FOX STUDIO, land now vaoant, it will probably be HEV. a. F. PEABSON. Heirs and others to TOMLINSON CO. to for tbe condemnation desiring MILLIKEN, necessary provide 478 I Congress St., Portland. THE THURSTON PRINT and taking of tracts of land whloh other- WITH THE NAVAL. BKSKKVE. borrow money on REAL ES- wise block the enterprise. Uore than furni- How the young men ot the Naval De- TATE, NOTES, household >7 J-t EXCHANGE STREET tbe canals already built In oertaln tbls, serve scale drill with the and small and walls, single etc. Business strict- Drawing. Painting Modelling localities, although relatively In the cutter ture, pianos, make It Inadvisable to stick, practice rowing big 'PHOrtt 30 '/ORTLANO. MAINE Insufficient, may which Unole Sam has for them, ly confidential. to reclaim other lands iuimedl provided in Clay, attempt and unite hard work with healthful play, atoly adjaoent. At tbe outset It would O. 10OO H. will be told In a handsomemly Illustrated Opour* NOv* & a FRANCIS LEGGETT ot CO., have been slightly greater possible, article which will be one of many strik- to Irrigate all of the lands TEACllKRS-('li*rlei 1-. Fo«, Carrie I. DR AUSTIN TENNEY. expenditure, ing features of tomorrow's Issue of tbe Ctarlla A. In these localities instead of only a por- fc»«tni4U. Perry, Ollier 514 Conffrms Street, over Foster New York Distributors. Portland Sunday 'Times, Herbert A. Kichardioii. Co. tion; but even with existing disadvant- Shawmut Loan Arrrjr Co., *>c i»er weak ID discuses of the Bye and Bar a month aav etas*. evening Specialist ages much oan be accomplished by prompt •to tilaarea. e!a*», trull par titular* lunmimt on appiiea- and tlie scientific fitting 01 aotlon. For a Fold In the Head 68 MARKET ST.. ME OCUtdtt 1 PORTLAND, UOU OC'v^lU.»*t,tU‘JBi Saturday. Only. In spite of the loot that private enter- Laxative Uromo-tluiulae Tablets, ■uyadtf Hum SCHOOL KACQUKT. was what waa sailed the oompnlsiry i sk.im.vs servitude lew, and 11 WM eof orosd on- ^ The High school Kaoquat for November mm. tll the Maguire aot was passed by Con- la at hand, and It la one of the bast nuin- gress, In 1895 ThJ Maguire & & from the aohool. Ilia February. °b"*S ters afar leaned eat revoked the oompuls-wy ffi&ibbn ffi&ibbn objectionable steadily Improving and never has been so servitude had the elleo, law. In fast H 44444^*^ AA AAAA AAAAAA AAA good aa during the past year. There la an of the seemen from ohattel riave- evld-nt eTort to give It a literary charao* Flourishing Organiza- treeing ry. This was a long stop in /f w ter and It la meeting with considerable exasperating for Mariners. reform In affairs an1 the j success. In this number we note a story tion shipping members of the union feel naturally well tvorK trying to ad- ♦ signed 1HB entitled “The Inevitable j pleased that It was effected largely Small Hrother,” "Niocolo'e Mass,'1 by 8. Vert is e the Suits, through their efforts. P. C., 1901, “The Inquisition," by | It Is now ten years ago slnos the Port- Stephen Oammett, 1901, a Cuban letter F orx. Jackets. • land office was established. At thet written by EMU, 1902, “Howard Aim and Constant Growth of Infln- time the rooms wero on the opposite cor- Waists and X Sanderson s Hide." unsigned, and a Capes, ner of Exchange and Fore streets, on tne poem by Stephen Cammett, entitled fnliM Order. not tb side. The agent was Fred Skirts. ••Futility.'* All this la in addition to westerly | edl» Kell and In this place the office was the uanal amount, of aohool news and For there's ♦ maintained Kell for five years nothing tnrial oomment. There are few high by Agent a more During this time there was a In schools in the country whloh Issue panlo permanence to 1 marine ail along the AtUm!" creditable papir than this one. Estab- quarters Portland Agency coast, the ports were overcrowded with the styles. While X WESTBROOK. sailors and wages beoame greatly re- lished Ten Years Ago. duced. These were hard times for the the general style of • onion In Portland, so that for the next architecture is set at X PRINCIPAL WENTWOKTH TO KE- three yean the Portland office was dosed W AIN. A revival came in February, 1888, when the early part of the ♦ Posanskl was the At a meeting of the school committee Albert appointed agent the rooms lact evening a communication was read Long Experience of Agent for Portland, opening present season. certain Posanskl J from Principal Wentworth of the bridge that the union occupies. Agent his Andrew L. Me Fur lane. hold offloe In Portland are <• street grammar school withdrawing continued to changes rung he was succeed- resignation and aooeptlng the commit- nntlt August, 1899, when in at an Increased ed Mr. the Incum- a Women's Wearables and out of this great tee’s offer to lemain by MoFarlane, present every tveek. and there's never ending procession of passing || salary. bent. __ because almost in For a young man Agent MoFarlane department that is impossible to catalogue oftbe daily changes style. urn»f'b'ui,ov. 14. Pinery I Peavey ol Hampden end Mrs. Ida M. Pierce ot Bangor. Atlantic Const Seamen's Union. »«« »«»**»*• *♦« *♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦«*♦♦ in ML Vernon, diaries W. WhlUler and MU Bln one C. Prescott. Ml lor I who come to Portland. It has Ulty of York, which sailed from Glas- diaries C. Turner ot fnrusr and TO CONWAY’S In GO Auburn, been established here lor several and after a voyage of live months Mai Leona It. Page. years gow lace ntus Ml*s in THANKSGIVING In Kitie.rry, Nov. 10, Horry and fts work has Increased every year. and ten days arrived, December, 188V _ Mabel i/ithrop { | has a been at her destination in Portland, Oregon, In WjUdoboro. Nov. 10. E. M. Wallace ami Especially steady progress v Mr. An- 'i'hen MoFarlane aboard Miss Ki! Miller. ... made In the association since young shipped SILVER. In Otkhnul. Nov. 10, James R. Hall and Mbs “Sail- 1 drew L MoParlane, an aotlve and enter- the four masted, full rigged ship, Curtains. SALE. E. Gleiuou. THANKSGIVING Norma | prising young man, has been tbe agent ors' Home,” as an ordinary seaman, gc- You all want your table to X LEA1 HS. at The organization Is one ol a few lng to Valparaiso, Chill,'and arriving be on this dear old \ branobes of the International Seamen's that port Id March, ltWI. He remained inviting In this Nor, 23. Sarah M., wife of Na- Home Benutifiors that are and city, when he is neces- Glass Plated Ware. tion .J. Stiuford. »ge1 7 5 yeirs. Union. This parent organization was there about two months shipped day. Silverware X Crockery, afternoon at 2.30 within reach F uu<'i dl ou Sunday o’clock, (1 ret established under the name of the as a boy on tbe ship Tarc-o-Shnnter X brought easy by from her lata residence, No. 73 Waterviile M. j sary. Our line of Carving ne, on and teamen's wbloh was bound to New York and !* of Burial at Gorham. Ma Monday. Amalgamated P'lremen our method selling. We June Nov. 17, Hbrlage j Knives, Forks anil At Lewiston ion, Union which oontlnnued only a few which arrived In this oounlry In July, $ 78 4 months 27 days. are of and Love Joy. nged yours has is tlio ? large buyers High DINNER SETS, COVERED in Gardiner, Nov. 12, Mrs. Annie II. Wilford, years. Tbe firemen and seamen working 18M). Since then Mr. MoFarlane Spoons (Rogers) PLATTERS, DISHES, 34 Medium Grade Goods and aged years. In a common organization did been engaged In service on the Atlantic We can x Sets In Woolwich. Nov. 11, William A. Groves, together largest and latest. 15 of our special Combination Soup Tureens, odd pattern*, to be In different not eoem to euocesfully accomplish their coast capacities, engineer, often run across Curtains for t! persons. Kuglish make, decorated, closed out very low. Nov. II, Melbsa L.. widow ot show you thousands of pieces i ^hUhvi’s Head, Intended The wages of both second mate and first mate. For three IS'ts, and at fti.50. purposse. ciioap John J. Emery, aced 03 years 5 months. that aro he was on the x and best silver Z This Sale in Hampden, Nov. 10. Maud Hartford, aged at that time were small and there was years engineer tug boat^ in sterling $4.87 28 yea**. not the degree of harmony and N & W., No. 1, of Norfolk, Va whose Forks In Webbs Mills, George R. Winslow, aged 84 requisite X Knives #1.50, X CHINA. of tbe plate. 1(1 Sets, 112 pices in choice decoration, lo momh-. Interest In the councils to It oamo business took It to inaay ports years __ 99 cents X blue and worth *i> OU a set. In East Nov. 13. Content S. t om while X #1.99, Teaspoons green bordor, Kddmgton, shout that in the year 18SH a reorganiza- along the coast. Seven years ago Salad nnd Nut Bowls, Bread and But- Ins, aged IMS years.—wi low ot Elijah Coinins. This sale $6 97 tion of the eeamen’s Interests took plaos. on this tug Mr. MeFarlane made a visit t per set. We are doing a • Real Bargains. ter Plates, Bono, Fruit and Bon Bon this the a coal Dishes in and beautiful This reorganization was held In Boston to city, tag towing along X business in this line ; X ,) jfr G. Meakins ware, flowing b no unique shapes STOCKMAN’S FINGERS. large decoi a ions. There are now as tranches of the greater barge. Little did be then think that 112 worth *12.00. X at reason- X underglaze, pieces, body, a Paclfio Coast a Great within a few years afterwards he would up-to-date goods This Sale $7 98 Union, came a will make busi- ♦ Such an Same on Both Lakes’ Union, an Atlantic Coast Union have charge of flourishing headquart- X able prices opportunity on hand decorated sets, 112 GLA SWARE. ind a Gulf Union. The Paclfio associa- ers for sailors In Portland. While the our way recent'y, and instead Grinley's • ness. t worth $17. (JO. tion from the start has been the most he ttrst became Interested In the Sea- pieces, today tag of the that hon- out at Best Blown W. E a X back if goods do x taking profit Closing $11.87 Tumblers, 4-5c Beckhaiu, corking heavyweight flourishing. That of tbe Gull comes men's Union, Joining It at Prortdenoe, Money le In the live stook busi- to ns, we turn Bauded Tumblers, 55c of Barton, Kan., next In power and Influence, followed by K 1 He left the tug In 1834 and after X not suit. X estly belonged need to much at- These are a few of our Common Tumblers, 24 s ness Be did not pay the Atlantio Coast which la a close third that up to the time of hlg appointment these over to to make the only you in Diuner Ware. and tention to the food he ate, until about tbe Portland he held many bargains Celery Trays Glasses, |Q to 25c The headquarters of the Atlantio Coast to office, positions most of. In the Drapery an attack of the left Preserve Bowls, 10c two years ago grip teamen's Union Is at Boston, and be- on sailing vessels on the Atlantic coast t Ills main floor. d Preserve him practically paralysed. experi- sides the Portland office there are also that were engaged in the domestic trade Department, Individu Dishes, 2c ence with food is well worth reading was THE JEWKI.KB, Z stations on this ooast at Bangor, Boston, When the eleotlon held for the agent lamps! on each “The third and little linger Pblladephie, Baltimore, New York, la Portland Mr. MoFarlan* was an en- TOILET SETS. and my nlnaan dart thn stiiutiinp crhrannnp l.vmttn 8(tU4KR. $ Best B. A H. Niekle with hand became partially paralysed, Providence, Norfolk, Va., New Bedford Lamps, a no\ -2d if ♦ shade and cl was affected Just below the baok IMcKENNEY, imuey complete. spine and Ala. New otfioes are being M, Law. Mobile, A gioat bargain, $1-48 10 piece Decorated Sets from of the neak. This came from a severe at set up all of the time so that within a "1 am finely pleased wltb tbe port of T, F. FOSS & SONS, $1.75 to $15 I almost tack of the grip two years ago. tew years it Is predicted by the friends Portland,'1 said Agent MoFarlane, yes- A large line of Decorated Globe the nse of hands. with central draft burner. A now lino of Crumb Trnvs and entirely lost my J1 uw uuiuu tuav iiupvinus » “It Is a and Lamps, cvviy |»v» terday. already great port THE WHITNEY CASE* Complete Housefurnishers. This Sale to Brushes or Scrapers, SOc to $i.25 “This condition oontlnued several a I think that Is destined to become one of nov94.lt $2,50 $10 an the const will be represented by __ of all kinds of baths aDd months, in spite branch of the union. At the the beet ports in the oonntry. 'There ts at lowost in Yellow Dishes, Mixing Bowls, present So In Auburn Common Lamps prices Pudding In the meantime stom- There Will He Ucurlug lowest treatments. my time there are about a,000 members of always plenty of deep water for any ves- city. Etched Pie Plates, at prices. bsoame Today. ach, bowels, and digestive organs the union on the Atlantio coast, and the sels so that It Is never necessary for any seemed affected and deranged. My liver rate ot Increase for several years past of them to hang outside and wait for more aotlon than If I had no to have no has shown about 500 new members for high water. Slnoe I have been tn Port- ; Lewiston, November til.—Tbs bearing tasted liver at all. No food of any kind eaoh quarter. land there have been 608 men join the In the Abble Whitney ooee will not ooour run down from aiO head- at right, and 1 pounds The principal objects of the anion are union. We have four rooms In onr tomorrow as was expected for tbs reason J; M. CONWAY'S to 1#0. to Interest the sailors so that they will quarters. There Is a well equipped read- It la stated that the young women te not “Une tbe man asked me If 1 room and a where tfcs day grocery display a keener Interest In their affairs ing baggage room, yet well enough to appear In court. ever tried food. Be toll can be ohecked. NEW STORE, had Urape-Nuts and become faotors of lmpartanoe In ths articles of tbe sailors The physlolans of Sabatls have been me that U was recommended as a brain for world, Instead of drifting about from place Tbe anion ts held responsible keeping watching tbe developments of the oase and nerve food and that It was di- room Is also Casco St. pre- to plaoeaud exerting llttls intlnenoe. It Is these articles. A sleeping wltn considerable Interest. Ur. F. K. 520 Coneress St., Opp of the gested. especially desired that they shall Interest provided. When any grlevanoe Slseper has expressed tbe opinion that “Bo I commenced the use of and communi- Unpe- themselves so that more favorable legis- sailors arises 1 Investigate no drags were administered to tbe girl, and carried some In Nnts, my pocket lation shall be enaoted for ths men who cate with the headquarters In Boston for but tbat she had been suffering from an and when 1 felt I would Now then, hnngry sail the deep. It has long been I alk that action We hold weekly meetings every aggravated form of hysteria. He thinks some of the food into my mouth nod take the seaman Is tna most abused person In Monday evening and the semi-annual tbat Mias Whitney’s own aooount of tbe melt before The allow It to swallowing. ths world. For years the custom of sail- meetings for tbe nomination of agent! affair will not oonvlnoe any jury. Hs ana I to Store has a delicious the Our food taste, began elec- ors leaving the ship whenever arriving at takes plaoe in May and October, makes tbe prediction tbat tbe young men Jewelry THE SEXUAL In three ’time Improve right away. days any port would be followed, trouble en- tion oomlng one month later." In the oaso will be oleared of oonneotlon |• is with everything new in ♦ w«b much better. packed 1 very suing In which the sailor would Invaria- Ager.t MoFarlane has just been re- with the alleged assault. Ur. A. O. 2 the Jewelry line. Wo have the 2 “I oontlnued the use of Urape-Nuts, bly get the worst end of the deal. After nominated fur tbe Portland olfioe, At a Hamlin of Uangor, who has studied the INSTINCT Y moat stock In tlio city. Y and continued to In of the held complete Its Use and Dangers Improve steadily. working very bard on a trip the sailor meeting higher organisation oase carefully as It has appeared In the | * to our store we can show # a weeks I was and he to Como as affecting Heredity and Morals. few longer strong lad, on reaching any port, Would be only In Chicago last year wpe appointed newspapers. Is also oonvlnced that the X found In Itv JAMES FOSTER SCOTT. had the ns< of my hands the olfioe In the union, that ol of you everything usually ^ regained per- too glad to leave his ship for good and, highest woman Is a vlotlm hysteria. It. A. (Yale University): M. D., C. M. (Edinburgh young ♦ establish- less than five months I was Blnoe then he has a first class jewelry late oh»tct riciuu to Columbia Hos- fectly. In without a cent of money, go ashore and general organizer. Ur. Hamlin Is a lieutenant colonel and J University); pital for \\ uuh'h, Washington, D. C. as see me the menu & baok to over 300 pounds, you take his ohanoes Instead remaining nntll made an extensive trip through vnedtoal inspector of the United btates 9 “This book coutninti much plain talking, for 1 Band. Atn now 51 which I offer no defence. Its will In tbe picture which the conclusion of the voyage and reoelvlng southern ports on olllotak business. and was historian of the Eleventh justification army, he bound in Abo of tho work, designed to old and never had better health In body years his full pay. bailors would also sign ar- Army Corps. Ur. M. 'L'. N ewton of ba- furnish tho non-professional man with a knowl- bo of all my life. 1 passe 1 a first-class medloal ticles to to and when an ter care- edge. which ho cannot afford to without, go sea; raaobtng batls has expressed opinion,wf — Shall We Have for Dessert? s mutters to tho sexual sphere. examination about fonr months ago In a wharf to sail often What the tbat It Is a oase i pertaining the away, they would fully watching case, McKenney, From Author’s Preface. dealing life Insuranoe no “He avoids vagueness and generalities, company. show hesitation and about This arises (n the family overy of and that drugs have bsen " complain go- question hysteria, with the subject frankly and forcibly, yet 1th oil health Is us answer It "My recovery to good solely ing on socount of dlfforent circumstances day. Let today. Try Jell-o, administered. JEWELER, f necessary tact and reticence.*’—Chicago Tribune. a delicous and healthful dessert. Pre- due to tbe use of Urape-Nnts food. As than they had anticipated. Then the dis- 8vo. 436 Cloth, $2.00, Postpaid. No no went pages. there Is in two miuui.es. boiling! How Jerry Smlthers wrong, as a brain and nerve food, nothing appointed sailer would sometimes come pared E. B. TREAT & Publishers. baking! simply add boiling water aud the switch tsnder, will be set Monument Square, CO., to It. You can use of this told by j New York. equal any part to the point of baoklng out But If he set to cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Orauge, * 241-243 West 23d Street, forth to tjmortow’s Issue of Ute Fort- 1THEf I!y20dtl5tlaor8tnp letter, and I hope it may lead some un- did back out no alternative was left but to and Uet a pack- Raspberry Strawberry. land Times. fortunate Invalid to health." him to go to jail for two months. This age at your grooera today, 10 ots. bun^lny rnAsroiAU AICTIOR. | AUCTIOW. then BlHCELLANKm die la tbe last dltcn, rather yield. ABOUT THAT STATE SANATORIUM _ THE PRESS, Of oouree this policy, If pursued, mean* ASSOCIATION. the | BY F. O. BAILEY^ & Auctioneers. thalr extermination, for there U not CO., will ro the editor of the Preeat \ 8ATl!ni»AT, NOTEBBER «*, 1»®0. slightest prospect that the English modify in the «msliest degree their de- So many Inquiries have been made Casco National Bank to their about tbe Maine State Sana- THUMB, mand for absolute submission proposed sovereignly. torium Association that, as a matter o< DAILY PKESS- _ ORIENTAI7RUCS pnhito Interest and In the Interest of the In advance or *7 at the end of 'ID* situation In China 1* not without PORTLAND. MAINS. By the yew. 90 pubHo welfare, the member* of the State the year. some to the allied torses. The danger Board of Health beg yon to present tnls and By the month, 50 number of troop* available cent*.___ European communication to yonr readers. Incorporated 1824. CARPETS. then Is not and to rein- PRESS I* delivered at these rates largs'at present, The whloh modern The DAILY proof Investigation cAmu. A«A> ■rnpi.vi all of force them with any oonsldorabls number every morning to subscribers in parts has furnished that pulmonary tnberou Westbrook and South Port- of men won Id take a good deal of time. Portland, a.id In losls, or oonsnmptlon. Is an Infections tbe has bsen oontlned en- land. So far outbreak as a to be at disease, stamps It, at the same time, Magnificent Collection sold STATE PRESS (Weekly!- to Northern even there MAINE tirely Chino,—not disease. with the end perventable Colnoldently ONE or at MILLION By the year, $1 In advance, $1.-5 ha* thera been general In tt, participation the late Andies of tbe biology of tbe of the year. have been —and the allied force* adequate the natural 50 cents for three months. 25 taberonlar parasite, and of Auction. six For months, for the But should an insur- emergency. and artlflolal agencies whloh may be em- cents.____ rection break out In Southern China, and DOLLARS. We slinil sell at our salesrooms. 46 St„ on Wednw* ployed In preventing tbe traaemission of Exchange >J are not delivered the of the all aver the ~Subscriber* wlwse papers spirit people empire and tbe at the day, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 2 I si. 22nd and 23rd, at 10.30 A. of the parasite development are to notify the office become the allies be taoe promptlv requested aroused, might who have received tbe 91. and 2.30 P. 91., about 400 very flue oriental Units and carpels. street. disease In persona Interest Paid on the DAILY TRESS, No. 97 F.xehange to taoe with a situation twyond their Infeotlon, a very eager study ol the qnee- This sale affords a very favorable opportunity to buyers, as our Portland, Me. to with successfully. Tbe ___ ability oope tlon of heredity as a cause of tuberculosis Time DErosifs. Instructions are to sell absolutely without reserve. On exhibition Chinese ate not sail If stirred up. War who are leaving tosru ha* been carried on In all parte of the Nov. sale and Friday. Patrons of the PRESS with- Tuesday, 20th, Wednesday, Thursday, of thetr oan go on in one part ot the empire may have the addresses civilised world. The result briefly atatsd nov20dlw temporarily maob as desire by out a distant part's knowing due papers Hiauged a* often they may le that tubaroulosla la a disease to LETTERS OF CREDIT AND IN- :_ about It. end less; hot reports of notifying the office. earing Infeotlon and that heredity has but little the of tuoh a* the doings expeditions to do with Its oausatlon. Thus instead TERNATIONAL AimwEMRirrs. I allies have been sending ont are likely. In CHEQUES _AMmgMKirra. MAINE. of cause of deapalr the brand ol lafec- STATE OF to all over the empire, and time, spread tlvtty and the dlsproval of the former FOR SALE. JEFFERSON THEATRE" Uiieiianl Maiaprt. "v may exolte tne ; populace to frensy. olalms for heredity as an etloiogloal fac- C This business It espec- orrespondence solicited from IndU Proclamation by tomb-destroying tor present a reason for hopefulness— hope eld sals, Corporations, Banks and THE STOCK CO. Tliunkaglvtug the E. V. PH ELAN ially dangerous, since It appeals to for the victim of an Incipient Infection, othors desiring ta open accounts as well < KLLA DURKIN and an Kxeellent ( the Governor. for the cffeoted household, for tbe com- as Aram those to transact Bank- lucludlng CA'IKKON, JAHKI onipanr. and feelings of the wishing TUli Afl»r noun. religious superstitious for the State. description To-night. animated munity, Ingbusinessofanf through THE GREAT RANDOLPH MYSTERY.HELD BY THE ENEMY people, ff the powers or* really This Is the view of the matter taken •his Bonk a IIRIN the and ns And Vandrvlllc Kntertalnmcnt headed by THK OHKAT DAJtOUR. As we approaoh the end of year by a desire to get out of tbe oountry by the State Hoard of Health, and though of this lWtb century, the we think that tbe STEPHEN R. the sunset hour soon as possible, and not to disturb the perhaps, enthusiasts, SNAIL PraMM. Prig— to, ao, TO. Matln«es, 10, of Maine should be devoutly and good results of tbs popular educational aOe._ people of the Chinese over the em- MARSHALL R. GODWG. CuN«. WEEK COM MK Matliiffi thankful to Almighty Uod for the sovereignty campaign against tnbarouloele whloh nas .iSDTda NCI NO MONDAY. NOV. ‘10. Dally Commencing Tuesday truly do noth- blessing* and progress whlota this year pire, they will be careful to been waged |lo this State .and In some them and the century have brought to ing beyond what the aotual necessities or other plaoes folly absolve ue from any CORSE PAYTON’S COMEDY CO. the of In MONDAY—Th. Daughter. and to the state; for spirit patriot- the situation demand. No doubt the Imputation of being visionaries. Hut -THE- Prodigal ism, love of country and unfltnonlng de- the efforts to lessen the prevaleooe ol ftpcclalllds In4tween the show and between f S- both olvlllzed world will Insist that those re- ■ votion to duty which hove pervaded tuberculosis many unfavorable Influences eacn ael by the Lenton Bros., Comedy Chinese CUT Tins OUT. ■ for the ot Acrobats; Key ford Sisters, Introducing several I our state and nation, and bright sponsible for the murder foreigners hamper tbe work of the State Hoard, of Bj con Aden oa Now Songs and Dances; also Miss Maude ■ This coupon and l.Vr will entitle any lady ■ sun of hope, prosperity and shall suffer oonatgn punishment, and looal boards, and of tbe Intelligent and the Phelps Mr. Homer Mullaney, Mr. Harry Man- ■ to a reserved seat if at the box ■ the Illuminating ui our pvupio. mere presented in Suture, already that suitable are obtained, laougoiiai pun tell and others. ■ oflleo before 6 p. m. Monday. Nov. 26. ■ We have guarantiee thousand homes In the PORTLAND threshold or the ooming year. constantly eeveial Prices-- Matinee 10, 20c. Evening 10, 20, 30c. ————, i,nnr ot established to j had abundant harvests. The interests and sufficient safeguards State In wbton there are persons with or- education have been promoted. Law. prevent a recurrence of tbe outbreua tuberculosis. Many of tnese persons are Individual liberty ana personal a continual eouros of to their ns der, But to go further than that will be to danger rale ani bless every part of our soolstes at home, at school, and In places PORTLAND THEATRE. ourlty demand that axlats, commonwealth. Never In Its history Bxoeed any really of business. Many of them are a sooroe more were the skies brighter or the people BIO apt on tbe part of a comparatively few of danger because of a lack of precis; In. TRUST COMPANY ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26. "The hand of Uod prosperous and wbo may see of per- formation now to obviate the danger; tub mtii.i.iANT A I M A AUCCTCD who made ho big a hit »t this happy. In people opportunities has been upon us for good." grateful many on acoount of unfavorable social ahtihte. MLIV1A L/IlCO I Cl\ theatre last Cliriitniiw Week down ianal In deepolJing China and par- that "This also oometb profit conditions, J«st so many of them us ilic recognition of Hominy Klglit i>r«‘N«.'iitlM)( girat *ci»alional iiielo-ilimuu, from the Lord of llo6ts, wonderful In celling It out among the nations might be removed from their homee, Just OFFERS In ant* -HOODMAN BLIND.- counsel and excellent working.- tiurope; and It It prsolpltates a war, tbe so many households might oease to lie and to a time-hon- sources be It under- Scenery, Handsome Costumes and High Class Specialties. following conforming responsllbllty for It will be largely upon of Infection. But, Special ored custom of our forefathers, I Llew- State Board Is not In favor of etood, the THIS SLIP and ir> ITS. will ml in it a‘nv LAD Y to the best seat in PO I ft I A N I» THEATRE I Governor of the htate of those who have In charge the movements ellyn Powers, the compulsory removal of any oorisuinp- If at the Box PEMUCBAC*. would offer oonsumptlves a better ohante $1,000,000 Tuesday.The Diamond Breaker I Tuesday.Herminie, or the Cross of Gold of cure than now exists and at the same Wednesday.The O’Maillys of Ballyveeny j Wednesday.New East Lynne Thursday, (lie 39tli Day of No- Husband's Sin Diamond Breaker Whether or not there shall be a reorga- time banish the danger of In- Thursday.Her j Thursday.The practically °I Lyons I Friday.Beacon Lights vember, A. D. 1900. fection a decided gain for* the Friday.Lady nisation of the Demoo ratio party depends publlo —OF— Saturday .A Romance of Chinatown | Saturday.... .Little Lord Fauntleroy to be health and safety would be achieved. as a day ot General Thanksgiving, the South, In the opinion of ex- SKYLIGHTS prices—Evening, 10, 20 ami 30c. Daily Matinees commencing Tuesday, lo and 20c. dpan in a manner Ae to eanatoriume for consumptives the AND VENTILATORS, obseived all good citizens that section by Carlisle. Certainly first was bailt In in 1S6U the MADE OF SHEET METAL. a Christian and God-Iearlng Speaker Germany befitting with In a Dem- second In 1874. The results ob- Proof leaks from weather and condensation. Carefully Selected Bonds for State. Let no one fail to remember on aught to speak authority practical against UNDERWOOD SPRING. EIGHTH ANNUAL BALL tained In these first two Institutions were with and benevolenoe, ocratic convention, slnoe It Is the seotlon E. VAN NOOROEN COMPANY, Card that day. ohurlty Spacious Casino always open. Music, THE .... so favorable that tbelr influence has been ....OP the and unfortunate. all the 044 Maiauchtuettii Ave., BOSTON, Mum. sou bmoklng Kooint aud Dining Hall, brilli- poor that furnishes practically support felt In all of the world. In Ger- Given at the Exeoutlve Chamber at Au- parts antly lighted by electricity aud heated by Democratic) national candidates get; and there are now 40 or 51) sanltorlnms decorated with and evergreen. ’ortlani Veteran Firemen's Association this thirtieth day of-Ootober, many 8end for steam, palms gusta, catalogue. Jljr2lWAt8nnn menu from which to order (lame If It saw tit for have been built An excellent .... AT.... In the year of our Lord one thousand doubtless It would so speak oonsnmptlves. They bsnevolenoe, by cities and life and Fish dinners a specialty. nine and the independence The trouble Is that the by private INVESTMENT. or hundred, to assert Itself. Arrangements maae for Dinner. Dancing Hall. the insurance companies are there erecting novMdtf [:lly Tliaiikwgivitig Eve, of the United States of Amerloa and that Card artle*. with or without cars at South cares only for one Issue, sanatorimns because It pays them batter special IflOO. one hundred and twenty-fifth. office of Portland & Yarmouth Electric Railway November‘J8. an Issue the North has little or to tbns oure tbelr holders than to 028-5. LLEWELLYN POWEHS. vploh polloy Co.. 4b) Congress street. Telephone KXTKRTAIMMKIf r Fit 011 8 TO O let them die. In all of from Dr. novOdtf the Governor: no Interest In. If the South had definite parts Europe liy Italy to Kussla, Finland, Sweden and Lyon’s NEW ENGLAND O’CLOCK UY THb, the Gyron Goyd, and pronounced views on ourrenoy sunatorlums for Secretary of State. Norway consumptives perfect AUCT1UM Hates College (Jlce Club. which It would not surrender, It could are In operation or are building. For Music Chandler's Orchestra. the Democracy of tbe N orth to the rartberanoe of the Idea and tbe pre- by shows that New York state compel INVESTMENTS. The census vention of consumption, numerous 0. & Auctioneers. Stiitleuirn'a Ticket* r»<> cent*. aocept them or to go out of business. By F. Bailey Co., still maintains a long lead In population. national and International congresses City of Portland Os, due 1907 ■.ante*' Ticket* ‘31 cent*. Is true of on any oth- Desirable Real Estate No. 93 Fessenden St., the number The same opinions have boen held, and next spring another Powder Refreshments the Auxil- the State in Tooth furnished by Ladies' It Is still Emnlre of Boutli Portland 3'aS, If It entertained them with will be held In at wbloh tbe City formerly Deering, AT AUCTION. novJOd7t wealth and the sr subject, London, ary. of Its inhabitants, Its Prince of Wales will Three at of Uerrlng 4s, 1913 Urraness. But It has none—that Is, none preside. AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. City j of Its Industries. number and variety least of the rulers In Europe have given of Auburn Is, 1903 sell on Nov. 22nd, at 3 Is not to aside whenever City We shall Thursday, that It ready lay sums of for tbe establish- Used of refinement desirable real estate situated CITY HALL. large money by peoplo Portland Water Co. 4s, 1937 o’clock p. m., the seems to be reason for believing asks It to do ment of sanatorimns. No. 93 Fessenden Ht.. of a modern There the Northern Democracy a at consisting TUESDAY EVE’G, N .v. 27. for over n quarter of century with stable in tin* rear. House has abandoned so In this oountry the first sanatorium for Maehias Water Co. 5s, 1910 two story house that Mr. Platt praotloally The negro question completely besides hall and large was built In the Adiron- 8l*w-f* lias seven rooms, bath, for a state constabulary- Op- other down there oonsumptlves Oakland Water Co. 5s, IOOS-IS etc. Has furnace heat, good his scheme avertops every question dack In tbe lnfiuence closets, pantries, region 1884, through cellar. House is In nice condition throughout. to It In en- :hat no other Is much thought of. What tbe ot Water Co. 4s, 1939 > position appeared quarters of Dr. Trudeau and with help Newport The location is excellent, has a sunny exposure tirely unexpected. Even the governor- they saf to the Northern Democrats, nrao- benevolent persons. Others have followed Hiss H. E. Lamb Bangor & Aroostook,Maine mid a lot about 50x120. The stable, about 24x34, w ith electric our view and various states or societies are now Line 1943 is arranged lights, POLO It. Is that If wlllacooept 5s, conveniently elect opposed tlcally, you | etc. Sale of tnis will be absolute ami planning to build more of I hem. ANNOUNCES. proiwrty GARDINER vs. PORTLAND. we will aooept your Bangor A Aroostook.Pisca- reserve. Terms cash. For further >f the negro question The results attrxned m ( these ; Institu- without Thrtuksfgtvlug l>ny—1 wo (lame*. General U. P. Mattocks, Edward O. Division, 5s. 1943 of the auctioneers. slews on other question, whatever have been taquis particulars inquire k. every tions, conservatively stated, The of Her New noviedtd novJ3_(ltd lieynolds, Ardon W. Coombs, George the about £6 cent of cures and Opening Aroostook,Vnu jur real beliefs may be. So long as per apparent Bungorand IiEOTUna BY governor can make his oures, or a total of 70 per oent of patients Biiren Extension. 1943 McQuillan—the South in this attitude It 5s, perseveres disease or Dr. Hamilton W. selection from these, and perhaps from with their oared, arrested, PIANO Maine Ceuiral 4 l-3s, 1913 F. O. BAILEY & CO. Mabie, sannot become a reforming' agent; sp inarkealy Improved when they left. SALESROOM, under the auspices of tlic Women’s Literary several more, for probate judge. Thera Union. as it remains In this position North- Climate seems to have lnllusnoed bnt not b9 long Is no danger that the oflioe will lUIle the of cores, but It Is Auctioneers and Commission 3erel.aiit> Subject: "Idealism In American Life.” >rn Democrats who have views whlob percentages 385 Congress Street. tilled. some of thesa well to at one of tbe eana- worthily Perhaps tbs will notejthnt every Sutnr for a or an object Turkey Thanksgiving, Ulll to appoint for the term to whloh lave voted gold man, lmperl- the of tubexonlosls and First Gold .Vs Due 1949. Town of Capo Elizabeth 4’s, due 1901. prevent spread let us show some with <’ as as for cure 59 KENNEBEC STREET, yon Judge Peabody wa^ elected in eepcemoer. kllst, so-called, just readily they tc build a sanatorium the of Covering the entire gas and electric libgt sys- 0 Town of Yarmouth 3 1-2’s, duo 1902. near tbelr own homes blades of tbe finest steel. Tbls being tbe situation, It Is thought that rot ad for Brynn, bad be been labeled consumptives tem ot Trenton. N. J., and suburbs. 0 J? Town of Gorham due 1901. As to ths raising of funds; a small an- need 4’s, Powers make no Democrat. Reorganisation can hardly Should you anything Uovernor may appoint- nual ree from a num- Population Supplied, 75,000. 0 ]. of Lawrence .Vs, duo 1912. membership large Silver l’lated County (Ohio) tor the balance of le to begin In a section that would hut the Next to Stove 0 whatever in ment unexplred Judge expected ber of persons help some, Foundry. Company ;is earning its Interest nearly ^ City of Portsmouth (Ohio) o’s, due 1923. which It oares must be a orCut Peabody's present term. An appoint- ias no opinions anything main hope of the association twice over. # Ware, Sterling Silvex’, s of the case of tbe oon- In order to accomm dat« our patrons we -FOR BALE-BY— City of Zanesville (Ohio) 4’s, due 1915. ibout. IndlSerenoe never produoes re- proper presentation f our stoio can ment will not be absolutely neoassary, «...nnflna iwtinfla 1 nnV en that Glass, supply lias e put lu auxiliary eleotrlo power to enable ^ of Urbana (Ohio) 4 1-2’s, due 1900. are City for J ud ge need not resign until 'orin, Inclined ol means our 0 you. aud prices Peabody _ benevolently persons ua to run shop nights. Charles F. Quality 0 of Stillwater duo 1921. our business with A City (Minn.) o’s, he has qualified as Supreme Judge, and may oome to the rescue of these unfortu- Flagg, 0 building nates. 104 niooLi; sr., Porii»ii

Thirty-* hi*. Aaelvereary »f TV FOR YOU In Portlead- EASIER Death* Cemmemoiated

Laat evenln# the Cumberland Count] to CLOTHING in this store Wouldn’t board of the Ancient Order of Hlbernlam Buy every day. entertained at Hibernian hall member of the order from all parte of the etate be so if—like most dealers--we waited for opportuni* The atfalr wae held to oommemorati Allen the U3rd annlvereary of the death of Larkin and O’Hrlon, the Menoheetei martyr*. ties to come our We in touch with makers, wai attended wae a One miooeea and way. keep It bountlfn. by abcut 900 mem here. A main r»m al anpper wae nerved In the we know who wants to turn into cash at a 9 o’olook. Prevloua to thle a reoeptlor Clothing eve- was held to the special guests ot m th« ning, lion James A, Kyan of Boston, sacrifice. We’re at their heels with the president of the Massachusetts Ulbernlam always ol and State President C. J. Callahan bewlston who le at the head of the ordei fact our to Thinking over overcoats. money, which explains ability always quote in thts>tate. You will it more There were also In attendance as guest# flt)d Mass,, and effort on Mr. Clanoey ot Watertown. profitable to think It) our LOWEST PRICES. Not much financial your Dominion line. Uapt. Soanlan of the store; to selec- 10 o'clock rr>ake your At a few minutes past of the SyrubFigs tion frort) our stock- to reach Bartley C. Flaherty, the president is to part necessary oounty board, called the gathering We cat) ri)eet your figure Aewman and order, and first Introduced Act/fleasan,tfy andflvmpf/y. and cover so selection your figure Minds, who gave a pleasing President the as to ■with Ibelr guitars. Then Cleanses System give you style, com- Piesldent Flaherty called upon State Gently and Effectually fort and satisfactioi). THESE BARGAINS. was reoelved with ap- when bilious or costive. Callahan, who Here are a few cases It) plause. and me to Over* Two Piece Frieze Overcoat*, grey “Is Is certainly a pleasure for /resents in the most acceptable form point: MEN'S SUITS. Men’s heavy Frieze Roys' Suit*, the banner olty of the lax.thee ofplants 8 to brown 10.00. tone to Portland, principles At $7.63—Of all wool, Men’s black and eoals, in blue*, greys and browns, ages 16, 9P8**- mixed, of Maine bn own to act most be/ie/lciolly: blue Cheviot Ulbernfanlsin In the State mixed satin to Oxford freeze; 910, 19. Two Piece 9nits, Fine Ores* Coats, 13, said President Callahan, and I wlsb| Suite, 84.75. Boys’ at here to BENEFICIAL EFFECTS sleeve linings. Worth ten Men's flue 3.00, 3.30, 4, up to 13.30, 13, 18. extend thanks being present TO GET ITS men’s black Cheviot Overeoats, 92.30, commemorate the death of those Man- dollars. 0.00. Men’s 13.00. BUY THE GENUINE — MANFD. BY finer 913, 15, 18, 30, 33, 35, 38, Young Raglans, chester martyrs It Is always a pleasure Nulls, grade, 80.00. At $8.89—Of all wool 30. Pant those martyrs. These Boys' Pong Mult*, to recall great CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCQ lOO men’s heavy drey we now honor wore men in serge to in men whom SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. black kersey; good ages 16 19, grey mixtures, SHOE DEPT. and 8J Nulls, all wool, sizes 84 to 44, the oommon walks of life, years LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. lit)ing. Tet) dollar value. ULSTERS. blues, black, stripes, etc., 9*1.09, sacrificed their lives with satin, ago tonight they tor se/o by drvffrsts /arc* SO* per botr/m. At $9.89—Of all wool, lasting lining, piped teg- Allen’* Ralston Shoes; in We contend that no Men's Ulsters, 95, 5.98, 3.00, 3.30, 0.30. for their country ular $10.00 garment for and Box of life black and blue smooth -87.98 Patent, Enamel, Vici Calf, matter how humble the oondltlon 8, lO. hearts of all men’s Blue may be, there beats In the faced kersey; very dressy heavy Nerge BOYS' REEFERS. 1.00. We to eay that If rour years ago the great Men's Rubber a devotion to country and family. mills Ulsters, Thomas H. and Washington Ralston to the Kepubltoan party hail taken aod serviceable. Beelcnrs in Women’s Shoes, are here tonight to to do memory 15. Boys* Heavy President of worsted sold lined, 912, no- lteed as Its candidate for Nulls, everywhere n Vici and Box five men charged with the murder on At $12—Of rough dark and blue chinchillas, storm Patent, Enamel, the United States no mistake would nave Irish greys death of an oonsta at $10.00, here Men's Imported oount ot the English mixed vicuna: only 88.48. oars Half, 4.00. been made. The Parlia- Oxford collar to keep neck and warm, bio. (Applause). Frieze Ulsters, 935. ment of 1783 pesos to Ireland, serge lined. All silk lit)ed men’s black Clay Wor- sizes 9 to Fie a $3.50 shoe “The verdict was reoelved with indig- brought 16, 91*09. Men’s Baht, bat from 1783 to 1893 no Irish member in sack nation when these men were oonvloted. at three dollars rt)ore. sted Nulls, .very dressy, or 3.00. sat in Parliament. We come along to Boys’ Heelers, 92.30, It was discovered that one of them was dark Ox- or MEN’S UNDERWEAR Intelleot In Ireland At $13.50—Of frock, 8io. on.l letas IF isnl f ilinil thn: 1839, and find a great 2.09. 3.30, 4.00,3.00, 0.00, Men’s Box Calf Shoes* —Arthur Wellesley. 1 never considered j-ora vicuna; vary sweii. one ot them was an Amerloan citizen. Men's Odd 8li!rts, heavy 97.49. 13.50 value for 3.00. the Iron Duke of Wellington an Irish- MEN’S ODD PANTS. Let ns say in nil rsverenoe to tbe llag Cut Chesterfield style. left over from last season, man tonefhr nf tbu T1 sma VV« WlTTl P weight, Boys’ listers, 92.00 to .Men’s High Cut Russets, that he was pardoned. Bat there were At $15—Here's a oew along to the story of the early forties. We have 8,000 pairs to select 50c, 75o and 81.00 qualities, at this three men—Allen, Larkin and O'Brien— 7.00. 1.30. move- It’s You know the story of the repeal and striking Raglan. as : who oould appeal to no power. These from. Prices run follows sale 35c each. ment. of our friends Child’s t Overcoats, and Many Anglo-Saxon made of ape men were led to the gallows, they dark, rough, at hhirts and can not understand why the Irishman 81.00, 1.25. All wool, I.urge lot to O. CANVAS COATS. walked with unfaltering steps. They materials and 92 hates anything English. As the son of fashionable 2.00. 38c were filled with love for their country 81.39, 1.50, Drawers, heavy ribbed, an Irishman 1 will never forgive Eng- lioed with excellent serge. Men’s Canvas Coats, $1.69 and died with these words on their lips: Pants each. BOYS’ ODD land for the wrongs she has done to our mellen’slVever-Bip “God Save Ireland." Many other styles, io 4.00. race.” all wool, not to rip. Get Men's bine, fleece LONG PANTS Tbe English government refused to give to head, guaranteed heavy wool Mr. Kynn then told of the death of enough make your Men’s Canvas Coats, their bodies to their friends. Many of a new pair if they do. 83.50. lined, 8hirts and Drawers, At 2.00, O'Connell, and bow,'when the body was swiro, and conspicuously 91.00, 1.23, 1.30, ined, S3.08 to 0.00. ns have not had the honor of being each. lying In state, every nation was repre- men’s fine Dress Pants, 50c 3.30 to 3.00. born under the skies ot the Emerald priced, little. 2.09, sented ny Its ambassador except the Eng- Isle but wo all know full well the ty- 83, 3.30, 4, 4.50, 5, 5.50, «, Men's Heavy Wool, lish ambassador, who oouid not attend. MEN’S BRACES. ranny under which tbe Irish people have under- 7.50. Fleeced 8hirts and Draw- YOUNG MEN’S This was only one lnstanoe. “Why, When you thick 0.50, 7, lived. 8e when I think of all these things I marvel wear, ers, 59c, 75c, 98c, 91, 1.35. OVERCOATS. Men’s Braces, pair. In dosing, President Callahan ex- think- that them Is an Irishman on the fane pressed the hope that Portland would MEN’S OVERCOATS. Men’s Union 8ults, Hen’s Overcoats Policemen's and Fire- of the earth. Don’t be carried away heavy Young ooutluue Its lead as tbe Hibernian olty men's 18c with the pratlnge of suoh stuff os the en- wool flecoed, 91*33, 1.73, 3.00, in dark grey mixtures, ages 16 to Suspenders, of Maine. FRANK M, LOW & C0„ men’s Chinchilla Over- lightenment of England. There were a Henry Hinds then sang with exoel- Hen's Outfitters, 3.00. 19, 3.00. pair. few Irishmen In the late rebellion In this coats, 83.98. Isnt effect "The Wild Irish lloss." Hen’s Ox- oountry, and we know how well they MOSUMEXT men’s Oxford mixed Young Orey President Flaherty said there was In MQU.VKK, HOSE. fought." novSI dlt BOYS’ SUITS. fords, 16 to 19, 0.00. MEN’S this olty a ladles’ auxiliary to the order ages Mr Kynn closed by an eloquent exhor- Overcoats, 84.48. having a membership of 75, two compa- DID IT COME OFF. small Hen’s Overcoats, Men's Black W’ool Half tation for all to join In the good of com- men’s blue and black Roys* Reefer 8iilts, Young nies of Hibernian Knights, and three di- first 13 l-3e mon humanity. were at this 16 to 19, in brown mix- Hose, quality, visions. He said that more of the young Beaver Overcoats, well lined sizes, 83, 4, 6, sale, ages light Music by Nickerson and Johnson con- become members. Statement That Sheriff! of State Met tures, 9.00. pair. menlshonld cluded the exercises. and trimmed, 8«, »• 91.98. President Hyan of Massachusetts was Here Veeterrajr. then Introduced as an ollloer who had of members. Hs was re- Our readers’ attention Is called to an The Rum In the Westbrook or on of the Suburban Trolley Lines, charge 115,000 following appeared If you live in Windham, any ceived with great applause, and spoke at advertisement In another oolumn of the Ulddeford Record latt night: the story of the Man Diamond Star Oil Co, of California “Sheriff Usher U. was In Amount of Five Dollars and This Week, length, reciting Thompson and goods of us to the Upwards Chester Martyrs. He was glad of the op- They are paying dividends of two per town over last nigh t and this morning, purchase portunity to come to Portland. “The cent, on your Investment monthly, and accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Ludger we will Your Car Fare Both Ways- story of the Irish raoe was told to me give a written guarantee that should you J. Usnouf, went to Portland, where, this Pay when a boy. I oorne to the fair state of wish to withdraw from the company for alturnoon, a meeting was held for toe Maine with pleasura. Up to the present any reason within a year, your money purpose of organizing a state sheriff's time Maine has always taken a great will be returned with eight per cent.ln- association. Sheriff Thompson la presi- and prominent part In affairs. 1 wish lerest. dent and Deputy Henouf secretary of the sheriffs’ association of York oounty and they weie the only offloers from this county present at the meeting In Port- land, wbloh was made up ot the president IRA fTcLARK & \l% Montiily Dividends on Money Invested and secretary ot the sheriff's association CO., 2%|i of eioh county In the state. There bat never been a state sheriffs' association In Maine, although such associations exist 26 and 28 Monument Square. ■■■ ■———— In other states, and Its object Is said to ^mmm be the transaction of business connected STAR afternoon I DIAMOND matters come the of tbetr effective, Tbls with olvll that way MUSIC AND DRAMA. acting very the sheriff's and for social enjoyment.” William Gillette’s great war drama, I The PRESS was unable to tlnd ont ’’Held by the Enemy," will be the bill, anything about this meeting last night COHSE PAYTON'S COMEDY OO. and tonlgbt the company will close Its It and If euoh a were held It was engagement with one of the strongest, OIL CO.j meeting Corse Payton's Comedy Co.’s engage- conducted in a very quiet manner and not the strongest. In their repertoire, It Of Los a ment will begin Monday, Nov. £8, at tho Angeles, was well advertised. It the melodrama, "‘The Great j| the fact not very Jefferson Theatre, when they will present being greet Fair i* California. Is that the of this Randolph Mystery.” Saturday Is Prof. presumed purpose that master-work of the play-maker's art, || naoMnn IVac In takn flflllia AOMnn PpUt.lV Dnndainon's best as he takes extra The Prodigal Daughter, whloh has been day, to the bills wblob will time In performing special trloks In lighting proposed greeted with the greatest popular approv- and of hand for the bene- Fruit. ,* 51 Capital Stock, $250,000.! be Introduced at tbe oomlng legislature coun- maglo sleight ||I al In every metropolitan city of the * | fit of the fees from tbe ohlldren. session to take tbe away The the engage- try. night prloes during as it is Par Value of $1. ol tbe state and them on Fair to look upon, and as nice eating Shares, sheriffs place ment of this will be as always, |j !| company ALMA CHESTER, instead. Sheriff Urlbben a boastful salary Deputy 10, £0 and 80 cents. Matinees will be nice looking. Seems liko statement, when seen at a late hour last night said The annual engagement of the brilliant OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. 2 given eve ry day, commencing Tuesday, at this particular time? Well, it isn’t. jt he knew about any suoh meet- Alma and her excellent coming Preg. C. H. KITCniE. 0 nothing for wblob tbe will be 10 and £0 artiste, Chester, || F. V. SCHERMKRHORN, prices a We to And that Vice-President. A. C. TllOKPE .1 beld In Portland or elsewhere. of at It’s fact. manage O. W. OW EN, 1 ug being cents. company competent players, began merely |p K.D. ROBINSON, Secretary. V on for it. It wouldn’t Miss Florenoe Hamilton, the fascinat- Theatre Saratoga Monday evening, sort, because we’re hunting THE CALIFORNIA BANK, LOS ANGELES. The revival of Maine shipbuilding and with tbe of DEPOSITORY, of the company, who September 14, presentation are Fine Table in See tomorrow's Port- ing leading lady come to us. Thcro Apples the big schooners. tbe live-act melodrama, “Hoodman P REAT Excitement in California Oil Fielda has been caused by the wonderful strikes P divides the honors of eaoh performance f' land Sunday Times. an Bananas, Oranges, Malagas, Ktc., All made there. Fortunes are being made as in the early of the oil busi- A 1 Mr. Frank will be with Blind,” whioh was greeted by audl- abundance, v-* recently diys with J. Burke, neas in in these rich fields are earning n ^ Pennsylvania, and companies oiierating enoe which oocnpled every seat In tbe at our usual Salo Prices. If you I handsome dividends for their stockholders. The San Francisco Petroleum Com- P THE TltADES' TOURNAMENT. them. Her reoognlsed ability as an ao- Saturday and pany. purchased by the {Standard Oil Company, has prod need over $27,000,000 In m Is and the boxes, orebestra, baloony gallery, Fruit it’s time I\ recently A fine contest was the result at Pine's tresa widely known, during haven’t beeu buying your here, k oil. The stock of the Home Oil which sold for a few dollars ner share a short i tbe of \ Company, will a and all available space standing time ago cannot be purchased to-day /or less than $4,000 per share. Other companies T alleys last evening between MUllken, engagement she present pano- that if want the Best there is 1} show large advances in the of their sufficient in many cases to make P of room. Tbls popular artiste oomiuenoes you did, is, you very price shares, Cousins and Short and Twltobell ramic display of the latest oreatlons fortunes for the holders of their stock. A Champ- at the ,1 other dress- a week’s engagement Portland to be had. Un teams. The MUllken team Worth, Felix and prominent company and the of the Theatre next Monday evening, The Diamond Star Oil were winners two of the makers Europe. During engage- Company by winning Is tbe she the Udles of the will wear supporting oompany strongest owns and is operating twelve (12) producing well® right in the richest part of this region, three games. The score; ment oompany in addition 100 acres of territory in the famous New hall Oil has ever carried. matinees com- wonderfully productive over one hundred different dresere, eaoh Dally The company is paying Cousins & Short. MUllken, mence Tuesday, when the prloe of admis- one a fashion-plate reproduction that the 2 PER CENT. MONTHLY DIVIDENDS Farrlogton, 88 74 88— 844 sion to a reserved seat is hut 10-80. Mon- O. C. of this rate to 0 cent, in the near future. ladles of our'olty may copy. Elwell, with every prospect Increasing per monthly 88 88— 357 Mscpbereon, 89 day night Is ladles’ night, and any mlsa Taylor, 78 73 78— 338 THE PHELAN STOCK COMPANY. 704-790 Wli-cet. A Limited Amount of Stock is offered investors at 25 cents sh oan secure a reserved eeat at 16 C’oiigr«?.H.«» per 78 88 78— 888 or lady Harrington, Jefferson the Phelan novfi4- It subject to an advance In price without notice. Noble, 83 81 88 420 At tbe yesterday oents It oheoked before 6 p. m., of that Htock|Company played to two well lllled The proceeds of this sale are to be devoted to the driving of new wells, thus materially Totals, 411 887 888—1806 date. ing the earning capacity of the company. houses. The ploy presented at the mati- The Diamond Star Oil Company Las at its head a man whose family name (the Bcherrn Twltchell-Champlln. NOTES. father aud sous, of New York), is closely identified with the history of the oil industr nee was a southern drama, “The Cre- V. a wide of expert ruited States. Its President, Mr.P tJcliermcrhorn, has had range Curl, 77 88 90— 216 and In the “Tbe EnBlgn.’’ Barry Vlokers.repreeentlng Alma Ches- an expert in the examination and selection of oil lauds; in the producing and marktiln ole," evening, Mathews, 74 88 88 826 this crude oils and thoir varied products ; In erecting derricks, boring rig*, aud pumping plai In this piece the character of Abroham ter (who every one must know by lonathon Dow, the seoond mayor, sod of hundreds of wells in and California. B« 80 70— 81W 1 rnt has this olty In and in the drilling Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana Slteman, ebe la played years, Uldeon Wells of the time from tbe manner advertised), 1 he whlob agltstrd the Hines, 96 71 88— 8:8 Lincoln, Heorstary artiste should a great questions Port- ! its popular enjoy big YOUR INVESTMENT GUARANTEED- Hums, 87 78 81— 248 Navy and Admiral Farragut all play Im- wbo opent a week's engagement at mblto mlud during bis abort term In to»a muct v eek’s business. Bo confident Is the company that the prico of itmhares will advance 408 877 In this drama. The make- land Theatre next Monday, ’has In his is their that dividends of 3 p Totals, 415—1196 portant parts ■Hi OB. figure within tho next few months, and so firm belief _ billed attractions per month will also be earnod. they will give a written agreement with every s up of the characters was perreot, and star one of tbe beat one THE MAlfOUS OF POKTLAN D. to BE A SOLDIER stock sold, to return principal, with 8 per eent. added, at any tim« within Closing sale today ot hats an 1 turnlst- oapxTdaly I desired by the investor. Apply at once for further particular*. the old as.—Congressman lng goods. Merry, hatter, going out cl Lovers ol the history of good ) ■Boston, November Mjbn P. has appointed (Jbaa. i r oner a rn Ranir»»e business. >wn should not fall to read the series of Elixgerald, Duly, osi tun or rhe Harvard rootball tetohes of the Mayors of Portland now -aio, tone vacancy now existing af For a Cold In Ihe Head sing published In the Portland Sunday IV —it Point from tne Ninth congressional kiullTi Ooroutt-C|unine Tablets. lines. Tomorrow's chapter tells ol 1 strict.

9 ~

pered. She made arm friend* MIlClLLAIUEOtTW. MTSCKLLAIflfflCT. j I.AWKOCT. many m _WKM _ MMRIU MIYICB. among her olaetnmtas. Hhe era* always ready to take p»rt In the Hstbel prayer meeting Hhe oftm oonllded her plane to Costs be a missionary In China, alt hongh fear- ing that the was not worthy of the oanae. No pain. For Misses Morrill and Hhe enjoyed the dleolpllne of doing hard periods! thing* and wa* nerer known to Might More How Three Women Found Relief. Gould Yesterday. any work required of her. Hhe wae free from aflsotetlon and was anzlone to do To have ror others. From her early lift I oan only think of her a* a ohild of Ood. She Your waa an aooompllthed girl and an un- atanlly good student. Mo one eo well Large Attendance in Vestry of Sec- maetered every eubjeot. Oftsn ehe had Clothes to work hard,: hut In spite of tbit or ond Parish Church. perhaps because of It ehe oame to have Mended the beet equipped brain of any of the forty-Ovo In the Claes." By our "Hhe took her way, otlmly and without baste," continued lira Cole In the me- Beautiful Tributes by morial. “Una who hat heard her tlmple, TAILORS earnest prayer oan not but feel that her Mrs. A. B. Cole. seven years of work at a missionary Than ware a continuation of tboee prayer*. 8ht bad hoped that the might stoure an By appointment to Japan. Hut the waa con- vinced that China waa her oontlgned Lust Letters of Two Portland place. In August, 18W8, the left and sev- Unskilled eral weeks later the arrived la China. In Girls Read. Missionary ooliege the bad greatly ezoellsd in the Hands. language* and on arriving In Cb'na ehe waa oboeen an Interpreter. Hhe rapidly became a power In the eommunlty. With devotion ehe worked over the There wee a manorial service in the untiring trouble* of her Mite Morrill It vestry of the Meooud Parish Congrega- friend, waa Annie's to watoh Mary’s delight- tional oburch yesterday afternooh for joy CLOTHING that STANDARD CO., ful ltev. Mr. aaya Mlaa Mary A. Morrill and Mlaa Annie A. aurprlee. Kwlng what one of them laoked the other tap- Could, the two Portland missionaries We have to with pure de- S who recently lost their lives In china. piled. rejoloe W. C WARE. MVr, 544 Congress In the description of Mlta Uould’t novwatf The vestry was well hllaa with ladles light In her return to China. from nearly all denominations. joy "'i'bey saw the uprising, at Mre. W. H. Penn presided and after an political tlrai. no lanrer than a man's hand. Mlta approrlate hymn had been enng she read was tbe it does not seem Uould ID bar last letter, whloh of VERMICIDE no woman is free from suffering, selections from the scriptures. A prayer While entirely periodical abe had should suffer so data of May keth. stated that to have been the plan of nature that woman severely. Lydia au then offered by Mre. Hunt. "1 have for vermin. female started for a bnt that IS. Pinkliani'n Compound is the most thorough regu- In tnw Ufa avnuilandoH ariflh A missionary meeting Vegetable use known to medical science. It relieves the condition which produces ao tbe Uoxers would not let her go. A few It’s the only thing to lator mysterious dealing of Provtdenoe as In discomfort and robs menstruation of its terrors. soldiers bad much these said Mrs. Penn. "This days before, many foreign Because should woman who suffers: cases." The three letters here published encourage every arrived to proteot the olty. She wrote It is not a comes to os, sspsolally to ns who loved poison, 6, 1898. tite sick at that bar days would go by and that ebe Aug. poor, these two girls. They oame from among It will exterminate, “Dear Mrs. Pinkham :— I have stomach every did not eeem to as muoo aa belonged to ns and were ours. aooompllah It will not stain. of sixteen with e ve ourselves, suffered since the age morning, ry- she thought she might. She wrote, We I have l>een Our love for them, I think, was re- It has no offensive odor, painful menstruation. thing 1 cat hurts What oan Penn said that had don't want to desert our post. treated for months, and was told that me, am very weak, turned." Mrs. papers It is simplo to use. tbs few Bonders do? I oan t see through the womb had fallen a little. The thin, and sallow. been prepared for this oooaslon by Mr*. It will injure no fabrio. a matter like this. We may be killed or doctor says that is now in place again, 1 have tried a A. B. Cole and would be read by Miss It is low in Please unmolested. God knows and ws can't be cost, but I still have the same pain. doctor, but he did Swasey. The latter ttrst read the memori- me what to do.”—Mrs. Emma not seem to do me beard to His will. I am (ell al on Miss Morrill contrary glad Kukul. 112 Trautinan St., Brooklyn, Miss that yon remember to pray for ns. 1 any goo>vful7'two man see She can missionary. advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. No will your letter. Kev. Mr. or tbe she bear! Cashinore, pastor ohnrch, for no in America has such a wide in treat- days and weeks passed before '' surely help you, person experience and Kev, U. F. Cobb made Interesting Mexico and ing female ills as she has had. She has helped hundreds of thousands of from him. Then Dr. Daniels, the paster California, remarks. Prof. Unset 11, treasurer of tin —1 and women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. of the eburob, took tbs matter up and se- going via NrwOrlcaai returning ohuroh that all running la Colorado. You are foolish if do not her kind invitation. the as mis- fund, reported very you accept cured for her appointment January U the very best time to visit Mexico, expenses of the church for the conference the sionary to China. Hsr parehts did not and ample time will be given to all leading REWARD.-—We have delimited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $r*QOOf to November 1st bad been eities and other places of historic ami pict- her There were year promptly which will be paid tq any person who can find that the abovo testimonial letters take kindly to pVans. interest in Mexico, including the- one bait of tbe old debt uresque or were writer':; met and nearly » a in luo Division of the M«*- are not genuine, published before obtaining the special per- hours and days of suffering and then her oiMlrrfitl mission. LYDIA E. PINK HAM MEDICINE CO. of tbe churob, amounting to nearly font c*n Central ltalUv.iy. a IV«*k In the faith and loyalty were rewarded by her of Mrilto. and a Four-Day*’ Trip bundred dollars, had been paid by tb> tty parents' acquiescing In he* desire. The over the Vera tin/ Hallway. members of tbe church and friends The Hall road llik (• g.o I «u regular were ta assume all her Maine branch sup- ir tliis. with l>rawlng-:toi in and Sleep- balance Is all ror tbe VKKDICT IN BELFAST CASE. provided exoept HJR RUGS rc«n vnt on* to California. and not before she set sail there liiK’tiir CAPT. CARTER’S CASE. port long to msull sum of Miss Gertrude Florida, .It., and S>tain*hlp Tickets 33 —'The ooroner’s In the Second Parish btone, Belfast, November was a union sarvloe ill point*. Including < non and Porto tbe efficient secretary, made a very Inter- jury w hich has been engaged In Invest! church. When her turn oame she spoke II lio. licm-lnR lls^un In Ilaben* Corpiu Pro- after which tbe meeting f^'Send for descriptive book, mentioning the cause desth cf an Infant and after esting report, an collection of Ani- gating the of the for more than thirty minutes interesting trip desired. CCClIillgd. proceeded to tbe eleotlon of church ofTi particular found on the shore In East Belfast No- the meeting she was greeted by hundreds cets for another year. The following mal Skin It AY MOXD A WHITCOMB, vember their work (JI UCl U0UUS, ui mo urn wuu auu IT’S Rugs,—all recently pro- 10, today completed DigtMi were elected: President, Ksv. Wllltau 6 Washington ftt., opposite School St., Boston. returned a sealed verdict. This ver- was annointed and sent Lavenwortb, Kun., Novembrr 83 —In and ills people she 25 Union Square. New York. Casnmore; secretary, Miss Gertrud cured. is of selected tne United States distrlot coart here to- dict was handed to County Attorney El- abroad. In Marob 18 8, when 28 years Every pelt 10.15 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. btone; treasurer, Prof. Wm. E. Huasell day, before Judges Amos, Thayer and lery Bowdoin of Wlnterport and will not olu, she started on her long journey. and with heads Cake and chocolate were served undei quality, fiuely finished, Cook, hearing was begun in the habeas be made known for ten days. “Met letters at this time were loll cl tbe direction of Mrs. Theodore bhaett corpus proceeding brought by attorneys This ease .has attracted considerable at- Interest Among ber gifts was that of an mounted in natural effect. There are fold, Mrs. Frank C. Harding and Sir for Obirlln M U arter a captain in the tention in tbit vicinity and today's ses- entertaining writer. In diligent study 8. 8. Andrews. United States army, who was dismlseed sion cf the coroner's jury was the fonrth, cf the language of the people her days, the Fox, Hudson Bay Wolf, Tiger-Cat, A barn to selectmai been taken on vari- were large 'belonging Child from the and lined and sentenced having 1 ber 1 Sick adjournment and iA' army might Bay, nights spent. »nd rosy by giving W. I. Whitney, West Gorham, was blowt can be made healthy. happy term In federal ous oocaslons for various reasons. It Is Coyote. I I it True'* Elixir. Worms caaae ill health in | \ to a of years the prison When sufficiently acquainted with the their is down by tbe oyolone that visited Gorham thooaanda of children and presence at Leavenworth, on the oharge of com- expected here that arrests will be made language so that she oould tell her people I not aubpected. Wednesday eevnlng. Several of our p?c Fur plicity in alleged attempted fraude in In the oase In the near f iture. of One who oould oare for all of their Some handsome Japanese Rugs ii n nU iwnnrt. dninium to thulr hulldlncra. i the harbor works contracts she was Mo matter ii ^ government SCHOONKK ABATE troubles, overjoyed, LIBELLED. Rev. Thomas Mlllott, State street, b in black, gray and white, lined and TRUE'S | at Savannah, Ua how weary or slok, the dally rounds of 5 1 Elixir Booth to do at bis res' toy November S3.—A prepared job printing 1 | wtptls I Carter was brou from to the Harbor, her labors never oeaaed. Her health broke 1 | ght prison unlined. worms and United States marshal came here from denoe. cares all I room In an unattend- home. She I | I court ambulanoe, down and the returned spoke the Portland, last and libelled the Mr. Fred Dyer, South Portland, wa 1 ed save Warden MoClaughev. He night, at several of the | complaints by meetings, telling great in sohooner and her cargo. This step In Gorham, yesterday. common appeared self-possssed, bat avoided the Agate needs of the Chinese women and children. children. of the Sa-. I I nf t.hn unpnffttnrfi. who crowded the was taken, it Is said, to satisfy a claim Rev. K. C. Strout, pastor JPore. She remained In her home land not quite harralem. I for salvage made against the vessel. Methodist ohuorh, visited friends hen W.T. KILBORN COMPANY, I vegetable. room lie was attired In a new blaok a year and a half. Then she returned to It has been found necessary to dis- this week. suit which the warden had, at the pris- China and soon afterwards wrote that she charge a portion of the cargo cf schooner Mrs. Eliza Leavitt and daughter wll oner’s earnest solicitation, premltted him was glad to get Daok. She wrote tha" L. D. Bemlok. reported leaking, and leave Uorham next week for Mew York Carpet Merchants, to substitute lor bis prison garb. no work was as blessed as the missionary Cures ■be will so on the marine rail- where will pass the winter. TRUE’S Elixir Frank P. JUlalr of and Con- probably the last letter under date of they Chicago, work In Restores health to adnlts, acts immediately on £ for before Rev. Mr. Marshall of Eennebunk vis 1 of the inucoos lining W Urosvenor of for way repairs proceeding she ‘Don't about the blood, cures diseases gressman Ohio,appeared May 81st, wrote, worry 24 FREE STREET. trowels and stomach, sires tone and m Schooner Lena W ran tied his son on School street, yesterday. | | of the while Col. J. W. Clous, hite,which agrouil Uod It tnan our enemies and rigor. Price :« cents. Ask your druagistfor it. X Carter, deputy us. greater their Diseases.” ■ while oat last was floated The Uorham High eobcol has olosei | Writs for book "Children and advocate of the and District going night, we our lives to His oare.’ Judge army, have committed n DR. J. F. TRUE A CO.. Auburn, Main#. A this and tor a recess of ten days. I Attorney I IS. 1,Hubert and his assistant, morning, uninjured, proceeded Then she entered the portals of paradise for Rockland. A very large elm tree In front of F. D H IS. Hone, represented the government. and met Him free to face. Can wc Sea Ionian's hours was uprooted by the Attorney lilalr opened for Carter, whose TO SAIL DEFENDER. Imagine the joy of that meeting. W< wind storm, Wednesday evening. he was In- ber and satisfied conviction, alleged, Illegal, — leave joyful New York, November 83 Crlaa Mrs Ida Vote Wcodbury of Bostor Women. asmuch as It should have been secured After slnglne a hymn the paper on For Rhodes will salt the cop defender in the will speak In the Congregational ohnreh Dr. Tolman'a Monthly Regulator has brought under the 60th article of war Instead of Miss Oould was read by Miss Swasey. II to hundreds or anxious women. race against Sir Thomas Lipton’B Sham- In hei happiness the Odd, and that when the President Sunday' morning, and present __1 There is no other remedy known began with a letter from an aunt of Mini positively disapproved several findings In a court rock II next summer If the opinion masterly manner one of the greates' to medical science, that will go quickly and her days as a school NOTICE. do the work. Have never had martial the full sontenoe by among mem- Oould, recounting the safely asingle prunounoed generally expressed leading before American people. most obstinate cases the court to aud Its and An abstract of the problems All persons are hereby cautioned against Pianos™—1' failure. The longestamt martial ceased exist, oollege girl. pa- _ Prices bers of the New York Yacht club goes foi or of the crew' of the are relieved in 3 without fail. No other execution was void also harboring trusting any days Illegal and He per fallows: “Annie’s father served all P.w will do this. No no danger, no Italian Steamship “rastiuale Capt. One f\Ui>f trurrattf- day*. STOfKBHIIMIE U A IX, Portland, Maine. j *tM». cjowo bers their musoles and enjoy life Peabody will do great credit to the beuoli Borne tf the young people, especially the Address Mayor, ! DauUal MK) ‘On. 100-pago book FREE, ho hranch office* Improve of all STOMACH Ismiuntb, Mr. The right Is reserved to reject auy or all pro CO. on and a of satisfaction boys, were inollned to be rougb at times should It be deemed ior the Interests oi .COOK REMEDY at their oommodlout house Spring feeling permeates lietcruBoe-Hl. B«v. Hubert Codm 1:1. Jr. postils IU Health Restorers. butMojU the city so to do. aov28dtd 3il Masonic T#mple. Chicago, Street. the bar ever wyhsre.—Blddeford Journal. She was always amiable and even tern- BITTER a I j I

V •••••-’ the hones of Mr, George Roberts on For- WESTBROOK. est street. Mr. James Hart of West Bedway, Maas Is tlu guest of Mr. Hugh Lawless, #____ Bridge street Mr. A. A. Morrison, the Main street Co. from a to Rock- Presumpscot [Hose grooer, hae returned trip land and viotnlty, his former home. * Entertains. At Warren church, tomorrow, the pas- tor, Kev. William G. Mann, will preach Man In the morning on the toplo, "A of Visions—Abraham.” In the evening the second In t«F series from the greet Want- An East End Business Men’s Asso- parable, Luke xv„. "Spending and ing.” An orchestra and ohorns will lead ciation To lie Organized. the singing In the evening. ,Tbe Ammonoongln Club will acjourn A GENUINE Its meeting of next week owing to the oloso nroxlmlty to Thanksgiving. The meeting will he held Wednesday, Decem- Sons of Veterans Camp ber 5th, with Mrs. Harriet Starr It will be mother day, and an interesting pro- BARGAIN of Mrs. Inspected. gramme will De given, In charge Allen Cnrleton. The runeral services of the late APPRECIATED Mrs Sarah Ann Smith are to be held CQ "afternoon at 2 o’clock, ■ 8er rices at the Several (hurdles Saturday HKUOKD OECTUHK TO MEN. a of from the residence of her daugh- Bv *P Hev. W. 8. Uovard will give the second throng Tomorrow. Mrs. H. B. Jackson, 7 Ash street ter. lecture to men at the Y. M. O. A. tomor- - The services are to be held at 1 o'clock, row afternoon at 4 80, In the oourae on Buyers yesterday. TODAY Hev. A. H and are to be oonducted by Old Testament characters. "Joseph” Tile lowest wc ever Barber of this city and Ms. S. T. Dole price V will be the subject, aud a profitable ser- I of W indham. The burlul to to occur on heanl of for reliable Derbies, wjl la a 'l'lie active member* of the I’remmp- vloe may be auttclpated. There has been Hon- tne lot at Anderson’s cemetery, ■cot Hose oompany entertained the family a growing Interest In these meetings this at the hoae Windham. orary members last evening fall, and the attendance has baen larger Mrs. Uraoi Badellord of Haverhill, WITH Bouse. A banquet was served after wnloh tbun any season since the new building THERE'S NOT AFAULTOFANYKIND were the of her father nnd fami- a series of Btereoptloon views given Mass.,Is guest was ououpled. One of the most popular of the an 3 A. N. Hev. George B. llsley, pastor by Mewrs Hugh A. Crolgle ly. attractions from week to week has been DERBY HATS. at their home on Files THESE UP-TO-DATE Waterhouse. The views were taken by Baptist church, tbe lively singing led by Or. Nickerson, street. SPECIAL”-made Mr. Uoorge Oenslayer on bis recent and now tbat new books bnvs been se- They are our regular "STANDARD Mr. S. Frank Tufts has returned from European trip and were very One. emed and an orchestra provided, there Is for us this season by a leading firm of Hatters, to Cornltb and Aezar expressly d»s uwu a business trip this of the A niovomeni even a greater Interest In part We will absolutely guarantee the direction of organizing an East End busi- Falls. service. In this It started ont about ness Men’s association city. Mr F K. Hamilton STYLE and FINISH Is tor the social weirare, the discussion W OODFOllDS. two months ago to work ud an orohestra, QUALITY, EQUAL ■*1* — of municipal affairs, etc. A list of 60 and the One maalo each Sunday heart TO ANY $3.00 DERBY names has hern scoured. testimony to the eaoouss of his endeavors. At the meeting of Kocky Hill Hodge, 'i’ne eervloes at the Methodist ohurch There are eeven members: I. W. Ham- and refund to all dissatisfied purchas- held on Thursday, In America money Miss Knights of Pythias, on riuuday are to be as follows: ilton, pitying let violin; Benjamin Mar- evening, Chancellor Commander F. U. ers. Nellie O. Thompson the evangelist will tin, 2d violin; William Kenney, cornet; Jones and Harry B. Kuss were appointed REASON FOR REDUCINC THE PRICE 30 a m. and Sunday A. C.H. Brown, OUR ONLY speak at 10 7pm.; Sun- S. Conant, trombone; as ushers to assist at the Pythian school at 1dm; Epworth league at 0 p. m. oello; F. E. Hamilton, bate; and U. W. IS-IT’S BEEN AN OFF SEASON FOR HAT SELLINC— day exercises to be held in City nail tne At the Unlveraallst oburon on Sunday Docks, piano. first Sunday afternoon in December. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED. the eervloes are to bo as follows: Preach- The J idles’ Circle of the Woodford* BIK'THUAXPAKTXTENDEKED UK. price of our “STANDARD SPECIAL” Is S2.00, ing at iO.BO a. m by Hev. O. K. Crosby Regular universailst church held one of tbelr TEED. of school at 11.46; to any S3-OO Darby, this year and every Yarmonth; Sunday last warranted equal suppers and entertainments Some 23 and friends of Y. P. C. U. at 6 p. m ; subject. “Praise popular employes Henry was well at Lewis Hall, which H. Teed &• Co year. __ and Thanks. At 7 o clock the fourth evening U. Teed of Henry gath- attended at his home &K lecture In the series by the pastor, Uev. ered Thursday evening The on Rocky HIM Lodge, K. him Elliot b, barber, subject, “being Young repairs Franklin street to congratulate upon of P. ball are progressing Unely, and the the evening and being Old.'1 There will be special bis 30th birthday. Daring or occupancy CO. ball will be complete behalf of the em- CLOTHING be used ready Mr. James in STANDARD music The eleotrlo lights will Sellers, In about a week or so. The hall Is being W. C. WAKE, Hlgr., 541 CONGRESS STREET. for the Urs; time. ployes, In a brief, pleasant speech, pre- the and papered, and a solid Se»vloes at the Westbrook Congrega- newly painted sented Mr. 'Teal oak, elegantly cleaned and renovat- and lu beaalf tional church on Sunday will be as fol oarputs thoroughly upholstered Morris ohalr, ante ed. The hall,as veil as the a rolled lows: At 10 3J a. m., worship and ser- banquet of other friends, heavy gold the ante rooms, and entry leading to watoh obaln and charm. mon the pastor, llev. S N. Adams, e by the rooms are also being painted When of Ice cream, oake and subject, "The Ella a man Lives Ills Hefresbments are the will have ladles. Measure of Value Mr. M.Holdsworth repairs completed lodge fruit were served by the soloist one of the neatest castle balls in the vi- of England will be the musical FKEIC STBEET CUUKCH. of Portland. this At 7 in., there will cinity at meeting. p. street Mrs. C. JP. launders street, The evenlug servloe at Free an address Mrs. Ida V. 8 Sawyer, be by Woodbury E. at Island. church will be conduoted by ltev, W. on the work of the Ame- spent yesterday Long who will speak Home Good Is made with the Noyes, agent of the New England ------rlcan Missionary Association. All ara progress being for the annual fair for Eittle WaDderers, and will be In the invited. arrangements holding and bazaar under the direction of the interest of that Institution. One Interest- M'ss Wilma F. Newoomb, daughter of Woodfords UniverFallst church. The fair ing feature will be the singing of a choir Mr and Mrs. E. b. Newoomb, a student Is to be held the lirst week In December, of children from the Home. An offering at Westbrook Seminary, officiated as ac- be token. ■ in the new chapel on Clifton street, will compinlst for the soloists at the dedloa entertainments are to be furnished the tton of the new gymnasium on Thurs- TuE WKAND THUNK’S MANAUEK. Jast three of the one of The that was {evenings fair, day. organist expected Mr. Ueorge Hell Keeve, the new gen- about two which Is to be a miscellaneous pro- had to cancel the engagement of the Urand Is a are to be eral manager 'Trunk, 0. BAILEY the other two pllOOIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIl!!llllliillll!lllll F. and pop- !lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!HIHIINIIH!llll!l!!lirOO!lll| before the exercises commenced, gramme, hours believer lu Portland. He his va ular dramas local talent. spends but Miss Newoomb mastered the situ- by cations In a at a nearby resort The E D. Dan- cottage ation and tilled in in a satisfactory Hearing Steam*laundry, highly and numbers many frtands among Port- of croft, propriytor, dosed up its place of manner, the position acoompanUt. Head about blm lu tomor- and moved land people. Tolman John business on Woodfords street Go.. before Judge yesterday, row’s Issue of The Portland Sunday Garriage lined and costs for into their new und up-to-date quarters Kennedy was >5 Times. near the Union Sta- drunkenness. be was also given nine- Congress street, OPP. POSTOFFICE. tion, ty days in jail, but the jail sentence was yesterday. tueTade at HOOPEK’S. suspended on promise of better behavior, We call the attention of onr readers to nna nr t.hn electricians sinnloved In MOKUILLS. the Saturday’s ten hourly sale to be held fitting up the Dana warp mills for opera- today at Uren Hooper's Sons. Beside the met with an acci- tion by eleotrlo power, great attractions offered in the way of HORSE The funeral services over the remains dent yesterday morning by stepping on high grade house furnishings at greatly of the late Hon. Myron E. Moore, the a which pierced his foot. there will be also of ln- TABLE nail, out prices, plenty DAMASK, under the well know n real estate dealer, architect The fair and entertainment tertalnment in the way of a graghopbone to a and builder, and former Representative | came ] auspices of the Cleaves Hides, concert. Uraphophonee are among the at Odd Fel- to the Legislature, are to be held on Sun- H successful close last evening Christmas things on sale at Oren Appropriate from the late many a ball was the at- day afternoon at H o'clock, lows Hall,when grand Hooper's Sons and that used at the con- For Thanksgiving. 5 residence, 2(i3 Stevens avenue. Rev. C. .* traction c-rt will be furnished with an Immenn Blankets Fred Drown of A. Terhune, pastor of the Clark Memori- Division Inspector H, brass born so that it may be heard all i 1 of the Maine Hi al Methodist church, with which the de- know that 3 Dlddelord, Inspector over the store. 5 We want you all to officiate. vision Sons of Veterans, visited Wade ceased was connected, is to At Prices. of the Fopular Camp, Sons of Veterans, at their meet- Mrs. Hodgdon, proprietor Hodg- Bargains in shirts. Merry’s olosli g • 1 Is Into ner new SPECIAL ing last evening, for the purpose of In- don Express Co moving •ale. hniiua nn uvanllA Ul1 ifilnlnir the STABLE ITSE. The camp was found to be In spection. BOY AN EDITOR. land or the late Dr. A. M Parker. MAINE a prosperous condition, and was given ,RRS' 4 MNCR0FT E,S™#N ! 3-4 wool two services over the remains The first number of “The Bohemian,” Canvas, lined, surcingles, a good rating by the Inspecting otiioer. The funeral 1 $1.00 the In- of Helen the a magazine of unique stories, VALUES ltefreshments were served after Marr, fonr-year-old daugh- monthly _kU.k.4 -s I« mi* this naalr I* Fancy Plaid Burlap, full wool lined, two spection. ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Clarenoe K.Scribner, 2 of 3 ... are an $1.35 An entertainment was furnished at the were held yesterday afternoon, at contains “The Shears Atropos,” by showing exquisite §§ surcingles. 12 “Mere Pom- Brown full wool bias close of the regular meeting of the o’clock, from the parents’ residence, Edward Payson Jackson; come and Canvas, lined, ’’ IN line of Satin Damasks. If it interests in or Liberty Thursday evening. New street. pon, by Everlt liogart Terhune; "Was g you, g girth surci gles, 12.25 Daughters = ~ Ernest Holm* n H. D. Warren Council, O. U. A. M., CUKH1E-OSGOOD WEDDING. She J ratified If' by if. let us that at immaculate, hem- Imitation Baker, almost as good, $3.00 are the ed- persuade you glossy at thetr held this con- Messrs Holman and Terhune meeting week, The marriage of Air Frank H. Osgood, on several itors. Mr. Holman Is a Maine boy, being is to ferred the Initiatory degree Leland to Allss stitched or Table Cover essential your KOAl» and CARRIAGE ESE. street, Deerlng Centre, of LINENS. fringed the son of Kev. W. O. Holman Kock- 1 ^ candidates. Sadie Currie of Portland, ooourred on dilutee Tull. raw. Mrs. W. E. of and, and brother of Dudley O. Holman, Ayer Fpxoroft. formerly the be- | good digestion. Thursday, olliolatlng clergyman In the In a resident 1b the of her sis- formerly newspaper business here, guest ing Kev. Luther Freeman, pastor of the Fancy Plaids, 5 lbs., $1.50 ter. William Main street. Portland, and now In Taunton. He Mr§. tiruhaiu, Chestnut street Methodist church. Mr. •** 0 2.00 Miss Lettle Hall ha6 returned to her Is also a brother of C. Vey Holman of Osgood Is well and favorably known In all wool, 2.50 to 8.00 home in after a brief visit liangor and South Thomaston. Allred, Me... tbe Deerlng district. He was far a time in this Fawu Blankets, 7 lbs., 1.75 to 7.50 city. by the Westbrook Electrlo MATKIMON1AL, INTENTIONS. employed Plush 1.08 to 10.00 liar. Fred Norton of Kennebunk, has and later Hobos, Light and Power Company, as At the otUo8 of the olty clerk have been BANCROFT. EASTMAN BROS. & I 0.00 to 25.00 been the guest during the the past week Fur a brake man on tbe Boston & Maine Kail- declarations of matrimonial Intent ( filed nov24d3t of his Mr. and Mrs. W.li. Nor- parents, road For the live or six he past years by Frederick H. Atwood of Deaton and ton, Main Btreet. has been employed during tbe winter Uertrude Hall of Portland, Sainnel K. iiiiiooiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiociiiiri Mrs. (ierrish 1b home in a few expected os an assistant at the NAME. season Inspector McDonald and Ellen Hunter ot A FAMOUS from she Portland, days New York, where has been custom house. Mrs. Portland Osgood Mlohael Weloh and Mary Silk of Port- _’ I i on a visit her Her to daughter. daugh- resided In of formerly Danvers, Mass, land, John J McDonald CampbeltoD, Among the names submitted by the Senate of Mru. Nellie Chase and are ter, husband, where she Is well and favorably known. N. H., and Maggie Keane of Cross Point, THANKS- the New York University to the judges of tlie to accompany her. P. I. Hull of Fame is the name of Jonas Chickering. Air. and Mrs. Osgood are to reside on The Hall of Fame will contain busts of loo fa- A brick foundation Is being put under mous Americans who have w on jirominence in Leland street, Deerlng Centro. SKUIES. THE THIKD OF THE GIVING their chosen art or profession. It is gratify Inf About sixty oouplea attended the ball to know that the men who have the selection of There will be a Thanksgiving oonoert LISTEN!! given Thursday evening at Ked Men » these busts iu charge liave complimented at ohurch | music and industrial art in Aihertea by selecting the the Abyssinian Congregational hall, under ausplues ol a number ol NEEDS The foolish man 2 such a distinguished name from the roll of at 7.30 o'clock. says, the employes of tbe Portland Kallroad on Sunday evenlDg honor. -The Musical Trade Review. Friends and well wishers of the Sunday In Silver “I’ll take my chances; my 2 Company. Sterling * Whether from an Industrial or au ar- school are Invited to attend. Kev. W. B. Hague, pastor of the Con- respectfully won’t burn; there- or Plated Forks property tistic standpoint, there is none more giegatlonal church at Sooth Brldgton, Is ♦ 1 don’t need to insure i ore, worthy of a place In a llall of Fame than to occupy the pulpit of the Free ohuroh, and Spoons, Serv- Grain-O is not a stimu- EUKOPEAN PLAN. Special breakfast the jjame-of Chickering. It stands for Congregational, Sunday morning, as a 40 cts. amt table d’hote tllunerSO cts. at Table that is best in the musical like coffee. It is a candidate for the In the Electric Light*. Steam Heatlag. ing Pieces, ail highest lant, vacancy pastorte The mean man “1 cannot afford to insure ■ CENTRALLY LOCATED. $ says, my property, J It American tonic and its effects are of the ohuroh. Cutlery and Cut development. typifies • a of 2 Air.George Hlshop, Stevens avenue,who it’s waste money.” genius and culture. It represents the Class,can be sup- of permanent. has been quite 111, was reported aa more ♦ The wise, practicia! man says, “I’ll take no chances; I’ll insure f earliest efforts towards the perfection A successful substitute oomfortable the I’m safe the fhodern American an in- yesterday, and prosoeots plied here. 2 nry property; if fate goes against me, anyhow.” pianoforte, for coffee, because it has good for his recovery. X Who would you rather be? The foolish, the mean or the 2 strument that Is now imitated in ovory Mr. George a resi- * the coffee flavor that al- Boothby, formerly Geo. T. • wise man? country in Europe. dent here, was on relatives and Springer, calling 2 Better be wise, and step in and have a talk with ♦ most everybody likes. friends here yesterday. g | 513 Congress SI. uov24eodtf substi- At All Soul's ohuroh, Sunday morn- Lots of coffee One Peroon, $1.00 per day ami upward. B “ ing, at tbe usual hour for worship, tbe tutes in the but Two PiThons, $1.50 per day and upward. DOW& PI N KMAJT, CRESS ALLEN, market, Kev. S. G. will a From South Terminal,—Take North Sta- I EYJONESl pastor, Havls, prsaoh | tion Cara to Elm St. » 75c. 2 35 Street. • _REPRESENT THIS.... only one food drink— thanksgiving sermon. From North Station,—Take Subwar Cara MAINSPRINGS, Exchange to Soollay 8q., or an rface cars to Elm St. The best American Mainspring*, made by »♦♦♦»<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»♦♦♦♦♦♦« »♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦ Grain-O. 1 Ce A. the and Waltham Warranted For a Cold Id tlie JONES, Prop. Elgin companies. World Renowned Plano. Hrud (or one year. MoKENNSV, the Jeweler, “ hmatlvt Utuuio-qaliiluc Tablets M uument bQuaro. <}ly20dtt All Kroooii Uc.um I Ur. J. Calvin Knapp thought that In SUNDAY seHVCE*. RAL& TO MEN If * medal were _ron SENT FREE time fiouth Portland Would no annexed SOUTH PORTLAND. awarded for the whan Portland became ripe tor expansion Real Estate fortr worJi iMKrted andrr tbia brad Most Remarkable Remedy That bat not now. Ur. Fred Jordan was moat perfect tein- week for 45 mbU, CMb In odromooi A Jast All Bo flllR' Avt) FOB SALE TOOAY BY not prepared to express an opinion, bat rig-Church (WilNI perance medicine lev. 8. (1. Preaching service at * Restores Lost Ur. MoCann said be was not afraid to go Davis, pastor. [ALCOHOy for fam- HALR=sOll Congress street between In- tytfckly S0.45 a.m. Sunday school at 12.1b p.m. Y. r ■_7^. f prepared Geo. W. Brown, 33 Eirhnngt St. ipOM on reoord. He of the poor sewerage P. tf ^ dia ami l’earl, :* first class houses upon a v to Men. spoke C. U. 7.16 p. m. All arfi welcome. lly use it would lot Vigor of the city, so poor that ladles In containing lo, 7unds nr Individual 414 Congress street. 23-3 free Items. of ftreatenve home to be treated and tbe an disinclination on tbo part 6.80 p.m. Epworth League service. At 7.80 p. stomach must be cured through the Invesimeur. Butltin 1899. DALTON Si CO., is apparent sample will enable Item to see how It most to ooramlt themselves, and an ex- m. Gospel service with sermon by the pastor. stomach." The is a medi- 58 Exchange street.ecu: dtf SALE—Black walnut bookkeeper's desk Discovery for to be cured of srxual weakness when pressed regret tbst those who were fore- All are welcome. for the stomach nnd other of IpOR salo cheap, can be seeu at 100 Ex- cine organs change Ht. tbe proper remedies are employed. Ihe most In the matter and were expected to CoNORBns Houark Church tFlrst Unlrersa- 22-1 Service at digestion and nutrition. When the WANTItn. Institute makes no restrictions. Any be present to enlighten the olub, were Ust.) Rev. Dr. Blanchard, pastor. C V 10.80 a. m. The Oreatne s stomach is the blood made in HALE—On a block man who writes will be sent a free unable to be on band. Hubjcct of sermon, healthy ipOR Peering Highlands, of the of Jesus of Miracles.” words Inserted under this head M of 2 houses 4 tenement*, rent f&4 sealed In a pack- There was a special meeting iedependeut Sunday the stomach is healthy, and sufficient in Forty per sample, carefully plain THE UN1VKHSALIST FAIH. school at 12 m. Y. P. 0. U. 8 m. \. cask In advance. month, in first class repair, 14.000 feet land, am- have ne over junior p. to nourish the nerves and one week for 28 cents, age so that Its need school torrd last evening presided room for 2 more houses on tlio most recipient last P. C. U. at 7.30 p. in. quantity ple desir- fear of embarrassment or publicity. after the The Union Opera bouts was bright the to resist or throw able street, price suitable for investment, must by Mayor Hey no Ids, at which, Congress »t. M. E. Church—Rev. W 8. strengthen system Headers are to write without #lth many oolored bunting with small to Join In be sold. W. II. WALDRON & CO., 180 Middle requested the evening Bovurd. pastor. Devotional service P.16 a. to. off disease. Nature develops life, sus- capital of a few bills, deplorable was over the U’ANTED—Partyn business that will prove to be Ht. delay. approval which gracefully plaoed Sunday school *0.80 a. m. Preaching at 3 p. and lift enterprise 21-1. house tains life preserves by nourish- bonanza to the Investors. Call or ad- lawStf condition of the Llgonla sohool several booths arranged for the Unlver- m. the Thanks- a perfect by pastor. Subject *’JoyM—A ment. Vital failure comes when the 2361-2 Middle Portland. Me. was with most Endeavor dress BOOM 5, St., nALt-norse ManKeis, nil Kinds wr a of discussion. sallst fair whloh opened giving sermon. At 0.30 p. m. Juulor was subject is starved either from lack of food 23-1 Mr street and stable use, we leather and prospects of a decided suo- meeting. At 7.80 p. ni. Preaching by the pkstor. body Kaler oalled the mat- enoouraglng blankets for use in stormy weather. Our C. F. Alexander & Superintendent oess. The table under a pretty Subject, “Timothy.” All are welcome. or the of the and nu- strap Co., punoh inability digestive Keel sloop or schooner (30 ft. stock is full and complete in all grades. We and said that the Is Centre School. Grammar to extract the 03 St. ter np very plainly oanopy of red and white conveniently Deertng Sunday tritive organa nourishment water-line) tliat ean lie used as a yacht. invite you to call end see our goods and get our Exchange the first School head of Pleasant Ave, at 8.«ai WANTED and were a disgrace to 3ed near the entranoe and Building, from the food taken into the stomach. If sloop, must have mast well forward, must prices. JAMES o. McGLAUFLlN, Manu- building grounds with p. m. The International Sunday school lesion C' th on the right Is resplendent “Golden Medical takes the be of good model and have Urge cabin. Give facturer of Custom Harnesses and Horae the and a menace to the ohlldren. will be studied. All are Invited. tf Discovery to F. 56 Preble eltf roses and red oolors at which lue cream, all particulars and lowest cash price L. Goods. street. 20-1 Free Rev. C. K. Andrews, obstacles from Nature’s way so that she Mass. 21-1 lie said that the school had been closed are offered for sals. This Church, pastor. END, Swampscott, REAL ESTATE. oandy, etc., Preaching at 10.46 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Sun- can sustain life her own methods. HE DERICK 8. First National Bank for ten weeks and the action booth did a business last evening by VAILL, he^letalled lively day school at close of mornlitff service ; Y. P. B. tallies to know that I have F Building, makes the management of real 5)48-2. and will net a sum for the grand meet- Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets assist the Telephone or the authorities who arter one good C. 15. meeting 6,16 p. ra. Weekly prayer WANTED—Allsomething reliable, not as yet Introduced estate a also attends to Investments city uw specialty, nov23diw* total. IN ext to Mia is a nsnusoiuei/ ing Tuesday 7 30 p. m. « tction of “Golden Medical Discovery,’* here, for removing superfluous hair on the face: In real estate and mortgages, collects rents ami _ week’s session or this school concluded to rated Christmas tree with a lot of pretty First Methodist Church, South tail nt«2 Hampshire street, Portland, Tuesday gives general attention to affairs of clients. and Episcopal move the building. This was done things from the branches, be- Portland. Rev. K. A. Leith, pastor; residence and Wednesday, Nov. 27 and 29. M K8. M. M. 21-1 JT veal o-oate or handle on commission am suspended u a irtrDU On. 1 landed on Its site which are tbe fancy goods of every 6 Evans st Hunday school 1.30 p. ni. Preach- TO LET. taka ent'ra of for non-red after It was present yond charge properties In tbe hand corner lx ing service at 2.80. Epworth league 6.80. Gen- HA BE—A good milk route 30 etc. v\< flve weeks. description. right selling dents, paying taxes, collecting rent*, nothing was done to It for eral social servioe at 7.30 p. in. All are weU with references to gallons per day. all retail. For business In PoiHano foi a very interesting of decorated words Inserted under till* heaid WARTSlV-Man good I'OR particulars have been engaged in display coe. tf Forty bulsluess of old established address **E.” this office. 20-1 Is un The from tne skids in of Mrs and manage yearn, and our fintnclal responsibility building slipped china, tbe work Flnnerty, one week for ‘W cents, cask In advance* week and .tmiicjidh tiU uas iireeu luuivu *»• house; salary $18 per expenses pay- o!ied ami facilities f< r prompt attention tc of one side a word of tbe warmest praise Is HCH, quest the'proeess moving, dropped surely service at 10.80. Sun- able each week direct fmn h-adquu'ers; ex- VOlt SALE—2nd hand machinery, 15 horse yo r wants unsurpassed. Correspituleuct due to her for this artlstlo exhibit Purdy, pastor. Morning ■ 93 Ex and n standard fell on one of the desks school 12 in. Junior C. L. 3.30 p. pense money advanced: position permanent steel boiler, $90; C horse engine, $45; R. It. solicited. G. F. ALEX A N l)EB 4k'CO., Is the oolor on day meeting first class with all 23* White with evergreens m. Intermediate C. li. meeting H.So p. m. Eve- f|iO LET—Furnished room*, Enclose self-addressed stamped envlope. cut off machine, $35; saw lug and boring machine, ciiange street, forlluid, Ma. V_. The floor has settled and now bulges out A 00 the flower booth, which Is well worth ning Social 7.30. tf modern conveniences at Hampshire St., 8TANDAKD HOUSE, 303 Csxton Bldg Cut $15: I niversal saw machine, $20; lock comer also one front room on flrst floor at 20 nov3-4 or SALE —We tell you t!»e whole truth am! In the center while there Is debris, dirt, and then comes tbe Willard Quincy cngo. machine, $26; 20 iu. by 6 ft. engine lathe, $75; visiting, First Baptist Church, corner of WOmot ftt. Is let do the rest. It 8 no news to om to _24-1 20 in pony planer, $40; power lmm* cutter, $15; you etc to the of 18 Inches on the low- table In red devoted handkerohlefs, and Congress Sts. Rev. Bowley Green, pastor. that wa sell the best bar depth all in perlcct running older, also ail the shaft regular customers dolls and various articles. One end of Preaching at 10.30 a. ni.; Subject,*4 Lazarus— in real • s a*e in Portland. We want er floors while eto., are to RENT nt Woodfords, a modem apart- WISCKIX AN FOTTS. hangers, small tools and gains picks, shovels, tbls table Is used the circle of the the man at the gate.” Baptism at close of scr- ing. pulleys, belting, to know If. That nice house ou by FORment of six hath, hardwood mill supplies used In the conduct of my former r>body be seen store! In convenient a feat- »Te. Sunday school at 12 m. Thanksgiving rooms^with wh ch we offer for 82200, there is away places oburob, all In all making notable floors, front door, electric lights, lo- must call at once for business Full particulars ou C. NV. Ilartiy St., Concert at 7.80 p. m. offering taken for separate repair request. the G. F. near the and a ure of the fair. Tbe yellow booth oon Special cated near five lines of ears. Apply at 37 Lawn > &c<>.. e- COSTELLOW, Mo. 19-1 nothing cheap about it only price. A ditch was dug steps big the needy of the Sunday school and Parish. All C1UST0MKHSwork left with Fred I.. Merrill p Sanford, A I. EX A N Dr.lt & CO., 93 Exchange bt 23 1 talus many of tbs latter Ave. or FREDERICK V A ILL, Real Est. Agt. or the articles still be sold. Glviniea of eto in front of the steps aprons, quills, are welcome. elers, pile day, on tbe be- 23-1 am L. MKK- being spread very neatly walls __ call. 1 still in business. FKED bargain, one ir mute's around the First Parish Church—(Unitarian! Con- 24-1 FOR SALE. SALK—Special would make walklDg grounds hind. There are abnndant opportunities lt I LL, Agt.. tao India street. FORwalk from electrics, elegant house, t gress street. Iter. John C. Perkin*. pastor. house to be let for the w inter, when Ice and enow came, lie had to seonre from the of i I li Porllnnd Corin. rcoms. alt I flue repair, large stable, 14.000 ft. unsafe variegated supply Morning service at 10.30. Sunday school at FCRNIftHEDa furnished house, located in western |» ll|trijhl and al- part 4 GENTS WANTED to sell the latest. Inven- laud, f nit tries, best trade ever ottered. 8:W00. been notltlel several times that the goods suitable holiday presents 12 in. of eltv. sunny and pleasant. Address M. !>:■ .iboiler; 8 li. p li»riz. uni.-il st. Tbe very l\. lion tor producing light; beats electricity; G. F. ALEXANDER & CO.. 05 Exchange most every taste can be gratllied. Church—Rev. Jo- Press Office. 23-1 In it bs suoh and such a Free Street Baptist \V., idicapcr than kerosene; agents coining money. engine, At condition, bur* building would ready different whose At ___ ladies at the lb. 10.80 ___ booths, Kennard Wilton. 1). __ _23-1 seph pastor. larged factory; prompt shipments. TIlE KUln. and four times he had called the In a. m. the school 232 St., nine • >. DOlt SALE—Property, con Ming of twe day, Dames were published yesterday’s preaching by pastor. Sunday rro LET—Lower tenement, High Brat UGH 1 < OMP 1NY.1 ai t< n 24-1 at 12 in. Y. P. 8. 0. K. 6.30 p. m. Service at * water a most desirable ■T large brick hon es, one minute s walk from teachers and to tltid PKE.SS, wore smiling faoes at the brisk rooms, hot heat, pupils together only 7.80 In the interest of the “New H *me Address K. E. Dock- Steam Congress Sf. Six rents, now rented fo good sales and It looks as If tbls fair wonld be England rent In good locality. YOU enjoy an “Opera?" If you had an Peering Laundry, the untenantable. He to for Little Wanders.” Address Rev. W\ E. BOX 1019. 23-1 tenants and payiug *1036 per annum. We car building spoke one In the annals of the by ERTY, DO "Opera" or Mathushek Plano in your a “red letter’’ and by a choir of the offer you a groat trade. G. F. ALEXANDER Alderman Jordan about the and for the Noyes, agent, singing house to play on. you would enjoy it. «Rhers do. novl4tf grounds soolety. The attendanoe was good All are City. & C<>.v 93 Exchange children from the Home. welcome- LET—On Walton St., Peering District. We have some fancy styles in walnut and ma- street._23-1 was Informed "that would as first and many went early enough they stay night, Firbt FreeBaptibt Church, opposite the TO near electric cars, 2 new rents, x rooms hogany. just received. C. C. HAWES' Music DOR BALE—In the center of the city, a 2 1-2 ami half house, about S tbe substantial which SALK—Story they were for a time" or words to that to enjoy supper Public Library Rev. Lewis Malvern, pastor. and bath, hot and cold water. ALBERT Store, Congress and Temple Sts. 24-1 ■T story house, containing 14 rooms, arranged FORrooms, Sebago water, large lot 4oo0 ft., was served at three long tables In the Morning service at 10.80. Sunday school at 12 DING LEY, 1027 Forest Ave. 23-1 for two families, has modern improvements,^ fruit located on Munloy 11 til. 811’fti); 825f effect on the building was trees, Plastering oenter of the hall E'l'o enliven proceed- tu. At 7.30 Social meeting. are headquarters for good size lot and sunny exposure; low. down, balance as rent. G. F. ALEXANDER A $41RIGO" poultry yards price not begun until this week though be had ings an entertainment Including musical HiaH Street Church—Rev. W. H. Fenn- LET—To a small family, a pleasant, con- high class barred Plymouth rock cockerells. For further particulars Inquire of A. C. LIBBY CO., 93 Exchange street. Cum- & 42 1-2 street. street._23-l__ called attention and other numbers Is given. The pro- I). lb. pas tor. Morning service at 10.30. Lee’ TO venient rent of three rooms with shed on E. DAVIES. Prop., 33 Koehester CO., Exchange _14-2 repeatedly Mr. Craig's 2 SALE—Brick house. Cumberland St. for last was In mre 7.30 p. in. on ‘The Old-fashioned Piety same floor. Price $7.00. Inquire at FISH- berland Mills, Me.. P. (>. Box 173.2:t Mr. as he gramme evening printed BALE —The only available lot of land sei to the matter. Craig having with Ours.” EB’B SHOE ft FoftE* FORone family, lo rooms, bath, furnace, yesterday’s paper and the talent was well compared kinds of typewriting done, 150Ron the Western Promenade, located ho* tubs, good fur Investment or home. G. F understood the oontract for the job. Mr. received. Tbls evening Miss Florence New Jerusalem Church. New Hglh St. NOTICE—Allmimeograph circulars and postal cards tween the residences of Messers. Cartland and & 93 St. 23-1 LET—Parties homelike AI.EX ANDE11 CO.. Exchange dirt of the ooncert and Rev. Samuel Worcester pastor. Morning ser- fTtO desiring pleasant, addressed and lessons given Conley. Alio a tlrst-clasu famished eottage. Kaler raid that now there was Merrlman has obarge for would do well to call printed, envelopes vice 10.80: ot sermon. 4,The Man? A rooms the winter in at ROOM 12, First National Bank stable and land at Willard Beach. SALE—Two stable and an entertaining programme will Subject typewriting Apply family house, enough In the building to give employ- equally Mansions in the Father s House*'Sunday school on MRS. CHAPLIN, 110 Winter street. Tele- to TRUK BROS No. 394 Fore street. 31-tf 130Rlarge lot. central part of city. 03000. G. F. be offered. Tbe fair will dose tonight. In house. 22-1 Building.____23-1 ment for at least three women for several 12 m. phone ALEXANDKR& CO., 93 Exenange St, 23-1 IHTTSBURO Visible is one of the CROSS ENTERTAINMENT. Oakdale School, in U 11 on Pitt street, Typewriter lVAVTED-MALK II CLP. Mr. James GOLDEN Sunday front room to let. nt ll I latest writing machines on the market. SALK—Two family 12 rooms anl days. Seeing Taylor present, m. All are welcome. tf Inquire *13011 house, at 2.46 p. ftt, 22-1 Its work is always in sight, ami iio tipping the A lath, oeutrnl tart o $40j0. G. F. Mr Kaler asked that he be Invited to say One of tbe notably pleasant events of FURNISHEDfthepley city, peaks Island Methodist Church. Rev. platen, it runs easy and does good work, it 11" A NTEP—Men to organize library stations; ALEXANDER & CO.. 03 Exchange the week was tbe sociable and entertain- a. St._23-1 sometblng as he had visited the premises. L. II. Bean, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 LET—On Forest Avenue. 2 rents of 6 costs only $75. The JAgency Is at 263 Middle 5 men with us 4 years making $150 month- ment given by Oceun View Conimandery. m. and 7.o0 p. m. Sunday school 12 m. Y. P. fflO G. L. BAILEY. 23-2 Installment plan; permanent. PARMF.LFE BALE—On Win* cw 8-.. 21-2 story lor said that he oouid corrobor- A rooms each and hath, new furnace, in flrst street, ly: Mr. Tay Golden Cross, snare was a large assem- B. C. E. evening, 7.30. Class meeting LIBRARY, 24-1 FORbouse, two families, H rooms. 2 baths, lot Tuesday class repair, will be let low for the winter. W. Chicago. statement made and further. and the sev- 7.80 p.m. Birangers are always about 50 x 100, good property. G. F. ALEX- ate every go Dlv of members and friends, Thursday 11. WALDRON & CO., 100 Middle ftt. 22-1 |kETEfTIVK accepts eases anywhere guar- welcome. t* lv to of men as ANDER & C(93 street. 23-1 of Inches of dirt In the eral musical and literary numbers were anteelng absolute fidelity the interest good collectors, Exchange Instead eighteen WrANTED—Twelvesalesmen. Good with chance for ^rendered and well recslvel. rARK 8t. PRK88TTERIAX CHURCH—Cor. Of LET—Tenement of 8 roopis and hath, all his clients, collections made, criminals appre- wages it SALE—'C» ntral of brick rooms, he showed there were at least two splendidly Pleasant Sts. Rev. French McAfee, hended. done. Write to BOX 18t>. promotion. Semi or apply between part city, house, was a Lilt lan Willard, Park aud TO in perfect order, sunny exposure and large shallowing application 1JO There song by at 2 m. N. 22-1 R and lo o’clock a. iu Tuesday. November 27th. French roof, 14 rot ms. 2 baths, furnace feet of 111th. That If should an pastor, Sunday school p. Preaching cemented cellar. Apply at9l Lancaster Berlin MUD. H. yon put readings by Nina Griggs and Mrs. Seats free. yard, THE SINGER MAN IT AC It KING CO., Bax- heat, fur two families go *u solid property, u. at 3 and 7.80 p. ro. by the pastor. street, corner of Wilxnot. 22-1 93 1 In the oenter of the rooms It would Goivan, a duet by Mlssaa Fennerty and tf ter COtt F. A El- XA N1 >EK & CD., Exchange 8r. 23 apple All are Invited. TAJ-OTIC'E—Stop leaks in your tin or shingle Block, Congress street._23-1 all of wbloh was Interspersed by when roll to one of the four because of Dyer, Fueble school at 12 m. mo 66 Smith 8t., 7 rooms, with is roof In using Asbestos Booting nils, \\ VNT at once a reliable man lo look af- SALK -Fine located western corners, Chapel—Sunday LET—Kents, \\'V residence, seleotlona on tbe mandolin. Parlor at 3 m. hv the At 7.30 cor. 23»*. roofs covered with Asbestos Oil will preserve t Preaching p. pastor. p. A front door, Oxford; ter our interests in Cumberland and the I’OR1 a of city, near Promenade, 2 1-2 story the He said that when the build- and cocoa seperate than new card to ridges. games were Indulged in, and m. service and address. All are welcome. Brackett 6 rooms, near pine; 40 Stone, 7 roof lunger shingles. Drop counties or brick house, slated roof, eleven rooms and song ftt., for adjacent salary commission, special In the moving, the chimney cake were generously served. A flttlng rooms, in fine condition; 54 State, half house, .1. A. GOBEY, 117 Newbury St., Agent Inducements to offer tothe right LIN- bath, laundry and pantry, large closets, hard- ing slipped Fine Street Church. (Methodist Episco- of Maine. 22-1 party. was tbe of old At 10.30 siwclal terms, to desirable tenant, and many State COLN OIL Ohio. 19-1 wood floors, double w.ndows and tcroehs. came near over, and was to climax spirited rendition Kcv. E. 8. .1 McAllister, pastor. CO., Cleveland, going likely pal). others. FREDERICK ft. V A real estate. steam |70tx». G. F. ALEXANDER fashioned which were much en- a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Subject. "The ILL, beat; price time. could not be much songs, Xat'l B’k No. 10. Cut this out and bring It to & CD., 93 8t. 2:5-1 fall any Things B of Fire.” At 12 m. Sunday echool. At 1st Bldg.21-1 ANAGER Old established mercantile house Exchange joyed, pttsm > our work rooms together with r»o cents and \| iu. Epwortb Leag.ie prayer meeting. CtOUPON a*x wants honest, capable man to manage worse. 0.3o;p. 31 Revere one of our $2.98 French Flannel Waists T'OIlSALE—Elegant residence, Cumberland Bean of At 7.30 m. Preaching bv the pastor, sub- mo LET—Lower tenement, ftt, get branch. Salaty $125 mouutb. extra commiss- fault Is this ltev.'Mr. Kennebunk, formerly p. rooms and to order. Tills offer Is for one *■ St.. West End. u rooms, bath and pantry, Mr. Tilton asked "whose do not become Chris- A Woodford*, consists of six has made good week, ions. NO soliciting required, but must take of the Knlgbtvllle M. E. church, ject, Wh.YongMeu low. of A. C' while orders at- and combination heater, large 4u x pastor All are welcome. Seats free. a furnace,will let very Inquire advertising. Mall promptly general direction business and be ambitious. laundry lot, in your opinion!" Mr. Kaler replied, bis old friends In tbls tbls tians 8A"» 105 ft.. G. F. ALEXANDER & CO.. 9J visited olty LIBBY & CO., 42| Exchange 8L 21-1 tended to. CASCO SUPPLY CO., congress Good references and $800 casli Ex- |e000. Sail Loft meetings are held at No. 0 Cen- 22-1 required. street. 23-1 "no one but those who hare contracted week. St., Boom 5. as manager not necessary If Exchange tral barf every Sunday morning, commenolug perience qualified the In He went Mr. D. E. Moulton left on LET—More tban3000 l>ooksat the Peoples In other respects. MANAGER, Drawer 74. Now to pnt building shape," Thursday at 10.80 a. m. All are welcome. tf have SALE—Fine residence at the West s boat for Boston, to attend the 110 Circulating Library, 247 Congress ftt. You negotiated—we Ilaveu, Con*. End, that he had oalled Alderman night (Protestant Episcopal', on __6-4 FORlocated on corner of two of the best streets. on to say Harvard-Vale foot ball St .Paul's Church, can get hooks here that you won’t And any Mortgagesfunds to Invest In first mortgages gam;. cor. and locust streets. The Rev act a contain- 5 and 6 cent. Owners wan’s men and woman Will be* sold at a (i. F. ALEX- attention to the matter. od Congress where else. Call and bookmark Portland proper!y at per | AltGE-bouse capable great bargain, Jordan’s Elien .Slmonton Is sick at bis home rector. Hours til service can ■ ANDER & CO.. 93 Exchange street. 23-1 Jos. Battell Shepherd, ing a list of recent additions. 21-1 of real estate having mortgages maturing to act as genera! agouts. $900 yearly salary, Mr. Tilton—"Who contracted to do this Curbing’s Point. — I o.30 a. m. and 4 p.m. Sunday school at obtain liberal loans by applying at Beal Estate expenses, extra commissions, brilliant oppor- SALE—The best store and trade At tbe Knlgbtvllle M E. church, Sun- close of morning service. All are welcome, tf O LET—Furnished or unfurnished, large Office. Fir-t National Bank, FREDERICK S. tunity. STAFFORD PRESS CO., New Haven, general work!’* ffA 1jK>Rin the state; a good opening for a live mau day evening, at 7 SO, tbe pastor will Salvation Abmt. 230 FederalSt. Meet- sunny front room, with large closet, steam VAlLL, Real Estate. 21-1 Conn. ootl7-4 Mr. con- heat and 13 GRAY between fttato to make money. Owner has other business. Kaler—"Washington Libby speak upon Japan and the Japanese. ings every night at H. except Tuesday. Sunday, gas. ST., and 3 and 7.30 m. and Park. 21-1 & re- tracted to movj the building and Mr. At tho Peoples’ M E. ohuroh. Sun- at 7 and 11 a. m., p. Adju- VOTICE—Goss Wilson, auctioneers, FEMALE HELP WANTED. |»;u ticulars apply to Ci. F. Al.EXANI)KR & ('()., Coloord will lead the 7 o’clock tant and Mrs. McDouall In charge. All are 3 moved to 134 to 160 Middle St, corner of iw street. 28-1 Uunstan was to do some work. I saw day, Capt. w LET—A room of medium size, well fur- dtf Exchange service. welcome. f|IO Silver Kt prayer and praise A steam electric and hath. nuiua vouobers for the payment of their bills St. Pauls CnuRCU—Corner Congress and nlslied, heat, light run; The Elizabeth City will be taken off 775 8T. 20-1 In Locust streets. Rev. Jos. Battell Shepherd, ree- CONGRESS one week for 25 cent a, cash advauce* and these bills must have been approved tbe route tor three beginning No- days lor. Hours of seivlcrio^o a. m. aud 4 n. m. SPOT CASH -OLD GOLD. bsr he one 75c. some one before they were paid by the veinder 35 and place will supplied school at 3 p. m. Strangers alwaVs ¥7OR RENT—Three storv brick house MAINSPRINGS ANTED- A. cook amt (aim* by Sunday s IV capable good We pay spot cash for old gold land give you uy the -Mary Libby. block from central portion or business part Warranted for 1 year. The beat quality of dress. Apply at :«Jl Danforth street in the City. air, vraig naiu iux, suiuujr nus w of to rooms well situated the highest price. We also lake it in exchange Kev Mr. Davis of All Souls' church, Congress St,, ami bath, Amerlc.in mainspring*. MrKKNNKY, Tne morning or between e and 9 in the eveniug. (or other The and was to him Bt. Stephen'* Chor oh (Protestant Kplsco- for lodgers. BENJAMIN SHAW & CO., 51§ 23-1 goods. McKEXNEY, Jeweler, give him $30 $dO coming mornim, wm ^inwuu cue 11m uuitci- Watchmaker. Monument Square. neptlStf Monument Square. Exchange St. 19-1 sept&dtf tbe and tbe plastering Is a sallst church next Sunday. (jom city for asthma will cure must be 1" ihc second eleven of the South Port- S SURE CURE mAILORESS WANTED, thoroughly mere skim coating TO LET-Bent 23 Lafayette street, contain HIl.lONiba most stubborn cases. Call or ad tress X and a good needlewoman. land school will play the Bret service Wednesday at 4 u. m. Bitting* free to in experienced Tlio — It was that grammar X tngfix rooms; good repair; price >13 Til KARA HILTON, Druggist, 129 Congrese L. H. srilLOSBfeKG, 2 Free St20-1 Mr. Tilton thought strange Willard on the all. tf eleven ol the grammar per month. Inquire of A. C. LIBBY & CO., St.. Portland, the contractors should have been be- of the latter Bt. Lujui'b Cathedral—Btate street Cler Me_novT-4 paid grounds today. (^Exchange street._17-1 or store ay—The Right llev. Robert Codman, Jr. Bishop- \kTE WILL BUY household goods WANTED SITUATIONS. work was done and asked If the ** or will receive fore the The Rev. C. Morton Bills. l>. 1>., Dean, and ttec. rro LET—A very fine seven (7) room lower fixtures of any description, llate at a bargain. Merry's sale. auction rooms for sale on com- could throw any light on the sub- tor. Services—Communion at 7.30 and 10.80 1 flat, besides bath and pantry, hot and cold the same at our Mayor GOSS fit WILSON. Auctioneers. 154 worila Inserted under this heart a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon 10.30 a. nij water, hot water heat, open plumbing,cemented mission. Forty PREFERRED ect. own corner Silver street. febadtf back front WIT AND WISDOM. Sunday school at 3. Evening Prayer (choral) cellar, lias its and door, beauti- Middle street, one week for 25 cents, cash In advance. ful lot and location. L. M. Mayor Reynolds remembered when tbe with sermon at 7.30. tf large LEIGHTON. GOOD WATCH needs careful atteutloa and ACCIDENT. . 63 Exchange street.17-2 best of when It is cleaned or matter of taking money from the contin- HI* Sense of SECOND PARlBllCOXanEOATtONAL CHURCH. A~ workmanship a* companion and Pride. This knul ot work is my apecialty; position oame cor. Pearl St. Rev. Rolltn T Hack, for or barber shop : houses repaired. W'ANTED—Areader a young woman of experience gent fund for this purpose up and said Mr. “there Congress, laundry 20 wlt4i W. F. Todd Is the by '‘Henrietta," Meekton, Preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. KOOMSfurnished or unfurnished; one at South my years experience who cam good references. Address “H," INSURANCE CO. matter pastor. best of goou work. My prices are give said the order was passed the be- Is one which 1 sliould like to m. Sunday school at 12 in. Portland; four furnished for light guarantee Office Portland Press. 24-1 request housekeeping; reasonable. GEO. W. BaRBOUR. MS Con- In such oases furnished house for board of two persons; cart, IKT MAIWE. ing left as was customary make of you.” State Street Congregational Church, street, opposite City Hall. HI hay rack, rake tedder and express wagon for gress wants a situation at light from seven." “What Is It?” Rev. J. L. Jenkins, 1). 1>. pastor. Morning man, age 20, Over 2,noo of the best business and profess* “to the gentleman sale cheap, t*. L. CARLETON, 118 Congress 5 experience, strictly ten* service at 10.30. Sunday school 12 m. Evening y'OUNGteaming. years lonal men In the State are by its It was that “If I get to acting a little bit overbear- Kt.14-2 CHICHESTER'S EN&LI5W sind can furnish the best of references. protected pol- Mr. Delano thought unjust service 7.30 m. All are welcome. M peratc icies. In accident department no other It. it don't p. at B. F. DUNLAP, Employment Agent, on the board ing don’t notlco nny rate, of 7 ana bath, Apply has oue-half the business in the Stale. tbe blame should be put St. Lawrence Congregational Church. rro LET—Rent rooms steam Me. 24-t Company me. l’ou see, every * Gardiner, be to hold It up against Cor. Congress and Munjoy streets—Rev. A. H. heat; very pleasant, convenient and easily Pennyroyal pills something should done cud Gtunlne. and thought or C. B. I OH*IubT Only once In awhile I get to thinking of the Wright pastor. Morning service at 10.8o. heated. Enquire 10 Sherman St. I>oteu, Alwa»* rvilabH. Ladle*. Mk I>ru*ri«» WHY? " by registered druggist ehow the respsndblllty Buueav school at 12 m. 17t> Commercial f„, KS. Thompson, fcvau*ellst. io.30 a. in. and 7.30 This refusal Is regarded by the United Forty words Inserted were holders. the stockbroker bas three (1000 bonds be- haa made perhaps, some who offioe [>. m. A Mothers’ meeting at 8. Other services oue week for 25 cent*, cash In bplce company a redaction of of States as a direct violation of This, however, was an erroneous Idea and S. Laval, a merchant Pallas, Tex., as usual. All are welcome. legation to her. Lawrenoe became a >ilv>nc^ one cent In roasted coffee. Ar- longing per pound there was chance for all to writes: ’’1 thought 1 would have to give and despite 0ST~0n Sunday, on State. Pine or Brackett a good present Wes brook Bapilst Church, Rev. George B. treaty right*, consequently, member of the Consolidated Exchange In buokle Bros followed with a similar re- on record. Mr. Small then colled on business, after two Tears of suffering a gold bracelet. The finder will be get up U. L>., pastor. Preaching by the pastor the refusal. Dr. Thomas H. Norton, who St., from on by over- March, 1800. Me Is said to have done a rewarded on leaving the same at lro duction. This was followed a reduc- Mr. Hanna who said he expected others general debility brought nt 13.80 a. m. Sunday school at v'm. Gospel liberally by four was by President McKinley business. Underhill Is the State St. 2H to enlighten him, bat he observed that work and long hours, bat bottles j meetla* 1X9. All are we!ftome.8eafs free. appointed very large tion by tbe Arbuoklu* of fifteen points In concern Me Is said to tbs same old ory was^iow being raised.as of Electric Bitters gave ms new llfo. 1 some time ago to establish a consulate at active man of the The and "Woodford's tJntversallst c Uurcb. Rev, Harry and to refined sugar. National Ipugur lie- when Deerlng was seeking annexation, can now eat anything, sleep well has been directed to proceed to have extensive property luterests. agents WANTED. K. Townsend. pastor. Preaching service 10.45 Harpoot a baa not man who It was an feel like working all the time. It's the be worth lu his own right probably fining oompauy yet aated, bat Is that every opposed *. m. Subject. "A Thauksglving Sermon. 'Bun- his on earth." It's a wonder post. dollars. bov* or loafers.to write to make a reduction of fifteen cilice holder. He referred to the Increased best msdlclne ilav school at 12 m. All are welcome. million DO NOT^VANT expeoted battlesblo to rats of tnxstlon whloh must come and it ful tonic and health builder fox tired, The expected visit cf the WE us, men of ubllity only, $£00 |50o per points. West Congregational Church, l043Coagres be Salesmen and general agents, salary of oltizens oould not to the as- siokly and run-down Xry : l’reachi at to was believed to re- j The last "hold-ln" at Bowdoln will month. annexed go weak, people. it., Rev. J. HBoardnnn, pastor. ng Kentucky Smyrna commission, special inducement*. RACIN’H but would It. Satisfaction Only 60a 10.30 a. in. fon at 12 m. At 7.30 Is- sessors and a reduction, guaranteed. day school as much to this matter as to described by a writer In tomorrow's MOTOR Ww. beg street late quite FIRE ENGINE & CO., KAcino, For a Cold In lire Head have "to walk up to the oaptaln’e otUoe at H. P ti. Uoold, tlft Congress p. m. goctafc service ith address by the pastor. Time*, are If the sue of the Poitland.Sunday g lax.tlTC Bromo-fiululuc Ttablcta, and settle." drag store. [ AU iuvit.d. Beau free. indemnity question. SUM'S bl«t. • MartiM. AGAINST BIG ODDS. Daaloii »r»r—- GREAT GAME TODAY. Sales of slock at the Boston Stock Exchange } (Hj T.lefrepb.) WOl’T UMfl (AS WVCk LIVERPOOL Not. 99. 1900.—The ('otto, Atchison.• ••. 89*4 M6%94g sales market U easier; spot 9,00c OSS la favor of Yllr, Bat HarvSar la Itrsve Fight of Captain Shields and Boston a Mams... balsa. 173 dopfa LONDON. Not. 93. IBOB-Oonson lor monae llopvful. ltla Men. Central Massachusetts.. ^ sort DDVkt for the amount 99 V IM. Lee,Higginson&Co Maine Central.. New llaven, Conn., November 28.- All Declines November SI —Moll ad- ITnlonJPaclflo.... 72 MUNIlUltK ..NOV. 14. 44 Stats Street, Boston. In Effect Nov, 12iH, 1909. Gov. Roosevelt Washington, Amartcaa TeL and Tel.1«0 Is In readiness Tor tbe great football In consumable • water I AM-19 00 vloea from Manila give t’nlon Pacific •!% 4alni*h game between Tale and Harvard tomor- TRAINS LRAVK UNION STATION. KAIL* rescue of Mextaaa !Cantral Crises. To Do So. detail tbe etorv of tbe Captain ..^80, of ■ 9 SOlMoon sets 6 23 row the HAY AS FOLLOWS! American Susar ..184% LeDftb 44T>. :. afternoon on Yale Held. Indeed, hQUAKK the KOth Infantry Shields and 60 men of American Sug^r ...116% first Harvard contingent arrived In tbe 7.on a. m. For Brunswick, l-ewlston (Lower) tbe In Bath, Hock lan '. akowb*- after their oapture by Ineurgent* after seven o'olook on Augusta. Water'villa, New of atonic* and Bonds NIA\ h olty shortly tonight Investment York Quotation* MARINE gan, Belfast. Bangor Buck sport and Vaueeboro Tbe that Captain Martndtqns Ogbt a train of ten parlor oars from Boston. connecting or Mt. Jo La, 8t. stephe.i. (Calais), and hi* np an (By Tclearaolt.* iloullon and Woodstock. Shield* party put »galn*t The following a rathe of POhT OF PORTLAND. With tbs arrival of that of crlm- olotuig quotaUou* oompany 8.30 a. ui. For Danville Junction, Burn fori force 1* declared to have Boost Hid Not Wilfully Vio- overwhelming eon’supporters, tbs first money to be Falls, J.ewlston, F»i minglon. Kangc.ey and Says Mayor Incident* Nov. 32. Nov 28. FRIDAY- Not. Securities. Waterville. been one of the moot brilliant l87'4 23,1900. on the from Harvard New 4k res.137% wagered game sup- a. m, For Brunswick. Bath, i^w.stou. tbs 187% Arrlvnd. late the Lawr. In the history of bush fighting-In New m, ..*37% porters appeared. The Harvard men de- Gardiner. Augusta. Waterville. I’liuiieid. New a*, re*. 116% U6% iBr) Circular sent oo application. The men In Steamer Numldlan. Mato. Liverpool— manded odds of ten to seven. Bancor, Fatten, Moulton and Caribou vta W. A archipelago. fifty question 4s. 116% New coup.116% passengers and mdse to II & A Allan. Two olty Is deoonted In both bins and A. It. U, were a of Insurgents of Deuver m it. *♦. 1st.. Tvnedala Shields— pursuing party stegmsr (Br), Hobson, crimson, bnt tbe Yale blue predominates. 12.40 r. m. Express for Brunswick, Lftbou when Erie .. 74% 74% To K Reford Si Co. Fails. Lewiston via Water. superior fores Into the mountain* 70 first class hotel In tbe city Is ttutWasu Brunswick.August i. Mo.:itan.A Tax. 2d*. 70% Sfeamer Pottavl!le. Philadelphia, towing barge Every Vine. Newport, Ban gar. Bucks Bar liar- bo* In tbe port. they were ninbnshed In a canyon n.insaa A Pacinc consots..... Shawmut. with co*i to G T Ky Co. filled to Its greatest capacity. For, Washington Co. K. R. old town. Oreeu villa Ore iron Nav.ist...... 109 10l> steamer ht St John. NB. via Kast- hotels rooms have been engaged aco Kalahdin Iron Works. Law a force of *80 riflemen and 1SOO bolo- CroU, Pike, leading TKI.KPHIISK ROiTOM 4*73 York Trust by Texas*pacific, l. t>. lets.... 118 116% portlor Boston. tor three weeks ahead. A number of 12.:»r, p. m. For New men made a continuous light Danville, Jo^Rumford Falls, They ao res. Ml.. 62 82 Steamer Gov Ben is. number IHngley. Tnompson. Boston, prominent old Y ale athletes are lb tbe Lewiston. Farmington. Carrabtasai, for eight hours, killing a large Union Paclfle 1st*.106% 106% sreamer Prank Machtas via Bank r* and Brokers .tones, Bryant, and a few well known Har- Range icy. Blngbitn. Waurvtlle. Skowbogau. Defective. of tbs Insurgents, and were overpowered Bar Harbor and land. olty tontgbt 1 06 p.m For Quotations of stock*— Rock town. BOH row Freeport, Brunswick, RockUwl only offer they had Bred their last shot, Nov. 22. Nov. ?8. Scb Clarence H Venner. ltaker. Baltimore— vard men oame to K. A. 1..points. Augusta. WaterrtUe. Hkowmv Harvard man Governor Theodore and were smothered In a Aichison.. 89% 88% coal to Iron A Steel Co. expeot 108 State sit gan. Belfast Dover and Foxcrott. Greenville. praotloaily He baa oidtowu and with their *000 ad- Atcnisou Did... 83% 82% Soh M law. Blake, Philadelphia— Kooeevelt In tbe morning. Bangor, Alatiaw.,inkeag, and to hand-to-hand light Isjroan JOHN B. HARLOW Buck entrai Pacinc.. ooal ton T Rf Co. promleed to help lead tbe cheering of the sport HatuMays. versaries 5.10 p. m. For l o who Cho*. a .. 30% *6% Sen Ringleader, Boston. Harvard Manager. Brunswick, B»th, klanl, Sergeants Williams and MoCnrthy, supporters Augusta and Waterville Oucaro.8-.ir. A QUtQov.18 7% 136 Soh J B Norris. Holmes, Gloucester. At Yale la In readiness II were In oherrs of pome of the wounded, field everything 6.i5p.m. For Danville Juncton. Mccbanlj Recommends That n nud. canal Co...Ill 110% Clearest. CJoYeriior ware De:. for tbs battle. NEW YORK Falls anti l.cwistou ooiue lo for partlonlsr praise. They A Vfasi.i«0 ISO DeL LACK. Sch Luis G Rabel. MsKown. Demerara—Jas In the hotel lobbies tonight there Is In- 11.00 Express f<# Brunswick cut off from the rest of tbe party during s iu 22% 22% p.m. Nl^ht Re Lwnver S Pries. tense excitement. Tbe In this PARK ROW BLDG, Bath. Lewiston, Augusta, WatarvfBa, o v. Strengthened. the retreat and entrenched themselves on 18% feeling Kris, new. 13% Belt Alicia B Wormell. Baltimore and GO hegau. Hauaor. Alooselieal Lake, Aroostook stood off tbelr as- Crosby. olty le that tbe game will be a dose one. and BltOADWAY the hllls'de where they is at*. 40 89% S Winslow & to. via Old tow n. Bar Kne Havana—.) The odds In what little betting there Is County Harbor, Bucksport, sailants tor aboutThree boars, surrender- Illinois central.126 124% sch Waldron Holmes. Baton. Blue hill—J H Direct Prlrate Wire* Between OBIce*. Was bln to t o. If. K V anceboro. st. Yale and tbe oonfidenoe of Stephen ing after every cartridge had been ex- Land line * West. 864* 36% Sch Msry .1 Elliot, Baglep, Jonesport—) II favor slightly (( a Hr. Andrews, HL John mid ^<1 Aroos- la Member' of f ew Yak Cons. 5 lock and hausted. Scarcely a man In the expedi- hkb a ’lore.910% 21<>% Blane. tbs Yale ooaobere great. Eichange took Oou ty via Vanceboro, Halifax ami the 82% 81% Frovlnces. The tram -* a ir tion being graced or slightly lyouis A .. SAILED—Rhtp Theodore H Rand. In tow ol HAKYAUU MEN HOl’EFUB. Ken Yak Produce (rchsnge. Hatur-iar n‘gl»t 118—Gov. escaped Maniiauau rllevatau. *....113% 11*% docs not connect to Belfast, Dexter, Dover and Albany, N. Y., November wounded during the The rescue of tug Kin*. for Gloucester; sclis Luis G Ha- end light. Mexican central.. 13% 13 November 28 —At the Stock*. Bond*. tiriYh and C itton bought Foxcrof tor beyond Bangor out hie deolslon the was Uen. Jlare who William Neeley. Percy Blrdsall, Damlatta A Meriden, Bonn., at 10 lot* and up- Kooeeveit t might gave party efTeoted by *1 icnuran •entrai.! b«T, sold 1-16 commission. stars Jo liana-*, and a fleet of coasters. close of the final practice of the Harvard for from seme months when only a colonel .. 64 64 ward*. six |>er cent allowed on *11 deposits WHITE MOUNTAIN DIVISION. tor the removal before, Muir.. A »U eleven afternoon Goaoh Tables said: In the application the rescue of 99 this margin. led the party whtoh effected Minn. A t*t. couis uin.loo [ i.ttia. m. For Bridgton. Knbuit A. Van Wyok of 69% •’The team Is In great form. Every Account* subject to check on demand. Harrison. Fabyans, ottloe of Mayor Lieut. Htlmore and tbs men from the Missouri Pacinc... 69% 8t. Sher- man knows hta imaUton down to tbe market letter and quotation slips, Burlington, ancaster, Jotinshury. declines to remove months of New .lersev Central....144 142 The new four masted sebr Pendleton Sisters. Dolly brooke. New York olty. He Yorktown, after tbelr long manual of and private Qu bee. Montre.i Chicago, 8L Faul New York Central.14044 141% 798 tons, was launched from Ithe vard ot Car ground and flta iwrfsetly Into tbe team monthly quotation* mill niif ini.lla the that while he captivity In northern Luzon, Captain code mailed free cn application. the Mayor on ground Nortneru Pacinc com. 72% 60% ter A Pendleton, at Belfast. 21»t. She Is owned tactics. 'They will a beady, gritty cipher I.WJ tn. For Hebago Lak*. Har- Shields and his men say that they have play octa&dtf p. Brklpton. a stockholder In the Nortncrn pacific ofd. 83 81% by Pendleton Brothers and Is to be commanded rison North I.anca .ter. was undouht oily to of tbelr treatment game.” Conway. Fanyain, no complaint make Norm we* ion..168% 167% John Davis, of Brooklln. Colehr«*ok a *d Beeeiwr Fall* there has beeu by Capt Coach Lewie eeld that he feels very op- Amerloan Ice company oaptivlty. do pro. RAILROADS. during .... timistic as the men are In such condition r.00 p. m. Kor Sebago Lake, Cornish, Bridg- that he violated the Unt. A wen. 26% 24% no proof wilfully **mrAVO« l)I«P»TOH*«. that the ehanoes against Yale should in- ton. lia lien. North con way and Bartlett a a oflioer to be least an even battle. law forblddlnj pufcllo GOODWIN’S MONEY. Sock ..116% 116% Sid fui Liverpool 12d, steamer Parisian, lot sure at 7iUifJiIilf«TTCTi33HSGQ *l!M»AV I I.AI >Jt In a having deal- Halifax and Portland. 7 20 a. in. Paper train for llangor. Bath, and ttjokholder corporation 170 In 8k r*ui ..•. 176H Sid Im Shields 3Vd. stoamor Allandalo, lot HVONEGOAL. for Kocklaud except Ferry Transfer at Bath. lnge with nls mnnlolpallty. giving I’am « 120 of Mnrdtrrd Man Will Now 8k <>mau*.121 Pori land. i2.4'i m. Kor Bums said: RHntlvri .John 8 Emery, p. wick, Lewiston, Bath, oat nls deolslon the Governor bk rant a umana pta Ar at Montevideo 28d, barque Alum:a, WaterviiTe and Bancor. for Texas .. »® Wooster. Portland. the raottir of the traate le .Squabble Property. '"T* Trains Leave Portland II. oo p. m. Nig.it Kxore s for all |>olut<. “Although racino Piu... 82 81'4 Ar at 23d, steamor Germanic, from union Liverpool Portland Won In an Kxel.log Contest Involved in this deolslon, I w anas:..***. •• „7,m New York. not directly For Lswlitoa, 8.1ft, a. m. 1.80, and *0.00 ARRIVALS IN POBTLANU. Wabaso 21 As at Kockland. t > out that tie existing law 23 —This i,* p. in. From BnriloU. No. Conway and Harrison. wish point Hu tiers Corner, Novsinber Boston A Mams. 1®p Mdtnnrsnils. under For Island 1.80. and *C.O) *.25 a. m.; I.ewiston and Mechanic alls, A35 of tie st!t>, even provided that little settlement two miles north of New xora aua New SM. d Pond.Alft a.m., p.m The new four-masted oehr Calumet. Coombs, a. m.; Wntervllle, Augusta and Rockland, 8.45 aotlon Old ior noutrcal, and Chicago. H.T r> It the attorney general's against Is the Home of Klohard Good- ..*2? ;2?*4* which sailed Ironi Boston Nov 7 lor Philadel- a m. Bangor, auiuiu and Kook land. 12.15 Hprlngvale, ▲(Uun* uxures*...i» Hookland, November 23.—The Portland h. m. and *6.00 p. m.. reaching Montreal at 1«0 into New York hay 22d and reports, p. in.; Hkow heg u, Farmington, Hum ford Falls the Ice corporation should be successful, hrotber or W. Goodwin, one American Kxprrts.loO phia, put 7.00 a. m., and 7.0)* p. m. win, George when off Light ran into a heavy west- team won out In a four period game this and Lewi*t>»u, 12.10 p. m.; Betcher Fall*. Fab- U. ». B sorest... 48 Highland ib tier ndwrnstt. In mv last annual mes- the victims of the West Newllold 4";* and drifted off to Sable In thirty For Qofbtc at6p. m. yans aud Brtdg on, 11*5 p. m.. Hkowbsgau, of People ..1<*> erly gale Cape tbe soore of 10 to 0, Camp- J®** back to South Shnsl when she evening by Watcrv lie, Augusta and Kook laud. 5.20 p. in.; to the I recommended for which W. Champion 4l> 44 hours; got Light, sage legislature tragedy George racuicj.wan. another gale and was driven off to bell the for the vis- Bt. John. St. Stephen*. (Calais), Bar Harbor. .. encountered oaglng winning goal Arrive or a whloh would In the Maine state Pullman Gulf Stream, Lost anehor Trains Portland. ArooMook Mooiehead Lake and Ban- the adoption system Is paying tlie penalty the eastward ol the was County, Sugar. itors. The game exciting throughout. 5.35 m.: Kum- of such foots • Icommon..15a»* and 30 fathoms cnatn. gor. p. Range ley, Farmington. tenure reasonable publicity Western union. 8414 a. 5 45 prison. Boothbay. Nov 23—Seh Lena White fouled The summary: From Lewlitoa *8.00, and 11.15 m., i»rd Falls and Lewiston. 5.45 p. in. Chi ago, the m. concerning corporations as public When Klohard Goodwin’s atcentlo southern hv ptc. the eohr t'has R Flint to-day, and tore the main- p. Montreal, Quebec, Fabyans, No. Conway, ivn Kaoid Transit. Kooklands. Portlands Island and 11.15 a. 7.65 m.; Bar Harbor and to and reasonable re Brook J6V4 J4*4 sail ol the latter. From Fond. *8.00, ol, Brtdgton, p. Bangor. lias a right Know, was called to a despatch recently pub- Hieei common.. 6o*Vi 49 * l. 25 a. rn. St. 8L Federal Boston. Nov 23—Sch Jennie Llppett complet- rush 6.45 p. 111. daily; Halifax. John. Houlton, Events have claim 7«Vi Tarrant, Campbell Bar m. strlotlon of tnelr powers. lished bearing upon the alleged uo .. ed repairs yesterday and was launched (font the From Montrral.and Quebec, *8.00 Stephen. Harbor, Bangor, 3.50#. 7JJJ rueh Whatmough Chicago, Sundays and 12.25 of has American looacco.llOAi Walton, 5.46 m. Bangor Lewitton, p. m.; shown, In view what of Miss Ethel Moore, sister of tioott ••••134 *38 railway. a. m.. and p. especially UO PIQ.... •• Wiley, center McKay Bangor. 1 25 a. m.; Halifax, Si. John. Vance- occurred In connection with the loe Goodwin, another victim of the 4rfegedy, Metropolitan M?r«et it Domaello Porte. l urbusb, half book Cameron boro an 1 Bangor. 3.50 a. in. K.*2‘iil76 7 2M. Otbei trains week day*. GKU F. V. P. A O. M. than what I Tenn. uoai A iron. Ebenezer •Dally. EVANS, that stronger notion to the Goodwin at West Mew- 30 ^ NEW YORK—Ar 22d. schs Hag White, goal Mallory trust, property 1). ». .. train leave* Portland for F. E. BOOTHBY. G. P. & T. A. «2JVfc »« Pendleton, Brunswick Tor Perth Amboy; Kvery Sunday recommended should be taken, blot only on the that she Is the legal Coutnieuuit omuw». 37 gelt. Won Caged 7.30 a. field, ground Ira 1) Sturgis. Cranmer, Virginia. by by_Time Lewiston. Gorham and Berlin at m. _octftdtf_ corpo- of Its Horatio Hal*. Portland: schs Co. should snen provisions concerning heir In the event being proved lirnion .nsmitn Ar 23d, steamer Portland, MoKay .20 Pultmao Palace Hleeptug Cars are run on Portlnnd A Ynrmonth Kl.ctrlc Hy. ol Rockland; Ella Liles Bangor; rations as nbove mentioned be enaoted that tioott Goodwin survived bis foster Nov. 23 m oo—Tne following were Break Day, Hookland, Wiley .08 night trains and Parlor Cars on day wains. BOSTON, Hannah KCnrlton. Bangor; Wtu Kloc, Rock Leave Elm St., for Falmouth, Underwood be oi Flour ana i,orm Portland. Campbell .47 o. 10.55 Into law, bnt there should lodged father, he said: today’s quotations Rockland; Mary E l’lke. Bastport. Ticket Office, Depot at foot of India Spring and Yarmouth, 15, 7.45, 8.45, 9.55. Edltn & Jackson- Portland, Wbatmongh .50 а. in.. 12.05, 1.05, 2.06, 3.15, 4.15. 5.25. 6.545. 7.35, to the con- Is true that Scott Goodwin was the FLOUR fid 22d.srh May. Kelley, Street. somewhere the power prescribe “It do. Tarrant .63 8.3.5. '. p. in. Leave \ armouth 65 min. Of 4 10 J 5 00 ville; Lavlnla M Snow, Norton, Hookland, which and domes- legally adopted son or my brother. ISrtafi'n'MM 1 uba; sobs .20 earlier, Underwood to Portland 55 min. ditions under foreign Winter 3 90S42&0.I Sid 2!d. U S transport Sedgwick. Kockland, Tarrant Spring this I am and the reoords of the patents (.'has Hattie A 1.20 earlier. Extra trips to Underwood at 1.25, 2.35, can do busaess In tills positive, Clear «nu straicnk 3 50 o 4 26 Lewie H Howard, Davenport. Portland, Campbell STKAMKIta tic corporations are Hie. Fred Frederick 3.45. 4.55, 6.05 m„ return 2.00, 3.10. 5.30, necessary legal .proceedings on] yellow 49c. Marsh Jas VV Pilch. Jackson, 1.47 y. 4.20, them of their char- Corn—steamer Ueleu Portland, Campbell б. 40 in. state, and to deprive While admitting this, 1 am determined Hoeener, Hatll" C Luce, Montague, and 8 p. Hookland, Wiley 00 for Yarmouth at 8.05, 9.or>, 70 at time violate these con- to contest effort on the of Miss Cattle Market. Malden, and others. Sundays every ter If thoy any any part Chicago E for Portland, MoKay 6.24 minutes till 7.35. 9.45 m. Leave Yar- tbs »Ht©*ra »u. Returned, schs Charles Balch. Newporl 8.35, p. Moore or any one else to secure o? MCDONALD STEAMBOAT GO. 65 minutes earlier. Extra to ditions. News: Wllhe I. Newton, for Brunswick; Hat Hook.and, Tarrant .10 mouth trips property and funds lefB by my brother, CHICAGO. Nov. 23. 1000.—Cattle — receipts West. Furbnsh .32 Underwood spring at 9.40 a. m., every 70 min- 1 be- and 000 Iexans; tie Dunn, for Key Kockland, Oet. 16th, 1900, steamers will leave amounting to from $3000 to $10,000. 4, »00. Including oO Westerns e rst 22d, schs K D Hpea; 4.18 Beginning utes till 5.50 p. m. TOO A Y. since 18941 to Cltv Island—Passed Portland, MoKay, Portland Pier, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- GREAT GAME lieve that my sister and myself are the weeks receipts largest steady York for 8t Vincent: A F Klndburg, 6.60 dull; natives, best at 5 40; front Now Hookland, Tarrant. days at 11 a. m., for t ousln*’, Liulejohn’s, bo the and that the slow: good butchers Yreka. do for Fall River; Add", legal heirs property, at 5 7596 75: to me- do for Bangor; Tarrant .21 Great Chebeague (Hamilton's Landing.) Orr’e good to prune steers poor v for Lewes; Maud Hookland, oourts will so decide feeders 3 75 MeFaddeh. F.llzabethport 1.28 Island, Ash-tale, Small Point Harbor and & MAINE 11. K. dium 4 10®6 16: selected steady G M do lor But Portland, Whatmough BOSTON High School Will Sleet Port- Texas Amboy for Beverly; Braloard, Cindy's Harbor. Hunger a 4 40; mixed ‘tuckers at 2 6®3 76t do for 2.61 3 25 ton; J V Wellington, Newport. Portland, Whatmough Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 p. In Effect Oct. IOOO. land WILL STAND ied steers $4®4 85; Texas grass steersat sch 8 Piero. 6.28 8, Hoys. UNITED ""STATES BOSTON—CM 22d, Henry Little, Portland, Campbell in., for Cousins’. Littlejohn's and Great Che- OUT. Soore—Portlands, Kooklands 9. beague, (Hamilton's Lan-ilng.i ngs—receipts 85.0001 generally steady clos- Teutonia, fimRotterdam; tu, 10; \V£BTKK.\ DIY ISION and butchers at 4 60 P1Ar*28. 10.00 A. .a4 oo; Western sheep »t 4 COM4 26; Texas It ment upon the Chinese officials.1* Sid 23d. sch Westerloo, for Sullivan; Inex m.. Littlejohn’s 9.15 a. m., Couslus’ 9.50 a. m.. 12.30, 3.30,31. 5 p. m. ; Well* Bench, 7.00. 8.50 afternoon on the Bearing grounds. sheep at | 5o.<*3 6o: native lambs 4 40®5 30; Lewlitom Defeated lit a (dame Which arrive Portland lt.oon. m. a. m. 3.30. 6.25 p. rn.; North Berwick, Rol- that three weeks ago Western lambs 4 76®5 2 T Sib will he remembered ,0BRUNSWICK— Sid 22d, seh Charlotte Mulls Gardiner. J. 11. McDonald, Manager. lluafortl, Souicr*worth, 7.00, B,5‘.) a. m., Xorwioh. 6.26 m : SsellMter. Farming- at Bangor the Portland team held the DouiMtlo Market* ley. Norwood. Tel. 10-4. Ollier. 138 ComuirrcUl St. 12.30, 3.30, p. BALTIMORE—Sid 22d,schs Mary L HG ton, Alton Bay, Wolfboro, 8 50 a. m 12.31, to AL AKDCOIIEBCUL Telegraph.* oetlSdtf down to a score of nothing FinilVCI (By Dow Boston; < ornelia Soule. West Everett Uardlner. November 33.—Tbe game to- 8.30 P- m.; (.wkeport, Laconia, Wclr*. Bangor Nov. 23. 1900. win out in charleston j Madaleno Cooney Plymouth, *,60 a. mM 12.3C p. m.; Mauchf»« nothing and today expects to Flour market—receldts Augustus WeU, night between Uardl ner an 1 Lew lston NRW’ YOKK—The New Orleans; Oliver s Barrett. Jacksonville. trr. Concord aud Northern con notion*, bbis: sates 8.250 line style. 18.318bbls; exports 81,307 0 iATI!AM—Passed east 22d, seh Clareuc. was tbe fastest and most scientific game 7.00 a. HU, 3.30 p. m.: Dover, Fix ©ter, Haver- market easier aud less active, reflecting Lawrence, 7.00, 8.50 a. m., are a very nloe look- pokgs: H ever In this marked hill, Lowell, 'The Bangor boys m w heat. playsd city, by TOSTOM 8.50 a. the break south 22d. sch Independent, Bostot .8SR 12.30, 3.30, p. m.; Boston, J4.05, 7.00, set of 3 50®3 »0;wtnter straights PasseT Individual Boston ing and well behaved youngsters. in Flour—Winter pea superb blocking and brilliant W., 12.30, OB' p. m.; Leave of Products lie 3 60*8 60; Minnesota patents 3 Ik).a. 4 26 glu- 23d. sch Orozlmbo. Now York. for PortlalTO, 5 »\ 7.30, 8.30 a. in., 1.15,4.15, Mr. H. L. Fairbanks, a former Bowdoln quotations Staple bakers 3 ,0CALA*1S—Ar work on both sides. It was cyclone tei extra* 2 60a2 00: Minnesota Oo® Sid 23d, schs J Kenttody. for Rondont; slooi p. 111.; arrive Portlnnd, 10.10, 11.50 a. Mi.. the 2 Oo. player, who has been ooaoblng team, 3 f8j do low crncies 46.42 Rocky Mountain. R'd Beech. playing from start to finish. The goal IBERS 12.10. 5.00, 7.50. p. in. Markets. push: exports to bed last leadiii? Wheat—receipts 109,000 |9,098 DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR—Ar 27ih. soli! could not be got his charges early night O tending of jjworls Improved SUNDAY TRAINS. ftu sale* 3.1 76,000 bus futures. 1«0.0 bush Douglass Haynes,Gar-Hner (or New York; Get eot In the corridor ol thj hotel 2 Bed at 7bV4o fop afloat; with ex- and then spot; spot easy; No B Ferguso Bangor lor Kllzabethport. upon. The audlenoe were wild Leave Union Station for Scnrboro nearh. no a lieu ii 7■Mi »>«* elev; No 1 Northern Duluth sch D Howard for Bath. Pine Point, Old Orchard, Saco, until a late hour to prevent skylarking. Me \«»k Slock, Money »•»4c; track Clarks Island for New York. steamship safety, speed, lour, m.; mixed Western at while Wes- South Gardiner foi Swords, goal Arrington luxury of travelling.! Portsmouth, Newburyport, Salem, “I do not expect to win, bnt I do ex- last ioau rate —. a5Vi®27Vi;track Bid 22d, sobs Abenaki, 3; ruling 34c, York lor Boston tickets for Providence, Lowell, Wor- Li tin, lluiton, 2.09, 9.00 a. D1.. 12.45. 0.00 p. ill.; tern at 28 a New York I Nautilus, New Won Time. Through we will be able to the hold the J iuiu wiper at4<.4M percent. mess by Caged by etc., etc. Boston 52)7 a 0.95 pect that (baieaulita Beet quiet; family 10 60®$11; at $9® May, Hope Haynes, John Douglass, auc cester, New York. arrive 01,12.46, l.'-O, p. in.; Ileury J. F. LroCOMB. General Leave Boston :t- 7.30. 9.00 A. in 12.30, 7.‘t0, Portland down to a tie or he de- Sterling Ex •nance strong, with actual bus 9 to. Win Llpsetf. Uardlner, Dawson, 7 81 Manager. players ckled hams —. THOMAS M. BAKTLKTT. 7.4.'» p. m., arilve Portland 1145 a. in.. 12.05 i«* de- Cut in< ats quiet; p NOB8KA—Paesed 22d, sch D Howard Spear, limit Agent. than one touchdown ness 111 bankers bills at 4 8ojft4»6Vs 10 45 m feated by not more Lard is firm; Western steamd at 7 65; Nov from Darien for Ballu 4.3 10.16. p, os Menard 9 £<3 nu ted — Lewiston, mand and 4 81 Vi «4 8134 wxly days; I uoliunai; reiineu urin; cuuuueui ;u sch Leland, from Ball! at the greatest. We are unfortunate in closed Abo pasted, Medford, 4.5; SUNDAY TRAINS. — bpenoer rates at 4 b2.t*4 82 and &4 88 Uun iuer- 7 76s S'A 8 40s compound d'tfti1/*. Uardlner, not bsiog able to bring with us some of npork steady: mess at 12 oo.al 3 0<»; family at »cli Aodle Charlton. Denution Limit Co. for Biddeford, Klt- cial bills at 4 80Vi .'s4 80*4. Anohored 22it. International Steamship Leave Union Station best bnt the bave 1ft ftoa Id DO: slio’-t clear 14 00#’17 00. from Portland for Philadelphia unruiuor, ua w buu u.ic Poatsmonth, Salem, onr players, boys 6 tery, Newburyport, bar hi yer 3 Vi Butter market is auiet; creameries at 199 22d. sch Jennie Green 2.00 a. 12.45 m.. arrive ..w,l .. ful. L-nnirluHna of ho NEW BEDFORD—Cld Soore—Gardiner, 8; l.ewlston, 1. Stop* ..FOR... Lynn, Boston, m., p. certtflcavei do factory at 12%1<>c: June crra atl8« Feruamlinafur Brava. CW1. Boston 5.57 a. iu.. 4.C*.' m. Leave Boston Silver 641*08. 28c; bank, —Swords, 26; Arrington, 20. Foul- p. ami 1 will an loterest- 23MiCi state uairv 18*840. Pascagoula—cld 22d, «cu midegard, fm lor Portland, n.oo ». ni.. 7.00 p. tn.. arrive gaum hope put up Mexican aunars ou. Swords. Erstoort Lubec, S John N B, Hallfu N.S. Cheese quiet; large Sep fanoy at *0^0; small Campeacby. Heferee, Connolly. Timer, Calais, l it 12.10, 19.30 p. m. oontest Governments strong. small lag anyway.” do 11; large O* t fancy lOMt; lOVfc. PERTH AMBOY—Ar 22d, »ch Winuegauce Purnell. Attendance, 700. ami oil nurl-i i\t Xovv Hrnn-awiek N’nvJl Scotia. 8->Daiiy ex epi M**od »v. team will line as fol- bonds auiet; male and Penn at 24a/28e; Wes FMw P Brunvwick. The Bangor up State steady. Eggs Mew York; Avery. Prince Island and Cajie Breton. I lie N. A P. DIV. 20«.23Vac; Western loss lor Portland. Edward W. Railroad bonds tern regular packing Hid 23d. aeh Wlnnegance, MU. COOMBS A CANDIDATE. favorite route to and St. Andrews, lows: Drummond, right end; Maxwell, irregular. 22(1. »oh Oliver Amet Campobello Station foot of Preble street. off fee. PHILADELPHIA—Cld N. B. Tallow city 6; country 4% 8,6 V*. Haven. In relation to the that he wai right tackle; Dilton, right guard; Dewey, lint firm; New report at. see oil 2P#29Va scb Carrie I FALL AHRAAtiUMfiHT. \\ 1 n il ini ii), hipping, Mnuciiritcr, Cou- left left Cotton e:vsy; prime lteedy Island—Passed up 22d, not a candidate for the position of Judge centre; CasBidy, guard; Matheas, The follow inir ttie dull. lor cor«l and Points North 7.34 a. ni., 12.33 m.; quotations represent pay- Petroleum Look, from Brunswick Philadelphia, of Probate, Mr. Ardon W. Coombs haf On and after Monday. November 5. steamers p. left •dr In this market: Rosin quiet. down 22d. sch Olive T loi Rochester, Sprin^vulr, Alfred, Water- tackle; Libby, end; O’Connor, prices Passed Whittier, Issued a statement that be a will leave Railroad w harf, Portland, on Monday tow and steers.. 60 *» !». saying Is hero. Saco Ittver, 7.34 a. m., 12.33. 3.33 p. in.; Currier, right hair back; Turi*mtine quiet. / S and at IL30 m. Returning leave St. quarterback; Hulls and suss...... 5« Breakwater Seh R oandldato. lie says; “1 have deemed li Thursday, |>. biorlixni, Wntbrook, Caiiilirrlau* steamer New York fo; / November 23 — Portland, street and or proceeded S Nov. 23 Ar at do 23d. Lucauia, Indianapolis, Ind., Foidca «®**“ 4, Congress Congress Square Hotel, 36* * 36rv« btcauusltip Aganey. & Montreal. oourss. May... NKW YORK—The Cotton market io-nav wai Liverpool. President Mltobell, of the United Mine Firat National Hank BaUdiagi Port- DAVID TOKKANCE CO., steamer New oct5dtf The position in whloh the burning ves- OATS steady lOVfcc; do lOVic Sid fm Queenstown 23d. Fug of 20CK Main* .middling uplands; gulf Boston. Workers Amarloa, today granted land, ee 1 as ted the Uller was latitude sales 455 bales. land, from Liverpool for LOT AIK sign by Nov *1% _____ miners of oounly, Kentuoky, 21Vk Sid fm Buenos Ayres Oot Id, Fdmunt Hopkins 87 41, north longitude 74 !>J west or about Ooc. 21% 23 I V KSTON—The Colton maraet closed barque to strike tomorrow. GA Piiluney. Young, from Portland for Hosario. permission They 800 miles due east ot Indian river May. 24 Vk 24 Vk 9*4c. and will de- IE L Inlet, steady ; middlings Ar at Barbados about Nov 21st, sch Methe are thoroughly organized “•TUE AUCTION ATuTS. HO IMPSttELL SftiNMit Cii! Fla. It Is not Improbable that the vessel POBK CHAR BEK TON—The Cotton market t>tay besec, Perrv. Paramaribo. mand wages. higher The auction 1t the United States hotel Nov. 13. 1900. Steamer Auooclsoo la the derllct American schooner K. linn: 9 IT Ar at Port 21st. seh Herald. in Beginning Mary Nov. 1100 2100 middlings 16c.) Spaiu Keyes, will leave Portland Pier. Portland dallv Sun- Uermood ot whloh was ir MEMPHIS—The 1 otmn market to-day elo ed Feruandlna. with a crowd at- Tbomaston, Me., Jan. 13 00 >1 77Vk HUSS1A TO BU1BD SHIPS HERE. continued yeeterday big at 2.00 p. m., Island. 11 IK) 11 75 ^middlings 9 1 -ids. Ar at St John, KB. 23d. sch Sebsgo. Huute days excepted. tacUmf abandoned while ou a voyage from Fer- May steady was a sale of the 1.1 (tie and (ireat Chebeaaue, ('ll 11 Island, So. NKW ORLEANS—T110 Cotton market closed Va. Pa November 28 —Ths tending. There good namllna, Fla to Mauritius with a I.AKD Richmond, Philadelphia, and Orr’s Island. oargo steHdv; were low. Auc- Haruswell, Bailey’s It Is middlings aT/sc. Pres tomorrow will say that It iearm articles and the prloes tor Poriluud -I.eave Orr’s Islam and ot lumber. probable that she has Jan 6 £0 f^8G MOBILE—Cottou wiarket is raiddllnti Heturn steady; the Hues Ian In all tioneer Toltnan Is now getting tc| the T.00 a. m. Arrive 1’ortlaud, been set afire by a passing vessel to de- JUIttk 9 11-16c. government will, above 1-audiuss, For a Cold lit the Head a number of fast cru Is better part of the furniture, and much af stroy her as she was very dangerous Nov. 7 75 7 76 SAVANNAH—The cotton market closed likelihood, have it U to be of ‘■Ootid'll ISAIAH DANIKLS, Oeu. Mgr. tnenaoe to navigation. Jan. 6 35 6 82Sk firm; middlings 9 11-163. Laxative Bromo-Qalatue Tablets. ere built In this country. disposed today. OMOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOMO MW ADVKMTISKMBim. _WWW ADVBWTIABMByTB. TIIE PRESS. CEURRUW AUIURMR1 f SEW AI»VKRTUEM*«Ti TODAY. WOMAN can go A shopping with JACKETS c. FlweH. WETS, o. WETS, prank M. I.ow. Co. more comfort if she J. H. l.ibby is Fifty- — FOB — Owen. Moore ft Co. Ligonia Lodge T. F. rtaw ft Sons. takes a Boston Bag CaWerwood's Bakery. seven Years Old: Frank 1*. I Ibbetts ft t o. Burbank. Itoiigla** ft < o. along. Kastman Bros. & Bancroft* She can Deo. C. Shaw ft Co. gratify Today and Co. Monday Alb'ii ft Carleton Furnishing CO. every wish in these Monument Sq. and Congress Sq. H II Hay ft son. We shall on sale 56 high grade Children's Garments In tho Deo. T Springer. Sont of the Interesting Things utility bags from our put Cressey. Jones & Alien* Hatter. long and short box effect at Coe, the Institution- whether its for 11. s. Davis. About This supply, A Bill of Fare for Ko-Nnt. _ Tempting Today’s and 15. F. O. Bailey Carriage Co. her own use or for a $2.98, 3.98, 6.00, 6.50, 7.50, 10, 12, K M. Lewsea. John M. Conw ay. gift. These coats are worth 25 per cent more than we ask. I.. H.«sehlosberg. Shoppers. land stove Co.ft Fort Foundry from SOc to 120 Ladies’ high grade reefer coats at two-thirds their regular William Pitt Fessenden Selling New Wants. For Sale. To T.ek knst. Found on value. $7.50 coals in all desirable colors, including tan, castor and similar advertisements will be found $4.00. GANDIES. CAKES AND PASTRIES. a heads. Was a Member: Page under appropriate THE HATTER, and red at $5.00. ^ IVnt A» Almond Nut Cake 107 Mlddl© St. Caramel* YOUNG MAN IF YOU VsOC, Freshly mado from our St. Lam- Finely chopped almond meats In $12.50 Coats at $7.50. GEO. A. COEFIX, Mgr. bert cream. New nutmeats and of the spongo and in the icing—an eight WANT a adver- $15.00 Coats at $ 10.00. position, thecboicost lugredlents throughout. by four inch loaf, ih9 business tise in Interesting Statistics Covering 19c per pound 14o $20.00 Coats at $13-50. man’s paper—the DAILY Gold Cake*. re- Creamed Sugar Rates. at PRESS—and Ret best the Fifty-seven l'ears. A rich golden yellow cako baked In Storm Skirts $1.50, 1.98, 2.75, 3.75, 5.00, Selected Persian fruit carefully sults. «5 cents a week petite pie plates, and filled with delicate bon worth $2.50, 2.98, 3.98, 5.00 and $6.98. words. Oc each for 40 titledon cream. Almond Cookie*, W.I.DOUSLAS 19c per pound A new line of Flannel and Mercerized Waists at $1.50, 8c per doz JURIEF JOTTINGS. Llgonla Lodge of Odd Fellow* ob- Hard Candy Klats. worth 2.50, 2.98.aud 3.98. *3.50 SHOE MADE marshmallow Cakes. 1.98, 2.75, served Its 57th anniversary last night In all fiavors. Drop If you hare beefll pay- frosted with and a sort of reunion of 6c per Honey drop cakes, New Fur New Fur New Fur Coats, Ladies’ llox Ur. C O. File, gave* fine electrioal by a banquet In* *3.00 for shoos, u pound MuTfs, Collars, trial of W. Bone- fresh marshmallow cream. at liaxter lta members and friends. It was an oc- at Worth 25 exhibition Xhuridiy evening las 93.30 shoes will Old Fashioned Molasses 8c per doz Coats $7.50, I 0.00, I 2.50, 15.00. per casion whloh will be long remembered convince that blook, to member* of tne Jkotzzchmar yon Is the third they arc just ns (good Candy, cent more than we ask. wive* with pleasure. Llgonlaflodge Ralston Brown Brrnd. Club and their In every way and cost 12c por pound the which now has HI.30 Over Health Xbe monthly buslnesi meeting of oldest In Portland eight lews. Of Ralston Club Harley was or- 1,000,000 wearers. white ... Ml_•__...111 H-k halll At. Frftt.tr- lodges of Odd Fellows. When It Russian Noisettes mid P«- Food, Thaxter's freshly ground in at 8 the charter members were rlslnn «on tedious for Be- rye and graham, steamed bright House on Saturday attornoon ganized promi- city < fancy Ribbon Tied now perfect closure tins in which it attendance is nent buslnesi and professional men who i eepilon*. o’clock. Full requested. dill Packet* a is delivered without charge for the in of Portland and W.I.. I>ou- Specialty. Kev. Ur. Fenn will leoture tomorrow aided the upbuilding 0*p pmlrof tiu. b gli»» i3./V0nho Un always graceful Bowley Green, Is the teacher. treasury, expenditure a for the 67 years. smoothness that the mirror dially Invited. more than J-,100 year SHOE SHOE Whole Boasted Chickens, Kennedy’s City Sodas, and there have beon Initiated e So her The St. Lawrence Congregational Id this time Ooc each packet reflects when first tried on. The churches and the now has 897 reputation of W. L. Douglas Congress street Methodist 018 memb?rs, lodge Tickles and Olives, constructed $3.50 shoes for style, comfort, and wear Cod Fish Bulls, It is rightly by unite In a Thanksgiving service to members, and Is one of the most active will Is known everywhere throughout the 20c per dozen Best Maine Medium Cucumbers, street obuieh at and best In the state. A great many of high-class journeyman tailors, be held at the Congress world. They have to give better satis- 6J4c por quart Hev. A. members of went out Tnblct 10.89 a. ra., Thursday. H.Wright the Llgonla Lodge faction than other makes, because the A Four pound from fabrics of finest weave and it in In on the In this and Lillie Cue hers brine, will deliver the sermon subjeot, to form other lodges olty, standard has always been placed so high of breakfast hominy and a half of to All for Uio aud linings superior quality. “Prohibition, Past and Present, in many of tbete afterwards reached high that the wearers expect mote for their pint bottle of pure maple syrup ready spico vinegar serve with it. 30c per hundred It is fashioned as as Port land.” positions In the order. From Llgonla money than they can get elsewhere. correctly Nathaniel 13c Deputy United States Marshal Hasty Lodge oame one grand master, Baby Olives, the most exclusive made-to- and grand as fol- went to Bootbbay Thursday night, Bearing, eight patriarchs PorUantl Store, 546 Congress St. A Boasted Whole PI*, 8c per bottle measure and will and her car- Nathaniel garments, libelled the schooner Agate lows: T. C. Ilersey, Beering, tu.th&sat-U Stuffed and garnished faultlessly. it is said to G. Rufus nauzaiiilla Olives, never the wearer. As go. This step was taken, E. P. Gerrish,William Beokott, Sliced to order at disappoint 3. 19 satisfy a olalmdor salvage made against Stanley, Milton Higgins. Joseph 40c per pound per quart it appears on so it is through and U. the vessel. Ullllatt, William K. Plummer, and through. Yesterday morning, In the Munlolpal K. Colesworthy. Tomatoes in Glass BUTTER. to mem Cards. Whole court, Fred S. Farris was sentenood Of the men who were at one time Playing Stein-Bloch Overcoats three months In jail for stealing a coat hers of Llgonla Lodge and who after- Tut up in one quart self sealing Vermont Creamery, $16 to $80 -1 The New Itself worth 24c per Beady-to-wear, from Charles Warren at the Chase House. wards became grand masters there were “T" lightning jars—tlio jar pound 10c In homo. was brisk at the oflioe of ;Vlos P. Cox, J. Henry Crockett, and ♦ any ; Business Hemy ART 19c Vermont Dairy, Consul Keating Thursday, when seven Albro E. Chase. Of the two former In white livo tubs, * spiuco pound British schooners arrived and eight members who alterwards beoatne grand 23o lb _ Series ALLEN & 204 Middle St. cleared. This U the largest number In were Charles H. French and Home Method Mince CO., patriarchs, Our Good Cooking Butler, a single day for several yeare. Isaao F. Clark. 21c lb the most artlstlo card The Current Lvents Club held Its The charter memhsrs of the lodge are Probably Meat backs now in and worth usual meeting at Fraternity House yes- now all dead, and the oldest living mem- use, seeing We Frosh Baldwin seeded terday morning Mrs.^Charles H. F'iagg mber Is Alfred Woodman, who was Initi- oven If you do not wish to buy. npplos, CHEESES. raisms and best of everything. read an able on “Flduoatlon, ated Beoember 2, 1848. can supply every request for playing paper j 35o per quart jar itlcLarcn’s Cheese, whloh out the alms Last at the anniversary celebra- in all or brought very clearly night cards, grades,—a singlo pack (jar returnable at lOo—25c for the In white, china pots, the claims of were of tte new education and tion all of these things spoken of, a hundred,—priced low. contents.) 9o each the higher education. and besides there were many other Inter- Whist Rules and Counters. Cream The reoords of the Boar^f Health esting addresses mads. Abmt 160 mem- Vermont Cheese, Silver Leaf Lard. 15o show that this fall the olty’s health has bers were present. Among those who per pound the cor- Master Bolon P. LORINC, been much better than during spoke were U|and In 5 pound tin palls Lenox Laundry Soap, For the llret Grand Master 9,'-j'c responding period of 1899. Felker of Clinton, Deputy SHORT & per pound 3c per bar—34 for $1.00 twenty-three days of November, 1899, William W. Cutter of Westbrook, Grand ■ I novsadtt there were reported 69 oases.39 oontaglcus, Representative Albro E. Chase of Port- HARMON. Good Cooking BROOMS! BROOMS! I and for the first twenty-three days of land, Rev. Lewis Malvern who was at Apples, month 80 cases, Including one time Grand Master of New 12’/ic per peck the present Hamp- A large lot of Nebraska brooms, 11 contagious. shire, Rev. Namuei Worcester, and Secre- 20o oach—bargain such a decree until It The brick work on the Centre street tary K. G. Dyer of Portland. discretion to refuse and Java Coffee /♦> oontract Is and Mocha 1 block, being built by the Brown estate, la satisfied that Ibe fair cannis- and Is well under way. The work on the PERSONALS. equitable and was entered Into advisedly, In fancy one pound square Strawberry Raspberry without mistake, tors to any 30o coffee or money foundation was oompleted last week, and understanding^ and equal refunded. few the masons a. In this case. If tbe contract Is suscep- cheerfully during the past days Blethen of Los 25c tin Jam. Mias Blanche Angeles, It per have nearly one story of the tible of tbe oonatruetloa placed upon completed is the ot Ui«. 'Lhoraas Wes- In one glass Cal., guest was made un- pound Jars, block. by the platntlff.lt evidently 9c each ton, at the Columbia. About 30 of the 45 feet of the obser- der a mistake on the part of the defend- M the Counter Mrs. Luther Fieeman has returned Cigar Ora vatory now belDg built in Mountain ant as to a material faet. Jamaica nges, from Massachusetts, where she was called Bulstou Pcrfectos. View Park, by George W. Brown are Decree below dleml aslng tbe bill with Ripe sweet Trull, I of her Is by the Illness mother,who great- additional oosts of Fine Havana Filler and Sumatra completed. At this height the view on costs Is affirmed with 33c per dozen iy improved. wrapper, a clear Is very beautiful. tbe appeal. day 'l'be friends of Mrs. Mary Elder will be Oc each New Nuls, Aside from the general repairs on the glad to know that she has so far recov- FUNERAL, SERVICES. New Raisins, Interior of the State street residence of La Fssccln Concha Fspeclnls. i ered from her recent Illness as to be able The funeral services of tbe late Josepb Blohad Payson, Esq and the Installing A Key West clean Havana, New Figs, to come down stairs. G. Davis were held yesterday afternoon, Co each of new fixtures throughout,a bay window New Glaze Fruits, Cards were reoelved yesterday announc- from his late residenoe, 434 St John / ou the front or the house. bae been put I Lemon and ing the marriage of Mr.Charles Knight street, and were attended by'a large cir- Twisted Sweeprrs. New Orange Teel, George Edwards, of the Williams Man- and Miss Alice M. Trafton, which oc- cle ot relatives and friends. The services A Novelty in Shape, to build a New Prunes, ufacturing Company, H cot- Mrs 4c each curred yesterday. Mr. and Knight were conducted by the Kev. S. F. Fear- tage In Mountain View Park In the Everything home at 666 a lit trlDnte to the will be at Congress street, son, who paid ting Brier spring. Pipes For after January 1, 1W01. m«.~nory of the deceased. Comrades J. ; Union Thanksgiving services will be With push stems. Miss Kotzsoh.nar gave her fourth Ger- A. Ii nson, James E. Sawyer, Cools 9c each hanksgivlug. held In tne h irst Parish ohurch on Thurs- man reading at 4 30 o'clock yesterday af- Castetll, and Major James W. Duck of day, at 11 a. in. Kev. Bowley Green will ternoon, at her home on Walker street, the Portland Veteran Fireman's Associ- YOUR preach the sermon. Licorice "lies Moderns Drama’’ was her subject. ation, acted 'as poll-bearers. Interment At the Cburoh of the Messiah, Sunday It was Illustrated by readings from was at Evergreen Cemetery. In addition to the chorus ohoir, evening, Ernst von Wlldenbruoh, Adolph Wel- Miss Bertha jSteward, the former sopra- K1CII FUliNlTUKE Per Pound Ic Ic Ic for brandt and Max Dreyer. These readings Ic Ic FUR a solo. no of the ohurch, wilt sing The warerocms of F. P. Tibbetts & are entirely in German, and oan be ap- In the will give a short address on "How 0 Free be seen pastor only by the students of the Co,, 4 and street, may HROAT servloe preciated We Got Our Bible." The will several ot language. three-piece s.